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Audit Evidence

Information used by the auditor in arriving at the

conclusions on which the auditor’s opinion is based
An effective audit combines relevant and persuasive
audit evidence to provide reasonable assurance that the
financial statements are free of material misstatement
when the auditor renders an opinion on the financial

After the planned audit procedures have been

performed an evaluation of the results will take place.

The auditor should be satisfied that

sufficient appropriate audit evidence
has been obtained .
Sufficient and Appropriate Evidence

Sufficiency is the measure of quantity of audit

● Affected by the auditor’s assessment of
risks of misstatements

● Affected by the quality of such evidence

RMM Quantity Quality Quantity

Appropriateness is the measure of quality of audit

The strength of an audit depends on the relevance and
reliability of the evidence gathered.

Relevance is determined by the assertions

tested; that is, some evidence will be
relevant to an existence assertion but only
tangentially relevant to a valuation

Reliability relates to the quality of the

evidence gathered and is affected by the
independence of the evidence from the influence
of the-client or by the quality of the client's
overall control structure.
The auditor's judgment as to what constitutes
sufficient appropriate audit evidence is influenced
by such factors as the following:

★ Significance of the potential misstatement in the

assertion and the likelihood of its having a material
effect, individually or aggregated with other potential
misstatements, on the financial statements.

★ Effectiveness of management's responses and controls to

address the risks.

★ Experience gained during previous audits with respect to

similar potential misstatements.
★ Results of audit procedures performed, including
whether such audit procedures identified specific
instances of fraud or error.

★ Source and reliability of the available information.

★ Persuasiveness of the audit evidence.

★ Understanding of the entity and its

environment, including the entity's
internal control.

The evaluation of
the audit evidence Misstatements

obtained would
address the
following matters. Evidence

Materiality of misstatements

Management responses

Quality of information


Previous experience

Understanding the entity

Results of performed audit

Auditing standards require the use of analytical
procedures in both the planning phase and the final
review phase of the audit to assist in Identifying
account relationships that are unusual

Analytical procedures are carried out to:

★ identify a previously unrecognized risk of material

★ Ensure that the conclusions formed during the audit
on individual components or elements of the
financial statements can be corroborated: and
★ Assist in arriving at the overall conclusion to the
reasonableness of the financial statements.
PSA 260, Communication with Those Charged with Governance" requires that
the auditor shall communicate on a timely basis with those charged with
governance the responsibilities of the auditor in relation to the financial
statement audit, including that:
★ The auditor is responsible for forming and expressing an opinion of the
financial statements that have been prepared by management with the
oversight of those charged with governance; and
★ The audit of the financial statements does not relieve management or
those charged with governance of their responsibilities.
March 1 Valdez
5. 20X3 Ayala A & Co., C
venue, PAs
Mr. Ces Makati
ar City
Metro E Manalo, Mana
xpress, ging Dir
Tandan Inc. ector
g Sora,
(02) 87 Quezon
5-0316 C ity
Dear M
r. Mana
The ma
matters rs raised In th
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profess audit of be brou m our financia
Metro E ght to y l
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s. nancial ntion. W it
We exp stateme e have s and relate to
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risk tha tions of e n ts. Abso c e whethe
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control does no d timing l over fi
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in inter o Expre provide assura f audit procedu ncial reporting
nal contr s s, Inc. H n ce on th res. How to
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Because o ur atten u rse of o tion of in
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We rece ht to yo with yo an the id f the au
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Other m the perio llo
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Please n y be of in pronouncemen ention:
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nic e purpo uditing
would n ate with those se o Stand
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This co rs. dingly,
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respons d is not epared
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Yours tr
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munica t no
Alvin M
Valdez& ico
Co., CPA

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