QEP Tests Student's Knowledge, Patience: Opinion
QEP Tests Student's Knowledge, Patience: Opinion
QEP Tests Student's Knowledge, Patience: Opinion
The Rambler
Shauna Banks, editor-in-chief
“We are not afraid to follow the truth ...
wherever it may lead.”
— Thomas Jefferson
Member of the Texas Inter-
collegiate Press Association,
Associated Collegiate Press,
Student Press Law Center,
R ambler Contribution
Please send all news briefs to
[email protected]. Sub-
missions due by noon Friday
ation is made to publish letters,
publication is limited by time
and space.
The editors reserve the right to
Barry Grubbs, opinion editor College Media Advisers and edit all submissions for space,
Address all correspondence to: to see brief in the following
Eliana Mijangos, sports editor College Newspaper Business grammar, clarity and style.
Texas Wesleyan University week’s issue.
Meisa Keivani Najafabadi, photo editor and Advertising Managers. Letters to the editor may be
Stephanie Mejia arts & entertainment editor The Rambler
1201 Wesleyan St. Letters to the editor: The subject to response from editors
Jonathan Resendez, multimedia editor Opinions expressed in The Rambler, a weekly publication, and students on the opinion
Rachel Peel, community editor Fort Worth, TX 76105 Rambler are those of the indi-
[email protected] welcomes all letters. All submis- page.
Melissa Bates, campus editor vidual authors only and do not sions must have a full printed
Erica Estrada, graphic designer/cartoonist (817) 531-7552 necessarily reflect the views of
Advertising Inquiries: name, phone number and sig-
Wendy Moore, faculty adviser the Texas Wesleyan community nature. While every consider-
Dr. Kay Colley, faculty liaison (817) 531-6525 as a whole.