(Subject/focus) : Text A Text B

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Text A Text B

This text focuses on how

English is the second language This Text focuses on how some of us
of our country and for other’s. it that has English as only our second
What is the text about?  language tend to not use it properly,
also talks about how we have or are not able to use it properly
a lot of errors with using the resulting in the “broken” or fractured
English language and how use of the English language.
there is a ‘standard’
The writer’s purpose in writing The writer’s purpose for this text is to
What is the writer's goal in
this text is to bring knowledge share their experience on how their
writing the text? 
about our second language on mother uses English as their second
(purpose) language when she was growing up.
how we use it.
Who is the target reader of the The target audience of this text The target reader of the text are
those who use English on their
text? are those who use English as everyday lives or to those who use it
(audience) their second language. as a second language.
What is the point of view used
in the text? It’s point of view is in third The text’s point of view is in first
(first, second, third person person. person.
The writer had their research
How much does the writer
about the subject in order to The knowledge of the writer in this
know of the subject? text is from their own experience.
bring out the knowledge that
(writer's knowledge)
they have upon this text.
How did the writer organize the The text is organized in a The writer organized her text in a
proper way for this excerpt. It is
text? proper style, it is numbered numbered but it is also like a story-
(style) and also has citations. telling.
Did the writer write in formal or
The writer wrote in a formal The writer wrote in an informal
informal manner? manner.
How did the writer choose the
words and organize
The language was formal.
sentences? Was the language The language used is informal
formal, informal or casual?

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