Farmacopeea Europeana Ed. 10 Cap. 2. 2. 28.
Farmacopeea Europeana Ed. 10 Cap. 2. 2. 28.
Farmacopeea Europeana Ed. 10 Cap. 2. 2. 28.
Substances separated by thin-layer chromatography and is a carrier gas moving through or passing the stationary
responding to UV-Vis irradiation can be determined directly phase contained in a column. It is applicable to substances or
on the plate, using appropriate instrumentation. While their derivatives which are volatilised under the temperatures
moving the plate or the measuring device, examine the plate employed.
by measuring the reflectance of the incident light. Similarly, GC is mainly based on mechanisms of adsorption or mass
fluorescence may be measured using an appropriate optical distribution.
system. Substances containing radionuclides can be quantified
in 3 ways : either directly by moving the plate alongside a EQUIPMENT
suitable counter or vice versa (see Radiopharmaceutical The equipment typically consists of :
preparations (0125)), by cutting the plates into strips and
measuring the radioactivity on each individual strip using – an injector ;
a suitable counter or by scraping off the stationary phase, – a chromatographic column contained in an oven ;
dissolving it in a suitable scintillation cocktail and measuring – one or more detector(s);
the radioactivity using a liquid scintillation counter. – a data acquisition system.
Apparatus. The apparatus for direct measurement on the The carrier gas flows through the column and then through
plate consists of : the detector at a controlled rate or pressure.
– a device for exact positioning and reproducible dispensing The chromatography is carried out either at a constant
of the amount of substances onto the plate ; temperature or according to a given temperature programme.
– a mechanical device to move the plate or the measuring INJECTORS
device along the x-axis or the y-axis ;
Injection may be carried out either into a vaporisation
– a recorder and a suitable integrator or a computer ; chamber which may be equipped with a stream splitter, or
– for substances responding to UV-Vis irradiation : a directly at the head of the column using a syringe or an
photometer with a source of light, an optical device able to injection valve.
generate monochromatic light and a photo cell of adequate Injections of vapour phase may be effected by static or dynamic
sensitivity are used for the measurement of reflectance head-space injection systems.
or transmittance ; if fluorescence is measured, a suitable
filter is required to prevent light used for excitation from Dynamic head-space (purge and trap) injection systems
reaching the detector while permitting emitted light or a include a sparging device by which volatile substances in
specific portion thereof to pass ; solution are swept into an absorbent column maintained at a
low temperature. Retained substances are then desorbed into
– for substances containing radionuclides : a suitable counter the mobile phase by rapid heating of the absorbent column.
for radioactivity. The linearity range of the counting device
is to be verified. Static head-space injection systems include a thermostatically
controlled sample heating chamber in which closed vials
Method. Prepare the solution of the substance to be examined containing solid or liquid samples are placed for a fixed period
(test solution) as prescribed in the monograph and, if of time to allow equilibration of the volatile components of
necessary, prepare the reference solutions of the substance to the sample between the non-gaseous phase and the vapour
be determined using the same solvent as in the test solution. phase. After equilibration, a predetermined amount of the
Apply the same volume of each solution to the plate and head-space of the vial is flushed into the gas chromatograph.
Substances responding to UV-Vis irradiation. Prepare and
Stationary phases are contained in columns which may be :
apply not fewer than 3 reference solutions of the substance to
be examined, the concentrations of which span the expected – a capillary column whose stationary phase may be
value in the test solution (about 80 per cent, 100 per cent and a solid coating the inner surface of the column (e.g.
120 per cent). Treat with the prescribed reagent, if necessary, macrogol 20 000), or a liquid deposited on the inner surface
and record the reflectance, the transmittance or fluorescence (e.g. dimethylpolysiloxane) ; in the latter case it may be
in the chromatograms obtained with the test and reference chemically bonded to the inner surface ;
solutions. Use the measured results for the calculation of the – a column packed with the stationary phase which may be a
amount of substance in the test solution. solid phase (e.g. alumina, silica) or an inert solid support
Substances containing radionuclides. Prepare and apply a (usually a porous polymer) impregnated or coated with a
test solution containing about 100 per cent of the expected liquid.
value. Determine the radioactivity as a function of the path Capillary columns, made of fused silica, are 0.1 mm to
length and report the radioactivity in each resulting peak as a 0.53 mm in internal diameter (Ø) and at least 5 m in length.
percentage of the total amount of radioactivity. The stationary phase is a film 0.1 μm to 5.0 μm thick.
Criteria for assessing the suitability of the system are described
Packed columns, made of glass or metal, are usually 1 m to
in the chapter on Chromatographic separation techniques 3 m in length with an internal diameter (Ø) of 2 mm to 4 mm.
(2.2.46). The extent to which adjustments of parameters of the MOBILE PHASES
chromatographic system can be made to satisfy the criteria of
system suitability are also given in this chapter. Retention time and peak efficiency depend on the carrier gas
flow rate ; retention time is directly proportional to column
length and resolution is proportional to the square root of
01/2019:20228 the column length.
The carrier gas flow rate is usually expressed in millilitres per
minute at atmospheric pressure and at the stated temperature.
Flow rate is measured at the detector outlet, either with a
calibrated mechanical device or with a bubble tube, while the
2.2.28. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY column is at operating temperature.
The linear velocity of the carrier gas through a column is
PRINCIPLE inversely proportional to the square of the internal diameter
Gas chromatography (GC) is a chromatographic separation of the column for a given flow volume.
technique based on the difference in the distribution of species Helium, nitrogen and hydrogen are commonly used carrier
between 2 non-miscible phases in which the mobile phase gases.