The Suicide of Europe by Prince Michel Sturdza 1968 419pgs

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The Suicide of Europe

La Roumaine Peut-elle Combattre sur Deux Fronts?
Avec 1'Armee Roumaine
Crise Econimique et Reforme Monetaire
Czecho-Soviet Protectorate or Independent Rumanian Kingdom?
La Bete sans Nom
Katanga : El Occidente al Servicio del Communismo
Open Letter to Their Excellencies
World Government and International Assassination
And You Tomorrow (To be published)
Introduction to a Parabiology (To be published)



Direct quotations taken from the following sources have been reprinted
in this book with written permission of the respective publishers :
F . J . P . Veale, Advance to Barbarism (C . C . Nelson Publishing Company,
Appleton, Wisconsin, © 1953)
Hans Rogger and Eugene Weber, eds., The European Right, a Historical
Profile (University of California Press, Berkeley, © 1965)
Winston Churchill, The Hinge of Fate (Houghton Mifflin Company, New
York, © 1950)
Winston Churchill, Triumph and Tragedy (Houghton Mifflin Company,
New York, © 1953)


"Whether you like it or not, history is on
our side . We will bury you ."
Moscow, November 16, 1956
Table of Contents

Introduction ix
Analytical Chronology xxxi

I The Past in Us 3
II Early Posts and World War I 12
III The Beast and Its Friends 17
IV The European Right and Professor Weber's Special
Assignment 25

V Riga and the Pacts of Nonaggression 45
VI Titulescu to the Rescue 52
VII A Strange Railway Agreement 58
VIII The Murder in Marseilles and the Purloined Telegram . . 64

IX Titulescu and the Military Alliances with Soviet
Russia 81
X Prelude to War 90
XI Heroes, Scoundrels, and Fools 100
XII From Palm Sunday to Crucifixion 108
XIII Visit to London and Codreanu's Assassination-
The Two Grynszpans 116
XIV Codreanu's Suppression and Hitler's Policy 121
XV The Phony Guarantees 127
XVI The First Betrayal of Poland 134
viii / Contents

XVII Danger of Peace-Massacre of the Legionaries 145

XVIII The Panicky Tyrant 150
XIX The Arbitration of Vienna and the Legionary
Movement 157

XX A Tortured Man 167
XXI Bloodshed in Transylvania, Visit to Rome-
The Two Forums 175
XXII Visit to Berlin-Four Are Three 183
XXIII Treason by Misinformation-Past and Present 188
XXIV More About Truth and Directed Information 196
XXV Another Night in Jilava 200
XXVI How We Parted 207
XXVII Antonescu's Putsch 211
XXVIII Fooled Again 217
XXIX Too Late, Gentlemen! 225


XXX Falsehood, The Scoundrels' Weapon 231

XXXI Roving in Foreign Parts 239
XXXII The Betrayed Army 244
XXXIII Posthumous Triumph 250
XXXIV When Only Honor Could Still Be Saved 256
XXXV Hungarian Intermezzo 265
XXXVI The End and After 268
Post Scriptum 279

Diplomatic Papers of the United States and

Rumania's Capitulation 289
A Selected Bibliography 301
Index of Persons 305
General Index 325

But who dares call the child by its right name?

The few who knowing something about it
Were foolish enough not to guard it in their hearts,
Those who have shown the people their feeling and their thoughts
Have been since always crucified or burned at the stake .

This book is not a history of Europe nor of Rumania nor even of the
Legion of the Archangel Michael, but rather the memoirs of one
man who has been a witness and a participant in the events which,
for hundreds of millions of people, have turned a century so full of
promise into an eternity of suffering and slavery . From the first days
of the Russian Revolution, this man understood the terrible danger
which the Soviet regime represented not only for his own country
but also for Europe and the entire world . From that time, his political
thinking and activities were unswervingly directed by a growing con-
sciousness of this danger and by the necessity, to which circumstances
made him particularly obligated, to inform or to fight those in his
nation who were, or pretended to be, blind to the magnitude and the
imminence of this peril.
Prince Michel Sturdza, a former Foreign Minister of Rumania,
served in the diplomatic corps of his country for twenty-five years
without any interruption other than for his tour of duty during World
War I, in which he fought first in a squadron of mounted artillery and
then as chief of an armored car section, and for a period of service as
prefect in Transylvania. During his career, he held posts in Durazzo
(Albania), Athens, Bern, Budapest, Vienna, Washington (as Councillor
and then Charge d'Affaires of the Rumanian Legation) ; he acted as
Envoy Extraordinary and as Minister Plenipotentiary in Riga, Reval,
Helsinki, and Copenhagen . His time abroad was interrupted several
times by periods of service in the Foreign Office in Bucharest .
As a result of violent conflict with King Carol II and his Govern-
ment, concerning Rumania's internal and foreign policy, Prince Sturdza
was forced to leave the diplomatic service for a short time after the
x / Introduction
outbreak of World War II . In 1940 he was appointed as Foreign Min-
ister in the first cabinet following the abdication of King Carol . In
1945 he belonged, again as Foreign Minister, to the Rumanian Govern-
ment in Exile, which refused to recognize the capitulation of King
Michael to Soviet Russia. Since that time he has continued his fight
against the irreconcilable enemy of his motherland and of Western
Civilization .
These memoirs center around three basic dramas, all of them inter-
related and all, for the most part, unknown to the Western reader :
the role of pacts of military alliance between France, Czecho-Slovakia
and Soviet Russia in bringing on World War II, the attempts of
Germany to avoid a Western war, and the story of the Legion of the
Archangel Michael . Prince Sturdza maintains that Rumania was the
pivotal point in the events leading to the war . So because Rumania
plays such an important part in this book, it is wise to briefly review
her history .
The reader should remember that the Rumanians do not consider
their nation a Balkan country, but rather a Danubian state, like
Austria and Hungary, and with roots deep in Western Civilization .
The Rumanians are not Slavs ; historically, and in a large part ethni-
cally, the Rumanian people are the heirs of the Dacians . The ancient
kingdom of Dacia covered and went beyond the area of the Rumania of
1939; its population, which was an offshoot of the Thracian race,
appears to have developed its own particular characteristics from years
of isolation in the valleys of Transylvania whence settlers and warriors
spread east to the Dniester and west to the vicinity of what is now
Vienna, covering the area which was to become Dacia .
The Dacian villages (davae, meaning a confederation of villages,
may be the origin of Dacia) were forged into a real power and an actual
empire under the kingship of Burebista . This expansion, combined
with her geographical position, soon brought Dacia into conflict with
Rome. After years of war and hostilities, the Dacians, led by Decebalus,
were defeated in 105 A.D. by the Roman Emperor Trajan . The Dacian
prisoners sculptured on the column raised by Trajan to commemorate
his victory are, in their physical type, their clothes, and their foot-wear,
identical with the Rumanian peasants of the present century . Defeat
brought Roman garrisons, Roman colonists, and the Latin language ;
this occupation went deep enough in its penetration of Dacia to result
in Latin becoming the basic element in what has developed into the
Rumanian language.
With the withdrawal of the Roman legions in 271 A .D . by the
Emperor Aurelian, Rumania was left undefended and open to all
Introduction / xi
attacks. Wave after wave of barbarians passed through the country .
All trace of colonial rule would have been obliterated, as happened in
Bulgaria, except that the wealth of the country was not great enough or
concentrated enough to encourage the marauders to settle down, and,
secondly, the inhabitants withdrew into the mountain valleys, par-
ticularly those of Transylvania. We do not know when this migration
to shelter began, how long it lasted, or at what cost it was undertaken .
But late in the Thirteenth Century the process was reversed as a part
of the Rumanian nobility, with their followers, left Transylvania and
migrated eastward to found what were to become the principalities of
Moldavia and Walachia. These two separate states were formed by the
merger of the Rumanians from Transylvania with indigenous Ruman-
ian settlements .
From the very beginning, the Walachians under the Bassarab dynasty
and the Moldavians under the Mushats had to struggle constantly
against attempted encroachments by their neighbors . Hungary had
already occupied much of Transylvania, and continually strove to con-
quer more and more Rumanian territory . The Tartars raided, and even
launched full scale invasions against, the principalities until the very
end of the Sixteenth Century . Poland maintained pretensions over
northern Moldavia . And finally towards the end of the Fourteenth
Century, the Turks began their raids which would steadily grow in size
and ferocity . Thus the Rumanians were perpetually at war, often with
both Christians and Moslems at the same time .
The independence of Walachia was originally secured by the victory
of Ivanco (?-1330) over King Charles Robert of Hungary ; the Walach-
ian position was strengthened by Vladislav Bassarab's (1360-1374)
defeat of an attack by Charles Robert's son, King Louis the Great .
Mircea the Old (1386-1418) of Walachia was present with his light
cavalry at the battle of Nicopolis in 1396 . He urged the French and
German leaders of this Western Crusade against the Turks to let him
strike the first blow. But the heavily armored crusaders insisted on the
honor of making the first charge, the charge failed, and their army
was lost . Mircea pulled his troops back over the Danube ; the Sultan
pursued and the two armies joined in combat at Rovine, where the
\1Talachians cut the Turks to pieces and forced them across the Danube,
which the Turks did not recross for half a century .
However the Turks were checked only temporarily . For in the face
of the swelling wave of Moslem power, the hostilities among the Chris-
tian princes continued to rage, a tragic prefiguration of the situation in
Europe before and during World War II . Towards the end of the
Fifteenth Century, the two principalities were pressed on all sides, by
the Hungarians, the Poles, the Tartars, and the Turks . Walachia was
xii / Introduction
defended by Vlad the Impaler (1455-1462 and 1476-1477) ; Moldavia,
by Stefan the Great (1457-1504) . Vlad earned his nickname from the
particular manner in which he dealt with Turkish prisoners . He suc-
cessfully repelled the Turks, but fell in battle with Matthias Corvinus,
King of Hungary and the son of a Walachian nobleman . Stefan
devoted his whole reign to an attempt to rally the West against the
Turkish threat . He inflicted a crushing defeat upon the Turks in 1475
at Rahova, and he repelled them at Skeia in 1476 . However neither
Hungary nor Poland would give him the solid support needed for an
attack on the Ottoman Empire . In fact he was forced into war with
each country and defeated each army in turn . On his deathbed, believ-
ing it hopeless to obtain united action from Christendom, Stefan
advised his son to come to an understanding with the Turks so as to
be able to resist Hungary and Poland .
After Stefan's death, the Turkish advance became a virtual ava-
lanche. Michael the Valiant (1593-1601) of Walachia was able to stop
the Turkish progress and even to invade the Ottoman Empire . Yet he
was forced to halt his attack in order to repel a raid against Walachia
by the troops of Sigismund Bathory, King of Poland and Prince of
Transylvania. But before Michael's death at the hands of assassins sent
by his ally, the Imperial Commissioner, General George Basta, he suc-
ceeded in effecting a brief unification of Walachia, Moldavia, and
Transylvania under one crown, thus realizing for the first time, since
the fall of the Dacian Empire, the unity of the Rumanian nation .
The centuries of fratricidal wars had taken their toll . Hungary suf-
fered a terrible defeat at Mohacs (August 30, 1526) ; Buda was sacked
and burned, and all of Hungary except a fringe of its western and
northern borders passed under Turkish domination and remained so
until 1686 . In 1529 Suleiman was able to march to the very gates of
Vienna. Poland's excursions in the south against Christian princes
began a fatal weakening in her military power which was later one of
the causes of the loss of her independence . By the same token the
Rumanian principalities suffered a destruction of their forces of resist-
ance and, during desperate battles, a decimation of the best of their
ruling classes . After the defeat at the Prut River, 1711, the Turks re-
placed the native rulers of the principalities with princes of Greek
origin. Some of these were also, by maternal descent, of Rumanian
blood and strove to satisfy the best interests of their people . Such
were the Mavrocordatos who descended by feminine line from the
extinct Mushat dynasty, others were completely foreign ; all were chosen
and imposed by the Turks .
In 1827 the native rulers were restored, with Gregory Ghyka Prince
of Walachia and John Alexander Sturdza Prince of Moldavia. The
Introduction / xiii
principalities were united, in 1859, under Prince Alexander John Cuza,
thus forming the basis of the modern Rumanian nation . After the
abdication of Cuza, Charles of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen was elected
Prince . In 1877 after a victorious war, Rumania proclaimed her separa-
tion from the Turkish empire, and she became an independent state
by the Treaty of Berlin . But the same treaty robbed her of her eastern
province of Bessarabia which was ascribed to her Russian ally . In
1881 Rumania was declared a kingdom with Prince Charles becoming
King Carol I, and five years later she became a constitutional monarchy
with a bicameral legislature.
Despite centuries of wars and of foreign domination, the Rumanian
principalities were far from being primitive or backward . Over the
many years, the Rumanians had developed a deeprooted and vital
national culture . The years between 1827 and 1914 brought the great
flowering of this culture and of the nation itself, even though full unifi-
cation of the Rumanian people was not achieved until 1919 . The upper
classes practised all the refinements of this most gracious era, and their
education in Western Europe permitted them to combine the best of
Rumanian culture with the best of France and Germany . From the
prospering villages, a vigorous middle class (a class which had not
existed in Rumania's social structure until then) was arising and
expanding throughout the country and was striving to increase the
intellectual level and the economic and industrial resources of the
country. The peasantry, satisfied by the first agrarian reform, lived in
patriarchal relation with the boyards, the great landowners who by
this reform had yielded about one-third of their estates to their tenants .
Education was compulsory and was free from primary school through
high school up to, and including, the last year of doctoral studies
at the universities. Because of the two charitable foundations, Bran-
coveneasa and Sanct Spiridon, which were profusely endowed through
the centuries by the nobility ; the numerous public hospitals and clinics
belonging to the foundations and to the state ; and the corps of state-
paid doctors ; no one in Rumania was deprived of medical or surgical
care for want of money . The Rumanian principalities were among the
first nations to suppress the death penalty, doing so as early as 1859 .
Such was the state of affairs in Rumania at the outbreak of World
War I. Rumania suffered terribly during the war, but when peace
finally came, it brought the realization of the centuries old dream of
the union of all Rumanians under one crown . Bucovina, which had
been seized by Austria in 1773, and Bessarabia, which had been grabbed
by Russia in three steps from 1812 to 1878, were restored to the mother-
land . But most important, Transylvania, which the Rumanians consid-
ered the cradle of their nation, was reunited with the rest of the country .
xiv / Introduction
However the war brought great changes in Rumania as it did in all
European countries and in the United States . The old order was dead ;
a new Order now emerged with ever-increasing power . The new order
of things was felt at once in Rumania : the Agrarian Reform of 1918-
1920 passed into the hands of the peasants ninety-two percent of all
Rumania's arable land, but its fraudulent application ruined both the
large and medium landowners . The destruction of the landowning
class eliminated the Conservative Party which had been the traditional
factor of stability, of wise progressive advance, and of integrity and
rectitude in Rumania's public life .

World War I was not, as generally believed, the result of only the
natural interplay of the ambitions of the Great Powers and of growing
nationalism . Generalities and abstractions are not sufficient to cause
wars; wars are brought on by the actions of men, and in the case of
World War I (and as we shall see with World War II, also) these ac-
tions were deliberately calculated to bring on war with all its misery
and suffering. The purpose of those who brought on the war was two-
fold : first, the war by its own momentum would open huge cracks in
the foundation of Western Civilization by destroying the soundest
values and most stable institutions in our civilization . Second, the
peace conferences following the war would be used to intensify the
upheaval and to provide the foundation of a world-wide empire, to be
built first on the ruins of all European empires and of the civilization
they had spread over the entire globe, and later on the ruins of the
United States . Who were these men, and what was their goal?
They were and are a tightly knit clique of conspirators who, with
rare exceptions, have been and are made up of, and recruited from, the
very top financial, economic, educational, and political levels of each
country in which they operate . The ultimate goal of this conspiracy
is the absolute domination of the entire world to be accomplished by
the destruction of civilization through the merging of all nationalities
and races into one people under one government ; the abolition of all
private property ; the destruction of all religion ; and the abrogation of
all morality . The immediate goal of each generation of these conspir-
ators was the reward, power and wealth and fame, which they received
by advancing the final goal . The makeup and purpose of the conspiracy
were explicitly defined by its founder, Adam Weishaupt, and embodied
in his organization, the Order of Illuminati, founded May 1, 1776 . The
Illuminati was strong enough by 1789 to play a major role in planning
and precipitating the French Revolution, and members of the Order
held power in France for about six years . After 1795 the Illuminati
Introduction / xv
went completely underground, and the secret of their existence be-
came the fundamental law of the Order .
But despite the strict secrecy the Conspiracy maintained, we do have
a considerable amount of information about its activities between 1795
and 1917 when its principle arm, Communism, erupted in Russia . A
chief agent of the Illuminati, Joseph Fouch6, was responsible for plac-
ing a member of the Order, Jean Baptiste Bernadotte, on the throne
of Sweden . It was an agency or ally of the Conspiracy, the League of
Just Men, which hired Karl Marx to write the Communist Manifesto .
This group, which was renamed the League of Communists, was a
major factor in bringing about uprisings throughout Europe in 1848.
The Conspiracy played a more important role in organizing the Italian
Revolution, directed by the American Albert Pike, and also, apparently,
the Juarezista Revolution in Mexico in the 1860's . Both the assassina-
tion of Czar Alexander II and the Haymarket Riot in Chicago were
the work of related agencies of the Conspiracy . In fact throughout the
last half of the Nineteenth Century, the Order of Illuminati used
Communists, socialists, anarchists, and numerous other groups and
subsidiaries to advance its goals and solidify its position in nearly
every nation .
By 1914 the conspirators, although still comparatively few, had suf-
ficient power and influence to precipitate World War I . At this point
it was not necessary for the Order to be able to control every action in
the war . The war itself, by its very nature, served many purposes of the
conspirators . They only needed to direct it to the desired conclusion,
which they had the ability to do ; and when this occurred with the ar-
mistice, they held the control of the peace conferences . The war had so
weakened Russia that Lenin, Trotsky and their band of vicious crimi-
nals, financed and directed by associates throughout Europe and in
the United States, were able to seize power, replacing the truly progres-
sive government of Nicholas II with reactionary Bolshevism . The peace
conference opened the way for the communization of Europe, and the
League of Nations, to which it gave birth, was meant to further the
goals of the Conspiracy through the activities of its clique of "illumi-
nated" or Fabian diplomats. (Although the refusal of America to join
the League ruined its planned effectiveness, the League still served
many useful purposes, not the least being as a forerunner of the United
Nations .)
These memoirs show the working of the entire, long-developing Con-
spiracy, which has been, and is, the basis of many separate plots and
plans being carried out in every country. In this book the reader will
find the names of many of those who, for whatever reason, have carried
xvi / Introduction
the thread of a conspiracy, which has run through all human affairs
from the time of the French Revolution to the present, and who have
helped to nurture and spread Communism-the biggest and most im-
portant agency of the Illuminati-throughout the globe . Men such as
Leon Blum, Edward Mandel House, Eduard Benes, Woodrow Wilson,
Jean Barthou, David Lloyd George, Winston Churchill, Anthony
Eden, Nicolae Titulescu, Carol II, Paul Reynaud, Georges Mandel,
Edouard Daladier, and Joseph Paul-Boncour were not members of the
Communist Party, yet they served (many of them knowingly, we believe)
Communist purposes far better than could have actual members of the
Communist Party. We believe that Prince Sturdza's memoirs offer
conclusive evidence that this deeprooted, centrally controlled and di-
rected Conspiracy, working for the destruction of Western Civilization,
precipitated World War II . The members of the Order and its numerous
dupes and allies had not the least concern for the welfare of the coun-
tries they ruled or were appointed to serve ; time and again they sacrificed
the interests of their own nation to actions which directly aided Com-
munism . From the end of World War I, these men have not merely
taken advantage of every opportunity to foster their plans, but rather
they have even created the necessary events on which to build their
further advance . This book shows how this strategy was fulfilled in
regard to World War II and its outcome . These memoirs show how
men of state worked feverishly to push Western Civilization to the
brink-and over. They first strove to create, nurture, and firmly es-
tablish the Communist beast in Russia ; next they introduced it into
the system of European alliances ; finally, they guaranteed politically
and militarily that only Soviet Russia would be the victor and benefi-
ciary in the war they brought down upon the world .
The appearance of Communism in Russia, the treasonous actions of
so many men of state, and Communist agitation and infiltration in
every country and of every organ of society brought forth in each
country of Europe nationalist opposition to this International Conspir-
acy. These opposition groups varied as greatly in their value, tenacity,
and effectiveness as did the reaction of the Conspiracy to their emerg-
ence . The Communists organized an international "crusade" in their
attempt to crush Spain's revolt against their domination . They arranged
for the assassination of King Alexander of Yugoslavia in order to
eliminate his opposition to what was in fact the surrender of Europe to
Communism . They infiltrated National Socialism and Fascism . They
used the most vicious and ruthless means to destroy the national revival
in Rumania which was embodied in the Legionary Movement, a group
which might have, and almost did, thwart a major part of the plot to
start World War II .
Introduction / xvii
The Legionary Movement was founded on June 24, 1927, under the
name of the Legion of the Archangel Michael, by one of the truly great
men of our era . Corneliu Codreanu was born on September 13, 1899 in
Husi, a town in northern Moldavia, where his father was a teacher at
the local lycee . He attended the famous military school Manastirea
Dealului and the Infantry Officer's school . The beginning of what was
to be his career and mission can be dated from January 1918 . After the
Bolshevik takeover in Petrograd, the Russian troops which had been
fighting alongside their Rumanian allies degenerated into no more
than a collection of drinking, looting, raping rabble . During that fateful
January, Codreanu organized a group of high school students to fight
the Russian marauders, who were menacing the Moldavian city of Iasi .
Shortly thereafter he organized the Guard of National Conscience from
among the students and workers of Iasi .
Codreanu reached what can be considered a point of no return in his
tragic life, a life entirely dedicated to the battle for the moral purity
and the welfare and the glory of his nation, in 1922 when he organized
the Association of Christian Students . He and twenty-six students took
a pledge of honor, in a religious ceremony, to continue for the rest of
their lives the nationalist fight-a pledge to which many of them re-
mained faithful even unto their deaths . In 1923 he founded the League
of National Christian Defense (LANC, which polled 120,000 votes in
the election of 1926) . When Codreanu returned to Rumania in 1927
after a period of study at Grenoble University, LANC had disintegrated
into a collection of feuding splinter groups . From the best of the
earlier league, he organized the Legion of the Archangel Michael
which came to be called the Legionary Movement . In 1930 a group
of hard-core members formed an elite section within the Legion, called
the Iron Guard . In time the Legion came to be known by the name
of this elite group . Although the two are almost synonymous, the
reader should keep in mind that they represent two different aspects
of the Movement.
The purpose of the Legionary Movement was the defense of the
endangered nation and of all the spiritual and historic values which
formed the texture of Rumania's national existence . In many ways the
Legionary Movement was unique and singularly Rumanian . But its
purity of motivation, its unyielding adherence to the very fundamentals
of our civilization and its oneness with all the ideals of Christendom
gave it a quality which will endure as one of the great examples of
man's fight against evil . The Legion was not a political organization,
yet it strove to revive the Rumanian body politic . The Legion was not
a religious body, yet Christian belief and Christian principles permeated
every level and every tenet of the Movement . Corneliu Codreanu came
xviii / Introduction
upon the stage of Rumanian history when all that generations had
built and had cherished was being imperiled by the most venal of
politicians and the most corrupt of kings . His answer to the problems
which faced his motherland was to bring about a rebirth of spirituality,
of self-denial, and of responsibility in the soul of every Rumanian . If
he failed in his goal, it was not due to any shortcomings in the sub-
stance of the Legion, or to any flaw in the nature of the Rumanian
people, but to the incredible persecutions by the corrupt governments
under King Carol and because of the aid given these governments by
the International Conspiracy . The same diabolic forces which destroyed
the Legion and Rumania are now threatening the very existence of
the United States . If an organization can be judged by its enemies, the
quality of the detractors of the Legion, past and present, place it high
amongst the champions of Christian Civilization .
Prince Sturdza joined with the Legion because he found in it the
links with times gone by and with the essential headsprings of the past,
which had been completely lost in his country by the existing political
establishment ; because he realized that, with the Conservative Party
destroyed, the Legion offered the only possible salvation for Rumania .
Prince Sturdza's memoirs portray the Legion far better than we can do
in this Introduction, but we would still like to quote a few passages
from Legionary material . We do so partly because they form the very
fabric of the Legionary Movement, but also because we know that these
high ideals continued to motivate the Legion through all its history .
Furthermore, we believe that these principles still live today in the
hearts of Rumanians, both those in exile and those enslaved in their
own homeland .

The Legionary Movement is not founded exclusively on the principle of

authority nor on that of liberty, but on the principle of love . Love cannot
breed tyranny and injustice, nor sanguinary revolutions and social wars .
The Legionary Movement will never resort to complot or a coup in order
to win . By the very essence of our beliefs we are against conspiracy . This
would mean violence of an outward character, while we expect victory from
an inner realization of the nation's soul .

We think it is fitting to quote the basic rules of the organization .

These are contained in the Manual of Legionary Laws, written for the
use of the head of each Legionary group .

The Law of Discipline : Legionary be obedient ; without discipline we

will not win . Follow your chief for better or worse .
The Law of Work : Do your daily work . Work with joy . Let the reward
of your work be not any material profit, but the satisfaction that you have
Introduction / xix
contributed something to the glory of the Legion and the greatness of your
country .
The Law of Silence : Talk little . Talk only when you must . Your elo-
quence is in deeds. Let others talk; you do .
The Law of Education : You must become another man . A hero.
The Law of Assistance : Help your brother in distress . Do not abandon
him .
The Law of Honor : Follow only the ways shown by honor . Fight . Never
be a coward . Leave to others the ways of infamy . Better fall fighting the
way of honor, than to conquer by infamy .

If the Legionary Movement had been just another political party or

if it had been an eccentric collection of students, it probably would
have been left unmolested . But it was neither . It was a grassroots up-
rising of the best in Rumania striving to maintain and to perfect the
national character and to make Rumania a bastion of Christianity and
anti-Communism. Rumania was too important in the plans of the
Conspiracy, and the Legion too great a threat, for the conspirators to
permit it to survive . Thus they used the most brutal means to crush
the Legion-including the murder of Codreanu . With the death of the
Captain, as he was called, the Legion was temporarily dispersed, its
members either going underground or into exile . Amongst the exiles
who gathered in Berlin, a young professor of literature, Horia Sima,
soon rose to leadership by the pure force of his personality .
In 1940 Sima secretly re-entered Rumania in order to help end the
despotic regime of King Carol . Sima was arrested at once, but the tide
of events had so completely turned against Carol that he immediately
freed Sima and placed him and some other Legionaries in minor posts
in the Government as a last attempt to save his throne . However the
Legionaries found it impossible to work with the King, and they re-
signed almost at once . Shortly thereafter they were able to force Carol's
abdication in favor of his son Michael in an almost bloodless revolt .
But Carol's last act was to appoint General Ion Antonescu, a non-
Legionary and in fact a secret enemy of the Legion, as President .
Under Antonescu a National Legionary Government-which the Legion
would never control-was formed with Horia Sima Vice President and
Prince Michel Sturdza Minister of Foreign Affairs .

When the Legionary Government came to power, Europe was already

in the throes of a western war-a war that never should have been .
The German National Socialist State was infiltrated by Communists,
some of whom occupied very high positions . Informed people strongly
believe Communist or pro-Communist agents had aided the National
Socialists in coming to power on the theory that they could use Ger-
xx / Introduction
many as a foil to enable the Soviets to provoke a war in the West ; such
a strategy would thus make the Western powers a virtual ally of the
Communists before any possible German onslaught against Soviet Rus-
sia. And, indeed, what should have been a war, perhaps even a crusade,
against the Communist beast, became a suicidal struggle between non-
Communist countries . But Prince Sturdza is convinced, together with
Professor H. R . Trevor-Roper and so many other students of the origins
of World War II, that Hitler himself never wanted a war in the West
and that his great goal, as events demonstrate, was the destruction of
the Soviet Union . Communism was saved and made victorious in great
part because of the Conspiracy's diplomatic successes in 1936 .
After the assassination in 1934 of King Alexander of Yugoslavia,
the greatest obstacle to the Barthou-Titulescu-Bene"s plan to encircle
Germany, the balance of power between the anti-Communists and pro-
Communists was thrown to the Left . The Western anti-Communist
leaders had supported a quadripartite pact proposed by Mussolini
which would have been a renewal of the Pact of Locarno and which
was, in reality, meant for the common defense of Europe against Soviet
Russia . The pact included the Western allies of World War I and Ger-
many, and it would have established an anti-Communist core in Europe .
But although all parties signed it, the treaty never came into force be-
cause it was not ratified by the French Parliament . It was quite another
arrangement which finally triumphed : the pact of military alliance
between France, Czecho-Slovakia, and Soviet Russia ratified in 1936 and
the major cause of the disaster to come . It introduced Russia into the
mainstream of Western diplomacy, perfected the encirclement of Ger-
many, and instead of protecting Europe from the Soviets, it protected
the Soviets from Germany's growing military might .
But the pact with Soviet Russia was going to be of absolutely no
benefit to France or Czecho-Slovakia, and would probably never have
been ratified by the French Parliament, unless a route could be
found to enable the Red Army to join in any conflict that might arise
between France or Czecho-Slovakia with Germany . Poland and the
Baltic states stubbornly refused to permit such passage under any pre-
text . Thus the worth of the pact depended entirely upon the Red Army
being able to cross through Rumanian territory to Czecho-Slovakia
without any opposition . It is Prince Sturdza's contention, which he
believes he has proven, that it was the secret consent given to this pas-
sage, or the secret promise that this consent would be given when
needed, by the two men who controlled the foreign policy of Rumania
between 1933 and 1940, Titulescu and King Carol, and the servility of
their subordinates, that permitted the advocates of the Franco-Soviet
alliance to triumph in Paris over those of an anti-Communist federa-
Introduction / xxi
tion . It is also his contention that it was the military pacts with the
Kremlin which were the primus motor of World War II and of its
catastrophic consequences . Thus Rumania played a key role in the plans
of the Conspiracy, and this explains the reason for the incredible perse-
cution of the Legionary Movement, which could have, and would have,
stopped any cooperation with Soviet Russia, thus ruining the plans of
the Conspiracy .
The effects of the Franco-Soviet and Czecho-Soviet treaties were im-
mediate. Germany was surrounded and desperately needed to adjust the
balance of power, and she needed to protect herself on her western and
southern borders . Therefore she reoccupied the Rhineland, on the basis
that the Franco-Soviet alliance invalidated the Pact of Locarno . She
proclaimed the Anschluss with Austria to the general enthusiasm of the
population, and when submitted for approval to the people of Greater
Germany, it was approved by 99 .08% of the voters . She demanded the
return to Greater Germany of the three and a half million Germans,
which the Versailles Treaty had incorporated, after the Austrian Empire
was dismembered, into Czecho-Slovakia. Contrary to popular belief,
sanity won out for a moment at Munich, and after years of harassment
and treachery on the part of the government in Prague, what was prob-
ably the best possible arrangement was agreed to by the Big Powers .
But all was for naught ; the conspirators pulling the strings soon had
the very men who saved Europe in 1938 destroy it in 1939 . Germany
had been maneuvered into a trap, which would be sprung by the hopeless
Polish problem . The Polish crisis was hopeless not because the disagree-
ment between Germany and Poland was so great (the issue involved
was chiefly a matter of border adjustments) or because of an ancient
national enmity (Germany and Poland had in recent years enjoyed ex-
cellent relations) . The problem was made hopeless by the intervention
of Western diplomats, who constantly advised and told the Polish not
to negotiate ; and by Poles such as Marshal 8migly-Rydz, who threw
their country into a war she could not possibly win . Germany was forced
into a war against the West because the leaders of Western Europe
made all other courses of action impossible . Germany did not sign the
non-aggression pact with Soviet Russia in order to be free to conquer
the West . The pact was an expedient and nothing more . Its purpose
was to secure her rear position in order to be free to destroy the Soviet
Union when the time came . (Hitler abhorred the idea of a two front
war . It is ironic, and significant, that he had to conquer the West in order
to fight the East .) When war came England and France did nothing to
help Poland . Prince Sturdza contends that at no moment were the so-
licitudes shown by the Western Powers and the vain guarantees they
offered Poland motivated by any real intention to save her integrity and
xxii / Introduction

her independence . He is convinced, on the contrary, that as far as the

Western statesmen were concerned, Poland was sacrificed even before
the beginning of the armed conflict .
With the fall of Poland, France was released from any obligation to
continue the war (which she had not even fought), and she could have
reached a satisfactory settlement with Germany . But the same leaders
who had pushed Poland over the brink now threw their own nation
into defeat . The onslaught came on May 10, 1940 and by June 14, 1940
the war for France was over . Now Hitler began to prepare his war
against Russia ; he refused to first eliminate England, and did not con-
sider the United States a threat . When Germany invaded Russia, she
could have wiped Communism off the map . That she failed was greatly
due to Communist influences in the governments of the West, and also,
no doubt, to the Communist agents high in her own government . The
final ground work for the destruction of Germany and the victory of
Communism was laid approximately between the summer of 1940 and
the close of 1941 . There were three major reasons for Germany's defeat :
Italy's loss of the opportunity to be a mediator between Germany and
the West because of Mussolini's cowardly aggression against France, and
Italy's disastrous campaign against Greece ; Germany's mistreatment of the
Russian populations in occupied territory ; and Admiral Canaris's treason
in conjunction with Communist infiltration of the German Govern-
ment . The second and third causes are closely connected.

From the beginning of the war, the German Government showed little
eagerness or even willingness to cooperate with the truly nationalist or-
ganizations which existed in the countries within her sphere of influ-
ence. These nationalist groups were willing to help Germany econom-
ically in her struggle, but not to the detriment of their own country's
vital necessities . Yet, once they were the military allies of the Reich
against their monstrous neighbor, they would never have capitulated to
the Red Army the moment the tide seemed to have turned against Ger-
many, but rather they would have fought to the last man in the struggle
against Communism and for the preservation of their national integrity .
In reality the Germans followed a policy of opposing the nationalists,
allegedly in order to advance the military and industrial resources of
the Reich . It is impossible to state unequivocally that this policy was
formulated by crypto-Communist infiltrators . However it did result in
the overthrow of the Legionary Government by General Antonescu
which ultimately brought the capitulation of Rumania. It ruined the
anti-Communist cause in Yugoslavia and brought on an unnecessary war
with that nation, tying down troops desperately needed on the Russian
front . It reached its climax in the incredibly brutal handling of the
Introduction / xxiii
Ukraine-and in this case there are definite indications of Communist
hands at work .
Our knowledge of the actual Communist activity in the German Gov-
ernment is still quite sketchy. In most cases we cannot be certain of
exactly who the Communist agents were nor where they operated . This
is so partly because many, but not all, were never members of the actual
Communist Party and because most of the agents were probably in sec-
ond echelon positions rather than at the top . But what we do know gives
a hint of what actually existed . Prince Sturdza relates, from his own
experience, the story of Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, head of the German
Intelligence Service . Canaris was not subject to the discipline of the
Communist Party but rather took his orders from the Conspiracy's so-
cialist clique based in Britain-the Fabians . His network riddled the
Secret Service and infiltrated the Foreign Office and the Wehrmacht .
Two of his confessed co-workers were Baron Weizsacker, an Undersecre-
tary of State, and General Halder, Chief of the General Staff . The
Canaris conspiracy played a major role in bringing about the defeat of
Germany and the victory of Soviet Russia .
While the Canaris network was supplying Hitler with false informa-
tion concerning the Russian military situation, Richard Sorge, a Soviet
agent and press attache at the German Embassy in Tokyo, was keeping
Stalin informed of German and Japanese military developments . In
1939 he supplied the date of Germany's planned attack on Poland ; in
April 1941 he advised Moscow that Germany was concentrating 150
divisions at the borders of the USSR, and he supplied a general scheme
of the military operations, including the date for the attack, June 22 ;
and two months before December 7, 1941, he advised Moscow that Japan
was preparing for a war in the Pacific and would not attack the Soviet
Far East . Thus the German attack against the Soviet Union was not a
surprise at all, and Stalin had ample time to prepare his defenses . The
Soviet Army was not taken off guard as is often believed . Stalin had
massed approximately four and a half million men in the western fron-
tier area-a million and a half more men than made up the German
attack forces, but whole Russian units surrendered almost without fight-
ing and thus enabled other units, divisions, and corps to be surrounded
and captured . It was only after the Wehrmacht was forced to submit to
the orders inspired by Rosenberg to wage a war of extermination that
the real Russian resistance began . Also the Kremlin could depend on its
friends in the Reich for information . The flow of intelligence data from
various sources continued throughout the war . Soviet agent Alexander
Rado in Switzerland was able to advise Moscow of decisions of the Ger-
man High Command within forty-eight hours after they were made . The
source was on the German General Staff . Was it General Halder?
xxiv / Introduction
Who else was involved? Martin Bormann certainly must be considered .
In fact Cornelius Ryan, author of The Longest Day and The Last Battle
relates that "some German generals believe he was a Russian spy
throughout the war ." (New York Journal American, March 19, 1966 .)
Bormann's influence and power were tremendous and most certainly not
used in the best interests of Germany . This, of course, could be ex-
plained by the view that he was exactly what he appeared to be-a
power hungry fanatic. But it is most significant that doubts still persist :
to whom was Martin Bormann really loyal? And let us not forget that
men who knew him believed that he was a Communist agent .
The question of actual loyalty can be raised about another sinister
character high in the National Socialist Government, Heinrich Himm-
ler, but in this case any definite conclusion is most difficult to reach . It
was under Himmler's command that the great atrocities of the Third
Reich were committed. Yet many of his lieutenants found little diffi-
culty in changing uniforms when the Reich fell . One, Heinrich Muller,
Chief of the Gestapo, was in contact with the Russian Secret Service at
least as early as 1943 . He escaped from Berlin, and some of his col-
leagues believe that he is now in the service of the Soviet secret police .
In fact an article in Die Stern (January 12, 1964) claimed that Muller
had been identified as a captain in the Albanian security police . When
Himmler absorbed Canaris's Abwehr, the files were full of the proof of
Canaris's treason and of that of his colleagues. Yet Himmler did nothing
with this information . When Canaris was finally exposed a year later, it
was through sources completely separate from Himmler's apparati . We
will probably never know the real reason for his failure to take action
in this case or for his many other activities . But let us recall that it was
Alfred Rosenberg's advice which caused Hitler to transform the war of
liberation, which the Fiihrer had so successfully commenced in Russia,
into a war of annihiliation . And it is well known that Rosenberg was
Himmler's man .
In this light the outbursts of Hitler to the effect that the war was
being lost by treason no longer seem like the ravings of a mad man . He
may have become aware that he himself was little more than a pawn.
For in his charges of treason, Hitler was correct : Germany's war against
Russia was not lost at Stalingrad ; it was lost in Berlin .

Despite the conspiracy and brutality which were so rampant in the

Third Reich, many Germans and other Europeans still considered the
war against Soviet Russia a crusade to save Western Civilization from
destruction by Communism . The men who fought and died in the strug-
gle in the East have been condemned, partly because they lost, but the
soundness of their fear of Soviet Russia has been borne out by history.
Introduction / xxv
The Legionary Movement and the Rumanian people supported Ger-
many in the war, but the best interests of their country left little other
course even considered from the most pragmatic point of view . Cooper-
ation with the West or permanent neutrality was out of the question,
for the policies and corruption of Titulescu and Carol had left Rumania
unable to defend herself against either Germany or Russia, much less
against both as would have been necessary . Such a policy would have
turned Rumania, from the very first days of the war, into a huge battle-
ground and then into an occupied appendage of one or the other power .
A Soviet alliance would have meant absorption by Russia, or at best,
occupation by Germany as a defeated enemy . A German alliance was
the only recourse open to Rumania . But in forming this alliance the
Rumanians were not simply bowing to expediency ; they firmly believed
that their national existence and Christian Civilization could only be
saved by the destruction of Communism in Russia . The nations of Cen-
tral Europe chose from the above alternatives in varying manners, yet
they all fell under the heel of the Soviet Union . Poland fought the joint
attack of Russia and Germany, Czecho-Slovakia maintained a solidly
pro-Soviet alliance, Rumania and Hungary formed German alliances,
Bulgaria maintained a pro-German neutrality, Yugoslavia maintained
an anti-German neutrality, and Albania committed no crime but to be
occupied by Italy ; but all ended under the same tyranny .

The most important point which these memoirs make clear is that
World War II was brought on and concluded according to a deliberate
plan developed and carried out by a conspiracy of a small, centrally di-
rected group of men high in the governments of nearly every nation .
That the Conspiracy intended to deliver all of Eastern Europe to Com-
munism is made clear by its activities as the war came to a close .
After the debacle at Stalingrad, the possibilities of a German victory
in Russia were ruined, but the war was by no means over . As the Ger-
man and allied armies pulled back towards the west, they desperately
attempted to form a line of resistance to the Russian onslaught ; once
such a defensive line was formed two courses of action would become
available . The first one, and the one on which Hitler based his strategy,
was to hold all possible points in the east in the belief that it was only
a matter of time before the United States and Britain would come to
see Soviet Russia as their real enemy . Hitler would have then signed a
separate peace with the West, and with the aid of his new allies he
would have mounted a great counteroffensive which would totally crush
the Red Army . As late as March 1945 German troops were ordered to
hold, at all costs, bridgeheads across the Oder because they would be
needed as launching points for the joint attack . Whether or not the
xxvi / Introduction
Allies could have even considered such an arrangement is immaterial .
For the second possibility provided by a stabilized line of defense from
the Communist hordes offered to the Western powers an opportunity to
save Eastern Europe even without accepting Germany as an ally . Those
who fought and died to form this line of defense and to permit, thereby,
the penetration of Western armies deep into the East fought and died
in vain . The Western Powers, conforming to the pre-established plans
of the Conspiracy, had decided as early as the conferences at Quebec and
Teheran to allow the Red Army to advance up to Berlin, Prague, and
Vienna and had consented to abandon eleven European countries as prey
for the Communist behemoth . The Western Allies had thus refused to
take advantage of this opportunity to save millions of innocent peoples
from brutal slavery . Instead they halted at the Elbe .
How complete was the subservience of Washington and London to the
wishes of the Conspiracy became absolutely clear in February 1945 . Hit-
ler sent a message to Mihailovich, the heroic leader of the Chetniks of
Yugoslavia, to be relayed to the British . Hitler offered to withdraw all
German troops from the Balkans if the United States and England
would agree to start occupying the abandoned area within twenty-four
hours ; after the West had completely occupied the Balkans, Germany
would withdraw from Hungary and Czecho-Slovakia, again on the con-
dition that the West fill the vacuum . The Allies refused even to consider
the proposal, telling Mihailovich to have the Germans make their offer
to Russia .
The war ended with Germany smashed and half-occupied by the Sovi-
ets, with Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Czecho-Slovakia, Hungary,
Rumania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, and Albania under Communist rule,
and with only Soviet Russia victorious . Those military or civilian lead-
ers who had opposed Communism for so long were executed, imprisoned,
or forced into exile . But these memoirs provide a stern lesson for those
who today believe that they can reach an accommodation with the Com-
munists . For as Prince Sturdza points out, the "Liberals," the appeasers,
and the non-Communists, who had opposed the war against the Soviet
Union, had sabotaged the war effort, and had betrayed their own coun-
try into Communist hands, were among the first to be victimized by the
beast . They too were executed, imprisoned, or forced into exile-not
with the knowledge that they had fought to the end against their na-
tion's implacable enemy, but with the indelible stain of having helped
in the defeat of their own motherland .

The publishers of this book do not necessarily agree with all of the
opinions expressed by Prince Sturdza, nor are they necessarily in agree-
ment with all of his interpretations of the events and actions which led
Introduction / xxvii
to World War II . However the publishers do believe that Prince Sturdza
has a responsibility to express his views and that the public should have
the opportunity to consider them, particularly since Prince Sturdza's
lifelong experience and activity in the diplomatic field have given him
a tremendous insight into the events of the Twentieth Century . Further-
more, histories of World War II, as a rule, have been written from the
Western point of view . This book presents for the first time the true
Eastern point of view, and the publishers believe that it is a major addi-
tion to the literature dealing with Europe between the two wars . A re-
viewer of the French preview of this book has stated an opinion shared
by the publishers : It is now impossible to write a history of World War
II without referring to the memoirs of Prince Michel Sturdza .
Critics who have never opposed the Conspiracy which has murdered
untold millions, and who still refuse to take cognizance of its existence,
may be tempted to justify their complacency and ignorance by trying to
find fault with the views and actions of Prince Sturdza and the Legion-
ary Movement. But such play will not change the history of this century
nor will it prevent the impending destruction of our whole Civilization .
Prince Sturdza had the foresight to realize that the Communist Con-
spiracy was the greatest danger ever faced by his motherland and by
Western Civilization itself, and he had the courage to sacrifice all in his
fight against the beast . Rumania fell because too few people in Europe
and the United States were willing to recognize the threat from Com-
munism. Since that time the Conspiracy has enslaved a third of the globe
and is rapidly approaching its final goal . Prince Sturdza has continued
his battle, and he offers these memoirs in the hope that others will learn
the lessons of history . The warning is clear and, if it is not heeded, the
United States too will suffer the fate it allowed to befall so many mil-
lions. But this time there will not even be a place of exile .
Thomas J. Haas
Note to the Reader

For a clear understanding of the events as they took place, the reader
is urged to refer frequently to the sequence of time and dates listed in
the Analytical Chronology
We wish also to call your attention to the Index of Persons in the back
of the book which gives a biographical sketch of the political and his-
torical personalities presented in these memoirs .
Analytical Chronology

Collective security, indivisible peace . . . this means simply a pro-Soviet

crusade in the event of a Russian-German conflict .
Ambassador of France
(Geneve contre la Paix)


March 12-16. Prince Georgi Lvov heads a Russian Provisional Govern-
ment . Alexander Kerensky is Minister of Justice . Czar Nicholas II
abdicates in favor of his brother Michael . Michael abdicates in fa-
vor of the Provisional Government.
April 17 . Lenin, Zinoviev, Lunacharski and other Bolsheviks, the ma-
jority of them from New York, arrive in Petrograd where Trotsky
and other New York Bolsheviks have already settled .
May 16 . Kerensky becomes Minister of War and starts immediately the
systematic disintegration of the Russian Army with the famous
Prikase No . I .
July 16-18. Bolsheviks make a premature attempt to seize power in
Petrograd .
July 20. Prince Lvov resigns . Kerensky Prime Minister.
September 8-14 . Kerensky prevents General Kornilov from saving Pet-
rograd . Arrests him, but releases from prison Trotsky and other
terrorists .
November 6 (0 . S. October 24) . The Bolshevik Revolution . Kerensky es-
capes to Finland and then to Paris . Eleven years later he arrives
in New York where Governor Lehman convinces him with irre-
sistible arguments, the very day of his arrival, to give up any idea
of campaigning against the Soviet Government .
November 7 . A new Government in Petrograd, headed by Lenin . In-
cluding Trotsky as Commissar for Foreign Affairs and Stalin as
Commissar for Minorities . Majority of the Government of New
York origin . They assume the name of Council of the People's Com-
xxxii Analytical Chronology
missars . Russian troops in Rumania, in full anarchy, roam the coun-
try menacing Iasi, the seat of the Government . They are either dis-
armed or beaten back. There is fighting in Bessarabia .

January 1-15 . In Rumania, in the woods of Dobrina, the young Cor-
neliu Codreanu gathers his first followers in order to resist the
mutinous attacks of the Russian troops .
July 16-17 . Murder of Czar Nicholas and the Imperial Family .
January 7 . President Wilson orders William H . Buckler, a trouble-
shooter attached to the United States Embassy in London, to pro-
ceed "at the earliest possible moment to Stockholm" to confer with
representatives of the Bolshevik Government .
January 14, 15, 16. Buckler confers with Maxim Litvinov in Stockholm .
January 21 . Wilson submits Buckler's report of the Stockholm meeting
to the Big Five in Paris . The "conciliatory attitude of the Soviet
Government is unquestionable," wrote Buckler. Furthermore,
"agreement with Russia can take place at once, obviating conquest
and policing and reviving normal conditions as disinfectant against
Bolshevism ."
February 22 . William C . Bullitt, accompanied by radical journalist Lin-
coln Steffens, leaves Paris for Russia and a meeting with Bolshevik
officials .
March 10 . Bullitt arrives in Petrograd and is accompanied to Moscow
by Grigori Chicherin and Maxim Litvinov.
March 14 . Lenin presents Bullitt with a Soviet peace plan drafted by
May 4 . Slovak General Milan R . 9tefanik dies in a mysterious airplane
crash over Bratislava . Czech Eduard Beneg supplants him not only
in the history of Czecho-Slovakia but also in that of Europe .
August 4 . Rumanian troops occupy Budapest . Despite the violent oppo-
sition of the Supreme Council, the Rumanian Army liberates Hun-
gary from the Bela Kun Communist terror after two weeks of fight-
ing the Red rabble .

January 14. French General Maurice Janin, Commander-in-Chief of the
Allied troops in Siberia, orders the Czecho-Slovak Legion to kidnap
Admiral Aleksandr Kolchak, Supreme Ruler of Russia and leader
of the anti-Bolshevik resistance, and to hand him over to the Bol-
shevik Political Centre at Irkutsk in exchange for one-third of the
Analytical Chronology / xxxiii
bullion of the Russian Imperial Treasury which was under Kol-
chak's control. This bullion went to form the first national treasury
of the newly invented country of Czecho-Slovakia where 7,000,000
Czechs held sway over 8,200,000 non-Czechs .
February 7 . Admiral Kolchak and his Prime Minister, Victor Pepeliaev,
are executed . General Janin was never court-martialled, arraigned,
or even blamed .
February 11 . In Rumania, Corneliu Codreanu and the labor leader
Constantin Pancu forcibly take a factory from the hands of the
Communists .
April 25. Beginning of the war between Poland and Soviet Russia .
September 30 . In Rumania, Corneliu Codreanu and his followers fore-
stall an attempt by the Rector of the University of Iasi to open the
academic year without the traditional religious ceremony .
October 5 . Moscow asks for an armistice .
October 12 . Preliminary treaty of peace between Poland and Russia
signed in Riga.
March 3 . Signing of the Rumano-Polish Treaty of Alliance, the only
safeguard Rumania ever had against a Soviet onslaught .
March 18 . Definitive Treaty of Riga signed . Polish-Russian frontier de-
fined .
March-June . Negotiations and conclusion of the Little Entente between
Rumania, Yugoslavia, and Czecho-Slovakia, strictly limited to con-
trolling Hungary's irredentist aspirations . Masaryk and Bene"s stub-
bornly oppose a larger coalition including Poland and the Baltic
States proposed by Rumania as a guarantee against Soviet territorial
and messianic ambitions . Czecho-Slovakia is the only beneficiary of
the Little Entente, Rumania and Yugoslavia being more than a
match for Hungary . The Prague Government always refused to
guarantee or even to acknowledge the frontiers of Soviet Russia's
March-June. Great Britain and France recognize de facto the Soviet
Government as the legitimate Government of Russia . (Consolida-
tion under the invisible control of the Anonymous Forces, of the
unholy alliance of the Western Powers-Soviet Union which will
lead the world to World War II and to its fateful and still unpre-
dictable consequences.)
April 6. The Soviet delegation headed by Grigori Chicherin arrives in
Genoa to meet the British, French, North American, Italian, and
German delegations .
xxxiv / Analytical Chronology

April 10. Beginning of the Genoa Conference with Soviet Russia's par-
ticipation .
April 15 . Secret negotiations between the German and the Soviet dele-
gations begin at two o'clock a .m.
April 16. Surprise conclusion of the Treaty of Rapallo between Germany
and Soviet Russia . "A bomb in the sky of the Conference . It will
upset the world," said U .S . Ambassador Richard Washburn Child .
This happened seventeen years later .
May 19 . Genoa Conference collapses over the insistence of France that
Russia recognize its pre-war debt .
October 15 . In Rumania . Coronation in Alba Iulia of King Ferdinand
and Queen Marie, in the same city where three centuries before
Michael the Valiant was proclaimed Sovereign of all Rumanians .

March 4 . In Rumania. Formation of the League of National Defense
by Professor Alexandru Cuza and Corneliu Codreanu .
March 24 . Codreanu arrested for the first time by the Liberal Govern-
ment .
November 8-11 . Hitler-Ludendorff Putsch in Munich .

April 2 . Breaking up of Rumano-Soviet negotiations, which had started
one week before in Vienna upon insistence of our French allies.
May 31 . Codreanu arrested again with fifty other students, boys and girls .
Beginning of what has been called the Manciu Terror, under a Lib-
eral Government . In prison the students are submitted to the most
cruel tortures and abject humiliations . They are liberated after the
intervention of a group of university professors and important citi-
zens . Manciu, the Police Prefect of Iasi, and his deputies, promoted
and decorated by the Government .
October 25 . Codreanu shoots Manciu in self-defense when Manciu at-
tempts to arrest him again .
October 28. Following the example of Great Britain (February 1), France
extends de jure recognition to the U .S .S .R. Rumania and Yugo-
slavia refuse recognition .

January 5 . In Rumania . Great manifestations of sympathy for Corneliu
Codreanu throughout the whole country . The Government changes
the venue of the trial from Iasi to Focsani .
Analytical Chronology / xxxv
May 20. The manifestations of sympathy and admiration growing in
intensity, the Government changes once more the venue from
Focsani to Turnu Severin at the other extremity of the country.
May 26. Codreanu acquitted by the Turnu Severin court . General man-
ifestation of enthusiasm throughout the country .
December 1 . Signing of the Locarno Treaties . Agreement of guarantee
between France, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, and Belgium .

January 20. As a result of his scandalous conduct, Prince Carol of Ru-
mania is deprived of his rights of inheritance . His son Prince
Michael proclaimed heir to the throne by Act of Parliament .
April 24 . Treaty of German-Soviet friendship and neutrality . Extends
the Rapallo Treaty of 1922 .
September 8 . Germany admitted to the League of Nations . Permanent
seat on Council .

May 26. Temporary rupture of diplomatic relations between Great
Britain and Soviet Russia due to friction caused by Communist
agitation . Violation of treaty agreements .
June 24 . In Rumania . Founding of the Legion of the Archangel Michael .
July 20. Death of King Ferdinand of Rumania . Michael proclaimed
King . Constitution of a Regency headed by Prince Nicholas, brother
of Carol .
August 21 . Congress of the National Socialist Party in Nurnberg . Twenty
thousand Storm Troopers present .
November 30 . A Soviet delegation arrives in Geneva to take part in the
deliberations of the preparatory commission on disarmament .

August 27 . Kellogg-Briand Pact signed at Paris. Russia concurs on Sep-
tember 6 . Renunciation of aggressive war . No provision for sanc-
tions .
November 25 . Communist trouble in Bucharest .
February 9 . Signing in Moscow by Soviet Russia, Poland, Rumania,
Latvia, and Estonia of the Litvinov Protocol giving immediate va-
lidity to the Kellogg-Briand Pact between those five countries . Next
day an article in Pravda reminds the Rumanian plenipotentiary of
Soviet Russia's pretensions upon Rumanian territory .
xxxvi / Analytical Chronology
April 7 . Communist trouble in Timisoara. Several dead .
August 17 . Communist trouble in Lupeni : twenty-five dead.
October 7 . Death of Gheorghe Buzdugan, the most important personal-
ity in the Rumanian Regency .
December 15-25 . Two important Legionary rallies in Branesti and Lu-
goj . Illegal intervention of the authorities . The Movement takes on
greater proportions every day . Many adherents in the working
classes .

January 20-March 25 . Intensification of the Legionary activities with
anti-Communist accent . In Kagul 20,000 peasants come to listen to
Codreanu . Great anti-Communist manifestation in Bucharest March
June 6. Carol's return to Rumania with Magda (Elena) Lupescu . Betray-
ing the promise he had made to all his supporters during his exile,
to the writer of these pages among others, he refuses to resume, at
least ostensibly, conjugal life with Princess Helene and to proclaim
her Queen . Starts living in open concubinage with Magda Lupescu .
June 20 . Codreanu creates a new organization to defend Rumania
against Communism, in all its disguises, on the home front and
against Soviet undertakings on the outer front . He calls this new
force the Iron Guard which will later become identified with the
Legionary Movement.
July 25. Codreanu arrested again, under a National Peasant Govern-
ment, and tried in a fraudulent case . Acquitted after two months
in prison . There were still at that time judges in Rumania .
November 14 . Communist trouble in Bucharest .

January 11 . The Legionary Movement dissolved for the first time, by a
National Peasant Government . Mass arrests, new persecutions . An-
other fraudulent case against the Movement . Unqualified acquit-
tals from the lowest to the highest courts for all Legionary leaders .
Carol's corruption has not had time yet to penetrate all of the State
April 18 . King Carol forms an Iorga-Argetoianu Government .
June 1 . New Elections . Codreanu elected to Parliament .
December 3 . Codreanu's speech in Parliament . Cardinal points of the
Analytical Chronology / xxxvii
policy of the Legionary Movement : God, Country, King, Ownership,
Army, Relentless Fight against Communism .

March-April . Rumano-Soviet negotiations in Riga for a pact of non-
aggression . The French Government has asked its allies Rumania
and Poland to try to come to a non-aggression agreement with their
Russian neighbor, in order to further its purpose to conclude a
military alliance with Soviet Russia ; a purpose which was shared
by Benes and Titulescu . The negotiations are broken off by the
Rumanian negotiator when, at the moment of signing the text
agreed upon, the Russian delegate pretends to introduce a clause
alluding to Soviet Russia's pretensions upon a part of Rumania's
territory. France, the middleman, had given the Rumanian Gov-
ernment the assurance that the Soviets will not raise any territorial
question .
March 13 . Presidential elections in Germany . Hitler receives 11,339,446
votes (30 .1 percent) . President von Hindenburg fails to receive an
absolute majority .
March 15 . The Legionary Movement dissolved for the second time, by
the Iorga-Argetoianu Government . The most arbitrary and uncon-
stitutional measures are taken against its members . Mass arrests,
beatings, and tortures .
April 10. Hindenburg is reelected . But Hitler receives 13,418,547 votes
(36 .8 percent) .
May 6 . Murder of Paul Doumer, President of the French Republic, by
Dr . Paul Gourgoulov, a Russian 6migr6 .
May 31 . The Iorga-Argetoianu Government resigns . Replaced by a Na-
tional Peasant Government, headed by Alexandru Vaida-Voevod .
July 31 . Reichstag elections . Hitler's National Socialists win 230 seats ;
Socialists 133 ; Center 97 ; Communists 89 . Total National Socialist
vote is 13,745,000.
September 12 . Reichstag dissolved .
October 10 . Nicolae Titulescu, Rumanian Minister of Foreign Affairs .
Convokes immediately the French and Polish Envoys, thanks their
governments for their support during the Riga negotiations, but
asks those governments to negotiate their agreements with So-
viet Russia without any consideration for the Rumanian position
towards Moscow. As a consequence France and all of Soviet Rus-
sia's neighbors, except Rumania, have pacts of non-aggression with
Soviet Russia before the end of 1933 .
xxxviii / Analytical Chronology
November 6 . Election in Germany fails to break parliamentary dead-

January 23 . Molotov speech announcing ratification of non-aggression
pacts with all of Soviet Russia's neighbors except Rumania . The
Franco-Russian Treaty of Non-Aggression ratified one month later .
January 30 . Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of the German Govern-
ment .
June 7 . In Rome the four Big Powers, France, Great Britain, Italy, and
Germany sign the Quadripartite Pact of Guarantee proposed by
Benito Mussolini, a reinvigoration of the Locarno Pact with the
new Germany . (The signature was ratified by all parliaments con-
cerned except that of France, where the partisans of the military
alliance with Soviet Russia succeeded in rejecting it . It never came,
therefore, into force .)
July 4 . Pact of Definition of Aggression signed in London, between So-
viet Russia, her neighbors, and other countries. Rumania partici-
pating, Pact contrived by Titulescu, pretending to substitute it for
the Pact of Non-Aggression that had not been signed in Riga be-
cause of Soviet Russia's insolent pretensions concerning Rumania's
July 10 . A National Peasant Government begins what will become the
first Calinescu terror against the Legionary Movement .
October 10 . Franklin Delano Roosevelt's letter to Mikhail Kalinin, pro-
posing the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United
States and the Soviet Union .
November 13 . Interview between Hitler and Lipski . Hitler tells Lipski :
"Any war could bring Communism to Europe . Poland is at the fore-
front of the fight against Asia . Poland's destruction would be there-
fore a universal misfortune . . . . The other European governments
ought to recognize Poland's position ."
November 14 . Liberal Party leader Ion Duca forms a cabinet .
November 16. Roosevelt recognizes the Soviet Government as the legit-
imate Government of Russia .
December 10. In order to prevent the Legionary Movement from par-
ticipating in the electoral campaign, Ion Duca, the Prime Minister,
under the pressure of his French sponsors and of Titulescu, dis-
solves for the third time the Legionary Movement and starts the
biggest period of terror the Movement has undergone until then .
More than 20,000 Legionaries are arrested, Legionaries are assas-
sinated by Duca's police . Hundreds are tortured and beaten . A
wave of indignation and horror sweeps the country .
Analytical Chronology / xxxix
December 20. The Duca Government wins at the polls.
December 29. Duca murdered by three Legionaries who surrender im-
mediately to the police

January 26 . A ten-year pact of non-aggression between Germany and
February 9. The Balkan Pact between Yugoslavia, Greece, Turkey, and
Rumania. Without any significance for Rumania which is not a
Balkan country . Another of Titulescu's inventions to calm appre-
hensions provoked in Rumania by his pro-Soviet policy and his
anti-Polish attitude.
April 4 . The military court, before which Codreanu and all the Legion-
ary leaders have been arraigned, discharges them all and condemns
only the three murderers of Duca to hard labor for life .
June 9. A Titulescu triumph : Resumption of diplomatic relations be-
tween Rumania and Soviet Russia .
August 2 . Feldmarschall Paul von Hindenburg's death . Hitler now
Fiihrer, Chancellor, and Commander-in-Chief of the Reichswehr.
August 19 . Plebiscite approves (88 per cent) Hitler's assumption of full
September 13 . Poland denounces the Minorities Agreement, which was
a part of the political and territorial status established at Versailles
and guaranteed by the Covenant of the League of Nations . Ger-
many, directly interested, prefers not to protest .
October 9 . King Alexander of Yugoslavia and French Foreign Minister
Jean Barthou are assassinated in Marsailles on their way to Paris .
October 22. General Hermann Goring, talking in the name of Hitler,
sets forth for the first time to Petrescu-Comnen, our Envoy in Ber-
lin, Germany's offer to Rumania : A guarantee of all our frontiers,
those with Soviet Russia and Hungary included, complete rearma-
ment with the most modern weapons for our military forces . Ger-
many does not ask Rumania to abandon any of her alliances . The
only thing Germany asks in exchange is a pledge to oppose any
attempt of the Soviet troops to cross our territory . Titulescu,
Rumania's Foreign Minister, who had already promised his French
and Czecho-Slovak friends to let the Soviet troops cross Rumania's
territory, in case of a European conflict, conceals Petrescu-Comnen's
report, intending to keep our Foreign Office and our Government
in ignorance of it until the moment he could make it impossible,
by a fait accompli on the diplomatic field, for Rumania even to
consider the German proposals .
November 20 . Informed by this author, of Titulescu's treachery,
xl / Analytical Chronology
Gheorghe Bratianu, chief of the Liberal Dissident Party, goes to
Berlin and has an interview with Goring . Goring repeats Germany's
offer insisting upon the fact that Rumania is not asked to abandon
any of its alliances . Germany's desire, of having the assurance that
Soviet troops could not attack her through Rumanian territory,
was so earnest that those proposals will be repeated again and again,
by Hitler and by Goring, to our Envoy in Berlin and to Rumanian
statesmen until the very eve of World War II . It will be a last
Rumanian rebuff that will force Hitler to change, momentarily,
his attitude towards Soviet Russia and bring about the Ribbentrop-
Molotov Agreement.

January 13 . Plebiscite in the Saar Basin, supervised by the League of
Nations . Ninety percent of the electors vote for union with Ger-
many. Ten percent vote for union with France .
January 24 . Interview between Hitler and Lipski . J6zef Lipski, the
Polish Ambassador in Berlin, reports to J6zef Beck, the Polish
Foreign Minister : "The Chancellor talked lengthily about the Rus-
sian question . According to him the moment would come when
Poland and Germany will both be forced to defend themselves
against Soviet aggression . In his opinion the policy of the former
German Governments and of the Reichswehr to play Russia against
Poland was the greatest possible political mistake ."
February 8. Agreement between the Soviet Union and Rumania con-
cerning re-establishment of direct rail communications .
February 10. Note of Count Jean Szembeck, Polish Undersecretary for
Foreign Affairs, for Beck's information : "Mr . Lipski told me that
Goring was very frank with him in his conversation at Bialystok
and in Warsaw . Talking to the generals he developed great plans
for the future, suggesting almost a German-Polish alliance against
Soviet Russia ."
May 2 . Signing of the Franco-Soviet Pact of Mutual Assistance, ob-
viously directed against Germany .
May 16. Signing of the Czecho-Soviet Pact of Mutual Assistance . Both
this and the Franco-Soviet Pact would not mean anything for
France and Czecho-Slovakia if Rumania's consent to let Soviet
troops pass across her territory were not secretly implicit in the re-
suming of diplomatic relations and railway and road communications
between Rumania and Soviet Russia.
May 23 . Lipski's report to Beck : "Later Hitler amplified his policy
towards Poland . . . . Even before coming to power he tried to
convince General Schleicher to have no relations with the Soviets .
Analytical Chronology / x1i
. . . Hitler said that the Reichswehr considered Soviet Russia as
a danger only for Poland and not for Germany . This was a policy
of shortsighted people ."
October 3 . Italian troops enter Ethiopia .
October 7 . Titulescu orders Petrescu-Comnen to declare to the German
Foreign Office that our geographical position forces Rumania to
take into consideration the implications in Russia's vicinity . In
certain circumstances, therefore, Rumania could be brought to
sign also a pact of mutual assistance with Soviet Russia, like France
and Czecho-Slovakia

January 29 . King Carol in London on the occasion of the funeral of
King George V. Very cold reception . Queen Mary refuses to see him .
February 24 . Following Titulescu's orders, additional provocative decla-
rations by Petrescu-Comnen at the Auswartige Amt .
February 27 . The French Parliament ratifies the Franco-Soviet military
alliance .
March 7 . The ambassadors of the signatories to the Locarno Treaties
convoked at the Auswartige Amt by Baron Konstantin von Neurath,
who informs them that Germany considers the Treaties have been
violated by France, through the conclusion of a military alliance
with Soviet Russia, obviously directed against Germany . Conse-
quently Germany will reoccupy the demilitarized territory along
the Rhine . At the same time Germany offers to sign a pact of non-
aggression with France and Belgium, to sign an Air Force Conven-
tion with all the Western Powers, and to reenter the League of Na-
tions if it should be admitted that its Charter is independent of the
stipulations of the Versailles Treaty . None of these proposals was
taken into consideration by the Western Powers .
Night of March 7 to March 8 . In Rumania, the Liberal Government
orders the Rumanian Railways to group as much rolling stock as
possible at the Rumano-Russian frontier, which meant obviously to
put this stock at the disposition of the Soviet Command in case the
reoccupation of the Rhineland would provoke World War II .
(The gauge of the Rumanian rails is narrower than the gauge of
the Russian rails .)
March 8 . Informed about this fateful measure Corneliu Codreanu, the
leader of the Legionary Movement and General Cantacuzene, the
second in command, decide that the Movement will oppose by force
any attempt of the Soviet forces to cross Rumanian territory .
Preparatory measures are immediately taken .
March 12-18. Britain's, Italy's, and Belgium's declarations in Paris and
xlii / Analytical Chronology
in London at the Council of the League of Nations make France
to understand that even if the reoccupation of the Rhineland by
Germany must be considered as a violation of the Versailles Treaty
it will not be considered as a casus foederis or a casus belli by any
of the cosignatories of the Versailles Treaty or of the Locarno Pact .
May 30 . Codreanu issues a proclamation concerning Titulescu's machin-
ations and any attempt of alliance with Soviet Russia : "It will be
an act of treason against God, against Rumania and against the
moral order of this world ."
August 14 . Count Jean Szembeck reports his conversation with Joachim
von Ribbentrop : "Ribbentrop insisted upon the necessity of Ger-
man-Polish collaboration . Both Poland and Germany are under
the threat of a very great danger . . . . Bolshevism intends to de-
stroy all the fruits of Western Civilization . . . . The Chancellor
[Hitler] could not consent to any compromise in his relations with
Soviet Russia . . . . He is himself convinced of this necessity [of
German-Polish collaboration] and is one of the most ardent advo-
cates of the idea of such a rapprochement ."
August 29 . Rumanian Foreign Minister Titulescu dismissed by King
Carol. Titulescu's policy remains however fundamentally the policy
Carol has decided to follow.


November 5 . Codreanu's Memorandum addressed to the King and

Rumania's political leaders, concerning Rumania's foreign policy .
The Little Entente and the Balkan Alliance have absolutely no
practical value for Rumania . They will both crumble to pieces at
the moment of any European conflict . The whole of the Rumanian
people will rise and oppose those who prepare Rumania's death
by trying to associate her with the Soviets in case of a general con-
flagration .
November 13 . German Military Attache in Bucharest, Colonel Schunke,
visits Petrescu-Comnen . He renews Germany's offer to Rumania .
Insists again upon the fact that Germany does not expect us to
abandon any of our alliances . All that is asked from us is our
promise to oppose any Soviet attempt to cross our territory . If
Bucharest continues to reject Germany's friendship, Germany may
be forced to look for friends in other directions .
November 16 . Second visit to Berlin of Gheorghe Bratianu, chief of
the Liberal Dissident Party . Interview with Hitler and with Goring .
Both insist upon the necessity for Germany to be assured that no
Soviet attack could come through Rumanian territory without
Analytical Chronology / xliii
opposition from Rumania . Both renew their proposal to arm our
forces with the most modern equipment. We are not asked to aban-
don any of our alliances .
November 24 . A group of Legionaries leaves for the Spanish Civil War .
Join Franco's troops.

February 13 . Funerals in Bucharest of the Legionaries killed in the
Spanish Civil War fighting on the side of the Nationalists . Im-
pressive manifestations of sympathy on the part of 300,000 who
follow the cortege .
February 16. Goring's friendly declarations to Marshal Edward Smigly-
Rydz in Warsaw. Poland and Germany equally menaced . Necessity
to adjust their policy .
February 20. New interview : Goring-Petrescu . Goring renews offer of
guarantee of all our frontiers and of rearmament. One condition
only : That we promise to defend our frontiers against any Soviet at-
tempt . Petrescu-Comnen answers that he is not allowed to discuss
politics but only economic questions . Goring tells him that he is
invited by Hitler who wishes to confirm personally Germany's pro-
posals . Petrescu never responds to this invitation .
February 29. New measures of suppression against the Legionary Move-
ment . Codreanu's proclamation : "The Legionary Movement will
never resort to violence and conspiracy . It will not answer to these
new provocations . Our victory will come with an inner transforma-
tion in the soul of every Rumanian . We refuse to soil this victory
with plots and violence ."
March 20 . Last interview between Goring and Petrescu . The former
renews Germany's offer and promises to arm our forces with the
most modern and even the most secret equipment . Only one con-
dition : that we pledge to defend our frontiers . Petrescu declares in
the name of his Government that Rumania will never enter into
an agreement which might bring her into difficulties with the
June 12 . Execution of Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevski in Moscow . Dur-
ing a visit to London and Paris, Tukhachevski committed the im-
prudence of confiding to some military people his plans for a coup
against the Communist regime . Moscow was immediately informed .
November 30. New proclamation of Codreanu about Rumania's foreign
policy : "I am against the policy of the great Western democracies.
I am against the Little Entente and the Balkan Alliance . I have
not the slightest confidence in the League of Nations . I am with
the countries of the National Revolution . Forty-eight hours after
xliv / Analytical Chronology
the victory of the Legionary Movement, Rumania will be allied to
Rome and Berlin, thus entering the line of its historical world-
mission-the defense of the Cross, of Christian culture and civiliza-
tion ."
November-December . Kidnaping in the streets of Paris and assassina-
tion in Moscow of General Kutiepov, chief of the former National-
ist Russian Army in exile .
December 21 . Legionary triumph at the parliamentary elections . Sixty-
six seats in Parliament .
December 28. King Carol appoints Octavian Goga Prime Minister.
Goga and Armand Calinescu, as Minister of the Interior, form a
National Christian Government . Goga's National Christian Party
was an insignificant extremist right group which received only
9.15 percent of the vote in the last election .

December 1937-January . General Miller, Kutiepov's successor, is kid-
napped in the streets of Paris and assassinated in Moscow .
February 6 . Beginning of the new electoral campaign in Rumania in
an atmosphere of terror and murder .
February 9 . Goga, profoundly affected by the turn the electoral cam-
paign has taken under Calinescu, comes to an agreement with
Codreanu .
February 10. King Carol, informed of this agreement, dismisses Goga .
February 12 . Carol's coup d'etat . Suppression of the Constitution . Sup-
pression of political parties . Patriarch Miron Cristea, Prime Minister.
Armand Calinescu, Minister of the Interior . New Constitution
places all powers, even the judiciary, in Carol's hands .
February 21 . Codreanu's proclamation announcing the dissolution of
the Movement : "We will not answer the Government provocations .
We will not transform Rumania into another Spain ." He announces
his decision to leave Rumania for a couple of years and settle in
March 5 . The Government orders the dismissal of every Legionary from
every state office and from every private enterprise . All Legionary
establishments, commercial and industrial, are closed . The greatest
anti-Legionary terror known until then begins with thousands of
arrests .
April 7 . Codreanu arrested . He will never be free again .
April 19 . Codreanu sentenced to six months in prison for having "of-
fended" Professor Iorga .
April 22 . Trouble in the Sudetenland . Beginning of the Czecho-Slovak
crisis .
Analytical Chronology / x1v
May 27. In one of the most monstrous judiciary crimes, with Professor
lorga's collaboration and complicity, Corneliu Codreanu is sen-
tenced to ten years at hard labor. This meant also, as everybody
guessed, his death .
September 13 . Open insurrection in the Sudetenland . Martial law is
September 15 . First meeting between Neville Chamberlain and Adolf
Hitler at Berchtesgaden .
September 22-23 . Second Chamberlain-Hitler meeting at Godesberg and
general mobilization in Czecho-Slovakia .
September 29-September 30 . Munich Agreement . Over three and a half
million Germans allowed to live free .
September 30 . Chamberlain speaks to the crowd from the window of
No . 10 Downing Street : "My good friends, this is the second time
in our history that there has come back from Germany to Downing
Street peace with honor . I believe it is peace for our time . We
thank you from the bottom of our hearts . And now I recommend
you to go home and sleep quietly in your beds."
October 13 . To everybody's amazement, the first of Chamberlain's war-
like speeches in the Commons : "The Munich Agreement does not
permit us to diminish our efforts towards the realization of our
military program ."
October 24. Friendly interview in Berchtesgaden between Ribbentrop
and Lipski, the Polish Ambassador . Invitation to Polish Foreign
Minister Beck to visit Berlin : "A standing invitation to our Polish
friends ." Ribbentrop's suggestions are : 1) Danzig a German city ;
2) Free port for Poland in Danzig with communications assured by
extraterritorial railway and highway through Danzig ; 3) Extraterri-
torial zone one kilometer wide for a railroad and highway across
the Polish Corridor uniting the two portions of Germany carved
out at Versailles ; 4) Both nations recognize and guarantee their
frontiers ; 5) An extension of the German-Polish treaty of friendship,
complete with a consultative clause, by from ten to twenty years .
(These proposals were standing and open from Germany's side
until August 10, 1939, when Poland rejected them and declared
that "any intervention by the Reich Government [would be re-
garded] as an act of aggression ."
October 31 . Polish Foreign Minister Beck instructs Lipski on how to
reply to Ribbentrop's proposals on Danzig and the Corridor . Answer
entirely negative .
November 7. On the eve of Ribbentrop's visit to Paris, Hershel Gryn-
szpan, a seventeen-year-old Jewish refugee, assassinates Ernst vom
Rath, Third Secretary of the German Embassy in Paris.
xlvi / Analytical Chronology

November 13 . King Carol receives an unexpected invitation from the

British Government to visit London.
November 14 . President Roosevelt recalls Hugh Wilson, the American
Ambassador in Berlin .
November 19. Lipski confers with Ribbentrop in Berlin . He informs
the German Foreign Minister that "any tendency to incorporate
the Free City in the Reich must inevitably lead to conflict ." How-
ever, Poland would be willing to replace the League of Nations'
guarantee of Danzig with a German-Polish agreement . Ribbentrop
asks the Polish Government to think about the German proposals
in terms of centuries and of a permanent friendship between the
two countries .
November 22-28 . Clandestine publishing and diffusion of a series of
Legionary manifests concerning the question of Rumano-Soviet re-
lations . Student trouble at the University of Cluj .
November 28. Carol's return from London . In Paris, according to Paul-
Boncour's memoirs, Carol promises to come to an understanding
with Soviet Russia about the passage of Soviet troops across Ru-
manian territory in case of a European conflict . He asks, however,
for a necessary respite in order to prepare Rumania's public
November 29-30 . By order of King Carol, Codreanu and thirteen of his
followers are garotted . Beginning of the promised "preparation ."
December 6. Declaration of non-aggression and friendship between
France and Germany . Mutual guarantee of common frontiers .

January 5. Beck confers with Hitler at Berchtesgaden . In regard to
Danzig, Hitler declares that he is thinking about a formula that
would make it politically German and economically Polish . He is
ready to give formal and clear guarantee for the German-Polish
frontiers. (A strong Poland was absolutely necessary for Germany .
Any Polish division in front of Soviet Russia was as good as a Ger-
man division .)
January 6. Beck confers with Ribbentrop at Munich . Ribbentrop asks
the "reunion of Danzig with Germany" and proposes to guarantee
"in the most generous manner" Polish economic interests . Ribben-
trop also proposes that if Poland would agree to a German "extra-
territorial motor road and railway across the Corridor," Germany
would "guarantee the Corridor and all Poland's present positions ."
January 23 . Chamberlain's new war speech . Announcing the introduc-
tion of the National Service : "It is a project that must make us
prepared for war ."
Analytical Chronology / xlvii
January 25 . New arrests, assassinations and tortures of Legionaries in
Rumania, in connection with the discovery of a "Legionary con-
spiracy ." The young Lucia Grecu, having been savagely tortured,
is killed by jumping from the third floor of the Police Prefecture in
Bucharest when she feels she can resist her tormentors no longer .
January 25-27 . Ribbentrop in Warsaw . Renews Germany's proposals :
Danzig politically German, economically fully Polish . Extraterri-
torial railway and highway connection, of one kilometer width,
between the two Germanies . Same extraterritorial connections for
Poland through Danzig territory towards her free port in Danzig .
Reciprocal guarantee of frontiers . Sincere and earnest desire of
Hitler to achieve with Poland, permanent friendship by "an appro-
priate working agreement ."
January 28 . Chamberlain's speech in Birmingham . Great Britain must
prepare herself to defend not only her territory but also "the
principle of liberty ."
February 8. Six Legionaries arrested in Bucharest and immediately mur-
dered by Armand Calinescu's police .
February 22 . Chamberlain's speech in Blackburn : "Ships, guns and am-
munition are produced by our shipyards and factories with an in-
creased acceleration . . . . Even if the whole world be against us
we will win ." All of these provocative demonstrations on Great
Britain's side (there were also the speeches of Churchill, Eden, Duff
Cooper, etc .) went on while Berlin reiterated incessantly its gen-
erous and friendly proposals to Poland .
March 6. Armand Calinescu becomes Prime Minister on the death of
Patriarch Cristea.
March 14 . Monsignor Josef Tiso proclaims the independence of his
country, Slovakia . (After General Stefanik's murder, the Pittsburgh
Agreement between Czechs and Slovaks, promising autonomy to the
latter, was torn to pieces by Bene"s . Monsignor Tiso was kept in prison
for years by the Prague Government .)
March 15 . German troops enter Prague . Bohemia a German protecto-
rate . Contrary to the still prevailing information, it was not this
German move that provoked the abandonment by the Western
Powers of their peace-minded Munich attitude, but the other way
March 15 . From Count Ciano's Diaries : ". . . German troops began
their occupation of Bohemia . . . . It is useless to deny that all
this concerns and humiliates the Italian people . It is necessary to
give them a satisfaction and compensation : Albania ."
March 21 . Sir Howard Kennard, the British Ambassador in Warsaw,
offers Poland, in the name of his Government, a Pact of Consulta-
xlviii / Analytical Chronology
tion and Resistance to include Great Britain, France, Poland, and
the Soviet Union .
March 24 . The German Ambassador in Warsaw tells of great activity
between the Polish Foreign Office and the British Embassy . Miro-
slav Arciczewski, the Polish Undersecretary of State, complains to
the German Ambassador about British and French intrigues in
Warsaw, that do not take into consideration the dangers to which
Poland is exposed .
March 26. Ambassador Lipski brings to Ribbentrop Poland's answer to
Germany's proposals of October 1938 . Poland rejects them totally .
Beck will not go to Berlin in answer to Hitler's invitation and in
exchange for Ribbentrop's visit to Warsaw, so long as Germany
will not abandon explicitly the idea of a German Danzig and of an
extraterritorial strip of 1,000 meter width across the Polish Corri-
dor. Should Germany insist, it would mean war .
March 31 . Chamberlain announces in the House of Commons that the
British Government considers itself bound to come immediately to
Poland's aid the moment the Polish Government feels that it is to
its interest to resist any action, that in its estimation, would put
Poland's existence in danger . The unconditional guarantee given
to Poland, by France, and Great Britain, which later will be given
to Rumania, concerns only the western borders of the country, not
the frontiers with Soviet Russia . A detail to which the governments
Oof Poland and Rumania gave no great importance .
April 6. Italian ultimatum to King Zogu I of Albania .
April 7 . Italian occupation of Albania.
April 13 . Paris and London inform Bucharest that in answering King
Carol's demand they guarantee Rumania's western borders . As
opposed to Germany's offer (which will be repeated once more)
these guarantees leave us open to Soviet aggression ; they constituted
somehow an invitation to such an aggression .
April 18. Grigore Gafencu, new Minister of Foreign Affairs of Rumania,
invited to Berlin . Before contemplating a fateful change of policy
towards Soviet Russia, Hitler decides to renew once more his offer
to guarantee the borders and to rearm Rumania's forces . Both
Hitler and Goring warn Gafencu that "Rumania will be abandoned
to the covetousness of her neighbors," if she persists in her hostile
policy towards Germany . (In Paris and London Gafencu receives
instructions and gives assurances to the respective governments . In
Rome he tries to persuade Ciano to join the Western Powers .)
July 10 . Niculeta Nicolescu, head of the Legionary Women's Organiza-
tion, arrested by Calinescu's police seeking information regarding
Analytical Chronology / xlix
an alleged Legionary conspiracy . She is tortured and violated . After
her breasts are cut off, she is put to death .
July 12 . Chamberlain's fateful declarations in the House of Commons
which deprive him and his Government of any possibility of being
an impartial arbiter, or even an intermediary, between Germany
and Poland in the Danzig question . Fully adopting Poland's in-
transigent attitude he states that : "The present status of Danzig
could not be considered as illegal or unjust . . . . We hope that the
Free City will prove once more that different nationalities can
collaborate when their interest demands it ."
August 4 . Upon uncontrolled and mistaken information the Polish
Government sends a wanton ultimatum to the Danzig Senate .
August 9. Germany warns Poland that any further comminatory notes
to Danzig will result in strained Polish-German relations with Po-
land being responsible .
August 10 . In a strongly worded note the Polish Government warns
Germany that "any future intervention by the latter to the detri-
ment of Polish rights and interests at Danzig would be considered
as an act of aggression ."
On or about August 12. Fabricius, the German Envoy in Bucharest,
phoned Gheorghe Bratianu that he had been instructed by Marshal
Goring to ask him to try once more to convince King Carol and his
Government of the necessity to give without delay to Germany the
guarantee that Rumania will not permit Soviet troops to pass a&oss
her territory . If this guarantee were not given there would be a
change in Germany's foreign policy very detrimental to Rumania's
interests. The warning was transmitted . Carol and his ministers did
not pay it any attention .
August 15 . German State Secretary Baron Ernst von Weizsacker warns
Sir Nevile Henderson, the British Ambassador in Berlin, that the
situation is extremely serious . Sir Nevile suggests a new German
initiative in Warsaw. Weizsacker answers that a German initiative
is unthinkable in view of Beck's speech declaring that Poland was
prepared to talk only if Germany would first accept the principle
he had laid down ; in view of the senseless ultimatum to the Danzig
Senate and in view of the comminatory note of August 10 to the
German Government . The same warning was repeated three days
later from the same quarter to the British and the French Ambassa-
dors .
August 19. Trade and credit agreement between Germany and the Soviet
Union .
August 22. Chamberlain's letter to Hitler :
1 / Analytical Chronology
"Your Excellency will have already heard of certain measures
taken by His Majesty's Government, and announced in the press
and on the wireless this evening .
"These steps have, in the opinion of His Majesty's Government,
been rendered necessary by the military movements which have
been reported from Germany, and by the fact that apparently the
announcement of a German-Soviet Agreement is taken in some
quarters in Berlin to indicate that intervention by Great Britain
on behalf of Poland is no longer a contingency that need be reck-
oned with . No greater mistake could be made . Whatever may prove
to be the nature of the German-Soviet Agreement, it cannot alter
Great Britain's obligation to Poland which His Majesty's Govern-
ment has stated in public repeatedly and plainly, and which they
are determined to fulfill . . . .
August 23 . Hitler's reply to Chamberlain :
" . . . Germany was prepared to settle the questions of Danzig
and of the Corridor by the method of negotiation on the basis of
truly unparalleled magnanimity . The allegations disseminated by
England regarding a German mobilization against Poland, the as-
sertion of aggressive designs towards Rumania, Hungary, etc ., as
well as the so-called guarantee declarations which were subsequently
given had, however, dispelled Polish inclination to negotiate on a
basis of this kind which would have been tolerable for Germany
also .
. . The German Reich Government has received information
11 *

to the effect that the British Government has the intention to

carry out measures of mobilization which, according to the state-
ments contained in your own letter, are clearly directed against
Germany alone . . . . I therefore inform your Excellency that, in
the event of these military announcements being carried into effect,
I shall order immediate mobilization of the German forces ."
August 23 . Ribbentrop-Molotov Agreement of Non-aggression and Eco-
nomic Collaboration for ten years . The British and French Special
Military Missions leave Moscow .
August 24 . Anglo-Polish Military Agreement .
August 25 . Suicide of Colonel Slawek with two bullets in his body .
Slawek was a stubborn and influential partisan of Pilsudski's policy
towards Germany.
August 25 . Hitler-Henderson meeting . The British Ambassador reports
Hitler's declarations : "Poland's provocations have become intol-
erable . He has decided to put an end to these macedonian situa-
tions . But he has no intention of being small-minded in an arrange-
ment with Poland . Nor has he the intention of asking Great Britain
Analytical Chronology / li
to break her commitments with Warsaw ." Hitler makes new propos-
als to Great Britain whose friendship he has always sought . Hitler
asks Sir Nevile to leave the same day for London with his proposals .
August 27. Birger Dahlerus, a Swedish businessman and friend of
Goring, who had seen Hitler the day before, lands in Croyden in
Goring's personal aircraft and hands Lord Halifax Hitler's proposals
for a peaceful conclusion of the Danzig and Corridor affairs . These
proposals are substantially the same as those which will be pro-
posed by Germany August 30 .
August 28. Henderson back from London . Chamberlain asks precisions
concerning Hitler's intentions towards Poland .
August 29 . Hitler's answer is affirmative on all counts . Renews his
friendly sentiments and intentions towards the British Empire .
"Germany has never intended to endanger Poland's vital interests ."
Germany accepts Britain's offer to intervene for the presence in
Berlin of a Polish plenipotentiary. Sir Nevile asks if this diplomat
would be assured of a courteous reception and if negotiations would
be conducted on a basis of perfect equality. Hitler answers, "Of
coursel" Henderson observes that the short term of thirty-six hours
seemed like an ultimatum . Hitler and Ribbentrop observe that it
was not an ultimatum at all, but had the purpose of stressing the
urgency of a situation where two armies completely mobilized were
confronting each other. What Hitler and Ribbentrop could not
tell Henderson was their anxiety about the precarious situation on
the Western Front where five German divisions manned the Sieg-
fried Line in front of the whole French Army and possibly quickly-
transported British reinforcements .
August 30 . Upon Britain's insistence Germany agrees to an extension
of twenty-four hours to permit a Polish negotiator, who naturally
might have been Lipski, to present himself at the Wilhelmstrasse .
At midnight Sir Nevile Henderson hears Germany's proposals for
a basis of negotiations ; early next morning Goring sends Hender-
son the full text . "Those proposals are in general not too unrea-
sonable," says Sir Nevile in his Final Report. Pierre and Renee
Gosset in their rabid anti-German book Hitler declare : "It was a
proposal of extreme moderation . It was in fact an offer that no
Allied statesman could have rejected in good faith ." They, how-
ever, rejected it. Why?
August 31. Henderson informs Lipski of neither the first term (August
30, Midnight) nor the second (August 31, Midnight) . Instead of
stressing the deadly necessity of seeing the German Foreign Minis-
ter before midnight the 31st, he dissuades him from doing it
at all . In his Final Report : "I suggested that he recommend to
Iii / Analytical Chronology
his Government an interview between Marshal Smigly-Rydz and
Goring . I felt obliged to add that I could not conceive of the suc-
cess of any negotiations if they were conducted by Herr v . Rib-
bentrop ." Henderson is aware that this dilatory recommendation
means war . In fact he recognizes it implicitly in the same Final
Report .
August 31 . From a telegram of Lipski to Beck : "Mr . Coulondre, the
French Ambassador, has told me that Nevile Henderson has
been informed through German contacts, that the German Govern-
ment had the intention of waiting until midnight August 31st .
Coulondre advises me to inform the German Government, only
after midnight, that the Polish Embassy was always at its reach ."
Coulondre, it seems, was no more eager than Henderson to see a
fruitful meeting between Ribbentrop and Lipski . This meeting, on
the other hand, had been condemned days ago to a tragic end
because of the orders sent to Lipski by the Polish Government .
August 31 . From the telegram of Sir Howard Kennard, British Ambas-
sador in Warsaw, to Lord Halifax, received in London at 7 :30 a.m. :
"I have asked Mr . Beck what would be the attitude of the Polish
Ambassador in Berlin if Herr v. Ribbentrop will communicate to
him the German proposals . He answered that Lipski has been for-
bidden to receive such a document ."
August 31 . Telegram to Beck from Lipski who days before has been
strictly forbidden to accept any written proposals from Ribbentrop
or anybody's hands, even if it were only for reading them : "I have
been received by Mr. v . Ribbentrop at 6 :30 p.m. I have obeyed
instructions received and told him that I was not empowered to
negotiate . Mr . v. Ribbentrop repeated that he believed I had such
powers . He told me that he would report my visit to the Chancel-
September 1 . Hostilities begin between Germany and Poland . From
Sir Nevile Henderson's Final Report: "The Wehrmacht asked YES
or NO, as the success of its plan depended largely on the rapid
occupation of Poland, and on the conclusion as rapidly as possible
of the operations on the Eastern Front. Bad weather could start
at any moment and was one of the best defenses of Poland against
the German Army which was almost entirely motorized . However,
because of Hitler's hesitation, one week had already been lost ."
Each day increased the possibility of a Franco-British attack on
the Western Front, an attack that never took place despite the
Franco-British guarantees given to Poland.
September 1 . Danger of peacel Mussolini's proposals : Suspension of
hostilities, immediate convening of a Conference of the Big Powers,
Analytical Chronology / liii
Poland included, to discuss terms for a peaceful agreement. Im-
mediate acceptance of Mussolini's proposals by Germany, France,
and Poland . Categorical British rejection, asking withdrawal of
the German troops from the part of Polish territory (thirty kilo-
meters deep) which they had already occupied . Remarkable fact :
The British Government does not consult Warsaw before taking
this fateful decision . Acceptance by London of the Italian propos-
als would have spared Poland the Soviet onslaught .
September 2 . Coulondre's telegram to Daladier : "Stay firm, Hitler will
knuckle under [se degon flera] ." Intrigues of Reynaud, Mandel,
and Leger ; pressure by Great Britain . Subordination of Daladier
to the Anonymous Forces . France revokes her acceptance of the
proposals of Mussolini which would have saved Poland and her
independence and spared the world World War II . Count de Saint-
Aulaire's predictions, made eight years before, come true : "Col-
lective security, indivisible peace . . . this means simply a pro-
Soviet crusade in the event of a German-Russian conflict ."
September 3 . Great Britain and France declare war on Germany.
September 4 . Goring's speech . A last effort, with Hitler's consent, to
reach a settlement with Poland . This speech backed by Hitler's
meaningful visit to Pilsudski's grave countered by fiery British,
French, and American pressures in Warsaw . (No historian of those
fateful days has, to our knowledge, ever mentioned this fact .)
September 6 . The German Command asks the Polish Command to
evacuate the non-combatants, especially women and children, in
case it intends to defend Warsaw. Poland's answer : "Warsaw will
be defended, nobody will be evacuated ."
September 17. The Red Army invades Poland .
September 21 . Execution of Armand Cilinescu, the murderer of Cor-
neliu Codreanu and of so many Legionaries, young men and girls,
by a group of nine Legionaries. They give themselves up immedi-
ately at the first police precinct . They are immediately executed
after routine torture, their bodies left for days where they had
fallen .
September 21-22 . Massacre of four hundred Legionaries . Their bodies
left at the country's crossroads for several days .
September 27 . After a prolonged bombardment Warsaw is taken . The
Western Powers neither break their diplomatic relations with
Moscow nor declare war on her . FINIS POLONIAE! (When Gen-
eral Kazimierz Sosnkowski, Supreme Commander of the Polish
troops fighting on the Western Front in 1944, reminded his sol-
diers that "Poland entered this war four years earlier because of
the urging of Great Britain" at Churchill's insistence Sosnkowski
liv / Analytical Chronology
was deprived of his command for having recalled what had to be
forgotten .)
September 28. Germany and Soviet Union divide Poland .
October 6 . Hitler's peace offer rejected by France and Great Britain .
November 30 . The Red Army attacks Finland. The Western Powers do
not react . Later Churchill will declare war on Finland .
December 14 . Soviet Russia expelled from a defunct League of Nations .
The Western Powers maintain their diplomatic relations with

March-April . Massacre in Katyn and in the Arctic of 15,000 young
Polish officers . Fitting preface to Teheran and Yalta.
April 9 . German invasion of Norway, beating the Franco-British inva-
sion by twelve hours . Naval battle of Narvik.
May 6 . Horia Sima, the young Legionary leader, leaves Berlin with a
group of comrades and secretly enters Rumania .
May 11 . Great Britain starts indiscriminate bombing of civilian popula-
tion, a purely terrorist rather than a military action, a thing that
had until then not occurred in this war .
May 19 . Horia Sima is arrested . Meanwhile Carol starts negotiations
with other Legionary leaders . Carol is impressed by Germany's vic-
tories. The Legionaries would like to save Horia Sima's life .
May 28-June 22 . German Blitzkrieg in the West . Armistice between
France and Germany . At the Armistice ceremony, as Feldmarschall
Wilhelm Keitel and the French General Charles Huntziger face
each other with tears in their eyes, Keitel declares : "I cannot, as
a soldier, let this occasion pass by without expressing to you my
sympathy for the sad moments you have experienced as a French-
man . You can be comforted however by knowing, as I state it here
expressly, that your soldiers have fought with their usual gallantry ."
Both soldiers exchanged a long handshake . Six years later in similar
circumstances Feldmarschall Keitel was hanged in Nurnberg .
May-June . German military authorities warn the Rumanian Military
Attache in Berlin of Soviet Russia's military preparations at our
frontiers . Grigore Gafencu, the Rumanian Foreign Minister, refuses
to believe the warnings of Colonel Vorobchievici and accuses him of
alarmism .
June 1 . After eighteen months as Foreign Minister, Gafencu resigns .
June 10. Mussolini declares war on already-defeated France and on
Great Britain .
June 13 . Horia Sima liberated . Audience with the King .
Analytical Chronology / Iv
June 25. A new Government in Bucharest . Some Legionaries partic-
ipating as undersecretaries in secondary departments .
June 26. Soviet ultimatum . Rumania to start evacuation of Bessarabia
immediately and to terminate in four days . Carol complies.
July 3 . In consideration of the new dangers at the Rumanian frontiers,
Horia Sima consents to participate in a new Government .
July 7 . Realizing that Carol's attitude, in front of these new dangers,
will be as cowardly as in the Bessarabian affair, Horia Sima re-
signs .
July 27 . Gafencu appointed Rumanian Envoy to Moscow .
August 3 . Horia Sima with Legionary leaders in audience with Carol .
Sima states that only a Legionary Government can save Rumania
from new territorial mutilation and asks for full responsibility .
No understanding is reached .
August 29-30 . Arbitration of Vienna . The work of the anti-Rumanian
Ciano. Half of Rumanian Transylvania given to Hungary. Mean-
while a part of the Dobruja province has been retroceded to
Bulgaria .

September 1 . Horia Sima broadcasts a manifest demanding Carol's
September 3 . At 9 p.m. the Legionary Revolution breaks out . Fighting
in Bucharest, Brasov, Constanta . The army does not react with
conviction . Nine Legionaries killed. The public buildings are oc-
cupied . The Palace is surrounded . General Coroama, Commander
of the Bucharest Army Corps, refuses to order his soldiers to fire
upon Legionaries .
September 5-6 . Triumph of the Legionary Revolution . King Carol
abdicates in favor of his son Michael and leaves Rumania .
September 14 . Formal understanding between the Legionary Movement
and General Antonescu, sanctioned by King Michael . Proclama-
tion of the National Legionary State . Formation of the National
Legionary Government : General Ion Antonescu, President (Con-
ductorul Statului-the Head of State) ; Horia Sima, Vice President
and Commandant of the Legionary Movement ; Prince Michel
Sturdza, Minister of Foreign Affairs ; General Petrovicescu, Min-
ister of the Interior; General Pantazi, Minister of Defense ; Mihai
Antonescu, Minister of Justice ; Vasile Iasinschi, Minister of Health
and Labor ; Professor Braileanu, Minister of Public Education ;
Gheorghe Cretzianu, Minister of Finance ; Ion Protopopescu, Min-
lvi / Analytical Chronology

ister of Public Works; Cancicov, Minister of Industry and Com-

November 14. Rumania being absolutely deprived of armored defense
and under the constant menace of the Red Army, the National
Legionary Government asks Germany for two tank units . They are
immediately sent with the necessary instructors in order to train
Rumanian crews. Thanks to the squandering of government funds
by Carol and his Governments, these few tanks will be the only
modern weapons with which Rumania will enter World War II .
Mussolini protests, and suggests that Rumania also ask for the
presence of Italian troops . His wish cannot be granted .
(October 28. Obsessed by the idea of doing no less than Hitler and
considering that Rumania has been "occupied" by Germany, Mus-
solini attacks Greece unexpectedly and without any visible reason
but in order also to occupy something.)
November 14-16. Antonescu and Sturdza visit Rome . Courteous but
strained reception .
November 20 . Antonescu and Sturdza visit Berlin . Rumania's adhesion
to the Tripartite (intended to be Quadripartite) Pact, signed by
Antonescu, not by Sturdza . Antonescu leaves Berlin on November
24 ; Sturdza six days later.
November 29. The second night in Jilava .
December 15 . Antonescu-Sturdza conflict . Sturdza forced to resign .

January 15 . Antonescu visits Hitler in Salzburg. Hitler announces
impending war with Soviet Russia ; asks for Rumania's collabora-
tion . Antonescu pretends that he must first liquidate the Legionary
Movement which is "an element of trouble," but forgets to ask for
more than a promise of modern war materiel for the Rumanian
Army . The condition sine qua non ought to have been the prior
delivery of this materiel . All through the campaign in Russia, the
Rumanian troops were completely deprived of adequate materiel .
January 19 . Conflict between General Antonescu and General Petro-
vicescu, the Minister of the Interior and a friend of the Legionary
Movement . Petrovicescu forced to resign .
January 21 . The district prefects, all Legionaries, called to Bucharest
by Antonescu for an alleged conference . In the absence of the
prefects, the colonels with the highest grade in each locality are
ordered to occupy and take charge of the prefectures . (It was under
colonel-prefects, during Carol's regime, that four hundred Legionar-
ies were massacred.)
January 21 . Antonescu coup against his own government . Passive but
Analytical Chronology / lvii
stubborn resistance of the Legionaries . Barricaded in the buildings
they are lawfully occupying, they fire over the soldiers' heads .
Legionaries are killed . No Rumanian soldier is killed or wounded .
January 21 . Antonescu asks for Hitler's advice and help . Hitler's an-
swer: "Liquidate the Movement ." The German forces in Rumania
ordered to help Antonescu crush the Movement .
Night of January 22-23 . Dr . Neubacher, the German Charge d'Affaires,
is received by Sima . He is the bearer of a solemn promise from
both Antonescu and Hitler of complete impunity for Legionaries,
and suggests participation of the Movement in a new Government,
if resistance ends before noon, January 23rd .
January 23 . Legionary resistance ceases in Bucharest before eight o'clock
and in the provinces before eleven o'clock . Nevertheless Anto-
nescu's forces start massacre of peaceful crowds on Bucharest's cen-
tral avenue . According to Antonescu's official statistics there are 360
dead among whom many are women and children . No Legionaries
among them ; they had already peacefully withdrawn, conforming
to Horia Sima's orders .
January-June . Arrests, summary trials, condemnations, and many execu-
tions of Legionaries by Antonescu, under the protection of the Ger-
man forces and with the approbation of the new German Envoy,
Baron Manfred von Killinger . Legionaries who succeed, with the
help of the National Socialist Party, in reaching Germany or
Austria are immediately interned by German authorities .
February 10. Great Britain severs diplomatic relations with Rumania .
March 1. Bulgaria adheres to the Tripartite Pact . German troops begin
crossing Rumanian territory in order to help the Italian Army in
full route in the Balkans.
March 27. Italy's insensate ambitions over Croatia and other Yugoslav
territories ; her unexplainable attack on Greece, and Western in-
trigues in Belgrade, result in the coup of General Du"san Simovic,
Chief of the Yugoslav General Staff, and the beginning of Yugoslav-
German hostilities .
June 11-12 . Antonescu visits Hitler in Munich. Full agreement concern-
ing the cooperation of the two armies against Soviet Russia . Prom-
ise of massive armaments to Rumania . (This materiel was not
delivered until the last weeks of the war .)
June 22. Germany, Rumania, and Finland at war with Soviet Russia .
Finland's gallant army limits its operation to the recovery of her
former frontiers . Italy and Hungary join with token contingents .
(Later Danish, Norwegian, Dutch, Belgian, French, and Spanish
legions of volunteers will enter the anti-Communist crusade . This
will be the first and perhaps the last and unique joint effort of
lviii / Analytical Chronology
defenders of Western Civilization to crush the Nameless Beast
before being devoured by it . These volunteers attempting to oppose
the Great Design of the Anonymous Powers, when back in their
countries, will everywhere, except in Spain, be sentenced to long
prison terms or be executed .)
June 22 . All Legionaries in Antonescu's prisons or in German concentra-
tion camps ask to be sent to the front . Their demand rejected by
both the Rumanian and German Governments.
July-November. Victorious advance of the German and Rumanian
troops on the Southern Russian Front.
July 30-31 . Harry Hopkins in Moscow .
August 21 . Antonescu promotes himself to the rank of Marshal .
October-December . Battle and retreat from Moscow.
October 16. Odessa taken by Rumanian troops after some of the blood-
iest combat of the Eastern War . Antonescu's increasing insanity
causes him to refuse Germany's offer of heavy artillery, armored
units, and bombers, which the Rumanian troops are totally lack-
ing . These troops suffered 75,000 casualties . Four divisions had to
be sent home for reorganization and replenishment .
December 7 . Pearl Harborl "The day of infamy" that permitted Frank-
lin Delano Roosevelt to trample over every solemnly repeated
promise he had given to the mothers and wives in the United
States . It gave him the opportunity to ask the United States Senate
to authorize sending an expeditionary corps to Europe, an oppor-
tunity he and his mentors had looked and worked for since Sep-
tember 1939 . Britain declares war on Rumania .
December 12 . The German Minister Manfred von Killinger and the
Italian Minister Bova Scoppa force Mihai Antonescu, the Ruma-
nian Foreign Minister, to declare war on the United States, a mis-
take Finland refused to make.
May-July . Difficult but continuously victorious advance of the German
and Rumanian Armies on the Southern Russian Front . Kerch,
Sebastopol, and the whole of Crimea taken . Hundreds of thousands
of prisoners and enormous amounts of war booty taken . After the
capture of Rostov, half of the German and Rumanian troops that
were destined to encircle and take Stalingrad are sent to the Cauca-
sus in order to conquer the oil producing territories . (This was
a fatal mistake-opposed vainly by the Rumanian command . Other-
wise Stalingrad would, very likely, have been taken by surprise .
Once more it was forgotten that the destruction of the enemy forces
is the purpose of war and that economic or other interests are
cared for after victory .)
Analytical Chronology / lix

August 6-September 3 . Crossing of the Don . The Fourth Rumanian

Army takes its position along a line 100 kilometers south-west of
Stalingrad, without any armored or motorized units, with horse-
drawn artillery and with no possibility of building a significant
reserve for this sector with only 180,000 men to cover it . High and
low-ranking Rumanian officers signal the danger of the situation
to the German command : Weakness of the line and insufficient
armament to hold the front against continuously increasing masses
of enemy troops and armament .
October 1-11 . The Rumanian Third Army takes position along the
Don, north of Stalingrad : Seven divisions no better armed than
the Fourth Army in charge of a front of 120 kilometers and facing
countless Soviet divisions provided with the best, modern and
abundant armament by Russia's Western allies . The German com-
mand opposes the Rumanian suggestion to liquidate immediately
the bridgehead the Red troops had kept on the right shore of the
Don . This front must be kept quiet . No maneuvering . Stalingrad
will be taken by frontal attack .
November 19 . Beginning of the great Soviet offensive on the Don and
the Volga, against the Rumanian Armies north and south of Sta-
lingrad. The front pierced by Soviet tank divisions . Five Rumanian
divisions lost . The Italian and Hungarian contingents included in
the debacle .
November 19-20 . After one month of sterile frontal attacks by the
German troops, retreat from Stalingrad .
End of November . First secret contacts between Antonescu's Govern-
ment and the Western Powers . The contact between the enemy
and the politicians led by Iuliu Maniu, chief of the National
Peasant Party, had already started in the very first days of Ruma-
nia's war against Soviet Russia, when Maniu organized a secret sys-
tem of information for the Western Powers which was sending
this information to the Soviet command . Repeated Legionary warn-
ings in Berlin and in Bucharest to the German Envoy are totally
January 2 . Antonescu visits Hitler . Reconciliation after crisis of recip-
rocal incriminations concerning the Stalingrad disaster .
January 19 . Mihai Antonescu, the Rumanian Foreign Minister, asks
Mussolini to take the lead of a Latin League including the minor
belligerents and to start negotiations with the Western Powers .
February 1-15 . Contact between the emissaries of Mihai Antonescu in
Bern with the Western Powers, through the Papal Nuncio Bernar-
dini ; and in Bucharest through the Turkish Ambassador .
lx / Analytical Chronology
February 2. The German General Hansen reports to Hitler concerning
the Rumanian troops in the Crimea and the Caucasus : "All the
Rumanian units show an indomitable will to resist the Red Army's
advance ; distinguished among them are the First and Second Divi-
sions of the Mountain Corps and the Ninth Division ." It is not at
the front that betrayal is prepared .
July 1 . Mihai Antonescu again in Rome, suggests that Mussolini begin
immediate negotiations with the Western Powers .
July 25-26. Mussolini kidnapped by King Victor Emmanuel ; abandoned
by the majority of the Fascist leaders, but not by his Black Shirts .
July-August . Renewed warning by Legionary leaders in Berlin and in
Bucharest . Killinger, the German Envoy, absolutely ignorant of
what is going on around him, disregards them all .
September 23 . Antonescu visits Hitler . Hitler asks him not to receive an
anti-Mussolini Italian Envoy, and to dismiss Mihai Antonescu .
Marshal Antonescu refuses to comply . Hitler, deceived until then
by the reassuring reports from his Envoy in Bucharest, begins to
understand the real attitude of Rumania's leaders .
November 28-December 1 . Teheran Conference where Roosevelt is a
guest, not of the United States Embassy, but of the Soviet Embassy .
Joins the murderers of Katyn in recommending the assassination
of 40,000 German officers after victory . Admits all the territorial
pretensions of Stalin in Europe . Asks only that this arrangement
be kept secret until after the Presidential elections in the United
States . In Ankara, Eden tells the Foreign Minister of Turkey that
Soviet Russia will be given a free hand in the Balkans after the
December 24 . Beginning in Stockholm of secret negotiations between
Marshal Antonescu's emissaries and members of the Soviet Embassy .
(Not even Antonescu had fully realized the implacability of the
Communist Beast and the impossibilities of any arrangement, be-
tween Soviet Russia and her neighbors, which would not finally
engulf them in Communist-dominated territory .)


March 17 . Barbu Stirbei in Cairo sent by Iuliu Martin and Dinu Bra-
tianu, chief of the Liberal Party, with the approbation of King
Michael, in order to discuss secretly conditions of a separate peace
or an armistice with the Western Allies . (The error of the King and
of the politicians was as great as that of Marshal Antonescu : In
the policy and the intentions of the Western leaders there was
Analytical Chronology / lxi
no trace of anti-Communist solidarity, a situation which prevails
even today in the Western chancelleries .)
March 18. Stirbei is informed that the subject of discussion can be only
about "operational details concerning the overthrow of the Anto-
nescu regime and its replacement by a Government prepared to
accept unconditional surrender ." The conditions of this surrender,
already established between the Western Powers and Soviet Rus-
sia, are imparted to the Rumanian emissaries only towards the end
of August .
April 18 . Harriman's telegram from Moscow to the United States Secre-
tary of State : "In my talk with Molotov last evening he told me that
the Rumanian troops were still fighting the Red Army and that
those who surrendered had done so only after battle . In the Crimea
the resistance was particularly stubborn as the Rumanian divisions
there consisted of better trained troops ." Meanwhile Maniu, Bra-
tianu, and King Michael were asking for a powerful Soviet offen-
sive, for a Soviet debarkment in Dobruja and for the bombing of
various Rumanian localities .
May 12 . Roosevelt's "Dear Peter" letter to the young King of Yugoslavia,
ordering him most affectionately to dismiss General Drala Mihailo-
vich, the legendary hero of the Yugoslav resistance, as Minister of
National Defense, and to replace him by Broz-Tito, the Communist
leader, hated by the Yugoslav people and without military value as
an ally.
June 1. The Rumanian emissaries in Cairo are informed that "further
negotiations would serve no purpose" and that Mr . Maniu "should
follow the advice already given him by sending an officer to make
direct contact with the Red Army on the front ."
June 6. Invasion of France .
June 29. A certain Constantin Visoianu, Maniu's new emissary who ar-
rived in Cairo on May 25, has authority which prevails over Stir-
bei's . Contrary to what was occurring in Stockholm, and in a certain
measure until then in Cairo, Visoianu abandons any effort to secure
desirable guarantees for Rumania . He accepts, in Maniu's name,
unconditional surrender, expressing only Maniu's hope that the con-
ditions finally imposed will not be too severe . He also transmits
Maniu's plans and proposals : "The change of government shall
take place simultaneously with a massive Soviet offensive ." Maniu
also asks for a debarkment in Dobruja, for Allied bombing raids,
for three airborne brigades, and two thousand parachutist troops :
"Whether these Allied contingents are to be Anglo-American or
Russian is left to the decision of the Supreme Allied Command ."
King Michael, and the Patriotic Democratic Front, which has been
lxii / Analytical Chronology
formed with the Communists, are in full accord with those pro-
posals .
July 2. United States Political Adviser Robert Murphy to Washington :
"The Allies are warned against any illusion that any understanding
is possible with Antonescu ." The Marshal is negotiating with the
Rumanian Army behind him whereas the politicians are preparing
the disarmament of our troops and the kidnapping of their Com-
July 9-August 7 . Between those two dates Maniu reiterates, four times,
his proposals without receiving any answer from the Allied repre-
sentatives other than that those proposals have been transmitted to
their respective Governments .
August 5-6. Last meeting between Hitler and Antonescu .
August 20. Beginning of the great Russian offensive in northern Mol-
August 21 . Observing the failure of his negotiations with the Soviets in
Stockholm and in full agreement with General Fiessner, Com-
mander of the German troops on the Rumanian Front, Marshal
Antonescu decides to organize a powerful resistance on the Focsani-
Namoloasa-Galati Line . Betrayed in his intentions by the Generals
Aldea, Racovitza, Sanatescu, and Steflea .
August 23 . Antonescu and his Foreign Minister are summoned by King
Michael . They are kidnapped in the Palace and delivered to the
Communist agent Bodnaras .
August 23, ten p.m. King Michael's proclamation broadcast to his
troops, declaring that an armistice has been signed with the Rus-
sian command . Consequently he orders his army to cease any re-
sistance . (No armistice had been signed and the result of this deceit
to his soldiers was the capture and transfer to Russia and Siberia of
sixteen Rumanian divisions and the abandonment of Antonescu's
orders regarding the occupation of the Focsani-Namaloasa-Galati
Front .)
August 24 . Considering that the Bucharest Government had committed
an act of treason against the Rumanian people and their destiny by
the arrest of Marshal Antonescu, the head of the Rumanian Army,
and by handing him over to Soviet agents, Horia Sima and the Le-
gionaries who were then in Germany, or free in other countries, de-
cided to continue the fight against Rumania's implacable enemy
with every means at their disposition . They start immediately the
formation of the Rumanian National Army with all the Legionar-
ies and all Rumanian volunteers then in Germany and with all
those who succeeded in joining them by crossing into Hungarian
and Austrian territory .
Analytical Chronology / lxiii
August 30 . Rumania's new Government, including numerous Commu-
nists following Italy's shameful example, declares war on its former
August 31 . Plundering, destroying, murdering and raping, the Soviet
hordes occupy the whole of Rumania's territory and enter Bucha-
rest. No Convention of Armistice having been signed or even dis-
cussed, the Red troops behave as on enemy territory .
September 13 . The Convention of Armistice falsely announced twenty-
one days before is finally signed on the dotted line in Moscow by
the Rumanian delegates. It is an unconditional capitulation that
put Rumania entirely in Soviet hands .
September 12-December 5 . Under the pressure of the Red Army, the
successive Governments in Rumania are more and more of a Com-
munist character. General Radescu, last non-Communist Prime
Minister, attempts a timid resistance to this disastrous flow of
December 9 . U.S. Representative Burton Y . Berry cables Washington
that Iuliu Maniu told John Le Rougetel, the British Representa-
tive in Bucharest, and him that "if he [Maniu] had known the So-
viets were to be given a free hand in application of armistice terms
he would not have advised the King to sign the armistice . He ar-
gued that his pressure and the Rumanian action which resulted
from it had actually advanced the Focsani-Galati Line, which might
have been held a long time, to the very gates of Budapest." That
was the line upon which Antonescu and the loyal military leaders
wanted to organize the national resistance when the Marshal, on
Martin's advice, was kidnapped by King Michael and delivered to
the Communists .
December 10 . Formal constitution in Vienna of the Rumanian National
Government . Five Legionaries : Horia Sima, Prince Michel Sturdza,
Vasile Iachinschi, Corneliu Gheorghescu, Professor Manollescu ; and
three non-Legionaries : General Chirnoaga, Professor Singheorghe,
Wladimir Christi.
February 7-11 . Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill meet in Yalta . The West-
ern Powers' side of the Conference is entirely controlled by Harry
Hopkins and Alger Hiss, later to be convicted for denying under oath,
and contrary to testimonies and evidence produced, that he was
a Soviet agent . Poland sacrificed . Europe is dismembered . Ten Eu-
ropean countries and one-third of Germany is left in Soviet hands,
while from the Baltic States, from Poland, from East Germany, and
from Rumania, millions of human beings are torn from their an-
lxiv / Analytical Chronology
cestral homes and sent to Siberian Arctic extermination camps . To
Maniu and Bratianu who complain to Roosevelt and Churchill
about these barbarous proceedings, these statesmen who proclaimed
the "Three Liberties" and signed the Atlantic Charter, answer that
Soviet Russia has been allowed "to use manpower" as partial pay-
ment of war indemnities .
February 11 . After a few verbal patriotic capers, General Radescu, the
Rumanian Prime Minister, takes refuge in the British Legation .
After a few months of hibernation he flees in disguise to Cyprus
and Portugal .
February 13 . After Hamburg, Berlin, Frankfort, and many other cities,
the terrorist bombardment of Dresden . Estimated casualties : About
300,000 victims . The greatest authenticated war crime, "the greatest
cemetery in the world and in history ." Nobody hanged for it .
March 6. The first regiment of the Rumanian National Army takes po-
sition along the Oder, where it is inspected by General Platon Chir-
noaga, Minister of Defense in the Rumanian Government-in-Exile .
March 8 . Vyshinsky forces King Michael to appoint Communist Petru
Groza as Prime Minister of Michael's now purely Communist Gov-
ernment . The King, Maniu, and Dinu Bratianu ask vainly for Al-
lied support.
April 12. Death of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt .
April 28. Murder of Benito Mussolini .
April 29-30 . Suicide of Adolf Hitler.
May 7 . Germany's unconditional surrender .
May 7. End of the activities of the National Rumanian Government .
Retreat of the troops engaged on the Oder . The rest of the First
Division of the Rumanian National Army, in training in Austria,
surrenders to Anglo-American troops . (The Rumanian Government-
in-Exile was a logical reaction to the treacherous behavior in Buch-
arest of the Palace clique and of the power-hungry, panicky, faith-
less politicians ; and a desperate attempt to prevent the unavoidable
consequences of this behavior ; suppression of any liberty for the
Rumanian people, suppression of any independence for the Ru-
manian State .)
June 26 . In San Francisco, end of the United Nations Conference, over
which Alger Hiss presided as Acting Secretary General . Soviet Rus-
sia admitted as a partner, with three seats instead of one as in the
case of every other member, into an association supposed to defend
the rights of man and the independence of nations .
July 17-August 2 . Potsdam Conference . Soviet Russia senselessly invited
to participate in the war against an already defeated Japan which
two months before had offered to negotiate through Moscow. Prel-
Analytical Chronology / 1xv
ude to the delivery of the whole of China to the Communist empire .
August 6-August 9 . Wanton atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Naga-
saki, killing 170,000, injuring and maiming countless others for life .
Nobody is hanged for this .
December 21 . U .S . Army General George S . Patton dies in Germany as
a result of injuries suffered in an automobile-truck collision on De-
cember 9 . (Patton's untimely death is followed by that of former
Secretary of Defense James V . Forrestal, who plunged to his death
on May 22, 1949, from the sixteenth floor of Bethesda Naval Hos-
pital .)
March 13-July 17 . Communist Josip Broz (Tito) kidnaps, summarily
judges, and assassinates Serbian General Dr0a Mihailovich . Tito,
the murderer of tens of thousands of Mihailovich's followers, was
imposed as ruler of the Yugoslav people by the British and Ameri-
can Governments without any reason other than their submission to
the Anonymous and Omnipotent Powers who decided that the ham-
mer and sickle should replace the Cross where it has reigned for
about two thousand years . Another move in the astounding game
of the systematically directed suicide of the Western World . Dupli-
cation of the Kolchak episode, but this time with Churchill on the
side of the kidnappers .
March 17 . Marshal Ion Antonescu is sentenced to death by one of the
kangaroo courts whose pullulations will be a sad characteristic of
the Western Powers' victory . (King Michael could have exercised
his right of mercy, but to Rumania's astonishment and humiliation
he did not do it .)
October 15 . Reichsmarschall Hermann Goring commits suicide two hours
before he would have been hanged .
October 16 . At 1 :11 a.m ., crowning the horrors of six years of war, For-
eign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop, Feldmarschall Wilhelm
Keitel, General Alfred Jodl, and seven other National Socialist lead-
ers are executed in Nurnberg followed by an orgy of similar outrages
in Europe and in Japan . This is the beginning of a new era in West-
ern justice where all the basic principles of law established through
centuries of maturation in countries of both Roman and consuetu-
dinary traditions will be forsaken and where judges and hangmen
will belong to the same fraternity .
December 30 . Abdication of King Michael under the pressure of the
enemy army which he and the Rumanian politicians had helped to
take possession of their country. FINIS DACIAE!


A wind of reaction was blowing at that time over

the whole of Russia against the devastating furors of
Bolshevism . The struggle for emancipation in the
Urals, in Siberia, in the Donets and in the northern
provinces, had torn from the authority of the Soviets
a great part of Russian territory . Bolshevism seemed
to be on the verge of collapse .
It was saved by the intervention of the allied pow-
ers, and principally by the untoward intervention of
President Wilson [who] secured the survival of the
Communist regime . The Bolsheviks themselves were
convinced that the experiment of Communism had
reached its end ; they were more surprised than any-
body else at the unexpected turn of events.
Ambassador o f France
Mon Ambassade en Russie Sovietique, 1917-1919
(My Embassy in Soviet Russia)
Hungary's capital, an excellent base for the con-
quest of Central Europe by Bolshevism, had become
its headquarters . Some of the most eminent strategists
of revolution had settled there under the cover of
commercial, financial and even humanitarian mis-
sions . The majority of them had kept their posts
after the occupation of the city by the Rumanian
Army . The liberators of Hungary had not turned
them out in order to avoid provoking the remonstra-
tions of the Supreme Council, whose thunders, in
those circumstances, were hurled not against the Bol-
sheviks but against the Rumanian soldiers, who in
smothering this furnace of bloody anarchy, had saved
Western Civilization despite itself in that part of
Europe. . . . Many revolutionaries, expelled from
Hungary, had come back after the armistice in U .S.
uniforms, and it was their reports to Wilson that in-
spired the policy of the Supreme Council in Central
In 1919, it was Wilson, godfather of the League of
Nations as well as master of the Supreme Council,
who forced it to adopt a scandalous partiality in
favor of Bolshevism .
Collective security, indivisible peace . . . . This
means simply a pro-Soviet crusade in the event of a
German-Russian conflict . [Roman added.]
Ambassador of France
Geneve contre la Paix
(Geneva against Peace)

The Past in Us

C hateaubriand, the famous French author and statesman, nar-

rating in his Memoires d'Outre-tombe the past and the glories of the
Chateaubriand family, informs us that he does it only for the sake of
his nephews who might be interested in such futile things . Less phari-
saical than he, I confess that I do it for the contentment of my own
I believe that every race, every country, every province, every hamlet
even, has not only the right but also the duty to cherish and respect its
history, and that the forgetting of a country's past by its leading class
is one of the greatest misfortunes that can occur to it . A nation that has
been mentally severed from its past is like an army whose line of com-
munications has been cut off by the enemy. This is what happened in
Rumania after World War I with the disappearance of the traditional
Conservative Party .
It is also what brought me into the Legionary Movement, in which
I found and recognized the links with times gone by which had been
lost by our political sects .
At the origin of the oldest Rumanian families, of the Rumanian
uradel, history always finds a kneaz,l military chieftain and adminis-
trator of high and low justice in the territory over which he rules . A. D .
Xenopol, the well-known historian, in his Histoire des Roumains de la
Dacie Trajane quotes a chart of King Bela II of Hungary dated 1230,
which mentions the Kneaz Vlad Sturdza and his sons John and Lirthuon
1 Boyard means "warrior," and was the title of every member of the landowning no-
bility . Voevod means "war-leader," corresponding to the Western "duke," and was the
title of the reigning princes of Moldavia, Walachia, and Transylvania . Kneaz and
kneazina were titles belonging only to the Rumanian uradel-the descendants of the
old rulers of the independent or semi-independent kneazate or judete .
4 The Suicide of Europe
in relation to some military services rendered and to the confirmation of
certain land ownership.
The Sturdza name has been woven into the history of Moldavia-one
of the two principalities that, with Walachia and later Transylvania,
form Rumania of today-since the birth of that East European state .
Kneaz Nan was the companion of the founder's grandson . Balita, his
grandson, fought the Turks in the fifteenth century under Stefan the
Great, the Moldavian hero . The Polish historian Orehovius mentions
the Great Hetman John Sturdza Burgrave of Hotin coming to the rescue
of the Polish troops at the head of the Moldavian cavalry : . . . quorum
principes erant Sturdza ac Movilae (" . . . whose princes were Sturdza
and Movilae") . Kneaz Barboi and his son were defeated by the Turks
and the Tartars at the battle of Cornu Luncei . Barboi was impaled, his
son hanged, on the spot where their widow and mother had erected,
toward the end of the sixteenth century, the still-existing Barboi Mon-
astery .
Mathew Sturdza, the son-in-law of the Voevod ("Reigning Prince")
of Moldavia, Gheorghe-Stefan-who was known as the Wandering Prince
and whom Louis XIII of France addressed as "mon bon frere"-waged
all the wars of his father-in-law . His young children, pursued by the
Turks, the eternal enemy, had to take refuge at the court of Hungarian
Prince Michael Apaffy of Transylvania . Maurus Jokai, the Hungarian
Walter Scott, records in one of his novels how Apaffy's wife, Anna
Bornemisza, saved them at the last moment from being delivered to
their persecutors by her husband . Anna-Maria Sturdza, one of those chil-
dren, who later reigned in Walachia with her husband Gregory Ghyka,
kept up a long friendship and an abundant correspondence with her
neighbor and savior, of which a few letters were once in my possession .
Soror nobis Domina Vicina ("to our sister the neighbor princess"), reads
the mutual address .
It was her brother Elie Sturdza, last Voevod to be elected at that time
by the Moldavian boyards according to the traditional national rules,
who abdicated almost immediately and threatened to behead half of the
nobility if they forced him to the throne once more, as they intended
to do .
Alexander Sturdza, the great Chancellor of Prince Demetrius Cantemir,
one of the most learned men of his time, was caught by the Turks . Also
captured was Peter the Great of Russia and his ally Prince Cantemir,
but all three escaped thanks to the cleverness of Czarina Catherine .
Alexander lived for a long while as an exile in Russia . Another Alex-
ander Sturdza, his great-grandson, was a favorite adviser of Czar Alex-
ander I, Napoleon's contemporary . He earnestly warned the Czar against
the secret societies and especially against the Illuminati of Adam Weis-
The Past in Us / 5
haupt . It was about him and his family that Joseph de Maistre had said :
La famille Stourdza est a elle seule toute une Academie ("The Sturdza
family is by itself a whole academy") .
About two hundred years after Elie Sturdza's election and abdication,
John-Alexander Sturdza was proclaimed Reigning Prince of Moldavia,
the first to be elected again according to the traditional rules after a
long period of foreign interferences . He was soon followed on the
throne by Michel-Grigory Sturdza . Both were hard but excellent rulers
who reestablished law and order in their troubled and agitated country .
Basil Sturdza, the Regent, was my grandfather . He belonged to a new
generation of boyards who were influenced by new ideas born of the
French Revolution and the Napoleonic wars, and in the mid-nineteenth
century they were ready to renounce all their privileges without even
being asked to do so . He was, with his brother-in-law Constantin Negri,
the principal factor on the Moldavian side in the historical union of
Moldavia and Walachia . This union gave birth to the Rumanian state .
They declined with a smile and a thank-you the crown that was unani-
mously offered to them . Both served with unshakable fidelity the man
on whose head this crown was finally placed : Prince Alexander John
Cuza, later victim of a plot organized by the Liberal Party, whose mem-
bers were already called "the Reds" in Rumania .
My grandmother on my father's side and my great-grandmother on
my mother's side were both the sisters of Constantin Negri, the great
patriot and idol of his generation, and one of the purest figures of Ru-
manian history . His other sisters were Princess Ruspoli di Pogio Suaza ;
Helen, who died young and beautiful but still lives in the immortal
stanzas of her fiance, the great Rumanian poet Vasile Alexandri ; and
Eugenia, Abbess of the Convent of Varatic, which was situated in one
of the prettiest regions of the Moldavian Carpathians, and where we
spent many summers of our childhood. The distance of about fifty miles
was covered by four-in-hand carriage with a stop at Tescani, the country
seat of my mother's sister, where we were generally joined by her chil-
dren, our beloved cousins and playmates .
It was in Tescani that I saw one afternoon, stopping before the stairs
of the white mansion, a team of four nimble ponies, masterfully driven
by a young girl of fourteen . The girl was to become my wife ten years
later . She had come with her mother for an afternoon visit from Coma-
nesti Court, the huge mountain estate of her grandfather, Prince Dimitri
Ghyka-Comanesti .
It was in the same nook of the Carpathians that my wife and I spent
our childhood and adolescence . It was between Tescani and Comanes§ti
that we spent the months of our betrothal . It was in Comanes§ti that we
were married. We shared the same love of life in the open, of riding,
6 / The Suicide of Europe
hunting, and fishing . We spent part of our honeymoon camping in the
mountains, and never lost an opportunity to spend weeks and even
months under tents and before campfires, a taste shared later by our son .
At Varatic, Abbess Eugenia told us more than once the story of her
ordination, which haunted our imagination when we were children . It
happened that Eugenia's parents, having found that there were too
many girls in the family, had brought Eugenia and her sister Helen,
aged ten and twelve, to the Monastery of Varatic . Upon seeing their
mother leaving them there, the two girls in their despair started run-
ning alongside the carriage, trying to climb into it . Their mother, after
entreating them to go back, repeatedly slapped their grasping hands
with her fan, until they had to abandon their attempt . This was the
terrifying side of the story ; but then came the redeeming part . At the
death of their father, their brother Constantin, then studying in Paris,
hastened to Varatic where his young sisters were still postulants, offered
them a substantial part of their father's inheritance, and insisted that
they return to the outside world . Helen yielded easily to her brother's
request, but Eugenia preferred to stay in her peaceful seclusion . We
were so spoiled, pampered and happy whenever we visited the nunnery
of Aunt Eugenia that we were almost inclined to forgive those cruel
slaps on the hands of the two little girls .
Regarding those long, horse-driven journeys, which were a normal
practice at the time of my youth-there was a railway system plying
between the principal cities, but the country houses of kin and friends,
which were so often the object of our trips, were generally far enough
from the nearest railway station to make a shortcut by road and carriage
the better solution . Being invited to a relative's or a friend's house was
a powerful incentive to go ; but in the Rumania of my youth an invita-
tion was not at all necessary . One arrived and was welcomed and stayed
as long as one felt, until the time had come to call on others or to go
home . There were some very well-known, impoverished gentle people
whose most valuable property was four horses and a carriage, or if nec-
essary a sledge . Their annual journeys around the Moldavian country-
side were as regular as that of the Earth around the Sun . When those
cyclic guests were also great hunters, as was the case with the person I
have in mind, one was certain to see them coming at the right time for
the fall and winter hunting seasons .
My mother, whose maiden name was Jora, was the daughter of my
father's first cousin . Such weddings were not unusual in Moldavia in
our family circle where marriages occurred almost always among the
same dozen or so families . The Joras had been fighting men who en-
livened our old chronicles with their adventures . The ford where one
of them, pursued by some rival chieftain, was drowned with his horse
The Past in Us / 7
when trying to cross the Prut, is still called Vadul Jorei, the Jora Ford .
Fleeing in hot pursuit must also have been Antioche Jora who was
caught half hanging from the drawbridge of the castle of Neamtz . The
bridge had been hastily drawn up by a too cautious bridge guard . How-
ever, a seventeenth-century chronicler says that Jora escaped "with only
a pike sting in his buttocks ." Dafina Jora, who lived about the same
time, was the wife of Voevod Dabija, Reigning Prince of Moldavia.
Each time that hunting, the passion of my life, brought me to the four-
centuries-old Monastery of Secul, I would read upon the portals of its
church the names of the founders-the Great Vornic Nistor Ureche and
his Kneazina, Maria Jora . In the monastery's archondaric (guest room)
where I spent many nights, I was never able to hear, as others did, the
suppressed breath of unfortunate Brother Ghidion, who had been
bricked in, says the legend, by the cruel Nistor for having dared to look
at the Kneazina with an unmonastic gaze .
Indeed, many a Banquo haunts the tragic chronicles of Moldavia . My
childhood was spent in mansions and courts where wary maids walked (or
rather, half-ran) the corridors at night, crossing themselves, a candle in
their hands . I have climbed expectantly the staircase of Ruginoasa,
where the young and handsome Constantin still crawls, I was told, at
the appointed hour, bloody and ashen-faced, to die at the feet of his
mother, killed by the bullets of her guardsmen . I have looked from the
proper rooms and in the proper moonlight for the hanged monk to
come airily from the old elm tree in the park of Tescani and knock with
his muddy boots at the windows of his persecutors . Also in Tescani as
a child, clad in my nightgown, I had often peeped through the keyhole
of my safely bolted door, hoping to see the little red man striding up
and down the echoing corridor . I sat in the huge armchair in the serv-
ants' quarters in Dumbraveni, where the old housekeeper awoke from
her slumber to feel and see, to her horror, a paw "like that of a goose"
firmly gripping her ankles . I never saw, heard, or felt any such thing.

The Rumanian past was made by boyards and peasants, the continua-
tors, by direct blood inheritance or by substitution-as has been the
case with a certain part of the ruling class of foreign origin-of the old
Dacian kingdom, which fought and sometimes defeated the Roman Em-
pire more than two thousand years ago .
There has been also in the Rumanian past a middle class of traders
and shopkeepers, mostly of foreign extraction . More recently, since the
union of the principalities of Moldavia and Walachia in 1859, a bour-
geois class with healthier relations to the Rumanian permanent back-
ground had started to form . It was well on its way for the greater com-
munity's benefit, but it was cruelly smitten after World War I by
8 / The Suicide of Europe
specifically Rumanian post-war factors-the fraudulently conducted
agrarian expropriation, the catastrophic fall of the national currency,
and the dropping of wages and salaries to the lowest level known in
Europe-three basic factors which had transformed a country where
everybody had known la joie de vivre into one where only the profiteers
of the general misery and restricted political camarillas lived far re-
moved from what was almost starvation .
The relations between boyards and peasants had been the subject of
the wildest assertions, which were generally a planned part of the hostile
publicity that had always been aimed at Rumania .
The origins of and the reasons for this circumspect but systematic
anti-Rumanian propaganda were multiple . A substantial part of it can
be traced to the propaganda of covetous or apprehensive neighbors.
Hungary's hostility was understandable, as Rumania represented a real
danger to her. But the hostility of Russia had only one explanation :
We were an indigestible non-Slavic obstacle upon the road to Constan-
tinople (Tzarigrad) . However, the principal source and motives of the
subtle and permanent anti-Rumanian campaign were of international
origin and of ultra-political character .
For his good or for his harm, the Rumanian is strangely impenetra-
ble . He juggles away, absorbs or capsulates the scanty foreign elements
that have succeeded in entering his habitat . That goes for ideas, for
groups or for individuals, and has nothing to do with racism or lack of
hospitality . There is no country where the stranger is received more
heartily into the house of the humblest or the wealthiest ; and if you
were to talk of racism to a Rumanian peasant, he would ask you what
you meant . The would-be conquerors of the world have, from this point
of view, found a much harder nut to crack in little Rumania than in
gigantic Russia, and they have always hated us for that. Even now,
when foreign ruling cliques and foreign ideologies have been superim-
posed by force on the Rumanian structure, the Rumanian people are
farther from a Communist mental and spiritual conquest than the peo-
ples of the Western "democracies."
The relations between the former ruling class and the peasants have
also been the subject of a flow of incorrect information from an inside
origin-from the Liberal Party and its publicists and pseudo historians,
the foes of the Conservative Party . The leaders of the latter belonged
generally to the ruling class of yore and succeeded in keeping, in the
newly created circumstances, a wise, moderating, and incorruptible in-
fluence on Rumania's public affairs. The echo of this disparaging cam-
paign of incorrect information vibrates today in many "twistorical"
efforts, as for instance in those of Messrs . Hans Rogger and Eugen Weber
in The European Right . "The Conservative party," Weber says, "loved
The Past in Us / 9
Rumania like a prey ." 2 To reach this conclusion, the two learned pro-
fessors of history had to deprive their readers of the benefit of a series
of conclusive facts, and had to proceed very unscientifically by unsub-
stantiated affirmations . We will try to fill those gaps and rectify those
errors, common also to other biased parties, in the very short space we
have here for this task .
The landowners in Rumania were leaving the benefits of the cultiva-
tion of a certain percentage of their land to the landless peasants in
exchange for a certain number of days of work . The land reform bill
of 1860, voted by a Parliament the membership of which was comprised
almost entirely of landowners (all of them boyards), declared the peas-
ants full owners of the lot they were then cultivating as tenants, thereby
liberating them from any obligation toward their former landlord . In
the course of the sixty following years, and terminating with the big
agrarian reform of 1917-1921, ninety-two percent of the arable land of
the country was passed into the hands of the peasants . The landowners,
the majority of whom were members of the old ruling class, with an
important minority of the newly formed bourgeoisie, received as com-
pensation one-third of one percent of the value of the expropriated
property, thanks to a fraudulent application of the law of expropriation
-a law that had been passed without any opposition from the land-
owners during World War I . This fraudulent application had of course
as an objective the liquidation of the Conservative Party . One does not
find any mention of this agrarian reform of 1917-1921 in the writings
of the majority of the commentators of Rumanian modern social his-
tory ; or if it is mentioned it is alluded to in such a way, as in The Euro-
pean Right, as to hide completely the importance of the distribution
and the greatness of the sacrifice .
It is generally pretended that the contacts between landowners and
peasants in Rumania were more remote than in any other European
country . This time, the misinformers chose not to alter the truth but to
effect its complete reversal . Rumania's feudality was a paternal feudal-
ity, the character of which seems to have escaped many superficial West-
ern observers, who base their facetious impressions quite often on the
old Rumanian custom of hand-kissing. Hand-kissing in Rumania's so-
cial life of yore had absolutely no servile significance . In my time girls
and boys kissed the hand of their elders, men or women ; in a former
generation even the younger boys kissed the hand of their elder brothers .
We kissed the hand of our old nurses and they kissed ours . It was an
expression of affection . Our peasants kissed our hands as they would
2 Eugen Weber, "Romania," in Hans Rogger and Eugen Weber, eds ., The European
Right, a Historical Profile (Berkeley and Los Angeles : University of California Press,
1965), p . 515.
10 / The Suicide of Europe
have kissed that of their father or of their elder brother, of their pro-
tector, because we were their protectors . Nobody died of hunger, of cold
or of misery in the villages of the boyards .
Help was always to be found at the court, as our homes were called,
where the church of the village was also to be found . Every newly mar-
ried couple received as a present a pair of oxen and a plough . Marriages
and christenings, at which the boyards often played the part of god-
father and godmother, created a real spiriutal relationship between the
landlord and the villagers . It was in the home of one of her spiritual
daughters that my wife found refuge with our grandson at the worst
time of the Communist persecution . The friendly and familiar relations
between the peasants and the boyards are borne out by Rumanian folk-
lore . The haiduc, the beloved Robin Hood of our legends and of our
history, is never represented as hostile to the boyards, but only to the
ciocoi, the parvenu (newcomer), generally of foreign origin . Haiducs
and boyards often in popular ballads, and sometimes in reality, coordi-
nated their activities .
But it is not the ceremonial aspects of Rumania's social life which
any serious historian should take into account when appraising the
merits or the demerits of the old Rumanian ruling class ; it is rather the
fact, also never mentioned by our "twistorians," that toward the middle
of the nineteenth century our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, doing
what no other ruling class has ever done in any other country-and
without being forced to it by any revolution, or even pressed to it by a
rural population uncontaminated by any Illuminati penetration-gave
up privileges freely enjoyed by them for centuries in the old code known
as the obiceiul pamantului (custom of the soil) and accepted a modern
and liberal constitution and civil laws so docilely copied from the Bel-
gian Civil Code that they provided for indemnification of damages
caused by rabbits, an animal that has never lived in our country .
It was the large land bequests of the ruling class exclusively that had
built up for centuries the two big charitable foundations, Brancoveneasa
and Sanct Spiridon . These foundations had covered Walachia and Mol-
davia with hospitals and infirmaries where the poor were cared for, ab-
solutely free, by the best available practitioners . (Few Western "democ-
racies," we note, have solved so thoroughly the problem of medical care
for the poor .)
It is with veneration and pride that we remember those forefathers
who loved their country and their people well enough to give up their
prerogatives and power, not because they were asked to do so but be-
cause they believed it was the right thing to do . But seeing those who
have replaced them in the national and political life of Rumania, espe-
cially after World War I, we wonder whether these same forefathers
The Past in Us / 11
would do it again, and whether it was not the few old bearded, water-
pipe smoking boyards, irreverently called "the ghosts" by their offspring,
who were right in wanting to keep at least a part of the traditional es-
tablishment, which in that convulsed and embattled part of the conti-
nent had saved the Rumanian national life during the hardest and most
involved circumstances.

Early Posts and World War I

P rince Alexander John Cuza, who had signed the historic Act
of Appropriation (1859-1861) involving the Rumanian peasantry, was
dethroned by a conspiracy of a small group of officers, affiliated with the
Liberal Party, who surprised him in his palace on the night of February
11, 1866 . Prince Carol Hohenzollern, who followed him on the Ruma-
nian throne, did not, as he was asked by the rest of the army, punish
the conspirators . As a consequence, sixty of the most distinguished offi-
cers resigned immediately . In our family such was the loyalty we held to
the memory of the dethroned prince that almost half a century after
that unpunished act of treason, my brother John and I did not choose
a military career, for which we felt a great inclination, because we
found also that the stain on our flag had not yet been washed away ; we
later regretted very much this romantic attitude .
I was brought up in a home where memories and events of the times
gone by were told and retold to the children, often by very old relatives
who had witnessed some of them, or had known their protagonists when
they were themselves children . We listened with the eagerness and fasci-
nation of our age and this explains in part, no doubt, the deep interest
I have felt since my early years in all matters concerning the life, the vicis-
situdes and the dreams of my nation, and my growing desire in later years
to play my part in this life and to help those dreams come true .
But there was in me a strong inhibition towards the fulfillment of
such ambitions : It was the repulsion I felt for all the political and elec-
toral comedy through which one had to pass in my country, as in so
many "democracies" of our era, in order to be able to exercise any in-
fluence on public affairs . It was this inner conflict that made me choose
the diplomatic career as a final orientation for my activities .
My career almost ended without laurels before it really began . In
Early Posts and World War I / 13
January 1914, I was a young attache at the Rumanian Legation in
Durazzo, then the capital of the new Albanian State . I had chosen Al-
bania for my first post because of its medieval character and because
of the presence of a Rumanian population in its southern provinces .
Living in Albania at that time was like living in the fifteenth century,
with all the enchantment of an incomparable tradition of chivalry, of
courage, and of unshakable fidelity for the recognized leader.
I could not relate more concisely the reprehensible facts that brought
me to the threshold of a well-deserved and inglorious dismissal than by
quoting the French newspaper Le Temps:
The troops of Prenk Pacha Bib Doda under the command of the Ru-
manian Military Attache, Colonel Sturdza, have stormed the Ishmi castle
after a fierce battle and are marching toward Durazzo .
It was not Colonel Alexander Sturdza, who at that time was the Ru-
manian Military Attache in Berlin, but the Reserve-Lieutenant and
Attache to the Rumanian Legation in Durazzo, Michel Sturdza, who at
the head of about three thousand warriors, Mirdites and Malissores, was
trying with variable results, to break the siege of Durazzo, which was
under attack by various tribes of insurgents .
The truth is that, completely enraptured by Albanian magic and
lore, I had abandoned to Mr . Burghelea, my chief, the premises of our
Legation and attached myself to the corps of hard-working, hard-fight-
ing Dutch officers who were in charge of the Albanian militia, and who
were facing a foreign invasion in the south and an insurrection in the
north . Colonel Thompson, the defender of Durazzo, had been killed in
a recent battle, and Major Kronne, who was asked to take his place, had
left me in command of his troops, with whom I was trying to do my
The trouble was that neither Mr. Burghelea nor Mr. Porumbaru, our
Minister of Foreign Affairs, had any real appreciation of my military
initiatives . After playing truant for about five months I finally felt
obliged to part with my gallant companions and to answer a last and
comminatory summons from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Back in
Bucharest, where normally a well-deserved punishment would have
awaited me, I was saved by the important events of the moment-the
assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand in Sarajevo (June 28, 1914)
and the beginning of World War I, which gave good Mr. Porumbaru
the opportunity to speak Latin : De minimis non curat pretor ("the
praetor doesn't worry about small things"), and to appoint me to the
cipher department of his Cabinet .
Between the beginning of the war and Rumania's entering it-and
with some interruption of my diplomatic activities by various periods
14 / The Suicide o f Europe
of military service with my unit, the first squadron of mounted artillery
-I was moved from our central administration to our Legation in
Athens, and ultimately to our Legation in Bern . It was there that my
wife and I learned that Rumania had declared war on the Austro-Hun-
garian Empire . A few weeks earlier I had published my book La Rou-
manie Peut-elle Combattre sur deux Fronts? (Can Rumania Fight on
Two Fronts?), which recommended the evacuation of a part of our ter-
ritory and the erection of a strong line of defense from the Carpathians
to the Danube that would cover Bucharest and the oil-producing re-
gions .' After the declaration of war, I left for Rumania without delay,
leaving my wife in Bern, who followed me a short time later, and our
newborn son, whom we left with an aunt of ours in Nice . We were not
to see him again until two years later .
The battle of Bucharest, in which I was wounded, could have been
won, perhaps even without the line of modern fortifications I had been
suggesting, but for the treacherous immobility of the Russian troops
that were supposed to attack on our left flank . In my book Avec l'Armde
Roumaine2 dedicated "To the heroic memory of my brother, Lieutenant
John Sturdza, and of my brother-in-law, Lieutenant Alexis Mavrocor-
datu, killed by our allies the Russians," I have already recorded my war
experiences. I will mention here, therefore, only one significant episode
because of its direct connection with one of the principal themes of this
book, and also three incidents of a more personal character, the details
of which became known to me after the mentioned publication .
In the summer of 1917 we were aligned along the Siret with the Sec-
ond Cavalry Division ; I was in command of a section of armored cars .
We were expecting at any moment the order to attack. Our troops,
finally armed in terms of modern warfare, had been victorious at M trasti
and Mdrasesti . Their morale on this eve of a meticulously prepared of-
fensive was higher than ever . A few moments before the impatiently
awaited signal, the Russian troops started abandoning their positions .
The order of retreat had been unexpectedly given by Alexander Keren-
sky, the man who was busy at that time making Russia safe for Com-
munism . All our efforts, all our preparations, were brought to nil and
soon we were forced to defend ourselves against our former allies, the
soldiers of the glorious Imperial Russian Army, transformed into a
drunken and incontrollable rabble .
Real life is sometimes stranger in its surprises than anything the most
fanciful writer could imagine . Toward the end of World War I my
' The Central Powers included, in addition to Germany and Austria-Hungary, both
Bulgaria and Turkey . Rumania, a member of the Allied Powers, had to fight Austria-
Hungary on the northwest and Bulgaria on the south .
Michel Sturdza, Avec l'Armee Roumaine, preface by G . Lacour-Gayet of the French
Academy (Paris : Hachette, 1918) .
Early Posts and World War I / 15
elder brother Constantin was located with his cavalry squadron close to
the demarcation line of the cease-fire agreement, which had been signed
shortly before with the German and Austrian armies. The Austrian gen-
eral in command on the other side of the line had complained to my
brother's chief, General Schina, that during that night a troop of un-
known origin had attacked one of his squadrons, killed some of its sol-
diers and stole all the horses . After that, said the Austrian general, these
troops passed the line of demarcation and rode into Rumanian terri-
tory. The Austrian general asked for explanations and appropriate
measures . General Schina sent my brother to reconnoiter with his squad-
ron. Nearing the border of the village in question, Constantin dis-
mounted, posted his men, and sent one of his sergeants to offer a halfway
meeting place to the officer in command of the mysterious troop . The
offer was accepted, and the officer who cantered to the rendezvous upon
one of those Austrian horses was our brother John .
John, impatient, had taken service in the Russian Army one year be-
fore Rumania entered the war . He had fought on both the European
and Asiatic fronts, and when the Imperial Army started disintegrating,
thanks to Kerensky's activities, John, as did many of his comrades, along
with the loyal elements of his unit, formed a troop of volunteers with
which he intended to join one of the generals of the Nationalist Russian
resistance . My brother Constantin urged him to stay with our troops .
General Schina insisted also and very understandingly offered John a
command in his division . John could not bring himself, however, to
leave his companions . He crossed the Dniester next day not far from
Hotin, where four hundred years earlier another John Sturdza had
battled with other heathens . John was killed two days later in an am-
bush and his troops were nearly exterminated by much superior Bol-
shevik forces. Some survivors related the happenings to Constantin .
It was by the same enemy that my brother-in-law, Lieutenant Alexis
Mavrocordato, was attacked at night in the village in which he was
camped with his platoon . The fight lasted a few hours, and the troops
that came too late to the rescue were Austrian soldiers commanded by
Captain von Hambar, the brother-in-law of the Rumanian Colonel
Diculescu-Botez, who, as commander of Alexis' regiment, was killed in
the first days of the war . Hambar told us much later in Vienna that
Alexis and his men had fired their last rounds before falling on the
spot where they were later buried .
In our childhood we discriminated among our uncles according to
the game that came out of their woods during the autumn and winter
drives . There were the wolf-uncles and the bear-uncles . Our beloved
uncle George Donici was a bear-uncle. I described in Avec l'Armee
Roumaine the death of that seventy-two-year-old boyard at the head of
16 / The Suicide of Europe
one of the last cavalry charges of modern warfare . One of the German
officers who was looking at the body of the old warrior exclaimed in
Rumanian to Captain Filiti, lying wounded among his fallen soldiers :
"But this is George Donici of Valea Seacal" In civilian life this officer
was one of the German technicians who were taking care of the woods
in our province .
The German colonel in command of the regiment with which the
squadron of Captain Filiti had collided, in a gesture of military courtesy
completely forgotten today, sent over the lines to my family in Bucharest
the row of medals won by George Donici in the 1877 war against the
Turks, during which he served in my father's squadron . How different
from the Nurnberg travesty and from General Eisenhower's opinion,
expressed in his memoirs, that chivalry toward the adversary is a de-
plorable medieval inheritance from the time when soldiers were paid
mercenaries and not patriots.
Toward the end of the hostilities with the troops of the Central
Powers, I passed through Petrograd at the moment General Lavr Korni-
lov appeared at the gates of the city . He was feverishly expected because
he represented the only possibility of saving Russia's capital from the
repeated murderous attempts of Lenin and Trotsky's ignoble rabble .
Kerensky forbade the general to enter the city, arrested him, and thus
removed the last obstacle in the way of the Bolshevik Revolution-a
foreign revolution, prepared and directed from those dark recesses in
New York and other Western cities where Mob and Money collaborate
in their sinister schemes .

The Beast and Its Friends

T he last days of the war found me in Italy where I was or-

ganizing a volunteer Rumanian Legion comprised of the prisoners of
Rumanian nationality taken from the Austrians by the Italian Army .
Officers and soldiers were enlisting with the greatest enthusiasm . The
difficulties I encountered came from the intrigues of the Rumanian
political cliques in Paris. Each group had a favorite general in mind for
the command of a combat unit which they had helped me in no way
to organize .
It was at this time that I had my first experience with what I have
come to call "convenient deaths ." I had struck up a great friendship
with General Milan R . gtefanik, a Slovak, and therefore a man extremely
wary concerning Russia's intentions towards his homeland . Besides, he
was an inveterate anti-Communist . In the team of three-TomAi G .
Masaryk, Steffinik, Dr . Eduard Benei-militating for an independent
Czecho-Slovak State, he was number two in importance, representing
the conservative element, and was the advocate of Slovak semi-autonomy
within the Czecho-Slovak State .'
'In 1916 the Czecho-Slovak National Council was established in Paris with TomA§
Masaryk as President, Josef Diirich and Milan 9tef5nik as Vice Presidents, and Eduard
Bene' as Secretary General . Durich was soon expelled from the Council for his pan-
Slavism . Masaryk served as President of the Czecho-Slovak Republic from 1918 to 1935 .
Bene§ was Foreign Minister from 1918 to 1935 and President from 1935 to 1938 and
again from 1945 to 1948 . The anti-Communist Stefanik was an astronomer who, after
coming to France in 1905, became a French citizen and served in the French Air Force
on the Western Front and in the Balkans. He supported a Swiss-type organization for
the multinational Czecho-Slovak State as stipulated in the Pittsburgh Agreement of
May 30, 1918 : "Slovakia shall have its own administration, its diet [parliament], its own
courts, and Slovak shall be the official language in the schools, state services, and pub-
lic life ." With 5tef'anik, and not Bene§, guiding the foreign affairs of Czecho-Slovakia,
the history of that country would have taken a different turn-one for the greatest bene-
fit of Europe and the cause of peace. After Stefanik's death, the Masaryk-Bene"s establish-
ment totally ignored the Pittsburgh Agreement; and the defenders of Slovak interests
were thrown into prison, where some of them lingered for eight years .
18 / The Suicide of Europe
His prestige was enormous, as he had been the organizer of the
Czecho-Slovak volunteers, had fought with them on all the various
fronts, had been wounded several times, and besides had one of the
most alert thinking apparatuses one could hope, or fear, to come across .
I had seen Bene"s in the waiting room of Vittorio Orlando, the Italian
Prime Minister, holding Stefanik's brief-case-indicating Benes's sub-
servient position .
On May 4, 1919, General Stefanik left Udine, Italy, by airplane for
Prague, the capital of the country he had done so much to put on the
map . He never reached it . He was shot down over Bratislava, Slovakia,
by an anti-aircraft battery that had absolutely no business being there .
It was thus that Benes replaced 9tefanik not only in the hierarchy of
Czecho-Slovak statesmen, but in that of the few personalities who were
to play a decisive part in forging the tragic destiny of our present
world . I thought of foul play at the time of gtefinik's death, and my
suspicions were fully confirmed, years later, when Grand Duchess Olga,
who was living in Slovakia as a refugee from Bolshevik terror, told
me there had never been any hostilities around the area of Bratislava
and that nobody understood the reason for that sudden and fateful burst
of shrapnel .
In Petrograd I had had the opportunity to see the first signs of the
existence of certain Anonymous Forces ; forces which were the organiz-
ers, the protectors, and the bankers of the host of foreign agitators who
-with the help of a few thousand workers from the Putilof factories
(rapidly and thoroughly organized under the protection of Kerensky's
imposture)-had undertaken the conquest of the Russian Empire . I had
not failed to observe also that it was very likely those same forces that
had prevented United States participation in the hostilities as long as
this participation would have benefited Imperial Russia . A short time
after the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, two series of events re-
moved my last doubts concerning the existence of an anonymous, pa-
tient, omnipotent influence to which the Russian people owed their
present troubles and for which the conquest of Russia was only a be-
ginning-a prelude to more extended conquests . Indeed, today these
conquests encompass more than one-half of the surface of this planet
and include more than one-third of its population .
Up to the beginning of the last century, history was very difficult to
ignore, or to forget . As paradoxical as it may seem, it was the multipli-
cation of the means of information that made the neglect of history
possible . When thousands of newspapers and magazines, when the radio
broadcasts, the tribunes, the chairs and the pulpits, seemingly at a
sudden and mysterious command, unanimously stop talking about a
The Beast and Its Friends / 19
certain event, it is as if this event did not happen, however notorious,
however significant it may have been .
That is why I do not think it superfluous to recall the way those
Anonymous Forces provoked the defeat of the Russian nationalist armies,
and the effort they made to perpetuate the Communist regime of Bela
Kun in Hungary, a regime equally as bestial and demented as Lenin's
in Russia .
Mr . Joseph Noulens, the French Ambassador to Moscow, has told us
in his book Mon Ambassade en Russie Sovietique, 1917-1919 that,
alarmed by the growing sympathy shown by President Woodrow Wilson
for the Bolshevik gang, which at that moment was being pressed on
every side by the Nationalist Russian troops, Premier Georges Clemen-
ceau of France and Prime Minister David Lloyd George of England
asked President Wilson whether or not lie intended to continue helping
the Nationalist forces in association with France and Great Britain . The
President answered that his decision would depend upon Masaryk,
whose advice Wilson always took, he told them, in matters concerning
Russian affairs. The President's final decision was to allot not a dollar,
not a rifle, not a round more, for Nationalist Russia .
Mr. Noulens also states that the Trotsky-Lenin enterprise was on the
eve of a complete collapse and was saved by the new attitude adopted
suddenly by President Wilson :

President Wilson secured the survival of the Communist regime . The

Bolsheviks themselves were convinced that the experiment of Communism
had reached its end ; they were more surprised than anbody else at the un-
expected turn of events .

One can understand perhaps forgetting even such an important fact

as the President of the United States saving the Bolshevik horror from
imminent destruction ; but how could man's memory have forgotten the
unbelievable treason of French General Maurice Janin and of his
Czecho-Slovak accomplices, an unmistakable counterpart in the decision
of Wilson and Masaryk .
General Janin was the man picked by the French Government (or
by the hidden hands behind it) and by Mr . Masaryk to command all the
Allied forces (including the Czecho-Slovak Legion) that were fighting
in Siberia under the orders of Admiral Aleksandr Kolchak, the Supreme
Ruler of Russia and leader of the anti-Bolshevik forces . The Admiral's
divisions were engaged in fierce fighting with the Bolshevik forces, which
had been liberated by Wilson and Masaryk's decision .
At six p .m . on January 14, 1920, two officers of the Czecho-Slovak
Legion, acting under orders from General Janin, kidnapped Admiral
20 / The Suicide o f Europe

Kolchak and his staff (his Government) in the Glaskov railway station
at Irkutsk and handed them over to the Bolshevik Political Centre in
exchange for one-third of the 650 million rubles in gold and platinum
bullion that formed the Imperial Russian Treasury which Kolchak was
transporting toward Vladivostok . On February 2 the Bolsheviks executed
Kolchak and his Prime Minister, Victor Pepeliaev . General Janin was
never court-martialled, arraigned, or even blamed .
The Czecho-Slovak share of the bullion, the price of blood and trea-
son, became the basis of the Czecho-Slovak Treasury-a strange founda-
tion, along with Stefdnik's assassination, for Dr . Bene`s's ill-fated state .
For the nauseating details of this horrible episode, which was at that
time unique in the military history of civilized countries, we refer the
reader to Winston Churchill's The World Crisis, V, The Aftermath .2
The continuation of Bela Kun's Government in Hungary in 1919
would have meant-besides the mortal danger it represented for Ru-
mania caught in a Communist claw-the end of heroic Poland (then in
the pangs of her rebirth) ; the spreading of Communism in Germany
and Italy, where subversive forces were already in motion ; and perhaps
the end of Europe-a Europe that had seen traitors like Captain Jacques
Sadoul and Andr6 Marty triumphantly elected to the French Parliament
by millions of voters ; 3 and the Labour Party in Great Britain identify
itself entirely with Red Russia's interests .
Nevertheless, the Allied and Associated Powers tried everything in
order to save Bela Kun's regime, starting with a long and friendly visit
by Jan Christiaan Smuts of the Union of South Africa to the Communist
tyrant's headquarters . The advance of the Rumanian troops in Hungary
against Kun's regime took place in spite of the violent opposition of
the Western Powers . And if it was Europe and not Bela Kun's regime
that was saved, this was only due to the high sense of responsibility of
Rumania's King Ferdinand and of his Government, and to the forti-
tude of the Rumanian soldiers .
We quote the former Ambassador to the Court of St . James, Count de
Saint-Aulaire, in his book Geneve contre la Paix :

All the reprobation of the Allies' Supreme Council was not for the Hun-
garian Bolsheviks but for the Rumanian soldiers who saved Western Civi-
l General Drala Mihailovich, the Yugoslav hero of World War II, was betrayed under
almost identical circumstances into the hands of the Communist Tito . This time Great
Britain was the responsible party .
3 Sadoul was a Captain in the French Army, and Marty was a Seaman-Machinist in
the French Navy . Objecting to orders received to support the anti-Bolshevik White
Russians, they instigated the 1919 mutiny of French forces operating in the Black Sea
area . Upon their return to France, instead of being shot, they received only token pun-
ishment . They were subsequently elected to the French Parliament on the Communist
ticket .
The Beast and Its Friends / 21
lization, despite itself, by cleaning this focus of bloody anarchy in that part
of Europe .

In my country, public opinion and many of the principal leaders of

the political parties were well aware at that time of the continuous
menace represented by the Soviet proximity . There were some of them
however, belonging mostly to the National Peasant group, who could
not hide their sympathies for the Kremlin gang of murderers . For in-
stance, Mr . Bujor, Rector of the University of Iasi, declared in the
Rumanian Parliament without much originality : "A new light comes
from the East ." In conformity with this new illumination, he tried to
suppress the traditional religious ceremony and the hoisting of the flag
at the beginning of the academic year, provoking a violent reaction
among the students led by the young Corneliu Zelea-Codreanu, who
later was to become the symbol, the hero, and the martyr of the fight
against the international conspiracy in Rumania . He was the true rep-
resentative of the popular instinct, which in our country often has been
more perceptive and independent than that of the majority of the
political leaders .
Few, indeed, were those leaders who understood the real meaning of
the latest international events-Mr . William C . Bullitt's first mission
to Moscow (1919), the Western-Soviet negotiations in Genoa (1922),
and the anti-Polish declarations of the Czecho-Slovak statesmen-and
who realized that among the Western leaders, besides those who con-
tinued to believe in the necessity of crushing the Bolshevik monster in
its cradle, an opposed force and influences were growing from day to
day . This force and these influences friendly to the Soviets did not
content themselves with recognizing the existence of the new Russia,
but dreamed of her incorporation into a belligerent system of European
alliances, similar to that which faced the Central European Powers at
the beginning of World War I . This system, absolutely foreign to Ru-
manian interests, endangered our very existence . Its advocates in France,
our principal ally, extended from certain right-wing groups represented
by Mr. Jean Barthou, through Mr . Edouard Herriot, Mr . Paul Reynaud,
and Mr . Leon Blum on the extreme left .
The continuous progress in Western political life of the pro-Soviet
doctrine already had made me reach, at that time, the conclusion that
the moment would soon come when our existence as an independent
state could not further be ensured by our Western alliances, but only
through a political and military association with Poland and Hungary,
directly menaced, as we were, by the Communist monster . It was this
conviction that made me abandon the diplomatic service, for a few
months in 1920, and take over a governorship in Transylvania, where I
22 / The Suicide of Europe

believed that more suave and tactful methods could win us the friend-
ship of the Hungarian population . Following the same line of thought
I arranged later to be sent to Budapest as First Secretary to our Legation
there .
After the collapse of the Austrian Empire and the subsequent Ru-
manian annexation of Transylvania (which had been for a long while a
part of the Kingdom of Hungary) several Hungarian statesmen (among
them Count Pal Teleki and Count Istvan Bethlen) thought of offering
the Hungarian crown to King Ferdinand of Rumania . Count Miklos
Banfy, whom I had known during my administrative activity in Transyl-
vania, and whom I met again in Budapest when he was Hungarian
Minister of Foreign Affairs, also supported the creation of such a new
Danubian state . His reasons were however of a much deeper and more
historical character than those of Bethlen and Teleki, who probably
thought mainly of the possibility of Hungarian predominance in a
Rumanian-Hungarian federation .
Count Banfy was thoroughly convinced that because of the chaotic
situation in which the disappearance of the two Germanic empires had
left this part of Europe, and because of the apparition on its menaced
borders of the formidable and pestilential entity whose name was Soviet
Russia, only an organic union of our two countries, a merger of their
political and military means, could in the long run ensure their survival .
When I left Budapest I hastened to communicate to King Ferdinand,
and to Queen Marie, Count Banfy's views on the future and destiny of
our two countries . Both the King and Queen had been very receptive to
the proposals of Bethlen and Teleki, which were energetically opposed,
however, by the chiefs of our various political parties, who worried
only for their electoral problems .
I do not know if Count Banfy has passed away in some Communist
prison or some Allied concentration camp, but if he is, as I hope, still
free and alive, I am certain that he wonders, as I do, if the destiny not
only of our two countries but of Europe would not have been a happier
one if his dreams, which were also mine, had come true .
The insistence of the French and Czecho-Slovak political circles,
which considered the existence of Soviet Russia as a happy complement
in the political life of Europe, had brought the Rumanian Government
to agree reluctantly to negotiate with Soviet Russia the possibility of
establishing diplomatic relations between the two countries . The nego-
tiations took place in Vienna in 1925 where I had been transferred to
our Legation as Counsellor.
The most promising assurances had been given us by the French and
Czecho-Slovak middlemen . Our delegation recognized too late the trap
into which it had fallen . The Soviets had asked for those negotiations
The Beast and Its Friends / 23
only in order to transform them into a vociferous propaganda platform
for their insolent pretensions to a part of our territory .
Little did I know at the time that I would myself have to face, as
Rumanian Representative, a similar Soviet attempt, but this time with
my own Minister of Foreign Affairs as my adversary and as the Krem-
lin's associate .

I arrived in Washington at the roaring end of the Roaring Twenties

-the Washington of yore where the streets were safe by day and night
for women and children, where everybody knew everybody, where
whiskey was served at the Mayflower Hotel in innocent looking tea cups,
where there were always enough diplomats at a reception to justify a
flow of Veuve Cliquot, where the Misses Patterson, who had never con-
sented to climb into an automobile, ruled the social set from the height
of their brougham seats and regularly stole all the White House guests
the night of the annual diplomatic reception .
I arrived in the capital of the United States in time to participate,
with a delirious crowd, in the enthusiastic reception granted to the gal-
lant Lindbergh. I signed with a flourish and a disrespectful smile the
ineffable Kellogg-Briand Pact . 4 Later on, as Rumanian Charge d'Affaires,
I helped float for my country a loan of some three hundred million
dollars on the New York market .5 This gave me the opportunity to learn
a lot about that kind of operation . Among other things, I realized with
amazement that before a single dollar could enter the Rumanian treas-
ury we had to leave in the hands of middlemen and French bankers
about thirty-three percent of the loan's nominal value .
It was in Rock Creek Park, in Washington, that I had my first, but
not my last, experience with American helpfulness of the old pioneer
brand . I somehow had a breakdown with my new Nash in the middle of
the creek and could do no less, nor more, than wade in water up to my
knees, lift the hood, and look desperately at all the machinery . Seeing
'The Kellog-Briand Pact was signed in Paris on August 27, 1928, and entered into
force on July 24, 1929 . Sixty-two nations, including the Soviet Union, ratified this
Pact which outlawed war "as an instrument of national policy ." To say that it had
the slightest influence upon the policy of the signatories or that it promoted the
cause of peace in the most imperceptible way would be exaggerating .
6 From several sides I had been advised that Mr . Louis Marshall's cooperation could
be a decisive influence for our project . Mr. Marshall was the lawyer of important New
York banks including, if I remember well, the Otto Kahn, the Warburg, the Jacob
Schiff, and Kuhn-Loeb institutions. I called on Mr . Marshall, and although our meeting
started in a rather agitated atmosphere, it ended very peacefully . When taking leave of
the famous lawyer, he showed me that part of New York that could be seen through
his Wall Street window, and told me : "Look what we can do for a country we love,
in Russia we have shown the world what we can do to a country we hate ." Mr .
Marshall felt obliged to repeat this statement to our Financial Attache, Mr . Gheorghe
Boncescu .
24 The Suicide of Europe
my distress, a passing motorist stopped, alighted from his automobile,
and after a moment's hesitation, jumped into the cold water with no
regard for footgear and trousers, and quickly helped me out of my
quandary .
We availed ourselves, my wife and I, of the opportunity of my first
leave of absence on the North American continent, to go for a five-week
hunting trip in northern Alberta, Canada . Broad then were the ranges,
generous the bag limit, and game was everywhere . We came back with
six excellent head of bighorn, wild goats, and moose . We hiked along
the Smoky River, with our two Indian guides, our Canadian cook and
our twenty-eight packhorses, to the Eagle Nest Pass-a spot of unfor-
gettable grandeur-without meeting any other hunting party or even
any other human being ; a situation that would be hard to duplicate in
the crowded hunting grounds of today .
Back in Washington, it was on our early morning cavalcades in Rock
Creek Park that we satisfied our enjoyment of life in the open and our
love of streams and woods . Idaho Senator William E . Borah, on a
sturdy palomino, was almost always an earlier rider than we .
It was from the United States that the tailor Trotsky and his cosmo-
politan companions set out for the conquest of the world, well-financed
by New York bankers with that indispensable lubricant for making
wars and revolutions . And it was an American President who by his
attitude and his decisions saved the Soviet regime from a gory still-birth .
Yet the United States waited until 1933 to recognize this regime . While
in Washington I had the opportunity to find out that this contradiction
in the United States policy toward the Soviets was only an apparent one .
Indeed, it was about that time that Washington made the fateful deci-
sion to send technicians, engineers, and workers by the hundreds to
help the Soviet Union build up her heavy and semi-heavy industry on
the most modern footing and with the most modern material ; this
material was sold of course by American industrialists . The argument
invoked was that of the financial benefit not only to those big indus-
trialists but also to the hundreds of technicians and workers who were
sent into Soviet territory .
Sallust once said : "For the vile metal for which the plebeian was as
avid as the rich speculators, the greatness of Rome collapsed, her blood
was defiled, her glory and her honor were lost ."


The European Right and Professor Weber's

Special Assignment

T o provide the reader with a better understanding of Ru-

mania's position between World War I and World War II, and to
enable him to understand not only what the Rumanian Legionary
Movement was but also what part that band of patriots played in
Rumanian affairs during that trying period, a short examination of
selections from a book entitled The European Right, a Historical Pro-
file, seems now to be in order . Specifically I will discuss those parts of
the book that deal with Rumania in general and the Legionary Move-
ment in particular .
Edited by Professors Hans Rogger and Eugen Weber of the University
of California, The European Right attempts to examine in ten essays
the Rightist movement in England and on the Continent . Mr . Weber
wrote the "Introduction" and the essay entitled "Romania ." Mr. Rogger
contributed a piece called "Afterthoughts" in which he tried to explain
what he and Weber mean by "Right" :
"Without wishing to impose our views and preferences," we wrote to our
contributors, "we have yet had to make certain assumptions in order to
delimit the meaning of 'Right' for present purposes, and hope that these
assumptions will be shared . They are that the Right is a phenomenon of
fairly recent history (i .e ., the last sixty to eighty years), that it is character-
istically a postliberal (or postdemocratic) and postindustrial phenomenon,
that as a reaction to the liberalization of political life it was more violent
or radical than the conservative wish to preserve privilege or the status quo,
and that it implied a readiness to conduct politics with some or all the
techniques and appeals introduced by the mass parties of democracy and
the Left, as well as some novel ones ."'
1 Hans Rogger, "Afterthoughts," in Hans Rogger and Eugen Weber, eds ., The
European Right, a Historical Profile (Berkeley and Los Angeles : University of Califor-
nia Press, 1965), p . 575 .
26 / The Suicide o f Europe
Actually the Rightist movements studied in The European Right by
ten university professors under the sponsorship of the University of
California and other educational institutions all have one trait in com-
mon : They were first of all anti-Communist movements . There is no
doubt that if Communism had not conquered Russia, if Moscow had
not suddenly become the spiritual and temporal Mecca of a monstrous
faith and of a subtle, poisonous, insinuating and conquering power,
those movements either would not have been born, or would have fol-
lowed quite another evolution ; provoking less virulent hostilities, they
would have been themselves less violent in their expressions and re-
actions .
Anti-Communism being the common characteristic of the movements
under study, it would have been, we think, logically and intellectually
necessary for this characteristic to be emphatically present in their
definition . However, by carefully chosen timing-"sixty" or "eighty"
years ago, in 1965-the editors and contributors have at the onset ex-
cluded not only from their definition, but also from their whole
learned investigation, multiple, fundamental, and essential elements of
truth . For instance :
1 . The post-World War I Rightist movements have been, first of all,
a spontaneous reaction against the Communist danger in all its forms
and disguises .
2 . Those movements owed their popularity, and sometimes their
existence, to the inability of the established powers, on both domestic
and foreign policy fields, to meet the Communist danger with appro-
priate force and decision .
3 . It was the strange and unexplained collusion between those es-
tablished powers and the Communist world-on both domestic and
foreign fields-that brought the major clashes between those powers
and the young nationalist movements, and also brought the final clash
between non-Communist countries .
4 . The solidarity between the young nationalist movements of vari-
ous European countries was based principally on their identical re-
action to the Communist danger and to this unexplainable collusion,
rather than on any absolute sameness of doctrines .
Without taking those elements of truth into consideration even an
unbiased investigator could only have failed in his research . Take for
instance Corneliu Codreanu's declaration of November 30, 1937 : "Forty-
eight hours after the victory of the Legionary Movement, Rumania will
be allied to Rome and Berlin, thus entering the line of its historical
world-mission : the defense of the Cross, of Christian Culture and Civili-
zation ." The conclusion of the two connected pacts of military assistance
The European Right and Weber's Special Assignment / 27
between France and the Soviet Union and Czecho-Slovakia had occurred
a year before Codreanu made that statement . These new instruments of
European diplomacy, and the obvious acquiescence of the established
powers in Rumania to them, had suspended the Damoclean sword of a
Soviet invasion over the country's very existence . Against such an inva-
sion Rumania had no allies other than those governments and nations
for which Soviet Russia and Communism were also the preeminent
danger and recognized enemies .
It has been objected that it was almost hypocritical for Codreanu to
invoke the defense of Christian Civilization in order to explain his
readiness to conclude an alliance with National Socialist Germany and
Fascist Italy . For Codreanu, Christian Civilization and Western Civiliza-
tion were one and the same thing ; the thing that Germany and Italy
had helped Franco in Spain to defend and save against the allied forces
of the Communist parties of all European countries, and against the
coalition of the Soviet Union and the Western Powers, the United States
A definition of the Legionary Movement could not limit itself, of
course, to the Movement's anti-Communist character . But reflection will
show that the source of most of its other traits is to be found also, if less
visibly, in the sudden emergence of the Communist atrocity in the politi-
cal, social, economic, and spiritual structure of Europe and of the
world ; an emergence which created totally novel problems and situa-
tions or greatly accentuated some of those already existing . The pro-
found damage and lasting convulsions which afflicted this structure after
World War I were not to be attributed principally to the unavoidable
consequences of all wars . We had the instances of the Napoleonic wars
and of the war of 1870 between France and Germany quickly followed
by long periods of prosperity and tranquility for all the countries con-
cerned. The source of the economic damage and social disorganization
of the Continent was the appearance on its Eastern borders of a menace
the equivalent of which it had never known before .
Among those damages one of the most destructive was the deteriora-
tion, sometimes to almost nothingness, of the worth of so many Euro-
pean currencies . If gold was fleeing from Europe, it was for fear of con-
tagious and conquering Communism . For the countries involved the
disappearance of the metal coverings meant inflation, paralysis of the
economic exchanges, insolvency of governments, reduction of the salaries
of state employees to an unbearable minimum, rampant speculation and
profiteering, unavoidable corruption of moral standards, fateful devalu-
ation of social and patriotic values . But for Rumania it meant also
something else : the disappearance of the Conservative Party, an his-
28 / The Suicide o f Europe
torical element of wisdom and morality . This fact radically influenced
her political and social life, a circumstance to which we have already al-
luded in a preceding chapter .
The agrarian reform that had been presented to the Rumanian
Parliament during World War I by a coalition government of Lib-
erals and Conservatives provided a reasonable indemnification for the
landlords based on the minimum worth of comparable arable land
in the last ten years . The enforcement of this reform between 1917 and
1921 brought ninety-two percent of Rumania's arable land in the hands
of the peasants. But at that time devaluation of our currency had
brought it to one-fiftieth of its nominal gold value . Moreover, the land-
lords were not paid in this already almost worthless lei, but in bonds
which quickly fell to one-third of their nominal value in worthless lei.
This reduced the landlords' indemnification to 1/150 of that intended by
the original legislator . This fraudulent implementation of the agrarian
reform was carried out enthusiastically by the Liberal Party and by the
newly hatched political groups, the Populist and the National Peasant
groups, eager and happy to get rid of a rival and a censor .
This enormous fraud ruined indeed the very base and raison d'etre
of the Conservative Party : the complete independence of the material
means of its leaders from political pursuits and from other worries
than those for the public welfare and for the security and greatness of
the fatherland. It was, therefore, quite another Rumania that Corneliu
Codreanu and his young companions had to deal with than that of a
few years before . The sacrifice of hundreds of them would not have been
necessary in order to prevent servile governments from promising free
passage over our territory to Soviet armies, or in order to make a quick
end to the Carol-Lupescu regime of corruption and iniquity, if men
like Lascar Catargi, Petru Carp, Titus Maiorescu, Gheorghe Cantacu-
zene, Ion and Jack Lahovary, Nicholae Filipescu, and Delavrancea had
still been at the head of a powerful party with deep roots in the country's
past and a strong and natural attachment to the rural classes .
It is interesting to remark that it was Petru Carp, one of the most
distinguished leaders of the Conservative Party, who, in an almost
prophetic vision, foretold the emergence of a new movement under the
leadership of a young chief, that would not be a copy but a continu-
ation, adapted to changed situations, of the Conservative Party . Corneliu
Codreanu's Movement would have been just that if fate had permitted
it to be born in less tragic circumstances .
By deciding to start their investigation of the postwar nationalist
phenomenon at a date prior to the end of the war and the birth of
Bolshevik Russia, the learned editors of The European Right decided
by the same token to ignore the difference which was strikingly and
The European Right and Weber's Special Assignment / 29
painfully obvious to any person who had known both the pre-war and
the post-war Rumania . This permits Mr . Weber to vent his antipathy, or
perhaps his hate, toward Rumania with a greater semblance of veracity.

In the meantime, it should be observed, Codreanu's mysticism did not

exclude a very hard-headed appreciation of the situation . From a menda-
cious people he demanded honesty, in a lazy country he demanded work,
in an easy-going society he demanded self-discipline and persistence, from
an exuberant and windy folk he demanded brevity and self-control?

It is from the same position of hostility that Professor Weber re-

peatedly insists on a pretended similarity in the relations between "mas-
ters" and working classes in Algeria and Peru, and those in Rumania,
where the two social groups "belonged figuratively and sometimes
literally to two different nations ." 3 He is silent about the enormous
sacrifice in land and fortune made by the Rumanian "masters" for the
benefit of the Rumanian peasant (eighty percent of the Rumanian
population), a sacrifice which has had no equivalent among any other
group of "masters" in the social history of any other country . 4 Very
characteristically Professor Weber invokes as principal authority for
his metaphors, and his silences, the novels of the foreign-born Penait
Istraiti, heinous enemy of all that was Rumania ; a slum-dweller com-
pletely ignorant of Rumanian country life and Rumanian history ; a
notorious Communist and homosexual, whose works published in French
(a language he did not know) were in a large measure ghost-written by
French writers of the same ilk .
Concerning the Legionary Movement, Professor Weber also shows a
fondness for extra-European comparisons, appealing to "students of
African history" and invoking the "messiahs of the Ba-Congo" and of
other dark recesses of darkest Africa in order to explain Corneliu Co-
dreanu's prestige and the fidelity of his followers . 5 When such similes
do not appear convincing enough, the learned professor falls back on
Freud, throwing around such phrases as "transfer-wish fulfillment" and
other psychoanalytic gibberish .
Brasilach, the enthralling writer murdered ten years after Codreanu
by the same hidden forces, the idol of those of the French youth for
whom "the most natural human society was the nation," and for whom

' Eugen Weber, "Romania," in The European Right, p . 537.

' Ibid ., p . 504 .
' The agrarian reform carried out in Japan under the reign of Emperor Mutsuhito
was comparable, in regard to the extention of arable land expropriated, to the last
Rumanian agrarian reform, but it was soundly conceived and honestly applied and
one of its consequences was the astonishing Japanese industrial development in the
following century.
' Ibid ., p . 523.
30 / The Suicide of Europe
Communism represented the decay and disintegration of any human
society, was able in a few lines to go far deeper and more accurately
into this subject matter than Professor Weber was able to do in eighty-
two pages :

Before the universal Communist menace, from the frozen Norwegian

fiord to the red flatlands of Castille and the arid escarpments of Greece,
all the peoples of Europe were awakening from a listless slumber to the cry
of "Nations, arise!" In Rumania, Corneliu Codreanu was addressing his
Legionaries in rugged speeches full of picturesque poetry, appealing to
their honor and their spirit of self-sacrifice and discipline, trying to con-
jure that state of inner enlightenment, present in all religious experiences,
that he called "the national unity" and upon which he was founding the
original, the monastic, the military movement of the Iron Guard .

We quote here also a letter from Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, who

gathered his information and his impressions from more reliable sources
than Professor Weber, addressed to a representative of the Legionary
Command :

If you are like the Legionaries, whom I have seen dying with a last word
of love to God and to their fatherland upon their lips, you are my friends .
God looks at the heart and even if you did not have the privilege to die a
martyr as they, God appreciates your willingness to give your life whenever
it might be necessary for . . . our oppressed country . I have seen Legionary
children like Gavrila~ and Ciubotea die as heroes . My wife was in prison
with Mrs. Codreanu and Mrs . Mota. We know how many very valuable ele-
ments are among you . Mocked by everybody, continue to believe and to love
and God will reward you . . . . Who could forget men of a legendary gran-
deur like Gafencu,6 lanulidi, Tetea, Gavrilas, and others who won our re-
spect-the respect of those who were not Legionaries and were not in
agreement with the Legionaries in many ways . Some of them saved my
life . . . .

It would be unjust, perhaps, to ask from this new crop of intellectuals

-victims, it seems, of a contagious brain-corroding pestilence that has
already suffused Western universities with its materialistic, utilitarian
and Marxist philosophy, to understand fully the notion of sacrifice for
a principle, or for one's country, or of fidelity, even unto death, toward
the leader who incarnates this principle or represents better than any-
body else the interests and destiny of that country.
For this new generation of "educators" and public opinion builders,
religion is no better than magic; love and fear of God is superstition ;
patriotism is an error ; nationalism is a crime ; self-sacrifice is masochism ;

9 No relation to Grigore Gafencu the former Minister of Foreign Affairs .

The author's parents . Constantin Negri, the great Rumanian states-
man, with the following dedication from the
author's mother : "Love, like him, your coun-
try above anything else ."

Prince Nicolas Ghyka-Comanesti, Princess Sturdza's uncle, was decidedly a "bear uncle ."
Comanesti Court, the estate of Princess Sturdza's grandfather .

seneral Prince Leon Mavrocordato, Princess Prince Eugene Ghyka, the grand-uncle of
3turdza's father. Princess Sturdza, fought with the Union
Army during the American Civil War . His
wife, Princess Jeanne Ghyka, who died in
1954 at the age of ninety, was a sister of
Queen Nathalie of Serbia .
Prince John Sturdza (left), the author's brother, and Prince Alexis Mavrocordato (right),
Princess Sturdza's brother . They were both killed in fighting Trotsky's armies .

Tescani, the colonial style estate of the author's aunt, Alice Rose tti-Tescani . This was a
second home for the author and his brothers, where in the winter drives many wolves were
killed, and where a library of more than ten thousand volumes helped the author, from his
early years, satisfy his intellectual curiosity .
Four generations : Prince Dimitri Ghyka-Comanesti ; Princess Marie Mavrocordato, his
daughter ; Princess Zoe Sturdza ; and Prince Elie Vlad Sturdza, her son .

Princess Sturdza with her son .

Wedding in Comanesti, Prince

and Princess Michel Sturdza .

Princess Sturdza with the head

of a moose shot on a trip to
Canada .
A typical Rumanian peasant family, from a painting by Mikl6s Barabas .

Scale of Miles
200 400

BRITISH Baltic Moscow

NETH. Berlin
GERMANY t• *Warsaw
`~ . `r --1 i% -'%
FRANCE SWlTZ.ti.~ Vienna •B udapest

lJ •Madrid AE RBIA '---. Black Sea
R .',,

ALB~I Cons antinople

Mediterranean Sea GREECE

UPI Photo
Europe on the eve of World War I .
uottea line marks the territory given
to Hungary by the Vienna Arbitrage in
1940, and reconquered by the Ruman-
ian army in 1944-45-




RUMANIA, before World War I
0 100
RUMANIA, after World War I
Princess Zoe' Sturdza with her dog, Prince Elie Vlad Sturdza, the son of the
Haiduc, a present from an American author, with Haiduc in Riga in 1934 .
friend .

Riga : In front, the President of Latvia ; at his left, Princess Zoe Sturdza ; back center,
the author with other members of the diplomatic corp .
The European Right and Weber's Special Assignment / 31
love of the past is necromania ; an obeyed leader is a medicine man ; and
discipline is a dark cult . Those people are, no doubt, sincere in their
disbeliefs and in their beliefs also, when they care to exhibit them ; one
cannot, therefore, berate them for the one or for the other . But we are
allowed to be surprised when university professors, in a book which
assumes the form and the aspect of a methodical and didactic investiga-
tion and which concerns itself with a highly controversial and angrily
disputed debate, instead of confronting opposing documentation, use
only material furnished by the declared adversaries of the political
movement being studied . The result could not have been any other,
regarding Rumania and the Legionary Movement in any case, than to
add another stratum to the accumulation of slander and deliberate mis-
information upon which condemnatory judgment have already been
passed, and to give new luster and credit to testimonies which have
long ago been totally disproved . In this category, for instance, fall all
the "official documentation" furnished by General Antonescu against
the activity of the Legionary Movement during the National Legionary
Government and under Horia Sima's leadership . It is exclusively upon
this "documentation" that Professor Weber based his final conclusions
with the simple qualification that the official data "were perhaps in-
flated," when, indeed, they were entirely fabricated or perverted .
Horia Sima, the Commandant of the Legionary Movement, is alive .
Professor Weber spent long hours with him asking and listening with
apparent great interest . He might have taken into account Sima's first-
hand and abundant information about so many controversial events,
situations and attitudes, expressing, of course, his own dissent or his
doubt if he felt it necessary . Not one line in Professor Weber's elaborate
composition records or reflects such important data or statements ; there
is not one quotation from Sima's works, in English, Spanish, or Ruma-
nian in a production in which even African sorcerers are quotedl Is that
honest academic research? Is that what the professor's sponsors, who no
doubt paid for his special trip to Spain, expected from him?
A Legionary text says that all great changes in human history are
provoked by the simultaneous occurrence of two events : a paroxysm in
the collective aspirations of some human group, and the appearance of
a creative personality, essentially representative of those aspirations,
with enough spirituality to bring them to life, and with enough discern-
ment to steer their course toward lasting realization .
Such a person for Rumania was Corneliu Zelea-Codreanu . What the
text did not say, but what the Legionary Movement learned from bit-
ter experience, is that almost by definition such a personality is fated to
disappear violently, long before he sees the outcome of his toils and of
his calvary.
32 / The Suicide of Europe
Wer darf das Kind beim rechten Nahmen nennen?
Die wenigen die was davon erkannt
Die toricht genug ihr voiles Herz nicht wahrten .
Dent Pobel ihr Gefiihl, ihr Schauen offenbarten
Hat man von je gekreuzigt and verbrannt 7

For Rumania, two factors determined the paroxysm and the necessity
for fearless spiritual and realistic leadership : 1 . The realization of a
centuries-old dream-the reconstruction almost in its entirety of the
Dacian empire and the reunion of all Rumanians under the same crown ;
a realization that conjured in the soul of every young Rumanian all the
spirit and the glories of the past. 2 . The sudden emergence at our east-
ern borders of a deadly menace to this miraculous reconstruction-a
menace more repugnant, perhaps, to Rumanian mentality than to that
of any other nation .
It was in January 1918 that for the first time a group of Rumanian
young people gathered around Codreanu, then nineteen years old . The
purpose then was the same as that of all of Codreanu's later efforts : the
defense of the endangered country and of the spiritual and historic
values which composed the texture of Rumania's existence . The Bol-
shevized Russian Army was roaming around Moldavia and menacing
Iasi, the provincial capital, then the seat of the Court and of the Govern-
ment . Codreanu and his young comrades of high school age decided to
organize a guerrilla war against the Communist enemy if serious hostil-
ities should break out between Rumanian troops and their former al-
lies .
In the following years, Codreanu while a student at the University of
Iasi continued among students and workers his fight against insidious
Communist ideas and infiltration . This time the fight was not against
foreign troops but against some of his own professors, against profes-
sional agitators, and also partly against the authorities of the province .
Helped by his friend, the workman Constantin Pancu, he founded the
Guard of the National Conscience . In March 1922, before graduating
from the Iasi Faculty of Law, he organized the Association of Christian
Students . Codreanu and twenty-six comrades in a solemn religious cere-
mony bound themselves by what has been called the angajamentul de
onoare ("pledge of honor")-to continue for the rest of their lives the
nationalist fight they had started on the benches of the university-a
pledge to which many of them remained faithful even unto their deaths.
° But who dares call the child by its right name?
The few who knowing something about it
Were foolish enough not to guard it in their hearts .
Those who have shown the people their feelings and their thoughts
Have been since always crucified or burned at the stake .
-Goethe, Faust I
The European Right and Weber's Special Assignment / 33
We think March 27, 1922, must be considered as the point of no return
in Codreanu's life and destiny .
After graduation Codreanu left for Berlin in order to complete his
studies in political economy, but he returned hurriedly to Rumania to
establish some order among the numerous nationalist movements that
had sprouted in the country in his absence . He had to overcome great
difficulties but finally succeeded in forming the League of National
Christian Defense, LANG (Liga Apararei Nationale Crestine) from
forty-two sporadic nationalist movements whose forty-two banners were
solemnly blessed at the Iasi Metropolitan Cathedral . LANG was no
more a limited student movement but a national organization . The
League elected Professor Alexandru C. Cuza as president, who delegated
to Codreanu the mission of further organizing the movement through-
out the whole country .
For Codreanu and LANG there followed three years of continuous
and often violent agitation, caused in part by the mass naturalization of
more than 500,000 Jews suddenly introduced by law into the organism
of the nation, and in part by the corruption that had started to infect
Rumania's public life . Against LANG activities the most brutal and
unjustified official reprisal was hurled . This was a time when independ-
ence of the judiciary, strength of character, and civic courage still dwelled
in Rumania. Public sympathy, public support, and incorruptible courts
sided with the young nationalist movement against the iniquities and the
cruel repression of the various Governments .
Between 1923 and 1925 Codreanu established an indissoluble friend-
ship, fateful for the destiny of his Movement, with Ion Mota . Codreanu
also organized the first working camp and the first "Brotherhoods of
the Cross" among the younger of his disciples . It was also during this
time that he and his followers met with one of the cruelest chapters of
the reign of terror to which they were to be continuously submitted.
This chapter of the Legionary calvary has been called the "Manciu Ter-
ror," named for the police commissioner of the city of Iasi to whom
the direction of the operation had been entrusted by the Liberal Gov-
ernment then in power .
Young men and young girls were imprisoned for no reason and
without any trial . They were humiliated, beaten, and tortured . One of
Manciu's favorite performances was to hang his victims by their feet
and submerge their heads in a bucket of water until they nearly drowned
and then to repeat this treatment. Freed from such atrocities by the
intervention of a group of influential people, the victims asked for the
punishment of Manciu and his accomplices for their criminal activities .
The result was the criminal's promotion and decoration with ribbons
and orders . Let us hear Professor Weber himself on the subject :
34 / The Suicide o f Europe
The first task which Codreanu set for himself and the members of his
brotherhoods was to build their own student center with bricks they made
themselves and money they raised by working in a market garden . But the
authorities suspected that their intentions were less specific than they
seemed, and the prefect of Iasi himself led the police and gendarmes to
break up the group with great brutality. Arrested without apparent reason
while at their work, they were tied up with ropes, dragged through the streets,
spat on, beaten, humiliated, and released only on the intervention of Cuza
and other leading citizens . Arbitrary beatings and arrests were hardly un-
usual in Romania, but this was Codreanu's first experience of sheer injus-
tice . An official inquiry which established the unwarranted arrests, beating,
and torture of the schoolboys led only to the decoration of the prefect,
Manciu, and the promotion of his principal assistants . . . .
Denied a hearing for his griefs, let alone any sanctions against the guilty,
Codreanu now took the law into his own hands and shot Manciu downs

Let us observe Professor Weber's clever attempts at extenuating as

much as possible Manciu's sadistic activities, and also the fact that he
fails to mention that Codreanu's gesture of revolt was also an act of
self-defense. When Manciu and his stooges came to arrest him again
Codreanu drew his gun and fired. Despite the persistent and illegal
efforts of the authorities (who twice changed the seat of the trial in
order to find a more pliable court), Codreanu was acquitted by twelve
jurymen who returned to the courtroom "sporting on their lapels the
LANC emblem . . . ." s "Codreanu was not only acquitted but vindi-
cated," 10 relates Professor Weber . "On the way back to Iasi, the peas-
ants gathered to cheer him . . . priests blessed him, and in the cities
great crowds filled the railroad stations with flowers and songs ."" Ru-
mania at that time was still Rumania, and not what years of corruption
and submission to the orders of the Unnamed Powers were to make
her . However much Manciu had deserved his fate, however much Co-
dreanu was supported in his action by his compatriots, those who knew
Codreanu knew also that he never justified to himself the shooting of
Manciu, whose death left an ineradicable shadow upon his thoughts .
About 100,000 persons gathered in Focsani to attend Codreanu's wed-
ding, and in a neighboring village one hundred newborn peasant chil-
dren were gathered to be baptised with him as godfather . Back in Iasi
he took the necessary measures in order to complete the building inter-
rupted by his arrest . But eager to have some time elapse between his
future activities and what had just happened, he left with Mota for
the University of Grenoble in order to continue his studies, and after
two years there he graduated in political economy .
8 Weber, op. cit ., p. 525 . Italics added.
9 Ibid., p . 526.
1O Ibid.
The European Right and Weber's Special Assignment / 35
Once again in Rumania, Codreanu tried to reconstruct the LANG,
which had disintegrated after his departure . He failed in his efforts and
asked Professor Cuza for authorization to leave the League and to
found his own organization . On June 24, 1927, the Legion of the Arch-
angel Michael was founded . The Legion was organized into cuibi ("nests")
of not less than three Legionaries but not more than thirteen . When a
nest seemed sufficiently strong, three of its members would start the
formation of another . The spreading of nests all over the country fol-
lowed and the Legion grew rapidly in the following years . To his
Legionaries Codreanu was the Captain, and his authority was unques-
tioned . This is what the Captain says about it : "The Legionary Move-
ment is not founded exclusively on the principle of authority nor on
that of liberty, but on the principle of love . Love cannot breed tyranny
and injustice, nor sanguinary revolutions and social wars ."
The educational methods of the nests are clearly stated by the six
fundamental laws written in the manual of the nest-chiefs :

1 . The Law of Discipline : Legionary be obedient ; without discipline we

will not win . Follow your chief for better or worse .
2 . The Law of Work : Do your daily work . Work with joy . Let the reward
of your work be not any material profit, but the satisfaction that you
have contributed something to the glory of the Legion and the greatness
of your country.
3 . The Law of Silence : Talk little . Talk only when you must . Your elo-
quence is in deeds . Let others talk ; you act .
4 . The Law of Education : You must become another man . A hero .
5 . The Law of Assistance : Help your brother in distress . Do not abandon
6 . The Law of Honor : Follow only the ways shown by honor . Fight. Never
be a coward. Leave to others the ways of infamy . Better fail fighting the
way of honor, than to conquer by infamy .
From the field of student agitation, the Legionary Movement in June
1931, passed for the first time to that of the electoral conflict, a field
upon which it encountered in an unequal and cruel fight an enemy
with which it had had until then only skirmishes : the politician . From
prison to prison, from torture to torture, from illegal dissolution to
illegal dissolution, the Legionary Movement reached the election of
1932 more powerful and more antagonized than it had ever been . It
now had an alternate designation, the Iron Guard, which reflected the
increase in the amount of fortitude and steadfastness asked from the
Legionaries in order to face the new wave of persecutions . Indeed, by
decree of the Liberal Government presided over by Ion Duca, "the
political group known under the name of the Legion of the Archangel
Michael, or the Iron Guard, or the Group Zelea-Codreanu" was dis-
solved on December 10, 1933 .
36 The Suicide of Europe
Meanwhile a new and invaluable partner had joined the ranks of
the Iron Guard, General Gheorghe Cantacuzene, the most admired,
the most beloved, the most heroic of the leaders of the Rumanian Army
during World War I . It was with the General at their side that Co-
dreanu and the Legionary Movement faced the Duca terror ; the cruelest
the Movement had had to endure up to that point . By the thousands
Legionaries were arrested, beaten, and tortured . Twelve of them were
killed by Duca's police before three of their comrades took the law into
their own hands and on December 29, 1933, killed Duca in the Sinaia
railway station and then immediately gave themselves up to the police .
The Government brought all the Legionary chiefs before a military
court, together with the three murderers, and asked that all of them be
sentenced as accomplices . The prosecutor for the State was General
Petrovicescu, a man who had at that time absolutely no connection
with the Iron Guard, but who eight years later was to share with it
another part of its calvary and was to die in prison for its cause . Refus-
ing to take into account all the pressures to which he was submitted-
including an order from King Carol-Petrovicescu limited his indict-
ment to the three murderers and declared that after careful investiga-
tion he was convinced that none of the leaders of the Legionary Move-
ment were aware of the murderers' intentions nor had any responsibility
concerning the murder in the Sinaia railway station .
Professor Weber thinks he knows better . Here is his account of this
drama :

On December 10, 1933, at the height of yet one more electoral campaign,
the ruling Liberal government, responding to its western allies' fears of a
fascist agitation, again dissolved the Guard . In the ensuing persecution,
half a dozen legionaries were killed and hundreds were imprisoned until
the elections had been held and the Liberals had secured the desired ma-
jority. On December 29, three legionaries "punished" I . G. Duca, the
premier responsible for this, by shooting him down at point-blank range
on a railroad station platform, and then gave themselves up . [There were
twelve, not half a dozen, killed . Thousands were imprisoned and tortured,
not hundreds . They were kept in prison for several months .]
When Duca had signed the decree that dissolved the Legion and kept it
from the polls, General Gheorghe Cantacuzino [Cantacuzene] (1869-1937),
an old follower of Averescu's Popular Party who had since joined Codreanu,
had written him, "You have signed your will." Although Duca's murderers
seem to have planned their coup alone, they were encouraged to do it-
if not put up to it-by the General . Codreanu, though he endorsed their
act post facto, always claimed he had no knowledge of it . Even if that were
true, the moral responsibility for this and other acts of murder and mayhem
must be placed at his door .12
I Ibid ., p. 547 . Italics added.
The European Right and Weber's Special Assignment / 37
Regarding General Cantacuzene's supposed participation in Duca's
murder, Professor Weber has given us a perfect instance of quotes clev-
erly isolated from their context . General Cantacuzene was an old and
good friend of Prime Minister Duca, toward whom, as toward many
of his friends, he was inclined to assume a blunt fatherly attitude . The
letter quoted by Professor Weber was, of course, one of the principal
exhibits at the trial, where it was read in extenso and correctly inter-
preted as a pressing warning to a friend from one who knew at first
hand the intensity of the indignation raised among the Legionary masses
by the assassination of their comrades and the increasing cruelty of the
Duca terror .
Concerning Codreanu's supposed complicity in the Duca crime or in
the "other acts of murder and mayhem [which] must be placed at his
door," Professor Weber could have easily avoided the fault of misin-
formation (remembering that Codreanu had never lied or tried to fool
anybody) by reading in its original text the precept of non-violence on
which the Captain had based the Legionary Movement after his depar-
ture from the LANC and his farewell to the period of student agitation
that had preceded the Manciu murder and trial . We quote from Pentru
Legionari, the book in which Codreanu had determined the way of life
and the way of action for the new movement he had created :

The Legionary Movement will never resort to complot or a coup in order

to win . By the very essence of our beliefs we are against conspiracy . This
would mean violence of an outward character, while we expect victory
from an inner realization of the nation's soul .
We have walled ourselves inside a framework of perfect order and
legality, so as to be above any reproach . We will follow the line of the
country's laws without provoking anybody, without answering to any
provocation . But do not believe that this will be of any avail . The way
our governments think is this : "We cannot destroy you under the pretext
that you have violated our laws ; therefore, we will violate our laws and
destroy you . You have decided not to be `illegal'? Well, we will be illegal
for you ." So, we have been locked up in a purely diabolical system : We
are accused by the press and all the official media of propaganda, of viola-
ting the law, and it is just because we maintain ourselves unshakenly in
the framework of the law that our adversaries are able to crush us in the
most cruel way.
They try to throw us out of that state of legality into one of violence .
But we won't allow ourselves to be pushed into that position. We have
decided to act in the framework of the law . We do not want to use force.
We do not want to use violence .

At a later time, in February 1938, in a circular to the members of his

Movement, which had presented itself at recent elections under the
name of the All for the Country Party, Codreanu stated :
38 / The Suicide of Europe
To all concerned: the All for the Country Party does not exist any
more . All those presently belonging to the Legionary Movement are re-
leased from their bonds. All the offices of the Movement are abolished .
We do not want any more of the experiences of the past, when contrary
to our will we have been pushed onto the road of violence . We won't
answer violence any more . We will accept any brutality even if the whole
nation is treated as a herd of livestock . We won't revolt, because we have
the conscience of our mission and of our responsibility . We won't, through
irrational action, make of our country another bleeding Spain .
Our generation sees the gauntlet that has been thrown before it. We
won't take it up . The hour of our victory has not yet struck . This is the
hour of others . If the generation of our predecessors think that they are
doing right, we won't try to prove them wrong . They have the responsibil-
ity of their actions before God and before history .

It was after the Captain had thus disbanded his organization, and
on the eve of his departure for Italy, that he was once more arrested .
Before leaving for another prison, the soaked casemates of Jilava, where
a few months later his tortured body would be brought back and buried
under several tons of concrete, the Captain had the opportunity to
pass to his family a few sheets from which we extract these following
lines :

Wednesday, June 15, 1938-When I had finished the reading of the

Gospel, I understood that I was in this prison by the will of God, that
however innocent I was according to human justice, he punished me for
my sins and put my faith to test . I calmed down ; serenity descended upon
the torments of my soul, as the serenity of the evening descends upon the
agitation and the passions of this world . For, I have been cruelly tortured .
My poor flesh has suffered much . I don't think that I have ever suffered
so much. I have not lost faith and love, but I felt at one moment that I
had lost any tie with hope . Physically tortured like a beast, my clothes are
filled only with aches . For sixty nights I have been sleeping on these
planks. Sixty days and nights, that my bones absorb like a sponge the
moisture that oozes from floor and walls .
For two months I have not exchanged a word with anybody, as every-
body here is forbidden to talk to me . Manacled and stricken, without any
possibility to defend myself. I am declared foreign to my nation, and an
enemy of the state. With my heart oppressed, thinking of the sufferings of
my family and of so many of my comrades, I felt that in me one of the
links between man and God had broken : hope . . . .
Friday night, June 17, 1938-Half an hour ago my lawyers came and
told me that my appeal to the court of cassation had been denied . All
of them were mournful and dispirited . I stayed with them about fifteen
minutes. I asked them about the court hearings . They answered with a
few words, and we parted .
I went back to my cell, sat on the planks of my bed and prayed : Our
Father Who art in Heaven, Thy will be done .13
m "It is hard to tell whether, with Codreanu once put away, the King and his pre-
mier, Calinescu, really intended his death," says Professor Weber (op. cit., p . 554) . He
The European Right and Weber's Special Assignment / 39
If one remembers that, with the Captain, hundreds of leaders of the
Movement had been arrested in the capital and in the provinces, and
when one tries to realize the turmoil and anger that had broken loose
in the souls of the Legionary masses, deprived momentarily of any
leadership, one can only wonder that more disorders had not occurred
at the time of the last arrest and of the iniquitous verdict that sent
Codreanu to his last prison-than the limited happenings in Cluj, am-
plified and used by many commentators, and by Professor Weber also,
to explain and even excuse the murder of the Captain . The readers of
this book will have the opportunity to form their own opinion about
the subject .
A few words more about those commentators. It has been their prac-
tice to grant a certain measure of understanding and compassion for
the Legionary leaders who have passed away, generally victims of violent
deaths. Professor Weber followed the routine concerning Codreanu.
But this indulgence toward the dead is often only a way to win more
credit for the denunciation and slander of those alive, especially of the
Denunciation is directed very naturally today to the present Com-
mandant of the Movement, Horia Sima, as it had been directed to
Codreanu, Mota, and others when they were alive . And here Professor
Weber's insinuations are sometimes qualified as in the case of the trou-
ble in Cluj, where he admits somewhat reluctantly, that Horia Sima
tried to prevent it . They are sometimes even contradicted by his own
text, as in the case of the pretended Legionary insurrection against
General Antonescu . "The Legion's `rebellion' was actually its resistance
to a coup by its governmental partner [General Antonescu] to eliminate
it from power," 14 says Professor Weber . That throws the burden of this
tragedy in Rumania's history and of all its consequences where it be-
longs : upon the shoulders of General Antonescu . That the learned pro-

discreetly prepared this attempt at minimizing Carol's and Cklinescu's infamy by

the utterly misleading information that Codreanu had "refused . . . to leave the
country" (Ibid ., p. 552) . Far from refusing to leave the country, Codreanu, who had
announced that he was leaving for Italy with the intention of spending several years
there, already had his passport visaed by the Rumanian authorities and by the
Italian Consulate, and his tickets and that of his family booked, when at the last
moment his passport was confiscated by Calinescu's police and he was arrested, never
to be free again. If Carol and CAlinescu had only wanted him "put away," to use
Professor Weber's words, it would have been easy enough for them to let the Captain
leave. It is not hard to understand why Professor Weber omits this important episode,
one pebble among the avalanche of misinformation by omission and commission in
his script, for this one instance suffices by itself to show what exactly was the task
assigned to Professor Weber by his generous sponsors-the American Council of
Learned Studies, the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, and the Re-
search Grants Commission of the University of California .
'* Weber, op . cit., p . 566.
40 / The Suicide of Europe
fessor adds : "There is every reason to suppose that legionaries had
considered a coup of their own, but Antonescu beat them to it," 15 with-
out giving any of those reasons, is too much in the natural line of the
"twistorians" of every epoch to chide him for it.
The same contradiction between facts and Professor Weber's allega-
tions might be often detected by anyone just from Weber's own text,
as for instance when Professor Weber suggests that, contrary to what
was occurring under Codreanu's leadership, under Sima the Legion was
"a conscious agent" of National Socialist Germany . Under Codreanu,
as well as under Sima, the Movement had always jealously kept its
independence from any foreign influence . But it was under Sima that
this attitude of independence provoked the greatest difficulties between
the Movement and Germany, difficulties which reached the point of
open conflict, even according to Professor Weber's narrative itself, and
led to the imprisonment in Germany of about four hundred Legionar-
ies, among whom were Sima himself and the principal leaders of the
Movement . They were "held in gentle confinement by the Germans,"
says Professor Weber, which is a deliberate falsehood . As everybody
knows, it was in the concentration camps of Dachau and Buchenwald
that these Legionaries were confined until the last months of the war .
It was from there that they surged to take arms against the Communist
enemy, to save at least the honor of a betrayed army and a betrayed
country .
This book is not a history of the Legionary Movement, although I
might be tempted sometime to write it, even without the generous
sponsorship of a "liberal" university or of the Guggenheim Founda-
tion ; but a history of the part Rumania played in the events that have
led the world to the last great war between non-Communist powers .
What will follow will unavoidably bring Codreanu and his Move-
ment into the focus of this narrative and to the attention of the reader .
I would like, however, to try to answer here a question that has often
been asked me : What now? Does the Movement still exist as an opera-
ting organization? Has it not been completely annihilated by the fierce
new repression to which it has been submitted by the Communist
We are not concerned here with what is left in Rumania of the Le-
gion of the Archangel Michael . What we are anxious to see is the hour
at which it will become evident that every Rumanian has become a
Legionary . For we firmly believe that as long as such a transformation
has not occurred, in Rumania and the other enslaved countries, and
even among the masses of all Western non-Communist countries, the
15 Ibid.
The European Right and Weber's Special Assignment / 41

danger of a universal Communist victory is constantly around the

In what concerns more specifically Rumania and the Legionary Move-
ment, I cannot do better than quote the following words of the Captain :

Then, we will accept death . Our blood will run . We have lived with
death as a thought and a decision and we have always had thereby the
certitude of victory . Our victory will not be life but resurrection!

the Enemy's Agent

The catalogue of his acquaintances . . . would

throw a curious light on those subterranean agencies
of which the world in general knows so little, but
which exercise so great an influence on public events .

"So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is

governed by very different personages from what is
imagined by those who are not behind the scenes ."
I strive not to throw Europe into this criminal ad-
venture. But the states, even the British crown, are
not the masters of their destiny . Powers that elude us
are promoting in Great Britain, as in other coun-
tries, special interests and an aberrant idealism .
From a speech in the House of Commons
Mount Vernon, October 24, 1798
Reverend Sir:
It was not my intention to doubt that the doctrine
of the Illuminati, and the principles of Jacobinism,
had [sic] not spread in the United States . On the
contrary, no one is more satisfied of this fact than I
am .
The idea I meant to convey was that I did not be-
lieve the Lodges of Freemasons in this country had,
as societies, endeavored to propagate the DIABOL-
ICAL tenets of the former, or the PERNICIOUS
principles of the latter, IF THEY ARE SUSCEP-
TIBLE OF SEPARATION . That individuals of
them may have done it, or that the founder, or in-
struments employed to found the DEMOCRATIC
societies in the United States may have had this
object, and actually had a separation of the people
from their government in view, IS TOO EVIDENT
With respect, I remain, Sir, etc. . . .
From Washington, The Man
and the Mason, by Charles
Callahan 1913 .

* Capitals added by Callahan .


Riga and the Pacts of Nonaggression

W hen I took over the direction of the recently created Ru-

manian Legation in Riga, Latvia, in November 1929 and for two years
thereafter, Rumania was in the happy situation of not having diplo-
matic (nor any other) relations with the Soviet Union and no rail or
road contact with her . We were the only neighbor of Soviet Russia that
had kept untouched the barbed-wire barrier which, had it become a
general policy of the Western Powers, would have promptly put an
end to the existence of this apocalyptical apparition . News from Soviet-
land reached us only through the diplomatic and intelligence services
of our allies, especially France and Poland .
The chief mission of our new Legation in Riga was to make up for
this important and detrimental lack of information . In order to simplify
my task I had been accredited to the Estonian Government and later to
the Finnish Government, simultaneously . The choice of the Baltic
capitals as watchposts for what was happening and brewing in Soviet
Russia was most appropriate . These regions had been a part of the Rus-
sian Empire ; their statesmen, their intelligentsia, their civilian and
military officials, were familiar with the ambiance and the mentality of
their former country . Although the Baltic states had been for a short
but tragic period occupied by murderous Soviet gangs, they maintained
diplomatic relations with Soviet Russia, toward which they had the same
apprehensive and mistrusting attitude as we .
During all my activity in Riga, Reval, and Helsinki, I had the benefit
of the great mass of information of the three Governments and of their
intelligent and experienced interpretation of the reports that reached
us. Another interesting source of information was the legation of the
United States. This country, like Rumania, having at that time no
diplomatic relations with Soviet Russia, was in an especially favorable
46 / The Suicide o f Europe
situation regarding its intelligence service . Indeed, hundreds and even
thousands of American technicians and workers, placed at the disposal
of Soviet Russia by Washington, in order to build up her heavy industry
and therefore her military potential, were passing through the Baltic
ports when leaving or entering Soviet territory . Each of these travelers
had something to tell, even if it was only about the atmosphere which
surrounded him in a Communist country .
Concerning my own reports to Bucharest, I will mention only that
they insistently and repeatedly mentioned the Soviets' enormous efforts
to build up their military capacity at the price of any sacrifice from
their unhappy people .
Because Rumania's diplomatic personnel were forbidden to give out
press releases or statements, it was my son, then fifteen years old, who
translated and annotated for the Rumanian public a German book that
was extremely informative regarding the increasing Soviet military possi-
bilities. This book was all the more interesting because at that time
German military experts at the military academy in Moscow were es-
tablishing the military doctrine of Stalin's budding armies. When a
scandalous affair, involving embezzlement, temporarily deprived our
armies of the heavy and light artillery that the Czecho-Slovak Skoda
factories were building for us, I could not resist the impulse of inform-
ing not only our Foreign Office but also the Rumanian public of the
increasing possibilities of action by our gigantic neighbors ; and I
passed, over my initials, two articles to the Rumanian press entitled, if I
remember correctly, "Shall We Be Caught again without Arms?" 1
It was about that time that a false alarm of not well-identified origin
was spread concerning an imminent Soviet surprise attack . A wired
circular from our Foreign Office to all our diplomatic agencies abroad
asked us for all the information we could gather on that subject . In a
considered answer I reassured our Government that I was convinced
that Soviet intentions toward their neighbors were not of an immediate
impulsive nature but were developed over a long period of time and
called for, besides, a long political and diplomatic preparation, upon
which the Soviets had just embarked .
Mr. Gheorghe Mironescu, our Foreign Minister, who had summoned
me to Bucharest, informed me that the alarm of our Government was
all the greater since Russian aggression would have caught us-thanks
to the Skoda scandal-in a dangerous state of unpreparedness . He sus-
pected the Skoda industry of having spread the misleading alert in
order to induce us to accept their faulty material . He informed me also
that King Alexander of Yugoslavia had spontaneously offered to us the
lI have described in my book Avec I'Armee Roumaine the state of complete dis-
armament into which the Rumanian Army was thrown during World War I .
Riga and the Pacts o f Nonaggression / 47
excellent artillery material that the same company was about to deliver
to the Yugoslav Army . Our War Department, for motives unknown,
declined King Alexander's offer .
It was, I think, my reports about the situation in Soviet Russia and
about the likely unfolding of their next diplomatic activity which
prompted the new Rumanian Government in 1931 to select me as its
Representative at the Rumanian-Soviet negotiations, concerning a pact
of nonaggression .
Before relating the story of those negotiations and of the subsequent
events in Rumania, I would like to recall to the reader's memory how
extensively the friendly relations between the Western Powers and
Soviet Russia had developed at that time .
The present apostles of coexistence as a newly publicized way of
reaching a real and durable peace between the Communist and the non-
Communist world choose to forget the attitude of benevolent tolerance
practiced almost without interruption by the Western Powers toward
the Communist monstrosity since the first years of the USSR's existence .
They take particular care to forget the first experience in proclaimed
friendly coexistence, which will be described in this and following chap-
ters, with all its fatal consequences .
Two very simple directives had governed Soviet foreign policy from
1918 until 1939 : 1 . There could not be a more favorable climate for the
cause of the world revolution than a war between bourgeois countries ;
2 . In order to keep alive the possibility of such a war, the Soviets must
always fall in line with the nation which without Soviet assistance
would have felt unable to resort eventually to arms .
Lenin had given us fair warning :

In the pursuit of our aim we can afford, with our power of destruction,
to collaborate with some capitalist governments . . . . We can even conclude
alliances with them in order to lure them into a false feeling of security .
When their government, relying upon our support, throws itself into I
do not know what mad adventure, we will let them fall, and we will build
our empire upon their ruins .

It is in keeping with those principles that we have seen the following

Soviet diplomatic maneuvers :
1 . After Versailles and the disintegration of Germany's military es-
tablishment, the USSR signed the surprise Rapallo agreement with
Germany; and thus began the Chicherin-Rantzau policy . 2
'The Allied and Associated Powers met with Soviet delegates in Genoa in April
1922 in order to discuss the possibilities of economic exchanges between East and
West. The Soviet delegates showed no special interest in these talks, but meanwhile
they were secretly negotiating with German delegates in a neighboring city, Rapallo .
These latter negotiations came to a quick conclusion : the Treaty of Rapallo between
48 / The Suicide of Europe
2. When the efforts of National Socialism, an Italian alliance, and
Polish friendship had made again of Germany the first military and
political power on the continent, Russia inaugurated what Dimitrov
called the Trojan Horse policy-she entered the League of Nations,
signed a pact of nonaggression and friendship with her neighbors, and
made a pact of mutual military assistance with France and Czecho-
3. Finally, when the combination of the rupture between Berlin and
Warsaw, the reluctance of Mussolini, the opposition of Goring and the
Generals of the Reichswehr, plus the unmistakable stand taken by the
United States, might have prompted Hitler to a milder or slower course
of action, Russia signed the Ribbentrop-Molotov Agreement-with
World War II as a consequence .
Panic struck, therefore, the diplomatic and military circles in Mos-
cow, at the growing possibility during the first years of the Thirties of
a new four-power pact between France, Germany, Italy, and Great
Britain which might reassert and complete, with the successors of
Stresemann, 3 the Locarno Pact . 4 These memoirs will show how close
Europe and the world came to getting the priceless benefits of such a
diplomatic instrument, which would have been the best guarantee of a
durable peace between non-Communist powers; they will also show all
the exertions made by some Western quarters in order to help the
Soviets avoid such an impasse .
Potemkin, one of the Kremlin's official historians, wrote in his His-
tory of Soviet Diplomacy, "The new attitude of the Soviet Government
(the pacts of nonaggression, the entrance into the League of Nations,
etc.) . . . had as motives the necessity to thwart the project of a four-
power pact ." The first tactical aim of this new policy was the renewal
of the Franco-Russian alliance of the pre-World War I period, a master-

Germany and Soviet Russia . This was a bitter surprise for the Western negotiators
in Genoa-a prefiguration of the Ribbentrop-Molotov Agreement of 1939 .
The Treaty of Rapallo provided for a reciprocal renunciation of all financial war
claims, resumption of diplomatic and consular relations, and the application of most-
favored-nation economic exchange . It also provided for "mutual feelings of good will ."
As a result, Germany was allowed to produce, in Soviet factories, the types of arma-
ment forbidden to her by the Versailles Treaty, thus probably putting the blueprints
of these arms at the disposal of the Soviet High Command .
8 Gustav Stresemann was the German Foreign Minister who negotiated the 1925
Locarno Pact. Moscow feared a renewal, either in fact or in spirit, of the Pact .
'This treaty was the result of meetings of Germany, France, Great Britian, Italy,
and Belgium in Locarno, Switzerland . There these powers came to an agreement
which maintained the territorial status quo created by the Versailles Treaty, gave
Germany certain moral satisfaction and prestige, and established a solidarity con-
cerning the respect of treaties and preservation of peace . It was guaranteed by the
League of Nations and came into effect September 14, 1926 . It was by this treaty that
the Rhineland was demilitarized .
Riga and the Pacts o f Nonaggression / 49

stroke that was sure to preclude any further rapprochement between

Germany and France and even to provoke an explosive reaffirmation of
their traditional hostility.
The principal difficulty for Russian diplomacy, besides the general
distrust among the rightist and centrist members in the French Parlia-
ment, lay in the terms and spirit of Franco-Polish and the Franco-Ru-
manian military and political arrangements, which practically forbade
not only a military alliance but even any radical change in the status
of the Franco-Soviet relations without Poland and Rumania's consent .
Very influential leftist circles in France, headed by Edouard Herriot
and Premier Leon Blum, were fighting violently against the new four-
power pact proposed by Mussolini and openly favored by Great Britain
and Germany.

Writing memoirs was for Sir Winston Churchill what plucking the lute
was for Nero on that fabulous night . We wonder if sometimes his mind
took him back to that turbulent session in the British Parliament when
Ramsay MacDonald, the Prime Minister, returned from Rome, and Sir
John Simon, Minister of Foreign Affairs, presented to the House the
text of the four-power pact on which they had agreed with Mussolini .
Sir Winston rose in wrath at that session and opposed with his well-
known eloquence, a diplomatic instrument that might have spared the
world from the war that brought the disintegration of the British
Empire .
The forces in France that opposed a new Franco-Russian alliance
argued very naturally the incompatibility of such an alliance with the
interests of Poland and Rumania-France's principal allies on the con-
tinent-at least as long as an improvement in the relations between
those two countries and their big neighbor had not been reached . With
such an alliance a possibility and with the thesis of the leftist circles
prevailing in France, Poland was asked by France to start discussing
with the Soviets the terms of a nonaggression pact . Marshal Jozef Pil-
sudski accepted reluctantly the French suggestion, but with the con-
dition sine qua non that the Soviets should first come to a similar agree-
ment with Rumania .
Such was the situation at the first attempt of coexistence when in the
winter of 1931-1932 I was unexpectedly informed in Riga, Latvia, by
Prince Dimitri Ghyka, our Minister of Foreign Affairs, that discussions
regarding a Rumanian pact of nonaggression would start forthwith and
that I was in charge of the Rumanian side of the negotiations . I say
"unexpectedly" because a short time before, in Bucharest, I had reached
with King Carol and Dimitri Ghyka the conclusion that the best rela-
50 / The Suicide of Europe
tion we could have with our Communist neighbor was no relation at
all .
I was informed also that Mr . Maxim Litvinov had solemnly promised
Herv6 Alphand, the French Ambassador to Moscow, that the question
of Bessarabia would not be in any way discussed by the Soviet negotia-
tor . Bessarabia, the eastern half of Moldavia, had been forcibly taken
from us by Imperial Russia in three successive operations, in 1812, 1856,
and 1878 . We had recovered it at the end of World War I .
A few hours after his arrival in Riga, Ambassador Stomoniakov, the
Soviet delegate, came to the Rumanian Legation and our negotiations
began. I had already prepared in a text of six articles a paraphrase of
other pacts of nonaggression and of the Kellogg Pact-a pact that I had
signed with the same skepticism with which I was starting these Ruma-
nian-Russian discussions .
Mr. Stomoniakov, after a long examination of the proposed text, in-
formed me that even if only for esthetic reasons every pact should have
a preamble . An admirer, myself, of well-balanced diplomatic literature,
I approved the idea and asked him to make his suggestions .
The following dialogue ensued :
STOMONIAKOV : "You do not ignore, my dear colleague, the fact
that the Soviet Government has never recognized your eastern frontiers
nor the conquest of Bessarabia by your troops . . . .
STURDZA (Interrupting abruptly) : "I have never heard that such
pretensions existed from the side of your Government . I don't know
what you mean by Bessarabia ;5 if such a province existed I would cer-
tainly have been informed about it . But what I know very well is that
without a solemn promise given by Mr . Litvinov to Mr . Alphand we
would not be here negotiating, you and I ."
STOMONIAKOV : "I know what you mean . But it is just in compli-
ance with that promise that I wish to insert in the preamble that the
question of your eastern frontiers won't be mentioned ."
STURDZA (Trying to hide his great admiration for that piece of
Soviet casuistry) : "Mr. Ambassador, any insistence in that direction
would force me to interrupt immediately our negotiations . I have, how-
ever, a proposal to make . Let us forget for now the preamble, to which
we can come back later, and start discussing the text of the pact proper ."
After a delay of twenty-four hours, and contacts with his Government,
Stomoniakov accepted my suggestion . I had a very definite plan : It was
necessary to show the French and Polish Governments that we were
doing our best to comply with their wishes and that the impossibility
s "Bessarabia" means the country of the Basarabs . The Basarabs were the oldest
Rumanian dynasty . It was a name given by the Tartars and the Turks to what was
eastern Moldavia, but the term was not used by the Moldavians themselves .
-Riga and the Pacts of Nonaggression / 51
of coming to an understanding with the Kremlin was entirely due to
the crookedness of its policy .
In five sessions, each of which ended with a protocol signed by both
negotiators, I succeeded without any great difficulty in establishing a
perfect pact of nonaggression with my Soviet partner. But when at our
final meeting Mr. Stomoniakov reminded me that we had also to agree
upon the text of a preamble, I refused further discussions and suggested
that we send to our respective governments for approval the text on
which we had agreed .
Stomoniakov left the Rumanian Legation in a rage, and half an hour
later I received a letter from him dealing fully with the question of
Bessarabia and of our eastern frontiers . After making a copy of it for
the use of my Government, I returned it to the Soviet Legation with the
comment that I had not found any place for it in my files .
Russia's Trojan Horse venture was at a stalemate-all the more so as
both the French and the Polish Governments, whose representatives in
Riga, Jean Tripier and Miroslav Arciczewski, had backed me loyally
during my boresome palaver with the Soviet mouthpiece, continued to
assure us of their unfaltering support and of the fact that they would
not accept any new commitment with Soviet Russia as long as she did
not give us an unqualified guarantee of her peaceful intentions .
I must confess that I was rather satisfied with myself . I had left my
Government in the strongest possible position, under the circumstances,
and the Soviet Government in the position of either having to accept
our uncompromising terms or to give up, at least for a while, its new
fraudulent policy in which I saw a mortal danger for my country .
My optimism had not taken into account certain very special circum-
stances in our domestic political life and the imminent conjunction of
the interests and ambitions of two rather notorious personalities: the
matrimonial ambitions of Madame Magda Lupescu, the slightly overfed
Pompadour of Rumania's decadence ; and the political interest of Nico-
lae Titulescu, who was Rumania's Ambassador-at-Large-the fair haired
boss of the League of Nations and a high-priced international "call
girl ." 6
Crown Prince Carol, after having married the charming Princess Hc%Me of Greece,
suddenly abandoned her and their son Michael and eloped with a woman of uncertain
reputation-Magda or Elena Wolff alias Lupescu-with whom he lived until his
death . As this was not Carol's first escapade, his parents, King Ferdinand and Queen
Marie, backed by the responsible statesmen, decided to proclaim Carol's son Michael
Crown Prince . At the death of King Ferdinand, Michael was proclaimed King, with
a Council of Regency to control Rumania's affairs until his majority . Many people
in Rumania had kept their sympathy for Carol, hoping that he would return to
Princess He1ene, his wife, who was well loved by everybody . Carol returned, proclaimed
himself King and demoted his son to the rank of Voevod ; but it was Magda Lupescu,
not Princess Heli ne, who de facto, shared the throne with Carol.

Titulescu to the Rescue

The Trojan Horse policy-the tactic newly adopted by the

Kremlin in order to ward off the danger of a reinforced coalition of the
non-Communist powers-had been stopped in its tracks, at least for a
while, in Riga .
Indeed, the conclusion of a Rumanian-Soviet pact of nonaggression
was the obligatory prelude to any similar arrangement between the
Soviets and their other neighbors : Poland, the Baltic States, and Fin-
land. And without such an arrangement, the conclusion of any military
understanding between the Soviets and France-the final goal of the
Kremlin's new policy-would have been unthinkable .
It was Mr . Titulescu who helped Soviet Russia out of this predica-
ment .
From Riga I had sent to our Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dimitri
Ghyka, who at that time was attending a session of the League of Na-
tions at Geneva, together with a copy of the rejected Stomoniakov letter,
the endorsed proceedings of our sittings with the Russian delegate and
an almost word-by-word rendering of my discussions with' him . All those
documents and especially Stomoniakov's letter were classified as highly
confidential . Ghyka, too much of a gentleman to imagine even the pos-
sibility of one of his subordinates feloniously using those official, confi-
dential files, put them into Titulescu's hands . Titulescu had as one of
his numerous residences two suites at the Hotel des Bergues in Geneva .
One suite he lived in, and the one above he always kept empty to avoid
noises that could have interfered with his sleep or his cogitations .
Titulescu surreptitiously copied those parts of the confidential litera-
ture that could serve his purpose, and sent them to his friend Andre
Geraud, alias Pertinax, the foreign policy commentator of the Echo de
Titulescu to the Rescue / 53
Paris . Geraud immediately reproduced from the Stomoniakov letter-a
letter which, remember, did not exist for us because we had rejected it-
and from my discussions with the Soviet delegate, enough to proclaim
to the world at large that there was a Bessarabian question and that
Soviet Russia did not recognize our eastern frontier-the very things
that the Kremlin would have liked to have publicized, but could not,
through the Riga negotiations . Pertinax rounded off his last article with
criticism about the "young, light-headed Rumanian negotiator ."
I quickly went to Paris and obtained from Mr . Geraud the following
declaration : 1 . It was Titulescu who had sent him the confidential lit-
erature ; 2 . Both articles had received the approbation of Mr . Titulescu
before being printed . From Paris I rushed to Bucharest and had a very
serious talk with Mr. Titulescu, who meanwhile, thanks to his intrigues,
had taken the place of Ghyka as Minister of Foreign Affairs . I demanded
full personal satisfaction . It was given to me before the Rumanian Par-
liament where Mr . Titulescu completed his criticism of his predecessor's
activity by declaring, "Our Minister in Riga saved all that could have
been saved ." A very unjustified censure of Ghyka, whose behavior, in
the difficult position in which Rumania had been placed by France's
exigencies, followed the most proper and patriotic course, his only fault
having been his failure to bring Titulescu before the courts for an in-
fraction that in Rumanian penal law was punishable by up to five years'
imprisonment .
The second step in Titulescu's program was to regain the favor of
King Carol-favor he had lost because of certain declarations of a trans-
parent anti-monarchist character . Titulescu realized immediately the
advantages to be had from the existing crisis in the royal family . King
Carol had tried through every possible means of persuasion to induce
Princess Helene-the wife he had abandoned when he ran off with
Madame Lupescu, and the mother of his son Crown Prince Michael-
to leave Rumania, where her presence was a permanent reminder of his
turpitude and cynicism, and greatly embarrassing for his pseudo-
matrimonial frolics . Carol's efforts had been backed without visible re-
sult by those politicians who wanted to please him .
Titulescu offered King Carol a very interesting barter : If he (Titu-
lescu) were given the Foreign Affairs portfolio, he would pledge himself
to prevail upon Princess Helcne's resistance . And, using his well-known
and insinuating eloquence by appealing to Princess Helene's patriotism
and arguing for the necessity of calming the agitation in our public
opinion, he succeeded in convincing her to leave for Italy, despite my
respectful insistences and those of others who understood what the
Princess's departure meant for our country.
54 / The Suicide of Europe
Hardly established at the Palais Sturdza (the Rumanian Foreign Of-
fice)' Titulescu, with the obvious approval of King Carol, took a decisive
step concerning our policy toward Soviet Russia that changed its course
completely . He convoked, without delay, the French and Polish Envoys
in Bucharest, thanked them warmly for the loyalty with which their
Governments had backed our position during the Riga negotiations,
but let them know that from then on Rumania intended to carry on
alone any discussions with her eastern neighbor . Far from having any
objection to France's and Poland's concluding pacts of nonaggression
or of friendship with the Soviet Union, he said that such diplomatic
instruments could only reinforce Rumania's position .
As a direct consequence of Mr . Titulescu's declarations, pacts of
nonaggression were immediately concluded between Soviet Russia and
all her neighbors except Rumania. Thanks to Mr. Titulescu, the Trojan
Horse had successfully jumped the first hurdle, and was comfortably
trotting toward its next goal : the Franco-Soviet and Czecho-Soviet
military arrangements . This was the policy announced by Lenin when
he recommended a fake alliance with some bourgeois countries-a policy
that in the long run destroyed every possibility of a standing reconcilia-
tion between the adversaries of World War I . Concerning Rumania's
domestic affairs, it was this policy also that provoked the greatest tragedy
of her history.
The cruel persecutions of the Legionary Movement by almost all the
governments that ruled in Rumania between the two World Wars has
been wrongly attributed to what has been called the Legion's anti-
Semitism . There were, however, in Rumania political parties and or-
ganizations that were flagrantly anti-Semitic ; but at no moment were
they ever treated with the brutality and the sadism that were used against
Corneliu Codreanu, the young leader of the Legionary Movement, and
his companions, of whom about six hundred, including Codreanu him-
self, were to be assassinated by Carol and his stooges .2
Codreanu never tolerated the slightest physical violence against Jews
or Jewish properties. Any act of indiscipline in that direction would
have been punished immediately by the expulsion of the culprits from
'The Palais Sturdza was an old Sturdza possession which was bought by the Ru-
manian Government and was used for more than half a century as the Rumanian
Foreign Office .
2 Codreanu's first organization of young people took place in 1918 and was directed
against Russian Bolshevik troops then stationed in Rumania . Codreanu's political
formations were known successively by the names of the League of Christian Defense,
the Legion of the Archangel Michael, the Iron Guard, the All for the Country Party,
and the Legionary Movement . The Iron Guard and the Legionary Movement were
organized in small units of a maximum of thirteen Legionaries called cuibi ("nests") .
Corneliu Codreanu was for his partisans "the Captain" (Capitanul) .
Titulescu to the Rescue / 55

the organization . It was a former Jew, Father Botez, who officiated at

Codreanu's wedding. There were always one or two Jews in the Move-
ment, and the only trouble they gave was due to their sometimes too
extreme devotion to the Legionary cause . One of Codreanu's most be-
loved lieutenants, Vasile Marin, who fell in the Spanish Civil War, had
married, with Codreanu's approval, a Jewish girl . Mrs . Marin became a
Legionary heroine when she was sentenced to death by one of General
Antonescu's courts for having helped two comrades avoid capture .
The Legionary Movement represented the most powerful, the most
irreducible opposition in Rumania to the Anonymous Powers that
wanted to introduce the Kremlin gang as comrades-in-arms in the drama
of European rivalries . The greater and more intimate grew the collusion
between the Soviets and those powers-of which Titulescu was the pro-
consul in Rumania-the greater grew also the campaign of slander and
the persecutions against the Movement and its chief, Codreanu .
This fact was verified again with Titulescu's seizure of the Foreign
Affairs portfolio . This event coincided with the beginning of the febrile
activity of Mr . Jean Barthou, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs,
which aimed at nothing less than an encirclement of Germany, and
coincided also with President Franklin D . Roosevelt's letter of October
10, 1933, to Russia's President Mikhail Kalinin, offering to resume dip-
lomatic relations between their two countries . None of the periods of
violence and persecutions of which the Legionary Movement had been
the victim until then could be compared with the brutality and the
ferocity of the onslaught that broke out in the fall of 1933 under the
Liberal Government of Ion Duca, whose Foreign Minister was Titulescu .
We do not intend to describe in detail the series of murders, tortures,
beatings, imprisonments, and assorted atrocities perpetuated by Duca's
police, gendarmerie, and rowdies; but we will quote a passage from Mr.
Henri Prost's book Destin de la Roumanie . Mr . Prost is a grim enemy
of the Legionary Movement and is one of its most vociferous critics 3

Codreanu could not participate in the electoral campaign . A decree of

December 11 once again-it was for the third time-dissolved the Iron
Guard . But the Government did not stop there . It made wholesale arrests
of Guardists, closed their meeting places, and confiscated their archives .
Some Guardists were killed . According to certain information there were
ten victims; according to other information, thirty . The Iron Guard an-
swered without delay. On the evening of December 29, on the platform of
the Sinaia railway station, Duca, fresh from an audience with the king,
s We will refer often to Mr . Henri Prost's Destin de la Roumanie and to Mme .
Denise Basdevant's Terres Roumaines contre vents et Marees, both hostile to the
Legionary Movement .
56 / The Suicide of Europe
was shot and killed by three Guardists as he prepared to board the train
for Bucharest .
The circumstances of this assassination have been the subject of animated
controversy . There is no doubt that Duca had acted brutally or that his
police went further than his instructions . But who had taken the initiative
in the dissolution of the Iron Guard? We know that Duca had thought
about it before forming his Government . Titulescu had made this dissolu-
tion a condition sine qua non to his collaboration with the Liberal cabinet,
asserting that the nationalist agitations gravely endangered his policy 4

The answer to Mr. Prost's question is very simple : The initiative in

this earlier attempt to destroy the Legionary Movement had been taken
by Leon Blum, the chief of the French Socialist party .
When visiting Paris before his appointment as Prime Minister, in
order to secure the investiture from those Anonymous Forces that under
King Carol had supreme control of Rumanian affairs, Duca had bound
himself to outlaw the Legionary Movement if given the Presidency of
the Rumanian Government . He was tarrying with the fulfillment of his
promise . His hesitations and his misgivings were told to me by Baron
Guillaume, the Belgian Minister in Bucharest, and by Miroslav Arci-
czewski, the Polish Minister . To both gentlemen Duca confided that he
did not like at all what he was doing but that he could not do otherwise .
Asked for some explanation by both diplomats, Duca answered with
manifest irritation, "It is Titulescul He threatens me with his resigna-
tion and with the collapse of all our systems of alliances if the Legionary
Movement is not liquidated . I could not leave my country without
allies ." The final impetus to the fulfillment of the promise which Duca
had made to outlaw the Legionary Movement was given by one of
Titulescu's bosom friends . Leon Blum, through his scandalous irruption
in a French Government Council-to which he did not belong-de-
manding vociferously that the greatest pressure be applied to Duca, the
Rumanian Prime Minister, to force him to abide by his promise .
It was this irruption and this pressure that helped Titulescu in forc-
ing Duca to keep his tragic promise to outlaw the Legionary Movement .
The cooperation between Titulescu and the French leftist circles from
Socialists to Communists, his cooperation with all those who yearned
for a Franco-Soviet alliance, has been a permanent feature of European
policy . I think that Duca's murder, on December 29, 1933, served the
interest of those circles in two ways : 1 . Despite the military court's
acquittal of Codreanu and all the Legionary chiefs of any complicity or
responsibility in Duca's murder, this tragedy forced the Legionary Move-
ment into a long period of inactivity ; 2 . Duca, too weak to resist out-
' Henri Prost, Destin de la Roumanie (1918-1954) (Paris, Editions Berger-Levrault,
1954), pp . 66-67 .
Titulescu to the Rescue / 57
right the pressure of the Anonymous Powers, would not have submitted
to them on their most important demand-the free passage of Soviet
troops through Rumanian territory in case of a new European war .
Temporarily subordinated to those powers by political opportunism,
Duca was not, like Titulescu, their agent .


A Strange Railway Agreement

I t would be difficult to understand Rumania's foreign policy

following the Riga negotiations without being acquainted with Nicolae
Titulescu's personality, with the man into whose hands this policy had
been entrusted ; the man who, with Eduard Beneg, the Czecho-Slovak
Foreign Minister, was the most instrumental factor in helping Lenin's
dream of the "mad adventure" come true in Europe .
Let Mr . Prost introduce him to you :

Titulescu is a very strange person . He has a Mongoloid mask, a hairless

face, a body with awkward rotundities abnormal in a man . He looks like
one of those former Bucharest cabmen who belonged to a sect that con-
strained them to castration after the birth of their first child. His nervous-
ness, his sensitivity, his flusters of temper, his jitters before the smallest
danger, his luxurious tastes-are all betrayed by a feminine temperament,
which explains many of his attitudes .'

Titulescu was, in the history of Rumania, a tragic and fantastic ap-

parition . Tragic because of the influence he had upon the destiny of
his country, fantastic not only because of the physical aspect and the
strange traits of his personality, but also because of the mysterious origin
of the powers that dominated him and controlled his conduct . Rapacious
and extravagant, millions poured into his hands and out again . Cor-
rupt and corruptor, a French deputy once said of him, "Titulescu : he
would pay you to buy him'" He felt at home only in Geneva, in
Saint-Moritz, at the Lido, at the Cote d'Azur, and at other luxurious
resorts . He hated the soil of his country, from which he fled in haste
after the shortest possible visits, visits motivated by his financial and
political interests . Born in Rumania, a Rumanian citizen, he was
3 Destin de la Roumanie, pp . 17-18.
A Strange Railway Agreement / 59
living like a high priced odalisque a life of opulence and extravagance
-thanks to the money and the influence with which Rumania provided
him-but he was not a Rumanian.
Moreover, we must not forget that Titulescu's enigma was only a part
of a greater mystery . How could it be explained that all the leaders of
a country, unanimously conscious of the danger represented by Soviet
Russia's proximity and intentions, chose to be blind to that danger and
deaf to all warnings, until the moment that Soviet troops invaded our

My first contact with Titulescu was of an epistolary character ; I had

written him from Washington to suggest a practical and rapid solution
of the "optant" 2 problem, which I must admit, had no relation at all
to my official activities in the United States . Without knowing it I had
blundered upon a most sensitive area in Mr . Titulescu's activity. This
problem was at that time for him the lifeblood of a not negligible in-
come, and he had no interest in any rapid and practical solution of it .
I blundered once more, I believe, when several years later I advised
my Government, from Helsinki (where I was serving as Rumanian En-
voy), to adopt Finland's honest attitude toward the question of debts to
the United States . Titulescu, who remembered the not very flattering
reception he had received in Washington in 1926, was on the contrary
entreating our Government to repudiate them . But I had not been in
any direct conflict with him until the moment I realized, without any
possible doubt, that the interests that had provoked his intrusion in the
nonaggression discussions were not Rumanian interests, and that this
intrusion was not motivated solely by the fact that someone other than
he had been entrusted with an important Rumanian foreign policy
affair .
A short time after Titulescu's statement to the French and Polish
Ministers, concerning his approval of new pacts of friendship between
their countries and the Soviet Union, I was informed of the imminent
conclusion of pacts of nonaggression between Soviet Russia and all her
neighbors except Rumania . I went to Bucharest to communicate to
King Carol and some responsible statesmen my worries about the new
political and military situation brought upon us by those fateful declara-
2 After the Kingdom of Rumania annexed Transylvania, the inhabitants of that
province were allowed to choose between a Hungarian and a Rumanian nationality .
They were given a right of option . Those who chose a Hungarian nationality were,
for the Rumanian Government, the "optants ." The question in dispute was that of
their indemnification for the land properties they were losing through the agrarian
60 / The Suicide of Europe
tions . Without yet fully realizing that this breach in the common de-
fensive barrier, maintained until then by Russia's neighbors, repre-
sented the designs of Mr . Titulescu, I took the liberty of also telling him
of my anxieties . He answered me with a pacifying smile, "Just wait and
you will see ." I had not long to wait, and what I saw did not please me
at all .
During his ministry Mr . Titulescu followed with all his cunning and
all his unmatched faculty of dissimulation the same fixed idea : The
building of a contractual international situation that would oblige
Rumania to open her frontiers to Russian troops in the event of a new
European war. This was an indispensable complement to the Franco-
Soviet and Czecho-Soviet pacts of mutual assistance, for which, with his
friend Benes, he relentlessly worked until their adoption in May 1935 .
Seen from the point of view of the inevitability of an armed conflict
between Germany and France-a faulty point of view, I believed-
Titulescu's activity agreed with French and Czecho-Slovak interests . In-
deed, how could the Soviet armies reach the Central European battle-
fields to comply with their part of the bargain except through Rumanian
territory? Especially since Poland and the Baltic States had firmly decided
to resist with all their might such an attempt .
From a Rumanian point of view, however, Titulescu's maneuvers
represented nothing less than an act of treason-treason toward his own
country, which the Soviet troops would never abandon after a victory ;
treason toward our ally Poland, whose defensive system would unex-
pectedly be outflanked ; and treason toward another ally, the Kingdom
of Yugoslavia, which was the object of Russia's aggressive pan-Slavism
and of Communist hatred.
In order to attenuate the sentiment of profound anxiety provoked by
the deterioration of our relations with Warsaw and Belgrade, Titulescu
offered Rumanian public opinion some artificial and deceptive securi-
ties such as the Balkan Pact, concluded in Athens on February 9, 1934,
which had no practical significance for Rumania ; and recommended
Rumania's adhesion to a pact of definition of aggression-a remark-
able product of the collaboration of Messrs . Titulescu and Litvinov-
worded in such a way that Russia would have no legal trouble invading
a few years later the territory of all her neighbors .
But even this last fallacious security would not have been procured
from the Kremlin had Titulescu not given the Russians in exchange,
in a dissimulated but perfectly effective way, what they could not get
at the Riga negotiations : the admission by Rumania of the disputability
of our eastern frontiers and of our rights to our eastern provinces . This
satisfaction was given to the Soviet Government, through the unprece-
A Strange Railway Agreement / 61
dented wording of a railway agreement, immediately after the opening
for the first time, on June 9, 1934, of diplomatic relations between Bu-
charest and Moscow .
Before narrating the story of this treaty and analyzing its terms and
significance, it is interesting to relate the following incident, which
occurred toward the middle of 1934 .
I had received from the respective services of the League of Nations
in Geneva the first volume of a diplomatic directory which was sent to
every embassy and legation . Looking under the heading "Bessarabia," I
found that the history of that Rumanian province had been written in a
fraudulent way, detrimental to our interests, and favorable to Russia's
insolent pretensions . I therefore sent the directory back with the com-
ment that I saw no reason to buy and keep among my books such an
inaccurate document . The editor's answer was that they were doubly
surprised since the passages in question had been previously approved
by a highly placed Rumanian personality . There is no doubt in my
mind that this person was Mr . Titulescu, the permanent Rumanian
delegate in Geneva .
Let us go back now to the revealing document of the agreement for
the reopening of railway and highway connections between Rumania
and Soviet Russia . It is a curious fact that neither at the moment of the
conclusion of this treaty, nor later, did any of our political personalities
take exception to the wording of this document nor were they alarmed
by its unmistakable significance .
Immediately after the conclusion of her pact of nonaggression with
the Soviets, Poland concluded a railway and highway agreement with
them . The agreement signed by Messrs . Titulescu and Litvinov fol-
lowed almost verbally the Polish-Soviet text, with one remarkable dif-
ference . In the Rumanian-Russian agreement the words "frontier," "cus-
tom office," "custom authorities," "frontier authorities," and any other
words or phrases that would have confirmed, or implied, the existence
of a frontier between Rumania and Soviet Russia were carefully avoided
and replaced by circumlocutions that were a credit to the inventiveness
of the two negotiators.
The responsible factor in Rumania should have been alarmed not
only by the fact that the Soviets had secured what had been until then
denied to them, but also by the fact of the new material situation
created by the resumption, without any explainable motive, of passenger
traffic between the two countries, which had been wisely discontinued
during the fifteen previous years.
Henri Prost, generally obtuse to our feelings and our worries, at least
understood the significance of this development :
62 / The Suicide of Europe
. . . Titulescu concluded with Litvinov, June 9, 1934, an agreement
concerning the resuming of diplomatic relations between Rumania and
Russia . The Russians pledged themselves to return the treasures which
in 1916 had been sent to Moscow to avoid their capture by the Germans .
They returned a standard meter of platinum . . . and also the bones of
the Moldavian Prince Cantemir, buried in Russia two centuries before .
They remained deaf to the other claims, especially those of the Rumanian
National Bank, which has never again seen the 314 millions of leis, in
bullion, which in 1916 formed its metallic covering. The railway bridge
over the Dniester, between Tighina and Tiraspol, was rebuilt . The first
train crossed it October 18, 1935, but scarce will be the passengers who will
use this international railway . The reunion of Bessarabia to Rumania not
having been recognized by the Kremlin, the Rumanians ask themselves
what this new agreement means for their country .3
Mr. Prost did not need to worry about the prospective passengers on
the newly opened railway, at least not about their "quality ." The
Tighina bridge was not completely reconstructed when a lonely but
important pilgrim was carried over to the Russian side . He was kdouard
Herriot, former and future Prime Minister of France, who was on his
way to visit his friends in the Kremlin .
Mr . Herriot had once refused to shake hands with General Primo de
Rivera, Spanish strong-man, under the pretext that his democratic feel-
ings did not permit him such a friendly gesture toward a dictator-a
dictator who, by the way, during all his administration did not shed a
drop of his fellow-countrymen's blood . Those same democratic feelings
did not prevent him from greeting the most repulsive of the Com-
munist tyrants, the murderers of more than twenty million Christians .
I met Mr. Herriot in the autumn of 1934 at a reception in Riga nine
days after he crossed the Rumanian-Russian frontier . He was enthusi-
astic about the reception he had received in Moscow . He told us with
tears in his eyes-tears that might have been primed by the first-class
vodka provided by our good Latvian hosts-that at a banquet offered
by the Russian Military Command, after the customary exchange of
speeches, all the officers rose as one man and threw at him all the flowers
that adorned the table . Its m'ont couvert de fleurs! Its m'ont couvert de
fleurs! ("They have covered me with flowersl") the heavy-set French
statesman repeated over and over .
At my elbow, the French Military Attache, Colonel A ., whispered into
my ear, "The bastardl We once tried to throw him into the Seine ."
I did not fail to report Herriot's description of his meeting with
Russia's military men to Mr . Titulescu, then our Minister of Foreign
Affairs, and to show him how alarming those contacts might be for us
if they were, as I believed, the prelude to a Franco-Russian military
understanding .
8 Prost, op. cit., pp . 91-92. Italics added.
A Strange Railway Agreement / 63
Before World War I the Rumanian representatives in the various
European capitals had been recruited almost entirely from among the
career diplomats. Men like Emil Ghyka, Grigore Ghyka, Dimitri Ghyka,
Alexandru Lahovary, Ion Lahovary, Gheorghe Diamandy, Edgard Mav-
rocordato, Gheorghe Cretzianu, Charles Mitilineu, Nicolae Misu, Antoine
Bibescu, Derussi, and Filaliti were respected and admired by all their
colleagues for their tact, their sagacity, the independence of their infor-
mation, and the high level of their culture . They also enjoyed the full
confidence of their King and their Government .
Two factors had modified, after World War I, this happy situation :
The first was the big difference between the emoluments of the exterior
and interior personnel of our foreign service . This had provoked a steady
pressure from the political parties for the appointment of their own men
to such comfortable positions . The second was the collusion between
those political parties and the irresistible Mr . Titulescu, which almost
always resulted in the placing of personnel loyal to him in the key posts
of our foreign service structure. An atmosphere of almost terroristic
uniformity and conformity settled, therefore, over the personnel of our
legations and embassies . That is why in this critical period of our foreign
policy there was, besides the writer, only one of our representatives
abroad who chose to recognize and to denounce the danger of Mr .
Titulescu's activities to Rumania's security . He was Victor Cadere, our
Minister in Warsaw .
No sooner had Titulescu taken the Foreign Affairs portfolio in 1932
than he hastened to diminish and counteract the authority of my infor-
mation, replacing me in Helsinki by one of his admirers . I still had
Latvia and Estonia under my administration, but I had no doubt that
this was a very provisional situation . It was, therefore, no surprise to
me when I received word in the fall of 1935 that I was being transferred
to Caracas, the capital of Venezuela .
This information was followed by telegraphed details about the
travel expenses that were being put at my disposal-four thousand dol-
lars, rather a big sum in those times . I have forgotten the exact amount
of my emolument, but I remember that it was also in proportion to
Titulescu's internationally well-known generosity .
My friend Cadere had been transferred from Warsaw to Rio de Ja-
neiro in still more lavish circumstances . We both decided not to leave
Europe. This was my telegram to Mr. Titulescu :


The Murder in Marseilles and

the Purloined Telegram

here is no better way to know the truth about certain con-

troversial points in the history of Europe between the two World Wars
than to take the opposite of Mr . Vladimir Potemkin's assertions in his
book History of Soviet Diplomacy . And if Potemkin's assertions agree
with those of Mme . Genevieve Tabouis, 1 you may be sure that you have
hit it right .
King Alexander of Yugoslavia was killed on October 9, 1934, in
Marseilles, by a Croat terrorist . Mr . Jean Barthou, the French Foreign
Minister, fell under the same rain of bullets . For Mr . Potemkin and for
Mme . Tabouis, the death of King Alexander was a simple accident ; the
intended victim had been Mr . Barthou, the untiring advocate of a
military alliance between France and Soviet Russia . The crime had been
therefore a "Fascist" crime, to use Mr . Potemkin's expression .
There had been two murders in Marseilles : a murder by commission,
perpetrated by the Croat terrorist ; and a murder by omission, for which
the French authorities, and especially Albert Sarraut, the French Min-
ister of the Interior, were entirely responsible .
The civilian and military official circles in Marseilles had taken all
the proper measures of security for the protection of King Alexander's
life . As a matter of fact, the measures they had decided upon were
exactly those that had been taken a short time before for the reception
of the Sultan of Morocco . At the very last moment, however, Sarraut
ordered all these measures called off and replaced them with inadequate
1 Mme . Tabouis belonged to the leftist group of French political writers . She was
one of the League of Nations' "sirens," a great friend of Titulescu and of Litvinov .
She is the author of Its Wont appelee Cassandra (New York : Editions de la Maison
Francaise, Inc ., 1942) .
The Murder in Marseilles and the Purloined Telegram / 65
ones. The motive invoked publicly by the French Minister was his
desire not to impress unfavorably the Marseilles voters by too great a
military display on the eve of a municipal election . In fact, the King's
car was accompanied only by one officer on horseback ; a few lonely
police officers were posted at crossroads .
Mr. Sarraut publicly recognized his mistake and resigned immediately
after the tragedy, stating, "A chief is always responsible ."
We do not believe that this explanation is good enough, and we agree
with the sentiment expressed in Paris by Queen Marie of Rumania, the
mother-in-law of the murdered King, to an important French person-
ality : "I am ashamed for Francel"
Everybody knew, and Sarraut had to know better than anybody else,
that King Alexander was the target for four terroristic organizations :
the Croats, the Macedonians, the Hungarians, and the Communist ter-
rorists in general . The temerity and the contempt of the fear of death
of the Croat and the Macedonian conspirators were common knowl-
edge . To call off in such circumstances all the security measures that
had been decided upon was simply to sentence the King of Yugoslavia
to death .
The consternation, the horror, were universal ; they would have been
still greater had it been known that the British and Rumanian Govern-
ments had offered to the French police the collaborations of some of
their own agents who could even recognize personally some of the
would-be murderers; but the French police declined their offer .
King Alexander had viewed with concern and disgust the course re-
cently adopted by the foreign policy of Rumania and Czecho-Slovakia,
Yugoslavia's partners in the Little Entente . The ostracism of the Soviets
from European political life had been for the Yugoslav King not only
a political necessity but also an inescapable moral obligation . He had
refused to associate himself with the various steps in the process of
"rapprochement" between Communist and non-Communist countries .
Yugoslavia had abruptly abandoned the conference of the Little Entente
in Zagreb in January 1934 when it was announced that Rumania in-
tended to resume diplomatic relations with the Kremlin . The King's
disgust rose to a rage when he realized that Titulescu and Benes were
after not only a better political and economic understanding with the
Soviet Union, but were also striving for a new military alliance between
France and Russia, with Rumania and Czecho-Slovakia as associates .
The purpose of King Alexander's visit to Paris was to declare, openly
and firmly, Yugoslavia's opposition to any further steps in a political
process which, in his opinion, would lead unavoidably to a new Euro-
pean war. He had already let it be known that a Franco-Soviet military
alliance would free Yugoslavia of all of her contractual obligations to-
66 / The Suicide of Europe
ward France and the Little Entente, and would force her to look for
security in another political system . At the moment of his assassination
King Alexander was, therefore, the greatest obstacle to the Barthou-
Titulescu-Bene"s policy, the policy of the encirclement of Germany . The
double murder in Marseilles was not, obviously, a "Fascist" or a "Nazi"
murder, as Mr. Potemkin and Mme . Tabouis insistently suggested . King
Alexander was the intended victim of both the murder by commission
and the murder by omission .
The German reaction was immediate . Yugoslavia had never altered
until then her attitude of hostile mistrust toward Soviet Russia; the
connivance between Czecho-Slovak and Soviet officials, regarding policy,
was common knowledge . Germany had to know, first, if King Alexan-
der's murder was likely to bring about any change in Yugoslav foreign
policy ; and second, in what measure, exactly, Rumania had come over
to the Czecho-Slovak side in her attitude toward Soviet Russia and
Germany respectively.
I happened to be in Berlin the day after General Goring's return
from Belgrade where he had attended King Alexander's funeral . At our
Legation, Petrescu-Comnen, our Minister in Berlin, informed me that
Goring had asked to see him the very day of Goring's return and had
entrusted him with a very important message for our Government . Pe-
trescu-Comnen showed me the telegram by which he was informing our
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the General's declarations and proposals .
Germany-Goring told him-had never, like Italy, encouraged Hun-
gary's irredentism . She was not interested in Hungary, but was very much
interested in Rumania because of the traditionally good relations that
had prevailed between both countries before the last war, because of our
natural riches and possibilities of development and because of our geo-
graphic and military situation . Germany was prepared to guarantee
Rumania's frontiers and integrity against any aggression . Germany did
not ask Rumania to change anything in her system of alliances . The
only thing she asked was our pledge that, like our ally Poland, we
would never permit the Soviet armies to pass across our territory.
Germany also offered, if we so wanted, to arm the Rumanian Army
immediately, completely, at low cost, and with her best materiel .
Petrescu-Comnen asked General Goring if similar proposals had been
made to our two partners in the Little Entente, especially to Czecho-
Slovakia. Goring answered that all of Germany's friendly approaches
had been unceremoniously spurned by Prague . With Yugoslavia a friendly
understanding had been reached and continued to prevail .
Both Petrescu-Comnen and I realized without difficulty the impor-
tance for our country of General Goring's declarations and proposals .
The Murder in Marseilles and the Purloined Telegram / 67
I also saw in them excellent ammunition for the campaign I had decided
to wage against Titulescu's pro-Soviet policy .
Back in Bucharest, after about a week, I asked my colleagues at the
political department of our Ministry, Misu Arion and Alexandru Cret-
zianu, the head and the assistant head of the department, what their
opinion about Goring's message was . They had never heard of it, and
had never seen Petrescu-Comnen's telegram . According to a new disposi-
tion, every telegram received passed directly from the cipher depart-
ment to the hands of a bright young chap, Savel Radulescu, whom
Titulescu had brought with him to the Palais Sturdza . It was young
Radulescu who decided which of those messages was to be communi-
cated to whom.
I went back several times to the political department, where I found
my colleagues in the same state of ignorance and perplexity . Meanwhile,
I had ascertained that neither the Secretary General of our Foreign
Office, nor any member of the Government, had the slightest knowledge
about Germany's proposals. When I realized that the unbelievable was
true, that Titulescu intended to withhold this important piece of infor-
mation until such time as he could find a way to make it useless for
Rumania, I decided to act .
In fact, all that Germany was asking from us in exchange for their
proposed guarantee was our promise to do that which, in any case, we
should have been anxious to do : to defend our frontiers against any
enemy. Her guarantee applied not only to our frontier with Hungary
but also to our frontier with Soviet Russia, a guarantee we had not
been able to secure contractually, in an undebatable way, from our
allies of World War I . The only safeguard for those borders was our
military and political arrangements with Poland . The German guaran-
tee was, moreover, additional to all those, whatever their value, procured
by our other international understandings. So there was no imaginable
reason why Goring's offer should not have received at least fair consider-
ation . I knew, however, too well, Titulescu's uncanny ingenuity, and I
also knew there were many ways for an unscrupulous negotiator to
bungle willfully, without much risk to himself even the arrangements
that were most favorable for his own country .
I appealed to Gheorghe Bratianu, the chief of the Liberal Dissident
Party and a distant kinsman-a man of action, courage, and patriotism
(as he proved for the last time thirty years later when he preferred to
die in a Communist prison rather than execute the wishes of the Red
Government in Bucharest) .
With an approximate reconstruction of Petrescu-Conmen's message
before us, we pondered the best possible procedure . Bratianu asked for
68 / The Suicide o f Europe
permission to declare publicly the information conveyed . I could not
give this permission, because what was at stake had been the subject of
a ciphered message ; and besides I did not wish to betray Petrescu-
Comnen's confidence . Moreover, it would have been imprudent to give
Titulescu a premature opportunity at sabotage, which could have re-
sulted in the German Government's playing its Hungarian instead of
its Rumanian card .
We decided that Bratianu ought to go to Berlin, ask for an interview
with Goring, and have Goring repeat his declarations and proposals .
Bratianu did go to Berlin with one of his political friends, Ata Con-
stantinescu, and was received by the General .
The reception by Goring was extremely cordial . "It is a happy coun-
try where the same family can count among its members three genera-
tions of statesmen," said the General, alluding to Bratianu's father and
grandfather . "This does not happen today in Germany ." Goring re-
peated to Bratianu the same proposals he had made to Petrescu-Comnen
on October 22, 1934, stating once again that we were not asked to break
any of our alliances and repeating Germany's offer to provide our
army with complete and modern armament . All that Germany was
asking from us in return was the pledge that Rumania-following her
ally Poland's example-would never allow Soviet troops to pass over
her territory without resisting, arms in hand . . . with, indeed, those
excellent and abundant arms Germany was offering us .
Let us pause to observe that what happened-or did not happen-
in the fall of 1934, and in the following months, between Rumania and
Germany had a direct and decisive bearing on the events that led the
world to the most recent fratricidal war between countries of Western
Civilization . This World War, like the first one, was to leave only one
victor on the political and historical fields : International Communism
as embodied in Soviet Russia . At that time, and even after the first
twenty-two months of the conflict forced on him by the Western Powers,
Hitler wanted no other war than that for which he had reconstructed
Germany's military power : the crusade against Soviet Russia, against
the Communist monstrosity . What he feared-and what finally hap-
pened-was a new Franco-Russian alliance linking Communist Russia
and the Western Powers militarily and politically, and bringing him
against his will into a Western war in which Germany had nothing to
win and perhaps everything to lose .
The idea of a Franco-Soviet military alliance, the alliance that eventu-
ally was to put the spark to the powder magazine, could not have been
sold even to the leftist French legislators except for the promise of a
practicable possibility of bringing Red troops into geographic contact
with Germany without these troops having to fight their way across the
The Murder in Marseilles and the Purloined Telegram / 69
territory of France's allies ; such an attempt would have immediately
brought Poland and the Baltic States onto Germany's side in the event
of a European conflagration . Only Rumania could provide the pro-
Soviet conspiracy with such a right-of-way; since this could not be done
with the consent of the Rumanian people, it had to be arranged
secretly and by stealth.
There was, indeed, a pro-Soviet international conspiracy that ex-
tended to the other side of the Atlantic . Its chief purpose at that special
political moment was to divert upon the Western Powers the thunder
with which Germany intended to strike Soviet Russia, in order to spare
Communism's home base the first impact of Germany's smashing blows ;
to save, in other words, International Communism . Titulescu belonged
to this international conspiracy and his henchmen followed blindly,
and sometimes very cleverly, his instructions . Petrescu-Comnen, our
Minister in Berlin, was one of them .
Unlike Mr . Petrescu-Comnen, I was unfortunately not able to preserve
abroad even a part of my private records. I will appeal, therefore, to
the appropriate passages I have found in his books, I Responsabili and
Preludi del Grande Dramma, to establish the part that secret Rumanian
policy played in the preparation of what Winston Churchill-one of
Communism's rescuers-called "the needless war ."
Petrescu-Comnen's records are all the more interesting because he
was one of the principal tools of the Titulescu-Bene"s strategy, a great
admirer of King Carol, of Armand Calinescu and of Mr . Ostrowsky,
the Soviet Minister in Bucharest, "who unfolded an excellent activity,
helping in every way Mr . Titulescu's policy of reconciliation ." Charity
asks us to allow that Petrescu-Comnen perhaps actually believed that
Soviet Russia would evacuate all of Rumania's territory and would not
try to exercise any influence upon the political regime of the country
if we permitted her troops to occupy it "momentarily," although I
think that he was too intelligent for that. In any case, while in London
with King Carol in 1938, according to his own memoirs, at no moment
in his conversations with Neville Chamberlain and Lord Halifax did he
ever mention even the existence of the specific danger to Rumania rep-
resented by Soviet Russia, and at no moment did he strive to obtain
Great Britain's support for any eventuality other than that of German
aggression . In Paris he adopted exactly the same attitude, thereby
preparing the way for the sinister "guarantees" limited to our Western
frontiers that struck the toll of Poland's and Rumania's independence.
As Minister of Foreign Affairs he did everything in his power to em-
barrass our ally Poland in her relations with Germany. He was a mem-
ber of the Government that managed Codreanu's assassination, and
until his death he belonged to the host of the Legion's slanderers .
70 / The Suicide of Europe
Here is the way Petrescu-Comnen reproduces in his memoirs the im-
portant statements made to him by General Goring on October 22, 1934,
after lunch at the Rumanian Legation :

He started telling me that Germany wanted to establish sincere and

friendly relations with Rumania and Yugoslavia and that no note of discord
existed between Germany and these two countries . He did not make any
allusion or reference to Czecho-Slovakia . To my question "What happened
to your great friendship toward Hungary?" he answered, "Hungary does
not interest us ; we won't make again the error of pulling chestnuts out of
the fire for others . Besides the numerous economic interests that connect
us to Rumania and Yugoslavia, there is also the fact that you treat the
German minorities very well ." And in order to give more weight to his
words, he told me that he had talked that day with the Fuhrer, whom he
told, incidentally, he was lunching with me, and that the Fuhrer author-
ized him to talk as he had done .2

In this rendering of Petrescu-Comnen's report to Titulescu after the

interview with Goring, five important elements that were present in
the purloined telegram, and are still very vivid in my memory, are miss-
ing: 1 . Goring had declared to our Envoy that Germany was prepared
to guarantee all our frontiers against any aggression ; 2 . Goring had
offered a complete and modern rearmament of our troops ; 3 . Goring
had asked in exchange Rumania's pledge that she would oppose with
all her forces any attempt of Soviet troops to cross her territory ; 4 .
Goring had stressed the fact that we were not being asked to abandon
any of our present alliances ; 5 . To a question concerning Germany's
relations with Czecho-Slovakia, Goring had answered that Czecho-Slo-
vakia was the first among the Little Entente countries to which Germany
had addressed herself with friendly proposals, but that those overtures
had always been disdainfully rejected by Bene"s .
Petrescu-Comnen also had been completely acquainted with Goring's
declarations to Gheorghe Bratianu, which were thoughtfully transmit-
ted to him in detail . Petrescu-Comnen's lapse of memory is easy to
explain . It was Titulescu's and his agents' policy to deny any importance
and any sincerity to the German proposals, and to pretend that they
represented only a clumsy attempt to dissociate us from Czecho-Slovakia .
It was in this same way that the reiterated German proposals were
treated by King Carol and all his Governments even after Titulescu's
elimination from our political life . "Goring's overtures were consid-
ered with curiosity in Bucharest . . . they did not find the echo desired
by the crafty German General," comments Petrescu-Comnen .
Nobody was asking us to part with Czecho-Slovakia, but to part with
Benes's and Titulescu's policy-which Germany had every reason to
2 Petrescu-Comnen, I Responsabili, p . 233.
The Murder in Marseilles and the Purloined Telegram / 71
believe to be part of a policy of encirclement-and to give the proper
assurances that we would not participate in that encirclement by permit-
ting the Russian hordes to use Rumania as a base of operation . How
justified were Germany's apprehensions is demonstrated by Joseph Paul-
Boncour, former French Foreign Minister and Prime Minister, in his
memoirs, quoted by Mr . Petrescu-Comnen in his Preludi:
In his memoirs, Paul-Boncour, who was often a witness to the Russian-
Rumanian negotiations, affirms that Titulescu and Litvinov had reached
an agreement by which Rumania pledged herself to permit Russian troops
and materiel to pass through her territory in case of a German attack
against states that were bound by treaties of mutual assistance with Soviet
Russia and with Rumania . Even King Carol, says the former Prime Min-
ister, had been won to this idea of free passage for Soviet troops . In an
audience at the Hotel Meurice in Paris, after an examination of this im-
portant question, the King told him : "I promise you, Boncour, that I will
conclude that agreement [about the free passage of Russian troops] . I
understand very well its importance for the functioning of your alliance
and therefore for us also . But give me time to accustom my people's mind
to this idea, and in a certain measure my mind also ." [Italics added]

Let us anticipate and observe that the first measure taken by Carol
"to accustom his people's mind" to the idea of a Soviet military occupa-
tion was the assassination of Corneliu Codreanu a few days after Carol's
conversation with Paul-Boncour, and the suppression, by murder and
imprisonment, of the Legionary Movement's activities .
At that time-the fall of 1935-the sabotaging policy of Titulescu and
his agents was to interpret certain German newspaper articles that were
critical of Titulescu's pro-Soviet policy as insulting to Rumania and as
proof of the insincerity of Hitler and Goring's friendly overtures . Those
articles were taken as pretexts for provocative and even derisive inter-
ventions at the Auswartige Amt (Foreign Ministry in Berlin) .

Titulescu then gave me [October 1935] the order to declare solemnly

at the Auswartige Amt [says Petrescu-Comnen] that this campaign [of
denigration of his policy] was highly detrimental to Rumanian-German
relations . Our geographic position forced us to take into consideration the
Soviet reality . If the Soviets would declare themselves prepared to guaran-
tee our territorial integrity together with that of our allies, we could con-
sider a pact of friendship and even of mutual assistance with them . If
Germany were prepared to guarantee not only our integrity but that of
our allies, we could conclude a similar treaty with her .3

In other words, Petrescu-Comnen had been instructed to inform

Germany that Rumania was prepared to sign a pact of mutual assistance
with Russia, and to suggest the possibility of a similar pact with Ger-
a Ibid., p . 236 . Italics added .
72 / The Suicide of Europe
many if Germany were prepared to guarantee Czecho-Slovakia's in-
tegrity. To realize the dimension of this act of provocation and of those
that followed, we must remember the political atmosphere of the mo-
ment and the state of irritation and anxiety to which the whole of
Germany, and certainly the German Foreign Minister also, had been
brought by the signing of the Franco-Soviet and the Czecho-Soviet Pacts
of military assistance . In Berlin nobody ignored the decisive part Titu-
lescu had played in the preparation and the conclusion of those two
diplomatic instruments. It is very likely that many also knew that the
Franco-Soviet pact of mutual assistance had been entirely worded by
Titulescu . As a riposte to this beginning of encirclement, Germany was
preparing the reoccupation of the Rhineland, with all the risks this
daring decision implied, and was awaiting only the ratification of the
pact by the French Parliament to put her tank divisions in gear. Titu-
lescu, who, with the signing of the Franco-Soviet and Czecho-Soviet pacts
of mutual military assistance, had reached the apex of his career, with-
out even waiting for Petrescu-Comnen's report about the result of his
act of provocation, was organizing noisy press conferences at which he
was boasting, in offending terms to Germany, about this peremptory
act of sabotage with which his Envoy in Berlin had been entrusted.
Germany's interest in a Rumanian pledge to resist any Soviet incur-
sion was so great that, despite all the rebukes she had already received,
she renewed several times her insistences . On November 13, 1936, Pe-
trescu-Comnen received a visit from Colonel Schunke, the German Mil-
itary Attache in Bucharest, who repeated the German offer of friend-
ship and assistance and insisted again upon the fact that "Germany asks
from Rumania one thing only : not to play the game of the Soviets, her
intractable enemy. Germany does not ask Rumania to neglect any of
her interests or abandon any of her alliances ." At the same time an
article in the Volkischer Beobachter, of obvious official origin and refer-
ring to Hungarian revisionism, renewed the assurances we had already
received so often from Germany . "Fantastic revisionist exigencies," said
this article, "are extremist impulses that do not, in the least, take into
account the realities of life ."
It was not due to Petrescu-Comnen's exertions, or to those of anybody
at the Rumanian Foreign Office, that the occasion was given to Hitler
himself to repeat the German offer, reiterating Germany's friendly
dispositions toward Rumania, and specifying the only promise asked in
exchange .
We had come to the conclusion with Gheorghe Bratianu that some
new step should be taken to bring to the attention of the Rumanian
public the fact that there were other possibilities for guaranteeing the
integrity of our territory-against not only the theoretical danger of
The Murder in Marseilles and the Purloined Telegram / 73
Hungarian irredentist pretensions, but against also the real and even
mortal danger of Soviet aggression-than those offered by the Little
Entente or the Balkan Alliance . Accordingly, Gheorghe Bratianu again
went to Berlin, this time to get an audience with Hitler, while I went
once more to Paris to share my information with our friends in the
French Parliament who were fighting against the ratification of the
Franco-Soviet military alliance .

Not only, said the Fiihrer to Bratianu [as reported by Petrescu-Comnen]

do we not wish Rumania's disintegration, but we believe that it is to our
own interest that Rumania become as big and as strong as possible because
she constitutes an important bulwark against danger from the East . In such
circumstances, Germany will never encourage or approve Hungarian re-
visionism ; I have let this be known to Admiral Horthy and to Kanya, who
were advised to take example from Germany, which in the interest of peace
and in order to preserve Europe from Bolshevism has given up many
revendications-even that of Alsace-Lorraine 4

I think that for two reasons we are justified in asking our readers
to follow further with patience the story of those repeated attempts of
the German leaders to get Rumania's assurance that she would defend
her own territory against a Soviet incursion : 1 . The constant refusal
of Rumania's responsible statesmen-King, Prime Minister, and Foreign
Minister-to give this assurance was one of the principal factors in the
shaping of the series of situations that led the world to the last conflagra-
tion, and is therefore not only of Rumanian but of universal interest ;
2 . The activities of those statesmen, which culminated in the disap-
pearance of Rumania as an independent state and a free nation, show
how easy it is for a clique of no more than a dozen persons, if they are
the wrong persons in the right places, to bring a country-and perhaps
a whole civilization-to its perdition by preventing the will-to-live of the
majority from having an opportunity to manifest itself before the
occurrence of the catastrophe .
A similar situation and the same dangers might present themselves
today in other countries with less chance of being detected in time, the
mechanisms of misinformation and of no information having been
brought, meanwhile, to quasi-perfection .
Petrescu-Comnen tells us about another German attempt in December
1936 which was made under his administration of our Legation in
Berlin, to convince Rumania's leadership of the necessity of defending
Rumania's territory . Here is the account of his next-to-last interview
with General Goring, as related by this representative-at-large of Ruma-
nian interests . This interview, together with what preceded and what
6 Ibid ., p . 250.
74 / The Suicide o f Europe
followed it, might be taken as a model of perfidious diplomatic sabotage
of an historic opportunity :

When we were left alone the General began with a resume of the con-
versation the Fuhrer and he had had with Gheorghe Bratianu . The version
he gave me was entirely in accord with what I knew . Then he added the
following with one comment that he was carrying out the Fiihrer's in-
structions :
"We would like to have the same relations with you that we have with
Yugoslavia, with which we have reached 'eine ganz klare Abmachung' [a
very clear understanding] . We do not ask anything else but the assurance
that you won't enter into any combination (sic) against Germany . In
exchange for such assurance we are prepared to give you a formal guarantee
of state concerning your territorial integrity. We have no alliance with the
Magyars. We offer you our friendship . If you reject it, do not wonder if
we bind ourselves rather with the Hungarians and the Bulgarians . In case
of a betterment of our relations we will offer you important economic ad-
vantages and we will help you to reinforce your military power . We will
give you our best weapons, 'ganz vertraulich Waffen' [even the most
secret] . . . .
"We can only rejoice in your good relations with Poland, and I can
assure you that I have always advised my friends in Warsaw (sic) to take
care to keep and increase this friendship . . . . In what concerns the Little
Entente, we have no objection to it, provided it adheres to its initial pur-
pose of keeping the Hungarians warned . . . . In what concerns France,
as long as her relations with Rumania are within the limits of the Geneva
agreements, in my personal opinion they do not constitute any obstruction
to our future relations ." 5
Petrescu-Comnen's objection to Goring, on the grounds that "he was
astonished at the General's statements" was pure impudence, as those
statements were the exact replica of what Goring had told the Ruma-
nian Envoy a few months earlier, and were, besides, the very same thing
Goring had told Gheorghe Bratianu . As for Petrescu-Comnen's declara-
tions that he was "not prepared to take part in a political discussion"
and that he had to "limit himself to certain precise questions of eco-
nomic character," they were in such contradiction to all that is expected
from the accredited envoy of a foreign country-whose obligation at
least is to listen with polite attention to proposals of political character
and to examine their extent and significance with the proposing party
before referring them to his Government-that Goring ought to have
considered them a coarse and premeditated rebuke .

As a conclusion [says Petrescu-Comnen] the General told me that he had

been ordered by the Fuhrer to state that he, the Fuhrer, was prepared to
Ibid ., pp. 253-254 . Sic in both cases was added by Petrescu-Comnen . Sic after "my
friends in Warsaw" means that Petrescu-Comnen, knowing the sentiments entertained
at that time in Bucharest toward our ally Poland, did not want to mention, without
an accusing sneer, any allusion to friendly relations between Berlin and Warsaw .
The Murder in Marseilles and the Purloined Telegram / 75
renew personally and officially all those pledges and would be glad to
receive me at my earliest convenience to confirm them personally .°

Our Envoy in Berlin took it upon himself never to answer this special
and precise invitation from the chief of the German State-an invitation
to which custom obliged him to respond, and permitted him to respond
without further consultation with Bucharest . Instead of going to the
highly authoritative source-Hitler-to fathom the sincerity and the
reach of the German proposals, Petrescu-Comnen started a new cam-
paign of harassment of the German Foreign Office because of certain
articles in the German press-articles that he pretended contradicted
the friendly proposals that he had squarely refused to consider .
In the face of what he pretended were those "astonishing" insistences
of the German statesmen, Petrescu-Comnen felt obliged to go to Bucha-
rest to get, personally, instructions from his superiors . He was extremely
happy, he tells us, to receive from the King, from Prime Minister Tata-
rescu and from Minister of Foreign Affairs Victor Antonescu, instruc-
tions "substantially in accord with those I received from Nicolae Titu-
lescu in 1935." Those instructions included, he tells us : 1 . Fidelity to
the League of Nations ; 2. Fidelity to our allies ; 3 . The greatest possible
improvement of our relations with Soviet Russia; 4. Development of
our economic relations with Germany .
Regarding the second point alone, it is essential to observe that it
refers, in fact, exclusively to Czecho-Slovakia, who by her participation
in the new system of encirclement of Germany had lost her status and
her usefulness as a member of the Little Entente-an alliance the pur-
pose of which was to counteract Hungarian irredentist pretensions . At
that very moment Bene"s was wantonly provoking Germany and Italy
by the huge armament materiel he was sending through France to Com-
munist Spain, and by his telegrams of congratulations and sympathies to
blood-thirsty Juan Negrin . The second point did not refer either to
Yugoslavia or to Poland, both of which were also our allies . Indeed, the
Bucharest Government, and Petrescu-Comnen himself, had openly man-
ifested discontent, and even indignation, at the pact of friendship re-
cently signed by Count Ciano and Mr . Stoidadinovici between Italy
and Yugoslavia and Germany and Yugoslavia-two diplomatic instru-
ments of obvious importance for our Balkan ally . We learn, on the other
hand, in Petrescu-Comnen's Preludi, how he opposed, as Rumanian
Foreign Minister, every effort of Colonel Beck, the Polish Foreign Min-
ister, to find a stable understanding with the enemy .
An understanding with Germany would not only have been the best
guarantee of survival history could have offered to heroically resurrected
6 Ibid
76 / The Suicide o f Europe
Poland, but also the best guarantee for Rumania against the lethal danger
represented by Soviet Russia's territorial ambitions and messianic aspira-
tions . This danger was felt, by instinct or by wisdom, by twenty million
Rumanians; but the dozen people who, with King Carol, held the re-
sponsibility of Rumania's foreign policy, along with two dozen servile
henchmen like Petrescu-Comnen, decided or were forced under irresist-
ible pressure to ignore this danger completely .
Petrescu-Comnen returned to Berlin, dauntlessly heartened by the
encouragement and the instructions he had received in Rumania . Here
is his narrative, concerning these instructions and the last interview
he had with Goring before returning as Minister of Foreign Affairs to
his doomed country :

While I was still in Bucharest, Goring had asked several times about the
date of my return, and urged our charge d'affaires to tell me that he wanted
to see me as promptly as possible . Abiding by the instructions I had re-
ceived, I tried however, to delay the interview . But, pressed by the im-
petuous General, who wanted to talk with me "on behalf of the Fiihrer," I
went to his sumptuous lodging in the Leipzigerstrasse, March 20, 1937,
and I faced him with such declarations that we could today call them
heroical . Small Rumania surrounded by a world of enemies and of dubious
friends had the courage to declare, without circumlocutions, that "Rumania
wanted to stipulate first of all, that she had no intention of abandoning any
of her present friendships or alliances ." I declared also, as I had done be-
fore, that we did not intend to enter any arrangement that could bring
us in conflict with Soviet Russia. That was the last interview I had with
Goring. Later I was accused of not having had any understanding of the
Fiihrer's "generous" proposals.?

This heroic Parthian arrow did not terminate Petrescu-Comnen's

participation in the work of sabotaging the essential interests of his
country . The final torpedoing of any possibility of understanding be-
tween Germany and a Rumania still territorially and morally unmuti-
lated was still to come . It fell to the Government in which Petrescu-Com-
nen was Minister of Foreign Affairs to condone both the assassination
of Codreanu and the attempt to annihilate by murder, prison and bar-
barous oppression the only political formation that had foreseen the
imminence, the enormity and the treachery of the events that eventually
wiped free Rumania from the map of Europe .
It was the same treasonous indifference to specific Rumanian interests
and specific Rumanian dangers, reinforced this time by the special
financial interests of Carol and his camarilla, that made this ruling
clique ignore totally another part of the German proposal : a quick and
up-to-date rearmament of our troops . As a result, the Rumanian soldier
7 Ibid ., p . 261 . Italics added .
The Murder in Marseilles and the Purloined Telegram / 77
was forced to enter World War II, as he had entered World War I,
with utterly incomplete and obsolete armament.
The year 1939 found our army in a state of complete unpreparedness .
We had no armor, no modern anti-aircraft artillery ; our artillery, all of
it horse-driven, was composed of old Krupp guns of World War I and
of guns that were captured from Bolshevik troops during the last months
of that war. All of them were patched with a contraption that was sup-
posed to bring their ballistics up to modern requirement . There was
some heavy field artillery (also horse-driven), the clumsy Skoda materiel,
which we were finally forced to accept . Our Air Force was neither in
quantity nor quality a complement to our gallant and brilliant young
airmen . Our infantry rifles and machine guns were of three different
bores, and in that state of decrepitude known as "wild shooting ." Mean-
while, in the period between King Carol's return and 1939, twenty-eight
billion lei (about 140,000,000 dollars) had been spent from the budget
for national defense.
Considering Rumania's political and strategic situation and the ur-
gency of the menace at our eastern frontier, any wise and patriotic re-
armament program should have provided for the hasty acquisition of
heavy and semi-heavy material from some reliable foreign industry, and
for the creation, in the central region of the country, of a complex of light
weapons and ammunition factories . Instead, billions were spent in an
insane attempt to create, in a fight with time, a national heavy-arma-
ment industry that would be able to produce tanks and artillery of all
sizes . Factories were mounted and dismounted according to the interests
of the King and his proteges . Billions were scattered and hoarded ; but
not a tank, not a heavy or light piece of artillery was produced, not
even a machine gun or a rifle . Remaining permanent masters of the bat-
tlefields had thereby become an impossible task for our infantry, regard-
less of the gallantry of the soldier and the efficiency of his leader .
Goring's offer to rearm us completely and fittingly was not the first
offer we had received of this nature : A previous Japanese suggestion had
not even been considered . The same thing happened with Goring's pro-
posal . We have also seen how one of our Governments declined in a
moment of crisis the generous offer of King Alexander of Yugoslavia .
The same politicians, the same military authorities or advisers who
had been accomplices, even if only by their silence, in the gigantic arma-
ment swindle that was one of the characteristics of Carol's reign, were
compelled, when the hour of truth came with the Kremlin's ultimatum
of June 1940, to admit along with the billionaire King that those twenty-
eight billion lei had been spent in vain.

King Carol
the Murderer

At the prison we all entered one of the cells where

Majors Dinulescu and Macoveanu demonstrated how
we were to kill the Legionaries. Asking the chauffeur
of our car to kneel, Major Dinulescu slipped from
behind a bit of rope around the chauffeur's throat
and showed us how easy it was to proceed that way .
After that we went into the prison courtyard and
each of us received a Legionary in custody . I got
one taller and stronger than the others; I learned
afterwards that it was the Captain, Corneliu
Sergeant SARBU
O f the Gendarmerie
From testimony to the
Investigation Committee of
the Rumanian High Court
Our greatest national danger is in having de-
formed our national structure by creating that moral
dwarf: the politician. The man who has nothing in
common with our national pride and grandeur, the
man who kills us and tries to dishonor us .
If that kind of man will go on leading our na-
tion, it will succumb and Rumania will disappear .
Pentru Legionari

It is not my life, which I have sacrificed long ago ;

it is the honor and the existence of this country that
are at stake.
To his judges


Titulescu and the Military Alliances

with Soviet Russia

Two different political concepts existed among the victors

of World War I : 1. That of a reconciliation between all the non-Com-
munist countries before the greatest and most horrible menace ever
faced by Europe ; 2 . That which considered the hostilities of World War
I only interrupted, and asked for a political and military collaboration
with Soviet Russia against Germany in a second World War that was
supposed to be unavoidable . The ascent to power of Adolf Hitler and
the National Socialist Party in 1933 provoked an acute crisis between
the adherents of these two opposed ideas .
The partisans of these two concepts were grouped around two diplo-
matic instruments : 1. A four-power pact between France, Germany,
Great Britain and Italy, proposed by Benito Mussolini and signed, but
not ratified, by all the interested powers ; 2. A projected pact of mutual
military assistance between France, Czecho-Slovakia, and Soviet Russia .
The four-power pact never came to life because it was not ratified by the
French Parliament . It had been ratified, however, by the House of
Commons of Great Britain.
There were indeed many independent and moderate elements in
Great Britain ready to approve every process of rapprochement between
Germany and her former adversaries. Prime Minister Ramsay Mac-
Donald, Sir Samuel Hoare, Sir John Simon, Lord Hartwood, Lord
Lothian, and Lord Rothermere were among them ; also the Prince of
Wales, who had organized the contacts between the British and former
German combatants, and who later had to pay with the Crown for his
candid statement to Mr. Stanley Baldwin : "As long as I am here, there
will be no war ."
Winston Churchill opposed with all his force the four-power pact .
82 / The Suicide o f Europe
His case deserves special mention . For years he had been the most elo-
quent and persuasive champion in the struggle against Communism,
against the Nameless Beast, as he called it in his thundering book The
Aftermath, from which we quote :
An apparition different from everything that had been seen on earth
until then, had taken the place of Russia . . . . We had before us a state
without nation, an army without country, a religion without God . This
government, which was born by revolution and nourished by terror . . .
had declared that between it and society no good faith could exist in
public and private relations, no understanding had to be respected . . . .
That is how there was no more Russia but only an emptiness that persists
in human affairs .

From the same work we extract the following interesting passages :

It is the duty of the civilized world to reconquer Russia . The Soviets do

not represent Russia ; they represent an international concept entirely
foreign and even hostile to what we call civilization . . . . To win again
Russia, militarily and morally, would be too heavy a task for the victors
alone, and as we must do it, we will do it with Germany. Germany knows
Russia better than anybody else . . . . That will be for her the great oppor-
tunity . It will be this opportunity that will permit a proud and faithful
nation to avoid defeat and humiliation . . . . She will pass thereby, almost
without transition, from a cruel fight against us to cooperation with us .
Nothing is possible in Europe without Germany, everything is possible with
her. [Italics added .]

In schizophrenic contradiction to all his former, so strongly expressed

convictions, Mr . Churchill, shortly after Hitler came to power, suddenly
moved from the anti-Communist camp to become the irreconcilable
enemy of that same Germany he once wanted to send against the Soviets
in 1919-1922 . We will find him about twenty years later asking for-
giveness of Stalin, as he narrates it himself, for his former anti-Com-
munist campaigns .
Anthony Eden followed with fanaticism the new policy of Mr. Church-
ill . His trip to Warsaw and Moscow in March 1935 had exactly the
same scope as those of the defunct Jean Barthou : the organizing of
Germany's encirclement . In Warsaw he had been given a rather cold
reception by Marshal Pilsudski . The Marshal strongly advised him to
leave Eastern Europe alone and to worry instead about the British
Empire in general and about Jamaica in particular . From Moscow
Anthony Eden returned to his country with pleasant reports only : "I
have seen a people at work . . . ." He had not let himself see anything
else . He also brought with him that celebrated declaration, which
might easily be considered one of the most incredible statements of
Titulescu and the Military Alliances with Soviet Russia / 83
the century, "It would be absurd to believe that Russia has any aggres-
sive intentions toward Poland ."
In the French Parliament the partisans of a Franco-Czecho-Soviet
alliance (members of the Radical Socialist, Socialist, and Communist
parties) were encountering powerful and determined opposition that
could have triumphed, perhaps, but for the big tactical error of Pierre
Laval, the Prime Minister-an error which was to cost him his life.
After long resistance, Mr. Laval finally signed the Franco-Soviet
treaty, May 2, 1935, counting upon his resourcefulness to turn up, at
the last moment, a majority in the French Parliament that would
refuse to ratify it . He was mistaken . By signing the treaty he had done
all that was expected of him . He was promptly overthrown-with his
British colleague Sir Samuel Hoare, when they tried to find a formula
of conciliation between Italy and Ethiopia-by a joint and remarkable
effort on the part of the philosophical and Fabian circles in France and
Great Britain, roused in haste to action by Messrs . Herriot, Sarraut,
and Blum in France, and by Lord Cecil and Mr . Eden in Great Britain .
The motives that animated the various opponents of the four-power
pact and partisans of a Franco-Soviet alliance were of a different na-
ture . There was among French people, of course, a traditional hatred
of Germany . Such had been very likely the case of Jean Barthou, who
had lost a son in World War I . The ineffable Vladimir Potemkin writes,
in his History of Soviet Diplomacy : "Barthou, as every good French-
man, hated the Germans ." There had appeared, or reappeared, at that
time a much more important and powerful factor, if less visible, in the
worldwide political game : the Anonymous Powers-the malevolent
jinns who midwifed the Bolshevik Revolution, who guided and pro-
tected its first steps, saved it several times from an impending death,
condoned or covered all of its crimes and treachery-who had decided
that the hammer and the sickle, and not the Cross, should be the
symbol and the law of the world to come . The interests of those powers
had very little to do with those of the nations concerned. Their inten-
tions and their goals originated much farther back than the situations
and events of that special epoch, and went far beyond them in their
sweeping vision and all-embracing dreams . Those forces had been
helped by the murders of General Stef5nik, of Admiral Kolchak, of
French President Doumer, of King Alexander of Yugoslavia, as they
were to be helped later by the kidnapping-under the half-closed eyes
of the French police-and the murder of General Kutiepov and Gen-
eral Miller. They were helped more than anything else by President
Roosevelt's letter to Kalinin and by the second Bullitt mission .
From the other side of the Atlantic these powers were receiving the
impetus that would eventually lead them over all hurdles and defeats
84 / The Suicide of Europe
to the final triumphs of Teheran, Yalta, Potsdam, and San Francisco .
They had their devoted adherents and servants in non-Communist
Europe, and the most opulently remunerated and easiest to identify by
the flagrant contradiction between his activities and the interests of the
country he represented was Nicolae Titulescu.
Again we open Vladimir Potemkin's book :

Everybody knew that the representatives of the Little Entente had

brought a certain contribution to the conclusion of the Franco-Soviet alli-
ance [N .B . the pact of mutual military assistance between France, Czecho-
Slovakia and Soviet Russia] . Mr. Benel in Czecho-Slovakia and Mr . Titulescu
in Rumania saw in this convention one of the most efficient guarantees of
the security of their own countries . This was the motive for those two
diplomats' insistence on convincing the French government of the neces-
sity of concluding very promptly its negotiations with the Soviet Govern-
ment . [Italics added .]

Potemkin does not exaggerate the energy and importance of the

pressures of Titulescu and Benes on the French Government to enter
into an alliance that imperiled all the pacifying diplomatic arrange-
ments concluded at that time between the former enemies . But those
combined pressures would not have been enough to guarantee to the
government a parliamentary majority for the ratification of such an
instrument without the special and indispensable assistance that only
Mr . Titulescu was able to procure.
I now ask my readers to glance at a map of Eastern Europe and to
remember once more that Soviet Russia had no direct geographical
contact with Germany. The treaty of mutual assistance would not have
represented, therefore, any advantage for France unless some passage
could be found and guaranteed for Soviet troops hastening to the rescue
of France and Czecho-Slovakia in the event of an armed conflict with
Germany. Poland and the Baltic states had taken an unmistakable
stand concerning such an attempt by the Soviet Army : They would
not permit it . They knew too well what to expect from the presence
of "friendly" Communist divisions in their territory . The only other
possible passage was through Rumania .
Public opinion in Rumania was as wary of contact with Russian troops
as it was in Poland and in the Baltic states . But we did not even have
the dubious safeguard of a pact of nonaggression ; and besides there
was the matter of Russian pretensions over one of our provinces . No-
body could believe that once Russia's job was finished in Central Eu-
rope, her troops would evacuate Rumania entirely . There was no doubt
that Russia would keep Bessarabia, and the chances were that she would
stay in Rumania as long as was necessary to make of it a sister Com-
munist State .
Titulescu and the Military Alliances with Soviet Russia / 85
Nobody knew better than Titulescu the Rumanian people's universal
aversion toward and fear of its Communist neighbor ; and nobody was
better qualified to lead for four years between Bucharest and Paris this
policy of dissimulation, subterfuge and lies . In Paris this policy per-
mitted the partisans of the Franco-Soviet military alliance to assert on
the basis of the most competent authority (the Minister of Foreign
Affairs of Rumania) that Rumania would not object, should the mo-
ment ever come, to the passage of Soviet troops-although at present
a certain amount of discretion had to be maintained concerning it. In
Bucharest, this policy permitted the masked adherents, or unconscious
helpers of the powers Titulescu was serving, to assert on the basis of
the same competent authority that France did not need and did not ask
us to take the risk of this passage, and that therefore the Franco-Soviet
and Czecho-Soviet treaties did not endanger our borders and the integrity
of our territory.
Says Mr . Prost :

Titulescu will return to Rumania in November 1937 for a couple of

days . . . . Berated by the Iron Guard [the Legionary Movement], he will
have the gall to declare that he had opposed in 1933 the dissolution of the
Iron Guard and to add that he had made every effort in order to conclude
with Germany and Italy pacts that would have put Rumania in the same
relation with those two countries as with France and Great Britain . He
will pretend also that he has never considered the passage of Soviet troops
over Rumanian territory. He was given the lie with such abundance and
precision that he hastily left Rumania .l

The stubborn refusal of Titulescu even to consider Germany's pro-

posals had no other explanation than his decision not to agree with the
sole condition that was attached to those proposals : the pledge to fight
Soviet troops if they ever tried to cross our borders. In fact, any serious
scrutiny of Titulescu's policy in the matter of those proposals and of
the Franco-Soviet and Czecho-Soviet agreements could not leave any
doubt about his hidden thoughts and intentions, which were so detri-
mental to Rumania's interests . Not only did he exert himself to the
utmost to help France come to the fatal decision of choosing the Soviets
as her principal ally, but he himself wrote every word of the diplomatic
instrument which brought this about; a generally little known fact. I
do not know if it is true-as he himself boasted several times publicly-
that the French Government paid him five hundred thousand francs,
as a specialist in international law and lore for this job, but I think
that this would not have been an exaggerated sum in payment for such
a great service rendered thereby to the pro-Soviet crowd in the Quai
1 Destin de la Roumanie, pp. 95-96 . Italics added.
86 / The Suicide of Europe
d'Orsay . Obviously Rumania would not oppose an international agree-
ment that had been entirely drawn up by her Minister of Foreign
The fight against Titulescu's machinations had to be waged on two
fronts-in Bucharest and in Paris . I exerted myself assiduously in both
places .
Since my recall from the Baltic States a sort of friendly embargo had
been laid upon my person at the Palais Sturdza ; I was not given any
part in the daily activities of our Ministry. When I asked for some work
to do, I was answered with a smile : "Don't they pay you your salary?
Why do you complain?" Indeed they paid it to me very regularly, and
in order to deserve it I had acquired the habit of remitting personally
to Mr . Titulescu's cabinet a bimonthly report recording my views, my
interpretations, my suggestions, my advice, and not infrequently my
criticisms, about the international events of the preceding fortnight and
our reaction to them . Besides, I made it almost a daily duty to try to
make some of our political personalities share my misgivings and my
fears .
For the Rumanian readers of this book I will mention, as only a part
of the complete list, the following persons with whom I discussed (with
some of them many times) Titulescu's policy and its dangers : King
Carol, the chiefs of the political parties : Iuliu Maniu, Dinu Bratianu,
General Averescu, Octavian Goga, Nicolae lorga ; the various Ministers
of Foreign Affairs and other important personalities, Gheorghe Mironescu,
Victor Antonescu, Constantin Argetoianu, Iunian, Ion Mitilineu, Gi-
gurtu, Marshal Presnan, and General Antonescu .
I employed the following arguments during those interviews :
1. The simple fact of Rumania's adhesion to the policy of Poland,
Finland, and the Baltic States not to permit Soviet Russia to enter their
territory would diminish considerably the danger of a new European
war, in which Rumania had nothing to win and very much to lose .
2 . If, despite all, this war should start and should find us on the
same side as the Soviets, it would be a conflagration in which there
would be no possible victory for Rumania . A victorious Germany would
dismember us to the benefit of Hungary, Bulgaria and perhaps even
Russia; a Soviet victory would mean our total disappearance as a na-
tional and political entity for an indefinite period in history .
3 . In the most optimistic view, even if we could imagine that the
victorious Soviet troops would abandon the rest of the country, they
would certainly keep Bessarabia .
4. Titulescu's irruption in the Riga negotiations in order to permit
the Soviets to maintain and proclaim their pretensions about Bes-
sarabia, and the tricky wording he gave to the Rumanian-Soviet railway
Titulescu and the Military Alliances with Soviet Russia / 87

agreement, were for me sufficient proof that in Mr . Titulescu's long-

range policy this province (Bessarabia) had already been given up .
I found in the majority of our statesmen, and in King Carol also, a
strange insensibility to what was without doubt the greatest danger to
Rumania and what ought to have been their greatest worry : the Rus-
sian and the Communist menace . The sentimental attachments to our
former allies and especially to France could have explained only in part,
and only in certain cases, this strange aberration . There was in most of
my interlocutors an unmistakable voluntary blindness, a stubborn sec-
tarian docility to suggestions or injunctions of unknown origin that
were stronger, it seemed, than their patriotism, which in all fairness
I could not question .
Professor lorga, upon whom I called at his country place in Valeni
de Munte, seemed quite convinced by my protestations, and entrusting
me with two articles that were strongly to the point and in perfect
accord with my views, asked me to leave them in Bucharest at the of-
fice of his newspaper Neamul Romanesc . When I went there, the chief
columnist told me that Professor Iorga had meanwhile telephoned that
he had changed his mind, and that the articles were not to be published .
Iuliu Maniu, the chief of the National Peasant Party, talked about
the Roman empire that Mussolini could have reconstructed had he
followed Maniu's advice, but showed a complete lack of comprehension,
and even an alarming indifference, concerning the safety of our eastern
frontier .
Dinu Bratianu, the chief of the Liberal Party, refused even to con-
sider that there was a Soviet menace, talked only about the dangers
that National Socialist Germany represented for the world, and almost
showed me the door when I insisted .
General Antonescu, who later was to be the Prime Minister of the
Government in which I was Minister of Foreign Affairs, simply cut me
off with the question : "Are you also one of those persons who would
use our weapons against those who gave them to us?" I asked him about
which weapons was he talking ; surely not about the Skoda artillery)
This did not embarrass the General, who ended a long tirade with this
memorable declaration : "Never against France)" I let him observe that
we were not France's neighbor but Soviet Russia's, and that in France
there were a lot of persons, among them two Marshals, Petain and
Weygand, who had energetically opposed an alliance with Russia . The
General stuck to his guns .
Constantin Argetoianu felt that Titulescu's decision not to accept
Germany's guarantees and to content himself with those of France and
Czecho-Slovakia had very little importance . He, Argetoianu, would get
those guarantees later, "And so we will have them both ."
88 / The Suicide of Europe
Regarding King Carol, suffice it to say that after a long account of
my worries about the change in the course of Rumanian foreign policy,
an account to which he seemed to listen with interest, he briskly asked
me, "Why didn't you accept the Caracas appointment?"
Nicolae Iorga was killed at the hands of a Communist agent provoc-
ateur, a man named Boeru . Iuliu Maniu and Dinu Bratianu died in
Communist prisons after long years of misery . General Antonescu fell
under the bullets of a Communist firing squad . Argetoianu, the former
member of about two dozen boards of directors of financial and indus-
trial companies, died as a mendicant, of hunger and misery in the streets
of Communist Bucharest . In fact, to the best of my knowledge almost
all of my former interlocutors of those fateful days who were still alive
at the time of the Communist invasion, spent long years, or died, in
Communist jails or Communist concentration camps in Rumania or
in Soviet Russia . Except, quite naturally, the two chief culprits, King
Carol and Mr . Titulescu, who died in their permanent opulence and
in an uneventful exile.
We had made several trips to Paris with Gheorghe Bratianu in order
to help by our information the opponents to a new Franco-Soviet alli-
ance. We made reiterated contacts with deputies, senators, ministers,
prime ministers past and present, and with the press . Our purpose was
to convince those political personalities, and through them and through
the press French public opinion, that Titulescu was lying and deceiving
them by assuring them that Rumania would permit without resistance
Soviet armies to march over her territory . We wanted to let them know
that opposition to such a possibility was unanimous in Rumania among
civilian and military people alike, who saw in it a death sentence for
their country.
The nationalist press, L'Action Francaise, L'Ami du Peuple, Je Suis
Partout, Gringoire, which we supplied with ammunition, was leading
a vigorous campaign against the pro-Soviet publicists, well-paid friends
of Mr . Titulescu. Philippe Henriot-who later was to be assassinated
by the "Resistance"-fought with eloquence and courage in the French
Parliament on our side .
When the Franco-Soviet pact was nevertheless signed in May 1935,
we applied ourselves with still greater energy in order to help our
friends in the French Parliament prevent its ratification .
One day I gave to Philippe Henriot the verbatim text of a short
speech by Mr . Titulescu to the Rumanian Senate, which I had heard
two days before and which had not been reproduced in the Rumanian
or foreign press . In this speech the Rumanian Foreign Minister re-
assured once more the Rumanian solons about the Franco-Soviet pact,
Titulescu and the Military Alliances with Soviet Russia / 89
solemnly declaring that the presence of Soviet troops in our territory
had never been considered .
I was in the diplomatic tribune of the French Parliament when
Henriot drew out of his briefcase the document I had given him the
day before, and after a few introductory words started reading it . A
team of Communist deputies, headed by Duclos, pounced upon him;
a free-for-all fight ensued, and the President of the Chamber of Depu-
ties-Herriot, if I remember correctly-solemnly put on his top hat,
according to a time-honored tradition, and closed the session.
After the fall of the Laval Government in 1936, it was Albert Sar-
raut-long ago pardoned for the murder of King Alexander in Mar-
seilles-who obtained the ratification of a pact that represented nothing
less than Europe's death sentence. The vote was 362 to 136 with 100
abstentions-a hundred poor beggars who understood very well what
this pact meant for their country and for the world, but who did not
dare infringe upon the instructions received.

Prelude to War

W hen the new Franco-Soviet pact was finally ratified, Mar-

shal Petain declared to the press : "We won't be long in regretting it!"
The conclusion and the ratification of the Franco-Soviet military alli-
ance was, indeed, an act of folly for France, whatever the advantages
it presented for Soviet Russia's involved schemes, or those expected by
Czecho-Slovakia . This alliance not only definitely ruled out any possi-
bility of a peace-guaranteeing four-power pact between the former ad-
versaries of World War I, but deprived France of the benefits of all the
securities her diplomacy had accumulated in the last eighteen years
all of which were incompatible in letter, spirit and fact with the sense-
less new instrument . Those securities included the Versailles Treaty,
the League of Nations Covenant, the Polish Alliance, the alliance with
the countries of the Little Entente, the Franco-Britannic general staff
agreement, the Kellogg-Briand Pact, the Locarno agreement and the
Stressa agreement .
Marshal Petain's pessimistic prediction was not long in coming true .
Ten days after the ratification by the French Parliament, Baron Kon-
stantin von Neurath, the German Minister of Foreign Affairs, convoked
all the ambassadors of the countries that had been signatories of the
Locarno Pact and informed them that Germany considered this pact
had been transgressed by the Franco-Soviet alliance, and that conse-
quently Germany had decided to reestablish her full sovereignty over
the Rhineland . At the same time, Baron von Neurath declared that
Germany was prepared to sign a pact of nonaggression with France and
Belgium ; to sign an air force convention with the Western Powers ; to
return to the League of Nations if it were in the first place admitted
to dissociate the covenant terms and the stipulations of the Versailles
Treaty . It is worth remembering that, for reasons still unknown, those
Prelude to War / 91

peace-assuring propositions were never accepted or even seriously con-

sidered by the opposite parties .
On March 7, 1936, German troops reentered the demilitarized zone .
Given the extreme mobility of modern troops, of tanks and motorized
divisions, and given the part played by air forces in modern warfare,
those few miles retaken by Germany did not represent any special men-
ace to the defense of France . Nevertheless, this first manifestation of
Germany's reconstructed military power provoked enormous emotion
in France and in Europe . Albert Sarraut, the French Prime Minister,
declared with resolution : "France will not negotiate with Strasbourg
under the menace of Germany's artilleryl" War seemed imminent . That
it did not then break out was only due to Great Britain's refusal to
admit that in the new circumstances created by the Franco-Soviet ar-
rangement, the reoccupation of the Rhineland was a casus foederis .t
On July 13, 1934, at the height of the Barthou-Bene"s-Titulescu anti-
German activities, Sir John Simon warned Paris that Great Britain
would not participate in any attempted encirclement of Germany . On
April 26, 1935, the same Sir John Simon wired his Ambassador in Paris :

It is necessary to explain to Mr . Laval that Great Britain is very uneasy

about France concluding an agreement with Russia that is likely to force
her [France] into a war against Germany in circumstances that are not
allowed by Article Two of the Pact of Locarno.

The answer given to Ambassador Sir George R . Clerk in order to

reassure him demonstrates how little the leading set at the Quai d'Orsay
-Alexis Leger's set-understood the significance for the peace of Eu-
rope and of the world of the introduction of Soviet Russia-Lenin and
Stalin's Russia-into the system of European alliances . Clerk reported :

I was not able to see Mr . Laval, but I could talk with Mr . Leger [the
Secretary General of the French Foreign Office] . He told me that Great
Britain need not worry. The French Government stipulated, in signing the
pact, the respect of all the dispositions of the League of Nations' covenant
and of the Pact of Locarno .

Leger and Titulescu, the latter the redactor of the controversial in-
strument, did not understand, or pretended not to understand, that
whatever the terms of an alliance with the Communist empire, this
alliance represented a total upsetting of the contractual equilibrium,
procured with such difficulty, between the non-Communist countries .
Stanley Baldwin and Anthony Eden explained to the British House
of Commons, on March 8, 1936, that the reoccupation of the Rhineland
3 Casus foederis specifies the exact circumstances in which allied powers are obliged
to mutual military assistance .
92 / The Suicide of Europe
did not represent an act of war in terms of the existing treaties-par-
ticularly since Germany had offered to conclude pacts of nonaggression
with France and Belgium . Lord Astor, in the House of Lords, and Lord
Lothian, in the House of Commons, took exception to the idea of a
preventive war against Germany and interpreted the Franco-Soviet pact
as an attempt to encircle Germany. Mr . Churchill, true to his new im-
age, vituperated violently against the idea of signing pacts of nonaggres-
sion or air force arrangements with Germany, and declared : "The en-
circlement of a potential aggressor is no encirclement ."
We appeal quite exceptionally to the prolific memory of Madame
Genevieve Tabouis in order to show the alarm which the reoccupation
of the Rhineland provoked in Paris and all of France .

Paris was seized with panic . . . . Everybody wondered if war would break
out . And this question was repeated many times during the three days that
followed, three days which seemed years to us-days full of agony and
doubts concerning the position our government would take toward

The French Cabinet assembled twice on March 7, the second time

with the General Staff attending . Georges Mandel, Minister of Interior,
asked for an immediate mobilization . But under the impression left by
the visits of the British, the Italian, and the Belgian Ambassadors,
France limited herself to a solemn protest and the decision to ask for
an extraordinary session of the League of Nations Council, which had
given its guarantee to the Locarno Pact .
The reaction of Rumania's Government to the possibility of a
Franco-German war, and of Russia's troops trying to come to France's
rescue in agreement with the new treaty, was of great significance for
those who cared to appraise the effect it was bound to have on the
coming events in Central and Eastern Europe .
In the middle of the night of March 8, 1936, I was awakened by my
friend Miroslav Arciczewski, my former colleague in Riga and Reval,
and now Poland's Envoy in Bucharest . Arciczewski had in his hands a
copy of a document, procured I suppose by his military attache, that
alarmed him extremely and that he wanted to discuss with me .
It was an order from the Minister of Public Works, Richard Frana-
sovici, to the director of the Rumanian railway system ; its significance
was manifestly of military character . The railway services in Moldavia,
Bessarabia, and Bucovina were urgently ordered to accumulate all
rolling transport stock at the Rumanian-Russian border . The Russian
rail spread is broader than the Rumanian, and all organized traffic be-
tween the two countries required transshipment . This order meant sim-
ply that our railway system was being put at the disposal of the Soviet
Prelude to War / 93
army . It took us, however, a while to understand the enormity of the
treason and how its diabolical preparation had been hidden from Ru-
manian and Polish public opinion . If war had broken out then, Ruma-
nia would have been invaded, Bessarabia would have been handed over
to Russia, and Poland, betrayed by her ally, would have seen her eastern
defense unexpectedly outflanked by her enemy .
I spent the rest of the night considering the most efficient way to
thwart this conspiracy against my country's most vital interests . For the
polemical part, I decided to appeal again to Gheorghe Bratianu, a
deputy in the Rumanian Parliament. But there was another side to it :
force would very likely be required . I knew only one political group
to which I could appeal in such circumstances for a decision that asked
for as much independence and intrepidity as patriotism ; this was the
Legionary Movement, the young Iron Guard, led by the young Corneliu
Codreanu . I had had, until then, no direct contact with it or with its
leader, but I knew very well General Gheorghe Cantacuzene, second-in-
command of the Movement and a legendary hero of many battles of
World War I .
I went to see him early that morning before he had arisen . I showed
him the incriminating text and explained the situation . If Soviet troops
were to enter our territory with our consent, even if our cooperation
limited itself at the beginning to a passive attitude, the unavoidable
succession of events would quickly transform us to an active Kremlin
ally. This would mean the end of our alliance with Poland, and would
drag us into the hostilities against the Berlin-Rome Axis . If war, which
seemed imminent, should start under such auspices for Rumania, it
would end either with Rumania's disappearance into the capacious
craw of her Communist neighbor (in the event of this neighbor's vic-
tory), or with her dismemberment into a runt country (in the event of
an Axis victory) . The very existence of Rumania was at stakel Contrary
to the wishes of the King and the intentions of his Government, the
passage of Russian troops had to be opposed with force . I knew of no
organization that could take charge of this protective and imperative
action other than the Legionary Movement .
Two hours after my visit the General returned it accompanied by
Corneliu Codreanu . It was my first meeting with the young chief . Our
relations, from then until his assassination at the order of King Carol,
never belied the first impression he made upon me in that hour of peril.
I had before me a hero in the legendary and the historical meaning
of the word . He was wisdom and daring, dream and reality, vigor and
handsomeness as of a demigod with evangelical simplicity and purity,
and above all-from his serene forehead, from his ardent mien-a com-
forting breath of Rumania's soul, Rumania's past, and Rumania's soil .
94 / The Suicide of Europe
Codreanu interpreted the situation as I did, as did General Canta-
cuzene, and as Gheorghe Bratianu was to do that very afternoon before
the Rumanian Parliament . Whatever the price, we decided the Soviets
must not be permitted to enter our territory as friends. The first Soviet
transport-according to Polish information a convoy of air force ground
troops and technical materiel en route to Prague-was to be attacked
and annihilated . The Legionary Movement would pursue the fight,
whatever the circumstances . Codreanu assured me that disposition to
that effect would be immediately taken ; in fact, certain orders had
already been given .
The same day, at lunch at the Swedish Legation, I met Franasovici .
This is the short dialogue that ensued in French between us, in the
presence of several foreign chiefs of missions .
FRANASOVICI : "Well, Messieurs les Diplomates, what interesting
news can you give us?"
STURDZA : "You could give us the latest news, Mr . Minister. Tell
us, for instance, exactly what you meant by the orders you gave last
night to our railway services in Bessarabia, Moldavia, and Bucovina ."
FRANASOVICI : "What orders?"
STURDZA : "The orders by which you put our railways at the dis-
posal of the Soviet Command ."
FRANASOVICI : "How can you, an official of our Foreign Office,
spread such alarming stories? I did not give any ordersl"
STURDZA (With his hand in his breast pocket) "Shall I show you
the exact text?"
At this suggestion, Franasovici quickly took refuge among a group of
the fair sex.
War did not break out that time because Great Britain did not want
it, because the United States was not yet present, because Poland still
followed Pilsudski's policy, and because the apparatus of the Anony-
mous Powers was not yet in a working state . But in Rumania the repre-
sentatives of those Powers had taken good notice of the fact that the
Legionary Movement-with its multitude, with its spirit of sacrifice and
its contempt of the fear of death-stood firmly against their projects.
Those powers understood that the execution of their projects required,
first Codreanu's elimination and the extermination of the Movement .
All the Legionary manifestations that followed-Codreanu's messages
to the King and to his Governments, the participation of the Legionary
Movement in the Civil War in Spain, the fervent manifestations of
admiration and respect that accompanied the funeral of those who had
fallen there in this fight against Communism-strengthened the convic-
tions and decisions of the Anonymous Powers .

UPI Photo
King Carol II of Rumania, in 1933 .
King Carol and his mistress, Magda Wolff, alias Elena Lupescu, in 1938 .
King Carol, Magda Wolff, and her family . Old Wolff is at the extreme right .
Minister of Foreign Affairs Nicolae
Titulescu of Rumania ; to his right,
Tewfik Rushtu Bey of Turkey .

UPI Photo

Premier Leon Blum of France .

UPI Photo
UPI Photo

President Eduard Benes of Czecho-Slovakia .

Count Pal Teleki, Prime Minister of Hungary . King Alexander of Yugoslavia .

UPI Photo UPI Photo
UPI Photo
Neville Chamberlain and Adolf Hitler, in September 1938 .

The principal conferees at the Munich Conference . Left to right : Neville Chamber-
lain, Edouard Daladier, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Count Galeazzo Ciano .

Europe on the eve of World War II .


LAT. t)
• Mosco
LITH. Y'-'"
Ii I
i •Warsaw }

Belgrade', Bucharest


UPI Photo
Sir Nevile Henderson, British Ambassador to Germany .
Jozef Beck, Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs ; to his left, Jo'zef Lipski, Polish
Ambassador to Germany .
Prelude to War / 95
King Carol fired Titulescu in August 1936 . This did not change the
course of Rumania's foreign policy, however . King Carol took charge
of it, and it must be recognized that he maneuvered it toward exactly
the same goal, with the same constancy, the same daring, the same
dexterity, but with still more dissimulation . Titulescu had been fired
because he had tried to meddle in some negotiations with Vickers Arms
Industry of England-a strictly royal hunting preserve-and because
he showed too openly his hostility against Poland, a favorite of the
Rumanian people . Three years of ruling had taught Carol that he
could count upon the docility of almost all Rumanian political leaders,
and that he could find half a dozen Foreign Ministers as ready as
Titulescu to follow the policy, dictated from abroad by the Anonymous
Powers of which he was himself an agent .
s s s
At no moment, from the conquest of the Russian empire by an inter-
national gang to the beginning of World War II, did the Anonymous
Powers show more clearly their irresistible influence over men and gov-
ernments than in the Spanish Civil War .
In 1936 Spain was nobody's enemy . She had no quarrel with France,
none with Great Britain, and certainly none with the United States or
with Czecho-Slovakia . By siding with the Communist gang (dubbed
"Loyalist Forces" for the occasion), France was endangering three more
of her frontiers-the Pyrenees, the Alps, and North Africa ; Great Britain
was prodding a conflict long since dormant, Gibraltar, and deeply of-
fending the sentiments and interests of her oldest ally, Portugal ; and
the United States was gratuitously complicating one of the fundamental
directives of its foreign policy-friendship with Latin America. What
Czecho-Slovakia was risking was her very existence.
There was no national interest, and still less any moral reason, that
could explain the fact that in Spain those Western Powers immediately
took the side of the Communist terrorists . Nobody could have ignored
the two years of murder and anarchy that preceded the assassination of
Calvo Sotelo and the atrocities that followed the beginning of the Civil
War . Newspapers and magazines reported daily, complete with pictures,
the horrible massacres in Madrid-women and girls raped in public in
the streets, then soaked with gasoline and cremated alive before the
eyes of their manacled parents and husbands, and of reporters and dip-
lomats ; the nocturnal roundups ; the systematic executions in such pro-
portions that the tired firing squads threatened to strike if they were
not granted two days of rest a week ; the artistic treasures annihilated ;
the churches and cathedrals dynamited or transformed into brothels ;
96 / The Suicide of Europe
the priests, monks and nuns shot like flies (7,937 of them at the final
count) ; the satanic and necromaniac orgies ; the disinterred nuns lined
along graveyard walls with the pipes of the profaners stuck between their
Let us remember also the financial and material subsidies sent to the
Communist terrorists, the mendacious information from British bishops
and duchesses, the formidable smile of Mrs . Eleanor Roosevelt when
the murderers offered her a picture by Goya-cleansed, we hope, of the
blood of its legitimate owners-as a token of gratitude for her moral
and political support of the cause of Red Spain . Let us remember that
the whole world represented at Geneva-the true prefiguration of the
United Nations world-was engaged in a crusade for the executioners
and against the victims, without even the excuse of a national interest .
In Paris on July 14, 1936, I had seen what a Communist triumph in
Spain would mean for the world. French soldiers marched mournfully
past Leon Blum, the Prime Minister, among the clenched fists of the
crowds and the roars of "Les Soviets partoutl" as the Prime Minister
bawled to his partisans, "Today, anything is possiblel" Yes, anything
could have happened then in that part of the continent, and only Gen-
eral Franco's victory could prevent the establishment of the Franco-
Spanish Communist-dominated empire predicted by Lenin . I decided
therefore to offer my modest contribution to the efforts of the National-
ist troops in Spain.
After a hasty operation in Paris for a stomach ulcer, I went to Franco's
headquarters where, I saw General Fidel Davila, Chief of the General
Staff, and was granted my enlistment . At the time I was to leave for the
front, a violent relapse of my illness sent me to a military hospital, where
I spent almost two months in complete immobility and where I was
joined by my wife.
In Paris, before leaving for Spain, I had paid a visit to a distant kins-
woman of ours, Queen Nathalie of Serbia . Her mother was the daughter
of John-Alexander Sturdza, Reigning Prince of Moldavia . Hundreds of
members of the Spanish aristocracy had already been murdered, and the
Queen worried about the fate of her nieces, the sefloritas de Pedroso y
Sturdza . "If you meet them," she told me, "give them this little present ."
It was a nice box of sweets . When I asked the porter of the first hotel I
tried in Burgos if he knew the sefioritas de Pedroso, cousins of mine
several times removed, whom I had never met before, he answered,
"Here they are," and showed me two pretty young ladies, the only
guests at that moment in the lobby of the hotel . It was a lucky break for
me . Not only had I the opportunity of immediately delivering the mes-
sage with which I had been entrusted, but it was thanks to Chiquita
Prelude to War / 97
and Margarita de Pedroso that I found a private room in Burgos's over-
crowded military hospitals . Their daily presence, together with that of
my wife, who came running from Bucharest, soothed considerably the
bitterness of my misadventure.
A short time after I left Spain for Italy-after receiving information
from Rome that Count Galeazzo Ciano, Italian Minister of Foreign Af-
fairs, would like to see me-General Cantacuzene and the group of Le-
gionaries who fought in the Spanish Civil War reached Burgos . Those
who had not been killed on the battlefields were all assassinated, with
one exception, by King Carol after their return to Rumania .
In Rome, I saw Count Ciano, who made me realize the folly of
Benes's attitude (Bene"s had jumped to the side of the Communist gang
in Spain, with all of Czecho-Slovakia's industrial potential and political
influence) . Ciano told me, Vous vous rdveillerez un bon matin et vous
apprendrez que la Tchdcoslovaquie a void en dclats ("You will wake
up one morning and find that Czecho-Slovakia has burst to pieces .")
Poor Ciano! I could not have foreseen the circumstances of our next
meeting, circumstances that-according to his posthumous memoirs-he
considered no more pleasant than did I .
Back in Bucharest, I felt it necessary to acquaint King Carol with
Ciano's warning, to which the King answered, "Czecho-Slovakia does
not stand alone." I learned afterwards that only the vigilance of Luis
Beneyto Spain's Consul General in Bucharest, and the energetic inter-
vention of the Marquis de Nantouillet, Franco's Minister, prevented
King Carol from sending to Red Spain, about one hundred fighter planes
constructed for Rumania in Czecho-Slovakia's factories .
It was my friend Miroslav Arciczewski who drew my attention to cer-
tain passages of a book published by Jan Sheba, Czecho-Slovakia's Min-
ister to Bucharest, which were insulting to Rumania and highly alarming
to Poland . This book, written in French and translated into Rumanian,
had already been on the market for several months. Jan Sheba was a
former gendarme, a noncommissioned officer who had been transformed
into a diplomat by one of those "happy" social perturbations that fol-
lowed each of the two World Wars .
Sheba's presence in Bucharest had already been signaled by an amaz-
ing article in one of the capital's newspapers, in which, with no under-
standable motive, he assailed with the rudest insults Queen Nathalie of
Serbia, who was related to many of the Rumanian aristocracy and was,
besides, an internationally venerated and beloved figure who consecrated
to charity the last years of her unlucky life . Questioned, Sheba excused
himself by explaining that he had confused Queen Nathalie with Queen
Draga, her daughter-in-law, whose tragic death was known to everybody
98 / The Suicide o f Europe
in Europe . This transformed his gratuitous insult of an elderly lady into
the profanation of the memory of a dead and martyred one ; but Mr.
Sheba was forgiven in the name of Little Entente solidarity .2
In the incriminatory book, Sheba persisted in the same kind of offense
-one of the biggest for a diplomat : that of meddling in the inner affairs
of the country to which he was accredited. This time, however, he had
blundered into an affaire d'etat with a lack of diplomatic tact that not
even his long membership in the gendarmerie could have explained .
Sheba viewed the Moscow-Bucharest-Prague Axis as a settled fact . Con-
sequently, he was reproaching us for not having taken all the technical
measures that would permit the quickest possible transport of the Soviet
troops toward Czecho-Slovakia through Rumania. In comminatory terms
Sheba asked the Rumanian Government to double its east-west railway
system and to proceed with the building of highways (in the same direc-
tion) "with an Italo-Abyssinian rapidity ."
Sheba's book did not provoke any reaction from our Foreign Office or
from our Government despite the reiterated objections by the Polish
Envoy and the growing indignation of our public opinion . This was all
the more disquieting as it was insistently said that it was not Mr . Sheba,
whose knowledge of French and whose literary talents were doubted by
many, who had written this book . Deciding to get to the bottom of
the mystery, I brought out and disseminated among deputies, senators,
high officials and foreign and Rumanian diplomats, five hundred copies
of a brochure I called "Czecho-Soviet Protectorate or Independent Ru-
manian Kingdom?" in which I showed the impropriety of Sheba's inter-
vention in Rumania's affairs . I observed that in any country, and in our
country at any time in the past, Sheba would have been asked to leave
a long time ago ; and I asked if the reason this had not happened al-
ready was not to be explained by the fact that his book had previously
received the approbation of some of our responsible authorities .

s Alexander Obrenovib, the last King of the Obrenovi6 dynasty and the son of King
Milan and of Queen Nathalie of Serbia, was murdered and hacked to pieces along
with his wife, Queen Draga, by military conspirators led by the chief of the so-called
Black Hand, Colonel Dragutin Dimitrijevic-Apis . Despite the fact that there was no
relationship between the British and the Serbian dynasties, Queen Victoria of Great
Britain immediately broke off diplomatic relations with Serbia and they were not
resumed until after her death . It is interesting to compare this attitude with the
cordial reception granted at the Court of Saint James to the murderers of Czar
Nicholas, a first cousin of King George V . Let us also remember that Lloyd George,
as Prime Minister, forbade the General commanding the British troops in Vladivostok
to take charge of the suitcase in which the tutor of the Czarevich had gathered the
earthly remnants of the members of the Romanov family from the pit where they had
been dumped by their Communist murderers . About Colonel Dimitrievi&-Apis, we
will add the interesting note that he was also the man behind the Serajevo assassi-
nations . He ended his career in 1917 in Salonoki before a firing squad which stopped
in their tracks other fanciful projects that were brewing in his inventive mind .
Prelude to War / 99
In the Parliament, Gheorghe Bratianu and Senator Orleanu also asked
for an answer to this question . The indignation in certain circles was
aroused to a vociferous pitch and Sheba was forced to leave Rumania,
swearing without further explanation that he was not the real culprit .
The most important aspect of the Sheba incident was the effort made
by members of our official circles in the Government, at the Palais
Sturdza, in Parliament and in the Government's newpapers, to save
Sheba and keep him in Bucharest .
Thanks to Sheba, more people in Rumania came to understand why
the German proposals had been spurned, and what was behind the un-
precedented terms of the railway convention, conceived and signed by
Titulescu and Litvinov .


Heroes, Scoundrels, and Fools

T he return of the Legionaries who had fought in Spain, the

transport of the mortal remains of those who had fallen there, and their
funeral in Bucharest started a commotion in Rumania's population such
as that country had perhaps never known . It was not only the peasants
kneeling along the railway tracks over which passed the car bearing the
caskets of Ion Mota and Vasile Marin from the frontier to Bucharest ; it
was the whole Rumanian nation that was bowing low in deep and silent
communion before the sacrifice of the valiants . The Rumanians were
living one of those unique moments in the history of any country, when
the virtues of the nation, so often obscured by ambition, passion, enmity
or indifference, reappear suddenly in all their imperishable vigor.
For that day, for that moment, all Rumanian thought, anxiety and
sorrow massed around the Cross and the flag, which were then threat-
ened more than they had ever been by the enemy that was to overthrow
them nine years later. For that day, for that moment, the young man
who stepped, statuesque and dreamy, at the head of the Legionary bat-
talions, was not only their leader but the spiritual head of the hundreds
of thousands of Rumanian men and women who saluted with bared
heads or with lifted arms the passing hearse of the heroes and the col-
umns of their comrades .
This was well understood by those who were peeping at those passing
columns through their half-open curtains .
The Civil War in Spain represented an apex in the fight between the
Anonymous Powers, mysterious inspirers of so many statesmen and gov-
ernments of the bourgeois world, and those national powers that opposed
in every country Communist and pro-Communist policies, whatever the
name or the form they had adopted . It was therefore natural that the
participation of the Legionary Movement in the Spanish hostilities, and
Heroes, Scoundrels, and Fools / 101
the manifestations of veneration and admiration with which the Ruma-
nian nation surrounded the return of the dead and living combatants,
would determine the beginning of an acute crisis between the two person-
alities who represented those two rival forces more than any others in
Rumania : Corneliu Codreanu and King Carol .
I have never heard a shorter, more fitting description of Carol than
the one that was given me by his own mother, Queen Marie of Rumania .
I was paying my respects to the Queen in 1928 before leaving for the
United States, where I had been appointed Counselor to our Legation .
Her Majesty, alluding to the personal relations she knew I had main-
tained with her son-then an exile in France-despite the official inter-
diction to members of the Rumanian diplomatic corps, conceded with
indulgence that this relationship was understandable and even legiti-
mate behavior : "Carol is young ; it is quite natural that youth would
stick with him . You want Carol as King? God help you the day you have
Some of the traits of Carol's character will emerge from the facts con-
tained in these pages . However, we will ask Mr . Prost, who could not be
accused of favoring the Legionary Movement, to give us some details
concerning the King's dominant vice, cupidity, which to my mind was
the source of all his other wickednesses and misdemeanours .

The feeling against him [Carol] is motivated by his immorality, his

knavery, and his cupidity . His ambition is such that he would stop at
We have already mentioned his private life ; he has never been forgiven
his affair with Lupescu . We have talked about his businesses ; everybody in
Rumania knows his methods for acquiring wealth . . . 1
The interests of the state will always be subordinated to his interests .
. . . he will cautiously accumulate an immense fortune abroad for the day
when he will again take the road to exile . . . .2 He is the biggest share-
holder in Rumanian companies . Those companies have taken the habit of
offering gratuitously great bundles of shares. . . . He is the owner of one-
third of the stocks of [Malaxa Industries] . . . . From information acquired
from the national bank it seems that an armament order at a net cost of
182 million lei was billed to the state [by the Carol-Malaxa association]
1,600 millions . . . . To him alone the national bank yields its foreign stock .
. . . Without paying a cent he became the owner of the greatest group of
sugar refineries. . . . He will ask and get at a nominal price various great
state owned agricultural exploitations. . . .
These are only some of Carol's "businesses ." . . . All these extortions
are possible only in a country rich enough not to be very quickly ruined
by them .3

Destin de la Rounaanie, p . 150.

a Ibid ., p . 51 .
3 Ibid ., pp . 99-100 .
102 / The Suicide o f Europe
Who in Rumania was fighting against this immorality and corrup-
tion? Certainly none of the political parties and none of the political per-
sonalities who expected to benefit from the royal goodwill by governing
and by participating in the general plunder. Even Iuliu Maniu, the
chief of the National Peasant Party and a man of undisputed personal
honesty, gave to his men the same high sign once given by Louis Adolphe
Thiers, in France, to his partisans : "Enrichissez-vousl" Which they did,
or tried to do at every opportunity, including contracts with foreign
governments or foreign firms such as armament contracts with Skoda,
highway building contracts with Sweden, and loan agreements with
France or other countries . The Legionary Movement alone, as Mr . Prost
is forced to recognize, challenged continuously and clamorously the cor-
ruption that under Carol had come to be a permanent form of govern-
ment .

Besides those young guardsmen of more-or-less dubious origin are all

those who are following the Captain from pure idealism . There is, indeed,
in the Iron Guard a revolt against political immorality . All the young
Rumanians have listened to the accusations of prevarication that political
parties are throwing at each other . They remember that many prosecutions
had been opened, that many culprits had often been found in very high
positions, and they remember also that no punishment has ever been im-
posed. They know that the King and his friends are setting an example of
immorality and dishonesty. . . . It is . . . a purification o f the political
morals that they beseech . . . . No government has understood that the
best way to fight the Iron Guard would be to comply honestly with its
demands . . . . The majority of those who have governed [in Bucharest]
have either tried to compromise with the Guard and use it against their
political adversaries, or have tried to annihilate it with brutality ; they have
only increased its influence and power . Goga and Cuza are only the repre-
sentatives of a purely reactionary party ; they ignore more than their prede-
cessors the aspirations of the youth who see in the Legionary Movement
the only political formation unsoiled by the vices of the other parties, the
only one that is animated by an ideal .4

Strange and miraculous is the power of truth, which springs out naked
even from the mouth of a professional slanderer when he forgets for a
moment the instructions he has received .
In November 1937, Carol, not being able to form with the existing
Parliament a Government exactly to his heart's desire, entrusted Mr .
Tatarescu, an offspring of the Liberal Party, and his liege man, with the
formation of a new Government and with new Parliamentary elections .
The Legionary Movement, the National Peasant Party of Mr . Maniu,
and the Liberal Dissident Party of Gheorghe Bratianu took part in those
elections on different lists but were united in a pact of mutual defense
Ibid., pp . 107-109 . Italics added.
Heroes, Scoundrels, and Fools / 103
against the accustomed interference and terror from the Government's
agents . The other political parties that participated in this campaign
were the Liberal Party of Tatarescu and Dinu Bratianu and the Na-
tional Christian Party of Goga and Cuza .
The Legionary Movement conducted its campaign according to the
principles it had adopted from the beginning of its existence . It did not
promise anything to the electoral masses except the cleaning from Ru-
mania's domestic life of all the corruptions and impurities that had
accumulated since the end of the war and the disappearance of the Con-
servative Party, and that had become the law of the country after the
return of Carol. The Legionaries, on the contrary, reminded the voters
of the sacrifices their country had the right to expect from them as Chris-
tians and Rumanians. They entered the villages in orderly formations,
assembled before the local churches, knelt down and prayed, then rose
and sang . The peasants looked with love and admiration at these young
men who did not pester them with the bombastic speeches of the profes-
sional politicians but contented themselves with fervent prayers and
songs of faith and heroism that everybody understood and approved .
Thanks to the control exercised by the three associated parties, the
elections ended with a minimum of interference from the Government's
side . The results were as follows :

The Liberal Party (Tatarescu, Dinu Bratianu) 152 seats

The National Peasant Party (Iuliu Maniu) 86 seats
The Legionary Movement (Corneliu Codreanu) 66 seats
The National Christian Party (Octavian Goga, Al Cuza) 39 seats
The Liberal Dissident Party (Gheorghe Bratianu) 16 seats

These elections did not give Mr . Tatarescu the forty percent majority
of votes necessary to assure him, according to the existing electoral law,
seventy percent of the seats in the Parliament, which would have per-
mitted him to govern as Carol wanted him to do : without any significant
opposition to the King's orders and whims . Therefore, with total con-
tempt for the constitutional stipulations, Carol dissolved the Parliament
even before its first assembly-an event unprecedented in Rumanian
Parliamentary history or in the history of any parliamentary country .
Then, in a really clever move-a move aimed chiefly at the popularity
of the Legionary Movement-Carol entrusted the formation of the new
Government and the control of the new elections to Octavian Goga, the
chief of the National Christian Party, which had gathered only 9 .15
percent of the votes in the preceding elections . It was, moreover, a party
of extremist rightist views, and was a declared adversary of the Legion-
ary Movement . Carol's reasoning was easy to understand : By pitting two
104 / The Suicide of Europe
nationalist groups against each other in elections that were to be con-
ducted in the most brutal manner by his henchmen, he would discredit
the nationalist concept .
Carol's reliance on Octavian Goga-be it said in Goga's praise-was,
however, not very great . Goga's political ambitions instilled in him some
docility toward Carol's intentions, but Goga the poet, who had sung
with such force, with such tenderness, with such melancholy, of Ruma-
nia's soul and soil, was a patriot ; Carol could not exclude the possibility
of energetic opposition from Goga the moment Goga realized that the
country's destiny itself was at stake . With this in mind, Carol surrounded
Goga with four men whose hostility toward the Legionary Movement
had been sufficiently demonstrated . At the Ministry of the Interior of
the new Government Carol placed Armand Calnescu, known for the
atrocities committed by him under former Governments against the
Movement . General Gavril Marinescu, the King's personal hatchet man,
was made Undersecretary of State for Public Security. General Ion
Antonescu, who had warned Codreanu in a previous meeting that he
would not hesitate to machine-gun the Movement if the King were to
order him to do so, became Minister of Defense . At the Foreign Of-
fice was Istrate Micescu, also one of the King's vassals, who had tried to
persuade young Emilian, the recalcitrant chief of a small nationalist
group, to do away with Codreanu .
From the first day of the new election campaign the wave of popularity
that had grown continuously around the Legionary Movement had
reached such proportions that it deeply alarmed the chiefs of the Move-
ment themselves, who feared that this unmatched enthusiasm would
provoke a recurrence of the persecutions . This is exactly what happened.
To protect his Legionaries, Codreanu ordered them to cease any activity
other than their simple passage in orderly formation through villages
and towns, and to yield without resistance to the police and gendarmerie
if the entrances to those villages and towns were obstructed by them .
The wave of love and faith grew still higher around the Captain and
his men .
News of the first casualties was brought to the headquarters of the
Movement on the fourth day of the second election campaign, where my
wife and I went to pay our respects to the dead and to try to comfort
the grief-stricken parents . I had seen Goga the day before and he had
impressed me as being under a great strain . From the tragic scene at
headquarters I rushed, raging with indignation, to the Cantacuzene
Palace, the seat of the Presidency . Jostling ushers and secretaries aside,
I invaded the Cabinet chamber of the Prime Minister . I found Goga
disheveled, red in the face, and profoundly discouraged . I asked him
if he knew what was going on under his name and responsibility . He
Heroes, Scoundrels, and Fools 105
almost screamed at me, "Do you really believe that this is my doing?"
Calming down, he invited me to take a seat and asked me if I could
manage a meeting between him and Codreanu . "It would be tragic and
comic," he said, "if two nationalist movements could be maneuvered
into destroying each other . We must come to an understanding." With
that message I went back to Legionary headquarters . Without a mo-
ment's hesitation Codreanu agreed to the interview and put me in charge
of the details . Back again at the Cantacuzene Palace I suggested to Goga
our country seat, Tatarani, about forty miles from Bucharest, as the
place for the meeting ; I thought that it should be kept secret for a few
days in order to arrange for the collaboration of the two movements,
the Green and the Blue Shirts .
I do not know what prompted Goga to insist instead on the home of
Mr. Gigurtu, his Minister of Commerce, in the center of Bucharest, as
a place of rendezvous . I hope it was not any sentiment of mistrust to-
ward me or toward the Movement . I knew, however-as the succession
of events was to demonstrate-that the choice of such a conspicuous
place was not very fortunate .
Next day at a quarter of five I left headquarters with Codreanu . At
Gigurtu's home we met Goga; he silently shook hands with Codreanu
and they went into the next room . With Gigurtu I smoked cigarette
after cigarette for more than an hour. Gigurtu seemed to share my im-
patience and my hopes . When finally the door opened for Codreanu and
Goga, we did not need any explanation ; their handshake was long and
On the way back to headquarters Codreanu interrupted the silence
with the answer to the question I had not ventured to ask : "Yes, we did
come to an understanding." They had done it all the more easily as
Codreanu did not want his to be the majority group in the next Parlia-
ment . It was a situation he shunned for the moment ; and he was pre-
pared to help Goga with his influence in as many electoral districts as
necessary .
Home, I found my friend Arciczewski, who was happy to hear the
news . "Have you thought of everything?" he asked me. "Even of some-
thing like the `March on Rome'?" Yes, I had, but I had not done any-
thing about it.
Next day at about eleven I was at Goga's prepared to sell him the idea
of a "March on Rome ." But as I greeted him with "Mr . Prime Minister,"
he answered sadly, "I am no longer Prime Minister ."
He had been called to the Palace early in the morning and the fol-
lowing dialogue ensued between the King and him :
CAROL : "My dear Goga, your conflict with the Legionary Movement
has gone so far that, to my great regret, I must have your resignation,"
106 / The Suicide o f Europe
GOGA : "Sire, yesterday I came to a full understanding with Co-
dreanu ."
CAROL : "You came to an understanding with him? Did you? Bad,
very bad, Goga . I really must ask you for your resignation ."
Goga was furious and understood only then how he had been fooled .
I told him, "You have not resigned yet . You are still Prime Minister .
Stay where you are . With the Green and the Blue Shirts united you have
the whole nation behind you ."
"That is easy to say," he answered . "You don't know, but I do, that
I am surrounded by traitors." I did not ask him the names of those
traitors because I knew them already.5
I have often admonished myself for my lack of wakefulness and action
in those critical days ; my excuse was my health. Concerned about what
had happened to me in Spain, I decided on a fourth and radical opera-
tion that at that time, only Dr. Finsterer, the famous Austrian surgeon,
could perform . When I took my leave from Codreanu, he, reading in
my eyes what he believed to be some anxiety for my probable durability,
put his hands on my shoulders and said, "Don't worry, I knowl You will
soon be back healthy and strong. This will be your last operation ." The
Captain's prediction has been born out by fact, in any case for the last
thirty years. But the anxiety he detected in me was not for my life ; it
was for his .
I was with Goga in Vienna when German troops entered the city to
the delirious enthusiasm of ninety percent of its population . "If I had
known that they could come so quickly," said Goga, "I would not have
let myself be dismissed so easily." If the two nationalist chiefs had come
6 In their book, The European Right, written with the obvious purpose of dis-
crediting any past, present, or future associated efforts to stop the conquering Com-
munist advance, Messrs . Hans Rogger and Eugen Weber, professors of history at the
University of California, offer their readers-among other more important distortions
of facts and pure inventions-a totally erroneous story of this last-hour understanding
between Codreanu and Goga :
Intervention from various quarters-including the Germans, who were heavily
backing Goga, and from General Antonescu, then a minister in Goga's cabinet-
led to negotiations between Codreanu and Goga, as a result of which, on February
8, 1938, Codreanu announced that his party would abandon further electoral ac-
tivity . It would run but, henceforth, keep out of the campaign [p . 551] .
There was absolutely no other intervention between Goga and Codreanu and no other
negotiations, than those I mentioned here, which we kept as secret as possible . In the
Goga-Calinescu Cabinet, General Antonescu was on the Calinescu, not the Goga, side .
Goga did not specify, but there was no doubt in my mind that he included Antonescu
among the traitors who surrounded him . It is not true that Codreanu announced the
abandoning of further electoral activities "as a consequence of his understanding with
Goga." On the contrary, this understanding provided for de facto collaboration be-
tween Codreanu's and Goga's partisans during the rest of the electoral campaign-
collaboration that Carol and Calinescu could not have tolerated, nor Antonescu de-
Heroes, Scoundrels, and Fools / 107
to a full understanding sooner, I do not think we would have needed
the help of any German divisions to bring back honesty and national
pride to our domestic and foreign policies .
I saw Goga once more before his death ; it was on his return from a
short trip to Bessarabia . He looked very ill .
"How do you feel, Mr. President?" I asked.
"I feel sick, very sick," he replied . "But how stupid of me to take
lodging in the same house where they said my brother was poisoned ."

From Palm Sunday to Crucifixion

T he beginning of the year 1938 had seen in Rumania the

apotheosis of the Legionary Movement . Says Mr . Prost: "In the begin-
ning of 1938, Codreanu's Movement is more powerful than it has ever
been . One has the impression that not only the members of this Move-
ment but all the [Rumanian] youth followed the Captain ." 1
The whole web of lies that had been spun around the Movement by
envious or corrupt politicians, and by the press and publicity media at
the beck and call of the Anonymous Forces, had totally dissolved before
the eyes of the Rumanian people .
The end of 1938 was to see Codreanu's two trials before Carol's kan-
garoo courts, his assassination, and his tortured body being buried
stealthily at night under tons of cement . It was also to see all of the
Legionary chiefs in prison, where they finally became the victims of the
massacre in which hundreds of Legionaries were murdered without even
the pretense of a trial .
The reason for this new tragedy in the life of the Movement was the
same as for the preceding ones . The Captain had to be "suppressed," to
use the expression preferred by Prost, and the Movement had to be ex-
terminated because it fearlessly blocked the execution of the fundamen-
tal design of the powers of darkness . Indeed, the moment those powers
had chosen for the outbreak of the conflict in which our Christian Civi-
lization was to perish was close at hand ; and the part assigned to Ru-
mania required the previous smothering of any possible resistance there .
The countries of Western Civilization were not divided at that time
between a group that wanted this fratricidal conflict and one that did
not want it. The clash between the two forces occurred within each of
those countries . In France, in Great Britain, and in the United States
' Destin de la Roumanie, p . 107 .
From Palm Sunday to Crucifixion / 109
there were many political personalities and groups which considered
peaceful coexistence with Germany to be a historical necessity and which
understood that the time had come for rectifying the nefarious errors
committed at Versailles.
It was the so-called pacific groups which fiercely opposed any conces-
sion whatever to Germany, although they knew too well that the bisec-
tion of this great nation by the Danzig Corridor, and the presence of
three and a half million Germans under an oppressive foreign rule at
the very frontier of Germany, were situations that needed reexamination .
The position of those anti-German groups, rightly dubbed the "pyro-
maniac firemen," had been seriously weakened by the energetic initiative
taken by the Central European powers and by Italy's adhesion to the
anti-Comintern pact . The Japanese armies were advancing victoriously
in Manchuria and had begun the occupation of western China . The
truly loyalist forces in Spain-we mean of course General Franco's
troops-were slowly but irresistibly beating back the revolutionary
troops and the international brigades . Mussolini's Italy had occupied
Ethiopia almost without resistance . Germany, after the reoccupation of
the Rhineland, had finally realized the Anschluss without losing Italy's
friendship. Her relations with Poland were friendlier than they had ever
On the other hand, the anti-German and pro-Soviet forces were or-
ganizing themselves in every country and organizing their cooperation
between countries and between continents . Those forces received impor-
tant assistance-assistance that would finally be decisive in the fight be-
tween the powers of chaos and the advocates of a dynamic understanding
between non-Communist powers-by the active cooperation of Roosevelt's
United States with Stalin's Russia, inaugurated by Mr . Bullitt and de-
veloped into a real and fertile friendship through Mr . Davies's "Mission
to Moscow ."
Any careful observer of Rumania's foreign policy would have realized
that the covert activity of the various Governments that rose and fell in
Bucharest according to the caprices of the King tended to place us in
the same camp as Soviet Russia in the event of a European conflict .
These Governments sentenced us, in other words, to certain national
death, regardless of the fortune of our arms : victory or defeat .
On November 30, 1937, Codreanu made the following public declara-
tion : "I am against the policy of the great Western democracies . I am
against the Little Entente and the Balkan Alliance . I have not the slight-
est confidence in the League of Nations . I am with the countries of the
National Revolution. Forty-eight hours after the victory of the Legionary
Movement, Rumania will be allied to Rome and Berlin, thus entering
the line of its historical world-mission-the defense of the Cross, of
110 / The Suicide of Europe

Christian Culture and Civilization ." Several times during the beginning
of 1938 he confronted the King and his Ministers, through his declara-
tions to the press, with the insistent question : "Did they or did they not
intend to allow Russian troops to pass over our territory in case of a
new European war?"
Codreanu's only answer from King Carol and from the powers that
controlled Carol was PRISON and DEATH . But eight years later, in
1946, in an address to the Peace Conference in Paris, the representatives
of those who had finally provided for the establishment of Communist
rule in Rumania, Grigore Gafencu, Constantin Visoianu and Niculescu-
Buzesti, revealed what would have been the correct answer to Codreanu's
question : "At that time (1938-1939) Rumania was on the way to joining
a regional organization in connection with a system of security including
France and Soviet Russia ." Not one word about our ally Poland, whose
betrayal had already started .
The parallelism between international events and the unfolding of
the persecutions against the Legionary Movement became more obvious
in 1938 .
On February 20, Hitler, in a speech that was understood by every-
body, openly announced his intentions concerning Austria and expressed
his position on the Sudeten problem with equal clarity . In Rumania on
February 21, the King had proclaimed the newly "granted" Constitution,
which suppressed the irremovability of the magistracy, the most promi-
nent feature of which was a series of dispositions unmistakably directed
against the Legionary Movement and against its Chief. These features
established the "legal" machinery for all the new iniquities Carol and
his gang had long before planned . In Great Britain the conflict between
the party of peace (at that time still led by Mr . Neville Chamberlain
himself) and the party of war (led in open politics by Mr . Churchill-
who already had established his contacts with President Roosevelt-and
backed by Lord Cecil through his powerful sectarian agitation) had gone
so far that Anthony Eden had resigned February 20, 1938, declaring that
dissension existed between him and the Prime Minister "not only con-
cerning the methods but also the respective point of views ." Ten days
later, Carol illegally dissolved the Parliament, in which the Legionary
Movement, with sixty-six seats, would have been the third most powerful
party, and called to power Patriarch Miron Cristea, head of the Ru-
manian Orthodox Church, who formed the Government to which Carol
entrusted the annihilation of the Legionary Movement .
On February 24 a "referendum" took place surrounded by old and
new terrorist apparatuses put at the disposition of the Cristea Govern-
ment ; Carol and his Ministers wanted to give an appearance of legality
to the imposed Constitution . As in every other state administration, the
From Palm Sunday to Crucifixion / 111
employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were ordered to assemble
and to present themselves in corpore at the polls .
When the Department of Protocol delivered this order to me, I an-
swered rather rudely; so the next day, when I was summoned by Mr .
Tatarescu, the new Minister of Foreign Affairs, I prepared the answer
I would have given him if he had reprimanded me about my absence
during the lamentable procession . I could have spared myself that trou-
ble. Tatarescu received me almost with effusiveness . He told me that the
new regime wanted to employ young blood, and that consequently he
had thought of me for an assignment abroad . Would our Legation
in Santiago de Chile appeal to me? I thanked him for the attractive
proposal, but told him frankly that a post in Europe would be more to
my convenience . I suggested Copenhagen : he took good note of it and
I was sent there after a few weeks by his successor Petrescu-Comnen .
The only members of the Goga Government who were kept in the
Cristea Cabinet were three declared enemies of the Legionary Move-
ment : Armand Calinescu, Minister of the Interior ; General Ion Anto-
nescu, Minister of National Defense; and General Gavril Marinescu, the
most brutal and venal of Carol's cutthroats . Both Calinescu and Anto-
nescu were well-known partisans of Titulescu's foreign policy, which was
the same as that of King Carol . Calinescu had specialized in former Gov-
ernments as persecutor and torturer of Legionaries .
After the Anschluss, the process of transforming Rumania into a police
state was completed . Political parties were suppressed and royal decrees
were given the force of law . One of these decrees enumerated a whole
series of new crimes, among which was the singing and playing of music
when such songs and music could be interpreted politically . This of
course was aimed at the Legionary songs, so popular in villages and
cities all across the country. The stage was being prepared for the en-
forcing of the punishment to which the Anonymous Forces had sentenced
the Rumanian youth . Having humiliated and abased all the political
parties and all the state institutions through corruption and intrigue,
Carol then chose the head of the Rumanian Orthodox Church for the
enacting of the most shameful page of his shameless reign-the assassina-
tion of Codreanu .
Codreanu felt that he had no right to expose his hundreds of thousands
of young partisans to this new ordeal-new prisons, new tortures, new
assassinations . In a moving directive he ordered the general demobiliza-
tion of the Movement and the end of any Legionary activities. Everyone,
students and professionals, was implored to strive to be among the first
in his studies or trade. Fearing that even this pacific measure would not
protect his partisans against new violence, he ordered them not to resist
whatever iniquity or brutality might befall them . At the same time, he
112 / The Suicide of Europe
announced his decision to leave Rumania for a couple of years for Italy,
where he would employ his time writing the second volume of the his-
tory of the Movement .
One will never find any mention of these facts in the books and publi-
cations of the scoundrels, Rumanian or foreign, who even today-under
whose orders?-try to justify somehow the assassination of the Captain
and of the hundreds of Legionaries who followed him to martyrdom .
At first, the Cristea Government granted the Captain the passport he
had solicited . On second thought-or very likely upon new orders re-
ceived from those powers represented in Rumania by Carol-Codrea-
nu's passport to Italy was confiscated at the last moment . Codreanu was
caught in the royal trap, the foreordained victim of the frame-up and of
the assassination for which the new Rumanian judiciary apparatus had
already been established .
Codreanu could still have left Rumania . At the insistence of several
of us he had finally accepted the idea of a carefully prepared flight . A
clever change of appearance and of clothes would throw anyone follow-
ing him off the trail . The rendezvous was to be that night at the home
of one of my sisters . My wife was to take him from there by car to Tes-
cani, the country place of my aunt, Alice Rosetti ; from there one of her
two grandsons, experienced pilots, would have flown him to Poland and
safety . Arciczewski had assured me of the good disposition of his Gov-
ernment. Everything was prepared ; men and women were at their posts
of action . The Captain did not come to the appointed meeting that
night nor on the following nights when the same arrangements were
kept ready by his friends .
Several explanations have been given for this sudden change in
Codreanu's plans . Knowing the Captain as I knew him, I think that
this is the most valid one : When his passport was taken from him,
Codreanu realized that, contrary to what he had hoped, the fight and
dangers were still on ; in such circumstances, leaving the country and
his partisans would have seemed to him an act of desertion impossible
for him to commit .
Visiting Codreanu a few days after the night arranged for his escape,
I urged him once more to leave and mentioned that the Polish Govern-
ment had promised us every assistance in case he chose to pass through
Poland or even to establish himself there . Codreanu answered me some-
what abruptly : "I don't like suggestions!" I left very disappointed but
not offended . Still a little shaky from my recent operation, I went
straight to bed . Half an hour later, Codreanu, believing perhaps that he
had been somewhat discourteous, was at my bedside . We had a lengthy
and earnest talk; and I felt once again that soothing calmness that ema-
nated from him .
From Palm Sunday to Crucifixion / 113
The handshake at his departure was the last we ever exchanged .
"The audacity of some and the cowardice of all," said Costa de Beau-
regard when trying to explain the years of terror of the French Revolu-
tion . Many were those who through their cowardice contributed to the
creation of the situation that permitted the two mock trials of Codreanu,
his imprisonment and his assassination . There are three persons, how-
ever, who bear the responsibility for those crimes in the most direct way
and consequently for all those that stained Rumania until the end of
Carol's regime : Carol, Armand Calinescu, and Professor Nicolae Iorga .
For those who know the facts, the most repulsive of the trio was Iorga,
formerly the hero of Rumanian youth and the symbol of its nationalism .
I say the most repulsive because he was the last person from whom our
young people would have expected the cruel and dastardly blows they
received at his hands . Everybody had learned what could be expected
from the insatiably rapacious Carol and from Calinescu, and what were
generally their incentives ; the cynical and fundamental cruelty of their
characters and their subservience to the powers to which they owed,
and from which they expected, everything . Trying to find the motive
that caused lorga to send Codreanu to his death, and to pursue Codreanu
even into his tragic grave with hatred and slander, there seems to be only
one : envy . "Who is this young man," he asked in an article in his news-
paper, "who is saluted like a Roman emperor by the youth of this coun-
try, who have forgotten their old teachers?"
lorga, the genius, could not understand that there was room enough
for him and for Codreanu in the hearts of our young people .
The international situation became more and more menacing . Hitler
had reiterated his claims and complaints concerning the three and a half
million Sudetens . German troops were concentrated at the Czecho-Slovak
borders. War was imminent . At any moment the Rumanian nation
would be faced with the fait accompli of the presence of Soviet troops
on her territory . Therefore, the Captain and the Movement had to be
utterly destroyed .
It was Nicolae lorga who supplied Carol and Calinescu with the pre-
text for a short but immediate imprisonment of Codreanu, pending the
necessary preparations for the monstrous framing that brought the longer
incarceration-prelude to Codreanu's assassination .
A few years before, in an editorial in his newspaper, lorga had sug-
gested that Codreanu wage war against the cornering of almost every
market by the Jews, by organizing and developing his own national
trade . That is exactly what Codreanu did ; and in 1938 "Comertul Le-
gionar" was a flourishing organization with branches in every big city .
But lorga now vociferously asked through his newspaper, Neamul Ro-
mdnesc, that every Legionary shop be closed by the authorities . Codreanu
114 / The Suicide of Europe
answered in a personal letter accusing Iorga of "intellectual dishonesty ."
A few days before, Iorga had donned the blue frock coat of the newly
appointed royal counselors . He took advantage of this circumstance to
ask, and get, an indictment of Codreanu for offense to a high official .
The judicial system in Rumania had always been an upstanding and
independent institution . Rumanian magistrates, from the lowest to the
highest, were irremovable, sheltered from any governmental or other
pressures ; a corrupt judge or a false judgment was unthinkable. Carol
had changed all that by suppressing the irremovability of the magistracy,
by appointing his own men to low and high courts, by creating a new
and uniformed magistracy who were entirely submissive to his orders
and to whom were presented all cases implying opposition to or disap-
proval of his regime, as well as any case relating to the Legionary Move-
It was in one of those special courts that the case of Codreanu's "in-
sults" to Professor lorga was heard. The Captain was hastily sentenced
to six months' imprisonment . A few weeks later, another of those courts
framed the so-called Legionary conspiracy, for which Codreanu and all
the Legionary leaders were indicted-a never-to-be-forgotten example
of a perfect judiciary crime. No witnesses for the defense were permitted
to appear after the first one, who proved too embarrassing for the court .
Shotguns collected from a few Legionary gamekeepers and rangers were
considered sufficient as exhibits . There were no known fraudulent meth-
ods and devices that were not used . All that was to be expected . There
was, however, a new and frightening aspect to Codreanu's second triall
More than one hundred motions for appeal or for annulment invoked
by the Legionaries' lawyers were rejected by the highest courts, which
also bowed before Carol's orders and special methods of subordination .
Codreanu and his companions were then sentenced to long terms of
prison from which they emerged only for their assassinations-this time
without even a pretense at justice .
A stupor prevailed throughout the country ; party newspapers and
party leaders kept silence in their shame . Some manifestation of disap-
proval came only from Iuliu Maniu, the leader of the National Peasant
Party, who, while the trial was going on, had the courage to go to the
bench of the defense and shake Codreanu's hand . Professor lorga alone
pretended to believe in the righteousness of the verdict and was hysteri-
cally jubilant in his newspaper .
With this conviction, the international significance of which I under-
stood perfectly, I realized there was no longer any possible compatibility
between Rumania's interests and Carol's activities . I realized that the
national cause was defended in those critical moments by one political
group only : the Legionary Movement . I decided, therefore, to consider
From Palm Sunday to Crucifixion / 115
myself as liberated from any bond of loyalty toward the felonious King,
whom up to the last moment I had expected to return to duty and
patriotism. But with the full approval of my wife and my son, I de-
cided to keep continuous contact with the Movement, I decided to con-
sult it regarding the way I could help in its efforts to survive and in
its fight to save Rumania as a political and national entity . I further
decided to put all of my experience, my contacts, and my information
in matters of foreign policy at its disposal .
Bitter experiences had taught the Movement to organize in such a
way that it was never left without a leader . The command passed as in a
military organization from the general to the last corporal, if he should
happen to be the last leader alive . A few days after Codreanu's second
trial, when I was informed by Petrescu-Comnen of my appointment as
Rumanian Envoy to Copenhagen, I consulted with the new leaders of
the Movement about accepting or declining this offer . They urged me
to accept it because of the liberty of movement and contacts it would
afford me .
Contrary to the time-honored ceremonial practice of the diplomatic
corps, I left Bucharest without presenting myself to the King . I stopped
in Berlin, where I wanted to get first-hand information about Germany's
immediate intentions concerning Czecho-Slovakia, and to secure, if pos-
sible, an audience with Hitler without the intervention of our Legation .
In the Reichskanzlei I found only Captain Weidemann, Hitler's per-
sonal secretary . He offered to arrange an interview with the Fiihrer,
who was then in Berchtesgaden . However, I could not accept this offer
as I knew that my trip there could not have been kept secret . I had to
content myself with Weidemann's solemn promise that he would convey
to his chief our great anxiety : Codreanu's life was in danger, and this
danger would increase with the intensity of the international crisis .

Visit to London and Codreanu's Assassination-

The Two Grynszpans

B etween September 12 and October 1, 1938, international

events were piling up with unmatched velocity . Hitler's speech at Niirn-
berg was followed by Lord Londonderry and Lord Runciman's' mission
to Germany and Czecho-Slovakia, by the third meeting of Chamberlain
and Hitler, by the signing of the Munich Pact-the most intelligent
diplomatic instrument conceived in Europe since the defunct Locarno
Pact in 1925-and by the entrance of German troops into the Sudeten-
land . In Great Britain, parallel to that long series of events, a violent
quarrel was raging in the Government, in Parliament, and in the press
between Mr. Benes's partisans and those who did not understand why
seven million Czechs should have the right to rule and even misrule over
three and a half million Germans . 2
Mr. Duff Cooper, Lord of the Admiralty, had noisily resigned, follow-

' Lord Runciman was sent to Prague by Chamberlain as a special envoy to induce
Benei to a yielding attitude towards Germany's demands . Runciman backed those de-
mands entirely and came back with a report entirely favorable to Germany .
z Georges Bonnet was French Foreign Minister at the time of the Munich confer-
ence. In his book Defense de la Paix (page 319) he answers the accusation that the
Munich agreements were an unhappy compromise . We quote : "To how many new
Munichs have they (the Western Powers) been forced to subscribe since 1944! We
must make, however, this distinction : At Munich the Sudeten population by a massive
vote expressed their will to be united to Germany . Today millions of families have
been torn away from their countries . . . . They were not consulted about their fate .
Various nations have disappeared ; others have kept only their names. Where is the
respect of the right of self-determination? What has happened to the sonorous stipu-
lations of the Atlantic Charter? After having a glimpse at the present map of Europe,
who could dare criticize the Munich agreements in the name of the 'great principles,'
violated a hundred times since . . . 1 We were hoping that once the war was won we
could have got rid of falsehood; but this has not happened . It is to the law of false-
hood that the world has succumbed today."
Visit to London and Codreanu's Assassination / 117
ing Mr . Eden's example . Powerful political and social groups in Europe,
backed very stealthily but efficiently by President Roosevelt's attitude
and policies and by the North American press, had risen in arms and
decided to resort to any means to thwart the impulse toward peace given
at Munich to European events .
The anti-Munich activities were gravely handicapped by the fact that
the Munich arrangement had been received with almost delirious en-
thusiasm by the French and the British people . Seldom had the secret
powers of revolution and war been in a more alarming situation . The
panic was on when it was announced that a Franco-German pact of
friendship, similar to that which had been concluded between Germany
and Great Britain, was to be signed in Paris by Herr Ribbentrop him-
self. This was the moment chosen by the powers of darkness for sending
Herschel Grynszpan, a Jewish refugee from Poland, to the German Em-
bassy in Paris on November 7 to kill young Counselor Ernst vom Rath .
Here are the comments of Anatole de Monzie, a politician of leftist
persuasion and former lawyer of the Soviet Embassy in Paris, concern-
ing Rath's assassination :

November 7, 1938 : a young Polish Israelite, Grynszpan, has mortally

wounded the Counselor to the German Embassy . Since the Franco-German
Pact has just been signed, the coincidence of this agreement and of this
crime prompts one to believe that there is a connection of cause and effect
between the diplomatic action and the crime . We could perhaps eliminate
the hypothesis of a political complicity . . . . But as a result of this crime,
all of that which seems to be the prelude to a Franco-German rapproche-
ment is again called in question . The young Jewish murderer will be de-
fended, one will fight for his defense and gather money to help this de-
fense . . . . The French workers' susceptibility will increase the danger,
danger for us, danger for the Jews because it associates the activities of the
Jewish proletariat with the bellicose activities of Jewish capitalism . [Italics

Mr . de Monzie was right in his predictions, but it was not the French
but the North American "sensitivity" that manifested itself thunder-
ingly . The United States press went immediately to work extolling the
action of the "young hero ." Public meetings were organized from New
York to San Francisco in defense of Grynszpan and his crime . The New
York Times announced triumphantly that thirty thousand dollars al-
ready had been put at Grynszpan's disposition . President Roosevelt,
with the uncanny precision of the pyromaniac, chose this moment for
recalling Ambassador Hugh Wilson from Berlin . The German Govern-
ment in turn recalled its Ambassador to Washington, Hans Diekhoff .
The murder did not have the grave consequences expected by those
who had planned it. The German Government hastened to demon-
118 / The Suicide of Europe
strate that it did not consider France in any way implicated . Herr Rib-
bentrop, who had signed the Franco-German arrangement, generously
distributed medals and praise to the doctors and nurses who had as-
sisted Rath, and to the French veterans who had offered their blood for
the necessary transfusions .
The Anonymous Forces had, however, another "Grynszpan" in reserve
in Rumania .
The first visit of Carol to Great Britain had resulted in a total fiasco .
As a king and as a relative, he had been automatically invited to King
George's funeral on January 29, 1936 . He left Rumania accompanied
by a whole battalion of infantrymen which he wanted to parade in
London at the obsequies . At Calais he was informed that his troop was
not wanted and that he had to wait in France for the day that had been
assigned for his reception on British soil . In London there were other
disagreements and humiliations . Queen Mary refused to receive him .
The newspapers had a good laugh about his frustrated "invasion of
England" and about a strange character who paraded around in Ru-
manian national garb and who seemed especially attached to Carol,
following him even at the funeral rites. The press described him as
Carol's "masseur ." The only bright point in all the unhappy voyage was
the hasty collection by the Rumanian National Bank of all dollars,
pounds, and Swiss francs that could be found on the Bucharest market,
which were then delivered into the King's custody as traveling expenses
for his military expedition .
London's attitude toward Carol changed suddenly . Ten days after
Rath's assassination, Carol, persona grata again, received a special and
urgent invitation from the British Government . After a short stay in
London and a diabolically calculated visit to Hitler, he was back in
Bucharest on November 28 . That same night he had a long conference
with Armand Calinescu and General Marinescu . Within thirty-six hours,
on the night of Saint Andrew-the night of the vampires, in Rumanian
folklore-Codreanu was assassinated in the woods of Tancabesti by
Carol's executioners .
An explosion of cheers shook the international press at the news of
the Captain's murder . The Times in London and the Times in New
York both came out with the same comment : "Well donel" Ward Price,
the well-known British publicist, visiting Carol a short time after the
murder, had this to say about him : "I was impressed by the firm and
determined attitude of a man we in Great Britain had considered not a
very serious character ." The Minister of Great Britain in Prague felt
compelled to pay a special visit to our Minister, Radu Crutzescu . "It
was a great act of courage," the British Minister told Crutzescu, refer-
ring to the murder of the Captain .
Visit to London and Codreanu's Assassination / 119
As Codreanu's death is always related by French, British and German
books and publications-with the complicity of some Rumanians, still
more despicable than the foreign impostors-in a misleading way, cal-
culated to attenuate Carol's infamy or even to obliterate it completely,
we cannot end this chapter without telling it as it happened and as we
lived it .
I was home from Copenhagen on a short leave ; I had just left my
wife and son downstairs listening to light music on the radio and gone
to my room for some rest when my son, white-faced and scarcely able to
talk between the sobs that choked him, shouted to me : "They have mur-
dered the Captainl" Between a waltz and a jazz piece the radio had
announced that Codreanu and thirteen of his companions had been shot
to death in an escape attempt while being moved from one prison to
another . Immediately after this announcement the light music started
again . Ten months later, when Calinescu, Codreanu's murderer, was
executed by nine Legionaries, the young men, before giving themselves
up to the police, got hold of the radio station and, interrupting the
light music for a minute, announced to the nation : "The Captain has
been avengedl"
Here follows the description of Codreanu's murder as given in No-
vember 1940 to the investigation committee of the Rumanian High
Court of Cassation, by one of the executioners :

We left that night [November 29 to November 30] in two police busses .

The gendarmes, Majors Dinulescu and Macoveanu, were with us . In Ramnic
we alighted at the Gendarmerie barracks where Majors Dinulescu and
Macoveanu made contact with Major Rosianu, commander of the local
gendarmerie .
At the prison we all entered one of the cells where Majors Dinulescu
and Macoveanu demonstrated how we were to kill the Legionaries .
Asking the chauffeur of our car to kneel, the major slipped from behind a
bit of rope around the chauffeur's throat and showed us how easy it was to
proceed that way.
After that we went into the prison courtyard and each of us received a
Legionary in custody . I got one taller and stronger than the others; I
learned afterwards that it was the Captain, Corneliu Codreanu .
We put them in the two police cars . There we attached their hands to
the rear bench and their feet to the lower part of the front seat in such a
way that they could not move one way or the other . Ten of them were
bound in the first car and four of them in the second .
I was in the first bus with the ten, seated behind the Captain ; a gendarme
was seated behind each Legionary . In our hands we had the ropes . Major
Dinulescu was in my car, Major Macoveanu in the other. There was com-
plete silence, as neither we nor the Legionaries were allowed to talk .
When we reached the Tancabesti woods, Major Dinulescu, with whom
we had agreed about a signal, turned his electric lamp on and off three
times. It was the moment for the execution . But I don't know why none
120 / The Suicide of Europe
of us moved . Then Major Dinulescu stopped the car and went to the
other car .
In the other car Major Macoveanu had been obeyed, and the four
Legionaries had already been strangled .
The Captain, turning slightly toward me, whispered : "Comrade, permit
me to talk to my comrades ." But in the same moment, even before he had
finished his sentence, Major Dinulescu appeared with his revolver in his
hand and growled between his teeth : "Executel"
Then the gendarmes threw their ropes . . . .
We proceeded with lowered curtains to Jilava . We reached it at seven
o'clock . There we were received by Colonel Gherovici, the legal medic,
Lieutenant Colonel lonescu and others . . . .
The grave was already prepared . The corpses of the Legionaries were
then shot several times in the back to substantiate the story of an evasion
attempt, and thrown in the prepared grave . Some weeks later the same
gendarmes were called to Jilava, and after opening the grave, we threw
over the corpses fifteen gallons of vitriol. We were asked to sign a declara-
tion confirming the story that the Legionaries had been shot while trying
to escape. . . .
Later I was summoned by Colonel Gherovici who told me : "You are
mighty strong; you could have done away with three of them ." Then he
made me sign a receipt for 20,000 leis as medical help . I told him that I
was not ill . "Keep your mouth shut," he told me . "If you don't, I will stop
it with mud ." And he showed me a Mauser pistol that was on his table .

We can easily imagine Carol and his mistress anxiously awaiting on

this Saint Andrew's night the news of the Captain's death-news that
Armand Calinescu or Gavril Marinescu no doubt took to them person-
The assassination of Rath in Paris did not provoke the war as expected
by the anti-Munich conspiracy ; they had far better results with the
assassination in Tancabesti . It was Codreanu's murder that prompted
Hitler to a radical tactical change in his foreign policy-a change loaded
with the most fateful consequences not only for Germany but for the
entire world of Western Civilization .


Codreanu's Suppression and Hitler's Policy

T he British historian H . R . Trevor-Roper, from Oxford Uni-

versity, an official investigator of the documents captured from the Na-
tional Socialist Government, has commented as follows on Hitler's sud-
den change of attitude in 1939 toward Soviet Russia :

It has been said that Hitler's real war was against the West ; that he
decided against Russia only in order to break the blockade imposed upon
Germany by the West ; that the war against Russia was in fact an irrelevant,
perhaps even an unwelcome tactical necessity in that most serious struggle
against the West . . . .
I do not believe that Hitler's real struggle was against the West .
In Mein Kampf, and again in his last book on foreign policy, which
he wrote in 1925, Hitler expressed his dream of a British alliance that
would neutralize French opposition and make possible the German con-
quest of the East . This war that broke out in 1939 was declared by
Britain . Hitler would have done anything to avoid this tedious diver-
sion in his rear. . . . The war in the West in 1939 was, as far as Hitler
was concerned, an unwanted war .
How different was Hitler's attitude towards Russial There was a period
of agreement of course, 1939-1941, but it was a reluctant and treacherous
agreement, and it was with a cry of relief that Hitler finally jettisoned
this irksome expedient "contrary to my whole past, my ideas and my
previous obligations." [Italics added .]

We postulate that no reader of Mein Kamp f, no observer of Hitler's

behavior, character, and policy, could in good faith be of another opinion
than that of Professor Trevor-Roper . Everybody was aware of the fol-
lowing :
1 . That Hitler had passionately sought Great Britain's friendship,
offering even to defend the British Empire if ever it were in danger ;
2 . That he had declared in Mein Kamp f that only idiots or traitors
122 / The Suicide of Europe
could seriously contemplate Germany's reconquest of her western fron-
tiers of before World War I ;
3. That all his dreams and all his ambitions were directed toward
the East, where he was convinced Germany would find her destiny ;
4. That he had never thought of the possibility of a war with France,
unless that country, blind to her own interests, were to oppose his action
against Soviet Russia-the goal of all his preparations, his thoughts, and
his whole life .
When in July 1940, Carol, who had just yielded without a fight
Bessarabia and eastern Bucovina to the Soviets, sent Prime Minister
Gigurtu and Minister of Foreign Affairs Manoilescu-who was my pred-
ecessor at the Palais Sturdza and who told me the whole incident-to
Salzburg with the mission of trying to win Hitler's favor, the two Ru-
manian pilgrims tried to convince the Fiihrer that Carol's Rumania
had adopted almost the same political and social ideals as Hitler's Ger-
many . Hitler, after listening attentively, replied that an ideal was a
beautiful thing in the life of a country, of a movement, and of a man ;
and as an example he gave them in minute detail the history of the
Legionary Movement, ending with the assassination of Codreanu and
with the following words : "What I will never forgive your King is that
it is he who forced me to change my policy toward Soviet Russia ."
Hitler did not exaggerate . In the plan of encirclement, immobiliza-
tion, and finally destruction of Germany, Rumania was assigned a de-
cisive part . Cooperation between the Soviet army and those of France
and Czecho-Slovakia could not even have been imagined without Ru-
mania's consent . Armed Rumanian resistance would have immediately
brought the Polish armies into action, Soviet aggression being the funda-
mental casus foederis of the Polish-Rumanian alliance . Yugoslavia would
have entered the fray on the side of Central Europe's defense, and
Hungary, pushed by Germany, would no doubt have come in also . Ru-
mania's willingness alone could have given real political or military
value to a Soviet promise of intervention .
Hitler knew very well that in Rumania all the political factions ex-
cept one had abandoned to the King all power and initiative in matters
of international policy . Carol's coup d'etat had evidently had interna-
tional implications . It was upon the plea of France and Great Britain
that the Goga Government had been dismissed ; the only ministers from
the Goga Cabinet who had been kept in the Government of Miron
Cristea were those who had openly professed their fidelity to the alli-
ances of World War I : Armand Calinescu, General Ion Antonescu, and
General Gavril Marinescu . Hitler also knew that only one important
political group, the Legionary Movement, young, dynamic, prepared for
any sacrifice, was opposing and defying Carol on the question of Ru-
Codreanu's Suppression and Hitler's Policy / 123
mania's relations with Soviet Russia. He also knew that in an open
declaration, written shortly before his incarceration, Codreanu had
warned the King that Rumania's youth would oppose any Soviet attempt
to cross our frontiers .
The fact that Carol had Codreanu murdered hours after Carol's re-
turn from London, where he had undoubtedly been summoned in order
to receive the directives of the powers to which he was subjected by his
cupidity and his ambition, could have only one significance : The anti-
Munich faction had won, Great Britain was clearing for action, and
Rumania was going along with Germany's enemies.
Due to the gravity of the situation and the urgency of the menace,
urgency that was clearly demonstrated by Codreanu's hasty assassination,
Hitler made two speedy decisions : The first was of military character,
the occupation of Czecho-Slovakia, which put his motorized divisions
within twenty-four hours of Rumania's oilfields and within thirty of
the Danube delta . The second was a bold political decision meant to
explode the Franco-Czecho-Soviet alliance-he would negotiate an under-
standing and an economic arrangement with Soviet Russia.
Immediately after the assassination of Codreanu and his comrades,
Carol and his men started the hunt for Legionaries and especially for
the leaders who were still at liberty . The High Command of the Move-
ment, along with all but one of the Legionaries who had participated
in the Spanish Civil War were already incarcerated in the various pris-
ons of Jilava, Dofteana, Ramnic, Mercurea, etc., where they were soon
to be the victims of a huge mass execution. A group of Legionaries had
been instructed to leave the country, as soon as they could, for Germany ;
and here again it was the Polish Government that helped the organization
during the exodus. The members of the new Legionary staff had found
a refuge in the non-Legionary homes of good Rumanians prepared to
risk the severe penalties prescribed by the new regulations for such
infractions .
It was to such a house that my son led me in order to meet Gheorghe
Pavelescu, the son of General Pavelescu, who had been left as leader of
the Bucharest sector . Gheorghe Pavelescu, who was killed in prison a few
months later, wanted to ask me just one question : "How do we answer
the murder of Codreanu?" If I had known then what I was to learn a
few days later, namely the decision Hitler had been about to make when
he was informed of Codreanu's murder, I would not have hesitated,
perhaps, in giving Pavelescu the answer I already had in mind. I did
not do it because of Christian scruples and patriotic uncertainties . I do
not know, even now, i f provoking war in the East when Germany and
Poland were still on the same side of the fence-a war that broke out
anyway only three years later-would have saved my country from Com-
124 / The Suicide of Europe
munist tyranny and the world of Christian Civilization from the abyss
toward which it is now rolling.
En route to my diplomatic post in Copenhagen I stopped in Warsaw
and Berlin . In Warsaw, my friend Arciczewski, then Undersecretary at
the Polish Foreign Office, assured me again of the good intentions of
his Government toward the Legionaries who, abandoning Rumania,
were passing through Polish territory, and offered me his house as a
refuge in case I had already decided to take a similar course . But this was
not what my friends had asked me to do . Arciczewski informed me of
his Government's decision to renew prematurely its pact of nonaggres-
sion with Soviet Russia . The wise Arciczewski did not seem any more
pleased than I by this decision, which Germany might consider as the
next thing to an act of provocation, and which would not bring Poland
any greater guarantee concerning Soviet intentions .
In Berlin it was again Captain Weidemann whom I found at the
Reichskanzlei. He told me of Hitler's indignation and wrath upon
learning of Codreanu's murder . He added that Hitler had for a few
days seriously entertained the idea of sending his divisions through
Hungary toward Rumania but finally contented himself with recalling
Herr Fabricius, his Minister in Bucharest . I learned later that it was
his Generals who dissuaded the Fiihrer. In the book Hitler's Testament,
in which his conversations with Martin Bormann in the last days of the
war are recorded with an obvious authenticity, Hitler, talking of those
moments, expressed his regret at not having then started the war in the
East, when his relations with Poland were still what they had been in
the last years of Pilsudski's life . We believe that Hitler was right, not
the Generals, and that neither France nor Great Britain would have
dared to ask from their people the sacrifice of a new and unwanted war
without the defense of Poland as a pretext .
Once this moment of wrath passed, Hitler decided to continue adopt-
ing toward Carol and his Ministers an attitude of pretended ignorance of
their real intentions, designs, hopes and machinations, and to draw from
this attitude all the economic benefits offered by Rumania's enormous re-
sources . Indeed a few days before Carol's departure for London, Hitler
had sent him an economic mission to make purchases of as much as possi-
ble of Rumania's produce, such as oil and grain, together with a routine
telegram of congratulations for Carol's birthday .
Twenty days after Codreanu's assassination, Grigore Gafencu was ap-
pointed Minister of Foreign Affairs ; his administration of Rumania's
international interests turned out to be more nefarious than any that had
preceded it since the departure of Titulescu . It corresponded with a long
and stupid attempt to fool Germany about Carol's intentions . Sir Regi-
nald Hoare, the British Minister in Bucharest, told me himself during my
Codreanu's Suppression and Hitler's Policy / 125
short passage at the Rumanian Foreign Office that it was with Gafencu's
and the King's consent and help that British, French and American agents
and specialists were preparing for the destruction of Rumania's oilfields
and oil industry, and the obstruction of the Iron Gates passage on the
lower Danube . German Intelligence was of course aware of all this schem-
ery and its smallest details, as was to be proved even before Gafencu's res-
ignation when the German newspapers published the names of all those
specialists and agents . Meanwhile Carol and his advisers deluded them-
selves into thinking that they were successfully masking their surreptitious
activities and were fooling the German Government by the establish-
ment of the so-called Frontul Renasterei Nationale, the FRN, in August
1939 on the model of the National Socialist and the Fascist movements .
They even dolled up the chiefs of the former political parties, who
were taught the Roman salute, in the new winter (blue) and summer
(white) uniforms, and forcibly enlisted Rumanian young people into
the Straja Tarii, an imitation of National Socialist and Fascist Youth
"Carol," says Mr. Prost, "applied himself to the regimentation of
Rumanian young people in order to awake in their souls a love of their
country ." Such an affirmation coming from someone who had spent
twenty years of his life in Rumania is a brazen effrontery and an act of
discourtesy towards his readers . It was not the Rumanian young people
who needed a lesson in patriotism . And it was not Carol (who had the
blood of these young people still on his hands, who was deeply absorbed
at that moment with the confiscation and appropriation of the big in-
dustrial Auschnitz fortune and other lootings, and who a few weeks
later gave up with no fight two Rumanian provinces to the Soviets)
who could give the Rumanian youth such a lesson .
Carol's purposes were many. Besides deceiving Berlin and Rome, he
was also trying to deceive the Rumanian youth with the illusion of an
idealistic organization similar to that of the Legionary Movement, hop-
ing to make them forget what they had suffered at his hands . Carol
failed on both counts. Berlin and Rome were not fooled . Concerning the
Rumanian youth, let us hear from Mr . Prost :

It was frivolous to hope that the Straja Tarii could victoriously supplant
the Legionary Movement . The Legionaries were convinced that they
belonged to an elite . Their organization, semi-secret, did not accept every-
body . The donning of the green shirt was preceded by a religious initiation .
They had the feeling of being summoned to a great fight for glory and
profit. The Straja Tarii did not offer anything similar to the schoolboys
who were forced to enlist .1

1 Destin de la Rounsanie, p . 124 .

126 / The Suicide of Europe
Mr . Prost is a bookkeeper by profession, and such is his turn of mind
that it is very difficult for him to understand why the Legionaries would
have risked and suffered unflinchingly all that they risked and suffered,
if there was not also a little "profit" implied, besides that other thing
he calls "glory ."
Miron Cristea, the Patriarch, who as Prime Minister covered with his
canonicals all of Carol's abuses, usurpations, and crimes, died in March
1939 . His successor was Armand Calinescu . Along with the independence
of Slovakia, Bohemia, and the Memelland's occupation by Germany,
March and April brought Franco's uninterrupted victories in Spain,
Italy's cynical invasion of Albania, the signing of a ten-year German-
Italian alliance, and the adhesion of Hungary to the anti-Communist
pact . The Government in Bucharest had lost much of its confidence . In-
deed, it was in a state of panic that the Crown Council on March 17,
1939, proclaimed its decision to defend the country's frontiers wherever
they might be attacked-a more than superfluous announcement if such
had really been the intention of Carol and his Government .
The rehearsal for a general mobilization, which was ordered a short
time after, resulted in a total fiasco ; all the deficiencies and shortcomings
of the Rumanian army appeared suddenly for everyone to see and to
draw their own conclusions-and they did .
The Phony Guarantees

T he measures of "political security" taken by the Calinescu-

Gafencu Government were still more disastrous for Rumania than the
military insecurity in which Carol's corrupt administration had left her .
I am talking about the phony guarantees that this Government asked
for and got from Great Britain and France . I say "phony," since those
guarantees, given also to Poland, did not cover the eastern frontier of
the two countries . This was certainly known to our diplomats, and to
our King, for it is impossible to believe that our special negotiators and
our accredited Ministers would have been so stupid as to fail to ask
about the geographic compass of those guarantees, and especially whether
they included Bessarabia and Bucovina . It is to be remembered that it
was the same King, the same group of politicians and diplomats, who
had refused the German guarantee for those frontiers with the promise
of adequate and sufficient armaments thrown into the bargain .
Titulescu's policy was thereby perpetuated by Calinescu-a policy
that was, in our opinion, not only wrong but treasonable, because :
1 . The danger for Rumania and for Europe was not Germany but
Soviet Russia .
2. Against this danger we could not count upon the assistance of those
powers that had saved the Bolshevik Revolution ; that had done every-
thing in their power to save the regime of Bela Kun in Hungary and a
Communist regime in Spain ; that delivered Kolchak, Kutiepov and Miller
to the Soviets ; that had helped Soviet Russia build her military establish-
ment; that had requested and received a military alliance with Soviet Rus-
sia ; and that had introduced Russia into the League of Nations in Ger-
many's place.
3 . The Little Entente and the Balkan alliance did not represent any
guarantee for Rumania . Czecho-Slovakia was, on the contrary, a heavy
128 / The Suicide of Europe
handicap to us, all the more so since Prague did not miss any oppor-
tunity to provoke its powerful neighbor . We did not need Czecho-
Slovakia to defend us against Hungary, nor did we need Turkey or
Greece to defend us against Bulgaria .
4. The Hungarian revendications represented a danger to Rumania
only if they were backed by Germany . The refusal in 1934 to accept
Germany's guarantees of our frontiers with Hungary and with Soviet
Russia had been a crime against Rumania's security .
5. There was only one power in the world that could have defended
us, and defended Europe, against the Soviet and Communist menace,
and this was Germany, restored to her prewar political and military
status. We recommend that those who think we are wrong take a look
at a political map of today's Europe, of Asia, Africa, Oceania, and not
overlook Cuba, where the Soviets are building a powerful garrison and
stockpiling assorted armaments under the very nose of the United States .
6. The argument of our fidelity to our old alliances was not sincere,
or was not seriously examined . The war toward which Europe and the
world were shoved by forces friendly to the Soviets and hostile to the
Germans was not the war of France or Great Britain . Large political
groups and important personalities in those two countries were also
opposed to this war, the war for the collapse of the British and the
French empires, for the end of those two countries as great international
powers, and for a short North American pseudo hegemony .
7 . This pseudo hegemony was inevitably destined also to collapse
under the pressure and infiltration of European and Asiatic Communism
and with the collapse of Japan and Germany, the only two real barriers
against this pressure and this infiltration .
8. Fidelity toward our former allies should have prompted us to use
all our influence to make them understand the danger and pitfalls of the
course they had chosen . This was all the more true with regard to
Poland, as directly exposed as Rumania to the Soviet danger, and toward
whom we had not only the right but the duty to consult and advise .
We had cowardly abandoned this right and duty when our Ambassador,
Mr . Franasovici, was ordered to leave Warsaw at the most dangerous
moment of the German-Polish crisis .'
The Ribbentrop-Molotov understanding was signed August 23, 1939 .
It was, on both sides, a tactical move, une ruse de guerre. Both sides
knew it, and the Western Powers knew it also. The Western Powers
knew that the Soviets would be on their side before the end of the war .
1 I have it from a most authoritative source that no political directive whatever was
sent from Bucharest to our Embassy in Warsaw, and no political information or sug-
gestion was sent from our Embassy in Warsaw to Bucharest from the end of August
15, 1939, until the end of the hostilities in Poland and the evacuation of the Polish Gov-
ernment to Bucharest. In Bucharest there was complete and absolute indifference to
the fate of our unhappy ally .
The Phony Guarantees / 129
That was why they did not declare war on Soviet Russia as they did on
Germany when Russia invaded Poland and the Baltic States, and that
was why they did not guarantee the eastern borders of Poland and
Rumania .
The Ribbentrop-Molotov understanding, which authorized the occu-
pation of Bessarabia by the Soviets, was invoked after the fact as an
excuse for our anti-German attitude . For Hitler, who knew that his
troops would soon expel the Soviet armies not only from Bessarabia
but from the whole of the Ukraine, a momentary Soviet domination
in this province did not have great importance ; for the population of
Bessarabia and Bucovina, however, this temporary domination rep-
resented the greatest tragedy those embattled territories had known
in their history . The responsibility for this tragedy belongs entirely to
King Carol and to all those who controlled our foreign policy between
1931 and 1940.
Germany had offered to guarantee all our frontiers, including those
adjacent to Soviet Russia, and to arm us thoroughly-an obviously
sincere proposition as it coincided entirely with Germany's interest . We
had scornfully refused even to consider it . There was a last attempt on
Hitler's part to secure at least the neutrality of Rumania in the impend-
ing conflict and perhaps even the collaboration of this country of twenty
million inhabitants and of important material resources . In April 1939,
four months before the signing of the Ribbentrop-Molotov arrange-
ment, he invited Mr. Grigore Gafencu, our Foreign Minister, to visit
Berlin .
Mr. Gafencu left for Berlin with the firm determination to concen-
trate his efforts on a program of action absolutely contrary to Hitler's
hopes, and with the childish illusion that he could conceal his anti-
German activities under the masquerade of the uniform of the FRN,
the pseudo nationalist party that Carol's police had rapidly organized
in Rumania. In Berlin Mr . Gafencu was warned courteously but firmly
of the dangers for his country of further commitments with Germany's
prospective adversaries-as, for instance, any formal "guarantee" asked
by or accepted from those adversaries . From Berlin Mr . Gafencu went
to Paris and London, where of course, he changed back into his mufti .
If the German Government did not learn immediately what was negoti-
ated there, it was informed thoroughly a few weeks later when it dis-
covered, and followed step by step, the proceedings and preparation of
the demolition team expertly directed by one Vanger-a man of several
citizenships-at the oilfields in Ploesti and of the obstructing team at the
Iron Gates .2
' The reader, no doubt, remembers the way Germany's insistent proposals to guar-
antee our frontiers and to rearm our forces had been constantly spurned by Carol and
his Governments . Grigore Gafencu, who was then Rumania's Minister of Foreign Af-
130 / The Suicide of Europe
The German Government learned immediately-as I did through
Signor Giuseppe Sapuppo and Herr Cecil von Renthe-Fink, my Italian
and German colleagues in Copenhagen-of the foolish attempt of Mr.
Gafencu in Rome of convincing Mussolini and Count Ciano that Italy's
interest was on the side of the Western Powers, and of selling them the
idea of a Latin axis with France and Rumania .
Count Ciano's answer, as reported to me later by Alexandru Duiliu
Zamfirescu, our Minister in Rome, was very much to the point : "Listen
carefully to what I tell you. Give up the idea of securing guarantees
from France and Great Britain, which in any case have no value for
you, and nothing will happen to Rumania . But you can not even im-
agine how badly you will end up if you persist in your attempts in that
Mr. Gafencu went back to Bucharest convinced that he had fooled
the Fiihrer. Carol shared Gafencu's optimism and answered those who
tried to show him the perils of his double-dealings : "Germany is very
pleased with me ." Hitler had decided to oppose Carol's play with the
same duplicity, but soon was to hit back with all his brutality . It was a
great mistake-a mistake for which Germany paid very dearly-to pun-
ish Carol by maiming Rumania territorially, and therefore militarily
and morally; for Rumania was Hitler's only possible important ally on
the Eastern Front . But it was treasonous for Carol and his Ministers to
prod Hitler into committing this error .
Such was the state of material, political and moral unpreparedness ;
of decay of willpower ; of childish and felonious scheming in which

fairs, tells us in his book, The Last Days of Europe, of the last efforts of Hitler and
Goring to secure from Rumania the promise that she would oppose any attempt of
Soviet troops to cross her territory . Hitler had invited Gafencu to Berlin in April 1939
in still another attempt to avoid the necessity of a repugnant but unavoidable ar-
rangement with Soviet Russia ; an arrangement whose first victims would be Poland,
Finland, the Baltic States, and Rumania . On April 18 Goring told Gafencu : "If Ru-
mania is our friend, we wish her to be great and powerful . If she joins the policy of
encirclement, we will abandon her to the covetousness of her neighbors ." Hitler told
him the next day, after a long exhortation : "As long as I can count upon Rumania's
friendship, I will never lend a hand to any vindication directed against her territory ."
Gafencu's answer to those last warnings, after visits to Paris and London, was to hasten
back to Rumania and prepare the sabotaging of some of Germany's most important
military and economic interests in the East .
There was still another attempt from Germany's side, on the very eve of the sign-
ing of the Ribbentrop-Molotov Agreement . On or about August 12, 1939 Fabricius,
the German Envoy in Bucharest, phoned Gheorghe Bratianu that he had been in-
structed by Marshal Goring to ask him earnestly to try once more to convince King
Carol and his Government of the necessity to give Germany, without delay, the guar-
antee that the Red Army would not be allowed to cross Rumanian territory . In the
absence of such a guarantee, added Goring, there would occur a change in Germany's
foreign policy very detrimental to Rumania's interests . The warning was transmitted ;
Carol and his ministers refused to pay any attention to it .
The Phony Guarantees / 131
Rumania was about to face a storm from which only the stronghearted
and the brave could hope to come out alive .
I did not have any illusion concerning the ability of our political
leaders to confront the intricacies and dangers of the times we were
facing . The news I was receiving from Rumania and the information I
had received in Copenhagen from my colleagues from the two opposed
camps did not give me any reason for giving up my pessimism . Reasons
for hope I found only on my short visit to Berlin with the Legionaries
who had been instructed to gather there . They were planning, and
preparing materially as well as they could, an answer to treason and a
last attempt to save all that could still be saved of the fortunes of a country
for which each of them would have gladly given his life . It was there
that I met Horia Sima for the first time, the young man of penetrating
eyes, of orderly thoughts, of the broad and steady vision of a real states-
man, who was to be the leader of this last attempt . 3
Mrs . Codreanu, the widow of the murdered Captain, and Father
Borcea, the Chaplain of the group of Legionaries who had fought in
Spain, were, under other names, the standing guests of the Rumanian
Legation in Copenhagen. Father Borcea was the only Spanish fighter
who had escaped Carol's massacres. Mrs . Codreanu told us the strange
story of a postcard she had received from Cairo, signed with the nick-
name by which she called her husband and with his handwriting per-
fectly reproduced, in which she was told not to worry . This reminded
me of a mysterious message I had received a few days after Codreanu's
assassination, purported to have been written in the Dofteana prison
by a Legionary. This message stated that Codreanu and his companions
had been safely brought to the prison, and asked us not to take any false
steps .
Creating confusion about whether or not a murder had been com-
mitted seems to be a tactic of a certain kind of political assassination . A
striking example of this ritual was the famous case of the false Anastasia ;
and because I had a firsthand opportunity in Copenhagen to form an
unshakable opinion about this case, I mention it here .

Throughout our stay in Copenhagen my wife, my son, and I were

honored by the friendship of a saint : Grand Duchess Olga, sister of the
murdered Czar and, therefore, the aunt of Grand Duchess Anastasia .
Horia Sima was thirty at the time, and a professor of literature . He had been head
of the Legionary organization in Banat province, but had taken refuge in Berlin after
the assassination of Codreanu . He became leader of the group in Berlin by sheer force
of personality . In May 1940, Sima returned to Rumania, clandestinely, in order to pre-
pare for the overthrow of King Carol .
132 The Suicide of Europe
Grand Duchess Olga would have given her last penny to anyone in need
of it ; she had in money and material goods the naYvete and the dis-
interest of the grande dame she was by birth and by nature . On her
little farm in Knuts Minde she worked like a hired hand-milking her
cows, feeding her pigs, manuring her field . No invitation was needed to
Knuts Minde ; it was home for every Russian refugee who happened to
pass by, and of course for her old friends, who were attracted by her
warmth, her intelligence and her interesting presence .
Grand Duchess Olga was in Copenhagen with her mother, the old
Czarina, when rumors spread suddenly that a person who pretended to
be Grand Duchess Anastasia had reached Germany . Ardently eager to
know the truth, Grand Duchess Olga rushed to Berlin and an interview
with that person was quickly arranged by the Danish Legation . Grand
Duchess Olga received the unknown girl in her hotel room . The person
she saw bore absolutely no physical resemblance to Grand Duchess
Anastasia, nor did she know any facts going back to Anastasia's child-
hood that would have established her identity . Not only did she not
speak German, French and English, which Anastasia had spoken fairly
well or fluently ; she did not speak Russian, but only Ukrainian .
Grand Duchess Olga, always prepared to find the most indulgent in-
terpretation for her fellow humans' behavior, did not exclude the possi-
bility that the false Anastasia might be a psychotic case, convinced of
the truth of what she pretended . Grand Duchess Olga treated the girl ac-
cordingly, received her twice, fed, and helped her .
Grand Duchess Olga and her mother did not give any more impor-
tance to the Anastasia case . People who have known these two ladies and
who know of the interview of Grand Duchess Olga with the false Anas-
tasia could not continue to propagate this imposture without accusing
two ladies who were Charity itself of being able to abandon to material
misery and mental torture the very person they would have been called
to help by every law of nature and every Christian feeling .
On August 24, the day the alarmed world was informed of the Rib-
bentrop-Molotov Agreement, several of the Ministers accredited to Copen-
hagen were lunching with us at the Rumanian Legation . The British
and Polish Ministers were exchanging words of encouragement . "They
believe, perhaps, that something has changed!" the popular Sir Patrick
Ramsay was saying . "Nothing has changed!" answered Minister Stargew-
ski, his heart aching with anxiety for his beloved country .
"How long do you think we could resist if Germany attacked us?" the
Polish Minister suddenly asked me . I answered : "Two months if you had
The Phony Guarantees / 133
to deal only with the Germans . You could not resist at all if you had to
face a German attack and a Russian menace ."
The fact is that a lot had changed for the worst, for Poland, Europe
and for the world, Germany included, with the German-Soviet pact
of nonaggression and of friendship . It was the duty of every govern-
ment, every statesman, every diplomat, who pretended to be a friend
of Poland to point out to her leaders the dangers of the new situation,
and to prompt them to a radical change in their recently adopted in-
transigent attitude . I almost had an altercation with the newly appointed
United States Minister in Copenhagen-a gentleman whose name I
have forgotten, but who was formerly United States Minister in Sofia-
because of my pessimistic prognosis concerning Poland's fate if she
persisted in the policy that London, Paris and Washington were advis-
ing her to follow .4 If our Ambassador in Warsaw, instead of leaving at
the critical moment, had expressed the same pessimism, with all the
authority of our Government behind him, and he had insistently ad-
vised our allies accordingly, he could have perhaps succeeded in counter-
ing the pressure of the Western Powers .
The betrayal of Poland had already started.

Fishing for the powerful tuna in Skagerrak off Snekesten was the
way we used to quiet impatience and worries, where we could forget
about reporting, ciphering, deciphering and the febrile reading of news-
papers. That was where the afternoon of September 1, 1939, found me,
hooked to one of those giant fishes, which was leading our boat in
large zigzags all over the waters of the strait . Suddenly three slim and
majestic Dorniers with the Iron Cross emblem passed westward bound
in arrow formation low over our heads . Another angler was sailing our
way . It was Prince Axel of Denmark, who shouted from his boat to us:
"Warl It is warl"
I cut loose from my tireless tuna and hastened toward shore .
* When taking leave of me, the new United States Minister's predecessor, Alvin M .
Owsley, my congenial American colleague, told me with conviction : "Our hour will
come, and after that you will look in vain for Germany on the map of Europe ."

The First Betrayal of Poland

It was a strange story that J6zef Lipski, Poland's Ambassador

in Berlin, told us on his way through Copenhagen after the rupture of
diplomatic relations between Poland and Germany . This story has been
completely confirmed through the publication of official documents by
the two opposed parties .
"Have you seen Ribbentrop yet? Don't you know that he has been
waiting for you since the day before yesterday, and that this evening is
the deadline he mentioned for the beginning of the negotiations with
Poland?" This is how Robert Coulondre, the French Ambassador, briskly
addressed Mr. Lipski on August 31, 1939, mentioning that he had re-
ceived this information by chance from British Embassy circles . Lipski
answered that he had seen Sir Nevile Henderson, the British Ambassa-
dor, the same day at two o'clock in the morning, and that this diplomat
had not mentioned Ribbentrop's wishes and the deadline attached to
them . Lipski, realizing the gravity of this unexplained negligence of
the British Ambassador, immediately asked for an interview with the
German Foreign Minister, which was granted without delay .
From Nevile Henderson's Final Report (No . 55) it becomes clear that
not only did the British Ambassador not warn Lipski that he was ex-
pected up until twelve midnight (the meeting with Lipski and Henderson
was at two a.m., August 31), but Henderson advised Lipski against seeing
Ribbentrop at all : "I saw, however, the Polish Ambassador at two o'clock
a.m. I gave him a brief account, studiously moderate, of my conversation
with Herr v . Ribbentrop . . . [and] suggested that he recommend to his
Government an interview between Marshals 9migly-Rydz and Goring. I
felt obliged to add that I could not conceive the success of any negotia-
tions if they were conducted by Herr v . Ribbentrop ." Although Cou-
londre, the French Ambassador, at least had the honesty to inform Lipski
The First Betrayal of Poland / 135
that he was expected by Ribbentrop before midnight, he does not seem
to have been very eager either that such a meeting should bring an under-
standing between the two interlocutors . For, according to Lipski (Polish
White Book, Document No . 109), Coulondre advised him to get in con-
tact with Ribbentrop only after twelve o'clock . Advice that Lipski wisely
disregarded .
Ambassador Lipski was received at the Wilhelmstrasse with all the
honors due an envoy extraordinary . A company of honor presented
arms, the Polish national anthem was sung, and Ribbentrop greeted
him with the effusion of an old friend, exclaiming happily, "At last,
we can negotiatel" This oversight of the British Ambassador, which was
to have historical consequences, had not given Lipski the time or the
opportunity to explain the situation to his Government ; so he had to
tell Ribbentrop that he was not provided with the necessary special
mandate. Deeply shocked, Ribbentrop told Lipski that he would com-
municate this fact to Hitler . Thus ended the interview that could have
spared Europe and the world the disaster of a war between non-Commu-
nist powers.
It may strike the reader as highly irregular that Ribbentrop should
send his invitations to Lipski through the British Ambassador, rather
than directly to Lipski . However, this latter course was impossible .
On August 4, 1939, Poland issued an ultimatum, which was based on a
false rumor, to Germany, to which Germany replied with a most vehe-
ment answer. This followed a speech which had been delivered by Jozef
Beck, the Polish Foreign Minister, to the Polish Parliament on May 5,
1939 . In this speech Beck had taken the initiative to break off any direct
negotiations with Germany . Therefore, as both Ribbentrop and Baron
Weizsacker, German Undersecretary of State, told Sir Nevile Henderson,
"a German initiative was unthinkable" (British Blue Book No . 75) . Fur-
thermore, one must not forget that as early as May 1939, Lipski had been
ordered not to accept, orally or in writing, even as an agent of transmis-
sion, any German proposals, much less discuss them . Nevertheless, Rib-
bentrop did take the final initiative, and although it would have been un-
thinkable for him to contact Lipski directly, Ribbentrop had every reason
to believe that his repeated invitations, of August 26 and of August 28,
would be transmitted to Lipski by the British Ambassador .
However, as mentioned already, even if Ribbentrop had followed the
regular procedures, it would have availed him nothing . From a telegram of
Lord Halifax to Sir Nevile Henderson (British Blue Book, Document No .
82, August 30, 1939) : "Could you not suggest to the German Government
to adopt the normal procedure, to notify the Polish Ambassador when the
conditions have been drawn up, and hand them over to him to be trans-
mitted to Warsaw?" From Sir Howard Kennard, British Ambassador in
136 / The Suicide of Europe
Warsaw, to Lord Halifax (British Blue Book Document No . 96, August
31, 1939) : "I have asked Mr . Beck what attitude the Polish Ambassador
[in Berlin] would adopt if Herr von Ribbentrop, the person who had re-
ceived him, would hand over to him the German propositions . Mr. Beck
told me that Mr . Lipski would not be authorized to accept such a docu-
ment ." [Italics added] .
The reader might ask why Hitler did not wait longer before invading
Poland. Actually, he had carried on friendly, courteous, insistent negotia-
tions and proposals from February 1938 right until the very end . These
were brutally interrupted by Beck's speech of May 5, 1939 . A speech which
Beck was forced to deliver, against his will, by ~migly-Rydz, Marshal of
Poland, and by President Ignacy Mokcicki . After this, further negotiations
were impossible . But for the actual situation in Germany, let us quote
from Sir Nevile Henderson's Final Report : "It was the opinion of the
military advisers that counted more than anything else with Hitler . I have
always been of the opinion that it was those advisers who convinced him
to establish a protectorate in Bohemia . It was the same advisers that told
Hitler that any new delay would be fatal and that the bad season in Po-
land might upset all their plans for a rapid campaign [which was vital be-
cause of the possibility of England and France invading Germany in the
West] . The Army fought with him about this even during the week of
August 25 to September 1 . " 1
The truth is that not only did Sir Nevile Henderson take the responsi-
bility of concealing from his Polish colleague the message with which
he had been entrusted by Ribbentrop, but that Sir Howard Kennard,
the British Ambassador in Warsaw, had received, along with the news
of this message, instructions not to communicate it to the Polish Gov-
ernment .
The anti-Munich faction had triumphed at Downing Street, and
Neville Chamberlain, defeated, was nothing more than a tool in its
hands . This is how Jorgen Bast, a gentleman of anti-German persuasion,
and correspondent for the Berlingske Tidende, commented on the situ-
ation :
When he left [for Munich], Mr. Chamberlain had seen all his cabinet
accompanying him to the airport and wishing him good luck on his
mission . At his return nearly all the British people welcomed him .
Thousands upon thousands of people lined the way from Huston to
Buckingham Palace, where the King and Queen received him warmly .
The King asked him to appear at the balcony with the Queen and Mrs .
Chamberlain . New ovations accompanied him to Downing Street, where
from a window on the second floor the tired statesman shouted to the
crowd : "My dear friends [I bring] peace with honor . I believe it is peace
for our time!"
1 From the official British translation in French .
The First Betrayal o f Poland / 137
Such was Mr . Chamberlain's hope that day . He was soon to feel, however,
the thorns concealed among the roses of Munich . The same day, Lord
Admiral Duff Cooper resigned because he could not accept the Munich
agreement, and this was only the beginning of a fierce struggle . Stranger
still : the same Prime Minister who had shouted his conviction that peace
was guaranteed for one generation declared thirteen days later in the House
of Commons that the consequences of Munich for Great Britain could not
be anything else than "Arming! Arming! Arming!"
Let us remember that Chamberlain's bellicose speech of October 13,
1938, and his speeches of January 23 and 28, 1939, were delivered before
the occupation of Czecho-Slovakia by the Germans .
In my book written in 1943, La Bete sans Nom, I explored, with a
profusion of documentation, the question of the responsibility concern-
ing World War II, a war that started over the defense of Danzig and of
the Polish Corridor . I did not know then that my conclusions were to
be tragically confirmed by the surrender into Soviet hands of the whole
of Poland along with nine other European countries .
My conclusions were as follows :
1 . The Corridor and Danzig had been only pretexts . Poland had been
knowingly pushed-by the phony guarantees of Great Britain and
France, by the most unrealizable promises, and by the most deceptive
tricks-into a war from which the responsible cliques in London, Wash-
ington, and Paris knew very well she could not emerge alive and free .
2 . The British Government, which had suddenly taken the direction
of those opposed to the Munich settlement, had been backed throughout
all of its activities, by the Washington Government or, more accurately,
by the dark and grim coterie surrounding the incapacitated President ; a
coterie firmly determined not to lose what was perhaps its last oppor-
tunity to provoke war against Germany and to save, thereby, Soviet Rus-
sia and Communism from almost certain annihilation .
3. The British Government and its Ambassadors in Berlin and War-
saw-obviously under instructions-had done everything possible to
encourage Poland not to accept the moderate German proposal of Oct-
ober 24, 1938, and to ignore completely the very acceptable conditions
offered by Ribbentrop in the last phase of the dispute .
"Poland had started toward war when Beck received the encourage-
ment of London, which seemed to imply also the support of Paris,"
reported Anatole de Monzie, Minister in the French War Cabinet, in
his book Ci-Devant . Serious warning had not failed, however, to reach
Poland's Government. In his report of March 29, 1939, Juliusz Luka-
sievici, Polish Ambassador to Paris, wrote :
It is childish, naive and at the same time disloyal on the part of Great
Britain to ask a country that is in Poland's situation to jeopardize its
relations with a neighbor as powerful as Germany, and to throw the
138 / The Suicide o f Europe
world into the catastrophe of a war, just to satisfy the inner political
necessity of Mr . Neville Chamberlain .

The November 28, 1938, report of Count Jerzy Potocki, the Polish
Ambassador in Washington, was no less alarming :

Ambassador [William C .] Bullitt told me that only a war could stop Ger-
many's expansion in Europe . As I asked him how he imagined this future
war would evolve . He answered that, first of all, the United States, France
and Great Britain ought to arm massively . Only then, the situation being
ripe, should the decisive step be taken . I asked him how the conflict could
be provoked, as Germany very likely would never attack France or Great
Britain . I could not see the connecting point in this combination . . . .
Bullitt answered that it was the wish of the democratic countries that Ger-
many should eventually get into a conflict in the east .

It is strange that the Polish Government did not grasp the purpose of
the maneuver, to which Lukasievici alluded and which was so pre-
cisely described by Mr . Bullitt ; and that, instead, it fell into the trap of
the promise of unconditional military assistance offered by Great Britain
(in her own name and in the name of France) at the very moment when
Germany was offering Poland an arrangement that was the only true
guarantee of Poland's national survival .
Here is how on March 31, 1939, before the British Parliament, Neville
Chamberlain formulated this promise of unconditional assistance, equiv-
alent to an undated British declaration of war on Germany, entrusted to
Poland, to be produced the moment Poland chose to produce it .

As this House knows, certain consultations with other governments are

presently taking place . To make the position of the Government of His
Majesty [King George VI] perfectly clear before the end of those consulta-
tions, I must immediately inform this House that if any action were to
endanger Polish independence, and if the Polish Government were to think
it of vital interest to resist with its national forces, His Majesty's Govern-
ment would consider itself immediately obliged to come to the assistance of
the Polish Government with all the means at its disposal . I may add that
the French Government has authorized me to affirm clearly that its attitude
is identical with ours in this matter .

On July 10 of this same year, 1939, when an armed conflict between

Germany and Poland seemed an imminent possibility, Mr . Chamberlain,
in order to deny the tragic responsibility taken by Great Britain, found
it necessary to make some subtle distinctions concerning the order of
events :

When the German Government made certain offers to Poland in March

1939, offers which were accompanied by a press campaign, the Polish Gov-
The First Betrayal o f Poland / 139
ernment realized that it might very soon find itself confronted by an attempt
at a military solution that Poland would have to oppose by all means at its
disposal . . . . On March 25, it took certain military dispositions and on the
28th it sent its answer to Berlin . I ask the Parliament to take good notice
of those two days . It has been openly asserted in Germany that it was the
British guarantee that had encouraged the Polish Government to undertake
the mentioned action . I must point out that our guarantee was given only
on March 31 .

This attempt at misrepresentation must have cost Mr . Chamberlain,

an honest gentleman by nature, almost as much mortification as his
final imposture the day Britain declared war on Germany . As official
Polish documents reveal, on March 21 Sir Howard Kennard proposed to
Poland a military alliance with France, Great Britain, and Soviet Russia .
On March 20 Lord Halifax had informed the House of Lords that the
British Government "has hastened to consult in an intimate and practi-
cal way with other governments that were interested in the present
problem ." It would be absurd to think that Poland was not among the
consulted governments.
The interval from March 28 to March 31 in no way substantiated the
alibi Mr. Chamberlain was trying to establish . Everybody knew Great
Britain's general attitude towards Germany in that hour ; everybody
knew the negotiations in which she was engaged in Paris, in Moscow
and, most especially, in Warsaw ; and nobody could believe that the un-
interrupted conversations between the British and Polish Governments
had not touched on the question of British military assistance-even if
Lord Halifax's declarations and Polish documents had not given the lie
to the British Prime Minister .
We must point to another and still more important error in Mr .
Chamberlain's speech of July 10, 1939 . The German proposal to Po-
land of March 1939 was not the first . There was a standing proposal
offered to the Polish Government on October 24, 1938, in Berchtesgaden,
by Herr Ribbentrop to Mr . Lipski . Its terms were as follows :
1 . The free state of Danzig was to return to the German Reich .
2 . An extraterritorial highway and railway line with several tracks
was to be constructed through the Polish Corridor .
3 . In the Danzig territory Poland was to have an extraterritorial high-
way and railway line and a free port .
4 . Poland was to receive a guarantee for the distribution of her goods
in the Danzig territory.
5 . The two nations were to recognize and guarantee each other's
frontiers and respective territories .
6 . The German-Polish treaty was to be prolonged from ten to twenty
years .
140 / The Suicide of Europe
7. The two countries were to add a consultative clause to the treaty .
Today anyone can assess the responsibility assumed by those who en-
couraged Warsaw to refuse even to discuss this proposal, a proposal open
to Poland for more than a year. Was the German proposal, which was
read by Herr Ribbentrop to Sir Nevile Henderson on the evening of
August 30, 1939, much more severe? Sir Nevile himself has given us the
answer in his Final Report : The terms "are in general not too unreason-
able ." 2
Actually, the new German proposal was perfectly equitable, or in any
case worthy of consideration . Why should Sir Nevile have intentionally
concealed from his Polish colleague the fact that the German Foreign
Minister was awaiting him in order to discuss them, and that the deadline
for those discussions had been extended for a second time by twenty-four
These were the new German conditions :
1. Danzig was to be German .
2. Gdynia was to be Polish .
3. An international administration was to be established for one year
in the Corridor .
4. A plebiscite under the control of this administration was to be
established at the end of the year .
5. An extraterritorial highway one kilometer wide was to be placed
at the disposition of Germany should the Corridor become Polish.
6. An extraterritorial highway one kilometer wide was to run toward
Gdynia should the Corridor become German .
7 . Privileges and special rights were to be established in Danzig and
Gdynia on the basis of reciprocity.
8. Both ports were to be demilitarized .
9. Germany was to accept the principle of exchange of populations .
z Besides his Final Report, Sir Nevile Henderson also published his memoirs . The
Foreign Office immediately stopped their distribution . Why? Concerning Hitler's final
proposals to Poland, which would have been handed by Herr Ribbentrop to Mr . Lipski
on the evening of the thirty-first at 6 :15 p .m . had Lipski's government not forbidden
him to accept any such document, here are the comments of Pierre and Renee Gosset,
authors of Hitler, a classic in anti-Hitler literature (page 170 of the Spanish edition) :
"Nevertheless, he [Henderson] understood enough to realize that it was a proposition
of extreme moderation based on a plebiscite. . . . This was an offer that no Western
statesman could have rejected in good faith ." It has been objected that Ribbentrop did
not permit Henderson to take the written proposals with him . This is a futile point,
for the full text of those moderate proposals was sent by Goring to Sir Nevile next
morning . Henderson could have immediately passed them to the Polish Ambassador-
if such had been the spirit of London's instructions . Furthermore, the British Govern-
ment had almost twenty-four hours in which to exercise the necessary pressure on the
Polish Government . Contrary to Pierre and Renee Gosset's affirmation, nothing was
done in that direction ; and, as we know, after his last interview with Ribbentrop, Sir
Nevile Henderson met his Polish colleague but did not communicate to him the fact
that Ribbentrop was expecting him.
The First Betrayal of Poland / 141

10 . Should there be an agreement, there was to be a general demobili-

zation .
At no moment did Herr Ribbentrop specify that these conditions were
not negotiable .3
It is interesting to recall what had been said about Germany's direc-
tion, under the Treaty of Versailles, June 1919, by those who were now
prepared to throw the world into another catastrophe for Danzig and
the Corridor .
On November 29, 1919, Winston Churchill insistently requested from
the House of Commons :
. . . the satisfaction of the legitimate revendications of the defeated, es-
pecially concerning the Corridor and Danzig . Failing which, contrary to our
wishes and our interests, we could be led into a war to correct the errors
and satisfy the revendications that disrupt Europe today.

British Prime Minister Lloyd George wrote in 1919 in a memorandum

for the conference of Versailles :

Peace can be assured only if motives of exasperation, continually exalting

feelings of justice and honor, were to exist no more. . . . That is why I am
firmly opposed to the submission-unless it is absolutely necessary-of Ger-
mans to foreign domination . The proposition of the Polish committee to
put 2,000,000 Germans under the laws of a people of another religion, a
people that have proved through history their ineptitude for governing is,
in my opinion, liable to provoke a new war .

In January 1936 before the British Parliament, Sir Austen Chamber-

lain, a declared enemy of all things German, expressed his conviction
that :

Great Britain would not move a finger to defend the Corridor, a region
in which none of its interests were at stake .

In June 1932 in the House of Lords, Lord Noel-Buxton had drawn the
attention of his colleagues to the treatment inflicted on the German pop-
ulation in Poland :
'We quote Ambassador Lipski's report to his Government from the Polish White
Book :
August 31, 1939 Received : 10 o'clock p .m .
I have been received by Herr v. Ribbentrop at 6 :30 p .m . I followed the instructions
I had received . Herr v . Ribbentrop has asked me if I was empowered to negotiate [de
conduire des ndgociations], I answered that I was not. He asked me if I had been in-
formed that, upon London's suggestions, the German Government had declared that
it was ready to negotiate directly with a representative of the Polish Government . I
answered that I had no direct information on the subject . Concluding Herr v . Ribben-
trop told me that he believed that I was authorised to negotiate . He will communicate
my visit to the Chancellor . [Italics added.]
142 / The Suicide o f Europe
Lord D'Abernon has recently described Danzig and the Corridor as the
powder keg of Europe . . . . The gravity of the situation proceeds princi-
pally from the way the German population is treated by the Poles . . . .
The question of the German population in Poland is a question very urgent
and serious. Since the annexation, more than 1,000,000 Germans have left
the Corridor because the conditions of living were intolerable for them .

These were the circumstances that prompted Chancellor Gustav Stre-

semann and all the German Chancellors before Hitler to refuse any
concession or declaration that could have been interpreted as an ac-
knowledgment of the stipulation of the Versailles Treaty concerning
Poland, the Corridor and Danzig. The leader of integral nationalism
in Germany was the first German statesman who admitted publicly and
formally the "Polish fact" as an irrevocable contingency, and the first
who proposed an arrangement, a generous arrangement, for the open
problems between Berlin and Warsaw.
Poor Chamberlain! The same powers that had made him abandon,
after a resistance of only a few days and without any visible reason, the
pacific, patriotic, and humane consideration approved unanimously by
the British people, brought this scrupulously honest statesman to the
radio broadcast of September 4, 1939, in which every assertion was
false and in which he tried to explain to the British people why he was
engaging the British Empire in a frightening and incalculable adven-

The so-called German proposals were made to the Polish Ambassador

Thursday the thirty-first in the evening, two hours before the German Gov-
ernment announced that they had been refused. Far from having been re-
fused, there had been no time to consider them . . . . The Polish representa-
tive was told to come at a fixed moment to sign a document that he had
not even seen . This was not negotiating, but dictating) No government
conscious of its dignity and of its power could have submitted to such meth-
ods . Negotiations in conditions of equality could have had quite different

Friendly negotiations between Germany and Poland could have started

in 1938 over the first formal German proposals, had Poland so desired .
On August 29, 1939 Sir Nevile Henderson received from Hitler and
reported to London the assurance that Germany was ready to negotiate
with Poland under the conditions suggested by Great Britain herself :
that security be given to Poland relative to her vital interests, and that
the final agreement be internationally guaranteed. The acceptance by
Hitler of these two conditions was never communicated to Mr . Lipski
by Sir Nevile Henderson . Germany waited for a Polish negotiator-who
could have been the Polish Ambassador in Berlin-until August 31 at
twelve o'clock . The time limit for negotiation had even been prolonged,
The First Betrayal of Poland / 143
at Britain's suggestion, for twenty-four hours . However, Sir Nevile Hen-
derson had taken it upon himself to keep his Polish colleague in total
ignorance of the situation during the entire forty-eight hours .
A general idea of the German proposition had been given to the
British Ambassador during his interview with Hitler and had been com-
municated to London on August 29 in the evening. The detailed condi-
tions were read to Sir Nevile the night of August 30 at twelve o'clock
and were transmitted to London immediately .
Of even greater importance is the fact that Sir Howard Kennard had
informed his Government-in time to permit wiser advice to be given to
the Polish Government-that Mr . Lipski had received an order not to ac-
cept any document from the hands of Herr Ribbentrop, should the
German Foreign Minister try to acquaint Lipski with the proposed Ger-
man conditions for a settlement .
The German Government, far from having insisted that those condi-
tions be signed without even being read, had assured Mr . Chamberlain
on August 29, via Hitler himself, and as reported by Sir Nevile Hender-
son, that the negotiations would take place as between equals . We main-
tain that these assurances were never communicated to Ambassador
Lipski or to the Polish Government .
There are also some interesting omissions in the British official publi-
cations. We read in the Foreign Office Blue Book :

[Dr. Carl] Burckhardt, High Commissioner of the League of Nations in

Danzig, accepted Hitler's invitation to visit Hitler in Berchtesgaden . There-
fore, Mr . Burckhardt had a private conversation with Hitler on August 11
during which one may suppose that the question of Danzig was discussed
in relation to the general situation in Europe .

This information omits the most important part of the interview-the

part that concerns the British Government and the pacifying ways in
which it could have intervened in the German-Polish situation, especially
in the Danzig question .
I met Mr. Burckhardt in the home of our mutual friend Mr . Helmer
Rosting, the former's predecessor in Danzig . Burckhardt told us that
Hitler, who knew that Burckhardt had the confidence of the British
Government, had asked him to use his influence to persuade Chamber-
lain to send him someone with whom he, the Fiihrer, could talk directly
and openly . Hitler suggested General Ironside, with whom he could have
talked in German .
From Berchtesgaden Burckhardt went to London, where he had the
opportunity to transmit Hitler's request to Neville Chamberlain . The
Prime Minister rejected it immediately, arguing that Sir Nevile Hender-
son was the British Ambassador in Berlin . It is true that Mr . Chamber-
144 / The Suicide of Europe
lain was not obligated to comply with Hitler's demand ; but the prob-
lems at stake were of such importance, and the desire of the head of the
German state was expressed so insistently, that it is difficult to under-
stand how Chamberlain could have passed up this opportunity to dis-
cover exactly what were Hitler's intentions, and to come, perhaps, to a
settlement with him . Chamberlain's rebuttal was even less understand-
able in view of the fact that this same General Ironside was sent to Mos-
cow a short time later, where Great Britain also had an Ambassador .
The General's mission was to negotiate a military alliance with the
Soviets, directed, of course, against Germany .

Danger of Peace-Massacre of the Legionaries

Great Britain's firm decision to fight Germany was to reveal

itself twice more in the first days of September 1939 .
Only hours after the outbreak of hostilities between Germany and
Poland, Mussolini, renewing his efforts for peace, proposed to all the
interested powers an immediate suspension of hostilities and the im-
mediate convocation of a conference between the great powers, in which
Poland would also participate . Mussolini's proposals were, without any
delay, accepted by all governments concerned except Great Britain .'
Mussolini had asked for the possible-a suspension of hostilities, and
the stopping of marching armies . As a matter of fact, German troops
were twenty miles deep into Polish territory, and Polish troops had
crossed in various places the frontiers of East Prussia . British inventive-
ness was not, however, at a loss ; it found very quickly the impossible
thing to ask in order to frustrate 11 Duce's pacifying attempt . The Brit-
ish Government demanded that German troops be withdrawn to Ger-
man territory before it would accept Mussolini's proposal and start
negotiations .
"'The French Government and other foreign governments were the recipients yes-
terday of an Italian proposition tending to secure a settlement of the present European
difficulties . After deliberation, the French Government has given a positive answer ."
(Information of the Havas Agency, September 1, 1939 .)
The positive answer given by Georges Bonnet, the French Foreign Minister, was
accompanied by the following commentaries (French Yellow Book, piece number 327) :
"It is the opinion of the French Government that such a conference must not limit
itself to partial and provisory solutions-to limited and immediate problems . It should
evoke all problems of a general character and reach a general appeasement that would
permit the urgent and firm reestablishment of a durable peace ." Adds Mr . Bonnet in
his Defense de la Paix : "We should have proposed, therefore, a broader Munich and
transformed it into a general conference of all interested powers : the United States,
the USSR, Poland, and the Balkan States included ." How different would have been
the history of the world if Great Britain had joined France in accepting Mussolini's
proposal .
146 / The Suicide of Europe
London asked Daladier to cancel France's former consent, and Dala-
dier, the "captive chief," as de Monzie called him-yielded to London's
injunctions . We quote from Mr . de Monzie's Ci-Devant :

September 3, Bonnet [the French Foreign Minister] told the cabinet of

London's insistence on an immediate ultimatum . When leaving the council
I urged Bonnet not to take any heed of the British non possumus. To de-
mand the withdrawal of the German troops was an indefensible pretension .
[Italics added.] 2

Of the position of Daladier, the captive of the hidden powers, and of

Paul Reynaud, their principal representative in the French Cabinet,
Mr . de Monzie gives the following memorable information :

Paul Reynaud is back from London, where he participated in the Su-

preme Council meetings . He has operated alone, he has negotiated alone,
and he has pledged France not to negotiate a separate peace . I found Dala-
dier in his office at Rue Saint Dominique totally prostrated, disheartened .
He told me : "He [Reynaud] has consented to everything they wanted-
everything that I did not want . Monzie, I am terrified when I think of
what such a man can do to our country!" [Italics added .]
Daladier was the Prime Minister . Who empowered Reynaud to decide
the fate of France?
But another opportunity was opened to Poland-an opportunity that
has not been mentioned, to date, to my knowledge, by any modern
historian or by any commentator. That opportunity was lost to the
heroic and betrayed country-again because of British promises, pres-
sures, and threats . I am referring to Goring's speech a few days before
the invasion of Soviet Russia's troops into Polish territory .
I had been informed by the German Minister in Copenhagen, Herr
Renthe-Fink, of the genesis of this important manifestation . Goring had
always had a special sympathy for Poland ; he had always considered
her as Germany's probable ally in a war against Soviet Russia . He had
seen with sadness and disapproval the beginning of the hostilities, and
had insistently asked the Fiihrer to permit him to try a last attempt at
conciliation . Hitler gave his consent and approved the text of Goring's
speech, the significance of which was unmistakable . More than that,
Hitler backed it openly by his demonstration of deference and admira-
tion at Pilsudski's grave .
I was so convinced at that moment that a surprise opportunity
for an arrangement between Germany and Poland, spoiled by Great
Bonnet, the French Foreign Minister, and Daladier, the French Prime Minister,
did not want war; neither did France . Paul Reynaud wanted it . On the French side
he is principally responsible for the catastrophe into which his country and Europe
were wantonly precipitated in September 1939.
Danger of Peace-Massacre of the Legionaries / 147
Britain on the diplomatic field, could be found on the battlefields before
the imminent invasion of Poland by the Soviets, that I wired our Min-
ister of Foreign Affairs, asking his authorization to come to Bucharest
for forty-eight hours . The authorization was refused and I had to con-
tent myself with a telegram trying to explain the new situation created
by Goring's speech, and suggesting that Poland be advised to suspend de
facto her hostilities on the Western Front and concentrate all her forces
against the impending Soviet aggression .
I still believe that Germany, which at no time was bound by any
obligation of mutual assistance to Soviet Russia, would have considered
favorably, from the position gained in the Corridor and Danzig, this
suggested new turn in the military and the political situation . Poland
would have outlived thereby the lunatic behavior of President Ignacy
Mokcicki and Marshal ~migly-Rydz, and Rumania would have been given
an opportunity to honor her obligations to Poland, defending with all
her strength the sector assigned to her in the fight against the common
enemy .
President MoAcicki during his trip through Bucharest, after Poland's
defeat, was asked by a high Rumanian prelate why he had again thrust
aside the hand extended by Germany. He answered that his Government
had considered very seriously the advisability of acting upon Goring's
suggestions, but that it was prevented from doing so by British military
and diplomatic representatives, who were backed by their American
colleagues . A prompt forcing of the Scandinavian straits by a British
armada and a landing, somewhere on Polish or East Prussian territory,
of French and British troops was promised . A few months later I heard
exactly the same tale from another Polish authority .
My suggestion for a Polish-German settlement received a completely
indifferent reception in Bucharest, which was hardly surprising since
they completely contradicted the intentions and the hopes of the three
personalities who were at that moment handling Rumania's foreign pol-
icy : King Carol, Prime Minister Armand Calinescu, and Minister of
Foreign Affairs Grigore Gafencu . At no moment had these three person-
alities given up hope for new circumstances that would permit them to
take part in the fight not only as allies of Great Britain and France, but
also, conforming with the Barthou-Titulescu-Bene"s plan, as allies of
Soviet Russia . Armand Calinescu, the most fanatic pro-Westerner of the
three, pleaded earnestly for an immediate declaration of war on Ger-
many .
Without asking for any further authorization, I went to Berlin for
a few days in order to benefit from the information and impressions of
Radu Crutzescu, our Minister there, who was more in harmony than I
with our Government's policy . According to Mr. Crutzescu's information,
148 / The Suicide of Europe
Hitler was deeply impressed by the losses suffered by the gallant Polish
Army, which was fighting with cavalry regiments against his tanks and
his bombers . Mr . Crutzescu did not think there would be any alteration
in the policy of waiting, adopted by our Government, as long as war in
the West continued to be what it was: troops guarding, with arms
stacked, their frontiers . My telegram, therefore, could have held no
interest for our Government . Crutzescu himself did not accord any great
importance to Goring's speech or to Hitler's demonstrations before
Pilsudski's grave .

I was in the office of Edvard Munch, the Danish Foreign Minister a

few days after my return from Berlin when a secretary brought him
some papers he had probably perused already . He delicately extricated
one of them and, pointing to it, informed me to my great astonishment
that Rumanian Prime Minister Armand Calinescu had been shot by a
group of Legionaries. What had happened, I learned later, was that a
horsedriven carrige had stopped Calinescu's auto at a crossroads and
that nine young men had killed him . The nine Legionaries seized the
radio station for a few minutes, announced that Codreanu had been
avenged, and gave themselves up at the next police precinct . They were
immediately executed at the spot where Calinescu had fallen .
As I could not help muttering something about the numbers of Legion-
aries, men and women, Calinescu had himself assassinated, Munch very
calmly retorted : "Well, maybe ; anyhow, please transmit our condolences
to your Government ." Rather torn between the total contempt I had
for the murdered man and the traditional obligation to transmit to
my Government condolences of the legation and the Rumanian colony,
I took my clue from Mr . Munch and wired as follows to our Foreign
Minister : "Munch, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, has asked me to
transmit his and his Government's condolences for the amazing murder
of the prime minister ." I learned later that the word "amazing" (grozav)
had received contradictory interpretations among the young people at
the cipher department .
I went to bed that night greatly worried by the probable consequences
of Calinescu's execution, all the more so because my wife and my son
were at that time in Bucharest exposed to all the iniquities of which
Carol and his men were capable . The news next day was more horrify-
ing than anything I could have imagined . Mr . Prost, following the
formula adopted by almost all the Western commentators, concerning
the slaughter which followed Calinescu's death-when they care to men-
tion it-speaks vaguely of two or three Legionaries executed in each
"province." This misleading information is all the more disgraceful
since Mr. Prost had lived in Rumania for twenty years, and had had no
Danger o f Peace-Massacre o f the Legionaries / 149
doubt many opportunities to see the almost two hundred crosses in the
Predeal cemetery that marked the tombs of a few of the murdered Le-
In every county seat, in every town, and in every prison, following
Carol's orders, more than four hundred young Rumanians were killed,
sometimes in the most barbaric ways . Some of them were thrown alive
into crematoriums ; young Eleanora Bagdad was taken from her hospital
bed while convalescing from a long illness ; Professor Ionic! escaped
execution once when, gravely wounded, he hid under the corpses of his
fellow victims. He was caught later and finally executed. The bodies
of those murdered were left for days at the crossroads as in the times
of Genghis Khan . In Bucharest the Royal Counselors were asked to
march in their absurd uniforms past the corpses of the nine Legionaries
who had avenged their Captain and so many of their comrades . Some
of those dignitaries, like Argetoianu, who was promoted to Prime Min-
ister, even let themselves be photographed during this performance .
All of the Legionaries who had been with Codreanu in the Rimnic
prison, including all but one of the former fighters in Spain, were massa.
cred in the prison yard. Two brothers of Codreanu were murdered also .
The slaughter of the flower of the Rumanian youth was trusted to army
colonels whom Carol had appointed country prefects . Argetoianu, who
replaced General Argesanu (the head executioner, appointed immedi-
ately after Cllinescu's murder) as Prime Minister, announced to the
nation and to the world that he would "eradicate even the seeds of the
Legionary Movement ."
Meanwhile the international press had only words of approbation
for Carol and for his murders . The London Times dedicated a whole
lead to the praise of General Argesanu, "a dapper little cavalry gen-
I found it necessary to communicate by telegram to the Government
in Bucharest my feelings regarding what was going on in Rumania, and
also to inform it of the indignation of all of my colleagues without
exception, and of every decent person, official or private, with whom I
was in contact . It was by telegraph also that Argetoianu, our Prime Min-
ister, informed me I was dismissed .
Together with my telegram to the Government, I sent a series of let-
ters to our principal political leaders, trying to show them that they
shared the responsibility of Carol and his executioners by not protesting
against all of those atrocities and by not trying to stop them . I received
only one answer . It was from Professor lorga, who informed me that
"in such circumstances it was unavoidable that some innocents also
had to pay for the culprits ."

The Panicky Tyrant

T he pages of glory written by our soldiers, during World

War II, on their victorious march to the Don, the Volga, and the Cauca-
sus were preceded and followed by two of the most disgraceful and un-
happy chapters of Rumanian history : the reign of Carol II, and the
short reign of Michael, the legatee of his father's sins .
There were ruthless rulers in the history of Moldavia and Walachia,
the two Rumanian principalities . But Stefan the Great, Vlad the Impa-
ler, Ion the Implacable, and Stefan Lapusneanu were as merciless and as
fearless with the enemies of their country as with the rebellious boyards
at home . We forgive the cruelty of Vlad the Impaler and the fits of
passion of Stefan the Great because, without their harshness, our country
would have been long ago blotted off the map of Europe by some foreign
invaders .
Carol, oppressor and murderer, corrupt to the bone, usurped all the
powers of the State not in order better to defend it in its hour of need,
but in order better to satisfy his avidity and gratify his lust . The man
who had murdered without justice, without pity, and without reason
hundreds of young Rumanians because they kept up the fight against
treason and corruption, stripped himself, in a panic, of all of his author-
ity, of all of his legally and illegally acquired prerogatives, when the
hour of danger and decision was upon him and his country . He dropped
all of his responsibilities upon those whom he had transformed from
statesmen and military chiefs into servants ; and he even tried to hide
himself behind the Legionary Movement, which was prepared to accept
all responsibility during this frightful situation but was not prepared to
accept just a fragment of it .
After turning over my responsibilities to Alexandru Duiliu Zamfirescu,
my successor in Copenhagen, I divided my time the following months
The Panicky Tyrant / 151
between the Danish capital and Berlin . In Berlin, along with the group
of Legionaries who lived there, we watched, powerless, Carol's policy
of simulation and subterfuge, a policy that we felt certain was leading
Rumania toward dismemberment and perhaps disappearance .
In February 1940 the last Balkan conference ended with our Foreign
Minister's attempt to convince Mussolini to take the lead in a league of
neutrals . This was a senseless renewal of Mr . Gafencu's attempt of
April 1939 to attract Il Duce into the camp of Germany's enemy, two
diplomatic errors that could be explained only by a total ignorance of the
relations that had existed for years between Germany and Italy . Our eco-
nomic agreement with Germany, which for a time had been correctly
carried out by our authorities, was again sabotaged by them . We had
exact information concerning the activity of the agents of the Western
Powers in our country, and concerning the participation of our author-
ities, military and civilian, in certain projects of military and economic
sabotage that would gravely imperil the position of Germany, in case
of war with Soviet Russia. As Mr . Prost seems especially well informed
about those projects, we will quote him once more :

The Rumanian authorities do not reject the German demand . . . but

they examine them with a carelessness that is a way of defense . The nego-
tiations are indefinitely prolonged . Once an agreement is concluded, the
same evasions interfere with their execution .
There stops the Rumanian resistance . If some oil-carrying convoys are
prevented from passing through the borders, if barges loaded with cement
try to enter the Iron Gate channel, so prone to sabotage, it is not Ruma-
nians who are in charge .'

No real Rumanian was in charge indeed ; only the King and his
Government, who, deaf to the interests of their country, and with the
cooperation of British, French, and American technicians, were prepar-
ing the blocking of the Danube and the wrecking of our oil production,
both of which were indispensable to Germany's military program, espe-
cially in the event of a war with Soviet Russia .
Things started to change in Bucharest only after Hitler's blitzkrieg
in Norway, which preceded by twenty-four hours the landing of the
troops that France and Great Britain had been preparing since January
14, 1940 .
From then until the end of the German campaign in France, every
new success of the German Army was marked by an attempt on Carol's
part to convince Hitler of his good intentions and of his good behavior .
Those attempts did not change Germany's decision concerning the
integrity of our country. Hitler's final decision had already been made
1 Destin de la Roumanie, p . 141 .
152 / The Suicide of Europe
-after Gafencu's visits to Berlin, Rome, and the Western capitals,
when, against the earnest advice of the German and Italian Govern-
ments, Rumania asked and accepted Western guarantees limited to our
western borders, guarantees which placed us directly on the French-
British side of the barricade . Only a complete and radical change of
leadership in Bucharest, a change to leaders of daring and unmitigated
patriotism who had kept their eyes open to our eastern frontiers and
to Soviet Russia's intentions, could perhaps have changed the course
of events that deprived Rumania of four provinces .
In Berlin I succeeded in establishing more or less clandestine contacts
with our Military Attache, Colonel Vorobchievici, contacts of which
the Colonel's superiors would, very probably, not have approved . To-
ward the middle of May 1940, the Colonel informed me that at the Ger-
man General Staff headquarters his attention had been drawn to impor-
tant movements of Soviet troops at our eastern borders, movements that
could have only one significance . The German officers were surprised by
the fact that Rumania had taken no steps to confront this obvious
menace . Colonel Vorobchievici understood that the German General
Staff would have liked to have us take such measures as promptly as
It could be argued today that the attitude of the German military
was in contradiction to the secret part of the Ribbentrop-Molotov Agree-
ment relating to the occupation of Bessarabia by Soviet troops . Events
have shown, however, and every informed person knew, that this agree-
ment was only a transitory formula and that the war would not end
with German and Russian troops in the same camp . The occupation of
Finland after an exhausting war was nothing but a prelude to the future
hostilities between Russia and Germany . The same thing could have
been said of the occupation by the Soviets of Rumania's eastern prov-
inces . It was therefore quite natural for the German Generals, from a
strictly military point of view, to want the Soviet armies to be met in
Bessarabia with at least as stubborn a resistance as in Finland, from an
army four times as numerous . That this was indeed what the German
military wanted was later confirmed to me by two German military
authorities .
Moreover, it is my conviction that had fighting broken out between
Rumania and Soviet Russia before June 1941 the Germans would have
been forced to back our resistance-despite the German Government's
intention to choose, if possible, the moment of the outbreak of war in
the east-as they could not have permitted the Soviets either to ap-
proach nearer our oil fields or to seize the Danube delta . Those of my
readers who have the patience to follow these memoirs through the
next chapters will see that it was this conviction of mine that caused
The Panicky Tyrant / 153

the only serious political divergence of opinion between General Anton-

escu and myself during the few months I was Minister of Foreign Affairs
in his Cabinet . In any case, Germany could not have failed to help us
defend the Carpathian passes and the strategic Namoloasa-Galati line of
fortifications, which covered the oil-fields, Bucharest, and the Danube .
Colonel Vorobchievici immediately referred to Bucharest the informa-
tion and warnings he had received . Those warnings were repeated by his
German comrades some days later; and the Colonel, seeing that his pre-
vious report had not been taken seriously enough by his chiefs, left for
Bucharest in order to inform them verbally . Neither at our General Staff
nor at our Foreign Office did he find anyone interested in the serious
piece of news he was bringing. At the Foreign Office, incensed by Ga-
fencu's attitude, Vorobchievici asked to be relieved of his responsibilities
as Military Attach6 . Gafencu answered him, smiling : "Colonel, you are
an alarmist ."
Colonel Vorobchievici's contacts in the German General Staff were
not mistaken . On June 26, 1940, our Minister in Moscow, Gheorghe
Davidescu, was summoned to the Soviet Foreign Office and presented
with an ultimatum, to the Rumanian Government, demanding the
beginning of the evacuation within forty-eight hours not only of Bes-
sarabia but also of a part of Bucovina, a province over which neither
Czarist nor Soviet Russia had ever had any pretention .
Gafencu had unexpectedly, but very conveniently, resigned his office
as Foreign Minister a few weeks before the presentation of the Soviet
ultimatum . When King Carol was told about it, he took two series of
steps calculated to throw upon others the responsibility for making a
decision :
1 . He urgently convoked the Envoys of Germany and Italy, the two
countries against which he had conspired for years, and asked them
whether they would advise him to defend Rumania's territory and sov-
ereignty . We can imagine the contempt the Envoys must have felt for
this move of the panicking, deflated tyrant . A King who asks his adver-
saries' permission to defend his country has obviously already decided
not to defend it. It was perhaps at that moment that Berlin irrevocably
decided that Hungary's friendship had more value than Rumania's . Ger-
many had her own program concerning Soviet Russia, and Italy was
finding in Carol's capitulation a wonderful opportunity for her client
nations, Hungary, and Bulgaria . Therefore, Carol received the answer
he was expecting : he was advised to evacuate and comply .
2 . He convoked a Crown Council, which was attended by some of
those generals who a few months earlier, during a royal visit to Bessara-
bia, proclaimed him the most powerful King alive, and by that sorry
flock of politicians who were active or passive accomplices of his plun-
154 / The Suicide of Europe
ders and his atrocities . Without any hesitation or shame, Carol, giving
up all the power legally his, as King and Commander-in-Chief of the
Army, and all the power he had usurped at the price of so much Ruma-
nian blood, meekly asked those present if they believed that Rumania
was sufficiently prepared to resist the Soviet invasion . Carol knew the
answer better than anyone else ; among his usurpations was the royal
monopoly over all armament contracts with foreign and national com-
But even the state of quasi-disarmament in which the Rumanian
Army had been abandoned did not justify the order he gave the same
day, to evacuate without resistance the two provinces claimed by the
Kremlin, and to abandon 3,500,000 Rumanians to their tragic fate . Had
Rumania fought, it would not have been the first time that Rumanian
soldiers had been expected to use outdated and insufficient weapons .
They had done it before and were prepared to do it again if they had
been ordered to do so .
There was no obligation for Carol to follow the cowardly advice of
his cowardly advisers . If he had wanted to fight, he could have found
statesmen, generals, and colonels other than those he had used for im-
prisoning and butchering the most gallant among the Rumanian fight-
ers . His well-known lack of personal courage was also no excuse for
handing over Rumanians and Rumanian territory to the cruelest of
enemies. The day had passed when a king was expected to appear on
the battlefields, and, besides, an airplane would always have been at his
The explanation of Carol's behavior in July 1940 must be sought else-
where .
Many have misinterpreted Titulescu's firing by Carol . At no moment
was Titulescu's foreign policy abandoned until Carol's expulsion by the
Legionary Movement. In some manner it was continued even during
the National Legionary Government in the form of the intrigues that
provoked the schism between General Antonescu and his Legionary
Ministers, and later in the clandestine relations maintained with the
enemy by Antonescu's new collaborators . King Michael applied it in
full force when he handed over Marshal Antonescu and his country to
the Communists and when he accepted from the hands of Marshal Tol-
bukhin the Order of Victory .
The cardinal purpose of this foreign policy had always been that in
the event of a new European conflict, Rumania must end up in the
same camp as Soviet Russia . Not even the most stupid Rumanian states-
man could have believed that in the event of such a collaboration, a
victorious war could have ended with Bessarabia still a Rumanian prov-
ince . The sacrifice of this half of Moldavia had been foreseen and ad-
The Panicky Tyrant / 155
mitted by Titulescu ever since his intervention in the Riga negotiations
and the drawing up of the Rumanian-Russian railway treaty . This sac-
rifice was also admitted by those who were ready in 1936 to put our
railways and our highways at the service of the Russian High Command,
and by those who solicited and accepted the Franco-British guarantees,
knowing that they did not include our eastern borders .
The Western chancelleries, who during the first years of the war never
lost their contacts with the Kremlin, knew very well the inevitability of
an armed conflict between Germany and Russia . For them, and for their
friends in Bucharest, the part that Rumania was to play in case of such
a sudden change in the military and political situation was decided in
advance. Therefore, the sooner a solution could be found to the question
of Bessarabia-the only serious obstacle, it was thought, to Rumanian-
Russian military collaboration-the better for everybody . The easiest
solution was evidently the occupation of Bessarabia by Soviet troops .
After the Russian ultimatum the idea of military collaboration with
the Soviets was still alive among those factors in Bucharest responsible
for this fiasco . Let us go back, for a moment, to the "alarmist" interven-
tion of Colonel Vorobchievici, and to the indifference with which it was
received by Gafencu . And let us consider the following dates : 1 . Toward
the end of May 1940 information about Soviet concentration of troops
at our eastern borders reached our Government . 2 . On June 1, 1940,
Gafencu resigned unexpectedly after eighteen months of activity . 3. On
June 26, 1940, his successor received the Soviet ultimatum . 4. On July
27, Gafencu was appointed Rumanian Minister to Moscow, an appoint-
ment that would not have been possible, even with a minimum amount
of decency, if he had been the Foreign Minister who had received the
ultimatum .
Two other facts also have to be taken into account : 1. At the moment
in 1941 when our troops started to reconquer Bessarabia, Carol, who
was then in exile in Mexico, hastened to inform the Russian Ambassa-
dor, with whom he enjoyed most friendly relations, that he disapproved
of this Rumanian initiative . 2. In the memorandum presented by
Gafencu, to the Paris conference in 1946, a memorandum that was sup-
posed to enumerate all the losses suffered by Rumania and all her reven-
dications, Bessarabia and Bucovina were not even mentioned?
Mr . Prost explains that the sending of Gafencu to Moscow was sup-
posed to coax the Soviets . It is true that the Soviets could only have
been pleased by the appointment of Gafencu, the most fervent advocate
2Gafencu had no official standing at the time . He did not represent the Communist
Government in Bucharest which was then the official party . Together with Messrs.
Visoianu and Niculescu-Buzesti, also former Foreign Ministers and the organizers of
Rumania's capitulation under King Michael, Gafencu pretended to represent the real
interests of Rumania before the Paris Conference .
156 / The Suicide of Europe
of resuming diplomatic relations with the Kremlin, and the most friendly
guest and host of the Soviet envoys in Bucharest . But was this the mo-
ment to attempt any coaxing of the Kremlin bandits? Gafencu had not
been sent to Moscow by King Carol in order to obtain the restitution of
the lost provinces ; he was sent there in order to prepare the Rumanian-
Soviet military alliance that was finally achieved by King Michael and
the spiritual heirs of Titulescu who surrounded and still surround him .


The Arbitration of Vienna and

the Legionary Movement

A mong the thousands of Legionaries arrested after Calinescu's

murder was my son Elie-Vlad. As Carol's mercenaries entered our home,
Elie-Vlad, after jumping through a rear window, passed under their noses
in full military garb without being recognized . Kurt, the Danish chauf-
feur, took his muftis to him at the Swedish Legation, where old friends
of ours hid him for a while and helped him plan his escape . He had no
luck, however, and was caught when trying to cross the Hungarian fron-
tier on his way toward Budapest, where his grandmother was expecting
him with Kurt and the Chrysler, en route for Copenhagen .
He spent eight months in Carol's prisons . When after two months my
wife was finally allowed to visit him, she found that his feet were in such
a state from the bastinado, the standard treatment applied to Legionar-
ies, that he was scarcely able to walk . My wife told me later that when,
thanks to a tip of 100,000 lei, she could send him some clean under-
wear, the old set they gave her was stained with the blood of the tortures
to which he had been submitted . My wife received the customary visit
from a delegate of the murder syndicate, Marinescu-Moruzov, to which
she had to pay 3,000,000 lei ($30,000) for the promise, for whatever it was
worth, that our son's life would be spared .
A few days before being confined herself to house arrest, under which
my wife spent three months, she went to see, among other foreign en-
voys, Herr Fabricius, the German Minister, to ask him to try and stop
the atrocities that were defiling the country . Herr Fabricius replied very
calmly : "You exaggerate, my dear lady, you exaggerate ."
Later, I was deeply distressed when I saw my mother-in-law arrive
alone from Budapest, where I knew she had been expecting my son . My
worries were not quieted by the news she brought with her . My anxiety
158 / The Suicide of Europe
for my son and my wife did not end until a few months later when,
after the rape of Bessarabia, Carol, knowing that further mutilations
were in store for his country, tried to "pass the buck," or at least a part
of it, to the Legionary Movement, offering it an "understanding" and
liberating the imprisoned Legionaries . Until then, the only direct news
I had received from Elie-Vlad were a few words written on the torn
page of a book that he had succeeded in smuggling past the prison's
gates : "Dear Father, if I have to meet the Grim Reaper, which might
happen at any moment, you may be sure that I will confront him with
the impassibility I owe to the name I bear ."
My first reaction to the news of the unexpected truce between the
Movement and its enemies was that of great relief. For the moment at
least, it meant the end of the menace hovering over the heads of so
many Legionaries, my son among them . But I did not get an explanation
of the decision taken by the Movement's leadership in Bucharest until
I took another trip to Berlin, where I was fully informed by my friends .
Horia Sima, one of them, had smuggled himself back into Rumania,
and by general consent had taken the lead in the Movement's activities .
After many vicissitudes he was discovered and arrested . Had this hap-
pened a few months earlier, he would have been shot immediately . But
in that summer of 1940, after the German victories and the rape of
Bessarabia, a great fear had already entered the vitals of Carol and of
his men . So when a group of friends of the Movement observed to a
certain General Bengliu, one of Carol's chief stooges, that the time had
come for less simple measures than a bullet in the neck, Sima was liber-
ated and a few days later brought to the palace with some of the prin-
cipal Legionary leaders in Bucharest.
Carol assured them immediately that his foreign policy was now per-
fectly in agreement with the views of the Movement and asked them to
participate in the formation of a new government . Sima's answer to
Carol was, in substance, as follows : Carol could organize his own police
force and take all the precautions he felt necessary for his personal
safety ; but only a Legionary Government could assure Rumania of the
respect due to an independent country firmly determined to defend itself
to the end against any aggression . Carol, who could not by nature be-
lieve anybody's sincerity, dodged this proposal and offered the Movement
some secondary responsibilities and freedom of the press . Horia Sima
and his friends reflected long and deeply ; the decision they made sprang
from only one motive, the country's welfare .
The loss of Bessarabia had left Rumania crushed with grief at the
spectacle of the suffering of the inhabitants, whose mass abductions and
mass executions had begun already, Soviet fashion . But there was also
the anxiety of the menace of other dismemberments . The storm was
Corneliu Codreanu .
Headquarters of the Legionary Movement, Casa Verde, built by the Legionaries .

The Legionary squad, photographed just before its departure to fight in Spain . In the
middle, a Legionary priest who fought as an ordinary soldier in the Spanish Civil War .
General Prince George Cantacuzene, Rumanian hero of World
War I and right arm of Codreanu .
Ion I . Mqa, second highest personality in the Legionary Movement .
Bucharest : The funeral
)f the Legionaries who
fell in Spain . (Right and

Legionaries killed and

thrown in the streets
during the huge massa-
cre of September 22,
1939 . Note the orderly
attendance and, behind
the lines of police, the
silent crowd .
Horia Sima, Codreanu's successor as head of the Legionary Movement .
Bucharest, the day of the
proclamation of the Na-
tional Legionary Gov-
ernment .

The burial of Corneliu

Codreanu .

Ceremonies when Anto-

nescu joined the Legion-
iry Movement .
Ion Antonescu, Adolf Hitler, Paul Schmidt, and the author .

The author, seated center, in Bulgaria with Legionary comrades .

The Arbitration of Vienna and the Legionary Movement / 159
roaring on all our borders . Two other neighbors were lusting after our
badly defended territories . The Italian press, in articles whose inspira-
tion was easy to identify, was openly asking for new transfers of Ruma-
nian soil to Hungary and Bulgaria . The final decision belonged, how-
ever, to Berlin . The Legionary Movement, which had not yet realized
the incapacity of the German leaders to recognize and evaluate the spir-
itual, moral and material forces in any people other than their own,
had reason to believe that a new Government composed of members of
the Movement would have some weight in Berlin regarding Germany's
decision to refuse or to accept Italy's suggestion . Trying, therefore, to
efface from their memory all recollections of the mass murders, mass tor-
tures, and mass imprisonments of which they had been the victims, the
Legionaries accepted Carol's offer to participate in the formation of a
new Government, but with one condition : his promise that not an acre
of Rumanian soil would be yielded from then on without a fight.
The Movement firmly decided not to permit Carol to go back on his
word . That is why Horia Sima, on seeing that there were neither signs
of a change of attitude among the members of the Cabinet he had con-
sented to join, nor any military preparations to cope with the new
threats, briskly resigned on August 8 from a Government in which he
had spent only a few days .
There was no dearth of ominous signs for the Rumanian people . After
the visit of Count Pal Teleki and Istvan Csaky, the Hungarian Prime
Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, respectively, the Bulgarian
Prime Minister had also been received by Hitler . The German press
relished in the publication of a complete list, by first and second name,
of the foreign agents who were busy in Rumania with various projects
of military sabotage . This press had a good laugh when our Prime Min-
ister, Gigurtu, and our Minister of Foreign Affairs, Manoilescu, an-
nounced the withdrawal of Rumania from the League of Nations, whose
existence at that time had been forgotten by everybody . Nobody in Ru-
mania doubted that the country was again on the eve of a grave decision ;
but nowhere except in the Legionary Movement did one observe a de-
termination to face the decisive moment with the fortitude of those who
are prepared to fight, impossible though victory might seem . The Move-
ment decided, therefore, that Carol had to go .
Only those who have been continuously mistaken or misinformed
about the nature of the relations between the Movement and the Ger-
man Government could have wondered at the fact that all during this
period, and even at the moment of Carol's overthrow by the Legionaries,
Germany had continuously backed Carol and not the Movement . For
the well informed, there had been only two incidences of real collabora-
tion between the Movement and the Germans : The time the German
160 / The Suicide of Europe
Government put its system of transportation at the disposal of the Le-
gionary Movement for the transfer to Rumania of those killed in Spain ;
and the time, nine years later during the last months of the war, when
Hitler and Ribbentrop asked the Movement's leaders, those in German
concentration camps and those who were free, if they were prepared to
raise again the flag that King Michael and his advisers had hurriedly
hurled away.
The true intentions of Carol and his ministers had never escaped Hit-
ler. He was finding, however, in the very duplicity of their attitude an
element of debility that permitted him to secure all the raw material
Rumania could offer him . The feelings of the Fiihrer towards Carol and
his emasculated Government can be understood . What cannot be under-
stood, and what was one of the imponderables that brought the ruin of
the Germans, was and is the arbitration of Vienna, by which the German
and Italian arbiters, Herr Ribbentrop and Count Ciano, tore away an-
other part of Rumania, almost half of Transylvania, and gave it to Hun-
gary . Hitler, yielding to Mussolini's and Ciano's pressures, was maiming
materially and morally the country that would be his only serious ally
in the war against Soviet Russia, the only war he really wanted .
After my dismissal, I had kept very friendly relations and continuous
contacts with my German and Italian colleagues . I had expressed several
times to them my amazement at the sympathies their governments
seemed to entertain toward Carol . They answered with the same argu-
ments that were used by the German and Italian representatives in
Bucharest when advising the Legionary leaders . Carol's departure could
provoke chaos . We had better, therefore, come to an understanding with
him . It was not difficult to see that the real explanation for Rome's and
Berlin's objections to an overthrow of Carol by the Movement was their
conviction that Carol would accept, without resorting to arms, the new
sacrifices that the Central Powers were about to ask from Rumania .
In a rather animated discussion with Giuseppe Sapuppo, the Italian
Envoy, I reiterated my conviction that only Carol's departure could re-
store decency, order, and tranquility to Rumania and assure the respect
of our frontiers ; I communicated to him at the same time my intention
to return immediately to Bucharest . The next day, when I sent my pass-
port to the German Legation, this document was returned to me with a
very courteous note that at that time the Legation was not able to grant
me the visa, which they had, until then, so often given me . I will add
immediately that my friend Sapuppo confessed later to me that it was
his intervention that had provoked this temporary embargo .
The result of the Vienna Arbitration was phoned to me by one of the
counsellors of the German Legation . In my indignation I shouted at
him, "With that, you have lost the warl" I did not know that at about
The Arbitration of Vienna and the Legionary Movement / 161
the same moment Count Miklos Banfy, the former Minister of Foreign
Affairs of Hungary, was telling our Charge d'Affaires in Budapest, Dan
Geblescu : "This arbitration means the end of our two countries ." Count
Banfy's reasoning was very likely identical with mine . The new configu-
ration given in Vienna to the Rumanian-Hungarian boundaries, the
new loss of population inflicted on Rumania with the corresponding
loss of recruiting material, and more than anything else the cruel and
thoughtless blow delivered to Rumania's national pride and the legiti-
mate wrath and hate it provoked, could only result in a dangerous dim-
inution of our country's value as a natural bulwark against Soviet
ambitions, which were as dangerous for Rumania as for Hungary, and,
in the final analysis, for Germany .'
I was informed the same day that the German Legation was expecting
my passport . In Berlin where I met my wife, who was no longer under
house arrest, I had a remarkable encounter, the importance of which I
grasped only a few months later, on an official visit to the Reich's capital .
I personally came in contact with the Canaris conspiracy in the first
days of September 1940. It started, however, in the very first hours of the
Second World War and its consequences are still molding modern his-
tory. With the treatment inflicted on the Russian population by the
German forces and Italy's foolish expedition against Greece, it had been
one of the three principal factors that saved the Communist world from
utter destruction at the hands of the German Army .
As mentioned earlier, the international situation had brought me sev-
eral times from Copenhagen to Berlin, where as a free agent I hoped to
be able to establish with the German Government some useful contacts
for my country. I had found every door closed to me . I was rather aston-
ished, therefore, when I received the visit of a certain Captain Muller
who informed me that Admiral Wilhelm Canaris wanted to see me at my
earliest convenience .
Admiral Canaris was the head of the Abwehr-Dienst, the intelligence
service of the Wehrmacht, and one of the less accessible men in Ger-
1 Count Pal Teleki, the Hungarian Prime Minister, was a better European than Rib-
bentrop or Ciano . In March 1940 he declared to the latter : "I will do nothing against
Rumania, as I do not want to be responsible, even indirectly, for having opened the
gates of Europe to Soviet Russia . Nobody would forgive me for that, not even Ger-
many." It would not be fair to censure Count Teleki for having accepted, a few months
later, that half of Transylvania which Ciano and Ribbentrop offered him on a silver
tray at Vienna, for meanwhile Carol's Rumania had proved to be a very poor watcher
at the gates of Europe . But Teleki's statement to Ciano perhaps explains the Hun-
garian Prime Minister's suicide at the moment of the invasion of Yugoslavia, when
Hungary was asked to participate, at least by permitting German troops to cross her
territory, in this military operation provoked by Italy's absurd pretensions upon Cro-
atia and large Balkan territories . It seems that with a remarkable sagacity Teleki had
foreseen that the unfortunate Balkan expedition would bring the triumph of Commu-
nism in Eastern Europe.
162 / The Suicide of Europe
many . The proposed interview was of special interest to me as I had not
solicited it, and I was told that Canaris had recently met some important
Rumanian personality . "You will soon be back in Rumania," the Admi-
ral told me . "You will very likely be given an important office . For the
sake of our common interests, I ask you to promise that you will do your
best to protect Moruzov's life and liberty ."
That was, indeed, the last topic I would have imagined the Admiral
wanted to discuss with me . Moruzov had been one of Carol's chief execu-
tioners in the still recent massacre . A former Soviet official who migrated
to Rumania in 1919, Moruzov was employed by the Rumanian state
police, first as a simple informer, then in more important functions .
King Carol, to everyone's astonishment, had suddenly appointed him
chief of our army's intelligence service, a post corresponding to Canaris'
post in Germany .
I reminded the Admiral of the part Moruzov had played in the recent
massacres, and also of his dubious origin . I informed him that some time
ago one of Moruzov's chiefs had singled him out to me as a probable dou-
ble agent . The Admiral was adamant and insisted with such vehemence
that I finally asked him why he was attributing such importance to Mo-
ruzov's welfare . "Because," he told me, "it is through Moruzov that we
have the best information concerning Soviet Russia's military prepara-
tions ."
Before leaving Berlin, we again received a visit from Captain Muller,
bearer once more of his chief's insistences . We asked him to lunch, and
the conversation that ensued left my wife and me perplexed .
Captain Muller informed us that Great Britain had never been and
would never be defeated . He added : "What I am about to tell you, com-
ing from a Prussian officer, might perhaps be considered as an act of
high treason . Pay attention however . Don't, under any circumstances,
take the responsibility, as Minister of Foreign Affairs for your country,
of pushing it into a war where you will have Great Britain as an adver-
sary. You will be crushed ; Great Britain is always victorious ."
I must confess that at that time I did not attach too great an impor-
tance to Muller's statements . I attributed them to the commendable de-
sire of an intelligence agent to probe the political beliefs of Rumania's
next Minister of Foreign Affairs ; and I answered him accordingly . My
wife thought otherwise . She had a much less favorable, and even an omi-
nous, interpretation of Muller's indiscretions, which showed again the
genuineness of a woman's intuition . I had not the faintest idea that I
had been in contact with the greatest spy ring and traitors known to the
military history of any country .
When the news reached Bucharest that Carol's delegates in Vienna
meekly accepted another intolerable mutilation of our territory, a wave
The Arbitration of Vienna and the Legionary Movement / 163
of horror and of indignation swept the country . It was the Legionary
Movement that took the lead in the following rebellion, for which it
had been preparing itself since Sima's resignation from the ephemeral
appeasement Cabinet. The general mobilization of the Movement was
ordered . It was to the shouts of "Not an acre morel" and "Fight or got"
and with posters bearing the same slogans, that thousands of Legionaries
came out into the streets and that the Royal Palace, against which a
few symbolic warning shots were fired, was besieged . When Carol asked
General Coroama, the Commander of the Bucharest Army Corps, if he
was prepared to order the troops to fire against the rioters, the General
answered in the negative .
The well-organized movement spread all over the country . In Con-
stanta and Brasov several Legionaries were wounded or killed in the en-
counters with the army and the state police . The Legionary insurrection
proved uncontrollable, and Carol had to leave in haste with his mis-
tress (the latter, the greatest nuisance our country has ever known) and
with a last and not unimportant piece of booty : paintings by masters
that his granduncle, King Carol I, had donated to the nation .
The enemies of the Legionary Movement did not fail to spread, by
commission and omission, an incredibly distorted version of what hap-
pened in Bucharest and in Rumania in those first days of September
1940 . They fabricated a supposed collaboration between the Movement
and German authorities, with Carol's expulsion as a common purpose .
Somewhat contradictorily, they tried to diminish or deny the part played
by the Movement in this eviction, attributing it principally to General
Antonescu's activity .
The truth is that far from helping the Movement in its violent reac-
tion to the Vienna Arbitration, the German authorities in Berlin and
the German representative in Bucharest urged the Legionary leaders,
until the last moment, to reach an understanding with Carol, of whose
servility they were by then assured. Infiltrieren nicht sturtzen ("Infil-
trate, don't overthrow .") was what we heard continuously until the mo-
ment Carol, in another panic, packed off again for more restful shores.
What the slanderers want to consign to oblivion is the fact that the
Legionary Movement, so often accused of being a regional office of Na-
tional Socialism, had been the only Rumanian political group to ask
that the Vienna Arbitration be resisted with all our armed forces ; which
meant war not only with Hungary, but also with Germany .
It was this same recommendation of conciliation that the leaders of
the Movement received from General Antonescu, until the General un-
derstood that the Movement, around which the whole country, military
and civilians, had gathered, would never countenance his personal ambi-
tions as long as he continued to advocate a hybrid solution for this final
164 / The Suicide o f Europe
crisis. Without the support of the Movement, Antonescu had no way of
forcing Carol to give up part of his royal authority . Antonescu had no
support in the army, where he was cordially and unanimously detested
under the nickname Cainele Rosu ("the Red Dog") . His popularity in
the country was nil at best. What was perfectly true, however, was that
the General had taken very clever advantage of the situation .
I saw Herr Ribbentrop before leaving for Bucharest, where Horia
Sima had urgently summoned me . Present at the interview from the
German side was State Secretary Wilhelm Keppler. I was accompanied
by the Legionary, Victor Vojen .
After the usual preliminaries, the following dialogue took place be-
tween the German Foreign Minister and this writer .
RIBBENTROP : "I was informed that your Movement intended to
resist, with arms in hand, the Vienna Arbitration . If this is true, I can
only attribute it to the youth of your organization ."
STURDZA : "I am glad, Mr . Minister, to be able to dispel your doubts .
I can assure you that if the Legionary Movement had had the decision
to make, the Rumanian Army would have opposed with all its force
both invasions, that of Bessarabia and that of Transylvania . I can assure
you also that if we should be the Government of tomorrow, no further
violation of our frontiers will be permitted without armed resistance .
This corresponds I believe with Germany's interest, since in Vienna you
guaranteed the inviolability of the territory you left us ."
I had further opportunities to meet Herr Ribbentrop, and he always
impressed me as a dreamer, a dreamer of Germanic dreams, a patriot
who lived, as I am sure he died, with his pensive gaze still on the unat-
tainable vision .

the Insane Leader

Marshal Antonescu was an historical calamity . In the

final analysis he caused Rumania as much evil as did
Carol. He created the climate in which the conspiracy
of August 23, 1944, was born and prospered . He al-
lowed contacts to be established between irresponsible
persons and organizations and the enemy, in the ab-
surd hope that the country's independence could be
saved that way . He allowed himself to be surrounded
by people in the service of the adversary, and he gave
them access to the most confidential state affairs and
to the management of military operations .
By his lack of reaction to the activities of the en-
emy agents he favored defeatism, he weakened the
inner resistance of the State, disorganized its institu-
tions, and permitted thereby the carrying out of the
coup d'etat of August 23 .
By removing the Legionaries from his Government
and keeping them in prison until the outbreak of the
catastrophe, he sabotaged the last possible means of
saving his country .
Finally, he was himself the victim of the political
system he had created . He was devoured by the
sharks he had gathered around himself.
Horia SIMA
Cazul Iorga-Madgearu
Nobody tried to help him . Not even his personal
guard . The only persons who would have assisted
him in the hour of need, the Legionaries, were in
prison, had been sent to the front in special extermi-
nation battalions, or were biting their nails in Ger-
man concentration camps.
As Commander-in-Chief of our fighting forces, no-
body had the right to rebel against him. It was a
sacred and elementary duty for every citizen after the
beginning of war not to have other preoccupations
than what was happening at the front, putting off
any personal dispute . The man who had declared
war had all of its historical responsibility, and he
alone was entitled to decide when and how this war
ought to end.
Raging in our misery, we did not undertake any
action that could have harmed the conduct of the
military operations . In what concerns the war he was
leading in the East, we were in complete accord with
the Marshal, despite the fact that his political titles
were not quite in order .
We considered the war he was leading like an his-
torical necessity and as an integral part of our doc-
trine . And we condemn without any qualification
those who from the positions where they have suc-
ceeded to creep, substituted their authority for that
of the Marshal.
Horia SIMA
Cazul Iorga-Madgearu

A Tortured Man

W e have often been asked why we chose Antonescu as Prime

Minister . The answer is that we did not choose him ; we accepted him
as the most expedient and, after all, apparently unobjectionable solu-
tion to the crisis provoked by Carol's departure .
Carol, before being forced to leave, had delegated the greatest part of
his constitutional prerogatives to Antonescu . Thanks to the General's
maneuvering ability, he was able to avail himself of the state of panic
into which the Legionary insurrection had thrown the King, and to
wring from him this delegation of power . In other words, Antonescu's
loot was a clear case of the chestnuts pulled out of the fire .
It had always been the intention of the Movement to put a General at
the head of the first Legionary Government . We would not, very likely,
have chosen Antonescu, but on the other hand we had no categorical
objection to him . We knew that he had been a partisan of Titulescu's
foreign policy, but we attributed it principally to his ingeniousness in
such matters . We knew that he had never been a friend of the Move-
ment, but we decided to accept his present declaration of friendship . It
happened also that the German Government and its representatives in
Bucharest had come to consider him a safe bet, including in their trust
a certain Mihai Antonescu, said to be perhaps a distant relative of the
General's and in any case one of the latter's intimate collaborators, who
four years earlier had published a book which supported Titulescu's
policy and in which he urged "the promptest possible annihilation of
National Socialist Germany"1 But we knew that General Antonescu was
a man of indisputable personal correctitude as opposed as the Move-
ment to the corruption and immorality of Carol's era . We decided there-
fore to be completely satisfied with his solemn promises, oral and writ-
168 / The Suicide of Europe
ten, of loyal collaboration with the Movement in both foreign and
domestic policy .
I have often thought of writing a book, a product that would be en-
titled Heroes and Scoundrels I Have Known . Antonescu would be the
most difficult case to classify . The following three incidences will show
how difficult it was for those who knew him to decide what sort of person
he really was .
We were attending a Cabinet Council . The General had asked for some
expense reductions that were, I thought, not quite in agreement with what
ought to have been our attitude toward the Rumanian victims of past
and present Hungarian injustices in Transylvania . Antonescu, red in the
face, interrupted me, shouting, "Why life annuities for them? What life
annuity do I receive for that bullet in my head?" At the end of the meet-
ing I told General Pantazi, the Minister of National Defense, that I had
not known General Antonescu had been a war casualty . "War casualty
my eye!" answered the General . "He fell on his head at a horse show in
Brasov." General Antonescu, one of the most blatant liars I have ever
known, nevertheless did not lie in such circumstances . He really believed
he had been gravely wounded in imaginary circumstances rather than in
a simple riding accident for the former was more in accord with the fig-
ure he wanted to establish in the history of his country .
On the day after a Legionary manifestation that ended in loud accla-
mations for his person, the General sent his tanks and battalions in a
surprise attack against the Movement all over the country and arrested
as many of his Ministers as he could lay his hands on . He had no other
motive for this coup d'etat than his firm intention not to share with
Codreanu's Movement, and with Codreanu's memory the glory of a vic-
tory on the Russian battlefield, which he believed to be near at hand . By
his new attacks he threw the country into the agony of new disturbances
on the eve of a fateful war .
Sold by his King to his direst enemies, the Soviets, abandoned by all
those with whom he had surrounded himself after his onslaught against
the Legionaries who would not have abandoned him even in the last mo-
ment of a lost war, Antonescu stands erect and disdainful, facing a firing
squad of foreign riffraff rigged out in Rumanian uniforms . No Ruma-
nian soldiers had been found for this business . The General shouts with
a loud voice, "Straight to the heart, vermin! It is a Rumanian heart!"
After so many years of becalming wrath and cooling indignation, I
believe that justice asks that this be the memory we keep of the betrayed
General . Yes, this heart was indeed a Rumanian heart .
General Antonescu was a tortured man, tortured by the well-known
symptoms of the illness of which he was a victim ; tortured by a bound-
less ambition and ego, signs of a growing paranoia ; tortured, more than
A Tortured Man / 169
anything else, by his irrational jealousy of Codreanu, a man Antonescu
saw as blocking his way to personal glory and fame, a man against whom
no intrigues, no breaking of promises, no coup d'etat and certainly no
assassination could be of any avail . He never understood that the words
with which the Legionaries greeted one another and with which they
insisted on addressing him, "Long live the Legion and the Captain,"
were the best guarantee of the Movement's fidelity to his own person .
After Carol's departure, the first problem that the Movement and the
General had to discuss was that of the Crown ; they came to an under-
standing quite easily . Both the Movement and the General believing
that it would not be fair to ask the son to pay for the sins of the father,
decided to recognize Michael as King, de jure and de facto . They even
asked the new King to sanction the written agreement that determined
the conditions of the collaboration between the General and the Move-
ment .
I had an interesting experience when I presented myself for the first
time to the General as his Minister of Foreign Affairs . The reader will
recall, perhaps, my first meeting with Antonescu, which was in my broth-
er's house . It was at the height of my fight against Titulescu's policy . Of
the persons I tried to convince of its undesirability, Dinu Bratianu, the
chief of the Liberal Party, and General Antonescu, both future victims
of Communist terror, were those who rejected my arguments with the
most vehemence . The General had cut short our discussion with a per-
emptory "Never against Francel" forgetting that Soviet Russia, not
France, was our neighbor and our enemy . I was rather surprised, there-
fore, when the General did not give any sign of being aware that we had
already met . I was even more surprised when he delivered for my benefit
a lecture against what he called "the romantic policy," the very policy
he had so fervently supported four or five years earlier .
A few days later, I received a reprimand from the General when, at a
diplomatic reception, after warmly shaking hands with the Dutch En-
voy, I had a longer talk with him in order to thank him for his help
during my son's attempt to leave the country . That was, the General
told me, what he meant by a "romantic policy ." What could the German
Envoy, who was also present at the ceremony, think of such a demon-
stration of friendship toward the minister of a country that was occupied
by German troops?
A series of quarrels followed between the General and this writer, each
provoked by the General and, with occasional intermissions of more
gracious relations, each more serious than the former . The General, who
for years had been Military Attache in London and could not, therefore,
have been totally ignorant of diplomatic lore and manners, had taken to
ordering me to go to various legations to tell or ask this or that of the
170 / The Suicide of Europe
respective envoys . I never did, of course, but rather I asked the foreign
envoys, as had always and everywhere been the custom, to come and see
me, or I arranged things by phone when it was feasible . "Why didn't
you go to the airport to receive Herr von Papen?" the General asked
me once during a Cabinet Council . I explained to him that it was not
for me to do that, and that Herr Papen had quite correctly paid me
a visit. "You did not go," growled the General, "because you are a dirty
boyard ." I decided to take it as a compliment in disguise .
For reasons of economy, Antonescu had decided to lower the status of
our embassies to that of legations . I objected that this degradation of
our diplomatic representation abroad, just after having been robbed of
four provinces, might give the impression that we had admitted the per-
petuity of those spoliations and of the corresponding diminution of our
country's political importance, an attitude that I knew contradicted the
position the General had always maintained. I tried also to oppose the
suppression of our Legation in Helsinki, explaining that the position of
our two countries toward Soviet Russia had been, and very likely would
soon be again, exactly the same . In both cases the General held to his
original decision . I had the uncanny feeling that Antonescu opposed my
suggestions not because of any lack of merit but because they came from
General Antonescu's attitude toward me, his Minister of Foreign Af-
fairs, seems perhaps too personal a thing to deserve so much attention .
However, along with a similar attitude toward his Minister of Inte-
rior, General Petrovicescu, it was an early indication of Antonescu's hid-
den intentions, intentions he had held from the moment he signed the
written contract with Horia Sima . General Petrovicescu and I, the for-
mer in the field of internal security and intelligence, the latter in that of
foreign information and activity, represented the first two stumbling
blocks in the way of Antonescu's morbid ambitions, the fulfillment of
which required the previous destruction of the Legionary Movement .
For the execution of his project the General had in Herr Fabricius,
the German Envoy, a most efficient helper . I had had an unpleasant ex-
perience with the German Envoy at the time of the funeral of the Le-
gionaries who had fallen in Spain . Instead of answering with proper
dignity, as did his Spanish and Polish colleagues, the reproaches of our
Minister of Foreign Affairs concerning his presence at the religious cere-
mony that terminated the Legionary demonstration, Herr Fabricius pre-
ferred to hide behind me, pretending that I had invited him officially to
attend, which was a total fabrication .
There were other experiences concerning Herr Fabricius's behavior
that brought him especially to my attention : there was his attitude of
complete indifference concerning Carol's treatment of the Legion and
A Tortured Man / 171
his friendly relations with our enemies . The "Egeria" of the German
Legation was an intimate friend of Madame Lupescu's . Nevertheless,
when the German Envoy came to me, almost in tears, complaining that
his position as German Minister was endangered because Horia Sima,
the Vice President of the National Legionary Government, had not yet
received him, I helped to arrange the desired and indispensable inter-
view . But I could not help availing myself of this opportunity to remind
him that he had continuously opposed the Movement in its fight against
Carol. Herr Fabricius referred to orders received, and with a frankness
for which I am still grateful, he added, "This way, at least, nobody can
pretend that you ousted your King and came to power with foreign
help ."
The Vice President received Herr Fabricius, and great was his mistake
and mine . The departure of the German Minister at that moment would
not have had any important consequences . His recall a few months later,
however, started the series of events that brought the final break between
the General and ourselves ; and his intrigues up to his last moment in
Bucharest helped considerably to make it impossible to repair later this
separation .
Between the General and his Minister of Foreign Affairs there had been
only one serious divergence of opinion concerning questions of a political
character . This difference of opinion was born of our different reactions
to the Vienna Arbitration.
The General's response was of a purely oratorical nature . Quite right-
fully, and with an impressive eloquence, he availed himself of every
opportunity to blast against that unfortunate piece of political imbecil-
ity, disastrous for every party concerned, Hungary included . I was of the
opinion that those very justified condemnations did not take advantage
of what the Vienna Arbitration offered to us as maneuvering possibili-
ties. There was an important part of the Vienna text of which we could
try to make use : This was the guarantee of our frontiers, by Germany, as
they existed after the rape of Bessarabia and Bucovina and after the
Vienna Arbitration .
This guarantee had not been given by Germany just to please us ; it
protected vital German interests. The occupation of Bessarabia by the
Soviets before the time stipulated in the Ribbentrop-Molotov Agreement,
and the rape of a part of Bucovina, which had not been foreseen by the
German Foreign Minister, were more than enough to provoke alarm
among the German military circles and within the party . Germany
could not permit the Soviets to get one step nearer our oil producing
provinces, or to control the Danube by getting hold of the three branches
of the delta .
It has always been my opinion that Germany ought to have started
172 / The Suicide of Europe
her war against Soviet Russia one year earlier, giving up any idea of an
offensive operation in the west . A Western offensive could have had only
one justification : the prelude to an invasion of Great Britain . Concern-
ing the matter of a two-front war, the occupation of France and the
garrisoning of the Atlantic walls deprived Germany of more divisions
than would have been necessary to defend the Siegfried Line against a
France that manifestly did not want to start a real fight .
From our point of view, in any case, World War II did not present
any interest other than that of the inevitability of a conflict between
National Socialist Germany and Communist Russia . Indeed, unless a
German-Soviet war ended with a German victory, Rumania's fate, as
subsequent events have demonstrated, could only be that of being the
fourth European country, after Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, to be en-
tirely swallowed by the Communist flood .
It was my conviction, therefore, that after the Vienna Arbitration our
policy should have been to try to bring about, as soon as possible, a
German-Soviet armed conflict by taking advantage of the guarantee
this arbitration had given us . Enough opportunities were offered by the
behavior of the Russian troops at our new frontiers . The Soviet's pre-
tension when they presented their ultimatum, went no further south
than the line of mid-current of the northern branch of the Danube
delta, the Kiliya branch . This moderation was, probably, to be attributed
to their desire not to provoke too early a German reaction . Nevertheless,
since the first days of the National Legionary Government, Soviet troops
had been making continuous incursions on the fluvial islands close to
our shores, and sometimes onto those shores themselves. There were, for
us, two possible reactions : We could consider those incursions as simple
frontier incidents, or we could consider them as real acts of aggression,
answering them with the means, and in the form, corresponding to such
a situation .
We could have created, therefore, a state of war that would have
eventually involved German forces . And this was what I favored., The
General and Fabricius were of quite a different opinion, and I must
admit that they both had excellent reasons for that . As a military man,
Antonescu was taking into account, first of all, the state of unprepared-
ness in which the Carol regime had left our army, and Fabricius could
only defend the procrastinating program adopted by his Government .
One night, however, instead of limiting themselves to the customary
harassment, the Soviets, after intense artillery bombardment, attacked
in battalion force and occupied a large part of Rumanian territory,
I To snatch a morsel of Rumania's territory had become quite a habit with her
neighbors . I thought it imperative-quite independently of other considerations-to
give warning without delay that those times were over .
A Tortured Man / 173
killing or capturing the soldiers at our outposts . General Antonescu was
ill, confined to his bed at Predeal, a mountain resort in the Carpathians .
The chief of our General Staff, who arrived in the early morning with
two other Generals, consulted me about the kind of answer I thought
we should give the Soviets . I asked them if they had at hand the neces-
sary artillery and the necessary troops . At their affirmative answer I
expressed my astonishment that that piece of Rumanian real estate was
not already back in our hands .
The army had been deeply shocked and humiliated at being ordered
to abandon without a fight first our eastern provinces and then Transyl-
vania; therefore, the Generals left the Foreign Ministry exulting at the
authorization they had received from the Foreign Minister himself to
get even, if in a small way, with their abhorred neighbors . Things would
have followed as they and I would have liked if by ill-luck they had not
met, on their way out of my office, a certain General Steflea, an Anto-
nescu crony who later was the first to betray him in his hour of need .
Steflea immediately phoned the alarming news to Antonescu, at Predeal .
Antonescu ordered our troops to leave the Soviets where they were and
scolded me by phone for the initiative I had permitted myself to take .
Fabricius came to see me and insisted on the necessity of keeping things
nice and peaceful at our eastern borders, alluding vaguely to certain
negotiations then taking place .
The Soviets kept their booty, and the German-Russian war started
only nine months later . But I still keep asking myself what would have
happened if it had broken out in the fall of 1940, before the nonsensical
Italian campaign against Greece, which forced Hitler to send over the
Danube more than forty divisions that ought to have been used on the
Eastern Front, and before Antonescu's coup d'etat against the Legion
left him, in the long run, at the mercy of his enemies .
The sending in 1940 of about three German tank units to Rumania
was requested by us . Those units, and the accompanying military agree-
ment, were the best guarantee we could have against new Soviet attempts .
If Germany had sent us four or five divisions instead, we would have
felt still safer. There never was a German occupation of Rumania, as
there never was a British occupation of France . The Little Entente, the
Balkan Alliance, the French Alliance, had fallen, as Codreanu had fore-
seen, like houses of cards at the first puff of the hurricane . Against the
perils of the hour, and against those of the approaching war in the east,
our only ally was Germany . German troops were in Rumania as allied
forces against a common enemy-until the moment that the irresponsi-
ble Michael, and the fearmongers and recreants who controlled him,
joined forces with the enemy.
It was not the fault of the Rumanian people, and still less that of
174 / The Suicide of Europe
the Legionary Movement, that Rumania did not accept Germany's offer
four years earlier, when friendly relations between Germany and Poland
would have permitted the constitution of the only possible concentration
of forces able to defeat Communist Russia without her friends in the west
daring to come to her rescue .

Bloodshed in Transylvania,
Visit to Rome-The Two Forums

B esides the menace at our eastern borders, we had as a major

worry the brutality with which Hungarian authorities were thrusting
their domination upon the Rumanian population in the territories
granted them by the Vienna Arbitration . Although there was no com-
parison between the behavior of those authorities and the evils, the
process of uprooting and annihilation to which the people of Bessarabia
and Bucovina were submitted by the Soviets, we could not let this mat-
ter pass without protesting to those who had guaranteed a fair execu-
tion of the Vienna decisions .
The arable land that had been distributed by Rumanian agrarian
reform throughout the country, Transylvania included, to all our peas-
ants without distinction of national origin (Rumanians, Hungarians,
Germans) was taken away by Hungarian authorities from the Rumanians
who had tilled it for more than twenty years and who considered it their
legitimate property . This, and other vexations, had provoked bloody
incidents . We already knew of several Rumanians killed and wounded
when the news came of a village in which almost the whole male popu-
lation had been massacred by Hungarian soldiers .
It was easy this time to convince the General of the proper procedure
to follow. Along with a guarantee of our existing frontier, Berlin and
Rome guaranteed in the Vienna Arbitration the humane treatment of
those Rumanians who were under Hungarian administration . In two
almost identical letters to Herr Ribbentrop and Count Ciano, after de-
scribing as accurately as possible the violence and persecution to which
Rumanians were submitted, I urged the formation of a German-Italian
commission to check the veracity of my information, to make proper
176 / The Suicide o f Europe
remonstrances to Budapest, to stop further atrocities, and to force Buda-
pest to indemnify the victims . In order to prevent too long a delay in get-
ting the answers, I dispatched Manoilescu, my predecessor at the Foreign
Office, with the letter to Ciano, and Valer Pop, a former Undersecretary
of State, with the one to Ribbentrop . The required members of the com-
mission-Minister Roggieri for the Italian Government, Minister Alten-
burg for the German Government-were not long in presenting them-
selves at my office .
It was decided that they would also visit the part of Transylvania
that was still in our possession so that they could see how we were treat-
ing our minorities . I took care of all of the necessary arrangements for
their journey . They had to be accompanied by both Rumanian and
Hungarian officials . Mr. Alexandru Randa, who headed the Rumanian
group, followed scrupulously the instructions he received : to limit him-
self to the geographical and material indications necessary for the in-
vestigation, but to avoid any aggravating comments concerning the
investigated lawlessnesses and, still more, any tirade concerning the in-
justice of the Vienna Arbitration . I was of the opinion that this was too
important and solemn a subject to allow an opportunity for an incident,
and wanted to avoid any verbal, or other, conflicts between the accom-
panying Rumanian and Hungarian officials .
The day before they left Bucharest for their tour of inspection, I
invited the German and Italian delegates to the Ministry, and before
them and their travel companions, I pointed once more on the map to
the places where violence had occurred and Rumanian blood had been
shed . I described as accurately as I could the nature of the information
we had received concerning those excesses . At the end of this first part of
the meeting, Minister Altenburg, whom I was later to meet again in
most tragic circumstances for our two countries, addressed me with the
following words : "Although this is not a part of our mission, we would
like to have your opinion concerning the way in which you believe the
Rumanian-Hungarian problem could be solved with both sides suffi-
ciently satisfied so that this solution might be considered as final ."
I was prepared for such a turn in our discussions, and with an ethno-
graphical map by the famous German geographer Justus Perth be-
fore us, it was not difficult to demonstrate that the desired solution was
not, in any case, that which had been found in Vienna . The new ethno-
graphical distribution represented such an injustice for the Rumanian
element that there was no reason to hope that the inner popular pressure
and the outer political pressure we were able and determined to main-
tain would ease up at any moment in the years to come . On the other
hand the configuration of the new borders made the defense of the
Bloodshed in Transylvania, Visit to Rome / 177
territory given to Hungary an absolutely impossible proposition from a
military point of view .
As for Herr Altenburg's question concerning the frontiers we were
prepared to accept, I answered that they could not be very different
from those the two countries had before the Vienna Arbitration . We
could not consider changes other than small local rectifications, made
on the basis of strict reciprocity and taking into account the ethnic
character of the villages involved.
Both Herr Altenburg and Signor Roggieri left me with the impression
that they were considering their mission with open and impartial minds .
Minister Altenburg, before leaving for Berlin, sent me a message through
Alexandru Randa and complimented me on the exactness of the infor-
mation I had given him, saying, "Not a corpse less or more than you
told us ." We were not astonished therefore when about a week after the
end of the Altenburg-Roggieri investigation, we received from our Envoy
in Berlin, Constantin Grecianu, the news that the report of the com-
mission was entirely favorable to our position .
But the Altenburg-Roggieri mission was about to end otherwise . Both
the Rumanian and the Hungarian officials who accompanied the foreign
investigators maintained gentlemenly relations and a dignified attitude
during the whole trip . But in the Oradea Mare station, at the Rumanian-
Hungarian frontier, Mrs . Goga, the wife of the former Prime Minister,
appeared in flowing black veils and crepe . Obstinately barring the way
of the two delegates, she delivered a thundering and accusing harangue
and did exactly what I had instructed my people not to do, namely,
another speech a la Antonescu upon the injustice of the Vienna Arbi-
tration . All the efforts of Randa were needed after that to prevent the two
infuriated delegates from immediately abandoning their mission .
When I referred the result of the investigation to the Cabinet Council
I could not help mentioning this incident and the unpleasant conse-
quences it might have provoked . I learned that it was Antonescu who had
sent Mrs . Goga, one of the Movement's staunchest enemies and a great
favorite of General and Madame Antonescu, on her oratorical mission .
The General provisionally scored a point, however, when, alluding to the
good news Grecianu had sent us, he observed that if the investigation
were to end favorably for us, it would not be because of the way I had
prepared it, but because our grievances were so well grounded .
Meanwhile the General and I had received an invitation from the
Italian Government . Before leaving for Rome we had the full official
text of the final Altenburg-Roggieri report . It was quite different from
the one that our Minister in Berlin had perused at the Wilhelmstrasse .
I congratulated myself for not having tried to deprive the General of
178 / The Suicide of Europe
the small revenge he had taken on me at my mention of the Goga in-
cident to the Cabinet Council .

It is said that when, after the occupation of Austria in 1936, which

occurred without the expected Mussolini opposition, Hitler wired him,
"Duce, I will never forget thatl" Mussolini, vigorously striking his desk,
exploded, "Christo la Madonna, neither will l!"
If this is not true, it is nevertheless to the point . Mussolini's conduct
since then seemed indeed to have been always determined by the fixed
idea of never letting Hitler outpoint him at the game of force . It was
this political incentive that caused him to commit his first major mis-
take with his disgraceful, ridiculous and sterile aggression against a
France that was already defeated. He thereby abandoned, despite Hitler's
exhortations, his policy of non-belligerency, which would have guaran-
teed him the position of a pacifier or even of an arbiter among the
embattled powers .
We have it from the most authoritative sources that it was this same
desire to "keep up with" the Fiihrer, who had "occupied" Rumania,
that influenced Il Duce, again against Hitler's advice, to try to occupy
Greece, a fantastic and disastrous decision that, with the treatment of
the Russian population by German forces and Canaris' treason, was
one of the three principal factors in Germany's defeat and in Commu-
nism's victory .
From Count Ciano's diary :

October 8, 1940
A telephone call from Il Duce, requesting that we take action in Ru-
mania to elicit a request for Italian troops . He is very angry because only
German forces are present in the Rumanian oil regions . The step is delicate
and difficult, but I imagine that Ghigi will carry it through all right .
From October 12, 1940
But above all he [Il Duce] is indignant at the German occupation [sic]
of Rumania Hitler always favors me with a fait accompli. This time
I am going to pay him back in his own coin . He will find out from the
papers that I have occupied Greece ."'

Ghigi, the Italian Envoy in Bucharest, could not carry it through be-
cause we did not want any "occupation" troops in our territory . As for
the Italian surprise attack against Greece, it turned into a victorious
surprise counterattack . The Italian troops were saved only by a massive
German intervention, which had a fatal effect on Germany's general
strategy for the war in eastern Europe.
3 Count Galeazzo Ciano, The Ciano Diaries, 1939-1943, Hugh Gibson, ed . (Garden
City, New York, Doubleday & Company, Inc ., 1946), pp. 299, 300.
Bloodshed in Transylvania, Visit to Rome / 179
Our visit in Rome from November 13 to November 17, 1940, coincided
not only with the first debacle of this inglorious expedition, but also
with the destruction by the RAF of the battleship Cavour, the glory
and pride of the Italian Navy. I did not know whether it was our mutual
indignation over the change, under Italian inspiration, of the text of
the Altenburg-Roggieri report, or the circumstance that the General
was removed from the influence of his evil genius Mihai Antonescu and
was surrounded only by Legionaries, but the fact is that our personal
relations had never been warmer than during our trip to Rome . It was,
comparatively, a pleasant journey, interrupted only by two incidents
in which I was not directly involved, but so characteristic of the Gen-
eral's mentality that I cannot help but record them .
The official of the protocol department of the Italian Foreign Office
who boarded our train in Florence handed us the written program of
our reception in the Rome railway station and informed us that the
General and I would both have to detrain from the General's car . The
General insisted that each detrain from his own private car. Protocol
convinced him finally that it would have been difficult for Mussolini and
Ciano to run from one car to another in order to greet us both with the
same cordiality . An identical scene, with the General's same objections,
was repeated at our departure .
In Rome we were surrounded by every attention and courtesy ; but
the defeat of the Italian forces in Epirus, the wrecking of the Cavour,
our feelings toward the part played by Italy at Vienna, and the informa-
tion we had received that it was Ciano who provoked the change in the
conclusion of the Altenburg-Roggieri report, explained sufficiently the
somewhat strained atmosphere that surrounded our short stay in Italy's
capital . This tension manifested itself acutely the day after our arrival
at the meeting between Mussolini, the General, Ciano and the writer .
I had already made one blunder that day. I was seated at lunch on
Mussolini's left ; at his right was King Victor Emmanuel, and further
right, General Antonescu . Mussolini asked me in a friendly way what I
had done that morning . I answered that I had spent about two hours
in the Forum . "What forum?" he asked, frowning. "There is more than
one forum." I had forgotten that there was also a Forum Mussolini, of
which 11 Duce was particularly proud .
The conversation between us then moved to the military situation . I
admired the serenity and the characteristic assurance of a man who
deserved companions other than the dubious personalities who stood
between him and his gallant and faithful Black Shirts . The battleship
Cavour would promptly be refloated ; it was a matter of three months .
In the Balkans Italy would conquer . ("It is certain, since we can pit four
divisions to every Greek division .") Concerning the air fight over Lon-
180 / The Suicide o f Europe
don, Mussolini confided : "It is not like this that Great Britain will be
defeated ." He did not say more, but it was obvious that what he would
have advised was a serious German attempt to occupy the territory of
Italy's principal enemy.
Later, we found Mussolini at his headquarters in the Palazzo Venetia
between two piles of newspapers, one at his feet, the other on his desk
almost hiding him . General Antonescu, first in a calm manner but with
growing violence, broached the subject of the altered report, enumer-
ating once more Hungarian misdeeds . Suddenly Count Ciano inter-
rupted, observing, "Yes, we must admit that the Hungarians have some-
times had a tough hand ." This infuriated Antonescu, who, rising from
his chair, declared, "We will show them what a tough hand isl If these
atrocities don't stop there will be a general massacre of Hungarians in
Rumania ." 2
He calmed down presently, and with a lucidity and a forcefulness of
which he was often capable, demonstrated again to our host the enor-
mous injustice that had been committed at Vienna. With the original
Hungarian map in front of him-the only map used by the arbiters-
he pointed out the falsifications committed by the learned and subtle
geographer Count Teleki, the Hungarian Premier . The large mountain
region, sparsely inhabited but inhabited nonetheless by Rumanians, was
marked by large white patches. The difference between the Rumanian
and Hungarian population was not indicated by two strikingly different
colors such as blue and red, but by two shades of red. Mussolini, his eyes
on the map, seemed very interested, but not so Ciano, who was quite
likely as well informed on the subject as was the Hungarian Premier .
"And do you think," said General Antonescu, "that such crazy bounda-
ries could stand?" Ciano answered, "Not only have we recognized them,
we have guaranteed them ." "Guarantee or no guarantee, we will break
them . I guarantee that!" concluded the General .
Between Ciano and this writer the following exchange occurred, with-
out the General interrupting me, as was his custom .
STURDZA : "You even tried to deprive us of our industrial regions ."
CIANO : "That is not true ; we have never had that intention ."
STURDZA : "You meant, I suppose, to punish Carol and his clique,
but it is we, who fought the King, whom you stabbed in the back . It is
The story of an untoward interruption by this writer of General Antonescu's dec-
larations to Mussolini and Ciano, told by the General to Herr Fabricius and reported
by Herr Andreas Hillgruber in his book Hitler, Kdnig Carol and Marschall Antonescu,
was totally invented by Antonescu, whose imagination knew no limits when circum-
stances required such an effort . Antonescu was trying to produce an excuse for his
attitude toward me while we were in Berlin ; the implication was that he was afraid of
being interrupted by me again during his presentation to Hitler .
Bloodshed in Transylvania, Visit to Rome / 181
against a Legionary Rumania that you have struck . You will perhaps
be the first to regret it when you have to face your real enemy ."
CIANO : "Our real enemy?"
STURDZA : "Soviet Russia, of course ."
CIANO : "We are not at war with the Soviets ."
I did not know that Ciano and Mussolini were engaged at that time
in a process of rapprochement with the Kremlin . I quote from Ciano's
Diaries the following observation made in September 1940 : "Mussolini
speaks of our relations with Russia and believes that the moment has
come to take further steps to better them . I agree ." On November 28
he noted : "One thing is sure, and that is that for many months Germany
has been supplying arms to the Finns . I did not neglect to find a way of
informing the Russians of this ."
An indifference and a lack of vision in such questions of universal
interest as the Communist danger are astonishing traits of the Musso-
lini-Ciano policy . It shows how wrong are those who equate all national-
ist movements . No comparison can be drawn between the foreign policy
of the Legionary Movement, which did not include any idea of conquest
or oppression, and that of Fascist Italy, which was based entirely upon
considerations of prestige, fame, power, and aggrandizement .
Despite Ciano's unaccountable animosity toward Rumania and the
Legionary Movement, I had great admiration for his brilliant intelli-
gence and personal courage and even sometimes for his politics when,
for instance, he concurred with Mussolini in sending Italian divisions
to Spain . 3 We had understood each other very well four years before, at
our first meeting ; and I was deeply shocked by his unjust death .4
* * s
There are two courts in Rome, and after an audience with King
Victor Emmanuel we went to pay our respects to His Holiness, Pope Pius
XII . Conforming to protocol, which considered General Antonescu as
8 1 did not approve, of course, of his brutal, senseless attack against harmless and
proud Albania, and still less of the day he deliberately chose for this onslaught, the
very day the Queen of Albania, the beautiful and valiant Geraldine Appony, was ex-
pected to be confined . He explains in his diaries that on this day he was sure the royal
family could not run to the mountains to organize the resistance .
Ciano's execution by his father-in-law was in no way justified . Mussolini was
much more responsible than Ciano for the quandary in which Italy had been brought .
Ciano was against the sordid aggression against France . He would have kept Italy in
the position of non-belligerency which would have finally made her umpire in the
contest . The attack against Greece was also Mussolini's idea, although Ciano finally
concurred . Concerning fidelity to their German ally, Mussolini sinned as much as his
son-in-law . Even after his fantastic rescue by Skorzeny, which he owed entirely to
Hitler's faithfulness to his friends (the German Treue) Mussolini still schemed against
Hitler and kept contacts with the enemy .
182 / The Suicide of Europe
head of state, the General was first received alone . I was introduced a few
minutes later, whereupon His Holiness told me abruptly, "We appre-
ciated very much the talents and the qualities of Petrescu-Comnen, your
former envoy ; we regret very much his departure ." I assured His Holi-
ness that the person I had chosen to replace Petrescu-Comnen would
give him at least the same satisfaction . I asked him to understand that it
would have been very difficult for us to keep as our representative at the
Vatican a man who had been a member of the Government that had
tolerated the strangling of Corneliu Codreanu . When I said the word
"strangling" I could not help but make a corresponding gesture, and His
Holiness recoiled, I am sure, in surprise and horror.

Visit to Berlin-Four Are Three

It has been said that no nation knows better than Germany

how to organize its forces, and none uses them less wisely . There is no
reference here to the handling of armies ; the last World War demon-
strated once more that few military leaders have ever surpassed the
German Generals whose skill and imagination were only overcome by
the endless masses of men, sometimes in the proportion of five to one,
and of materiel that the Allies were able to throw into the battle. We
are talking to the lack of a certain ultra-strategic and even ultra-political
feeling, of an instinct for the possible and the impossible, of an ability
to guess the most hidden reaction in the enemy's mind, of an exact
knowledge of the eventual worth of even the most modest among friends .
Into this category must be placed, I believe, the attempt in the fall of
1940 to shore up a quadripartite association between Germany, Italy,
Japan, and Soviet Russia. Before we left for Rome, Herr Fabricius
had informed me of certain negotiations between Berlin and Moscow
concerning a pact of friendship and mutual assistance between Berlin,
Rome, Tokyo, and Moscow. A few days after our return, at a reception
at the German Legation, the German Envoy told me that Molotov was
in Berlin and that a conclusion of the negotiations could be expected
soon. I could not hide my anxiety . I had understood the necessity of the
Ribbentrop-Molotov Agreement of 1939-to pull the carpet from under
the feet of the French and British delegates who were then in Moscow
negotiating an East-West coalition ; but I could not understand the
necessity, at this moment, of tightening political and military bonds that
were in opposition to what I believed to be Hitler's ultimate intentions .
We had paid for the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact with Bessarabia and a
part of Bucovina ; what would be the price for us of this new under-
standing between National Socialist Germany and Communist Russia?
184 / The Suicide of Europe
Events have proven that my worries were unfounded . Hitler, as it
turned out, preferred to give up his plans rather than permit another
violation by the Soviets of our territory and of our sovereignty . What
were Hitler's plans, in fact? Herr Fabricius explained them with an
optimism that was also felt, no doubt, by his superiors . The idea was,
he told me, to convince Great Britain, by means of an alliance that
covered two continents from the Pacific to the Atlantic, that the war
had already come to an end . Hitler intended to avail himself of this new
situation by calling again on Great Britain with new proposals of peace
and friendship .
Berlin's optimism was, in my opinion, faulty in two ways : it ignored
the uncanny perspicacity of Soviet leadership and their limitless intelli-
gence sources ; and it ignored the nature of the forces that had thrown
Great Britain into a war that was not hers .
The Kremlin had no reason for wanting an end to German-British
hostilities ; it had every reason for wanting them continued and in-
creased ; the Soviets knew very well that it was only his fear of a war on
two fronts that had prevented Hitler from starting a march toward the
East, which was the dream of his life . The interest and purposes of
those who were then controlling the destiny of the British Empire had
nothing to do with the interests of Great Britain ; they had already
knowingly sacrificed the empire the moment they involved it in World
War II.
Things did not proceed as smoothly as Hitler and Ribbentrop had
hoped. Molotov, after exhausting every possible pretext to avoid accept-
ing Ribbentrop's invitation for a meeting, even going so far as to exhibit
a medical certificate, demanded such conditions as prerequisites to his
subscribing to any agreement that they obviously could not have been
accepted . He was therefore able to leave Berlin without any further
commitment toward the three former members of the anti-Comintern .
Molotov's conditions referred to the recognition of a certain sphere of
influence for the Soviets that would have included Rumania and the
Danube delta, Bulgaria, and the Dardanelles . Molotov's evasiveness was
easy to anticipate, and the double error of Germany's leaders cost them
one year of possible military operations, lost between the hope of win-
ning Great Britain's friendship and that of fooling the Soviets over the
real purpose of Germany's redoubtable military establishment.
Along with the news of Molotov's successful evasion, we received the
information that the four-power pact was instead to be a three-power
pact between Germany, Italy, and Japan . We also learned that Count
Teleki and Count Csaky were in Berlin and that they had adhered to the
new instrument . We were invited to do the same .
The text of the pact in which we were asked to participate was com-
Visit to Berlin-Four Are Three / 185
municated to us before our departure for Berlin . To my great astonish-
ment, it seemed to be identical with that described to me by Herr
Fabricius when Germany still had hopes of seducing the Soviets into
subscribing to it . Therefore, the text did not foresee, and could not have
foreseen, the reciprocal obligation of the three partners in the event of a
war with Soviet Russia . It unavoidably implied, on the other hand, Ger-
many and Italy's obligations in case of a war between Japan and the
United States.
Such a war would represent grave consequences for us if Germany,
our only protector against the Soviet menace, were involved . The only
war, the only victory that concerned us, was against the Soviets . Provid-
ing the same agreement for those two so different situations seemed to
me to be an error of which we might eventually be the victims .
As we traveled from Vienna to Berlin, I imparted my reflections and
my worries to General Antonescu, and suggested that he ask Hitler and
Ribbentrop, with a measured insistence, that before our adhesion to the
agreement an "additional protocol" be signed, secretly if necessary, that
would establish symmetrical positions and obligations for the three
signatory powers in case of both possible conflicts : war with the Soviet
Union, and war with the United States . The advantage represented by
the tripartite pact for Japan was so great that there was ample reason
to think that Japan would have accepted this change if sufficient per-
suasion had been applied . The General did not acquiesce .
Except for his demonstration before Hitler of the ineptitude and the
danger of what had been done in Vienna, the General's activities in
Berlin had been absorbed by preparations for the coup against his own
government and the Legionary Movement . Antonescu had had this coup
in his tormented mind from the first hours of our collaboration, from
the moment he ordered General Coroama-the general who had de-
clared that he would never order his troops to fire against the Legion-
aries-from his Bucharest command to a command in the north of the
country . It was of supreme importance to Antonescu that the German
authorities be won over to his plans, or at least that they be prepared
to acquiesce to the fait accompli .
From our first moment in Berlin I realized that something was going
on between the General and his German interlocutors that the General
did not want me to know about . This "something" could not have any-
thing to do with the most confidential item of our Berlin agenda, the
discussions about the probability and even imminence of hostilities with
Soviet Russia, as I had always been present at those discussions .
After our first meeting with Ribbentrop, General Antonescu managed
two interviews with him tete-a-tete, an unusual procedure, about which
he gave me no notice and no account . Each time I met Ribbentrop, he
186 / The Suicide of Europe
asked me, "Why do we not meet more often?" He once gave me an
interesting inkling about what was going on between the General and
himself during those conversations in which he would have liked me, it
seems, to be present, when he told me in a very serious tone, with sincere
concern in his voice, "Don't ever get in a conflict with the army . Your
Movement would be annihilated ." Surprised, I explained that love and
respect for our armed forces were a law and a tradition in the Legionary
Movement, and that a general, General Cantacuzene, a paragon of honor
and gallantry, had been the right arm of Corneliu Codreanu . By choos-
ing General Antonescu as leader of the new regime we had once again
given proof of this love and respect .
What happened during our audience with Hitler went even beyond
what I would have expected from Antonescu's uninhibited scheming
and left no doubt in my mind about the nature of his activities behind
my back . At our arrival at the Reichskanzelei, Antonescu was invited
into Hitler's office first-a normal procedure if one accepted the fiction
that the General was somewhat of a chief of state (this idea was accepted
at the Vatican but not at the Quirinal) . When after about half an hour
of waiting I was also invited into Hitler's office, I found to my great
astonishment that Ribbentrop was there . What had been said among
those three was divulged to me next day at lunch at the Reichskanzelei
when Hitler suddenly turned to me and said, "You do not know General
Antonescu . You could not find a greater patriot to defend Rumania's
interests ." Rather irritated by this second unjustified attempt to put the
Movement in a reprehensible position toward Antonescu, I answered
the Fiihrer briskly, "If we had not realized this, we would not have
chosen him as our leader ." I added, "Our sacrifices have been great, as
Your Excellency knows ." In a calmer tone Hitler told me that he knew
all about it .
That same morning I had informed General Antonescu in a violent
outburst that I would not have any more contact with him in Berlin,
that he was not to count on me for our adherence to the Tripartite Pact,
and that I would not leave Berlin with him . The reason for this last
decision will be explained in the next chapter . Antonescu protested,
arguing that the ceremony of our departure had been communicated to
us by the protocol department and that my presence was obligatory . I
explained that I had already arranged things with the Wilhelmstrasse :
after the official leave-taking, our train was to stop at a suburban station
where I would get out .
Another proof of Antonescu's intrigues came before our departure,
when I received a visit from the chief of the protocol department, a
Pomeranian who was six feet nine inches tall and who, somewhat em-
barrassed, tried to explain why there was to be no customary exchange
Visit to Berlin-Four Are Three / 187
of decorations this time . I understood very well . The National Socialist
regime had distributed many ribbons and decorations to members of
Carol's administration who were later accused of murder and who were
now in prison ; Antonescu's intrigues had left the German authorities
with the impression that the same deplorable situation could again de-
velop with another group of bearers of German decorations .


Treason by Misinformation-Past and Present

T he reader will remember my interviews in Berlin with Ad-

miral Canaris and with his subordinate Captain Muller . It was not until
three months later that I got a clearer understanding-although perhaps
not clear enough-of the real meaning of Canaris's and Miiller's in-
sistences concerning Moruzov's welfare and Great Britain's invincibility .
The stage is Berlin again, during our state visit with Antonescu . This
time we were at the headquarters of Feldmarschall Wilhelm Keitel .
Four persons are seated around a table upon which a map of Eastern
Europe is spread : Feldmarschall Keitel ; General Antonescu, Rumanian
Prime Minister ; this writer, Rumanian Foreign Minister ; and Dr. Paul
Schmidt, the unnecessary but inevitable interpreter . We are discussing
the military situation in connection with the possibility of an armed
conflict with Soviet Russia and in connection with the cooperation of
our armies in such an eventuality .
Needless to say it is the Feldmarschall and the General who are con-
trolling the discussion, and I am awaiting with impatient curiosity their
well-informed opinions about the comparative importance of the forces
that would be engaged in such a conflict . It is with the greatest amaze-
ment that I listen to the following:
ANTONESCU (Tracing his forefinger across the map) : "From the
Baltic to the Black Sea, a mere line of defense. Behind it, a military
territory absolutely empty ."
KEITEL (With conviction) : Es stimmt! ("Perfectly truel")
I had good reason to be deeply shocked by such an incredible under-
estimate of Russia's military possibilities . I ventured therefore certain
observations, courteously listened to by the Feldmarschall, but rudely
interrupted by Antonescu .
Back in my rooms at the sumptuous residence that had been reserved
Treason by Misinformation-Past and Present / 189
for the General and me, I tried to find an explanation for the strange
and identical delusion of the two men who, by their profession and
positions of high responsibility, ought to have been better informed than
anyone else about Soviet Russia's military preparedness . Recollections
were suddenly brought to my mind : Canaris, Moruzov, Mullerl
There was no doubt for me that without knowing it both Keitel and
Antonescu had drawn their information from the same source, and that
this source was very likely an intentionally misleading one . Moruzov
was, after all, nothing but a Communist agent . Canaris of course was
more difficult to explain ; but neither is it easy to explain the activities
of the Fabian Socialists in Great Britain, for instance, nor the activities
of the anti-anti-Communists, who have penetrated the defense and se-
curity organizations in so many countries of the Western World .
The relations between General Antonescu and this writer, already
tense, were reaching the breaking point in Berlin . To take him into my
confidence in such circumstances would only have provoked useless and,
perhaps, even dangerous complications for me . That is why I decided,
despite the General's opposition, to remain in Berlin a few days after
his departure . I wanted to see Ribbentrop alone and tell him the whole
story, the mistaken optimism of the two military men included, and let
him draw his own conclusions .
Ribbentrop failed to appear for the scheduled appointment . I had a
very short interview at the Wilhelmstrasse with Baron von Weizsacker,
one of the Undersecretaries of State . When I arrived in Bucharest I
was almost immediately forced to resign, and I soon witnessed the coup
d'etat, by which Antonescu, under the protection of German tanks and
howitzers, overthrew his own Government . For six months I was one of
Antonescu's prisoners in this scuffle . I never had the opportunity there-
fore to warn any of the German authorities about the eccentric activi-
ties of their highest intelligence agency .
At the Nurnberg trials General Franz Halder, one of the state wit-
nesses and a prominent member of the Canaris conspiracy, which worked
from the very first day of the war for the defeat of its own country,
explained what the policy of this organization had been :
1 . To represent Great Britain to Hitler and to the German Command
as secretly, but formidably, prepared to repulse an invasion at a time
when there were only eight anti-aircraft batteries for the defense of
London .
2. To represent Soviet Russia, on the contrary, as unable to defend
herself for more than a few weeks .
General Halder also explained how Canaris had sent Captain Muller
to investigate a report that a member of the German Embassy in Rome
was in contact with enemy agents, and how of course Muller came back
190 / The Suicide of Europe
with a misleading report . At this Goring rose and cried, Aber dass war
gemeiner Verrat! ("But this was vulgar treasonl") Mr . Jackson, the
United States Prosecutor, retorted : "As it was against Hitler, the General
can only be congratulated ."
Why were not Himmler and his security department able to discover
the treasonable activities of Canaris and his group? The question is still
unanswered . Were there two enemy infiltrations, a pro-Western one in
the Defense Service and a pro-Communist one in the Security Depart-
ment? There are many reasons for not excluding this possibility .
At the last reception at the Reichskanzelei, Hitler, commenting on
the possibility of discovering new oil fields in Rumania, said to me, "I
understand the hesitations of your experts when they have to choose
the place for new borings ; I am like that when I have to decide where
to begin new military operations ." Was Hitler still hesitating at the last
moment between war in the east and an invasion of Great Britain? What
would have happened if I had uncovered the secret of the German De-
fense Service? Would this knowledge and disclosure have been enough
to bring about the abandonment of the theory of the "mere line of
defense," and an earnest preparation of the German Army for a victorious
winter campaign in Russia?
I would not venture an answer, but after reading jovial Baron
Weizsacker's memoirs, I warmly congratulated myself for having re-
sisted the temptation to tell him during that short interview at the
Wilhelmstrasse what was on my mind . The Baron himself belonged to
this strange my-country-to-be-defeated underground ; and I wonder what
would have been my chances of returning safely to Rumania if Canaris's
dedicated and expeditious services had been warned of my suspicions
and my intentions .
Keitel, Jodl, and other German generals who kept to the end their
oath of fidelity to their country and to their Commander-in-Chief have
been criticized for having consented to operations contrary to sane
military doctrine . Those criticisms are unjust ; the operations entrusted
to them and their comrades were carried out with unsurpassed brilliancy
and professional competence . It was treason-the same treason that lurks
and operates today in the Western camp-that threw the German Com-
mand into the pitfall of an unexpected winter campaign without ade-
quate preparation . It was Hitler's hypnotic vision of a German-British as-
sociation for the defense of Western Civilization that deprived this com-
mand of the only real benefit of their victory in France : the possibility of
conquering Great Britain . It was the Fiihrer's hesitation between the two
new offensives that gave Mussolini an opportunity to undertake the dis-
astrous campaign against Greece, which deprived the German generals of
Treason by Misinformation-Past and Present / 191
forty divisions that would have permitted them to conclude victoriously
their march on Moscow before the first flakes of snow .
When Keitel and Jodl were murdered in Nurnberg as a punishment
for their patriotism and their fidelity, their ashes were thrown into a
dustbin-as Time magazine reported with relish-by a French general,
carried by him and three other generals, representing the four victorious
armies, to a mountain inn, and thrown into the privy . We wonder if
with Keitel, Jodl, and the other generals who were hanged or impris-
oned, we did not lose the only kind of men who would have been able
to stop the next unavoidable Communist avalanche .
Misinformation is today, as at Canaris's time, serving the purposes of
Communist interests . As an object lesson in treasonable information,
the Canaris case applies faultlessly to the present precarious situation
of the Western World, encircled, and penetrated by the Communist as-
sault . The Free World is dying of a lie, of the most unforgivable sin
according to our Christian creed : the sin against the spirit-to know
the truth but to ignore it; to know the creeping, deadly universal
advance of the Nameless Beast, and to deny its existence . If we try to
discover through the past half century of dire experiences what has been
the principal auxiliary of Communism's triumph, we will find it in
treacherously organized misinformation, directed and coordinated from
some mysterious headquarters through many hidden or notorious chan-
nels, the principal visible vehicle of which is the so-called free press.
That so many United States politicians accepted so easily the felonious
advice of American pro-Mao Tse-tung agents, losing China thereby to the
free world, was chiefly to be attributed to the enormous volume of propa-
ganda ground out by newspapers and magazines in order to present Mao
and his gang as a group of honest patriots and agrarian reformers .
It was also organized press misinformation that bamboozled those
politicians into accepting the substitution of Communist or Communist-
leaning leaders in many Central and South American countries for the
pro-American statesmen who had been in charge .
When the time came for the destruction of United States Senator
Joseph R . McCarthy it was not the American press alone but the free
press all over the world that got down to work in an unrelenting cam-
paign of slander and misinformation the like of which had never been
seen before, in a successful effort to silence a man who courageously ex-
posed the conspiracy.
We could continue these illustrations ad nauseam .
The universal coverage, the parallelism, the visible discipline of the
campaigns of lies, slander and silence, do not leave any doubt about the
existence of a central directing factor. Therefore today there are many
192 / The Suicide of Europe
important facts which simply cannot be brought to the knowledge of
the public at large . On the other hand, all the organs of the fourth
estate participate as an unanimous chorus, or with unanimous silence,
in the directed conspiracy of misinformation and concealment .
Every retreat of the Western World before the Communist advance,
every gratuitous concession to the exigencies of the Beast, have been
preceded by long periods, sometimes years, of treacherous misinforma-
tion. Never have these nefarious activities been more brazenly at work
than at the present moment . This is understandable, because Western
public opinion has to be prepared to witness, without realizing it and
without protesting, the early destruction of the only weapon that can
guarantee a Western victory in the event of a conflict between West and
East : the potential power of explosion and resistance of the millions
of slaves behind the Iron and Bamboo Curtains . I could quote one of
the most brilliant generals of the United States, a man well-versed in
world military and political affairs, who bluntly wrote me that he agreed
that it is only this power of explosion that can make up for the ominous
numerical inferiority of the NATO powers .
It was, therefore, easy to understand how earnestly and diligently
the misinformation machinery has applied itself to help the Western
Powers rid themselves of their responsibilities toward the countries they
handed over to the Communist Moloch at Teheran, at Yalta, and at
Potsdam . Here, briefly, was the process, as disclosed by the activities of
the free press and of the special advisers attached today to nearly every
government and to nearly every statesman in a post of command :
The machinery of deception has succeeded first in creating the impres-
sion of a growing softening of East-West tension ; this in a period when
Communist insolence, Communist audacity, and Communist hostility
have been increasing in both international dealings and in subversive
activities around the world . Then, the imposture of what was called
National Communism was put over on the gullible public, the New
York Times being the standard bearer of this successful campaign .
Then came the masquerade of a decisive split between Soviet Russia and
Red China, which had as a logical consequence the necessity of giving
the Kremlin five million tons of wheat and whatever else it might need,
thus transforming it into a quasi-ally of the powers from which the
enslaved nations had once expected their liberation . What followed was
the combined deceptive campaign about alleged fundamental changes in
the lives of the enslaved peoples (a rapid policy of liberalization was
supposed to be taking place), and about how the satellite governments
were gallantly defying the Kremlin's tyranny .
This last paroxysm of misinformation was directly connected to the
Treason by Misinformation-Past and Present / 193
new negotiations with the Bucharest Government announced by United
States Secretary of State Dean Rusk "in order to see how economic and
other relations could be improved and extended between Rumania and
the United States ." Selling the Rumanian Government industrial equip-
ment, according to Rusk and Ambassador-at-Large W . Averell Harri-
man would help Rumania liberate herself from the Soviet yoke . Was it
in order to help Soviet Russia liberate herself from the Rumanian yoke,
in this new fight between giants, that the United States Government
"sold" five million tons of wheat to the Soviet Government?
Another of Dean Rusk's arguments-a part of the National Communism
hoax-goes like this : "What we shall ask of a Communist country is
not what is its particular system of government, but what is its attitude
toward its neighbors ." Did the United States Government consider the
attitude of Soviet Russia toward her neighbors, Estonia, Latvia, Lithua-
nia, Poland, Hungary, Rumania, Czecho-Slovakia and Bulgaria, before
extending to the Soviet Government economic and industrial help so
generous in quality and quantity that former Eisenhower aide Harold
Stassen once refused to communicate its particulars to the United States
Senate, saying that it was too confidential a piece of information?
Some reporters are perhaps misinformed, but others are misinforming
their readers . How could anybody who has passed even a few days in the
captive countries believe that the murderous scoundrels who form the
so-called governments would really dare break with Russia? They know
that only the presence or the proximity of Soviet bayonets saves them
from being hacked to pieces by their own people . How could anybody
suggest that the captive peoples prefer the new order of things knowing,
as even the Hearst press has recognized, that if leaving their country
were not strictly forbidden ninety percent of those peoples would al-
ready be on the Western side of the Iron Curtain?
If I will dwell specially on Rumania, it is only because I can talk
about it more knowingly . But the reader may be sure that our plight
is not in any way different from that of the other enslaved countries, and
that the discouraging effect of this new chapter in organized misinforma-
tion is the same on all the peoples in Communist-dominated territories .
From the contribution of the Hearst press to the perpetuation of
Communist tyranny in Rumania and in other enslaved countries we
pick the two following contradictory statements :

Freedoms praised by the West, freedom of the ballot and the right to
criticize openly those in authority, are nonexistent . Armed guards and
police dogs roam their borders, reinforcing a lace-work of barbed wire .
The proletarian paradise still requires naked force to keep the inhabitants
safely immured.
194 The Suicide of Europe
And then, two columns of double-talking, highly paid journalese
further on :

There is every possibility that the people in East Europe prefer the new
order of things, for all the oppression, to the ancient regime of their fore-
fathers .
In Rumania the last repartition of the land, 1919-1920, had put
ninety-two percent of the tillable land and pastures into the hands of
the peasants, who formed eighty percent of the population . For this last
and biggest redistribution of Rumania's agricultural domain, the former
owners were paid only one-third of one percent of the real value . No
mention of this important fact will be found in Hearst or Scripps-How-
ard press reports . This was to be expected, for who would believe that
the Rumanian peasantry preferred "the new way of doing things" when
all that they had was taken away from them .
A more realistic account of conditions in the captive countries comes
from a correspondent of the Neue Ziiricher Zeitung traveling in Ru-
mania in July 1965, who observed with amazement that wherever he saw
peasants working in the fields they were working like a gang of convicts
under the watchful eyes of rural policemen .
As for the workers in industry, for which twenty percent of the peas-
antry was forcibly transported to the cities, it is enough to look at the pic-
tures in the illustrated reports of American magazines to see in their faces
the unmistakable ravages of hunger and misery . An American lady who
had known prewar Rumania and visited it again in the summer of 1965
wrote to my wife : "Those who have not seen the terrible conditions
of life there cannot imagine them ."
The "free press" loudly rejoiced upon learning that about two thou-
sand political prisoners had been liberated from the Communist prisons
in Rumania . Many of these human wrecks had spent twenty years of
their life there . What did the same press say or do for the defense of
those prisoners while they were rotting in their endless captivity? Why
did that press not mention those tens of thousands of captives still in-
carcerated in Rumanian or in Russian slave labor camps? What life is
like in the Communist jails in Rumania the gentlemen of the press
could have found out by simply reading Leonard Krishner's best seller,
Prisoner o f Red Justice .
We know what life is like in Rumania . We know it by the contact
we still manage to have with our dear ones-those who have not been
liquidated or who did not die in captivity . "For the past fifteen years
I have been living in a basement which has never seen a ray of sunlight,"
writes one of our correspondents . Subnutrition, sordid lodgings, and
slave work; this is the truth regarding the Hearst "paradise ."
Treason by Misinformation-Past and Present / 195
In such conditions you may easily imagine how disastrous is the
impact on the morale of our people, on their hopes and dreams of libera-
tion, of such statements as those of President Johnson, another obvious
victim of the conspiracy of misinformation when, in an appeal for peace
addressed to the Kremlin gang, he tells them : "On both sides [of the
Iron Curtain], people are now more prosperous than they have ever
been in the past ."
Recently, one of my American correspondents expressed the fear that
"the dangerous nonsense published by the Hearst press could result in
the discouragement of our allies behind the Iron Curtain ." Indeed it
has . It seems to be the aim of the mendacious campaign to which the
Hearst press, the Scripps-Howard press, the New York Times, and many
newspapers and magazines in the United States, and in almost every
country, contribute so brilliantly .


More About Truth and Directed Information

A s a part of his keynote address in New York on June 19,

1966, for the National Conference on Peace, Dr . John C . Bennett, Presi-
dent of the Union Theological Seminary, deplored American obsession
with Communism :

Communism is cruel in its early stage . But after the revolutionary period
it does become in many ways constructive . The United States should not
assume the responsibility of taking any measure to prevent a nation in Asia
from becoming Communist .

The theme submitted by Dr . Bennett and, strange to understand, by

so many clerical personalities of every faith and denomination, has been
for years a favorite with the international press . Communism, so goes
this theme, has passed the revolutionary stage ; it has slowly emerged
from its turbulent youth into an honest, peaceful, constructive, and
beneficial regime . Accepted and appreciated by the populations under
its rule ; it has assumed different characteristics in the different Com-
munist countries, emancipated itself from Moscow, and ceased to be a
menace to the rest of the world .
Rumania was recently chosen by the international opinion-building
conspiracy as the best illustration for the propagation of this utterly
false theme . Bucharest has suddenly been bombarded with swarms of
reporters from every free country and from every controlled and control-
lable newspaper-even from Spain, which learned the hard way what a
Communist regime represents, and even from the most Conservative of
the Spanish papers .
The methods used by these zealous pilgrims are not always the same .
A pretense of believing in potemkin villages is the most innocent one ;
but recourse to downright fabrication is an accepted technique also .
More About Truth and Directed Information 197
American, German, French, and Spanish newspapers barefacedly af-
firmed, for instance, that under the Communist regime something has
been done for the first time in Rumania for the Rumanian peasant, al-
though every informed person must know-and reporters and chief
editors are generally well-informed persons-that the so-called "capital-
ist regime" had put into the hands of Rumania's peasantry ninety-two
percent of its agricultural land and that the Communist regime came
along and confiscated all of it . A typical attempt at similar misrepresen-
tation was offered by Madrid's Arriba in an article of July 26, 1966, by
Cristobal Paez :

There are unmistakable signs of the existing evolution inside this society
[Communist Rumania and others] that after twenty years of new political
experience it is about to pursue, without too much risk, some autochthonous
formulas inspired by a democratic socialism . It would be improbable that
those nations would follow a regressive direction, because it is very doubt-
ful that Rumanians, Yugoslavs and Bulgarians have suffered more under
the present [Communist] socio-economic order than under the oligarchic
capitalist order of yore .
The Reverend Richard Wurmbrand is no paid reporter, and he has
no vested interest in an economic agreement with the Bucharest Govern-
ment. His credentials are only his obvious sincerity and the fact that he
spent twenty years in Communist Rumania-most of them in prison .
It is to his testimony that we will turn to help our readers discover
whether the Communist Government has changed in Rumania, or
whether things there are now the same as they were during the early
years of the regime . Perhaps we shall also discover that all the uproar
about Rumania's return to a "democratic" way of life is due not only
to some powerful industrial interests but also to the fact that-as Alfons
Dalma points out in the Deutsche Wochen Zeitung-the Bucharest Gov-
ernment has been assigned a special mission by the Kremlin of confusion
and disruption complementing de Gaulle's too erratic performances .
Choosing Nicolae Ceaucescu, among other Communist stooges, to play
"grandmother" wolf to NATO's Little Red Riding Hood (to use an
Arriba metaphor) was for Moscow a natural thing to do, Rumania being
the most controllable of all the subjugated countries due to its unique
geographic position and its lack of any direct contact with the free world .
Here, then, are some of Reverend Wurmbrand's declarations before
the United States Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, and some
private institutions :
Before the United States Senate :
Such talk from people of the cloth is incomprehensible . Dr. Bennett had
to know better than that . Those clergymen say we must help the Commu-
nists . Where were they when so many Christians needed their help?
198 / The Suicide o f Europe
New York Times, September 4, 1966 :
A Rumanian evangelical minister stripped to the waist during the Senate
hearing today to show eighteen scars he said had been inflicted by Commu-
nist torturers . "My body represents Rumania, my country," he said, "which
has been tortured to the point that it can no longer weep ."
Glendale News Press :
As he told his story in Washington's modernistic Saint Matthew's Lu-
theran church, parishioners wept . When he told details of his imprisonment
to Senators and Congressmen, faces turned white .

Detroit News, July 5, 1966 :

He told the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee of fourteen years im-
prisonment in Rumania prisons . . . . His captors attempted to force him
to inform on persons who took part in clandestine religious meetings, and
used knives, clubs and other weapons in their efforts .

Minneapolis Tribune, August 5, 1966 :

"I have eighteen holes in my body put there by Communists . I was beaten
with nylon whips made in America and transported from prison to prison
in American cars . I do not ask Americans to help me ; I ask them to stop
aiding our oppressors ." In fourteen years in prison the Pastor Wurmbrand
and some four hundred other Christians "were fed sometimes a slice of
bread a week . Often prisoners had to eat excrement and drink urine . I
still cannot look at an American breakfast without feeling it is too big,
too wonderful . . . . I am terrified ." During the period of Christian oppres-
sion, Dr. Wurmbrand said, the Americans gave more and more to the Ru-
manian government and did nothing about the condition of the Christians
in Rumania.

Human Events:
"It was only during the period when the Rumanian Communist govern-
ment was intent on getting American aid dollars that they interrupted their
demands for money in exchange for freeing anti-Communist prisoners," said
Pastor Wurmbrand. "Now again, no one can get out of jail or leave the
country without paying money, sometimes as much as $25,000 ." In the
United States for the first time, this extraordinary man, whose faith burns
with the same bright flame as Saint Paul's, is a convert from Judaism .
San Mateo Times :
"When I was in Philadelphia I attended an anti-Vietnam war rally and
heard a man actually praising the Communists . I asked him how he knew
about Communism and then I showed him my back . They would not let me
talk . Someone cut the microphone wires ." Wurmbrand described one par-
ticular grisly episode that involved a friend of his, a Catholic priest . "They
tortured him until he went mad . They made him say the Mass over his own
excrement . He did not know what he was doing . It was terrible."

New York Times, September 5, 1966 :

Mr . Wurmbrand said the Rumanian Orthodox church [more correctly
the pseudo-Rumanian Orthodox Church] has sent agents to the United
States to conspire against an estimated total of 300,000 Rumanians living
here .
More About Truth and Directed Information / 199
South Bend Tribune, May 19, 1966 :
He [Pastor Wurmbrand] arrived here Tuesday as a guest of Clarence E .
Manion, head of the Manion Forum, an organization of conservative polit-
ical thought . "Drugs were sometimes used [said the pastor] to induce con-
fession . . . . A more subtle method of gaining testimony was to force a vic-
tim to swallow three or four teaspoons of salt an hour without water . . . .
Florida Times-Union, May 7, 1966 :
Wurmbrand quoted the prison commandant in Bucharest as addressing
the prisoners in this fashion : "You foolsl You expect the Americans to come
some day and release you . They are coming now to do business with usl If
you beg Americans to help you, they ignore you . If you insult them, they
help you ."
Before the United States Senate :
I have seen Communist guards single out a young Catholic priest and
demand he denounce God in front of his fellow prisoners . The priest re-
fused and they dragged him away . We never saw him again . But in his
face we had seen God and our faith grew that much stronger . I lived with
the saints and martyrs of the twentieth century . . . . I saw a Catholic priest
die boasting that the Pope would never shake hands with a Communist . I
am glad he does not know it happened .

As Reverend Wurmbrand told his story, says an eyewitness, Senators'

and Congressmen's faces turned white and bystanders wept . We wonder
how many of those who heard him are still obsessed by what they had
been told, and how many of the Senators and Congressmen who know
now what they should have known years ago have made a decision
to dedicate themselves to a constant effort to help the oppressed nations
in their yearning for liberty and finally in their fight for it, rather than
continue to help their oppressors establish more firmly and more safely
their abhorred domination .
Reverend Wurmbrand, this "convert from Judaism whose faith burns
with the same bright flame as Saint Paul's," this gallant defender of the
throttled and the persecuted, this brother of all captives of the Nameless
Beast, preaches, we are afraid, in the desert. The clamor of his denuncia-
tion will soon be smothered by the deafening and bewildering vocifera-
tions of the "free press" ; unctuous bishops will continue to pour forth
their insidious pro-Communist balderdash ; hypocritical or opportunistic
politicians will still recommend financial and economic help to Com-
munist governments ; tyrants and torturers will continue to be the guests
and the hosts of presidents, kings, and popes .
Another Night in Jilava

J ilava is the dampest, ugliest group of casemates in the old

line of fortifications that surround Bucharest . From the very beginning
of the anti-Legionary terror, Jilava was the most used and the most sin-
ister of the prisons into which Rumanian young people were thrown
without a trial, were tortured and killed . It was to Jilava's back yard
that the garotted corpses of Codreanu and his companions were taken,
bullet-riddled to simulate an escape attempt, and buried in a common
grave . It was in Jilava also that a selected group of the murderers of
Codreanu (and of more than four hundred Legionaries) had been in-
carcerated under a Legionary guard, doubling the military garrison .
The listing of the group of murderers who were to be brought before
the Rumanian courts was determined by Prime Minister Antonescu
and by Vice President Horia Sima, who was also Commandant of the
Legionary Movement.

After the fall of Carol [says Horia Sima] the Legionaries could have been
left to take their revenge . Although during the anti-Legionary terror-
when so many friends and comrades were strangled, shot in their prisons, or
burned alive-I often swore to be equally merciless on the day of our victory,
the idea of such a bloodbath profoundly repulsed me . I simply couldn't go
through with it, and I could read the same sentiment in the eyes of all those
who surrounded me in those moments . There was first of all the Christian
foundation of our Movement . Also we felt that it would have been degrad-
ing the greatness of our sacrifice if we were to indulge in an act of vengeance .
We are not a blood thirsty people ; killing for a Rumanian is a difficult
thing. . . . Carol's regime was not a Rumanian regime . The assassination of
the Captain and of his followers was the result of a concerted international
plan, the control of which was not inside Rumania . The Iron Guard [the
Legionaries] represented an obstacle to the Communization of Rumania
and of Eastern Europe, and this obstacle had to be removed . Carol, Cali-
Another Night in Jilava / 201
nescu and all their stooges belonged to a conspiracy of European ori-
gin . . . .
We therefore chose justice, chose the legal way . Huge demonstrations,
songs of victory, acclamations, yes . . . but all in perfect order . No Le-
gionary lifted a finger against any of his enemies . The greatest victory we
won was over ourselves . It was the victory of Light and Spirit . Just out of
prison, with our physical and spiritual wounds still fresh, with the distress-
ing vacuum left around us by so many victimized comrades, we did not
choose to take justice into our hands.
The drawing up of the list of culprits was not an easy thing . If all those
who had contributed to the murders of our comrades had been arrested
without some sort of discrimination, they would have numbered about one
thousand individuals. . . . Nobody would have been surprised if all those
who had filled the many appointments of Carol had been considered as re-
sponsible . Legally speaking, the members of a government are responsible
for governmental decisions even if they have not personally taken part in
their execution . But in [Carol's] Government there were two categories of
bureaucrats; those few who had been among the most ruthless enemies of
the Movement, who were prepared to embrace any criminal activity ; and
those, much more numerous, who were simply covering up those activities
with their names and their prestige in exchange for the advantages of their
ministerial status. . . . The Carol regime, like every dictatorship, had an
inner structure . This network of assassins had ramifications in the judicial
system, the army, the police-in fact in every state apparatus . It represented
what was then called the "state permanency" ; it was in fact Carol's NKVD,
which depended directly on him and reported only to the Royal Palace .
This group did not consist of more than about one hundred persons .
We limited responsibility for crimes to this group (in fact to only a part
of this group of notorious criminals) . . . . General Antonescu was aston-
ished at our restraint . He wanted many more arrests ; he wanted to include
in the projected trials purely political cases, which we refused to do . I refer
here to the General's attitude before November 1940 . After that it changed
completely . My part at the beginning had been to try to moderate Anto-
nescu's personal vendettas . . . . We limited ourselves to the principal crim-
inals, but separated them into three categories : 1 . The Generals and Colo-
nels under whose control, as county prefects or province Governors, four
hundred of the most prominent Legionaries had been executed . Those
Generals and Colonels were not molested in any way but were sent back
to their posts in the army . 2 . The gendarmerie officers, police officers and
agents who had limited themselves to the execution of orders received with-
out committing any special cruelty or demonstrating any excess of zeal . They
received only an administrative penalty ; they were dismissed . 3 . The group
of notorious assassins who had been principally responsible, whatever their
origin-army, police, gendarmerie, civil or military justice, etc . They were
arrested and were brought before the courts .
I repeat that this conception of limiting to the minimum the list of al-
leged culprits was exclusively ours . [Cazul Iorga-Madgearu (The Iorga-
Madgearu Case) by Horia Sima .]
It was this group of sixty-four individuals who were detained in Jil-
ava . The Movement, its leaders, the victims of so much slander and
202 / The Suicide o f Europe
silence, were impatiently awaiting the beginning of the trials . Rather
than for the satisfaction of revenge, they were waiting for the day of
truth to arrive, when all of the injustices, the cruelties, and the humilia-
tions to which they had been subjected, all that they had had to endure
in their flesh and their spirit, would be revealed .
It was left to Mihai Antonescu, the Minister of justice, to determine
the nature of the proceedings and the date of the appearance in court
of the accused men . After two months no progress had been made in the
inquiry except for the publication of the interrogation relating to the
murder of the Captain . The two principal culprits were of course be-
yond the reach of justice, Calinescu being dead and Carol being in
Portugal . There was on the part of the Minister of justice an open and
willful bungling of the judicial procedure and continuous and unex-
plainable postponements of the trial's opening . Before leaving for Berlin,
I had warned him about the grave consequences of his continuous pro-
crastination, unpleasant for everybody concerned . "You would not like,"
I told him, "to see one morning sixty-four corpses before the stairs of
your Ministry, lined up like wild boars after a hunt ."
Mihai Antonescu's motivations were easy to understand . Formerly an
active partisan of Titulescu's politics and, consequently, a declared
enemy of the Movement, he had many friends among the Jilava pris-
oners and, quite likely, sympathies for all of them . But, more important
than this, the continuation of the tense situation created by his inaction
was opening new areas for his intrigues between the General and the
Legionary members of the Government . Those who knew the aversion
of Horia Sima and of his Legionary colleagues for any sort of bloodshed,
knew also that if the trial of the Jilava prisoners had finally taken place,
the number of those who would have paid with their lives for the crimes
they had committed would have been only a small part of those who had
been arrested-in fact probably only three or four .
I was still in Berlin when my wife phoned me the distressing and
shocking news of the mass execution of the Jilava prisoners by a group
of Legionaries . My wife informed me also of the consternation and
exasperation of Horia Sima and of my other Legionary colleagues in
the Government at this act of violence which was contrary to the prin-
ciples, the intentions, and the most fundamental interests of the Move-
ment. Their anger was so much greater because two men against whom
no charges had been brought, Professor lorga and Virgil Madgearu, a
former Minister of Iuliu Maniu's party, had also been assassinated .
This, they realized, could only be the work of instigators, enemies of
the Movement . Those two murders were indeed scientifically calculated
to do as much harm as possible to the Legion : they provoked the indig-
nation of European opinion, Professor lorga having been a universally
Another Night in Jilava / 203
admired historian, and they might have caused Iuliu Maniu, chief of the
National Peasant Party, the only important politician who had shown
any sympathy for the Captain and the Movement, to turn against us .
The infamous Nurnberg court established the following judicial pre-
cedences : 1 . That of collective guilt and collective punishment . 2. That
of the responsibility of a subordinate in executing the orders of his
superior. 3 . In the case of Julius Streicher and others, that of the re-
sponsibility-to the limit even of capital punishment-of those who were
convicted of having helped, by their books or articles, to create an
atmosphere propitious to crime .
If the Legionary Movement had followed the Nurnberg road, it could
have arraigned before its tribunals not only whole governments, but
whole political parties ; and among the dozens of publicists, newspaper-
men and columnists who could have been indicted for their constant,
mendacious, and perverted activities in helping the murderers by their
pen and prestige, the most conspicuous would have been Nicolae lorga .
Without his complicity neither Carol nor Calinescu would have dared
suppress Codreanu .
It was not only the removal of Codreanu from Rumania's political
life that lorga had wanted ; it was his death . It was lorga who provided
the Palace camarilla with the pretext for the arrest and condemnation
of Codreanu at the very moment Codreanu was about to leave for
Italy and had ordered the demobilization of his followers, ordered them
back to their studies and work, and requested that they accept passively
any injustices and acts of violence ; and it was Iorga who, with Carol and
Calinescu, contrived the necessary measures to prevent the victim from
escaping the claws of his kidnappers . It was lorga again, alone among
the heads of political parties or important politicians, who helped ac-
tively to promote the false idea of a Legionary conspiracy, a lie that
eventually brought the Captain to the cell from which there was no way
out but to his grave in Jilava .
However, besides those few misguided fools led by Traian Boeru, an
agent provocateur, every Legionary from the ranks to the highest com-
mand was shocked and revolted at lorga's assassination, and realized
that Iorga dead hurt them more than Iorga alive could have ever done
in any imaginable circumstances .
When passing judgment on the acts of violence of individual members
of the Legionary Movement-acts justified, if violence is ever justified,
as a result of inhuman provocations-we must not forget that those
provocations had always been premeditated, organized, ordered and
executed by the official organs of the regime : the King, members of the
Government, and their higher and lower officials . The Legionaries' acts
of violence had always, without exception, been perpetrated without the
204 The Suicide of Europe
knowledge of and contrary to the intentions of the Legionary leaders .
Also, we must observe that each time the command of the Legion was
disorganized or destroyed by incarcerations and murders, the Move-
ment was obliged to produce new leaders, who needed a certain time to
make themselves known and to establish their authority . Such a situa-
tion existed after the incarceration of the Captain and of his principal
lieutenants, and as a result of the general slaughter that followed Cali-
nescu's execution .
Exactly what happened on the night of November 26 to November
27, 1940? Mr . Prost, to whom we always like to refer, says only this in
his aforementioned book about Codreanu's assassination : "During the
night of November 29 to November 30 [1938], Codreanu was sup-
pressed . . . ." 1 He is much more loquacious when he talks about that
other night in Jilava, when Codreanu's murderers paid for their crimes :

In order to exculpate themselves, the murderers pretended that on the

night of November 26 to 27 [1940], they were in the graveyard of Jilava
exhuming the bodies of Codreanu and the other Legionaries, who had
been executed on November 30, 1938, in preparation for the solemn fu-
neral that was to take place on the second anniversary of their death .
When they saw the corpses they were struck by a sacred wrath that made
them turn upon those who had tortured their [Captain]?

When Mr . Prost tells so great a part of the truth he has to put it in the
hypothetical mode in order not to weaken his theme . What Mr. Prost
pretends not to believe is exactly what happened, or more exactly, a part
of what happened .
General Antonescu had appointed as president of the commission of
inquiry into Carol's atrocities a member of the Court of Cassation, the
same court that had rejected each and all of the more than one hundred
appeals brought forward by Codreanu's lawyers . General Antonescu did
not allow any representative of the Movement to take part in the inves-
tigation, although such participation would have been perfectly legal
in an investigatory commission .
As long as the General, for motives better known to himself, was more
implacable than the leaders of the Movement about the punishment of
Carol's stooges, the commission showed a certain amount of activity .
In the first weeks of November, however, the General suddenly changed
his whole attitude, and the commission, which followed rigorously the
instructions of the Minister of justice, slowed down its activities almost
to a full stop ; later it transformed itself into a medical commission,
demanding the transfer to a sanatorium of the major culprits . Asked by
1 Destin de la Roumanie, p . 122 . Italics added .
2 Ibid ., p . 156.
Another Night in Jilava / 205
Horia Sima how much longer the inquiry commission would need to
make ready its report, Mihai Antonescu answered that it needed at
least seven or eight months more . Sima tried vainly to convince General
Antonescu that such a delay would be interpreted by the Legionaries as
an effort to save Carol's butchers .
It was under such circumstances that, in preparation for the solemn
funeral that was decided for the second anniversary of the Captain's
assassination, a group of Legionaries were ordered to exhume the bodies
of Codreanu and his companions . They found them hidden under
several tons of concrete, corroded by the vitriol that had been poured
on them, the ropes still twisted about their throats, with fettered feet
and arms . The Captain's body was recognized by its size and by a little
crucifix Codreanu always wore around his neck . But the sight of those
lamentable and cherished remains would not have been enough to pro-
voke the state of "sacred wrath" mentioned by Mr . Prost, had not two
well-calculated acts of provocation occurred .
"Nothing would have happened in Jilava," says Horia Sima, "if to the
former provocation two others much more dangerous had not occurred
during the exhuming itself." That which brought their spirits near the
point of explosion was the sacrilegious intervention of Eugeniu Bunescu,
member of the Court of Cassation and president of the inquiry com-
mission, who appeared suddenly during the exhuming and found it
necessary to shout to the toiling Legionaries : "Have you not ended yet
this sinister comedy!" But the explosion proper was provoked by Gen-
eral Antonescu's order, which reached the prison at this very inappro-
priate moment, that the Legionary guard be dismissed and replaced by
the military garrison.

The General took this step [says Horia Sima] in a question that directly
concerned the Movement, without consulting me. The order had been
transmitted to the military authorities that shared with the Legionaries the
garrisoning of Jilava . I learned about this order the next day, when the
arrested people were no longer alive . But among the Legionaries who were
busy with the exhumation the revolting news spread like lightning during
the very night the order was transmitted. The perturbation was general .
People looked at one another with dismay and did not know what to be-
lieve . "The General has betrayed us," they argued . "We have had several
indications already . The removing of the Legionary guard is the final proof ."
Lashed into fury at those thoughts, they left shovels and spades and ran to
pay their debt to their Captain's memory . . . . The punishment of the
Jilava criminals was not a premeditated action . Legionaries who in normal
circumstances would not have been capable of the slightest act of brutality
took part in it .

Mr . Prost covered his face, mentioning that one of the executioners

was only twenty-two years old. He never mentioned the age and sex of
206 / The Suicide of Europe
the hundreds of massacred Legionaries . The "free press" and the com-
mentators of our time still express their horror when referring to the
execution of the sixty-four murderers ; but they expressed no indigna-
tion when the Captain and four hundred Rumanian young people were
butchered like cattle and thrown into common graves .
Responsible for the mass execution at Jilava were General Antonescu
and his alter ego, Mihai Antonescu . My comrades in the National Le-
gionary Government, younger and therefore more generous than I, con-
tinued to believe for a long time in the General's sincerity toward the
Movement; almost from the beginning I was convinced that his only
sincerity was toward his own morbid ambitions. I call them morbid
because Antonescu had in his hands enough to satisfy the most ambi-
tious leader of men : a population of content and active peasantry that
owned more than ninety percent of Rumania's arable land ; disciplined
and gallant soldiers ; a youth eager to redeem the shame and the errors
of the past regime ; a nonexistent opposition ; and, to defend him against
conspirators and traitors, all the moral, spiritual and physical power of
the Iron Guard, of the Legionaries .
This ought to have satisfied him if his ambitions had been identical
with those of his mutilated and threatened country . But this was not
the case, as was shown when the General, on the eve of an imminent war,
deprived his country of the enthusiasm, the valor and the steadfastness
of the most faithful of its sons . He did this solely because he did not
want to share a page of glory, which he believed easy to write, with the
shadow of Corneliu Codreanu .


How We Parted

A t the end of November 1940, upon returning from our

conference in Berlin, I found General Antonescu in a somber mood,
pretending to believe in the possibility of a Legionary conspiracy and
even in a projected attempt against his life. Everyone admitted into
his presence, except the members of the Government, was thoroughly
searched for hidden weapons by his aide-de-camp, Colonel Elefterescu .
The acute crisis between him and the Movement, provoked by the Jilava
tragedy, had, however, already subsided . In fact, I believe that the
General and Mihai Antonescu were much less distressed by what had
happened than the Legionary members of the Government . They no
longer had to worry about the trial of the accused men, which would
have confronted them with important political and personal difficulties .
As for Mihai Antonescu, his principal mission at the justice Department
-saving those men-no longer necessary, he was able to concentrate
upon securing the appointment of his dreams : that of Minister of For-
eign Affairs. In the strategy of their long-planned coup against their own
Government, the capture of the Foreign Office and of the Ministry of
the Interior were for the Antonescus two important preliminary steps .
My intention had always been to keep my office until the moment I
was able to summon the Soviet Envoy and present him with an ulti-
matum for his Government to evacuate the stolen provinces within
twenty-four hours, after which I would have joyfully yielded my arm-
chair to anybody who wanted it, and gone to join my regiment . My
experiences in Berlin and a confidential message I had received from
Herr Fabricius to the effect that "the Cossacks will very soon regret the
day they brought their horses to water in the Danube" reinforced my
decision to stick it out and not to break with Antonescu, no matter what
the provocation, until the long-awaited moment .
208 / The Suicide of Europe
The trouble was that for the same reason-the knowledge that war
between Germany and Russia was close at hand-General Antonescu
decided desperately to break with the Movement at whatever price . This
was a rather knotty undertaking that called for some preparatory oper-
ations, the first being to win the control of our contact with Berlin . This
led to outbursts of verbal aggression of increasing impropriety against
his Minister of Foreign Affairs . These outbursts greatly amused bystand-
ers and I generally shrugged my shoulders at them .
The final crisis between the General and me was provoked-as I
learned later-by the recall of Fabricius and the substitution of a prom-
inent member of the National Socialist Party, Baron Manfred von Kil-
linger . The General was convinced that Fabricius's recall was the result
of some intrigues of mine, and that that was the purpose of my extra
three days in Berlin . He was absolutely wrong .'
The General's annoyance was understandable . Fabricius had given
him complete cooperation in his intrigues between Berlin and the Le-
gionary command . In the appointment of a militant member of the
National Socialist Party, the General saw the danger of better relations
between the German Legation and this Command, a fact that would
have ruined his most cherished plan : to break with the Movement with-
out antagonizing Berlin . Antonescu's alarm was superfluous for two rea-
sons : Fabricius left Bucharest only after causing the Movement the great-
est possible harm ; Killinger, as German Envoy, was to be still more ob-
tuse with regard to Rumanian circumstances and to the importance of
the Movement in case of a conflict with Soviet Russia . During all of his
activities in Bucharest, Baron Killinger was our greatest enemy, until
that night in September 1944 when he blew out his brains, accompanied
in his suicide by the poor girl who was his private secretary .
At the news that Fabricius was leaving, the General really got to work .
I received unexpectedly from him a severe note on the margin of an old
report of the Ministry of the Interior, relating to a rather unimportant
incident between Rumanian and Hungarian customs authorities . "Did
my Minister of Foreign Affairs inform me about it? No, he did not!"
read the note . I replied that the report was long overdue, that the inci-
dent had already been settled, and that it occurred while we were in Ber-
lin and Mihai Antonescu was my interimary . The General did not

1 According to Herr Andreas Hillgruber, Antonescu told Fabricius that I had boasted
to him of having provoked, while in Berlin, Fabricius' recall . The truth is that at no
moment did I busy myself while in Berlin, or at any time, with the question of Ger-
many's representation in Bucharest, and that I had nothing to do with Killinger's
appointment . It was another item in Antonescu's collection of fabrications, the pur-
pose of this one obviously being to feed the hostile feelings of Herr Fabricius toward
the Legionary Movement . Antonescu relied on these hostile feelings to help him in
Berlin in his campaign of intrigue and slander against the Movement .
How We Parted / 209

relent ; the report came back to me with another comment: "Did my

Minister of Foreign Affairs try to find out if Mr . Mihai Antonescu had
informed me about the incident? No, he did not!"
I was used to such proceedings, and generally they amused me . But to
my great astonishment there was another marginal note on the same
report, absolutely irrelevant to its content . In red ink and underlined it
read, "What does my Minister of Foreign Affairs intend to do-provoke
a war with Russia?" A few days later, and with apparent concern, the
General told our Envoy in Rome, Victor Vojen, "With his brutal ways
Sturdza was about to throw me into a war with Russia ."
With blue pencil under the red-penciled question, I wrote, "Of course
I would like to have a war with Russia" and sent the document back to
the General . But even today I do not know for the life of me what
prompted General Antonescu to challenge me about Rumania's rela-
tions with Moscow on the occasion of such an unrelated episode . Two
months had passed since the border incident at the Rumanian-Russian
frontier and nothing had occurred since then that could explain the Gen-
eral's dramatic outburst, unless he had completely and suddenly lost his
I remembered, however, a visit of the Soviet Envoy two days before
Antonescu's unaccountable outburst . The interview went off exactly as
had five or six others with that same individual . The Envoy always came
accompanied by a secretary . Without shaking hands I always asked them
very courteously to sit down . The Russian Envoy would then extract
from his pocket a document, read it in Russian, punctuating his reading
by jabbing his finger at the paper . After that, his secretary would read
a French version of the same document . The whole procedure was, of
course, unusual and even somehow impertinent . In order to indicate my
displeasure, all during the Russian reading I would busy myself ostensi-
bly with some papers on my desk. At the end of the French reading, I
would ask the secretary if his boss had anything more to say . The answer
was generally negative and my guest would depart with no more hand-
shakes than at their arrival, leaving behind them the French text . The
answer was communicated to them after consultation with the generals
who were our delegates at the Rumanian-Russian commission of Tighina
and who were in charge of the solution of the various questions left un-
solved after the departure of Rumanian troops .
Nothing out of the ordinary had happened during the last interview
except, perhaps, that I shortened it because of the accumulated matters
on my desk. If the Russian Envoy had decided to complain about the
way I treated him, and if this had motivated Antonescu's intemperate
outbreak, it meant that once again the General had broken the promise
he had given me not to receive foreign envoys in my absence . Realizing
210 / The Suicide o f Europe
that this time Antonescu was prepared for any extremity, I decided to
steal a march on him and send him that same night a formal letter ask-
ing him to choose between my resignation and his promise to let me ad-
minister my department from then on without unnecessary interference .
My only further contact with Antonescu was when his aide-de-camp,
Colonel Elefterescu, at the usual time of the yearly distribution of dis.
tinctions, phoned me on behalf of his chief to learn my preferences . I
asked Elefterescu to thank the General, but to tell him that I did not
know where to hang the hardware I already had .
As I have mentioned, Fabricius did not leave Bucharest before playing
his last and meanest trick-a trick that could not even have been tried
if I had still been Minister of Foreign Affairs .
Fabricius had been ordered to transmit to Prime Minister Antonescu
and to Vice President Horia Sima, the Commandant of the Legionary
Movement, Hitler's invitation to visit him in Berchtesgaden . If such a
meeting had taken place, it would have been very difficult for the Gen-
eral to continue his intrigues against the Movement, with the Fiihrer
and Herr Ribbentrop, and very easy for Horia Sima to thwart them .
Fabricius' duty called for him to inform the Vice President, personally,
of Hitler's invitation . He did not do this, but preferred to entrust Mihai
Antonescu with the message . Mihai Antonescu falsified it . Horia Sima
was informed that, thanks to the insistence of the General and Mihai
Antonescu, he, Sima, had also been invited to accompany the General on
his visit . Sima, who had not forgotten what had happened to me in Berlin
in the Fi hrer's anteroom, excused himself, and the meeting which would
have forestalled General Antonescu's coup against the Movement did
not take place .


Antonescu's Putsch

I t is, perhaps, because of the stability in the political life of

the two big English-speaking countries that there is no appropriate word
in that language for a violent attempt against the established order . Be-
tween the French coup d'etat and the German Putsch we have chosen
the latter for the title of this chapter, since without the assistance of the
astute Fabricius and of the opaque General Hansen, commander of the
German troops in Rumania, Antonescu could not have carried out his
long-premeditated assault against the Iron Guard and his own Govern-
ment .
This history of the Legionary Movement offers problems that even
Mme. Denise Basdevant, one of the most specialized slanderers of the
Movement, has not been able to solve in her book Terres Roumaines
conte Vents et Marees (Rumanian Cliffs against Wind and Tide), the
worthy counterpart of Prost's Destin de la Roumanie. She expresses deep
perplexity when talking about what she calls the "Legionary Rebellion" :
"It seems to me difficult to understand that the Legionaries, who already
had the power in their hands, would have prepared a Putsch in order to
get it." We can easily help Mme . Basdevant with this puzzle . In January
1941 there was no Legionary Putsch, but a Putsch of General Antonescu
against his own Government in order to take by force that bit of author-
ity that had been assigned to the Legionary Movement by the written
arrangement between him and Horia Sima-an arrangement that had
been ratified by the King and was the fundamental charter of the Na-
tional Legionary Government .
At what moment did Antonescu decide to violate this charter and all
the solemn verbal assurances he so often gave the Movement's leaders?
Personally, I am convinced that it was at the very moment of the signing
of the agreement . The General's pledge was accompanied by an impor-
212 / The Suicide of Europe
tant mental reservation, which of course could not have been perceived
by Horia Sima and his companions . According to the written agreement,
the Movement in its organic entirety, with its Commander and its hier-
archy, subordinated itself to the General in exchange for the promise
that its hierarchy and its entirety would be strictly respected . The Gen-
eral had never been satisfied with this arrangement ; he wanted to take
the direction of the Movement not only from Horia Sima's hands, but
most especially from the hands of Corneliu Codreanu, dead and non-
existent for him but forever alive for the Iron Guard and forever its
standard bearer .
The Legionary greeting, even after the Captain's assassination, had
always been and still is Traiascd Legiunea si Cdpitanul, which means
"Long live the Legion and the Captain ." Antonescu could not under-
stand it and wanted it to be changed to "Long live the Legion and the
General ." The Movement's leadership would have perhaps agreed to it,
but they knew that such a change would have provoked a real revolu-
tion among the ranks . It was perhaps unjust to ask an egomaniac such
as the General to understand this immovable fidelity for a deceased
chief, and still more difficult to convince him that this fidelity was the
best guarantee of the Movement's faithfullness to him .
Antonescu had conceived the sharing of the power that the Legionary
insurrection had forced Carol to relinquish only with the unexpressed
hope of snatching, sometime and somehow, the command of the Move-
ment from the hands of its accepted leaders . Signs of this mental reserva-
tion had been visible from the first contact between Antonescu and us .
In fact, it was obvious from the moment he had sent General Coroama
to a far removed command because Coroama had declared to Carol that
he would never shoot at Legionaries . In the same vein, only a few days
after the constitution of his National Legionary Government, complain-
ing about the alleged intransigence of the Movement's leaders, toward
the delegation of a certain women's organization, he expounded : "But,
be sure that I will never be another Kerenskyl" Indeed, those words,
when applied to his Legionary collaborators, represented the General's
intentions very accurately .
Two conditions were to be fulfilled before he could consider himself
able to carry out those intentions : the securing of the army's coopera-
tion, and Berlin's consent . He took care of the first by certain appropri-
ate changes in the corps and divisions command and by canceling with
a stroke of the pen all the debts of officers, of every grade, contracted at
their special bank of credit, one of the two State institutions functioning
for all the State officials, civilian and military . The salaries of State em-
ployees in Rumania were so shamefully low that canceling all existing
Antonescu's Putsch / 213
indebtedness would have been considered by many an act of justice . Can-
celing only those of the military men was quite a different thing .
Antonescu's maneuvering to win over Hitler to the idea of liquidating
the Iron Guard started while we were in Berlin . Hitler and Ribbentrop
had felt it necessary to mention something about it to me ; but the Gen-
eral's activities were substantially cramped in Berlin by the presence of
so many Legionaries . Hitler's final consent was won in Berchtesgaden,
where thanks to the Fabricius-Antonescu maneuvers nobody was around
to challenge the General's deceitful accusations . When Hitler informed
him of his final decision to attack Soviet Russia and of the date he had
chosen for the start of this new military operation, Antonescu objected
on the ground that he could not guarantee Rumania's full cooperation
until he had taken radical measures against "the revolutionary spirit of
the Legionary Movement ." What all the arguments were that the Gen-
eral employed to convince Hitler we cannot know ; but the Ghyka and
Groza episodes, which will be related later, are proofs that in such
circumstances Antonescu did not hesitate at any imposture or even at
crime .
Indeed, it was a crime against his country's most sacred interests, to
assert to Hitler-contrary to all that he knew of the spirit of sacrifice
and patriotism of the Iron Guard-that the behavior of the Legionaries
in case of war could have jeopardized Rumania's contribution to the
common effort . Antonescu knew very well that this was a lie, that in the
event of a war with Soviet Russia he would have seen the Legionaries,
the majority of his Ministers included, in the first row of the battle, and
models of discipline, endurance, and courage . The General lied to Hitler
on that fateful day with the same imperturbability with which I had
heard him lie in many minor circumstances . Antonescu's behavior in
Berchtesgaden proved once more that his patriotism was a subordinate
aspect of his ambition, rather than his ambition a subordinate aspect of
his patriotism . The country had a chance with him only when both pas-
sions could be satisfied simultaneously .
This distinction explains General Antonescu's "collaborating" with
the Movement while trying to annihilate it, and it explains why, during
the victorious part of the war in Russia, he uselessly immolated 70,000
Rumanians in a frontal attack against Odessa : the Germans in their
communique had wisely taken the precaution of stressing that the battle
of Odessa was strictly Antonescu's battle . Odessa would have fallen in
any case through regular maneuvers, just as Hango was falling in Fin-
land at the same time and under identical circumstances. It was
this same vacuum in the General's soul that did not permit him to find
the spiritual wings to lift him above the first reverses, but forced him to
214 / The Suicide of Europe
abandon into the hands of political cretins, weaklings, and traitors the
authority that could still have been his .
Back from Berchtesgaden in January 1941, the General, assured of
Hitler's approval of his intended Putsch, got rid of his Minister of the
Interior, General Petrovicescu, a hero of World War I . Petrovicescu was
a hard-working soldier whose only fault had been that seven years pre-
viously he, as State's Attorney, had presented an honest case to the mili-
tary court before which Codreanu had been arraigned . For the operation
against Petrovicescu a handy pretext presented itself with the assassina-
tion of a German officer in the streets of Bucharest by a drunken or de-
ranged Greek citizen . This permitted Antonescu to accuse his Minister
of the Interior of negligence . How it happened that this assassination
occurred at just the right moment only Eugeniu Christescu might have
known . Christescu-a few years later a staunch pillar of the Communist
Rumanian Government-was the head of the General's personal security
service, which was independent of the state's security service, the latter
then headed by Alexandru Ghyka, a friend and distant relative of this
writer, who was dismissed along with General Petrovicescu .
Antonescu's dismissal of Petrovicescu, Ghyka, and this writer was an
open violation of the agreement that had brought him to power . The
agreement stipulated that these three Ministries belonged to the Legion-
ary Movement . There followed a convocation of all the district prefects
in Bucharest, a measure that, along with other ominous signs, greatly
alarmed the Legionary ranks . No one had forgotten that under Carol the
replacement of civilian prefects with military ones had been a prelimi-
nary to the great slaughter, and everybody had the impression that some
new foul play was afoot . The general restlessness manifested itself in a
big Legionary demonstration, which was carried on in an orderly way,
proclaiming anew the fidelity of the Movement to the General but voic-
ing also the Legionaries' anxieties .
The Legionaries did not have to wait long to see how well-founded
were their worries . The night of the demonstration, January 20-21, the
General ordered the army to take control of all the district prefectures
and police headquarters . Throughout the whole country the Legionaries,
who had not received any orders either from the administrative authori-
ties or from the Movement's hierarchy, resisted the Putsch and refused
to evacuate their legally occupied stations . They resisted because that
was the natural reaction of a heroic and disciplined organization ; they
resisted because everybody understood that this was the beginning of
new persecutions, imprisonments, and assassinations .
In Iasi, the capital of Moldavia, where my son was the local Legionary
leader and where General Coroama commanded an army corps, order and
tranquility were assured by the collaboration of the army and the Move-
Antonescu's Putsch / 215
ment . The same situation existed in most of the country. If Antonescu
had warned his Vice President and the other Legionary members in his
Government of his intentions, violence could have been avoided .
This was not, however, what the General wanted . He hoped to dem-
onstrate to the Germans that the Legionary Movement was a disorderly
and dangerous faction . Consequently in Bucharest and Ploesti, which
were directly under the General's control, Legionary blood was immedi-
ately shed . In Bucharest two tanks appeared before the police headquar-
ters and immediately opened fire, killing two Legionaries . The Legion-
ary guard seized the tanks, caught their crews, officers and men, and sent
them away unharmed . They then set the two tanks in position, so as to
defend the police headquarters from further attacks . In less than an hour
all the Legionary-occupied positions in the capital were in a state of
siege . The Legionaries barricaded themselves in those State institutions
that they occupied legally and that no authorized person had ordered
them to abandon .
I joined my comrades at the district prefecture, where my wife and
other ladies brought the necessary provisions for a siege of unknown du-
ration . Now and then I went to chat with my comrades at the police
headquarters, another Legionary stronghold, in front of which reposed
the two captured tanks, manned by sleepy Legionaries . From the tower
of the telephone building, the highest building in Bucharest, where the
General had wrongly placed a couple of machine guns that ought to
have been fired from the basement, the tanks were fired at without ap-
preciable success . The Legionary-controlled tanks did not answer . More-
over, during the three days of the Movement's resistance no Rumanian
soldier was killed or wounded. The Legionaries always fired over their
heads . The massacre of civilians and Legionaries occurred afterwards,
when disarmed citizens were victims, once more, of foul play and be-
trayal .
During the night of January 22-23 we received a perplexing call from
the Legionary "nest" known as Ion-Voda . Two trucks loaded with what
appeared to be prisoners and their guards, had passed before the Ion-
Voda position . The Legionaries tried to stop them, but they were fired
on and the trucks broke through . They asked Ion Popa, the Prefect who
was taking the call, what his orders were . The orders were to follow, to
investigate and to arrest . Half an hour later we were informed that in
a field not far from the city limits about sixty corpses were found, all of
them from the Jewish suburbs of Bucharest . With them were a few
wounded men . What were the orders? The orders, transmitted and exe-
cuted immediately, were to transport the wounded men at once to the
nearest hospital and to stop at any price all other trucks passing the
same way .
216 / The Suicide of Europe
We do not know to this day for sure who the culprits were . In his book
Un Chapitre d'Histoire Roumaine this is what General Chirnoaga tells
about this cowardly massacre :

The Legionaries were immediately blamed for it ; but one never knew
who the real culprits were . The Government that replaced the National
Legionary Government, and the Jewish Bucharest Community, applied
themselves to careful investigations, but nothing came of them . This is al-
most certain proof that the Legionary Movement was not implicated, other-
wise the culprits would have been quickly discovered . So, in the end it was
more desirable to leave uncertainty and suspicion alive .

It is useless to remember that the number of victims was quickly mul-

tiplied by ten, then once more by ten, and reached eight thousand in
some postwar reports, which included the story-also used five years be-
fore against Franco's troops in Badajoz-of human flesh sold at butcher
We can easily imagine who were the criminals . Paid provocateurs had
infiltrated our ranks from the moment of the Legionary victory to the
time, perhaps too late, that we stopped new enlistments . We also know
who was directing their activities : those shadowy individuals who served
with the same diligence the Carol and Antonescu Governments and
finally the Communist regime, to which they had probably always be-
longed . Three hundred unarmed civilians and Legionaries (a figure
given by Antonescu's information service) were mowed down in the
streets of Bucharest by the General's machine guns after the cease-fire
agreement, when everybody had reason to think that peace had been
re-established in the capital . No one mentions those three hundred inno-
cent victims of Antonescu's madness, but the corpses of the sixty unfor-
tunate Jews-a figure that, as we mentioned, has gradually reached that
of eight thousand under the pen of some enthusiastic anti-Legionary
"historians"-are and will continue to be paraded in every almanac for
centuries to come .
' It is interesting to note that such accusations came, after all, from the side of
those who not only allowed the slaughtered corpses of Mussolini and the young girl
who shared his fate to be hanged by the feet like pork in a butcher shop-and
this time there is a widely published photograph that vouches for the authenticity of
the fact-but made the executioner a member for life of the Italian Senate.


Fooled Again

T he second night of Antonescu's Putsch I was visiting at the

police headquarters when a German officer presented himself with a mes-
sage for Horia Sima from General Hansen, the commanding officer of
the German military mission . With this officer and with Dr . Victor Biris,
another Legionary, we left immediately for Sima's hideout . General Han-
sen's message read : "Important events are in preparation in this part of
Europe which ask for order and tranquility in Rumania . The Fiihrer
appeals to the patriotism of the Legionary Movement and asks that the
disorders be stopped . General Antonescu has promised that there will be
no measures taken against any Legionary if the Movement's resistance
ceases immediately ."
Horia Sima, fearing with very good reason new treachery, asked that
the German Charge d'Affaires, Dr . Hermann Neubacher, be present to
confirm both the message and the promise . Fabricius, his mission accom-
plished, had left Bucharest to the tune of machine gun and artillery mu-
sic ; Manfred von Killinger, the new Envoy, had not yet presented his
credentials ; this left Neubacher provisionally in charge . Neubacher ap-
peared promptly, confirmed Hitler's appeal and Antonescu's promises
backed by Hitler's assurances . Sima pointed out to him that it had not
been the Movement but Antonescu who started the fighting ; Sima was
ready to order the end of the Legionary resistance, but for the sake of
his followers' security he could not ask them to put down their weapons
before having reached a written and precise arrangement with the Gen-
eral . This arrangement should also cover the attitude of the German
troops, as it was more or less an ultimatum that General Hansen had
sent Sima.
Neubacher and Minister Vasile Iasinschi, chosen for his firmness and
his talent as a negotiator, went to see the General . They came back with
218 / The Suicide of Europe
the conditions of the cease-fire scribbled on a piece of paper . The condi-
tions were agreed upon by both parties, and the attitude of German
troops present in the capital was guaranteed by the German representa-
tive . The Legionary Movement pledged itself to cease all resistance by
eleven o'clock that morning, a delay necessary for transmitting the orders
to the rest of the country . The General pledged himself not to take any
measures against the Movement and not to prosecute or molest any of its
members for the recent happenings . As Sima mentioned the possibility
of ordering the Movement out of any political activity, Neubacher pro-
tested : "We need you, especially in the present circumstances ." W e were
even informed that in the discussion with the General various govern-
ment formations with Legionary collaboration had been considered .
Without losing a minute, all the necessary measures were taken to in-
form the provinces of the cease-fire . In Bucharest it was this writer and
Biris who made the rounds of all the Legionary positions and saw to it
that they were evacuated without delay . Complete evacuation was ful-
filled in Bucharest before eight o'clock, three hours in advance of the
agreed time .
This done, tired and hungry, I went home for a bath, breakfast, and
some rest. I did not get the rest-at least not immediately . About nine
o'clock we had a visit from Alexandru Randa accompanied by one of
the secretaries of the German Legation, whose name I have forgotten .
We were commenting about the recent deplorable events when suddenly
we heard new machine-gun bedlam coming from the direction of the
telephone building . Leaving my guests I hastened into the Calea Vic-
toriei and arrived in front of the Royal Palace in time to see two German
motorized howitzers arriving at full speed and preparing for action . Ru-
manian troops were barring the street . I asked a young officer exactly
what was the trouble and received this reply : "What could it be but
General Antonescu shooting at Legionaries againl"
I could not understand the situation . In the direction toward which
Antonescu's machine guns were firing, from the telephone building east-
ward along the Calea Victoriei, there had been no other center of resist-
ance than the district prefecture and the police headquarters, the evacu-
ation of which I had myself overseen . To increase my perplexity another
machine gun suddenly started shooting at the other extremity of the
Calea Victoriei, from the direction of the Presidential Palace, Antones-
cu's residence. I reached the central office of our organization, where I
found half a dozen comrades as dumbfounded as I . We could not under-
stand at whom Antonescu was shooting .
Among the crowd I saw in the street, a typical crowd of loafers and
bystanders, there may have been some Legionaries, but so few that I was
not able to identify any . It was this harmless public that would pay,
Fooled Again / 219
with more than three hundred killed and about a thousand wounded,
for Antonescu's last stratagem to demonstrate to Hitler that despite all
his efforts no arrangement had been possible with the Iron Guard .
I found my German guest still at my home and reminded him of the
Fizhrer's and General Hansen's pledge concerning the attitude of the
German troops . I expressed my amazement at the participation of those
troops in this unbelievable act of betrayal . "In the end you will lose all
your friends'" I told him . With irony and sadness he answered : Wir
brauchen keine Freunde, wir haben Panzerdivisionen ("We need no
friends; we have the Panzer divisions") .
The Iron Guard had been fooled once more ; but this time the Move-
ment was neither the only nor the principal victim . Few have realized
that it was the Antonescu Putsch and the ease with which National So-
cialist Germany had once more, as she had in Slovakia and Hungary,
allowed and even helped the suppression of a Nationalist Movement
(the only type of movement that guaranteed a fight to the last man in
the event of a war with Soviet Russia) that had deprived Prince Paul
and his Nationalist Government in Yugoslavia of their prestige and au-
thority, and had permitted the triumph of the Simovic-Donovan-Tarta-
ruga foreign conspiracy .' It was the Simovic conspiracy and the necessity
of preventing an Italian disaster that provoked the otherwise absolutely
unexpected conflict between Germany and Yugoslavia and finally forced
Germany to send more than forty divisions and her crack parachute
troops across the Danube and as far as Crete-divisions and troops that
would very likely have secured the fall of Moscow before the beginning
of winter, as Hitler fully expected .
It seemed very important, not only for us but for the country, to in-
form the new German Envoy of the Movement's sincere desire to main-

1 In March 1941, Yugoslavia under the regency of Prince Paul, and with Drafa Svet-
covic as Prime Minister, also adhered to the Tripartite Pact (Germany-Italy-Japan)
as Hungary, Rumania, and Slovakia had done . The Yugoslav statesmen did it, prin-
cipally, in order to safeguard their country, threatened by Italy's unjustifiable ambi-
tions and intrigues concerning Croatia . Two days after the signing of the Tripartite
Pact a military conspiracy, led by a certain Colonel Dusan Simovic, overthrew the
Svetcovic Government, drove Prince Paul out of the country and replaced him by the
child-King Peter, whom Roosevelt-in an appropriate broadcast-proclaimed to be
the future Peter the Great . The conspiracy had been engineered by foreign agents
under the clever direction of, then Major Donovan, an American citizen in the service
of the British . Crowds joined the conspiracy instigated by Communist agents . Colonel
Simovic (who promoted himself to General) has disappeared from further Yugoslav
history, as has Marshal Smigly-Rydz disappeared from the history of Poland, after
having thrown his country into an irretrievable disaster . King Peter of Yugoslavia has
been seen lately at festivities masquerading in his royal mantle and crown . This is what
we find in Who Was Who in the United States about William Joseph Donovan :
. . advanced to the rank of Colonel, wounded three times, unofficial observer for
Great Britain's Secretary of Navy July-August 1940, and South-East Europe, Decem-
ber 1940-May 1941 ."
220 / The Suicide o f Europe
tain order and unity among the Rumanian people at the price of what-
ever sacrifice from our side on the eve of the important events that were
about to come . Therefore Alexandru Randa, who had already made
contact with Killinger, arranged a meeting for me with Fabricius's suc-
cessor that same afternoon at the Italian Legation . I spent the hours
prior to the meeting in a friend's home to avoid a possible premature
arrest, which would have prevented me from keeping this rendezvous .
Imprudently, however, I decided to pay a short visit to my sister's . Hardly
were we seated for our afternoon tea when the house was overrun by a
dozen plainclothes detectives commanded by an army captain who de-
clared me under arrest . We invited him to join us at the table, an invi-
tation he declined, but he very courteously allowed us to continue the
I was entrusted to two mamelukes, one of whom I recognized without
too much surprise as the detective who had been assigned for my per-
sonal protection when I took possession of my office and whom I had im-
mediately dismissed for reasons of principle and because of his homicidal
countenance .
I was taken to the Malmaison military prison, where I was placed in
a cell about seven by five feet in size with two bunks, one above the
other . Exhausted by three active days and two sleepless nights, I imme-
diately lay down, faced the wall, and fell into a deep slumber . About
three o'clock in the morning I was awakened by somebody shaking my
shoulder. Another inmate, I thought, and grumbled some protest . This
did not seem to satisfy the newcomer, who kept on shaking me . Com-
pletely awake now, I realized that the "intruder" was my wife . Her to-
tally unmotivated arrest was in perfect accord with Antonescu's innate
vulgarity . He had my wife imprisoned for five months in a military
prison where there were only males as guards and inmates. I must im-
mediately add that everybody, from the prison commandant to the last
soldier, behaved with such courtesy and good breeding that my wife was
probably much better off there than she would have been in a women's
prison .
There is one possible excuse for Antonescu's unusual behavior : I be-
lieve that in the weeks that preceded and followed the beginning of the
war in Russia he passed through a severe mental crisis bordering on
actual insanity . This explains to some extent the imprisoning of thou-
sands of persons without any detectable motive, the shooting and killing
of hundreds of innocent passersby, the shelling of factory gates instead
of asking the gatekeepers to open them, the murdering of one more
brother of Corneliu Codreanu, the machine-gunning of the attendants at
this brother's funeral ceremony, and so on . I believe also that the siege
and conquest of Odessa in the manner in which this operation was car-
Fooled Again / 221
ried out under the General's supervision was a direct result of Antones-
cu's paranoia.
The next day the prison started to fill up with former and present
Ministers and high officials of the National Legionary Government,
among whom were General Petrovicescu, the former Minister of Inte-
rior; and Alexandru Ghyka, Chief of State Security . I spent about six
months in prison, which is nothing compared to the ordeal of some of
my comrades who were moved from Antonescu's cells to those of King
Michael and then to those of the Communist regime, where many died
and where hundreds of others, like Alexandru Ghyka, still remain at the
very moment I am writing these lines . I hope that none of my readers
will ever have the same experience . But just in case, let me give some
friendly advice : if you are ever incarcerated, consider that it will last for-
ever and adjust yourself mentally to such an eventuality . Falling into a
state of claustrophobia and expecting at any second a miracle that will
open the door of your cell or the gates of your prison will quickly finish
you physically and mentally and will not hasten by an instant the mo-
ment of your liberation .
This philosophy was so much the easier to apply as our guardians, all
of them military people and not political stooges, behaved with the in-
stinctive humanity and intelligent generosity that is characteristic of
those of our people who are direct products of Rumanian villages and
Rumanian soil, and who have not been degraded by contact with cor-
rupt and denationalized authorities and politicians . Thanks to the prison
personnel, our contacts with the outside world were never completely
severed, and we had news from comrades and kin in other prisons .
Through them we heard that our son was alive, but that he had been
pursued, found, and arrested . From his cell in Jilava, as he told us after-
wards, he heard the defiant songs of six of his comrades who were exe-
cuted in the prison yard .
At night, when the civilian police who guarded the prison walls dur-
ing the day had left the premises, our doors were unlocked for our
nightly get-togethers, the chief attraction of which was the humorous
rhymed journal read aloud by our beloved poet Radu Gyr . Sometimes
we laughed so loud that the night officer, a constant bystander, had to
warn us to quiet down lest the outer guards would think we were riot-
ing. The poems that Radu Gyr read to us were not always on the comic
side. Some of us, those whose children had been submitted to so many
ordeals and torments, had tears in our eyes when we heard for the first
time "You have robbed us of our youthl "-an immortal slap in the face
for all the torturers, kings or knaves, of a heroic and unlucky generation .
The newspapers informed us daily about the deceitful and insanely
persistent maneuvers by which the General tried to accredit his version
222 / The Suicide o f Europe
of the latest events and discredit the Legionary Movement, in the eyes
of the Germans, as a possible partner in a war against Soviet Russia . All
this took place during circumstances in which all his efforts should have
been to bring about a concurrence of feeling and action among the Ru-
manian people . With consternation we read in the German papers a com-
munication of Ribbentrop to the press to the effect that Groza, one of
the Legionary leaders, had recently paid a visit to Moscow . There was a
Groza among the Legionary leaders who was at that very moment a refu-
gee in Germany, but everybody knew, and certainly Baron Killinger knew,
that the Groza who had paid a visit to Moscow was not our Groza but a
former Minister in a National Peasant Government, the same individual
whom Vyshinsky forced King Michael to accept four years later as the
first Communist Prime Minister of Rumania . 2
At the time of Ribbentrop's declaration, Killinger announced to the
German minority in Transylvania that "the Legionary Movement had
committed suicide and therefore did not exist any more ." I had been able
to keep in written contact with Killinger all during my six months in
the military prison ; so I tried to make him understand that suicide im-
plied initiative and death of the subject, and that we were still alive and
had not taken any initiative in the last events . Little did I know, and
Killinger very likely still less, that suicide would be the way he would
choose to expiate his part of the responsibility for the fraud whose vic-
tims were not only the Iron Guard but also Rumania and his own
country .
After about six months of imprisonment we were finally taken before
one of those routine kangaroo courts . A somewhat refined procedure
had been developed by first bringing to trial thousands of Legionaries
from the ranks and sentencing them for a rebellion that had never oc-
curred . Our cases, since we were their chiefs, could not, therefore, prom-
ise any surprises, and except for the obvious similarity to proceedings in
Carol's courts, did not present any interest .
For the record, however, here are some of the facts :
Among other charges we were accused of having clandestinely intro-
duced twenty-five submachine guns from Germany . I asked the State's At-
torney, Colonel Pion, if those twenty-five submachine guns were identical
2 Among the biggest impostures of the Antonescu team was that of a list of alleged
Legionary misdeeds, published in Pe Margina Prapastei, a book that appeared when
we all were in Antonescu's prisons or muzzled in Germany . Hans Rogger and Eugen
Weber chose this book as the main source of information for their own book, The
European Right. The phoniness of the whole list was demonstrated by the fact that
among the thousands of cases that were brought against the Legionaries after Anto-
nescu's Putsch, none concerned those alleged misdeeds. Indeed, none could have been
substantiated by the State's Attorney any better than was the false accusation relating
to the clandestine introduction of submachine guns, or the accusation of "high trea-
son" brought against Alexandru Ghyka.
UPI Photo

General Ion Antonescu, de facto Chief of State of Rumania during World War II .
UPI Photo
King Michael I of Rumania .
Martin Bormann .

Reichsfiihrer Heinrich Himmler .

UPI Photo UPI Photo
Yalta - gravediggers and morticians : Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt,
Joseph Stalin . Back row, left to right : Lord Leathers, Anthony Eden, Edward
Stettinius, Alexander Cadogan, Vyacheslav Molotov, and Averell Harriman .
UPI Photo

Nurnberg. Left to right, front row : Reichsmarschall Hermann Goring, Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop, Gen-
eralfeldmarschall Wilhelm Keitel, and Alfred Rosenberg . Back row : Grossadmiral Karl Donitz, Admiral Erich Raeder,
Baldur Schirach, Fritz Sauckel, and Generaloberst Alfred Jodl . Rudolf Hess, who usually sat next to Goring, is absent .
Reichsmarschall Hermann Goring in his cell at Mirnberg .
UPI Photo

Rev. Richard Wurmbrand, stripped to the waist before a Senate judiciary subcommittee,
shows the scars he received in a Communist Rumanian prison .
The Monastery of Voronel, built by Stcfan the Great .
Fooled Again 223
to those that Mme . Antonescu, General Antonescu's wife, had distributed
with her own hands at a public ceremony to twenty-five Legionaries who
formed her husband's personal guard . The Colonel answered affirma-
tively. I asked him if it were not true that neither those weapons nor
those twenty-five Legionaries had played any part in the recent events .
The Colonel answered affirmatively again . When I asked how, in such
circumstances, it could be pretended that those weapons had been clan-
destinely introduced into the country, I was reminded that we were there
to answer, not to ask questions.
One of the accused, an Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Pub-
lic Works, was indicted for having bought one gallon of aviation fuel ;
the absurd claim was made that this fuel could only have been purchased
with pyromaniacal intentions .
But the most shameful case of all was that of Alexandru Ghyka, Chief
of State Security . Codreanu had once reproduced in a public declaration
from the columns of various newspapers an order to the local gendarme-
rie forbidding the Legionaries access to voting places . On this basis he
had been accused of high treason and sentenced accordingly . As Chief of
State Security Alexandru Ghyka, descendant of a long line of reigning
princes of Moldavia and Walachia, had, among other responsibilities,
the problem of security for the German officers, members of the German
military mission, a rather important part of his duty as was demonstrated
by the assassination of a German officer on the streets of Bucharest . He
had, consequently, dispatched instructions to all the country's prefects to
keep him informed about the presence of German military personnel in
their territory. Ghyka would have been derelict in his duties if he had
not taken that or similar precautions . Using with imperturbable cyni-
cism the very same trick that Carol had used to secure Codreanu's con-
demnation, Antonescu asked that on the grounds of Ghyka's orders to
the prefects, Ghyka be found guilty of high treason .
If Ghyka had indeed collected such information in order to communi-
cate it to an enemy, this enemy could have been only the Soviets . Here
again, as in the Groza case, Antonescu was evidently trying to convince
the Germans that there were guilty relations between the Movement and
the Kremlin. This was insane, for no one who knew the facts could be-
lieve it either of Ghyka or the Movement .
On closing his case against us, Colonel Pion, the Attorney for the State
and the only more or less honorable figure among the gorillas Antonescu
had chosen for this pet case of his, expressed himself as follows : "Con-
cerning the accusation of high treason against Alexandru Ghyka, it is
impossible for me to support it ; I know too well his patriotism and that
of the Movement to which he belongs ."
Ghyka's lawyers thanked the State's Attorney for this outburst of un-
224 / The Suicide of Europe
expected sincerity and did not worry further about this stupid attempt
of the insane General .
The court's decision was read to us in our cells : Ghyka had been
found guilty of high treason and sentenced to twenty-five years at hard
Ghyka is still in prison as these lines are written . After Antonescu's
fall, none of the successive governments included Ghyka and his Legion-
ary cellmates in the lists of political prisoners who were to be liberated
-lists that included all the available Communists and traitors .
From Carol's cells to Antonescu's ; from Antonescu's to Michael's ; from
Michael's to the Communists' . What was the common infamous factor
among all these regimes? Is it possible that all of them were clandestinely
and conspiratorially based on a Communist substratum? And if this is
the case, would it not be worthwhile for every patriotic individual or
organization in every country to look around with worried and insistent

Too Late, Gentlemen l

I was sentenced to five years in jail for participating in the

so-called Legionary Rebellion . From the Malmaison prison I was taken
to Jilava, where I parted from my wife, who had been discharged, and
where I found my son, who had been sentenced to seven years at hard
labor . From Jilava we were sent after a few days with a whole trainload
of political and criminal convicts to the Lugoj prison in Transylvania .
To the warden of that new jail, whose name I have regretfully forgot-
ten, I dedicate here a few grateful thoughts . He did everything he could
to indicate the admiration and affection he had for the Movement . I
was moved from a small cell to a spacious room where my comrades
could gather daily, and where those who were natives from that prov-
ince supplied me with many of the victuals they received from their
families : homemade bread, ham, sausages, cheeses .
We asked for and received permission to arise an hour earlier than
the regulation time to attend Mass in the prison chapel, served by one
of our clerical comrades . Before leaving we always sang the hymn, cher-
ished by Legionaries, "God Abide with Us ." In other prisons the sing-
ing of this hymn was considered and treated as the beginning of a re-
bellion. Often we saw some of the non-political prisoners furtively join
our group, kneeling and singing with us . One of them, Filip, a peasant
from the Moldavian highlands who had been assigned to me by the
thoughtful warden as an orderly, was a man of no ordinary appearance
and bearing and had an intelligent and noble nature . I had long talks
with him ; he had killed someone fifteen years previously in some ob-
scure circumstances, but he could have given lessons in patience, truth,
and Christian behavior to many of the leaders of the Carol and Anto-
nescu era .
It was in the Lugoj prison that we received the news we had been
226 / The Suicide o f Europe
awaiting with such impatience : Rumania's general mobilization and
declaration of war against Soviet Russia . On behalf and in the name of
all my comrades I immediately sent the following telegram to Antonescu :
"All the Legionaries of the Lugoj prison await the orders of the Com-
mander-in-Chief . God bless our armies ." During the twenty-four hours
that passed before we received the General's answer we were convinced
it would be the one we wanted . We knew that thousands of imprisoned
Legionaries had sent identical messages, and our optimism was based on
the assumption that Antonescu would be more than willing to form
special battalions with the hated Legionaries and send them into the
hottest center of the fracas, which would have been all right with us .
However, we were mistaken . Antonescu's answer to our telegram was
one that only a maniac could have composed : "Too late, gentlemenl"
Antonescu's plans concerning the war and the Legionaries were already
formed: they were to be sent much later into battle in disciplinary bat-
talions along with felons and other criminals .
Two weeks later, at the German Legation in Sofia, Bulgaria, I was
informed that Hitler had insistently asked that the Legionaries be
liberated and sent to the front, and that Antonescu had promised to
take steps to that effect . Here again we could witness not only another
of Antonescu's tricks, but also the complacency with which German
authorities in Bucharest and Berlin let themselves be fooled . The "lib-
eration" that followed Hitler's demand and that freed me was so limited
that of the more than two hundred Legionary inmates in Lugoj only
two were permitted to leave with me . Also, measures were immediately
taken to prevent all of the liberated ones from reaching the battle lines.
At no moment did Antonescu abandon the fixed idea that had domi-
nated his activity throughout this decisive period : to separate completely
the Legionary Movement, Codreanu's Movement, from the war of re-
conquest, which must be his war alone.
Only those Legionaries who had been sentenced to terms of five years
or less were freed. There were about twenty of them in all among the
thousands who filled the prisons . Some of the conditions of our libera-
tion were written in the corresponding decree ; others I discovered only
after my return to Bucharest . We had to present ourselves in person each
week at the nearest police precinct ; we were allowed no political or
press activity and no contact with foreign persons under the penalty of
being sent back to prison for the rest of our term or more .
My last order of mobilization as a Reserve Captain, which I had re-
ceived two years before, had assigned me to my old World War I unit,
the First Artillery Group of the First Cavalry Division . I decided to con-
form to this order just as if it had been the recent order of mobilization
received by all other reserve officers . I donned my uniform and pre-
Too Late, Gentlemen! / 227
sented myself to the garrison command office . By chance I found there
Captain Tomita, whom I had known as a youth in Targu-Ocna, town
of my childhood . He told me that none of the liberated Legionaries had
been or would be, mobilized, and that my being caught in uniform
might expose me to arrest, which meant of course being sent back to
prison .
Knowing from past experience how easy it was for unit commanders
in the combat zone to arrange their order of battle as they pleased, I
asked Tomita if for the sake of old times he could not make just one
mistake and give me a waybill to where my division was supposed to be
and let me arrange the rest with my chiefs there . After pondering for a
while, Tomita told me that it would be too risky for him and strongly
advised me to change to muftis as promptly as possible .
That evening we went with my wife to see Mrs . Ionica, the widow
of Professor Ionica, who had been executed during Carol's regime . While
we were there some police rabble invaded her home and searched it,
pretending that flashes of light, which could have been meant to direct
enemy aircraft, had been seen coming from the roof of her house . Having
carried out their mission of intimidation and persecution, they left as
suddenly as they had come . Some German officers who also were guests
of Mrs . Ionica expressed very aptly the general feeling : "Die Schweinel"
My decision was made very quickly : I would leave the country before
the first weekly appointment with the police . I would do my best to
reach Finland, to which I had been Rumanian Envoy for many years .
I felt sure that Marshal Mannerheim, an old acquaintance, would con-
sent to my enlistment in the Finnish Army .
During the last days of the so-called rebellion, before my arrest, the
Germans had offered to get me safely out of Rumania . I had declined
with thanks, since, at that time, I preferred to stay in Rumania even as
a prisoner. I could still have availed myself of this offer in those new
circumstances, but I did not do so because of what I had heard about the
way those comrades of mine who were in Germany were treated . I pre-
ferred not to owe my escape to anybody ; I bought it .
A magic moonlit night, shared with my wife from the balcony of our
home, was the last I spent in Rumania . I departed, leaving in one of
Antonescu's prisons my son, whom I would meet again years later, under
circumstances that proved once again that life is often more unpredict-
able than fiction .
From Bucharest to Giurgiu on the Danube I traveled in the trunk of
a small car . When I complained to the professional who was helping me
escape that the trunk was too small, he assured me that a few days previ-
ously two fugitives of almost my size had traveled together in the same
trunk in full comfort.
228 / The Suicide of Europe
With my head on a cushion I slept until I was awakened by the noise
of our crossing the pontoon bridge that our engineers had thrown over
the Danube for the German Armies . I had crossed this river twenty-eight
years before, during the Balkan War, also on a pontoon bridge . But it
was under much more dignified circumstances : I was on my beautiful
black stallion Hades, with my artillery regiment .
In Rusciuc, Bulgaria, on the other side, I found Gheorghe Caraiani
waiting for me . He was the youngest of the Legionaries and had been
sent by my comrades who were already in Sofia . The sun was setting;
through the light evening mist that drifted along the river we threw a
last longing look toward our beloved country, which neither he nor I
have seen again.

Michael :
The Puppet King

A few days ago Maniu told Le Rougetel, my Brit-

ish colleague, that if the British Government wished
that Rumania cast her lot with the Soviets rather
than with the Anglo-Saxon powers, in case a decision
becomes necessary, he would quite understand the
position but he would be grateful to receive an in-
dication to that effect . . . .
Last evening with me Maniu developed more fully
the same thought . He said if he had known the Sovi-
ets were to be given a free hand in application of
armistice terms he would not have advised the King
to sign the armistice . He argued that his pressure and
the Rumanian action which resulted from it had ac-
tually advanced the Focsani-Galatz line, which might
have been held a long time, to the very gates of
Budapest .
. . . He was convinced at that time that the demo-
cratic powers would preserve an independent and
sovereign Rumania . Everything today however indi-
cated that this was not the intention of those powers .
On the contrary it appeared that Soviet Russia was
deliberately planning to communize Rumania while
the democratic powers silently watched . . . .
With considerable emotion Maniu asked if America
and Great Britain wished Rumania to become a part
of the Soviet Union . "If so, please advise me ac-
cordingly for this can be arranged and even today
late as it is I can arrange it to the better advantage
to Rumania than can the Rumanian Communists ."
[Roman added .]
Burton Y. BERRY
Foreign Relations of the United States
Diplomatic Papers, 1944, Volume IV.
Europe . Page 279. The American Rep-
resentative in Rumania (Berry) to the
Secretary of State . Bucharest, Decem-
ber 9, 1944-7 p .m.
You will be present at the conference [Yalta] . You
should trust us. Great Britain has entered this con-
flict to defend your independence ; I can assure you
that I will never forsake your country . . . . I know
that Germany and Russia have destroyed your best
elements, particularly your intellectual class . I sympa-
thize most deeply with your suffering . But remain
confident; we will not forsake you, and Poland will
be saved.
To General Anders before the campaign
in Italy, when the cooperation of the
Polish divisions was essential, as re-
ported in General Anders' memoirs .
We have never guaranteed Poland's eastern borders .
We possess now sufficient troops ourselves, and we do
not need your cooperation any more . You may with-
draw your divisions; we will do without them .
After Anzio and Yalta, as reported in
General Anders' memoirs .
You can have them . But let us not disclose this un-
derstanding before the next Presidential election in
the United States . We have in the United States mil-
lions of Poles, Lithuanians, Estonians, etc . . . . and
as a practical man I would not like to lose their
votes .
Franklin D . ROOSEVELT
To Stalin at Teheran in December
1943, as revealed in U .S. State Depart-
ment publications .

Falsehood, the Scoundrels' Weapon

N either murder, torture, nor imprisonment, but slander and

falsehood were the ugliest of the weapons used against the Legionary
Movement. Against violence and injustice the Legionaries pitted their
fortitude, and they never lost faith in final Divine justice . But what
could they do to oppose the calumnies and impostures that were propa-
gated by practically all newspapers and magazines, almanacs, calendars,
encyclopedias, dictionaries, and "history" books-in fact by nearly all
the mass media of communications.
The methods used by the slanderers of the Legion were, and are gen-
erally based on the principle of reversal-in other words, the repetition
of the Big Lie, which has proved to be the most effective weapon with
the gullible public . The following are some examples of the slanderous
charges used to discredit the Movement .
The Movement is a terrorist organization . It is the Movement that
has been, without interruption from its foundation and up to now, the
victim of the most cruel terror by all successive Rumanian Governments,
from the most "conservative" to the Communist Government of today
with its special concentration camps for the extermination of Legion-
aries, described by Leonard Krishner in his book Prisoner of Red Justice .
The Movement has been a permanent menace to the State . Among all
the political groups and parties that aspired only to power and its ma-
terial benefits, the Movement was the only defender of the State against
corruption, usurpation, treason, and finally against the surrender of the
State itself to Communist domination .
The Movement is an enemy of legality . The Movement's history is that
of a long fight for legality . It never asked for more than the benefit of its
legal and natural rights, benefits that were denied to it by every Ruma-
nian Government without exception .
232 / The Suicide of Europe

The Movement's activities were controlled by foreign influences . The

history of the Movement is, actually, that of a long, arduous and perilous
fight against anti-national influences . It never looked for endorsement in
Paris, London, Moscow, Rome, or Berlin . It was not at any time pre-
pared to open the country to Soviet forces simply because that was
what Eduard Benes, Leon Blum, the leftist French politicians and the
international mafia were demanding . It was the Legion's adversaries
who carried out Blum's and the mafia's orders to annihilate by terror,
imprisonment, and murder those of our youth who reacted against cor-
ruption and treason . And finally, the Legionary Movement was the only
political group in Rumania to urge that the Vienna Arbitration be re-
sisted with arms in hand . This meant war not only against Hungary
but also against Germany and Italy . The Legionary Movement was
never guilty of yielding whole provinces to Rumania's neighbors with-
out a fight .
We will not stoop to refute the insinuations made regarding the per-
sonal correctitude of the Legionary leaders, but we will show how far
the professional dishonesty of certain publicists could go when writing
about the Legion . I relate two characteristic episodes with which I have
been directly acquainted .
Jerome Tharaud, one of the authors of the famous book Quand Israel
Est Roi, which described the Beta Kun terror in Hungary, spent a few
days in Bucharest in 1937, not to gather authentic information for a
book that could have been called When Esther Is Queen or When Pop-
paea Rules, but to give some unwarranted authority to the book he had
been asked to write about Corneliu Codreanu, L'Envoye de L'Archange .
The book's timely first edition came out a few days before Codreanu's
assassination as a precursory exculpation of this dastardly crime .
Between one appointment and one lunch at the Royal Palace, Tharaud
solicited and was granted an interview with Codreanu . I was in Codre-
anu's anteroom with a dozen other persons at the time of Tharaud's
visit . At one moment the Captain opened the door of his office and
looked out at the people present . In a calm and low voice he asked one
of the Legionaries to fetch chairs for two ladies who were there standing,
and closed the door . Now, here is how Mr . Tharaud describes this inci-
dent, without explaining where and how he learned the Rumanian
language . "Codreanu violently opened the door and shouted to his
Legionaries : `Don't make so much noise, or I'll kick you out of this
rooml"' And Tharaud adds sanctimoniously : "The words and intona-
tion were probably learned from his patron Adolf Hitler ."
If the readers of L'Envoye de L'Archange had been informed of this
fraud they would have understood immediately that the author was
Falsehood, the Scoundrels' Weapon / 233
prepared to go to any limit in order to deliver the exact goods he was
asked to deliver : the moral assassination of the Captain before his mur-
der in Tancabesti.
A . L . Easterman is another writer who paid a visit to Bucharest that
same year . He also lunched at the Royal Palace with the notorious
couple, Carol and Lupescu, and also solicited an interview with Codre-
anu, who granted it without any hesitation . Mr . Easterman is a Jew,
and this bit of information was among the routine biographical notes
about him that I gave to Codreanu for his information prior to the
interview . The conversation with the Captain lasted quite a while ;
Princess Despina Cantacuzene, sister of General Cantacuzene, served, if
I am not mistaken, as interpreter . Mainly because of the ethnic origin of
his visitor, the Captain took special pains in welcoming him . Codreanu
even presented Easterman with a picture of himself with the following
inscription : "To Mr . Easterman, a loyal adversary ."
The Captain had once again been too big-hearted in his attitude
toward the people he met . This adversary was not, after all, as loyal as he
seemed . How different would have been the image of the Captain if
Easterman had written a truthful account in his book King Carol, Hitler
and Lupescu of the friendly way Codreanu received him, a declared
political adversary .
Here is how Mr . Easterman told the story : No one in Bucharest, ex-
cept for a few friends of his, knew he was a Jew. When he told those
friends he intended to interview Codreanu, they insisted that he give
up this dangerous plan . "This man has already killed many Jews," they
said . "If he discovers that you are a Jew, you are a dead duck ." Easter-
man, with professional intrepidity, decided it would be better to risk his
life than to give up the opportunity of talking with the leader of a
"terrorist, secret" organization . Two uniformed Legionaries, armed to
the teeth, arrived in Codreanu's car at Easterman's hotel to take him to
the interview . At every moment during his ride, during the interview,
and during the return trip to the hotel, where his friends were awaiting
him breathlessly, he expected to be recognized and liquidated .
The truth is that Codreanu had always proclaimed that violence
against Jews was a stupid mistake . He would have immediately ex-
pelled from the Movement any fool who had so much as broken a
window in a Jewish-owned shop . The Legionaries sent to escort Mr.
Easterman, the courtesy with which he was surrounded, the photograph
with the friendly inscription-all were manifestations of Codreanu's
courteous and chivalrous nature, a nature his deceitful guest was in-
capable of understanding .
It is a pity that Easterman's book is out of print today since it dis-
234 / The Suicide of Europe
closed for the first time "the real story" of Mme . Lupescu's parentage
without any consideration for Papa Lupescu's most delicate feelings .
Mr . Easterman was the first to "discover" that Elena was not the
daughter of the honest Jewish pharmacist Lupescu, but was the illegiti-
mate daughter of King Carol I, her lover's great-uncle . This made her
somewhat of an aunt of Carol II, a fact that gave her no small claim to
the Rumanian Crown . Mr . Easterman's book is "suggested reading" by
Messrs. Hans Rogger and Eugen Weber in their book, The European
Right .
Who were, who are, the slanderers of the Legionary Movement? They
are to be found, first of all, among the agents of the international mafia,
which controls almost all the communication media and means of in-
formation . This is the same group of criminals that established Bol-
shevism in Russia and handed over to the Communist empire eleven
European countries and all of China with more than a third of the
world's population and half of its land area.
They are to be found also among those perverted educators who have
gotten hold of so many significant professorships in the universities of
the West and have taken upon themselves the task of brainwashing a
deceived generation .
They are to be found, too, in every country among those conspirators
whom United States Senator Joseph R. McCarthy tried to smoke out of
positions in the U .S . Administration .
Aside from the three or four hundred members of the Rumanian
Communist Party, the majority of whom were of foreign origin, the
Rumanian enemies of the Movement generally fall into three categories :
1 . Those politicians who followed in peacetime the policy of Titulescu
because they were thus able to guarantee their own political and ma-
terial status . 2. "Bourgeois" groups connected with the different political
parties that did not realize in time it was the Legionary Movement that
offered them the best defense against the attacks of international Com-
munism. They witnessed without protesting the persecution of the
Rumanian youth by Carol and his stooges, thus confirming the well-
known fact that it is sometimes easier to forgive those who have sinned
against you than those against whom you have sinned . 3. The fiercest
Rumanian enemies of the Movement were those who, constantly con-
spiring with the enemy during Rumania's war in the East, finally de-
livered their country into his hands-those whom the United States and
all other Western governments recognize today as the only authorized
defenders of the enslaved and tortured Rumanian people .
Sifting through the pile of accumulated slander, the last always worse
than the one preceding it, we come to two characters, James Dugan and
Carroll Stewart, who decided to go all out . They sprinkled their book
Falsehood, the Scoundrels' Weapon / 235
Tidal Wave,' which otherwise would have been a matter-of-fact account
of a U .S. Air Force raid over Rumanian territory, with an incredible
collection of lies directed against not only the Legionary Movement but
also against Rumania in general . For any Rumanian the book is an
object of amusement rather than bitterness . But Tidal Wave was a best
seller in the United States because it recounted the remarkable exploits
of U.S . airmen . As a result, hundreds of thousands of Americans were
forced to swallow, along with the truthful details of the raid, the lies
that are liberally sprinkled throughout the rest of the book .
Let us examine a few samples from the dozens that could be gathered .
"Marshal Antonescu [explain the two maligners] won his fame in 1919
when he was the head of a gang that specialized in the looting of stores,
hospitals and private homes in Bucharest ." In truth, Marshal Antonescu
was a distinguished career officer, and until 1919 had been the head of
the Operation Department of the Rumanian General Staff . After that
he had been Military Attache in London, Commander of a division,
Commander of an army corps, Minister of Defense, Prime Minister, and
Commander-in-Chief of the Rumanian Army .
In June 1940, we are informed, "Antonescu's terrorists" captured all
the allied engineers working at the oil fields and threw them into the
"torture rooms of the Iron Guard ." Actually, by June 1940, the Iron
Guard, its leaders having been assassinated by King Carol and its mem-
bers having been imprisoned or exiled, no longer existed as a political
group . As for General Antonescu, he was a prisoner of the same King
Carol in the Monastery of Bistritsa .
Referring to a conversation between American Sergeant Robert Locky
and Princess Caradgea, the authors say : "Antonescu's Fascists would
have closed their eyes to her anti-Soviet ideas ; but if she had been in-
volved in an evasion attempt [of American prisoners], the Iron Guard
would have undoubtedly tried to hang her ." 2 In the summer of 1944,
when this interview took place, the Iron Guard was no longer in con-
trol of Rumania's Government . For three and a half years its members
had been in Marshal Antonescu's prisons, in German concentration
camps, or at the front .
Marshal Antonescu kindly paid a visit to the wounded American air-
men in their hospital . Here is the jesters' account : "The Marshal en-
tered the hospital surrounded by a crowd of unknown people who were
dressed in long leather mantles, looked like assassins, and bore machine
guns under their arms ."
'This book was also published as Ploesti: Great Ground-Air Battle, I August, 1943
(New York, Random House, 1964) .
'Why would the Iron Guard have to forgive Princess Caradgea for her "anti-Soviet
ideas"? The Iron Guard was anti-Soviet by definition; she would have had to be for-
given only if she had had pro-Soviet ideas, which we assume was not the case .
236 / The Suicide of Europe
To crown the collection we quote these last words put in the mouth
of one of the American airmen : "Tomorrow morning we will be out of
this country of SOB's ."
In a much too courteous letter directed to those extraordinary au-
thors, General Chirnoaga, of the Rumanian Army, asked them to divulge
the source of their fantastic information. He received no answer . We
cannot believe that the source could be Princess Caradgea ; and we
would be very sorry if it were Sergeant Robert Locky or any of his com-
rades, for no prisoners of war have ever been treated with more solici-
tude, better cared for, or more pampered than the American airmen
who were brought down on Rumanian soil .
We ask any honest American citizen : Are such methods commendable?
How could their victims-individuals, groups, or nations-defend them-
selves against such slander, since there is no tribunal of honor before
which the slanderers would have to substantiate their allegations .

Again special mention is due the learned and painful exertions of

Hans Rogger and Eugen Weber, professors of history at the University
of California, in The European Right in which the Legionary Move-
ment is only one of the political groups laboriously studied by various
contributors, with the obvious general purpose of discrediting any or-
ganized effort toward the reconciliation of classes and the concentration
of mutual energies, the common denominators of all the "Rightist"
movements and of any fight against Communist infiltration or conquest .
We could not help but admire, though not approve, the diversified
ways of keeping the mind of the absorbed reader from the fundamental
substratum of all this hocus-pocus-the master question that has never
been examined in The European Right: Had any other political forma-
tion in Rumania really ever tried to fight the Communists? We recognize
also the unity of intent and of method through almost six hundred pages
written by ten different authors ; but we must deeply regret that those
methods, judging by the chapter concerning Rumania and the Legion-
ary Movement, include a wild assumption of facts that have never oc-
curred, and the untruthfulness of which would easily have been demon-
strated if sources of information other than those hostile to the Move-
ment had been studied . This was the case, for instance, with the so-
called "partial list of Legionary exploits committed before the final
rising of January 1941 and exclusive of the Jilava murders," published
by Antonescu in his account of those days . This list is as fraudulent as
"the Legionary plan to murder their political enemies on New Year's
Eve, so that Rumania could enter the New Year purified of the leprosy
of the past ." Those pieces of "information" mentioned by the learned
professors are nothing more than a fantastic product of what Antonescu
Falsehood, the Scoundrels' Weapon / 237
himself called his "polemic talents," the Ghyka and Groza affairs being
cases in point to prove that these talents stopped at nothing .
But we have another quarrel, a more subtle one, with Professor Weber .
We quote him :

The legionaries reminded one . . . of the fundamentalist mentality de-

scribed by Alan F . Westin in his essay on the John Birch Society . . . . Both
assume the existence of total conspiracies and total solutions, both "refuse
to believe in the integrity and patriotism of those who lead the dominant
social groups" ; both "reject the political system [and] lash out at 'politi-
cians,' the major parties and the give and take of political compromise" ;
both despise existing recipes for solving current problems and favor "dras-
tic panaceas requiring major social change" ; both advocate direct action,
even to the point of calculated violence .3

We have not "assumed" the existence of "total conspiracies" ; we have

been forced to ascertain the undeniable existence of that conspiracy
which has already handed over to Communist imperialism one-third of
the population of the world, including our nation and our country .
We do not lash out at all the politicians, or at every political party as
such, but at those that have brought the world to its present situation .
We do not know exactly what Messrs . Weber and Rogger mean by the
"give and take of political compromise" ; but if they mean, on the inner
political field, this symbiosis between supposedly opposed political
groups, which helps solidify public opinion in the illusion that the
country's interests are always served by a watchful opposition ; or on the
international field, the "meeting at the middle of the road" with a Com-
munist establishment that has never budged one inch from its funda-
mental position, then certainly we do not believe in this "give and take
of political compromise."
Finding, however, a similarity between the Legionary Movement and
The John Birch Society because "both advocate direct action, even to
the point of calculated violence," is unjust for The John Birch Society
and by the same token for the Legionary Movement . The former, as
Professor Weber knows very well, has never advocated direct action and
violence ; and if the latter was unable to limit itself to the calm ways of
The John Birch Society, it is only because the most brutal direct action
and the most cruel violence was used against it .
There is however a point of similarity that Messrs . Weber and Westin
have failed to detect in their attempt to hit two birds with one stone .
Both The John Birch Society and the Legionary Movement are the
targets of a similar bombardment of slanders and impostures emanating
from the same quarter and for the same motives . We are, each in our
3 Weber, in "Romania," The European Right, pp . 570-571 . Italics added .
238 / The Suicide of Europe
sphere of action, among the genuine and unwavering opponents of Com-
munism, whatever its masks, and the adversaries of all those who con-
sciously or unconsciously, guiltily or stupidly, purposefully or by oppor-
tunism, openly or stealthfully, for minor motives of immediate financial
gain or for long-range motives of political and ideological nature, sin-
cerely or by pure mischief, lend a hand to Communist advance, infiltra-
tion, and corruption.

Roving in Foreign Parts

I had to spend several weeks in Sofia, Bulgaria, a friendly but

noncombatant country, waiting for Ribbentrop's authorization to cross
Germany, without which I would have risked being interned or in some
other way immobilized-as Marshal Antonescu would have liked me to
be. Authorization was finally granted with the single condition that I
should not try to contact those of my comrades who were already in
Germany .
On my way to Vienna we had to change trains at the bridge over the
Drava, which had just been blown up by Yugoslav Partisans . This un-
happy country had already entered, weeks before, the insane war that
had been engineered by foreign agents and that, after wonders of hero-
ism and endurance, would lead Mihailovich and his gallant Chetniks
to Tito's slaughterhouses, which were also those of Churchill and
In Berlin, by pure chance, I ran into Constantin Stoicanescu, one of
my comrades. Without breaking my promise I was able to learn there-
fore that Horia Sima, who had left Rumania sometime after me, was
already in Berlin, and that he and about four hundred Legionaries who
had taken refuge in Germany had been assigned forced domicile . All of
them had asked to enlist separately or as a body in the German Army
and to be sent to the Eastern Front . On Antonescu's insistence, no
doubt, this satisfaction had been denied to them exactly as to their
comrades in the Rumanian prisons . Stoicanescu suggested that I try to
convince the Helsinki Government to accept the idea of the formation
of a Rumanian Legion in the Finnish Army . I knew that Marshal Carl
von Mannerheim, who had fought in World War I on the Rumanian
Front and had been saved from capture, as he told me himself, by a
Rumanian cavalry patrol, had great admiration for the Rumanian
240 The Suicide o f Europe

soldier and sympathy for our country . The chances were not small,
therefore, that this suggestion would have been accepted if I had had the
opportunity to make it .
On August 7, 1941, I was in Copenhagen, the guest of my friend
Giuseppe Sapuppo, the Italian Envoy, while awaiting the answer of the
Finnish Government concerning my personal request for enlistment .
The consent came, along with the welcome of a country where I had
been Rumania's Envoy for several years . I was making final preparations
for the winter campaign, already near at hand in those nordic regions,
when I was informed that, on afterthought, the Finnish Government,
thanking me for the sympathy I had shown for Finland, had found that
it was impossible for it to make use of my services because I did not
speak Finnish .
What had happened was that Radio Helsinki had announced my
enlistment prematurely. Antonescu intervened immediately in Berlin,
Berlin intervened in Helsinki, and Helsinki had to change its mind.
The Finnish project having been exploded, thanks to the mad Mar-
shal's intrigues, I tried to thwart at least some of his future schemes . In
a letter to Ribbentrop I told the whole story of the so-called Legionary
rebellion and explained the gross deceptions of which he had been the
victim, especially with regard to the Groza and Ghyka cases . I did not,
of course, expect any immediate reaction or even an answer, but hoped
to warn him of other attempts at mystification .
Sometime later, in two letters (one to Hitler, the other to Ribbentrop)
I again took up the question of the formation of a Rumanian Legion
on the German Eastern Front . For a long while I received no answers to
those letters nor to all my warnings about the uncertainty of the Ru-
manian situation as long as Rumanian affairs were exclusively in the
hands of enemies of the Legionary Movement . When the answer finally
came, in tragic circumstances I will relate later, it recognized all the
accuracy of my predictions and adopted my suggestions concerning the
participation of the Iron Guard in the defense of Eastern and Central
Europe against the Communist menace ; but it was too late then for
anything but a last and desperate effort .
From August 1941 to September 1944 the political situation in Ru-
mania and in Europe immobilized me in Denmark where, a short time
before, my wife, my son, and I had spent the last happy days of our lives .
Denmark is a hospitable country, intended to live through uninter-
rupted peace with an eternal smile on her face, where the memory of a
greater past left no bitterness but only a legitimate pride, and where
the quickness of the mind is like a sudden ray of sun amidst the heavy
fogs of a Scandinavian autumn . Shakespearean phantoms still wander
in romantic Denmark, Ophelia still floats dolefully over lonely lakes
Roving in Foreign Parts / 241
among the water lilies, and Hamlet still dreams in Elsinore . In the park
of Holsteinsborg, under the lofty ivy-covered oak, Hans Christian Ander-
sen still tells his enchanted tales to the children of his friends .
Foreign occupation and a fratricidal war have induced in this people,
whose public life and personal relations were those of a big family,
strong currents of hate and disintegration for which its soul was not
prepared. The friendly welcome that greeted me and other refugees of
both camps even in the most acute period of turmoil was proof, how-
ever, of the measure of sanity and decency that still remained .
Three personalities, it seems to me, dominated those troubled times :
King Christian X, Prime Minister Thorvald Stauning and Foreign Min-
ister Scavenius . Stauning and Scavenius were of quite different social and
political backgrounds, but both were of equal prudence and both con-
ducted themselves faultlessly throughout a period when no one knew
what the next day would bring. An atmosphere of moderation and
justice disappeared when Stauning died . Lamentable incidents that
many Danes would like to forget would not have happened if King
Christian and Stauning had been alive at the time of the violent de-
noument .
Holsteinsborg, the elegiac castle of Count Bent Holstein, where at
night one was lulled to sleep by the rhythmic complaint of the Kattegat,
and where we had frequently gathered for the fall drives in the rich
pheasant covers, has often been a tonic to my nostalgia and to my
worries . Another friendly home was that of Helmer Rosting, former
High Commissioner of the League of Nations in Danzig, where he suc-
ceeded in preventing during a dangerous situation a conflict between
Germany and Poland . Captain Schallburg, a great friend of my son and
a frequent guest at the Rumanian Legation, was at the time of my re-
turn to Denmark, on the Eastern Front as Commander of the heroic
Denmark Legion . Each of these three friends of mine, Count Holstein,
Helmer Rosting and Captain Schallburg, enlightened intelligences,
generous hearts, and ardent patriots, died victims of the same drama-
a drama so much greater for them or for those who loved them that
they passed away without having been understood by their compatriots .
During this period of inactivity I made use of the help of friendly dip-
lomats, and of my personal experiences, to gather from lucrative private
and official materials, information on the origins of World War II and
its attendant responsibilities . I published the result of my research in a
book entitled La Bete sans Nom-Enquete sur les Responsabilitds (The
Nameless Beast-An Inquiry into the Responsibilities) . The sum of my
conclusions was that those who provoked the last conflict could not have
been ignorant of the fact that a German defeat meant the victory only
of international Communism . This could not have been interpreted as
242 / The Suicide of Europe
an attack on Germany's interest ; on the other hand I did not at any mo-
ment attack Antonescu or even allude to the difficulties we had with him .
I was therefore rather startled when the German censor to whom I had
to submit my typescript informed me that Ribbentrop asked me not to
publish the book in order not to irritate Marshal Antonescu with whom,
he let me know, they already had had enough difficulties because of the
Legion . The simple appearance of a book of mine with German author-
ization, I was told, would be enough to send the Marshal into a tantrum
again. So I had to publish my work under a transparent pseudonym . As
an act of routine courtesy I also asked for the authorization of the Danish
Foreign Office, which was functioning at that time without a titular head
under the direction of the chiefs of the various sections . The authoriza-
tion was reluctantly granted by an official who warned me of the personal
risks I was taking in case of a victory of the Soviet-Western coalition . I
believed that such kind thoughtfulness concerning my personal welfare
deserved more than a mere verbal acknowledgement . Therefore, home
again, I renewed my thanks by letter, assuring my interlocutor that "what-
ever those risks might be, they were much smaller than those which were
taken on the Eastern Front by millions of youth fighting for the defense
of a world to which Denmark also belonged ."
The fear of the Germans, of irritating Marshal Antonescu, manifested
itself anew in much more unpleasant circumstances for the Movement
than that of the censure of my book .
We were still far from the Italian betrayal and still farther from the
betrayal of which Rumania was to be a victim . However, the special sen-
sitiveness we had been able to acquire during so many years of struggle
with the occult powers, and our instinctive familiarity with Rumanian
contingencies, gave us as early as the last months of 1942 the certitude
that contacts with the enemy had been established by certain groups of
the old Rumanian political cliques . We thought also that it was almost
impossible that Antonescu would not have known something about this .
Dr. Werner Best, the German High Commissioner, and other German
interlocutors to whom I was expressing our suspicions, identifying
themselves not unnaturally with the feeling of the Rumanian people,
all answered with the same argument : "How could you imagine that
somebody in Rumania would wish a Soviet victory? This would mean
the end of your countryl" None of them could have imagined how
foreign to the Rumanian soul and the Rumanian feelings were our
political cliques, abased and corrupted by the methods of the Carol-
Lupescu regime .
In his forced residence in the Berlin suburbs, Horia Sima, in more
direct contact with the country, discovered still more reasons for alarm .
His conviction was much stronger than mine regarding the impervious-
Roving in Foreign Parts / 243
ness of the German Government to any information that would have
questioned the authority of Marshal Antonescu or the fidelity and good
faith of those who surrounded him .
Sima decided consequently to leave Germany clandestinely and to
go to Rome where he hoped to find in 11 Duce or in his son-in-law,
Count Ciano, more attentive listeners to his warnings .
When in December 1942 it was announced in the German newspapers
that Horia Sima had disappeared, Antonescu, furious, asked immedi-
ately that all the Legionaries in Germany be sent back to Rumania .
Hitler gave an ultimatum : Sima had to return to Germany without any
delay ; failing that, all the Legionaries in Germany would be delivered
to Antonescu . Count Ciano, who had apparently no special interest in
letting his father-in-law hear anything about "contacts with the enemy,"
under the pretext of leading Sima to an interview with 11 Duce had
him arrested by the Italian police, delivered to the Gestapo and sent
back by plane to Germany .
During that same period I was shown at the German High Commis-
sariat in Copenhagen, in an official weekly news bulletin, the informa-
tion that Marshal Antonescu had let Hitler know that he would be
obliged to withdraw a part of his troops from Russia to maintain order
in the country if the head of the Legionary Movement and all the Le-
gionaries in Germany were not immediately arrested and sent to concen-
tration camps-again the same lack of responsibility, the same imposture,
the same fixed idea, even in an already very critical military situation .
Horia Sima and the approximately four hundred Legionaries present
in Germany were immediately deprived of the relative liberty they had
enjoyed until then, and were interned in the Buchenwald and Dachau
concentration camps, to suffer new persecutions in new prisons from
which they would emerge two years later when the betrayal they had
foreseen and announced had indeed taken place .


The Betrayed Army

T he history of this betrayal is written in few but adequate

words in the memorandum presented at the Paris peace conference in
1946 by Messrs . Visoianu and Gafencu on behalf of the group of Ruma-
nian politicians who had undertaken the direction of Rumanian affairs
after the fall of Marshal Antonescu . Visoianu and Gafencu reminded the
representatives of the Western Powers and the Soviets that this group it-
self had "asked that a powerful Russian offensive break through the
Rumanian Front" in order to enable them to be done with the Antonescu
regime and with any further Rumanian resistance . Gafencu is dead, but
Visoianu is quite alive and has been chosen as head of the Rumanian
National Committee to represent the interests of twenty million Ruma-
nians who have been reduced to slavery, thanks to the offensive Visoianu
and his clique once clamored for .
Mme . Basdevant, who collected all her documentation in the Visoianu-
Gafencu circles, completes this information :

Not only have the political parties organized an active propaganda in

order to liberate their country from the Nazi yoke, but they have partici-
pated, according to their means, in the democracies' fight . By 1940, Maniu
[Chief of the National Peasant Party] had set up an organization for
collecting and transmitting information to the allied governments .

General Chirnoaga, a gallant and faithful soldier, thus manifests his

indignation in his book Un Chapitre d'Histoire Roumaine :

Sol While the Rumanian armies were fighting the Soviets for the salvation
of the Rumanian people, Iuliu Maniu and other political leaders were col-
lecting information concerning our fighting capacities and the military op-
erations in preparation, and were transmitting them to the Western Powers,
which transmitted them to the Soviets .
The Betrayed Army / 245
The leaders of the old political parties, which at no moment had
ceased to exist and to operate openly or secretly, had declared them-
selves in agreement with the reoccupation of Bessarabia and Bucovina,
because otherwise they would have lost all that was left of their popu-
larity. But their political horizons and their instinct for national self-
preservation did not extend further than that. Even if they had denied
it, they were much more sensitive to French and British circumstances
than to Rumanian ones . In fact, they were also the slaves of those dark
forces that had thrown France and Great Britain into a war that was not
theirs and that would deprive them forever of their rank and station
among the great and independent nations of the world .
Besides the politicians, there were some Generals who had likewise been
broken by Carol, enough to make a working proposition of the politi-
cians' conspiracy . There was General Steflea, for instance, the man who
did not want us to drive the Soviet troops from that stolen bit of ter-
ritory, and who, at Antonescu's trial by a Communist court, boasted
of having, as Chief of the General Staff, betrayed the Marshal's confi-
dence by continuously sabotaging the sending of materials and troops to
the Eastern Front . There was General Racovitza, Commander of the
Operational Forces, who concocted with the politicians the faked ar-
mistice that sent half of the Rumanian Front troops to Siberia's concen-
tration camps.
The defeatists and traitors, civilians or military, those who have not
atoned for their sins (as did Iuliu Maniu and Dinu Brfltianu by death
in a Communist prison) invoked two extenuating circumstances : 1 .
Antonescu ought not to have sent our troops further than the Dniester,
the old Rumanian borders; 2 . The country had to be saved from Na-
tional Socialist occupation and from National Socialist tyranny .
The idea of halting the advance of Rumanian troops at the Dniester
could have been hatched only in brains deprived of any political or
military vision and experience . Who could have guaranteed not only
our further possession of the two Eastern provinces but also our very
existence in case of a Soviet victory? Certainly not Mr . Roosevelt and
Sir Winston Churchill, who did not hesitate to sacrifice their allies Po-
land and Yugoslavia in order to comply with the insolent demands of
their friend Stalin . Even if the only motive of our Iliad in the Russian
Steppes had been the obligation to defeat completely and at whatever
price such an implacable enemy as Soviet Russia, it would have been
fully justified. For centuries, however, the inescapable destiny of the
Rumanian people had been to defend against the assault of the heathens
those embattled borderlands of Christian Europe ; and I must emphasize,
by the way, that Marshal Antonescu had a deep consciousness of this
246 / The Suicide of Europe
ultra-Rumanian dimension to Rumania's destiny . I believe that in cir-
cumstances other than those he had created by his senseless aggression
against the Legionary Movement, he would have preferred to fight to
the last man with the Legion at his side rather than consent to a capit-
ulation which might have meant "Finis Daciae" for a hundred years
and more .
The astronomical lies to which the advocates of the "National Social-
ist tyranny" argument are forced to resort when trying to exculpate
themselves are the best proofs of their falseness . This tyranny had to
be based on force, upon the number of German troops that were "oc-
cupying" Rumania. Gafencu tells us that in December 1940 the Germans
had 500,000 men in our country . Mme. Basdevant goes a little further
and talks of about 1,000,000 men . The truth is that until the end of
February 1941 there were never more than 60,000 German soldiers in
Rumania . Those troops had been requested by us as a guarantee against
the permanent danger of further Russian aggression . When the first
three divisions were sent, we would have been very glad if there had
been more ; I know, I was then the Foreign Minister of my country . When
the troops destined to the Balkan Front began to come, they passed
through directly to Bulgaria without stopping in Rumania . When in
April and June 1941 the Second German Army formed in Moldavia for
the campaign in Russia, its effectives never went beyond 250,000 men .
Furthermore, it never was an occupation army but an allied army, which
was temporarily stationed on Rumanian soil and with which our soldiers
fought shoulder to shoulder against the common enemy . All these facts
were perfectly known to Mr . Gafencu and Mme . Basdevant . 1
Great Britain declared war on Finland, Rumania and Bulgaria on
December 7, 1941 ; but it was Mihai Antonescu, as Rumanian Minister
of Foreign Affairs, who declared war on the United States, a foolish
move which demonstrated his total servility to the suggestions of the
Wilhelmstrasse . Foolish because he was taking the initiative in a conflict
that could bring us only trouble . Superfluous because Finland, who
fought as a German ally in the same conditions as we, did not commit
the same mistake .
It was Mihai Antonescu, however, who at the moment in which the
situation on the Russian front seemed to take a turn for the worse for
Germany, tried without delay to establish contacts through our agents
in neutral countries with those he had wantonly provoked . His attempt
to form a "Front of the Small Belligerents" (Rumania, Bulgaria, Croa-
'Tyranny was applied only against one group of Rumanians by Marshal Antonescu
and by Hitler: the Legionaries . There were thousands of them in Rumanian concen-
tration camps and hundreds in German ones, while conspiring politicians and enemy
agents were moving about freely between Bucharest, Cairo, Stockholm, and Bern .
The Betrayed Army / 247
tia, Slovakia), and later a "Latin Axis" (Rumania, Italy, France, Spain,
Portugal) were so many preliminaries to an intended coat-turning .
Marshal Antonescu could not have been ignorant of the action of his
Minister of Foreign Affairs, nor of the contacts already established be-
tween the leaders of the opposition political parties and the enemy . It
was certainly with his consent that Mihai Antonescu went to Rome in
July 1943 to convince Mussolini of the necessity of establishing prelim-
inary contacts with the Western Powers ; and it was certainly with his
consent also that our diplomatic agents in Stockholm had made contact
with Mme . Kollontai . Nor could the Marshal have been ignorant of the
activities of the agents of Maniu and Dinu Bratianu in Cairo to whom
his administration had delivered the necessary passports, granted the
necessary visas, and for whom they had procured the necessary foreign
The result of all attempts behind the back of our fighting armies was
nil and only hastened the final catastrophe . The "busybodies" had for-
gotten an ironclad law of clandestine negotiations in time of war : the
enemy will always make the best of arrangements with would be traitors,
but will never feel obliged to grant them any special considerations at
the moment of the final settlement.
By November 1942, informed by the diplomatic grapevine and by
the neutral press of the intensification of the activities of the Rumanian
defeatists, I had resumed my sterile and unilateral correspondence with
the German leaders . This correspondence explains, partly at least, the
antipathy that those leaders have always manifested toward my humble
person ; very naturally this antipathy did not relent when my repeated
warnings proved to have been justified.
It was only after Italy passed into the enemy camp that the alarm
Horia Sima and I tried to spread among political and military circles in
Germany was given some attention . "What are those diplomats of yours
doing in Sweden?" Dr . Werner Best once asked me . "Exactly what all
our diplomats in neutral countries are doing at this moment : trying to
get in contact with the enemy," I answered.
On August 23, 1944, the saddest day in the life of many Rumanians,
I was listening to the Bucharest radio in the home of friends, when I
suddenly heard a young and rather uncertain voice saying words I had
hoped never to hear in connection with our armies : "our exhausted
troops" . . . "our understanding with the Russian command" . . . "an
armistice had been signed ." I finally understoood that it was King Mi-
chael who was announcing to his people that a convention of armistice
had been signed between Rumania and Soviet Russia, ordering Ruman-
ian troops to lay down their weapons .
248 / The Suicide of Europe
I could not know that I had been fooled along with our army and
twenty million Rumanians . No convention of armistice had been signed ;
the announcement was a deliberate lie meant to prevent any resistance
to the advance of Russian troops . Those troops penetrated and sur-
rounded almost everywhere Rumanian units that were conforming trust-
ingly to the order of cease-fire. More than half of the Rumanian troops
present on the front, Generals, officers and troops, hoodwinked and
trapped, were taken prisoners, taken to Siberia where they were kept for
several years and from which thousands of them never returned .
I left the home of my friends somewhat dazed, in the state of mind of
a man who has persistently and accurately announced a disaster that in
spite of all, he had hoped would not occur . The next day I received a
phone call from Dr . Best asking me to call on him about urgent matters .
I found him in the company of two Generals-one of the Wehrmacht,
the other from the Schutzstaffel . Best's greeting was Vor diesem haben
Sie uns schon vor zwei Jahre gewarnt" ("You warned us about this two
years ago.")
I had the first news about what had occurred in Bucharest from my
German interlocutors who were fully aware of what this breach, opened
by King Michael's defection, meant not only for the Eastern Front but
for the whole strategic picture . I heard the full story of that unbeliev-
able betrayal only a few days later when I met Sima and my comrades .
It appeared that Marshal Antonescu, like Mussolini, had been invited
to the Royal Palace where he was kidnapped by his royal host . Best
and the Generals, impressed by the similarity of the two incidents, were
asking themselves if the intention of the Palace conspirators did not go
further than that sudden cease-fire . I understood better than they the
moral and patriotic "qualities" of those who had advised the King in
those circumstances, and my worries were even greater than theirs .
On Ribbentrop's behalf, Best asked me if I thought that it was pos-
sible to organize new Rumanian forces that would continue the fight
against the common enemy, and if I were prepared to cooperate in
this attempt . I answered that I had always been convinced that a Soviet
victory would mean first Rumania's disappearance as an independent
state, and then as a nation . I believed that our fight must continue at
any price and with whatever means we could muster ; I was therefore
ready to cooperate. Best informed me that Horia Sima and the four
hundred Legionaries had been liberated, that Sima would be soon in
Vienna from where we would be able to operate . He assured me that in
Berlin I would find Herr Ribbentrop . Once again we missed one another
through no fault of mine .
My preparations were quickly made . Before leaving I tried to persuade
The Betrayed Army / 249
Schallburg's sister-in law to leave Copenhagen because we knew that her
life was in danger there . She refused, but asked me to provide her with
a handgun, which I did . Warnings and gun did not help much ; half
a dozen "resistant" heroes invaded her home a few days later and rid-
dled her with their bullets . Here is a wreath on "Mauschen's" grave .


Posthumous Triumph

W e mean here the posthumous triumph of the Barthou-Titu-

lescu policy . Barthou and Titulescu were already dead ; Benes would
soon be the same, helped through the pearly gates, or perhaps through
more somber portals, by his Kremlin friends . It was the triumph of a
betrayal not only of Rumania's most vital interests but also of Europe's
and those of Western Civilization .
There is perhaps a difference between betrayal and treason . Treason
always implies deliberate action whereas betrayal may also cover errors of
judgment of such magnitude that treason has no difficulty in benefiting
from them . We ask the reader, however, not to hold too much against
us if in relating what occurred in Bucharest between 1942 and 1944 we do
not feel always able, or obliged, to make a clearcut distinction between
the two.
# s
The Stalingrad disaster was exclusively the result of the stubbornness
with which Hitler insisted on a frontal attack on the city, thereby giving
up a priori any idea of maneuver . As soon as the retreat from Stalingrad
began, a retreat in which the Rumanian Army lost four divisions, Gen-
eral Avramescu, Commander of our troops on the Crimean sector, for-
warded a new plan of operation to the German command . What the
General recommended was the systematic and timely evacuation of Bes-
sarabia and Moldavia and the systematic and timely organization of the
defense along the line of the Moldavian Carpathians, joined with the
existing Namoloasa-Galati line of fortifications and the Danube delta .
Avramescu was certain of his ability to resist indefinitely behind such
an organized barricade, and he offered two reasons in support of his
recommendation : 1 . The most effective utilization of the divisions still
at our disposition ; 2 . The treasonable activities of the political cir-
Posthumous Triumph / 251

cles, which would force him to devote a part of his attention to the
security of the inner front . We do not think that General Avramescu
exaggerated the possibilities of an almost unconquerable defense, under
the circumstances he outlined . Indeed, at the time of the false armistice
there was on Rumanian soil besides German troops the equivalent of
thirty Rumanian divisions immediately available to the Rumanian com-
mand and twenty-one divisions in formation . Most important, the mod-
ern armament we had been promised by Germany and had expected from
the beginning of the hostilities, had finally been delivered and was being
distributed to our troops .
Let us pause a moment and observe that such a prolonged blockade
of the advance of the Soviet armies toward Central and Southeast Eur-
ope would have changed impressively the general strategic picture not
only on the Eastern Front but also from the point of view of the West-
ern Powers. Of the two strategies that confronted one another since
the landing in North Africa, the Churchill-Patton-Montgomery thesis
and the Marshall-Hopkins-Stalin construction, it was the first that would
have been strongly favored by a Russian setback in Rumania . In such
circumstances it would have been the Western Powers that would have
first reached Vienna, Budapest, Prague, Belgrade, Sofia, the Danube, and
finally Bucharest.'
Alarmed by the Avramescu recommendations, Hitler asked his Envoy
in Bucharest Baron Manfred von Killinger to report on the alleged de-
featist activities of the political parties . Killinger denied vigorously Gen-
eral Avramescu's assertions, denouncing them as a part of ein Legionares
intrigen Nest. The Avramescu recommendation was rejected, but the
General sounded the alarm once more by resigning his command . He
was to resume it a few months later in quite different circumstances, but
in the same spirit. 2
1 Among the immediate possibilities there was also the bringing into line of the Bul-
garian Army . The position of Bulgaria toward the Central Powers was that of a non-
combatant ally; her tough and gallant soldiers had not seen action until then .
The Prince-Regent and the Bulgarian Generals would certainly have preferred to
fight than to be hanged . A Bulgarian contribution to the resistance against Commu-
nist advance would have greatly increased the chances of bringing the Western Allies
to the Danube, and farther, before the Soviets .
2 0n July 24, 1944, Hitler ordered General Hans Friesner to take command of the
army groups which were fighting in the southern Ukraine and which were composed
of two Rumanian Armies and two German Armies. The General asked to be allowed
to shorten the front by a retreat towards the Prut, and eventually towards the Mol-
davian Carpathians and the old line of fortifications . NAmoloasa-Galati . The arguments
he put forward were identical to those used by General Avramescu : a better use of
troops at his disposition, the uncertainty of the inner-front, and the demoralizing
effect of the intrigues of the politicians upon the attitude of certain Rumanian Gen-
erals . Hitler, wrongly informed by his Envoy in Bucharest did not give enough im-
portance to these intrigues, and ordered General Friesner to fight where he stood .
After the resignation of Avramecsu, the command of the Army was taken over by Gen-
252 / The Suicide o f Europe
In Bucharest Marshal Antonescu, who like Carol had assumed or
usurped the authority of the State, had like him abandoned it at the
moment of greatest danger into the hands of whomever was there . It
seemed that in Antonescu's tormented soul, willpower, power of deci-
sion and imagination had suddenly broken down ; the stubborn, domineer-
ing, courageous and audacious man had given up any pretension to lead-
ership . From Marshal Antonescu's hands, Rumania's destiny passed into
those of the chiefs of the old political parties, Iuliu Maniu and Dinu
Bratianu, later associated with Titel Petrescu, chief of a so-called Social-
ist Party, and with Lucretiu Patrascanu, representative of the Commu-
nist Party . Working directly with them was the flotsam of the Titulescu
period that had again taken possession of the Foreign Office under the
leadership of a certain Niculescu-Buzesti . The clique that surrounded
King Michael, among whom was another Titulescu waif, Savel Radu-
lescu, the man who tried to conceal the Goring proposals, and a small
group of Generals like Sanatescu, Steflea, and Racovitza, were also keep-
ing direct or indirect contact with the enemy . These were the politicians,
diplomats and officers who had prepared the act of treason of August
23, 1944, taking advantage of the personal anti-Antonescu rancor and
impressionability of young King Michael, and using him as chief pro-
tagonist in the drama of the false armistice .
Not only had no armistice been signed, but none had even been nego-
tiated. The emissaries of Maniu, Bratianu, Petrescu, and Patrascanu
had received no answer to the demands presented to representatives of
the Western Powers in Cairo and elsewhere, other than the information
that those demands had been transmitted to the respective Governments,
and the repeated injunction to direct themselves to the Soviet author-
ities. And it was in Moscow, three weeks after the misleading announce-
ment, that the text of the armistice convention was presented to our
delegation to be signed on the dotted line . In that three-week interval
the Soviet Armies spilled over Rumanian territory, killing, raping, steal-
ing, devastating, and capturing the deceived Rumanian troops .
Pamfil Seicaru, a well known writer and an eyewitness of the catastro-
phe, commented as follows :

This insane decision [announcing a non-existent armistice] has had as its

first effect a dramatic confusion on the front . Conforming to the instruction
of General Racovitza, commander of the troops in operation, who was the
chief element of the defeatist conspiracy, delegates of our military units

eral Steflea, and General RacovitzA took command of all Rumanian troops operating
at that moment. Both belonged to the capitulation conspiracy. General Steflea ap-
peared as a witness for the prosecution at the trial of Marshal Antonescu, and ac-
cused his former chief of as much as he could . He also explained how he had, from
the beginning, as Chief of the General Staff, sabotaged military operations .
Posthumous Triumph / 253
made contact with the commanders of the respective Soviet sector . All the
officers had heard on the radio the King's speech announcing the conclusion
of an armistice . It is difficult to find in our vocabulary the word that could
qualify such an act of deception directed against the army that had fought
for more than three years, carrying its glorious standards as far as the
Crimea, the Volga, and the Caucasus . An act of treason without precedent
in the history of any country! A King betraying his army into the hands of
the enemy!
After a moment of disorientation, the Russian commanders asked for
Moscow's orders . Moscow's answer was in accordance with the truth : No
convention of armistice had been signed . Consequently the Rumanian units
must be surrounded, disarmed and captured . After two days the total num-
ber of prisoners was more than 175,000. . . .

And says Mr . Prost, also an eye-witness :

As long as the armistice was not signed the liberators kept on behaving
like enemies . They surrounded and captured the Rumanian regiments,
which believed that they were facing friendly troops . . . . The Russian ar-
mies lived on what they found on their way . They looted the farms, the
stores, the warehouses . One of the first cars stolen was that of the Minister
President . The looting did not cease with the armistice, and for months it
was wise not to go home too late in order not to be robbed or left dead on
the streets .
Concerning the execution of the clauses of the armistice, the govern-
ments of London and Washington relied entirely on the Soviets . Those
clauses not only authorized but invited the Soviets to interfere in Ruma-
nia's inner affairs. . . . An international instrument approved by the
United States and Great Britain had abandoned Rumania to the whims
and orders of the Soviet Union . It was learned that this had been so decided
in Teheran December 1943 . And it explained why the Cairo conversations
did not lead to any results . . . .
The Rumanians did not realize immediately the abyss to which they had
been brought. Not even the text of the armistice convention opened the
eyes of all. A decree of August 31 declared that the Constitution of 1923
was in effect again . The old political parties believed that they would be
able to start anew their usual pother . In fact, the Teheran conference con-
demned Rumania to be a vassal state of the Soviet Union . A new history
started for her as for all the countries of eastern Europe, abandoned, as she
was, to the imperialistic ambitions of the Kremlin . All those countries were
to have the same fate, whatever their policy had been in the past, whatever
their attitude had been in the recent conflict .3

The public declaration of Niculescu-Buzesti, who had meanwhile been

appointed Foreign Minister by the defeatist clique, showed the indif-
ference with which it considered the ordeal of the treacherously dis-
armed troops and of the Rumanian people :

I Destin de la Roumanie, p . 301 . Italics added.

254 / The Suicide of Europe
The Soviet Army has been received in Rumania in the most friendly
spirit . We realize that in the period of the present military operations
some unimportant incidents will necessarily occur . We do not intend to
ascribe to them any significance . Those are episodic incidents without any
importance . The Rumanian Government is convinced that all that has been
agreed to with the USSR will be completely honored .

Those who witnessed with such imperturbability the capture and the
deportation of hundreds of thousands of Rumanians, the murders, the
rapes, and the plunders, had long before taken the necessary precautions
in order to assure their own welfare in more peaceful surroundings
when the moment of the unavoidable catastrophe, which they had pro-
voked, arrived . Millions of dollars seized from the state treasury had
been sent to their personal accounts in Switzerland and other places .
We will soon find them in various Western countries, where they were
allowed to take comfortable refuge by the Communist authorities, who
had probably cleverly anticipated their disruptive activities among the
Rumanian anti-Communist exiles .
It is easy to understand the indignation of General Chirnoaga ex-
pressed in a letter to Mme . Basdevant, a great admirer of the turncoat
coterie, reproduced in his book Un Chapitre d'Histoire Roumaine :

Imagine, Madame, responsible French politicians asking the Germans to

start a strong offensive in order to destroy the French Armyl If such an act
were possible, what would be the name by which it would be called by the
laws for the defense of the French state?
In the night of August 23, King Michael announced on the radio that
an armistice had been signed with the Russian Army . In fact the armistice
was not signed until September 12, in Moscow, where King Michael's en-
voys were submitted to the greatest humiliations . They had to wait fifteen
days before being allowed to learn the conditions imposed by the USSR,
which they had to sign without any discussions .
During those fifteen days [in fact three weeks had passed since the time
of King Michael's misleading information] the Soviet Armies occupied the
whole of Rumania, preventing thereby any reaction to the conditions of
the armistice before it was signed . As there was no armistice, all the Ru-
manian troops on the Moldavian and Bessarabian fronts, who had laid down
their weapons in conforming to King Michael's order, were taken prisoner
by the Russians and led into capitivity.
It was therefore a capitulation and not an armistice . Here is a King who
hands over his Army to the enemyl In what country could be found such a
chief of state? The Soviet Order of Victory was conferred on him by the
Soviet Marshal Tolbukhin in Stalin's name . A sad honor, that of being hon-
ored by the mortal enemy of your own country .


Posthumous Triumph / 255


Europe is no more and will never again be allowed to be what it had been
for three thousand years and more . Western Civilization in a new and de-
graded form, has shrunk in Europe to a few fringe states . It has disap-
peared almost completely from Asia and Africa with a rush and a swift-
ness no one could have imagined . As for America, from where the
vanguard of the apocalyptical cavalry erupted in 1918, misinformation
of the public and treacherous education of the youth are conditioning
and preparing her for the biggest and final triumph of those dark forces
which engineered both the Bolshevik Revolution and World War II .

When Only Honor Could Still Be Saved

On August 28, 1944, I left Copenhagen in a German military

plane and arrived the same day amidst the rubble of what had been
Berlin. Beholding the pulverized city, I thought of the loving care with
which Hitler had started its embellishment and of his remarkable offer
to reconstruct, at Germany's expense and according to foreign govern-
ments' wishes, all the embassies and legations, relocating them in a special
residential district. That project, by the beginning of the war, had already
reached substantial realization . I thought of how conflicting this was with
Hitler's alleged premeditated aggressive intentions against the Western
Powers .
At the Hotel Adlon, I yielded the room that had been reserved for me
to the widow of a Danish volunteer who had been killed on the Eastern
Front . This lady, wiser than Schallburg's sister-in-law, had left Copen-
hagen in time . From the hotel, with a heavy valise in my hand, I went
groping through the total Berlin blackout, along the unrecognizable
streets, seeking the Rumanian Legation . I was still far from my goal
when a swarm of bombers, which I had heard so often passing nightly
over our heads in Denmark, reached Berlin at the usual hour and started
its routine carpet bombing. It revived my faith in modern ballistic ac-
curacy since the last time I had seen the RAF operating . They had killed
by mistake ninety-three children and some teachers in a girls' school in
a Copenhagen suburb. While I was in Berlin the bombers visited us
every night very punctually . With the same punctuality and with Ger-
manic calm, men and women crawled out of their night caverns every
morning and entered their day grottoes for their uninterrupted work .
At the Auswartige Amt I was told the latest news from Bucharest .
After the arrest of Marshal Antonescu and his delivery to the Commu-
nists, the new regime had immediately broken its relations with Ger-
When Only Honor Could Still Be Saved / 257
many and declared its alliance with Soviet Russia and the Western Pow-
ers . The German Army had started its retreat, pursued and leisurely
harassed by Rumanian troops . General Gerstenberg, Commander of the
German Air Force in that theater of operations, had taken in retaliation,
the brutal and stupid initiative of bombing the center of Bucharest, with
the foolhardy idea of destroying the Royal Palace and King Michael if
he happened to be there . Michael and his worthy retinue, of course, had
left days before for safer quarters.'
I found more complete information in Vienna, where with great emo-
tion and after years of separation I met Horia Sima, the Legion's
Commander, and the vanguard of the four hundred Legionaries liber-
ated from the Dachau and Buchenwald concentration camps . The day
the Legionaries in Buchenwald were informed that their internment had
ended and while they were jubilantly preparing to leave, the camp was
violently, for reasons unknown, bombarded by the RAF . Many inmates
were wounded and killed ; among the latter was the young and innocent
Princess Mafalda of Italy .
From the moment Rumania entered the war, despite our justified re-
sentment against the Antonescu regime, we had scrupulously avoided
creating any difficulties for his Government . The Legionaries who en-
tered the battle from the beginning, and those who were allowed to join
it only later when the disciplinary battalions were formed with the in-
mates of the prisons, strived, as every unit commander could testify, to
be models of spirit, endurance and courage . We had now to decide if
Rumania's cause asked us to adopt the same attitude towards the new
rulers in Bucharest . The information we had already received and that
which we were receiving daily helped us to make up our minds rapidly .
For a long time, we in Vienna could not understand how entire Ru-
manian divisions were being captured and taken as prisoners to Russia
and Siberia, seeing that a convention of armistice had been signed . It
was not until September 13 when the signature of the real convention
was announced from Moscow that we understood the treachery . The So-
viet offensive against the Rumanian front, urgently demanded by our
political parties, by the Visoianu-Buzesti group of diplomats, and by
King Michael himself, had started August 14, 1944 . Despite the felonious
activities of one of two Generals like Racovitza and Steflea, our troops
kept fighting their retreat toward the country's boundaries with a stub-
bornness that did not correspond with the conspirators' computations .
1 Truth forces me to mention that Gerstenberg had been provoked by a treacherous
move by the new Rumanian Military Command-the Command of the false Armistice
Convention . An understanding had been reached between the King and Gerstenberg
concerning the date of the withdrawal of the German Air Force from Rumania . Twenty-
four hours before the expiration of the agreed term, the Rumanian anti-aircraft artil-
lery opened fire against the withdrawing German planes .
258 / The Suicide of Europe

They had therefore asked King Michael himself to break their resistance .
The people and the army had been cheated ; both abhorred the new
masters that the betrayal of their leaders had given them . When in Feb-
ruary 1945, under the protection of the Soviet bayonets, the Communist
Party, which in Rumania had never numbered more than four hundred
people, the majority of them of foreign origin, tried to parade in the
streets of Bucharest, the demonstrators were forced to disperse under the
angry jeers and the blows of the incensed public . In November of the
same year on the occasion of Saint Michael's festivities, under a full
fledged Communist Government and in similar circumstances, Commu-
nist manifestations were fought by the Rumanian people all over the
country . The bloody scuffles ended with more than twenty dead in Buch-
arest alone .
The Soviet troops had reached Bucharest on August 28, 1944 . Four
days later the political parties in an acute crisis of euphoria went
through the gesture of reinstating the Constitution of 1923 . How could
the leaders of these parties believe, even for a moment, unless they were
complete fools, that the Communist masters of our country would ever
abandon it again to a regime of liberty and justice? The true story of
the Katyn carnage was public knowledge . What had occurred in the
Baltic States in 1939-1940 was known to everybody : the whole of the in-
telligentsia, both civilian and military, and more than one-third of the
peasantry, had disappeared, either liquidated on the spot or transported
to extermination camps . The same thing had happened in Poland . More-
over, what nobody could have ignored or forgotten in Bucharest was the
mass liquidation and the mass deportation of the Rumanian population
of Bessarabia and Bucovina, which started immediately after the occu-
pation of the two provinces by the Soviets in 1940 .
Whether there were really some sincere illusions among the political
leaders, we did not know . In any case, a sense of realization must have
come very quickly when the same methods of annihilation started to be
applied in conquered Rumania . Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants
of Bessarabia, Transylvania, and Bucovina were herded like cattle, with-
out any consideration for family bonds or other ties, and taken away .
When, through emissaries and through British and American representa-
tives in Bucharest, Maniu, and Bratianu complained to Roosevelt and
Churchill about those inhuman methods, they received from the two
Western leaders the answer that these matters had been agreed upon
between them and Stalin, and that the Soviets had been authorized to
use slavework as a part of the war indemnities to which they were en-
titled . Vae victis!
On September 25, 1944, Maniu and Bratianu abandoned the National
Democratic Front they had formed with the Socialists and the Commu-
When Only Honor Could Still Be Saved / 259
nists . General Sanatescu, a Palace man and the Minister President, un-
der pressure from Soviet bayonets and menaced by the extremist mem-
bers of his Government, was forced to complete it with still more Marxist
elements . Terrified by the situation and by his responsibilities, he yielded
the Presidency to the more forceful General Radescu, who had himself
played an important part in the complot that had put Rumania into
Communist hands . Radescu tried to adopt at least verbally a more en-
ergetic attitude before the growing exigencies of Andrei Vyshinsky and
his Rumanian accomplices . After a speech in which he went so far as to
talk about "people without God and without country," Radescu felt the
moment had come to take refuge in the British Legation . He appeared
a few months later in Portugal . Radescu once eliminated, Vyshinsky ex-
ploded into the Royal Palace, banged his fist, banged the doors, and
forced subdued King Michael to appoint Communist Groza in lieu of
the evanescent Generals .
The calvary of the Rumanian people was to increase in direct propor-
tion to the Kremlin's triumphs in the diplomatic international arena .
After Yalta and Potsdam : San Francisco, where Soviet Russia, by the
very fact of her admission into a community of nations supposed to
have been formed to defend the rights of men and of nations, was excul-
pated ipso facto of all her past, present and future crimes . After San
Francisco : the Moscow conference of December 1945 and the Byrnes be-
trayal of Rumania by unfathomable stupidity, with the mock elections
of 1946 as a consequence . After Moscow : the Paris Peace Conference
where Rumania and ten other European countries were sentenced to
lifetime penal servitude . Finally : King Michael's shotgun abdication .
A short time later Maniu, Bratianu, and many of those who had taken
part in Rumania's affairs on the pro-Soviet side both before and after
the capitulation, would be in Communist prisons . King Michael had
long before handed over Marshal Antonescu to his Communist enemies
and condoned his execution after Antonescu's condemnation by a Com-
munist tribunal in Bucharest . King Michael could have prevented this
execution if he had exercised his right of mercy-a thing we do not
doubt he would have liked to do .
But in Vienna, by December 1944, we had already decided to consider
the King and all those who surrounded him as the prisoners of the
armed forces of an enemy government ; to consider therefore that Ru-
mania had neither King nor Government and that the persons who
appeared in the successive Ministerial formations were, some of them,
plain Communist agents, and the others terrorized or impotent Ruma-
nians who were functioning in the various positions they occupied under
the menace or even the fact of corporal coercion .
Faced with a situation without precedent in the history of the Ruma-
260 / The Suicide of Europe
nian people, we decided that it was our duty, as still free Rumanians,
to try what we knew our enslaved compatriots would want us to try:
to raise again the flag that their inept and terrorized leaders had
dropped at the enemy's first bidding. On December 10, 1944, therefore,
we gathered non-Legionaries and Legionaries in the Palace Lobkowitz
in Vienna and formed the Rumanian National Government whose first
act was to proclaim immediately the existence of the Corps of Rumanian
Volunteers, the organization of which had actually started two months
earlier, and which would continue the fight against the oppressors of
our country.
In Vienna I had found an old acquaintance, Minister Altenburg, who
had represented his Government on the committee investigating the
Hungarian treatment of the Rumanians in Transylvania, and who now
represented it before the Rumanian National Government in exile. It
was Altenburg who informed me that three Rumanian officers had
crossed the German line and wanted to reach Vienna . One of them bore
my name, he said, and the commanding officer of the sector where those
three persons had been held wanted to know what we knew about them .
We knew a lot. One of them was my son Elie-Vlad, who, I had always
been certain, would do everything in his power to join our undertaking .
His companions were Dr . Bulbuc, who was to be assassinated a year later
in Italy, and a young lieutenant whom I shall call Lieutenant X, not
knowing if he is still alive . Lieutenant X, modest, calm and valiant,
crossed the lines several times on special missions . Constantin Stoica-
nescu, another comrade whose confident, warm, and generous nature had
so often comforted us in hours of greatest need, had already perished,
victim of his courage and his spirit of initiative, on a mission similar to
the missions of my son that, had it been successful, might have changed
radically the course of events on that part of the Eastern Front .
The bombardment of Vienna was continuous and intense, although
not to be compared with the similar fireworks in Berlin . The city was
receiving two visitations a day, a British attack in the morning, an Amer-
ican one at night . The guests at the Hotel Imperial, where we were
lodged, were consequently meeting twice a day in the hotel bunker, one
of the most appreciated in the city, which for never quite explained rea-
sons was called "Goring's bunker ." As my son, for certain reasons, did
not want to be recognized each time he returned from the front, with
or without the news we were expecting, we generally chose the hour of
the morning raids for our constitutional walks in the neighboring gar-
dens . Once, while we were sitting there on a bench, we saw a lady with
a heavy valise in her hands walking in our direction . Believing that she
had just emerged from an underground station and did not know where
to find shelter, we hastened to offer to take her into the hotel's cata-
When Only Honor Could Still Be Saved / 261
combs, not failing to mention that they were among the best available .
To our surprise she answered in good Rumanian and rather briskly : "I
am not such a fool . I refuse, for the life of me, to bury myself in those
rat traps . Each time those villains bomb us, I come out here with this
valise and feel safer than anywhere else ." How right she was was dem-
onstrated that same morning when a more inquisitive missile penetrated
as far as the jockey Club cellar and killed nearly every person there,
among whom were some of our friends from our Vienna heydays.
On October 25, 1944, our troops, following cautiously rather than
pushing the retreating German divisions, had reached the location of
our old borders as they existed before the Vienna Arbitration . The casu-
alties on both sides had been extremely light up until then, none of the
adversaries fighting with much conviction . What happened with our
divisions afterwards, when they were asked to conquer Central Europe
for the Soviets, is another story about which the Gafencu-Visoianu clique
boasted impudently in their memorandum to the Peace Conference in
Paris .

Our divisions participated in 16 big battles and 367 minor encounters,

advancing for more than 1,000 kilometers as far as the center of Bohemia,
crossing 12 chains of mountains in winter time, in regions completely de-
void of lodgings and transportation . They liberated 2,832 localities, in-
cluding 555 cities . They captured 103,243 prisoners. Their casualties were
extremely heavy : 5,078 officers, 4,984 non-commissioned officers, 159,789 sol-
diers . A total of 169,882 casualties of which 111,379 were deaths .

The Rumanian National Government, on the other hand, was of the

opinion that we ought to prevent, at any price, the sacrifice of Ruma-
nian blood for the "liberation" of Mr . Benes and of his country . If this
blood were to be shed, it should be with one purpose only : in a last and
desperate attempt to eject the Soviet troops from the national territory,
to push them at least as far as possible toward their own borders in
order to win as much time as possible, in the expectation of a political
or military change that would be provoked or facilitated by just this at-
tempt . If this project, which we had carefully studied and prepared,
were to be abandoned because of the malfeasance of others-as was
finally the case-we could at least try to save the honor of an army that
until the time of Michael I had never broken its pledges and never
turned its weapons against its own allies and battle comrades .
In no case would the division we were forming, from all the Legion-
aries who were in Germany and all the other Rumanian volunteers be
brought to fight against Rumanian troops as happened tragically in
North Africa and in Asia Minor with de Gaulle's soldiers . Therefore,
our first project having been abandoned because of sabotage by some
262 / The Suicide of Europe
Wehrmacht Generals (who saw in the possibility of an important victory
on the Eastern Front only the occasion of a useless prolongation of a
war that they considered already lost), we sent out troops, unit by unit
as soon as their training permitted, to the northern part of the front in
Pomerania, along the Oder. The remains of Gheorghe-Stephan, the
Wandering Prince of Moldavia who died in a Pomeranian castle, had
been piously brought back to Moldavia by his granddaughter, Anna
Sturdza, the wife of Prince John Gregory Ghyka of Walachia . What
pious hands will ever bring back to their beloved country the bones of
the Rumanian volunteers who died there, or who died in Siberian prison
Our division was training in a camp northwest of Vienna, com-
manded, incidentally, by an old German officer named Colonel Ludwig,
a man of strict military courtesy but with a grumpy nature acquired in
a lifetime of soldiering, of which a good part had been spent exchang-
ing blows with enemies of all descriptions . One night, in the room that
he had put at my disposal, I heard a timid knock at my door . As it
opened, I recognized the man entering as Petrea a private well over his
forties, a mountaineer of Neamt, one of the most picturesque of our
Carpathian provinces .
"Petrea, how did you happen to land here with us?"
"Well, Sir, I saw others coming and I came with them ."
"How do you pass the time of day when you are not drilling?"
"I sing, Sir, I sing ."
"You sing, Petrea, in what way?"
"Just like this, Sir, just like this ."
And Petrea drew from one of his pockets a nice oval piece of birch
bark, not bigger than half of the heel of his hand, and started fixing it
between his teeth .
Here I suppose I owe some explanation to my readers.
Those who have not partaken of the magic and the color of the
sounds that our village virtuosos can conjure out of such a bit of bark
can hardly believe it. As for the melodies produced and improvised,
they are always of the nostalgic nature of our doinas, perennial accom-
paniments to the pastoral life which has been the fount of our folklore
since the dawn of our history. These melodies are equally adapted to
four fundamental themes : love, love of nature, legend, and heroism .
Melodic doinas started to pour from Petrea's lips, who had knocked at
my door just to shower them on some Rumanian's understanding ears .
Petrea stopped :
"Sir, I have another bit of birch that I have brought with me from
Neamt. It is from a thunderstruck birch, the best there is ."
Then Petrea extracted another bit of bark from another pocket, and
When Only Honor Could Still Be Saved / 263
our dreams and longing absorbed us again . So entranced were we that
we did not hear the door open . I was suddenly aware that the grumpy
and irascible Colonel was sitting on the bunk near me, listening with
the same rapture as I to Petrea's incantations .
Petrea, where are you now? Prisoner in Soviet Russia, back in your
dear mountains, or in that other and happier world where your patron
would not have, I am certain, any difficulty in admitting you? Wher-
ever it is that you dwell, I am sure that you are not without that bit of
bark in your pocket .
The atmosphere in Vienna grew more defeatist every day . The three
sancta sanctorum of the Viennese, the opera house, Saint Stephan's
Kirche, and Frau Sacher's hotel, had been seriously damaged by Allied
bombing . And enough was enough . We could see the moment coming
when we would be the only ones in the bunker of the Hotel Imperial
who still believed in victory . Meanwhile our volunteers were fighting
in Pomerania, and we saw with pride our soldiers and officers men-
tioned in the dispatches .
General Chirnoaga in his letter to Mme. Basdevant expresses his aston-
ishment that in her book Terres Roumaines contre Vents et Marees
this constant slanderer of the Legionary Movement fails even to mention
the existence either of the Rumanian National Government in exile or
of this last military effort of the Rumanian people against the conquerors
of their country .

In your book you do not mention at all the constitution and the activi-
ties of the Rumanian National Government presided over by Horia Sima .
. . . From August 23, Rumania had ceased to be a sovereign and independ-
ent country ; the Government's decisions were influenced or dictated by
Moscow . No independent Rumanian Government would have incurred the
dishonour of arresting Marshal Antonescu in the precinct of the Royal Pal-
ace and handing him over to Soviet agent Bodnaras .
Rumanians who happened to be in Germany and Austria formed there-
fore a Government, symbol of the aspirations of the Rumanian people . . .
and formed an infantry division with which the Vienna Government con-
tinued the fight until Germany's capitulation .

General Chirnoaga's astonishment is worth some commentary . Mme .

Basdevant kept very "good" company and their numbers were great .
None of the Legionary Movement's professional slanderers who took
the trouble to express themselves in books or newspapers-and they are
not few-have ever mentioned the Rumanian National Government or
the Rumanian Corps of Volunteers . The explanation of this silence is to
be found in the facts of the situation : in what was occurring in Bucha-
rest, and in what was occurring in Vienna at that time . In Bucharest
there was a handful of usurpers, blind and deaf to the distress and as-
264 / The Suicide of Europe
piration of their nation ; in Vienna, Rumanians who had forgotten any
disagreement of political or other nature formed around a Legionary
core, although far from their people, felt united with it and acted in full
accord with their aspirations in trying to eradicate the shame of the
capitulation, not by the customary and uncommendable methods of the
"resistants," but by a last and heroic military effort .
How could even the most imaginative calumniator find in such a
situation a weapon against Codreanu's Iron Guard, against the Le-
Our enemy could have only one solution to this perplexing problem :
to strike, through the imposture o f silence, the story of this last and
heroic military effort from the history of Rumania .


Hungarian Intermezzo

V ienna and the whole of Austria were slowly filling with

Russian refugees who had followed the German Armies in their retreat .
In Vienna I met some of General Andrei A . Vlasov's officers, leaders of
a Russian anti-Communist Army of about 400,000 soldiers, men without
any special sympathy for Germany and still less for the National Social-
ist regime, who for about two years had asked to be permitted to try to
liberate their country from the odious Soviet tyranny without having
been allowed by Hitler to do so . All those soldiers and their officers
were dishonorably handed over to Stalin by the British and United
States Governments and High Commands, against the stipulations of
the Geneva Convention and the laws and usages of war . They were
victims of one of the greatest of war crimes, a crime about which all
newspapers, magazines, historians, and commentators still keep a deep
silence . The soldiers were mowed down to the last man by Soviet ma-
chine guns . The officers were all hanged . Directly responsible for this
atrocity were the President of the United States and the Prime Minister
of Great Britain, without whose consent or orders such a violation of
international, human and Divine laws would never have been possible .
While in Poland for a short trip, I had the opportunity to ascertain
that the much talked about Ostwall (East Wall) was no more than an
interminable moat, not very deep, over which any armored unit could
have managed a prompt crossing in less than an hour .
The battle was every day moving nearer to Vienna . I found the front,
on my return, at Sopron on the Austro-Hungarian border . Among those
who formed or surrounded the Rumanian National Government, and
among our fighting forces there, the possibility of defeat had not pro-
voked any defections (with the exception of one, which we hasten to
forget) . General Chirnoaga and his officers maintained themselves in the
266 / The Suicide of Europe
position that, as soldiers and Rumanians, they felt compelled to adopt
when they had seen their country abandoned to the enemy ; their com-
rades and their troops betrayed to captivity ; Marshal Antonescu, the
Commander-in-Chief of the Army who had triumphantly carried our
waving colors from the Prut to the Caucasus, handed over by his King
and his Government to the Communists ; and a Rumanian Prime Min-
ister forced to take hasty refuge at the British Legation . General Chir-
noaga is still with us, a cherished and venerated figure who occupies in
our hearts the same place as did General Cantacuzene and General
Petrovicescu .
We had decided that a visit to Baron Kemeny, the Foreign Minister
in the Hungarian Arrow Cross Government of Ferenc Sz'alasi, would give
us an opportunity for a useful exchange of views now that our two
countries had been totally engulfed in the poisonous Communist flood .
I do not know why the German authorities, who arranged this inter-
view for me, asked that a member of Altenburg's staff be present at the
meeting. My intentions were definite : to consider with my Hungarian
interlocutor the possibility of a radical revolutionary solution to the
centuries-old rivalry between the two nations, whose quarrels through-
out their history from Charles Robert and Neagoe Bassarab, from Stefan
the Great and Matthias Corvinus, from Michael the Valiant and the
Bithories up to our times, had always hampered tragically their ability
to resist the attacks of their common enemy : yesterday the Turks, today
the Soviets .
Our trip from Vienna to Soviet-invaded Hungary recalled to my mind
a relevant episode of the time I spent in Budapest as Secretary to our
Legation . On that occasion, at dinner at Admiral Horthy's residence,
Kanya, the Secretary General of the Hungarian Foreign Office, had
rather tactlessly interrupted a discussion I was having with my neigh-
bors about horses and horsemanship by declaring that there was now no
reason to talk of horses in Hungary, as the Rumanian troops had taken
them all with them when leaving Hungarian territory . The lady who
was at my side kindly tried to restore the up to then prevailing harmony
at our corner of the table by reminding Kanya that those troops had
also cleaned Hungary of Bela Kun's Communist vermin . A young offi-
cer who was near at hand retorted immediately : "Yes, this is true, and
we Hungarians are grateful people . We will not rest until we have
rendered the Rumanians the same service ."
After the official exchange of greetings, a visit to the troops and lunch
with their officers, I spent within sound of the rumbling and rasping
clamor of the nearby battle a night of unforgettable discussions with
Baron Kemeny, my Hungarian colleague . In the old mansion where we
were lodged, everything, from the graceful elderly lady who was our
Hungarian Intermezzo / 267
hostess to the hunting trophies and family portraits hanging on the
walls and the whiskers a la Francois Joseph of the elderly majordomo,
was still an unscathed part of a world that was crumbling around us .
As if by a miracle, Kemeny and I found ourselves thinking along the
same lines, profoundly convinced of the same necessities, prepared, if
in spite of all God gave us victory, to make the same decisions . It was
Kemeny who opened the way to this comforting exchange of ideas and
dreams by telling me that after the Vienna Arbitration Ferenc Sz'alasi,
Kemeny's Prime Minister, who happened to be in Cluj-the capital of
Transylvania, where years before I had, as Governor, tried to create even
a minimum of understanding between Rumanians and Hungarians-
asked an assembly of his partisans to observe with him a minute of
silence in memory of Corneliu Codreanu, "with whom," he said, "we
could perhaps have found another solution to the problem of our two
Szdlasi, Hungary's rightful Prime Minister, and Baron Kemeny, Hun-
gary's rightful Foreign Minister, were handed over by the British forces
to the new Communist Hungarian Government . Both were hanged ;
and from those days when hangmen were the pets and bedfellows of
newspaper men, columnists and press photographers, I had in my pos-
session a picture of Szalasi's hanging . A priest is trying to reach SzAlasi's
lips with a cross ; Szilasi leans as far forward as his position permits to
kiss the sacred and beloved symbol . A crowd of unbelievably subhuman
beings brutally pushes its way to separate the priest from the man who
stands with the rope around his neck, trying to deprive Szalasi of this
last consolation . What a fitting frontispiece to an epoch where we have
seen the mention of God and the singing of Christmas carols banished
by law from the public schools of powerful, formerly Christian countries .

The End and After

O ur still robust optimism was based on the spirit of discipline

and on the incomparable qualities of the German soldier, to whom
nothing seemed to be impossible as long as he was led by chiefs who
remained faithful to the old German tradition of military honor, of
fidelity to their Command, and of fighting to the last man . This optimism
was also based on the conviction deeply rooted in us, as it is still rooted,
that Divine Wisdom would not permit the ultimate triumph of the
diabolical forces that had seized Russia in their claws twenty-seven years
before, forces responsible for the greatest distress, the greatest massacres,
the greatest terror inflicted on the greatest number of victims known to
human history .
The battle of the Ardennes, the last clout of the dying lion, seemed
for a moment to bolster our hopes, but not even after the crossing of
the Rhine by the Allied Forces did we consider a German victory, a
German battle of the Marne, impossible .
Concerning the Eastern front, we had become accustomed to its
proximity and quasi-stability in the central Austrian sector, compared
to what was happening in its northern part where our troops were fight-
ing . We were, therefore, painfully surprised when Altenburg informed
us that the Rumanian National Government was to be evacuated. We
left the Hotel Imperial in a big autobus en route for Alt-Aussee, a resort
in Tirol . I felt rather ashamed when taking leave, at the Schutzstaffel
center, of a young doctor in mathematics, an athlete with Iron Crosses
on his breast, who asked me half-jokingly, "Are you going? You leave
us to fight alone?" Some weeks later I read in the Western papers that
the last of that handful of heroes who defended Vienna to the end had
been executed by the enemy "because by a useless resistance they had
provoked considerable losses and destructions ."
The End and After / 269
We spent Easter of 1945 in the bus on our way to Alt-Aussee, where
we found that crowds of refugees had replaced the tourists of yore . From
there we finally dispersed, each of us hurrying toward his destiny, to
meet in Paris about two years later-except those who fell on the way,
or those who, like my son, were fighting the same enemy on far-away
battlefields . The second week in April I was in a train on my way to
Berlin . Normally a ten-hour journey, it took us four days to cover the
distance because of the detours and stops caused by enemy bombing . At
the gates of Berlin there was a surprise for almost everybody . All able-
bodied men were asked to leave the cars ; each was given a rifle and sent
to join the ranks of those who were defending the approaches of the
capital . I was left with the women and the invalids .
There followed three nights at the Hotel Adlon . In the hotel's air
raid shelter, where we spent a good part of our time, I regularly met
Degrelle, the Commander of the heroic Legion Valonne, and the Grand
Mufti of Jerusalem, a bright little chap who was always accompanied
by two big Valkyries. Some months after, when the newspapers an-
nounced his escape from French captivity, they reported also that two
ladies had left with him . I hoped that they were our two beauteous
bunker companions .
I was taking my meals with a Rumanian officer who was waiting for
an occasion, every day less probable, to pay a visit to our troops in
Pomerania . The fourth day, via Warnemunde and Gesder, and by what
could have been the last boat to make the crossing, I was on my way to
Copenhagen. Between Gesder and the Danish capital we were forced
to change trains ; a party of "resistants" had blown up a culvert . I re-
membered the big bridge on the Drava, blown up by Yugoslav Partisans
-the beginning and the end of a fragment of life, I thought.
But the real end was almost to come a little later. I did not find room
at the pension in Copenhagen where I usually stayed ; the landlady sent
me to a hotel in a suburb of the city. When I returned to the pension
a few days later, after the arrival of the British and American troops,
when impromptu executions had been replaced by a more orderly set-
tling of old accounts, I learned that as soon as I had left, the pension
had been invaded by a gang of the worst sort of resistance people who,
with pistols drawn, searched for me everywhere, even under the beds of
all the guests. I wondered if a connection could be made between this
daring "military expedition" and the friendly warning I had received a
few months before from that thoughtful Director of the Press Depart-
ment at the Danish Foreign Office .'
1 As in other countries the "resistance" in Denmark was composed of about twenty-
five percent young patriots concerned by foreign occupation and seventy-five percent
Communists . As in other countries, it started its activities only after the beginning of
270 / The Suicide of Europe
It was the "Funeral March" of Die Gotterdammerung that announced
to us, the first of May 1945 the death of Hitler . Not being German, we
do not feel qualified to decide if Admiral Donitz was right or not when
he declared on the radio that "the greatest hero of Germany's history
has passed away ." Nine words for which the justice of Nurnberg, the
justice of Katyn and Yalta, punished him with fifteen years of prison .
But we are very much afraid that it was not only the death of the Ger-
man Fiihrer that was broadcast to the world that evening but the
crepuscule of the old German gods . These were the gods who, as far
back in the past as the realm of legend, had been the defenders of
Europe, this happy mote of land, this elected continent, father of all
civilizations, against Asiatic predatory and slaughtering invasions, the
defenders of this Europe already reduced today to a last stump un-
protected and open to the onslaught of the barbarians .
The murderers of the last of Russia's Czars and of more than twenty
million of his subjects had been entrusted with the undermining and
destruction of all that three thousand years of pre-Christian and Chris-
tian Civilization had bestowed on the world . From the appearance of
the diabolical Communist entity up to the beginning of the Eastern
War in 1941, and from the end of this war until now, no government,
no head of state, no statesman had made it his purpose and his duty to
defend at whatever price this irretrievable, unexpendable legacy against
the enterprises of the Beast . Germany alone undertook it, accepting the
terrible risks implied in this attempt . She failed, but I am proud to
remember that Rumania, my country, contributed with all her young
forces, with all her faith and courage to this superhuman endeavour .
The day after the announced death of Hitler, I went to the seat of the
German mission to shake hands for the last time with Dr . Werner Best .
The building was surrounded by a pushing, menacing crowd through
which I had to navigate with difficulty and a certain amount of risk .
At the gates two German soldiers were mounting guard in statuesque
immobility ; a young officer was contemplating with melancholy the
agitated landscape . I found Best in his office, gazing through the window
with crossed arms at the frenzied crowds . "And now what will you do?"
he asked me . "I will wait," I told him . And I am still waiting for the day
of the resurrection of the civilized nations, to the consciousness of their
mission, the pride in their past, and their will to live .
Dr . Best, like his predecessor Renthe-Fink, had done all that was in
the German-Soviet war . The whole idea was preposterous . The practical thing would
have been to prepare, as secretly as possible and in cooperation with the army, a gen-
eral insurrection . Nothing like that happened in Denmark . The minor sabotages and
the reciprocal assassinations, generally between Danes, served only to keep the German
authorities on the alert against a surprise similar to that organized militarily in Warsaw
by the gallant Polish patriots .
The End and After / 271
his power to sweeten for the Danish people the bitter pill of a foreign
occupation . It would have been much easier for him to do it without the
countermeasures the British Government was able to take in Denmark,
as in almost all other occupied countries. In order to spare the British
population all the tragic and useless consequences of the so-called re-
sistance, the British Government had given the strictest orders and ad-
vice to the authorities and the population of the German occupied
Channel Islands not to provoke in any way the German authorities, but
to try even to establish friendly relations with them . The same Govern-
ment had adopted a diametrically different policy wherever a British
population was not concerned . British agents and British-supplied
weapons formed the core of the terrorist organizations whose mission it
was to provoke the chain reaction of sabotage, murder, retaliation and
counter-retaliation, whose victims were so seldom, in Denmark as else-
where, the perpetrators of those outrages.
My new Danish exile lasted two years . In this period of forced in-
activity, when I could not obtain a visa for any other country, I watched
with lacerating pangs the occurrence of all that I had foreseen and
foretold in my reports to the King, to the Prime Ministers, and to the
Ministers of Foreign Affairs, in my verbal and written interventions with
so many of our political factors-a consequence of the foreign policy
we were following, directed not by specific Rumanian interests but by
the never-mentioned influence of never-named forces .
I watched, in this period, the disappearance of Rumania from the
world of independent states . I saw the Rumanian nation submitted to a
regime of physical and spiritual degradation without parallel in human
history. While in Copenhagen I received the news of King Michael's
decoration with the Soviet Order of Victory, and that of the execution
of Marshal Antonescu with the consent of his King . I took note of the
hypocritical maneuvers of Truman, Attlee, Bevin, and Byrnes, who
under the appearance of an honest resistance to Soviet exigencies and
the pretext of the pursuit of a one-world dream were doing all that they
could to guarantee the continuity of the Teheran, Yalta, and Potsdam
iniquities and to see this one-world "ideal" become finally a Communist
empire. I heard there too, of the mock elections in Rumania, recognized
as valid by the Western Powers ; of the conferences in San Francisco and
Paris where eleven European nations with 130 million inhabitants were
fed to the Nameless Beast ; of the unbelievable outrage of George C.
Marshall's mission to China .
We have not been lenient in the preceding pages with Marshal Anto-
nescu, with Iuliu Maniu or with Dinu Bratianu, the two latter the chiefs
of the political parties, the National Peasant and the Liberal-the Con-
servative Party had disappeared at the end of World War I, leaving in
272 / The Suicide of Europe
the moral structure of our political life a tragic emptiness-but we can-
not refrain from manifesting our indignation for the way these three
men were abandoned in the hour of danger by so many of those who
were so evident at the time of the gratuities, the patronage, the pork
barrel and the important appointments . Not only did these hangers-on
not do anything for the defense of their chiefs and benefactors, but some
of them were their accusers before the Communist courts .
We have hesitated a long while and we still are hesitant to place King
Michael's case in the same category as that of the deserters and the
traitors. We have withheld judgment on Michael not only in relation
to the fate of the three statesmen, but also in relation to his attitude
toward his people, to whom he owed everything, and who had the right
to expect from him even the sacrifice so many crowned heads have made
with majestic serenity . Even after the publication of the text of the King's
abdication, a unique document to the best of our knowledge in the his-
tory of the downfall of monarchies, the Legionary Movement continued
to admit that the King could still be a "flag" of convergence and union
among Rumanian exiles, and a symbol for the day, much yearned for,
of the fight for Rumania's liberation . We had decided to forget the past
for the sake of union among Rumanians and the fight for Rumania's
independence. Many Rumanians, including the writer of these pages,
were prepared to forget the past also because they were convinced that
the monarchic form of government that ruled the Rumanian nation
without interruption for more than seven centuries was the best adapted
to this nation's character and needs . The text of King Michael's abdica-
tion will show how much we had, and still have, to forget .

MIHAI [Michael] the FIRST

by the Grace of God and the will of the people
To all those present and those to come : greetings .
Deep political, economic and social changes have occurred in the life of
the Rumanian State, which have created new relations between the princi-
pal factors of the life of the state .
Those relations do not correspond anymore with the conditions estab-
lished in the Fundamental Pact, the Country's Constitution . They demand
a complete and fundamental change .
In view of that situation, in perfect accord with the responsible element
of the country, knowing also my responsibilities, I consider that the mo-
narchic institution no longer corresponds to the present conditions of our
state's life; it represents a serious hindrance on the way to Rumania's prog-
ress. [Italics added .]
Consequently, fully conscious of the step I am taking for the benefit of
the Rumanian people :
The End and After / 273
for Me and my followers to the throne, giving up for Me, and for them,
all prerogatives I have exercised as King of Rumania .
I leave to the Rumanian people the liberty of choosing its new form of
Given in Bucharest
today December 80, 1947

History tells us of many emperors or kings who have been stripped of

their crown or have been killed on the steps of their throne . We never
read however of a monarch who, before leaving or dying, declared that
the monarchic regime represented an obstacle to the progress of his
country. After all, the right to decide about such matters belonged to
the Rumanian people ; all the more so since the hands into which Ru-
mania was abandoned were those of the most cruel tyrants . The good
and faithful Rumanian population had shown its feelings toward the
grandson of King Ferdinand and Queen Marie in the September 1946
insurrection on Saint Michael's day, the King's own saint's day, which
filled Bucharest's streets with dead and wounded .
Despite the act of abdication and all that had happened before, we
decided to grant the young exiled King the chance for a future that
might have permitted him to make up for past errors, the chance
to promote and guarantee unity among the exiled Rumanians and be-
tween Rumanian and other national exiles, to work with them in their
fight against the indifference and the ill will of powerful Western politi-
cal factors, to prepare with them for the supreme effort, even at the
risk of ending like the other Mihai of the Rumanian past, who after
almost four hundred years is remembered by the Rumanian people as
Mihai the Valiant .
It took us some time to understand that King Michael in his exile,
as in his Palace, was the prisoner of the same camarilla, of the men who
insisted that a powerful enemy offensive be directed against their own
country ; the men of the false armistice, of the unconditional surrender
and of the filched millions deposited in advance in foreign banks to help
them evade the gehenna into which their misdeeds would throw their
country. It also took us some time to understand that the King neither
could, nor probably wanted to, part with those who, usurping again the
right to represent the interests of their country before the victorious
powers, had entered the profitable service of the conspiracy .
In Paris I found Horia Sima with a great many of the Legionaries I
had left in Austria . The majority of them were working in various
274 / The Suicide o f Europe
factories and plants, especially at the Ripolin painting industry and at
the Renault works, many carrying on their studies at the same time
at the University of Paris .
My son was in Africa with the French Foreign Legion, and I went to
see him before his departure for Indo-China, where he fought the Com-
munist enemy for four more years . His wife and her father, General
Avramescu, had been arrested in Rumania by the NKVD (the Russian
secret police) and taken to Russia . The only news we had later was of
their death in a Soviet prison . It was by mere chance that the same fate
did not befall my wife .
Horia Sima and the exiled Legionaries were animated by my own
instinctive and powerful obsessions : union between exiled Rumanians
in view of the fight for the liberation of our country . In order to offer
an example to those who were involving Rumanian exiles in an exten-
sion of the farce of former political life in Rumania, we announced the
dissolution of the Legionary Movement as a political organization, in-
volving its activities in exile ; but not as a fighting factor abroad or in
Rumania, where it represented the only organized resistance . Moreover,
we invited all other groups of exiled Rumanians to join us in this fight .
In total contradiction to this attitude, the new leaders of the old
political parties, who by some miracle of levitation had been transported
from the streets and coffeehouses of Bucharest to those of New York,
Paris, and London, had shamelessly organized themselves on the accursed
pattern of their former political life . They even included the Marxist
Socialist Party, which had never played any part in Rumanian politics
except for the last obscure leaders who were functioning as auxiliary
forces to the "gravediggers ." This group, far from responding to our
wise and friendly overtures, chose to be the instrument of a campaign
of discord and disintegration among exiles, and its members applied
themselves to their task with an assiduity and a consistency that could
not have been greater if their disruptive activities were a condition
sine qua non of their comfortable lot in New York and Washington .
I must however mention as a qualified exception the case of old Gen-
eral Radescu, accepted reluctantly by the political swarm as President
of the so-called Rumanian National Committee .
It was with the purpose of establishing the solidarity of all groups of
Rumanians on this side of the Iron Curtain that I had written from
Copenhagen to General Radescu who was at that time in Lisbon . I had
received a very encouraging answer that seemed to reflect my worries
and my desires, with a few flattering words for our Movement, but also
with a suggestion that I felt obliged to decline . The Movement could
not take the responsibility for any individual violence against the per-
secutors of our people, since this would provoke only cruel retaliation
The End and After / 275

and still more suffering for those left behind . Only a mass upheaval
could offer us a possibility of victory . Such an upheaval could be or-
ganized, and the permanence of an eventual victory could not be guar-
anteed without the help of the Western Powers . Had the General the
promise of such help? Well, he had not .
Radescu arrived in Paris from New York and immediately let us know
that he wanted to contact every group of Rumanian refugees of what-
ever political extraction . We could not disregard such an invitation, and
I was sent with Professor Protopopescu to call on the General at his
hotel . We found a true patriot, convinced as we were of the necessity
of establishing an unanimous agreement of purpose and of effort among
Rumanian exiles as a first step toward the constitution of an organic,
militant collaboration with the representatives of other enslaved na-
tions for the liberation of our countries . The reception was warm and
cordial ; we talked for a long time, and it was with real emotion, on both
sides, and the satisfaction of work well done that we parted .
I met General Radescu again a few days later at a reception given by
a well-intentioned Rumanian in honor of this establishment of contact
between the Legionary Movement and the President of the Rumanian
National Committee . About fifty persons were present, and a circle had
formed around the General and this writer as we engaged in an animated
discussion . However, when an enthusiastic photographer came and
pointed his camera at us, Radescu, with a nimbleness astonishing for
his age, bent almost double, as if it had been a bullet and not a Kodak
that he had to dodge, and reappeared suddenly at the farthest corner of
the room .
I understood) The President of the Rumanian National Committee
was not a free agent either . He had less liberty to choose the way he
believed best to defend the interests of his country than the poorest
worker at Ripolin or at Renault . Before leaving, the General took me
aside and told me : "You must forgive me, Sir . Imagine what those people
in New York would have said if they had seen you and me photographed
together 1"
Post Scriptum

Early in April, 1943, Sikorski came to luncheon at

No . 10. He told me that he had proofs that the So-
viet Government had murdered the 15,000 Polish
officers and other prisoners in their hands, and that
they had been buried in vast graves in the forests,
mainly around Katyn. He had a wealth of evidence.
I said, "If they are dead nothing you can do can
bring them back ." [Roman added.]
The Hinge of Fate
"Ten millions," he [Stalin] said, holding up his
hands. "It was fearful. Four years it lasted ." . . .
"These," [I said] "were what you called Kulaks?"
"Yes," he said, but he did not repeat the word. . . .
"Oh well . . . the great bulk were very unpopu-
lar and were wiped out by their labourers." . . .
I record as they come back to me these memories,
and the strong impression I sustained at the moment
of millions of men and women being blotted out or
displaced for ever . A generation would no doubt
come to whom their miseries will be unknown, but
it would be sure of having more to eat and bless
Stalin's name . [Roman added.]
The Hinge of Fate
Yet when Mr. Churchill came to power, one of the
first decisions of his Government was to extend
bombing to the non-combatant area .
Captain Liddel HART
The Revolution in Warfare
We must not add needlessly to the weight of our
task or the burden that our soldiers bear . Satellite
States, suborned or overawed, may perhaps, if they
can help to shorten the war, be allowed to work their
passage home . But the twin roots of all our evils,
Nazi tyranny and Prussian militarism, must be ex-
tirpated . Until this is achieved there are no sacrifices
that we will not make and no lengths in violence to
which we will not go.
"The War : Past and Future"
A speech in the House of Commons
September 21, 1943
Let those who have hitherto not imbrued their
hands with innocent blood beware lest they join the
ranks of the guilty, for most assuredly the three Allied
Powers will pursue them to the uttermost ends of the
earth and will deliver them to their accusers in order
that justice may be done .
From the Allied Powers' "Declaration
on German Atrocities" as quoted by
Cordell Hull in his Memoirs.
Post Scriptum

T he preceding pages might have provoked a certain perplexity

in those who have had the patience to follow me all the way through :
Was not the author horrified by the atrocities, attributed to the National
Socialist regime, which he hardly mentions?
The author has indeed been horrified by the atrocities attributed to
certain groups of the National Socialist organization, atrocities that
were brought to public cognizance, even in Germany, only after the end
of the war . My indignation did not need the fanciful figure of six and
one-half million victims in order for it to be aroused . My indignation
paralleled that of the many who had been equally horrified at the
atrocities of the Communist regime in Russia and elsewhere and at
those committed by governments, courts, and armies of the nations that
were at war with Germany . My indignation was all the more intense as
the immensity of the Soviet carnage was certified by the perpetrators
themselves : by Stalin, for instance, when he confessed to Churchill that
he had been obliged to liquidate ten million peasants, and by Molotov
in his Odessa speech of 1933 when he boasted about the liquidation-
up to that date-of more than twenty million "bourgeois ." It was in
American and British books, newspapers, and testimonies that I found
further information regarding the atrocities that had been committed
on the Western side of the barricade .
Has everybody the right to the same indignation and the same re-
Roosevelt and Churchill knowingly handed over, at Teheran and
Yalta, to the same Stalin and Molotov, and to the Kremlin gang of
murderers and tormentors, one hundred and twenty million Europeans .
They did this at the very time when, to their knowledge and with their
tacit approbation, the Kremlin was inaugurating a new cycle of slaughters
and massive deportations corresponding more than anything else in
modern times to the definition of "genocide ." At Teheran, when Stalin
asked Roosevelt's consent to seize those doomed peoples, Roosevelt gave
it without any hesitation, asking him only to keep this agreement secret
until after the next presidential election in the United States .
When General Wladyslaw Sikorski, Prime Minister of the Polish Gov-
280 / The Suicide of Europe
ernment-in-Exile, with indisputable proof in his hands, told Churchill
that fifteen thousand Polish officers, the flower of Poland's heroic youth,
had been butchered in Katyn and in the Arctic, the British Prime Min-
ister shrugged his shoulders and answered coldly : "If they are dead noth-
ing you can do will bring them back ."' And on the same page of his
memoirs that he relates Stalin's confession of the liquidation of ten
million peasants Churchill informs us that future generations will bless
the name of Stalin because they will have more to eat thanks to the
collective farm system? This not only indicates the imperturbable cyni-
cism of the man who has been called by some "the conscience of the
world," but also his supreme ignorance of agricultural, economic, social,
and psychological matters . Furthermore, with the same astonishing amor-
ality, Churchill boasts of the way he proposed to share the countries of
Eastern Europe with Stalin, the mass-murderer :

The moment was apt for business, so I said, "Let us settle about our af-
fairs in the Balkans. Your armies are in Rumania and Bulgaria . We have
interests, missions, and agents there . Don't let us get at cross-purposes in
small ways . So far as Britain and Russia are concerned, how would it do
for you to have ninety percent predominance in Rumania, for us to have
ninety percent of the say in Greece, and go fifty-fifty about Yugoslavia?"
While this was being translated I wrote out on a half-sheet of paper :
Russia 90%
The others 10%
Great Britain 90%
(in accord with U .S.A .)
Russia 10%
Yugoslavia 50-50%
Hungary 50-50%
Russia 75%
The others 257
I pushed this across to Stalin, who had by then heard the translation .
There was a slight pause . Then he took his blue pencil and made a large
tick upon it, and passed it back to us . It was all settled in no more time
than it takes to set down . . . .
After this there was a long silence . The pencilled paper lay in the centre
of the table . At length I said, "Might it not be thought rather cynical if it
seemed we had disposed of these issues, so fateful to millions of people, in
such an offhand manner? Let us burn the paper ." "No, you keep it," said
Stalin .3
' Winston S. Churchill, The Second World War: The Hinge of Fate (Boston, Hough-
ton Mifflin Company, 1950), p . 759 .
2 The Hinge of Fate, p . 499 .
8 Winston S . Churchill, The Second World War: Triumph and Tragedy (Boston,
Houghton Mifflin Company, 1953), pp . 227-228 .
Post Scriptum / 281

President Truman, despite the fact that Japan had manifested the
desire two months earlier to lay down its weapons, wantonly ordered
that two atomic bombs be dropped on that country, killing or maiming
more than two hundred thousand innocent beings .4 For a long while
the story of the bombardment of Dresden, contrary to that of other
German cities, was tabu for chroniclers, historians, and newspaper peo-
ple . Credible accounts place the total number of dead at 250,000 . The
number of casualties might have been still greater-according to certain
reports-in a city crowded with refugees (there were up to one million
permanent and temporary inhabitants), without any air raid shelters,
which received in a few hours the full impact of 3250 heavy bombers . We
read in the London Times of February 16, 1945, only three days after the
Dresden air raid :

Dresden which had been pounded on Tuesday night by 800 of the 1,400
heavies sent out by the R .A .F. and was the main object of 1,350 Fortresses
and Liberators on the following day, yesterday received its third heavy at-
tack in thirty-six hours . It was the principal target for more than 1,100
United States 8th Army Air Force bombers .5

We will let F. J . P. Veale further describe for us this brilliant aerial

operation in his book Advance to Barbarism which everybody ought to
have read and which few dare to open :

The modern city of Dresden has grown up round the medieval town, now
known as the Altstadt, which lies at the southern end of the bridge crossing
the Elbe . In the eighteenth century Dresden became one of the great show
cities of the world through the construction of a number of magnificent
public buildings, all of which were erected in the Altstadt district of the
city. Within a radius of half a mile from the southern end of the Augustus
Bridge was built a unique group of palaces, art galleries, museums and
churches-the Schloss, containing the famous Griines Gewolbe with its
priceless art treasures ; the beautiful Briihl Terasse extending along the left
bank of the Elbe; the beautiful Catholic Cathedral, the domed Frauen
Kirche ; the Opera House, the Johanneum Museum and, above all, the fa-
mous Zwinger Museum containing one of the finest collections of pictures
in the world, including among its many treasures Raphael's Sistine Ma-
donna, purchased by the Elector Augustus II, in 1745, for 20,000 ducats .
Within this small area, so well known to British and American travellers
on the continent, there were, and could be, no munition factories or, in fact,
'According to Edward Teller with Allen Brown, The Legacy of Hiroshima (Garden
City, N .Y ., 1962), p. 4, the "official statistics" for Hiroshima cite "78,150 people killed,
13,983, missing, 37,425, injured ." For Nagasaki, according to Leslie R . Groves, Now It
Can Be Told (New York, Harper & Brothers, 1962), p . 346, "the United States Stra-
tegic Bombing Survey later estimated the casualties at 35,000 killed and 60,000 in-
s F . J . P . Veale, Advance to Barbarism (C . C . Nelson Publishing Company, Appleton,
Wisc., 1953), p . 132 .
282 / The Suicide of Europe
industries of any kind . The resident population of this district was small .
The main railway station of Dresden is situated a mile away to the South
and the railway bridge which carries the main line to Berlin is half a mile
down the river .6

This, then, was the target, and here are the details of this raid which
might well count as one of the most illustrious instances of what have
been called war crimes, and even of what has been called genocide .

On the morning of the fateful February 13, 1945, fast enemy reconnais-
sance planes were observed flying over the city. The inhabitants of Dresden
had no experience with modern air warfare and the appearance of these
planes aroused curiosity rather than apprehension . Having been for so long
outside any theatre of war, the city lacked anti-aircraft defenses, and these
planes were able to observe in complete safety all that they desired . No
doubt, they observed and reported that all the roads through and around
Dresden were filled with dense throngs moving westward . . . . It was com-
mon knowledge that a frantic orgy of murder, rape and arson was taking
place in those districts of Silesia which had been overrun by the Soviet
hordes . It should not have been difficult to deduce in these circumstances
that many people in districts threatened by the Russian advance would de-
cide to try to escape westwards .
Some hours after night had fallen, about 9 :30 p .m ., the first wave of at-
tacking planes passed over Dresden . The focus of the attack was the Alt-
stadt . Terrific fires soon broke out which were still blazing when the second
wave of attackers arrived shortly after midnight . The resulting slaughter was
appalling, since the normal population of the city of some 600,000 had been
recently swollen by a multitude of refugees, mostly women and children,
their menfolk having remained behind to defend their homes . Every house
in Dresden was filled with these unfortunates, every public building was
crowded with them, many were camping in the streets . Estimates of their
number vary from 300,000 to 500,000 . There were no air raid shelters of
any kind, unless we so regard the enormous cloud of stifling black smoke
which, after the first attack, covered the city and into which the second and
third waves of attackers dropped their bombs . Adding a unique touch to
the general horror, the wild animals in the zoological garden, rendered
frantic by the noise and glare, broke loose : it is said that these animals and
terrified groups of refugees were machine-gunned as they tried to escape
across the Grosser Garden by low-flying planes and that many bodies riddled
by bullets were found later in this part . . . .
The circumstances made it impossible for the authorities to undertake the
task of trying to identify the victims . So enormous were the number of bod-
ies that nothing could be done but to pile them on timber collected from
the ruins and there to burn them . In the Altmarkt one funeral pyre after
another disposed of 500 bodies, or parts of bodies, at a time . This gruesome
work went on for weeks .7

6 Veale, pp. 132-133 .

7 Veale, pp . 133-135 .
Post Scriptum / 283

Here are the commentaries of Howard Cowan, Associated Press cor-

respondent at the Supreme Headquarters in Paris, reporting in The
People, in the issue of February 18, 1945 :

Allied war chiefs have made the long-awaited decision to adopt deliberate
terror bombing of German populated centers as a ruthless expedient to
hasten Hitler's doom . . . .
The all-out air war on Germany became obvious with the unprecedented
assault on the refugee-crowded capital two weeks ago, and the subsequent
attacks on other cities, jammed with civilians fleeing the Russian tide in
the East .
The decision may revive protests in some Allied quarters against "uncivi-
lized warfare" but it is likely to be balanced by satisfaction in certain parts
of the Continent and Britain .8

As Veale records it, a very unfortunately worded, semiofficial denial

that the Dresden raid had been purely a terror-raid appeared in most
newspapers : "The Dresden raid was designed to cripple communica-
tions . The fact that the city was crowded with refugees at the time of the
attack was coincidental and took the form of a bonus (italics sup-
plied) ." 9
We ask our readers : is any person, any group of persons, any public
opinion which considers the killing of hundreds of thousands of women,
children and other non-combatants as a bonus to an already barbarous
military operation, entitled to express any indignation whatever at other
acts of cruelty? On which side of the barricade must be sought the re-
sponsible factors for those unbelievable horrors? "It is one of the greatest
triumphs of modern emotional engineering that, in spite of the plain
facts of the case which could never be disguised or even materially
distorted, the British public throughout the blitz period (1940-1941),
remained convinced that the entire responsibility for the sufferings
which it was undergoing rested on the German leaders," writes Veale . 10
The strict censorship of any mention of the facts was lifted in April
1944 when the Luftwaffe was reduced almost to silence from lack of
gasoline. It was Mr . J . M . Spaight, former Principal Secretary of the
Air Ministry who was asked to publish a book entitled Bombing Vindi-
cated from which we extract the following passage :

Because we were doubtful about the psychological effect of propagandist

distortion of the truth that it was we who started the strategic bombing of-
fensive, we have shrunk from giving our great decision of May 11th, 1940,
° Veale, pp . 135-136 . Italics added .
° Veale, p . 136 .
10 Veale, p. 120 .
284 / The Suicide o f Europe
the publicity which it deserved . That, surely, was a mistake . It was a splen-
did decision ."

It is not the lack of frankness by the advocate of terror bombing that

should be criticized . Mr . Spaight dismisses with justified contempt, the
apology put forward that those bombings were only acts of reprisal for
the German bombing of Warsaw and Rotterdam . "When Warsaw and
Rotterdam were bombed German armies were at their gates . The air-
bombing was an operation of the tactical offensive ." 12 Captain Liddell
Hart concurs. He writes : "Bombing did not take place until the German
troops were fighting their way into these cities, and thus conformed to
the old rules of siege bombardment ." 13 Spaight agrees that Hitler was
genuinely anxious to reach an agreement with Britain "confining the
action of aircraft to the battle zones ." 14 He recognizes also that Hitler
undertook reluctantly the bombing of the British civilian population
three months after the R .A.F . had commenced bombing the German
civilian populations .
Air Marshal Sir Arthur Harris in his authoritative book, Bomber Of-
fensive, agrees with Spaight and Captain Hart as to which government
was responsible for the first terror bombings . In what concerns Dresden,
especially, he writes : "I will only say that the attack on Dresden was at
the time considered a military necessity by much more important people
than myself ." 15 When reproached for the inhumanity of indiscriminate
bombing he always refers to a British Government White Paper . This
document claims that the blockade of Europe by the British Navy be-
tween 1914 and 1918 "caused nearly 800,000 deaths, mainly women and
children ." 16 Indiscriminate bombing, argues the Air Marshal, did not
kill as many people . . . so why make a fuss about it . Apart from the
strangeness of this line of justification of a crime by another crime, the
Air Marshal's statement provokes two questions : 1) Is he not aware that
indiscriminate bombing killed many more than 800,000 people (the post-

1 J . M . Spaight, Bombing Vindicated (London, Bles, 1944), p . 74; quoted in Veale,

p. 121 . If it is true that Mr. Leslie Hore-Belisha, British Secretary of State for War
(1937-1940), initiated this "splendid decision," his coreligionists have no reason to con-
gratulate him for it . Indeed, it was after the bombing of Hamburg and Bremen that
the concentration camps in Germany started to be filled with the Jewish population
whose homes and apartments were given to the hundreds of thousands of Germans left
without a roof after the destruction of their cities-a fact generally forgotten by chron-
iclers and historians of those gruesome times . Italics added .
Spaight, p. 43; quoted in Veale, p . 123 .
B . H . Liddell Hart, The Revolution in Warfare (London, Faber & Faber, 1946), p.
72; quoted in Veale, pp . 123-124 .
14 Spaight, p . 60 ; quoted in Veale, p . 124 .
11 Arthus Harris,
Bomber Offensive (London, Collins, 1947), p. 242; quoted in Veale,
p . 130.
16 See Veale, p. 126 .
Post Scriptum / 285
war estimates bring the figure to 2,000,000) ; 2) Why does not the Air
Marshal produce also the number of people who died in Germany dur-
ing World War II, because of the Allied blockade-women, children,
non-combatants, and inmates of the concentration camps?
It is only fair to observe that the French High Command was opposed
to the use of the bombers otherwise than as an extension of the artillery
fire on the battlefields . For motives only known to themselves-lack of :
bombers perhaps-the Red Army did not as a rule use terror bombings
of enemy cities . The full responsibility of these atrocious crimes lies at
the door of the British and United States Governments ; in other words,
on the shoulders of Prime Minister Churchill and Presidents Roosevelt
and Truman.
It was President Truman who handed over to the same Communist
murderers and lunatics to whom Roosevelt and Churchill had handed
over eleven European nations, the whole of China, one-fourth of the
population of the earth . As President of the United States, he shares
with Clement Atlee and with the commanders of the American and
British armies, the responsibilities of handing over to the Soviet execu-
tioners the four hundred thousand men and officers of the Vlasov Army,
in contradiction to the Geneva Convention, to the traditional laws of
war, and to elementary humanitarian considerations . Also under their
orders and control, tens of thousands of Russian and East European
refugees, including men who had fought as volunteers with the United
States and British armies, were delivered to the Soviets and did not
fare much better than the Vlasov soldiers .
Attlee refused to interfere to save the life of a young German boy of
thirteen, sentenced to death by the military court of one of the "libera-
tor" nations, for having kept a picture of Hitler in his room . This same
Mr. Attlee paid a goodwill visit to Red China at the height of the bar-
barous terrors to which the humble and toiling Chinese people were
submitted, and came back only with words of praise for the administra-
tion of Mao Tse-tung. He did not report any mass liquidation other
than that of the Chinese flies, against which the Red Chinese sanitary
authorities had declared, he assured us, a war to the finish .
President Eisenhower's Administration was an indifferent witness to
the barbarous repression of the Hungarian insurrection by Khrushchev's
Mongolian divisions ; a repression that started only after Eisenhower
assured Khrushchev, through his friend Tito, that the United States
would never tolerate the establishment in Hungary, or in any other
satellite country, of a government unfriendly to Soviet Russia . It was
at the same time that the President mobilized the Eighth Fleet in the
Mediterranean, not against a menacing Soviet Russia, but against her
adversaries France and Great Britain . It was under this same Administra-
286 / The Suicide of Europe

tion that half of the Korean and Indo-Chinese populations were fed,
without consideration of their wishes, to the Communist Moloch .
It is not only the persons mentioned, their accomplices and partners-
by-consent, who are directly responsible for the butchery and enslave-
ment of whole populations, but also their political staffs and all those
who by commission, omission or misinformation have helped, hidden
or attenuated those atrocities . These people have lost the right to ex-
press, without hypocrisy, any indignation over what occurred in German
concentration camps during the last two years of the war when, by the
way, a great many of the lamented casualties occurred because of the
system of starvation of the German civilian population provoked by
illegal blockades-a system inaugurated by the British Government dur-
ing World War I, in flagrant contradiction to the Geneva Convention
and contrary to centuries of international practice .
We must not forget those either directly or indirectly responsible for
the saturnalia of massacred civilians and for the uprooting of entire
populations that followed the Allied victory . Most especially we must
not forget the hundreds of judges, military or civilian who system-
atically sent to the gallows or to endless imprisonment enemy generals
for the sole reason that they had been enemies . Let us remember that
among those judges only two, to the best of our knowledge, kept their
sense of honor and justice, condemning by their dissenting opinions,
the crimes perpetrated by their colleagues : Justice Rahabinode Pal,
the representative of India in the Tokyo trial, and Associate Justice
Frank Murphy of the United States Supreme Court 1 7 Lastly, we must
remember the exhaustive massacre of Mussolini's soldiers and Black
Shirts-last defenders of Italian territory-that accompanied the ad-
vance of the Allied armies along the peninsula .
Also deprived of the right to express indignation over German atroc-

17 On page 176 Veale states : "In the war trials of Tokyo, in 1947-1948, the Indian

representative, Mr . Justice Rahabinode Pal, delivered a brilliant dissenting judgment

in which he laid down that 'the farce of a trial of vanquished leaders by the victors
was in itself an offense against humanity,' and was, therefore, in itself a war-crime ."
On pages 224 and 225 Veale quotes Mr . Justice Frank Murphy of the United States
Supreme Court, who "in his brilliant dissenting judgment declared that the charge
against General Tomoyuki Yamashita amounted to this : 'We, the victorious American
forces, have done everything possible to destroy and disorganize your lines of com-
munication, your effective control of your personnel . . . . And now we charge and
condemn you for having been inefficient in maintaining control of your troops . . . .
We will judge the discharge of your duties by the disorganization that we have our-
selves created . Our standards of judgment are whatever we wish to make them . . . .
Yamashita was rushd to trial under an improper charge, given insufficient time to
prepare an adequate defense, deprived of the benefits of some of the most elementary
rules of evidence, and was summarily sentenced to be hanged .' " Veale then says that
"on February 23, 1946, General Yamashita was hanged . Needless to say, he met his
fate with stoical courage and dignity ."
Post Scriptum / 287
ities, in our opinion, are those who have accepted the participation of
the Soviets and their stooges, the most constant and cruel violators of
the rights of men and nations, as members of the United Nations, on the
Committee of the Rights of Man, and in the International Court in
The Hague ; those also who with billions of dollars, with the most
modern weapons, with the most modern industrial equipment, and with
millions of tons of food have helped the Communist Governments to
maintain their odious despotism and to prepare for further conquests ;
those who have received with open arms at Camp David, or elsewhere,
Khrushchev and other Kremlin assassins even after the massacre in
Budapest .
It was not the purpose of this book to recapitulate all the proofs of
the complicity between the Kremlin and the Western capitals, or of all
the misdeeds on a large or small scale for which the Soviet and Eastern
leaders were directly or indirectly responsible during and after the last
World War . That is why we have thought also that this is not the place
to summarize the outrages of the National Socialist regime, which at
least risked its existence in an attempt to wipe from this world of ours
the Communist infamy, an attempt in which Rumania, we remember
with pride, also valiantly participated.
I have examined in this book-and more elaborately in La Bete sans
Nom now out of print-the responsibility for a war in which tens of
millions perished ; for a war which led to unbelievable brutalities and
gruesome oppression ; for a war that started under the pretext of saving
Danzig for Poland and ended by handing over the whole of Poland to
the mass murderers of Katyn . It was my conclusion, and it still is my
conviction, that the responsibility for World War II, and therefore for
all its horrors, lies chiefly with a certain international camorra that used
the influence and control it had over Roosevelt and Churchill to apply
irresistible pressure upon the Polish, the French and the British Govern-
ments, forcing them into a decision that was absolutely contrary to
their genuine national interests and fatal to the destiny of Christian
Civilization .

Diplomatic Papers of the United States

and Rumania's Capitulation

The Diplomatic Papers for 1944 issued in 1966 by the Histor-

ical Office of the United States Department of State include some inter-
esting elucidations regarding Rumania's capitulation and the unprec-
edented betrayal of the Rumanian people and of the Rumanian Army
at the hands of Rumania's politicians .
If we do not hesitate to call this betrayal unprecedented, it is because
the Italian capitulation and coat-turning occurred in quite different
circumstances. Indeed, the powers to which Italy surrendered were the
United States and Great Britain and not the implacable, annihilating
enemy that is Soviet Russia . The Italian people and the Italian Army
were tired of a war that had never represented for them more than the
personal ambitions of their leaders and their fanciful territorial preten-
sions. Rumania's war was an unavoidable one, for life or death, against
a rapacious and never satiated enemy ; her people, her army were fight-
ing tirelessly and were prepared to fight to the last man and the last
cartridge. A powerful opposition was bubbling in Italy under the Fas-
cist superstructure . The whole of the Rumanian people formed a solid
block behind the fighting troops, the State was functioning with eager
and meticulous activity, the only opposition was the hidden one of the
politician's conspiracy .
All the quotations in this chapter are from the official publication
Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1944, Vol-
ume IV, Europe .
Ambassador Lincoln MacVeagh in charge of United States-Rumanian
affairs in Cairo wired the following to Secretary of State Cordell Hull
on March 3, 1944 :
290 / The Suicide of Europe
I am informed that the Rumanian emissary has arrived in Ankara . He
is Prince [Barbu] §tirbei and is now staying with his nephew the Rumanian
Ambassador until such time as he may be brought to Cairo secretly . . . .
According to a British secret document . . . §tirbei is a relative of
Cretzianu who has been representing Maniu in conversations with British
agents and is father-in-law to a British officer Major Boxhall . He is not an
emissary of the Government but Marshal Antonescu is said to be privy to
his mission . . . .
Incidentally it would appear from the document referred to that the
group behind ~tirbei does not yet realize the full seriousness of Rumania's
position . When Cretzianu was informed that the sending of an emissary
would be useless unless he were prepared to accept unconditional surrender
or at least to discuss the details of accession to power of a government so
prepared, he replied (1) that the Rumanians believe that Bulgaria may
soon break with Germany and thus give the British the possibility of en-
tering Bulgaria ; (2) that under such conditions Rumania could surrender
unconditionally to the British ; and (3) that Rumania would rather perish
fighting than that "history should show that her present rulers surrendered
unconditionally to Russia." Yet it had been previously pointed out to him
that there is no hope of British troops arriving in the vicinity of Rumania
and that it would be better for the latter if the Russians should arrive at
her borders and find her with arms turned against the Germans than that
they should find her still fighting on Germany's side . [Diplomatic Papers,
1944, Vol. IV, p . 148 . Italics added.]

Cretzianu's indignant declarations represented exactly the frame of

mind of our Exile Government in Vienna and we have no reason to
believe that at that moment Prince Stirbei did not entertain the same
categorical feelings . Soon, however, both would be obliged to recognize
the trap into which they had fallen, to admit the Allied non possumus,
and finally to yield the control of the Cairo discussion to another group
of Maniu's emissaries who would hasten to comply and give over every-
thing in return for a change of the political regime in Rumania of
which they had hoped to be the beneficiaries .
The whole drama of betrayed Rumania unfolds between Cretzianu's
violent outburst and Maniu's desperate confession to John Helier Le
Rougetel and to Burton Y . Berry (the British and the United States
representatives in Bucharest after the war), to the effect that "if he
[Maniu] had known the Soviets were to be given a free hand [in Ru-
mania] he would not have advised the King to sign the armistice ." When
we follow day by day the negotiations initiated in Ankara and Cairo by
Maniu's emissaries, it is impossible to understand how he could have
ignored the terms of surrender until it was too late to see that the West-
ern Powers had entirely abandoned Rumania to the hands of the
Soviets . One cannot help remembering the impression of many of those
who had to deal with him, that behind an impenetrable mask Maniu
was hiding a bottomless opacity, a total and carefully cultivated igno-
The United States and Rumania's Capitulation / 291
rance of history and of present political facts and contingencies . He
discovered the tragic truth shortly before starting to expiate his errors
in the Communist prison where, like Dinu Bratianu, he met his death .
Maniu, Bratianu, and Stirbei had at least the courage and the patriotism
not to abandon their people in the hour of great misfortune and to
share their calvary with them to the last day of their lives .
On January 8, 1944, Secretary of State Hull informed John Winant,
U .S. Ambassador in the United Kingdom :

Department was informed by British Embassy on November 21 that a

message had been received from Maniu indicating his desire to send a spe-
cial delegate or delegates out of Rumania for the purpose of discussing ar-
rangements for a political changeover in that country . The British Govern-
ment proposed to reply to Maniu's message by saying that his emissary
would be received on the understanding that his sole function would be
to discuss "operational details" looking to the overthrow of the present re-
gime in Rumania and its replacement by a Government prepared to offer
unconditional surrender to the three principal allies. It was stated that the
Soviet Government had approved the proposed reply . . . . [This] Depart-
ment gave its agreement to the proposed British reply already approved by
the Soviet Government . [D .P ., 1944, IV, pp . 133-134 . Italics added .]

It was this reply, in which the three adversaries of Rumania con-

curred, which was communicated to Maniu before he decided-in secret
agreement with Antonescu, obviously-to send Stirbei to Ankara and
Cairo . Here are some extracts of MacVeagh's report to the Secretary of
State about the first conversations with Stirbei in Cairo, dated March
17, 1944 :

Stirbei stated that he represents Maniu and not Marshal Antonescu,

though he "knows" what the latter thinks and that the Marshal has been
in touch with the Allies both in Madrid and Stockholm . He said that the
Government and the King as well as the opposition are desirous of making
a change of front [Antonescu was "the Government," and Maniu and the
other members of the conspiracy, belonging to the parties of Maniu and
Bratianu, were the opposition] and that the Government is in a better po-
sition to do this than the opposition because it disposes of greater effectives
and enjoying the confidence of the Germans could manage more adequate
secret preparations . . . . On the other hand, should the Allies desire imme-
diate action, the Maniu interests are willing to stage a coup d'etat. . . .
Further as regards the coup d'etat he said that plans are prepared and
that these include the participation by the King . . . . Immediate help from
the Allies would be expected, consisting of air support and debarkation at
Constanza . When asked who would undertake this last operation he said
that obviously only the Russians are in a position to do so .
In conclusion he was informed that what he had said would be reported
to our respective Governments . [D .P ., 1944, IV, p. 150 . Italics added .]
292 / The Suicide of Europe
On March 25 Stirbei, who had received a message from Maniu, tried
to communicate it to the American and the British delegates . MacVeagh
informed the Secretary of State that :

Lord Moyne [British Minister Resident in the Middle East] has informed
SStirbei that his message cannot be accepted because it is addressed only to
the British and Americans and not to all three negotiating powers ; and
that negotiations will be resumed upon receipt of a message addressed
jointly to the British, Russian and American representatives . [D.P., 1944,
IV, p. 157 .]

From the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Secretary of State . Signed by

Admiral U .S . Navy, William D . Leahy, dated from Washington, 28
March 1944 :

My Dear Mr. Secretary : The Joint Chiefs of Staff have considered your
two undated memoranda forwarding a summary of a series of telegrams
from Moscow to London [and] to Cairo, setting forth the views of the
Soviet Government as to steps now to be taken if the surrender of the
Rumanian army can be effected . The Joint Chiefs of Staff note that the
Russian proposal in effect leaves the matter of Rumanian surrender ex-
clusively in Russian hands but consider that, from a military viewpoint,
this is only natural and to be expected since Russian forces are the only
ones prepared to implement and to take advantage of the surrender terms .
[D .P ., 1944, IV, p . 161 .]

The "Provisions for Imposition Upon Rumania at Time of Surren-

der," agreed upon in January 1944 between the American, the British,
and the Soviet Governments, were never communicated officially until
June 1944 to the Rumanian negotiators to whom the only information
that was generally given was that Rumania had to surrender uncondi-
tionally . These provisions were enumerated in extenso by Mr . James
Clement Dunn, the Director of the Office of European Affairs, in a
communication to Ambassador Winant . Although space does not permit
us to reproduce this lengthy document (D .P., 1944, I V, pp . 136-142),
there is no difficulty however in recording it as the most humiliating,
the most arbitrary, the most rigorous act of surrender enforced on a
defeated country . Articles 2 and 3 read :

2. Unconditional Surrender. The Rumanian Government and the Ru-

manian High Command should be required to acknowledge the total defeat
and unconditional surrender of Rumania's armed forces and to agree to
submit to such terms and faithfully to execute such duties as may be im-
posed upon them by the occupation authorities .
3 . Additional Provisions to be Imposed upon Rumania. The occupation
authorities should be authorized to impose in addition to the terms stipu-
The United States and Rumania's Capitulation / 293
lated at the time of surrender, such further terms as they may from time
to time deem necessary or appropriate .

The twenty-seven Articles, which provided for the projected act of

surrender, gave the occupation authorities a right of interference and
final decision in every branch of Rumania's national activity, not forget-
ting the judiciary or Article 23 which covered the conduct of
educational and other cultural agencies . Article 18, "Undesirable Ru-
manian Organizations," which allowed that "such parts of these organ-
izations as it may seem desirable may be retained or converted for the
purpose of performing necessary economic or social functions" may or
may not be interpreted as an invitation to organize slave labor . It is
a fact, in any case, that several hundred thousand Rumanian citizens
from Bessarabia, Bucovina, and Transylvania were forcible transported
to Soviet Russia, with the consent of Washington and London, to the
infamous labor camps of Stalin as a prelude to war reparations .
What were Rumanian soldiers doing while Marshal Antonescu, victim
of a total breakdown, was permitting petty politicians, eager to return to
their dolce vita of yore, to negotiate in secret the capitulation of Ru-
mania's armies? Let Soviet Foreign Minister V . M . Molotov answer the
question in this telegram from W . Averell Harriman, the American
Ambassador in the Soviet Union, to Secretary of State Hull, dated April
18, 1944 .

For the President and the Secretary . In my talk with Molotov last evening
he told me that the Rumanian troops were still fighting the Red Army and
those who surrendered had done so only after battle . In the Crimea that
resistance was particularly stubborn as the Rumanian divisions there con-
sisted of better trained troops . He stated further that the Rumanian Gov-
ernment had not changed in any way its policy of cooperation with Ger-
many . [D .P., 1944, IV, p . 175 .]

It was about this time that the Soviets suddenly proposed to Maniu"s
emissaries, and asked them to transmit to Antonescu, armistice terms
astonishingly more advantageous to Rumania than those elaborated by
the United States and Great Britain, in fact drastically different from
those proposed by the Western Powers . Here are those terms as they
were transmitted by MacVeagh from Cairo, April 8, 1944, to the Secre-
tary of State :

1 . The Rumanian troops who are fighting with the Germans against the
Red Army comprise seven divisions in Crimea, three or more divisions in
the region of Odessa, three or more divisions in the region of Kichinev .
These Rumanian divisions must surrender to the Red Army, or they must
attack in the rear of the Germans and commence operations against the
Germans together with the Red Army .
294 / The Suicide of Europe
If this is done the Soviet Government agrees to complete the armament
of all these divisions and to place them immediately at the disposition of
Marshal Antonescu and Mr . Maniu .
2 . The Soviet minimum conditions of armistice are the following :
(a) Rupture with the Germans and common operations of the Ru-
manian and the Allied troops including the Red Army against the Ger-
mans for the purpose of restoring the independence and sovereignty of
Rumania .
(b) Reestablishment of the Rumanian-Soviet frontier in concordance
with the agreement of 1940 .
(c) Indemnity for the losses caused the Soviet Union by the hostilities
and occupation by the Rumanians of its territory .
(d) Repatriation of the Soviet and Allied prisoners of war as well as
the internees .
These minimum conditions can be changed for the worse if Rumania
does not accept them soon .
3 . The Soviet Government does not ask that Rumanian territory be
occupied for the duration of the armistice by the Soviet troops, but the
Soviet troops as well as those of the Allies must have unrestricted freedom
of movement through Rumanian territory if the military situation makes
it necessary . The Rumanian Government must contribute to this to the
best of its ability. . . .
4 . The Soviet Government considers unjust the decisions of the Vienna
Award and it is ready to conduct operations in common with Rumania
against the Hungarians and the Germans with the object of restoring to
Rumania all of Transylvania, or the major part thereof .
5 . If Rumania wishes to have for contact with the Soviet Union besides
the general representative for military questions, also a political repre-
sentative for political questions, the Soviet Government has no objections .
[D.P., 1944, IV, p. 170 . Italics added .]

There is every reason to doubt the sincerity of the Kremlin's propos-

als . Nevertheless they offered the Antonescu Government two basic
most important advantages : no change of regime, the command of the
Rumanian Army in the Marshal's hands, two levers of action which he
could have used ulteriorly, according to circumstances .
Both the United States and the British Governments immediately
raised their objections, the chief of which were according to a memo-
randum of Mr . Cloyce Kenneth Huston, of the Division of Southern
European Affairs, dated April 11, 1944 :

1 . Since the terms constitute a definite departure from the principle of

unconditional surrender it would be important for the purposes of prestige
and psychological warfare to protect ourselves as far as possible from
charges of having deserted this loudly announced principle . . . .
3 . The Russian proposals differ drastically from those prepared in the
Department . . . . For example: The American draft was based on the
principle of unconditional surrender, envisaged military occupation and
carried detailed provisions regarding occupational organs, demobilization,
The United States and Rumania's Capitulation / 295
disarmament, communications facilities, war criminals, repeal of discrimina-
tory legislation et cetera . . . .
5 . Whereas we recognize the desirability of utilizing the Rumanian forces
in the prosecution of the war against the Germans as well as against the
Hungarians as long as they are fighting with and for the Germans, we feel
it desirable to keep in mind the disadvantages of allowing Rumanian troops
to operate or to serve as occupying forces in Hungary and disputed Transyl-
vanian territory .
The foregoing considerations are not intended to combat our present
disposition to endorse the Russian terms, but it may be well to keep them
in mind .
Addendum : 6. The Russian proposals place no term on the authority of
the Antonescu regime, thus leaving open the question of whether we are to
deal and collaborate with a government hitherto responsible for conduct-
ing war against the Allies alongside the Germans . [D.P., 1944, IV, pp . 172-
173 . Italics added.]

The watchdogs in the State Department and the Foreign Office did
not have to worry . The Soviet terms offered on April 8, 1944, which any
turncoat ought to have accepted without further ado, were never seri-
ously considered by Mr. Maniu and his new advisers ; they had, for them,
a prohibitive flaw. They did not ask for a change of regime, they did not
put Rumania back in the hands of the politicians . We insist, there was,
no doubt, some ulterior motive in Soviet Russia's relative leniency but
the Kremlin terms represented the best possible price, at that moment,
for the betrayal of the German ally . As an alternative Maniu suggested
first to transfer himself to Russian occupied territory and to form there
an exile Government. His proposal was neither made nor taken seri-
ously :
Ambassador Harriman to the Secretary of State . Moscow, April 25 .

In reply to my inquiry as to any developments in the Soviet-Rumanian

situation Molotov informed me that Maniu's proposal made by Prince
y tirbei, to break away from Antonescu and to form a new Government in
Soviet occupied Rumania, although acceptable to the Soviet Government,
was not considered as having been made seriously. He said that there were
yet no different [definite?] indications that Maniu would follow such a
course . [D .P ., 1944, IV, p. 177 .]

It was on May 25 that a certain Constantin Visoianu entered upon the

scene . A derelict of Titulescu's clique he had been, along with his
confederate Niculescu-Buzasti, during those last weeks of negotiations
and during the drama of capitulation and the false armistice, the true
representative of the insane ambitions of the old political parties . Once
in Cairo he took virtual control of the negotiations from the hands of
Stirbei, who had always been of the opinion that an understanding with
Antonescu concerning an attack against the German Army offered more
296 / The Suicide of Europe
prospects than a coup d'etat against him . The Soviet offers, which it
seems at no time had been formally communicated to Antonescu either
by Ankara or by the British secret DC station in Rumania, had momen-
tarily to be bypassed . Therefore Visoianu, who a few weeks later would
be the warmest protagonist of the unconditional capitulation which
treacherously disarmed our troops, came with irrelevant but irritant
pretensions, including for instance the assurance "that Rumania's funds
sequestered in Great Britain and the United States would be released ."
The result was communicated by MacVeagh to the Secretary of State on
June 1, 1944 :

Lord Moyne, [N . V .] Novikov and I held conference this evening and

agreed to hand the Rumanian emissaries a final statement in the following
sense, provided our Governments approved :
"In view of the situation created by the latest telegrams of Mr. Maniu
the delegates of the three powers deem it necessary to declare to the Ru-
manian delegates that further negotiations would serve no purpose and the
negotiations are considered ended .
"If Mr. Maniu wishes to take advantage of the armistice terms offered by
the three powers he should follow the advice already given him by sending
an officer to make direct contact with the Red Army on the front ." [D .P.,
1944, IV, pp . 180-181 .]

Marshal Antonescu had also established secret contacts with the

enemies in Bern, in Madrid, in Stockholm . He was not adverse to the
idea of turning his armies against his ally Germany, but was putting
forward more matter of fact and less pointless exigencies than Maniu, as
for instance that military operations against German troops by his ar-
mies would not imply the invasion of Rumania's territory by Russian
forces. The fight between the two groups of would-be-turncoats had
reached the form of a real auction sale with Antonescu keeping his
price up and Maniu, or rather, the group of young adventurers lie had
chosen as advisers and executives, hastening to win the race by what-
ever means and whatever concessions . It is with the story of this sorry
contest as told by the Diplomatic Papers that we will end this chapter :
MacVeagh to the Secretary of State . Cairo, June 13, 1944 .

Yesterday the Rumanian emissaries received from Maniu through Cretzi-

anu a message in the following sense :
"Maniu agrees to conclude an armistice upon conditions presented by
the Allies . The means of putting the armistice into effect are in process of
being established in agreement with those responsible and will be com-
municated to you in a few days .
"The patriotic democratic bloc has been formed .
"In view of the fact that the conditions of the armistice have been ac-
cepted, we are convinced that we shall obtain an amelioration of these
The United States and Rumania's Capitulation / 297
conditions when they are applied as repeatedly declared by the Allies ."
The Allied representatives are at a loss to understand the last sentence
above, since they have promised no amelioration of the armistice terms . . . .
Today the British received a radio message from Rumania asking for
safe landing at Aleppo of a plane bearing three more Rumanians who
wish to contact Prince §tirbei . . . . [D .P., 1944, IV, p . 181 .]

The Secretary of State [Hull] to MacVeagh . Washington, June 17,

1944 .

The Department knows of no basis in fact for statement in Maniu's

message that Allies had repeatedly declared that Rumania could obtain
amelioration of armistice conditions . Since Maniu accepts Allied terms as
presented, however, his observation regarding their possible modification
in Rumania's favor when applied would seem to be irrelevant . [D .P ., 1944,
IV, p . 182 . Italics added.]

We remind the reader that no convention of armistice was ever signed

in Cairo ; that Maniu's agreement to conclude an armistice was in fact a
blind agreement upon whatever conditions the Allied Powers would
ask him to accept . When a Convention of Armistice was finally signed
in Moscow on September 13, it was an aggravation not only of the
Soviets' April proposals but even of the United States-United Kingdom
draft of January 1944 . The Rumanian delegates had to sign on the dot-
ted line, and of all the Rumanian suggestions for redrafting only two
were accepted by the Allied Powers. The first related to the amendment
of the article requiring Rumania to intern all German and Hungarian
citizens . The Rumanian delegates asked that an exception be made in
favor of the Jews . The second was to the effect that the Control Com-
mission would end its activities with the conclusion of peace ; additional
words with little significance, as the control of Rumania's affairs was
soon to be firmly in the hands of a Vyshinsky-imposed government .
But the chief worry of the new emissaries of Maniu was how to push
Antonescu out of the race for any sort of capitulation and out of the
political field :
MacVeagh to the Secretary of State . Cairo, June 29, 1944 .

. . . Maniu has sent §tirbei and Visoianu a telegram outlining his plan
to "get Rumania out of the war" . . . . For the Department's information,
the plan provides the conclusion of the armistice and the change of Gov-
ernment shall take place simultaneously with a "massive Soviet offensive ."
It also calls for Allied air bombardment and Allied provision of three
airborne brigades and 2000 parachute troops inside Rumania . Whether
these Allied contingents are to be Anglo-American or Russian is left to the
decision of the Supreme Allied Command . . . .
In a concluding paragraph Maniu states that having accepted the armi-
298 / The Suicide of Europe
stice terms and submitted "the precise plan of action," he would like to
know what "immediate improvements" the Allies are prepared to accept
in the armistice conditions . He says that "definite information exists that
so far as Antonescu is concerned modifications are agreed to" and that the
groups favorable to the Allies cannot undertake the grave responsibility
of action on any terms less favorable than those accorded to him . [D .P.,
1944, IV, pp . 182-183 . Italics added .]

The United States Political Adviser [Murphy] Allied Force Head-

quarters to the Secretary of State . Algiers, July 2, 1944 .

At the risk of possible repetition I report the following concerning nego-

tiations now going on with Maniu : The main points of message received
by AFHQ from Cairo are :
(A) As soon as the Allies confirm that they are ready to carry out their
side of the plan, details of coordination of operations will be arranged .
This can be done in a very short time . . . .
(C) In view of the fact that the armistice conditions have been accepted
by the opposition, a plan of action submitted, and that the armistice will
only take effect following precise action by them, the Allies are asked what
immediate improved armistice conditions they are prepared to accept . In
this connection, it is asserted that better conditions were offered to Anto-
nescu than to the opposition .
(D) The Allies are warned against the illusion that any understanding
is possible with Antonescu . [D.P., 1944, IV, pp. 183-184 . Italics added .]

The precise action, the plan to which Maniu's messages were alluding
were those which, with the complicity of four generals and the participa-
tion of the King, were to lead to the capture of Rumania's fighting
forces, surprised and deluded by the announcement of a non-existent
armistice agreement, and by a cease-fire order that did not bind the
Marshal Antonescu had also made contacts with the Allied powers,
he was also prepared "to defend himself," to use his euphemism, against
the German armies, but he would never have asked "for a massive
Soviet offensive" against his own troops, for Soviet airborne brigades
and parachutists to disorganize his command and his communications .
He was blocking thereby the way of the political parties prepared to
sacrifice everything for an ephemeral and tragicomic return to power .
That is why he had to be eliminated, that is why he was trapped by
his own King, upon the suggestion of Maniu and the politicians, and
delivered to the Communist executioners .
On August 23 Cairo received a message from Maniu dated August 20,
stating that he "has decided to take action" and asking if he can count
on Allied bombing . A message from the King received by Stirbei the
same day states proclamation of break with Axis and requests massive
The United States and Rumania's Capitulation / 299
bombardment of numerous special places . On August 25, Grigore Nicu-
lesco-Buzesti, the new Minister of Rumanian Foreign Affairs, informed
British, American, and Soviet Governments that the King had dismissed
the Government of Marshal Antonescu and named General Constantin
SanAtescu Premier of a Government of National Union comprising the
National Peasant, the Liberal, the Communist, and the Socialist Parties .
The end was not very far away. Maniu understood it only in De-
cember of that tragic year when, crying on the shoulders of Le Rougetel
and Berry, he said that if he could have known what was to happen he
would not have advised the King to sign the armistice and would have
been able to resist for a long time along the Focsani-Namaloasa-Galat:i
Line . Maniu was once more wide of the mark . He had forgotten that
at the time of the signing of the Armistice Agreement, thanks to the
unprecedented betrayal of the false armistice, the Rumanian troops
fighting on the Eastern Front had already been captured by the enemy
and sent to Russian and Siberian concentration camps .
A Selected Bibliography

Anders, General Vladislav, Memoirs . Paris, Editions la Jeune Parque, 1948 .

Auswartige Amt (German Foreign Office), Deutsche Weissbucher . Berlin, 1939 .
Basdevant, Denise, Terres Roumaines contre Vents et Marees. Paris, Editiones de
1'Epargne, 1961 .
Bast, Jorgen, Tva Krig, men inte ett Skott; Osterrike och Tjeckoslovakien 1938 .
Malmo, Dagens Backer, 1940 .
Bonnet, Georges, Defense de la Paix de Washington ou Quai d'Orsay . Geneva,
Les Editions du Cheval aile, C . Bourquin, 1946 .
, Fin d'une Europe . Geneva, Les Editions du Cheval aile, C. Bourquin,
1953 .
Borrego, Salvador, Derrota Mundial. Mexico City, 1965 .
Botkin, Tatiana, Vie, Martyre et Sacrifice de Tzars .
British Foreign Office, Documents Concerning German-Polish Relations and the
Outbreak of Hostilities Between Great Britain and Germany on September
Caravilla, Mauricio, Pearl Harbor, Traicion de Roosevelt .
Charpeleu, La Bete sans Nom . Copenhagen, Les Editions Diplomatiques, 1943 .
Chennault, General Claire L ., Way of a Fighter ; the Memoirs of Claire Lee
Chennault, Robert Hotz, ed . New York, G . P . Putnam's Sons, 1949 .
Churchill, Winston, The World Crisis-1918-1928: The Aftermath, first ed .
London, Thornton Butterworth, Ltd ., 1929 .
, The Second World War, 6 vols . Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company,
Ciano, Galeazzo, The Ciano Diaries, Hugh Gibson, ed . Garden City, New York,
Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1946.
Ciuntu, Chirila, Din Bucovina pe Oder . Rio de Janeiro and Madrid, Editura
Dacia, 1967.
Clauss, Max Walter, Der Weg nach Jalta: President Roosevelts Verantwortung .
Heidelberg, Vowinckel, 1952 .
Crocker, George N., Roosevelt's Road to Russia . Chicago, Henry Regnery Com-
pany, 1959 .
Codreanu, Corneliu, Pentru Legionari. Bucharest, 1936 .
Conte, Arthur, Yalta ou le Partage du Monde . Paris, Laffont, 1964 .
Donitz, Admiral Karl, Memoirs : Ten Years and Twenty Days . New York, Hil-
lary House Publishers, Ltd ., 1958 .
Dugan, James, and Stewart, Carroll, Ploesti : Great Ground-Air Battle, 1 August,
1943 . New York, Random House, Inc ., 1964. Also published as Tidal Wave .
Diewerge, Wolfgang, Anschlag gegen den Frieden : Ein gelbbuch fiber Grunspan
and seine Helfershelfer. Munich, F . Eher nachf., 1939 .
Easterman, Alexander L., King Carol, Hitler and Lupescu. London, V. Gollancz,
Ltd ., 1942 .
302 / A Selected Bibliography
Essen, Rutger, Den Ryska Elvationen . Stockholm, Fahlciantz and Gumaelius,
1941 .
Fekete, Attila, Hungary's Assassination .
Fleming, Peter, The Fate of Admiral Kolchak . New York, Harcourt, Brace &
World, Inc., 1963.
Flynn, John T., The Roosevelt Myth . New York, Devin-Adair Company, 1948 .
, While You Slept . New York, Devin-Adair Company, 1951 .
Forrestal, James V ., Forrestal Diaries, Walter Millis, ed ., with the collaboration
of E. S . Duffield. New York, Viking Press, Inc ., 1951 .
French Foreign Office, French Yellow Book, 1939 .
Gafencu, Grigore, Preliminaries de la Guerre de l'Est . Geneva, 1945 .
, Les derniers Jours de l'Europe . Zurich, 1946 .
Glaser, Kurt, Czech o-Slovakia, A Critical History . Caldwell, Idaho, The Caxton
Printers, Ltd ., 1961.
Groves, Leslie R ., Now It Can Be Told . New York, Harper & Brothers, 1962 .
Henderson, Nevile, Final Report . British Foreign Office, 1939.
, Failure of a Mission . New York, G. P . Putnam's Sons, 1940.
Hillgruber, Andreas, Hitler, Konig Carol and Marschall Antonescu . Weisbaden,
Steiner Verlag, 1954 .
Hitler, Adolf, Mein Kampf . Munich, 1926 .
Hull, Cordell, The Memoirs of Cordell Hull . 2 vols . New York, The Macmillan
Company, 1948.
Irving, David, The Destruction of Dresden . London, William Kimber, 1963 .
Jaksch, Wenzel, Potsdam 1945 : Histoire d'un Mensonge . Paris, Editions de la
Table Ronde, 1967 .
Jordan, George Racey, From Major Jordan's Diaries . Belmont, Massachusetts,
Western Islands, 1965 .
Lane, Arthur Bliss, I Saw Poland Betrayed . Belmont, Massachusetts, Western
Islands, 1965 .
Laurie, A. P., The Case for Germany . Berlin, Internationaler Verlag, 1939 .
Markham, Reuben H., Rumania under the Soviet Yoke . Boston, Meador, 1949 .
Montigny, Jean, Le Complot contre la Paix, 1935-1939 . Paris, Editiones de la
Table Ronde, 1966 .
Monzie, Anatole de, Ci-devant. Paris, Flammarion, 1941 .
Noulens, Joseph, Mon Ambassade en Russie Sovidtique, 1917-1919 . Paris, Plon,
1933 .
Oliver, George, Roosevelt, The Man o f Yalta.
Petrescu-Comnen, Nicolas, I Responsabili . Verona, 1949.
, Preludi del grande dramma . Roma, Edizioni Leonardo, 1947 .
Polish Foreign Office, Polish White Book : Official Documents Concerning
Polish-German and Polish-Soviet Relations, 1933-1939 . London, 1940.
Poncins, Leon de, Les Force Secretes de la Revolution . Paris, 1933 .
Potemkin, Vladimir P., Histoire de la Diplomatie . Paris, Libraire de Medicis,
1946 .
Price, George Ward, Years o f Reckoning . London, Cassell & Company, Ltd.,
1939 .
Prost, Henri, Destin de la Roumanie (1918-1954) . Paris, Editions Berger-
Levrault, 1954 .
Rassomer, Paul, Les Responsables de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale .
Rogger, Hans and Weber, Eugen, eds ., The European Right, a Historical Pro-
file . Berkeley, University of California Press, 1965 .
A Selected Bibliography 303
Romanescu, Traian, Traicion al Occidente . Mexico City, 1961 .
, La Internacional . Mexico City, 1962 .
Romier, Lucien, Le Carrefeur des Empires Morts.
Roosevelt, Elliott, As He Saw It . New York, Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1946 .
Sainte-Aulaire, Auguste Comte de, Geneve contre la Paix . Paris, Plon, 1936 .
Sima, Horia, Destinee du Nationalisme. tdition P .E .G. Paris, 1951 .
Europe at the Cross Roads. Munich, 1955 .
Dos Movimientos Nationalistas . Madrid, 1960.
• L a Crisis del Munde Libre . Ediciones Europa. Madrid, 1960 .
• C azul Iorga-Madgearu . Madrid, 1961 .
Sokolov, Nicholas, Enquete Judiciaire sur l'Assassinat de la Famille Imperiale .
Paris, Payot, 1924 .
Spengler, Oswald, Yahre der Entscheidung . Munich, Beck, 1933 .
Sturdza, Michel, La Roumanie Peut-elle Combattre sur Deux Fronts? Lausanne,
Payot, 1916 .
, Avec l'Armee Roumaine . Paris, Hachette, 1918 .
, Katanga . El Occidente al Servicio del Comunismo . San Jose, Costa
Rica, Libr. Lehman, 1962 .
, Open Letter to Their Excellencies . San Jose, Lehman, 1962 .
, World Government and International Assassination . San Jose, Lehman,
1962 . Reprinted by American Opinion, Belmont, Massachusetts, 1963 .
Szembeck, Jean [Jan] Comte, journal 1933-1939, translated from the Polish
by J . Rzeweska and T . Zaleski . Paris, Plon, 1952.
Tharaud, Jean and Jerome, L'Envoye de l'Archange, Paris, Plon, 1939 .
Thompson, Warren S., Danger Spots in World Population . New York, Alfred
A. Knopf, 1929 .
Teller, Edward, with Brown, Allen, The Legacy of Hiroshima . Garden City,
New York, Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1962.
United States Department of State, Foreign Relations of the United States,
Diplomatic Papers, 1944, Vol . IV, Europe.
Veale, F. J . P ., Advance to Barbarism . Appleton, Wisconsin, C . C . Nelson Pub-
lishing Company, 1953 .
Weizsacker, Ernst von, The Memoirs of Ernst von Weizsacker .
Welch, Robert, The Politician. Belmont, Massachusetts, Belmont Publishing
Company, 1963 .
X6nopol, A . D ., Histoire des Roumains de la Dacie TraJane, 2 vols. Paris, 1896 .
Index of Persons
With Selected Biographical Sketches by the Author

Aldea, General Aurel, Rumanian General 173, 177, 179-181, 185-189, 200, 201, 204-
and Minister of Interior. Active in the 221, 223-227, 235, 236, 242, 244-248, 252,
Capitulation Conspiracy, lxii 256, 259, 263, 266, 271, 291, 293-299
Alexander I, Czar, 4 Antonescu, Mihai, Minister of Justice and
Alexander II, Czar, xv Minister of Foreign Affairs in General
Alexander John Cuza, Reigning Prince of Antonescu's government. Murdered with
the United Principalities of Moldavia him, Iv, lviii, lix, lx, 167, 179, 202, 205-
and Walachia, xii, 5, 12 210,246,247
Alexander KaradjordjevM, King of Yugo- Antonescu, Victor, Rumanian Minister of
slavia . Assassinated in Marseilles . Irrec- Foreign Affairs in Liberal Governments .
oncilable enemy of Soviet Russia, xvi, Continuator of Titulescu's policy, 75, 86
xx, xxxix, 46, 47, 64-66, 77, 83, 89 Arciczewski, Miroslav, Polish Envoy in
Alexander Obrenovi6, King of Serbia . As- Riga and Bucharest and Undersecretary
sassinated with his wife, Queen Draga, of State at the Polish Foreign Office,
by a military conspiracy led by Colonel xlviii, 51, 56, 92, 97, 105, 112, 124
Dimitrijevi&Apis, the man who also or- Argesanu, Ion, General and Rumanian
ganized the assassination of Archduke Prime Minister, responsible for the as-
Francis Ferdinand and his wife in Sera- sassination of more than four hundred
jevo, 98n Legionaries, 149
Alexandri, Vasile, 5 Argetoianu, Constantin, Rumanian politi-
Alphand, Herv6, French Ambassador to cian . Several times Minister of Finance
Moscow, 50 and of Foreign Affairs . As Prime Minis-
Altenburg, Dr. Gunther, German repre- ter he participated actively in the per-
sentative near the headquarters of the secution of the Legionary Movement,
Rumanian Exile Government in Vienna, 86-88, 149
176, 177, 260, 266, 268 Arion, Misu, 67
Anastasia, the false Grand Duchess, 131, Astor, Lord, 92
132 Attlee, Lord Clement R ., 271, 285
Antonescu, Ion, General then Marshal, de Aurelian, Emperor, x
facto Chief of State of Rumania during Averescu, General Alexander, 36, 86
World War II . Delivered to the enemy Avramescu, General, Commander of Ru-
by King Michael of Rumania and mur- manian troops on the Crimean front .
dered by the Communist authorities . Advanced a vital strategy of defense
His coup d'etat against his own govern- along the line of the Moldavian Car-
ment was impelled only by his own pathians joined with the existing Foc-
morbid ambition, xix, xxii, lv-lvix, lx, sani-NAmoloasa-Galati line and the
Ixii, lxv, 31, 39, 55, 86-88, 104, 106, 111, Danube Delta . Ill-advised by his Envoy
122, 153, 154, 163, 164, 167-170, 172, in Bucharest as to the political situation
306 / Index of Persons
there, Hitler rejected the plan, 250, 251, Antonescu government and the Allied
274 Powers, Ix
Axel, Prince of Denmark, 133 Berry, Burton Y ., United States representa-
tive in Bucharest after Rumania's capit-
Bagdad, Eleanora, 149 ulation, lxiii, 230, 290, 299
Baldwin, Stanley, British Prime Minister, Best, Dr. Werner, German High Commis-
43, 81,91 sioner in Copenhagen . Did everything
BalitA, 4 in his power in order to attenuate the
Banfy, Count Mikl6s, Hungarian Minister weight of a foreign occupation for the
of Foreign Affairs . Thought seriously of Danish people, 242, 247, 248, 270
a union of the crowns of Rumania and Bethlen, Count Istvan, Hungarian Minis-
Hungary, 22, 161 ter-President, 22
Barboi, Kneaz, 4 Bevin, Ernest, 271
Barthou, Jean, French Foreign Minister . Bib Doda, Prenk Pacha, Albanian chief-
Irreconcilable enemy of Germany. Asso- tain, 13
ciated with Titulescu and Benel in the Bibescu, Prince Antoine, Rumanian diplo-
policy of encircling Germany . Murdered mat, 63
in Marseilles by bullets directed at King Biris, Dr . Victor, 217, 218
Alexander of Yugoslavia, xxxix, 21, 55, Blum, Leon, French politician and Prime
64, 82, 83, 91, 147, 250 Minister . Chief of the French Socialist
Basdevant, Denise, author of the libelous Party . Called upon the French Govern-
book Terres Roumaines contre Vents et ment to require that the Rumanian
Marees, 55, 211, 244, 246, 254, 263 Government outlaw the Legionary
Bassarab, Neagoe, 266 Movement, xvi, 21, 49, 56, 83, 96, 232
Bassarab, Vladislav, xi Bodngras, Major Emil, deserter from the
Bast, Jorgen, Danish journalist and author Rumanian Army and Communist leader
of War Without Shooting, 136 to whom King Michael handed over
Basta, General George, xii Marshal Antonescu, lxii
BAthory, Sigismund, King of Poland, xii, Boeru, Traian, 88, 203
266 Boncescu, Gheorghe, 23
Beck, Colonel Jbzef, Polish Minister of Bonnet, Georges, French Foreign Minister .
Foreign Affairs . Could not prevent, as he Tried sincerely and laboriously to pre-
would have liked, Poland's yielding to vent World War II . Welcomed Mus-
the pressure of the Western Powers, xl, solini's proposals to stop hostilities and
xlv, xlvi, xlviii, xlix, Iii, 75, 135-137 start negotiations . His decision was
B€la II, King of Hungary, 3 sabotaged by Paul Reynaud's intrigues
Benes, Eduard, Czecho-Slovak Minister of and Daladier's unreliability, 116, 145,
Foreign Affairs, Prime Minister and 146
Chief of State . Greatly responsible with Borah, Senator William Edgar, asked in a
Titulescu, through their unaccountable speech of October 23, 1931 for the revi-
influence in European political matters, sion of the clauses of the Versailles
for the events which led the continent to Treaty relating to the Corridor, to
World War II, xvi, xx, xxxii, xxxiii, Silesia and to war reparations, 24
xxxvii, xlvii, 17, 18, 20, 58, 60, 65, 70, Borcea, Father, Legionary Priest who
75, 84, 91, 97, 147, 232, 250, 261 fought with Franco's troops, 131
Beneyto, Luis, Spanish Consul General in Bormann, Martin, xxiv, 124
Bucharest, 97 Bornemisza, Anna, 4
Bengliu, General, 158 Botez, Father, 55
Bennett, Dr . John C ., 196, 197 Bova Scoppa, Renato, Italian Envoy in
Bernadotte, Jean Baptiste, xv Bucharest, lviii
Bernardini, Filippo, Apostolic Nuncio in Boxhall, Major N ., British officer, Prince
Berne . Served as contact between the Stirbei's son-in-law, 290
Index o f Persons / 30'7

Braileanu, Professor, Iv manian Regency after King Ferdinand's

Brasilach, Robert, French nationalist death, xxxvi
writer and thinker, sentenced by one of Buzesti, see Niculescu-Buzesti
the post-war kangaroo courts and exe- Byrnes, James F ., 259, 271
cuted, 29
Bratianu, Dinu, Rumanian politician .
President of the Liberal Party . Backed Cadere, Victor, Rumanian diplomat, 63
Maniu during his campaign for an un- Calinescu, Armand, Rumanian Minister of
conditional capitulation . Died in Com- the Interior, then Prime Minister . Mur-
munist prison, lx, lxi, lxiv, 86-88, 103, derer of Corneliu Codreanu, chief of the
169, 245, 247, 252, 258, 259, 271, 291 Legionary Movement and of some
Bratianu, Gheorghe, President of the dozens of his comrades . Executed by
Liberal Dissident Party. Insisted that nine Legionaries avenging their leader,
Rumania declare that she would defend xxxviii, xliv, xlvii, xlviii, liii, 38, 39, 69,
her Eastern frontiers . Died in Com- 104, 106, 111, 113, 118-120, 122, 126,
munist prison, xl, xlii, xlix, 67, 68, 70, 127, 147-149, 157, 200, 202-204
72-74, 88, 93, 94, 99, 130 Callahan, Charles N ., author of Washing-
Bratianu, Ion, Chief of the Rumanian ton the Man and the Mason . Quotes
Liberal Party . Died suddenly and rather Washington concerning the Jacobin
mysteriously at the moment at which danger in the United States, 44
his presence and action would have been Canaris, Admiral Wilhelm, Chief of the
most necessary to counteract Titulescu's German Abwehr-Dienst . His treasonous
and Bend 's activities in European af- activities which had already started in
fairs the first days of World War II were
Broz, Josip . See Tito, Marshal. highly instrumental in Germany's final
Buckler, William H ., United States Em . defeat, xxii-xxiv, Iv, 161, 162, 178, 188,
bassy counselor in London sent by 189, 191
President Wilson to Stockholm to make Cancicov, lvi
contact with Soviet emissaries, xxxii Cantacuzene, Princess Despina, General
Bujor, Professor N ., President of the Ru- Prince Gheorghe's sister . A Legionary
manian Parliament . Rector of the Iasi lady, 233
University with strong Communist tend- Cantacuzene, General Prince Gheorghe,
encies, 21 one of the most respected figures of the
Bulbec, Dr . Emil, a Legionary leader . Rumanian Army, Codreanu's right arm,
Murdered in Italy by a gunman, 260 xli, 28, 36, 37, 93, 94, 97, 186, 233, 2'56
Bullitt, William C ., United States politi- Cantemir, Prince Demetrius, Reigning
cian and diplomat . Sent twice on mis- Prince of Moldavia, defeated by the
Turks together with his ally Peter the
sions to Moscow . After having been the
Great of Russia at the battle of Stani-
most vociferous advocate of friendly lesti in 1713, 4, 62
relations between his country and Soviet Caradgea, Princess Catherine, a Rumanian
Russia, has recognized the USSR, in two lady who helped enemy prisoners escape
memorable books, as the number one during the last war . Lectures on anti-
enemy of Western Civilization, xxxii, 21, Communist themes in the United States,
83, 109, 138 235, 236
Bunescu, Eugeniu, 205 Caraiani, Gheorghe, 228
Burckhardt, Dr . Carl J ., High Commis- Carol I, King, second Reigning Prince of
sioner of the League of Nations in the United Principalities then first
Danzig, 143 Rumanian King. From the foreign dy-
Burghelea, Ion, Rumanian Envoy in Al- nasty of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen. A
bania, 13 wise, conscientious and valiant monarch .
Buzdugan, Gheorghe, member of the Ru- As Reigning Prince of Rumania led
308 / Index of Persons
victoriously her armies in the 1876- manian National Army and War Minis-
1877 war against the Turks, xiii, 163, 234 ter in the Rumanian National Exile
Carol II, King, grand nephew of Carol 1 . Government, lxiii, lxiv, 216, 236, 244,
Corruption, crime and unforgivable 254, 263, 265, 266
cowardice characterized his person and Christescu, Eugeniu, Chief of the Ruma-
his reign, ix, x, xvi, xviii-xx, xxi, xxv, nian Secret Service . Served General An-
xxxv, xxxvi, xli, xlii, xliv, xlvi, xlviii, tonescu, then the Communist Govern-
xlix, liv, IV, lvi, 12, 28, 36, 39, 49, 51, 53, ments, 214
54, 56, 59, 69, 71, 76, 77, 86-88, 93, 95, 97, Christi, Wladimir, lxiii
101-106, 108, 110-114, 118-120, 122-127, Christian X, King of Denmark . Faced with
129-131, 147-151, 153-160, 162-164, 167, wisdom and dignity the difficult times of
169-172, 180, 187, 200-205, 212, 214, 216, the German occupation, 241
222-225, 227, 233, 234, 235, 242, 245, 252, Churchill, Winston, British author and
255 statesman . After having been the most
Carp, Petru, a leader of the Rumanian eloquent and well informed enemy of
Conservative Party . A man of inflexible Bolshevism became its greatest and most
principles and unshakable character, 28 helpful friend . Chief gravedigger of the
Catargy, Lascar, Chief of the Conservative British Empire, xvi, xlvii, liii, liv, lxiii,
Party and several times Rumanian lxiv, 1xv, 20, 49, 69, 81, 82, 92, 110, 141,
Prime Minister, 28 230, 239, 245, 251, 258, 276, 278-280, 285,
Catherine, Czarina, 4 287
Ceaucescu, Nicolae, 197 Ciano, Count Galeazzo, Italian Foreign
Cecil, Lord, 83, 110 Minister and Mussolini's son-in-law.
Chamberlain, Sir Austen, 141 Shares II Duce's responsibilities in the
Chamberlain, Neville, British Prime Min- aggressions against Ethiopia, Albania
ister . Wanted to avoid World War II, and Greece, but was opposed to that
but could not resist the brutal pressures against France-source of all Italy's mis-
of the Occult Forces, xlv-1, Iii, 69, 110, fortunes . Like Mussolini, did not believe
116,136-139,142-144 until the last moment that there was
Charles of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, see another war to come, the real one, war
Carol I, King in the East . Died an unjust death at the
Charles Robert, King of Hungary. De- hands of his father-in-law, xlvii, xlviii,
feated by Ivanco Bassarab Reigning liv, IV, 75, 97, 130, 160, 161, 175, 176,
Prince (Voevod) of Walachia at the 178-181,243
battle of Posada. Then married his son Ciubotea, 30
to Ivanco's daughter, xi, 266 Clemenceau, Georges, 19
Chateaubriand, Francois Ren6 de, illus- Clerk, Sir George R ., British Ambassador
trious French writer and statesman . in Paris at the moment of the reoccupa-
Known for his unshakable fidelity to the tion of the Rhineland by Germany, 91
Bourbon dynasty, 3 Codreanu, Corneliu, the legendary chief of
Chicherin, Grigori, Soviet Foreign Minis- the Legionary Movement . Murdered by
ter . Favored a Soviet-German rapproche- King Carol thirty-six hours after the
ment. Prepared the Rapallo surprise, King's return from London and Paris,
xxxii, xxxiii where he had promised the French
Child, Richard Washburn, United States Prime Minister that he would bring Ru-
Ambassador in Rome and American ob- mania's public opinion to accept the
server at the Geneva Conference be- idea of permitting the Soviet armies to
tween the Allied Powers and the Soviet enter Rumanian territory, xvi, xxxii-
Union in 1922, xxxiv xxxiv, xxxvi, xxxix, xli, xlii, xliv, xlv,
Chirnoaga, General Platon, Rumanian xlvi, liii, 21, 26-40, 54-56, 69, 71, 76, 80,
General, commander of a division on the 93, 94, 101, 103-106, 108-115, 118-120,
Eastern Front. Commander of the Ru- 122-124, 131, 148, 149, 168, 169, 173, 182,
Index o f Persons / 309

186, 200, 203-206, 212, 214, 220, 223, 232, intrigues and rejected them, xvi, liii, 146
233, 264, 267 Davidescu, Gheorghe, Rumanian diplo-
Comnen, see Petrescu-Comnen mat, 153
Constantinescu, Ata, member of the Lib- Davies, Joseph E ., 109
eral Dissident Party and friend of Davila, General Fidel, Franco's Chief of
Gheorghe BrStianu, 68 General Staff, 96
Coroama, General D ., Rumanian general de Beauregard, Costa, 113
who declared that he would never order Decebalus, x
his troops to shoot at Legionaries when de Gaulle, General Charles, President of
King Carol and General Antonescu the French Exile Government (La
asked him if he would do it . General France Libre) . Presently the most con-
Antonescu removed him immediately troversial figure on Europe's political
from Bucharest to a far corner of the stage, 197, 261
country, Iv, 163, 185, 212, 214 Degrelle, Leon, Chief of the Nationalist
Coulondre, Robert, French Ambassador in Belgian Rex Party . Organized and com-
Berlin in 1939 . Was as reluctant as his manded the Legion Valonne on the
British colleague to arrange a beneficial Eastern Front, 269
interview between the Polish Ambas- Delavrancea, 28
sador and the German Foreign Minister, de Monzie, Anatole, Minister of Justice in
Iii, liii, 134, 135 the Daladier war government . Author of
Cretzianu, Alexandru, Rumanian diplo- Ci-Devant . The book where the truth is
mat . Rumanian Envoy in Ankara in told about how France was brought to
1944-1945, 67 the mad decision of accepting to share
Cretzianu, Gheorghe, father of Alexandru . with Great Britain the responsibility of
Rumanian Envoy in Madrid, Washing- starting a second world war . Nobody
ton and Warsaw, Iv, 63, 290, 296 dares to read it, 117, 137, 146
Cristea, Patriarch Miron, head of the Ru- de Nantouillet, Marquis, 97
manian autocephal orthodox Church . de Pedroso y Sturdza, Chiquita, the au-
Used by Carol II, as Prime Minister, to thor's Spanish cousin, 96, 97
cover by a theoretical respectability all de Pedrosa y Sturdza, Margarita, the au-
his corruption, his assassinations and thor's Spanish cousin, 96, 97
mayhem, xliv, xlvii, 110, 122, 126 Derussi, Gheorghe, Rumanian diplomat,
Crutzescu, Radu, Rumanian diplomat . 63
Rumanian Envoy in Prague, Berlin and de Saint-Aulaire, Count, French Ambas-
Ankara, 118, 147, 148 sador to Rumania and Great Britain .
Csaky, Count Istvan, Hungarian Foreign Author of Geneve contre la Paix, an-
Minister 1939-1941, 159, 184 other of those books nobody dares to
Cuza, Professor Alexandru, leader of a quote or even to open because it tells the
nationalist party, xxxiv, 33-35, 102, 103 forbidden truths, xxxi, liii, 2, 20
Diamandy, Gheorghe, 63
Diculescu-Botez, Colonel, 15
Dabija, Prince of Moldavia, 7 Diekhoff, Hans, 117
D'Abernon, Lord, 142 Dimitrijevic-Apis, Colonel Dragutin, 98
Dahlerus, Birger, Swedish businessman . Dimitrov, 48
Friend of Goring, sent by him to Lon- Dinulescu, Major N ., Gendarmery officer,
don to contact Lord Halifax in Septem- directly implicated in Corneliu Co-
ber 1939, li dreanu's assassination, 119, 120
Daladier, Edouard, French Minister-Presi- Disraeli, Benjamin (Lord Beaconsfield),
dent . After formally accepting Musso- British Prime Minister and author, 43
lini's proposals to stop hostilities be- Donici, George, died in World War I at
tween Germany and Poland, yielded to the age of seventy-two at the head of
Great Britain's pressure and Reynaud's one of the last cavalry charges, 16
3 1 0 / Index o f Persons

Donovan, Major William J ., 219 Minister, xvi, xlvii, 82, 83, 91, 110, 117
Ddnitz, Admiral Karl, 270 Eisenhower, General Dwight D ., 16, 193,
Dornberg, Alexander von, Chief of the 285
Protocol Department in the German Elefterescu, Colonel, 207, 210
Foreign Office, 186 Emilian, 104
Doumer, Paul, President of the French Eugenia, Abbess, 5, 6
Republic, assassinated in never quite
elucidated circumstances by an insane
Russian refugee, xxxvii, 83 Fabricius, Wilhelm, German Envoy in
Draga, Queen of Serbia, murdered and Bucharest. A favorite of King Carol and
butchered with her husband, King General Antonescu. An enemy of the
Alexander Obrenovil, by a group of Legionary Movement, xlix, 124, 130, 157,
Serbian officers, 97, 98 170-173, 180, 183-185, 207, 208, 210, 211,
Duca, Ion, Rumanian Prime Minister . 213, 217, 220
Chief of the Liberal Party . Obeyed Ferdinand I, King, second Rumanian King
submissively the injunctions of the of the Hohenzollern dynasty. A popular
French Government and of Nicolae and valiant sovereign who lead Ru-
Titulescu, his Minister of Foreign Af- mania during World War I, whose
fairs, and started the annihilation of the memory is kept with reverence in the
Legionary Movement by thousands of heart of every Rumanian, xxxiv, xxxv,
incarcerations, by murders, torture and 20, 22, 51, 273
mayhem . Was himself murdered by Fiessner, General, lxii
three Legionaries eager to avenge their Filaliti, G ., Rumanian diplomat, 63
comrades, xxxviii, xxxix, 35-37, 55-57 Filipescu, Nicolae, 28
Duclos, J ., French Communist leader, 89 Filiti, Captain G ., a Rumanian cavalry
Duff Cooper, Sir Alfred, resigned as Ad- officer, 16
miralty Lord to protest against the Finsterer, Doctor, a celebrated Austrian
Munich Arrangement . Great admirer of surgeon, 106
Broz-Tito, xlvii, 116, 137 Forrestal, James V ., lxv
Dugan, James, see Stewart, Carroll Fouch6, Joseph, xv
Dunn, James Clement, Director of the Franasovici, Richard, Rumanian politi-
European Affairs section in the United cian . Member of the Liberal Party.
States Department of State, 292 Served as Minister of the Interior and
Diirich, Josef, 17 Minister of Public Works . Later Ru-
manian Ambassador in Warsaw ; aban-
doned this important position just when
Easterman, Alexander L ., author of the his presence and activity could have
comically libelous book Carol, Hitler been of most use for his country and
and Lupescu, 233, 234 for Poland, at the height of the Ger-
Eden, Anthony, British Foreign Minister man-Polish diplomatic crisis, 92, 94, 128
and Prime Minister. After a trip to Francis Ferdinand, Archduke, 13
Warsaw and Moscow in April 1935 de- Franco, Generalissimo Francisco, saved
clared that : "It would be absurd to Spain from a Communist conquest de-
suppose that Russia has any aggressive spite the military and political help
intentions toward Poland ." With his given to the Communist attempt by the
patron Churchill he did everything in big Western Powers and Czecho-Slova-
his power to facilitate the realization of kia in full accord with the USSR, xliii,
such intentions and finally abandoned 27, 96, 97, 109, 126, 216
the whole of Poland to Communist Freud, Sigmund, 29
Russia . It was later under the menace Friesner, General Hans, Commander of the
of a nuclear attack by Soviet Russia that South Ukrainian German group of
he was forced to resign as British Prime armies, 251
Index o f Persons / 311

Gafencu, Grigore, Rumanian Foreign Ghyka, Prince Dimitri, Rumanian Foreign

Minister 1939-1940 . Continuator of Minister in the lorga Government . His
Titulescu's policy . Refused to listen to wise policy in the question of a pact of
the warnings of the German Command non-aggression between Rumania and
concerning Russia's military prepara- Soviet Russia was thwarted by Titu-
tions at Rumania's eastern frontiers. Re- lescu's intrigues and King Carol's shifti-
fused to listen to Hitler's insistences, de- ness, 49, 52, 53, 63, 213, 237, 240
manding for the last time, before the Ghyka, Emil, 63
signature of the Ribbentrop-Molotov Ghyka, Gregory Prince of Walachia, xii,
Agreement, that the Rumanian Govern- 4, 262
ment give him the assurance that it Ghyka, Grigore, 63
would not permit the Red Armies to Ghyka-Comanesti, Prince Dimitri, 5
cross Rumania's territory without re- Gigurtu, Ion, Carol's last Prime Minister .
sistance . Solicited and accepted a Tried to coax Hitler into more friendly
Franco-British guarantee limited to the feelings toward Rumania . Was told by
western frontiers of Rumania, xlviii, liv, the German Fiihrer that he would never
Iv, 30, 110, 124, 125, 127, 129, 130, 147, forgive King Carol for having forced
151-153, 156 him to change his policy toward Soviet
Gafencu, Ion, no relation of Grigore Russia, 86, 105, 122, 159
Gafencu . A Legionary who died in a Goethe, Wolfgang, the greatest of German
Communist prison, 30 writers, ix, 32
Gavrilas, 30 Goga, Octavian, Chief of the National
Geblescu, Dan, 161 Christian Party . Prime Minister for a
George V, King of Great Britain, xli, 98, few weeks. Used by King Carol to wreck
118 the nationalist current in Rumania . Was
George VI, King of Great Britain, 138 dismissed by him the moment Goga
George, David Lloyd, see Lloyd George, understood what was expected of him
David and struck an electoral partnership with
Geraldine, Queen, wife of King Zogu of Corneliu Codreanu, xliv, 86, 102-107
Albania, 181 Goga, Mrs . Veturia, wife of the precedent,
Geraud, Andr6, 52, 53 177-178
Gerstenberg, General Alfred, Commander Goring, Reichsmarschall Hermann, second
of the German Air Force in Rumania . man in the National Socialist Reich . Did
Took the stupid initiative to bombard everything in his power to prevent war
Bucharest when King Michael's anti- against Poland . Tried in vain, until the
aircraft artillery started bombing his last moment to obtain from King Carol
squadrons contrary to a previous ar- and his governments the promise that
rangement between the King and him- they would oppose, arms in hand, any
self, 256 attempt by the Red Army to cross Ru-
Gheorghescu, Corneliu, a Legionary manian territory . Such a promise would
leader . Minister in the Rumanian Exile
have forestalled the Soviet-German
Government . Disappeared mysteriously
rapprochement which preceded the in-
when trying to reach Italy after Ger-
many's defeat, lxiii vasion of Poland, xxxix, xl, xlii, xliii,
Gheorghe-Stefan, Prince, 4, 262 xlviii, xlix, li-liii, lxv, 48, 66-68, 70, 71,
Gherovici, Colonel, directly implicated in 73, 74, 76, 130, 134, 140, 146-148, 190,
Codreanu's assassination, 120 252,260
Ghigi, Pelegrino, Italian Envoy in Bucha- Gosset, Pierre and Renee, authors of the
rest, 178 anti-Hitler book Hitler, in which they
Ghyka, Prince Alexandru, Chief of the recognize, nevertheless, that Hitler's last
Legionary police and of the National Se- proposals to Poland "were of an extreme
curity Office, 214, 221-224 moderation" and that "no Allied states-
312 / Index o f Persons

man could have honestly rejected them," in the United States and collected, of
li, 140 course, all the commissions. Since Roo-
Gourgoulov, Dr . Paul, xxxvii sevelt's Administration Averell Harri-
Grecianu, Constantin, Legionary leader . man has participated, in a leading or
Rumanian Envoy in Berlin . Killed on co-operating position, in all U .S.-Soviet
the Eastern Front, 177 diplomatic arguments; less successful
Grecu, Lucia, xlvii than in business he failed to win any
Groza, Dimitri, Legionary leader, 213, 222 of them, lxi, 193, 293, 295
Groza, Petru, leader of a small communist- Harris, Marshal Sir Arthur, author of
oid party. Paid a visit to Moscow. First Bombing Offensive, 284
Prime Minister of an entirely Commu- Hart, Captain Basil Henry Liddell, mili-
nist government in the last days of King tary critic and author . Remarkably
Michael's reign . Marshal Antonescu, objective and fair in his judgments,
with the complicity of the German En- 278, 284
voy in Bucharest, Wilhelm Fabricius, Hartwood, Lord, 81
availed himself of the similarity of the Helene, Queen, wife of King Carol and
two names to let Hitler believe that it mother of King Michael of Rumania,
was the Legionary Groza who had paid xxxvi, 51, 53
that visit, lxiv, 213, 222, 223, 237, 240, Henderson, Sir Nevile, Britain's Ambassa-
259 dor in Berlin in the year of destiny,
Grynszpan, Hershel, xlv, 117, 118 1939 . The reading of his Final Report
Guillaume, Baron, 56 alone shows how little his mission was
Gyr, Radu, a Legionary . One of the great- a mission of peace. A fact that in no way
est Rumanian poets, 221 can be imputed to him, xlix, li, lii, 134-
136, 140, 142, 143
Henriot, Philippe, Member of the French
Halder, General Franz, Chief of the Ger- Parliament . Helped the author in his
man General Staff . A member of the efforts to foil Titulescu's intrigues in
Canaris conspiracy from the very first Paris. Propaganda and Information
days of the war. Told the Nurnberg Minister in the P6tain Government .
kangaroo court the whole story of his Was murdered by the "Resistance," 88,
betrayal, xxiii, 189 89
Halifax, Lord, Great Britain's Foreign H6rriot, Edouard, several times French
Minister in the Government responsible Prime Minister. An active and subtle
for Great Britain's declaration of war advocate of the French-Soviet military
on Germany and the rejection of Mus- alliance, seed of World War II, 21, 49,
solini's proposals, li, lii, 69, 135, 136, 139 62, 83
Hambar, Captain von, 15 Hillgruber, Andreas, 180, 208
Hansen, General Erich von, Chief of the Himmler, Heinrich, Reichsfiihrer and
German military mission to Rumania Chief of the German Police . An enig-
1940-1941 and 1943-1944, lix, 211, 217, matic personality. Committed suicide
219 before being arrested, xxiv, 190
Harriman, W . Averell, United States Hindenburg, Feldmarschall Paul von, one
Ambassador in Moscow at the end of of the most famous German soldiers .
World War II . Harriman and Co. President of the German Republic . Re-
granted a loan to Lenin as early as 1920. luctantly brought Hitler to power,
It was strictly business and the loan was xxxvii, xxxix
reimbursed in due time. In 1928 Harri- Hiss, Alger, Soviet spy and traitor . Occu-
man and Co . were the chief organizers pied the most confidential and impor-
of the engineering undertaking that put tant functions in two United States
afoot heavy Soviet industry . It furnished Administrations . Roosevelt's adviser
securities for all the Soviet purchases with Harry Hopkins at the Yalta Con-
Index of Persons / 3113

ference . One of the redactors of the Feldmarschall Keitel the Franco-German

United Nations Charter, lxiii, lxiv Convention of Armistice, liv
Hitler, Adolf, founder of the German Hussein, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, 269
National Socialist Party . The goal of Huston, Cloyce Kenneth, State Department
his policy and of his life was always a official, 294
victorious war against Communist Rus-
sia and the opening of the east to Ger- lanulidi, 30
man expansion . Sought persistently but Iasinschi, Vasile, a Legionary leader . Mem-
in vain Britain's friendship . Fell into ber of the National Legionary Govern-
the trap of a war with the Western ment and of the Vienna Exile Govern-
Powers which saved Soviet Russia and ment, Iv, lxiii, 217
assured, probably, Communism's tri- Il Duce, see Mussolini, Benito
umph over all the world, xx-xxii, xxiv- Ion the Implacable, 150
xxvi, xxxiv, xxxvii, xxxviii, xxxix, xl- lonescu, Lt . Colonel, 120
xliii, xlv-liv, lvi, lvii, lix, lxii, lxiv, 48, lonic5, Professor, 149, 227
68, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 81, 82, 110, 113, lorga, Professor Nicolae, after having been
115, 116, 118, 120-124, 129, 130, 135, 136, one of the most eloquent leaders of
140, 142-144, 146, 148, 151, 159, 160, 173, Rumanian nationalism became its most
178, 180, 181, 183-186, 189, 190, 210, 213, perfidious enemy . Had a decisive re-
214, 217, 219, 226, 232, 240, 243, 246, 250, sponsibility in Corneliu Codreanu's
251, 256, 265, 270, 283-285 assassination . The Professor's murder
Hoare, Sir Reginald, British Envoy in Bu- at the hands of agents provocateurs was
charest, 124 a terribly clever blow at the Legionary
Hoare, Sir Samuel, British Foreign Minis- Movement's prestige and reputation,
ter . Tried with Laval to find a peaceful xlv, 86-88, 113, 114, 149, 202, 203
conclusion to the Italo-Abyssinian con- Ironside, General Edmund, British Gen-
flict . Was prevented from doing so by eral. Hitler would have liked to have
obscure but irresistible forces mobilized talked to him, and through Carl Burck-
by Lord Cecil and by Anthony Eden, hardt, asked Chamberlain to allow this
81, 83 interview . Chamberlain refused and sent
Holstein, Count Bent Holstein Holstein- the General to Moscow to negotiate a
borg, Danish grand seigneur and patriot . military understanding with the Soviets,
Died in a "Resistance" prison, 241 143, 144
Hopkins, Harry, unexplainable personal- Istraiti, Penait, 29
ity . Instrument of the Occult Forces . luniam, Grigore, Rumanian politician . His
Through his mesmeric influence upon ideas were right ; he never acted on
the moribund Roosevelt he held in his them, 86
hands, for a perhaps irreparable period Ivanco, xi
of human history, the destiny of the
world, lviii, lxiii, 251 Jackson, Justice Robert H ., 190
Hore-Belisha, Leslie, British Minister of Janin, General Maurice, French General
Defense in the Government that led the who kidnapped and handed over to the
world into World War II, 284 Communists, in accord with the Czecho-
Slovak military leaders in Siberia, his
Horthy, Admiral Mikl6s von Nagybinya,
chief, Admiral Kolchak, in exchange for
Regent of Hungary . Haunted by the
one-third of the bullion of the Imperial
secret desire to establish a Horthy dy- Russian Treasury . This sum formed the
nasty in Hungary, 73, 266 first State Treasure of the Masar- yk-
House, Colonel Edward M ., xvi Benel government, xxxii, xxxiii, 19, 20
Hull, Cordell, United States Secretary of Jodl, General Alfred, Chief of the German
State, 289, 291, 293, 297 General Staff . Assassinated in Niirnberg .
1Iuntziger, General Charles, signed with His last words before the gallows : "Ich
314 / Index of Persons

griisse dich mein Deutschland!", lxv, ance . Kidnapped and delivered to the
190, 191 Communists by his subordinate, the
Johnson, Lyndon B ., 195 French General Janin, xxxii, xxxiii,
Jora, Antioche, 7 lxv, 19, 20, 83, 127
Jora, Princess Dafina, wife of Prince Dab- Kollontai, Aleksandra, Mikhailovna, So-
ija, Reigning Prince of Moldavia, mid- viet Ambassador in Stockholm, 247
seventeenth century, 7 Kornilov, General Lavr, xxxi, 16
Jora, Maria, 7 Krishner, Leonard, author of Prisoner of
Red Justice . British subject, several years
Kahn, Otto, 23 in the Communist Rumanian prisons.
Kalinin Mikhail Ivanovich, President of Describes the terrible treatment of the
the Soviet Republic . A mere figurehead, prisoners and especially of the Legion-
xxxviii, 55, 83 aries, 194, 231
Kanya, Kalman, Hungarian Foreign Min- Kronne, Major, 13
ister, 73, 266 Kun, Bela, Hungary's Communist dictator,
Keitel, Feldmarschall Wilhelm, Chief of one of the most sadistic Communist
the German High Command . Assassi- leaders . His regime was crushed and
nated at Nurnberg. His last words be- Hungary saved from Communism by the
fore the gallows : "I am happy, I am Rumanian armies, despite the Supreme
joining my two sons ." Both of Keitel's Council's protection, xxxii, 19, 20, 127,
sons had fallen on the Eastern Front, 232, 266
liv, lxv, 188-191 Kutiepov, General, recognized chief of the
Kem6ny, Baron L., Hungarian Foreign Russian anti-Communist refugee organ-
Minister in the Szdlasi Government . izations . Kidnapped by the Soviets in
Took refuge in the British zone of oc- the middle of the day upon Paris boule-
cupation. Was delivered by the British vards . Spirited to Moscow and killed,
authorities to the Communists and xliv, 83, 127
hanged by them, 266, 267
Kennard, Sir Howard, British Ambassador Lacour-Gayet, G ., 14
in Warsaw . Conforming to instructions Lahovary, Alexandru-Emmanuel, Ruman-
received, did not communicate to the ian Envoy in Paris and Rome, 63
Polish Government Germany's proposals Lahovary, Ion, Rumanian statesman.
received and transmitted by his col- Leader of the Conservative Party, 28, 63
league in Berlin, xlvii, Iii, 135, 136, 139, Lahovary, Jack, 28
143 Laval, Pierre, several times French Foreign
Keppler, Wilhelm, Undersecretary of State and Prime Minister. Tried to find a
in the German Foreign Office, 164 peaceful end to the Italo-Abyssinian
Kerensky, Alexander, xxxi, 14-16, 18, 212 conflict . Was never forgiven for that .
Khrushchev, Nikita, one of Communist After a certain resistance, signed the
Russia's dictators . Under a certain bon- Franco-Soviet pact of military assistance
homie was as abject and cruel as all the which fathered World War If and
others, 285, 287 brought him finally before a firing
Killinger, Baron Manfred von, German squad, 83, 91
Envoy in Bucharest. Denied the exist- Lawrentiev, Soviet Envoy in Bucharest,
ence of any capitulation conspiracy 209
among Rumanian politicians . Commit- Leahy, Admiral William D ., Admiral in
ted suicide before the entrance of the the United States Navy, 292
Communist troops in Bucharest, an en- Leger, Alexis, permanent General Secre-
trance engineered by this conspiracy, tary at the French Foreign Office . With
lvii, lviii, Ix, 208, 217, 220, 222, 251 his British corresponding number, Lord
Kolchak, Admiral Aleksandr Vasilievici, Vansittart, formed a most efficient war-
Chief of the Russian National Resist- mongering team, liii, 91
Index of Persons / 315

Lehman, Governor Herbert, xxxi Ludendorff, General Erich von, German

Lenin, Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov, the first of General known for his victories on the
Russia's Communist dictators . One of Eastern Front in World War I . For a
the greatest scourges known to human while, Hitler's partisan, xxxiv
history . We are still living in the pesti- Ludwig, Colonel, 262
lence he spread and, perhaps, very Lukasievici, Juliusz, Polish Ambassador in
slowly dying of it, xv, xxxi, xxxii, 16, 19, Paris . Wary about the trap in which
47, 54, 58, 91, 96 Poland was about to fall, 137, 138
Le Rougetel, John, lxiii, 290, 299 Lunacharski, Anatoli Vasilievich, xxxi
Lindbergh, Colonel Charles A ., the hero Lupescu, Magda Wolff, alias Elena, King
of the first Atlantic crossing by air . De- Carol's established mistress, then legiti-
graded by President Roosevelt because, mate spouse, and Rumania's greatest
with Congressman Hamilton Fish and nuisance, xxxvi, Iv, 28, 51, 53, 101, 171,
Senator Hiram Johnson, he was among 233, 234, 242
the few who tried to tell the truth to the Lvov, Prince Georgi, formed with Keren-
American people about Roosevelt's real sky the first revolutionary government
intentions, 23 in Russia, xxxi
Lipski, JBzef, Poland's Ambassador in Ber-
lin until the beginning of German-Po- MacDonald, J . Ramsay, 49, 81
lish hostilities . He had to obey the Macoveanu, Major, directly implicated in
orders of his Government and conscien- Codreanu's assassination, 119, 120
tiously refused to start any discussion MacVeagh, Lincoln, United States Repre-
or negotiations whatever when he met sentative in Cairo, 289, 291-293, 296,
Ribbentrop for the last time, xxxviii, xl, 297
xlv, xlvi, xlviii, li, Iii, 134-136, 139-143 Madgearu, Virgil, Rumanian politician .
Litvinov, Maxim, Soviet Minister of For- Member of the National Peasant Party.
eign Affairs . With Titulescu's and Ben- Wantonly assassinated by agents pro-
e§'s help stirred with cleverness the vocateurs, 202
Trojan Horse policy to climax the Mafalda, Princess of Italy, 257
Franco-Soviet and Czecho-Soviet pacts of Maiorescu, Titus, 28
mutual assistance, primus motos of Manciu, Iasi's prefect of police . Maniac
World War II, xxxii, 50, 60-62, 64, 71, persecutor and torturer of Legionaries .
99 Killed by Corneliu Codreanu in self-
Lloyd George, David, Prime Minister of defense, xxxiv, 33, 34, 37
Great Britain . Had his responsibility in Mandel, Georges, former private secretary
the final triumph of Bolshevism and of Clemenceau . With Paul Reynaud,
forced Daladier first to declare war on
most specially in the assassination of
Germany, then to repudiate his first ac-
the Russian Imperial Family, xvi, 19, 98,
ceptance of Mussolini's conciliatory pro-
141 posals, xvi, liii, 92
Locky, Robert, Sergeant in the United Maniu, luliu, declared that he preferred
States Army, 235, 236 Soviet Russia as an occupying power to
Londonderry, Lord, opposed in the House Germany as an ally, and acted accord-
of Lords the policy of Germany's en- ingly . Regularly passed military infor-
circlement, 116 mation to the enemy all during Ru-
Lothian, Lord, did the same as Lord Lon- mania's fight against the Soviets . Or-
donderry in the House of Commons, ganized, with King Michael, the kid-
where Churchill had stated that the napping of Marshal Antonescu and the
encirclement of a possible aggressor is unconditional capitulation of Rumania .
no encirclement, 81, 92 All that can be said in his defense is
Louis the Great, King of Hungary, xi that he was probably fooled by false
Louis XIII, King of France, 4 Allied promises and that his intelligence
316 / Index o f Persons
was a very limited one . Died in a Com- the Great of Moldavia and Vlad the
munist prison, lix-lxiv, 86-88, 102, 103, Impaler of Walachia, complicated by
114, 202, 203, 245, 247, 252, 258, 259, 271, the continuous interferences of the
290,291,293-297,299 Kings of Poland into Moldavian affairs,
Mannerheim, Marshal Carl von, 227, 239 prevented all these Christian monarchs,
Manoilescu, Grigore, brother of Mihai despite their gallant efforts, from win-
Manoilescu . A Legionary leader. Minis- ning a final and decisive victory over
ter in the Rumanian Exile Government . the Turks, xii, 266
Manoilescu, Mihai, Rumania's Foreign Mavrocordato, Lieutenant Prince Alexis,
Minister in the last days of Carol's reign, the author's brother-in-law . Killed in ac-
lxiii, 122, 159, 176 tion during the fighting with the Bol-
Mao Tse-tung, Communist China's boss . shevik troops, 14, 15
Philosopher and tactician of Communist Mavrocordato, Edgard, 63
action and propaganda. Stages with a McCarthy, Joseph R ., United States Sena-
master-hand the pretended China- tor, fearless and tireless defender of his
Russia antagonism and the fake inner country against Communist infiltration
strifes in continental China, 191, 285 and conquest . Hated the world over by
Marie, Queen of Rumania, wife of King all "liberal" groups and organizations .
Ferdinand. As beloved and respected as Died a sudden death, 191, 234
her husband by all Rumanians, xxxiv, Micescu, Istrate, 104
22, 51, 65,101, 273 Michael, Grand Duke, brother of Czar
Marin, Vasile, a Legionary leader . Fell in Nicholas II, xxxi
Spain fighting with Franco's troops, 55, Michael, the Valiant, Reigning Prince of
100 Walachia, 1593-1601, then Monarch for
Marinescu, Gavril, Chief of the Rumanian a short while of the three principalities
gendarmerie . Police Prefect of Bucha- Walachia, Moldavia and Transylvania .
rest. Sub-secretary of the Public Security He had beaten the Turkish armies and
Department. One of Carol's most effi- was pursuing them south of the Danube .
cient killers, 104, 111, 118, 120, 122 Attacked by his Hungarian neighbor he
Marshall, General George C ., United States abandoned the pursuit . Both BAthory
Chief of Staff. Handed over continental and Michael fell in the fighting that
China to the Communists . His name is ensued between Christians, xii, xxxiv,
indelibly attached to the Pearl Harbor 266,273
plots, 251, 271 Michael I, King of Rumania . Preceded
Marshall, Louis, 23 and followed his father, Carol II .
Marty, Andre, 20 Engineered with politicians who were
Marx, Karl, xv much older than he and who must bear
Mary, Queen of Great Britain, xli, 118 the greatest part of the responsibilities,
Masaryk, Jan, son of Tome Masaryk . the coup of false armistice, which
Czecho-Slovakia's Foreign Minister after treacherously disarmed the Rumanian
World War II. Had, or pretended to
troops, and the delivery to the enemy
have, the same tender feelings for the
of their Commander-in-Chief, x, xix,
Soviets as his father. Was helped by
their agents through a window, con- xxxv, Iv, lx-lxv, 51, 53, 150, 154, 156,
forming to local traditions, xxxiii 160, 169, 173, 221, 222, 224, 247, 248,
Masaryk, Tome, President of the Czecho- 252, 254, 257-259, 261, 272, 273
Slovak Republic . Great protector of in- Michael Apaffy, Prince of Transylvania, 4
cipient Bolshevism and great friend of Mihailovich, General Draia, the hero of
Communist Russia, 17,19 the Yugoslavian resistance. Delivered to
Matthias Corvinus, King of Hungary, of the Communists in an operation very
Rumanian origin. His strifes and that of similar to that performed by General
his father Hunyadi Jinos with Stefan Janin . Killed by Tito with the approval
Index of Persons / 317

of the London Times, xxvi, lxi, lxv, 20, dissenting judgment in the trial of Gen-
239 eral Yamashito, 286
Milan, King of Serbia, 98 Murphy, Robert D ., political adviser in
Miller, Russian General who replaced the United States Department of State,
General Kutiepov as the head of Rus- lxii, 298
sian nationalist organizations . Was kid- Mussolini, Benito, Italy's Duce. To his
napped like him in full daylight on the credit : his proposed Quadripartite Pact
boulevards of Paris, and like him which would have assured peace be-
spirited to a French port and a Soviet tween non-Communist powers, ruined
ship without any interference of the by France's refusal to ratify it, and his
French police, xliv, 83, 127 desperate last moment efforts to stop
Mircea the Old, xi the German-Polish hostilities, torpedoed
Mironescu, Gheorghe, Rumanian Foreign by the British Government . Heavily
Minister, 46, 86 to his debit : the ridiculous and cowardly
Misu, Nicola, 63 aggression against already defeated
Mitilineu, Charles, 63 France . Was killed and hanged by the
Mitilineu, Ion, Rumanian Foreign Minis- feet like pork in a butcher shop by the
ter, 86 triumphant "Resistance," xx, xxii, xxx-
Molotov, Vyacheslav, Soviet Foreign Minis- viii, Iii-liv, lvi, lix, lx, lxiv, 48, 49, 81,
ter . Was called the accountant of the 87, 130, 145, 151, 160, 178-181, 190, 2116,
Revolution. In 1933 in a speech in 243, 247, 248, 286
Odessa, he had already counted about Mutsuhito, Emperor, 29
20,000,000 Russian "bourgeois" liqui-
dated by the Revolution . Many think Nan, Kneaz, 4
that this figure was even then too con- Nathalie, Queen of Serbia. Wife of King
servative, xxxviii, lxi, 128, 129, 183, 184, Milan ObrenoviE and grand-daughter of
279, 293, 295 Prince John Alexander Sturdza, Reign-
Montgomery, General Bernard, 251 ing Prince of Moldavia, 96-98
Morocco, Sultan of, 64 Negri, Constantin, Rumanian patriot and
Morusov, N ., Soviet citizen . Head of the statesman . Refused the crown of Mol-
Rumanian Department of State Security davia offered to him by the Moldavian
and of the Information Service of the boyards . Served faithfully the man who
Rumanian Army under King Carol's accepted it, and worked successfully for
regime, 157, 162, 188, 189 the union of the two principalities un-
Moscicki, Ignacy, President of the Polish der the same crown, 5
Republic . The person responsible with Negrfn, Juan, 75
Marshal 9migly-Rydz for Poland's suici- Neubacher, Dr . Hermann, German Charge
d'Affaires in Bucharest, lvii, 217
dal policy in the last months of 1939,
Neurath, Baron Konstantin von, German
Foreign Minister and High Commis-
Mota, Ion, Legionary leader . Killed in
sioner in Czecho-Slovakia, xli, 90
Spain fighting with Franco's troops, 33, Nicholas II, Czar, xxxi, xxxii, 98
39,100 Nicolas, Prince, second son of King Ferdi-
Moyne, Lord, British Ambassador in Cairo, nand and Queen Marie of Rumania .
292 Had nothing to do with the crimes and
Miller, Heinrich, xxiv the corruption of his brother's reign or
Miller, Captain Josef, 161, 162, 188, 189 with the shameful betrayal that ended
Munch, Edvard, Danish Minister of For- the reign of his nephew, xxxv
eign Affairs, 148 Niculescu, Nicoleta, head of the Women's
Murphy, Justice Frank, tried to save the Legionary Organization . Savagely tor-
honor of American military and civil tured, then raped, then killed by Ar-
justice in his admirable and memorable mand Calinescu's agents, xlviii
318 / Index of Persons
Niculescu-Buzesti, Grigore, Rumanian Perth, Justus, 176
Foreign Minister . Helped the politicians' Pertinax, see Geraud, Andr6
conspiracy which delivered his country P6tain, Marshal Henri, 87, 90
unconditionally to the enemy, 110, 155, Peter, King of Yugoslavia, lxi, 219
252, 253, 295, 299 Peter the Great, 4
Noel-Buxton, Lord, 141 Petrea, 262
Noulens, Joseph, French Ambassador in Petrescu, Titel, 252
Moscow. Author of Mon Ambassade en Petrescu-Comnen, Nicolas, Rumanian
Russie Sovietique . A book that all Minister in Berlin ; receiver through
students of modern history ought to Goring of Germany's friendly proposals
have read but ignored by all of them, to Rumania. Decided, or forced under
1, 19 pressure, to participate in the work of
Novikov, N . V., Soviet Ambassador in sabotaging the essential interests of his
Egypt, 296 country, xxxix, xli-xliii, 66-76, 111, 115,
Petrovicescu, General Constantin, Minis-
Olga, Grand Duchess, 18, 131, 132 ter of the Interior in the National Le-
Orlando, Vittorio, 18 gionary Government. One of the victims
Orleanu, Senator M ., protested in the Ru- of Antonescu's coup against his own
manian Senate against Titulescu's pro- government . Passed from Antonescu's
Soviet policy, 99 prisons into those of the Communists
Ostrowsky, Soviet Envoy in Bucharest, 69 where he died, Iv, Ivi, 36, 170, 214, 221,
Owsley, Alvin M., United States Envoy to 266
Denmark, 133 Pike, Albert, xv
Pilsudski, Marshal J6zef, Poland's strong
man whose death proved to be an ir-
Pancu, Constantin, xxxiii, 32 reparable loss for his country, the man
Pantazi, General Constantin, Minister of who replaced him turning out to be
National Defense in the National Le- an unmitigated blockhead, 1, liii, 49, 82,
gionary Government, Iv, 168 94, 124, 146, 148
Papen, Franz von, 170 Pion, Colonel, Military State Attorney in
Pi tr3scanu, Lucretiu, 252 anti-Legionary trials, 222, 223
Patton, General George S ., 1xv, 251 Pius XII, His Holiness, received General
Paul-Boncour, Joseph, several times Antonescu and his Foreign Minister in
French Minister of Foreign Affairs and audience, 181
Prime Minister . Tells in his memoirs Pop, Valer, 176
how King Carol promised him that he Popa, Ion, Prefect of Bucharest during the
would come to an understanding with National Legionary Government, 215
Soviet Russia concerning the passage of Porumbaru, J., Rumanian Foreign Minis-
the Soviet troops across Rumanian terri- ter, 13
tory in case of a war with Germany, Potemkin, Vladimir, Soviet Russia's offi-
xvi, xlvi, 71 cial historian, 48, 64, 66, 83, 84
Paul Karadjeordjevh, Prince Regent of Potocki, Count Jerzy, Poland's Ambassa-
Yugoslavia. Overthrown by the military dor to the United States as well in-
conspiracy that wantonly threw Yugo- formed and wary as his colleague Luka-
slavia into World War II and finally sievici about the Western Powers' in-
into the hands of butcher Broz-Tito, 219 trigues and the danger they represented
Pavelescu, General, 123 for Poland, 138
Pavelescu, Gheorghe, Legionary leader . Presnan, Marshal, 86
Murdered by King Carol after Codrea- Primo de Rivera, General Miguel, 62
nu's assassination, 123 Prost, Henri, author of the libelous book :
Pepeliaev, Victor, xxxiii, 20 Destin de la Roumanie, 55, 56, 58, 61,
Index of Persons / 319

62, 84, 101, 102, 108, 125, 126, 148, 151, ready to submit to a Polish negotiator
155, 204, 205, 211, 253 were fair and moderate. The Polish
Protopopescu, Professor Ion, Iv, 275 Ambassador was not allowed by his
Government even to take cognizance of
Racovitza, General, helped the enemy to them . Joachim von Ribbentrop was one
invade his country and capture his of the victims of the five hangmen of
armies. Participated in all phases of the Nurnberg, xlii, xlv-xlviii, li, Iii, Iv, lxv,
great betrayal that led to Rumania's 117, 118, 128, 129, 134-136, 139-141,
unconditional capitulation, lxii, 245, 252, 143, 160, 161, 164, 175, 176, 184-186, 189,
257 210, 213, 222, 239, 240, 242, 248
R5descu, General Nicolae, a political non- Rogger, Professor Hans, with Professor
entity. Prime Minister of the last not- Eugen Weber editors of The European
entirely-Communist Rumanian Govern- Right, 8, 25, 106, 222, 234, 236, 237
ment . Understood what a Soviet victory Roggieri, Minister, member of the Com-
meant for his country only when he was mission which investigated Hungarian
forced, as Rumanian Prime Minister, to excesses in Transylvania, 176, 177
take refuge, on the double, in the Brit- Roosevelt, Eleanor, 96
ish Legation in Bucharest, lxiii, lxiv, Roosevelt, Eliott, Mama's rover boy.
259, 274, 275 Fought World War II as his father's
Rado, Alexander, xxiii crutch . Wrote a book about it . Tells us
RSdulescu, Savel, Titulescu's factotum . about Roosevelt's and Stalin's projects
King Michael's adviser in the last for a better and greater Katyn, and
months of his reign, 67, 252 about Churchill's laudable indignation,
Rahabinode Pal, justice, delivered a dis- 303
senting judgment in General Yamashi- Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, President of
ta's trial in which he laid down that the United States. Introduced defini-
"The farce of a trial of vanquished tively Soviet Russia into European and
leaders by the victors was in itself an World politics as a pawn against Ger-
offense against humanity," 286 many and Japan . Chose the Pearl Har-
Ramsay, Sir Patrick, British Envoy to bor Road to reach Berlin . With his
Denmark . A clever head and a charm- friend Churchill distributed eleven Eu-
ing personality, 132 ropean countries to the Kremlin butch-
Randa, Alexandru, a Legionary leader and ers. Allowed them to uproot millions of
distinguished historian, 176, 177, 218, innocent and humble people from their
220 native lands . All the while preparing
Rath, Ernst vom, xlv, 117, 118, 120 the ruin of his allies' (Britain, France,
Renthe-Fink, Cecil von, 130, 146, 270 Holland) empires. Might have been, in
Reynaud, Paul, French Minister of For- his last days at least, a pseudo-lucide
eign Affairs and Prime Minister . Tor- zombi in the hands of Hopkins, Morgen-
pedoed the last chance of sparing hu- thau, Hiss and others, xxxviii, xlvi, lviii,
manity World War II by forcing Dala- lx, lxi, lxiii, lxiv, 55, 83, 109, 110, 117,
dier to repudiate the already officially 219, 230, 239, 245, 258, 279, 285, 287
given acceptance of Mussolini's propos- Rosenberg, Alfred, xxiii, xxiv
als . He bears with Georges Mandel, by Rosetti, Alice, 112
the part they played at that moment in Rosianu, Major Scarlat, a gendarmerie of-
the councils of the French Government, ficer directly implicated in Codreanu's
the chief responsibility for the misfor- assassination, 119
tunes that overcame France. However it Rosting, Helmer, Vice President of the
was Marshal Petain who died in prison Danish Red Cross. Former High Com-
and Laval who was shot, xvi, liii, 21, 146 missioner in Danzig for the League of
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, Germany's For- Nations . Was never forgiven by the
eign Minister . The proposals he was Occult Forces for having cleverly
320 / Index of Persons
avoided an armed conflict in that city Hitler's coming to power . Was or was
between Germans and Poles . Committed not conspiring against him when Hin-
suicide in a Danish Resistance prison, denburg accepted Hitler as Chancellor .
143,241 Murdered by Hitler's S. S . Frau
Rothermere, Lord, 81 Schleicher also fell under the bullets
Runciman, Lord Walter, sent by the directed against her husband, xl
British Government on a mission to Schmidt, Dr. Paul, 188
gather information in Czecho-Slovakia Schunke, Colonel, German Military At-
and Germany, came back with the right tach6 in Bucharest . Bearer of one of
answer, 116 the numerous friendly German openings
Rusk, Dean, 193 towards Rumania regularly ignored or
torpedoed by all Rumanian Govern-
Sadoul, Captain Jacques, 20 ments, xlii, 72
SAnatescu, General Constantin, one of the Scoppa, Bova, see Bova Scoppa
Rumanian generals who betrayed their Seicaru, Pamfil, Rumanian journalist . Di-
own soldiers and helped kidnap and de- rector of Curentul . Backed King Carol
liver to the enemy their own Com- all the way . Backed General Antonescu .
mander-in-Chief. Rumania's Prime Min- Found himself on the patriotic side of
ister, August-December 1944, lxii, 252, affairs in the moment of the betrayal of
259,299 the Rumanian Army . Had been one of
Sapuppo, Signor Giuseppe, 130, 160, 240 the most fierce enemies of the Legionary
Sarbu, Sergeant, a gendarmerie subaltern Movement . Changed completely his at-
who strangled Codreanu with his own titude towards it when realizing how
hands, 79 right its leaders had been, 252
Sarraut, Albert, as Minister of the In- Sheba, Jan, Czecho-Slovak Envoy in Bu-
terior of France cancelled the measures charest . Wanted Rumania to stretch out
which had been taken for the protection the red carpet for the Red Army and
of King Alexander of Yugoslavia. As ordered the Rumanian Government ac-
Prime Minister of France was responsi- cordingly, 97-99
ble for the ratification of the Franco- Sikorski, General Wladyslaw, Commander-
Soviet Pact of Mutual Assistance . Ac- in-Chief of the Polish troops. Died in a
cording to most reliable witnesses, did strange accident in which only the pilot
not know at that time that Germany of the plane in which he was flying with
and Russia had no common frontiers . his daughter survived, 279
Learned it with the re-occupation of Sima, Horia, Codreanu's successor at the
the Rhineland by Hitler's troops, 64, head of the Legionary movement . Vice
65, 83, 89, 90 President of the National Legionary
Scavenius, P ., Danish Foreign Minister at Government . President of the Rumanian
the time of the German occupation . Exile Government, xix, liv, Iv, Ivii, lxii,
Managed with cleverness and dignity lxiii, 31, 39, 40, 131, 158, 159, 163-166,
this painful situation, 241 170, 171, 200, 201, 205, 210-212, 217, 218,
Schallburg, Captain Christian von, Danish 239, 242, 243, 247, 248, 257, 263, 273, 274
officer. Lead the Danish Legion on the Simon, Sir John, as British Foreign Minis-
Eastern Front. Fell heroically at its ter showed a moderate and pacifying
head, 241, 249, 256 spirit in matters of Japanese and Ger-
Schiff, Jacob, 23 man affairs, 49, 81, 91
Schina, General, Commander of a Ru- Simovic, General Dulan, Ivii, 219
manian Cavalry division during World Singheorghe, Professor Ion, non-Legionary
War I, 15 member of the Rumanian Exile Govern-
Schleicher, General Kurt von, German ment . A former adversary of the Move-
politician and soldier . Favored a Ger- ment became one of its most faithful
man-Soviet understanding . Opposed friends, lxiii
Index o f Persons / 321

Skorzeny, Obersturmbannfiihrer Otto, Stefan, Lapusneanu, one of the descend-

hero of the fantastic rescue of Musso- ants of Stefan the Great . Cruel but effi-
lini . Commander of a division on the cient, 150
Western Front . One of the German 3tef$nik, General Milan, second personal-
officers who, true to German military ity in the triumvirate that created the
tradition, fought to the very last pos- Czecho-Slovak State. Killed by his own
sibilities and did not discuss the orders anti-aircraft artillery, xxxii, xlvii, 17, 18,
he received, 181 20,83
Slawek, Colonel Walery, opposed Marshal Steffens, Lincoln, xxxii
8migly-Rydz's and President Mo§cicki's Steflea, General Stefan, Chief of the Ru-
policy . Ended by a strange suicide with manian General Staff . As he told it him-
two bullets in his body, 1 self, during the Antonescu trial, from
9migly-Rydz, Marshall Edward, to Po- the first days of the war he sabotaged
land's misfortune became Poland's through delays and other provoked dif-
leader at the death of Marshal Pilsud- ficulties the supplying of our armies in
ski, xxi, xliii, Iii, 134, 136, 147, 219 men and materiel, 1xii, 173, 245, 252, 257
Smuts, Jan Christiaan, 20 Stewart, Carroll, with his pal James Dugan
Sorge, Richard, xxiii wrote one of the most brazenly menda-
Sosnkowski, General Kazimierz, Supreme cious books about Rumania : Tidal
Commander of the Polish troops . Told Wave, 234
his troops on the Italian Front that Po- Stirbei, Prince Barbu, Maniu's and Dinu
land had been brought to fight by the Bratianu's emissary in Cairo, Wisely
pressures of Great Britain . Was re- recommended, however, negotiations
lieved of his Command, liii with Marshal Antonescu, the head of
Sotelo, Calvo, 95 the Government . Was finally submerged
Spaight, J . M ., author of Bombing Vindi- by agents of the political opposition
cated, in which he tries to do just that who accepted unconditional surrender
with disputable success, 283, 284 provided they would be allowed to re-
Stalin, Joseph, xxiii, xxxi, lx, lxiii, 46, 82, turn to party life in Rumania, lx, lxi,
91, 245, 251, 254, 258, 265, 279, 280, 293 290-292, 295, 297, 298
Stargewski, Minister, Polish Minister to Stoicanescu, Constantin, a Legionary
Denmark, 132 leader . Shot down in enemy anti-air-
Stassen, Harold, 193 craft artillery when carrying out an
Stauning, Thorvald, Denmark's Prime important mission in occupied Ru-
Minister. Died before the end of the mania, 239, 260
War and of German occupation . Would Stoidadinovici, 75
have exercised a moderating influence Stomoniakov, Ambassador, Soviet-Russia's
upon the events that accompanied the delegate at the Riga negotiations for a
liberation of the territory, 241 Rumano-Soviet Pact of non-aggression,
Stefan the Great, Reigning Prince of Mol- 50-53
davia . The great hero of Moldavian Streicher, Julius, 203
history. Fought forty-three battles Stresemann, Gustav, German Chancellor.
against his various enemies . Erected a A wise politician whose peace-aiming
church or a monastery after each of efforts were wrecked by the Western
them, victory or defeat. At Rahova, Powers' intransigence, 48, 142
January 1475, with an army of 60,000 Sturdza, Prince John, the author's brother .
men defeated and routed a Turkish Lieutenant in the Imperial Russian
army of about twice that number . It armies. Killed in action fighting with
was one of the greatest victories, if not the Bolshevik troops, 14, 15
the greatest, by the number of troops Sturdza, other members of the family men-
engaged, won by Christian Princes over tioned in Chapter I and II .
the Moslems, xii, 4, 150 Suaza, Princess Ruspoli di Pogio, 5
322 / Index o f Persons

Suleiman, xii his name. Churchill's and Roosevelt's

Svetcovie, Drafa, 219 great favorite . The butcher of thousands
Szfilasi, Ferenc, Chief of the Hungarian and thousands of his compatriots . To-
Movement . Last non-Communist Prime day the Chief of State of Yugoslavia and
Minister of Hungary . Handed over to the fair-haired boy of Western chancel-
the Communists by the British Com- leries . Was helped with more than three
mand and hanged, 266, 267 billion dollars by the United States
Szembeck, Count Jean, Undersecretary of alone, and with the most modern arma-
State in the Polish Foreign Office. For- ment by all the Western Powers, lxi,
merly Polish Envoy in Bucharest . Has lxv, 20, 239, 285
written a "Journal." A wise and in- Titulescu, Nicolae, with his friend Benel,
formed diplomat who, as many others, with the Anonymous Forces behind
was not given the opportunity to in- them, ruled for years European policy .
fluence Poland's decisions in the crucial We are still following the seemingly
years preceding the German-Polish irreversible impulse they have helped
armed conflict, xl, xlii to give the affairs of the world, xvi, xx,
xxv, xxxvii, xxxviii, xxxix, xli, xlii, 51-
Tabouis, Genevieve, author of the bril- 72, 84-88, 91, 95, 99, 111, 124, 127, 154-
liant Tutenkanem et son Temps. Aban- 156,167,169,202,234,255,295
doned, regrettably, her Egyptologist Tolbukhin, Marshal Feodor lanovich, 154,
studies for more modern politics . As a 254
journalist counts among the most fierce Tomitk, Captain, a Rumanian official .
warmongers, 64, 66, 92 Wanted to help but did not dare, 227
T3tarescu, Gheorghe, Rumanian Foreign Trajan, Emperor, x
Minister and several times Prime Minis- Trevor-Roper, Professor H . R ., after care-
ter . Followed Titulescu's policy . After fully studying the German archives, had
Rumania's occupation by the Soviets the courage to come to the conclusion
tried to protest against the Communist that Hitler did not want any other war
abuses. Ended, for a few years, in their than that against Communist Russia
prisons . Is today one of their pitiable and that it was not Hitler who declared
zombies, 75, 102, 103, 110 war on Britain and France but the other
Teleki, Count Pal, Hungary's Prime Min- way around . . . a thing many people
ister . Saw the unavoidable Communist knew already, xx, 121
triumph accompanying Hitler's errors Tripier, Jean, French Envoy in Riga and
and the Western Powers' victory . Pre- Ambassador to Argentina, 51
ferred not to live in those times and Trotsky, Leon Bronstein, his strife with
committed suicide, 22, 159, 161, 180, 184 Stalin was not a conflict of doctrine or
Tetea, 30 even of methods . Trotskyism and Stalin-
Tharaud, Jean and Jerome, French au- ism or Marxist-Leninism will always
thors of Quand Israel est Roi describing employ the methods most adequate with
the horrors of the Bela Kun regime in moment and circumstances : corruption
Hungary . In their literary and political and infiltration, or violence and con-
evolution were brought to write the spiracy. It was a conflict of two per-
libelous anti-Legionary book L'Envoyd sonalities striving for the first place .
de l'Archange, 232 "Trotskyism" is one of the red herrings
Thiers, Louis Adolphe, 102 offered to gullible Western minds . . .
Thompson, Colonel, 13 like that big fight between giants, Russia
Tiso, Monsignor J6sef, Slovak patriot . and China, which furnishes both Com-
Passed several years in Bend 's prisons . munist Powers with a wonderful mutual
Slovak Chief of State . Hanged as a mat- alibi, xv, xxxi, 16, 19, 24
ter of course by the victors, xlvii Truman, President Harry, fought the first
Tito, Josip Broz, nobody exactly knows no-win war in Korea against Communist
Index o f Persons / 323

China, but had taken previously the lines of retreat of the Rumanian Army
precaution of handing over the whole to help the enemy in his bombing and
of China to the Communists . One of other operations . Rumanian Foreign
those unfathomable political mysteries Minister, December 1944-March 1945 .
with which the modern public mind has Bearer of Maniu's acceptance of a con-
had to become accustomed, 271, 280, 285 ditional capitulation which opened the
Tukhachevski, Marshal Mikhail, Russian country to savage Soviet hordes . Fled
Marshal, partisan of a military Rapallo from Rumania when the havoc he had
between Germany and Russia and helped to create seemed too hot for him .
secretly preparing a Russia of his mak- Presently head of the Rumanian Na-
ing. This combination did not please tional Committee with $1000 a month
the people he took into his confidence salary from the State Department, lxi,
in London and Paris. That is how he 110, 155, 244, 257, 295-297
ended in the Lubianka prison with the Vlad the Impaler, xii, 150
traditional bullet in his nape, xliii Vlasov, General Andrei, prisoner of the
Germans. Organized a Russian National
Ureche, Great Vornic Nistor, Moldavian Army in order to liberate Russia from
statesman and chronicler in the middle the Communist yoke . Hitler never per-
of the sixteenth century, 7 mitted him to fight . The United States
and British Commands handed him over
Vaida-Voevod, Alexandru, Rumanian with all his soldiers, and all the Russian
Prime Minister . Member of the Na- refugees who had followed the German
tional Peasant Party. Sometimes op- armies in their retreat, in circumstances
posed Maniu . Always totally devoted to thoroughly described by P . J . Huxley-
King Carol, xxxvii Blythe in his book The East Came West,
Vanger, 129 a book whose reading we recommend
Vansittart, Lord Robert, as Permanent only to adult males with strong stom-
Secretary of the British Foreign Office achs. (The Caxton Printers Ltd ., Cald-
always took great care to keep an open well, Idaho), 265
possibility for a British-German con- Vojen, Victor, 164, 209
flict . The probable inventor of the Vorobchievici, Colonel, Rumanian Mili-
shrewd dismissing formula with which tary Attach6 in Berlin . Was warned by
Great Britain answered Mussolini's last German military authorities of Soviet
moment efforts to prevent a war be- military preparations at the Bessarabian
tween non-Communist powers, 145 frontier . Tried to communicate his
Veale, F. J . P ., author of Advance to anxiety and that of his German col-
Barbarism. One of those books, again, leagues to Gafencu, Rumania's Foreign
that few dare to open and still less dare Minister, but did not succeed, liv, 152,
to quote, 281, 283, 286 153, 155
Victor Emmanuel, King of Italy. Whatever Vyshinsky, Andrei, Commissar for For-
his feelings, did not oppose, or in any eign Affairs . Soviet Proconsul in Ru-
case did not oppose with enough energy, mania . As Soviet Representative at the
Mussolini's fatal decision for Italy to UN broadly popularized the Russian
abandon the position of non-belliger- "Nyetl", lxiv, 222, 259, 297
ency and attack an already beaten
France . Finally put his Prime Minister Wales, Prince of, 81
fuera di combatimiento, and asked Mar- Warburg, 23
shal Badoglio to attack his former allies, Washington, George, Founding father and
lx, 179, 181 President of the United States . Knew
Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 98 about the danger from the Illuminati, 44
Visoianu, Constantin, Maniu's emissary to Weber, Eugen, 8, 25, 29-31, 33, 34, 36-40,
Cairo where he brought the map of the 106,222,234,236,2$7
324 / Index of Persons
Weidemann, Captain, Hitler's private sec- tried upon them when told that things
retary . Later German Counsul in San have changed in Communist countries
Francisco, 115, 124 and that Communism is getting civil-
Weishaupt, Adam, xiv, 4 ized, 30,197-199
Weizsacker, Baron Ernst von, Undersecre-
tary of State in the Auswartige Amt .
Worked for the enemy from the first Yamashita, General Tomoyuki, one of
days of World War II, xxiii, xlix, 135, Japan's most brilliant and heroic sol-
189, 190 diers . Sentenced to death by one of the
Westin, Alan F ., 237 victor's hangmen courts and executed .
Weygand, Marshal Maxime, 87 As so many of his comrades "he was
Wilson, Hugh, xlvi, 117 rushed to trial under an improper
Wilson, Woodrow, President of the United charge, given insufficient time to pre-
States. Saved the Bolshevik adventure pare an adequate defense, deprived of
from miscarriage. Initiator of the mon- the benefit of some of the most elemen-
strous collusion between the Commu- tary rules of evidence and summarily
nist and Christian Worlds, xvi, xxxii, 19 sentenced to be hanged," to use justice
Winant, John G ., Roosevelt's Ambassador Frank Murphy's words, 286
to London, 291, 292
Wolff, see Lupescu, Magda Zamfirescu, Alexandru Duiliu, Carol's En-
Wurmbrand, Rev. Richard, an evangelist voy to Rome and Copenhagen, actually
pastor . Saved from the Communist in Communist service, 130, 150
prisons in Rumania . Tries by lecturing Zinoviev, Grigori Evseevich, xxxi
and writing to inform the American Zogu, King of Albania, the victim of
public of the enormous hoax which is Italian gratuitous aggression, xlviii
General Index

Act of Appropriation, 12 Belgium, xxxv, x1i, 48, 90, 92

Advance to Barbarism, 281 Berchtesgaden, xlv, xlvi, 115, 139, 143, 210,
Agrarian Reform of 1917-1920, xiv, 9, 28, 213,214
29, 59, 175 Berlin . See Germany.
Air Force Convention, xli Berlingske Tidende, 136
Albania, ix, xxv, xxvi, xlvii, xlviii, 13, Bessarabia, xiii, xxii, Iv, 50, 51, 53, 61, 62,
126, 181 84, 86, 87, 92-94, 107, 122, 127, 129, 152-
All for the Country Party, 37, 38, 54 . See 155, 158, 164, 171, 175, 183, 245, 250, 258,
also Legionary Movement . 293
Alsace-Lorraine, 73 Bethesda Naval Hospital, lxv
Altenburg-Roggieri Report, 177, 179 Big Powers, Conference of the, Iii
America . See United States . Black Shirts, lx, 179, 286
American Council of Learned Studies, 39 Blitzkrieg, liv, 151
American Government . See United States . Blue Book, British Foreign Office, 143
Anglo-Polish Military Agreement, 1 Blue Shirts, 105, 106
Anti-Communism, xix, lvii, lxi, 82 Bohemia, xlvii, 126, 136, 261
Anti-Communists, xx, xxii, xxxv, 17, 26, Bolshevik, xxxi, xxxii, 15, 18-21, 28, 54, 77
27, 126, 189, 198, 254, 265 Bolshevik Government. See Soviet Russia .
Armistice, liv, 248, 252-254, 257, 290, 294, Bolshevik Political Centre, xxxii, 20
296-299 Bolshevik Revolution . See Russian Revo-
Arriba, 197 lution .
Association of Christian Students, xvii, 32 . Bolshevism, xv, xxxii, xlii, 73, 234
See also Legionary Movement . Bomber Offensive, 284
Atlantic Charter, lxiv, 116 Bombing Vindicated, 283
Atomic bombing, lxv, 281 Boyard, xiii, 3-5, 7-10, 15, 170
Austria, x, xiii, xxi, lvii, lxiv, 178, 263, Brancoveneasa, xiii, 10
265, 273; Army, 15 ; Empire, xxi, 14, 22 Britain . See Great Britain .
Avec l'Armee Roumaine, 14, 15, 46 British Blue Book No . 75, 135
Axis, 93, 98, 130, 247, 298 British Blue Book No . 82, 135
British Blue Book, No . 96, 136
British Embassy, xlviii, 134, 291
Balkans, x, xxvi, xxxix, lvii, lx, 17, 151, British Empire . See Great Britain .
179,246 British Government White Paper, 284
Balkan Alliance, xxxix, xlii, xliii, 60, 73, British Legation, lxiv, 259, 266
109, 127, 173 Brotherhoods of the Cross, 33, 34
Baltic States, xx, xxxiii, lxiii, 45, 52, 60, Bucharest, ix, xxxv, xxxvi, xlii, xliii, xlviii,
69, 84, 86, 129, 130, 258 xlix, Iv-lvii, lix, lx, lxii-lxiv, 13, 14, 16,
Bamboo Curtain, 192 46, 49, 56, 60, 67, 72, 74-76, 85, 86, 88,
Barboi Monastery, 4 92, 97-100, 115, 124, 126, 128, 130, 147-
Bassarab dynasty, xi 149, 151-153, 156, 158, 160, 162, 163, 167,
Belgian Civil Code, 10 171, 176, 189, 193, 197, 199, 208, 215--217,
326 / General Index
226, 227, 235, 248, 251, 252, 257-259, 263, xxiii, xxv-xxvii, 12, 21, 69, 93, 196, 232,
273, 274, 290 234, 273, 291
Bucharest Army Corps, Iv, 163 Convention of Armistice, lxiii, 297
Buchenwald, 40, 243, 257 Corn-Luncei, battle of, 4
Bucovina, xiii, 92, 94, 122, 127, 129, 153, Council of the People's Commissars, xxxi
155, 171, 175, 183, 245, 258, 293 Coup d'etat (Putsch), xliv, 122, 168, 169,
Bulgaria, x, xxv, xxvi, Iv, lvii, 14, 86, 128, 173, 189, 211, 291, 296
153, 159, 184, 193, 226, 228, 239, 246, 251, Court of Cassation, 38, 119, 204, 205
280, 290 ; Army, 251 Court of Saint James, 20, 98
Cristea Government, 110, 112
Calea Victoriei, 218 Crown Council, 126, 153
Cantacuzene Palace, 104, 105 Czecho-Slovak Legion, xxxii, 19
Carpathians, 5, 14, 153, 173, 250, 251, 262 Czecho-Slovak National Council, 17
Cavour, 179 Czecho-Slovak Treasury, 20
Channel Islands, 271 Czecho-Slovakia, x, xx, xxv, xxvi, xxxii,
Chetniks, xxvi, 239 xxxiii, xl, xli, xlv, 17, 27, 48, 65, 70, 72,
China, lxv, 109, 192, 234, 271, 285 75, 81, 84, 87, 90, 95, 97, 98, 115, 116,
Christian Civilization, xviii, xxv, 27, 108, 122, 123, 127, 128, 137, 193
124, 270, 287 Czecho-Soviet Pact of Mutual Assistance,
Ciano Diaries, The, 181 xxi, xl, 60, 72, 83, 85, 123
Ci-Devant, 137, 146 "Czecho-Soviet Protectorate or Independ-
Civil War in Spain . See Spanish Civil War. ent Rumanian Kingdom?", 98
Codreanu's Movement, growth, 32-38. See
Association of Christian Students, Dachau, 40, 243, 257
Brotherhoods of the Cross, Guard of Dacia, x, xii, 7, 32
National Conscience, Iron Guard, Danish Legation, 132
League of National Christian Defense Danube, xi, 14, 125, 151, 153, 171, 173, 207,
(LANG), Legion of the Archangel Mi- 219, 227, 228, 251
chael, Legionary Movement . Danube Delta, 123, 152, 172, 184, 250
Comanesti Court, 5 Danzig, xlv-xlviii, xlix, I, li, 109, 139, 140,
"Comertul Legionar," 113 142, 143, 147, 287
Committee of the Rights of Man, 287 Danzig Senate, xlix
Communism, xv, xvi, xx, xxii, xxiv-xxvi, Dardanelles, 184
xxxvi-xxxviii, 14, 19, 20, 26, 27, 30, 68, Defense de la Paix, 116, 145
69, 82, 94, 128, 137, 161, 178, 191, 192, Denmark, 240, 241, 242, 256, 269-271
196, 198, 234, 241, 286 Denmark Legion, 241
Communist Manifesto, xv Destin de la Roumanie, 55, 211
Communist Party, xvi, xxiii, 234, 252, 258, Detroit News, 198
299 Deutsche Wochen Zeitung, 197
Communists, xv, xvi, xix, xxii-xxiv, xxvi, Die Stern, xxiv
xxvii, xxxii, xxxiii, xxiv, xxxvi, xliii, lx, Diplomatic Papers, 289, 292, 296
lxi-lxv, 8, 10, 19-22, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, Division of Southern European Affairs, 294
40, 41, 46, 47, 50, 60, 62, 65, 67, 68, 83- Dniester, x, 15, 62, 245
85, 87-89, 91, 93, 95, 96, 98, 100, 106, 127, Don, lix, 150
128, 154, 155, 161, 169, 172, 174, 181, 189, Drava, 269
191-194, 196-199, 214, 216, 219, 221, 224, Dresden, lxiv, 281-284
231, 234, 236-238, 240, 245, 251, 254, 256, Duca Government, xxxix
258, 259, 266, 270-272, 274, 279, 285, 287, Dumbraveni, 7
291, 298
Conservative Party, xiv, xviii, 3, 8, 9, 27, Eagle Nest Pass, 24
28, 103, 271 East Germany, lxiii
Conspiracy, xiv, xv, x xviii-xx, xxi, Echo de Paris, 52
General Index / 327
Elbe, xxvi, 281 German Legation, 160, 161, 171, 183, 208,
England . See Great Britain. 218, 226
Estonia, xxvi, xxxv, 45, 63, 172, 193 German-Polish alliance, xl
Ethiopia, x1i, 83, 109 German-Polish Treaty, xlv, 139
European Affairs, Office of, 292 Germany, x, xiii, xix, xx-xxvi, xxxiv, xxxv,
European Right, The, 8, 9, 25, 26, 28, 106, xxxvii-liv, lvi-lix, lxii-lxv, 13, 14, 20, 26,
222, 234, 236 27, 33, 40, 47-49, 55, 60, 66, 67-76, 31-
87, 90-93, 109, 115-117, 121-134, 136-
139, 141-148, 151-153, 155, 158-164, 167,
Fabian Socialists, xv, xxiii, 83, 189 176, 171-178, 181, 183-185, 188, 189, 207,
Fascism, xvi 208, 212, 213, 219, 222, 226, 232, 239, 241-
Fascist, lx, 27, 64, 66, 125, 181, 235 243, 246, 247, 251, 256, 260, 261, 263, 265,
Fascist Youth Organization, 125 268, 270, 279, 282-285, 290, 293, 296 ; Air
Final Report, li, Iii, 134, 136, 140 Force (Luftwaffe), 257, 283 ; Army, xxvi,
Finland, xxxi, liv, lvii, lviii, 45, 52, 59, 86, Iii, liii, lvii-lix, 1xii, 15, 91, 106, 113, 1 .16,
130, 152, 246 ; Army, 227, 239 145, 146, 151, 152, 161, 169, 173, 190, 218,
First World War . See World War I. 219, 228, 239, 251, 265, 295, 296 ; High
Florida Times-Union, 199 Command, xxiii, liii, lix
Focsani-NAm oloasa- Galati Line, Ixii, lxiii, Gestapo, xxiv, 243
153, 250, 251, 299 Glendale News Press, 198
France, x, xiii, xiv, xx, xxii, xxxiii-xxxv, Goga Government, xliv, 111, 122
xxxviii, xl-xlii, xlvi, xlviii, liii, liv, Ixi, Government of National Union, 299
17, 19-21, 26, 45, 48-54, 60, 64-66, 69, 74, Great Britain, xxi-xxiii, xxvi, xxxiii-xxxv,
81, 83-85, 87, 90-95, 101, 102, 108, 110, xxxviii, xli-xliii, xlvi-xlviii, 1, li-liv, ]Lvii,
118, 122, 124, 127, 128, 130, 136-139, 145- lviii, 1xv, 19, 20, 25, 48, 49, 65, 69, 81--83,
147, 151, 169, 172, 173, 178, 181, 190, 245, 85, 91, 94, 95, 98, 108, 110, 116-118, 121-
247, 285, 287 ; Air Force, 17 ; Army, li, 20, 124, 127-133, 136-147, 151, 162, 172, 173,
147, 254 ; High Command, 285; Parlia- 180, 184, 188-190, 219, 232, 245, 246, 253,
ment, xx, xli, 20, 49, 72, 73, 81, 83, 88- 265, 271, 280, 283-287, 289-294, 297, 299 ;
90 Army, 147, 269, 285 ; House of Commons,
Franco-Britannic General Staff Agreement, xlviii, xlix, 81, 91, 137, 141 ; House of
90 Lords, 92, 139, 141 ; National Service,
Franco-German Pact, 117, 118 xlvi ; Parliament, 49, 138, 141
Franco-Soviet Pact of Mutual Assistance, Greece, xxii, xxxix, Ivi, lvii, 30, 128, 161,
xx, xxi, xl, 48, 60, 68, 72, 83, 85, 88, 90, 173, 178, 181, 190, 280
92, 123 Green Shirts, 105, 106, 125
Franco-Soviet Treaty of Non-aggression, Grenoble University, xvii, 34
xxxviii Guard of National Conscience, xvii, 32 .
French Foreign Legion, 274 See also Legionary Movement .
French Revolution, xiv, xvi, 5, 112 Guggenheim Foundation, 39, 40
French Socialist Party, 56
French Yellow Book No . 327, 145 Haymarket Riot, xv
Frontul Renasterei Nationale (FRN), 125, Hearst press, 193, 194, 195
129 Histoire des Roumains de la Dacie Tra-
jane, 3
Geneva agreements, 74 . See also Geneva Hitler, 140
Convention . Hitler, Konig Carol and Marschall An-
Geneva Convention, 265, 285, 286 tonescu, 180
Geneve contre la Pa ix, 20 Hitler's Testament, 124
Genoa conference, xxxiv House of Commons . See Great Britain ..
German Embassy, xxiii, xlv, 117, 189 House of Lords. See Great Britain .
German Government. See Germany . Human Events, 198
328 / General Index
Hungarian Arrow Cross Government, 266 L'Action Franyaise, (L'Ami du Peuple, Je
Hungary, x, xi, xii, xxv, xxvi, xxxii, xxxiii, Suis Partout, and Gringoire), 88
xxxix, 1, Iv, lvii, 8, 19-21, 66, 67, 70, 74, La Roumanie Peut-elle Combattre sur
86, 122, 124, 126-128, 153, 159, 161, 163, deux Fronts, 3, 14
171, 177, 193, 219, 232, 266, 280, 285, 295 Last Battle, The, xxiv
Last Days of Europe, The, 130
Illuminati, Order of, xiv, xv, xvi, 4, 11 Latin League, lix
Its font appelee Cassandra, 64 Latvia, xxvi, xxxv, 63, 172, 193
Imperial Russian Army, 14, 15 Laval Government, 89
Imperial Russian Treasury, 20 League of Communists, xv
International Court, 287 League of Just Men, xv
Ion-Voda, 215 League of National Christian Defense
Iorga-Argetoianu Government, xxxvi, (LANC), xvii, xxxiv, 33-35, 37, 54 . See
xxxvii also Codreanu's Movement .
Iorga-Madgearu Case, The, 201 League of Nations, xv, xxxv, x1, xli, xliii,
I Responsabili, 69 xlvi, liv, 48, 51, 52, 61, 64, 75, 90, 109,
Iron Curtain, 192, 193, 195, 274 127, 143, 159, 241
Iron Gates, 125, 151 League of Nations Council, xlii, 92
Iron Guard, xvii, xxxvi, 35, 36, 54-56, 85, League of Nations Covenant, xxxix, 90, 91
93, 102, 200, 206, 211-213, 219, 222, 235, Legion of the Archangel Michael . See Le-
240, 264 . See also Legionary Movement . gionary Movement .
Italian Government. See Italy . Legion Valonne, 269
Italian Legation, 220 Legionaries . See Legionary Movement .
Italian Revolution, xv Legionary Movement, ix, x, xvii-xix, xxi,
Italy, xxii, xxv, xxxv, xxxviii, x1i, xliv, lvi, xxii, xxv, xxvii, xxxv-xxxii, xli, xliii,
lvii, lx, lxiii, 17, 18, 20, 24, 26, 27, 38, 48, xliv, xlvi-xlviii, liii-lx, lxii, 3, 25-31, 33,
49, 53, 66, 75, 81, 83, 85, 93, 97, 105, 109, 35-41, 54-56, 69, 71, 85, 93, 94, 97, 100-
112, 126, 130, 151-153, 159-161, 175-177, 105, 108-115, 119, 120, 122-126, 131, 148-
179-181, 183-185, 189, 209, 219, 232, 242, 151, 154, 157-160, 163, 164, 167, 171, 173,
243, 247, 260, 289 ; Army, xli, lvi, lvii, 17, 174, 177, 179, 181, 185, 186, 200-208, 210-
178, 289 ; Navy, 179 219, 222-226, 228, 231-237, 239, 240, 242,
243, 246, 248, 257, 260, 261, 263, 272-275
Japan, xxiii, lxiv, Ixv, 29, 128, 183-185, 219, Legionary Women's Organization, xlviii
281 L'Envoye de L'Archange, 232
Jilava, lvi, 38, 120, 123, 200-207, 221, 225, Le Temps, 13
236 Liberal Dissident Party, xl, xlii, 67, 102,
Jockey Club, 261 103
John Birch Society, The, 237 Liberal Government, xxxiv, xli, 33, 35, 36,
Jora Ford. See Prut .
Juarezista Revolution, xv
Liberal Party, xxxviii, lx, 5, 8, 12, 28, 87,
102, 103, 169, 271, 299
Katyn, liv, lx, 258, 270, 280, 287
Liberals, xxvi, 28
Kellogg-Briand Pact, xxxv, 23, 50, 90
King Carol, Hitler and Lupescu, 233 Lithuania, xxvi, 172, 193
Kneaz, 3 Little Entente, xxxiii, xlii, xliii, 65, 66, 70,
Kneazina, 3, 7 73-75, 84, 90, 98, 109, 127, 173
Kremlin . See Soviet Russia . Litvinov Protocol, xxxv
Krupp guns, 77 Locarno Pact, xx, xxi, xxxv, xxxviii, xli,
Kuhn, Loeb & Co ., 23 xlii, 48, 90-92, 116
London . See Great Britain .
La Bete sans Nom, 137, 241, 287 Longest Day, The, xxiv
Labour Party, 20 Loyalist Forces, 95
General Index / 329
Oder, xxv, 262
Malaxa Industries, 101 Order of Victory, 154, 254, 271
Manastirea Dealuliu, xvii Ottoman Empire, xii
Manciu Terror, xxxiv, 33
Manion Forum, 199 Pact of Consultation and Resistance, xlviii
Manual of Legionary Laws, xviii, 34 Pact of Definition of Aggression, xxxviii
Marxist, 30, 259 Pact of Locarno . See Locarno Pact .
Marxist Socialist Party, 274 Palace Lobkowitz, 260
Mein Kampf, 121 Palais Sturdza, 54, 67, 86, 99, 122
Mdmoires d'Outre-tombe, 3 Palazzo Venetia, 180
Minneapolis Tribune, 198 Paris Conference . See Peace Conference in
Minorities Agreement, xxxix Paris .
Moldavia, xi, xii, xvii, 1xii, 3-7, 10, 32, 50, Patriotic Democratic Front, lxi
92, 94, 96, 150, 154, 214, 223, 246, 250 Peace Conference in Paris, 110, 155, 244,
Mon Ambassade en Russie Sovidtique, 259, 261
1917-1919, 19 Pe Margina Prapastei, 222
Monastery of Bistritsa, 235 Pentru Legionari, 37
Monastery of Secul, 7 People, The, 283
Monastery of Varatic, 6 Petrograd, xxxi, xxxii, 16, 18
Moscow . See Soviet Russia. Pittsburgh Agreement, xlvii, 17
Moscow Conference, 259 Ploesti, 129, 215
Mountain Corps . See Rumanian Army . Ploesti: Great Ground-Air Battle, 1 Au-
Munich Agreement, xlv, 116,137 gust, 1943, 235
Mushat dynasty, xi, xiii Poland, xi, xii, xx-xxiii, xxv, xxvi, xxxiii,
xxxv-xliii, xlv-xlviii, xlix-liv, lxiii, 20,
Napoleonic wars, 5, 27 21, 45, 48-52, 54, 60, 61, 66-69, 74-76, 82-
National Christian Party, xliv, 103 . See also 84, 86, 92-95, 97, 109, 110, 112, 117, 123,
Goga Government . 124, 127-130, 133-142, 145-147, 174, 193,
National Conference on Peace, 196 219, 241, 245, 258, 265, 270, 284, 287 ;
National Democratic Front, 258 Army, liii, 145, 148; High Command,
National Legionary Government, Iv, lvi, liii
31, 154, 171, 172, 206, 211, 212, 216, 221 Polish Alliance, 90
National Peasant Government, xxxvi- Polish Corridor, xlv, xlviii, 137, 139, 142
xxxviii, 222 Polish Embassy, Iii
National Peasant Party, lix, 21, 28, 87, 102, Polish Government. See Poland .
103, 114, 203, 244, 271, 299 Polish White Book Document No . 109, 1.35,
National Socialism, xvi, 48, 163 141
National Socialist Party, xxxv, lvii, 81, 208 Popular Party, 36
NATO, 192,197 Populist, 28
Neamtz, castle of, 7 Portugal, 1xiv, 95, 247
Neamul Romdnesc, 87, 113 Potsdam, lxiv, 84, 192, 259, 271
Neue Ziiricher Zeitung, 194 Potsdam Conference . See Potsdam.
New York Journal American, xxiv Prague, xxi, xxvi, xxxiii, xvvii, 66, 94, 98,
New York Times, The, 117, 118, 192, 195, 128, 251
198 Pravda, xxxv
Nicopolis, battle of, xi Preludi del Grande Dramma, 69, 71, 75
Nonaggression Pact, xxi, xxxvii-xxxix, xli, Prikase No. 1, xxxi
47-52, 54, 61, 90, 92, 124. See also Rib- Prisoner of Red justice, 194, 231
bentrop-Molotov Agreement. Prut, xii, 7, 251, 266
Norway, liv, 151
Niirnberg, xxxv, liv, Ixv, 16, 116, 189, 191, Quadripartite Pact of Guarantee, xx,
203, 270 xxxviii, 48-49, 81
330 / General Index
Quand Israel Est Roi, 232 manian National Government, in exile .
Quebec Conference, xxvi Rumanian Front, Ixii, 239, 244
Rumanian Legation, ix, 13, 45, 50, 51, 70,
RAF, 179, 256, 257, 281, 284 131, 132, 241, 256
Red China, 192, 285 Rumanian Legion, 17, 240
Reich . See Germany. Rumanian National Committee, 244, 274,
Research Grants Commission, 39 275
Rhineland, xxi, xli, xiii, 48, 72, 90-92, 109 Rumanian National Government, in exile,
Ribbentrop-Molotov Agreement, xl, 1, 48, x, Ixiii, lxiv, 260, 261, 263, 265, 268 ;
128-130, 132, 133, 152, 171, 183 Army, Ixii, lxiv, 263
Riga, ix, xxxiii, xxxvii, xxxviii, 45, 50-54, Rumanian Orthodox Church, 110, 111, 198
58, 60, 86, 92 Rumanian-Polish Treaty of Alliance,
Roman Empire, 7, 87 xxxiii
Romanov family, 98 Rumanian-Soviet Railway Agreement, 86,
Rome . See Italy . 155
Ruginoasa, 7 Russia . See Soviet Russia .
Rumania, ix, x, xiii, xiv, xvi-xxii, xxv- Russian Provisional Government, xxxi
xxvii, xxxii, xxxiii, xliv, xlvii-1, liv-lviii, Russian Revolution, ix, xxxi, 16, 83, 127,
lxi, Ixiii, 4-6, 8-10, 14, 20, 21, 22, 26- 255
35, 40, 41, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53-55, 58-62,
65-74, 76, 77, 84-88, 92, 94, 97-99, 101, Sanct Spiridon, xiii, 10
102, 108-115, 118, 122-125, 127, 129-131, San Francisco, lxiv, 84, 259, 271
147-149, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 158-163, San Mateo Times, 198
173, 174, 178, 181, 184, 190, 193, 194, 196- Scripps-Howard press, 194, 195
198, 212, 217, 219, 222, 226, 232, 235, 236, Second World War. See World War II.
239, 240, 242, 243, 246, 247, 251, 253, 254, Seine, 62
258, 259, 264, 270, 271, 274, 280, 287, 291, Serajavo, 98
292, 294-297 ; Army, xxxii, lvi, lviii, lix- Serbia, 98
lxii, 20, 32, 36, 46, 66, 126, 154, 164, 209, Siegfried Line, li, 172
218, 235, 236, 244, 245, 247, 248, 250, 252, Skoda, 46, 77, 87, 102
254, 257, 261, 266, 289, 292-295, 299 ; Socialists, xv, xxxvii, 83, 258
High Command, 257, 292 ; National South Bend Tribune, 199
Bank, 62, 118 ; Parliament, 21, 28, 53, 93, Soviet Army . See Red Army.
94 ; Railways, xli ; Regency, xxxvi ; Sen- Soviet Diplomacy, History of, 48, 64, 83
ate, 88 Soviet Embassy, lx, 117
Rumanian blood, xii, 154, 176, 261 ; cul- Soviet Government. See Soviet Russia .
ture, xiii ; delegates, Ixiii ; diplomatic Soviet . See Soviet Russia .
corps, 101 ; emissaries, lxi ; families, 3 ; Soviet Legation, 51
folklore, 10 ; history, xviii, 5, 29, 150; Soviet Russia, ix, x, xv, xvi, xx-xxvi, xxxii-
language, x; nation, xii, xiii, 100, 101, xliv, xlvi, xlviii, xlix, 1, liii-lxv, 8, 16-18,
113 ; nobility, xi ; officers, lix ; peasants, 20-24, 26-28, 45-54, 59-69, 71, 73, 75-
x, 8, 12, 29, 194, 197 ; penal law, 53 ; peo- 77, 81, 82, 84, 86-88, 90-93, 98, 109, 110,
ple, x, xiii, xviii, xxv, x1ii, Ixii, lxiv, 8, 121-125, 127-130, 137, 139, 144, 146, 147,
69, 85, 95, 108, 159, 173, 220, 222, 234, 151-156, 160-162, 168-175, 180, 181, 183-
242, 244, 245, 253, 258-260, 263, 273, 289 ; 185, 190-196, 208, 209, 213, 219, 220, 222,
population, 13, 29, 258; principalities, 223, 226, 232, 234, 242-244, 246-248, 250,
xii, xiii ; settlements, xi ; soldier, 20, 76, 251, 253, 254, 257-261, 263, 266, 268, 271,
154, 239, 293 ; state, 5 ; territory, xi, xx, 274, 279, 280, 285, 287, 289-299 ; Army,
xxxv, XI, xli, x1ii, xlvi, lvii, 15, 57, 60, xx, xxii, xxiii, xxv, xxvi, xxxi, xxxii, x1,
85, 130, 154, 172, 235, 252, 294 ; throne, liii, liv, lvi, lix, lxi, Ixiii, 32, 60, 66, 68,
12 70, 71, 84-86, 88, 89, 92, 98, 110, 113,
Rumanian Corps of Volunteers . See Ru- 122, 129, 130, 152, 155, 172, 245, 248, 251,
General Index / 331
253, 254, 258, 261, 285, 293, 294, 296; 234-236, 246, 253, 260, 265, 279, 285, 28'9,
High Command, lxii, 62 ; Secret Service, 292-294, 296, 297, 299 ; Air Force, 77, 281 ;
xxiv ; Steppes, 245 Department of State, 289 ; Senate, lviii,
Spain, xvi, xliv, lviii, 27, 31, 38, 75, 95-97, 197, 199 ; Senate Internal Security Sub-
100, 106, 109, 126, 127, 149, 160, 170, 181, committee, 197, 198 ; Supreme Court, 286
196, 247 University of California, 26, 39, 106
Spanish Civil War, xliii, 55, 94, 95, 97, 100, University of Cluj, xlvi
123 University of Iasi, xxxiii, 21, 32
Stalingrad, xxiv, xxv, lviii, lix, 250 University of Paris, 274
Straja Tarii, 125 Uradel, 3
Stressa Agreement, 90 USSR. See Soviet Russia.
Sudetenland, xliv, xlv
Supreme Allied Command, lxi, 297 Vadul Jorei . See Prut .
Sweden, xv, 102, 247 Vatican, 182, 186
Swedish Legation, 94, 156 Versailles Treaty, xxi, xli, xiii, 18, 48, 90,
Switzerland, xxiii, 254 141, 142
Vickers Arms Industry, 95
Tartars, xi, 4, 50 Vienna Arbitration, Iv, 160, 163, 164, 171,
Teheran, xxvi, liv, lx, 84, 192, 253, 271, 279 172, 175-177, 232, 261, 267
Teheran Conference. See Teheran . Voevod, 4, 51
Terres Roumaines contre vents et Marees, Volga, lix, 150, 253
55,211, 263 Volkischer Beobachter, 72
Tescani, 5, 7, 112
"Three Liberties," lxiv Walachia, xi, xii, 3, 5, 7, 10, 150, 223
Tidal Wave, 235 Western Civilization, x, xiv, xvi, xxiv,
Time magazine, 191 xxvi, xiii, lviii, 20, 27, 68, 108, 120, 190,
Times (London), 118, 149, 281 250, 254, 255
Transylvania, ix-xiii, Iv, 3, 4, 21, 22, 59, Western Powers, xx, xxi, xxvi, xxxiii, x1i,
160, 161, 164, 168, 173, 175, 176, 222, xlviii, liii, liv, lix-lxi, lxiii, lxv, 20, 27,
225, 258, 260, 267, 293-295 45, 47, 68, 69, 90, 95, 116, 128, 130, 133,
Treaty of Berlin, xiii 151, 192, 244, 247, 251, 252, 256, 257, 271,
Treaty of Rapallo, xxxiv, xxxv, 47, 48 275, 290, 293
Treaty of Riga, xxxiii White House, 23
Tripartite Pact, lvi, lvii, 185, 219 White Russians, 20
Trojan Horse policy, 48, 51, 52, 54 World Crisis, The, V, The Aftermath, 20,
Turkey, xxxix, lx, 14, 128 82
Turks, xi, xii, 4, 16, 50, 266 World War I, ix, xiii-xvi, xx, 3, 7, 9, 10,
13, 14, 21, 25-28, 36, 46, 48, 50, 54, 62,
Ukraine, xxiii, 129, 251 77, 81, 83, 90, 93, 122, 214, 226, 239,
Un Chapitre d'Histoire Roumaine, 216, 271, 286
244, 254 World War II, x, xi, xiv, xvi, xx, xxi, xxv,
Union Theological Seminary, 196 xxvi, xxxiii, xl, xli, liii, lvi, 20, 25, 48,
United Kingdom . See Great Britain . 67, 77, 81, 95, 137, 150, 161, 172, 184, 241,
United Nations, xv, 96, 287 255, 270
United Nations Conference, Ixiv
United States, xiv, xv, xxii, xxv-xxvii, liii, Yalta, liv, 84, 192, 259, 270, 271, 279
lviii, lx, 1xii, lxv, 18, 19, 23, 24, 27, 45, Yugoslavia, xxii, xxv, xxvi, xxxiii, xxxiv,
48, 59, 94, 95, 101, 108, 109, 117, 128, xxxix, 60, 65, 66, 70, 74, 75, 122, 161, 219,
133, 138, 145, 185, 190-193, 195, 196, 245, 280; Army, 47

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