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Lecture 2 Rothalpy

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Principles of Turbomachinery: Lecture 2 “from Rothalpy to Losses”

Tuesday 23rd April 10:00 to 12:00

Conservation Rules, Relative Conditions and Rothalpy
Loss, ‘sh’ diagrams, Stage Efficiency: adiabatic, T-T and T-S and polytropic
Loss Coefficient
Sources of Loss and Deviation
Boundary Layers in Turbomachinery
Trailing Edge Flows, Vortex shedding, Transonic Behaviour
Incidence compressors and turbines
Mach number compressors and turbines
Shock Losses
Secondary Flows
Balance of Loss Terms
Deviation Correlation Compressors
Deviation in turbines

Slide Number 1 Dr. M.G. Rose

Conservation of Flow Stagnation Conditions
In turbomachinery components one can assume InInan
conservation of mass flow. Though this might involve anideal
corrections for leakage flows. Stagnation conditions can
also be assumed conserved in certain special pressure are both conserved
pressure are both conserved
In a Stator In a Rotor
In an adiabatic stator there is no time mean work or heat Rotors either do work on the fluid or extract work from it.
flux in or out. The first law tells us that the stagnation By the first law, assuming adiabatic flow, enthalpy and
enthalpy is constant. therefore total temperature must change.

∆hT = Q − W x = 0 = Cp∆To Total pressure rises through a compressor rotor and falls
through a turbine.
∴ To = const.
For a perfect gas this means that the total temperature So in the rotor of a turbomachine stagnation conditions,
is also constant. temperature and pressure are not conserved. So what
properties of the fluid are conserved in a rotor?
If the flow is also reversible (lossless) the second law The Euler Work Equation Applies:
tells us:
δP ∆hT = ∆UCθ
Toδs = δho − o ; δs = 0, δho = 0
ρo hT 2 − hT 1 = U 2Cθ 2 − U1Cθ 1
∴ δPo = 0 i.e. Po = const. i.e. hT − UCθ = const. (1)

Slide Number 2 Dr. M.G. Rose

Definition of Relative Conditions Velocity triangle for some point inside
Relative total temperature is what a rotor mounted the rotor:
thermocouple would record†
C Cax
hTrel = h + Vrel
2 U
perfect gas :

CpTTrel = CpT +
2 Vrel2
hTrel = h +
Relative stagnation conditions have the same 2
entropy as static conditions and, indeed
stagnation conditions, so relative total pressure
hTrel = h + (Cθ − U ) + Cax2
is defined: C2 U2
 γ  hTrel = h + − UCθ + i.e.
  2 2
PTrel  TTrel   γ −1 
=  hTrel = hT − UCθ +
PT  TT  2
This is what a rotor mounted pitot probe Previous equation (1)
would measure. hT − UCθ = const.
†Ignoring the recovery effect, due to heat transfer and friction ∴ hTrel − = const. " Rothalpy"
in the boundary layer, which is a function of relative mach no. 2
Slide Number 3 Dr. M.G. Rose
Rothalpy Rotary Stagnation Conditions

Rothalpy is an important and useful concept to Rotary Stagnation Pressure is defined as

help analyse the flow inside a rotor. Rothalpy is follows
conserved as the fluid travels through the rotor. perfect gas
The only restriction is that the flow must be
U2 U2
adiabatic. Rothalpy is conserved whether the hTrel − = CpTTrel − = CpTTω = const.
work is done by friction or pressure forces i.e. 2 2
 γ 
 
PTω  TTω 
Rothaply is conserved even if there is loss.  γ −1 
= 
Conservation of Relative Conditions PT  TT 

Relative Stagnation Conditions, temperature

and pressure vary with radius. They are only Summary
conserved in an adiabatic lossless and constant Summary
radius rotor. Inside
Insidean anadiabatic
perfectgas gasisisflowing
Temperature’ TTω T (or Rothalpy) is constant.
Tω (or Rothalpy) is constant.
The Rothalpy conditions have a special This
This is true evenininthe
is true even thepresence
name: loss and radius change.
loss and radius change.
(lossless) then the ‘Rotary Stagnation
(lossless) then the ‘Rotary Stagnation
Pressure’PPTω is also constant.
Tω is also constant.

Slide Number 4 Dr. M.G. Rose

Relationship Between Different Stagnation Conditions: Perfect Gas
“What a rotor mounted probe sees”
“What a stationary probe sees”
 T  γ −1
Stagnation State
Torel = To +
( 2
Vrel − C2) :
=  orel 
 To 
Relative Stagnation
P o, T o Porel, Torel
1 P  T  γ −1
To = T +
C2 Toω = To − UCθ : oω =  oω  Torel = T +
1 2
2Cp Cp Po  To  2Cp
γ γ

Po  To  γ −1 “What the gas sees” Porel  Torel  γ −1

=  = 
P T  P  T 
Static State
P, T
Toω = Torel − U2
T = Toω
γ Toω = T +
(Vrel2 − U 2 ) γ
 T  γ −1
P T 
* * γ −1
=  γ =  oω 
P  Torel  Poω  Toω  γ −1 Porel  Torel 
= 
P  T 

Reduced Static State Rotary Stagnation State

P *, T * NB CpToω is Rothalpy Poω, Toω
conserved in adiabatic flow
“Equivalent of Static Pressure in a Rotor” “Equivalent of Stagnation in a Rotor”
Slide Number 5 Dr. M.G. Rose
Relationship Between Mach numbers and Temperature and Pressure Ratios

Absolute Frame Relative Frame

C2 V
TT = T + TTrel = T + rel
2Cp 2Cp
M 2 (γRT ) M (γRT )
TT = T + TTrel = T + rel
2Cp 2Cp
= 1+
(γ − 1) M 2 TTrel (γ − 1) M 2
= 1+ rel
T 2 T 2
The absolute frame mach number as a The relative frame mach number as a
function of absolute total temperature to function of the relative total temperature to
static temperature ratio. For the absolute static temperature ratio. For the relative
total to static pressure ratio: total to static pressure ratio:

 γ   γ 
   
PT  (γ − 1) 2   γ −1  PTrel  (γ − 1)   γ −1 
= 1 + M  = 1 + M rel 

P  2  P  2 
Slide Number 6 Dr. M.G. Rose
“Loss” in Turbomachinery
 T   P 
Traditionally the term loss has been taken as loss of
s2 − s1 = Cp ln 2  − R ln 2 
either efficiency or total pressure ∆PT. However,  T1   P1 
from a thermodynamic stand point we should not
consider lost total pressure but lost work. Lost
work is defined as a reduction of the steady flow Efficiency Definitions
availability function (B): There are a number of different definitions of
B = h − Tatm s efficiency used in turbomachinery. The most
common are defined here.
In this expression Tatm is a datum environmental Efficiencies compare the actual changes in the
temperature. If the machines are essentially
fluid between inlet and exit with the theoretical
adiabatic then lost work is due to entropy rise.
best ‘reversible’ change. Also at exit either
So to address the topic of loss in turbomachinery total or static conditions can be used. This
we need to study the mechanisms which cause gives either ‘Total to Total’ or ‘Total to Static’
increases in entropy in the flowing fluid. efficiency. The Difference is the exit kinetic
energy of the gas.
Rise Another efficiency definition used is the
Polytropic efficiency defined on the next foil.
An entropy rise always leads to a reduction of

Slide Number 7 Dr. M.G. Rose

Efficiency Definitions for Compressors Generally the total to total efficiency is quoted, otherwise
(1) know as adiabatic or isentropic efficiency. A typical range of
efficiencies achieved might be between 80% for a centrifugal
(2) to 92% for single stage axial.

Wx Compressor Polytropic Efficiency

Using T∂s = ∂h − ν∂P
(2) Po2
δT γ −1 δP
(2isen) P2 Enthalpy Isentropic Compression =
Entropy T γ P
Diagram δT 1 γ − 1 δP
Po1 Actual Compression =
T ηp γ P
(1) P1
Where ηp is called polytropic efficiency
1  γ −1 
 
s T2  P2  ηp  γ 
h − ho1 Integration = 
ηTT = o 2 isen T1  P1 
ho 2 − ho1
Polytropic efficiency values for compressors are higher than
h − ho1
ηTS = 2 isen the adiabatic efficiency values. For small changes they are
h2 − h1 approximately equal.

Slide Number 8 Dr. M.G. Rose

Efficiency Definitions for Turbines Generally the total to total efficiency is quoted, otherwise
know as adiabatic or isentropic efficiency. A typical range of
(1) efficiencies achieved might be between 87% to 93% for a
(2) multi stage axial.

Wx Turbine Polytropic Efficiency

Po1 Using T∂s = ∂h − ν∂P

δT γ −1 δP
P1 Enthalpy Isentropic Expansion =
Entropy T γ P
Diagram δT γ −1 δP
Po2 Actual Expansion = ηp
T γ P
Where ηp is called polytropic efficiency
 γ −1 
η p  
s T2  P2   γ 
h −h Integration = 
ηTT = o1 o 2 T1  P1 
ho1 − ho 2 isen
Polytropic efficiency values for turbines are lower than the
h −h
ηTS = o1 2 adiabatic efficiency values. For small changes they are
ho1 − h2 isen approximately equal.

Slide Number 9 Dr. M.G. Rose

Blading loss Coefficients

∆Po ∆Po 2
Y= or ηrow
= 2
P D Cideal
∆Po is the loss of total pressure across the blade row. P is
the inlet total pressure, D is the inlet dynamic head for a The ideal exit velocity is based on the inlet total
compressor row and the exit dynamic head for a turbine pressure and exit static pressure
row. These loss coefficients only capture the entropy rise
 γ −1 
due to reductions in total pressure. Typical values for these 
2  Po1  γ 
=   −
γ − 1  P2  
loss coefficients for a 2D cascade flow 2% to 4% M ideal 1

Compressor Turbine  
P −P P −P 2
= M ideal
(γRTideal )
Y = o1 o 2 Y = o1 o 2 Cideal
Po1 − P1 Po 2 − P2
 T 
C 2
ideal = M T γR ideal 
ideal o1
Blade Row Efficiency  To1 
 
For Turbines a blade row efficiency is often
 1 
quoted. This compares the actual exit kinetic 2
Cideal = M ideal γRTo1

1 + γ −
M ideal 
energy with the lossless exit kinetic energy at the 1 2
same exit static pressure.  2 

Slide Number 10 Dr. M.G. Rose

These frictional forces directly generate entropy and also
Sources of loss, or Entropy Generating create boundary layers which contain high loss (entropy)
Mechanisms fluid. Subsequently these boundary layers form a wake at
Entropy is generated by the following basic the trailing edge of the aerofoil and then they mix out
processes. down stream. This process generates entropy as the
• Friction different streams of fluid are mixed together
• Mixing
Suction Velocity Profile u
• Heat Transfer (Finite ∆T)
• Shock Waves
There are a very large number of physical processes τw
present inside turbomachinery which lead to entropy
generation through one or more of the above

Friction as a Source of Loss τw = shear stress on wall due to fluid
The aerofoils and endwalls of a turbomachine are δ = displacement thickness of boundary layer
immersed in fluids which are viscous. As the fluid
moves past the surfaces shear stresses are created which  ∂u 
τ w = µ 
 ∂y  wall
oppose the motion of the fluid. This occurs in the
boundary layers which form on all surfaces. At the
bottom of the boundary layers the fluid is assumed to be Where µ is the laminar viscosity and y is the
fixed and stationary relative to the solid surface. coordinate normal to the surface.
Slide Number 11 Dr. M.G. Rose
Review of Boundary Layers
∂P ∂U
• Two Dimensional flow with friction For =0 ⇒ =0
• Zero slip at the wall ∂x ∂x
u τ ∂θ τo

y ∴ o2 = Integrate θ = ∂x
y ρU ∂x 0
ρU 2

ρU 2θ = 0
τ o ∂x ≈ drag

 u
∫ 0 1 − U ∂y : Displacement Thickness
∞ In practice there is also drag due to the pressure
δ* = distribution; tailing edge drag in particular. Drag is
not a very helpful concept in turbomachinery, we
∞ u  u
θ = ∫ 0 1 −  ∂y : Momentum Thickness
must consider entropy rise.
U U
Simple Flat Plate Correlations
 ∂u 
τ o = µ  : Wall Shear Stress Laminar
 ∂y  y = 0
Momentum Integral Equation = 0.664 Re−x0.5

∂θ  δ *  θ ∂U τo Turbulent
+ 2 +  = θ
= 0.036 Re−x0.2
∂x  θ  U ∂x ρU 2 x
Slide Number 12 Dr. M.G. Rose
Example Approximate Mixing Loss For a Turbine
Blade Row: Control Volume

Assumptions Boundary Layers

* Zero trailing edge thickness to (avoid the issue of base drag)
* Incompressible
* Streamtube height constant V1
* No change of flow angle from 1 to 2

θ = Total momentum thickness, boundary layers at trailing edge Scosα2
δ* = Total displacement thickness, boundary layers at trailing edge 2
ρ = Density
V = Velocity
S = Pitch
Thin Trailing Edges
α = Flow angle to axial
P = Static Pressure
Po = Total pressure
∆ = Denotes ‘change in’
ṁY = Mixing Loss Coefficient
= Mass flow rate

Slide Number 13 Dr. M.G. Rose

Turbine Wake Mixing Example Forming Stagnation Pressure Loss Coefficient Y


V12  2 δ + θ
( ) 
( )
m˙ = ρV1 S cosα2 − δ * = ρV2 S cosα2 1 ρV 2
2 2
= 1 − 2 1 −
V2  S cosα2 

From the continuity equation: if displacement

1 cos α2 + mV1 − ρV1 θ = P2 S cos α2 + mV2

2 thickness is small compared to the passage width
PS ˙ ˙
 2
 
i.e.  V 2  1  2δ *
 δ *
+θ    = 
 ≈ 1+
P1 + ρV1 1 −
 = P2 + ρV22  V2  

δ*  S cosα2
 S cosα2   1 
 S cosα2 
Bernoulli Therefore

 
2δ *  2 δ + θ
( ) 
2 2 (
Po2 − Po1 = ∆Po = P1 + 1 ρV12 − P2 + 1 ρV22 ) Y = 1 − 1 +  1 −

 S cosα2  S cosα2 

Following same approximation
Substitute for P 1-P2
δ *
+θ ∆Po2θ
∆Po = 1 2 ρV − 1 2 ρV1 +
2 2
ρV12 Y= ≈
S cosα2 1 ρV22 S cosα2

Slide Number 14 Dr. M.G. Rose
For this example
The mixing loss is principally dependent on the momentum

Real Turbine trailing Edges

• Quite thick: thickness /chord perhaps (t/C) 2-5%,
• Gas turbines greater t/C than steam turbines.
• Required for life for the components. Expansion Base Region
• High heat transfer Fans
• Remote from internal cooling features inside the
‘Fish Tail
• High wedge angles & Coolant Ejection
• Finite thickness trailing edge: base pressure drag
There are shock waves if the flow is transonic. There are
The trailing edge flow is very complex. It is unsteady, also energy transfer work terms which cool the wake and
with the formation of a Von Karman vortex street do work on the surrounding high energy gas. The time
behind it. The vortices are shed at a characteristic mean pressure around the trailing edge is known as the
frequency, the ‘Struhal’ number. base pressure. It is often non-dimensionalised by the exit
tf dynamic head as base pressure coefficient. Base pressure
St = is strongly affected by:
* Coolant ejection
Where t is trailing edge thickness, V is exit velocity
* The mixed out exit Mach number
and f is the eddy frequency in hz. The value changes
* Shock waves in transonic regime.
strongly at Mach one but subsonic values between
CFD codes are able to make a reasonable approximation
0.2 and 0.3 are reported.
to the base pressures at the correct exit mach number.

Slide Number 15 Dr. M.G. Rose

Variation of 2D Loss Coefficients With Incidence

When operated at the design point turbomachinery blading should have zero incidence, the flow arrives at the
aerofoils, stators and rotors traveling in the right direction. At all other operating conditions the blading experiences
incidence. Positive incidence always indicates more turning, negative less. The two graphs show typical response to
incidence. Boundary layer separation is often the cause of increased losses.
+ive +ive
Y = ∆Po/(ρV12/2)

Y = ∆Po/(ρV22/2)
Compressor Profile in Turbine Profile in
Cascade Effect of Cascade Effect of
Incidence Incidence

0.02 0.02
≈ +45°

α1 α1
≈-20° Zero ≈ -45° Zero
Incidence +5° to +10° Incidence

Slide Number 16 Dr. M.G. Rose

Effect of Mach Number on Profile Loss Coefficients
Generally Losses increase at high Mach numbers for both turbines and compressors. However, high mach
numbers are attractive in that small high work, modest cost designs are possible.

Y Y Turbine Profile Loss

Compressor Profile Loss V’s Exit Mach Number
V’s Inlet Mach Number

Shape varies with

≈ 0.7 aerofoil design

≈ 1.0 ≈ 1.25
Inlet Mach No. M1 M2
Exit Mach No.
Shocks form around trailing edge and interact with
Shocks form around leading edge ‘bow wave’ adjascent suction side. Once the axial exit mach
and interact with suction side boundary layer number reaches sonic there can be no further
where they may cause separation of the boundary changes of lift. The turbine is in ‘limiting output’
layer. condition.

Slide Number 17 Dr. M.G. Rose

Cascade of Supersonic Compressor Profiles Cascade of Supersonic Turbine Profiles

Shock Possible separation
Waves Separation

Throat M ≈ 1.0

Shock Waves

up to M1 = 1.5 Exit M2 < 1.3

On turbofan engines the fan tip has a flow field

At the trailing edges of transonic turbine
like this. Most of the pressure rise occurs across
profiles shock waves form which interact with
the shock. The losses are quite modest.
the adjacent blades and the wake system.
However, the shocks are noisey, making the
Strong unsteady interaction with the next blade
familiar ‘buz-saw’ sound.
row may result.

Slide Number 18 Dr. M.G. Rose

Transition in Turbomachinery Transition on an LP turbine Blade (Steady flow)
Most of the boundary layers in turbomachinery are turbulent. Lift Plot
High Reynolds number, diffusion, cooling, leakage, secondary

Mach number
flows and unsteadiness all tend to suppress laminar flow.
Transition is one of the hardest characteristics of the flow in
turbomachinery to predict. Both shear stresses and heat transfer
are much greater in the turbulent regions. One can also diffuse
much more without separation in a turbulent flow.
The leading edges of the aerofoils have new laminar boundary Cax
layers. Transition normally occurs somewhere along each Stagnation laminar
surface. If one can maintain a laminar flow field higher Laminar
efficiencies can be achieved. Separation

Transition Factors
Laminar Separation (LE or SS) Curvature Effects Separation
Diffusion Film Cooling Effects
Reattachment Wake Interaction Turbulent
Natural Transition Reynolds Number
In the real unsteady flow found inside a machine the
Relaminarisation Becalmed Regions
wakes from upstream cause unsteady transition to
Roughness occur. This can supress the laminar separation and
introduce low loss becalmed regions.

Slide Number 19 Dr. M.G. Rose

Loss In A Turbulent Boundary Layer Shock Losses

Most boundary layers inside turbomachines are The losses directly due to the shocks are quite
turbulent. A simple expression exists for the modest e.g. for M1 = 1.5 a normal shock:
entropy rise in a turbulent boundary layer. Po 2
= 0.93
Loss ∝ ∫ U 3 ∂A
This is a very strong shock with a static
This is the surface integral of the cube of the pressure ratio of about 2.5. However, the losses
velocity outside the boundary layer†. This caused by shocks can be quite large. Shocks
shows that regions of high velocity generate can cause boundary layers to separate and
much more loss than regions of slightly lower thereby increase mixing losses. If shocks
velocity. A factor of 2 in velocity gives nearly oscillate due to unsteady interaction additional
an order of magnitude on loss! For this reason losses result. Also the shock interaction
most of the loss on a 2D aerofoil is on the between stators and rotors can result in big
suction side. About 80% of the loss is found on variations of work and massflow, which
the suction side. subsequently mix out causing extra loss.

† This was suggested by John Denton in his IGTI Scholar


Slide Number 20 Dr. M.G. Rose

Definition of Secondary Flow
Secondary Flow is Hard to Define. . . . . . . Due to viscous effects, endwalls divert
primary flow produced by blades and
. .component of absolute vanes, to give rise to what has come to
vorticity in the direction of be called secondary flow.
the relative streamline Secondary flow in broad terms Bradshaw (1996)
Hawthorne (1974) means flow at right angles to the
intended primary flow

Cumpsty (1989)

Some Certain Features of Secondary Flows

vThey are all three-dimensional fluid flows
vThey are only exhibited by vortical flows
vThey cause un-wanted entropy rise in fluid flow situations & tend to be unsteady
vThe split between primary and secondary flow does not really work: they interact.

Slide Number 21 Dr. M.G. Rose

Experimental Data; flow
viz, secondary vectors and
total pressure loss coeff.

Passage Vortex

High Loss Fluid from

Inlet Boundary Layer

Gregory-Smith 2002
Slide Number 22 Dr. M.G. Rose
Non-Dimensionalised Total Pressure Loss Experimental Traverse Results 28%
Downstream of Turbine Cascade
Wake Gregory-Smith 2002

“Loss Core”

“Passage Vortex”

Slide Number 23 Dr. M.G. Rose

Classical Secondary Flow Theory In inviscid adiabatic flow
the circulation is
The inviscid convection of inlet normal
conserved and is purely
vorticity to become streamwise vorticity
convected with the flow.

Zero streamwise vorticity at inlet Vorticity is circulation per

unit area so does change as

ω1 the flow accelerates.

In the real world friction

feeds normal vorticity into
the flow from all surfaces.
At turbine blade row
This augments the
exit we have a strong
streamwise component ω s2 secondary flow, 3D viscous
CFD is needed to give a
of vorticity; this causes
reasonable prediction.
secondary flow

To generate vorticity in a flow one must have

friction and diffusion of vorticity or heat transfer
Slide Number 24 Dr. M.G. Rose
A 3D Schematic of the
Principal Secondary Flow
Features in a Turbine

Takeishi 1988

Slide Number 25 Dr. M.G. Rose

Tip Leakage
Leakage Loss Turbine Tip Leakage Vortex
Almost all turbomachines suffer from losses associated
with the leakage of some fluid around rotors and stators.
The construction of the machines, as alternate stationary
and rotating rows leads to the requirement for rotating
seals. These are imperfect and leakage results. This can
directly reduce the rotor work and it introduces flow
distortions which subsequently mix out causing increases
in entropy. Leakage losses can be very high.
Oblique View
Leakage under a Compressor Stator Shroudless turbine design on Suction side
With Shroud

Flow Shroudless

Loss of Efficiency %


Rotating Drum Shrouded

1.0 Tip Gap % Span
Slide Number 26 Dr. M.G. Rose
Balance of Loss in a Turbine A Typical Shrouded HP Turbine
The efficiency of such a machine in a cold
The individual loss terms vary from machine
flow rig test with no cooling is about 92%.
to machine. Various parameters can be used
to give correlation for loss: The losses are therefore about 8% of the
ideal work. This 8% can be roughly split
into 3 main loss terms:
Flow Coefficient
• 33% Profile and trailing edge loss
Pressure Ratio (specific work CpDT/T)
• 33% Secondary loss
Aspect ratio (span/chord)
• 33% Leakage Loss
Tip gap (as % span)
In engine the efficiency is lower at about
Trailing edge thickness 88%. This is due to 2 main factors
Reynolds number • Cooling (Transition and Mixing)
Roughness • Thermally Driven Secondary Flow in

Slide Number 27 Dr. M.G. Rose

Deviation in Turbomachinery
Turbine Deviation
In general aerofoils turn the flow less than the exit
Deviation in turbines is generally lower a
metal angle would suggest. The flow deviates
typical value would be 2°. However, at high
from the guiding component. This effect is much
exit mach numbers the deviation in
stronger in compressors due to thick boundary
supersonic flow can be very much larger.
layers and separations. The deviation can have a
Also modern high lift LP turbine blading
strong impact on the work of the compressor rotor
which is of low solidity can also exhibit
so is of first order significance.
considerable increases of deviation.
Deviation is not easily predicted using analytical
expressions. Either empirical correlations must be
used or CFD with well understood turbulence
Empirical Model for Deviation in Compressors

δ = k *θ
Where k*= constant (0.2 typical), θ camber angle
(difference between metal angles), S pitch, C true
chord. Typical value of δ in compressors is 8°.
Slide Number 28 Dr. M.G. Rose

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