Abacus Levels

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Level 10: Addition with the highest total of 10

 Holding and using the abacus correctly

 Using the right fingering technique in moving the beads on the abacus
 Moving the beads up and down corresponding to the numbers
 Identifying all possible pairs of numbers that total up to 5
 Counting a group of objects up to 10
 Representing numbers 0 to 10 on the abacus
 Saying and recognizing number names 1 to 4, 5 to 9, 0 and 10
 Applying addition in solving simple real life problems

Level 9: Subtraction within the range of 10

 Subtracting 1 from a number

 Saying number sentences for subtraction
 Using the abacus to move down beads for subtraction, step by step
 Visualizing bead movements in subtraction of numbers
 Applying subtraction in solving simple real life problems

Level 8: Addition & Subtraction within the range of 100

 Saying and recognizing number names up to 100

 Reading and writing number names and numerals up to 100
 Identifying place value for ones and tens on the abacus
 Representing numbers in tens and ones
 Representing numbers up to 100 on the abacus
 Using the abacus to move up beads for addition, step by step
 Identifying all possible pairs of numbers that total up to 10
 Visualizing bead movements in addition of numbers
 Applying addition in solving simple real life problems

Level 7: Combination of Addition and Subtraction within 100

 Performing calculations of mixed operation using the abacus for single & double digits
 Visualizing bead movements to perform mixed operations
 Abacus and visualization exercises
 Introducing simple real-life problems that involve mixed operation of addition and subtraction

Level 6: Addition and subtraction within the range of 1,000

 Showing how to represent numbers up to 1000 on the abacus

 Counting by 2s, 5s, 10s and 100s within 1000
 Comparing numbers within 1000
 Abacus and visualization addition & subtraction exercises
 Introducing simple real-life problems that involve mixed operation of addition and subtraction
 Performing calculations of mixed operation using the abacus for single, double, and triple digit numbers

Level 5: Multiplication of basic facts within the 2, 3, 4, & 5 times-tables

 Introducing the concept of multiplication with simple real-life problems

 Recognizing multiplication as repeated addition
 Grouping up to nine groups of 2, 3, 4, and 5 to make up the times-table
 Visualizing the products of multiplication
 Introducing the standard written method for multiplication
 Multiplication exercises
 Solving multiplication problems step by step

Level 4: Multiplication of basic 6, 7, 8 & 9 times-tables

 Multiplication is further reinforced to involve bigger numbers

 Visualizing the products of multiplication
 By the end of this level, students will be able to multiply 2 digits multiplication in mind.
 In Mind
67 + 18 – 56 + 15 – 3 + 9 =

 Using Abacus
a. 778 + 221 – 691 + 309 – 500 =
b. 644* 8 =

Level 3: Division within 2, 3, 4, & 5 times-tables

 Introducing the concept of division with simple real-life problems

 Recognizing division as an act of grouping and/or sharing
 Recognizing the relationship between division and multiplication
 Solving division problems step by step
 Introducing the standard written method for division
 Representing division on the abacus
 Multiplication and division tables for numbers 2, 3, 4, and 5

Level 2: Division within 6, 7, 8 & 9 times-tables

 Multiplication and division tables for numbers 6, 7, 8, and 9

 More attention is focused on complex and challenging mathematical numbers.
 Two to Four digit Division is introduced using abacus.
 In Mind
a. 768* 6 =
b. 927* 7 =
c. 3356* 8 =

 Using Abacus
a. 546 /6 =
b. 6408 / 9 =

Level 1: Mental Math calculations for all previous math operations plus percent, decimals, square roots and

 Performing calculations of mixed operation

 Visualizing bead movements to perform mixed operations
 In Mind
a. 914* 325 =
b. (455*156) /78 =

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