Contract Law Nullity
Contract Law Nullity
Contract Law Nullity
Definition of nullity
A juridical act concluded with the observance of legal rules is a valid act.
Therefore, it can produce its legal effects provided by the law. Whenever the
juridical act concluded by the parties disregards certain express legal rules, it can
not produce any legal effects. In such cases, the act is void or avoidable. It means
that a juridical act concluded against the provisions of the law is sanctioned by a
specific civil sanction, which is the nullity.
As a definition, the nullity is the civil sanction which deprives the juridical
act of its effects that are contrary to the legal provisions stipulated for its valid
conclusion. It should be mentioned that, within the Romanian legal system, the
nullity does not destroy the act itself, but only its effects. Thus, a void or avoidable
act is not considered as non-existent. Actually, as a consequence of the nullity,
such an act is not able to produce any effects, due to the non-observance of legal
rules at the moment when the act was concluded.
However, once pronounced by a judge or declared by the parties, the nullity
applies from the moment when the act was concluded (ex tunc) and therefore the
parties are restored to the positions prior to their agreement.
Finally, it should be mentioned that, according to art. 1246, paragraph 3 of
the new Civil Code, the nullity may be declared by the parties of the juridical act.
If the parties are not able to reach an agreement concerning the nullity, it will be
pronounced by a judge.
The classification of nullity
1. The most important criterion for classifying the nullity is the nature of the
interests protected through this sanction. According to this criterion, the
nullity may be divided into absolute nullity and relative nullity.
Therefore, the absolute nullity sanctions the non-observance, at the
conclusion of the act, of legal provisions which protect public interests, the
interests of the entire community. Such an act is designated as null or void.
The following grounds lead to the absolute nullity of an act:
- the non-observance of the rules related to the capacity of the parties in several
cases as for example the non-observance of the principle of specialty of the
abstract capacity of legal persons having non-patrimonial goal;
- the consent is missing;
- the object of the juridical act is not valid;
- the consideration of the act is prohibited by law or public morals;
- the form requested by law ad validitatem has not been observed.
The relative nullity sanctions the non-observance, at the conclusion of the
act, of legal provisions which protect private, individual interests. Such an act is
designated as avoidable.
The following grounds lead to the relative nullity of an act:
- the vices of consent;
- the consideration of the act is missing;
- the discernment (the judgment) is missing at the moment of concluding the
juridical act;
- the non-observance of the rules related to the concrete capacity of the parties.