Powerview 3.0 Generic Tables and Fields Page 1 of 7: Field Name Field Description Data Type Relationship Clients

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Field Name Field Description Data Type Relationship

cliID Unique numerical identifier for each client, derived from client initials int
cliIntls Client initials char 8
cliDesc Description of client char 50
cliFilt Does the client use filters on their data? bit enum_BOOLEAN.num

shiftdate Date for which record is valid smalldatetime
shiftindex Shift Index for which enum is valid int hist_exproot.shiftindex
cliID Client for which enum is valid int Clients.cliID
enuname Name of enumerated list char 20
num Number of this item in the enumerated list smallint
name Name of this item in the enumerated list char 60
abbrev Abbreviation of this item in the enumerated list char 10
flags Flags for this item in the enumerated list real

cliID Client for which record is valid int Clients.cliID
minDT Minimum time of dumping duration to be classified as valid, in seconds int
maxDT Maximum time of dumping duration to be classified as valid, in seconds int

cliID Client for which record is valid int Clients.cliID
haulupper Percentage over estimated travel time load can be before it is considered invalidint

haullower Percentage under estimated travel time load can be before it is considered int

cliID Client for which record is valid int Clients.cliID
tk Truck Group char 20 group_trucks.group
minmt Minimum measured tons required for load to be considered valid int
maxmt Maximum measured tons required for load to be considered valid int

cliID Client for which record is valid int Clients.cliID
ex Shovel Group char 20 group_shovels.group
tk Truck Group char 20 group_trucks.group
minspot Minimum spot duration to be classified as valid, in seconds int
maxspot Maximum spot duration to be classified as valid, in seconds int
minload Minimum load duration to be classified as valid, in seconds int
maxload Maximum load duration to be classified as valid, in seconds int

cliID Client for which record is valid int Clients.cliID
load Load number of material type smallint enum_LOAD.num
scheme# Scheme number for grouping int
scheme Scheme name for grouping varchar 40
group Group name to be grouped by during reporting char 60

cliID Client for which record is valid int Clients.cliID
shovel Equipment type of the shovel char 12 hist_eqmtlist.eqmtid
scheme# Scheme number for grouping int
scheme Scheme name for grouping varchar 37
group Group name to be grouped by during reporting char 20
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cliID Client for which record is valid int Clients.cliID
shovel Equipment type of the truck char 12 hist_eqmtlist.eqmtid
scheme# Scheme number for grouping int
scheme Scheme name for grouping varchar 40
group Group name to be grouped by during reporting char 20

shiftindex Shift number int hist_exproot.shiftindex
cliID Client for which record is valid int Clients.cliID
ddbkey Unique identifier within this shiftindex, can change if DISPATCH .ddb file is real
modified or cleaned
truck Truck equipment ID char 12 hist_eqmtlist.eqmtid
loc Location ID char 24 hist_loclist.locid
grade Grade ID char 20 hist_gradelist.gradeid
excav Excavator equipment ID char 12 hist_eqmtlist.eqmtid
blast Blast location ID char 24 hist_loclist.locid
bay Aux Bay equipment ID char 12 hist_eqmtlist.eqmtid
loadrec Link to hist_load.ddbkey for load record following this dump real hist_loads.ddbkey
measureton Tonnage computed by on-board weigh system real
timearrive Time of arrival at dump, in seconds since shift start real
timedump Timethat dumping started, in seconds since shift start real
timeempty Time that dumping ended, in seconds since shift start real
timedigest Time load was digested, in seconds since shift start real
calctravti Expected travel time, computed by DISPATCH real
load Material type real
extraload Flag indicating load was added through changeload utility real
lift_up Total uphill lift, in meters or feet real
lift_down Total downhill lift, in meters or feet real
liftdist_u Total uphill distance traveled, in meters or feet real
liftdist_d Total downhill distance traveled, in meters or feet real
dist Total distance to the dump, in meters or feet real
efh Equivalent flat haul distance, in meters or feet real
loadtype Indicates type of dump, regular or trammed real enum_LOADTYPE.num
dumptons True tonnage dumped, calculated real
shiftlink Used to link shift dumps to database records real
dumpid Dump serial number, can change if DISPATCH .ddb file is modified or cleaned real

oper Truck Operator ID char 20 hist_operlist.operid

eoper Shovel Operator ID char 20 hist_operlist.operid
idletime Time spent idle (queued) at dump, in seconds real
loadnumber Sequential load number for this shift real
dumpingtim Time spent dumping load, in seconds real
val_dmp Flag indicating whether dump is valid real
idmp Flag indicating whether dump was interrupted real
hos Hour Of Shift real hist_hosintvl.hos
intvl Interval in which dump took place char 9 hist_hosintvl.intvl
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shiftindex Shift number int hist_exproot.shiftindex
cliID Client for which record is valid int Clients.cliID
ddbkey Unique identifier within this shiftindex, can change if DISPATCH .ddb file is real
modified or cleaned
eqmtid Equipment ID char 12
pit Pit Location ID at start of shift char 24 hist_loclist.locid
size Truck or Excav size real
unit# Unit Type smallint enum_UNIT.num
unit Unit Type Name char 15 enum_UNIT.name
eqmttype# Equipment Type smallint
eqmttype Equipment Type Name char 20
extraload Deprecated value real
trammer Can this unit tram loads real enum_BOOLEAN.num
enghr Engine hour meter reading real
enghrtime Time at which engine hour meter reading was taken, in seconds after shift real

shiftindex Shift number int hist_exproot.shiftindex
cliID Client for which record is valid int Clients.cliID
ddbkey Unique identifier within this shiftindex, can change if DISPATCH .ddb file is real
modified or cleaned
eqmtid Equipment ID char 12 hist_eqmtlist.eqmtid
unit Unit Type real enum_UNIT.num
hos Hour Of Shift real hist_hosintvl.hos
intvl Interval in which event took place char 9 hist_hosintvl.intvl
tmcatXX Time (in seconds) spent in each time category, tmcat00 is sum of (tmcat01 .. real XX = enum_TMCAT.num,
tmcat19) except XX=00 which is the
total of 01..19

shiftdate Date part of day on which shift took place smalldatetime
cliID Client for which record is valid int Clients.cliID
ddbkey Unique identifier within this shiftindex, can change if DISPATCH .ddb file is real
modified or cleaned
shiftindex Unique numerical identifier for this shift int
name Name of shift as seen in DISPATCH char 30
year 2-digit year in which shift took place real
month# Month number in which shift took place smallint enum_MONTH.num
month Month name in which shift took place char 3 enum_MONTH.name
day Day of month in which shfit took place real
shift# Shift enum number for which this shift took place smallint enum_SHIFT.num
shift Shift name for which this shift took place char 11 enum_SHIFT.name
date Time shift started, in number of seconds since 0:00:00 1-January-1970 real
start Number of seconds from midnight of [shiftdate] field at which the shift started. real
Can be negative to indicate shift started before midnight.
crew# Numerical component of enumerated list of crews for the crew that worked this smallint enum_CREW.num
crew Name component of crew that worked this shift char 6 enum_CREW.name
len Length of shift in seconds real
disptime For the current shift, the number of seconds since shift start. For historical shifts,real
this will be equal to [len].
holiday Flag indicating that this shift was a holiday. real enum_BOOLEAN.num
ddmmyy Another text representation of the shift's date, DD-MM-YY char 9
finyear The financial year in which the shift took place real
finquarter The financial quarter in which the shift took place real
finmonth The financial month in which the shift took place real
finweek The financial week in which the shift took place real
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shiftindex Shift number int hist_exproot.shiftindex
cliID Client for which record is valid int Clients.cliID
ddbkey Unique identifier within this shiftindex, can change if DISPATCH .ddb file is real
modified or cleaned
fuelid Text unique identifier within this shift for this fuel event char 20
eqmtid Equipment ID char 12 hist_eqmtlist.eqmtid
unit Unit Type real enum_UNIT.num
timestart Time fueling started (in seconds since shift start) real
timeend Time fueling ended (in seconds since shift start) real
fuelXX Volume/amount of each fuel type delivered to equipment during this fuel event XX = enum_FUEL.num

shiftindex Shift number int hist_exproot.shiftindex
cliID Client for which record is valid int Clients.cliID
ddbkey Unique identifier within this shiftindex, can change if DISPATCH .ddb file is real
modified or cleaned
gradeid Grade ID char 20
loc Location ID char 24 hist_loclist.locid
dumpid Required dump location ID for this material char 24 hist_loclist.locid
inv Remaining tonnage inventory real
gradeXX Grade values for each grade 00..24 real XX = enum_GRADE.num
spgr Specific Gravity real
load# Material type of grade (number in enumerated list) smallint
load Material type of grade (name) char 12
blend# Blend category (number in enumerated list) smallint
blend Blend category (name) char 8

shiftindex Shift number int hist_exproot.shiftindex
cliID Client for which record is valid int Clients.cliID
ddbkey Unique identifier within this shiftindex, can change if DISPATCH .ddb file is real
modified or cleaned
id Short name for interval; often NULL char 4
hos Number of hours since shift start for this interval real
intvl Name of the interval, usually [hos]:00:00 char 9

shiftindex Shift number int hist_exproot.shiftindex
cliID Client for which record is valid int Clients.cliID
ddbkey Unique identifier within this shiftindex, can change if DISPATCH .ddb file is real
modified or cleaned
truck Equipment ID for truck that hauled load char 12 hist_eqmtlist.eqmtid
excav Equipment ID for shovel that loaded load char 12 hist_eqmtlist.eqmtid
grade Grade ID for material hauled char 20 hist_gradelist.gradeid
loc Location ID of load location char 24 hist_loclist.locid
dumprec Link to hist_dumps record for this load real hist_dumps.ddbkey
measureton Tonnage calculated by weigh system on truck real
timearrive Time truck arrived at shovel (in seconds since shift start) real
timeload Time of first bucket loaded by shovel (in seconds since shift start) real
timefull Time truck was kicked out by shovel (in seconds since shift start) real
ctrteh Expected travel time to excav (in seconds) real
ctrtfh Expected travel time to dump (in seconds) real
atrteh Actual travel time to excav (in seconds) real
atrtfh Actual travel time to dump (in seconds) real
load Material type real
extraload Flag indicating load was added through changeload utility real enum_BOOLEAN.num
lift_up Total uphill lift (in feet or meters) real
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lift_down Total downhill lift (in feet or meters) real
liftdist_u Total uphill distance traveled (in feet or meters) real
liftdist_d Total downhill distance traveled (in feet or meters) real
disteh Total distance to the excav empty haul (in feet or meters) real
distfh Total distance to the dump empty haul (in feet or meters) real
efheh Equivalent empty flat haul distance to excav (in feet or meters) real
efhfh Equivalent full flat haul distance to dump (in feet or meters) real
loadtype Type of load: Regular or Trammed real enum_LOADTYPE.num
loadtons True tonnage loaded – calculated by DISPATCH client.c::cliloadsize real
shiftliink Deprecated value used to link to shift loads database real
oper Operator ID of truck operator char 20 hist_operlist.operid
eoper Operator ID of excav operator char 20 hist_operlist.operid
beginspot Time at which truck began spotting at excav (in seconds since shift start) real

queuetime Amount of ready time truck spent in queue at shovel (in seconds) real
spottime Amount of ready time truck spent spotting at shovel (in seconds) real
loadingtim Amount of ready time truck spent loading at shovel (in seconds) real
fullhaul Amount of ready time truck spent hauling to dump (in seconds) real
dumptime Amount of ready time truck spent at dump (in seconds) real
emptyhaul Amount of ready time truck spent traveling to shovel (in seconds) real
hangtime Amount of shovel idle time between last bucket and first bucket of next load real

idletime Amount of shovel idle time during which the shovel is not waiting for a truck real

excavnextl Link to next load for this excavator real hist_loads.loadnumber

excavprevl Link to previous load for this excavator real hist_loads.loadnumber
loadnumber Sequential load number for this shift real
val_sp Flag for valid spot real enum_BOOLEAN.num
val_ld Flag for valid loading time real enum_BOOLEAN.num
val_mt Flag for valid measured tons real enum_BOOLEAN.num
val_spld Flag for valid spot and loading times real enum_BOOLEAN.num
val_spldmt Flag for valid spot, loading and measured tons real enum_BOOLEAN.num
val_ehaul Flag for valid empty haul real enum_BOOLEAN.num
val_fhaul Flag for valid full haul real enum_BOOLEAN.num
ot Flag for over-trucked situation real enum_BOOLEAN.num
ut Flag for under-trucked situation real enum_BOOLEAN.num
isp Flag for interrupted spot time real enum_BOOLEAN.num
ild Flag for interrupted loading time real enum_BOOLEAN.num
ifh Flag for interrupted full haul real enum_BOOLEAN.num
ieh Flag for interrupted empty haul real enum_BOOLEAN.num
dmp Flag to determine if the load has been dumped real enum_BOOLEAN.num
tk_tmcatXX Amount of time truck spent (in seconds) in each time category during this load real XX = enum_TMCAT.num,
except XX=00 which is the
total of 01..19
ex_tmcatXX Amount of time (in seconds) excav spent in each time category during this load real XX = enum_TMCAT.num,
except XX=00 which is the
total of 01..19
hos Hour Of Shift real hist_hosintvl.hos
intvl Interval in which load took place char 9 hist_hosintvl.intvl
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shiftindex Shift number int hist_exproot.shiftindex
cliID Client for which record is valid int Clients.cliID
ddbkey Unique identifier within this shiftindex, can change if DISPATCH .ddb file is real
modified or cleaned
locid Location ID char 24
pit Location ID of pit that contains this location char 24 hist_loclist.locid
region Location ID of region that contains this location char 24 hist_loclist.locid
elev Elevation of this location (in feet or meters) real
unit# Unit Type smallint enum_UNIT.num
unit Unit Type Name char 15 enum_UNIT.name

shiftindex Shift number int hist_exproot.shiftindex
cliID Client for which record is valid int Clients.cliID
ddbkey Unique identifier within this shiftindex, can change if DISPATCH .ddb file is real
modified or cleaned
operid Operator ID char 20
name Operator's Name char 20
crew# Number of operator's permanent crew smallint enum_CREW.num
crew Name of operator's permanent crew char 6 enum_CREW.name

shiftindex Shift number int hist_exproot.shiftindex
cliID Client for which enum is valid int Clients.cliID
ddbkey Unique identifier within this shiftindex, can change if DISPATCH .ddb file is real
modified or cleaned
eqmtid Equipment ID char 12 hist_eqmtlist.eqmtid
logintime Time operator logged into equipment (in seconds since shift start) real
locid Location ID at which operator logged into equipment char 24 hist_loclist.locid
operid Operator ID char 20 hist_operlist.operid
name Operator's Name char 20 hist_operlist.name
totaltime Total seconds in all time categories real
pit Pit in which this operator worked char 24 hist_loclist.locid
unit# Unit Type of equipment smallint enum_UNIT.num
unit Unit Type Name of equipment char 15 enum_UNIT.name
totalloads Total number of loads for this operator on this equipment real
totaltons Total tons for the operator on this equipment real
loadtime Total truck or excav loading time real
tidletime Total truck or excav idle time real
spottime Total truck or excav spotting time real
loadcnt Total truck or excav loads real
tmcatXX Amount of time (in seconds) equiopment spent in each time category during thisreal XX = enum_TMCAT.num,
load except XX=00 which is the
total of 01..19

shiftindex Shift number int hist_exproot.shiftindex
cliID Client for which record is valid int Clients.cliID
ddbkey Unique identifier within this shiftindex, can change if DISPATCH .ddb file is real
modified or cleaned
name Reason Name char 28
reason Reason Number real
status Status Number real enum_STATUS.num
delaytime Recommended delay time (in seconds) real
category Category Number real enum_TMCAT.num
mainttime Flag indicating whether this is maintenance time char 4
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shiftindex Shift number int hist_exproot.shiftindex
cliID Client for which record is valid int Clients.cliID
dbkey Unique identifier within this shiftindex, can change if DISPATCH .ddb file is real
modified or cleaned
eqmtid Equipment ID char 12 hist_eqmtlist.eqmtid
unit Unit Type real enum_UNIT.num
operid Operator ID char 20 hist_operlist.operid
starttime Start time of the status change (seconds since shift start) real
endtime End time of the status change (seconds since shift start) real
duration Duration of the status period (in seconds) real
reason Reason for the status change real hist_reasontable.reason
status Status Number real enum_STATUS.num
category Category of the event real enum_TMCAT.num
comment Comments for the status change char 30
vEvent Flag indicating whether the previous status event's category is the same as this real
one (0 = same category, 1 = new category)
reasonlink Link to hist_reasontable record real hist_reasontable.ddbkey

cliID Client for which record is valid int Clients.cliID
load Load Type smallint enum_LOAD.num
material type Material type char 60 enum_LOAD.name
load measure Name of the unit for the material type to be displayed during reporting, e.d. tons,varchar 6
tonnes, BCM, LCY, etc.

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