Mystery Play
Mystery Play
Mystery Play
contest between Jesus and Satan when Jesus went to hell aiming to lead all the souls of
the faithful people there to paradise. In the play’s narrative, it is stated that the devil was
a powerful creature. So, everyone went to hell. It is described how many biblical figures
were in this horrible place, from Adam and Eve to John the Baptist.
When Jesus came there, he pitied them exceedingly. So, Jesus had shed his
blood upon the cross for his people. He proceeded towards the gates of hell. In that
place, he spoke about his suffering while he was living in the world and his
condemnation by men. Jesus affirmed that he was condemned to die for Adam’s sin and
Adam paid dearly for it. Nevertheless, Jesus claimed that he would rescue Adam and all
his people along with him from the pain of hell.
Jesus confronted Satan. He stated how Satan was a deplorable creature that
even tried to tempt him in the past, but that this time would not be able to prevent him
from rescuing his people. Satan argued that Adam ate his apple. So, Adam and all his
race belong to Satan and his domain, hell. Christ replied that the world is his domain, so
Satan could not claim that the apple and the tree were his properties. Even so, Satan
denied that Jesus had any rights over mankind.
Then, Jesus reminded Satan about his death in the cross and how this divine
action should save men from hell. Satan replied that since he was condemned to a
wretched life, he would not suffer alone and would not let people be free. Jesus came to
the gates of hell and commanded them to be open. The porter of the gates, scared by
Jesus’s powerful words, left the gates and flew. Jesus claimed that he would beat down
the gates of the hell, so his people would be free. He also bound Satan into hell and
claimed that he would be there until the coming of doomsday.
Adam and Eve saw Jesus, they recognized how mighty he was and asked
him for mercy from their sins. Christ stated that their sins were already forgiven, since
he died on the cross for all mankind. Other biblical figures as Abraham, King David,
John the Baptist, and Moses also praised Jesus. Jesus let them all free. In his last
dialogue, with Moses, he said that those in the world that are his people always will
come with him, but those who do not trust him shall remain in hell with Satan until the
coming of doomsday. In play’s end, the epilogue, there are people asking for Christ’s
mercy and a place in heaven, out of the pain of hell.