Tissues and Membranes Handout

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Tissues and Membranes

1. Differentiate the forms/structures of tissues and
2. Identify the morphology, locations, and functions of the
type of tissues and membranes.

Simple epithelium. Single layer of cells that have several

functions. Functions for diffusion, filtration, absorption,
secretion, and osmosis.

The most complex organization is the human system.

What is A Cell? It is the functional unit of the body
What is A Tissue? Group of cells that are similar in structure.
Epithelial tissue and connective tissue (except for cartilage,
bone and blood) are more general nature and have very wide
distribution in the body

Pseudostratified epithelium. Pseudo=false. They appear to

have multiple layers of cells because the cell nuclei lie at
different levels and they do not reach the apical surface.
Pseudostratified epithelium is a simple epithelium because its
cells raise on basement membrane. The cells that do not extend
at the apical surface may either contain special structures like
cilia or goblet cells.

Epithelial Classification
Epithelium consist of cells arrange in continuous sheets in
either single or multiple layers.
Epithelium can be covering and lining epithelium forms the
outer covering of the skin and some internal organs. It can also
form the inner lining of blood vessels, ducts, body cavities, and
the interior of the respiratory, digestive, urinary, and
reproductive systems.
Epithelium can be glandular.


Arrangement of cells: arranged in one or more layers Stratified epithelium. Stratum=layers. Consists two or more
depending function. layers of cells that protects underlying tissues in locations
where there is considerable wear and tear.

Shape of cells: epithelial cells vary in shape depending on their

Squamous. Meaning flat. Thses are thin which allows rapid
passage of substances through them.
Transitional cells are able to change shape. Organs such as the
urinary bladder stretch or distend at larger size and collapse at
smaller size to accommodate urine.

When we combine shape and arrangement

Cuboidal cells are as tall as they are wide. They are shaped as
cubes or hexagons. They may have microvilli at their surface. The characteristics are very important. The arrangement and
Function for secretion or absorption. the shape of the cell will allow to have different types of
epithelial tissue found in different locations with their amin


They are much taller than they are wide like columns. They
protect underlyding tissues. Their apical surfaces may have
cilia or vili. They are often specialized for secretion or They basically resemble a tiled floor when viewed at apical
absorption. surface. When they line cardiovascular or lymphatic they are
referred to as endothelium. When they form epithelial
membranes of serous membranes like parietal, pleura,
pericardial, epithelial layer they are referred to as
Goblet cells are modified forms of epithelial columnar cells.
Ciliated simple columnar epithelium are found at parenasal
sinuses, central canal of spinal cord, and ventricles of the brain.
The main function of the cilia is beat in unison allowing
movement of mucus and foreign particles toward the throat
where they can be coughed up, swallow, or spit off. Coughing
and sneezing will speed up movement of cilia and mucus.
When we are pertaining to the fallopian tubes, cilia helps in the
movement of oocytes expelled from ovaries through the
fallopian tubes going into the uterus. Particularly during


Microvilli are finger-like cytoplasmic projections. There main

purpose is to increase surface area of the plasma membrane
thus increasing the cells rate of absorption.
Goblet cells these are modified columnar epithelial cells that
mainly functions to secrete mucus. This mucus is a slightly
sticky fluid found at the apical surface. Before release mucus
accumulates at the upper portion of the cell causing it to bulge.
Example of Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
Making the cell resemble into a goblet.
Non ciliate SCE can be found lining

Pseudostratified columnar epithelium

In their apical surface may contain cilia or villi. These

structures often function for absorption or secretion.
Rare type of epithelium. Usually found in ducts of adult seat
glands, esophageal glands, and part of the male urethra. Basic
function will be limited to secretion, absorption, and

Gland with stratified cuboidal epithelium

Remember that keratin is an intracellular protein

that helps and protect the skin and underlying tissue from
different insults like microbes, chemicals, and heat
Relative amount of keratin increases in cells as they
move away from nutritive blood supply and as organelles die.
Since this type of epithelium contains several layers there is
actually a cell turnover. Meaning the apical most portion there
you will be able to see dead cells where they lost cell junctions
and nucleus and they are slack off or remove. For them to be
replaced new cells emerge from the basal cells.

Keratinized are at superficial layers of the skin. Will the non-

keratinized they are found in wet surfaces lining of mouth,
esophagus, part of epiglottis, part of the larynx, and vagina.
Basic function is protection against abrasion, UV radiation,
water loss, and foreign invasion.
Keratinizing and non-keratinizing will serve a s first line of
defense for microbes.


Has the ability to give variable appearance. Apical surface of

transitional epithelium is rounded particularly in a relaxed
state. Rounded cells are referred to as umbrella cells. These
umbrella cells are absent in stratified squamous epithelium.


Has the ability to be stretched and recoiled.

Classification of connective tissue LOOSE CONNECTIVE TISSUE

1. Fibrous
2. Cartilage
3. Adipose
behind eyeball and socket. Adipose cell function to reduce heat
loss through skin. They serve as energy reserve. They provide
support and protect organs. In newborn, in particularly the
brown adipose tissue they are the once that generate heat to
maintain proper body temperature.
1. White adipose tissue: found majority in adults
2. Brown adipose tissue: found mostly in neonates
and children. These cells are darker with very reach
blood supply. Found minimum amounts in adults.

It consist of dense network of collagen and elastic
fibers firmly embedded in chondroitin sulfate which is a gel-
like component of the ground substance. There are several
types of cartilage that will mainly depend on its function and
Fibroblasts, macrophages, plasma cells, adipose cells, mast location in the body.
cells, and few WBCs embedded in semi-fluid ground substance The cells of mature cartilage they are called
(hyaluronic, chondroitin, keratin sulfate) chondrocytes. They can occur singly or in groups. They are
found in spaces called lacunae.
This is the covering of the cartilage basically made
up of dense irregular connective tissue. It surrounds surface of
most cartilage. It will contain blood vessels and nerves. It is the
source of new cartilage cells.

It contains collagen type II fibers. It serves as

skeletal model for bones. Most of hyaline and elastic cartilage
are surrounded by a peripheral layer of vascularized of dense
irregular connective tissue called the perichondrium.
Perichondrium is a vascularized area where the
blood supply comes from going to the hyaline and elastic type
Big space is the vacuole. Inside the vacuole is the triglyceride of cartilage. In general cartilage is avascular.
component. Cells fill up with triglyceride droplet thus pushing As child grows these cartilage in the long run will be
nucleus to the peripheral side of the cytoplasm. A presence of replaced by bone through endochondral process.
lipid droplet or lipid vacuole containing triglycerides pushing In the inner most layer of the perichondrium is the
nucleus into the nucleus side or eccentric side of the cytoplasm. chondrocyte matrix. This will supply the chondroblasts which
Adipose cells are found mostly near areolar connective tissue. will become mature chondrocytes.
They are found subcutaneous layer of the skin, heart and
kidney, yellow bone marrow, padding around joints, and
Almost the same with hyaline but what makes it
different is because of its prominent elastic fibers.

Histologically fibers of skeletal muscles are long,

cylindrical, and multi-nucleated with peripheral nuclei. Each
muscle fiber is composed of subunits called myofibrils that
extend to entire fiber. These myofibrils are composed of
smaller myofilaments formed by the contractile protein thin
protein actin and thick protein myosin. It wall also contain
cross striations. It is termed as striated muscle.

Cardiac muscles are usually short.

Intercalated disks allow cells to join end to end
through anchoring cellular junctions.

Fibrocartilage is characterized by large amounts of

irregular and dense bundles of coarse collagen. Fibers in
extracellular matrix will consist of alternating layers of
cartilage matrix and a thick dense layer of type I collagen
fibers. Collagen fibers normally orient themselves in to the
direction of functional stress.

Smooth muscle tissue has little intervening They are also found in circulation because they have to be the
connective tissue. Muscle fibers are spindle-shaped which guards of any external insults that can bypass the body. They
allow them to tightly interlace. In a longitudinal section, it will will protect the body from any harmful invasions, particularly
show single central nucleus located mid-way along the length the white blood cells.
of the fiber. This type of appearance shows homogenous or
smooth appearance of the fibers that lacks the cross-striations.



Synovial membranes are composed of a discontinuous layer of
cells called synoviocytes which are closer to the synovial
cavity. Synovial cavity is the space between the bones. A layer
of areolar and adipose are deep to the synoviocytes.


Two principal cell types

Neurons consist of three basic parts: a cell body, two kinds of
cell processes: dendrites and axons. The cell body contains the
nucleus and other organelles. Dendrites from the word
dendri=tree are tapering highly branched and usually short cell
processes or extensions. Axons (axo=axis) is a single thin
cyclindrical process that may be very long. It is the output
portion of the neuron. Conducting nerve impulses toward
another neuron or some other tissue.
Neuroglia which basically means glue. They do not generate
nor conduct nerve impulses. Neuroglial cells have many
important supportive functions.

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