Summary of Evaluation LR
Summary of Evaluation LR
Summary of Evaluation LR
Title of LR /
Specific Part
Brief Description of Learning Resource Evaluator’s (LRE)
of the LR/ Line Writer's Remarks (TWG/LREs
Finding / Observation(Write on the specific column where each
and Page
finding / observation is found) Revisions / Findings/Observations)
Number with LRE’s
Action Taken
Recommendatio (Indicate the
ns to Improve
the Specific
specific pages
Area 2 - Language Area 3 - Layout and Finding / where the Justifications
Area 1 - Content
(Specify the Design (Specify the Observation revision/action/ Not for Findings
(Specify the Factor
Classification of Factor and Criterion
and Criterion Item) s were Implemented Not
Error) Item) implemented) Implemented
Signature Over Signature Over Printed Signature Over
Printed Name of LRE Name of LRE Printed Name of LRE
Name of Writer: School
Learning Area Grade Level: Quarter No.:
Title of LR /
Specific Part
Brief Description of Learning Resource Evaluator’s (LRE) Finding /
of the LR/ Line
Observation(Write on the specific column where each finding / observation is Writer's Revisions / Action
and Page
found) Taken (Indicate the specific
Number with LRE’s Recommendations to
Findings Improve the Specific Finding / pages where the
Observation revision/action/s were
Area 1 - Content (Specify Area 2 - Language Area 3 - Layout and Design
the Factor and Criterion (Specify the Classification (Specify the Factor and
Item) of Error) Criterion Item)
Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Signature Over Printed Name
of LRE Name of LRE of LRE