Improving Reading Skill Through Look and Say Method

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Scope of English Language Teaching, Literature and Linguistics

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP

Universitas Muslim Maros
Vol. 2 No. 2, Desember 2019, pp. 99-107
[email protected], p-ISSN: 2623-2642, e-ISSN: 2655-5417


Sitti Aisyah
University Muslim Maros
[email protected]


This Research aimed to find the students’ reading skill achievement after teaching them
through look and say method. The questions posed in this research are “how is the first-
year students’ ability of SMAN 1 Tanralili Maros in reading English?” and “How is the
improvement of the students’ reading skill through look and say method?”. The method
applied in this study was pre-experimental which applied pre-test and post-test. The
population of this research was the first-year students of SMAN 1 Tanralili Maros. The
writer applied the purposive sampling technique, so the number of the sample was 30
students. The research of data analysis indicated that there some a significant increase in
the students’ achievement in reading skill after teaching them through look and say
method. It was proved by the result of the statistical analysis of the level significant 0,05
with the degree of freedom (df = n-1 = 29) indicated that t-test value was 10,57. While t-
table was 2,120 where 10,57 > 2,045.Based on the fact the writer concluded that the
reading skill of the first-year students of SMAN 1 Tanralili Maros that had got treatment
by teaching them through look and say was significantly different before they got
Keywords: Reading, Skill, Look, Say Method

INTRODUCTION Reading is one process of getting information

Nowadays, in the era of information, the by print.
progress of knowledge, science and technology English has been taught in elementary
requires us to absorb information. Information school, junior high school and senior high
is merely the most important aspect of our life. school. They have to master four English skills
Book, magazine, newspaper, bulletin, internet, included reading skill. The people who always
are the source of information and that read book written in English will be easier to do
information we get not only reading but other the other skills. Achsin, (1985:2) states “reading
sources. Thus we must read thousands of books skill involves the three skills namely listening,
to avoid ourselves from out of the date. speaking and writing.”

Aisyah SELTICS Vol. 2, No. 2, Desember 2019

According to Astrowiak (2004:4) Mullti the first year students of SMAN 1 Tanralili
skill is achieved through the teaching of reading Maros
like writing, spelling, comprehension,
pronunciation, vocabulary practice and memory Problem Statement
training.” Problems mostly occur to students Based on the background above, the
when reading a book they feel difficult to writer formulates research questions:
mention the symbol (word). That is why the 1. How is the first year students’ ability of
students should get the best teaching from the SMAN 1 TANRALILI MAROS in reading
teacher especially about reading. Generally English?
before mastering the reading skill the students 2. How is the improvement of the students’
need to learn how to read the words and reading skill through
sentences in English as foundation to improve
their reading skills. There are many delightful Objective Of The Research
ways to increase the student’s reading skills. 1. To find out the first year students’ ability of
One of the good methods is “look and say SMAN 1 TANRALILI MAROS in reading
method”. English.
“Look and say method” is a method that 2. To find out the improvement of the students
is used for teaching reading to children about in reading skill through ‘Look and say
how to spell or read the words in English. By method’.
using this method, the students will look and
say what the teacher reads and directly the Significance of the Research
students memorize the words because every The result of this research is expected to
word will be read several times. In addition, be useful information for the English teacher
'look and say method' gives students ability to and it is expected that they can apply it in
sound out words, even if they do not always teaching and learning process.
understand the meaning all of the words.
Finally, the students not only can read but also Scope the Research
can produce the sound of the word as good as The scope of the research is restricted to
possible. By ‘look and say method’ as teach reading skill by using ‘look and say
foundation, they can read any word, even the method’ where this method improves reading
words they never hear before.Based on skill at the first year students of SMAN 1
explanation above, the writer is interested to TANRALILI MAROS.
carry out a research with the title Improving
Reading Skill through ‘look and say’ Method at

Improving Reading Skill Through Look and Say Method

There are some researches who have can be concluded in her research that the
conducted studies relating to the students causing of the poor achievement of the
reading skill. They are as follows: students in reading comprehension are as
Hamriati, (2005) had researched with the follows: the students are lacking of learning
title the Effectiveness of Amplification of Active motivation, the students have insufficient
process in improving the Students’ achievement knowledge of both structure and vocabulary,
in reading class. She confirmed that active the students are lacking of practice reading, the
process in teaching reading is very active and unsuitability of reading material to the
helpful to the students’ achievement in reading students’ talents and interest.
class. All findings of the research above discuss
Hasnawati, (2000) had researched with about reading with different method, the first
the title Using Authentic Materials to improve researcher used phonic method, the second
Reading Comprehension. Conclusion in her used active process, and the third used
research that there are three factors causing authentic materials and the fourth used
students difficulty in reading comprehension. reciprocal technique. In this case, the writer can
They are: the reading materials are difficulties conclude that the teaching of reading can be
for the students, the teacher seldom gives increased by different methods,’ look and say
reading comprehension homework and method’ is one of them.
structure materials to the students, the
students have low frequency in memorizing the METHODS
English words. Research Design
Iskandar, (1991) had researched with the This research employed the pre-
title Improving students Reading experimental method with one group pre-test
Comprehension through Reciprocal Technique. and post-test designed. The students were
The research showed that the score of the given pre-test and then were exposed to the
students in reading comprehension treatment, and finally they were given post-
achievement is fair classification level, it means test.
that the English curriculum is appropriate to
improve the students’ English knowledge and Variable of the Research
mastery. There were two variables in the research
Aminah, (1993) had researched with the namely independent variable and dependent
title Factors Affecting the Reading variable.
Comprehension Achievement of the Six
Semester Students D3 of English Education. It

Aisyah SELTICS Vol. 2, No. 2, Desember 2019

1. Independent variable The test applied twice, called pre-test

The independent variable in this and post-test. Pre-test was given to measure
research was the use of ’look and say the prior ability of the students, while post-test
method’ in teaching reading was used to find out the achievement of the
comprehension. The students were students after giving treatment.
involved in some activities dealing with
comprehending text. The Procedures of Collecting the Data
2. Dependent Variable The procedure of data collection was
The dependent variable in this presented in chronological order as follows:
research was the development of the 1. Pre-test
students reading skill. The Pre-test was given to the
students’ before doing the treatment. All
Population and Sample the students given pre-test, it was
The population of the research was the purposed to know their basic knowledge
first year students of SMAN I TANRALILI MAROS about reading
in academic year 2009-2010 which consisted of 2. Treatment
two class was namely X1 class consisted of 30 a. The first meeting:
students and X2 class consisted of 30 students,  The researcher gave a text with the title
so the total number of the population was 60 ‘batik” and asked the students to
students. mention some difficult words from the
In taking sample the writer used random text. The research then wrote the words
sampling technique. In which one class was on the blackboard. After the words had
taken sample. The sample namely X1 class been orally (pronounce) explained by
which consisted of 30 students. the researcher the students repeated it.
 A short discussion was held by the
Instrument of the Research researcher. The researcher asked
In this research, the researcher used the question which was related with the
simple forms of passages comprehension called difficult words in the blackboard.
fill in the blank and test answer the question  The researcher asked the students to
text, to know the ability of the students to use the difficult words in a sentence or
comprehend the reading text. The material think of the synonym for the world.
consisted of 30 items; 10 items fill in the blank,  The researcher gave the definition of
10 items answer the questions and 10 items words on the blackboard and asked the
true false test.

Improving Reading Skill Through Look and Say Method

students to think of the synonym of the question which was related with the
definition. difficult words in the blackboard.
b. The second meeting:  The researcher asked the students to
 The researcher gave a text with the use the difficult words in a sentence or
title ‘making plans” and asked the think of the synonym for the world.
students to mention some difficult  The researcher gave the definition of
words from the text. The research then words on the blackboard and asked the
wrote the words on the blackboard. students to think of the synonym of the
After the words has been orally definition.
(pronounce) explained by the researcher d. The fourth meeting:
the students repeated it.  The researcher gave a text with the
 A short discussion was held by the title ‘making decision” and asked the
researcher. The researcher asked students to mention some difficult
question which was related with the words from the text. The research then
difficult words in the blackboard. wrote the words on the blackboard.
 The researcher asked the students to After the words had been orally
use the difficult words in a sentence or (pronounce) explained by the researcher
think of the synonym for the world. the students repeated it.
 The researcher gave the definition of  A short discussion was held by the
words on the blackboard and asked the researcher. The researcher asked
students to think of the synonym of the question which was related with the
definition. difficult words in the blackboard.
c. The third meeting:  The researcher asked the students to
 The researcher gave a text with the use the difficult words in a sentence or
title ‘going abroad” and asked the think of the synonym for the world.
students to mention some difficult  The researcher gave the definition of
words from the text. The research then words on the blackboard and asked the
writes the words on the blackboard. students to think of the synonym of the
After the words had been orally definition.
(pronounce) explained by the researcher e. The fifth meeting:
the students repeated it.  The researcher gave a text with the
 A short discussion was held by the title ‘the examination” and asked the
researcher. The researcher asked students to mention some difficult
words from the text. The research then

Aisyah SELTICS Vol. 2, No. 2, Desember 2019

wrote the words on the blackboard. the significance differences between the
After the words had been orally students’ achievement before and after the
(pronounce) explained by the researcher application of look and say. Both pre–test and
the students repeated it. post–test then compare to see whether or not
 A short discussion was held by the there was significant difference the
researcher. The researcher asked achievement of the students’ reading
question which was related with the comprehension.
difficult words in the blackboard. The data of the table above shows that
 The researcher asked the students to before giving treatment the mean score of the
use the difficult words in a sentence or pre–test was 5. 57, it means that the students’
think of the synonym for the world. reading comprehension was ‘fairly good‘ while
 The researcher gave the definition of after teaching them by using look and say in the
words on the blackboard and asked the treatment, their comprehension was ‘good‘.
students to think of the synonym of the There was improvement, the mean score of the
definition. post – test was 7.66. The mean score of the
3. Post-test post–test was higher than mean score of the
The post test was given to know the pre–test, this means that using look and say can
significance differences between the improve the students’ reading skill.
students’ achievement before and after
the application of look and say method. The Rate Percentage of the Pre-test and Post-test
The data of table 2 above indicates that
Technique of Analysis Data there was three (10 %) students got ‘fairly
The data was collected through good’ score, 21 (70 % ) students got ‘fair’ score,
quantitative analysis. 5 (16.7%) students got ‘poor’ score and only 1
(3.3 %) student got ‘very poor’ in the pre–test.
FINDINGS In the post-test 18 (60%) students got ‘good’
The Mean Score of Pre-test and Post-test score, 11 (36. 7 %) students got ‘fairly good’
To find out the answer of the problem score and only 1 (3.3%) student get ‘fair’ score.
statements in the previous chapter, the It can be said that the rate percentage in the
researcher conduct a test which was given post–test was greater than the rate percentage
twice. A pre-test was given before the in the pre–test.
treatments to know the students basic
knowledge about reading while a post-test was
given after the treatment which aimed to know

Improving Reading Skill Through Look and Say Method

T-test Value there were three students (10%) got ‘fairly

In order to know whether or not the good’ score, twenty one students (70%)
mean difference between pre–test and post– got ‘fair’ score, five students (16.7 %) got
test is statically different at level of significance ‘poor’ score and there was only one (3.3%)
0.05 with the degree (df)= n-1, where n = student got ‘very poor’ score.
number of students (30), t-test statically 2. After being given treatment the students’
analysis for sample was applied. The following reading skill in the post-test was improved
table shows the result of calclation. than in the pre-test. It indicates by looking
The table above indicates that the t-table at the result of the students’ score which
(2. 045) is smaller than t- test value (10.57) of eighteen students (60%) got ‘good’ score,
students’ reading comprehension eleven students (36.7%) got ‘fairly good’
improvement. It can be concluded that there is score, one student (3.3%) got ‘poor’ score.
significant differences between the result of Based on the result of the t-test, the
students’ pre–test and post–test. writer found that there was significant
difference result of the test before and after
Hypothesis Testing teaching and learning process through look and
The result os statistical analysis at level of say method. Viewing the discussion above, it
significance 0.05 with degrees of freedom (df) = can be argued that the first year students of
n – 1, where n = 30 indicated that the result of SMAN 1 TANRALILI MAROS have improved their
post-test was better than result of pre-test. The reading skill through look and say method.
value of t-test is 10.57, while the t-table is 2. Further the reseracher concludes that the using
045, where 10. 57 > 2.045. look and say can help the students to improve
By seeing the result above, it is concluded their reading skill.
that H0 is rejected while H1 is acceptable. In
fact the students’ reading skill is improved after CONCLUSION
giving treatment through look and say method. After conducting the research about
teaching reading skill through look and say
DISCUSSION method, and based on the research findings in
The reseracher findings proved that using the previous chapter, the resercher put forward
look and say method successfully improved the the following conclusion. (1) Using look and say
students’ reading skill. The interpretation of method when teaching reading was significantly
findings are presented as follows: improved. The data indicates that teaching
1. Before being given treatment, almost the reading skill through look and say can improve
students got ‘fair’ score. It proved that the students’ reading skill on the first year

Aisyah SELTICS Vol. 2, No. 2, Desember 2019

students of SMAN 1 Tanralili Maros. (2) As the Aminah. 1993. Factors Affecting the Reading
result of the resarch, before given treatment, Comprehension Achievement of the Six
Semester Students D3 of English
the students’ achievement in reading skill got
Education. Department of FPBS IKIP
mean score 5.77. After giving treatment the Ujung Pandang Thesis.
students’ achievement in reading skill became Astrowlak, R. 2004. The Multi Benefits. Phones
increase. The students’ mean score in the post- Instruction. Retrieved From :
test was 7.66. (3) Teaching reading On July 10,
comprehension through look and say method
Hamriati, A. 2005. The Effectiveness of the
can improve the students reading skill. It is
Application of Active Process in Improving
analyzed from the hypothetical testing in which The Student of Class the Third Year
shows that t-value is greater than the t-table, Students of SMAN 1 Lamuru Bone
(10.57>2.045) Regency. Thesis of UIN Makassar

Hasnawati. 2000. Using Authentic Materials to

Improve Reading Comprehension. Thesis
of UNM Makassar.
Achsin, A. 1985. National Reading Panel.
Retrieved from: Iskandar. 1991. Improving Students Reading On July 10, Comprehension through Reciprocal
2009. Technique Thesis UNM Makassar.

Improving Reading Skill Through Look and Say Method

Table 1
The mean score of the pre-test and post-test

Test Mean Score Progress

Pre- test 5. 77
32. 7 %
Post- test 7. 66

Table 2
The Rate Percentage of the Pre-test and Post-test

Pre- Test Post-Test

No Classification Score
Freq. % Freq. %
1 Excellent 9.6 – 10 - - - -
2 Very Good 8.6 – 9.5 - - - -
3 Good 7.6 – 8.5 - - 18 60
4 Fairly Good 6.6 – 7.5 3 10 11 36. 7
5 Fair 5.6 – 6.5 21 70 1 3.3
6 Poor 3.6 – 5.5 5 16.7 - -
7 Very Poor 0.0 – 3.5 1 3.3 - -
Total 30 100 30 100

Table 3
The t- test of students’ reading skill achievement

Variable t- test value t- table

X1-X2 10.57 2.045


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