Teachers Strategy To Overcome English Speaking
Teachers Strategy To Overcome English Speaking
Teachers Strategy To Overcome English Speaking
Provided by IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon
TITLE ........................................................................................................................ i
LETTER OF AUTHENTICITY................................................................................ ii
DEDICATION .......................................................................................................... iii
MOTTO..................................................................................................................... iv
APPROVAL .............................................................................................................. v
RATIFICATION ....................................................................................................... vi
OFFICIAL NOTE ..................................................................................................... vii
CURRICULUM VITAE ........................................................................................... viii
ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. ix
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT......................................................................................... x
PREFACE.................................................................................................................. xi
TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................ xii
LIST OF FIGURE ..................................................................................................... xv
LIST OF TABLE....................................................................................................... xvi
LIST OF CHART ...................................................................................................... xviii
LIST OF APPENDIX................................................................................................ xix
1.1 Background of the Problem.....................................................................1
1.2 Focus of the study ...................................................................................4
1.3 Questions of the research ........................................................................4
1.4 Aims of the research................................................................................5
1.5 Significance of the research ....................................................................5
1.6 Theoritical Foundation ............................................................................6
1.6.1 Strategy............................................................................................6 The definition of strategy....................................................6 Types of strategy .................................................................6
1.6.2 The nature of speaking ...................................................................10
1.6.3 Elements of speaking......................................................................12
1.6.4 Types of speaking performance......................................................12
1.6.5 Micro and macro skills of speaking................................................13
1.6.6 Teaching speaking ..........................................................................15
xii Objectives of teaching speaking.........................................16 Principles for designing speaking activities.......................16 Teacher's role in speaking activities...................................17 Developing speaking activities ..........................................18
1.6.7 Learning speaking...........................................................................19 Purpose for practicing speaking .........................................20 Criteria for successful learners...........................................22 Students' problems in learning speaking ............................22
1.6.8 Asessment of speaking ...................................................................27
1.6.9 Community .....................................................................................29 English Community ...........................................................29 English Intensive Program .................................................30
1.6.10 Conceptual Framework ................................................................31
1.7 Research Methodology...........................................................................32
1.7.1 The objective of the research..........................................................32
1.7.2 Place and time of the research ........................................................32
1.7.3 Method of the research ...................................................................33
1.7.4 The source and type of data............................................................34 Primary data source............................................................34 Secondary data source........................................................35
1.7.5 Instruments of the research.............................................................36 Human Instrument..............................................................36
1.8 Techniques of collecting data.................................................................36
1.8.1 Observation.....................................................................................36
1.8.2 Interview.........................................................................................36
1.8.3 Questionnaire..................................................................................37
1.8.4 Study of Document.........................................................................37
1.9 The techniques of data analysis..............................................................37
1.10 Literature Review .................................................................................40
CHAPTER II The Implementations of The Teacher Strategies in Teaching
Speaking at English Intensive Program of MA An-Nur Cirebon ..45
CHAPTER III Students' Difficulties In Speaking at English Intensive Program
of MA An-Nur Cirebon..................................................................60
CHAPTER IV The Teacher Strategies In Overcoming Students' Difficulties In
Speaking at English Intensive Program of MA An-Nur Cirebon 78
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION .............................................................................118
5.1Conclusion .................................................................................................. 118
5.2 Suggestion.................................................................................................. 119
5.3 Implication ................................................................................................. 120
BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................................................................. 121
Amrizal (2014), and Titi (2014). The third side in the research of speaking is discussed about
speaking anxiety. The research in speaking anxiety was written by Occhipinti, (2009),
Mahmoodzadeh, (2012), and Cheng, (2009). The fourth side in the speaking discussed about
public speaking. The research in public speaking was written by Pan, (2010) and Debra
(2007). The fifth side in the speaking discussed about strategy in teaching and learning
speaking. The research in strategy in teaching and learning speaking was written by
Anjaniputra (2013), Merdekawati (2011), Wijayati (2011), Wahyuni (2013), Maghfiroh
(2014) and Purwatiningsih (2014). Based on the previous researches above, the position of the
current research is on the strategy in teaching and learning speaking. The current research try
to analyse the teachers’ strategies in overcoming students’ difficulties in speaking. The gap of
this research with the previous research is the current research focuses on the teachers’
strategies in teaching speaking of the students at English intensive program.
Strategy is an important aspect in teaching and learning process. In teaching and learning
process strategy is an activity that should be done both teacher and learner in order to get
learning activity become effective and efficient. Of course, the teacher who has first
obligation for designing strategy and it followed the students in learning activities. According
to Silver, et al (2007: 1) “The goal of teaching is to weave together a conversation that unites
these disparate individuals around a common core of learning. Strategies are the different
types or styles of plans teachers use to achieve this goal”. Strategy The teacher should able to
choose aproppriate strategy in teaching Speaking for the students.
Strategy can solve the students difficulties when they try to express themselves in
Speaking English. Because the students usually find some problems in speaking activities.
Then, the students will frustrate in learning a foreign language, because they do not
understand how to make it easy. The students problems in speaking activities are, they have
no motivation to express themselves in speaking activities, they have low participation in
doing speaking activities, and they have mother tongue in classroom, (Ur, 1996 : 121). So, the
teacher should able to choose an aproppriate strategy in order to make the students understand
about the content and the teacher should guide the students to express their ideas in speaking
activities at the classroom.
Because of the importance of strategy, the researcher wants to analyze the teachers’
strategies in overcoming students’ difficulties in speaking at English Intensive Program. The
research gave some descriptions about the teachers’ strategy in overcoming student's
difficulties in speaking at English Intensive program. The purpose of this research are: to
2. Practically
a. For the teachers
The result of this research can be used as references or reflection for the teachers about
their understanding of the strategy in overcoming students’ difficulties in speaking,
so that the teachers can increase the teachers’ ways during English learning process.
b. For the students
The result of this research can motivate the students to improve their speaking skill in
the next future.
c. For the researcher
This research can develop the researcher knowledge about the teachers’ strategies
in overcoming students’ difficulties in speaking at English intensive program.
because they are prepared, and however if possible, students should speak
from notes rather than a script.
b. Role-play
Many students derive great benefit from simulation and role play
(Harmer, 1989: 271). One way of getting students to speak in different
social contexts and to assume varied social roles is to use role-play activities
in the classroom. Role play activities are also pertinent way of integrating
skills in the language classroom.
c. Brainstorming
Brainstorming is one of the activities which can be done in pre –
teaching stage. In general, the teachers activated their students' knowledge
by asking questions of related words within text or the title given which
were called brainstorming activities. Crawford et al, (2005:29) state that
brainstorming as one of very popular tasks in learning activities that can
help students to elicit background knowledge and to activate necessary
schemata. In addition, Brown (2001:184) defines that brainstorming is a
technique whose purpose is to initiate some of sort of thinking process.
One of the best ways to generate a number of ideas in a short amount of
time is through the brainstorming strategy. Brainstorming helps to stretch a
student’s imagination, encourages group cooperation, and leads to creative
thinking through spontaneous contributions by all group members. Key
principles of brainstorming include the following:
- Select a problem or topic and react to it quickly.
- Designate one person in the group as the recorder of ideas.
- Accept and record all ideas or suggestions.
- Build on other people’s ideas.
- Do not criticize anyone else’s ideas.
- Remember that, initially, quantity of ideas is more important than
d. Oral Interview
According to Kayi, (2006: 53) Oral interview can be conducted with
individuals or pairs at all levels language proficiency and require no
preparation on the part of the students. In a classroom setting, interview can
take the form discussions or conversations with the teacher and with other
Students can conduct interviews on selected topics with various people.
It is a good idea that the teacher provides a rubric to students so that they
know what type of questions they can ask or what path to follow, but
students should prepare their own interview questions. Conducting
interviews with people gives students a chance to practice their speaking
ability not only in class but also outside and helps them becoming
socialized. After interviews, each student can present his or her study to the
class. Moreover, students can interview each other and "introduce" his or
her partner to the class.
e. Debate
Debate can be present opportunities for students to engage in using
extended chunks of language for a purpose. A debate is type of role-pay
where the students are asked to take sides on an issue and defend their
positions. The debate is probably more often used in content area
classrooms than in ESL classrooms. Debates are most appropriate for
intermediate and advanced learners who have been guided in how to prepare
for them. Debates require extensive preparation by learners, call for
interaction in groups, and make use of at least the following language
functions: describing, explaining, giving and asking for information,
persuading, agreeing, and disagreeing.
According to Simon (2005 : 3) there are two teams in every debate.
One team is required to argue that the topic is true. This team is called the
‘affirmative’, or sometimes the ‘proposition’. The other team is required to
argue that the topic is not true. This team is called the ‘negative’, or
sometimes the ‘opposition’. Each team uses two basic types of argument to
support for its side of the topic. First, there are substantive arguments.
f. Games
According to Wright et al (2006 : 1) the word ‘game’ to mean an
activity which is entertaining and engaging, often challenging, and an
activity in which the learners play and usually interact with others. Games
also help the teacher to create contexts in which the language is useful and
meaningful. The learners want to take part, and in order to do so must
understand what others are saying or have written, and they must speak or
write in order to express their own point of view or give information. Games
provide one way of helping the learners to experience language rather than
merely study it.
g. Telling Story
We spend a lot of our time telling other people stories and anecdotes
about what happen to us and other people. Students must be able to tell story
in the target language, in this case is English. Teacher can encourage the
students to retell stories which they have read in their books or found in
newspaper or in internet. The best stories of course are those which the
students tell about themselves and their family or friends, (Harmer, 2007 :
h. Discussion
According to Auner (1947: 287), In our everyday talk the term
discussion is both widely and loosely used. We apply it to chance
conversations, where the theme is subsidiary to the desire to get acquainted,
where the talk passes from on topic to another and only by chance lingers
long enough anywhere for the through consideration of a subject.
Discussion should have the following characteristics:
1) General participation. Discussion aims to make it possible for each
individual to speak as well as to listen. Intelligent listening followed by
informed action is participation.
interaction and for making some contribution or for responding the topic being
On the other hand, McDonough and Shaw (2003: 133) see that speaking is not
an oral form of written language because it requires learners' ability to use its sub
skills to form a complete competency of spoken language. With this argumentation
can be concluded that speaking differs from oral form of written language because to
achieve speaking competency learners are not only required to be able to speak but
they also need to be able to master speaking sub-skill such as pronunciation, stress,
intonation, turn-taking ability, and so on. When the speakers involve in speaking
activity, speaking sub-skills will give some important contributions for maintaining or
managing speakers' relation with the other speakers in speaking activity. This relation
is useful for delivering their message clearly and for communicating successfully.
Speaking is active uses of language that makes on learners of language in term
of sharing meaning (Cameron, 2001: 41). In other words, speaking is the active use of
language to express meanings so that other people can make sense of them. The label
productive uses of language can be applied to speaking receptively. To construct
understanding in a foreign language, learners will use their existing language
resources, built up from previous experience of language use. To speak in the foreign
language in order to share understandings with other people requires attention to
precise details of the language. A speaker needs to find the most appropriate words
and a correct grammar to convey meaning accurately and precisely and needs to
organize the discourse so that the listener will understand. Speaking activities, because
they are so demanding, require careful and plentiful support of various types, not just
support for understanding, but also support for production.
The mastery of speaking skill in English is a priority for many second-
language or foreign language learners (Richards, 2008: 19). Learners often measure
their success in learning foreign language through how much they feel their speaking
skill has improved. Therefore, the teachers try to get the best method, approach or
technique that is good to improve the students' speaking skill since there are varieties
of methods, approaches, and techniques appear from direct approaches where the
teacher focuses on specific features of oral interaction to indirect approaches where
the teacher focuses in creating a condition for oral interaction which is appropriate for
This is the students’ speaking performance that is practicing some phonological
and grammatical aspects of language. It usually places students doing the task in
pairs (group work), for example, reading aloud that includes reading paragraph,
reading dialogue with partner in turn, reading information from chart, etc.
Responsive performance includes interaction and test comprehension but at the
somewhat limited level of very short conversation, standard greeting and small
talk, simple request and comments. This is a kind of short replies to teacher or
student initiated questions or comments, giving instructions and directions.
Those replies are usually sufficient and meaningful.
d.Transactional (dialogue)
It is carried out for the purpose of conveying or exchanging specific information.
For example here is conversation which is done in pair work.
e.Interpersonal (dialogue)
It is carried out more for the purpose of maintaining social relationships than for
the transmission of facts and information. The forms of interpersonal speaking
performance are interview, role play, discussions, conversations and games.
b. Macroskills
1. Appropriately accomplish communicative functions according to
situations, participants and goals.
2. Use appropriate styles, registers, implicatures, redundancies, pragmatic
conventions, conversation rules, floor-keeping and –yielding,
interrupting, and other sociolinguistic features in face-toface
3. Convey links and connections between events and communicate such
relations as focal and peripheral ideas, events and feelings, new
information and given information, generalization and exemplification
4. Convey facial features, kinesics, body language, and other nonverbal
cues along with verbal language
5. Develop and use a battery of speaking strategies, such as emphasizing
key words, rephrasing, providing a context for interpreting the meaning
of words, appealing for help, and accurately assessing how well your
interlocutor is understanding you.
hesitation, (Ur, 1996: 56). Nunan (1998: 39) sees “mastering the art of speaking” as
the most important aspect of learning a language.
According to Hughes (2003: 113), the objective of teaching spoken language is
the development of the ability to interact successfully in that language, and that this
involves comprehension as well as production. It is also assumed that at the earliest
stages of learning formal testing of this ability will not be called for, informal
observation providing any diagnostic information that is needed.
Therefore, some researchers and experts have tried to assign the notion of
teaching speaking like Nunan (2003, p. 48) who has clarified it as to teach English
language learners to
- produce the English speech sounds and sound patterns;
- use words and sentence stress, intonation patterns and the rhythm of the second
- select appropriate words and sentences according to the proper social settings
situation and subject matter;
- organize their thoughts in a meaningful and logical sequence;
- use language as a means of expressing values and judgments, and
- use the language quickly and confidently.
Teaching speaking, in the researcher's opinion, is the way for students to
express their emotions, communicative needs, interact with other persons in any
situation, and influence the others. For this reason, in teaching speaking skill it is
necessary to have clear understanding involved in speech and also encourage the
potential of the learners to develop their speaking skill naturally. Overall, teaching
speaking skill emphasizes on the activities to make the students active and creative.
From the basic of teaching English, speaking is one of English skill which
must be taught to the learners. Language is identical with the skill in communicating
with other using spoken form. So, teaching speaking one more become very
significant to be taught. In this part, teaching speaking will be explored into the reason
for teaching speaking, kinds of speaking activities, and teachers’ role in speaking
activities. Here are some descriptions about those theories;
1. Use techniques that cover the spectrum of learners need, from language-
based focus on accuracy to message-based focus on interaction, meaning,
and fluency
2. Provide intrinsically motivating techniques
3. Encourage the use of authentic language in meaningful context
4. Provide appropriate feedback and correction
5. Capitalize on the natural link between speaking and listening
6. Give students opportunities to initiate oral communication
7. Encourage the development of speaking strategies
a. Pre-Activity Stage
The first stage, pre-activity stage, includes two focus areas - ‘engage-instruct-
initiate sequence’, of which the name has been borrowed from Harmer (2001:
58-59), and ‘grouping students’, it means dealing with the ways that can be
initiated in order to divide learners into groups or pairs in case of including
groupwork and pairwork activities.
b. During-Activity Stage
During-activity stage focuses on ‘the roles of the teacher’ that he or she can
take on during activities, and, what can be suggested concerning the roles of
the teacher. Another focus area concentrates on ‘providing feedback during
activities’; and, finally, ‘the mother tongue use’, which discusses attitudes
towards mother tongue use in the classroom, and actions that can be taken to
promote the use of English will be included in this stage.
c. Conclusion Stage
Conclusion stage includes the areas which focus on the process of ‘stopping
the activity’, it means the appropriate time and method selection; and,
‘providing feedback’ after the activity.
use fluent connected speech (as in I'd I've gone). In connected speech sounds
are modified (assimilation), omitted (elision), added (linking r), or weakened
(through contraction and stress patterning). It is for this reason we should
involve students in speaking activities designed specially to improve their
connected speech.
b. Expressive devices: native speakers of English change the pitch and stress of
particular parts of utterances, very volume and speed, and show by other
physical and non-verbal (paralinguistic) means how they are feeling (especially
in face to face interaction). The use of these devices contributes to the ability to
convey meanings. They allow the extra expression of emotion and intensity.
Students should be able to deploy at least some of such supra segmental
features and devices in the same way if they are to be fully effective
c. Lexis and grammar: spontaneous speech is marked by the use of a number of
common lexical phrases, especially in the performance of certain language
function. Teachers should therefore supply a variety of phrases for different
functions such as agreeing or disagreeing, expressing surprise, shock, or
approval. Where students are involved in specific speaking contexts such as a
job interview, we can prime them, in the same way, with certain useful phrases
which they can produce at various stages of an interaction.
d. Negotiation language: effective speaking benefits from the negotiatory
language we use to seek clarification and to show the structure of what we are
saying. We often need to ask for clarification when we are listening to someone
else talk. For students this is especially crucial. Speakers also need to structure
their discourse if they want to be understood, especially in more writing-like
speech such as giving presentations. They use negotiation language to show the
structure of their thoughts, or reformulate what they are saying in order to be
clearer, especially when they can see that they are not being understood.
above, success is also dependent upon the rapid processing skills that that talking
necessitates. The mental/social processing included (Harmer, 2007:271);
In other references there some aspects that makes speaking difficult. While the
problems have been explained above are the problems of the learners in speaking
activity, here are some problem that comes from the language target itself. Bear in
mind that the following characteristics of spoken language can make oral performance
easy as well as, in some cases, difficult (Brown, 2001: 270).
a. Clustering. Fluent speech is phrasal, not word by word. Learners can organize
their output both cognitively and physically through such clustering
b. Redundancy. The speaker has an opportunity to make meaning clearer through
the redundancy of language
c. Reduced forms. Contractions, reduced vowels, etc. all are special problems in
teaching spoken English
d. Performance variable. One of the advantages of spoken languages is that the
process of thinking as you speak allows you to manifest a certain number of
performance hesitations, pauses, backtracking, and corrections
e. Colloquial language. Make sure your students are reasonably well acquainted
with the words, idioms, and phrases of colloquial language and that they get
practice in producing these forms
f. Rate of delivery. One of your task as teacher in teaching spoken English is to
have learners achieve an acceptable speed along with other attributes of
g. Stress, rhythm, and intonation. The stress-times rhythm of spoken English and
its intonation patterns convey important messages
h. Interaction. Learning is to produce wave in language in vacuum-without
interlocutors-would rob speaking skills of its richest component: the creativity
of conversational negotiation
3. Incorrect Pronunciation
It is stated that correct and clear pronunciations are important in language
learning because good pronunciation makes the communication easier to
understand (Dan, 2006 cited in Varasarin, 2007). Being unable to pronounce well
can cause the students to be poorly perceived and understood by others. This
indicates that paying attention to this linguistic aspect is also important because
students’ low ability in pronunciation can also become obstacle for the students to
speak (Liu, 2007). In many cases, especially in EFL class, most students do not
have self-confidence to speak because they do not know how to pronounce a
certain word well. They are also afraid of being an object of their peers’
evaluation. This condition becomes an obstacle for them to speak in English class
(Gilbert, 2009). Further Gilbert states that it is common for students to feel uneasy
when they hear themselves speak with the rhythm of a second language. They find
that they “sound foreign” to themselves, and this is troubling for them. Although
the uneasiness is usually unconscious, it can be a major barrier to improved
clearness in the second language. All these show that allowing students to practice
pronouncing words more in the class is also worth considering.
the teachers find it difficult to teach due to their low ability in pronunciation area.
This means that a good command in English pronunciation should also be the
focus of the teachers’ professional development so that they can become a good
model for their students The fact that pronunciation has not been the teachers’
concern has been proven by studies conducted by Claire (1993), Fraser (2000) and
Yates (2001); in Varasarin (2007), among other. In this case, they find that many
teachers tend to avoid dealing with pronunciation because they lack of confidence,
skills and knowledge. All these show that focus on improving both teachers and
students’ pronunciation is urgent to be conducted.
Then, what the teacher can do to help to solve some or the problems above.
This is the duty of the teachers to help the students solve their problems. Here are
some ways to solve it (Ur, 1996: 121):
a. Use group work
b. Base the activity on easy language
c. Make a careful choice of topic and task to stimulate interest
d. Give some instruction or training in discussion skills
e. Keep students speaking the target language
with. If students are faced with completely new material, the test will not measure the
learning that has been taking place that is learning speaking. Moreover, achievement
test at the end of a term should reflect progress of speaking skill, not failure. They
should reinforce the learning that has taken place. They can also help us to decide on
changes to future teaching programs.
There are two types of test item (Harmer, 2007: 322):
a. Direct test item. It asks candidates to perform the communicative skill which is
being tested. Whereas direct test items try to be as much like real-life language
use as possible.
b. Indirect test item. It tries to measure a student’s knowledge and ability by
getting at what lies beneath their receptive and productive skills. Whereas, it
tries to find out about a student’s language knowledge trough more controlled
items, such as multiple choice question or grammar transformation items.
To know the improvement of students’ speaking skills has been made by the
students after being treated by some problem sticks, their speaking ability will be
measured by speaking measurement adapted from Arthur Hughes collaborated with
FSI (foreign service instate). There are five components have ratting range from 1-6
with different weighting point from the lowest to the highest.
The speaking measurement contains of some component elaborated from
students’ skill including their pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and
1.6.9 Community English Community
Community is group of some people who share and concern a passion
for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.
Community is people forming a smaller social unit within a larger one, and
sharing common interest, work, identity, location, etc. a college community,
the labor community. According to Redfield (1963:113), community is small
settlement of people self-contend and distinct from all other communities.
The community is very important for the learning and maintenance of
a language. A learner of the target language who has no contact with a
community in which the language is spoken will have more possible failure to
learn or maintain his or her target language.
Communicative language teaching and learning require a sense of
community, an environmental of trust and mutual confidence where learner
may interact without fear or threat of failure. Communication involve not an
expression of the segmented self but total openness of the self. Such
communication would behave to be present in the authentic community. Good
teacher have long recognized the value of community in all learning
environment and have found ways to encourage group cohesiveness and
responsibility without community there can be no communication. Individuals
in foreign language community often demonstrate cognitive development,
creative thinking, and attention abilities that surpass their monolingual peers.
- Objective practicing
- Principle speaking
- Teachers' Role
- Develop - Criteria of
Speaking successful learner
Activities - Students' Problem
three phenomenons that relate: first, to observe the teacher strategies in teaching
speaking at English Intensive Program of MA An-Nur Cirebon, secondly, to describe
the students' difficulties in speaking at English Intensive Program, and also to
investigate the strategies that teachers used in overcoming students' difficulties in
speaking at English Intensive Program.
The secondary data, on the other hand, are those which have already
been collected by someone else and which have already been passed through
the statistical process. Ary, et al, (2010:486) states Primary sources are original
documents (correspondence, diaries, reports, etc), relics, remains or artifacts.
Secondary sources the mind of a non observer also comes between the event
and the user of the record. The secondary data that the researcher takes from
many kinds of book that relating to the theoretical view of this research. It uses
for additional data. And also the researcher gave questionnaire for additional
data to take the data about the students' responses toward teacher strategy in
teaching speaking at English Intensive program.
1.8.2 Interview
The next technique used to collect the data is interview. The researcher uses
this technique in order to collect the data of clarification, verification about what is in
their mind regarding in the problem that being investigated. It is a more open minded
technique because we directly get information with the respondents. As Ary, et al
(2010: 480) explains that Interview are used to gather data on subjects’ opinion,
beliefs, and feeling about the situation in their own word. In this research, the
researcher uses structured interview method.
In this research, the interview is taken to collect the data in the form of
information of the students' reasons why they feel difficult to speak English and the
teacher's reasons toward the used of each strategy in overcoming students' difficulties.
Moreover, the researcher will use audio tape recording while interview.
1.8.3 Questionnaire
Questionnaire is a tool to collect the data in the form of question lists presented
to the respondents to be answered in written. A questionnaire is a research tool used to
collect information from individuals about themselves. According to Brown (2001:6)
states “Questionnaires are any written instruments that present respondents with a
series of questions or statements to which they are to react either by writing out their
answers or selecting from among existing answers.”
Compared to an interview, a questionnaire does not take much time. Thus, the
researcher used questionnaire in order to get easier data from many students. This
questionnaire is committed to acquire students' responses in receiving teachers'
photos, film documenter, archives, letters, diary, journals and other written text in
order to be used to analyze the problem. Documentation is a process of recording data
from the document that is collected from non-human source. In this research, the
researcher used recorder sheet of the students' speaking to take the data about their
difficulties in speaking at English Intensive Program.
2. Data Reduction
The next phase is data reduction. In this data reduction phase, there are living
in process and living out process. It means that the selected data are included in the
needed data and it stays in the living in data and the unselected data are included in
the living out data. In this research, data reduction was about the informations those
were gained from observation and interview with English tecaher and the students
of English Intensive Program. Some information was needed in filling the data, but
some of them were not necessary. Therefore, unimportant data were reduced by the
3. Data Display
The data display presents the process of showing data simply in the form of
words, sentences, narrative, table, and graphic in order that the data collected is
mastered by the researcher as the basic to take appropriate conclusion. In this
research, the data were displayed consist of the informations about the Strategy
used by the teacher in teaching speaking at English Intensive Program of MA An-
Nur Cirebon, the Students' difficulties in speaking at English Intensive Program of
MA An-Nur Cirebon, and the teacher strategy in overcoming students' difficulties
in speaking at English Intensive Program of MA An-Nur Cirebon. Then, students'
response toward teacher strategies in overcoming students' difficulties in speaking
at English Intensive program of MA An-Nur Cirebon as additional data of this
4. Drawing Conclusion
Drawing conclusion is the last phase where the researcher summarized the
discussion to make the conclusion of this research. It was last procedure of
analyzing the data of this research. After the data were displayed, a conclusion were
drawn. Here, there are two kinds of conclusions those are temporary drawing
conclusion and final drawing conclusion. If the temporary conclusion was valid and
could answer the research problem, the researcher could use it as final conclusion.
In the other hand, if it was not valid, the researcher should repeat the process
starting from the displaying data in order to check whether the data displayed is in
the line with the formulation of research problems or not.
that data. It assesses the sufficiency of the data according to the convergence of
multiple data sources or multiple data collections. Based Sugiyono (2009:330), the
aim of triangulation data is not to determine the truth about some social
phenomenon, rather the purpose of the triangulation technique of data analysis is to
increase one’s undersatanding of whatever is being investigated.
Triangulation is the way of establishing the dependability of the research by
cross-checking the data through more than one method collection. In this research
the researcher conducted four methods collecting data those were doing
observation and performing the interview. Firstly, she doing observation to take
the data about the implementation of the teacher strategy in teaching speaking at
English Intensive Program and about the teacher strategy in overcoming students'
difficulties in speaking at English Intensive Program. Then, the interview section
with the subject of this research by discussing about the students' reasons about
their difficulties in speaking, to verify the data from doing interview with the
subject of this research who was students who join English Intensive Program, the
researcher also carried out the interview section to the teacher about her reasons of
applying each strategies in classroom. Afterwards, in order to intepret and to check
the validity of data collection from the interview, the researcher observed the
subject trough test and questionnaire as additional data for this research.
Indonesia University of Education who was graduated in 2013. His research is about
Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Speaking to Students at Secondary Level. In his
qualitative study, Agung observes an English teacher and class of 22 students in reguler
class. Then he gives a questionnaire for the students and makes interview to some teachers
and students. The results revealed that the strategies used by the teacher were cooperative
activities, role play, creative tasks and drilling.
The second previous study has ever been researched in analysis of strategy in teaching
and learning speaking was written by Indah Merdekawati. She is an English student of
State Institute for Islamic Studies Sunan Ampel Surabaya who was graduated in 2011. Her
research is about teachers’ strategy in teaching English speaking at the second grade of
Junior level in regular class. In her qualitative study, Indah takes two observation
checklists to find out the method, media, strategy, material, learning purpose and the last
the evaluation of study. To support the observation, she used interview as additional
instruments in conduct the research. The result of her study showed that the teacher used
four methods in teaching English speaking, those are; effective discussion, debate, role
playing, and daily conversation.
The third previous study has ever been researched in analysis of strategy in teaching and
learning speaking was written by Anik Pratiwi Wijayati. She is an English student of
Jember University who was graduated in 2011. Her research is about metacognitive
strategy in teaching English at Junior high school level in regular class. In her qualitative
study, Anik collect the data of her study with questionnaire, observation, and interview.
Observation and interview were conducted to both students and teacher, and questionnaire
was conducted to the students. The results is the teacher used a variety of teaching
strategies in the teaching process. She used a visual aid to make the students easier
comprehend and draw the background knowledge. She used a game to make the situation
be relaxed, and so on.
The fourth previous study has ever been researched in analysis of strategy in teaching and
learning speaking was written by Sri Wahyuni. She is an English student of Canbera
University who was graduated in 2013. Her research is about L2 Speaking Strategies
employed by Indonesian EFL teretiary students across proficiency and gender in regular
class. In her mixed study (qualitative and quantitative), Sri collect the data of her study
with questionnaire, observation and interview. Observation and interview were conducted
to both students and teacher, and questionnaire was conducted to the students. The study
demonstrates that the students used a wide range of strategies that spread over six strategy
groups, favouring metacognitive strategies. It also shows that speaking proficiency and
gender significantly affected the use of affective strategies only. The study also
demonstrates that the students used strategies consciously, confidently, effortfully or
persistently because of the usefulness of the strategies or pleasure in using them.
Implications for Indonesian EFL teachers, curriculum developers, and students are made.
The fifth previous study has ever been researched in analysis of strategy in teaching and
learning speaking was written by Kuni Nailal Maghfiroh. She is an English student of State
Islamic Institute Tulungagung who was graduated in 2014. Her research is about teaching
strategies in transactional- Speaking class at IAIN Tulungagung. In her qualitative study,
Maghfiroh collect the data of her study with observation, interview and documentation.
The research findings were: the activity of Speaking English applied in 2B
of IAIN Tulungagung, the teaching strategies used by the lecturer and the students’
responses toward the teaching strategies. There was an activity occurred in the classroom.
Grouping ability or discussion is the activity in the speaking classroom. There are four
strategies used in teaching activity. Those are cooperation strategy, substitution strategy,
minimal responses and interactive activity. The students’ responses toward the teaching
strategies are so respectful. It is going to prove that motivation given by the lecturer is
absolutely influential toward the students. The lecturer also uses the acceptable language
when conveying material and give example for getting students understandable deeply.
The sixth previous study has ever been researched in analysis of strategy in teaching
and learning speaking was written by Tutut Purwatiningsih. She is an English student of
State Islamic Institute Tulungagung who was graduated in 2014. Her research is about The
Strategies of Native Speaker Teacher in Teaching English for English as Foreign Language
Students at SMAN 1 Ngunut Tulungagung. In her qualitative study, Purwatiningsih collect
the data of her study with observation, interview and documentation. The research findings
were: the native speaker teacher used two kind of teaching strategy inside of her English
classroom, they were direct teaching strategy and cooperative learning teaching strategy,
the implementation of both those teaching strategies are the native speaker teacher
combined those two teaching strategies into her every teaching and learning activity in the
EFL classroom in a purpose to make both of them can support to each other, so that it can
create a classroom environment was having good atmosphere and can reach the learning
goal effectively.
The research about teachers’ strategy in teaching speaking was done by the previous
researcher in speaking area. The first previous study was done by Agung Ginanjar
Anjaniputra (2013) about strategy was used by the teacher in teaching speaking at reguler
class. The results revealed that the strategies used by the teacher were cooperative
activities, role play, creative tasks and drilling. The second previous study was done by
Indah Merdekawati (2011) about strategy was used by the teacher in teaching speaking at
reguler class. The results of her study showed that the teacher used four methods in
teaching English speaking, those are; effective discussion, debate, role playing, and daily
conversation. The third previous study was done by Anik Pratiwi Wijayati (2011)
researched about metacognitive strategy in teaching and learning process of speaking at
reguler class. The results is the teacher used a variety of teaching strategies in the teaching
process. She used a visual aid to make the students easier comprehend and draw the
background knowledge. She used a game to make the situation be relaxed, and so on. The
fourth previous study was done by Sri Wahyuni (2013) researched about direct and indirect
teachers’ strategy in teaching speaking at reguler class. The study demonstrates that the
students used a wide range of strategies that spread over six strategy groups, favouring
metacognitive strategies. It also shows that speaking proficiency and gender significantly
affected the use of affective strategies only. The study also demonstrates that the students
used strategies consciously, confidently, effortfully or persistently because of the
usefulness of the strategies or pleasure in using them. Implications for Indonesian EFL
teachers, curriculum developers, and students are made. The fifth previous study was done
by Kuni Nailal Maghfiroh (2014) researched about teaching strategies in transactional-
Speaking class at IAIN Tulungagung. The research findings of this study : are there are
four strategies used in teaching activity. Those are cooperation strategy, substitution
strategy, minimal responses and interactive activity. The students’ responses toward the
teaching strategies are so respectful. It is going to prove that motivation given by the
lecturer is absolutely influential toward the students. The lecturer also uses the acceptable
language when conveying material and give example for getting students understandable
deeply. The sixth previous study was done by Tutut Purwatiningsih (2014) researched
about The Strategies of Native Speaker Teacher in Teaching English for English as
Foreign Language Students at SMAN 1 Ngunut Tulungagung. The research findings were:
the native speaker teacher used two kind of teaching strategy inside of her English
classroom, they were direct teaching strategy and cooperative learning teaching strategy,
the implementation of both those teaching strategies are the native speaker teacher
combined those two teaching strategies into her every teaching and learning activity in the
EFL classroom in a purpose to make both of them can support to each other, so that it can
create a classroom environment was having good atmosphere and can reach the learning
goal effectively.
Then the current research try to analyse the teachers’ strategies in overcoming students’
difficulties in speaking at English intensive program. This research used qualitative
research with descriptive qualitative design. The researcher observes an English teacher
and 16 students at English intensive program. The researcher observed the teachers'
strategies in teaching speaking at English intensive program with direct observation, then,
the researcher took the data about students' difficulties in speaking at English Intensive
Program through study of document and interview as additional data, The researcher also
made interview with English teacher who teach at English intensive program to know her
strategy in teaching speaking at English Intensive Program, then the researcher also
observer the teacher strategies in overcoming students' difficulties in speaking at English
Intensive Program through direct observation, the researcher also gives questionnaire to the
students who join English intensive program to know their response toward the teachers’
strategy in teaching speaking at English intensive program as additional data for this
research. So that, there is a gap between other research and this research. The previous
researches above are conducted about teachers’ strategies, but different between object.
Other previous research focus on the teachers’ strategy in teaching speaking at the students
in regular class, meanwhile the current researcher focuses on the teachers’ strategies in
teaching speaking at the students in English intensive class.
This chapter presents the conclusion, suggestion and implication of the research.
Conclusion summarizes the result of the discussion based on the research problems. So,
it summarizes about the students' difficulties in speaking, type of teaching strategies,
and implementation of the teacher strategies. Then, students' response toward the
teacher strategies in teaching speaking at English intensive program as additional data
for this research. While, the suggestion is the researcher recommendation based on the
result of the research for having better result in teaching and learning speaking and
implication is based on conclusion and suggestion.
5.1. Conclusion
Based on the result on the research on the discussion, the researcher concludes that:
1. Teaching speaking is not easy for the teacher. The teacher has to teach the students
to communicate with participant fluently. The commitee of school should create an
English community also to give opportunity for the students in improving their
speaking ability. Then, the implementation of the teacher strategy in teaching
speaking at English Intensive Program consist of review strategy, lecturing,
discussion, sharing and telling story.
2. There are some difficulties found at students in speaking at English Intensive
Program, there are limited in vocabulary because they still lack of Motivation to
enrich English vocabulary, confused in choosing vocabulary because they still lack
the necessary vocabulary to get their meaning across, lack of understanding of
grammatical patterns because they do not have opportunity to apply the grammar
knowledge, problem in their pronunciation because the lack of sound similarity
between English and the students' native language, and still inconfidence to speak
because Limited Opportunities Outside of class to practice.
3. There are some strategies used by the teacher in overcoming students difficulties in
speaking at English Intensive Program, such as prepared talks as strategy to explore
their own thinking based on the theme given, debate as strategy to make the
students speak English more widely, as strategy to make the students understand
more about the topic given, Games as strategy to enrich their English vocabullaries,
5.2. Suggestion
Based on the result of the result, the researcher would like to give some suggestions
as consideration, they are :
1. For the teacher
a. The teacher should be more creative to provide speaking activities to make
the students not bored
b. The teacher also should be more variety strategies to make the students be
more active in speaking
c. The teacher has to control the students activity as much as possible to avoid
the students mistakes
2. For Students
a. The students have to understand that speaking is important because the
function of language is for communicate
b. The students should be aware to speak English outside and in the classroom
to improve their speaking ability
c. The students are expected that they have capability to explore their
information by speaking
d. The students have to more active in speaking classroom
b. The next researcher has to know about the discussion on the research deeply
especially in teaching speaking English
5.3. Implication
Based on the study results and conclusion, the study can be used as:
1. The theory of the study about teacher strategies in speaking at English
Community can be implied in our faculty.
2. There are many speaking strategies that can be used by the teachers
3. May all teachers can solve the students' difficulties in speaking with aproppriate
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