Global Risk Management
Global Risk Management
Global Risk Management
Executive summary 4
Global risk management survey, 12th edition
N BEHALF OF the Deloitte member firms, I am pleased to present the 12th edition of The Global
Risk Management Survey, the latest installment in Deloitte’s ongoing assessment of the state of risk
management in the global financial services industry. The survey findings are based on the
responses of 57 financial services institutions around the world across multiple financial services sectors,
representing a total of US$27.2 trillion in aggregate assets. In addition, this report is based on in-depth
interviews conducted with a number of senior risk executives to gain deeper insight into the issues
highlighted in the survey. We wish to express our appreciation to all the survey and interview participants
for their time and insights.
The survey was conducted in an extraordinary period, as countries, businesses, and citizens around the
world were responding to the COVID-19 global pandemic. In an effort to contain the novel coronavirus,
governments across the globe imposed a series of lockdowns and other restrictions on economic activity;
even when permitted to open, many businesses either closed their operations voluntarily or had many
employees work remotely; and consumers quickly and dramatically changed their behavior and spending
patterns. The resulting sharp economic downturn and the changes to working practices had broad
implications for risk management.
With economies contracting and unemployment rising, credit risk rose significantly regarding lending both
to consumers and businesses. Many banks have allowed borrowers to defer payments or have offered loan
modifications, but they have also tightened credit standards for new lending.
Institutions have increased their focus on nonfinancial risks in recent years, and the COVID-19 pandemic
has further highlighted both their importance and the challenges they present. While most respondents
believed their institutions are extremely or very effective at managing financial risks, substantially fewer said
the same about nonfinancial risk types and aspects such as operational resilience, cybersecurity, and conduct
and culture, which have become more prominent in the COVID-19 period.
The pressure on revenues from the economic downturn has only increased the desire to reduce risk
management expenses, which have been growing continually since the global financial crisis. Institutions are
looking to the potential of emerging technologies to slash expenses by automating manual tasks while
simultaneously increasing the effectiveness of risk management by improving testing, reducing errors, and
identifying potential risk events before they occur, among other benefits.
Yet, while their potential benefits are clear, implementation of these technologies is proceeding slowly at
many institutions. One of the obstacles is that many institutions lack the comprehensive, high-quality risk
data that these technologies require, and more institutions are likely to increase their focus in this area.
Institutions reported that they have made progress in laying strong foundations for risk management
governance in such areas as having a board-approved risk management framework and risk appetite
A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
statement, having a board risk committee with independent directors and risk management experts, having
an enterprise risk management (ERM) program in place, and employing the three lines of defense risk
governance model. Yet, challenges remain, especially in clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of the
first line (business units and functions) and second line (risk management) of the model, as well as ensuring
that the first line has access to the required risk management talent.
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the environment for risk management. Uncertainty remained at the
close of 2020 as it was unclear how long the economic downturn would last and how long many employees
would continue to work remotely. With the COVID-19 era approaching the one-year mark, financial institutions
should focus on addressing such longer-term issues as maintaining morale, communicating their culture and
values, and continuing to foster innovation in an environment where employees are interacting virtually.
The disruption caused by COVID-19 presents financial institutions with an extraordinary set of new
challenges. Institutions will need strong risk management governance while having the agility and
willingness to rethink their traditional approaches in a fundamentally altered business environment.
We hope that this view of risk management at financial institutions around the world provides you with
helpful insights as you work to further enhance your organization’s risk management program.
J.H. Caldwell
Global Financial Services Risk Advisory Leader
Partner, Deloitte & Touche LLP
Global risk management survey, 12th edition
Executive summary
N 2020, RISK management at financial • Conduct and compliance risk may increase
institutions faced challenges of a scale and scope since conversations with customers may not be
not seen in living memory as the world subject to the same level of controls, such as the
responded to a global health crisis caused by application of artificial intelligence (AI) and
COVID-19. The measures taken by governments, natural language processing technologies,
businesses, and consumers to restrain the spread which are designed to identify potential
of the virus triggered a sharp economic downturn instances of inappropriate behavior and lack of
and far-reaching social impacts. Although compliance with regulatory requirements.
promising results on the trials of several vaccines
were announced as the year drew to a close, the • Risk-aware culture is key to managing
numbers of cases and hospitalizations were again conduct risk, but this becomes more difficult if
rising rapidly. The outlook for 2021 and beyond employees are working remotely. Institutions
remains uncertain, depending largely on the ability should consider how they can create a sense of
to control the spread of COVID-19. community and engender their culture and
values as they hire new employees, who have
The Deloitte risk management survey was never met their colleagues in person either in
conducted from March through September 2020 the office or in social settings.
during unprecedented times globally. When asked
about the top trends that will increase the most in • Innovation is another concern. Will
importance for their institutions over the next two institutions be able to keep pace with
years, respondents most often named issues that innovation while working virtually for an
are inextricably linked in the current period: extended period? Institutions may need to
global financial crisis (48%) and global explore new approaches, such as virtual
pandemics (42%). innovation labs, recognizing that these may be
more difficult, especially at the outset, and may
The changed environment due to the pandemic has require different skills.
raised the importance of effectively managing a
number of key issues, especially nonfinancial risks: • Environment (including climate), social,
and governance risk (ESG) became more
• Operational resilience plans received a real- prominent in 2020, with widespread
life stress test as financial institutions suddenly demonstrations in favor of increased racial
instructed their employees to work from home. justice and equity and greater attention to the
broader social responsibilities of business.
• Cybersecurity has been a growing problem in
recent years and has increased further in the COVID-19 has also had direct financial impacts on
COVID-19 period with employees working on financial institutions. The economic contraction
devices that sit outside their institution’s significantly increased credit risk from both retail
firewall and being more subject to cyberattacks. and commercial customers, and many institutions
responded by tightening credit standards. In
A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
addition, there may be greater potential for fraud One challenge for many institutions in
such as from misuse of customer data, invoicing for implementing digital risk management is a lack of
work not completed, or collusion with disreputable the comprehensive, timely, and high-quality risk
third parties. data these technologies require. The data
challenges have only grown in the COVID-19
The pressure on revenues is likely to intensify the period, with more data being generated from more
drive at many institutions to reduce ever- sources than before as employees work remotely.
increasing expenditures on risk management. One
promising approach is leveraging emerging Deloitte’s Global risk management survey, 12th
technologies—such as cognitive analytics, robotic edition is the latest edition in this ongoing survey
process automation (RPA), machine learning, series that assesses the industry’s risk management
natural language processing, and digital tools—to practices and the challenges it faces. The survey
cut expenses by automating manual tasks. But the was conducted from March to September 2020 and
benefits of so-called “digital risk management” go was completed by 57 financial institutions around
far beyond cost reduction to enhancing risk the world that operate in a range of financial
management effectiveness by reducing errors, sectors and with aggregate assets of $27.2 trillion.
improving controls, and identifying potential risk
events in real time so that preventive action can be
taken, among other benefits.
Global risk management survey, 12th edition
A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
three risk types that will increase the most in management in their institutions’ risk
importance for their institutions over the next two management information technology systems.
years, more than for any other risk type. Yet, only
33% of respondents considered their institutions to “The impact of climate change is a top 10
be extremely or very effective at managing this risk. risk, both on us as an organization and on
Consistent with this result, 47% of respondents our clients as well.”
said it will be an extremely or very high priority for
— Head of Risk Management, Large diversified
their institutions to improve their ability to
financial services company
manage ESG risk. Institutions will need to monitor
carefully how expectations regarding ESG evolve Clarifying the three lines of defense model.
among regulators, investors, and customers. All the institutions surveyed reported using the
three lines of defense risk governance model, but
The potential for digital risk management. many reported significant challenges. The
There has been increasing recognition of the challenges cited most often concerned the
potential to leverage AI and digital technologies to responsibilities and capabilities of the first line,
reduce risk management expenses while such as getting buy-in from line 1 (business and
simultaneously boosting effectiveness. Fifty% of functions) (58%), defining the roles and
respondents reported that efficiency tools (such as responsibilities between line 1 (business and
RPA, cognitive intelligence, AI/machine learning) functions) and line 2 (risk management) (53%),
will be an extremely or very high priority for their executing first-line responsibilities (42%), and
institutions over the next two years. Yet, despite having sufficient skilled personnel in line 1 (39%).
their expected benefits, most institutions have not The business units and functions in line 1 should
yet implemented these technologies. Cloud own the risks they assume and have responsibility
computing (46%) was used most often, with fewer for enterprise control testing, yet only 33% of
institutions saying they use RPA (29%), machine respondents said this is embedded within business-
learning (27%), or cognitive analytics (13%). unit first line of defense, and only 34% of
respondents said that line 1 handles internal
Substantial challenges in risk data controls quality assurance.
management. Leveraging emerging technologies
requires comprehensive, high-quality, and timely Greater focus on stress testing. Large
risk data. But many institutions continue to face majorities of respondents reported that their
challenges in achieving this, especially for institutions employed stress tests for capital (83%)
nonfinancial risks. In this regard, most and for financial risks such as related to liquidity
respondents said their institutions found two (92%), market (81%), and credit (77%). However,
issues to be extremely or very challenging: regulators are now expanding stress tests to
maintaining reliable data to quantify nonfinancial include nonfinancial risks, such as climate, and
risk and drive risk-based decisions (74%) and only 38% of institutions reported conducting stress
ability to leverage and source alternative data tests for nonfinancial/operations risk.
such as unstructured data (74%). Notwithstanding
the fact that the Basel Committee’s principles for Continued progress on risk governance. At
effective risk data aggregation and risk reporting the level of the board of directors, 72% of
(BCBS 239) were issued in 2013, 49% of respondents said that one or more board
respondents said they are extremely or very committees are responsible for risk oversight,
concerned about risk data quality and which is a sign of progress in effective governance.
Eighty-seven% of institutions reported that their
Global risk management survey, 12th edition
board risk committees have independent directors, addition, the CRO is not always given the
and 82% said these committees have one or more appropriate authority to effect change. Seventy% of
identified risk management experts. respondents said the CRO reports to the CEO,
although one might have expected this to be
Universal adoption of the chief risk officer virtually universal, and 53% named the board of
(CRO) position. The percentage of institutions directors. Although 63% of respondents said a
with a CRO position or equivalent has increased responsibility of their boards of directors is to
over the course of Deloitte’s global risk conduct executive sessions with the CRO, the
management surveys, and all the institutions remaining institutions could benefit from adopting
participating in the current survey reported having this practice.
this position. Although the CRO is the highest level
of management responsible for risk management
at 70% of institutions, 21% named the CEO. In
A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
The COVID-19 era
In the second half of 2020, the world experienced a As of the beginning of 2020, the period of
K-shaped recovery, with some sectors and countries regulatory reform resulting from the global
posting rapid growth, while others continued to financial crisis in 2008 was drawing to its end, and
experience flat or negative growth. Some economic regulators were focused on implementing the final
sectors were especially hard hit, including travel elements. Given the economic downturn and
and tourism, hospitality, and commercial real market volatility caused by COVID-19, however,
estate. Others, like technology, have seen their regulators have postponed the implementation of
revenues increase as businesses and consumers various requirements.
relied more heavily on digital tools. Similarly, some
economies appeared to be recovering more quickly, On April 16, 2020, the European Central Bank
with the United States and China reporting strong announced a temporary reduction in capital
growth in the third quarter. requirements for market risk by allowing banks to
Global risk management survey, 12th edition
reduce the qualitative market risk multiplier.4 The pandemic is impacting both the size and nature of a
International Association of Insurance Supervisors range of financial and nonfinancial risks. The rapid
(IAIS) delayed the deadline for submitting data for economic downturn, coupled with abrupt changes
its review of the insurance capital standard. The in consumer and business behavior, may mean that
Basel Committee announced it would delay the models based on pre–COVID-19 data may no
implementation of the final phase of the Basel III longer accurately reflect the post–COVID-19 reality.
rules for one year. Some banking authorities have
gone further, with the US and Swiss authorities With COVID-19 case numbers continuing to rise
allowing banks to exclude sovereign bond rapidly in many countries around the world at the
exposures from their leverage ratios. 5
end of 2020, the prognosis for when companies
and economies would be able to return to a
As the pandemic continues, the focus of regulators semblance of normality remains unclear. The
is expected to shift from quickly responding to the extended duration of the crisis has blurred the
crisis to ensuring the medium-term resilience of lines between “business-as-usual” risk
financial institutions, including recovery and management and crisis management. Coming a
resolution planning, capital management, and decade after the global financial crisis, the COVID-
stress testing. 19 pandemic has raised the question of whether
severe disruptions often described as “once-in-a-
lifetime” events are now destined to recur every
The new environment decade or so.
for risk management
Financial institutions should remain vigilant and
proactively monitor how the ongoing COVID-19
A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
HIS REPORT PRESENTS findings from the with most institutions headquartered in the United
12th edition of Deloitte’s ongoing assessment States/Canada, Europe, or Asia-Pacific (figure 1).
of risk management practices in the global Most of the survey participants are multinational
financial services industry. The survey gathered the institutions, with 67% having operations outside
views of CROs or their equivalents at 57 financial their home country.
services institutions around the world and was
conducted from March to September 2020. The participating institutions most often described
themselves as diversified financial institutions (44%)
The survey gathered the that provide a range of services, while smaller
Global risk management survey, 12th edition
23% Europe
5% Other
Investment 44%
banking/securities Diversified financial
Other financial
services activity
Banking 19%
A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
Global risk management survey, 12th edition
Which of the following risk oversight activities does your organization’s board
of directors or board risk committee(s) perform?
Base: Institutions at which risk management oversight is a board responsibility
Other 6%
Note: Percentages total to more than 100% because respondents could make multiple selections.
Source: Deloitte Global Risk Management Survey, 12th ed.
Deloitte Insights |
A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
Note: Percentages total to more than 100% because respondents could make multiple selections.
Source: Deloitte Global Risk Management Survey, 12th ed.
Deloitte Insights |
Global risk management survey, 12th edition
2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
Striking the appropriate the overall corporate CRO). Over time, a better
balance between practice to migrate toward would be to have risk
management groups in business units and
centralization and
functions strengthen their reporting to the
decentralization corporate CRO, since this enhances independence.
Institutions need to decide to what extent risk
management activities should be centralized
across the organization, and to what extent they
Business units have had an
should be decentralized to individual business independent risk management
units, functions, and geographies. They also
need to decide how to strike an appropriate group embedded for a longer
balance for each of their specific risk
management activities.
time than functions, and
this was reflected in 40% of
Respondents were asked whether the business
units and functions at their institutions have
institutions reporting that
their own risk management functions led by business units have their own
business unit/functional CROs, or do they
instead rely on an enterprise-wide function.
independent risk management
Business units have had an independent risk group compared with 26%
management group embedded for a longer time
than functions, and this was reflected in 40% of for functions.
institutions reporting that business units have
their own independent risk management group Institutions also face the decision whether to
compared with 26% for functions. centralize responsibility across the organization for
each risk type (or “stripe”) or instead take a more
Regulators have encouraged institutions to decentralized approach. Almost all institutions
establish independent risk management groups at reported having a single individual responsible for
business units and more recently to extend this cybersecurity (91%), information security (89%),
practice to their functions. Over time, we would liquidity (87%), regulatory/compliance (87%),
expect more institutions, especially larger market (85%), and asset liability management
institutions, to follow this approach at their (84%) (figure 7).
business units and functions.
Third-party risk has received recent attention from
Among institutions that do have independent risk the regulators, and 58% of institutions reported
management groups within their business units or having a single individual responsible for risk
functions (or both), there was no consensus on oversight in this area. Regulators have also been
their reporting relationships. Forty-six percent said addressing conduct and culture, and 50% of
the business unit/functional CRO reports with a institutions reported having a single individual
solid line to the overall corporate CRO (sometimes responsible, up from 33% in 2018.
with a dotted line to the business unit or functional
head). Other institutions have adopted a more The results for two new risk stripes are notable. ESG
decentralized model, with 54% saying their CROs has become a greater concern of both regulators and
report with a solid line to the business unit/ business executives recently, as highlighted both
functional head (sometimes with a dotted line to during the interviews and in the survey with 52% of
Global risk management survey, 12th edition
institutions already reporting that a single become a topic for regulators, especially in Europe.
individual is accountable for risk oversight in this Forty-four percent of institutions reported that a
area. Nonfinancial risk is a broad risk category that single individual is accountable for oversight of this
encompasses specific risk types such as conduct, category across the enterprise. (See the section
cybersecurity, third party, and others, and has Nonfinancial risk below.)
For each of the following risk types, does your organization have a single
individual who is specifically accountable for risk oversight?
Percentage responding “yes”
Cybersecurity 91%
Liquidity 87%
Regulatory/compliance 87%
Market 85%
Credit 78%
Insurance 77%
Operational 76%
Investment 72%
Model 63%
Third-party 58%
Strategic 52%
Reputational 51%
Nonfinancial 44%
A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
83% 84%
69% 73%
35% 36%
Global risk management survey, 12th edition
While all the institutions surveyed reported using Most respondents said that risk management
the three lines of defense risk model, many said they within the business units and functions at their
face significant challenges regarding the first line: institutions is handled by business unit and
getting buy-in from line 1 (business and functions) functional management (56%).
(58%) and defining the roles and responsibilities
between line 1 (business and functions) and line 2 ENTERPRISE CONTROL FRAMEWORK
(risk management) (53%). When asked about their AND TESTING FUNCTION
priorities over the next two years, 49% of An enterprisewide internal controls framework
respondents said an extremely or very high priority undergirds effective risk management, and 77% of
will be transformation of the risk management respondents said their institutions have such a
operating model and providing greater assistance framework, although there was no consensus on
and coverage of the first line of defense. where this was located in their organizations. In
addition, 63% of respondents said that internal
Initial client regulatory exams indicate that controls optimization, simplification, and
regulators expect that the first line will take the coordination will be an extremely or very high
lead in owning and managing the risks they priority for their institutions over the next
assume, but this has not been easy to implement. two years.
Business units and functions may not have the risk
A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
The business units should take the lead on internal by the board of directors, or are in the process of
controls quality assurance, but only 34% of developing one and seeking board approval.
respondents said this was the case. Instead,
respondents more often said that quality assurance Institutions most often reported that their risk
is handled by internal audit (68%), risk appetite statements and limits address risks at the
management (50%), or compliance (48%). Again, 8
corporate/enterprisewide level (86%).
internal audit and risk management may be Substantially fewer institutions said this is the case
handling what should be a first line responsibility at other levels such as business level (51%), risk
because business units lack the required resources stripe level (39%), material legal entity level
and expertise. (43%), or country/region level (31%). Institutions,
especially those with complex business
Again, internal audit and risk portfolios, would benefit by having their risk
appetite statements drill down to lower levels.
management may be handling
Regulators recommend that risk appetite
what should be a first line statements contain both quantitative and
Global risk management survey, 12th edition
Extremely/very challenging
A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
Eighty-five percent of institutions reported and for financial risks such as liquidity (92%),
conducting risk identification at least annually, market (81%), and credit (77%). Although
with only 48% of institutions conducting risk regulators have widened their focus to include
identification quarterly or more often, which is nonfinancial risks in stress tests, only 38% of
preferable. Many institutions may benefit by institutions reported conducting stress tests for
conducting risk identification more frequently. nonfinancial/operational risk.
Regulatory authorities may expect at least an European regulators are also expanding the use of
annual risk identification, with quarterly updates stress testing for macroprudential policy by
for larger financial institutions. In part, the developing models that take into account interfirm
frequency should reflect the business profile of the contagion and adverse feedback loops between the
institution. Quarterly risk identification is financial sector and the real economy. In addition,
recommended for larger and more complex a number of European regulators have either
institutions operating in more dynamic areas, undertaken or are planning to develop climate
while monthly risk identification may be more related risk stress tests.
appropriate for those competing in especially
volatile lines of business or geographies. CAPITAL STRESS TESTS
The impacts on balance sheets of the economic
downturn in 2020 have underscored the
Asset liability management importance of capital stress tests. While the use of
capital stress tests was almost universal in the
Institutions are experienced in managing risk survey, institutions should consider whether these
related to asset liability management, and 80% of stress tests are sufficiently rigorous, employing
respondents said their intuitions are extremely or well-calibrated models and high-quality data.
very effective at managing this risk. The issue most
often considered to be extremely or very Among the institutions that reported using capital
challenging over the next two years was the ability stress tests, respondents said they most often used
to model on a dynamic basis the impact on net stress tests extensively for assessing the adequacy
interest income of changing interest rates and of regulatory capital (64%), reporting to the
changing balance sheet (38%). This may reflect the board (64%), and meeting regulatory
difficulty in modelling the impact of negative requirements and expectations (62%) (figure 10).
interest rates in certain locations. In addition, 33%
of institutions considered integrating the modeling LIQUIDITY STRESS TESTS
of interest rate risk in the banking book (IRRBB) Liquidity stress tests are also employed widely.
and credit risk within the banking book to stress Liquidity stress tests present special challenges
scenarios to be extremely or very challenging. such as incorporating intraday liquidity risk into
liquidity stress test assumptions, which was
considered to be extremely or very challenging by
Stress testing 39% of respondents (figure 11). Risk management
IT systems typically calculate end-of-day balances
Financial institutions and regulators have come to that do not necessarily reflect the liquidity position
rely more heavily on stress testing to assess at various times during the day. However, given
financial resilience and allocate capital to different the speed of financial markets, regulatory
businesses. Most respondents reported that their authorities are indicating that institutions need to
institutions employ stress tests for capital (83%) move to continuous liquidity monitoring.
Global risk management survey, 12th edition
To what extent are the results of capital stress tests used by your organization
for each of the following purposes?
Base: Institutions that perform capital stress tests
A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
Implementing formal validation procedures and documentation standards for the models used in
liquidity stress testing
29% 48% 77%
Attracting and retaining risk management professionals with the required skills in liquidity
stress testing
26% 50% 76%
Coordinating multiple functional areas and activities required to conduct liquidity stress tests
16% 51% 67%
Incorporating intraday liquidity risk into your liquidity stress test assumptions
39% 27% 66%
Global risk management survey, 12th edition
Management of
individual risk types
NSTITUTIONS HAVE LONG experience in exception of credit risk, respondents most often
managing financial risks, such are market, credit, expected nonfinancial risks to be those that
and liquidity, but in recent years they have increase the most in importance for
increased their attention to a variety of nonfinancial their institutions.
risks, which can have serious impacts but are more
difficult to measure and manage. Large majorities Risk management is also confronting a series of
of respondents said their institutions are extremely fundamental macrotrends. The top three cited
or very effective at managing traditional financial macrotrends that will increase in importance for
risks such as liquidity (89%), credit (85%), and respondents’ institutions over the next two years
market (82%) (figure 12). But they gave their were: global financial crisis (48%), global
institutions much lower ratings when it came to pandemics (42%), and credit quality deterioration
nonfinancial risks overall (65%) or specific (39%) (figure 13). Growth of digital customer
nonfinancial risks such as operational resilience platforms and intermediaries (38%) was also ranked
(64%), strategic (55%), geopolitical (42%), and by many respondents among the top three trends.
ESG (including climate) (33%). Yet, with the single
A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
Over the next two years, which three risk types do you think will increase the
most in their importance for your business?
Ranked #1 Ranked in top 3
Operational resilience 5%
Conduct and culture
Reputation 4%
Data quality 2%
Fraud 0%
Global risk management survey, 12th edition
Over the next two years, which three of the following emerging macrotrends
do you think will increase the most in their importance for your organization?
Ranked #1 Ranked in top 3
Global financial crisis
Global pandemics
Credit quality deterioration
Regulatory change
Climate-related impacts 7%
Political uncertainty
Fee pressure
Reputation risks 2%
Enterprisewide crisis events
Distribution relationships/channels
A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
European financial institutions due to the that credit risk measurement will be an extremely
economic contraction caused by COVID-19 drove a or very high priority for their institutions over the
42% decline in their aggregate operating profit in next two years.
the second quarter of 2020 compared with the year
before, with credit costs skyrocketing by 430%.9 Yet, 86% of banking respondents said they believed
their institutions are extremely or very effective at
When asked to name the risks that they believed managing credit risk. When asked about the
would increase the most in importance for their challenges their institutions will face over the next
institutions over the next two years, respondents two years in specific areas related to credit risk,
most often named credit (20%) as number one, a more banking respondents said several areas
sharp increase from 3% in the previous edition of would be extremely or very challenging than in
the Global Risk Management Survey. The 2018: collateral valuation (48%, up from 25% in
increased importance of credit risk likely the result 2018), commercial credit (48%, up from 16%),
of the contraction in economic activity around the commercial real estate (43%, up from 31%),
world. Among banking respondents, this figure unsecured credit (43%, up from 20%), and
rose to 34%. In addition, 66% of banking leveraged lending (41%) (figure 14).10 With
respondents believed that credit quality commercial real estate, it is unclear to what extent
deterioration would be one of the three employees will return to the office or whether the
macrotrends that will increase the most in move to remote work will become permanent for
importance for their institutions over the next two many, reducing the demand for office space over
years, a higher percentage than for any other trend. the long term.
Seventy-seven percent of banking respondents said
Global risk management survey, 12th edition
Challenges in managing credit risk Financial institutions should consider reviewing
over the next two years their procedures for managing liquidity risk in light
Base: Organizations that provide banking services of the recent economic contraction and volatility.11
Percentage responding “extremely or very
Among the issues that should be examined is
whether liquidity risk management has sufficient
Extremely/very challenging visibility across the organization and robust
reporting capabilities. If required, institutions
should take steps to develop an accurate view of
the projected cashflow and liquidity shortfall
across entities and businesses, and determine
whether changes are needed to their liquidity
models and cash flow forecasts to more accurately
43% reflect current and projected conditions given the
COVID-19 crisis. Institutions should consider
43% reviewing their collateral management procedures
to assess whether they are adequate to meet the
challenges of determining the value, availability,
and eligibility of collateral during the
ongoing pandemic.
Nonfinancial risk
A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
Nonfinancial risk is different from other risk types, Most respondents said
since it is an overall umbrella category comprising
a variety of individual risk types. While many their institutions have
institutions rely on managing these risks
individually, there has been a trend, especially in
either adopted, or are in
Europe, for institutions to focus on nonfinancial the process of adopting,
risk as an overall category and appoint a leader to
oversee it across the organization. Forty-four
a nonfinancial risk
percent of respondents said their institutions have management approach for
a variety of areas.
taken this approach and have a single individual
who is specifically accountable for oversight of
nonfinancial risk.
Respondents were asked for which areas their How well developed is each of the
institutions have adopted a nonfinancial risk following nonfinancial/operational
management approach. Most respondents said
risk management methodologies at
their institutions have either adopted, or are in the
your organization?
process of adopting, a nonfinancial risk
management approach for a variety of areas Extremely/very well developed
Global risk management survey, 12th edition
A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
In your opinion, how challenging is each of the following for your organization
in managing cybersecurity risk?
Extremely/very challenging
Global risk management survey, 12th edition
and continuity (48%), performance and operations clear roles and responsibilities are foundational
(46%), and reputation (43%). steps that every institution should take.
Consistent with this low self-assessment, 64% of “We just had a spate of ransomware attacks
respondents said that it is an extremely or very high against our vendor supply chain. Now
priority for their institution over the next two years we’re talking about how we can be more
to improve third-party risk management. Many proactive with our vendors. Can we actively
institutions reported they had not yet established share indicators of compromise? Can we
many basic aspects of a program to manage third- do special assessments to make sure we
party risk, although more institutions said they are know what certain threat actors are doing
in progress of implementing them. For example, and that our vendors are well prepared,
67% of institutions said they had established above and beyond the annual due
standard contract language and service-level diligence that we do on them?”
agreements (SLAs), while an additional 22% said
— Chief Risk Officer, Investment
this is in progress (figure 17). Having standard
management firm
contract language in place with SLAs and having
When managing risk from third parties, which of the following has your
organization established as part of your program?
Very well/recently established In progress
A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
Global risk management survey, 12th edition
Over the next two years, how concerned are you about the potential impact
on your organization of each of the following regarding supervisory and
regulatory processes?
Extremely/very likely
A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
Global risk management survey, 12th edition
Risk management
technology and data
A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
Machine learning 82% Most institutions recognize that they have more
27% 38% 65% work to do to improve data management. Sixty-nine
percent of respondents said that enhancing the
Cognitive analytics
quality, availability, and timeliness of risk data will
13% 39% 52%
be an extremely or very high priority for their
Source: Deloitte Global Risk Management Survey, institution over the next two years. Only about one-
12th ed. quarter of respondents believed their institutions
Deloitte Insights |
are extremely or very effective at managing data
Global risk management survey, 12th edition
quality (26%), data management key performance across risks is to move away from
and risk indicators (24%), and data standards qualitative assessments to be more data
(27%) (figure 20). And just 8% of respondents and scenario driven. The shift was
considered their institution to be this effective at use underway but has been accelerated with
and management of unstructured data. increased focus and governance during the
pandemic. Financial risks are further
“Data-driven risk management has become ahead but operational risk is moving
a big evolution in our risk management rapidly in that direction.”
practices. Across the board, the trend
— VP Enterprise Risk, Large financial institution
Data privacy
90% 60%
Data governance
Data controls/checks
Data standards
Data quality
Data architecture
Data management/maintenance
A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
Global risk management survey, 12th edition
For banking institutions in the United States, there Although the economic downturn triggered by
has been a trend toward aligning regulatory COVID-19 created additional market volatility,
requirements more closely to the complexity of the investment management respondents rated their
bank. The Federal Reserve’s revised enhanced firms highly in managing this risk. Eighty-six
prudential standards for domestic and foreign percent of respondents at firms that provide
holding companies fine-tuned many requirements investment management services believed their
based on financial metrics that serve as a proxy for organizations are extremely or very effective at
an institution’s size, complexity, managing market risk.
interconnectedness, and systemic importance.
These efforts were driven by a concern that the These respondents were asked how challenging a
requirements as initially written did not range of issues were for their investment
appropriately balance the tradeoff between safety management business, and relatively few
and soundness and burden, especially for smaller, respondents considered any issue to be especially
less complex banks.19 challenging. The two issues most often rated as
extremely or very challenging related to data: data
In Europe, even before the slowdown in economic management and availability (30%), and use of
activity due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some banks alternative and unstructured data in investment
faced an expected capital shortfall from the and operational processes (e.g., crowdsourcing,
implementation of the finalized Basel III geospatial, cognitive analytics) (30%).
standards. In March 2020, the Basel Committee
announced that it would delay the implementation Respondents reported that a variety of roles and
of the final phase of the Basel III rules by one year, responsibilities are assigned to the individual or
to January 1, 2023, to help ease the imposition of individuals responsible for managing risk in their
higher capital constraints that some banks could investment management function, most often
have faced during the ongoing economic recession.21 citing monitor compliance with investment
guidelines related to investment risk (e.g.,
Although the implementation has been delayed, tracking error, sector/industry exposures) (80%).
banks should continue their efforts to prepare to
implement the Basel Committee’s revisions to its Other responsibilities that were cited by a majority
capital requirements for market risk, known as the of respondents included developing and
Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB). implementing the investment risk management
When asked about the status of their institution’s framework, methodologies, standards, policies,
implementation of FRTB, only 5% of respondent and limits (75%); meeting regularly with
institutions subject to FRTB said they were governance committees responsible for overseeing
already fully FRTB compliant, while 53% said investment risk management (75%); periodic
implementation was in progress. reassessment of investment risk to identify risk
concentrations and potential style drifts (65%);
A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
and managing the stress-testing process, Continuous monitoring was only reported by
including governance, methodology, and roughly 20% of institutions or less for the different
reporting (60%). types of vendors, with the single exception of
intermediaries (27%). Over time, we may see more
THIRD-PARTY OVERSIGHT institutions move to continuous monitoring for
Managing third-party risk is an issue for all certain categories of vendors, such as administrators.
institutions but it is especially important for those
providing investment management services, which DATA AND ANALYTICS
often rely heavily on third-party vendors. These Relatively few respondents providing investment
institutions often outsource day-to-day management services rated issues regarding IT
management of client investments to investment systems and data as extremely or very challenging
subadvisers, and employ service providers for for their investment management business, with
technology applications, data management, and this being most common for data management
operational aspects. Only 15% of respondents at and availability (30%), use of alternative and
institutions providing investment management unstructured data in investment and operational
services rated oversight over third-party processes (e.g., crowdsourcing, geospatial,
managers, service providers, and suppliers as cognitive analytics) (30%), and IT applications
being extremely or very challenging for their and systems (technology) (25%).
organization’s investment management business.
Firms providing investment management services
Conducting ongoing monitoring to review the risks are increasingly recognizing the potential of
from third-party relationships is an important emerging technologies such as RPA, cognitive
element of effective risk management. Respondents analytics, machine learning, and natural language
at firms providing investment management services processing to increase efficiency while improving
most often said their institutions review the risks the ability to identify potential risk events, such as
from these relationships annually, with this being instances of insider trading. A substantial number
most common for administrators (60%), transfer of respondents said they thought it was extremely
agents (60%), pricing vendors (58%), prime brokers or very likely that their institutions would seek to
(50%), and reference data providers (50%). enhance their data and analytics capabilities to
Reviewing the risks from these relationships more improve various aspects of their investment
often—either monthly or quarterly—was most often management business, including portfolio
reported for custodians (33%), transfer agents management (75%), client engagement (60%),
(30%), and infrastructure technology vendors product innovation (58%), and market research
(29%). (55%) (figure 21).
Global risk management survey, 12th edition
Over the next two years, how likely is your organization to seek to enhance its
data and analytics capabilities to improve each of the following aspects of its
investment management business?
Base: Organizations that provide investment management services
Extremely/very likely
Portfolio management
Client engagement
Product innovation
Market research
A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
ESG (including climate) (30%). Many insurers will Insurers should expect that a group solvency
need to consider deploying stress testing more requirement will gain ground in the coming years,
broadly, especially with regard to climate risk, and they should take steps to be ready to comply.
which is increasingly being required by regulators. Eighty-one percent of respondents providing
insurance services said they are subject to a legal
REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC CAPITAL entity solvency test, and the remaining 19% said
Regulatory authorities around the world are they are not currently subject to one, but believed
imposing stricter capital standards on insurance they are likely to be in the future.
companies, with the most influential regime being
Solvency II, which was developed by EU regulators. GLOBAL CAPITAL STANDARD
Many insurance companies have applied for and The IAIS is working to develop a global insurance
received approval of internal capital models capital standard (ICS) with the aim of allowing
permitted by Solvency II. insurers to operate across borders more efficiently,
reduce costs, and bring benefits to consumers. On
In June 2020, EIOPA announced that it would March 27, 2020, the IAIS announced that as part of
extend the date by which it would deliver its advice its efforts to address the impact of COVID-19 on the
on the Solvency II review to the European insurance sector, it had extended the deadline for
Commission to the end of December 2020 to allow submitting data for its review of the ICS reporting
for an assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on and the aggregation method to October 31, 2020.23
the insurance industry.22
Respondents that provide insurance services were
Among the institutions providing insurance asked what level of impact they expected the ICS to
services that participated in the survey, 38% said have on their company. These respondents most
they are subject to Solvency II requirements. With often considered the ICS to have at least a
other regulators looking to Solvency II as a model, somewhat significant impact (74%), although only
an additional 33% of these respondents said their 37% expected the impact would be extremely or
institutions are subject to regulatory capital very significant.
requirements similar to Solvency II.
The two other issues where insurance respondents
Half of the respondents providing insurance most often expected at least a somewhat significant
services said their companies are required by their impact were broader ComFrame requirements of
lead insurance regulator to undertake a solvency risk management and governance (63%, with 26%
test for their insurance group, while 33% said their extremely or very significant) and recovery and
insurance group is not subject to a solvency test, resolution planning (60%, with 20% extremely or
but believed it would likely be in the future. very significant).
Global risk management survey, 12th edition
To what extent does your organization use each of the following methods to
assess insurance risk?
Base: Organizations that provide insurance/reinsurance services
Stress testing
50% 50% 100%
Regulatory capital
50% 45% 95%
Actuarial reserving
68% 21% 89%
Value at risk
53% 26% 79%
Economic capital
42% 32% 74%
A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
N 2020, RISK management faced an exceptionally consumer behavior have changed dramatically.
volatile and uncertain business environment Institutions will also need to monitor and comply
created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Looking with an evolving set of regulatory expectations
ahead, governments are facing the conundrum of regarding AI and other technologies.
how best to balance public health concerns and
economic health for their citizens.
The global health
The global health crisis and the resulting economic crisis and the resulting
contraction served to heighten some longstanding
risks while also creating distinctive new issues. The
economic contraction
economic downturn significantly increased credit served to heighten some
risk among both retail and business customers.
Institutions will need to monitor carefully which
longstanding risks while
countries and sectors are returning to growth fairly also creating distinctive
quickly and which have a longer road to recovery.
new issues.
The pressure on revenues increased the existing
motivation to reduce risk management expenses, These technologies depend on timely, high-quality
which have been growing continually since the risk data that has been aggregated across the
global financial crisis. The drive to reduce risk organization, but this is often difficult to achieve.
management budgets is likely to grow if the Many institutions could benefit from making data
recession is prolonged. management a higher priority and may want to
consider creating a data management office led by
The goal of reducing risk management expenses a CDO to oversee data management across
could spur increased investment in emerging the enterprise.
technologies that can drive down costs by
automating both routine manual tasks and also The health crisis has increased the importance of
decisions that require human judgment, with effectively managing nonfinancial risks. COVID-19
exceptions flagged for review by human tested the operational resilience of institutions and
professionals. At the same time, these technologies their ability to rely on digital tools to allow their
can improve the overall effectiveness of risk employees to work virtually. One senior risk
management by reducing human error, improving management executive interviewed for this study
testing, and identifying potential risk events before commented that they had compressed a decade of
they occur so that steps can be taken to avoid or transformation work into a matter of months.
mitigate them.
Employees working remotely due to COVID-19
Yet, institutions will need to recognize that have created additional cybersecurity challenges.
machine learning or other predictive technologies Institutions may be more vulnerable to
that have been trained on pre–COVID-19 data may cyberattacks, fraud, and breaches of customer data,
need to be retrained since business conditions and which could expose them to greater risk of
Global risk management survey, 12th edition
noncompliance with data privacy requirements. In short, COVID-19 has raised the stakes, and
The potential for conduct risk can grow, since shifted the playing field, for risk management. Risk
conversations with customers may not be subject management will need the flexibility to respond
to the same monitoring and controls. quickly to volatile economic conditions and
changing work practices, while continually
As the pandemic continues, the responses of monitoring which changes are temporary
governments, businesses, and consumers to responses to the pandemic and which are destined
COVID-19 are transitioning from short-term to become permanent. At the same time,
measures into a longer-term set of working institutions will need a strong foundation in place—
practices with no end date in sight. Institutions including a risk appetite statement that informs
should consider how they can maintain strategy and decision-making, a CRO with
productivity if the COVID-19 practices become the sufficient independence and authority, an effective
new normal. How can they successfully maintain three lines of defense governance model, and
morale and communicate their culture and values robust IT systems with comprehensive, high-
when employees, especially new hires, are working quality supporting data.
virtually? How can they continue to innovate, when
team members can’t brainstorm while sitting The challenges have not been this great in recent
around a table in a meeting or over a meal or drink memory. To meet them successfully, risk
after hours? How to maintain morale in a virtual management will need strong governance, coupled
working environment will continue to be a with the agility to respond to the morphing profile
particular concern at institutions that are reducing of risks in these volatile times.
overall headcount to shrink operating budgets.
A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
1. International Monetary Fund, “World economic outlook: A long and difficult ascent,” October 2020.
3. Tadhg Enright, “How will Brexit impact London as Europe’s leading financial hub?,” Euronews, November 10,
4. European Central Bank, “ECB Banking Supervision provides temporary relief for capital requirements for
market risk,” press release, April 16, 2020.
5. For a discussion of regulatory responses to COVID-19, see Deloitte, Interim regulatory outlook 2020: Hard times,
6. In this report, institutions that provide banking services will sometimes be termed “banks” (even if they also
provide other types of financial services); institutions that provide insurance services will be termed “insurance
companies” (even if they also provide other types of financial services); and institutions that provide investment
management services will sometimes be termed “investment management firms” (even if they also provide
other types of financial services).
7. Percentages total more than 100% since respondents could make multiple selections.
8. Percentages total more than 100% since respondents could make multiple selections.
9. FitchRatings, “European GTUBs’ rising credit costs drive 2Q20 profit slump,” August 6, 2020.
11. For a discussion of the impact on COVID-19 on liquidity management, see Deloitte’s report, COVID-19 impact on
bank liquidity risk management and response, 2020.
12. Christine Lagarde, “Estimating cyber risk for the financial sector,” IMF Blog, International Monetary Fund, June
22, 2018.
13. Charlie Osborne, “COVID-19 blamed for 238% surge in cyberattacks against banks,” ZDNet, Mary 14, 2020.
14. Peter Baldwin, “New York Department of Financial Services issues new guidance regarding COVID-19
cybersecurity risks,” National Law Review, April 14, 2020.
15. Bank of England, “The 2021 biennial exploratory scenario on the financial risks from climate change,”
December 18, 2019.
16. European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority, “EIOPA consults on the supervision of the use of
climate change scenarios in ORSA,” October 5, 2020.
17. For a discussion of the Royal Commission, see the report by Deloitte Australia, Post Royal Commission—A new
era, 2019.
18. Bank of Japan, “Legal responsibility in investment decisions using algorithms and AI,” 26 April 2019.
19. For a discussion of the tailoring of regulatory requirements in the United States, see Deloitte’s report Banking
regulatory outlook 2020, 2020.
20. Deloitte, Consensus no more? Financial Markets Regulatory Outlook 2020, 2020.
21. FitchRatings, “EU banks key beneficiaries of Basel III coronavirus delay,” April 1, 2020.
Global risk management survey, 12th edition
22. European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority, “EIOPA revises its timetable for advice on Solvency II
Review until end December 2020,” April 30, 2020.
23. Thomson Reuters Practical Law Financial Services, “COVID-19: IAIS addresses impact on insurance sector,”
March 27, 2020.
A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
J. H. Caldwell | [email protected]
J. H. Caldwell, a partner at Deloitte Risk & Financial Advisory, Deloitte & Touche LLP, as well as Global
Risk Advisory leader for the Financial Services Industry, has more than 25 years of risk management
experience within the sector. He has deep experience with the complete credit lifecycle, enterprise risk
management, operational risk, and integrated compliance risk management. His extensive experience
in the area of credit includes quantitative methodology, portfolio analytics, process, and controls,
integrating risk management practices, and addressing and resolving the Office of the Comptroller of
the Currency (OCC) and other regulatory issues.
Global risk management survey, 12th edition
J. H. Caldwell
Global Financial Services Risk Advisory leader | Deloitte Risk Advisory | Partner | Deloitte & Touche LLP
+1 704 227 1444 | [email protected]
Jesselyn Garrisi
Senior manager | Deloitte & Touche LLP
+1 646 872 4704 | [email protected]
This report is the result of a team effort that included contributions by financial service practitioners
from member firms of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited around the world. Special thanks are given
to Bayer Consulting for administering the survey and assisting with the final document.
In addition, the following individuals from Deloitte in the United States conducted analysis and
provided project management, editorial, and/or design support:
A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
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