Fimc Rules On Vessel Monitoring Measures (VMM) Type Approval
Fimc Rules On Vessel Monitoring Measures (VMM) Type Approval
Fimc Rules On Vessel Monitoring Measures (VMM) Type Approval
Approved by:
Name: _____________________________________________
Position: ___________________________________________
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Table of Contents
DOCUMENT CONTROL ....................................................................................................... 1
AMENDMENT HISTORY ...................................................................................................... 1
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 4
1.1. General.................................................................................................................... 4
1.2. Purpose ................................................................................................................... 4
1.3. Document Guidelines ............................................................................................... 5
1.4. Definition of Terms .................................................................................................. 5
1.5. Historical Approvals ................................................................................................ 6
1.6. Acceptance of Overseas Type Approvals ................................................................... 6
1.7. Contacts .................................................................................................................. 6
2. Application for Type Approval .................................................................................... 7
2.1. Application for Type Approval of Mobile Tranceiver Units (MTU) and
Enhanced Mobile Transceiver Units (E-MTU)....................................................................... 7
2.2. Application for Type Approval of Mobile Communication Service Providers
(MCSP)............................................................................................................................... 8
MTU TYPE APPROVAL – MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS ............................................. 10
3. MTU Type Approval - Mandatory Non-Functional Requirements ........................... 10
3.1. Prosecution Support .............................................................................................. 10
3.2. MTU Identifiers...................................................................................................... 10
3.3. MTU Applicant’s Responsibilities ............................................................................ 11
3.4. Customer Service ................................................................................................... 11
4. MTU Type Approval Mandatory Functional Requirements ..................................... 12
4.1. Messaging.............................................................................................................. 12
4.2. Position Data Formats and Transmission ................................................................ 13
E-MTU TYPE APPROVAL – MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS ......................................... 15
5. E-MTU Type Approval - Mandatory Non-Functional Requirements........................ 15
5.1. Prosecution Support .............................................................................................. 15
5.2. Identifiers.............................................................................................................. 15
6. E-MTU Type Approval Mandatory Functional Requirements .................................. 16
6.1. Email Messaging .................................................................................................... 16
6.2. Electronic Reporting System (ERS) ......................................................................... 16
REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................... 18
7. MTU and E-MTU Type Approval - Mandatory Physical and Security
Requirements .................................................................................................................... 18
7.1. General.................................................................................................................. 18
7.2. Marine Use ............................................................................................................ 18
7.3. Operating Temperatures ........................................................................................ 18
7.4. Physical Mounting Requirements............................................................................ 18
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7.6. Security ................................................................................................................. 19
8.1. General.................................................................................................................. 19
8.2. Installation guide is part of type approval ............................................................... 19
8.3. Mounting the MTU or E-MTU Below Decks Unit....................................................... 19
8.4. The MTU or E-MTU Above Decks Unit ..................................................................... 20
8.5. The Power Supply .................................................................................................. 21
9. Mandatory Functional Requirements for Mobile Communications Service
Provider (MCSP)................................................................................................................ 22
9.1. Process .................................................................................................................. 22
9.2. Initiation ............................................................................................................... 22
9.3. MCSP’s MTU and/or E-MTU .................................................................................... 22
9.4. Submission ............................................................................................................ 23
9.5. Litigation Support .................................................................................................. 23
9.6. Change Control ...................................................................................................... 23
9.7. Requests for Approval ............................................................................................ 23
9.8. Identifiers.............................................................................................................. 24
9.9. Messaging.............................................................................................................. 25
9.10. Position Data Formats and Transmission............................................................. 25
9.11. Special Identified Position Reports ...................................................................... 26
9.12. Queries .............................................................................................................. 26
9.13. Position Intervals ............................................................................................... 26
9.14. Latency .............................................................................................................. 26
9.15. Shore-Side Infrastructure ................................................................................... 27
9.16. Wireless Connectivity ......................................................................................... 28
9.17. Customer Service ............................................................................................... 29
10. Type Approval Procedure ...................................................................................... 31
10.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 31
10.2. Mandatory and Optional Items ............................................................................ 31
10.3. Test Environment ............................................................................................... 31
10.4. End-to-End Testing Methodology ........................................................................ 32
10.5. Test Schedule ..................................................................................................... 32
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1. Introduction
1.1. General
The VMM/VMS is an important tool which BFAR uses to monitor the positions
of vessels. The VMM/VMS is based on the use of BFAR approved Mobile
Transceiver Unit (MTU) and Enhanced Mobile Transceiver Unit (E-MTU)
installed on board fishing vessels and provided by an approved Mobile
Communications Service Providers (MCSP) to track the vessel.
BFAR uses a type approval process to regulate the types of MTU and E-MTU
available to vessel operators. This type approval process is aimed to ensure that
the MTU and E-MTU adhere to the requirements and standards of BFAR. The
MCSP will need to apply for the type approval of the MTU and E-MTU, and will
need to agree to submit documents required by BFAR, including
documentations relating to the MCSP, MTU, and E-MTU released from other
fisheries authorities of other countries, if applicable. However, MCSP, MTU, and
E-MTU applicants should note that type approval from other fisheries
authorities does not automatically qualify their application for type approval
under BFAR’s requirements.
1.2. Purpose
This document details the requirements for the type approval of Vessel
Monitoring Measure and Vessel Monitoring System as a whole to be utilized and
managed by the BFAR. BFAR reserves the right to change the requirements from
time to time, as BFAR deems fit, prior to the approval of the application. It is the
applicant’s responsibility to verify that their application adheres to the latest
requirements of BFAR.
BFAR will deploy an ‘‘open system,’’ whereby BFAR will encourage multiple
MCSPs to provide choices on multiple MTUs and E-MTUs available to the fishing
industry. This way, the industry may select from a variety of approved
VMM/VMS types to encourage competition amongst MCSPs to improve the price
and promote better service.
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1.3. Document Guidelines
Section Purpose
2 Provides guidance on the application for type approval
3,4 Specifications for MTU type approval, includes non-functional and
functional requirements
5,6 Specifications for E-MTU type approval, includes non-functional
and functional requirements
7 Specifications for the E-MTU/MTU Type Approval mandatory
physical and security requirements
BFAR type approval DOES NOT, in any way endorse or prefer any particular
MTU, E-MTU, or MCSP. Advertisement of applicants may only refer to “BFAR
Type Approval” or “BFAR Type Approved”.
Terms/Abbreviation Description
DA Department of Agriculture
BFAR Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
VMS Vessel Monitoring System
VMM Vessel Monitoring Measures
MTU Mobile Transmitting Unit
E-MTU Enhanced Mobile Transmitting Unit, with two-way
e-mail and forms capabilities
ERS Electronic Reporting System
ECDTS Electronic Catch Data and Traceability System
MCSP Mobile Communications Service Provider
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OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer/Manufacturing
At present, there is already an existing type approved MCSP together with type
approved MTUs and these MTUs will remain as type approved MTUs only. The
MCSP of these MTUs may request to enhance its type approval to E-MTUs but
will need to go through the processes and approvals as set forth in this
All new MCSP applicants will need to comply in accordance with this document
in order to be approved.
If a type approval to an MCSP and its MTU or E-MTU has been issued by any
other government fisheries administration outside the Philippines, BFAR, at its
sole discretion, may or may not accept all or any part of the type approval
application, provided that the applicant MCSP with its MTU and/or E-MTU, who
quoted foreign type approval, must still comply with all the requirements
specified in this document. The procedures in applying for type approval
detailed in this document must be complied with.
1.7. Contacts
BFAR Office of the BFAR Office of the Director/ VMM Type Approval
Accreditation TWG
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Address: 3 rd Floor, PCA Building, Elliptical Road,
Diliman, Quezon City
2.1. Application for Type Approval of Mobile Transceiver Units (MTU) and
Enhanced Mobile Transceiver Units (E-MTU)
The applicant must provide BFAR with two (2) units for testing. The applicant
must also provide complete documentation such as, but not limited to fact
sheets, datasheets, technical specifications, installation guides, operator
manuals, user handbooks, the applicable interfacing software, technical support,
service level documents, and other documents that the applicant will find useful.
These tests involve testing in every aspect of the unit operation, including
installation, location tracking, messaging, electronic catch reporting, and
maintenance procedures. The applicant must submit requests for Type
Approval, along with hard and soft copies of supporting materials, to the BFAR
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details of foreign requirement specifications, the MTUs or E-MTUs level of
compliance, and appropriate contact details of the qualifying authorities. BFAR
will also consider qualifying different model of MTUs or E-MTUs which are
resold or packaged as different models where in the same model under a
different name has already received by BFAR for Type Approval. In either case,
applicants must supply all the required documents, etc., for type approval.
Applicants must complete and provide the Type Approval Checklist and Test
Plan (attached in Appendix 3) and submit the complete copies with their
All the data to be received by BFAR from the MCSP applicant in operating the
VMM/VMS must be in a secure and encrypted format compatible with BFAR
servers, such as, but not limited to, BFAR’s tracking and catch reporting
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An applicant requesting MCSP Type Approval shall describe in detail the extent
to which the MCSP complies with each of the requirements set forth in this
document. The applicant for MCSP Type Approval must provide BFAR with one
MTU or E-MTU of the same communications class and the required
communications service for testing. The applicant must also provide complete
MTU or E-MTU documentations, including fact sheets, installation guides,
operator manuals, user handbooks, the applicable interfacing software, and
technical support.
The tests that will be conducted by BFAR will involve demonstrating every
aspect of unit operation, including installation, location tracking, messaging, and
maintenance procedures. Applicants for MCSP Type Approval shall submit
requests for type approval, along with hard and soft copies of support material
to the BFAR VMM/VMS Manager. Applicants must complete and provide the
Type Approval Checklist and Test Plan and submit the completed copies with
their application.
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Section 3 and Section 4 describe the Type Approval requirements for MTUs. Applicants
must respond to each of the items in Sections 3 and 4 of this document using the Type
Approval Checklist as attached in Appendix 3. The applicant’s response should indicate
how the applicant complies with the requirement of the sections. For sections where the
applicant is not able to comply, the applicant must explain how they intend to comply
with the requirement prior to approval.
The reliability of all technologies utilized in the MTU may be analyzed in a court
for, inter alia, testing procedures, error rates, peer review, and general industry
acceptance. The approved MCSP may be required to provide technical and expert
opinion during litigations to support and validate the MTU capabilities and
accuracy in establishing BFAR’s (or a BFAR members’) case against violators. In
the above case, the MCSP must be able to describe the evidence and provide
reliability of the data/ technology. In addition, to maintain the integrity of
VMM/VMS for fisheries management, the applicant will be required to sign a non-
disclosure agreement with BFAR limiting the release of certain information that
may compromise the effectiveness of the operations, such as details of anti-
tampering safeguards. The MCSP shall include a statement confirming its
agreement with these conditions.
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3.3. MTU Applicant’s Responsibilities
For the following responsibilities, name the specific business entities on behalf
of the manufacturer and applicant applying for Type Approval. This includes the
address, mobile contacts, email address, and designated geographic territory if
3.3.1. Manufacturer
3.3.2. Label or use MTU for an OEM. This includes re-labeling OEM MTUs or
reselling. Reselling includes value added reselling. The MTU that is type
approved is the final, value-added product and not the original
manufacturer’s MTU, if enhancements or modifications have been made.
For example, if a transceiver is contained within an enclosure, it is the new
enclosure including the transceiver that is being type approved
3.3.3. Distribute
3.3.4. Sell
3.3.5. Bench configures the MTU at the warehouse or point of supply
3.3.6. Install MTU onboard the vessel
3.3.7 Offer limited warranty
3.3.7. Offer maintenance and service agreement
3.3.8. Repair
3.3.9. Training
3.3.10. Advertisement
The MTU applicant or its designated entities shall provide customer service in a
professional, courteous, and responsive standard. The applicant shall provide
MTU diagnostic and troubleshooting support to BFAR and fishing customers. No
services shall be billed to BFAR and its fishing customers without being
specifically contracted for in writing by BFAR. Services shall include:
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3.5. Other Information
3.5.1. The MTU must have the durability and reliability necessary to provide acceptable
service in a marine environment where the unit may be subjected to saltwater
sprays in smaller vessels, and in larger vessels where the unit may be maintained
in a wheelhouse. The unit, cabling, and antenna must be resistant to moisture and
shock associate with the marine environments. The unit must also be able to deal
with fluctuating power supplies found on board vessels. (Refer to Section 8 for
further details.)
3.5.2. The MTU must comply with additional requirements specified by BFAR for specific
fisheries applications. The MTU applicant must review the BFAR rules and
regulations requiring the use of VMM/VMS and respond to any specific
requirements listed in this document.
3.5.3. All Personal Identifiable Information (PII) provided by vessels owners or other
authorized personnel in the purchase or activation of MTU or E-MTU, or for the
participation in any BFAR VMM/VMS-approved fishery projects must be protected
from unauthorized disclosure. PII disclosure restrictions includes information,
such as but not limited to, names, addresses, telephone numbers, passport
numbers, credit card numbers, vessel names, federal, state, and local
documentation numbers, email addresses, and crew lists.
3.5.5. Several MTUs will have the capability to be accessed using a computer or a tablet
attached. If the MTU applicant is not intending to apply for an E-MTU approval,
then it is acceptable that a computer or tablet may be attached by the fishing
operator to utilize the communication capabilities of the MTU. If this capability is
available, the applicant must demonstrate that the attachment of a computer or a
tablet will not impact, in any way, the mandatory functional requirements of the
MTU. It should not be possible to alter the functional requirements of the MTU by
using a computer or a tablet unless the alterations are conducted by an authorized
representative of the MTU applicant to change the functional requirements within
the specifications detailed in this document.
4.1. Messaging
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4.1.1. Transmit mandatory and automatically generated position reports.
4.1.2. Onboard visible and/or audible alarms for malfunctioning MTU.
4.1.3. Ability to disable non-essential alarms in non-Global Maritime Distress and
Safety System (GMDSS) installations.
4.1.4. Ability to provide comprehensive, reliable, and transparent
communications, which function uniformly within the entire geographic
coverage area for that communications class.
4.1.5. Two-way communications between MCSP and MTU that will support
capabilities such as manual polling and remote configurations.
4.1.6. The ability to send and receive messages, such as but not limited to, emails
and/or text messages
4.2.1. The MTU must provide the following position, automatically or on demand,
information (other information may be required under BFAR fishery rules): Position fixes latitude and longitude, including the hemisphere of
each report. The position fix precision must be to the decimal minute
hundredths. Accuracy of the reported position must be within 100 meters,
unless otherwise indicated by an existing regulation or VMM/VMS
requirement. Unique identification of an MTU within the communications class. Date (year/month/day with century in the year) and time (UTC)
stamp of the position fix.
4.2.2. Communications between MTU and MCSP must be secure from tampering
or interception, including the reading of passwords and other data. The
MTU must have mechanisms to prevent to the extent possible: Interception and “sniffing” during transmission from the MTU to
MCSP via either wireless satellite or terrestrial facilities. Spoofing, whereby one MTU is fraudulently identifying itself as
another MTU. Modification of MTU identification. Interference with GMDSS or other safety/distress functions. Introduction of viruses that may corrupt the messages,
transmission, or the VMM/VMS system.
4.2.3. MTU shall provide the ability to meet minimum reporting requirements
and intervals as required for specific BFAR rules requiring the use of
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4.2.5. Have the ability to store 100 position fixes in local, non-volatile memory
when the MTU is either unable to transmit or BFAR configured the MTU to
a ‘‘store and retrieve’’ mode. These positions must be either transferred to
local storage media or transmitted via MCSP.
4.2.6. Allow for variable reporting intervals between 5 minutes and 24 hours,
configurable locally or remotely.
4.2.7. The MTU must be capable of having its poll reporting intervals changed
remotely, and only by authorized users.
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Section 5 and Section 6 describe the Type Approval requirements for E–MTUs that are
in addition to the VMM/VMS requirements defined in Section 3 and Section 4 of this
document. An E-MTU should support Email and Electronic Reporting System (ERS) E-
Forms transmission capabilities onboard vessels. An E-MTU could also have additional
capabilities such as voice calling, emergency dialing, support for fishing operational
efficiency applications such as email, weather, oceanographic data, push-to-talk (PTT),
and Internet applications such as social media, chatting, etc.
Before the submission of equipment for testing as an E-MTU, the equipment must pass
all type approval tests of a standard MTU configuration.
Equipment that passes these additional tests will be type approved as both an MTU
(position reporting only) and an E-MTU (position and ERS-based reporting).
The reliability of all technologies utilized in the E-MTU may be analyzed in a court
for, inter alia, testing procedures, error rates, peer review, and general industry
acceptance. The approved MCSP may be required to provide technical and expert
opinion during litigations to support and validate the E-MTU capabilities and
accuracy in establishing BFAR’s (or a BFAR members’) case against violators. In
the above case, the MCSP must be able to describe the evidence and provide
reliability of the data/ technology. In addition, to maintain the integrity of
VMM/VMS for fisheries management, the applicant will be required to sign a non-
disclosure agreement with BFAR limiting the release of certain information that
may compromise the effectiveness of the operations, such as details of anti-
tampering safeguards. The MCSP shall include a statement confirming its
agreement with these conditions.
5.2. Identifiers
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6. E-MTU Type Approval Mandatory Functional Requirements
6.1.1. Email Messaging from vessel to shore with a minimum supported message
size of at least 1 kilobyte.
6.1.2. User interface on the computer or tablet must support an ’address book’
capability and a function permitting a ‘‘reply’’ to a received message without
re-entry of the senders’ e-mail address.
6.1.3. A confirmation of delivery function is required such that a user can
ascertain whether a specific message was successfully transmitted via the
satellite system to the email server(s).
6.1.4. Onward delivery to BFAR must be reliable and make use of features such as
SMTP retries and delivery confirmation to ensure a reliable transport path
exists for text messages sent from the vessel to BFAR.
6.1.5. The user interface in the computer or tablet must provide the ability to
review by date order, or by recipient, messages that were previously sent.
The user interface must support a minimum message history of 20
messages - commonly referred to as an ’Outbox’ or ’Sent’ messages display.
6.1.6. Text messaging from shore to vessel with a minimum supported message
length of 1kb. Attachment support is not required.
6.1.7. The user interface must provide the ability to review by date order, or by
sender, all messages received. The terminal must support a minimum
message history of 20 messages - commonly referred to as an ’Inbox’.
6.1.8. Non-Delivery Notifications (NDN) must be sent to the originator where
delivery to the recipient could not be completed for any reason. Such NDN
must include sufficient information to uniquely identify the message that
failed and the cause of failure (i.e., mobile number invalid, mobile switched
off etc.).
Pre-formatted E-Forms are required by BFAR for the collection of validated data
for specific fisheries programs (i.e., declaration systems, catch effort reporting).
This function is referred to as Electronic Reporting Systems (ERS) where the
fishing vessel could transmit “Electronic Forms” (E-forms) to be used for ERS.
The E-MTU must support the transmission of a minimum of 20 types of E-Forms,
selected by the user in a menu from the E-MTU computer or tablet. The E-MTU
must have the ability to support Over-the-Air (OTA) updates of the E-Forms.
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highly encouraged as it will ensure the constant compliance of the ERS related
E-Forms that will be used by the E-MTU as specified by BFAR.
Additional capabilities beyond those stated here are acceptable, provided that
the minimum requirements are satisfied:
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Section 7 and Section 8 describe the type approval requirements for the physical
specification and installation of both MTUs and E-MTUs
7.1. General
The MTU and E-MTU must have the durability and reliability necessary to
provide acceptable service in a marine environment where the unit might be
subjected to saltwater sprays in smaller vessels, and in larger vessels where the
unit may be maintained in a wheelhouse. The unit, cabling, and antenna must be
resistant to moisture and shock associate with the marine environments.
All units of the system shall be designed for marine use - that is, components that
are exposed to the elements in the normal course of operation shall be suitably
rated (minimum IP56, IPx6, or equivalent) to ensure reliable continuous
operation. Components that are housed below decks in the normal course of
operation shall be suitably rated to ensure suitable reliable continuous
The MTU and E-MTU, excluding the computer and/or the tablet, shall be able to
function at specified accuracy between -20 degrees Celsius and +50 degrees
All parts of the MTU and E-MTU system shall be provided with suitable mounting
instructions and fittings for marine use. Such fixings shall be capable of securing
the device to prevent movement when exposed to the vibration, shaking and
marine environment typically experienced aboard a deep-sea going vessel, so as
to ensure continued reliable operation as required by the VMM/VMS.
The E-MTU terminal must be suitable to use in the marine environment. As the
exposure to the marine environment can vary depending on application,
applicants must specify the level of exposure to the marine environment
recommended for their computer and/or tablet.
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7.6. Security
7.6.1. The MTU or E-MTU must provide robust protection against willful attempts
to compromise the physical security of the housing and must be tamper
proof and tamper evident, i.e. evidence of attempts to compromise the
physical housing should be detectable on inspection. Applicants must
demonstrate how this will be achieved.
7.6.2. The MTU or E-MTU must have security features that prevents the unit
configuration to be altered via the computer or tablet of the E-MTU or by
attaching a computer or a tablet to the MTU. Software must be ‘locked down’
to prevent interference with the operation of the unit via the software.
Applicants must demonstrate how this specification will be met.
8.1. General
This section of the document defines minimum standards for the installation of
all components of the MTU or E-MTU. Applicants must demonstrate how they
meet or exceed these requirements.
The applicant shall be responsible such that the integrity of the system is
maintained during installation. Installation shall be carried out by either the
MTU or E-MTU type approval applicant or the MCSP’s certified installer.
The vessel operator is responsible for ensuring that all components of the MTU
or E-MTU are operated in a manner that provides continuous reliable operation
of the MTU or E-MTU as a part of the VMM/VMS regulations compliance. The
following subsections provide more detailed instructions for the installation of
the main components of the MTU or E-MTU.
In cases where the MTU or E-MTU Below Decks Unit (BDU) box is separate from
the Above Deck Unit (ADU or simply antenna), the MTU or E-MTU BDU shall be
installed, commissioned and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions in such a way as to ensure correct operation. Fixings used shall be
capable of securing the device to prevent movement when exposed to the
vibration, shaking and marine environment typically experienced aboard a
deep-sea going vessel so as to ensure continuous reliable operation of the MTU
as a part of the VMM/VMS.
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The vessel operator is responsible for ensuring that the MTU or E-MTU is at all
times operating in a manner that provides continuous reliable operation of the
MTU as a part of the VMM/VMS regulations compliance.
8.4.1. The MTU or E-MTU Above Decks Unit (ADU) or antenna shall be installed,
commissioned and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions and in such a manner as to ensure correct operation. Fixings
used shall be capable of securing the device to prevent movement when
exposed to the vibration, shaking and marine environment typically
experienced aboard a sea going vessel so as to ensure continuous reliable
operation of the MTU or E-MTU as a part of the VMM/VMS compliance
8.4.2. The ADU’s cable/s refers to the cable/s used to connect the ADU to the MTU
All connections between the cable, the ADU and BDU shall be suitable for
marine use where the connection is to be exposed to the external
environment. Connectors used shall be designed for use in a marine
environment. The vessel operator is responsible for ensuring that the ADU
cable is at all times installed in a manner that provides continuous reliable
operation of the VMM/VMS.
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8.5. The Power Supply
The power supply shall be capable of delivering the required power during
transmission without degradation of performance of the MTU or E-MTU. The
power supply shall be sufficiently stable and noise free to allow continuous error
free MTU or E-MTU operation.
If the power supply is supplied by the applicant of the MTU or E-MTU, it shall be
mounted following instructions provided by the manufacturer of the power
supply. Fixings used shall be capable of securing the device to prevent movement
when exposed to the vibration, shaking and marine environment typically
experienced aboard a deep-sea going vessel.
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Mobile Communications Service Provider Type Approval
9. Mandatory Functional Requirements for Mobile Communications
Service Provider (MCSP)
9.1. Process
MCSP applicants are encouraged to verify with BFAR other specific application
requirements before applying for Type Approval. After successful demonstration
of compliance to the standards in this document, BFAR will issue a MCSP Type
Approval for a particular communications class, whether with MTU and/or an E-
MTU. BFAR approval will not necessarily result in BFAR procurement of MCSP
9.2. Initiation
BFAR will initiate the MCSP type approval process upon written request from the
applicant, subject to the demonstration of compliance with this document and
the availability of test units. The applicant for MCSP type approval may be the
company, systems integrator, distributor, and/or value-added reseller, etc.,
acting within the constraints of its agreement with its principal communications
Data received at BFAR from the MCSP must be in a secure and encrypted format
compatible with BFAR vessel tracking software.
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9.4. Submission
These tests will involve demonstrating every aspect of MCSP operation, including
programming a registered MTU or E-MTU, location tracking, messaging, E-Forms
transmission and troubleshooting procedures.
VMM/VMS data shall be used for monitoring law enforcement. The MCSP must
be able to provide technical and expert support for litigation purposes.
Once qualified, it is the responsibility of the MCSP to notify BFAR of any change
in its submission. Such changes could include information such as, but not limited
• Interconnect facilities
• Geographic coverage
• Performance characteristics
• Customer support contacts
BFAR reserves the right to reconsider and revoke the MCSP type approval if, as a
result of the change, the MCSP no longer satisfies the requirements for MCSP type
approval of BFAR.
Applicants must respond to each of the items listed in all Sections of this
document and any applicable attachments. The response should indicate how the
MCSP complies with the requirements in each section. If there are items in this
document that the MCSP could not comply with, the applicant must respond by
explaining how the MCSP will comply before any decision on the type approval
is made by BFAR.
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9.8. Identifiers
9.8.1. The MCSP must provide the following specifications and identifying
9.8.2. The MCSP must support at least one MTU or E-MTU type approved by
BFAR unless the request is made bundled with a new MTU and/or E-MTU
type approval application. If the request is made bundled with an MTU
and/or E-MTU application, approval of the MCSP will be contingent upon
the approval of the MTU and/or E-MTU. The MCSP’s MTU and/or E-MTU
communications class must adhere to the following requirements: For Satellite based communications class, the MCSP must provide
adequate orbit types, constellation size, and coverage footprint to
provide comprehensive coverage of the VMM/VMS fishery areas as
required by BFAR. For Cellular based communications class, the MCSP must provide
adequate coverage footprints, tower distribution density, tower
locations, and protocols required to provide comprehensive coverage
of the VMM/VMS fishery areas as required by BFAR. For Radio based communications class, the MCSP must provide
adequate coast stations, locations, antennas, and antenna size to
provide comprehensive coverage of the VMM/VMS fishery areas as
required by BFAR.
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9.9. Messaging
9.10.1. Position fix latitude and longitude, including the hemisphere of each.
9.10.2. The precision of the position fix shall be to the decimal minute
9.10.3. Accuracy of the position fix must be within 100 meters, unless otherwise
indicated by BFAR’s requirement
9.10.4. Unique identification of an MTU within the communications class.
9.10.5. Date (year/month/day with century in the year) and time (UTC) stamp
of the position fix.
9.10.6. Date (year/month/day with century in the year) and time (UTC) when
the position report is received at the MCSP.
9.10.7. Date (year/month/day with century in the year) and time (UTC) stamp
when the position report is sent to BFAR.
9.10.8. MTU and/or E-MTU status information, such as configuration of
programming and reporting intervals, power save modes, antenna
disconnection, and power-up/ power down, and loss of positioning
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9.11. Special Identified Position Reports
9.12. Queries
The MCSP shall allow the initiation of queries to extract information from single
and multiple vessels to satisfy the following criteria:
The MCSP must support the ability to determine the position of an MTU and/or
E-MTU at fixed, remotely programmable reporting intervals between 5 minutes
and 24 hours.
9.14. Latency
The MCSP must meet latency requirements from 5 minutes or less (real time
transmission is preferred) to 3 hours (store and forward) between the time a
position is fixed and the time it is received in BFAR.
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9.15. Shore-Side Infrastructure
9.15.1. The BFAR VMM/VMS servers supports multiple VMM/VMS rules with
incoming data from multiple vessels that may be using different MTUs or
E-MTUs within a communications class, or multiple classes, from multiple
MCSPs. The MCSP receives data in a class native format from the MTUs or
E-MTUs at the assigned VMM/VMS monitoring center by BFAR, and
transmits the VMM/VMS and ERS data to BFAR servers in a format
supported by BFAR. An MCSP must be capable of delivering information
from all its within-class subscribers to BFAR in a format and protocol
compatible with BFAR equipment and software facilities. The MCSP must
provide: Evidence of the continuous availability of service, information on the
redundancy of terrestrial facilities and network connectivity between
MCSP and BFAR, should be provided. Two-way communications for delivery and acceptance of data from
MCSP to BFAR and back, supporting messages, position reports,
queries and administrative functions. Auto-forwarding or auto-delivery of messages without the need for
retrieval by BFAR (manual retrieval of data by BFAR is also
supported). Geographically transparent communications from BFAR to the MTU
and/or E-MTU such that BFAR seamlessly performs communication
functions without a need to take additional steps to accommodate the
geographic region where the vessel is fishing. Physical servers, both hardware and software, that will receive
VMM/VMS transmissions from MTUs and both VMM/VMS and ERS
transmissions from E-MTUs, and relay the VMM/VMS and s
information to BFAR. These physical servers will be owned and
operated by the MCSP, and must reside in the BFAR VMM/VMS
Center, or other locations required by BFAR. Maintenance of the physical servers owned by the MCSP to ensure
24/7 operations.
9.15.2. Latency at 5 minutes or less (near real time) for 99.9% of transmissions
for two-way messaging under normal conditions between the MCSP and
9.15.3. Communications between the MCSP and BFAR must be provided along
secure encrypted channels. The MCSP must provide reasonable
mechanisms to prevent:
Page 27 of 33 Tampering or interception, including the reading of passwords and
data. Interception and ‘‘sniffing’’ during transmission from the MCSP to
BFAR via either wireless or terrestrial facilities. Spoofing, whereby one MTU or E-MTU is fraudulently identifying
itself as another MTU or E-MTU Modification of MTU and/or E-MTU identification. Introduction of viruses that may corrupt the messages, transmission,
or the VMM/VMS system.
9.15.4. MCSP must provide advance advisory notices of any planned service
outages and their estimated time for service restoration. MCSP must
provide immediate notification on any unplanned outages and their
estimated time for service restoration.
9.16.1. The MCSP shall have the following wireless connectivity features: The wireless network that the MCSP will use e.g. satellite, GSM, or
radio, for its MTU and E-MTU should be equipped with network
redundancies or alternative network types to automatically replace
the primary connection in the event of failure without any manual
intervention in the network. The MCSP must be able to clearly show
the network availability resiliency of the wireless network it uses for
its MTU and E-MTU Geographically transparent communications to and from BFAR and
the MTU and/or E-MTU, such that BFAR seamlessly performs
communication functions without a need to take additional steps to
accommodate the geographic region where the vessel is fishing. Durability and reliability in a marine environment, without signal
degradation or other loss of integrity from adverse meteorological
9.16.2. Communications between MCSP and MTU and/or E-MTU must be secure
from tampering or interception, including the reading of passwords and
data. The MCSP must provide reasonable mechanisms to prevent: Interception and ‘‘sniffing’’ during transmission to and from the
MCSP and MTU via either wireless or terrestrial facilities. Spoofing, whereby one MTU is fraudulently identifying itself as
another MTU. Modification of MTU identification. Interference with GMDSS or other safety/distress functionalities. Introduction of viruses that may corrupt the messages, transmission,
or the VMM/VMS system.
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9.17. Customer Service
9.17.1. The MCSP and its designated entities shall provide customer service that
is professional, courteous, and responsive to both BFAR and the fishing
9.17.2. The MCSP must have security measures, user authentication, request
validation and non-disclosure policies to prevent unauthorized access to
the content of reports or other manual interference. The following
requirements must be included: Prevent unauthorized access to data and configuration information
by MCSP employees and third parties. Authorize the fishing operators to access the MTU and E-MTU for
information such as account info and send/receive personal
messages, provided that the fishing operators will pay for the costs of
those personal messages. The fishing operators’ access to the MTU
and E-MTU should not affect the integrity of VMM/VMS operations. Send emails to its supported MTU or E-MTU, poll or remotely
reconfigure the MTU or E-MTU for position reporting changes upon
BFAR request. Retain an audit trail of actions taken by Customer Service.
9.17.3. MCSP security procedures must support above services whether the
access or configuration change is applied to a single MTU or E-MTU or a
group of MTUs and/or E-MTUs.
9.17.4. Service level agreements must clarify constraints (if any) on the
geographic territory, personnel availability, and escalation procedures for
problem resolution covered by such services.
9.17.8. Provide documented and secure MTU and E-MTU configuration strategy
or procedures for vessels monitored singly or grouped by fleet.
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9.17.9. All personally identifying information provided by vessels owners or
other authorized personnel for the purpose of purchase or activation of
MCSP services, or for the participation in any VMM/VMS approved fishery
must be protected from unauthorized disclosure. PII includes, but is not
limited to, names, addresses, telephone numbers, passport numbers,
credit card numbers, vessel names, federal, state, and local
documentation numbers, e-mail addresses and crew lists.
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10. Type Approval Procedure
10.1. Introduction
Section 10 covers only functional testing of the MTU and E-MTU. Other aspects
of certification, such as mechanical tests, electrical tests, and requirements for
support and warranty are checked ‘on paper’ and details must be provided in
accordance with the requirements in other sections of this document.
Applicants for type approval are expected to comply with all other non-
functional type approval requirements prior to submitting the MTU/MCSP or
E-MTU/MCSP combination for functional testing.
All tests are conducted on the MTU or E-MTU, connected via the specified MCSP,
to a VMM/VMS simulator.
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Unless otherwise agreed, tests will be run at the chosen testing agent of BFAR.
The MTU/E-MTU and or MCSP applicant may witness the testing (when
practical). Any test failures will be referred first to the submitting vendor for
10.3.1 VMM/VMS software that operates correctly with the approved MTU
or E-MTU and MCSP.
10.3.2 MCSP: A defined account configuration that is suitable for use with
the VMM/VMS. For example; account settings, DNS entries or IP addresses and
similar parameters that would be necessary to establish the connection to an
10.3.3 MTU/E-MTU: Configuration settings, scripts or applications which
enable the MTU/E-MTU to perform in a manner compliant with the type
approval requirements.
Any changes to items 10.3.2 and/or 10.3.3 above e.g. the introduction of new
Satellite Ground Station software or new versions of an MTU/E-MTU must be
backwards compatible with the tested configuration. If this is not possible then
re-certification is necessary.
Several functions require support by both the MTU/E-MTU and the MCSP,
therefore it is understood by BFAR that different communication classes may
perform a specific function with differing demarcation points between the
To address this, all tests are conducted in an end-to-end environment with the
combination of MTU/E-MTU and MCSP tested simultaneously. A test is
successful if the MTU/E-MTU and MCSP, in combination, are capable of
performing the function defined within the type approval requirements.
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The template at Appendix 2 should be completed by the submitting MTU, E-
MTU, or MCSP applicant. It must include references to documentation or
formats. This document should be completed and returned to BFAR. Any
referenced documentation (e.g. API documents or similar) should be attached,
preferably in electronic form, to the response. The checklist provided at
Appendix 3 should be completed and returned with the application for type
This copy is an exclusive draft of the BFAR on the Type Approval. For comments,
suggestions and further clarifications on the content, kindly send an email to
[email protected].
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