Communication Management Plan Template1
Communication Management Plan Template1
Communication Management Plan Template1
Version # Doc Nº Date Author Key Differences
1.0 DXXXX XX/XX/XXXX (author name)
This Communication Management Plan sets the communications framework for the (Project
Name) project. It serves as a guide for communications throughout the life of the project. This
is a working document and will be updated as communication needs change. This plan identifies
and defines the stakeholders of (Project Name) with whom it is critical to communicate. It also
contains the Communication Matrix (Appendix A), which maps specific messages to
stakeholders or stakeholder groups. The items captured on the Communications Matrix are then
built into the (Project Name) Project Schedule.
3. Stakeholder Requirements
The communication needs of (Project Name) stakeholders have been identified and are
presented in the Stakeholder Communications Requirements table below. The analysis includes
all project team member roles and responsibilities, including their communication
responsibilities. In addition, the requirements of the non-project team stakeholders are also
captured. Although some of this requirement are defined in the Stakeholder Management Plan
in section 3.4.2 (Stakeholder engagement Plan), this section describe with more level of detail
the needs and communications requirements of all stakeholders.
(Role Y) Plan all Communications should be presented in Project manager should report with 1 (names)
expenditures that dates according with the project manager month in advance of the need to release
are necessary to in manner that the reconciliation is made funds
release to the at a steady.
execution of the
A formal document for fund release
should be send to the finance department
(Role Z) Plan all quality Communications should be presented in Project manager and project team should (names)
procedures, Biweekly meetings with the direct receive a report with the changes from the
inspections and supervisor to allow constant validation of meeting
audits to the the quality standards
Each meeting should update the quality
plan and policies, so the team can work
according the defined criteria. A report
should report the changes
(Role W) …….. …….. ……… (names)
The (Project Name) Communication Management Plan includes an assessment and analysis of
the Agency’s existing communications that impact the project’s stakeholder populations. The
result of this assessment and analysis is recorded in the Communication Matrix (Appendix A),
along with a numerical rating of the effectiveness of each communication item based on
feedback from Agency personnel. This rating allows the (Project Name) project team to take
advantage of existing Agency communication vehicles for project-related communication.
The analysis of (Company Name) communications found that communications are delivered
through diverse channels and are not consistent. They used too many communication channels.
This causes some confusion in the employee population since the information is dispersed and
it is not specific the places where it should be stored, increase the communication noise and
different communication formats.
Since there is no one person dedicated to ensuring Agency-wide communication effectiveness,
most of the information the employee base needs to be successful is left to Agency leadership
to “trickle down” through the management/supervisory level. Often these leaders, managers
and supervisors forget to share the information or fail to provide context for the message due to
their own workloads.
To help the organization leaders disseminate information about the project more effectively, the
(Project Name) Project Manager and team will ensure careful documentation of all meetings
and be responsible for editing and ensuring consistency in project communication. They will
also provide leader talking points for critical updates to Agency employees regarding project
The analysis of current Agency communications also found that both Organization leader
meetings and the Agency’s intranet site were the most effective as delivery vehicles for
disseminating messages that invite positive action and behavior. The (Project Name) will take
advantage of these methods to disseminate project-related information.
The (Project Name) communication needs will also require development of new
communication vehicles if none of the existent vehicles serves the purpose to ensure that
critical project-related messaging reaches the appropriate stakeholder groups. As the project
identifies and creates these vehicles or uses the existent vehicles, they will be added to the
Communication Matrix (Appendix A).
The Project Manager will take a proactive role in ensuring effective communications for the
(Project Name). The communications of (Project Name) team members will include status
reporting, “all-hands” team meetings in which the health of the project and
requests/requirements of the (Company) Compliance Committee or project leadership are
reviewed, and ad hoc communications, via email, meetings, reports and/or conference calls as
The Project Manager also ensures that the communication infrastructure for the project team is
created. For example, he will ensure that the organization establishes an email distribution list
of all project team members, appropriate organization intranet access is provided, and a project
team contact list is created.
There are several communication opportunities to reach, educate, and gain buy-in and support
from stakeholders of the (Project Name). Since the project team is also a stakeholder group,
they are sometimes recipients of the same communications as non-project team stakeholders.
Taking advantage of these opportunities and timing the release of communications
appropriately is vital to insuring a successful project. For (Project Name), following are some of
the ways that (Project Name) will achieve information sharing, action and project acceptance
from its stakeholders:
(Project Name) branding
Role-specific communications
Multi-media supported communications (video/audio, social media)
Mini polls and surveys
Newsletter articles
Change Champion talking points and presentations
Frequently Asked Questions
Sponsor/leader talking points and presentations
Milestone ceremonies, specially at the end of the project with external stakeholders
Learn Managing System (LMS)
The recurring communications identified for (Project Name) are described below and
documented in the Communication Matrix (Appendix A).
Project Committee – status updates, risks and responses, issues and resolution, budget
updates, etc. Hold monthly video conferences throughout the life of the project with
formal documents reports.
Project Sponsor – status updates, schedule slippage, new risks and responses, issues,
etc. Hold monthly video conferences throughout the life of the project with formal
documents reports.
Project All-Hands Meetings – high-level project reviews, issues, sponsor messages,
PMO. To be held monthly throughout the life of the project.
(Project Name) News – stakeholder updates, schedule updates, progress report,
frequently asked questions, etc. Published via organization and (Project Name) intranet
site monthly, then weekly closer to implementation.
Work team meetings – work update, issues, risks reporting and solving, clarifying
requirements to be held daily throughout the life of the project. All this communication
will use a closed group in Microsoft Teams, where all of the team can create channels for
different areas of expertise of communication and store documents and templates used
to perform the daily reports. They could also use Skype Business to communicate with
other internal stakeholders inside the organization. All internal information referred to
should be stored in Microsoft Teams; all public information and public status reports
should be published in the (Project Name) intranet site
Quality meetings – establishing procedures of acceptance, inspections documents,
defects repair etc. Should be held biweekly in face-to-face meetings with the project
manager, their assistant and the quality director; should produce a report of the quality
procedures publish in the intranet site, and a report of the issues that should be sent by
email to the closed channel of the communication of the project team (Microsoft
The Project Manager will document all anticipated trigger events for (Project Name) and build
appropriate shell communications to deliver agreed-upon messaging about the trigger event.
Similarly, the Project Manager will create the processes necessary to quickly execute responses
to unanticipated trigger events. This can prevent project delay or reputational damage caused
by a delayed response or lack of response. Known trigger events are documented in the
Communications Matrix with processes to handle non-anticipated trigger events documented in
the Communications Standards.
To ensure smooth information flow within the project team itself, the following Team (Project
Name) in Microsoft Teams has been created as the project’s document management software.
In addition, the project will adhere to the Communication Standards documented below.
In the Microsoft Teams – Team (Project Name), project team members can access
presentations, the Project Charter, the Project Management Plan and other project-related
documentation to promoting transparency and help the members in their work. The team will
have access to several channels inside the team divided by area several other channel will be
added throughout the lifecycle of the project if needed. Channels names are:
Project Status – (PSTATUS)
Project Risks Status (PRISKS)
Project Software Area (PSW)
Project Mechanical Area (PMEC)
Project Electronical Area (PELEC)
Project Report Templates (PTEMPLATES)
Project Quality Procedures (PQUALITY)
Project Plan (PPLAN)
A (Project Name) intranet site has been created for all stakeholders and is easily accessed from
the Agency’s intranet home page. It will contain the following:
Introduction to the project
Project team directory
Frequently asked questions
Future-state business process flows
(Project Name) monthly newsletter
7. Communications Standards
The (Company Name) and Project Leadership have approved the following set of templates and
other artifacts for (Project Name) stakeholder communications; these standards are
documented and available through the intranet site:
(Project Name) logo
(Project Name) email signature
(Project Name) MS Word Document template
(Project Name) MS PowerPoint Slide design template
(Project Name) Microsoft Teams - Team: (Project Name)
(Project Name) File naming conventions
(Project Name) Intranet Site (internal to project team): Name)/TeamUsers
(Project Name) Intranet Site (external stakeholders): Name)/Users Name)/Users/LMS
The following communications approval process has been approved by project leadership and is
also documented in the Communications Standards document.
Project Team members identifies needed message, target audience, preferred delivery method
and timing.
1. Project Team members completes Communication Request Form (in Communicator’s
2. Project Team members forwards completed Communication Request Form to Project
Manager via (Project Name) COMMUNICATIONS INBOX: (inbox)@pt.(company).com
3. Assistant Project Manager assigns edits and validates the message, audience, delivery
method and timing.
All of these items, in addition to more specific instructions for their use, can be found under the
Communications folder on the (Project Name) Intranet site.
(Project Name) anticipates using several delivery vehicles for effective communication. Below is
a list of the delivery vehicles this project will employ to educate, inform and solicit input from
stakeholders. Consult Appendix B.
Conference calls using a bridge line and NetMeeting for requirements elicitation, team
updates, testing planning, etc. where not all essential participants are centrally located
Emails from the (Project Name) mail box to make general announcements and to solicit
just-in-time feedback, receive and answer questions from stakeholders.
Electronic collateral will include on-line “how to” pdf files, Frequently Asked Questions
and Answers, toolkits, newsletters, certificates, links to web-based training, etc. These
will be accessible via the (Project Name) intranet site as well as the organization intranet
site(s) as applicable.
Multi-media products to include videos, animation, podcasts, web-based training,
training environment, UAT environment, demo environment.
Events including (Project Name) Sandbox exercises, kick-off events in large geographic
offices as rollout progresses, executive/leadership presentations during road shows or
town halls, lessons learned sessions.
8. Evaluate Communications
As noted in the Communications Matrix, regular, candid feedback from the target audience and
Agency leadership is critical to successfully executing the overall Communication Management
Plan. Therefore, the following evaluation plan was developed to measure the value of the
project’s communication efforts. The project will use three methods to extract feedback from
target audience members receiving communications in order to measure and evaluate the
effectiveness of the communications.
1. Real-time Organization leadership, (company) Compliance Committee (PMO),
(company) Projects Committee feedback.
2. Formal surveys/evaluations to the target audience members
Communication Desired Outcome or Review and Sender/ (scale of 1-5
Audience Description Delivery Vehicle Author
Deliverable Behavior Approval Facilitator with 5 being
Information on Project
metrics, goals, (Project Name) Project
objectives, progress team provides content; e-Newsletter on
(Project toward goals, project Stakeholders read Project (Compan
All website / by Assistant
Name) Project news, human interest news and stay up-to- Manager y) Public
Stakeholders email for manager
News stories, information date on project external Sponsor Relations
on process changes, progress; increased stakeholders
legislative changes, excitement 5
Alerts in email
and posted on As needed
Detailed updates on Project Team members Project
Legislative Project Team Project legal team Project
legislation and follow revised Intranet Site
Updates members Manager and Manager
changes in processes processes followed by
team 5
Project Executive-level Challenge status, Executive- Weekly
Sponsor, leadership meeting to provide resources, level Project Project Project (Documents)
Manager, share status, seek offer decisions, remove meetings; Manager Sponsor Sponsor Monthly
PMO answers or help barriers Video (meeting)
Project All project Milestone description; PS and appropriate PowerPoint Project Project Project date
Milestone team congratulatory team lead/PM provide deck; talking Manager Manager Manager anticipated
Met members content; content; project team points; Sponsor from project
implications/impacts; members energized by Documents or schedule
. Appendix B – Delivery
Vehicles & Media
Meeting Agenda
Meeting Agenda will be distributed at least 1 business day in advance of the meeting. The Agenda should
identify the presenter for each topic along with a time limit for that topic. The first item in the agenda
should be a review of action items from the previous meeting.
Meeting Minutes
Meeting minutes/notes will be distributed within 2 business days following the meeting. Meeting
minutes/notes will include the status of all items from the agenda along with new action items and the
Parking Lot list.
Action Items
Action Items are recorded in both the meeting agenda and minutes. Action items will include both the
action item along with the owner of the action item. Meetings will start with a review of the status of all
action items from previous meetings and end with a review of all new action items resulting from the
meeting. The review of the new action items will include identifying the owner for each action item.
Note Taker
The Note Taker is responsible for documenting the status of all meeting items, maintaining a Parking Lot
Time Keeper
The Time Keeper is responsible for helping the facilitator adhere to the time limits set in the meeting
agenda. The Time Keeper will let the presenter know when they are approaching the end of their
allocated time. Typically, a quick hand signal to the presenter indicating how many minutes remain for
the topic is enough.
Parking Lot
The Parking Lot is a tool used by the facilitator to record and defer items which aren’t on the meeting
agenda; however, merit further discussion at a later time or through another forum.
A parking lot record should identify an owner for the item as that person will be responsible for ensuring
follow-up. The Parking Lot list should be included in the meeting minutes.