The Daily Tar Heel For April 27, 2011
The Daily Tar Heel For April 27, 2011
The Daily Tar Heel For April 27, 2011
dth PHOTO ILLUSTRATION/ CAROLANN BELK, KELLY Mchugh and anna thompson He put himself through college at Villanova in Though he did not know he
Philadelphia, where he met his wife, Kathy, of Irish Carlos Somoano was the first Latino coach in
descent. grew up in school history until he was con-
Monday, their son Carlos Somoano, 41, was Seabrook, Texas, tacted for this story, Somoano
named head coach of the North Carolina men’s and was born to a said he was proud of the distinc-
soccer team after nine seasons as an assistant, mak- Cuban immigrant tion.
year in review
ing him the only active minority head coach at the and Irish mother. “Growing up in Texas as a
University and the first-ever Latino head coach at Cuban, I would say to most of the
UNC. people I knew growing up in school, every Latino
“Diversity is ever-present, as it should be,” said was a Mexican,” Somoano said. “There’s such a wide
UNC athletic director Dick Baddour of the hiring
PAGEs 8 and 9 search, adding that at least one of the other three See minority, Page 5
Today’s weather
KVETCHES SURVIVOR APRIL 27, 2000 Just like my
second marriage
LDOC JUMPS OFF Follow a timeline of Rabbi Frank Former basketball player H 83, L 69
An event with actor Joseph the best complaints Fischer will be Michael Jordan visits
Gordon-Levitt will highlight of the year from honored during Chapel Hill to speak about his Year in review
CUAB’s Last Day of Classes The Daily Tar Heel Holocaust restaurant 23. The restaurant,
Sunny, rainy,
festivities. Kvetching Board. Remembrance Week. located at 212 W. Franklin St., snowy, windy
Page 3. Page 3. is no longer in business. H 78, L 54
We are such stuff/As dreams are made on, and our little life/Is rounded with a sleep.
William SHakespeare, “The Tempest”
2 Wednesday, April 27, 2011 News The Daily Tar Heel
From staff and wire reports a New York-themed study break for SARAH FRIER
reports. Location: Davis Library, Room 214 General Alumni Association student EDITOR-in-chief
The person used a hammer to he owner of the Australian restaurant [email protected]
enter the back of the restaurant and STEVEN NORTON
stole $50 worth of bacon and $70
that handed a customer his bill as he Documentary screening: Watch Time: Noon to 3 p.m.
student-made sports documentaries Location: Union Cabaret Managing editor
worth of hot dogs, reports state. was being loaded into an ambulance has “UNC Women’s Rugby” and “The Ram
[email protected]
defended his actions. Lady.” jarrard cole
Exam support fair: Take a study
Someone punched a car and Time: 5 p.m. visual Managing editor
Paramedics rushed to the Chinese restaurant after the break to eat, play video games, get [email protected]
kept running at 4 p.m. Monday Location: Swain Hall, Room 1A massaged and learn relaxation and
on Henderson Street, according man fell into a seizure while enjoying some dumplings. C. Ryan barber
studying tips from UNC staff. university EDITOR
to Chapel Hill police reports. A waiter slapped him with the bill, which the man said Old Well Sing: A cappella group Time: 5:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. [email protected]
The person caused $200 worth the Clef Hangers will perform to VICTORIA STILWELL
of damage to the car, reports state.
was for less than $30, as they were carting him off. Location: Student Union
celebrate the last day of classes. CITY EDITOR
“My opinion is that they ate in our restaurant, they Time: 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Spoken word poetry: The organizers
[email protected]
Someone punched a hole in a have to pay,’’ manager Kevin Tian said. Location: The Old Well of local youth poetry group Sacrificial Tarini Parti
wall of the Inter-Faith Council for STATE & NATIONAL EDITOR
The customer, in stable condition at a Melbourne Poets will perform and talk about [email protected]
Social Service community house LDOC Live: Enjoy live music, a cook- their plans for writing this summer.
at 9:08 p.m. Monday, according hospital, said he will never return to the restaurant. out and a carnival during a HeelMail Nick Andersen
Time: 6 p.m. Arts Editor
to Chapel Hill police reports. promotional event in honor of the Location: Ackland Art Museum [email protected]
The person caused $200 worth NOTED. Police smashed down QUOTED. “He was like a gazelle last day of classes.
an apartment door in Berlin that just got attacked by a lion.” linnie greene
of damage to the wall, reports state. Time: 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. diversions editor
in response to a loud drilling — Pittsburgh-area man To make a calendar submission,
Location: The Pit email [email protected].
[email protected]
noise only to find a vibrator Santino Guzzo, on the sword-
Someone reported a home- Please include the date of the event in jonathan jones
jiggling on the floor. wielding man dressed as a ninja Ralph Byrns goodbye: Wish SPORTS Editor
less camp in a wooded area at the subject line, and attach a photo if
“You could hear the noise out who tried to stab him. goodbye to outgoing economics [email protected]
6:09 p.m. Monday at 100 Saluda you wish. Events will be published in
on the street,” a neighbor said. Guzzo pulled a gun on the professor Ralph Byrns as he discusses lauren mccay
Court, according to Chapel Hill the newspaper on either the day or the
The owner, who wasn’t home, man and chased him as he fled his time at the University. photo editor
police reports. day before they take place. [email protected]
will have to pay for the door. with less than ninja-like grace.
emily evans, jenny smith
copy co-EDITORs
[email protected]
[email protected]
Contact Managing Editor
Steven Norton at
[email protected]
with news tips, comments, corrections
25¢ Be
r e Mail: P.O. Box 3257,
APRIL 25 - MAY 8 Tu
Chapel Hill, NC 27515
The Daily Tar Heel News Wednesday, April 27, 2011 3
UNC music faculty edit four
journals on music, culture
Professor hurt in collision LDOC
Music department faculty
members Severine Neff, Annegret
Fauser, Mark Katz and Jocelyn
Aitken, in fair condition,
was hit by a car while
He said Aitken was injured
in the accident, and a Carrboro
police officer on his way to work
anything right now; we are just
trying to find a witness,” he
Michael Aitken,
a UNC professor,
was transported
Neal are or will be editors of four saw the aftermath and respond- David Leith, associate chair- to UNC Hospitals
top journals in their respective on his bicycle Monday. ed. Atack said the officer did not man of the department, said after being hit by a
fields. witness the accident. he has no information about car while biking to
Neff is editor of Music By Nicole Comparato After a fire rescue vehicle Aitken’s current health status, work Monday.
Theory Spectrum, the journal Staff Writer responded, Aitken was trans- but he knows he is still in the
of the Society of Music Theory, ported to UNC Hospitals to be hospital.
and Fauser works as editor of A UNC professor is in fair con- treated, Atack said. “I don’t think anyone has But he said he has known
the Journal of the American dition Tuesday after being hit by A spokeswoman for UNC heard from him. We’re hopeful Aitken more than 25 years, and
Musicological Society. Neal is co- a car while riding his bicycle to Hospitals said Aitken is in fair that we will find out some more he also knows Aitken’s wife and
editor of Southern Cultures, a jour- work on Monday morning. condition, and he was being information soon,” he said. three sons.
nal based in UNC’s Center for the Michael Aitken, chair- treated at the hospital as of Aitken has been chairman of “He’s very well-liked by all, fac- Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Study of the American South.
Katz will become editor of
man of the Gillings School of
Public Health’s Department of
Tuesday afternoon.
Atack said that police are
the department for five years and
has worked at the University for
ulty and students alike,” he said.
“He’s a person who cares deeply
brings an interactive
the Journal of the Society for
American Music in 2012.
Environmental Sciences and
Engineering, was turning left at
still trying to decide whether
charges will be brought against
over 20 years, Leith said.
Aitken is particularly inter-
about the department and this
variety show to UNC.
the intersection of West Main the driver, and he said the ested in the water quality sector Miller said the strangest part By Katelyn Trela
Some science libraries will Street and N.C. Highway 54 in investigation has been difficult of public health, he added. of the whole accident was the fact Assistant Arts Editor
relocate in summer 2011 Carrboro at 7:58 a.m. when a because no eyewitnesses have “He’s a fine person and defi- that Aitken was riding his bicycle
woman driving struck him with come forward. nitely one of the most respected to work that day. First it was the Sundance Film
In response to the serious her car, said Sgt. Chris Atack of “We are asking anyone who people in our department,” Leith “I was really surprised. He Festival.
budget situation confronting the the Carrboro Police Department. thinks they may have seen some- said. doesn’t always ride his bike to Later, it was the sobering
library, some science libraries and Atack would not reveal the thing to come forward, because Cass Miller, a professor of work, and when he does it’s usu- death of his brother.
services will be relocated on the identity of the woman, but said right now we are still working environmental science and engi- ally in the summer,” he said. After three semesters of
UNC campus during the summer she was uninjured. through the investigative phase,” neering, said he also does not unforeseen complications, actor
of 2011. He said the cause of the acci- Atack said. know specific details about what Contact the University Editor Joseph Gordon-
The moves come in an effort dent has yet to be determined. “We are unable to determine happened. at [email protected]. Levitt is coming
to economize while preserving
to UNC today,
priorities students and faculty have
armed with his
indicated in surveys, focus groups
Web commu-
and discussions during the past
nity hitRECord.
The library will make an effort
The actor
to keep science materials together
— who starred
and has planned several moves in
Joseph Gordon- in 2009’s
light of this goal.
The Brauer Math/Physics Levitt will visit “500 Days of
Memorial Hall Summer” and
Library collections and the
Geological Sciences Library will today for a “highly in last summer’s
relocate to expanded browseable interactive variety blockbuster
show.” “Inception” —
stacks in Wilson Library, so that
was asked by
the science collections will be in
three separate committees of the
only one staffed browsing point.
Carolina Union Activities Board
Materials will be consolidated
to visit the University in the past
with biology and chemistry collec-
year and a half.
tions in Wilson Library.
“He’s a busy guy and it’s been
Hours for the science collec-
difficult to get him on campus,
tions in Wilson Library will be:
but we’re really excited,” said
Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m.
Tyler Mills, CUAB president.
to 8 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.;
Aside from starring in two
Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Sunday 1
summer hits and being recently
p.m. to 6 p.m.
cast in Christopher Nolan’s third
The campus delivery (Carolina
Batman installment, “The Dark
BLU) program will deliver books
Knight Rises,” Gordon-Levitt is
to faculty campus boxes and to the
founder of — a
library of choice for students.
social networking collaboration
Some undergraduate science
site specializing in video creation.
collections will remain in the
“It’s unlike anything I’ve ever
Undergraduate Library, which also
seen,” said Cierra Hinton, forum
provides reserves services in all
chairwoman for CUAB respon-
sible for bringing the actor.
The site encourages writers,
City BRIEFS actors, cinematographers and
musicians to contribute their
CHCCS mentoring program work to create a joint project.
featured in NC tribute video Gordon-Levitt often pitches
well-received projects to film stu-
Blue Ribbon Mentor-Advocate
dios. Any profits are then divided
participant Cyerah O’Briant
between the site and the contrib-
and program coordinator Graig
uting artists.
Meyer were featured in a tribute
Though Hinton could not
to volunteers that was produced dth/katie sweeney discuss the specifics of Gordon-
by North Carolina Communities
Rabbi Frank Fischer was the executive director for North Carolina Hillel. He was born in Germany in 1930 and moved to New York in 1939. Levitt’s program, she described
in Schools.
it as a highly interactive variety
The video focuses on the
UNC recognizes Holocaust Remembrance Week
important role of service learning
As an actor and not a musi-
within the mentoring program,
cian, Gordon-Levitt is not the
and the close mentoring relation-
By Chelsey Dulaney “We said after the Holocaust, ‘Never like many other genocides, occurred because usual choice for the University’s
ship that O’Briant and Meyer
again,’’’ she said. “We claim to be moving the German government needed a group to last day of class celebrations.
have developed. Staff Writer
forward and progressing, but people aren’t blame for their economic problems. But the interactive nature of
The video was produced as an
Rabbi Frank Fischer was 9 years old really acknowledging that this is still hap- “They needed a scapegoat, so they found his Web site will animate the per-
installment in North Carolina
when he fled Nazi Germany with his pening.” Jews and decided they were it,” he said. formance, CUAB members said.
Communication in Schools’
mother and sister. “The Last Survivor” chronicles the sto- Fischer often visits local schools to tell Lauren Sacks, assistant direc-
ongoing “Overcoming Obstacles”
And although 70 years have passed ries of four genocide survivors and their his survival story to students. tor of student learning and activi-
since Fischer escaped on a ship headed to struggle to make sense of the tragedies “I want people to remember to never let ties for the Student Union, said
Justin Cook of Durham pro-
America, he can still remember the sense they faced while also raising awareness of it happen again. No matter what it takes, this element makes it a perfect fit
duced the video.
of fear he experienced every time he heard these human rights issues. to never let it happen again,” he said. “You for the last day of classes.
The Blue Ribbon Mentor-
a knock at the door or a loud noise. Fischer, who is now a rabbi at the Beth destroy society when you let genocide occur.” “Because the show will be an
Advocate program is a mentoring
Fischer was born in 1930 during Adolf El Synagogue in Durham, said it is impor- Sharon Halperin, co-founder of the interactive presentation, it will
program within Chapel Hill-
Hitler’s rise to power. He is one of the tant to spread the stories of genocide speakers bureau, said she decided to create be particularly engaging for the
Carrboro City Schools dedicated
estimated 350,000 living survivors who survivors because such tragedies are often the program to help get genocide survivors audience and a unique presenta-
to closing the achievement gap in
escaped the Holocaust — the genocide of looked at as issues of the past. out into society to share their stories. tion,” Sacks said in an email.
Chapel Hill.
Jews, homosexuals, gypsies and others. “We have a way of forgetting things like “Unfortunately, genocide is happening “(It’s) not a lecture, not a con-
The program relies on the
This week Chapel Hill is honoring these this,” he said. “But we have to figure out how again and again,” she said. “We still haven’t cert, but a kind of multimedia
relationship between mentor-
survivors, as well as survivors from geno- to live a life in this world without destroying learned our lesson. We’re hoping that the interaction.”
advocates and students to sup-
cides in Darfur, Myanmar and Rwanda, others just because they’re different.” young people will take the message the Mills said “hitRECord at the
port students through their
by celebrating Holocaust Remembrance In 1938, Fischer’s father was forced to Holocaust survivors are sharing with them Movies with Joseph Gordon-
entire education.
Week. flee Germany as the police began to round and speak out and act.” Levitt” will be a refreshing end to
The video can be viewed on
As a part of the event, the Chapel Hill- up Jewish males to send to forced labor Halperin, the daughter of two the school year.
the school district’s website.
Durham Holocaust Speakers Bureau and camps. Fischer and his immediate family Holocaust survivors, said she hopes the “You can bring a famous person
STAND-UNC will host a film screening of escaped soon afterward and reunited with film screening will help spread the mes- to campus and it can be super well
County and schools sponsor attended and no one will get any-
“The Last Survivor” at 6:30 p.m. tonight his father, but Fischer’s grandmother died sage of not forgetting past genocides and
immunization contest at the Varsity Theatre. in a concentration camp in her 70s. inspire change. thing out of it,” he said.
Recognizing April as Adolescent Erin Murphy is co-chairwoman of “I understood what was going on. It was “I think people don’t realize the power “(Gordon-Levitt) is exciting
Immunization Month, the Orange STAND-UNC, a campus branch of a obvious as daylight,” he said. “As a Jewish they possess,” she said. “Collectively, we because he’s been in a bunch of
County Health Department is national group that raises awareness of person, I was not welcome any longer in can make a difference.” movies, but he actually has some-
pairing with local school nurses to genocides. She said she got involved with Germany. That’s not a normal way to live thing to talk about.”
offer students an incentive to get the event because genocides are often for- as a young person.” Contact the City Editor
vaccinated. gotten soon after another tragedy occurs. Fischer said he believes the Holocaust, at [email protected]. Contact the Arts Editor
The department is recommend- at [email protected].
ing students get Meningococcal,
tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis and
Human Papilloma Virus vaccines
because of the benefits they pro-
vide adolescents.
Congress rejects Williams as BOE chairman
To participate in the contest, By Brooke Hefner two-thirds vote to approve any against me,” he said.
“The nice thing ... is that Mary Cooper’s appointment,
students need to receive at least Staff Writer Board of Elections chairman “I know that I’m a polarizing it should have been debated in
one vaccine between April 1 and appointee who has not served person. It comes with the terri- there is no moral obli- Student Congress,” Hoover said.
May 31 and bring proof to their Student Congress’ final meet- at least one year on the board. tory.” Among the other external
school nurse by 10 a.m. June 1. ing of the academic year was bur- The 14-13 vote did not meet that Student Body President Mary gation keeping me from appointments, all honor court
Students who get a menin- dened with the task of external requirement. Cooper was present at the meet- suing anyone I want.” appointees were approved and
gococcal vaccine will be entered appointments. Andrew Phillips, chairman of ing and said Williams would Kevin Kimball, who lost his
in the contest twice, while those All were approved — except the board for the past year, also defend the Student Code in con- Dakota Williams, race for Association of Student
who receive a Tdap and/or HPV one. did not serve on the board prior troversial elections. former student body treasurer Governments president to
vaccine will gain one entry. If any Without debate, the body to being appointed. But Williams said there was incumbent Atul Bhula, was
students receive all three vaccines, denied former Student Congress Williams said he believed the more to be done on campus that the appointment. appointed as a delegate to ASG.
they will be entered in the contest speaker and student body votes had been decided before he doesn’t deal with the Student “I don’t really care. I’ve done The body also passed repre-
four times. treasurer Dakota Williams arrived to the meeting. Code. what I can to help students and sentative Adam Horowitz’s bill
The fifth grade and middle the appointment for Board of “It was pretty apparent that “As I’ve gotten older I’ve real- several forces have made it abun- that gives Student Congress the
school winners of the contest will Elections chairman in a vote that everyone had made up their ized more and more that the Code dantly clear they don’t want my power to review student fees.
receive iPods, and the high school was not immediately upsetting, minds before anyone said any- is just irrelevant,” Williams said. help and that’s fine,” Williams The bill will align the body
winner will receive a laptop. he said. thing,” Williams said. “There are more productive said. with the student fee audit com-
To receive the necessary vac- “The nice thing about not Williams said the lack of and more effective ways to do Student Body Vice President mittee in order to give Student
cines, contact the county health being (Board of Elections chair- debate was convenient for mem- good things for people.” Zealan Hoover said the Cooper Congress more power in review-
department or a local medical man) is that there is no moral bers who were already biased. Williams said he has tried administration will likely re-open ing student fees.
provider. obligation keeping me from suing “I think that this provided a to help students, and that he applications for the position in
anyone I want,” he said. convenient out for people who was not very upset by Student the fall. Contact the University Editor
- From staff and wire reports The Student Code requires a would have otherwise spoken Congress’ decision to deny him “I do believe that since he was at [email protected].
4 Wednesday, April 27, 2011 News The Daily Tar Heel
Wednesday, April 27
7 PM
Memorial Hall
ticket policy
Cooper recruits student lobbyists
Goforth said the CAA is
revamping the ticket emails to
from page 1 make them clearer for students.
receiving a ticket over a general They are also working on branding
student,” Goforth said. “That’s the standby and turn-it-back lines
what (Carolina) Fever is for; you to increase student participation. By Alex Hammer addresses of members of the legis-
can earn your tickets that way.” Incentives to get students to Staff Writer lature working on budget issues.
When the CAA finalized the use the stand-by line are still in The most recent proposal,
plan, they considered other the works but will likely include Student government is ready made by the House appropria-
options including a merit and pun- giveaways of gift cards, T-shirts to rally. tions subcommittee on educa-
ishment system and reverting to a and maybe even phase 1 entry At an open house hosted tion, calls for a system-wide cut
one-ticket policy similar to the one into the game, Goforth said. Tuesday by Student Body of 17.4 percent. Throughout the
used during the 2009-10 season. Associate Athletic Director President Mary Cooper, students year, administrators have pro-
They also took student feed- Clint Gwaltney said he’s always had the opportunity to sign up jected the cuts to range from 5 to
back, but officials in the ticketing welcomed suggestions, and the for a listserv aimed at organizing 15 percent.
office said they received virtually changes are an attempt to make students to lobby legislators for “We would love students to get
no complaints from current stu- minor improvements. limited budget cuts. involved in any capacity they can,
dents about the number of seats or “No matter what the system is, And although most of the whether it’s coming and talking to
the way tickets were distributed. it’s not going to be perfect for every- dozen students in attendance us or just signing up for the list-
“We did consider the other alter- body,” he said, “But each year we try were friends of Cooper and her serv,” Heskamp said.
natives,” said Kyle Fitzgerald, CAA to get it as close as we can.” staff, members of her administra- The overall goal of the com-
ticketing chairman. “Not changing tion said they have had success mittee is to uphold the quality of
it is a positive because we can work Contact the University Editor recruiting students for the effort, the University’s academic core,
on tweaking smaller things.” at [email protected]. which is run through the Carolina Cooper said.
Advocacy Committee. “We don’t want to change the
“So far we have 500 students experience in the classroom,”
boxill Boxill said she is already look-
ing ahead.
signed up and want to at least
double that before everyone
Cooper said. “We want our
diplomas 20 years from now to
from page 1 She said the budget crisis will leaves for the summer,” said mean the same thing they mean
department for 10 years, has be her first concern, and she plans Zealan Hoover, student body vice now.”
been the director of undergradu- to involve more faculty in bud- president. Trips to visit legislators in
ate studies and is a director of get planning to lessen the cuts’ There will be additional sign- Raleigh and other parts of the
the Parr Center for Ethics. impact on any one group. up opportunities through the state will also be organized
She is an academic adviser “I want to build on the faculty end of the semester, said Grant through the listserv for any
and radio commentator for the that voted,” she said. Heskamp, co-chairman of the interested students, said Elise
women’s basketball team and is “I want to get more faculty Carolina Advocacy committee. Bare, a member of student gov-
a member of different activities’ involved to have a voice in the Committee members will be in ernment involved in the lobby-
boards on campus and within the budgetary crisis.” the Pit the rest of this week with ing.
community. Coble said she has confidence sign-up sheets, Heskamp said. Using the listserv, the organiz-
“In serving all these roles, I in her successor. He added that there is also a link ers of the effort will be able to find
have a clear idea of the teaching “Boxill is a good leader, and a on the front page of the student and contact students who live in
responsibilities, both of fixed- good listener,” Coble said. “That is government website where stu- the districts of key vote legisla-
term and tenured professors,” really half the battle.” dents can add themselves to the tors, Hoover said.
Boxill said. listserv. “Our goal is to go and leave
“I know what the demands are, Contact the University Editor By signing up, students are information with staff members
and I know what the pit falls are.” at [email protected]. making a pledge to contact leg- about what we support,” Bare
islators when they receive emails said.
minority “It’s important to from the listserv, Hoover said.
Included in these emails will Contact the University Editor
dth/james w. carras
Pilar Plater (left) and Student Body President Mary Cooper share a
from page 1 diversify as much as be phone numbers and email at [email protected]. conversation at the Cooper administration’s open house on Tuesday.
variety of cultures in the Latino
possible those types of
community. It’s always good to
have people representing their positions.” academic core Martin said enrollment growth,
not just budget cuts, threatens the
cultures in leadership positions.” from page 1 academic core.
Somoano’s Latin American Paul Cuadros,
dramatic increases in the time “Your academic core is going
origins are also of use to him in UNC journalism professor
required to graduate,” Perrin said. to be hurt because you don’t have
communicating with his players “If this round of cuts requires the resources commensurate with
on the team. someone who looks like them in a us to significantly reduce alloca- the growth,” he said.
North Carolina sophomore leadership position. tions to the academic core, then “We’ve got challenges ahead of
forward Enzo Martinez said Cuadros, whose parents immi- I would expect us to begin to see us, and I am very concerned when
Somoano’s ability to speak grated from Peru, has coached increased time to graduation.” I look at what’s happening to our Act now! We are offering a
Spanish helped him feel comfort- the boys’ and girls’ soccer teams System administrators are entire education system.”
able around Somoano while he at Jordan-Matthews High School considering allocating funding to special on 2-bedroom units for
was one of the team’s assistant in Siler City for the past 10 years. universities based on graduation Contact your State & National
coaches. In 2004 he led the Jets to a state and retention rates, he said. Editor at [email protected].
$900 per month at Mill Creek.
“It’s really important, not so championship. Rent includes water
much in the soccer sense, but “Carolina doesn’t have a lot of
in the relationship that you minority coaches, at least in the and two parking passes.
build with him,” Martinez said. head coach position,” Cuadros
“Everyone on the team knows I said.
love nothing more than talk in “So it’s important to diversify
Spanish. It’s really something as much as possible those types
good to have in practice.” of positions, especially with the
In addition to what Somoano changing demographics that we’re
brings to the sidelines, UNC jour- seeing in the state and in the
Inspiring Life, Italian Style Sales, Rentals and Management
nalism professor Paul Cuadros country.”
thinks he could also have an For more information call 968-7226
impact in the community, where Contact the Sports Editor or go to
Latino children will be able to see at [email protected].
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Tar Heels return all five Cooper wins SBP in most of the duplication is of no
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The Daily Tar Heel Opinion Wednesday, April 27, 2011 11
Established 1893, 118 years of editorial freedom
EDITorial BOARD members
“I don’t think someone’s passion for
Sarah Frier EDITOR, 962-4086 OR [email protected]
Cameron Parker Opinion EDITOR, [email protected]
callie bost Sam Jacobson Shruti Shah Carolina basketball makes them more
Robert Fleming Maggie Zellner
deserving of receiving a ticket over a
Nathan D’ambrosio
Pat ryan associate opinion EDITOR, [email protected]
Taylor Holgate Greg Smith Taylor Haulsee
end, it
kvetch: To the dude I saw intently
v.1 (Yiddish) to complain shielding his eyes from the
late afternoon sun walk-
To the guy with the half- ing through the quad: If
during the HJ fire drill: I’ve
his will be my last column ation? heard sex is magical, but
of 2010-11, and since I
would be talking about sex Editorial Dear NCAA, please don’t in- you’re telling me that when
vestigate me for the 20 cents you did it, all of your clothes
To Marvin, Robert and Greg: forming countless Facebook
We are trained early on in ue to new guidelines detail what an investiga- perpetrators seem like they stalks over the years.
childhood that fecal matter I’m no longer mad you guys
from the Department tion must entail. It remains could change fairly drastically To the TA who went to Paris
is dirty, and so the anus is an took the gifts and money. By
of Education, UNC unclear if every case of report- over the next few months. the looks of this NFL lockout, for break: Was it really neces-
unclean place. It’s no wonder will be reviewing how it deals ed sexual assault will have to The new guidelines are a
that “a--hole” is such a common it might be the only check sary to come back to UNC
with sexual assault cases. be investigated, or if UNC will chance to improve how the you get for football this year. with a neon orange Vespa?
American insult. We shouldn’t
None of UNC’s policies have be able to retain its anony- University executes its respon- Does UCLA even recruit any-
look at or touch our collective Wow, a frat actually prevent-
anus, and so we grow unfamiliar, changed yet, but Assistant mous reporting system. sibility to help address and end ed a rape for once. more or do they just rely on
uncomfortable and unwelcoming Dean of Students Melinda The most important value sexual violence. UNC’s sloppy seconds?
for any system regarding Look at the new guidelines, Dear N.C. Republican legisla-
toward anal eroticism. Manning said the University
tors and anti-abortion nit- To the guy in Winston who
On top of this revulsion, we would be undergoing review sexual assaults to retain is the and share suggestions with always pukes up pastel col-
wits: Keep YOUR nose out of
associate anal sex with pain. this summer to ensure they right of self-determination for Manning. MY uterus. ored vomit in the bathroom:
There is a high concentration of followed federal guidelines. the survivor of that assault — This is a chance for students I am starting to think that
nerve endings around the anus, something UNC’s current poli- to weigh in on the way the Dear B-school, thanks for ac-
UNC’s task will be to balance you are more Muppet than
which explains our particular cepting me and for not hav-
the University’s responsibility cies respect. University deals with sexual human.
sensitivity to pain in that area. ing class on Fridays. Now I
to provide a safe environment After experiencing such assault cases. can actually have the Charlie To the “self-proclaimed
We expect that anal sex must be for students with a survivor’s a personal and severe act of
painful, so we avoid it.
right to make decisions regard- violence, a survivor of sexual Speak Out Sheen Thursday nights we all
dream of.
jersey chasers” in Chi O, your
anonymity was lost when
There are social stigmas around
anal sex as well. Many straight ing his or her future — all in assault should not be coerced Email Melinda Manning: your sisters had to wheel
Dear DM: Just because you’re
men feel threatened by anal eroti- line with new guidelines. by federal guidelines into [email protected]
being annoying “for the kids” you to class Friday morning.
cism because it’s considered gay, doesn’t give you license to Guess you couldn’t handle
or they reserve the idea of recep- dress like rainbows vomited something bigger than your
tive intercourse for female roles. column on you. own egos.
of four gay men have anal sex at f the opinions I signed onto from football scandal and UNC’s to take back Larry Drew’s
championship ring and cast SVU has better story lines
some point in their lives and that this year had prevailed, subsequent open records opaque- than the one you made up.
roughly half of these men enjoy Ian Lee would have been ness, to the embarrassment of it into the fires of Mordor.
receptive anal intercourse, this elected student body president. this year’s student elections. To the baseball player in front To the cute girl in my drama
also means that not all gay men Head football coach Butch Davis Through all, this page remained of me in class that got a D on class named Sarah Connor:
enjoy anal, and that other gen- would have been dismissed. intrepid in its resolve. your paper: I guess they took Come with me if you want
ders or orientations are not pre- Former UNC-system president Neither my leadership nor the away y’alls tutors as well. to live.
cluded from enjoying anal sex. Erskine Bowles would be the Cameron Parker content on the page have been per- Feminists, if it is that impor- To the guy sitting next to me
Regardless of your opinion White House chief of staff. And Opinion Editor fect. But I’m proud of the product tant to you, why don’t you also randomly bursting into
about anal, it is becoming more there would be no Alcohol Law produced. Many college papers change it to personopause? laughter: Dude, we are so
prevalent in heterosexuals, or at Enforcement. Junior economics and public policy sadly neglect or downplay their high right now.
least more visible. Many people Writing for this desk has some- major from Forsyth, Ga. opinion sections. I think we prove Thank you Brooklyn Ste-
are finding pleasure in that same times been an exercise in futility. Email: [email protected] every day what a mistake that can phens for being the only SBP Send your one-to-two sen-
cluster of nerves around the I have been writing opinions here be. We seek to combine the best of candidate who chose to ride tence entries to
anus, through outer stimulation, for five semesters. I have been controversial conversation about levity and severity, general knowl- an animal rather than behave [email protected],
penetration, or inner pressure on involved in three endorsement leadership and culpability. edge and wonkish detail. It’s a for- like one. subject line ‘kvetch.’
the prostate or vagina. processes, failing to pick a win- In January, the board pub- mula that engrosses students and
The Project RESPECT study ning mayor and three student lished “Hogan’s broken promise,” administrators, as well as local and
(1993-1995) found that 9 percent body presidents. There’s plenty after discovering that former state leaders. SPEAK OUT
of heterosexual men and women to make you feel cynical, and this student body president Hogan So there’s much to make me Writing guidelines
reported any anal intercourse year was no exception. Medlin backpedaled on a pledge sad about leaving. Being opinion • Please type: Handwritten letters will not be accepted.
in the previous three months. But then I remember the little not to accept his officer stipend. editor has been often a joy, always • Sign and date: No more than two people should sign letters.
These numbers rose to 21 and 22 victories. We caught hell for it — many an honor. It has also been a collec- • Students: Include your year, major and phone number.
percent in Project RESPECT II In October, the editorial board accused us of unfairly delving into tive effort, which is why so much • Faculty/staff: Include your department and phone number.
(1999-2000). An analysis of the published a pice called “Double Medlin’s personal life. But the of this column is written with • Edit: The DTH edits for space, clarity, accuracy and vulgarity. Limit letters
2002-2003 National Survey of standard?” — noting that the thrust was not that Medlin was “we.” I owe much to the diligent to 250 words.
Family Growth revealed that 34 University’s support of Davis immoral. It was that candidates writers who took the ride with me. SUBMISSION
percent of men and 30 percent of in the midst of football scandal need not idly issue pronounce- Here’s to a memorable year — • Drop-off: at our office at 151 E. Rosemary Street.
women have reported ever hav- was at odds with its willingness ments they cannot be faithful to. and to the opportunities I have had • Email: [email protected]
ing heterosexual anal sex. to fire cancer researcher Bonnie We were there to make the connec- to play my part in a broader dia-
With this increased preva- Yankaskas. Both seemed simi- tion a year later. I’m proud of that. logue. I don’t yet know how I will
lence, we must acknowledge the larly negligent in their oversight The above are but two exam- shape that dialogue in my last two EDITOR’S NOTE: Columns, cartoons and letters do not necessarily represent
risks and implications for public semesters. But I know it has surely the opinions of The Daily Tar Heel or its staff. Editorials reflect the opinions of
duties. That award-winning edi- ples in a corpus this year I am
The Daily Tar Heel editorial board. The board consists of eight board members,
health. Unprotected receptive torial brought a fresh angle to a proud of. News ran the gamut shaped me in the previous five. the associate opinion editor, the opinion editor and the editor.
anal intercourse is a risk factor
for HIV transmission in both
homosexuals and heterosexuals,
and anal HPV infection has been letters to the editor
associated with anal cancers.
Condom use during anal sex is Photographer’s work a what usually transpires, my women. If we did not live in a medical and education services. The vast majority of
low in heterosexuals, likely due testament to our culture father sparked in me a ques- rape-prone culture, her pho- In 2010, Planned Parenthood Americans agree that fam-
to a perception of low STI risk tion that I have been thinking tographs would be meaning- health centers in our state pro- ily planning services should
with long-term partners or to the TO THE EDITOR: about ever since: What is her less. Her photographs expose vided thousands of residents be accessible to everyone,
unlikelihood of pregnancy. As I handed “At Twelve: point? Many young women our discomfort, not with how with preventative care, includ- and every $1 spent on family
Anal sexuality holds an impor- Portraits of Young Women,” portrayed in her photographs the photographer thinks, ing 18,015 STI tests, 11,427 planning saves N.C. taxpayers
tant place in the spectrum of a collection of photographs appear vulnerable and even but how we think. Changing life-saving breast and cervical almost $4.
sexual expression and the realm by southern photographer victimized. My father was this reality will undoubtedly cancer screenings, and 61,373 Please contact your state
of sexual health. The anus serves Sally Mann, to my father this
as a source of sexual function curious to what end? require much effort, but con- reversible contraceptives. senators and representatives
past weekend, I was quickly When someone mentioned fronting it is the first step. More than 70 percent of to let them know that their
and pleasure, but there are also
reminded of how different our in a conversation the other the women and men served extreme attacks on Planned
specific concerns for safety. In
order to embrace anal sexuality,
University atmosphere is from day that it was sexual assault Virginia Thomas by Planned Parenthood in Parenthood fail to represent
we need to step up education, that of Pittsboro. I look back awareness month, an answer Junior N.C. lack health insurance to your best interests and values
research, and discourse, and we and feel naive; her work is to my father’s question finally American Studies pay for their care, and many as college students and con-
need to challenge taboos. highly controversial and is even worked its way to the fore- patients are college students. stituents.
With that, I want to congratu- called child pornography by front of my brain. The ques- Planned Parenthood is a Because Planned Raise your voice to stand
late all the students on finishing some critics. tion is not why does Mann vital community resource Parenthood is many low- with Planned Parenthood.
another school year. I hope you As my father flipped portray young women in the income individuals’ only access
celebrate your end with a bang. through the pages, his expres- way she does, but why do we TO THE EDITOR: point to health care, defunding Leah Josephson
sion revealed the electric react the way we do? Her pho- More than 25,000 women health centers in our state also Lee Storrow
and men from across North
We’re done! nature of her photography. tography is so controversial prevents these residents from Co-chairs
Good luck on exams. Check back in In the discussion that fol- because it reveals how much Carolina turn to Planned receiving affordable, high- Voices for Planned Parenthood
the summer! lowed, surprisingly civil for our society sexualizes young Parenthood each year for vital quality health care. of UNC-Chapel Hill
12 Wednesday, April 27, 2011 The Daily Tar Heel
Announcements Child Care Wanted For Rent Help Wanted Help Wanted Services Sublets
PART-TiME NANNY needed $12/hr 25 UNiVERSiTY COMMONS: $1,600/mo. RESTAURANT, 401 WEST FRANKLiN, looking PART-TiME BUS DRiVER NEEDED: Monday MATURE, RESPONSiBLE LADY available to SUMMER SUBLET available 05/15/11 thru
Free Truck Rental hrs/wk (flexible) for 2 year-old girl for
summer. Experience, reliable transporta-
4BR/4BA LAST ONE! includes utilities, in-
ternet, living and dining furniture, W/D,
for part-time waitstaff, dinner only. Students
preferred with some experience. For appoint-
thru Friday 2:30-5pm to transport people
with developmental disabilities. Must have
assist elderly with daily hygiene, meal prep,
light housework, errands, day sitter, some
07/31/11. 1BR in 3BR/2BA apartment at
Warehouse, Rosemary Street. Walk to cam-
with Move-In tion, CPR training required. Training in private bath, walk in closet in each room. ment, 919-967-0057. CDL license and good driving record. Apply overnights as needed. References available. pus, Franklin Street, Carrborro. $600/mo,
early childhood education a plus. Email On J and D buslines. [email protected], online at Call 919-240-4013. utilities included. [email protected],
Call 919-883-5026 resume, availability and contact info to 919-767-1778. FACiLiTY, ACTiViTY SUPERViSOR: Recreation
and Parks Department (facilities division). THE APPLES SERViCE LEARNiNG Program NOT ENOUGH HOURS iN YOUR DAY? in
[email protected].
5BR/2BA CONDO in triplex. 611 Hills- Part-time temporary. Work hours vary ac- is currently hiring for the position of office home cleaning and meal preparation avail- SUMMER SUBLET ON GREENE STREET!
CHiLD CARE NEEDED for 2 boys, ages 10 and borough Street. Completely remodeled, cording to the Century Center’s program manager (20 hrs/wk) to begin mid-May and able. Lose a chore, gain time to relax. Ref- 1BR or 2BR in 4BR/2BA house available
7 in Chapel Hill. Monday thru Friday. Starting hardwoods, tile throughout, new appli- schedule (5-20 hrs/wk); staff needed to cover ideally last through the fall 2011 semester. erences available. Call K&K Services today. early May thru July. W/D, cable, wireless
May 5. 2:30-5pm M/W/F. 4-5pm Tu/Th. Must ances, W/D, near bus stop, $2,750/mo. day, evening and/or weekend programs. We are looking for candidates with office 919-240-9815. internet. Great location, 1 mile to Franklin
pick up from school and have reliable trans- Available August 2011. 704-277-1648 or Position provides audiovisual support for experience who possess strong organiza- Street, next to bus route. $400/mo nego-
portation. References required. Call Michael [email protected]. center programs, handles set up of tables tional skills, customer service experience tiable includes everything! For info, contact
Announcements or Piper, 919-942-4070.
and chairs and greets customers. Good com- and the ability to multi-task. Please submit Sublets [email protected].
munication skills are required. Audiovisual a resume and cover letter to leslie_parkins@
CHiLD CARE WANTED: i am looking for find in charming old house divided into 5
NOTICE TO ALL DTH CUSTOMERS a babysitter for Tuesdays this summer apartments. High ceilings, huge windows,
skills preferred. Pay rate: $9/hr. Open until by May 6. For more information
filled. For an application contact Human about the APPLES Program, please visit
Deadlines are NOON one business day prior from 1-5:30pm for 3 kids (ages 10, 9, 5) hardwood floors, access to W/D. Avail- 2BR apartment. Available May until August. 12 minute walk to Old Well, off Hillsborough
Resources, 301 West Main Street, Carrboro, 919-962-0902.
to publication for classified ads. We publish [email protected], 919-968-9059. able June. reduced to $875/mo. 929-1188. Dishwasher, hot neighbors, parking, pool Street. Sublet June 10 thru end of July or
NC 27510, 918-7320 or visit our website at
Monday thru Friday when classes are in ses- ATHLETiC DOG WALKERS needed for peri- across street. 1.3 miles to Student Stores. early August. DOUBLE ROOM: One: $250/
CHiLD CARE NEEDED for 3 month-old girl just EOE.
sion. A university holiday is a DTH holiday too odic walking of energetic large breed hunt- [email protected], 252-599-2491. mo. Two roommates: $770/mo (negotiable).
(i.e. this affects deadlines). We reserve the outside of Carrboro in Chatham County. M-F, 1BR, WALK TO CAMPUS. Friendly Lane. spa- VALET DRiVERS needed for upscale restau- ing dogs. Must have car to transport dogs to Call Molly, 919-604-5339.
right to reject, edit, or reclassify any ad. Ac- full-time. Non-smoker, clean driving record, cious 1/2 of duplex. Hardwood floors, park- rants, hotels and events. Great for students. local walking areas. $35/hr. Also need oc- SUMMER SUBLET! Chapel Ridge Apart-
ceptance of ad copy or prepayment does not background check, references required. Starts ing, available August. Rare find. 929-1188. Flexible hours. $8-13/hr. including tips. More casional pet, house sitting. Please call Beth, ments. Furnished 1BR/BA in a 4BR/BA. 1BR, PRiVATE BATH. Jones Ferry Road. $400/
imply agreement to publish an ad. You may 5/16. [email protected], 919-345-5344. Just reduced information and applications available at 919-360-0199. Available Mid-June thru July. $570/mo mo. April rent FREE. Perfect for summer
stop your ad at any time, but NO REFUNDS or $875/mo. 919-968-6939. includes utilities. On 2 buslines. Email school. Sublet now thru July. greenet@email.
credits for stopped ads will be provided. No CUSTOMER CARE REPRESENTATiVE: We are [email protected]. or 919-800-9013.
CHiLD CARE. Wanted: afternoon part-
advertising for housing or employment, in ac- time child care for a 5.5 year-old. gRANVILLE TOWERS SENiOR RESEARCH ASSOCiATE: Full-time, seeking full-time internal account represen-
cordance with federal law, can state a prefer- Beginning in late August and con- Franklin single occupancy room available for
part-time. Must have PhD or MS in Psychol- tatives. Candidates should have extensive SUBLET fOR SUMMER CHAPEL RiDGE 1BR/1BA in top floor
ence based on sex, race, creed, color, religion, ogy, Social Science, proven grant writing OR experience working with customers over the
tinuing through the end of May, long a deal. 2011-12 academic year. Free laundry statistical expertise, work well independently phone. We strive to provide consistently ex- $550/mo (negotiable) sublet available: 2BR/2BA apartment. Fully furnished,
national origin, handicap, marital status. term assignment. Hours: 2:30-6pm access, cable and WiFi all included. Must be 5/29 thru 8/15. 1BR/1BA. Laurel Ridge
and as part of a team, be highly organized, cellent service and candidate should be able all utilities, pool and gym on site. 2
daily. Would pick up from school UNC student without pending Granville Tow- have a history of successful research proj- to work in a fast paced environment. Candi- Apartments. No smoking. Dog (+), cat (-). buslines. Available May thru July,
ers application. Call 919-523-9675. 215-407-5512.
Child Care Wanted and take to our home in Governor’s
Club area of Chapel Hill. Would con-
ect management experience. Peer reviewed
publication preparation experience also
dates should have a working knowledge of
Quickbooks, Outlook, Microsoft Office Word
$625/mo. [email protected]
sider splitting days between a couple highly desirable. Knowledge of longitudinal and Excel and must show excellent atten- ROOM AVAiLABLE FOR SUM-
HOUSiNG. Bring friends to share analyses and item Response Theory a plus. tion to detail, be comfortable with the use MER on West Cameron. Avail-
ED: Children in school, 4, 6, 11, 13 years-old. driving record and good references. TeleSage is on Franklin Street, 60 feet from of a multi-line telephone and possess good able May through August. Rent Newly renovated 1BR/1BA with study or ad-
Must be very organized, energetic, warm, Email [email protected] or call 4BR or 6BR townhouse. W/D, hard- ditional bedroom. $679/mo. Walk to campus.
wood floors, 4 free buslines, min- UNC campus. We develop self report men- telephone etiquette skills. They should also is $455/mo. +utilities. Email
happy, caring and have good references. Ad- 919-623-1396. tal health assessments, conduct outcomes be able to multi-task, interact with many [email protected]. Pool, gym, parking. Available 05-01-11 thru
ditional activities include: grocery shopping, utes to UNC, large bedrooms, large 07-31-11. 252-432-4677.
closets, ceiling fans, extra storage, tracking research for NiMH. Friendly work different types of personalities and perform
running errands, planning activities, trans- environment, flexible schedule, benefits well under pressure. Forward your resume to:
BABYSiTTER WANTED: Thursday afternoon internet, cable ready, free ample SUMMER SUBLET! 4BR house in Carrboro. ROOM AVAiLABLE ON CARVER STREET:
porting children, taking walks, helping with available. Wages BOE. Send resume, cover [email protected].
sitter needed ASAP for 2 girls, 5 and 7 year- parking, no smoking. $400/mo per Rooms rented separately. Gorgeous house, Need to sublet 1 room in a 5BR/4BA apart-
home work and light housework. Part-time, letter: [email protected].
old. 12:30-6pm. Also needing summer nanny BR. Available May or August 2011. private baths. Screened porch. W/D. Each ment. May thru July 2011. $500/mo.
M/W/F days. To start May 9 and continue
through summer. Possible Fall employment
opportunities too $11-$14/hr BOE. One block
starting in June. Need own transportation to
pick up children at school. Please email mc-
[email protected], 919-933-0983. UP AND DOiNG iT LANDSCAPiNG look-
ing for part-time landscapers and per- Homes For Sale room $550/mo +utilities. Flexible dates. J
busline. [email protected] for more
record. Email resume and 3 references to Benefits available, salary BOE. TeleSage is 2 ROOMMATES WANTED 2011-12. Beau-
[email protected]. APARTMENTS 1.5 BLOCKS TO FRANK- STUDENT CLERiCAL ASSiSTANT needed a medical research company located on the tiful new house, short walk to campus.
LiN. Prime Location 408 MLK. 1BR: ASAP for Lineberger. Year round position. main block of Franklin Street. Resume and [email protected]. $600/mo per person
NEED A PLACE TO LIVE? $625/mo, 2BR: $900/mo includes wa- 20 hrs/wk minimum, flexible 4 hour mini- cover letter to BB@TeleSage. +utilities. 704-995-4184. ter and parking. Going fast. 929-1188 mum shift. Email resume with references to [email protected] or call ROOMMATE WANTED. Must love dogs but
919-966-4432. WORK iN THE NEW BLUE ZONE Premi- not have one. 2BR/1.5BA quiet, peaceful
house on acre in rural Chapel Hill. Work-
If April 27th is Your Birthday...
um Seating! $8/hr. with Tar Heel Ath-
Announcements Announcements TEMPORARY RESEARCH TECHNiCiAN: UNC
Cancer Research Lab seeks high energy, letic Hospitality. Must be available to out room and sun room give extra space. You’re beginning to see the light
motivated and dependable tech. BA, BS in work all 2011 home football games. W/D and carport. Working professional or down the tunnel of love. Make new friends,
Apply at grad student only. Fully furnished. $425/mo
scientific discipline and some lab experience +utilities. Anne, 919-314-7996.
but don’t forget to take good care of
Email [email protected] with
required. Email CV to Angelique Whitehurst,
questions or call 919-843-7837. the ones you already have. Travel a different
[email protected]. RECYCLE ME PLEASE!
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The Daily Tar Heel office will be closed from April 29 - May 8. We reopen May 9th at 9:00am.
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The Daily Tar Heel News Wednesday, April 27, 2011 13
quarter, with solid growth and rown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates met
improvements in all regions,” said
Alan Mulally, Ford’s chief execu- with President Barack Obama in the Oval Office of the White House on Tuesday.
tive. The president and the crown prince discussed the strong ties between the United
“Ford opened 2011 with a States and the UAE and their common strategic interests in the region.
very solid quarter that should
put to rest investor concerns,
especially around its North
American earnings power,” said The Daily Tar Heel Office will be closed April 29-May 8.
Brian Johnson, an analyst with Any classifieds placed over this break will go online within 72 hours
Barclays Capital.
Additionally, its plan to share
and will begin in our 1st weekly summer print issue on May 12th.
vehicle platforms and components
globally is driving improvements 407000.
with previous fuel-price spikes. “We’re going to announce that Giving it a spin
I am going to start an explor- member in airstrike © 2009 The Mepham Group. All rights reserved.
A senior won $11,700 and a trip
Level: 1 2 3 4
Ron Paul to form committee atory committee,” Paul told Fox KABUL, Afghanistan (MCT) to Fiji after competing on Wheel of
News Channel’s Sean Hannity — U.S.-led NATO forces killed a
for presidential exploration on Monday night. “I will stop in top al-Qaida member, Abu Hafs
Fortune. See pg. 4 for story.
Complete the grid
LOS ANGELES (MCT) — Ron Iowa on my way home and that al-Najdi, also known as Abdul so each row, column
Paul, the patriarch of the libertar-
‘Magical Thinking’
might lead to the next decision. It Ghani, in an airstrike April 13 in and 3-by-3 box (in
ian stream in GOP politics, will depends what kind of reception I the eastern province of Kunar, bold borders) contains PlayMakers Repertory Co.’s
announce on Tuesday that he is get on your show tonight. If I get according to a statement the every digit 1 to 9. PRC2 will put on its last show of
forming a presidential explor- booed or something, then maybe I International Security Assistance the season. See pg. 6 for story.
atory committee, taking a step to won’t do it.” Force issued Tuesday. Solution to
join the Republican nomination A favorite of conservatives, “The International Security Tuesday’s puzzle
sweepstakes. Paul has won straw polls, includ- Assistance Force confirmed A new grant will let local
Paul, who will be 76 in August, ing the one held at the prestigious their number two overall entrepreneurs work with Triangle
has served about 20 years in the Conservative Political Action targeted insurgent in students. See pg. 10 for story.
House representing districts in Conference, but he does less well Afghanistan was killed during
Texas, most recently the 14th, in national polls. an airstrike in Dangam district,
which includes Galveston. He is a In a recent Gallup poll, he Kunar province,” the statement The DTH in a year
doctor by training, having served drew about 6 percent, at the top said. Outgoing editor in chief Sarah
as a flight surgeon in the Air of the second tier of possible Abdul Ghani was killed along Frier reflects on her year at the
Force and in private practice as a candidates. with another al-Qaida leader paper. See pg. 14 for column.
gynecologist. The first group, all in low named Waqas, who was working
No stranger to presidential double digits, included a trio with him to coordinate attacks on
politics, Paul placed fifth in the of former governors: Arkansas’ Afghan and coalition forces, the
GOP’s Iowa caucuses in 2008 Mike Huckabee, Massachusetts’ statement said.
Satisfy SS and NA Gen Eds with PLCY 101 in Maymester. Summer School at Carolina.
and has made several trips back Mitt Romney and Alaska’s Sarah
to the key early state in this elec- Palin. Also in the top group is
tion cycle. He was the Libertarian reality-show star and business-
No injuries reported when
Party’s presidential candidate man Donald Trump. plane slid off runway
dth/jessie lowe
tudents wait for free Ben & Jerry’s ice cream in Polk Place as part of the HeelMail
promotion on Tuesday afternoon. HeelMail is a mandatory email system that will
take effect in August. This week is an optional opt-in period that allows students
to begin using the system now. Visit to switch over to HeelMail.
2 MO
PINBACK w/ Judgement Day** ($14/$16)
12 SU JOE PURDY w/ The Milk Carton Kids** ($15/$17;
seated show)
Business plans due September 15
3 TU
4 WE
BROOKE FRASER w/ Cary Brothers** ($15/$17)
14 TU JONNY (Norman Blake from Teenage Fanclub
and Euros Childs from Gorky’s Zygotic Mynci) $15 Finalists announced October 13
7 SA THE TWILIGHT SINGERS w/ Margot & The Nuclear w/ Apex Manor
So & So’s** ($15/$18)
10 TU UH HUH HER w/ Diamonds Under Fire** ($13/$15)
STRAITJACKETS** ($17/$20) On-campus competition November 10
12 TH THURSDAY** w/ Pygmy Lush and I Was Totally 18 SA JENNYANYKIND / THE MOANERS (Split 7-inch
Destroying It ($15) Release Party) Free show! Special guest: Pinche
13 FR LOST IN THE TREES w/ The Toddlers** ($12) Gringo
24 FR BEN SOLLEE w/ Thousands** ($15/$17)
VICTIMS w/ TRES CHICAS, Great Big Gone, Lynn
Blakely & Ecki Heins** ($10/$12)
25 SA UNC Burn Unit benefit w/ SOUTHWING, WILLIE
28 TU Music From The Film WINTER’S BONE performed
17 TU JUNIP (Elias Araya, Jose Gonzalez, Tobias
Winterkorn) w/ The Acrylics ($15)
live ($15 adv/$18 day of show) TUESDAY, MAY 10 Purdue University’s Burton D. Morgan Center
18 WE DAWES w/ Luego, Wylie Hunter and the
Cazadores** ($10/$12)
JULY for Entrepreneurship, the Burton D. Morgan
9 SA An Evening With THE PSYCHEDELIC FURS** ($25/28)
20 FR MAC MILLER w/ Rapsody** (sold out)
21 SA THE OLD CEREMONY w/ Dexter Romweber and
25 MO EELS** ($18/$21) Foundation, and CHV Capital
the New Romans** ($10/$12) AUGUST
($16/$18) Burton D. Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship . 1201 West State Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2057 .
The BEST live music ~ 18 & over admitted [email protected] . Phone: 765.494.1335
The Daily Tar Heel Wednesday, April 27, 2011 15
16 Wednesday, April 27, 2011 The Daily Tar Heel
Claire Boychuk Burcu Bozkurt Kristen Brews Anupam Dalvi Dexter Dorer
CET BEijing SummEr BurCh FiEld rESEArCh CiEE: ShAnghAi SummEr CEi in BEijing SummEr ChinESE uniVErSiTy OF
Ottawa, Canada SEminAr: ViETnAm Chapel hill, north Carolina Fayetteville, north Carolina hOng KOng - SummEr
geography and Asian Studies istanbul, Turkey Business Administration Political Science and miami, Florida
Public health and Economics Business Administration
global Studies
Paul Hardin Wesley Johnson Aja Kennedy Shelby Lake Zachary MacHardy
CEi in BEijing SummEr unC SummEr jAPAn CET BEijing SummEr unC jAPAnESE ThEATEr unC SummEr in jAPAn
Atlanta, georgia duKE uniVErSiTy PhilliPS Charlotte, north Carolina And CulTurE durham, north Carolina
Economics AmBASSAdOr Spanish and global Studies Knightdale, north Carolina Computer Science
goldsboro, north Carolina Biology
Physics and religion
Kathryn Magee Jared Neely Leah Perry Ajsela Pestalic Camila Rodriguez
nATiOnAl uniVErSiTy OF ChinESE uniVErSiTy OF unC SummEr in jAPAn CEi in BEijing SummEr unC SEmESTEr in ChinA
SingAPOrE SCiEnCE hOng KOng - SummEr rockingham, north Carolina greenville, north Carolina leland, north Carolina
SummEr lAB ExChAngE Winston Salem, north Carolina Business Administration journalism and mass global Studies
raleigh, north Carolina Business Administration and japanese Communication
Philip Rouse Wilson Sayre Kavya Sekar Amanda Small Albert Teng
iES: ShAnghAi AnTiOCh: jAPAn And iTS BurCh FiEld rESEArCh SiT ChinA: COmmuniTy ChinESE uniVErSiTy OF
london, England BuddhiST TrAdiTiOnS SEminAr: ViETnAm hEAlTh And TrAdiTiOnAl hOng KOng - SummEr
Philosophy raleigh, north Carolina durham, north Carolina ChinESE mEdiCinE - SummEr Cary, north Carolina
Philosophy Biology and Anthropology Conover, north Carolina Political Science
GraduatE PhIllIPS
aMBaSSador Think sTudy abroad. Think asia.
Sara Bush
SummEr rESEArCh: TAiWAn
Tempe, Arizona
Phd Student in history
T wenty exceptional undergraduates and one graduate student
have been selected as Phillips Ambassadors for Summer and
Fall 2011 study abroad programs in Asia. Phillips Ambassadors
are chosen twice each year, with 25 percent of the scholarships
reserved for qualified undergraduate business majors and
minors from Kenan-Flagler. Scholarship recipients are selected
for academic achievement and commitment to activities, service
and leadership roles in the classroom and community.
The Phillips Ambassadors scholarship program is made possible through a generous gift from
alumnus Earl N. “Phil” Phillips Jr., an entrepreneur and former United States ambassador.