Comparitive Study Between Ich Guideline and Anvisa Guideline
Comparitive Study Between Ich Guideline and Anvisa Guideline
Comparitive Study Between Ich Guideline and Anvisa Guideline
In November 2016, The Brazilian National Agency for Health Surveillance (AgênciaNacional de
VigilânciaSanitária - ANVISA) became a member of the International Council for Harmonisation
of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH). Brazil was the first
country in Latin America to join the ICH as a member, and together with South Korea, were the
first two countries to be accepted into ICH as regulatory members. Joining the ICH, the agency
has to fulfil with some obligations such as implementation of guidelines. As a commitment,
within five years, ANVISA should adopt a set of five ICH guidelines that mainly concerns the
Quality, Pharmacovigilance, Clinical Research, implementation of the Common Technical
Document (CTD) and Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA). In which we have
focused on Quality. The paper provides a critical assessment to implement the ICH guidelines in
Brazil, with focus on the ICH guidelines for stability studies, analytical validation and
pharmaceutical development. Both guidelines have been selected due to major differences
between the current Brazilian regulations and ICH guidelines, leading to a huge challenge for
the Brazilian Health Authority and the locally established Pharmaceutical Companies to
implement these guidelines. Although many differences still in existing and efforts will be
needed to implement the ICH guidelines in Brazil, ANVISA is putting a lot of efforts to
implement the guidelines within the next years, in an open communication with the Industries,
in order to reduce as much as possible, the impact. The implementation of the ICH guidelines
will bring many benefits for the Industry and Regulator. By implementing the ICH guidelines in
Brazil, the country will contribute to the global regulatory harmonisation, which will bring a
great benefit to the public health and important medicines will be faster available to the
IJRPC 2020, 10(2), 173-190 Nutan Rao et al ISSN: 22312781
IJRPC 2020, 10(2), 173-190 Nutan Rao et al ISSN: 22312781
IJRPC 2020, 10(2), 173-190 Nutan Rao et al ISSN: 22312781
IJRPC 2020, 10(2), 173-190 Nutan Rao et al ISSN: 22312781
IJRPC 2020, 10(2), 173-190 Nutan Rao et al ISSN: 22312781
IJRPC 2020, 10(2), 173-190 Nutan Rao et al ISSN: 22312781
IJRPC 2020, 10(2), 173-190 Nutan Rao et al ISSN: 22312781
IJRPC 2020, 10(2), 173-190 Nutan Rao et al ISSN: 22312781
IJRPC 2020, 10(2), 173-190 Nutan Rao et al ISSN: 22312781
In the case of transfer of methodologies from headquarters to its subsidiaries in the Brazil and / or
national companies to the equivalence study centers the methodology will be considered validated,
provided parameters of precision, specificity and linearity. To guarantee the analytical quality of the
results, all equipment used in the validation should be properly calibrated and analysts should be
qualified and properly trained.
IJRPC 2020, 10(2), 173-190 Nutan Rao et al ISSN: 22312781
Validation shall demonstrate that the analytical results from samples which do not contain the
method produces reliable results and is analyte. Additionally, the identification test may
suitable for the purpose it is designed in a be applied to materials structurally similar to or
documented way and by objective criteria. closely related to the analyte to confirm that a
The use of analytical method described in positive response is not obtained.
official compendia not recognized by Anvisa Assay and Impurity Test(s) - For
requires conducting an analytical validation, as chromatographic procedures, representative
parameters established, taking into chromatograms ought to be used to
consideration the technical operating demonstrate specificity and individual
conditions. components should be appropriately labelled.
The compendial analytical methods should In cases where a non-specific assay is used,
have demonstrated their suitability for the alternate supporting analytical procedures
intended use, the operating conditions in the should be used to demonstrate overall
laboratory, by presenting a partial validation specificity. The approach is same for both
study. assay and impurity tests. Impurities are
The partial validation should evaluate at least available for the assay, this should include
the parameters of precision, accuracy and demonstration of the discrimination of the
selectivity. analyte in the presence of impurities and/or
1. In the case of analytical methods for the excipients; practically, this can be done by
quantification of impurities, partial spiking pure substances (drug substance or
validation shall include the quantification drug product) with appropriate levels of
limit. impurities and/or excipients and demonstrating
2. In the case of limit test, replacing the that the assay result is not affected by the
heading of parameters should be presence of these materials. For the impurity
evaluated the parameters of selectivity test, the discrimination could also be
and detection limit. established by spiking drug substance or drug
product with appropriate levels of impurities
In the case of transfer method between and demonstrating the separation of these
laboratories, this will be deemed valid, impurities individually and from other
provided that it is a study of partial validation components in the sample matrix.
premise receiver laboratory. The transfer Impurities are unavailable - If impurity or
method between laboratories with the same degradation product standards are not
quality management system can be available, specificity may be demonstrated by
accomplished through a study of partial comparing the test results of samples
validation, in accordance with the assessment containing impuritiesor degradation products
27, 28
of reproducibility. to a second well-characterized procedure.
Peak purity tests could also be useful to show
2. Analytical Parameters of Validation that the analyte chromatographic peak is not
1. Specificity attributable to more than one component (e.g.,
ICH Requirements diode array, mass spectrometry).
An investigation of specificity ought to be
conducted throughout the validation of Assessment of Brazilian Requirements
identification tests, the determination of Analytical method selectivity shall be shown by
impurities and also the assay. The procedures means of its ability of identifying or quantifying
which are used to demonstrate specificity will the analyte of interest undoubtedly in the
depend on the intended objective of the presence of components that may be found in
analytical procedure. Demonstration that an the sample, such as impurities, diluents and
analytical procedure is specific for a particular matrix components. For chromatographic
analyte (complete discrimination) is not always methods, the chromatographic purity of the
possible. In this case a combination of two or analyte signal shall be proven, except for
more analytical procedures is usually biologic products. Identification methods, its
recommended to achieve the mandatory level ability of obtaining a positive result for the
of discrimination. sample containing the analyte and a negative
Identification appropriate identification result for other substances present in the
testsought be able to discriminate between sample shall be demonstrated.
compounds of closely related structures which To demonstrate the selectivity of identification
are likely to be present. The discrimination of a methods, the test shall be carried out with
procedure is also confirmed by obtaining substances that are structurally similar to the
positive results (perhaps by comparison with a analyte, and the acceptance criterion is a
known reference material) from samples negative test result.
containing the analyte, including with negative
IJRPC 2020, 10(2), 173-190 Nutan Rao et al ISSN: 22312781
IJRPC 2020, 10(2), 173-190 Nutan Rao et al ISSN: 22312781
IJRPC 2020, 10(2), 173-190 Nutan Rao et al ISSN: 22312781
4. Accuracy a) Drug
ICH Requirements 1. Applying the proposed analytical
Accuracy should be accepted across the methodology in the analysis of a
specified range of the analytical substance of known purity (reference
procedurevarious methods for determining standard)
accuracy are available: 2. Comparison of the results obtained with
a) Implementation of the analytical those resulting from a well characterized
procedure to synthetic mixtures of the second methodology, the accuracy of
drug product components to which which has been established.
known quantities of the drug
substance to be analyzed have been b) Pharmaceutical form
added; 1. Analyzing a sample in which known
b) In cases where it is impossible to get amount of drug was added to a mixture
samples of all drug product of drug components (contaminated
components, it may be acceptable placebo);
either to add known quantities of the 2. Where samples of all drug components
analyte to the drug product or to are unavailable, analysis by the
differentiate the results obtained from standard addition method is accepted, in
a second, well characterized which known amounts of analyte
procedure, the accuracy of which is (reference standard) are added to the
stated and/or defined; drug.
c) Accuracy should be concluded once
precision, linearity and specificity have c) Impurities
been established. 1. Analysis by the standard addition
d) Impurities Accuracy should be method, in which known amounts of
assessed on drug substance/drug impurities and / or degradation
product spiked with known amounts of products are added to the medicament
impurities. In cases where it is or drug
impossible to get samples of certain 2. In the case of unavailability of samples
impurities and/or degradation of certain impurities and / or
products, it is considered acceptable degradation products, comparison of
to differentiate results obtained by an the results obtained with a second
independent procedure. The response well-characterized method
factor of the drug substance can also (pharmacopoeial methodology or
be used. other validated analytical procedure)
Recommended Data Accuracy should be
evaluated using a minimum of 9
determinations over a minimum of 3 Accuracy is calculated as a percentage
concentration levels covering the specified recovery of the known amount of analyte
range (e.g., 3 concentrations/3 replicates each added to the sample, or as the percentage
of the total analytical procedure). Accuracy difference between the means and the
should be described as percent recovery by accepted true value plus confidence intervals.
the assay of known added amount of analyte The accuracy of the method must be
in thesample or as the difference between the determined after establishing the linearity, the
mean and the accepted true value together linear range and the specificity of the method,
with the confidence intervals. being verified from at least 9 (nine)
determinations considering the linear range of
Assessment of brazilian requirements the procedure, ie 3 (three). Concentrations,
The accuracy of an analytical method is the low, medium and high, with 3 (three) replicates
proximity of the results obtained by the method each. Accuracy is expressed by the
under study to the true value. relationship between the experimentally
Several methodologies for determining determined mean concentration and the
accuracy are available: corresponding theoretical concentration
IJRPC 2020, 10(2), 173-190 Nutan Rao et al ISSN: 22312781
Table: Analyte recovery at different concerntration
IJRPC 2020, 10(2), 173-190 Nutan Rao et al ISSN: 22312781
employed, the concentration of the analyte in Table: Factors that must be considered in
the sample, the type of matrix and the purpose determining the robustness of the
of the method, with values not exceeding analytical method
27, 28
5%. Stability of Analytical Solutions
Sample Preparation
Extraction Time
Solution pH variation
4. Robustness Spectrophotometry Temperature
ICH Requirements Different solvent manufacturers
The evaluation of robustness depends on the Mobile phase pH variation
type of procedure under study and should be Mobile phase composition
considered during the development phase. It Liquid
Different column batches or
should show the accuracy of an analysis with Chromatography
respect to deliberate variations in method Temperature
parameters. If measurements are similar to Mobile phase flow
Different batches or column
variations in analytical conditions, the manufacturers
analytical conditions should be suitably Gas Chromatography
controlled or a precautionary statement should Carrier gas velocity
be included in the procedure. One outcome of
the evaluation of robustness should be that a PHARMACEUTICAL DEVELOPMENT
sequence of system suitability parameters For the pharmaceutical development ANVISA
(e.g., resolution test) is established to ensure follows the ICH Guidelines but the only
that the validity of the analytical procedure is difference is that, they require dissolution
maintained whenever used. Examples of development report.
typical variations are: The harmonization of pharmaceutical
stability of analytical solutions; development requirements and mutual
extraction time. recognition of pharmaceutical development
For liquid chromatography, examples of typical inspections, is necessary to avoid duplication
variations are: of work (less inspections) and also decrease
impact of variations of pH in a mobile of costs - for the manufacturer as well as for
phase; the authority. Also, it would speed up the
influence of variations in mobile phase process of bringing new medicines to the
composition; Brazilian market. As Brazil is an ICH member
different columns (different lots and/or adhering to ICH principles, ANVISA could rely
suppliers); on ICH development of pharmaceutical
temperature; product and Agencies from US/EU/JP could
flow rate. rely on Brazilian inspections in future. This
In the case of gas-chromatography, examples would be a benefit for the evolving ICH
of typical variations are: community and would save time and money.
different columns (different lots and/or
suppliers); CONCLUSION
temperature ANVISA was the first regulatory authority in
flow rate. Latin America to become a member of the
ICH. Joining the ICH, the agency has to fulfill
Assessment of Brazilian Requirements some obligations such as the implementation
The robustness of an analytical method is a of ICH guidelines. The aim of this work was
measure of its ability to withstand small and the critical assessment of the implementation
deliberate variations of analytical parameters. of the ICH guidelines in Brazil with specific
Indicates your confidence during normal use. focus on the requirements for both guidelines
During the development of the methodology, have been selected due to the major
the robustness assessment should be differences between the current Brazilian
considered. Given the susceptibility of the resolutions and ICH guideline.
method to variations in analytical conditions, Based on the present assessment, many
these should be controlled and precautions differences still exist between the current
27, 28
should be included in the procedure. Brazilian resolutions and the ICH guidelines.
Substantial efforts from both sides, ANVISA as
well as the pharmaceutical industry, will be
required in the beginning in order to implement
the ICH guidelines in Brazil. But although
many efforts and investments will be needed,
it is clear that the adaption of the Brazilian
dossier to the CTD format and the
implementation of further ICH requirements
IJRPC 2020, 10(2), 173-190 Nutan Rao et al ISSN: 22312781
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