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Modul English Club

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Jl. Darmaga - Sukaratu Kec. Bojongpicung Telp./Fax: (0263] 326633

Email: [email protected] Cianjur 43283

1. Greeting ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………1
2. Introducing Yourself & Other People …………………………………………………………………..2
3. Simple Questions…………………………………………………………………………………………………4
4. Telling Number……………………………………………………………………………………………………5
5. Telling Time…………………………………………………………………………………………………………6
6. Weather ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
7. Preposition and Time……………………………………………………………………………………………..
8. Simple Present Tense…………………………………………………………………………………………….
9. Talking Daily Activities……………………………………………………………………………………………
10. Talking about Family………………………………………………………………………………………………
11. Talking about Favourite Things………………………………………………………………………………
12. Talking about Occupations…………………………………………………………………………………….
13. Describing People…………………………………………………………………………………………………..
14. Describing Picture…………………………………………………………………………………………………
15. Asking for Directions………………………………………………………………………………………………
16. Giving Instruction   ………………………………………………………………………………………………
17. Simple Past Tense  …………………………………………………………………………………………………
18. Narrating ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
19. Telephone Talk ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
20. Simple Shopping ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
21. Talking about Travel……………………………………………………………………………………………….
22. Banking and Money………………………………………………………………………………………………
23. At The Restaurant …………………………………………………………………………………………………
24. Simple Future Tense ……………………………………………………………………………………………
25. Making Plans for the Weekend ……………………………………………………………………………
26. Simple Presentation ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Unit 1

Here are a few simple phrases for greeting people in English.

Hi. Hello. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening.
Good night How are you? How are you doing?
How ya doing? (Informal) Fine. How about you? Okay. Thanks. Courtesy
Thank you/Thanks You're welcome Excuse me Pardon me (I'm) Sorry
Good-bye Bye

Unit 2

Here are some phrases for introducing yourself in English.

1. I’m John.
    I’m Jackie. (Use first name in informal situations)
2. I’m John Kennedy.
    I’m Jackie O’Neill. (Use full name in business and formal situation)
3. (It’s) nice to meet you.
    (It’s) nice meeting you. (It’s) good to meet you.
4. Nice to meet you, too.

Here are some phrases for introducing other people in English.

1. This is my friend, Jack.            Hi Jack. I’m Linda
    my brother, Bob.
    my sister, Cindy.
    my father, Mr. Harris.
    my friend, Mary Jones..
2. Nice to meet you.                      Nice to meet you, too

Unit 3

Here are some examples of simple questions in English.

Very Simple Yes/No Questions
Are you from Canada? Yes, I am.
Is he a doctor? No, he isn't.
Is this free? Yes, it is.
Do you like apples? Yes, I do.
Does she live in New Orleans? No, she doesn't

More examples of Yes/No Questions

Is she going to the dance? Yes, she is.
Are they flying home? No, they're taking the bus.
Are you coming to the party? No, I have other plans.

Examples of simple Wh-Questions

What do you do (as an occupation)? I'm a computer programmer.
What do you do on the weekends? I usually stay home and watch television.
Where are you from? Where do you I'm from Ontario, California. I live in Arizona.
live? I live at the Chateau Apartments.
How do you say that in English? I don't know.
How do you spell your name? S-I-M-O-N.
How do you know Mr. Amos? He's my teacher

Wh - Questions
Wh- Questions allow a speaker to find out more information about topics. They are as

When? (kapan) Time (waktu)

Where? (dimana) Place (tempat)
Who? (siapa) Person (orang)
Why? (mengapa) Reason (alasan)
How? (bagaimana/berapa) Manner (bagaimana)
What? (apakah) Object/Idea/Action (objek, ide, tindakan)
Other words can also be used to inquire about specific information:

Which (one)? (yang mana) Choice of alternatives (pilihan)

Whose? (punya siapa) Possession
Whom? (untuk/kepada siapa) Person (objective formal)
How much? (berapa harga) Price, amount (non-count)
How many? (berapa banyak) Quantity (count)
How long? (berapa lama/panjang) Duration
How often? (berapa sering) Frequency
How far? (berapa jauh) Distance
What kind (of)? (apa jenis dari) Description

Study these sentences and the questions!

Someone has my baseball Who has my baseball?
Something is bothering you What is bothering you?
You will leave some time When will you live?
He is doing something What is he doing?
They have been somewhere Where they have been?
He is someone Who is he?
The meeting was some time When is the meeting?
You want something What do you want?
You went somewhere Where did you go?
She likes something What does she like?

Yes/No Questions

A: Are you from around here?

B. Yes, I am.
A: Do you come here often?
B: Yes, I do.
A: Can I buy you a drink?
B: No, thanks.
A: Have you married?
B: Yes, I have.

Statement Question
John is a doctor Is John a doctor?
The Jensens are here Are the Jensens here?
Jan is eating dinner Is Jan eating dinner?
June has rented an apartment Has June rented an apartment?
Jen has been living here since 1969 Has Jen been living since 1969?
The Johnsons live in that house Do the Johnsons live in that house?
John played basketball last night Did Joan play basketball?
Unit 4
Cardinal, Ordinal and Nominal Numbers
Cardinal: how many
Ordinal: position
Nominal: name
Cardinal Numbers
A Cardinal Number is a number that says how many of something there are, such as one,
two, three, four, five.
A Cardinal Number answers the question "How Many?"
Ordinal Numbers
An Ordinal Number is a number that tells the position of something in a list. 1st, 2nd, 3rd,
4th, 5th etc.
Example: In this picture the girl is 2nd:
And the two pups are 3rd and 4th.
Easy to remember: "ordinal" tells you what "order" things are in.
Nominal Numbers
A Nominal Number is a number used only as a name, or to identify something (not as an
actual value or position)
the number on the back of a footballer ("10")
a postal code ("91210")
a model number ("380")
Unit 5

What time is it?

7:00 It's seven o'clock. It's seven p.m. / a.m.

12:0 It's twelve o'clock. It's noon / midnight.
0 It's three ten. It's ten (minutes) after three.
3:10 It's seven fourteen. It's fourteen after seven.
7:14 It's nine fifteen. It's (a) quarter after nine.
9:15 It's one twenty-one It's twenty-one minutes past one.
1:21 It's eleven oh five. It's five after eleven.
11:0 It's two oh nine. It's nine minutes past two.
5 It's six thirty. It's half past six.
2:09 It's four fifty. It's ten minutes to five.
6:30 It's ten forty-five. It's quarter to eleven.
4:50 It's eight thirty- It's twenty-five minutes to nine
10:4 five.
8:35 Day Abbreviation
Day Abbreviation
Monday Mon Month Abbreviation Month Abbreviation
Tuesday Tue January Jan July -
Wednesday Wed February Feb August Aug
Thursday Thu March Mar September Sept
Friday Fri April Apr October Oct
Saturday Sat May - November Nov
Sunday Sun June - December Dec

Writing the Date

Forma British: Day-Month-Year American: Month-Day-Year

A the Fourteenth of March, March the Fourteenth, 2011
B 14th March 2011 March 14th, 2011
C 14 March 2011 March 14, 2011
D 14/3/2011 3/14/2011
E 14/3/11 3/14/11
F 14/03/11 03/14/11

Unit 6

Common questions and responses about Weather

What's it like out? It's miserable out.
How's the weather? It's ten below. (-10 degrees)
Do you have rain? We haven't had a drop of rain for weeks.
What's the temperature there? It's 22 degrees Celsius.
It's snowing here, what's it doing there? It's pouring outside. (raining heavily)
Beautiful day, huh? We couldn't ask for a better day than this.
What's the weather forecast? They're calling for blue skies all week.
One common mistake learners make when talking about the weather is mixing up the
noun, adjective and verb forms of weather words.

Example 1: How's the weather?

It is snow. Incorrect
It is snowing. Correct
It is snowy. Correct

Example 2: What's it like out?

It is rain. Incorrect
It is raining. Correct
It is rainy. Correct

Example 3: What's the weather like?

It is sun. Incorrect
It is sunny. Correct
The sun is shining. Correct


Find out the meaning of these vocabularies:

Word Meaning Word Meaning

airconditioning Drizzling
avalanche Drought
below freezing Fahrenheit
blizzard Flood
boiling hot flurries
breeze fog/foggy
Celsius forecast
chilly freezing cold
clear frost
cloud/cloudy Frostbite
cold spell Hail
cool heat stroke
degrees heat-wave
humid/humidity sleet(similar to hail)
hurricane slush/slushy
icy Smog
lightning snow/snowy/snowing
Mild Snowstorm
Meteorologist sun/sunshine/sunny
minus/negative sunburn
Overcast sunglasses/shades
partly cloudy suntan/tanned
Precipitation sunscreen
Puddle Temperature
rain/raining/rainy thermometer
raindrop thunder/thunderstorm
rainbow tornado
raining cats and dogs umbrella
scorching/a scorcher UV (ultra violet) rays
season wind/windy
shower wind chill factor
Unit 7

 In (di, di dalam) In menunjukkan bahwa sesuatu ada di atau berada di dalam sebuah
Contoh: (1) I live in Bandung. (2) She put her drinks in the refrigerator.
 On digunakan untuk menunjukkan tempat yang lebih spesifik daripada in, yaitu di
lantai sebuah gedung, di sebuah jalan, dan di atas permukaan suatu benda. Contoh:
(1) The bakery is on Jalan Beo. (2) I put my glasses on the table.
 At (di) At digunakan untuk tempat atau lokasi yang spesifik. Biasanya tempat yang
disebutkan sudah khusus.
Contoh: (1) I left my book at home. (2) She is still waiting for the bus at the stop.
 Under (di bawah) Under yang berarti di bawah digunakan ketika posisi benda yang
dimaksud ada di bawah sesuatu atau benda lain dan tertutupi.
Contoh: (1) There are many coral reefs under the sea. (2) Tora is hiding under the
 Below (di bawah) Below juga berarti di bawah, yang maksudnya ada di bawah
sesuatu juga atau posisinya lebih rendah dari suatu benda/hal lain. Below bisa
digunakan untuk menunjukkan pengukuran.
Contoh: (1) The example is below the table. (2) You need to write a caption below
the chart.
 Above (di atas) Above merupakan lawan dari below. Jadi suatu benda berada di
atas atau posisinya lebih tinggi.
Contoh: (1) We are sitting above the roof and looking at the stars. (2) The
paragraph above the picture is the concluding paragraph.
 In front of (di depan) In front of maksudnya suatu benda berada di depan suatu
benda lain.
Contoh: (1) Mr. Bimo asked us to read the poem in front of the class. (2) He parked
his car in front of the house.
 Near (di dekat) Near artinya di dekat suatu benda atau tempat lain atau seseorang).
Contoh: (1) There is a new bookstore near the café. (2) The boy near you is my
little brother.
 Next to (di sebelah) Next to artinya berada di sebelah suatu benda atau seseorang.
Conoth : (1) The guy next to you is listening to music. (2) The mall is next to the
hotel. / Mall berada di sebelah hotel.
 Beside (di samping) Beside hampir sama artinya dengan next to yang artinya di
sebelah atau di samping.
Contoh: (1) I always be beside you. (2) The restaurant beside the bakery is very
 Behind artinya posisi suatu benda berada di belakang suatu tempat lain, benda, atau
Contoh: (1) I’ve been standing behind you for five minutes. (2) We have to stand
behind the lines.
 Between (di antara) Between artinya di antara dua atau lebih benda, tempat, atau
Contoh: (1) She stood between two trees. (2) There is a big luggage between us.
 Among (di antara) Among artinya juga di antara, namun maksudnya di antara
banyak benda, tempat, atau orang.
Contoh: (1) His house is among those buildings. (2) There is a singer among us.
 Inside (di dalam) Inside artinya berada di dalam suatu benda yang tertutup.
Contoh : (1) Nancy was very surprised to see her best friend hiding inside a big
box. (2) The bird sleeps inside the cage.
Unit 8

FORM (VERB) + s/es in third person

You speak English.
You do not speak English
Do you speak English?

Repeated Actions (Kegiatan yang berulang)

I play tennis.
She does not play tennis.
Does he play tennis?
The train leaves every morning at 8 AM.
The train does not leave at 9 AM.
When does the train usually leave?
She always forgets her purse.
He never forgets his wallet.
Every twelve months, the Earth circles the Sun
Does the Sun circle the Earth?

Facts or Generalizations (FAKTA DAN HAL UMUM)

Cats like milk.
Birds do not like milk.
Do pigs like milk?
California is in America.
California is not in the United Kingdom.
Scheduled Events in the Near Future (KEGIATAN YANG SUDAH DIJADWALKAN DI
The train leaves tonight at 6 PM.
The bus does not arrive at 11 AM, it arrives at 11 PM.
When do we board the plane?
When does class begin tomorrow?


I am here now.
She is not here now.
He needs help right now.
He does not need help now.
He has his passport in his hand.
Do you have your passport with you?


Seperti: always, only, never, ever, still, just, etc.
You only speak English.
Do you only speak English?


Once a week, Tom cleans the car. (Active)
Once a week, the car is cleaned by Tom. (Passive)
Unit 9
 Make a time table like the one below.
Time Monday Thursday Saturday
Time Monday Thursday Saturday
7:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
12:00 noon
1:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
9:00 p.m.

Fill in the time table with information about your daily activities.
Describe your routine to a partner.
For example,
I get up at 5:00 every day.
Then I take a shower, get dressed and eat breakfast.
I start class at 9:00 on Monday, and 10:00 on Thursday.
I usually have lunch at 1:00.
I finish class at 3:30 p.m.
On Saturday, I sleep in until 11:00.

 Ask your partner to tell you his/her daily schedule.

What time do you go to work/school?
What time do you get out of class/get off work?

 Ask your partner about his/her daily routine.

For example,
What time do you usually wake up?
What do you do between classes?
What time do you finish work?
What do you do in the evening?
What time do you get home on the weekends?

Unit 10
Introducing your family
This is my mother/mom.
This is my father/dad.
(These are my parents)
This is my wife.
This is my husband.
There are five people in my family.
(My mother, my father, my older brother, my older sister, me, my youngest brother.)
I have two brothers.
One is older.
One brother is older (than me).
One is younger.
I have one sister.
I’m number three.
Asking about family
How many brothers and sisters do you have?
What number are you?
He’s the oldest (of five children).
She’s the youngest.
Cindy doesn’t have any brothers or sisters.
Jarede is an only child.
How many children do you have?
We have two. One san and one daughter.
Do you have any kids?
No, I’m not married.

People and Relationships

Singular Plural
Man Men
Woman Women
Lady Ladies
Gentlema Gentleme
n n
Boy Boys
Girl Girls
Person People

Family Relationships


Father Mother Parent
"Dad" "Mom" Parent
Son Daughter Child
Husband Wife Spouse
Brother Sister Sibling
Grandfath Grandmother Grandparent(s)
"Grandpa" "Grandma" Grandparent(s)
Grandson Granddaught Grandchild(ren)
Uncle Aunt Parent's sibling
Nephew Niece Sibling's child(ren)
Cousin Cousin Aunt/Uncle's
Other Relationships

Unit 11

1. What is your favorite color? Purple.

2. What's your favorite kind of I like pop music.
music? Kung fu.
3. Favorite sport? Yes. It's eight.
4. Do you have a lucky number? I like Cantonese food.
5. What kind of food do you like Action.
best? Jackie Chan.
6. How about movies? Hong Kong, of course!
7. Who is your favorite movie star?
8. What city do you like most?

Asking about favourite things:

What’s your favourite sport?
Apa olahraga favoritmu?
What sport do you like best?
Olahraga apa yang paling kamu sukai?

 What sport do you like most?

Olahraga apa yang paling kamu sukai?
 What kind of sport do you like best?
Olahraga apa yang paling Anda sukai?
 Who’s your favourite football player?
Siapa pemain sepak bola favoritmu?


 My favourite sport is football.

Olahraga favorit saya adalah sepak bola.
 I like football best.
Saya suka sepakbola.
 I like football most.
Saya lebih suka sepak bola.
 My favourite football player is Ronaldo.
Pemain sepak bola favorit saya adalah Ronaldo.

Things to remember:

 “Favourite” is British spelling.

 “Favorite” is American spelling.

Unit 12

Here is a sample conversation talking about occupations in English.

A: What do you do for a living?

A: What is your occupation?
B: I’m a                (mechanic)               .
A: A              (mechanic)                 ? That must be a lot of work.
B: It is. Every day I              (fix)           (cars)              .
A: How interesting. How many            (cars)           do you           (fix)        ?
B: I             (fix)            about        (8)       (cars)           every day.

Match the occupation with the daily activity.

Occupation Activity
Teacher catch fish
Dentist take pictures
Doctor/Nurse fix cars
Journalist cook meals
Fisherman pull teeth
Gardener plant flowers
Chef/Cook put out fires
Fire fighter take care of patients
Photographer teach classes
write news stories

People and Occupations

Astronaut Lineman Welder

Auto Racer Maintenance Person
Carpenter Mechanic
CEO Musician
Chef/Cook Nurse
Clown Painter
Construction worker Patient
Cowboy Photographer
Dancer Pilot
Dentist Policeman
Doctor/ Surgeon Realtor
Draftsman Salesperson
Equipment Operator Scientist
Farmer Singer
Fire Fighter Surveyor
Florist Teacher
Foreman Veterinarian
Gardener Waiter/Waitres
Unit 13

What are some good ways to describe people and things?

See the phrases below for examples of descriptions in English.

1. What does Martha look like?

She's tall, dark and beautiful.

2. What else can you tell me?

Well, she has long, black hair and blue eyes.
She's kind of chubby and wears glasses.

3. What is George like?

He's funny, cute and really rich.
He reminds me of that guy on the Morning Show.

4. Tell me about your new apartment.

Well, it's pretty small.
It only has two rooms and a bathroom. But it's comfortable enough
for me.

5. What did you think of the Himalayas?

Well, the view was gorgeous.
Of course, it took two days to get there, and the weather was

Vocabulary for Describing people appearance

1. Hair, face, skin and complexion 

She’s got straight hair and she’s thin-faced (or she’s got a thin face).
He’s bald /bɒld/ and has freckles.
She’s got long, wavy hair and she’s round-faced (or she’s got a round face).
He’s got a beard and moustache /məstʃ/ and has a chubby face.
She’s got curly hair and is dark-skinned (or she’s got dark skin).
He’s got receding hair and a few wrinkles /riŋkəlz/.
He’s got a crew-cut.
He used to have black hair but now i t’s gone grey, almost white.
What sort of person would you find attracti ve?  Blonde, fair, dark or ginger-haired / red-
She has such beautiful auburn hair. /ɔbən/ [red-brown] Fair and dark can be used for hair
, complexion or skin.

2. Height and build

a rather plump or stout man
a slim woman [positive]
Fat may sound impolite.  Instead we often say a bit overweight.  If someone is broad and
soli d, we can say they are stocky.  A person wi th good muscles can be well-
built or muscular.  If someone is terribly thin and refuses to eat, they may
be anorexic /nəreksik/.

3. General appearance

a skinny person [rather negative]

an obese couple /əυbis/ [negative, very fat]
She’s a very smart and elegant woman, always well-dressed;  her husband is quite the
opposite, very scruffy and untidy-looking / messy-looking.
He’s very good-looking, but his friend’s rather unattractive. Do you
think beautiful women are always attracted to handsome men?  I don’t. I think
personality matters most. First impressions are always important.  [your first reaction to
The suffi x -ish i s useful for describing people.She’s tallish.He has brownish hair. He must
be thirtyish.
Clothing and Accessories
Shirt handbag
Tie earrings
Shoe(s) chain
Slippers necklace
Jeans umbrella
Sweater dress
Skirt socks
Coat watch
Pants Ring

Parts of Clothing
Additional words:
Jacket (A) Sneaker(s) (A) Hat (A)
Suit (A) Boot(s) (A) Cap (A)
Suit coat (A) Sandal(s) (A) Scarf (A)
Raincoat (A) High heel(s) (A) Headband (A)
Pajamas (A) Underwear (A) Glove(s) (A)
Night gown (A) Swimming suit (A) Mitten(s) (A)
Bathrobe (A) Bikini (A) Bracelet (A)
Parts of a Parts of pants (A) Parts of
shirt (A) zipper (A) shoes (A)
pocket (A) snap (A) (shoe)lace (A)
collar (A) belt loop (A) buckle (A)
sleeve (A) seam (A) heel (A)
button (A) hem (A) sole (A)
cuff (A) Patterns (A) eyelet(s)
Types (A) Solid (one
Long sleeve* (A) color) (A)
Short Stripes* (A)
sleeve* (A) Plaid (A)
Sleeveless (A)

Describing a person’s character/personality (Vocabulary)

 Aggressive (ready to attack or confront)

 Ambitious (having a strong desire and determination to succeed)
 Confident (feeling sure about yourself)
 Down to earth, easy going (approachable and relaxed)
 Extrovert, sociable, friendly (outgoing and expressive) – Opposite Introvert,
 Generous (ready to give more of something than is necessary or expected)
 Honest (truthful and sincere) - Opposite Dishonest
 Intelligent, smart, clever (quick to understand, learn and apply ideas)
 Jealous (envying someone or their achievements and advantages)
 Naïve (lack of experience, wisdom or judgment)
 Nosy (wants to know about other people’s affairs)
 Open (communicative and frank)
 Optimistic, positive (hopeful and confident about the future)
- Opposite Pessimistic,
 Negative
 Pigheaded, stubborn (determined not to change one’s attitude or position)
 Polite (respectful and considerate of others) - Opposite Rude
 Reliable (able to be trusted) - Opposite Unreliable
 Sensitive (delicate appreciation of others’ feelings)
 Talented (being good at something)
 Trustworthy (able to be relied on as honest or truthful)

Unit 14

Here are some sample sentences and phrases for describing a picture in English.

What do you see in the picture?

There is a
There's a
There are some
There're some
Is there a . . . ?
Are there (some) . . . ?

On the right/left By the door On the chair
Near the window In the box Under the table

The man is _______ ing

The woman is __________ing
What is the man/woman wearing?
She/He is wearing a some
What do you think
I think

For conversation practice: bring your picture and describe it in front of class.
Unit 15
Language for asking directions
Can you tell me the way to th (neares post office
e t)
Do you know how to get to bus stop

Covent Garden

Trafalgar Square

Bush House
Language for giving directions
go left
turn left
it's on the left
take a left
take the second (turning) on the left
go right
turn right
it's on the right
take a right
take the second (turning) on the right
go ahead
go straight ahead
go straight on

Here are some sample phrases and sentences for asking about location.
Where is the bank?
It's on Main Street.
It's next to the post office.
It's between the bakery and the barber shop.
It's on the corner of Ninth Street and Pine (Street).

Where's Lagoon?
It's in Davis County, near Kaysville.
It's on I-15, between Farmington and Kaysville.
It's ten miles north of Salt Lake City.

How do you get to the sporting goods store?

(on foot)
First, go down State Street until you get to 4th South.
Then, turn left.
Then, go down 4th South for three blocks.
It's on the right side of the street next to Wendy's.
(by car)
Take State Street to 4th South.
At 4th South, turn left.
Stay on 4th South for about three blocks.
The sporting goods store will be on the right, next to Wendy's.

How do you get to (your house in) Lehi?

Take I-15 south about 20 miles.
After you cross the mountain, watch for the signs to Lehi.
Take the first Lehi exit.
When you get off the freeway, make a right turn at the stop sign.
Follow the road (15th East) for five blocks.
Make a left turn on Royal Drive.
Continue on Royal Drive until you see the big oak tree.
My house is on the left hand side.
It's a two-story, red brick house with a large front yard.
You can't miss it!
Unit 16

Asking for Instructions

How do you (do this)?
How do I ......?
What is the best way to .......?
How do I go about it?
What do you suggest?
How do you suggest I proceed?
What is the first step?

Giving Instructions
First, (you) ......
Then, (you) ......
Next, (you) .......
Lastly, (you) ........

Starting out
Before you begin, (you should ...........)
The first thing you do is ........
I would start by ......
The best place to begin is .......
To begin with, ....

After that, ....
The next step is to ....
The next thing you do is .....
Once you’ve done that, then .....
When you finish that, then .....

The last step is ....
The last thing you do is .....
In the end, ....
When you’ve finished,
When you’ve completed all the steps, ....

Hi, do you like origami, the art of paper folding? I like it. Now, I’ll tell you how to make a
paper puppet. The first thing you have to do is prepare two sheets of paper in the form of
rectangle, a marker pen, and scissors.
Step 1      :     Place the paper on a flat surface. Make a crease from every corner to corner.
Now, you have a center crease.
Step 2      :     Fold every corner to the center.
Step 3      :     Flip the paper over, then fold every corner to the center. 
Step 4      :     Flip the paper over again, and fold every corner to the center.
Step 5      :     Flip the paper over. Now, unfold the two double-triangular flaps. Hold them
up. And squeeze well. Now, you have the two ears of the paper puppet.
Step 6      :     Then, unfold the others two double-triangular flaps. Pull them out. You will
make the coat of the puppet.
Step 7      :     The next thing you do is use the marker pen and draw eyes for your paper
puppet and decorate its coat.
Step 8      :     Now, take another sheet of paper, fold it  again and again in every 1 cm until
no space left. Now, you have a stick for your paper puppet.
Step 9      :     Then, make a small ‘V’ cut in the center bottom of the paper puppet.
Step 10    :     Insert the stick that you have made in the previous step to the ‘V’ cut in step
9 and gently push till it touches the end and squeeze the face portion well.

         Hey! You have done a paper puppet. Now, you can play with it and say ‘hello’ to your
friend beside you. And go on the conversation with your friend. Enjoy the time.
Unit 17

Form: (Verb + ed) or irregular verbs

You called Debbie.
Did you call Debbie?
You did not call Debbie.

Completed Action in the Past (kegiatan yang sdah selesai dikerjakan di masa lampau)
I saw a movie yesterday.
I didn’t see a play yesterday.
Last year, I travelled to Japan.
Did you have dinner last night?

A Series of Completed Actions

I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swiim.
He arrived from the airport at 8:00, checked into the hotel at 9:00, and met the others at
Did you flour, pour in the milk, and then add the eggs?

Duration in Past

I lived in Brasil for two years.
They sat at the beach all day.
They did not stay at the party the entire time.
How long did you wait for them?
We waited for one hour.

Habits in the Past

I studied French when I was a child.
He played the violin.
He didn’t play the piano.
Did you play a musical instrument when you were a kid?
They never went to school, they always skipped class.

Past Facts or Generalizations

She was shy as a child, but now she is very outgoing.
Did you live in Texas when you were a kid?
People paid much more to make cell phone calls in the past.

Unit 18
Here are some examples of telling about recent events in English.

1. Tell us about your trip.

It was the most horrible five days of my life. First, we missed our flight; then we had to
wait four hours for our luggage. The food on the plane was terrible, and there was no
shower in the hotel.
2. What happened to your ankle?
Well, my best friend and I went skiing over the weekend. I wanted to try something
exciting, so I took the most difficult trail. I hit a bump and fell. Then I slid 500 meters
before I could stop.
3. What did you do last summer?
We went scuba diving in Malaysia. It was my first time, so I learned a lot. We took a boat
out to a tiny island, found the perfect spot, and swam for hours among the fishes.
For Conversation Practice: Tell to the class your unforgettable experience

Unit 19
Hello? (informal)
Answering the phone Thank you for calling Boyz Autobody. Jody speaking. How can I help you?
Doctor's office.

Hey George. It's Lisa calling. (informal)

Hello, this is Julie Madison calling.
Hi, it's Gerry from the dentist's office here.
Introducing yourself
This is she.*
*The person answering says this if the caller does not recognize their voice.
Is Fred in? (informal)
Is Jackson there, please? (informal)
Asking to speak with
Can I talk to your sister? (informal)
May I speak with Mr. Green, please?
Would the doctor be in/available?

Just a sec. I'll get him. (informal)

Hang on one second. (informal)
Please hold and I'll put you through to his office.
Connecting someone
One moment please.
All of our operators are busy at this time. Please hold for the next available

Could you please repeat that?

Would you mind spelling that for me?
Could you speak up a little please?
Making special requests
Can you speak a little slower please. My English isn't very strong.
Can you call me back? I think we have a bad connection.
Can you please hold for a minute? I have another call.

Sammy's not in. Who's this? (informal)

I'm sorry, Lisa's not here at the moment. Can I ask who's calling?
I'm afraid he's stepped out. Would you like to leave a message?
Taking a message for
He's on lunch right now.Who's calling please?
He's busy right now. Can you call again later?
I'll let him know you called.
I'll make sure she gets the message.

Yes, can you tell him his wife called, please.

No, that's okay, I'll call back later.
Leaving a message with Yes, it's James from CompInc. here. When do you expect her back in the office?
someone Thanks, could you ask him to call Brian when he gets in?
Do you have a pen handy. I don't think he has my number.
Thanks. My number is 222-3456, extension 12.

Okay, I've got it all down.

Let me repeat that just to make sure.
Confirming information Did you say 555 Charles St.?
You said your name was John, right?
I'll make sure he gets the message.

Hello. You've reached 222-6789. Please leave a detailed message after the
beep.Thank you.
Hi, this is Elizabeth. I'm sorry I'm not available to take your call at this time.
Listening to an
Leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
answering machine
Thank you for calling Dr. Mindin's office. Our hours are 9am-5pm, Monday-
Friday. Please call back during these hours, or leave a message after the tone.
If this is an emergency please call the hospital at 333-7896.

Hey Mikako. It's Yuka. Call me! (informal)

Hello, this is Ricardo calling for Luke. Could you please return my call as soon
Leaving a message on as possible. My number is 334-5689. Thank you.
an answering machine Hello Maxwell. This is Marina from the doctor's office calling. I just wanted to
let you know that you're due for a check-up this month. Please give us a
ring/buzz whenever it's convenient.

Finishing a conversation Well, I guess I better get going. Talk to you soon.
Thanks for calling. Bye for now.
I have to let you go now.
I have another call coming through. I better run.
I'm afraid that's my other line.
I'll talk to you again soon. Bye.

In the sample conversations below, R is the “Receiver” and C is the “Caller”.

Conversation 1
R: Hello.
C: Hello. Is Steve there?
R: I’m sorry. He’s not here right now.
C: What time will he be back?
R: Around five thirty.
C: This afternoon?
R: Yes. May I ask who’s calling?
C: This is his friend, Greg.
R: Okay. I’ll tell him you called.
C: Thanks.

Conversation 2
R: Tyler residence.
C: Is this Naomi?
R: No, this is her sister, Nancy.
C: You sure sound like Naomi.
R: Oh. Can I take a message?
C: Sure. Please tell her that Andy called.
R: Okay. I’ll give her the message.
C. Thanks.
R: Bye.

Unit 20

Here are some sample phrases and expression you might use at a store.

When you enter the store/start a conversation with the clerk:

What a clerk might say: What a customer might
May I help you? say:
Can I help you? Excuse me. Do you work
Can I help you find something? here?
What can I do for you? (Can you help me?)
Can I ask you something?
What a customer might respond:
Yes. I’m looking for .....
Do you have any .............(s)?
Can you tell me where the ........is/are?
When you check out/leave the store:
Did you find everything you needed?
Did you find what you were looking for?
Did you find everything okay?
Will that be all (for today)?
Is that everything?
(Will there be) anything else?
Customer:   That’s all for today.
That’s it. Thanks.

Here are some phrases and expessions for buying and selling in English.
1. May I help you? Yes, I'd like to buy these Okay, that'll be $6.85 with
razors. tax.
2. What can I do for you? I'm looking for the
cameras. They're in Aisle Two.
3. Is there something I can Ok.
help you with? No, I'm just browsing. It's $4.95.
How much is this? Thanks anyway.
More examples:
1. Where are the pencils? They're on the second Okay, thanks.
2. How much is this shelf. Okay. I'll take it.
mirror? It's $19.95. How about this one?
3. How much does this That one is $5.00. That's too expensive.
cost? They're $4.00 each. Large.
4. How much are these? What size? Medium or Your change is $3.41
5. Do you have any t- Large? Thanks.
shirts? Here's $30.00.
6. That comes to $26.59. Here's $17.50. Keep the
7. That will be $17.48. change.

Unit 21

Here are some sample phrases and sentences for talking about travel and
How do you (usually) get to work/school?
I usually take subway.
How long does it take (to get there)?
It takes about ...... minutes/hours.
What’s the best way to get to ..... ?
By train/bus.
Do you take public transportation?
I walk or ride my bike.

1. How do you get to work? I usually drive my car.
2. How long does it take? It takes half an hour.
3. How often do you ride the bus? Once in a while.
4. Do you ever walk to work? No, that would take forever.
5. Are you going anywhere this Probably to Jacksonville.
summer? By train.
6. How are you going to get there? Airplane tickets are too
7. Why don't you fly? expensive.

Unit 22

Banking and money vocabulary

bank balance
bank charges
bank statement
cash a check/cheque
checkbook (US) / chequebook (UK)
check (US) / cheque (UK).
credit card.
checking account (US) / current account (UK)
deposit (US) / pay in (UK)
direct debit
NSF (Non Sufficient Fund)
savings account (US) / deposit account (UK)
standing account (UK)
traveler's check


Setting up a Bank Account

A: How are you doing today?
B: Great. Thanks.
A: What can I help you with?
B: I would like to open a bank account.
A: What kind would you like to open?
B: I need a checking account.
A: Would you also like to open a savings account?
B: That's fine.
A: In order to open these accounts, you need to deposit a minimum of $50.
B: I want to deposit $300.
A: I'll set up your accounts for you right now.
B: Make sure to put $150 in each account.
Making a Withdrawal
A: How are you?
B: I'm fabulous.
A: What can I help you with?
B: I need to make a withdrawal.
A: How much are you withdrawing today?
B: I need $300.
A: What account would you like to take this money from?
B: Take it from my checking account.
A: Here's your $300.
B: Thank you so much.
A: Will you be needing anything else?
B: That's it for today.

Transferring Money
A: How's everything with you today?
B: I'm fine. Thank you.
A: What can I do for you?
B: I need to transfer money.
A: Do you know which account you want to take the money from?
B: From my savings account.
A: Where are you transferring the money to?
B: I would like it transferred to my checking account.
A: How much?
B: I want to transfer $200.
A: Will that be all?
B: Yes. That will be all.
Unit 23

Discuss the following questions:

How often do you go to a restaurant?
Do you like eating out or at home?
What is your favorite restaurant?
What is your favorite food to order there?
When was the last time you went to a restaurant?
Is there any difference between a restaurant, cafe, bar, pub, cafetaria?
Have you ever been to a Western restaurant (i.e. in the US or Europe)?Were there any
differences in customs between your country and the West?

What happens when you go to a restaurant.

For example, First, the waiter says, “Hello. How many people in your party?” Then they
seat you... 

Sample Dialogue
Dave and Sarah decide to visit an American restaurant.
Waiter    :    Good afternoon. Table for two?
Dave      :    Yes, please.
Waiter    :    Smoking or non-smoking?
Sarah     :    Non-smoking.
Waiter    :    Right this way.
They walk to a table. Dave and Sarah sit down and the waiter gives them menus.
Waiter    :    I’ll be back in a few minutes to take your order.
After 7 minutes, the waiter returns.
Waiter    :    Are you ready to order?
Dave      :    I think so, but can I ask? What is Beef Stroganoff?
Waiter    :    It’s beef cut into small pieces and served in a sour cream and white sauce.
Dave      :    Ok, that sounds good. I’ll have that.
Waiter    :    Excellent. And that comes with your choice of French fries, fried mushrooms,
or  rice
Dave      :    I’ll have rice.
Waiter    :    Anything to start?
Dave      :    I’ll have the French Onion soup.
Waiter    :    OK. And what can I get you?
Sarah     :    Is the Spaghetti and Meatballs very large?
Waiter    :    Yes, it’s a big portion.
Sarah     :    Oh, I’m not very hungry.
Waiter    :    Then can I recommend the Chicken with Mushrooms? That comes with
noodles, but it’s not too big.
Sarah     :    OK, I’ll take Chicken with Mushrooms and a salad to start.
Waiter    :    Very good. And what can I get you to drink?
Dave      :    A Coke, please.
Sarah     :    I’ll have orange juice.
Waiter    :    Oh, I’m afraid we’re out of orange juice. But we have pear, apple, grape, and
Sarah     :    Kiwi-Banana? That sounds interesting. I’ll try that.
Waiter    :    Excellent. I’ll be back with your drinks in a minute.

1. What does the waiter ask before seating Dave and Sarah?
2. How do Dave and Sarah say what they want to eat?
3 What do Dave and Sarah order for starters?For their main meal? To drink?
4. How does the waiter suggest a meal for Sarah?
5. What problems do the dinners have?
6. Is the conversation formal or informal?

1.      What kind of problems do you have when you go to the restaurant?
2.    Can you think of a time when a restaurant ran out of something you ordered?
3.    Have you ever had very bad customer service?
4.    Has the waiter/waitress ever mixed up your order?
5.    Overcharged you?
6.    Been very rude?
7.     Have you ever complained to a manger about a waiter or waitress?
8.    Have you ever refused to pay for your meal?
 Unit 25

FORM Will (will + verb)
You will help him later.
Will you help him later?
You will not help him later.

Be+Going to
FORM Be Going To (am/is/are + going to + verb)
You are going to meet Jane tonight.
Are you going to meet Jane tonight?
You are not going to meet Jane tonight.

“Will” to Express Voluntarytion Action (Will digunakan untuk kegiatan yang sifatnya
I will send you the information when I get it.
Will you help me move this heavy table?
A: I’m really hungry.      
B: I’ll make some sandwiches.
A: The phone is ringiing.
B: I’ll get it.

“Will” to Express a Promise (Menunjukkan janji)

I will call you when I arrive.
If I am elected President of the United States, I will make sure everyone has access to
inexpensive health insurance.
Don’t worry, I’ll be careful.
I won’t tell anyone your secret.

“Be going to” Express a Plan (menunjukkan rencana)

He is going to spend his vacation in Hawaii.
A: When are we going to meet each other tonight?
B: We are going to meet at 6 PM.
I’m going to be an actor when I grow up.
A: Who are you going to invite to the party?
B: Going to invite all my class mates.

“Will” or “Be Going to” to Express a Prediction (Will dan be Going to untuk menunjukkan
The year 2222 will be a very interesting year.
The year 2222 is going to be a very interesting year.
John Smith will be the next President.
John Smith is going to be the next President.

 Unit 26
Here are some sample phrases and expressions for making plans for the weekend.

What are you doing this Saturday? Not much.

Do you want to go see a movie? That sounds good.
What's playing at the Century Fox? "Candlelight in the Window."
* I'd rather not. I don't like horror
Should we go see it? movies.
How about "Run of the Mill?" No. I heard that's really boring.
Why don't we go to a concert Great idea!
 Unit 27

(Good morning, afternoon, evening)
I’m happy to be here.
I’m glad to have this opportunity to .....
Today, I’d like to talk (to you) about .....
My topic today is ......
The focus of my remarks is ......
I’d like to share some thought on (topic) ......

Main points
Let me start by .....
First, let me tell you about .....
I’ve devided my topic into (three) parts: (They are .....)

Giving examples
For instance,
Let me illustrate,
To illustrate,

In conclusion,
To conclude,
To summarize,
To sum up,

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