Draft Block Chain Policy GoI
Draft Block Chain Policy GoI
Draft Block Chain Policy GoI
December 2019
1. Introduction: What is New?
Since the advent of Univac-1, manufactured by Remington Rand using 5,200 vacuum tubes, weighing
around 14,000 Kgs and priced at $ 1 million each, as the first commercial computer that attracted
widespread public attention; computing technologies including hardware, software, and communication
networks, have increasingly been the key drivers of economic growth and societal changes. Together with
these technological developments, academics, business leaders and policymakers have been shaping the
practice of managing organizations including governments.
The core technological layers of the Internet technologies, that is TCP/IP protocols, which allow computers
to communicate with each other were invented in the 70s, but it was only in the late 80s the commercial
applications of such technologies started to get popular, first as email applications, and later as e-commerce
and digital publishing, which led to businesses around many-to-many communications networks such as in
social networks. These technologies are often referred to as foundational technologies because their
profound impact on societies as well as businesses is realized over a long period of time and across various
sectors, unlike disruptive technologies that significantly impact a particular sector in a very short period of
time. Though the foundational internet technologies have led to sea changes in the world in almost all
aspects of life in the last three decades, organizations have largely remained hierarchical, isolated, and
vertically integrated. The reason is that the existing internet technologies are orders of magnitude more
efficient in moving ‘information’ or data across various participants or nodes in a network, but have
significant limitations in transferring value across the network. The inabaility of internet technologies to
transfer ‘value’ across nodes in a network lies in the fact that not only the authentication and verification
of ‘ownership’ of value requires trusted third parties but these parties are also required for safe custody of
the ledgers of records of ownership.
For example, when we email a textual document, or video or photograph or audio file to someone, we are
sending a copy of the original and the recipient can copy and change it. Though we can transfer
‘information’ in the document to another person, we still need a ‘trusted third party’ to provide verification
and authentication services. In the current business networks including government services operating on
the backbone of internet technologies, we can transfer ‘information’ very efficiently, we still need
intermediaries such as banks, technology companies, and governments to establish trust and maintain
integrity to enable value exchange across participants. In other words, internet technologies facilitate
stakeholders to create ‘internet of information exchange,’ but not that of ‘internet of value exchange.’
Moreover, though organizations and all stakeholders are connected to each other through the Internet, their
databases are firewalled because they need to safeguard the custody of ledgers and that results in slowing
down of transactions, leading to inefficiencies as well as costs.
What would happen if there were a set of technologies, which allowed participants to create ‘internet of
value’ wherein participants could store and exchange value without the need for traditional intermediaries
or without the verification and authentication services of a trusted third party? What would be the impact
of a technology that operates on top of the ‘internet of information exchange’ to create an ‘internet of value
exchange’ wherein the trust is coded in the technology in such a way that need for safe custody as well as
authentication and verification by a trusted no more exists?
At the core level, this is what blockchain technology based systems offer. In the ‘internet of value’ created
by blockchain technologies, value is stored in a global tamper-proof public record book and not in a file
stored somewhere in a firewalled storage system, and the new transactions including transfer of assets or
value are authenticated, verified and approved leveraging a large peer-to-peer network through distributed
consensus protocols rather than by a central authority.
In other words, blockchain technologies are a set of technologies that enable to keep tamper-proof record
of transactions defining asset or value ownership efficiently through appropriate data structures, allow peer-
to-peer participants to update the records when asset or value transfer takes place using foolproof
mechanism through distributed consensus protocols, and create business value through smart contracts
which are coded in software and are executed when objective conditions set in the code are met. This allows
for the value to be transferred from one owner to another owner (ownership transfer) between decentralized
peer-to-peer machines or nodes without the need for any central authority for authentication and
verification. This feature also allows for autonomus systems to be built on top of Internt of Things (IoT)
Since these technologies work in networks, they need coordination, facilitation and appropriate legal as
well as the regulatory framework. In order to achieve this, Governments all around the world are working
on developing comprehensive national blockchain strategies including mission and vision statements and
have been working proactively with industry and academia partners to facilitate integration of the
technology with existing economic ecosystem and architecture by taking steps to reduce or remove
regulatory hurdles, enable creation of skilled human capital, bolster research and innovation, and promote
conducive policy frameworks.
This paper outlines a broad contours of approach to formulating a national blockchain strategy for India
which is directed towards and is informed by the following Vision and Mission:
Vision Statement: India will be one of the leading countries in the world in innovation, education,
commercialization, and adoption of blockchain technology in private and public sectors by 2025.
Mission Statement: Mission of National Strategy on Blockchain is to provide a set of policy frameworks
and incentives in consultation with stakeholders to proactively facilitate integration of the blockchain
technology with exiting economic ecosystem by implementing appropriate legal as well as regulatory
architecture, creating incentive structure for academia and industry to promote research and teaching, and
formulating policies leading to rapid innovation, adoption and growth of blockchain technology
applications in public sector including government as well as private sector.
The approach paper is organized as follows. Before providing an overview of the blockchain technology as
well as its foundationa pillars, we first discuss the value proposition of this technology and motivate
potential sectors in the economic networks wherein this technology may be value enhancing.Thereafter, we
describe various application domains which are potential candidates for the early adoption of blockchain
technology, challenges in adoption of blockchain technology by public sector including government and
private sector and the potential for societal impact if the adoption barriers are either lowered or removed
altogether. This lays the ground for delineating the role of government and also need for a strategy at the
national level. Thereafter, we lay out, based on policy developments in other countries as well as on
academic work relating to blockchain, the guiding principles for national strategy and conclude by
describing next proposed next steps.
In the end, the goal of this apparoach paper is to get the ball rolling by outlining a framework and contours
of national strategy leading to wider discussion, consultation, knowledge sharing which in turn will lead to
a more robust formulation of national strategy on blockchain.
Blockchain technologies have disruptive potential but at the core level, these are foundational technologies
which are likely to lead to new business models. The initial value proposition is likely to be operational
efficiencies due to reduction in transactional costs. Modification of the existing processes by removing
intermediaries or by lowering the administrative costs of safe record keeping will lead to cost reduction and
efficient transaction reconciliation. This is likely to shift the flow of value by reducing lost revenues and
will provide opportunities for new revenue sources for those businesses which adopt blockchain-based
systems. A recent report by Mackinsey Digital estimates that approximately 70 percent of the value in short
term would be through cost reduction, followed by revenue generation.4
Given the nature of these technologies, certain business sectors core functional requirements make them
more amenable to blockchain solutions. It is very likely that financial services, government, and healthcare
sectors will be the front runners in capturing the value. Core functions of financial services are about
verifying and transferring financial assets. This aligns well with blockchain technologies core value
proposition. Inefficiencies in cross-border payments and trade finance, can be addreesed by systems based
on blockchain. This may also lead to reduction in the number of intermediaries. Blockcahin based systems
amy also lead to value creation in capital markets by having efficient and fast trade settlements as well as
savings in regulatory compliance. Due to these potential opportunities of value creation approximately 90
percent of major multinational banks are experimenting in development of blockchain-based systems.
Blockchain based systems can aslo enable governments’ key record-keeping and verifying functions. This
is likely to lead to large administrative cost savings. Public data which is often not shared seamlessly among
government agencies as well as across businesses entities, regulators and citizens. This includes data
relating to birth certificates to property ownership, and taxes. Blockchain-based systems together with smart
Deep shift: Technology tipping points and societal impact, World Economic Forum, September 2015,
“Blockchain startups absorbed 5X more capital via ICOs than equity financings in 2017,” CB Insights, January
2018, cbinsights.com.
“IBM invests to lead global Internet of Things market–shows accelerated client adoption,” IBM, October 2016,
Blockchain Beyond the Hype: What is the strategic business value? July 2018;
contracts can simplify interfaces between government agencies and citizens and also increase data security.
Blockchain-based identity management systems can serve as key enabler for publich service delivery
systems leading to wider gains to economy.
Healthcare industry is another area where blockchain could be the key to unlocking the value of data by
prmoting data exchange across providers, patients, insurers, and researchers. Introduction of blockchain
systems in health records will facilitate improved administrative efficiency and also give access to
researchers to the historical data without releaving the identity of the patients. This is likely to be helpful
advancements in medical research. On the other hand, patients may have more controlover their data by
introduction of smart contracts.
Much has been written about ability of blockchain technologies to increase privacy, enhance trust and
remove friction within a business network. But blockchain’s core value proposition rests on two key
• Verified origin of data: While Blockchain does NOT guarantee data veracity, it does make it
clear who put what data onto the ledger and when. Moreover, once the data has been put in a
ledger or block, it can not be changed by any node in the network though a new updated record
can be put in another block where old as well as new record are linked. In other words, once a
record is created, it’s entire evolution is immutably recorded and given the current state of a
record, one can trace the entire history of that record
• Trusted processes (or workflows): Blockchain creates the ability to track each step in a
workflow, so that permissioned parties can understand and track how data flows through the
Historical perspective before Bitcoin: The growth of digtal technologies together with developmets
of communication technologies in leading to laying of the foundations of the World Wide Web in 80s also
provided impeteus to academicians as well as technology entreprenurers to experiment with creation of
digital currency. Experts from diverse fields such as computer science and mathematics worked on different
aspects of the foundational pilaars even before the advent of digtal technologies. Early scientific research
by William Feller’s probability theory (1957), followed by Haber and Stornetta’s demonstration on how to
stamp a digital document (1991) are precursors to viability of digital cash.
Renowned mathematician David Chaum in the 1980s published a research paper on cryptography in
electronic payment systems, which eventually led to E-cash where one can store money in a digital format
that can be spent at any shop where cash is accepted which is also cryptographically signed by a bank. In
1998, Wei Dai proposed B-Money, a technically anonymous distributed peer to peer network which takes
care of ledger of transactions collectively and updates on different nodes of computers.
What is it in Layman Terms? A blockchain is a specific type of data structure which we can use to
transfer value or assets across nodes or participants where the ownership rights are recorded in crypto-
graphically stored and linked blocks which contain records of ownership of assets among the participants
that can remain anonymous. Blockchains are open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between
two parties efficiently and in a verifiable in a permanent way. To sum it up, it is a radically decentralized
peer-to-peer technology to maintain asset ownership records and to allow for transfer of assets including
updation of records using peer-to-peer distributed consensus mechanism. This removes the need for either
safe keeping of records or authentication and verification by a trusted third party. A simple high-level view
of blockchain system is shown in Figure 1.
A synonymous term that we hear when explaining or describing block chain is also Distributed Ledger or
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). What this means in a generalized form is not only “Information
sharing” but also a mechanism to update that information by the participants, even when there is no trust
between them, as long as there is consensus between them. A Ledger is an authoritative record of important
data or significant event. For example. this event could be a monetary transaction or valuable data like
Medical Records, Government ID or a shipping record of supply chain logistics.
Before, we describe the foundational pillars to blockchain technology based systems, it is important to note
that this technology allows for peer-to-peer exhanges and updation of ledgers without any trust created by
a trusted third party. For example, in the current systems, transfer of any property by node A to node B in
an economic networks requires not only a trusted third party like government to verify and authenticate the
ownership from a repository of records which have been in safe custody of the government, it also requires
a trusted third party like bank to verify that the promised sale consideration has been transferred or will be
transferred by B to A, and after the transfer of property is effected, trusted government agencies are required
to update the records with new ownership of property. Though these trusted third parties do provide
economic value, the participants also bear the cost of using their services. Blockchain technology removes
the role of trsuted third parties as the ‘trust’ is created by the unique features of the technology and not by
an organization or entity.
Figure 1: Blockchain/Distributed Ledger
Data structure layer ensures that data is stored, maintained and constantly updated in such a way that the
safe keeing and authenticity of records in ensured by the technology rather by a trusted third party. This
can also be thought as a database which comprises of a chain of fixed length blocks where each block can
include 1 to N transactions.
Distributed consensus protocol or mechanism layer ensures that transfer of value or assets across nodes and
updation of ownership records in the network can take place through peer-to-peer consensus mechanisms
which ensures that only honest transations are validated and recorded. This ensures that in a network
consisting of non-trusting nodes, the value transfer and updating of ownership records can take place
without the verification and authentication services of the trusted entities. In other words, each transaction
that is added to a new block is first validated through a consensus mechanism, and then inserted into the
block. The interaction and broadcast are verified by a distributed network and once validated a new block
is created. When a validated new block is complete, it is added to the end of existing block.
Once the first two pillars ensure a technology based system of ledger of ownersip of asset or value and it
honest updation without a trusted third party, then one can think of the third pillar, that is, Smartcontracts
which allow the value transfer to effected by certain objective and verifiable conditions are met without the
need for a ‘trusted third party’, and we have the ‘internet of value exchange’.
In other words, blockchain systems build upon the ‘internet of information exchange’ to create an utility
for ‘internet of exchange of value.’ Figure 2 provides and high level overview of how value transfer takes
place in blockchain systems across nodes.
Let us say A and B are two entities that wish to conduct an interaction or transaction. First, cryptographic
keys are assigned to each interaction.. The basic blockchain processing is perfomed in following steps:
1: Take new transactions and organize them into blocks. These transactions are undeletable.
3: Then add this new block to the after the last block of existing immutable block chain.
Understanding the mechanics of blockchain: The blocks once recorded are resistant to modifications
or any changes. In other words, this means that the data put in a block cannot be altered retroactively. Thus
the use of a peer-to-peer (p2p) network and distributed timestamping server together with distributed
consensus allows a public block chain database to be managed autonomously without any central authority.
Let’s take a look at the public blockchain as an analogy. It is both a database and a software that envelopes
it. As a software, it is like a BitTorrent, a program that allows you upload and download files directly with
others also running the BitTorrent software. So instead of uploading the file to file sharing Service, such as
dropbox and then sending the link to your peer to download the file, you just upload the file directly to your
peer’s computer. Figure 3 illustrates the key configurational differences between a centralized and
decentralized data storage.
The public block chain is also a peer-to-peer program with one very important difference, not only does it
move files (data) from peer-to-peer (p2p) within a network, it also ensures that all the participants have
same exact data. It enforces the following principle, if the data changes on one machine, it changes on all
machines. In addition, the public block chains like Bitcoin and Ethereum, new data is appended on to the
old which means data is only written, never deleted.
A public block chain is not stored in one central computer, nor is it managed by any central entity, instead
it is distributed and maintained by multiple computers or nodes. This is how the term blockchain was
coined as the new data is added in batches or blocks and appended to an existing block. The public
blockchain has no central authority to manage usernames and passwords instead it uses cryptography. In
generic way, each user is able to generate a locker address (ID) and a private keycode that allows them to
unlock the locker (ID). The primary keycode is unique to the user who generated address (ID). Now
everyone in the blockchain can see the data tagged with the address (ID), however no one is allowed to
modify it. It can be modified by the person who can prove that he is the owner via the private key.
It is this property of blockchain that the valuable data is recorded as a permanent, immutable, tamperproof
uncensored record. The value that the block chain technology brings is “trust in an un-trustable
environment”. This trust is established throughout the Distributed Ledger and larger the network the greater
the trust.
Before we discuss some of the consensus mechanisms used in cryptocurrencies and in some Blockchain
implementations such as Hyperledger, we first describe the underlying mechanism through which consensus
works in peer-to-peer blockchain networks. In a blockchain system, there are generally many publishing
nodes competing at the same time to publish the next block which updates the transcation ledger. These
competing nodes are generally mutually distrusting users (more so in permissionless blockchain systems)
who know each other only by their public addresses and have joined the network without any screening
process. In this setting, it is natural for nodes to be motivated by their self-centered gain rather than for
well-being of the other nodes or the network itself. In such a situation, why and how would consensus
emerge in this type of network? Furthermore, who and how resolves conflicts when conflicts arise among
nodes about updating the transactions or the publishing a block at approximately the same time? In
blockchain systems, the role or use of consensus models is to enable a set of mutually distrusting and self-
centered users or nodes to work together to achieve a common goal.
When a node joins a blockchain network, it agrees to the initial state of the system which is recorded in the
genesis block which is the only pre-configured block in the system and is the first block that is published.
Thereafter, every block is added to the blockchain after the genesis block in a chronological manner through
an initially agreed-upon consensus mechanism or protocol, wherein each added block must be valid and
thus can be validated independently by each blockchain network node. By combining the initial state
(genesis block) and the ability of nodes to verify every block since then, nodes independently agree on the
current state of the blockchain. In practice, all this is coded in software and the nodes do not need to be
aware of these details. This leads to the key feature of blockchain systems wherein there is no need to have
a trusted third party for updation of records to provide the current state of the system—every user within
the system can verify the system’s integrity.
While in permissionless blockchain networks, the consensus protocols must work even in the presence of
malicious nodes and non-trusting nodes where some nodes might try to disrupt or take over the blockchain,
in permissioned blockchain networks, there may exist some level of trust between publishing nodes. In this
case, there may not be the need for a resource intensive distributed consensus protocols. Generally, as the
level of trust in the network increases, the need for resource usage as a measure of generating trust
decreases, but so does the presence of trusted-third party. For some permissioned blockchain systems, the
consensus protocols are not limited to ensuring validity and authenticity of the blocks but includes the
systems of checks and validations from the proposal for adding some transactions a block to its final
inclusion on a block.
There are a large number of distributed consensus protocols that have been proposed by the academicians as
well as blockchain/cryptocurrencies practitioners. At a high level, the consensus protocols can be classified
in four groups:
Computational power driven consensus protocols: Proof-of-Work: The core idea behind
computational power driven consensus protocols is that the nodes that propose to publish a new
block (add a new block to he blockchain) need to solve a computationally challenging puzzle and
those who are able to solve that puzzle first get the opportunity to publish or add the block. Bitcoin
and Ethereum employ proof-of-work distributed consensus protocols
Stake in the system driven consensus protocols: Proof-of-Stake: The security of proof-of-work
systems directly depends on the amount of computational work expended. The growing hash rate in
the Bitcoin network, for example, makes attacks on the network costly. This security comes with
significant economic cost: It is estimated that—in 2013—the amount of energy allocated towards
bitcoin mining (in terms of electricity cost for the operation of CPUs and cooling systems) equaled
that of the country Ireland. In light of the cost associated with proof-of-work consensus, proposals
have been brought forth for a consensus mechanism centered around a different economic set. Proof-
of-stake systems distribute state transition rights, among others, according to existing balances held
by anaccount( the “stake” in the system). Delegated Proof-of-Stake is a modification of the base
protocol where the nodes are allowed to delegate their stakes to a another node and it can lead to
further reduction in resources in reaching consensus. Ethereum Casper uses Proof-of-Stake
consensus protocol.
Inter-Network relationship driven consensus protocols: Byzantine Agreement: Another method
for establishing consensus in a distributed setting is Byzantine Agreement. Byzantine Agreement
comprises a class of systems that try to solve the Byzantine General’s Problem, first described by
Lamport, Shostak, and Pease, in which consensus has to be established in the face of arbitrary
failures of participants. These “Byzantine” failures can include malicious actors making incorrect
statements, as well as statements being lost, e.g. due to technical problems. Two prominent methods
for establishing Byzantine Agreement are Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT), and Paxos.
Ripple uses probabilistic voting mechanisms and Stellar consensus protocol uses federate byzantine
agreement protocol.
Other consensus protocols driven by other economic consideration: There are many other
consenus protocols which have the potential to be used in blockchain systems but have not yet
attracted enough attraction from industy. These are proof-of-activity protocols, proof-of-burn
protocols, proof-of-capacity protocols, proof-of stake velocity protocols, and proof-of-bandwidth
transacting parties and are stored on all the nodes that are a party to the transactions. The smart contracts
are triggered based on certain events that are programmed into the contract to undertake certain actions and
effect value transfers. They are cryptographically secured to ensure that the authenticity of the transacting
parties and also address the confidentiality associated with the information stored and exchanged as per
access controls that are coded into the program.
Smart contracts are an essential component of automation that enables digital identities on the Blockchains
to conduct varied transactions and undertake coordinated value transfers once certain conditions are met.
While the term ‘Smart contract’ is widely used, it is termed differently in different blockchain systems. For
example, in widely used enterprise applications in Hyperledger Fabric, smartcontracts are written in
‘Chaincode’ that codifies and embeds the business logic in enterprise Blockchain systems.
Smart contracts are the layer that has the most economic value in business as well as governmental
applications of the blockchain technology. This layer leads to not only reduction of the transaction costs
significantly, but also leads to minimize contractual disputes and litigations. The feature of Turing-
completeness allows the creation of customized smart contracts, which inturn makes it possible to develop
applications in different industries such as e-commerce, financial services, asset management and real-
So what is a smart contract and what makes it smart? A smart contract contains a computer code that
converts a set of rules or terms and conditions for execution of a business trasction agreed upon by two or
more parties that are involved in value exchange, into a computer executable program. This program
executes on the top of a blockchain where the value transfer is recorded without the authentication and
verification of the trusted third party when the transaction is executed conditional upon well defined
condtions coded in the program. In other words, if a set of pre-defined rules are met, the smart contract
executes itself to produce the output which is recorded on blockchain. Therfore, this small program or piece
of code allows decentralized automation by facilitating, verifying, and enforcing the conditions of an
underlying agreement. Smart contracts are key to creation of ‘network of value exchange’ without a trusted
third party. The computer code running on the top of blockchain allows exchange of value including any
asset in a decentralized yet fully secure and transparent manner, thus eliminating the need for a third party
or middleman, without any chance of contractual dispute.
In the current state of technology, getting a court-registered document as a proof, one would first need to
go to a lawyer or notary, pay them for their services and then wait till they authenticate the document.
However, with blockchain technology the scenario changes completely. When this process is exected with
smart contract, one would simply get the document by only making the payment for the asset that is
recorded in the document and not for services of any third party such as a lawyer. Therefore, smart contracts
not only define the rules around any agreement but they are also automatically execute those rules, transfer
value and update the asset ownership records.
In other words, Smart contracts are automatically executable lines of code that are stored on a blockchain
which contain predetermined rules. When these rules are met, these code executes and provides the output.
In the simplest form, smart contracts are programs that run according to the format that they’ve been set up
by their creator. Smart contracts are most beneficial in business collaborations in which they are used to
agree upon the decided terms set up by the consent of both the parties. This reduces the risk of fraud and as
there is no third-party involved, the costs are reduced too. In summary, smart contracts are computer code
that has the properties of self-verification, self-execution and are tamper proof as they are recorded on
In order to understand how a smart contract works, let’s take an example where you wish to sell a property
of your own. The process of selling properties demands a lot of paperwork as well as communication with
multiple parties. Other than the communication complexity, it also involves the risk of frauds. In the current
times, most of the people who want to deal in properties make their way ahead through real-estate agents.
These agents are responsible for dealing with the paperwork and markets. They act as intermediaries in the
overall process and work on negotiations and overseeing deal.
In such cases, you can’t rely on the person that you’re dealing with therefore, the agencies provide escrow
services which transfer the funds from one party to the other. When the deal is finalized, you will have to
pay both, the agent and the escrow service their commission in terms of the decided percentages. This leads
to an extra loss of money and more risk on the seller’s end. Enter Smart Contracts. Using smart contracts
in such situations can result in more effectiveness by reducing the burden. Smart contracts are designed to
work on condition-based principle (if this then that), which will resolve the ownership issue by transferring
it to the buyer only when the monetary, as well as other conditions, are agreed upon. Moreover, when it
comes to escrow services, smart contracts can replace those too.
Both money and the right of possession of the property can be stored in a distributed system which can be
viewed by the involved parties in real-time. Since the money transfer will be witnessed by all the network
participants, the chances of fraud are eliminated. Moreover, there’s no chance of an intermediary to be
involved as the trust between parties is not an issue anymore. All the functions performed by the estate
agent can be coded into the smart contract, thus, saving a considerable amount of money on both, buyer
and seller end.
By applying smart contracts in our day to day life, we can make phenomenal changes as they offer multiple
advantages over the traditional contracts. Smart contracts are more convenient and faster which make those
acceptable for people to streamline their workflows.
They provide you with the right blend of security and ease of application as and when you need to exchange
anything of value be it property, money or shared.
Eliminating the need for intermediaries make smart contracts even more attractive to apply in our lives.
The usage of smart contracts is likely to gear up with the advancement of technology. Let us look at the
benefits offered by smart contracts:
One of the core characteristics of smart contracts is transparency. Smart contracts describeall the
terms and conditions in absolute detail and these are also checked by the parties agreeing to the
In order to go ahead with any process involving documentation, it usually takes more than at least
a couple of days. The delay in processes is due to a lot of intermediaries and unnecessary steps
along the way. On the other hand, smart contracts are run through the aid of the internet as they are
nothing but pieces of software code.
Therefore, the speed of completing transactions through smart codes is way too fast. Smart
contracts can save hours or even days as compared to any traditional business process. Moreover,
the time delay due to manual involvement is also eliminated.
A smart contract is coded in sucha a way that it holds all the terms and conditions of exchange of
assets or completion of a transaction. Leaving out any condition in the smart contract may result in
an error in execution.
Smart contracts with automated coding features are the safest options when it comes to data
encrypted technology in the current times. Since they match the highest safety standards, the level
of protection involved in them allows them to be secure to use for critical processes.
Moreover, since the smart contracts are so accurate and secure, their level of efficiency is way too
high which generates more value in transactions.
Data Storage
Smart contracts are accurate and precise to the minutest level of the agreement. All the details of
any transaction are stored on the contract and anyone among the involved parties can access it at
any given time. Moreover, these transactions are stored on the blockchain in the form of future
records. This is particularly helpful in terms of any dispute regarding the contract terms in the
Using smart contracts in place of traditional agreements can result in a lot of savings. First and
foremost, as smart contracts only involve parties that are the part of the agreement; the need for
middlemen is eliminated and the money involved in that is also saved.
All the lawyers, witnesses, and intermediaries have no role when smart contracts are used.
Moreover, as stated earlier, smart contracts also save money as paper-based documents are not
involved in any processes.
The properties of transparency and security make smart contract trustworthy in businesses. They
obliterate any probability of manipulation as well as manual errors and establish confidence in their
execution. Upon agreement on all the conditions, the contract automatically executes itself.
Another unique feature of these contracts may be their capability to significantly lessen the
requirement of litigation and courts. Self-executing Smart Contracts allow parties to commit and
bind by the conditions and rules written inside.
As smart contracts are computer coded documents, the use of paper in the entire processes is
eradicated. On one hand, this saves the cost while on the other, this is useful for companies globally
as it helps them to save their bit of paper usage in terms of contracts and promotes their contribution
towards the society.
Be it a new job or buying any new product, contractual agreements come into play as a proof for such
things. However, the complex process of traditional paperwork and contracts involve high costs, third
parties and chances of manual errors in such processes.
With digitization and technology moving ahead, we can make these processes more reliable and cost-
effective with the help of smart contracts. The concept is to avoid any intermediaries and third-party
systems and make the systems more effective and efficient. Smart contracts can be applied in different
industries and sectors. Let’s have a look at some of them below:
Lack of automation in insurance administration, claim processing can take a long time ranging from
weeks to months. This becomes an issue for both the customers as well as the insurance companies as
the customers are trapped in time constraints for their money. On the other hand, the companies have
to face issues like unwanted administrative costs, dissatisfied customers, and inefficiency.
By using Smart contracts in such processes can result in simplifying and streamlining the processes by
automatically triggering payment for a claim when certain conditions are met as per the client and
company’s agreement. For example, in case of loss due to a natural disaster, smart contracts can be
executed in a timely manner and people can claim their money and use them in time of need. Any
specific details like the extent of loss due to damage can be kept on a blockchain and the amount of
compensation can be decided accordingly.
Internet of Things
The IoT technology is being utilized to connect everyday devices to the internet in order to improve the
interconnectivity of the systems in with the help of sensors. These devices can be connected to the
blockchain system to keep a track of all the products and processes in the loop. For example, in a
general scenario, you might receive a wrong order while shopping something online but with the
combination of Blockchain and IoT, the product and its location can be tracked on every step of the
way including the warehouse, transport, shipping to your doorstep. A fully-automated system will
ensure that the right product gets delivered to the right person.
The sensors involved in the system create their own nodes on blockchain and with the help of smart
contracts, the location and possession of the respective product can be traced. A smart contract keeps
the location status updated all along the way till the product gets delivered. This helps in ensuring the
correctness of the product from the initial shipment to delivery.
Mortgage Loans
Mortgage agreements are complex as many details are included in them such as income of the
mortgagee, credit score as well as outgoings. In order to go ahead with mortgage loans, it is extremely
necessary to carry out the checks on these details. This process often goes in the hands of intermediaries
and third parties which makes it lengthy and troublesome for the lender as well as the loan applier.
Using smart contracts in this situation is beneficial due to multiple reasons. The most important being
the elimination of the middlemen to avoid any lengthy process and confusion. Moreover, all the details
can be stored in one location which is accessible by both parties at all times.
Employment Contracts
Employment contracts are another area where smart contracts are needed. If either of the party i.e. the
employer or the employee fails to meet the set expectations, the terms of the agreement can be
compromised. This leads to a lack of trust which is solved by smart contracts. By using a single smart
contract for both the parties, the terms, and conditions can be made clear which would help improve
fairness. These records could be anything such as salary amount, job responsibilities etc. Once these
transactions are recorded on smart contracts, they can be looked into in case of any conflict. This will
improve the employee-employer relationship.
Moreover, smart contracts can be utilized to make wage payment processing easier so that the desired
employee receives the agreed amount in a specific time period. Also, in the case of temporary labor
where the employer, employee and an agency is involved, smart contracts can be used to introduce
transparency. This will prevent the agencies from interfering with the contract term of the employee
once he/she is hired by the company. Any changes in terms can be detected with the aid of smart
In the digital world of today, content is not limited to just words. It could be anything from a written
document to a video to an audio clip. When a piece of content is released commercially, the owner of
the content receives a royalty fee theoretically. However, the process of creation involves multiple
parties and thus, all of them are liable for payments or royalty. In practical implication, this is not
ensured as there is no defined way of clearing the confusion over entitlement. Smart contracts can
resolve this by ensuring the royalties to the desired contributor by recording the ownership on a
Supply Chain
Supply chain management involves the flow of goods and products from the initial stage to the final
stage. Being a major part of many industries, proper functioning of a supply chain is crucial for
businesses. Supply chain management is not a one person job to do and thus, there are different entities
involved in it. Smart contracts in the supply chain can record ownership rights while the products are
transferred through the supply chain. Everyone in the network can track the location of the product at
any given time.
The final product can be checked at each stage throughout the delivery process until it reaches the end
customer. If an item is lost in the process, smart contracts can be used to detect its location. Also, if any
stakeholder fails to meet the contract terms, it would be transparent for the whole system to see. Smart
contracts bring transparency to the overall supply chain system.
Smart contracts have certain advantages for many industry sectors such as, reducing overhead costs,
providing transparency, and saving time. While they are more reliable, secure, efficient and trustworthy
as compared to paper contracts, care needs to be taken to avoid the risks of code corruption and as
businesses move forward and accept digital processes, risk awareness is integral too.
Types of Blockchain: Apart from the public blockchain described above, there are different categories or
types of blockchain that have emerged as companies started to use the technology for the purposes of data
storage, identity, agreements, property rights etc.
Public blockchain – Public blockchains are open networks that allow anyone to participate in the
network, hence the name ‘public’. Such a network depends upon the number of participants for its
success, and hence encourages more and more public participation through an incentivization
mechanism. The best example of a public blockchain is Bitcoin where participants in the network
(miners) are rewarded with BTC tokens and anyone can join as a node to transfer (including to buy,
sell or hold), or to mine, or to just be an observant node.
Private blockchain – Limited within an organization to be able to access and update. Fully private
blockchain is a block chain where write permissions are kept centralized to one organization. Read
Permissions public on restricted to an arbitrarily extent. Application or used of a private blockchain
includes database management and internal auditing.
Consortium blockchain – It is used in collaboration with other. A consortium blockchain is a
distributed ledger where consensus process is controlled by preselected set of nodes. For example,
R3 (www.r3vev.com) a consortium of financial institutions dedicated to developing blockchain
technologies for financial sector where each member operates as a node. The right to read the
blockchain may be public or restricted to the participants.
Table 1 describes the key differences between traditional centralized database driven systems,
permissioned blockchain systems and permissionless blockchain systems. In summary, the key
characteristics of blockchain systems are as follows.
Before, we describe business applications of blockchain technology, the following table reproduced from
a report from Mackinsey Digital hightlights the key myths and realtity about various aspects of blockchain
McKinsey Digital, Blockchain beyond the hype: What is the strategic business value?, June 2018, Exhbit 1.
4.0 Application Domains
Blockchain can replace trusted intermediaries and also in some cases help efficiently increase their
transparency, security, or reliability of their performance. Through the decentralized approach, smart
contract triggered real-time & automatic execution of transactions that enforce contractual obligations,
offering an immutable ledger of assets that track the changes in ownership, Blockchain facilitates a new
paradigm of transparency and automation at scale. Many a time, there is often a grey area between the
suitability of a situation for a Permissioned Blockchain application that offers an alternative to a normal
database application. Simply converting applications to run on a Blockchain instead of traditional databases
would not necessarily add value, and in fact, would likely be inefficient and costly.
The myriad of applications that Blockchain facilitates are described below. This list is only illustrative and
not exhaustive.
4.1. Blockchain in Financial Applications
Individual transactions and cross border payments for large transactions can be effected through a private
Blockchain where counterparty banks are members, drastically reducing costs and improving efficiencies.
Globally, several banks are forming consortia to take advantage of Blockchain technology for efficient
cross-border money transfers. Ripple Labs and R3 Corda have led these consortia globally, and SBI-led
consortium, among Indian banks, is exploring its use case actively. In India, organizations like Bajaj
Electricals with the help of YES Bank, and Mahindra and Mahindra group, through its group company
Mahindra Finance, are exploring trade financing through Blockchain technology.
For Blockchain to have a wider impact in the finance domain, it is important that a large number of parties
transacting with each other come on board on a common Blockchain platform. This is still a long way off,
and several organizations are still working on their proof of concepts. Some of the prominent applications
of Blockchain are detailed as follows:
Details of the customer transferring the money, and the one receiving money can be
cryptographically encoded to ensure their details are confidential and known only to relevant parties
on a must/ already know basis
Instantaneous transfer of money through smart contract operation
Reduced transaction fees by cutting down on irrelevant intermediaries
In the recent past, there have been a number of such initiatives led by JP Morgan, Facebook lead consortium,
R3 Corda have been announced in the names of JPM Coin, LIBRA, Corda Settler, etc., to facilitate a speedy
and ultra-low-cost transfer of money among participating banks & entities of their Blockchain consortiums.
2. Bill discounting:
Invoice discounting is often undertaken by medium and small-scale industries dealing with large
creditworthy organizations. The process involves a lot of documentation and time-consuming procedures.
Here, Blockchain can offer a solution by offering trust through a smart contract, and by cutting down a
number of mediators between parties.
The solution involves a regulatory node having oversight to ensure transaction sanctity without intruding
into the confidentiality of transactions.
3. Insurance:
The following are some use cases emerging in the insurance domain.
• Automated claim handling and settlement
• Elimination of insurance fraud due to transparent recording and immutable data sets on the Blockchain
that removes the propensity to defraud insurance companies with inflated and multiple claims
• Automated insurance settlement through smart contracts that get triggered on impacting events.
The Government of Singapore has implemented Blockchain-based medical insurance for a segment of its
population on a pilot basis. An Ethereum based private Blockchain is implemented to connect health
insurance providers, hospitals and banks. When a patient in a given risk category signs up for an insurance
plan, the details are recorded on the Blockchain.
In case a patient undergoes a procedure and needs to avail insurance, the smart contract gets triggered and
the money is transferred from the insurance company to the hospital within 24 hours to clear the bills. This
has substantially eased the pain point of patients who are often unsure about the settlement of claims.
For this, they have to provide extensive documentation to banks, leading to high costs, and also payments
to intermediaries to facilitate documentation, relationships, contacts, and other logistical issues.
With the help of Blockchain, companies can directly transact with banks securely, with limited paperwork
in a high-trust environment.
• Trust through the system as all transactions are recorded on a distributed ledger with established identities
and are time stamped.
• Transparency and elimination of duplicity or mistakes in invoices as all records are managed through a
streamlined process and verified formats that are encoded into the system.
• All parties can operate in a safe and efficient environment, devoid of human dependency.
In recent times, there has been a renewed interest in the identity problem, both online and offline. On one
side, there has been a higher concern for the privacy of communications due to extensive governmental
surveillance programs and by the rise of social networks. On the other side, the on-going migration crisis has
brought challenges for both humanitarian and security agencies trying to identify migrants where previous
data is either lacking or it cannot be trusted. (Source: Provable)
Creating a unified digital identity on a Blockchain platform is one of the biggest applications being
experimented across the globe. Identities recorded on a Blockchain enable the member to access their
benefits or entitlements in an authentic and secure manner not only eliminating a lot of intermediaries
engaging in the identification process, but also ensuring that the right benefits are reaching the right person
entitled to them.
An Indian state has successfully experimented with a benefit distribution program of offering targeted
benefits to students. This has substantially reduced the menace of fake, wrong and unaccounted claims
availed in the name of non-existing parties through forged identities.
World Food Programme’s aid disbursements to Syrian refugees: The World Food Programme created a
private Blockchain fork of Ethereum with the help of engineering firm Parity and is transferring aid to
Syrian refugees directly.
World Food Programme earlier provided vouchers as an aid to refugees, which they used to encash in retail
outlets and supermarkets against their purchases. This amounted to huge leakages on account of wrong
voucher submissions, bank charges, and time delays.
With the help of Blockchain, refugees are provided accounts on the Blockchain, identified by the scanned
images of their irises. Upon purchasing any item at a supermarket, the refugees are identified by iris
scanners and the due amount is charged to the World Food Programme.
This has saved the WFP over 98 percent in the bank and other financial charges, and now, it plans to spread
the same to refugees across regions for a variety of services.
KYC/AML services undertaken by the financial organization to qualify their customers, clients and
merchants can be automated and standardized through a Blockchain application improving the convenience
of the transacting parties in a number of ways. The citizens with KYC and identity recorded and tracked
through a Blockchain can get an idea of the places where his identity has been accessed, which further can
be enabled by his/her access.
The supply chain industry consists of several non-trusting parties interacting with each other, exchanging
a humongous amount of information through documents. The application of Blockchain to the supply chain
industry promises a huge benefit in terms of streamlining of operations, speedy and efficient processes, and
elimination of time, effort- and money-consuming paperwork.
Blockchain can enable direct interaction among various parties in a supply chain, establishing program-
driven trust and eliminating intermediaries. One example could be the tracking of refrigerated goods by
recording the temperature across the value chain with the help of IoT devices. Further, the movement of
goods from the manufacturer to the end consumer, along with the various parameters associated with the
goods, can be tracked on a live basis with IoT sensors and devices tagged to the goods. This will further
help in the elimination of fake products as their ownership can be traced.
In the pharmaceutical industry, it would be possible to track the movement of a medicine strip across the
value chain - from the manufacturer to the last distribution point - proving the source, and differentiating it
from a fake.
Similarly, in agriculture, produce can be tracked from farm to fork, and IoT technology can be used to
monitor storage conditions like temperature to ensure it is not spoilt along the way.
IBM & Maersk led consortium Travelens, Walmart Led consortium Food Trust and Samsung & port of
Rotterdam consortium Deliver have made substantial progress in the recent past to create a cross border,
multi-party blockchain systems in the Supply Chain and Logistics domain.
A lot of activity in Blockchain technology is centered on financial applications, asset tracking, and supply
chain. The application of a framework to identify various aspects in the manufacturing sector gives us an
idea of the segments that are amenable to the application of Blockchain technology. As per an assessment,
at least four out of six aspects governing the relationship between the parties must be met, as given in the
Table 3.
An overview of the use cases across various segments of manufacturing, along with the current use cases,
as sighted in the mentioned paper by Philip Sanders are given in the Table 3. The activities that may see
strong benefits from Blockchain technology are mostly in the proof of concept stage, and their real
economic impact can be felt in three to five years.
The activities that may see strong benefits from Blockchain technology are mostly in the proof of concept
stage, and their real economic impact can be felt in three to five years.
The activities that may see strong benefits from Blockchain technology are mostly in the proof of concept
stage, and their real economic impact can be felt in three to five years.
4.5. Educational certificates & Student / Employee credentials
Blockchain has extensive applications in the education sector. Every year, millions of certificates are issued
by various institutions to students across the world, which are used as credentials for various purposes. It is
imperative to have a fool-proof process to confirm the authenticity and originality of these documents.
Blockchain now offers a platform for organizations to confirm the authenticity of these documents
electronically. For this, organizations who give out the certificates record them in a Blockchain. Any party
looking to confirm the authenticity of a certificate can verify the same by comparing it with the original. For
this, the property of ‘Hashing’, which generates a unique hash for a unique digital document, is used, and
hashes of the original and presented documents in conjunction with the digital signature are compared, and
the originality ascertained if the hashes are identical.
Apart from this, teachers and students can discover each other and offer peer-to-peer training and educational
services as well.
Background verification and identity management can also be integrated into the Blockchain platform for
educational resources and interactions.
4.6. Blockchain in Healthcare
Blockchain can enable patients to store their electronic medical records in a confidential, safe and secure
manner across their lifetime. This enables doctors to have verifiable, tamper-evident medical records with
the entire history of diagnostic tests to offer the right prescription. A patient can use his mobile device to
access information, and also provide permission to a healthcare provider to access the health data
Blockchain also enables trustworthy Clinical Trial management process by reliably recording the patient
consents an activity which is often looked at suspiciously.
Blockchain has a great role to play in ensuring compliance of the telecom players to the government
regulations that demand them to respect the privacy of their users. Activities like Unsolicited Commercial
communications are best monitored with the help of Blockchain and many telecom companies in India are
working along with TRAI to arrest this menace with the help of Blockchain technology.
Digital identities, maintaining digital certificates of citizens from birth to death and that of different types of
asset ownership, electronic voting, educational certificates of students for all academic purposes, monitoring
welfare programs, tracking procurement of all key products and services across Government departments,
protecting patents, copyrights and trademarks, confidential access and tracking of health records of all
citizens, cybersecurity of critical infrastructure are some of the key applications of Blockchain technology,
being explored by Governments across the world.
Various states in India are in the process of experimenting with Blockchain applications across a variety of
use cases.
Tracking the ownership of Land records, issuing Motor vehicle licenses using a Blockchain platform,
tracking the utilisation of Benefit distribution program using a Blockchain, maintaining registries of Birth
certificates, Death certificates, Marriage certificates, Municipal authority approvals and permissions, Police
clearance certificates to citizens for various purposes are some of the use cases being explored and proof of
concepts being undertaken by some of the Indian states. An urgent need is felt by the Indian Government to
come out with a guiding policy document bringing clarity enabling full-fledged applications being
implemented in a coordinated fashion across the country.
Many organizations with conflicting interests benefit from a single repository of data. Users can access their
own analysis and decision making. For example, the sensor-generated data from various sensor locations
and farms can be utilized by multiple companies who can them create their own layers of applications and
dashboards depending on their need. Similarly, details of erratic customers or fraudsters can be shared across
multiple service organizations to pre-empt them from becoming victims. Blockchain facilitates the sharing
of critical & valuable data on a peer to peer basis, among a consortium of partners in a trusted manner while
maintaining the necessary confidentiality through access controls and digital signatures.
4.10. Decentralized Marketplaces
The rise of the social media and e-commerce industries has led to the internet behemoths that have now
become notorious in abusing their economic power boosted by the ownership of data belonging to trusted
users. Data breaches, malware attacks, and wilful actions have dented the trust of the consumers in such
entities and Blockchain offers a credible alternative where a consortium of Permissioned Blockchain system
can offer Trust as a Service to guarantee quality & origin of goods and transaction guarantee to the buyers
and sellers on the platform. Indian Government is experimenting with a Blockchain-based e-marketplace for
Coffee growers to help integrate the farmers with markets in a transparent manner and lead to the realization
of a fair price for the coffee producer.
a) Monetizing intellectual property, arts, music and movie rights to targeted clients
b) Tracking product warranties
c) Tracking Industrial Waste & Emissions (at State & National level or even at International Level)
d) Notarised document management
e) E-Procurement process management
f) Loyalty management
g) Mobile Phone Roaming fraud tracking
h) Commercial paper & Bonds issuance
i) Clearing & settlement
and many more that are being explored that facilitate unknown and mutually distrusting parties to
confidently trade with each other.
B) University certificate- Zebi is also implementing Blockchain based certificate management for 35
Universities/ Colleges in Karnakaka &AP.
C) Unsolicited Commercial Communication tracking: Tech Mahindra along with Microsoft & IBM has
implemented a DLT solution for registering customer preferences and tracking customer complaints about
the UCC. All the telecom companies and TRAI along with approved Third party service providers and
approved Tele-marketers are sharing the data of the preferences recorded & violations as per complaints
by customers. Any cellular service provider unable to block such UCC calls will be heavily fined.
D) Some of the states have started coming up with tender notices for Blockchain based Land records
management system.
HSBC India and ING Bank Brussels have successfully executed a blockchain enabled, live trade finance
transaction jointly with Reliance Industries and Tricon Energy on a R3 Corda powered platform.
The blockchain enabled Letter of Credit transaction facilitated shipment between Reliance Industries and
Tricon Energy. Industry first integration between an electronic Bill of Lading provider and a
F) Bankchain by SBI led consortium is exploring Blockchain for a variety of use cases
like shared KYC / AML, syndication of loans / consortium lending, trade finance, asset registry &
asset re-hypothecation, secure documents, cross border payments etc.. This is however under a lot of
experimentation and has not stabilised.
G) Telengana Government is exploring Blockchain for Motor Vehicle Department applications to track
the vehicle lifecycle from manufacturing to end of warranty period & is evaluating some PoCs.
H) West Bengal has implemented Blockchain based issuance of Birth certificates to to new borns.
Currently,technology giants giants such as IBM, Microsoft, Facebook and Amazon are actively working
on myriad blockchain platforms, use cases and pilots. Many Proof-of Concept prototypes have
demonstrated that blockchain based systems do increase efficiency and lower transactions costs in key
industries such as healthcare, data storage, supply chain, logistics, fintech, cybersecurity, and government
Given the active interest in blockchain, and involvement of technology giants, it may appear puzzling that
blockchain technology has still not been adopted for any large scale business or government services
applications. In other words, the adoption of this technology has been very slow given the promise, interest
and the technology being around for a decade or so. As explained earlier, some of the disappointment may
be due to mischaracterization of this technology as ‘disruptive’. This is indeed a foundational technology,
which take longer time to scale up, but once scaled up and mature, they transform almost all sectors and
business systems.
The initial widespread interest in blockchain was based on its ability to support a digital peer-to-peer
currency (unlike fiat currecy issued and fully controlled by a central authority) by ensuring trust between
actors from all over the globe who do not know or trust each other. For almost a decade, the blockchain
technologies very discussed in terms its ability to support this new type of currency or so called
cryptocurrecy leading to an explosion in the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) events. But by the end of 2018,
the interest in ICOs waned due to numerous unscrupulous practices and many quick get rich scams, the
trust significantly decreased around anything surrounding ICOs. In a way, this was good for the
development of blockchain technology as many financial speculators left the domain but technologists and
and entrepreneurs who understood that cryptocurrencies are only one application of the technology,
continued to work towards new use cases that bring tangible business value.
Furthermore, it is important to understand that blockchain technologies are built on the top of the internet
technologies. The Internet technologies took almost two decdes before successful e-commerce and content
publishing business applications started to emerge at scale and took another two decades to transform and
impact each and every business sector as well as government services all across the world. Even if a
technology seems to hold the potential to stimulate an increase in productivity and overall quality of life, it
first goes through the trial and error phase where enterprises, emerging disruptors, and governments identify
and address implementation challenges. Blockchain technologies are in that phase, and identification of
implementation challenges is key to formulation of an effective strategy. Below, we describe some of the
key challenges in adoption of this technology.
Technical scalability of the network is a major challenge of blockchain networks. This can make adoption
of such systems in large scale applications very hard.
Lack of interoperability
Variuos Blockchains have evolved in last many years due to a rapidly expanding industry. A large number
of platforms, players and approaches to developing such systems including usecases/solutions have
emerged. This has led to some confusion in this space, There is no clear agreed upon approach. Furthermore,
there are no standards which allow different networks to talk to with each other.
A major challenge in the implementation and use of Blockchain technology is a lack of awareness of the
technology, especially in sectors besides banking where there is widespread lack of understanding of how
the technology functions. It is imperative therefore to determine which organization will act as the thought
leader for the country at large and at the industry level.
The speed at which blockchain networks execute peer-to-peer transactions has cost implications. This also
impacts the usefulsness and effectiveness of these systems. In the absence of standard frameworks to
estimate the lifetime costs and benefints of business use if these applications is very hard. Given that
business make capital investment based on a standard cost-benefit analysis, lack of such frameworks for
blockchain systems makes it very hard for the senior leadership in firms to make ilarge investment is
adoption of such applications.
Government regulations struggle to keep up with advances in technology. Some permissionless blockchain
systems like bitcoin bypass regulation. Since one of the promise of blockchain systems is to reduce or even
remove the need for central authority, regualtors tend to have distrust in this technology..
Difficulty in integration with a variety of back end systems of various organizations that are part of the
Blockchain system. This is because Blockchain connects a number of organizations as an inter-enterprise
platform working with organizations with disparate internal systems at varying stages of the lifecycle. Since
Blockchain is a newly evolving technology, the various platforms that are in the market keep coming out
with frequent upgrades. This poses a challenge for Blockchain implementing organizations, who are already
plagued with limited knowledge of the subject to keep the option of adaptability of their applications being
developed to future upgrades.
Data Portability
The blockchain systems are such that once data is putinto one blockchain, transferring that data to a new
blockchain system can be very difficult. This issue has implications for adoption of this technology because
firms do not want to be locked-in with one set of technologies or platform with very high switching costs.
Ill-Defined Requirements
Firms adopting blockchain technology need to examine the business, legal, and technical aspects of
adoption. Given the early stage of adoption of this technology, there are many questions and concerns users
may have for which there are no clear answers. Furthermore, due to lack of frameworks, users face
challenges in defining the requirements for the blockchain based system.
Blockchain systems are based on distributed consensus. I large set of users may combine their computing
power to collude leading to wrong transactions getting recorded on the blockchain.
The level of comfort and knowledge that users have about this technology also has implications in its
adoption. Many users do not know how this technology works and hype created over the last many years
does not help in users’ comfort with the technology.
The RBI has imposed a prohibition on dealing in Virtual Currencies6 and issued a circular to stop crypto-
currency transactions in India. However, there is a lack of clarity on whether activities involving
tokenization also come under the circular’s purview. Nonrepudiation requirements in banking regulation
that require in-person verification for several activities defeat the purpose of implementing a blockchain
based technological solution.
The 1st Schedule of the Information Technology Act, 2000 provides that nothing in the Act will apply to
any transactions involving immovable property, wills, and negotiable instruments. Since digital signatures
are an innate feature of the blockchain apparatus, this provision precludes the applicability of the
technology to these activities. Thus, may prevent the end-to-end carriage of real-estate transactions on
blockchain enabled technologies.
Privacy as envisaged under Section 43A of the IT Act currently does not provide adequate safeguards for
blockchain. The ‘Right to be Forgotten’, a common feature of data protection legislation such as the Draft
Personal Data Protection Bill, 2018 is at odds with the fundamental structure of blockchains as data
cannot (read should not) be deleted from them.
Localisation: Since public blockchains automatically store data redundancies across all nodes on a
network, the technology may hit a hurdle with localization requirements, even if they are restricted to
solely critical personal data as is purportedly being mulled over by the Ministry of Electronics and
Information Technology (MEITY). Data portability, another requirement in the Draft Personal Data
Protection Bill, may also present a challenge as it is presently unclear how this operation can be carried
out on a blockchain.
The Draft Personal Data Protection Bill 2018 also allows citizens to modify and amend their personal
data. This will serve as a point of friction with blockchain technology that does not allow for the
amendment of any data once uploaded. Presently, the law does not account for the security standards used
by Blockchain technology nor does it encompass any provisions that ringfence the digital economy from
the cyber-security threats presented by blockchains.
Whenever a groundbreaking technology emerges, the developer community needs time and resources to
accommodate the new demand. Blockchain is currently still in its infancy, as a result, there is an acute
shortage of developers proficient in this technology. The fact that educational institutions have just recently
begun to introduce blockchain-related courses, will alleviate the market demand but the results will become
palpable only after students will finish their training.
A research conducted by Glassdoor indicates that the demand for blockchain-related jobs has increased by
200% between 2017 and 2018. Having a sufficient pool of qualified developers is a top industry concern.
The gap in market demand and current availability of skilled developers is reflected by the higher than
average salaries a company is willing to pay to a blockchain professional.
Energy consumption
The majority of blockchains present in the market consume a high amount of energy. This is because Proof
of Work, the consensus mechanism used to validate transactions and ensure trust in the network is purposely
designed to be difficult and inefficient. This mechanism requires high amounts of computation power to
solve a complex mathematical problem to verify and process transactions and to secure the network. The
amount of energy consumed by computers that compete to solve the mathematical puzzle has reached an
all-time high. Add to this the energy needed to cool down the computers, and the costs increase
Concerning this issue, the World Economic Forum published in 2017 a white paper where it states that
“Estimates liken the bitcoin network’s energy consumption to the power used by nearly 700 average
American homes at the low end of the spectrum and to the energy consumed by the island of Cyprus at the
high end. That’s more than 4.409 billion kilowatt-hours, a Godzilla-sized carbon footprint, and it’s by
design. It’s what secures the network and keeps nodes honest.”
The large amount of energy required to maintain and run a blockchain network acts as a deterrent to
companies that are seeking more viable alternatives. To overcome this issue, many blockchain proponents
are developing more efficient consensus algorithms, that are less energy taxing. Furthermore, from a
business perspective, private blockchains are more suitable to serve company interests, as they provide
restricted access, an additional layer of privacy to protect trade secrets, and are more energy-efficient.
To conclude, blockchain seems to have embarked on an ascending trend. Countries are manifesting real
interest in the applicability of the technology in enterprise use cases which signals the fact that blockchain
is steadily reaching maturing. The acknowledgment of blockchain’s potential to act as an innovative new
paradigm, across multiple industry segments and businesses may soon trigger mass adoption. Although
there are still multiple challenges that need to be addressed before witnessing large scale use, the increase
in trust and eagerness to tap into the benefits of blockchain means that the technology is on the right track.
processes it increases transparency, productivity, security and trust for the citizens and society at large. It
has been a well-known fact that societies with high levels of trust have the lowest levels of costs and high
levels of productivity and happiness due to convenience and pleasant experiences.
Activities recorded on the Blockchain offer permanent, indelible and tamper-evident records forever. Thus,
Blockchain acts as a significant deterrent to those who wish to commit malpractices and also undertake
fraudulent activities. This will keep a check to fake products, fake certificates, fake licenses, fake identities,
fake scheme beneficiaries, fake drugs, fake claims, insincere commitments and many more avoidable traits
and pollutants of our day to day lifestyle. This increases purity & honesty across all our interactions thus
substantially improving the quality of life adding to the society’s Happiness Quotient.
By automating many activities, facilitating trusted human to machine and machine to machine transactions,
Blockchain adds to the convenience and productivity substantially. The sharing economy characterized by
many people sharing a given resource at the same time, fractional ownership of assets thus minimizing the
idle times and also reducing the stress of unproductive & idle assets that can be substantially boosted with
Voting and consensus are part and parcel of our day to day life in many ways. By facilitating accurate
Identity management, authorization and authentication of the votes cast in a confidential manner,
Blockchain can help in substantially crashing the cost of conducting elections at the same time, facilitating
instant and live results. The unlocking of the resources that were denied to the legitimate producers of goods
and services or the beneficiaries of schemes and aids, can lead to a dramatic improvement in the productivity
of enterprises and Governments.
Blockchain facilitates auditing and compliance in an easy manner. This helps in releasing a huge amount
of resources spent in policing activities, the window dressing of records, Tax administration & compliance
and the corresponding infrastructure needed to put such activities in check leading to all-round prosperity.
7. Role of Government
The birth of the Blockchain technology in the form of bitcoin was rooted in the anti-establishment & anti-
regulatory approaches it seemed to symbolize. Further, blockchain deals with only digital versions of the
physical beings or their assets which is not only abstract to perceive but also cuts across the countries
without any boundaries.
Hence it is natural that the existing legal & regulatory regimes see it not only as a threat to their sway over
their assets but also as something that can cause their citizens to be victims of unregulated and
unaccountable fraud.
This suspicion has caused enormous debates and delays in coming to terms with the benefits of the
underlying technology that is now beginning to be understood.
Blockchain deals with digital identities and tracks them through their lifecycle, The digital identities could
be things, people, assets, documents, products, intangible assets or ownership rights and the like.
While the activities of the citizens need to be tracked and monitored to make them accountable, the value
transfer across the participants should be legitimate and not violate the various laws of the land.
There are three core themes that define the role of government in mainstreaming of blockchain technology:
Leadership and vision from government: Currently there is a need for greater vision
andleadership across government regarding the development of technology for a digital-block-
chain economy, and India’s role in this future economy . Industry leaders believe this technology
will be core to the future of the economy as a whole, just as the Internet has become . This
foundational economic impact may range from supply-chain logistics man-agement, to finance and
insurance, to identity, to government services, and more.
Close collaboration between Industry and government: The technology industry needs to
collaborate closely with all levels of government, and clearly communicate the value proposition
of blockchain technology and its potential role in the future economy – to address current hype
about blockchain technology that can result in misinformation for lawmakers, regulators,
lawmakers, and citizens alike . Furthermore, industry needs to demonstrate real production
examples of blockchain technology deployment across various segments of the economy, such as
supply chain management.
Increased research and test-bed deployments: More resources need to be allocated toward this
nascent yet rapidly evolving technology, much in the way the US government funded research into
the Internet in the 1970s and 1980s . It was this support from government, combined with a shared
vision for a U .S. leadership role in initial Internet communications technology, that allowed the
Internet to flourish with broad adoption and become the foundation of the digital economy today.
US reaped enormous benefits because of technology breakthroughs through funded research. Any
government including that of India needs to take the leadership in funding high-risk research in this
nascent technology.
Hence it is imperative that there must be a regulatory oversight on all the identities that are created as digital
replicas of the citizens of the country and be made subject to the laws of the land. There should be a
regulatory clarity on what is perceived right and what is perceived against the law. This will enable the
citizens to confidently undertake transactions to fully leverage the power of Blockchain technology.
It is important that KYC & AML regulations should be made applicable to all the citizens and businesses
taking part in legitimate transactions and the Government should offer the same legal protection against
any deceptive or fraudulent behaviors that are discovered over these platforms.
The consensus mechanisms undertaken by the Blockchains have the power to transfer value as per the
executable smart contracts. This opens up the possibility of a section of participants colluding to manipulate
the consensus and shortchanging minority participants. The government should enact regulations to ensure
technology neutrality and also appropriate safeguards to ensure that the fraudulently and unfair practices of
consensus management are checked.
Encouraging and ensuring interoperability and technology neutrality will result in consumer protection and
freedom of choice like in the case of Telecom interoperability to prevent misuse of platforms by the
founding partners.
Blockchain ledgers store a lot of value and engage in their transfer across real-life entities. This could
potentially trigger a lot of taxable transactions and hence a clarity is required by the users as well as the
regulators as to how we can subject them to the fair and practical tax regime.
For this, it is important for all the officials in the Government and Public sector undertakings to be fully
conversant with the benefits of technology, its potential, and limitations.
Major User -
It is well understood that Blockchain has the potential to let the Government maintain & issue many types
of registries, records, and certificates in a speedy and transparent manner. Further many citizens targeted
beneficial schemes and procurement decisions awarding contracts, need to be managed in utmost
transparency for maximum productivity of valuable resources contributed by the citizens in the form of
taxes and savings.
Hence Government should look at leveraging the Blockchain technology as a user across all the potential
areas of application, ranging from issuing Blockchain-based identities to all citizens to monitoring the last
rupee spent by it with utter transparency and accountability.
Facilitator -
This will enable the Government to leverage the talent and give an opportunity for a number of
entrepreneurs and professionals boosting the career opportunity within the country. This will further propel
the country to be a leader in Blockchain technology that can offer its expertise and experience as a global
backyard of application development and management of the Blockchain systems across the world.
Leveraging Blockchain Technology will enable the government to ensure that the targeted benefits to all
sections are reaching in an optimal manner boosting their productivity and plugging leakages. This can
enable the Government to increase such allocations to benefit larger sections of its deserving citizens.
A vibrant capability building program is necessary for the country’s talent to be abreast of new technologies.
Hence Government should proactively encourage the academic institutions and universities to undertake
professional educational programs and research that not only generates patentable solutions but also gives
a boost to the understanding and practice of the technologies that offer a paradigm shift in reaching a higher
orbit of profitable growth.
Another grey area that needs to be tackled is the issue of Data Privacy that needs to be balanced with that
of the transparency that a Blockchain-based system offers, While it is important to safeguard the data
privacy issues of the citizens, it is important that the Government is conscious of not stifling the innovation
mindset that could get curbed due to over-regulation.
A healthy debate between the Government and industry in balancing the various risks and contradictions,
while ensuring that the technology is fully leveraged without stifling innovation, is the need of the hour for
a strong foundation for Blockchain technology in India.
8. Principles to Guide National Strategy
As an important input to the National Strategy document, it is important for us to evaluate the SWOT (
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) of the Blockchain technology and its current status in
the Indian scenario. The same is presented in Table 4.
Although blockchain is already being used to execute financial transactions, it is relatively nascent in other
sectors of the economy. Because of its novelty, blockchain is being piloted by industry, but at this time does
not appear to be a replacement for existing systems. Given these conditions, the technology does not contain
the same level of adoption that previous technology had when facing potential legislative action.
However, in addition to examining legislative options concerning the technology’s use, Government of
India should provide oversight of other state governments and departments which are seeking to (1) use it
for government business, and/or (2) regulate its use in the private sector.
For example, several state governemnts have formulated blockchain policies/strategy documents and are
attempting to promote this technology to achieve efficiencies in the current functions of government. Some
of the these approaches involve ways to better manage identities, assets, data, and contracts. Additionally,
many state governemnts are creating test beds for blockchain technology.
Notebly, the involvement of premier academic institutions in the the blockchain space has not been very
proactive. Indian Institutes fo Technologies and National Insititutes of Technologies are only now starting
to offer some courses on blockchain technology. There is an urgent need for greater involvement of these
premier academic instutions in establishing standards and platforms for research and testing. There is need
to create testbeds to examine blockchain applications and uses, providing various government departments
first-hand experience with the technology as well as information concerning its limitations. This experience
can better inform senior leadership in departments to determine if they seek to use the technology and it
can also help them in their interactions with the private sector concerning the technology.
Historically, this option has been used when a technology is advanced and in relatively wide use, or is
targeted at a specific industry or has a very specific application. When a technology has a broad application
(e.g., information communication technologies) Government of India has historically opted to have several
ministries oversee the technology, charging different ministries agencies with overseeing the different
applications of that technology.
The National Blockchain Strategy should be based on following four key priciples:
1. Ensure technology neutrality: Governerment should allow for competing technologies and platform to
emerge and to the extent possible not hard-wire its strategy for plocies or programs to any specific
technology. The Strategy as well as policy should be technology/platform agnostic. This will allow the
emergence of best technological solutions without foreclosing future developments.
2. Ensure policy and regulatory framework at national level: The policy framework should be at the national
level and states should be encouraged to experiment and promote development as well as adoption of
blockchain technology within the national policy framework. This will remove policy uncertainity and
promote private sector investment in developmet of technology. The regulatory framework should promote
and protect innovation and experimentation rater than prevent usage and creation of new business models,
products and services. Regulatory framework should focus on solving known probelems and should not try
to forcloase all future unknown problems. In other words, policy and regulation should be seen to reduce
known risks and not future perceived risks. Regulation should not lead to preventing innovation. The
regulatory framework should be flexible enough to protect various stakeholders without sacrificing
development of new products and services. Moreover, the regulatory framework should allow for smart
contracts as legal contracts and shold promote data interoperatibility for blckchain applications.
3. Leadeship in knowlwdge leads to leadership in technology: India’s ability to attain global leadership role
in blockchain technology is contingent on investment is research, human capital and supportive regulatory
framework. Governement should invest in research at premier universities and create appropriate funding
framework for promising research projects.
4. Development of capacity in government: Given the preminence of government in indian economy, social
sectors and education, it is critical that government functionaries, especially at the senior levels understand
the building blocks of blockchain systems and its value proposition. Also, government should support
blockchain adoption in various departments by experimenting with promising use cases.
The national blockchain strategy should promote innovation and facilitate adoption of Blockchain in a
coordinated manner resulting in all-round prosperity that it promises. Government of India is undertaking
a meticulous and calibrated methodology to study the repercussions of the usage of Blockchain technology
in its entirety, examining the best use cases across the globe, consulting the thought leaders, business
leaders, policymakers and technology implementation partners across the cross-sections of the polity. This
will enable the country to forge ahead by taking advantage of the disruptive potential while balancing the
Interest in blockchain technology continues to grow in both the public and private sectors. However, it is
helpful to remember it is not a single technology, but a novel way of using existing technologies already to
enable transactions. Those transactions can also occur through using a combination of commercial off-the-
shelf technologies without using blockchain. But, because of the cryptography involved in blockchain
implementations, those transactions can occur among parties that might not otherwise have an established
means to carry out a trusted transaction or do not mutually trust each other.
As the public and private sectors consider blockchain use, awareness of both its advantages and limitations
will better inform decisions concerning its adoption or avoidance.
The private sector was a leader in the US in developing the Internet in the 1990s and 2000s and Governemnt
should encourage the private sector to take the lead in innovation in this technology. Any regulatory
overreach may be highly counterproductive at this stage of the evolution of blockchain ecosystems. Rather
than regulating, the governments should encourage and support experimentation with use cases for the next
generation of technological development.
Regulation that is too restrictive or does not take into account the potential for future innovations will stymie
the growth of this industry and scuttle government efforts to remain a leader in, and keep pace with,
technological development. Government should envolve
Industry must have clearly articulated and binding statements from regulators regarding the application of
law to blockchain-based applications and tokens before bringing enforcement actions. Public statements,
whether through the press or formal speeches, are helpful but are not official statements of application by
the agency. If an agency intends to enforce its laws in new and innovative ways, it must first notify industry
stakeholders of its intent to do so and the way in which existing law applies.
Regulation and law should be based on functions performed, not the technology
Virtual currency and digital asset-related statutes and regulations should emphasize function. New rules
and statutes should not be based on the type of technology itself but, rather, the use or activity involving
the technology.
Government of India and various state governments should cooperate and coordinate in their policymaking
efforts to prevent a patchwork of regulations and statutes related to similar functions. There is need for a
framework at the national level to facilitate the coordination and to ensure that legal, regulatory and policy
framework is consistent and is formulated after taking inputs from all stakeholders. There is need for a
comprehensive, coordinated, pro-growth approach to developing blockchain technology in India.
Technology changes rapidly. As such, laws and regulations should be drafted with the intent to endure
future iterations and not focus solely on one technology or application. For example, in the US the
Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN Act) and state Uniform Electronic
Transactions Acts (UETA) were written to validate electronic signatures and records and to be agnostic to
the technology used. The same principles should be considered when developing future rules in India for
blockchain technology.
Blockchain platforms can be complex. Government stakeholders must take the time to learn how it works,
its strengths and weaknesses, and how those attributes can create new mechanisms for enabling the
provision of products and services by governments and businesses, as well as enabling better access to
Given the multi-tiered and multi-stakeholder structure of regulation, a coordinated approach across
departments and sectors is necessary to ensure streamlined regulation and growth of the industry. Not only
would this office work to determine applications of blockchain that could cut costs for taxpayers, it could
also provide a gateway for entrepreneurs to best understand the laws surrounding blockchain and virtual
currencies. Such an office can better develop blockchain-based economic development and activity and
coordinate the government’s policies going forward.
There is also a need to give encouragement to the innovation that is facilitated by the new paradigms of our
generation and ensure that our country and citizens are ahead of the curve and immensely benefited by these
There is a need to clearly differentiate between different types of blockchain systems, welcoming all such
applications that fall in the ‘permissioned’ space and hence offer a total clarity on the administrators,
validators and the people who conduct transactions by strictly following the laws of the land and the KYC/
AML aspects of verifying identities.
To facilitate innovation, we can examine the concept of a Central Bank Digital INR (CBDR) administered
through a National Permissioned Blockchain that can run decentralized applications written in Turing
complete programming languages and offers Trust As a Service.
Permissioned blockchain applications can also account for regulatory oversight through participatory nodes
by corresponding regulators and leverage the National Public Blockchain platform as a trust anchor.
A competent developer ecosystem, capability building strategy and well-involved industry leveraging the
benefits of the technology for a paradigm shift in performance will attract a vibrant investor community.
This then can facilitate all-round prosperity empowered by Trust and Transparency for a great future of our
We look forward to a healthy debate on the various issues discussed in this paper that can help India in
evolving a comprehensive and forward-looking strategy & standards to help us leverage the power of
Blockchain technology, while also plugging interoperably with the global eco-system.