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PH5151 Engineering Physics Regulations - 2019: (3 Credits)

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PH5151 Engineering Physics

(3 Credits)
MONDAY: 8.30 a.m. -9.20. a.m.
Tuesday : 10.30 a.m. – 11.20 a.m.
Friday : 10.30 a.m. – 11.20 a.m.
Join: Microsoft Teams Platform
PHYSICS PRACTICALS : Friday : 3.00 p.m. – 4.45
• To make the students in understanding the importance
of mechanics.
• To equip the students on the knowledge of
electromagnetic waves.
• To introduce the basics of oscillations, optics and
• To enable the students in understanding the
importance of quantum physics.
• To elucidate the application of quantum mechanics
towards the formation of energy bands in crystalline
Moment of inertia (M.I)- Radius of gyration - Theorems of M .I -
M.I of circular disc, solid cylinder , hollow cylinder , solid sphere
and hollow sphere - K.E of a rotating body – M.I of a diatomic
molecule – Rotational energy state of a rigid diatomic molecule -
centre of mass – conservation of linear momentum – Relation
between Torque and angular momentum - Torsional pendulum.


Gauss’s law – Faraday’s law - Ampere’s law - The Maxwell’s
equations - wave equation; Plane electromagnetic waves in vacuum,
Conditions on the wave field - properties of electromagnetic waves:
speed, amplitude, phase, orientation and waves in matter -
polarization - Producing electromagnetic waves - Energy and
momentum in EM waves: Intensity, waves from localized sources,
momentum and radiation pressure - Cell-phone reception. Reflection
and transmission of electromagnetic waves from a non-conducting
medium-vacuum interface for normal incidence.
Simple harmonic motion - resonance - waves on a string - standing
waves - traveling waves Energy transfer of a wave - sound waves -
Doppler effect - reflection and refraction of light waves total internal
reflection - interference - interferometers - air wedge experiment.

Theory of laser - characteristics - Spontaneous and stimulated
emission - Einstein’s coefficients – population inversion - Nd-YAG
laser, CO2 laser, semiconductor laser - applications.


Photons and light waves - Electrons and matter waves - The
Schrodinger equation (Time dependent and time independent forms)
- meaning of wave function - Normalization - Particle in a infinite
potential well - Normalization, probabilities and the correspondence
The harmonic oscillator - Barrier penetration and quantum tunneling -
Tunneling microscope Resonant diode - Finite potential wells -
particle in a three dimensional box - Bloch’s theorem for particles in a
periodic potential, Kronig-Penney model and origin of energy bands.
1. D.Kleppner and R.Kolenkow. An Introduction to Mechanics. McGraw Hill
Education, 2017.
2. D.Halliday, R.Resnick and J.Walker. Principles of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, 2015
3. N.Garcia, A.Damask and S.Schwarz. Physics for Computer Science Students.
SpringerVerlag, 2012.

1. R.Wolfson. Essential University Physics. Volume 1 & 2. Pearson, 2016.
2. D.J.Griffiths. Introduction to Electrodynamics. Pearson Education, 2015
3. K.Thyagarajan and A.Ghatak. Lasers: Fundamentals and Applications. Springer,

Unit -1 Syllabus

Moment of inertia (M.I) - Radius of gyration - Theorems

of M .I - M.I of circular disc, solid cylinder , hollow
cylinder , solid sphere and hollow sphere - K.E of a
rotating body – M.I of a diatomic molecule – Rotational
energy state of a rigid diatomic molecule - centre of
mass – conservation of linear momentum – Relation
between Torque and angular momentum - Torsional
What do you mean by mechanics?
“physical science concerned with the
behaviour of bodies that are acted
upon by forces”.
Rigid body
• In physics, a rigid body or rigid object is a solid
body in which deformation is zero or so small
it can be neglected.
• The distance between any two given points
on a rigid body remains constant in time
regardless of external forces exerted on it.
• A rigid body is usually considered as a
continuous distribution of mass.
• A rigid body is an assembly of a large number
of particles in which the inter-particle distance
remains the same when it is acted upon by an
external force or torque.
• The shape of the body therefore remains
unaltered during its motion which may be
translational or rotational or combination of
• According to Newton’s First Law of motion a body at
rest will remains at rest and a body remaining with
uniform velocity in a straight line will continue to do so
unless an external force is applied to it.
• This property of a body by virtue of which it is unable
to change its state of rest or of uniform motion in a
straight line by itself is known as Inertia
• For translatory motion the value of inertia depends
only on the mass of the body. The greater is the mass
greater in the inertia
Torque is the rotational
equivalent of linear
force.. It is also referred
to as the moment,
moment of force,
rotational force or
turning effect, depending
on the field of study
T= r x F
Kinetic Energy of rotation
• For translatory motion Kinetic energy depends
upon mass m and velocity v and is given by
• Kinetic Energy K.E= mv2
• When a body rotates about an axis, the Kinetic
Energy of it’s rotation is determined not only
by its mass m and angular velocity ω. But also
depends upon the position of the axis which it
rotates and the distribution of the mass about
this axis
Figure 1.1
If a body rotates about an axis XY (Fig 1.1)
with an angular velocity ω all its particle have
the same velocity, but they are different
distances from the axis of rotation their linear
velocities are different. Let the linear velocities
of the particles of mass m1,m2,….. distances
r1,r2,…. From the axis of rotation be v1,v2,….
respectively. The K.E of the body is therefore
equal to the sum of the K.Es of the various
particles and is given by
1 2 1
TotalK.E= m1v1 + m2v22 +………….
2 2
Since v=rω
1 1 1
Total K.E = m1v1 + m2v2 + m3v32 +…………
= 2 2
2 2 2
= sum of mr2= m1r12 + m2r22 + m3r32 + m4r42
= ( 𝑚𝑟2) ω2
= ω2 𝑚𝑟2
Where I is the moment of inertia of the body about the
axis XY and is equal to 𝑚𝑟2
Moment of Inertia M.I
The moment of inertia of a body about an axis is
defined as the sum of the products of the mass and
the square of the distance of the different particles
of the body from the axis of rotation
The K.E of rotation= Iω2
If ω =1 Then M.I =2 x Kinetic energy
Hence moment of inertia of a body may also be
defined as twice the K.E of rotation of a body when
it’s angular velocity ω is unity.
Unit of M.I is Kgm2
M.I is a scalar quantity
Moment of inertia is a scalar quantity
because of Inertia about a given axis remains
unchanged by reversing its direction of rotation
about that axis. In other words, It has no
direction. The total moment of inertia of a
number of bodies about a given axis is equal to
the sum of the moment of inertia about that
Physical Significance of M.I
• M.I is an analogue of mass in linear motion
• Newton’s First Law-Inertia
• Body posses rotational inertia
• M.I depends on
– Mass of the body
– Distribution of mass about the axis of rotation
If a solid disc and wheel have the same mass, Wheel will
have the greater M.I as the mass m distributed at large
distances from the axis of rotation passing through the
Differences in Translatory & Rotatory
Translatory motion Rotatory motion
Linear momentum = mv Angular momentum= Iω

Force=ma Torque or moment of the couple = I x

angular acceleration

Impulse= m(v2-v1) Angular Impulse=I(ω2-ω1)

1 1
K.E= = mv2 K.E= Iω2
2 2

Work= Force x Distance Work= Couple x Angular displacement

Radius of Gyration
If the entire mass of the body is supposed
to be concentrated at a point such that the
kinetic energy of rotation is the same as that of
the body itself, then the distance of that point
from the axis of rotation is called radius of
gyration of the body about that axis.
If k denotes the radius of gyration and M the mass of the
body supposed to be concentrated at the point, then we have
K.E= Iω2 = ½ 𝑚𝑟2 ω2
= Mk2ω2
Mk2= 𝑚𝑟2 =mn ( )
Where n is the number of particles each mass m into which the
given mass M is divided
Now M=mn
𝑟12+𝑟22+⋯ 1/2
Therefore k = ( )
Hence the radius of gyration is the square root of the mean
square distances of the particles of the body from the axis of
Dimensions of radius of gyration k
• According to the definition of radius of
gyration given in the previous slide the
dimensions of k are those of length [L1] alone
• Now the moment of Inertia I=Mk2
• Therefore Dimensions of I=[M1L2]

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