A Review: HPLC Method Development and Validation: November 2015
A Review: HPLC Method Development and Validation: November 2015
A Review: HPLC Method Development and Validation: November 2015
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Review Article
A Review: HPLC Method Development and Validation
Santosh Kumar Bhardwaj a,b *, K. Dwivedia and D. D. Agarwala
School of Studies in Chemistry, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, India.
Shimadzu Analytical India Pvt Ltd, Delhi, India.
Email: [email protected]
Received 04 November 2015; accepted 20 November 2015
HPLC is the dominant separation technique in modern pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis because it results in highly
efficient separations and in most cases provides high detection sensitivity. Most of the drugs in multi component dosage
forms can be analyzed by HPLC method because of the several advantages like rapidity, specificity, accuracy, precision
and ease of automation in this method. HPLC methods development and validation play important roles in new discovery,
development, manufacture of pharmaceutical drugs and various other studies related to humans and animals. An analytical
procedure is developed to test a defined characteristic of the drug substance or drug product against established acceptance
criteria for that characteristic. This review gives information regarding various stages involved in development and
validation of HPLC method. Validation of HPLC method as per ICH Guidelines covers all the performance characteristics
of validation, like Accuracy, precision, specificity, linearity, range and limit of detection, limit of quantification, robustness
and system suitability testing.
© 2015 Universal Research Publications. All rights reserved
Keywords: HPLC, Method development, Validation.
manufacturer as well as between column production ionized or neutral. Alteration of the mobile-phase pH is one
batches from the same manufacturer. Column dimensions, of the greatest tools in the “chromatographer’s toolbox”
silica substrate properties and bonded stationary phase allowing simultaneous change in retention and selectivity
characteristics are the main ones. The use of silica-based between critical pair of components.12
packing is favored in most of the present HPLC columns Effect of organic modifier: -Selection of the organic
due to several physical characteristics.6 modifier type is relatively simple in reverse phase
2.2.2 Selection of Chromatographic mode: HPLC, The usual choice is between acetonitrile and
chromatographic modes based on the analyte’s molecular methanol (rarely THF). Gradient elution is usually
weight and polarity. All case studies will focus on reversed- employed with complex multicomponent samples
phase chromatography (RPC), the most common mode for since it may not be possible to get all components
small organic molecules. Ionizable compounds (acids and eluted between k (retention factor) 1 and 10 using a
bases) are often separated by RPC with buffered mobile single solvent strength under isocratic conditions. 12
phases (to keep the analytes in a non-ionized state) or with 2.2.4 Selection of detector and wavelength:
ion-pairing reagents.8 After the chromatographic separation, the analyte of
2.2.3 Optimization of Mobile phase: interest is detected by using suitable detectors. Some
Buffer Selection: Different buffers such as potassium commercial detectors used in LC are: ultraviolet (UV)
phosphate, sodium phosphate and acetate were evaluated detectors, fluorescence detectors, electrochemical detectors,
for system suitability parameters and overall refractive index (RI) detectors and mass spectrometry (MS)
chromatographic performance. detectors. The choice of detector depends on the sample
Effect of pH.:- If analytes are ionisable, the proper mobile- and the purpose of the analysis. In case of multicomponent
phase pH must be chosen based on the analyte pKa so the analysis the absorption spectra may have been shifted to
target analyte is in one predominate ionization state, longer or shorter wavelengths compared to the parent
International Journal of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2015; 5(4): 76-81
compound. Therefore the UV spectra of target analyte and temperature, sample amounts, injection volume, and
impurities must be taken and overlaid with each other, and diluents solvent type. This is used to find the desired
the spectra should be normalized due to different amounts balance between resolution and analysis time after
present in the mixture. A wavelength must be chosen such satisfactory selectivity has been achieved. The parameters
that adequate response is for most of the analytes can be involved include column dimensions, column-packing
obtained.12,13 particle size and flow rate. These parameters may be
2.3. Developing the approach for analysis: changed without affecting capacity factor or selectivity.10
While developing the analytical method on RP-HPLC the 2.6 Method Validation :
first step which is followed, the selections of various Validation of an analytical method is the process by which
chromatographic parameters like selection of mobile phase, it is established by laboratory studies, that the performance
selection of column, selection of flow rate of mobile phase, characteristics of the method meet the requirements for the
selection of pH of mobile phase. All of these parameters intended analytical application. Validation is required for
are selected on the basis of trials and followed by any new or amended method to ensure that it is capable of
considering the system suitability parameters. Typical giving reproducible and reliable results, when used by
parameters of system suitability are e.g. retention time different operators employing the same equipment in the
should be more than 5 min, the theoretical plates should be same or different laboratories. The type of validation
more than 2000, the tailing factor should be less than 2, program required depends entirely on the particular method
resolution between 2 peaks should be more than 5, % and its proposed applications.13Results from method
R.S.D. of the area of analyte peaks in standard validation can be used to judge the quality, reliability and
chromatograms should not be more than 2.0 %.like other. consistency of analytical results; it is an integral part of any
Detection wavelength is usually isobestic point in the case good analytical practice. Use of equipment that is within
of simultaneous estimation of 2 components.6 specification, working correctly and adequately calibrated
2.4 Sample preparation: is fundamental to the method validation process. Analytical
Sample preparation is a critical step of method methods need to be validated or revalidated.16
development that the analyst must investigate. For • Before their introduction into routine use;
example, the analyst should investigate if centrifugation • Whenever the conditions change for which the method
(determining the optimal rpm and time) shaking and/or has been validated
filtration of the sample is needed, especially if there are • Whenever the method is changed
insoluble components in the sample. The objective is to Typical parameters recommended by FDA, USP, and ICH
demonstrate that the sample filtration does not affect the are as follow.16,18
analytical result due to adsorption and/or extraction of 1. Specificity
leachable. The effectiveness of the syringe filters is largely 2. Linearity & Range
determined by their ability to remove 3. Precision
contaminants/insoluble components without leaching Method precision (Repeatability)
undesirable artifacts (i.e., extractable) into the filtrate. The Intermediate precision (Reproducibility)
sample preparation procedure should be adequately 4. Accuracy (Recovery)
described in the respective analytical method that is applied 5. Solution stability
to a real in-process sample or a dosage form for subsequent 6. Limit of Detection (LOD)
HPLC analysis. The analytical procedure must specify the 7. Limit of Quantification (LOQ)
manufacturer, type of filter, and pore size of the filter 8. Robustness
media. 12The purpose of sample preparation is to create a 9. System suitability
processed sample that leads to better analytical results Specificity : selectivity of an analytical method as its
compared with the initial sample. The prepared sample ability to measure accurately an analyte in the presence of
should be an aliquot relatively free of interferences interference, such as synthetic precursors, excipients,
that is compatible with the HPLC method and that will not enantiomers, and known (or likely) degradation products
damage the column.13,15 that may be expected to be present in the sample matrix. 17
2.5 Method optimization : Linearity and range: The linearity of an analytical
Most of the optimization of HPLC method development procedure is its ability (within a given range) to obtain test
has been focused on the optimization of HPLC results, which are directly proportional to the concentration
conditions.14 The mobile phase and stationary phase of analyte in the sample. A linear relationship should be
compositions need to be taken into account. Optimization evaluated across the range of the analytical procedure. It is
of mobile phase parameters is always considered first as demonstrated directly on the drug substance by dilution of
this is much easier and convenient than stationary phase a standard stock solution of the drug product components,
optimization. To minimize the number of trial using the proposed procedure. Linearity is usually
chromatograms involved, only the parameters that are expressed as the confidence limit around the slope of the
likely to have a significant effect on selectivity in the regression line.16-18 For the establishment of linearity,
optimization must be examined. Primary control variables minimum of five concentrations are recommended by ICH
in the optimization of liquid chromatography (LC) methods guideline.19 The range of an analytical method is the
are the different components of the mobile phase interval between the upper and lower levels that have been
determining acidity, solvent, gradient, flow rate, demonstrated to be determined with precision, accuracy