3rd Engineer - (Offshore Fleet) - USA VISA - Melnyk Artem (5307)
3rd Engineer - (Offshore Fleet) - USA VISA - Melnyk Artem (5307)
3rd Engineer - (Offshore Fleet) - USA VISA - Melnyk Artem (5307)
Main information
Engine Boy FALMOUTH CONTAINER 11190 MAK – 8400 Kw 23.03.2017- Safe Creation
21.11.2017 Shipping Co.Ltd
Wiper SYMPHONY SEA GENERAL CARGO 10600 MAK – 2999 kW 01.07.2019- Symphony Shipping
03.09.2019 B.V
Motorman REBECCA GENERAL CARGO 5622 MAK – 1800 kW 25.10.2019- Vertom-Bojen
(Cable )
Wiper PROMISE GENERAL CARGO 6500 MAK – 1980 kW 08.07.2020- Vertom – Promise
07.01.2021 B.V
Oiler PROMISE GENERAL CARGO 6500 MAK – 1980 kW 08.01.2021- Vertom – Promise
26.02.2021 B.V
Additional info
Education: JUNIOR SPECIALISTS DIPLOMA Knowledge of other languages:
Specialty: Engineer Lathe machine skills: Good
Second (relative) specialty: Welding skills: Good
Next of Kin
Next of kin: Mother Phone:+380666803816
Name, Surname: Julia Zlenko Address: Ukraine Kherson region , Nova Kakhovka, 72 Bukina street ,
Apt 402
Biometrical data
Sex: Male Height: 1.72 Overall size: 48