Cloud Security and DevOps
Cloud Security and DevOps
Cloud Security and DevOps
Blocks are the configuration of an object Terrascan is a misconfiguration scanner. It can scan aws ssm put-parameter --name MyParameter --
Terraform, Kubernetes, and other file types. value "secret_value" --type SecureString
Arguments assign a value to a name.
git clone [email protected]:accurics/terrascan.git aws ssm get-parameter --name MyParameter --
Expressions represent a value, either cd terrascan with-decryption
literally or by referencing and combining make build
other values. ./bin/terrascan Jenkins Integration
terrascan scan -t aws
<BLOCK TYPE> "<BLOCK LABEL>" "<BLOCK Scan is a free open-source audit tool for DevOps
LABEL>" { # Find security misconfigurations in Helm Charts teams. It can perform:
# Block body terrascan scan -I helm • Credentials Scanning to detect accidental
<IDENTIFIER> = <EXPRESSION> # Argument secret leaks
} Checkov looks for misconfigurations in files such as • Static Analysis Security Testing (SAST) for a
Terraform, Cloud Formation, and even Helm Charts. range of languages and frameworks
# Example: • Open-source dependencies audit
pip install checkov • License violation checks
resource "aws_vpc" "main" { checkov -f /path/
cidr_block = var.base_cidr_block You can add the following stage to your
} # Find security misconfigurations in Helm Charts Jenkinsfile (declarative syntax) for basic
checkov --framework kubernetes -d <template files> integrations