Arts 6
Arts 6
Arts 6
with Corresponding Recommended Flexible Learning Delivery Mode and Materials per Grading Period
First Quarter- Second Quarter
2. explains the elements and principles applied in CG p 43, Gerardo C. Short Quiz
commercial art. The 21st Century Lacia et. Al
MAPEH in Action 6 Copyright
pp. 79-97, 2016
Week 2 / 3. applies concepts on the use of the software CG p 43, Gerardo C. Short Quiz
1st Q (commands, menu, etc.). The 21st Century Lacia et. Al
MAPEH in Action 6 Copyright
pp. 79-97, 2016
4. utilizes art skills in using new technologies (hardware CG p 43, Gerardo C. Short Quiz
and software). The 21st Century Lacia et. Al
MAPEH in Action 6 Copyright
pp. 79-97, 2016
Week 3 / 5. creates personal or class logo as visual representation CG p 43, Gerardo C. Short Quiz
1st Q that can be used as a product, brand, or trademark The 21st Century Lacia et. Al
MAPEH in Action 6 Copyright
pp. 79-97, 2016
Week of Learning competencies Lesson LR Link (if available online) Assessment
the (Grade 6 Arts) Exemplar/ developer (provide a
Learning link if online)
Period resources
6. explains ideas about the logo CG p 43, Gerardo C. Short Quiz
The 21st Century Lacia et. Al
MAPEH in Action 6 Copyright
pp. 79-97, 2016
Week 4 / 7. discusses the concept that art processes, elements, and CG p 44, Gerardo C. Short Quiz
1st Q principles still apply even with the use of technologies. The 21st Century Lacia et. Al
MAPEH in Action 6 Copyright
pp. 78-111, 2016
Week 5 / 8. explains the elements and principles applied in comic CG p 44, Gerardo C. Short Quiz
1st Q art. The 21st Century Lacia et. Al
MAPEH in Action 6 Copyright
pp. 78-111, 2016
Week 6 / 9. applies concepts on the steps/procedures in cartoon CG p 44, Gerardo C. Short Quiz
1st Q character making. The 21st Century Lacia et. Al
MAPEH in Action 6 Copyright
pp. 78-111, 2016
10. utilizes art skills in using new technologies (hardware CG p 44, Gerardo C. Short Quiz
and software) in cartoon character making. The 21st Century Lacia et. Al
MAPEH in Action 6 Copyright
pp. 78-111, 2016
Week 7 / 11. creates own cartoon character to entertain, express CG p 44, Gerardo C. Actual
1st Q opinions, ideas,etc The 21st Century Lacia et. Al performance
MAPEH in Action 6 Copyright
pp. 78-111, 2016
Week 8 / 12. explains ideas about the cartoon character CG p 44, Gerardo C. Short Quiz
1st Q The 21st Century Lacia et. Al
MAPEH in Action 6 Copyright
pp. 78-111, 2016
Week 1/ 1. Discusses the concept that art processes, elements and CG p 45, Gerardo C. Short Quiz
Week of Learning competencies Lesson LR Link (if available online) Assessment
the (Grade 6 Arts) Exemplar/ developer (provide a
Learning link if online)
Period resources
2nd Q principles still apply even with the use of technologies. The 21st Century Lacia et. Al
MAPEH in Action 6 Copyright
pp. 113 - 133, 2016
2. explains the elements and principles applied in digital CG p 45, Gerardo C. Short Quiz
art. The 21st Century Lacia et. Al
MAPEH in Action 6 Copyright
pp. 113 - 133, 2016
Week 2/ 3. applies concepts on the use of the software CG p 45, Gerardo C. Short Quiz
2nd Q (commands, menu, etc.) The 21st Century Lacia et. Al
MAPEH in Action 6 Copyright
pp. 113 - 133, 2016
4. utilizes art skills using new technologies (hardware and CG p 45, Gerardo C. Short Quiz
software) in digital painting. The 21st Century Lacia et. Al
MAPEH in Action 6 Copyright
pp. 113 - 133, 2016
Weeks 3 5. creates a digital painting similar with the Masters’ (e.g., CG p 45,TG p 49 Gerardo C. Actual
-4 / 2nd Q Van Gogh, Amorsolo, etc.) in terms of style, theme, etc. The 21st Century Lacia et. Al performance
MAPEH in Action 6 Copyright
pp. 113 - 133, 2016
6. explains the concept that art processes, elements and CG p 45, Gerardo C. Short Quiz
principles still apply even with the use of technologies. The 21st Century Lacia et. Al
MAPEH in Action 6 Copyright
pp. 113 - 133, 2016
Weeks 5- 7. discusses the elements and principles applied in CG p 45, Gerardo C. Short Quiz
6 /2nd Q layouting. The 21st Century Lacia et. Al
MAPEH in Action 6 Copyright
pp. 134-146 2016
Enjoying Life trhough Marissa C.
Music, Arts, Physical Pascual,
education and Health IreneFeliz
Week of Learning competencies Lesson LR Link (if available online) Assessment
the (Grade 6 Arts) Exemplar/ developer (provide a
Learning link if online)
Period resources
6 pp. 54-58 S., Reyes,
Maria Elvira
M. Garcia,
Mignon C.
8. applies skills in layouting and photo editing using new CG p 45, Gerardo C. Short Quiz
technologies (hardware and software) in making a poster. The 21st Century Lacia et. Al
MAPEH in Action 6 Copyright
pp. 134-146 2016
Enjoying Life trhough Marissa C.
Music, Arts, Physical Pascual,
education and Health IreneFeliz
6 pp. 55-61 S., Reyes,
Maria Elvira
M. Garcia,
Mignon C.
Weeks 7- 9. creates an advertisement/commercial or CG p 45, Gerardo C. Internet--google Actual
8 /2 Q announcement poster. The 21st Century Lacia et. Al search:https:/ performance
MAPEH in Action 6 Copyright
pp. 140-146 2016
Marissa C.
Enjoying Life Pascual,
Through Music, IreneFeliz
Arts ,Physical S., Reyes,
Education and Health Maria Elvira
6 M. Garcia,
pp.55-61 Mignon C.