Bonded Coatings For All Metal Surfaces.: Your Global Specialist

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your global specialist

Detailed information

Bonded coatings for all

metal surfaces.
Contents Page

General information on bonded coatings 3

Composition 3
Performance 3
Function 4
Design details 5
Pretreatment and application 6
Application of bonded coatings 7
From the requirements profile to series application 8

Selection examples 9
Coating of metal/metal components 9
Special applications 10
Assembly of components 11

Product survey 12

Technical questionnaire 13
General information on bonded coatings

Composition Performance
The composition of a bonded c ­ oating Bonded coatings Application of
is similar to that of an ­industrial
lacquer, however instead of pigments – ensure dry and clean lubrication bonded coatings
it contains lubricating substances. Bonded coatings are used in the
– improve running-in behavior, also ­aerospace industry, but also in many
in connection with oil or grease other sectors such as the automotive
The main constituents of a bonded ­lubrication industry, in bearings or precision
coating are: ­engineering applications. They often
– p
 rotect against wear and ensure offer lifetime lubrication, e. g. in
– Solid lubricant constant motion at low speeds ­armatures, plain bearings or journals,
e. g. polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), (no stick-slip) safety belt components (locks,
molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), ­retractors), door locks, hinges, screws
­graphite or a combination of solid – p
 rovide lifetime lubrication (no and bolts, valves, pistons, guide rails,
lubricants ­relubrication required), particularly seals, rolling bearings and many more.
at low ­sliding speeds and/or short
– Binder sliding distances For more details, please refer to
(organic or inorganic, made up of pages 9 ff.
one or two components) – protect against corrosion

– Solvent – o
 ffer efficient lubrication at low and
(organic or water) high temperatures, when exposed to
aggressive media, UV and X-rays or
Further constituents are for example under vacuum conditions
coloring agents or corrosion inhibitors
etc. – facilitate assembly and disassembly
of close-tolerance components
Once applied and hardened, bonded
coatings form a thin lubricating layer – e
 nsure defined tightening torques
which reduces friction and wear. This and preload forces in screw
layer is dry, adheres firmly to the sur- ­connections
face and does not drip off. This rules
out the possibility of contaminating – a
 re suitable for coating a great
the environment as in the case of oil or ­number of materials
grease lubrication.
– m
 ake economical solutions possible
owing to precise application m
­ ethods

3 3
Once hardened, the bonded coating Frictional stresses gradually wear
forms a thin, dry and firmly adhering off the bonded coating layer, which
lubricant layer, which separates the is why this type of lubrication is also
friction components in contact, referred to as “transfer lubrication”
thus reducing friction and wear or “wear-related lubrication”. The
­considerably. pro­cess is comparable to writing with
a lead pencil: the pencil will only work
The service life of a bonded coating as long as there is lead.
layer is limited and depends on diffe­-
rent product characteristics, the
most important being the binder’s
wear r­ esistance and elasticity, and
the ­adhesiveness to the component

Solid lubricant
Model of a bonded coating layer
A – Surface with bonded coating
Bonded coating
approx. 7–15 µm

Phosphate layer
approx. 3–8 µm

Surface roughness Ra approx. 1 µm

B – Bonded coating layer after running-in
Solid lubricant

Design details
The components to be coated should be
designed following certain criteria:
No sharp edges Load-carrying capacity Thermal stability
This applies both to the friction Our experience has shown that The upper and lower temperature
body to be coated and the opposing ­polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) or of a bonded coating depend on the
body. Sharp-edged opposing bodies graphite should be the preferred solid binder and the solid lubricant.
scratch the coating. Coated parts lubricants if the friction points are
with sharp edges tend to corrode ­subject to low loads, e. g. mean The thermal stability of a bonded
around the edges and have a shorter surface pressure p = 1 N/mm2 or coating depends on its chemical
life because the coating is thinner in lower. ­composition (binder, solid lubricants).
these areas.
Especially with bonded coatings
Tolerances ­containing MoS2, surface pressures up
to the yielding point of constructional
The acceptable tolerances have to
steel are possible.
be determined in accordance with the
layer thickness. Standard layers are
between 7 and 15 µm. Burn-in temperature
When selecting the material it has to
Component be taken into consideration that many
bonded coatings harden at tempera-
According to our experience, only
tures between 160 and 250 °C. This
one friction body is usually coated for
applies in particular to highly wear-­
cost reasons, i. e. the friction body
resistant bonded coatings. The com-
with the larger frictional surface.
ponents involved are subject to the
same temperatures and therefore
Surface roughness have to be sufficiently resistant. The
The minimum surface roughness of hardening time is between 15 and 60
the component to be coated should minutes ­depending on the tempera-
be Ra ~= 1–2 µm. The surface can be ture. Air-­drying or hygrosetting bonded
roughened for example by mechani- ­coatings should be used on materials
cal or chemical processes. The ideal which are not resistant to increased
depth of roughness of the uncoated temperatures.
opposing body is between Ra = 0.2
and 0.4 µm and should not exceed Corrosion protection
0.8 µm.
Corrosion protection can be
­increased by applying an additional
phosphate substrate layer.

Pretreatment and application
The surfaces to be coated always After degreasing and roughening, the
have to be free of oil, grease, water, components should not be touched
corrosion, scale etc. with bare hands.

Prior to applying a bonded coating, Depending on the part’s geometry

the component surfaces (substrate) and the coating selected to meet
have to be thoroughly degreased. ­tribological requirements, the bonded
coating is applied by immersion,
The cleanliness of the surface to be ­injection, tumbling or dip-spinning or
coated is the most important pre­- other techniques commonly used for
requisite for good adhesion and hence paint application.
also for the function of the bonded
coating. Thermosetting bonded coatings
­require a burning-process at tempera-
Furthermore, sufficient surface rough- tures between 160 and 250 °C.
ness is required for the bonded coating
to become firmly rooted on the com- Air-drying bonded coatings have to
ponent surface. be dried at room temperature before
being subjected to loads. For the
Degreasing and cleaning can be done ­drying and baking times please refer to
in an ultrasonics bath using alcaline, the corresponding product information
aqueous agents, or with solvents leaflet.
which do not leave any residues after
evaporation, such as ethlyacetate,
acetone or volatile white spirits.

Roughening of metal materials is

either done by means of purely
­mechanical processes, such as sand
blasting, or by chemical processes,
such as phosphatizing which also
­provides additional corrosion

Application of bonded coatings
with clean surface, Ra ~
= 1– 2 µm

(e. g. ultrasonic bath)

Mechanical roughening Chemical roughening

(sand blasting) (phosphatizing)

Cleaning Rinsing


(dip/spin, tumbling, immersion,
injection etc.)

Burn-in or drying
(depending on coating type)

Final inspection

From the requirements profile
to series application
Initial idea

If required,
Define requirements assistance by Klüber
(technical questionnaire)
Klüber’s responsibility

Select bonded coating Coating contractor


Parts to be coated in customer’s plant?

Determine Determine
coating process taking coating process
into account local

If necessary,
coat preliminary samples
at Klüber Lubrication

Sample coating Sample coating carried out

at your company by coating contractor*

Application test

Series approval

Series coating Series coating carried out

by coating contractor

Delivery of finished parts

Series application

* The names of potential coating contractors are available on request.

Selection examples

Coating of component/machine element

Axles Guiding tubes Camshafts Pins
Bolts Springs Pistons Valves
– spiral springs – valve armatures
Sealing rings Hinges
– flat spiral springs Hub-shaft connections
Sliding guides – disc springs – furniture hinges/pins
– sliding discs – hinge bolts Shafts
– sliding tubes Chain pins – cylinder bolts
Guiding axles Clamps Lock parts
Guiding bolts Armatures Seat belt parts

Single-part application (injection)

Standard value Service Klüber Product Water Org. Thermo- air
Surface pressure temperature, °C1) base binder setting drying/
p < 10 N/mm2   –40 to   80 Klübertop TP 15-810 • •
  –40 to 180 Klübertop TP 03-111 • •
p > 10 N/mm2   –40 to 230 Klübertop TP 39 N A/B • •
  –40 to 300 Klübertop TG 05 N • •
–180 to 450 UNIMOLY C 220 • •

Bulk application (mass process)

Standard value Service Klüber Product Water Org. Thermo- air
Surface pressure temperature, °C1) base binder setting drying
p < 10 N/mm2   –40 to 180 Klübertop TP 03-111 • •
p > 10 N/mm2 –180 to 450 UNIMOLY C 220 • •
  –40 to 220 Klübertop TM 06-111 • •

1) Service temperatures are guide values which depend on the lubricant’s composition, the
­intended use and the application method. Lubricants change their consistency, apparent
­dynamic viscosity or viscosity depending on the mechano-dynamical loads, time, pressure
and temperature. These changes in product characteristics may affect the function of a

Special applications
Component/Application Klüber bonded coating Advantage

Threaded spindles FLUOROPAN 340 NP A/B Lifetime lubrication

–40 to 230 °C

Plain bearings Klübertop TG 05 N Improves runnning-in,

–40 to 120 °C wear protection

Belt tensioners Klübertop TP 02-131 Wear protection,

–40 to 120 °C lower friction coefficient

Chain pins UNIMOLY C 220 Improves running-in

–10 to 260 °C

Pistons for Klübertop TP 39 N A/B Wear protection,

air conditioning compressors noise reduction

Piston skirt Klübertop TG 05 N Wear protection

–40 to 200 °C

Armatures FLUOROPAN 340 NP A/B Lifetime lubrication for steel


Metalforming UNIMOLY CP Improved processing

Klübertop TG 04-1121

Hinge bolts Klübertop TP 03-111 Lifetime lubrication

Household appliances
5 to 100 °C

Hinge bolts UNIMOLY C 220 Lifetime lubrication

Furniture hinges
–10 to 80 °C

Lock parts Klübertop TM 06-111 Lifetime lubrication for medium

–40 to 120 °C to high surface pressures

Seat belt mechanisms Klübertop TP 03-111 Lifetime lubrication for parts

–40 to 100 °C subject to low loads
Klübertop TM 06-111 Lifetime lubrication for parts
subject to high loads

Rolling bearings UNIMOLY C 220 Lifetime lubrication

Improves running-in

Gear rims UNIMOLY C 220 Improves running-in

–40 to 120 °C

Cylinder head screws UNIMOLY C 220 Lower friction coefficient,

–40 to 260 °C constant preload force of screw

Assembly of components
Service Klüber bonded Water Bin- Thermo- air
temperature, coating base der setting drying/
°C1) hardening

Press-in and press-on assembly

Bushings –180 to 450 UNIMOLY C 220 • •
Rolling bearings

Power-locking and
positive connections
Screw-bolt connections
Wedge-type connections
Feather key connections
Woodruff key –180 to 450 UNIMOLY C 220 • •
connections (Klüberplus SK 12-205) •
Splined shaft connections
Involute spline
Serrated hub connections

Screw connections
–180 to 450 UNIMOLY C 220 • •
Threaded bolts  
–40 to 180 Klübertop TP 03-111 • •
Threaded rods  
–40 to 300 Klübertop TG 05 N • •
Threaded nuts

1) Service temperatures are guide values which depend on the lubricant’s composition, the i­ntended
use and the application method. Lubricants change their consistency, apparent d
­ ynamic viscosity
or viscosity depending on the mechano-dynamical loads, time, pressure and temperature. These
changes in product characteristics may affect the function of a c
­ omponent.

Product survey








































Service temperature –40 –40 –40 –40 –40 –40 –40 –180
range °C1) to to to to to to to to
+230 +180 +180 +80* +230 +300 +220 +450

Standard values
of max. surface p>10 p<10 p<10 p<10 p>10 p>10 p>10 p>10
pressure [N/mm2]

PTFE • • • • •
Solid lubricant MoS2 • •
Graphite •
Air hardening2) • •
Thermosetting2) • • • • • •
organic • • • • • • •
Binder base
inorganic •
Water-miscible •
Corrosion protection2) • • • • • • •
Resistance to
chemicals2) • • • • • • •

Single-part application • • • • • • • •
Bulk application,
centrifuging • • • • •

Bulk application
Tumbling • • • •

*) The stress at high temperatures depends on the type and frequency of frictional load.
1) Service temperatures are guide values which depend on the lubricant’s composition, the i­ntended use and the applica-
tion method. Lubricants change their consistency, apparent ­dynamic viscosity or viscosity depending on the mechano-
dynamical loads, time, pressure and temperature. These changes in product characteristics may affect the function of a
2) For further details please see the corresponding product information leaflets.

Technical questionnaire –
bonded coatings

Klüber Lubrication München KG
Geisenhausenerstraße 7
P.O. Box/Street ………………………………………
D-81379 München
City/Post-Zip Code ………………………………….......

Phone number ……………………………………...

Person to contact ……………………………………...

Please make a sketch of your specific application. For technical details, please use reverse side.
Technical questionnaire – bonded coatings
1. Component description
Name of component:

Material: hardness: HRC

Surface condition as delivered: depth of roughness (Ra): μm

Material of sliding partner: depth of roughness (Ra): μm

Intended use:

2. Technical requirements
Is it possible to coat the entire part?
(any covered areas?):

Surface pressure p = N/mm2 (constant, alternating, impact)

Movement uniform oscillating

n = rpm v = m/s frequency: to Hz amplitude: to m

Thermal resistance +/– °C:

Resistance to chemicals:

Dirty environment:

Ambient media:


Radioactive radiation:
(type and dose)

Desired service life (cycles):

max. layer thickness:

Corrosion protection: yes no test method (DIN):

3. Quality requirements
Test specifications:

Corrosion around edges acceptable: yes no

Further requirements/specifications/
technical delivery instructions:

Reference data required for subject component: yes no

4. Estimated consumption (units/year)

Price range (cost/unit):

5. Enclosures
Sample Drawing

Note: At least one reference sample has to be retained for internal documentation. Series application is subject to prior manufacture of a pilot lot
(the number of components depends on the respective geometry of the part).
Publisher and Copyright:
Klüber Lubrication München KG

Klüber Lubrication München KG

Reprints, total or in part, are permitted

if source is indicated and voucher copy
is forwarded.

Edition 06.11, replaces edition 03.08

The data in this technical brochure is

based on our general experience and
knowledge at the time of printing and
is intended to give information of
­possible applications to a reader with
technical experience. It constitutes
­neither an assurance of product
­properties nor does it release the user
from the obligation of perfor­ming
­preliminary tests with the selected
product. We recommend contacting
our Technical Consulting Staff to
­discuss your specific application.
If required and possible we will be
pleased to provide a sample for ­

Klüber products are continually

­im­proved. Therefore, Klüber
Lubrication reserves the right
to change all the technical
data in this technical
brochure at any time
without notice.


Klüber Lubrication – your global specialist

Innovative tribological solutions are our passion. Through personal contact and consultation,
we help our customers to be successful worldwide, in all industries and markets. With our
ambitious technical concepts and experienced, competent staff we have been fulfilling
increasingly demanding requirements by manufacturing efficient high-performance
lubricants for more than 80 years.

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