Hydro Systems Engineering and Management
Hydro Systems Engineering and Management
Hydro Systems Engineering and Management
Larry W. Mays
Professar and Chair
Department of Ci vi/ Engineering
Arizona Stare University
Yeou-Koung Tung
Associare Professar, Departmenr of Staristics
Hydrologist, Wyoming Water Research Cenrer
University of Wyoming
McGraw-Hill, Inc.
New Yoik St. Louis San Francisco Auckland Bogo!A
Caracas Lisbon London Madrid Mexico Milan Montreal
New Delhi Paris San Juan Singapore Sydney Tokyo Toronto
Preface xvii
Part l Principles
l Introduction 3
l.l Background 3
1.2 Descriptions of Hydrosystems 4
1.3 The Systems Concept 8
1.4 Issues in Hydrosystems Engineering 11
1.4.1 Design versus Analysis Il
1.4.2 Conventional versus Optimization Procedures Il
1.4.3 Optimization 12
1.4.4 Single-Objective versus Multiple-Objective Optimization 15
1.4.5 Uncertainties in Hydrosystem Design and Analysis 16
1.4.6 Applications of Optimization in Hydrosystems 18
1.4.7 Building a Mode! 18
References 20
Books on Selected Topics 20
Problems 22
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Author Index 51 9
Inde x 523