The Improvement of Generation Z Financial Well-Being in Pekanbaru
The Improvement of Generation Z Financial Well-Being in Pekanbaru
The Improvement of Generation Z Financial Well-Being in Pekanbaru
ISSN 1411-1438 print / ISSN 2338-8234 online
The current economic condition of generation Z was pretty unexpected. It might trigger problems personally
or even their families. This study aimed to reveal the factors influencing the financial well-being and altering perso-
nality problems of generation Z. There were more than 800,000 peoples in population and the number of the sample
was 239 peoples using a combination of purposive and convenience sampling methods. The data was then analyzed
using multiple linear regression. The researchers used primary data by distributing questionnaires based on a Likert
Scale. All classic assumptions met the criteria and testing produced financial self-efficacy, financial attitude,
financial knowledge, financial behavior, and had a significant positive effect on financial well-being. However,
locus of control had no significant effect on financial well-being. Generation Z must increase their independence
and confidence to achieve what they want. It would be good to have financial atitude and investment behavior
along with financial knowledge. They must also believe that only theirself can provide personal well-being.
Generation Z needed character education, more mature, and independent thinking models to deal with economic
Keywords: Financial well-being, financial behavior, financial self-efficacy, financial knowledge, financial attitude.
Renaldo: The Improvement of Generation Z Finansial Well-Being 143
consequences. Falahati and Sabri (2015) proved that Furthermore, this is also related to the way individuals
financial knowledge had a positive and significant effect manage and use financial resources. These measures
on financial well-being. Research on the locus of control include (1) expenses, (2) bill payments, (3) financial
by Mokhtar and Rahim (2016) presented a significant- planning, (4) money for personal and family, and (5)
positive effect on financial well-being but it contradicts savings (Arifin, 2018).
a study of Mokhtar and Rahim (2017). When examining There are three determinants of theory of planned
financial behavior, Mokhtar and Husniyah (2017) con- behavior, namely (1) behavioral beliefs, the results
cluded there was a significant and positive impact on fi- obtained, and evaluation of results, (2) normative beliefs,
nancial well-being. to achieve normative expectations shared with others,
Theory of planned behavior (TPB) deals with and (3) belief control, namely the existence of things
rational actions and the assumption of human’s behavior supporting or hindering the behavior to emerge, and how
based on logic. They also reflect information and, direc- strong the support or resistance (Arifin, 2018).
tly or indirectly, calculate the impact of their actions. Rational behavior theory affirms when an indi-
According to the theory of rational action, an individual vidual feels an action will generate a positive thing for
will act if he considers it positive and thinks other people him, and then he will take it, or because others want to
will do so (Arifin, 2017). do it. Individual actions are influenced by two basic
Generation Z who have worked basically has factors, attitudes originating from behavioral beliefs and
mature thoughts to manage their finances. This low level subjective norms from normative beliefs (Arifin, 2017).
of welfare will disrupt their lives and should be dealt with Some literature explains financial behavior and
immediately. management can change the financial situation. Personal
Based on the explanation above, research, and financial practices such as cash management, credit
theoretical gaps, it is necessary to discuss more deeply management, budgeting, financial planning, and general
about how to improve well-being of generation Z in
fund management greatly have (Sabri et al., 2013).
Pekanbaru. The problems in this study include the
factors influencing financial well-being in generation Z
Locus of Control
in Pekanbaru City.
Financial or Money Attitude insurance, credit, taxes, and investment. Each individual
has financial knowledge depending on their knowledge
Individuals' perspectives on the use of money capacity and can be guided by an understanding of (1)
ascertain their personality and management style. The interest rates, financial costs and credit, (2) credit rates
tendency of their attitudes applies subjectively to act on and credit data, (3) financial management, (4) in-
gains or losses (Susan, 2018). vestment, and (5) credit report (Arifin, 2018).
In the materialist world, money is not only a The term financial knowledge is defined as
medium of exchange but also a device for achieving sufficient knowledge about facts about personal finances
happiness and prosperity. Money itself has iconic values, (Mien & Thao, 2015). Financial knowledge is the ability
such as: status, respect, freedom, and luxury. Materialists to understand, analyze, and manage finances. The inten-
are commonly obsessed with money often feeling satis- tion is to create the best financial decisions and avoid
fied with their financial condition because they can financial problems. A person's financial knowledge
realize their ideals. It means well-being of individuals requires developing financial skills and learning to use
depends on their life aspirations (Sabri & Zakaria, 2015). financial tools, such as preparing a budget, investment,
Financial attitude is a key factor in arranging finan- and insurance plan. This knowledge can be from scho-
cial success or failure. It also possesses psychological ols, seminars, training, and non-formal education.
tendencies, which generally appear with a like or dislike
attitude. Individuals will expose their expressions and Financial Self-Efficacy
decide to agree or reject a matter. It shows the level of
intelligence of individuals in managing their finances. Self-efficacy is an individual's belief with his ability
When they have a lot of money, their awareness and res- to set a series of actions to achieve ambitions. The term
ponsibilities also increase, and positively affect financial also denotes someone's belief in changing financial
behavior (Arifin, 2018). behavior for the better. It is a vital component in Ban-
Financial attitude can also mean a person's mindset, dura's social cognitive theory that emphasizes the matter
opinion, and judgment about finance. There are at least of one's confidence in completing his responsibility. This
three interdependent variables, based on the theory of ability can help individuals to define achievement be-
social learning, namely behavior, environment, and cause they view difficult tasks as a challenge. They have
events affecting perception and action. The event can be a strong desire and commitment to success. For this
in the form of financial attitudes and good management reason, financial independence benefits to act and
behavior starting from the application of good and rea- change financial behavior (Herawati, Candiasa, Yad-
sonable financial attitudes (Ameliawati & Setiyani, nyana, & Suharsono, 2018).
2018). Perceived control and self-efficacy related to the
two constructs are conceptually different. Self-efficacy
Financial Knowledge is proportional to personal ability, whereas control of
behavior is similar to the locus of control; causal beliefs
There are two main aspects of the financial know- about contingencies resulting from actions. Self-efficacy
ledge environment. This is relevant to the ability of influences the process of facing challenges, how much
respondents to apply general financial knowledge or force expended, how long to survive in facing obstacles
special finance system as an equation of financial and failures, and an indication that failure motivates or
knowledge. to measure it, first, at least four aspects are discourages the spirit. Hence, one's ability in financial
needed, such as personal financial knowledge, general behavior contributes to individual performance (Serido,
financial knowledge, investment, financial planning, and Shim, & Tang, 2013).
taxation. The scale of knowledge itself includes skills, According to Faique et al. (2017), individuals with
information related to deposits and debits, insurance and high self-efficacy are more likely to try some projects to
investment projects, as well as financial information. develop their positive attitude. Conversely, if individuals
The second is through the assessment of one's own have low self-efficacy, they tend to develop negative
knowledge. This principle is useful as an evaluation attitudes towards these actions.
instrument (Susan, 2018).
Financial behavior requires financial knowledge. It Hypothesis
may trigger the formation of good ideas that are useful in
society. This literacy includes banking, savings, The hypotheses in this study are as follows:
Renaldo: The Improvement of Generation Z Finansial Well-Being 145
and significant influence of financial attitude on financial make smart financial decisions and avoid spending more
well-being (10%); hypothesis 2 is accepted. Hypothesis than they can get and help their financial well-being.
3: there is a positive influence of financial knowledge on
financial well-being (10%). Hypothesis 3 is accepted. Influence of Financial Knowledge on Financial Well-
Hypothesis 4: financial behavior has a positive and Being
significant influence on financial well-being (1%);
Financial knowledge influences financial well-
hypothesis 4 is accepted. On the other hand, Hypothesis
5: the positive influence of locus of control on financial being significantly and positively. The main cause is that
well-being is not significant, so it is rejected. generation Z pays attention to its financial well-being
and wants to increase its financial knowledge for finan-
Discussion cial freedom. This conclusion is directly proportional to
the study of Falahati and Sabri (2015) and Lee, Park, and
Heo (2019). Generation Z understands financial con-
Influence of Financial Self-Efficacy on Financial
cepts such as money management, investment, and bud-
geting. Therefore, they can minimize investment risk by
The positive influence of financial self-efficacy on learning from someone successful. Understanding of
financial well-being is significant because financial well- inflation also can help them to manage finances better in
being rises with increasing financial independence. This the future. A person with a high level of financial know-
is in line with the study (Serido, Shim, & Tang, 2013) ledge will have the ability to understand and analyze
and (Heo, Saboe-Wounded Head, Cho, & Lee, 2018). financial options, plan their financial future, and respond
When they are confident in their capacity to manage fi- appropriately according to the various financial situa-
nances, they are satisfied with their financial situation. tions encountered.
Someone who succeeds to find a way to achieve what
Influence of Financial Behavior on Financial Well-
they want with his maximum performance will be more
confident in managing finances. How much effort
should be extended in these efforts, how long to survive Moreover, financial behavior is proven to influence
in the face of obstacles and failures, and whether the financial well-being positively and significantly because
failure is motivating or discouraging to achieve financial good habits produce good thinking. Delafrooz and Paim
well-being. (2011a, 2011b), Mokhtar and Rahim (2017), Mokhtar
and Rahim (2016), Sabri and Falahati (2003), Sabri et al.
Influence of Financial Attitude on Financial Well- (2013), and Serido, Shim, and Tang (2013) agreed with
Being this. Good financial management practices support
financial well-being. Parents or teachers have a vital role
Financial attitude positively and signifycantly by teaching the habit of saving money every month for
influences financial well-being because generation Z has future needs. After realizing the sufficient funds, some-
great enthusiasm for investing. Invest regularly is the key one can control their funds for business, consequently
factor. The results are similar studies as done by Falahati making them more prosperous. They also need to
and Sabri (2015), Sabri and Zakaria (2015), and Zulfiqar analyze their budget before making a large purchase.
and Bilal (2016), but they conflict with done by Practicing better financial behavior and worrying about
Abdullah et al. (2019). By good financial management, financial planning are more likely to achieve a higher
they understand well the process of financial manage- level of financial well-being.
ment. Abdullah et al. (2019) argued an individual with a
positive attitude towards money such as retention, inade- Influence of Locus of Control on Financial Well-
quacy, and effort/ability can help young workers manage Being
their money wisely. Also Sabri and Zakaria (2015) On the other hand, locus of control does not
emphasized the positive attitude towards money to help influence the financial well-being. This is because gene-
them be more careful in spending money. This is part of ration Z prefers instant ways to achieve financial
long-term thinking about planning for future financial prosperity. This was also proven by research of Mokhtar
needs. The ability to manage money is important so that and Rahim (2017). Mokhtar and Rahim (2016) had
money can be planned well. The ability to plan money different opinions. From the descriptive side, overall
or a budget is important because it will allow a person to there is no significant difference in the characteristics of
Renaldo: The Improvement of Generation Z Finansial Well-Being 149
respondents in the locus of control. Everyone must be The weakness of this study is the variable is limited
responsible for his or her conditions. In fact, generation to what is commonly used in human resource mana-
Z cannot do it due to many factors, such as the family's gement research. Future research is expected to utilize a
economic status, and those who are already working will more diverse number of samples and interdisciplinary
deposit funds for the needs of their parents. Even in such variables to strengthen hypotheses.
conditions, they still must be able to save and invest
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