Risk Assessment For VA Menlyn
Risk Assessment For VA Menlyn
Risk Assessment For VA Menlyn
Environmental 1 1 2
Property Damage 4 3 1
Please note that Risk Analysis for Health and Safety is the same but for Environmental and
Property Damage is different.
9. Exposure
7. Severity with specific 18.
Risk 2. Activity 4. Risk type 14. Responsible
3. Identified Hazard 3. Impact/Risk description as per Type 11. Current Controls Mitigation 15. Additional Controls Responsible
Ref (S,H,E, PD) Person
of Risk Person
Using hand tools Defective hand tools Using and exposure to defective Provide safe hand tools. All Hand tools Provide Training to all hand tool users.
hand tools causing hand cuts or 2. Minor: Minor injuries must be inspected and defects reported to Provide hand gloves and eye protection.
injuries. Attention the Supervisor.
1 S or exposure requiring 4 3 24 Possible 60 9.6 Low 60 3.84 Low
medical attention
Construction vehicle Moving vehicle Hit pedestrian causing road Flagman to lead or direct the transport. All HSE Traffic plan developed and
delivering materials accident transport to be operated by a competent implemented with all necessary site route
(trusses, tiles poles etc) 4. Major: Fatality or Correction person or driver. risk.
2 S 4 3 48 Substantial 60 19.2 Low 60 7.68 Low
number of disabilities Required
Stacking materials Manual handling Body sprain HSE Training on ergonomics and safe Provide all lifting work is conducted
handling according the lifting plan.
4. Major: Fatality or Correction
3 H 4 3 48 Substantial 60 19.2 Low 60 7.68 Low
number of disabilities Required
Stacking materials Improper stacking of Minor injuries due to falling Provide stacking and storage training on HSE Inspections to include Stacking and
materials materials the employees on site. Appoint a Stacking Storage requirements. Affix signages.
4. Major: Fatality or Correction and Storage Supervisor.
4 S 4 3 48 Substantial 60 19.2 Low 60 7.68 Low
number of disabilities Required
Unloading of material Working or passing near Fatality and serious injuries Flagman to lead or direct the transport. All HSE Traffic plan developed and
the area transport to be operated by a competent implemented with all necessary site route
4. Major: Fatality or Correction person or driver. risk.
5 S 4 3 48 Substantial 60 19.2 Low 60 7.68 Low
number of disabilities Required
Installation of air cooler Working at heights Falling causing fractures Provide training on working at heights. Appoint a supervisor and inspector for
chiller Develop and implement a working at working at heights.
4. Major: Fatality or Correction heights procedure. All working at heights
4 S 4 3 48 Substantial 60 19.2 Low 60 7.68 Low
number of disabilities Required devices inspected and certified safe.
Installation of air cooler Movement of equipment Falling on body parts Movement must be using a safe lifting Appoint a supervisor and inspector for
chiller to a higher level equipment's. Provide training on working at working at heights. Lifting equipment must
4. Major: Fatality or Correction heights. Develop and implement a working be inspected.
5 S 4 3 48 Substantial 60 19.2 Low 60 7.68 Low
number of disabilities Required at heights procedure. All working at heights
devices inspected and certified safe.
Install heat pump Working at heights Falling causing fractures Provide training on working at heights. Work to be done under supervision.
Develop and implement a working at Employees provided with visible PPE.
5. Catastrophic: Correction heights procedure. All working at heights
6 S 4 3 60 Substantial 60 24 Possible 60 9.6 Low
Multiple fatalities Required devices inspected and certified safe.
Ducting Working under major injuries Working at heights training on all Affix signages to inform workers about
constructing roof or employees involved. All working at heights working at heights risk.
suspended load 4. Major: Fatality or Correction or fall protection equipment's must be
7 S 4 3 48 Substantial 60 19.2 Low 60 7.68 Low
number of disabilities Required inspected and kept in a register.
Piping Working at heights Falling causing fractures Provide training on working at heights. Appoint a supervisor and inspector for
Develop and implement a working at working at heights.
4. Major: Fatality or Correction heights procedure. All working at heights
8 S 4 3 48 Substantial 60 19.2 Low 60 7.68 Low
number of disabilities Required devices inspected and certified safe.
Pipe insulation Sharp tools cuts on hands Provide safe and suitable gloves to HSE Talks to discuss the handling of
workers. Use safe cutting tools and timber.
4. Major: Fatality or Correction installation undersupervision
9 S 4 3 48 Substantial 60 19.2 Low 60 7.68 Low
number of disabilities Required
Demolition Exposure to dusts Inhalation of dust causing Provide breathing apparatus. MDSD on Provide employees with work-wear
breathing problems paint and training on the HCS. Dust masks
4. Major: Fatality or Correction provided. Where possible wetting must be
10 S 4 3 48 Substantial 60 19.2 Low 60 7.68 Low
number of disabilities Required done.
Install VSD Exposure of live cables Electrical shocks Lockout system implemented by Inspection of sharp area and repair
electrician. Warning signages on electrical
4. Major: Fatality or Correction systems.
10 S 4 3 48 Substantial 60 19.2 Low 60 7.68 Low
number of disabilities Required
Builders work (Drilling, Exposure dust and Electrical shocks and dust Lockout system implemented by Inspection of sharp area and repair
Cement, install electrical lines exposure. electrician. Warning signages on electrical
4. Major: Fatality or Correction systems.
10 pallicades) S 4 3 48 Substantial 60 19.2 Low 60 7.68 Low
number of disabilities Required
Hoisting and rigging Exposure of live cables Electrical shocks Lockout system implemented by Inspection of sharp area and repair
electrician. Warning signages on electrical
4. Major: Fatality or Correction systems.
10 S 4 3 48 Substantial 60 19.2 Low 60 7.68 Low
number of disabilities Required
Use of hand held drills Rotating parts Hand injuries Trained operator. Drilling machines must Inspection of sharp area and repair
be inspected for safe use.Hand gloves
4. Major: Fatality or Correction provided.
10 S 4 3 48 Substantial 60 19.2 Low 60 7.68 Low
number of disabilities Required
Electrical works Exposure of live cables Electrical shocks Lockout system implemented by Inspection of sharp area and repair
electrician. Warning signages on electrical
4. Major: Fatality or Correction systems.
11 S 4 3 48 Substantial 60 19.2 Low 60 7.68 Low
number of disabilities Required
Using powered tools Exposure to electrical Electrocution due to contact with Inspection of all Electrical powered tools to The electrical competent person to ensure
live cables live cables or defective tools be carried out, and defects to be reported. that all tools are safe and used by the
4. Major: Fatality or Correction right users.
12 S 4 3 48 Substantial 60 19.2 Low 60 7.68 Low
number of disabilities Required
Rotating or cutting tools Exposure to rotating Contact with rotating parts of the Provide guarding to all tools. HSE HSE Training on hazards related to
(Grinders etc) parts tools causing major cuts inspections to include guarding of rotating parts and the importance of
4. Major: Fatality or Correction machines or equipment's. machine guarding.
13 S 4 3 48 Substantial 80 9.6 Low 60 3.84 Low
number of disabilities Required
Noisy equipment's or Exposure to noise Prolonged noise exposure All tools to be serviced.and recorded for Provide employees or users with eye
tools causing NIHL servicing kept. Noise test conducted where protection.
4. Major: Fatality or Correction possible. Conduct medical asssessments
14 H 4 3 48 Substantial 80 9.6 Low 60 3.84 Low
number of disabilities Required as per the job spec.
Use of PPE Improper use of PPE Improper use or failure to use All work activities must resume with HSE Provide Supervision during the work.
PPE causing injuries Talks highlighting the importance of the
4. Major: Fatality or Correction use of PPE.
15 S 4 3 48 Substantial 60 19.2 Low 60 7.68 Low
number of disabilities Required
Work space Wet or poorly kept area Exposure to wet floor or poorly Provide signage for all wet areas. Provide Inspections to be conducted and cleaning
kept area causing tripping and cleaners to keep the area clean after each and every work.
falling 4. Major: Fatality or Correction
16 S 4 3 48 Substantial 60 19.2 Low 60 7.68 Low
number of disabilities Required
Bending and lifting Exposure to poor Bending and improper lifting of Provide training to all employees on Post all related ergonomics posters to
heavy materials ergonomics materials causing muscle strain ergonomics. Provide safe working methods improve awareness
and back injuries 4. Major: Fatality or Correction and lifting tools for all heavy articles or
17 H 4 3 48 Substantial 60 19.2 Low 60 7.68 Low
number of disabilities Required materials.
Bending and lifting Exposure to poor Bending and improper lifting of Provide training to all employees on Post all related ergonomics posters to
heavy materials ergonomics materials causing muscle strain ergonomics. Provide safe working methods improve awareness
and back injuries 4. Major: Fatality or Correction and lifting tools for all heavy articles or
18 H 4 3 48 Substantial 60 19.2 Low 60 7.68 Low
number of disabilities Required materials.
Use of HCS Exposure to HCS Inhalation or injection of HCS Provide training on HCS and develop a HSE Emergency plans to include handling
causing respiratory problems or HCS Registers. All MSDS should be kept of HCS in an emergency scenario. All
2. Minor: Minor injuries
poison causing major incident or Attention on site. users provided with necessary PPE
19 fatality S or exposure requiring 4 3 24 Possible 60 9.6 Low (gloves, respiratory protection) 60 3.84 Low
medical attention
Use of HCS Exposure to HCS Contact with irritating hazardous Provide training on HCS and develop a HSE Emergency plans to include handling
chemicals causing skin irritation HCS Registers. All MSDS should be kept of HCS in an emergency scenario
or corrosion. 2. Minor: Minor injuries on site.
20 S or exposure requiring 4 3 24 Possible 60 9.6 Low 60 3.84 Low
medical attention
Traveling to site Exposure to road traffic Road traffic accidents causing Provide safe driving training to all drivers. Vehicle inspections to be carried out
accidents fatality 2. Minor: Minor injuries All vehicles must be certified road worthy. before vehicle is used. Where possible
Attention Drivers to be licensed. speed limit systems installed to reduce
21 S or exposure requiring 4 3 24 Possible 60 9.6 Low 60 3.84 Low
Needed speeding and restless driving to site or on
medical attention
the road.
Offloading of working Materials falling Exposure to falling materials Provide offloading mechanism and lifting Ensure that all workers are wearing safe
materials causing body parts injuries such 2. Minor: Minor injuries equipment's (forklift where possible) or work wear such as safety boots and
as cuts and fractures Attention trolleys. overalls.
22 S or exposure requiring 4 3 24 Possible 60 9.6 Low 60 3.84 Low
medical attention
Theft of materials Exposure to theft of Loss of materials or working Provide a register of all tools and materials. Improve security using digital available
materials tools Where possible issued materials must be resources,
4. Major: Fatality or Correction accepted and signed off. Security
23 PD 4 3 48 Substantial 60 19.2 Low 60 7.68 Low
number of disabilities Required personnel must be available where
Waste Disposal of waste Land pollution Provide a waste bins. And dispose safely Improve security using digital available
to a landfill site. Hazardous waste must be resources,
4. Major: Fatality or Correction disposed by a qualified service provider.
24 E 4 3 48 Substantial 60 19.2 Low 60 7.68 Low
number of disabilities Required