I L Ning Department &xGAD: Sub: List of Holidays During The Calendar

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3Trq^ ^ honours your trust

(STRH ^R^iTT ^ 3^sf><H" Government of Indio Undertaking)

CHO/SP/CSCELL/42/2019-20 Date: 31.12.2019

Circular to All Branches / Offices In India:

Sub: List of Holidays during the Calendar

Year 2020

We enclose the list of Public Holidays for the calendar year 2020 as declared
by various State Governments and Union Territories under section "25-of the
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1981. ^

The State / Union Territory wise holiday list for the Bdhk'as-a"~wh6le has been
compiled after getting up-to-date confirmation from Zones.
% s .
Addition / alteration in the list of Holidays\it^clUdir:),gJJie dates of yearly
closing, if any, will be communicated to the Brqhches/COffices In due course.

General Manager
^i^^l^ning Department &xGAD

End: As stated:

^attr airaWn f^arpr. uimh ,2Tr <»T«H<^idi too ooi

UCO Bank, Customer Service and Customer Complaints Cell, Strategic Planning Department, Head Office, 2"'^ Floor, 10, BTM Sarani,
Kolkata -700 001 Phone:033 44557970,033 44558424 Fax: 033 44557949 E-mail: hOSP.CSCell(S)ucobank.CO.in
'januo Febfuorva More h BHslilflSISS /'r'ril [Jun^ 'JulyK Sebtembefl ^oberMMM Ndvembor&flU^Sw Dee emberjiM.yuBBifeM
Andaman & NIcobar Islands IS, 26 10 07. 25 01, 15,30,31 02,26,30 14,30 25
Andhra Pradesh IS, 26 21 25 01, 10, 14 01,25 01, 11, 15,30 02,25 14 25
Arunochal Pradesh 01, 15, 26 20 10 01, 10, 14 07,25 15 02,23, 24 14.30 01.25
Assam IS, 26 09 01, 13, 14, 15 01,25 01, 15, 20 02, 17,24,25,26 14 25

Bihar 26 10, 11,22 01,02. 10, 14 01,25 01, 11. 15,30 02, 24, 25, 26 14,20,21,30 25

Chandlqarah 02, 26 21 10 01,02,06, 10 07,25 12. 15 02 14,30 25

Chattlsqarah 26 2) 10 01,06, 10 07. 25 01, 12. 15,30 02. 25 30 14.30 25

Oadra & Naaor Haveli 26 2) 10,25 01,02,06, 10 01,25 02, 12, 15,22 2, 25 14. 15, 16.20 19, 25
Daman and DIu 26 21 10, 25 01,02,06, 10 01,25 02, 12, 15, 16, 22 2, 25 14, 15,16.20 19, 25
Delhi 26 10 01,06, 10 07,25 J 01, 15,30 02,25,30 14,30 25

Goo 26 10, 25 01, 10, 14 01.25 02, 15,22.23 02, 25 14 03, 19, 25
Gulorat 14,26 21 10 01,02,06, 14, 25 25 01,03, 12, 15, 16,22,30 02,25,30,31 14, 16 25

Harvana 26 09.21 10 01,06, 14 07,25 01, 12, 15 02,25,31 14,30 25

HImochal Pradesh 26 21 10 01,02, 15 07,25 01,03(W), 12, 15 02,31 04(W|,I4. 16(W1 30 25
Jammu & Kashmir 26 21 09, 25 01, 13, 14 07,21,22,25 18 31 01, 12. IS, 29 02.25,26,29,30 14,30 25

Jharkhand 26 21 09, 10, 27 01,02,06, 10, 14 07,25 01, 12. 15, 29,30 02, 24, 25,-30 14,20,30 25
Karnataka 15,26 21 25 01,06, 10, 14, 26 01,25 01, 15, 22, 30 03(IC)I7 02,17(K1,25, 26,30,31 01, 14, 16 0UK),03,25
Kerala 26 21 01, 10, 12, 14 01,24 31 15,30,31 02.21 02,24,26,29 , 14 25
Ladakh 26 21 10,25 01, 13, 14 07, 20. 22. 25, 26 05 01, 12, 15,29 02, 25,30 06, 14,30 25

Lokshadeep Union (UTI 26 10,22 01,10 07,21,25 01, 12. 15.30.31 02,30 30 25

Madhya pradesh 26 21 10 01,02,06, 10

07, 25 01, 12, 15,30 02, 25,30 14.30 25
Moharaslra 26 19,21 10.25 |o
01,02,06, 10, 14 01,07, 25 01, 15, 16,22,30 02,25,30 14, 16,30 25
Manlpur 01,07,08, 26 15 10, 25 01, 10, 13 01,25 01, 13, 15 02, 17, 24,30 01, 15, 17 25
Meghaloya 01,26 10 01, 10 25 08, 17 01, 12, 15 02, 23, 24 06, 14.23 12, 18,24,25,26,30

Mizoram 01,02. 26 20 06. 10 01, 10 07, 25 15,30 02 30 24.25,31

Nagaland 01,26 25 01, 15 02, 24, 25 14, 30 01.24,25.26, 27
Odisha 26,30 21 10 01,02, 10, 14 25 15.23 01, 11, 15,23,30 02,25,26,31 30 25

Puducheiry & Karaikal Reqlons 01, IS, 16,26 01, 10, 14 01,25 01, 15, 16,22 02,25 30 01, 14 25
Puducheny-Mahe Reqhn 01,26 01, 10, 14, 15 01,24 31 15, 16, 30,31 02, 15,25,29 01 25

Puducheiry-Yanam region 01, IS, 26 25 01. 10, 14 01.24 31 15, 16, 22 02, 25, 30 01. 14 25
Punlab 26 21 10 01,02, 10 25 01, 12, 15 02 14, 30 25
Rajasthan 26 21 10 01,02,06, 14 25 01,03, 12, 15,30 02, 25 14, 15.30 25
SIkkIm 01,26 24 10 01, 10, 14 25 05 13, 24 15,21,31 02 02,26,27,28,29 16, 17, 18 17, 18,25
Tamil nadu 01, 15, 16, 17,26 25 01,06, 10, 14 01,25 01, 11, 15.22, 30 02.25,26,30 14 25
Telanqana 15, 26 2) 09,25 01,02,05, 10, 14 01,25 01, 11, 15, 22,30 02, 24,25,30 14, 30 25
Trfpura 23,26, 30 01, 13, 14,20 25,07 28 14 01, 15,30 17 02, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30 14 25

Uttar Pradesh 26 21 09, 10 01,02,06, 10, 14 07, 25 01,03. 12, 15,30 02, 24.25.30 14, 15, 16,30 25
Utiarakhand 26 21 09, 10 01,02, 10, 14 07. 25 01,03, 12, 15 02, 25.30 14, 15,30 25
West Bengal 12, 23. 26 30 09 01, 10. 14 01.07,08,25 01, 15,30 17 02. 23. 24. 25, 26,30 14,30 25
1, Sundays aie Holidays under HI Act. Holidays failing on Sundays are mentioned lor the Sursday banking Branches. o
2. Ail Second Solurdoys ond fourth Saturdays of the months will be observed as Holidays. Ail other Saturdays will be lull working days.
Cn ot ihe date arlglnally notilied as Holiday tor this lestivoi.
3. Muslim lestivois which ore dependent on the sighting ol the moon will be declared as Holidays by the Competent Authority tor dole on which the iestivol would be actually observed In lieu

4. Vr- Holiday lor Woman employees only, 1

S,'K'• For Kodagu Oislrlct only.



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