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Strongcoat HB400

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Strongcoat HB400

Solvent free high build epoxy floor coa ng for 200 to 400 microns thickness

Technical Properties:
Strongcoat HB400 is a high build, hard wearing, solvent
Colour: Available in different colours
free epoxy resin coa ng, designed to provide a hard
and glossy coa ng to concrete floors. It is supplied as Mixed density: 1.5 ± 0.1 g/cm³
a coloured base (resin) and hardener in pre-weighted
quan es ready for onsite mixing and use. Solid contents: 100%
60 - 80 min @ 25°C
Strongcoat HB400 permits the applica on of floor Pot life:
30 - 50 min @ 35°C
coa ngs at 200 - 400 microns per coat and can be supplied
in different colours to suit the site requirements. Minimum me 12 hr @ 25°C
between coats: 6 hr @ 35°C
With the addi on of An slip Aggregate (Slip resistant Maximum me 36 hr @ 25°C
aggregate) between coats, slip resistant floor system can between coats: 18 hr @ 35°C
be achieved with a build up thickness between 1.3 -
2.0 mm. 7 days @ 25°C
Full curing me:
5 days @ 35°C
Applications Compressive strength:
≥ 70 MPa @ 7 days
BS 6319-2
Strongcoat HB400 is used as protec ve, decora ve,
high chemical resistance and hard wearing floor coa ng Flexural strength:
≥ 40 MPa @ 7 days
system for a wide range of applica ons including: EN 13892-2
Tensile strength:
 Aircra hangars. ≥ 14 MPa @ 7 days
BS 6319-7
 Car parks.
 So drink and beverage produc on areas. Bond strength on
 Dairies produc on areas. C25/30 concrete: ≥ 2.0 MPa @ 7 days
 Show rooms. ASTM D4541 (concrete failure)
 Produc on, maintenance and assembly areas. EN 1542
 Warehouses.
 General food processing and manufacturing plants. Impact resistance:
≥ 9.8 N.m
ISO 9272
Advantages Water absorp on:
< 0.25%
 High chemical and mechanical resistance.
 Available in a wide range of a rac ve colours. Taber abrasion
 Cost effec ve. resistance:
 Easy applica on. (1000 g, 1000 cycle)
 High build. ASTM D4060, weight
 Can be applied from 200 - 400 microns thickness per loss
coat. CS17 wheel ≤ 60 milligram
 Can be applied in slip resistant finishes. VOC: ≤ 10 g/ltr
ASTM D2369 (complies with LEED)

Strongcoat HB400 complies with BS 476, Part 7:1987,

Class 1 Spread of Flame.
Strongcoat HB400
Method of Use
Occassional Spillage.
Substrate Preparation Chemical Resistance after full cure (7 days
@ 25oC), ASTM D1308 (Spot - test @ 1 hr)
The substrate must be clean, dry, even, dense and free Organic Acids
from oil, grease, dust and other contaminants. A clean
surface will ensure maximum adhesion between the Oleic Acid sat. R
substrate and the coa ng. Citric Acid 25% R
Ace c Acid 5% RS + SS
Concrete floors must have a minimum compressive
Ace c Acid 10% RS + SS
strength of 25 N/mm² and a maximum concrete rela ve
humidity of 75% (max. moisture content of 4%), rela ve Yogurt R
humidity can be measured using a hygrometer. Concrete Lac c Acid 10% RS
rela ve humidity should be less than 75% for concrete 28 Inorganic Bases
days old or more.
Sodium Hydroxide 50% R
Surface Preparation Ammonia Solu on 10% R
Potassium Hydroxide 50% R
Unsound layers and contaminated concrete surfaces
must be prepared using mechanical surface removing Aquous Solu ons
equipment. Acid etching can be used only in well Sodium Chloride sat R
ven lated areas. Areas deeply contaminated by oil or Tap Water R
grease, such areas should be treated by hot compressed
air. Chlorinated Water R
Dead Sea Water R
Priming Solvents
Strongcoat HB400 is designed to be used without a White Spirit R
primer. However, for highly porous substrates, Strongcoat Xylene R
Primer S is recommended.
Toluene R
Mixing Acetone R
Oils & Fuels
To avoid inconsistent workability and pot life, make sure
that the materials to be used are stored in shaded area Benzyl Alcohol SS
and protected from extremes of temperatures, for at Brake Fluid R
least 24 hours prior to applica on.
Engine Oil R
Prior to mixing, s r well the individual components of the Diesel R
coloured base and hardener to eliminate any deposits. Kerosene R
Add the en re contents of the hardener container to the
base container and mix thoroughly using a slow speed Detergents & Soaps R
drill mixer (i.e. 300 - 500 rpm) fi ed with helix type
paddle for approximately 3 minutes un l uniform colour Coating
is achieved.
Use brush or lamb wool roller to apply the mixed
Take care to ensure that the bo om and sides of the Strongcoat HB400 onto the prepared surfaces. A
hardener part are thoroughly scraped. Par al mixing is minimum film thickness of 200 microns must be applied
not allowed. per one coat of Strongcoat HB400 at 0.3 kg/m² per coat.
Strongcoat HB400
A second coat with a minimum film thickness of 200
microns should be applied at a right angle to the first Occassional Spillage.
coat. Chemical Resistance after full cure (7 days
@ 25oC), ASTM D1308 (Spot - test @ 1 hr)
The second coat may be applied as soon as the first coat
Inorganic Acids
has ini ally dried. When Strongcoat Primer S is used at a
rate of 5 m²/kg, it will give a dry film thickness between Sulphuric Acid 25% RS + SS
150 - 175 microns with a clear yellow glossy finish. Sulphuric Acid 40% RS + SS

Antislip Application Phosphoric Acid 20% RS + SS

Hydrochloric Acid 10% RS + SS
The base coat should be applied at a minimum film
Hydrochloric Acid 32% RS + SS
thickness of 250 microns and then fully blinded with
the chosen An slip Aggregate. Once the base coat has Nitric Acid 10% R
reached ini al cure, all excess aggregates should be
removed before a further applica on of Strongcoat R: Resistant
HB400 top coat. RS: Resistant with slight discolora on
SS: Slight so ening
The top coat should be applied at a minimum film
thickness of 400 - 750 microns depending on An slip Coverage
Aggregate size used.
Standard coverage:
Remarks Strongcoat Primer S: 5 m²/kg.
Strongcoat HB400 (base coat): 0.30 kg/m².
 Strongcoat HB400 should not be applied when the Strongcoat HB400 (top coat): 0.30 kg/m².
ambient or substrate temperature is below 10˚C or Approximate system thickness: 400 - 600 microns.
where ambient rela ve humidity exceeds 80%. At
low applica on temperatures (i.e. below 15˚C) it is An slip coverage When used with An slip Aggregate #2
recommended to store the unmixed materials at to achieve medium texture:
warm condi ons (i.e. around 25˚C) 24 hours prior to Strongcoat Primer S: 5 m²/kg.
the applica on. Strongcoat HB400 (base coat): 0.38 kg/m².
 Strongcoat HB400 should not be applied on surfaces An slip aggregate #2: 2.0 – 4.0 kg/m².
which are known to suffer from rising damp. If the Strongcoat HB400 (top coat): 0.57 kg/m².
concrete humidity exceeds 75%, Strongcoat DPM Approximate system thickness: 2.0 mm.
should be used. Consult DCP's Technical Department
for more informa on. An slip coverage When used with An slip Aggregate #3
 A minimum thickness of 200 microns per coat should to achieve fine texture:
be applied to obtain a smooth finish. Strongcoat Primer S: 5 m²/kg.
Strongcoat HB400 (base coat): 0.38 kg/m².
Cleaning An slip aggregate #3: 2.0 – 4.0 kg/m².
Strongcoat HB400 (top coat): 0.47 kg/m².
Tools and equipment can be cleaned with DCP Solvent Approximate system thickness: 1.3 mm.
when it is wet. Dried Strongcoat HB400 may be removed
mechanically. Storage

Packaging Store in a dry area out of direct sunlight at temperatures

between 5°C and 35°C.
Strongcoat HB400 is available in 27 kg packs (18 litre).
Strongcoat HB400
Shelf Life More from Don Construction Products

Strongcoat HB400 has a shelf life of 12 months from date A wide range of construc on chemical products are
of manufacture if stored in proper condi ons and un- manufactured by DCP which include:
opened packs.
 Concrete admixtures.
If these condi ons are exceeded, DCP Technical  Surface treatments
Department should be contacted for advise.  Grouts and anchors.
 Concrete repair.
Cautions  Flooring systems.
 Protec ve coa ngs.
Health and Safety  Sealants.
 Waterproofing.
Strongcoat HB400 should not come in contact with skin  Adhesives.
and eyes.  Tile adhesives and grouts.
In case of accidental splashes to the eyes, rinse thoroughly  Building products.
with clean water and seek medical advise. Suitable  Structural strengthening.
protec ve gloves and goggles should be worn.
Do not use solvent to clean Strongcoat HB400 from skin.

For further informa on refer to the Material Safety Data



Strongcoat HB400 is nonflammable. Strongcoat Primer

S and DCP Solvent are flammable. Ensure adequate
ven la on. Do not use near a naked flame and do not
smoke during use.

Flash Point:
DCP Solvent: 37°C.


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