Powercenter Real Time Data Sheet 6812
Powercenter Real Time Data Sheet 6812
Powercenter Real Time Data Sheet 6812
Informatica PowerCenter
Real Time
Integrate and Provision Operational Data
in Real Time
Your IT organization faces tough challenges:
• Cost-effectively scale IT
• Scalability. Your IT infrastructure must accommodate growing data volumes and
operations with a real-time
growing numbers of concurrent requests and users. How can you cost-effectively
data integration environment
scale IT operations?
• Reduce risk by making • Risk management. Inaccurate, inconsistent, duplicate, or out-of-date data populates your
real-time data available in business systems and applications. How can you maintain real-time, 24x7, mission-
failure conditions critical operations and ensure that real-time data is accurate and reliable?
• Performance and agility. Your operational and transactional systems aren’t synchronized.
• Increase business agility and There are lapses in capturing and processing data changes. How can your IT
performance with right-time organization supply the business support with the data it needs to make better,
data integration timelier business decisions?
Packaged for flexibility and any data integration latency, Real Time supports operational
data integration projects that require the exchange of data among operational applications.
It enables the development and delivery of sophisticated data services via a service-oriented
architecture (SOA).
Whether you’re integrating data inside or outside your enterprise, nothing in its class
is faster. Security is industrial strength. PowerCenter Real Time fits into your existing IT
infrastructure, so you can make the most of the technology you own now.
Business analysts, data analysts, architects, developers, and entire global development
teams in every industry all rely on PowerCenter Real Time.
Key Features
“Yes, Informatica [PowerCenter Real Time] saves BNY Mellon money, but more importantly it allows us to use
our intellectual property more effectively. Our developers… are working faster, innovating, and focusing…
on solving business problems.”
– Sateesh Prabakaran, Chief Architect
Bank of New York Mellon
PowerCenter Real Time supports the noninvasive capture of database changes as they occur, providing real-
time access to significant business events.
Universal Data Access Built-In Web Services Support
PowerCenter Real Time enables a single approach PowerCenter Real Time leverages Web services
to accessing data in a wide variety of systems protocols, including XML, WSDL, and
and formats. When complemented by Informatica SOAP, to access data, metadata, and data
PowerExchange®, PowerCenter Real Time provides integration workflows within an SOA. It provides
access to: a Web services hub for centralized monitoring
and reporting along with built-in support for
• Structured, unstructured, and semistructured data
WS-Security, a built-in WSDL editor, and a Web
• Relational, mainframe, and file- and standards-
services testing tool.
based data
• Data in packaged applications Dynamically Scalable Data Services
• NoSQL big data stores such as Hadoop HDFS PowerCenter Real Time enables existing batch and
• Social data such as Facebook, LinkedIn, real-time data transformation logic to be exposed and
and Twitter reused as data services. It automatically scales Web
• Message queue data services to support a large number of concurrent
workloads, typical of a shared services Integration
Competency Center (ICC) environment.
“Ensenda’s goal is to minimize the time needed to onboard a customer or a carrier, and
Informatica [PowerCenter Real Time] greatly reduced the development effort needed to do
this. It made the whole process a lot faster.”
– Vianna Quock, Director of Product Management
Ensenda, Inc.
PowerCenter Real Time’s zero-latency engine enables continuous data processing and supports batch, trickle-
feed, and real-time data integration latencies in a single optimized environment.
Key Features
“By using Informatica [PowerCenter Real Time] to build a real-time data infrastructure, Daewoo Securities
has achieved key benefits in terms of data processing speed, data conformity, and change data
management. Overall, this system … has given us a cushion against risks to our competitiveness.”
– Ilhun Lim, E-Business System Manager in the IT Center
Daewoo Securities
PowerCenter Real Time supports reading from and writing to a variety of messaging systems.
Robust Development Tools • A codeless, object-based, visual development
PowerCenter Real Time provides tools that facilitate environment that supplies built-in parallel
collaboration among architects, analysts, and processing transformations, a robust expression
developers. These robust development tools are language, and extensible interfaces
accessible via an easy-to-use interface: • A comprehensive library of transformation objects
for creating and extending context-independent,
• A Web-based, global administration console
reusable integration objects
designed for distributed environments that
• An extensive expression library for expanding the
centralizes all administrative, security, operational,
existing set of predefined expressions and creating
and service-monitoring tasks
user-defined functions
• Reusable mapping templates for designing
• A robust visual debugger that speeds iterative
business/transformation logic in a modeling tool,
development and minimizes error recovery logic
such as Visio, and automatically generating data
for design and run-time environments
integration mapping
“The ICC and Informatica [PowerCenter Real Time] are helping to reduce data integration time by up
to 70 percent. That makes a huge difference … from how quickly we make decisions, to how fast R&D
can develop new solutions, to how quickly we respond to our customers’ needs.”
– David Bonnet, Technical Lead
PowerCenter Real Time provides support for Web services with a graphical development environment,
centralized monitoring and reporting along with built-in support for WS-Security, a built-in WSDL editor, and a
Web services testing tool.
Key Features
“By leveraging the flexible and scalable data services capabilities of Informatica PowerCenter Real Time,
LinkShare will be able to consistently roll out new products faster than before, meet customer demands for
reporting and analysis, and grow our business.”
– Jonathan M. Levine, Chief Technology Officer
Designed for distributed environments, PowerCenter Real Time provides a global administration console that
centralizes all administrative, security, operational, and service-monitoring tasks in a Web-based interface.
Mapping Architect for Visio LDAP Integration
This Microsoft Visio-based data-flow design PowerCenter Real Time supports secure authentication
tool simplifies and streamlines the creation and of users and groups through an enterprise directory
management of data integration mappings. It lets system. It provides a choice between either
your IT organization automatically create data PowerCenter or LDAP for authentication.
integration mappings with PowerCenter tools,
templates, and resources. Reverse-engineering
Enterprise-Grade Security
capabilities convert PowerCenter mappings into PowerCenter Real Time provides granular privileges
Visio templates to document mapping processes and flexible permissions management to ensure
or to kick-start reuse. Mapping Architect for security, particularly across large, globally distributed
Visio includes: teams. With enterprise-grade security, your IT
organizations can limit user access to only the minimal
• A Visio-based data-flow design tool for designing
functionality and data needed, reducing the risk of
business and transformation logic and then using
potential security breaches.
this template to automatically generate mappings,
reusable transformations, mapplets, sessions, and Operating System Profiles
workflows in PowerCenter PowerCenter Real Time ensures secure access
• Reusable best-practice mapping templates based to file system resources through PowerCenter
on Informatica VelocitySM workflows executed by different departments and
• Access to open community of mapping template users. The software tracks and monitors usage by
contributors in the Informatica communities specific groups within a shared environment, such
• Reverse-engineering capabilities to convert as an Integration Competency Center, to facilitate
PowerCenter mappings into Visio templates to departmental charge backs.
document mapping processes or to kick-start reuse
Extended Variables and Parameterization
• Predefined wizards and templates to easily create
PowerCenter Real Time improves reusability and
common data integration mapping patterns, such
developer productivity by providing flexible access
as slowly changing dimensions
to design and run-time metadata within the data
• Custom mapping templates to simplify and
mapping, session, and workflow logic.
streamline mapping generation
“We’re getting business out the door faster and more accurately with the improvements we have
implemented using Informatica [PowerCenter Real Time]. Others within the organization have seen the
success we’ve achieved and are asking us how they can apply the Web services we’ve developed.”
– Stephanie Hansen, Senior Programmer Analyst
State Auto
Key Benefits
Cost-Effectively Scale IT Operations with a Real-Time Data
Integration Environment
PowerCenter Real Time enables your IT organization to intelligently scale operational
About Informatica
scenarios to meet not only increasing data volumes but also growing numbers of concurrent
requests. You can support the large number of concurrent users typical in an ICC Informatica is a leading
independent software
environment. You can quickly and easily deploy real-time data integration solutions and
provider focused on delivering
develop reusable data services to provision data in an SOA. Providing a single environment
transformative innovation for
for both operational and analytical data integration, PowerCenter Real Time enables your
the future of all things data.
team to accelerate development cycles and reduce IT costs.
Organizations around the world
rely on Informatica to realize their
Reduce Risk with Real-Time Data Available Even in Failure Conditions
information potential and drive
PowerCenter Real Time ensures the integrity of real-time data even in failure conditions.
top business imperatives. More
You can avoid duplicate records when resolving partially completed processing. You can than 5,800 enterprises depend on
guarantee that messages are read, processed, and delivered only once and in order, Informatica to fully leverage their
even in system failure scenarios. PowerCenter Real Time reduces the risk of inaccurate, information assets residing on-
inconsistent, or out-of-date data populating business systems and applications and helps premise, in the Cloud and on the
your IT organization maintain real-time, 24x7, mission-critical operations. internet, including social networks.
Your IT organization can ensure that data changes are captured and processed in true
real time. PowerCenter Real Time empowers your IT organization to help the business take
advantage of the timeliest information to accelerate businesses processes, resolve issues,
support approvals, and make better decisions more quickly. By processing and delivering
data at the right time, PowerCenter Real Time helps you improve business performance.
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