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11 Wattmeter

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Measurement of Power and Wattmeters

1. Introduction

Power may be defined as the rate at which energy is transformed or made available. The
power in a circuit at any instant is equal to the product of the current in the circuit and the
voltage across its terminals at that instant. In a d.c. circuit, if the current and voltage are
constant, P=VI so that it is necessary only to determine the current and voltage and to take
their product inorder to obtain the value of power in the circuit.
In almost all cases the power in a d.c. circuit is best measured by separately measuring
quantities, V and I and by computing power by the formula P=VI rather than measuring the
power directly with a wattmeter. If voltage and current are measured simultaneously,
allowance for power required for operation of voltmeter and ammeter must be made. Of
course the power loss in the ammeter or in the voltmeter is often very small compared to the
load power and may be safely neglected.
In the case of a.c. circuits the instantaneous power varies continuously as the current
and voltage go through a cycle of values. If the voltage and current are both sinusoidal the
average power over a cycle is given y expression P  VI cos  watts, where V and I are r.m.s.
values of voltage and current and  is the phase angle by which current lags behind or leads
the voltage.
The fact that the power factor ( cos  ) is involved in the expression for the power means
that a wattmeter must be used instead of merely an ammeter and voltmeter, since the latter
method takes no account of power factor.

2. Wattmeter

A wattmeter is essentially an inherent combination of an ammeter and a voltmeter and,

therefore, consists of two coils known as current coil and pressure coil. The operating torque
is produced due to interaction of fluxes on account of currents in current and pressure coils.
The current coil is inserted in series with the line carrying current to be measured and the
pressure coil in series with a high non-inductive resistance R is connected across the load or
supply terminals, as shown in Fig. 1.

FIGURE 8-1 Wattmeter connection

3. Wattmeter Errors

(i) Error due to Inductance of Pressure Coil : Inductance of pressure coil may cause an
error in the reading of the wattmeter.
Let rp, Lp and R be the resistance of pressure coil, inductance of pressure coil and
resistance connected in series respectively.
Current through pressure coil,
Ip  ...................................................................................(1)
r p  R   L
2 2 2

lagging behind the supply voltage V by a small angle

L p
  tan 1 ................................................................................................(2)
rp  R

where V is the supply voltage, and  is the angular velocity of supply.

If  is the phase angle (lagging) between load current I and supply voltage V as seen in

Fig. 2, then phase angle between the currents of current coil and pressure coil will be    
deflection of wattmeter I p I c cos    ..........................................................(3)

I cos     since I p 
or deflection  ............................................................(4)
Zp Zp

where Zp is the impedance of pressure coil circuit and Ic=I

R  rp
I cos  cos    since Z p 
or deflection  ......................................(5)
R  rp cos 

If the inductance Lp of pressure coil circuit were zero, then phase angle between supply
voltage V and pressure coil current Ip i.e.  would be zero and wattmeter deflection would be
proportional to I cos  at all frequencies and power factors,
R  rp

VI cos 
Hence True Power R  rp cos 
  ...............(6)
Power indicated by the instrument VI cos  cos    cos  cos    
R  rp

cos 
or True power   Re ading of wattmeter .........................................(7)
cos  cos   
Hence true reading may be obtained by multiplying the actual reading of the wattmeter
cos  cos 
by where is known as correction factor.
cos  cos    cos  cos   

cos  cos     
Error  cos 
R  rp R  rp
 cos   VI
 1   cos  cos    
 cos  cos      R  r p
 cos  
 1    Actual reading .................................................(8)
 cos     
 cos  
 1    Actual reading
 cos   sin  sin  
sin 
 Actual reading 
cot   sin 

FIGURE 2 Phasor diagram of V, Ip, and I

From the above expression it is obvious that the instrument gives high reading on
lagging power factor and low reading on leading power factor.

(ii) Error due to Pressure Coil Capacitance : The pressure coil circuit may have
capacitance also in addition to inductance. Due to capacitance of pressure coil circuit, the
pressure coil current will tend to lead the supply voltage. In case of no inductance in pressure
coil circuit error will be introduced due to capacitance in pressure coil circuit whose value can
be determined in the same way as has been done in case of inductance and will be equal to
sin 
actual reading multiplied by
sin   cot 
Generally both inductance and capacitance are present in pressure coil circuit and
therefore cancel the effect of each other.
(iii) Error due to Eddy Currents : The alternating magnetic field of current coil induces
eddy current in the solid metal parts nearby the current coil. These eddy currents set up their
own magnetic field and thus alter the magnitude and phase of the magnetic field causing
deflection. Thus the error is introduced in the instrument readings.
Since the error due to eddy currents cannot be detemined and may be seious if no care is
taken to minimise it, therefore, solid metal parts are removed as far away from the current coil
as possible.
(iv) Errors due to Power Loss in Pressure Coil or Current Coil : There are two methods
of connecting wattmeters in the circuit for measurement of power, as shown in Fig. 3.

FIGURE 3 Wattmeter connections

The first method is shown in Fig. 3(a). In this case wattmeter reading is given by
Wattmeter reading  W  I 2 rc ..........................................................................(9)
The second method is shown in Fig. 3(b). In this case wattmeter reading is given by
Wattmeter reading  W  .....................................................................(10)
R  rp

4. Measurement of Power in Single Phase A.C. Circuits

(a) Measurement of power without watt-meters : Usually watt-meters are used or

measuring the power in inductive a.c. circuits but in case if watt-meter is not available or
conditions are such that measurement of power by watt-meter may be incorrect, then use of 3
volt-meters of of 3 ammeters can be made for this purpose as explained below.
(i) 3-voltmeter method : The inductive circuit, Z in which the power is required to be
measured is connected in series with a non-inductive resistance R. Three voltmeters V1, V2,
and V3 are connected across the inductive circuit Z, non-inductive resistance R and across the
whole combination respectively, as shown in Fig. 4(a).

FIGURE 4(a) Measurement of power by 3-voltmeter method

Let the power and p.f. of the inductive circuit be P and cos  respectively. Let the
voltage drop measured by voltmeter across inductive circuit, pure resistance and across the
whole circuit be V1, V2, and V3 volts respectively.
Now V1 will lead the current I by an angle  and V2 will be equal to IR and in phase
with current I.
From vector diagram shown in Fig. 4(b)
V32  V12  V22  2V1V2 cos  ..................................................................................(11)

Since V2  IR

V32  V12  V22  2V1 IR cos 

or V32  V12  V22  2PR ..............................................................................................(12)

Since power in the inductive circuit, P  V1 I cos 

V32  V12  V22

or P ..................................................................................................(13)
V32  V12  V22
cos   ............................................................................................(14)

Disadvantages : (i) Even small errors in measurement of voltages may cause serious
errors in the value of power determined by this method. (ii) Supply voltage higher than
normal voltage is required because an additional resistance R is connected in series with the
load Z (inductive circuit).

FIGURE 4(b) Vector diagram of Fig. 4(a)

(ii) 3-ammeter method : The disadvantages of measurement of power by 3 voltmeters

are overcome in this method. The other advantage of this method is that the value of power
determined is independent of supply frequency and wave forms.

FIGURE 5(a) Measurement of power by 3-ammter method

In this method across the inductive circuit Z in which the power is to be determined, a
non-inductive resistance R is connected, as shown in Fig. 5(a).
Three ammeters A1, A2, and A3 are connected in the circuit to measure currents flowing
through the inductive circuit Z in which the power is to be determined, non-inductive
resistance R and whole circuit respectively, as shown in Fig. 5(a).

Let the power and power factor of the inductive circuit be P and cos  respectively and
currents flowing through inductive circuit, non-inductive resistance and whole circuit be I1, I2,
and I3 respectively.
Now current I1 will lag behind the supply voltage V by an angle  current I2 will be
equal to and will be in phase with supply voltage V.
From vector diagram shown i Fig. 5(b)
I 32  I 12  I 22  2I 1 I 2 cos  .......................................................................................(15)

I 32  I 12  I 22
or cos   ................................................................................................(16)
2I1 I 2
also since I 2 
I 32  I 12  I 22  2 I 1 cos  .....................................................................................(17)
or I 32  I 12  I 22  2 ..................................................................................................(18)
Since power in inductive circuit, P  VI 1 cos 

R 2
 
I 3  I 12  I 22 ...............................................................................................(19)

FIGURE 5(b) Vector diagram of Fig. 5(a)

(b) Measurement of Power With Wattmeters : This method has already been described.

(c) Measurement of Power in Conjuction With Instrument Transformers : When the

currents and voltages of the circuits to be measured are high then use of instrument
transformers is made with wattmeters just as with ammeters and voltmeters. The connection

diagram of wattmeter, when used in conjuction instrument transformers, for measurement of
power is shown in Fig. 6.

FIGURE 6. Measurement of power with wattmeter in conjunction with instrument

transformers in single phase A.C. circuits

When the wattmeter is used in conjuction with instrument transformer, then correction
should be applied for ratio and phase angle errors of instrument transformers.
Let the load voltage , current and load power factor be V, I and cos  respectively and
Current in current coil of wattmeter = current in secondary C.T. = Is
Voltage across pressure coil of wattmeter = voltage across secondary of P.T. = Vs
Current in pressure coil of wattmeter = ip lagging behind Vs by a small angle  due to
inductance of pressure coil
Phase angle of P.T. = 
Phase angle of C.T. = 

FIGURE 7 Vector diagram for inductive load

FIGURE 8 Vector diagram for capacitive load

From vector diagram in Fig. 7 and 8.

Phase angle between the currents in current and potential coils of wattmeter
         for inductive loads.................................................................(20a)
and          for capacitive loads................................................................(20b)
Since phase angle of PT may be lagging or leading. Neglecting transformation ratio
errors of instrument transformers. Correction factor,
cos 
K for inductive loads................................................(21a)
cos  cos       
cos 
and K for capacitive loads..............................................(21b)
cos  cos       
True power=KxActual ratio of CTxActual ratio of PTxWattmeter reading.

5. Measurement of Power in 3 Phase Circuits

(a) Three-wattmeter Method : as seen in FIGURE 9

Total power of load circuit,
P  W1  W2  W3 ...............................................................................................(22)

FIGURE 9(a) Three wattmeter methof of measuring three phase power

FIGURE 9(b) Three-wattmeter method of measuring three-phase power

FIGURE 9(c) Three-wattmeter method of measuring three-phase power

(b) One-wattmeter method : As seen in Fig. 10.

FIGURE 10 One wattmeter method of measuring power in 3-phase 3 wire balanced load

For balanced load condition,

P  3W ..................................................................................................................(23)

(c) Two-wattmeter method : As seen in Fig. 11.

FIGURE 11 Two-wattmeter method of measuring 3-phase 3-wire power

p  v1i1  v 2 i2  v3 i3 ............................................................................................(24)
(i) Star-Connected System
i1  i 2  i3  0 or i3  i1  i 2  ...........................................................................(25)
Substituting Eq. (25) in Eq. (24) we get
p  v1i1  v 2 i 2  v3 i1  i 2 
 i1 v1  v3   i 2 v 2  v3 
So, the total average power,
P  W1  W2 ..........................................................................................................(27)
(ii) Delta-Connected System
v1  v 2  v3  0 or v1  v 2  v3  .......................................................................(28)

p  v1i1  v 2 i 2  v3 i3
 v 2  v3 i1  v 2 i 2  v3 i3 ...............................................................................(29)
 v3 i1  i3   v 2 i 2  i1 

So, the total average power,
P  W1  W2 ......................................................................................................(30)

6. Determination of Power Factor From Wattmeter Readings

If load is balanced, then p.f. of the load can also be determined from the wattmeter
The vector diagram for a balanced star-connected inductive load is shown in Fig. 12(a).
Let V1, V2, and V3 be the r.m.s. values of phase voltages and I1, I2, and I3 be the r.m.s. values
of phase currents.

FIGURE 12(a) Vector diagram for balanced star connected inductive load

Since load is balanced therefore

(i) Phase voltages will be equal (say, equal to Vp).
(ii) Phase currents will be equal (say, equal to Ip or IL).
(iii) Phase angles between respective phase voltages and phase currents will be equal to, say

The current in current coil of wattmeter W1=I1=IL lagging behind V1 by  . The p.d. across

pressure coil of wattmeter W1  V13  3V p  VL lagging behind V1 by 300.

Therefore phase angle between voltage across potential coil and current through current
 
coil of wattmeter W1 is 30 0   and reading of wattmeter

 
W1  VL I L cos 30 0   ...........................................................................................(31)
The current in current coil of wattmeter W2=I2=IL lagging behind V2 by  .

The p.d. across pressure coil of wattmeter W2  V23  3V p  VL leading V2 by 300.

Therefore phase angle between p.d. across potential coil and current through current coil of

wattmeter W2 is 30 0   . 
Hence reading of wattmeter
 
W2  VL I L cos 30 0   .......................................................................................(32)
The sum of two wattmeter readings
 
W1  W2  V L I L cos 30 0    V L I L cos 30 0    
 V L I L  2 cos 30 0 cos  ..............................................(33)
 3V L I L cos   True power of load

 
W1  W2  V L I L cos 30 0    V L I L cos 30 0    
and  V L I L  2 sin 30 sin 
 V L I L sin 
Dividing Eq. (34) by Eq. (33) we get
W1  W2 tan 
 .................................................................................................(35)
W1  W2 3

 W1  W2 
or   Tan 1    3 ...................................................................................(36)
 W1  W 2 
and p.f. of the load circuit,
3 W1  W2 
cos   cos tan 1 .............................................................................(37)
W1  W2

FIGURE 11(b) The watt-ratio curve


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