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Running Head: STRAIT D ED7012-2 1
Running Head: STRAIT D ED7012-2 1
Definition of Leadership
Dawn Strait
Northcentral University
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There are many definitions relating to the word leadership. Moreover, the words used in
the definition can be separately analyzed too. Also, there are different levels of power, different
reasons for leadership, and different styles of leadership. However, the important aspect to be
noted is that if someone wants a group of people to accomplish a common goal, they must have
an effective leadership style for the group. My definition of leadership is the following: A person
is a leader who has ambition, skills, personality, and other qualities to motivate and influence a
group of people to reach a common goal. There have been many leaders in my life, and they
have all had a different personality utilized one of the many styles of leadership. However,
whichever style they chose to use they seemed to accomplish a common goal.
Conceptualizing leadership
There are various ways to form a concept of a person’s leadership. However, as one
researches leadership, they will find similar words in conceptualizing leadership begin to appear
and even the basic definition of leadership contains the same words. To begin conceptualizing a
person’s leadership one must take a look at how that person influences other people. For
example, an individual may be outgoing and dominant, and the leader has all the authority.
Furthermore conceptualization is that a leader is a person who is the focal point of group change.
Since the leader is at the center of group change the leader is the one who represents the will of
the group. Some people define leadership as a certain form of a power relationship that leaders
Another belief is that the follower has more say in the leadership process. It is not a top-
certain tasks. Other approaches to leadership say it is a behavior that leaders perform to bring
about change in a group. Moreover, there are people that view leadership as a transformational
process, which usually moves followers to accomplish their aspirations by reaching a certain
goal. Still, some people say it is having knowledge about a goal that makes effective leadership.
Another one may have developed a technical skill to lead a technical call center (Northouse,
Like other words, over a period of time leadership words are molded and shaped by many
different views and aspects until they eventually come to a precise definition or more than one
definition. The term leadership has a history line that can be traced over a period of years and
sometimes relates to the historical events that were taking place at that point in history. For
example, in the early 20th Century the definition of leadership began with the leader having the
central control and was dominant over the group. They had the obedience and respect of the
group. Then as a few years passed, in the 1930’s traits were being studied as the main
involvement with the development of leadership. At this time personality, qualities, and inborn
characteristics determined if a person was going to be a leader and which type of leader they
Therefore, leadership by persuasion and leadership by coercion was distinguished. In the middle
of the century during the 1950’s, three themes dominated the time period. One was the
continuance of group theory which analyzed the behavior of leaders in the group. The behavior
of the leaders was related to the effectiveness of the leader’s ability to influence the entire
groups’ actions. By the 1960’s, the definition of leadership was narrowed to the behaviors or acts
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of people that influence others in a shared direction. Nevertheless, by the 1970’s, the
organizational goals were set by both leaders and followers. Shaped by scholarly work on
leadership, prominent themes began to emerge about leadership and changed with the definition
in some ways. For example, they established that the leader gets people to do what they want
done, there was noncoercive influence, there was more depth of knowledge, and the
Coming into the 21st century, created a debate between the separate processes of
leadership and management. There formed four types of leadership: authentic leadership,
spiritual leadership, servant leadership, and adaptive leadership. First, authentic leadership is that
the authenticity of the leader is established. .Secondly, spiritual leadership used values and
membership to motivate followers. Moreover, servant leadership puts the leader in the role of
servant to focus on followers’ needs and adaptive leadership encourages followers to adapt to the
process involves the use of influence with groups of people. These groups through their leaders,
focus on common goals. As a process. the leaders use intercommunication between the leader
and the followers. They affect each other and everyone in the group is involved so it is called a
On the other hand, some people believe that leaders are born with certain characteristics
or qualities in their nature that makes them become good leaders. These inborn qualities make
them different from non-leaders. Some traits are personality features that foster good self-esteem,
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certain physical features, or certain cognitive abilities. A difference can be found between
leadership trait and leadership process. A leadership trait belongs to a certain selection of people.
(Northouse, 2016).
If someone has power, they have the ability to influence other people’s actions.
Therefore, it used to be thought of that effective or ineffective had the power over their
followers, so leaders had considerable amount of influence over their followers. At that time the
Today there is a possibility for a structure change in power because of the technological
advances in society. For example, because of so much information being made available to the
followers as well as the leaders causes a change in the amount of dependency the followers have
on their leaders. This causes a change in leadership style because when the followers become
less dependent on the leader then the leader has less control over the thoughts and processes of
the followers.
There are different types of leadership powers, but coercive power has the potential to
cause harm to the followers. Sometimes when using coercive power the leader uses force to get
something done and it may be in a harsh manner. Coercive power can involve threats,
punishments, and negative rewards. Usually the leaders with coercive power have a dictatorial
style leadership. Moreover, the leaders that use coercion are interested in their own goals and not
the interests of the followers. In other words coercion works against the goals that the followers
Leadership and management are similar in many ways as they both work with people and
influence them to complete a goal. Both are essential to the success of an organization. Requiring
a need for adequate management and leadership skills even though both differ in several ways.
Management skills are concerned with planning, organizing, and controlling the mission
following a rigid schedule. Leaders are more open-minded in their ideas and are more involved
with their followers. They like to influence big changes and go for long-term goals (Northouse,
industry. Also, he says there are unique ways to think about and conceptualize leadership. For
example, leadership may be thought as building something great together. A company can start a
small business and a good leader can help grow the company. The leader can reach the goal of
high profits. The leader invests in others in the process and shows them that he trusts them so he
can build their trust in his leadership and ultimately, they reach their goal together (Bauer, 2016).
Another way to conceptualize leadership is the ability to motivate people toward positive
thoughts about themselves and their organization. Research done by a Cleveland Clinic said that
“95 percent of humans thoughts are habituated, and 80 percent of the habituated thoughts are
negative” (Bauer, para. 3, 2016). Also, it can be said that leadership is formed around
relationships between people and goals. However, it is important not to overwhelm your
followers by pursuing a lot of goals because this can bring confusion. One way is to let the
followers become part of the decision-making process and express their ideas to the group.
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Leadership is about searching for new opinions, support, and solving problems. Bauer says there
is a difference helping someone reach a goal and telling them every step to take toward the goal.
As a leader, one still needs to expand their knowledge and learn new skills. Included in building
leadership is the ability of finding new strategies, good communication, asking productive
Good leadership or any leadership at all can be a matter of life or death as it is so often is
in the health system. In the following study it shows how transformational style leadership
impacts the public health system. Also, it shows management and leadership working together
for the common goal. Throughout the study one can depict the characteristics of the effective
A mixed study that was conducted in which leadership was examined using the
need was for the evidence-based interventions (EBIs) to be sustained otherwise investments are
wasted and public health would be negatively affected (Aarons, Green, Trott, Willging, Torres,
Ehrhart, Roesch, 2016). Therefore a type of leadership was to be the key determinant of
implementation and sustainment of the EBIs. In the study there was leadership in the outer
context (with an example of the system) and the inner context (with an example of the team).
The outer context included the project’s mission which was positive sustainment leadership.
In the inner context was frontline transformational leadership which led to sustainment
whereas passive-avoidant leadership led to non-sustainment. Of the three leadership styles that
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was used in the study that was the most successful was the transformational style. It motivates,
intellectually stimulates, and inspires motivation and change. Transactional leadership provides
considered non-leadership because the leader is not engaged (Aarons, et al., 2016).
The Inner Context role needed leadership to include having a vision, problem solving,
and engaging supporting providers in their EBI uses. With the outer context it meant constructs
in the leadership establishing the mission and vision, planning for sustainment, realistic planning
and using multiple strategies. Strategies included formal funding, system improvement, and
proactive planning. Also, it was a supportive and perseverance leadership and varied the EBI in
Leaders were at different levels coordinating, collaborating, and leading their teams to
actively support EBI implementation and sustainment. This multi-level team influence of
leadership resulted in successful benefits to the patients and clients. The benefits were an
effective and evidence-based health and allied health service with EBI sustainment (Aarons, et
al., 2016).
Quantitatively the study showed that leadership at the system and organizational levels
predicted sustainment. Qualitatively they used the functions of convergence and expansion to
further contextualize the idea of leadership that supports sustainment across outer context and
inner context (Aarons, et al., 2016). It is important to learn from this study that leaders can
positively create change and innovation or avoid it. The leadership that dealt with the outer
factors include funding and controlling provider organizations. The inner context factors are the
groups tasks that dealt with delivering EBIs. The responsibilities of the leaders included
obtaining funding, dispersing resources, and instituting policies. Weiner agrees that for
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innovation implementation leaders need to be ready to create change and have strategies to
This study utilizes quantitative and qualitative methods and data from service systems
that use Safe Care (SC), which is an EBI to reduce child maltreatment. At the end of the study it
concluded that the ordinal regression analysis showed transformational leadership significantly
This studied proved that unless there was leadership this mission would not be reached and
would actually have detrimental effects to the situation without transformational leadership.
The prominent leadership skills bring change are by being supportive of the staff,
proactive in problem solving, and perseverant in dealing with issues. Also, the leaders were able
to implement new programs across system levels (Aarons, et al., 2016). The Program
Sustainability Leadership Competency scale assesses specific leader actions and planning for
sustaining (Mancini & Marek 2004). Moreover the Full-Range Leadership (FRL) Model
measures dimension of transformational leadership and transactional leadership (Avolio, Bass, &
Jung, 1999).
Leadership has been defined in many ways and analyzed for different types and styles of
leaderships. There are also different powers that leaders have can exert in different ways over
their followers. Leadership is effective most of the time if they motivate and help the group to
reach a goal, but control has to be kept at a balance and not be turned into something like a
dictatorship. However, in reality there are some that do lead by coercion. In today’s society with
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the technological advances leaders as well as followers have more knowledge and skills
Aarons, G. A., Green, A. E., Trott, E., Willging, C. E., Torres, E. M., Ehrhart, M. G., & Roesch,
S. C. (2016). The roles of system and organizational leadership in system-wide evidence-
based intervention sustainment: A mixed-method study. Administration and Policy in
Mental Health, 43(6), 991-1008. DOI 10.1007/s10488-016-0751-4
Avolio, B. J., Bass, B. M., & Jung, D. I. (1999). Re-examining the components of
transformational and transactional leadership using the Multifactor Leadership
Questionnaire. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 72, 441–462.
Bauer, T. (2016) ”23 different ways to conceptualize leadership.” The Digital Transformation
People. Retrieved
Benson, D. (2015). Creating Your Personal Leadership Philosophy. Physician Leadership
Journal, 2(6), 64–66.
Mancini, J. A., & Marek, L. I. (2004). Sustaining community-based programs for families:
Conceptualization and measurement. Family Relations, 53(4), 339–347.
Northouse, P.G. (2016). Leadership theory and practice (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
Weiner, B. J. (2009). A theory of organizational readiness for change. Implementation Science,
4(1), 1.
York-Barr, J., & Duke, K. (2004). What do we know about teacher leadership? findings from
two decades of scholarship. Review of Educational Research, 74(3), 255.