Best Web Sites For Ias
Best Web Sites For Ias
Best Web Sites For Ias
One of the good site regarding preparation is (Good no. previous previous papers are
also available here)
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1. An Introduction to the Constitution of India D.D.Basu
2 Our Contitution Subash Kashyap
3 Perspectives on Indian Constitution Edited by Subash Kashyap
4 Biology for VIII-X Std NCERT
5 Physics for VIII-X Std NCERT
6 Chemistry for VIII-X Std NCERT
7 Anatomy & Physiology for Nurses Courses Evelyn Pearce
8 Know your body Reader's Digest
9 An Evolution of Indian Economy I.C.Dhingra (Sultan Chand & Co)
10 Indian Economy Dutt & Sundaram
11 Economic Survey of India Government of India
12 General Principles of World Geography Charles Farro
13 Monsoon Asia Charles Farro
14 Physical Geography of India for X - XII Std NCERT
15 Any Good School Atlas
16 Ancient India for XII Std NCERT
17 Medieval India for XII Std NCERT
18 Modern India Bipin Chandra
19 History of Modern India A.C.Banerjee
20 The Hindu & Times of India Newspapers
21 Frontline & Political & Economic weekly Periodicals
22 Yojana & World Focus Periodicals
23 Statistical Methods S.C.Gupta
• One major National Daily - Either The Times of India or The Hindu.
• Newsweeklies like India Today or/and Outlook
• Current Events - Spectrum
• At least one major national newspaper - either The Times of India or The
• Newsweeklies like India Today or/and Outlook
• Current Affairs and News Analysis of BBC.
• Current events - Spectrum
Subject Statistics
Good book
Main (Optionals)
Subject History
Good books for
• Ancient India
1. Indus Valley Civilisation: Archeology of India - D.P. Aggarwal.
2. Vedic Age: Political and Social Institutions of Ancient India - R.
3. Religion and Culture: Wonder that was India - A.L. Basam.
4. Pre Maurya: Material, Culture and Social formation in Ancient India
-R.S. Sharma.
5. Mauryas: Ashoka and Decline of the Maurya - Romila Thapar.
6. Guptas: S.R Goyal.
7. South Indian history: K Nilkantha Sastri or M.A. History of Annamalai
University--correspondence notes.
8. Guptas and Harsha: Harsha, a Political Study - Devahuti
9. IGNOU Booklets on Ancient India
• Medieval India
1. For Delhi Sultanate: (.Comprehensive History of the Sultanate -
2. Mughals: Foundation of Muslim Rule in India - A. B. M. Habibulah
3. Art, Culture and Religion: Wonder that was India, Vol II - S. A. A. Rizvi.
4. Social life and Cultural life of both Delhi Sultanate and Mughal India:An
Advanced Study of Medieval India. Vol III - J.L. Mehta
5. Sources of History: Gazetteer of India, Vol. II and Rau's Study Material.
6. Shivaji: Gazetteer of India- Vol II. + Medieval India - Satish Chandra
7. Feudal period: Feudalism in India - R.S. Sharma.
8. Some aspects of Medieval History - U. N. Dey
9. IGNOU Booklets on Medieval India
• Modem India
1. A New look into the Modern Indian History - Grover and Grover.
2. Economic History of British India: Gazetteer of India, Vol. II. +
Economic History of India - Sardesai
3. Freedom Struggle - Bipan Chandra and others.
4. Tribal Movement, Peasant Movement, Swadeshi Movement: Modern
India: 1885-1947 - Sumit Sarkar
5. . IGNOU Booklets on Modren India
• World History:
1. European History - L. Mukherjee
2. Europe since Napolean - David Thompson.
3. World Civilisation - Vol. II, and starting part of Vol. Ill of Burns and
1. Administrative Theory:
o Basic Premises: Structure, processess and Behaviour - Mohit
o Public Administration and Public Affairs - Nicholas Henry
o Modern Public Administration - Nigro and Nigro
2. Theories of Organisation:
o Organisation and Management - D. Guishiain
o Management Thoughts and Thinkers - R. N. Singh
3. Principles of Organisation:
o Essentials of Management - Koontz and O'Donnel or Management -
Kast and Roseinweigz or -- Principles of Management - Terry and
4. Administrative Behaviour:
o Utilising Human Behaviour - Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard or
Organisation Behaviour - Stephen P. Robbing
5. Structure of Organisation: Same as Principles of Organisation.
6. Personnel Administration Public Personnel Administration - 0. Glenn Stahl or
A.R. Tyagi.
7. Financial Administration of India - M.J.K. Thavaraj.
8. Accountability and Control Same as Administrative Theory, and Special issue
of IIPA on Accountability.
9. Administrative Reforms - G. E. Caiden or P.R. Dubhasi.
10. Administrative Law - M.P. Jain or I.P. Massey.
11. Comparative and Development Administration:Public Administration: A
Comparative Perspectives - Ferrel Headly or Comparative Public
Administration - R. K. Arora
12. Public Policy: Public Policy making - James F. Anderson or Policy making in
Government - K. D. Madan
13. Evolution of Indian Administration: Administrative History of India Vol. \, II, III -
B.N. Puri
14. Environmental Setting: An Introduction to the Constitution of India - D. D.
15. Political Executive at the Union Level: An Introduction to the Constitution of
India - D. D. Basu
16. Structure of Central Administration: Central Administration - A Awasthi
17. Centre-State relations: An Introduction to the Constitution of India - D.D. Basu
+ Sarkaria Commission report.
18. Public Services:Personnel Administration - A.R. Tyagi + Administrative
Reforms Commission report.
19. .Machinery for Planning: Planning Commission - H.K. Paranjape, and
Administrative Reforms Commission report on Planning Commission.
20. Public Undertakings: Principles and Practice of Public Enterprise Management
- Laxmi Narayan
21. Control of Public Expenditure: Financial Administration - M.J.K.Thavaraj.
22. Administration of Law and Order: Law and Order Administration in India - K.K.
23. State Administration: J.D. Shukla..
24. District and local Administration: District Administration - S.S. Khera + Special
issue of IIPA.
25. Local Administration: Local Administration in India - S.R. Maheshwari
26. Administration for Welfare - Annual Report of Ministry of Social Welfare.
27. Issue Areas in Indian Administration - IGNOU material.
28. Public Administration - Avasthi & Maheswari
29. Indian History
o (Administrative Portion) (Classes XI & XII) - NCERT
o Administrative History of India (Vols. I, II, III) - B.N. Puri
30. Planning Commission - H.K. Paranjape
31. Administrative Thinkers - D. Ravindra Prasad, V.S. Prasad and
32. District Administration in India - S.S. Khera
Subject Anthropology:
Good books
Subject Geography
Good books
Subject Sociology
Good books
Subject Geology
Good book
Subject Philosophy
Good books
Subject Psychology
Good books
Subject Economics:
Good books
Subject Law
Good books
Subject Pali
Good books
Subject Mathematics
Good books
Subject Botany
Good books
Subject Zoology
Good books
Subject Chemistry
Good books
Subject Statistics
Good books
• Introductory Probability and Statistical Applications - Paul Meyer
• An Introduction to Probability Theory & Mathematical Statistics -V K Rohtagi
• Fundamentals of Statistics (2 Vol.)- A M Goon, M K Gupta and B Dass Gupta
• An Outline of Statistical Theory (2 Vol.) -A M Goon, M K Gupta and B .Dass
• Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics-A C Gupta and V K Kapoor
• Fundamentals of Applied Statistics-S C Gupta and V K Kapoor
• Sampling Techniques-William G. Cochran
• Sampling Theory of Surveys with applications - B. V Sukhatme & B V
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