Score Booster Engg Mathematics Chapter 1 Linear Algebra 18
Score Booster Engg Mathematics Chapter 1 Linear Algebra 18
Score Booster Engg Mathematics Chapter 1 Linear Algebra 18
1.1. Definition:
a11 b12
The expression is called a determinant of the second order and stands for ‘a 11b22
a21 b22
– a21b12’. It contains 4 numbers a11, b12, a22, b22 (called elements) which are arranged
along two horizontal lines (called rows) and two vertical lines (called columns).
a11 b12 c13
Similarly, a21 b22 c23 is called a determinant of the third order. It consists of 9
a31 b32 c33
Which is a block of n 2 elements arranged in the form a square along n-rows and n-
1.1.1. Principal Diagonal:
The diagonal through the left-hand top corner which contains the elements a11, b22, c33,
…... is called the leading or principal diagonal.
1.2. Minor and Cofactors:
1.2.1. Minor:
The minor of the element aij is denoted Mij and is the determinant of the matrix that
remains after deleting row i and column j of A.
1.2.2. Co – factor:
The cofactor of aij is denoted Cij and is given by:
Cij = (–1) i+j Mij
The cofactor of an element is usually denoted by the corresponding capital letter.
a11 b12 c13
For instance, if = a21 b22 c23
a31 b32 c33
1.3. Laplace’s expansion:
A determinant can be expanded in terms of any row (or column) as follows:
Multiply each element of the row (or column) in terms of which we intend expanding the
determinant, by its cofactor and then add up all these terms.
∴ Expanding by 1st row i.e. R1
b22 c23 a c a b22
= a11A11 + b12B12 + c13C13 = a11 – b12 21 23 + c13 21
b32 c33 a31 c33 a31 b33
Ans. – 6
Expanding the determinant in terms of the second row we get:
|A| = ∆ = a21C21 + a22C22 + a23C23
2 –1 1 –1 1 2
= –3 +0 –1
2 1 4 1 4 2
2 3 5
Example.2 consider the following square matrix A = 6 4 8 .Now choose the option
2 7 9
3 3
(h). If to the elements of a row (or column) of a determinant are added k times the
corresponding elements of another row (or column) the value of determinant thus
obtained is equal to the value of original determinant.
i R + kR
i.e. A ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ → B then A = B
i jC +kC
and A ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ → B then A = B
(i). |AB| = |A|×|B| and based on this we can prove the following:
(i) |An| = (|A|)n
|An| = |A × A × A × …... n times.
|An| = |A| × |A| × |A| … n times
|An| = (|A|)n
(ii) |A A–1| = |I|
|A A–1| = |I| = 1
Now, |A A–1| = |A| |A–1|
∴ |A| |A–1| = 1
⇒ A–1 =
(j). Using the fact that A · Adj A = |A|. I, the following can be proved for A n×n.
(i). |Adj A| = |A|n–1
(ii). |Adj (Adj (A)) | = A
1 1 –1
Example.3 The determinant of the matrix 2 1 0 is ______ (accurate to one decimal
3 1 1
Ans. 0
1 0 2 0 2 1
=1 –1 + (–1)
1 1 3 1 3 1
Δ = 1(1 – 0) – 1 (2 – 0) – 1 (2 – 3)
1 2 1
Example.4 If a determined is defined as = 3 0 1 , then what will be value of
4 –2 1
A. 80
B. 20
C. –4
D. –16
Ans. C
Δ = 1(0 + 2) –2 (3 – 4) + 1 (–6 – 0)
Δ = –2
If all elements of one row (or one column) of a determinant are multiplied by same
2 1 0 4
0 –1 0 2
Example.5 Evaluate the determinant of the following 4 × 4 matrix A = .
7 –2 3 5
0 1 0 –3
Ans. 6
The third column of this matrix contains the most zeros. Expand the determinant in terms
2 1 4
|A| = +3 0 –1 2
0 1 –3
The first column of this determinant contains the most zeroes. Expand the determinant
–1 2
A = 32 = 6 (3 – 2 ) = 6
1 –3
2.1. Definition:
A system of mn numbers arranged in a rectangular formation along m rows and n
columns and bounded by the brackets [ ] is called an m by n matrix; which is written
as m × n matrix. A matrix is also denoted by a single capital letter A.
a11 a12 ...a1j ...a1n
a21 a22 ...a2j ...a2n
... ... ... ...
Thus, A = is a matrix of order mn.
ai1 ai2 ...aij ...ain
... ... ... ...
am1 am2 amj ...amn
It has m rows and n columns. Each of the mn numbers is called an element of the
2.1.1. Transpose of a Matrix:
The matrix obtained from any given matrix A, by interchanging rows and columns is
called the transpose of A and is denoted by AT or A’.
1 2
1 4 7
Thus, the transposed matrix of A = 4 5 is A ' =
7 8 2 5 8
6 5 6 6 5 6
(A) 5 6 6 (B) 5 6 6
6 5 6 5 5 6
6 5 6 6 5 6
(C) 5 6 5 (D) 5 6 5
6 6 6 6 5 6
Ans. D
1 1 2
Since A = 2 1 1
1 1 2
1 2 1
A = 1 1 1
2 1 2
1 1 2 1 2 1
Now AA = 2 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 2 2 1 2
1 + 1 + 4 2 + 1 + 2 1 + 1 + 4
= 2 + 1 + 2 4 + 1 + 1 2 + 1 + 2
1 + 1 + 4 2 + 1 + 2 1 + 1 + 4
6 5 6
AA = 5 6 5
6 5 6
• A matrix having a single column is called a column matrix, e.g., 7
• Row and column matrices are sometimes called row vector and column vectors.
2.3.2. Square matrix:
• An m × n matrix for which the number of rows is equal to number of columns i.e. m
= n, is called square matrix.
• It is also called an n-rowed square matrix.
• The element aij such that i = j, i.e. a11, a22… are called DIAGONAL ELEMENTS and the
line along which they line is called Principle Diagonal of matrix.
• Elements other than principal diagonal elements are called off-diagonal elements i.e.
aij such that i ≠ j.
1 2 3
Example: A = 4 5 6 is a square Matrix.
9 8 3
3 3
A square sub-matrix of a square matrix A is called a “principle sub-matrix” if its diagonal
1 2
elements are also the diagonal elements of the matrix A. So is a principle sub
4 5
2 3
matrix of the matrix A given above, but is not.
5 6
0 0 0
0 0 0
Example : O3 = 0 0 0 , O2 = , O21 =
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 3
Example: The matrix A = 5 2 6 is nilpotent class 3, since A ≠ 0 and A2 ≠ 0, but
–2 –1 –3
A3 = 0.
2.3.12. Singular Matrix:
A matrix will be singular matrix if its determinant is equal to zero.
a11 a12 ...... a1n
. .
. .
aij =
. .
. .
an1 a21 ...... ann nn
Ans. 2.909
5 2 m
Since A = 3 4 2
1 5 1
p a b
Example: A = a q c is a symmetric matrix since AT = A
b c r
A + At
(b) is always symmetric matrix.
(c) A - AT and AT – A are skew symmetric.
1. If A and B and symmetric, then:
(a) A + B and A – B are also symmetric
(b) AB, BA may or may not be symmetric.
(c) Ak is symmetric when k is set of any natural number.
(d) AB + BA is symmetric.
(e) AB – BA is skew symmetric.
(f) A2, B2, A2 ± B2 are symmetric.
(g) KA is symmetric where k is any scalar quantity.
2. Every square matrix can be uniquely expressed as a sum of a symmetric and a
skew-symmetric matrix. Let A be the given square matrix, then:
1 1
A= (A + A ') + (A − A ').
2 2 Skew – Symmetric Matrix:
• A square matrix A = [aij] is said to be skew symmetric if (i, j) th elements of A is the
negative of the (j, i)th elements of A if aij = –aij ∀ i, j.
• In a skew symmetric matrix AT = –A.
• A skew symmetric matrix must have all 0’s in the diagonal.
0 a b
Example: A = –a 0 c is a skew-symmetric matrix.
–b –c 0
A – At
(a) For any matrix A, the matrix is always skew symmetric.
(b) A ± B are skew symmetric.
(c) AB and BA are not skew symmetric.
(d) A2, B2, A2 ± B2 are symmetric.
(e) A2, A4, A6 are symmetric.
(f) A3, A5, A7 are skew symmetric.
(g) kA is skew symmetric where k is any scalar number.
0 6
Example.8 Matrix A = will be skew – symmetric when P = _________.
P 0
Ans. –6
For skew-symmetric Matrix:
PT = −P
0 P 0 6
6 0 P 0
0 P 0 6
+ =0
6 0 P 0
0 P + 6 0 0
P + 6 0 0 0
P+6 =0
P = −6 Orthogonal Matrices:
A square matrix A is said be orthogonal if: A T = A–1 ⇒ AAT = AA–1 = 1. Thus, A will be
an orthogonal matrix if:
AAT = I = ATA.
Example: The identity matrix is orthogonal since I T = I–1 = I
Note.5: Since for an orthogonal matrix A:
⇒ AAT = I
⇒ |AAT| = |I| = 1
⇒ |A| |AT| = 1
⇒ (|A|)2 = 1
⇒ |A| = ±1
So, the determinant of an orthogonal matrix always has a modulus of 1.
–2 / 3 1 / 3 2 / 3 –2 / 3 2 / 3 1 / 3
We have AA ' = 2 / 3 2 / 3 1 / 3 1 / 3 2 / 3 –2 / 3
1 / 3 –2 / 3 2 / 3 2 / 3 1 / 3 2 / 3
4 / 9 + 1 / 9 + 4 / 9 –4 / 9 + 2 / 9 + 2 / 9 –2 / 9 – 2 / 9 + 4 / 9
AA’ = –4 / 9 + 2 / 9 + 2 / 9 4 / 9 + 4 / 9 + 1 / 9 2 / 9 – 4 / 9 + 2 / 9 = I.
–2 / 9 – 2 / 9 + 4 / 9 2 / 9 – 4 / 9 + 2 / 9 1 / 9 + 4 / 9 + 4 / 9
2.4.2. Complex Matrices:
Complex matrices can be classified into the following three types based on relationship
between Aθ and A. Hermitian Matrix:
A necessary and sufficient condition for a matrix A to be Hermitian is that A θ = A.
a b + ic
Example: A = is a Hermitian matrix.
b – ic d
3 + i –3 + i
2 is an example of a unitary matrix.
Example: A = 2
3 + i 3 – i
2 2
2.5. Operations in the matrices:
2.5.1 Equality of matrices:
Two matrices A = [aij] and B = [bij] are said to be equal if and only if:
(i) They are of the same order and
(ii) each element of A is equal to the corresponding element of B.
2.5.2 Addition and Subtraction of Matrices:
If A, B be two matrices of the same order, then their sum A + B is defined as the matrix
each element of which is the sum of the corresponding element of A and B.
a1 b1 c1 d1 a1 + c1 b1 + d1
Thus, a2 b2 + c2 d2 = a2 + c2 b2 + d2
a3 b3 c3 d3 a3 + c3 b3 + d3
a b1 c1 d1 a1 – c1 b1 – d1
Thus, 1 – =
a2 b2 c2 d2 a2 – c2 b2 – d2
(c). Addition and subtraction of matrices is associative i.e. (A + B) – C = A + (B – C) =
B + (A – C).
2.5.3 Multiplication of a Matrix by a Scalar:
The product of a matrix A by a scalar k is a matrix of which each element is k times the
corresponding elements of A.
a b1 c1 ka1 kb1 kc1
Thus,k 1 =
a2 b2 c2 ka2 kb2 kc2
3 2 2 3 4 2
Example.11 If A = 1 3 1 , find the matrix B such that AB = 1 6 1 .
5 3 4 5 6 4
3 2 2 l m n
Let AB = 1 3 1 p q r
5 3 4 u v w
3l + 2p + 2u 3m + 2q + 2v 3n + 2r + 2w
= l + 3p + u m + 3q + v n + 3r + w
5l + 3p + 4u 5m + 3q + 4v 5n + 3r + 4w
3 4 2
= 1 6 4 (given)
5 6 1
2.5.5 Trace of Matrix:
Let A be a square matrix of order n. The Sum of elements lying along the principal
diagonal is called the trace of A denoted by Tr(A).
Thus, if A = [aij]n×n then:
Tr(A) = aij = a11 + a22 + a33 + ....... + ann
i =1
Ans. 16
Tr(A) = aij = a11 + a22 + a33
i =1
Tr(A) = 2 + 5 + 9
Tr(A) = 16
The matrix obtained from given matrix A on replacing its elements by the corresponding
2 + 3i 4 – 7i 8
Example : A =
–i 6 9 + i
2 – 3i 4 + 7i 8
Then, A =
+i 6 9 – i
respectively. Then,
( )
(a). A = A
(b).( A + B) = A + B
( )
(d). AB = A B, A and B being conformable to multiplication
2.5.7 Transposed Conjugate of the Matrix:
The transpose of the conjugate of a matrix A is called transposed conjugate of A and is
denoted by Aθ or A* or . It is also called conjugate transpose of A.
2 + i 3 – i
Example : IfA =
4 1 – i
To find Aθ:
2 − i 3 + i
First find A =
4 1 + i
2 − i 4
( )
A = A =
3 + i 1 + i
a1 b1 c1
Let a square matrix A = a2 b2 c2 . Then the transpose of matrix formed by the
a3 b3 c3
cofactors of the elements is called the transpose of the matrix and it is written as Adj(A).
A1 B1 C1
Cofactor − matrix(Cij ) = A2 B2 C2 . Then:
A3 B3 C3
A1 A2 A3
Adj(A) = (cij ) = B1 B2 B3
C1 C2 C3
18 Properties of Inverse
(a). AA–1 = A–1 A = I
(b). A and B are are inverse of each other iff AB = BA = I
(c). (AB)–1 = B–1 A–1
(d). (ABC)–1 = C–1 B–1 A–1
(e). If A be a n × n non-singular matrix, then (A’)–1 = (A–1)’.
−1 −1
(f). If A be a n × n non-singular matrix then (A ) = (A ) .
a b
(g). For a 2 × 2 matrix A = there is a short-cut formula for inverse as given
c d
a b 1 d −b
A −1 = = .
c d (ad − bc) −c a
1 3
Example.13 The inverse of the matrix is
1 2
2 3 −2 1
(A) (B)
1 1 3 −1
−2 3 2 −3
(C) (D)
1 −1 −1 1
Ans. C
−1 1 3 1 2 −3
A = =
1 2 (1 2 − 1 3) −1 1
−2 3
A −1 =
1 −1
Alternate solution:
A −1 =
1 3
A =
1 2
= 2–3 = –1
2 −1 2 −3
Adj(A) = =
−3 1 −1 1
Adj(A) 1 2 −3
A −1 = =
A (−1) −1 1
−2 3
A −1 =
1 −1
K 2
Example.14 The Value of k for which the matrix A= does not have an inverse is
3 1
Ans. 6
K 2
Matrix A =
3 1
K 2
3 1
K−6 =0
Example.15 Let AB, C, D, E be n × n matrices, each with non-zero determinant, If
ABCDE = I, then C–1 is ________.
Ans. D
A, B, C, D, E is n × n matrix.
Given ABCDE = I
Now post multiplication of E–1:
Similarly, ABCDD–1 = E–1 D–1
ABC = E–1 D–1
Now A–1ABC = A–1E–1D–1
B–1BC = B–1A–1E–D–1
C = B–1A–1E–1D–1
C–1 = (B–1A–1E–1D–1)–1
C–1 = (D)–1 (E–1)–1 (A–1)–1(B–1)–1
C–1 = DEAB
1 1 3
Example.16 Find the inverse of 1 3 –3 .
–2 –4 –4
The determinant of the given matrix A is
1 1 3 a1 b1 c1
= 1 3 –3 = a2 b2 c2 (say)
–2 –4 –4 a3 b3 c3
If A1, A2, ……be the cofactors of a1, a2…in Δ, then A1 = – 24, A2 = – 8, A3 = – 12; B1 =
10, B2 = 2 B3 = 6; C1 = 2, C2 = 2, C3 = 2.
Thus, Δ = α1A1 + α2A2 + a3A3 = – 8.
A1 A2 A3 –24 –8 –12
and adj A = B1 B2 B3 = 10 2 6
C1 C2 C3 2 2 2
3 1
–24 –8 –12
adj A 1 5 1 3
A −1 = = 10 2 6 = – – –
–8 4 4 4
2 2
– 1 1 1
– –
4 4 4
2.7. Echelon Form:
A matrix is in echelon form if only if
(i). Leading non-zero element in every row is behind leading non-zero element in
previous row i.e. below the leading non-zero element in every row all the elements must
be zero.
(ii). All the zero rows should be below all the non-zero rows.
2.7.1 Use of Echelon form:
This definition gives an alternate way of calculating the rank of larger matrices (larger
than 3 × 3) more easily. The number of non-zero rows in the upper triangular matrix to
get the rank of the matrix.
2.7.2 How to reduce a matrix into Echelon form?
To reduce a matrix to its echelon form, use gauss elimination method on the matrix and
convert it into an upper triangular matrix, which will be in echelon form.
2.8. Elementary transformation of a matrix:
The following operations, three of which refer to rows and three to columns are known
as elementary transformations:
(i). The interchange of any two rows (columns).
(ii). The multiplication of any row (column) by a non-zero number.
(iii). The addition of a constant multiple of the elements of any row (column) to the
corresponding elements of any other row (column).
2.8.1 Notation:
The elementary row transformations will be denoted by the following symbols:
(i) Rij for the interchange of the ith and jth rows.
(ii) kRi for multiplication of the ith row by k.
(iii) Ri + kRj for addition to the ith row to k times the jth row.
Similarly, the corresponding column transformation will be denoted by writing C in place
of R.
(1). Elementary transformations do not change either the order or rank of a matrix.
(2). While the value of the minors may get changed by the transformation I and II, their
zero or non-zero character remains unaffected.
2.9. Equivalent Matrix:
Two matrices A and B are said to be equivalent if one can be obtained from the other
by a sequence of elementary transformations. Two equivalent matrices have the same
order and the same rank. The symbol ~ is used for equivalence.
2.10. Normal Form of a matrix:
Every non-zero matrix A of rank r can be reduced by a sequence of elementary
transformations, to the form.
Ir 0
called the normal form of A.
0 0
1 1 2
For the matrix A = 1 2 3 ,
0 –1 –1
Example.17 Find non-singular matrices P and Q such that PAQ is in the normal form.
Hence find the rank of A.
1 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 0
We write A = IAI,i.e. 1 2 3 = 0 1 0 A 0 1 0
0 –1 –1 0 0 1 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 0 0 1 –1 –2
1 1 1 = 0 1 0 A 0 1 0
0 –1 –1 0 0 1 0 0 1
Re placeR2 by R2 – R1
1 0 0 1 1 0 1 –1 –2
0 1 1 = –1 0 0 A 0 1 0
0 –1 –1 0 0 1 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 0 0 1 –1 –1
Operate C3 – C1, 0 1 0 = –1 1 0 A 0 1 –1
0 –1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Re placeR3 byR3 + R2 :
1 0 0 1 0 0 1 –1 –1
0 1 0 = –1 1 0 A 0 1 –1
0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1
I 0
Which is of the normal form 2
0 0
1 0 0 1 –1 –1
Hence, P = –1 1 0 ' Q = 0 1 –1 and (A) = 2.
–1 1 1 0 0 1
2.11. Vectors:
An ordered n-tuple X = (x1, x2, … xn) is called an n-vector and x1, x2, … xn are called
components of X.
A vector may be written as either a row matrix X = [x 1 x2 … xn] which is called row
(ii). If A is a square matrix of order n and A = 0 then the rows and columns are linearly
(iii). If A is a square matrix of order n and A 0 then the rows and columns are linearly
(iii). Any subset of a linearly independent set is itself linearly independent set.
(iv). If a set of vectors includes a zero vector, then the set of vectors is linearly
dependent set.
2.11.7 Inner product:
x1 y1
x y
The inner product of two vectors X = 2 and Y = 2 is denoted by X Y and defined
xn yn
as X Y = XT Y = [x1x2.....xn ] 2 = x1y1 + x2 y2 + ..... + xnyn which is a scalar quantity.
1. XTY=YTX i.e. Inner Product is symmetric
2. X.Y = 0 the vectors X and Y are perpendicular.
3. X.Y. = 1 the vectors X and Y are parallel.
If X = 2 is a vector of order n then the positive square root of inner product of X and
B. 11
C. 3 5
D. 43
Ans. C
Length or Norm of the vector is defined as:
X = 22 + 42 + 52
X = 45 = 3 5
Example: If X = [0 –1 0]
then X = 02 + (−1)2 + 12 = 1
1 2
Ex: X1 = −2 and X2 = 1
0 0
X1 X2 = X1T X2 = X2T X1
A. –2
B. 3
C. –3
D. 12
Ans. B
1 – 2 0 k = 0
[6–2k + 0] = 0
6 – 2k = 0
2k = 6
2.11.11 Orthonormal vectors/Orthonormal set:
0, i j
XiT X j = ij = .
1, i = j
where A is matrix of the coefficients and X is the column matrix of the variables.
(ii). If A 0 and (A) = n (number of variables). Then, the system has unique solution
(iii). If A = 0 and (A) n then the system has infinitely many non-zero (or non-trivial)
solutions of AX = O is (n – r).
variables) exceeds the number of equations then the system necessarily possesses a
non-zero solution.
Example.20 Find the values of k for which the system of equation (3k – 8) x+3y + 3z
= 0, 3x + (3k – 8) y + 3z = 0, 3x + 3y + (3k – 8) z = 0 has a non-trivial solution.
For the given system of equation of have a non-trivial solution, the determinant of the
coefficient matrix should be zero.
3k – 8 3 3
i.e. 3 3k – 8 3 =0
3 3 3k – 8
1 3 3
(3k – 2) 1 3k – 8 3 =0
1 3 3k – 8
Replace R1 by R1 + R2 + R3:
a+b+c a+b+c a+b +c
b c a =0
c a b
1 1 1
or(a + b + c) b c a = 0
c a b
1 0 0
(a + b + c) b c – b a – b = 0
c a– c b – c
(a + b + c) [(c – b) (b – c) – (a – c) (a – b)] = 0
(a + b + c) (–a2 – b2 – c2 + ab + bc + ca) = 0
i.e. a + b + c = 0 or a2 + b2 + c2 – ab – bc – ca = 0
a + b + c = 0 or [(a – b)2 + (b – c)2 + (c – a)2 ] = 0
a + b + c = 0; a = b, b = c, c = a.
Hence the given system has a non-trivial solution if a + b c = 0 or a = b = c.
2.12.2 Non – homogenous system of linear equations:
If the system of ‘m’ non-homogeneous linear equation in ‘n’ variables x1, x2, … xn is
given by
a11x1 + a12 x2 + .... + a1nxn = b1
a21x1 + a22 x2 + .... + a2nxn = b2
……… (1)
am1x1 + am2 x2 + ... + amnxn = bm
Then, the set of these equations can be written in matrix form as:
AX = B ……… (2)
Where A is coefficient matrix, X is column matrix of the variables and B is the column
matrix of constants b1, b2, …. bn.
(i). The system has a solution (consistent) if and only if Rank of A = Rank of [A|B].
(ii). The system AX = B has a unique solution if and only if Rank (A) = Rank (A|B) = n
number of variables.
(ii) The system has infinitely many solutions if (A) = (A | B) n (number of variables).
(iii) The system has no solution (or is inconsistent) if (A) (A | B) i.e. (A) (A | B) .
Example.22 Consider the following system of linear equations:
x + 2ay + az = 0
x + 3by + bz = 0
A. Arithmetic Progression
B. Geometric Progression
C. Harmonic Progression
D. None of these
Ans. C
|A| = 0
1 2a a
1 3b b = 0
1 4c c
2ac = ab + bc
2ac = b (a + c)
2 1 1
= +
b a c
2x + 3y + 5z = 9,
7x + 3y – 2z = 8,
2x + 3y + λz = μ,
(i) no solution
2 3 5 x 9
We have 7 3 –2 y = 8
2 3 z
The system admits of unique solution if, and only if, the coefficient matrix is of rank 3.
2 3 5
This requires that 7 3 –2 = 15(5 – ) 0
2 3
If λ = 5, the system will have no solution for those values of μ for which the matrices
2 3 5 2 3 5 9
A = 7 3 –2 and AB = 7 3 –2 8 .
2 3 5 2 3
2 3 5 9
AB = 7 3 –2 8
0 0 − 5 − 9
Let A = [aij]n×n be any n-rowed square matrix and is a scalar. Then the matrix A − |
The values of this characteristic equation are called eigen values of A and the set of
The corresponding non-zero solutions to X such that AX = X , for different eigen values
31 Properties of Eigen Values:
(a). If 1 , 2.......n are the eigenvalues of A, then k1 ,k 2.......k n are eigenvalues of
(b). The eigenvalues of A–1 are the reciprocals of the eigenvalues of A. i.e. if 1 , 2.......n
1 1 1
are the eigen value of A, then , ,... are the eigen value of A–1.
1 2 n
m m m
(c). If 1 , 2 ,...n are the eigen values of A, then 1 , 2 ,........n are the eigen values of
Am .
(d). If 1 , 2 , 3...n are the eigen values of a non-singular matric A, then , ...
1 2 n
(h). Product of eigen values = A (i.e. At least one eigen value is zero iff A is singular).
(i). In a triangular and diagonal matrix, eigen values are diagonal elements themselves.
(j). Similar matrices have same eigen values. Two matrices A and B are said to be
similar if there exists a non-singular matrix P such that B = P–1 AP.
(k). If a + √𝑏 is the one eigen value of a real matrix A then a - √𝑏 other eigen value of
matrix A.
(l). If a + ib is an eigen value of a real matrix A then a – ib is also other eigen value of
(m). If A and B are two matrices of same order, then the matrix AB and BA will have
same characteristic roots.
0 −1
Example.24 Let λ1 and λ2 be the two eigen values of the matrix A = . Then, λ1
1 1
+ λ2 and λ1. λ2, are respectively:
A. 1 and 1
B. 1 and -1
C. -1 and -1
D. -1 and -1
Ans. A
Sum of Eigen values (λ1 + λ2) = Trace of A
Sum of Eigen values (λ1 + λ2) = Sum of diagonal elements
λ1 + λ2 = 0 +1 = 1
Now, λ1. λ2 = Determinant of A
λ1. λ2 = 0×1 – 1× (-1) = 1
2.13.2 Eigen Vectors:
The corresponding non-zero solutions to X such that AX = X , for different eigen values
are called as the eigen vectors of A. Properties of Eigen vectors:
(a). For each eigen value of a matrix there are infinitely many eigen vectors. If X is an
eigen vector of a matrix A corresponding to the Eigen Value λ then KX is also an eigen
vector of A for every non – zero value of K.
(b). Same Eigen vector cannot be obtained for two different eigen values of a matrix.
(c). Eigen vectors corresponding to the distinct eigen values are linearly independent.
(d). For the repeated eigen values, eigen vectors may or may not be linearly
(e). The Eigen vectors of A and Ak are same.
(f). The eigen vectors of A and A-1 are same.
(g). The Eigen vectors of A and AT are NOT same.
(h). Eigen vectors of a symmetric matrix are Orthogonal.
2.13.3 Cayley Hamilton Theorem:
Every square matrix A satisfies its own characteristic equation A – λI = 0.
If λ2 – 5λ + 6 =0 is the Characteristic equation of the matrix A, then according to Cayley
Hamilton theorem:
A2 – 5A +6I = 0 Applications of Cayley Hamilton theorem:
(a). It is used to find the higher powers of A such that A2, A3, A4 etc.
(b). It can also be used to obtain the inverse of the Matrix.
2 2
Example.25 Characteristic Equation of the matrix with eigen value λ is –
2 1
A. λ2 + 3λ + 4 = 0
B. λ2 + 3λ –2 = 0
C. λ2 – 3λ = 0
D. λ2 + 3λ = 0
Ans. C
Since characteristic equation is given by:
A – I = 0
2– 2
2 1–
(2 – )(1 – ) – 2 2 = 0
λ2 – 3λ = 0
3 1 4
Example.26 Find the eigen values and eigen vectors of the matrix A = 0 2 6 .
0 0 5
The characteristic equation is:
| A – I |= 0
3– 1 4
i.e. 0 2– 6 =0
0 0 5–
(3 – λ) (2 – λ) (5 – λ) = 0
Thus, the eigen values of A are 2, 3, 5.
If x, y, z be the components of an eigen vector corresponding to the eigen value λ, we
| A – I | X = 0
3 – 1 4 x
0 2 – 6 y = 0
0 0 5 – z
If this happens then the eigenvalue is said to be of algebraic multiplicity k. Geometric Multiplicity:
The number of linearly independent eigen vectors associated with that eigenvalue is
called the Geometric multiplicity of that value.
Geometric Multiplicity (GM) corresponding to any eigen value λ i is given by:
GM= n – Rank of (A – λi I)
Where n is the order of the matrix.
Thus, for a matrix A, the number of linearly independent eigen vectors is the sum of
geometric multiplicities obtained corresponding to different eigen values.
3 3
Example.27 Consider the matrix A = . Find the number of linearly independent
2 4
eigen vectors for the matrix.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 0
D. 3
Ans. B
3 3
2 4
Let λ1 and λ2 be eigen values of matrix.
λ1 + λ2 = trace of A = 3 + 4
λ1 + λ2 = 7 …………… (1)
λ1λ2 = Determinant of eigen values
λ1λ2 = 12 – 6
λ1λ2 = 6 ………. (2)
Now use relation:
(λ1 – λ2)2 = (λ1 + λ2)2 – 4λ1λ2
(λ1 – λ2)2 = 49 – 4 × 6
(λ1 – λ2)2 = 25
λ1 – λ2 = 5 …………. (3)
–3 3
A – 1I =
2 –2
2 R
Replace R2 → R2 + R1 and R1 → 1
3 –3
1 –1
A – 1I =
0 0
GM = Order (n) of matrix – Rank ρ(A–λ1I)
GM = 1
Now, Corresponding to λ= 1:
3 – 1 3
A – 2I =
2 4 – 1
2 3
2 3
Now R2 → R1 – R2
2 3
0 0
1 3
A – 2I = 2
0 0
ρ (A–λ2 I) = 1
Thus, Geometric Multiplicity corresponding to (λ 2) = 2 – 1 = 1
Thus, number of linearly independent eigen vectors = Sum of Geometric multiplicity
corresponding to different eigen values
Number of linearly independent vectors = 1 + 1 = 2
2.14. Diagonalizable matrix:
If for a given square matrix A of order n, there exists a non – singular matrix P such
that P-1AP = D or AP = PD where D is the diagonal matrix then A is said to be
diagonalizable matrix.
1. If X1, X2, X3, ………., X3 are linearly independent eigen vectors of A 3×3 corresponding
to eigen values λ1, λ2, λ3 then P can be found such that P-1AP = D or AP = PD.
1 0 0
Where D = 0 2 0 and P = [X1, X2, X3]
0 0 3
4–x 3
1 6–x
A. 6, 4
B. 4, 9
C. 5, 6
D. 3, 7
Ans. D
3 – x 2 2
2. For what values of x, the matrix 2 4–x 1 is singular.
–2 –4 –1 − x
A. 0, – 3
B. 0, 3
C. 1, 3
D. –1, – 3
Ans. B
cos sin a b
3. If x = , and If XX is given by
. Then what will be value of b + c:
– sin cos c d
Ans. 0
0 2
4. Matrix A = – is orthogonal. The values of α, β and γ respectively are:
1 1 1
A. , ,
3 2 6
1 1 1
B. , ,
3 6 2
1 1 1
C. , ,
6 3 2
1 1 1
D. , ,
2 6 3
Ans. D
6 9 0
5. Consider the following matrix 3 12 6 which has determinant equal to 945. Then the
9 6 15
2 3 0
determinant of matrix 1 4 2 is
3 2 5
A. 35.0
B. 3.88
C. 52.5
D. 13.12
Ans. A
3 3 a b
6. Consider the following matrix . If Inverse of this matrix is given by then value of
2 5 c d
(ad – bc) will be:
C. 1
Ans. B
–1 –3 −5
7. Consider the following square matrix A = 3 4 7 find the value of |adj(adjA)| __________?
4 1 3
A. 9
B. 121
C. 13689
D. 81
Ans. D
8. Consider the following statements:
1. A matrix whose determinant is Not equal to zero is called singular matrix.
2. The homogenous system of linear equations is always consistent.
3. A square matrix will be idempotent matrix of A2 = A.
4. A square matrix will be Idempotent matrix if A2 = In.
Which of the following statements are correct?
A. 1, 2 and 3 only
B. 1 and 3 only
C. 2 and 3 only
D. 1, 2 and 4 only
Ans. C
3 0 0
9. The eigen values of the matrix 0 2 –3 are __________.
1 1 –2
A. –1, 1, 3
B. –3, 2, –2
C. 3, 2, –1
D. 3, 2, –1
Ans. A
3 1 3
10. Consider the following matrix 0 2 –3 and one of eigen value of given matrix is λ1 = 3, then
1 1 2
Ans. 5
12. Consider the following system of linear equations:
x + ay + z = 3
x + 2y +2z = b
x + 5y + 3z = 9
The system is consistent and has infinite many solutions then a+b _______.
Ans. 5 (a = –1 and b = 6)
2 2 1
13. Consider the matrix A = 1 3 1 which has one of its eigen value equal to 1. Then find the sum
1 2 2
Ans. 2.2
4 6 6
14. If Matrix A = 1 3 2 , the evaluate A–2 using the Cayley – Hamilton theorem.
–1 –4 –3
1 –18 –18
–2 1
Ans. A = –5 10 –6
5 6 22
1 2
15. If the matrix A = then find the value of |A |using Cayley Hamilton theorem.
2 –1
Ans. 625
16. Consider the following system of linear equation (where p and q are constants).
x1 + x2 + x3 = 1
x1 – x2 + 2x3 = p
3x1 – x2 + 5x3 = q
This system has at least one solution for any p and q satisfying:
A. 2p–q + 1 =0
B. 2q + p + 1 = 0
C. 2p + q – 1 = 0
D. 2q + p – 1 = 0
Ans. A
2 –1 3 1
17. The rank of the matrix 1 4 –2 1 is __________.
5 2 4 3
Ans. 2
–1 2 3
18. If matrix A = 0 3 5 , then the product of eigen values of A2 is:
0 0 –2
Ans. 36
3x – y – z + 2w = 0
3x + y –z – 2w = 0
12x + 3y – 4z – 6w = 0
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Ans. B
2 1 1
20. Consider the matrix A = 2 3 4 whose eigen values are 1, –1 and 3. Then trace of (A4 –
–1 –1 –2
3A3) is __________.
Ans. 2
1 2
21. Consider the following vectors x1 = –2 and x2 = 1 statements regarding these vectors are as
0 0
follows :
1. Vectors x1 and x2 are orthogonal vectors.
Ans. k = 2
3 1 3
25. Consider the following matrix A = 0 2 –3 which has one of the eigen value equal to the 3,
1 1 2
then find the number of linearly independent eigen vectors of the matrix.
Ans. 2
1 0 0 1 0 0
26. Consider the matrices A = 1 0 andB = 2 1 0
1 3 4 1
Ans. 29
27. The following system of equations:
2x – y – z =0,
-x+2y +z = 0,
-X- y +2z = 0
A. has no solution
B. has a unique solution
C. has three solutions
D. has infinite number of solutions
Ans. B
5 4 1 –2
28. If X = then matrix X equals:
1 1 1 3
–3 14
–2 1
1 –2
3 1
1 3
–2 1
−3 –14
4 17
Ans. D
29. Consider the following statements:
1. The determinant of a skew symmetric matrix of even order is zero.
2. The determinate of a skew symmetric matrix of odd order is zero.
3. The determinant of a Hermitian matrix is always a real number.
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
A. 1 and 3 only
B. 2 and 3 only
C. 3 only
D. 2 only
Ans. B
1 2
30. Consider the following vectors x1 = –2 and x2 = 1 statements regarding these vectors are as
0 0
1. Vectors x1 and x2 are orthogonal vectors.
A. 1 and 2 only
B. 2 and 3 only
C. 1 only
D. None of the above
Ans. A
31. Match List-I with the List-II and Select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
List-I List-II
A. Skew symmetric matrix 1. Diagonal elements are purely real
B. Orthogonal matrix 2. [I]nxn
C. Hermitian matrix 3. All diagonal elements are zero
D. Involutory matrix of Order n, then A 2 4. Modulus is always ±1
5. [A]nxn
A. A – 3, B – 4, C–1, D–5
B. A–3, B–4, C–1, D–2
C. A–4, B–3, C–1, D–5
D. A–4, B–1, C–3, D–5
Ans. B
−9 4 4
32. Find the eigen values and the eigen vectors of the matrix A = –8 3 4 ____.
−16 8 7
3 2 cos sin
33. The matrix A = is transformed to the diagonal form D = T AT where T =
2 7 − sin cos
Find the value of θ which gives this diagonal transformation.
Ans. =
34. The value of c for which the following system of linear equations has an infinite number of
solutions is _________.
1 2 x c
A= =
1 2 y 4
Ans. 4
35. Determine value of ‘b’ such that the system of homogenous equations:
2x+y+2z =0,
x+y+3z = 0,
4x+3y+bz =0
has a Non-trivial solution.
Ans. 8