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Demonstration Teaching Lesson Plan in Afro-Asian Literature Grade 8

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Demonstration Teaching Lesson Plan in Afro-Asian

Literature Grade 8
I. Objectives
The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian literature as mirror
to a shared heritage; coping strategies in processing textual information; strategies in
examining features of a listening and viewing material; structural analysis of words
and propaganda techniques; and grammatical signals for opinion- making, persuasion,
and emphasis.
The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a persuasive
speech based on an informative essay featuring use of properly acknowledged
information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and
emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
 React to what is asserted or expressed in a text: EN8RC-IIIe-2.1.7
 Determine various social, moral, and economic issues discussed in the text
listened to: EN8LC-IIIi-7.4:
 Use appropriate strategies for unlocking unfamiliar words: EN8V-IIIi-25:
 Determine key ideas, tone, and purposes of the author: EN8LT-IIIf2.2.5:
d. Lesson Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
a. Discuss the Laos Literature.
b. Identify the plot of the story through graphic organizer.
c. Unlock unfamiliar words taken from the story.
d. Reflect from the moral lesson of the story through a reflection paper.
A. Topic:
“The Words of Untold Value” by Katherine Neville Fleeson
- Laos Literature
B. Reference
K to 12 Curriculum Guide
Laos Folklore by Katherine Neville Fleeson
C. Skills
Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing, Viewing

A. ACTIVITY The teacher will flash these pictures using the DLP
and ask the students what is their idea about these.

As the learners gave their ideas on the pictures, the
teacher will now introduce Laos Literature through
PowerPoint presentation.

Before they proceed to the literary piece of Laos,

the teacher will facilitate the game:
“A journey to Tuck Kasula”
 The students will be grouped into 4 (each
group must have a leader, secretary and
 The teacher will post the meaning of the
unfamiliar words taken from the story on
the board.
 The students will find the correct word that
suits the meaning of each word on the
1. A woman or man whose husband or
wife died.
Answer: WIDOW
2. It is used to buy something
Answer: Puns of gold
3. Singular form of “you” when it is the
object of a verb or preposition
Answer: THEE
4. A long, open structure in the outside of
a building that has a roof.
Answer: Veranda
5. Past principle of seek
Answer: Sought
6. Someone who accepts and helps to
spread the teachings of a famous
Answer: Disciples
7. Singular form of “you” when it is the
subject of a verb.
Answer: Thou
8. To gain or to get usually by effort
Answer: Obtain
9. It means nothing
Answer: Naught
Now that the students have identified the
unfamiliar words taken from the story, the teacher
will let the students read the story “The Words of
Untold Value” through pin pointing.

After reading, the teacher will let the students

analyze the story in 3 minutes on their own through
the distributed copy.
The teacher will play the music and at the same
time the students will pass the box with questions
inside and when the music stops, whoever holds the
box will pick a question and will answer it.
1. What is the story all about?
2. What is the theme of the story?
3. Describe the young boy, what good
character does he possess?
4. Which of the young boy’s traits are similar
to yours?
5. If you were the young boy, will you choose
the elephant or ask for two puns of gold?
6. If you were the young boy, will you still go
to Tuck Kasula even though you do not
have two puns of gold?
7. If you were the young boy, will you sell the
wisdom to the judge?
8. How can you relate the story to your life?
9. What do you think were the changes in the
life of the young boy when he went home?
10. What lessons in life does the author want to
convey? How can you apply this in your



Rising Falling
Action Action

Introduction Denouement

The students will go back to their respective

groups. Each group is given 5 minutes to identify
the plot of the story using the graphic organizer and
2 minutes for their presentation in front.

D. APPLICATION Small Group Differentiated Activities (SGDA)

Directions: The students will be grouped into 4
(Singers, Writers, Visual Artist, Artist) They are
given 5 minutes to prepare and 2 to 5 minutes to
They will sing a song of their choice regarding the
They will write a literary piece about the moral
lesson of the story.
They will create a slogan or poster about the value
of wisdom.
Present a scene that highlights the theme of the
story, “The words of untold value.”

Test I:
1. Who is the author of the story?
a. Lev Vygotsky b. Jean Piaget c. Katherine Neville Fleeson
2. What is the title of the story?
a. The Words of Untold Value
b. The Value of Words
c. The Untold Value
3. This is a place where you can find all the wisdom in the world.
a. Laos b. Kasula Tuck c. Tuck Kasula
4. How many puns of gold does the young boy need to buy the wisdom?
a. 5 b. 2 c. 1
5. What did his father give him before they go to Tuck Kasula.
a. Two fine hairs b. Puns of gold c. Hen
6. What did the boy first encounter when they entered a house for food?
a. Elephant b. Tiger c. Hen
7. What animal was with him when he returned home?
a. Elephant b. Tiger c. Hen
8. Who bought the words of wisdom from the young boy?
a. Teacher b. Judge c. Lawyer
9. How many wives does the judge have?
a. 5 b. 7 c. 4
10. What are the words of wisdom stated in the story?
a. “If you wish to know others, sleep. If you wish to see, go and look.”
b. “If you wish to know others, run. If you wish to see, stop, look and listen”
c. “If you wish to know others, eat. If you wish to see, ready, set and go.”
Test II:
1. What part of Asia is Laos located?
a. South b. East c. Southeast
2. Capital of Laos
a. Vietnam b. Vietnamese c. Vientiane
3. It is the last and longest Jataka stories and most popular in Laos, its original name is
a. Phra Vet b. Pure Vet c. Phre Vat
4. It is the Laos version of Ramayana.
a. Pha Lok Pha Lom b. Pha Lak Pha Lam c. Pho Lok Pho Lok
5. Traditional Laos Literature are mostly connected with the past lives of _________.
a. Buddha b. gods c. Ramayana
6. It is the newspaper launched by French colonial government to enhance Laos Literature.
a. Laos Nhey b. Lao Nhay c. Lao Nhuy
7. Laos literature are mostly______.
a. Religious b. Love c. Lust
8. ______ are morality stories which recall previous reincarnations of the Buddha before he
was able to reach enlightenment. This is very common in Southeast Asia countries.
a. Laos tales b. Vessantra Tales c. Jataka Tales
9. Considered as seminal work of Lao epic poetry.
a. San Chai b. Sin Xay c. Sac Cay
10. One of the most important indigenous epic poems.
a. Thao Hung Thao Cheuang b. Thao Ho Thao Chang c. Chao Ho Chao Fan
1. Write a reflection paper about the value of wisdom.
2. Research about Japanese Literature.

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