Tissues and Membranes Handout
Tissues and Membranes Handout
Tissues and Membranes Handout
1. Differentiate the forms/structures of tissues and
2. Identify the morphology, locations, and functions of the
type of tissues and membranes.
Epithelial Classification
Epithelium consist of cells arrange in continuous sheets in
either single or multiple layers.
Epithelium can be covering and lining epithelium forms the
outer covering of the skin and some internal organs. It can also
form the inner lining of blood vessels, ducts, body cavities, and
the interior of the respiratory, digestive, urinary, and
reproductive systems.
Epithelium can be glandular.
Cuboidal cells are as tall as they are wide. They are shaped as
cubes or hexagons. They may have microvilli at their surface. The characteristics are very important. The arrangement and
Function for secretion or absorption. the shape of the cell will allow to have different types of
epithelial tissue found in different locations with their amin
They are much taller than they are wide like columns. They
protect underlyding tissues. Their apical surfaces may have
cilia or vili. They are often specialized for secretion or They basically resemble a tiled floor when viewed at apical
absorption. surface. When they line cardiovascular or lymphatic they are
referred to as endothelium. When they form epithelial
membranes of serous membranes like parietal, pleura,
pericardial, epithelial layer they are referred to as
Goblet cells are modified forms of epithelial columnar cells.
Ciliated simple columnar epithelium are found at parenasal
sinuses, central canal of spinal cord, and ventricles of the brain.
The main function of the cilia is beat in unison allowing
movement of mucus and foreign particles toward the throat
where they can be coughed up, swallow, or spit off. Coughing
and sneezing will speed up movement of cilia and mucus.
When we are pertaining to the fallopian tubes, cilia helps in the
movement of oocytes expelled from ovaries through the
fallopian tubes going into the uterus. Particularly during
It consist of dense network of collagen and elastic
fibers firmly embedded in chondroitin sulfate which is a gel-
like component of the ground substance. There are several
types of cartilage that will mainly depend on its function and
Fibroblasts, macrophages, plasma cells, adipose cells, mast location in the body.
cells, and few WBCs embedded in semi-fluid ground substance The cells of mature cartilage they are called
(hyaluronic, chondroitin, keratin sulfate) chondrocytes. They can occur singly or in groups. They are
found in spaces called lacunae.
This is the covering of the cartilage basically made
up of dense irregular connective tissue. It surrounds surface of
most cartilage. It will contain blood vessels and nerves. It is the
source of new cartilage cells.
Smooth muscle tissue has little intervening They are also found in circulation because they have to be the
connective tissue. Muscle fibers are spindle-shaped which guards of any external insults that can bypass the body. They
allow them to tightly interlace. In a longitudinal section, it will will protect the body from any harmful invasions, particularly
show single central nucleus located mid-way along the length the white blood cells.
of the fiber. This type of appearance shows homogenous or
smooth appearance of the fibers that lacks the cross-striations.
Synovial membranes are composed of a discontinuous layer of
cells called synoviocytes which are closer to the synovial
cavity. Synovial cavity is the space between the bones. A layer
of areolar and adipose are deep to the synoviocytes.