Tips Before The Client Interview: Self Introduction
Tips Before The Client Interview: Self Introduction
Tips Before The Client Interview: Self Introduction
● Let’s say your inbox is flooded with messages. How do you prioritize
which ones to respond to first?
Tip:To accomplish that, you need to be able to prioritize
tasks based on your particular needs and goals. A good
virtual assistant should be able to identify which messages
are time-sensitive and which can wait.
● Let’s say you have a deadline or a quota and your computer suddenly
crashes. What do you do?
Tip: Sometimes things go wrong. When this happens, you
need a virtual assistant who’s resourceful and dedicated.
Good answers might include switching to a phone or tablet
while they get their computer up and running, as well as
checking to make sure that their work has been backed up
● What type of work are you best at? What are you most interested in
learning more about? What are you not good at? What work do you
prefer not to do?
Take the time to prepare for your interview in advance. In most cases,
everything will go smoothly, but it will be less stressful if you practice in