Wilber's Project Proposal
Wilber's Project Proposal
Wilber's Project Proposal
JUNE, 20 21
I, Turyasiima Wilber, hereby declare that this research project proposal report is my
own original work and has never been submitted to any institution of higher learning
for any award.
Signature……………………………… Date…………………………………
This is to certify that this research project proposal was done under my supervision
and has been submitted for the award of a Bachelor’s degree in civil and building
engineering of Kyambogo University.
TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................................5
LIST OF TABLES.........................................................................................................6
LIST OF FIGURES.......................................................................................................6
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ ACRONYMS...............................................................7
CHAPTER ONE............................................................................................................8
1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................8
1.2 Background of the study..................................................................................................8
1.3 Statement of the Problem...............................................................................................10
1.4 Objectives of the study...................................................................................................11
1.4.1 Main objective.............................................................................................11
1.4.2 Specific objectives.......................................................................................11
1.5 Research Questions........................................................................................................11
1.6 Project justification........................................................................................................12
1.7 Significance of the study................................................................................................12
1.8 Project scope..................................................................................................................13
1.8.1 Technical scope...........................................................................................13
1.8.2 Time Scope..................................................................................................13
1.8.3 Geographical Scope.....................................................................................13
1.9 Research gap..................................................................................................................13
UN - United Nations.
The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural rights defines adequate
housing as more than just four walls and a roof. The right to adequate housing must
also encompass access to safe drinking water and improved sanitation facilities
(International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1976). SDG 6 (Clean
Water and Sanitation) pertains to the provision of water, sanitation and hygiene
(WASH) facilities across the globe SGD Goal 6 Targets 6.1 and 6.2 aim to achieve
universal access to safe and adequate drinking water and sanitation by the year 2030
(Water and Sanitation, 2020). This is important because currently, 1 in 3 people lack
access to safe drinking water and more than half of the world’s population (4.2
billion) lack access to safely managed sanitization services (UN-Water, 2020). Safely
managed sanitation services are facilities that provide proper waste management
either on-site or by transportation and treatment off-site.
The affordability of water facilities like rainwater harvesting tanks and safely managed
sanitation facilities like pit latrines (with a slab) play a critical role in their adoption
by populations.
Building and construction to meet the global infrastructure needs for housing, water
provision and improved sanitation, however, come at a heavy cost to the
environment. For example, the combined construction and building industry contributes
to 39% of the world’s carbon emissions, 28% of which are operational emissions and
11% is associated with the material and construction process. Cement production
alone contributes to 5% of world’s CO2 emissions (New Report, 2019).
Ugandas cement production is nearing 7 Million tonnes per annum with a 2.4
million local demand per annum( Daily monitor, 2019)
The EAC Vision 2050 pillar 7.4 recognizes that climate change is one of the
greatest challenges of our time.The vision recognises the region is vulnerable to
the adverse impacts of climate change. It is already experiencing increased
impacts, including persistent drought and extreme weather, rising sea-level,
coastal erosion and ocean acidification, further threatening food security and
efforts to eradicate poverty.
The vision therefore calls for climate change mitigation.The Vision 2050 will
address issues of emissions of greenhouse gases that continue to rise globally.
The Uganda Vision 2040 also calls for development of appropriate adaptation
and mitigation strategies to ensure that Uganda is sufficiently cushioned from
any adverse impact by climate change.
The National Vision document (Uganda Vision 2040 2 ) provides development paths
and strategies to operationalize Uganda’s Vision statement which is “A Transformed
Ugandan Society from a Peasant to a Modern and Prosperous Country within 30
years”. It aims at transforming Uganda into competitive upper middle income country
over this time period. The Vision foresees a consistent annual growth rate of 8.2% in
per capita Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) GDP from 2010 to 2040, reaching US$4,300
in 2030 and US$9,500 in 2040.
Thus in the absence of adaptation actions, climate factors could
compromise the Uganda Vision2040 target of 8% annual growth.
According Uganda NDP III ,Uganda also faces an acute deficit of affordable and
quality housing totalling an estimated 2.2 million housing units, out of which
210,000 units are needed in the urban areas. The backlog is expected to increase
to 8 million housing units by 2030 if not addressed. The annual needs for new
decent housing for the entire country is estimated at 200,000 units per annum.
This is on account of rapid urbanisation rate and a high population growth rate
of 3.2 percent per annum. While more housing units are needed, construction
costs are also still high as reflected by the rising construction sector indices.
In order to provide speedy and durable infrastructure at a lower cost to both society
and the environment, it is essential to promote appropriate construction technologies
and practices. Appropriate practices utilize materials, knowledge and techniques that
help protect the natural environment and take inspiration from the local culture to
provide lower cost construction.
Partial replacement of cement with ceramic waste powder and Bagasse Ash is one of them.
Over the next five years, to nurture manufacturing industry, government of Uganda will
focus on development of the new corridors in the growth triangle anchored around three
Manufacturing Hubs (Gulu; Mbarara and Mbale). Specifically, focus will be on: i) constructing
four fully serviced industrial parks; (ii) strengthening MSMEs in the industrial sector to
improve their capacity and product quality.(NDP III).
This will in turn increase industrial waste. One of these is Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash.
Bagasse is the fibrous non-biodegradable material that remains after juice is extracted
from sugarcanes and is one of the major solid wastes generated by the sugar
manufacturing process (James & Pandian, 2017). Bagasse is often used as a fuel by
the sugar industry and when burned at high temperatures results in the generation of
sugarcane bagasse ash. Many countries generate a significant amount of sugarcane
bagasse ash as a waste material. Sugarcane bagasseash generation in Kenya is
estimated to be 1.6 million tons per year. Basika et al. (2015) reports 31,000 tons of
sugarcane bagasse ash generated by Kakira Sugar Limited in Uganda goes unutilized
every year. Due to its pozzolanic properties, sugarcane bagasse ash is a waste
material of economic importance. It has been used in the manufacture of ceramics
(Teixeira et al., 2008), in biomass ash filters (Umamaheshwaran et al., 2004), in
concrete and recently as a stabilizer in compressed earth blocks. Sugarcane bagasse
ash is a natural pozzolanic material rich in silica, alumina and iron oxide. As per ASTM
C618 (ASTM, 2001), natural pozzolans must consist of 70% silica, alumina and iron
oxide. James and Pandian (2017) conducted a review on the valorization of sugarcane
bagasse ash and reported that almost all studies reviewed show sugarcane bagasse
ash meets this requirement.
Ceramic wastes come from ceramic factories, construction works and demolition works.
Ceramic industries mainly generate ceramic bricks, roof tiles, and floor for commercial
purposes. About 2–3% of the products are rejected during grinding, pressing and plating
processes.(Shail, 2021)The refused materials (pellets, large particulates and powders) cannot
be recycled within the industrial plant which are discarded nearby in the open ditches which
causes serious environmental issues.
In Uganda, the Ceramic industry is on the rise and this leads to increased waste.
In Namanve Industrial park, the average ceramic waste Generation Rate 1760.25 kg/wk.
1760.25 (Omara, 2019).
This brings a major challenge with respect to its environmental impact. On the other
hand, it represents a good opportunity as an alternative concrete ingredient if it could
be utilized in making concrete. Several researchers have investigated the effects of
using ceramic wastes (i.e. roof tiles, blocks, bricks, electrical insulators...etc.) as coarse
aggregates such as (Senthamarai et al. 2011) and (Martínez et al. 2013). (Bahoria et
al. 2013), (Jiménez et al. 2013) and (Higashiyama et al. 2013) investigated the use of
ceramic wastes as fine aggregates. While, (Rahhal et al. 2014) and (Sadek et al. 2014)
indicated the use of ceramic wastes as SCM in concretes and mortars.
Ceramic wastes have been found to have a tough texture, good mechanical and
thermal stability and mostly unaffected by chemical and biological degradation [Khan
etal, 2016].
Ceramic waste used in lime mortars showed effective mechanical strength for
sustainable material [Gok, 2007]. Siqueria and coworkers observed about 100%
flexural strength of waste ceramic composites [Siqueria,2009].
Therefore overall goal of this study is to advance the use of ceramic waste powder and
Sugarcane Bagasse Ash in the production of concrete.
1.2 Introduction
Globally it has been reported that 4215 million tons of cement were produced worldwide in
2020(WCA, 2020). In 2018, 15.5 million tons of cement were used in East Africa (IMARC
Services Private Ltd, 2019). In Uganda it has been reported that 2557.2 thousand tons of
cement were produced in 2018 in Uganda (UBOS, 2019). Portland Cement is one of the
major constituents in concrete and Mortar. Portland cement particles occupies only 10% to
15% of the concrete mixture total volume; it is a critical material structure that after reacting
with water combines and binds other constituents together. Unfortunately, the production of
1 ton of Portland cement generates around an equal amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) (Sadek et
al. 2014). The combustion of fossil fuel and cement manufacture techniques considered the
main producers of CO2 that drive the climate changes. The cement industry contributes to
around 5-8% of the annual global greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere (Najim et al.
2016) However, environmentally friendly considerations are increasing globally and, thus,
introducing alternative materials as partial replacement of cement becomes essential to reduce
environmental pollution.
The concrete production has been looking for techniques that might effectively decrease the
elevated energy and negative environmental impacts of cement making that may lead to
greener environment. Due to the growing interest in sustainable development, the adaption of
appropriate policies and proper methods to save the environment across all industries,
including construction is attracting the attention of researchers all over the world. The
continued growth of societies and human developments has increased the reliance on natural
and non-renewable resources to encounter consumers demand. This ends with the continual
increase of industrial wastes, which constitutes one of the major worldwide environmental
challenges. These quantities of industrial solid waste are being deposited annually. The
waste management technique decreases the consumption of raw resources and required
energy in addition helps in saving the exhausted landfills. The concrete industry plays a major
role in the sustainable development. Several industrial solid wastes have properties which
suits concrete; the most popular ones are blast furnace slag, fly ash, silica fume, which
are currently used as supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) in concrete and are
common in today’s concrete industry, they were proven to improve and develop the
fresh and hardened properties of the produced concretes (Batayneh et al. 2007). The
use of SCM in concrete has twofold advantages; first is clear and immediate environmental
benefit of using a material that was once a landfill and second reducing some negative effects
of cement production mainly high energy consumption and emission of greenhouse gases.
Therefore, there are potentials to increase the solid waste recycling by investigating the
possibility to use other industrial solid wastes in concrete production.
The above requirements are also aligned to the sustainable development goals that are
geared towards sustainable environmental use in development especially goal 15
which says Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems,
sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land
degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
This project research therefore will detail the investigation findings into the use
Ceramic waste powder (CWP) Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash (SCBA) as partial
replacements of ordinary Portland Cement (OPC).
Concrete made from Portland cement binder is widely used in construction all over
the world. The production of 1ton of cement directly generates 0.55tonnes chemical
CO2 and requires the combustion of carbon field to yield an additional 0.40 tonnes of
CO2, simply speaking 1tonne of cement is equivalent to 1tonne of CO2 (Davidovits,
Further still the energy of the cement industry is estimated at about 5% of the total
global industrial energy consumption (Hendriks et al. 2004). Cement content
reduction is necessary if the environmental load due to the energy consumption is to
be reduced.
Partially reducing the Portland cement content of concrete by replacing it with
supplementary cementing materials will reduce the greenhouse gas emissions
associated with the production of the concrete.
Using concrete with reduced amount of cement will also save natural resources
because fewer raw materials are extracted for cement production, reducing energy use
and greenhouse gas emissions. Using industrial by-products such as ceramic wastes
will reduce the demand for landfilling and the associated costs.
Supplementary cementing materials are generally cheaper than Portland cement, since
they are industrial by-products. Designs that take advantage of the higher ultimate
strength of concrete made from supplementary cementitious materials can lead to
further materials cost savings.
The main objective of this research project is to investigate the mechanical properties
of concrete and mortar made by partially replacing Portland cement with Ceramic
waste powder and Sugarcane Bagasse Ash.
ii. To determine the setting time of concrete and mortar made by partially
replacing Portland cement with Ceramic waste powder and Sugarcane Bagasse
iv. To determine the percentage of ceramic waste powder and Sugar Cane
Bagasse Ash in concrete having the best compressive strength and setting time
The research project will address the following four (04) research questions;
What are the percentage of ceramic waste powder and Sugarcane Bagasse Ash
in concrete having the best compressive strength and least setting time
What is the cost benefit of concrete and mortar made by partially replacing
Portland cement with Ceramic waste powder and Sugarcane Bagasse Ash?
Given the realised short comings of Portland cement, this experimental research seeks
to investigate the suitability of Ceramic waste powder and Sugarcane Bagasse Ash as
a partial replacement for Portland Cement in Cement concrete. The study will
determine the percentage of Ceramic waste powder and Sugarcane Bagasse Ash that
would satisfactorily reduce the amount of Portland cement in ordinary concrete
production. The study focused on the investigation of key mechanical properties of
concrete i.e., 7,14 and 28-day compressive strength and setting time.
1.7 Significance of the study
Using industrial by-products such as ceramic wastes will reduce the demand for
landfilling and the associated costs.
This research is also intended to point out possible entrepreneurial opportunities in the
production of concrete using locally available materials.
The research will also serve as reference for further studies in the field of
Supplementary Cementitious materials technology by interested engineers and
The study will focus on testing the mechanical properties of concrete and mortar
made by partially replacing Portland cement with Ceramic waste powder and
Sugarcane Bagasse Ash.The ceramics used will be the Kajjansi clay tiles made by the
Uganda Clays Limited. Sugarcane Bagasse Ash with the best suitable properties will
be identified and used. Tests will be limited to 7,14 and 28-day compressive strength
and setting time
The project research will be conducted on a time scale of six (06) months spanning
from June 2021 to December 2021.
Samples will be tested in the Geotechnical and Materials Laboratory of Civil and
Environmental engineering department of Kyambogo University.
1.9 Research gap
Ceramic tiles are widely used in most structures; its production generates ceramic
waste powder (CWP) during the polishing process of ceramic tiles.
This brings a major challenge with respect to its environmental impact. On the other
hand, it represents a good opportunity as an alternative concrete ingredient if it could
be utilized in making mortar and concrete. Some researchers have investigated the
effects of using ceramic wastes (i.e. roof tiles, blocks, bricks, electrical
insulators...etc.) as coarse aggregates such as (Senthamarai et al. 2011) and
(Martínez et al. 2013). (Bahoria et al. 2013), (Jiménez et al. 2013) and
(Higashiyama et al. 2013) investigated the use ceramic wastes as fine aggregates.
While, (Rahhal et al. 2014) and (Sadek et al. 2014) indicated theuse of ceramic
wastes as SCM in mortars.
Despite their wide application in construction and other industries, there is little
development and research on the effect of using CWP and admixtures on the
behaviour of concrete.
The researcher therefore seeks to bridge the gap of the effect of using CWP and
admixtures in concrete and application to construct concrete.
Bahoria, B. V., Parbat, D. K., and Naganaik, P. B. (2013). Replacement of natural sand in
concrete by waste products: A state of art. Journal of Environmental Research and
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Davidovits, J., 1994. Global Warming Impact on the Cement and Aggregates Industries,
World Resource Review
Higashiyama, H., Yamauchi, K., Sappakittipakorn, M., Sano, M., and Takahashi, O. (2013).
A visual investigation on chloride ingress into ceramic waste aggregate mortars having
different water to cement ratios. Construction and Building Materials, 40, 1021-1028.
IMARC Services Private Ltd (2019). East Africa Cement market: Industry Trends,shares,
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Jiménez, J. R., Ayuso, J., López, M., Fernández, J. M., and De Brito, J. (2013). Use of fine
recycled aggregates from ceramic waste in masonry mortar manufacturing. Construction and
Building Materials, 40, 679-690.
Maholtra, V., 2002. Introduction to sustainable development and concrete. s.l.: s.n.
Martínez, C. M., De Rojas, M. S., and Frias, M. (2012). Reuse of sanitary ceramic wastes
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Najim, K. B., Al-Jumaily, I., and Atea, A. M. (2016). Characterization of sustainable high
performance/self-compacting concrete produced using CKD as a cement replacement
material. Construction and Building Materials, 103, 123-129.
Rahhal, V., Irassar, E., Castellano, C., Pavsl k, erný, R. (2014). Utilization of ceramic wastes
as replacement of portland cements. In proceeding of the 1st International Conference on
Construction Materials and Structures (ICCMATS), South Africa, 208-213.
Sadek, D. M., Amin, S. K., and Youssef, N. F. (2014). Blended cement utilizing ceramic
wall tiles waste. In proceeding of the 1st International Conference on Construction Materials
and Structures (ICCMATS), South Africa, 152-161.
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Cement and Concrete Composites, 27(9), 910-913.
UBOSM.S. Khan, M. Sohail, N.S. Khattak, M. Sayed, Industrial ceramic waste in Pakistan,
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Statistical Abstract. Uganda Bureau of Statistics.
United Nations (2016). Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for sustainable
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World cement organisation, WCA (2018). world cement production 2018 and forecast
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James, J., & Pandian, P. K. (2017). A Short Review on the Valorisation of Sugarcane
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Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2017, 1–15.
https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/1706893 James, J., Pandian, P. K., Deepika, K., Venkatesh,
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Admixed with Sugarcane Bagasse Ash. Journal of Engineering, 2016, 1–9.
Basika, E., Kigozi, J., & Kiggundu, N. (2015). Investigation of Sugarcane Bagasse
Ash as a Building Material for the Construction Industry. Journal of Global Ecology
and Environment, 2(4), 205–208.
ASTM, ASTM C 618. (2001). Standard Specifications for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or
Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use as A mineral Admixture in Concrete.
M.S. Khan, M. Sohail, N.S. Khattak, M. Sayed, Industrial ceramic waste in Pakistan, valuable
material for possible applications, J. Clean. Prod. 139 (2016) 1520.
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rise-by-25- 1820072( Accessed: 10th June 2021)