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Compiled CourseStructure Syllabus 8-8-2020

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Course Structure

4 year B.Tech. (Electrical Engineering)

(Effective from 2019-20)
COURSE STRUCTURE: Effective from 2019-20
B.Tech. (Electrical Engineering)

Course Course Credit

Name of the Courses L T P
Type Code Hrs.
DC1 EEC201 Signals, Systems and Networks 3 1 0 11
DC2 EEC202 Analog and Digital Electronics 3 0 0 9
Electromagnetic Theory and
DC3 EEC203 3 0 0 9
E/SO1 CSE204 Data Structure and Algorithms 3 0 0 9
E/SO2 MCE201 Probability and Statistics 3 0 0 9
DP1 EEC271 Networks Lab 0 0 2 2
DP2 EEC272 Analog and Digital Electronics Lab 0 0 2 2
Total Cr. Hr. 51
Contact Hrs. 15 1 4 20


Course Course Credit

Name of the Courses L T P
Type Code Hrs.
E/SO3 ESO/SO3 ESO/SO 3 0 0 9
DC4 EEC204 Electrical Machines I 3 0 0 9
DC5 EEC205 Electrical Measurements 3 0 0 9
DC6 EEC206 Control System Engineering 3 0 0 9
DC7 EEC207 Power System Engineering 3 0 0 9
DP3 EEC273 Control and Measurement lab 0 0 2 2
DP4 EEC274 Electrical Machines and Power lab 0 0 2 2
Total Cr. Hr. 49
Contact Hrs. 15 0 4 19


Course Course Credit

Name of the Courses L T P
Type Code Hrs.
DC8 EEC308 Electrical Machines-II 3 0 0 9
DC9 EEC309 Modern Control 3 0 0 9
DC10 EEC310 Power Electronics 3 0 0 9
HSS1 HSS1 HSS 3 0 0 9
E/SO4 E/SO4 ESO/SO 3 0 0 9
Microprocessor and
DP5 EEC375 0 0 2 2
Microcontrollers Lab
Electrical Machines and Control
DP6 EEC376 0 0 2 2
Total Cr. Hr. 49
Contact Hrs. 15 0 4 19

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COURSE STRUCTURE: Effective from 2019-20
B.Tech. (Electrical Engineering)

Course Course Credit

Name of the Courses L T P
Type Code Hrs.
Power System Analysis and
DC11 EEC311 3 0 0 9
DC12 EEC312 Electrical Drives and Applications 3 0 0 9
MS1 MS1 MS 3 0 0 9
OE1 OE1 OE 3 0 0 9
OE2 OE2 OE 3 0 0 9
DP7 EEC377 Power and Switchgear lab 0 0 2 2
DP8 EEC378 Power Electronics and Drives lab 0 0 2 2
Total Cr. Hr. 49
Contact Hrs. 15 0 4 19


Course Course Credit

Name of the Courses L T P
Type Code Hrs.
DE1 DE1 DE 3 0 0 9
DE2 DE2 DE 3 0 0 9
OE3 OE3 OE 3 0 0 9
OE4 OE4 OE 3 0 0 9
OE5 OE5 OE 3 0 0 9
UGP EEC451 UG Project 0 0 6* 6
Internship/Training/Seminar/ Field
DC12 EEC452 0 0 0* 9
Total Cr. Hr. 60
Contact Hrs. 15 0 0 15+6*= 21


Course Course Credit

Name of the Courses L T P
Type Code Hrs.
DE3 DE3 DE 3 0 0 9
DE4 DE4 DE 3 0 0 9
OE6 OE6 OE 3 0 0 9
HSS2 HSS2 HSS 3 0 0 9
DC13 EEC452 UG Project 0 0 6* 6
Total Cr. Hr. 42
Contact Hrs. 12 0 0 12+6*= 18

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COURSE STRUCTURE: Effective from 2019-20
B.Tech. (Electrical Engineering)


DE1 & DE2 (Monsoon) DE3 & DE4 (Winter)
Course No. Name Course No. Name
Power System Protection
EED401 EED405 Instrumentation
and Switchgear
High Voltage Engineering Special Purpose Electric
EED402 EED406
and Applications Machines and Drives
Power Electronics for
EED403 Industrial Power Electronics EED505
Renewable Energy Systems
Reactive Power and Voltage
EED404 EED511 Power System Dynamics
Offering Mandatory for
Course No. Name
Semester Departmental Students
EEE201 Applied Electrical Engineering Winter NO
EEE202 Utilization of Electrical Energy Monsoon NO


Course No. Name Offering Semester
EEO301 Microprocessor and Microcontrollers Winter
EEO302 Industrial Utilization of Electrical Power Winter
EEO403 Digital Signal Processing Monsoon
EEO404 Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Audit Monsoon
EEO405 Industrial Automation Monsoon
EEO406 Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Winter

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Detailed Syllabai
4 year B.Tech. (Electrical Engineering)
(Effective from 2019-20)

Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

DC EEC201 Signals, Systems and Networks 3 1 0 11

Course Objective

The course will help learning the concepts and principles of Electrical Engineering, which are at the heart of today's
analog and digital electronic. The course will impart fundamental knowledge on different types of signals, systems
and their analyzing tools. The course will also give thorough knowledge on electrical circuits and their methods of

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

● understand the basics of electrical signals, systems and circuits
● understand, build and analyze electrical circuits such as two-port networks, filters etc.

Unit Topics to be Covered Lecture Learning Outcome

No. Hours

1 System classification, Systems modelling in terms of 6 Understanding systems,

differential equations, Periodic signal analysis, Fourier different test signals and basic
series, Aperiodic signal analysis, Fourier transform. analysis tools.

2 Network theorems, Formulation of network equations, 6 Understanding of basic tools of

Source transformation. network analyses.

3 Laplace transformation (LT), Inverse Laplace transform, 9 An in-depth knowledge on

LT of standard test signals, Synthesis of different Laplace transformation for
waveforms using LT, Transient solution of RL, RC, LC, engineering application.
RLC circuits,

4 Convolution integral, Network functions: Driving point 6 Understanding of system

impedance and Transfer functions, Poles and Zeroes, representation and stability.
Concept of Stability, Routh’s criteria.

5 Two-port networks, short-circuit admittance parameter, 6 Understanding different two-

open-circuit impedance parameters, Transmission port networks and their
parameters, hybrid parameters, series, parallel and applications.
cascade connection of two port networks.

6 Passive Constant-k filters, m- derived filters, 6 Understanding of filters, their

Introduction to Analog and Digital filters. design and application.

Text Books
1. Networks and Systems — D. Roy Choudhury.
2. Modern Control Engineering - K. Ogata.

Reference Books
3. Network Analysis — M. E. Van Valkenburg.

Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

DC EEC 202 Analog and Digital Electronics 3 0 0 9

Course Objective

The course will give a brief overview about various aspects of Analog and Digital Electronics and will help the students
in understanding application of different electronic components. The course will also give an insight into the design
concepts of different electronic circuits, their thermal properties and frequency response which are important from
design point of view.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

● Understanding the fundamentals as well as to have an insight of different aspects of Analog and Digital
● Understanding the operation of well-known ICs, Transistors, FETs and their application in electronics.
● Knowledge about latest developments in the field of sequential circuit design and application of CMOS in IC

Unit Topics to be Covered Lecture Learning Outcome

No. Hours

1 Biasing of Discrete Devices & Integrated Circuits. Thermal 7 Knowledge about operation and
Stability, Transistor heat dissipation, Significance of Q-point in fundamental concepts of Bipolar
thermal runaway, Junction to case thermal resistance, Junction Transistors
Conditions for thermal Stability, Selection of heat sink size.

2 Field Effect Transistor – Basic construction, properties; 6 Knowledge about operation and
MOSFET – as an amplifier and as a switch, CMOS; DG- fundamental concepts of Field
MOSFET, Relaxation oscillator using UJT; Power Transistors – Effect Transistors, Uni-junction
construction; characteristics; Transistor and their applications

3 Power amplifiers –Class, A, B, C, AB; frequency response 4 In depth knowledge about

operation of power amplifiers
and its frequency response

4 Operational amplifiers, Ideal and practical Op-amp, Op-amp 7 Understanding the basics of
based circuits: Inverting amplifier, Non-inverting amplifier, operational amplifier and 555
Voltage follower, Summing amplifier, Differential amplifier, timer IC; applications of these
Controlled voltage and current sources, level shifter, well-known ICs in electronic
Comparator, Hysteresis and Schmitt Trigger. Instrumentation circuits
amplifier, Log & Anti-log amplifiers, Precision rectifier; Active
filters; Oscillators; Timer: Monostable and astable operation
using 555 timers; Voltage regulators.

5 Boolean algebra, logic gates and circuits, Minimization of logic 4 Knowledge about basics and
expressions. Karnugh Map; Quine–McCluskey algorithm; fundamental concepts of digital
Different Logic families RTL, DTL, TTL, ECL, nMOS and electronics, minimization of
CMOS. Waveform generation using gates Boolean expressions. The
students will also gain
knowledge about different logic
6 MOS devices and its characteristics; pseudo nMOS- DC 7 In depth knowledge about MOS
operation, transient analysis; Capacitances in MOS devices; devices, working,
Static and Dynamic CMOS Circuits- energy dissipation and implementation of logic gates
circuit response speed; Pass Transistor; Domino Logic; using CMOS, static and
Interfacing logic families. Memory Systems: RAM, ROM; dynamic logic gates and their

7 Design of combinational circuits-programming logic devices 4 The students will gain

and gate arrays. Design of Sequential Circuits – Flip/Flops, knowledge about basic Flip-
various types of registers and counters, sequential circuits. State Flops, Design of combinational
machines – Moore and Mealy Machine; and sequential circuit. Special
sequential circuits-Moore and
Mealy machine

Text Books
1. Integrated Electronics by J. Millman, C. Halkias C.D. Parikh
2. Digital Logic And Computer Design by M. Morris Mano

Reference Books
3. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, R.L. Bollestad, 11th edn., Pearson publ

Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

DC EEC 203 Electromagnetic Theory and Applications 3 0 0 9

Course Objective

The course will give a brief overview about various aspects of Electromagnetic Field Theory. Apart from gaining
knowledge about different methods available for obtaining electromagnetic field generated by complex geometries,
the students will learn about the significance of bound charge present in multi-dielectric interface. The course will also
help in understanding the significance and application of multi-dielectric system in electrical industry.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

● Understanding the fundamentals as well as to have an insight of Electromagnetic Field Theory
● Application of Field Theory to solve practical problems related to design of Insulators, cables
● Understanding the fundamentals required for better understanding advanced courses like Electric Machines,
High Voltage Engineering

Unit Topics to be Covered Lecture Learning Outcome

No. Hours

1 Physical interpretation of gradient, divergence and curl. 4 Understanding of basic related to

Laplacian operator, vector relationship in different co- Field Theory
ordinate systems. Electric vector field and scalar potential
field, Relation between electric field intensity and potential,

2 Gauss’s integral law for electric displacement field, Gauss’s 4 Knowledge about different
law in differential form, Stokes theorem, Green’s theorem, essential theorems in Field Theory
Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations - in cartesian, cylindrical
and spherical coordinates, Helmholtz theorem

3 electric dipole fields, Electric polarization, and its relation to 5 In depth knowledge about dipoles,
the permittivity of dielectric media, electric polarization phenomenon

4 Boundary conditions at interface of different dielectric media, 4 Understanding the basics of

Electric stress and mechanical force in charged conductors, dielectric-dielectric interface,
Energy stored in electric field, Capacitance of coaxial cables energy stored in electrostatic field
and two wire transmission lines and related electric fields, and other applications of
electrostatic fields

5 Solution of Laplace’s equation by separation of variables 4 Knowledge about different

method, Numerical analysis of electric fields by solving methods available for solving
Laplace’s equation, Iterative methods, Finite elements – electric potential and field intensity.
practical problems. Uniqueness theorem, Method of Images
for the solution of electric fields.

6 Magnetic field intensity, Scalar and Vector magnetic 9 Knowledge about Magnetic field,
potential, Lorentz force, Motoring and generating principles, different basic theorems required
Faraday’s Law, Ampere’s law in both integral and differential for studying magnetic field and
forms, Biot-Savart’s law, Boundary conditions, Inductance of other applications of magnetostatic
coaxial cable and two wire transmission lines, Energy in field.
magnetic field, Force due to magnetic field in magnetic
7 Maxwell’s field equations, Displacement current density and 9 In depth knowledge about time
continuity equation, Electromagnetic wave equation in loss- varying fields and associated
free and lossy media, Plane and polarized waves and their
propagation as solutions of wave equation, Poynting’s vector,
Power flow through electromagnetic media. Diffusion
equation for eddy currents and skin effect.

Text Books
1. Engineering Electromagnetics, W.H.Hayt, McGraw Hill
2. Electric Field Analysis, S. Chakravorti, CRC Press

Reference Books
3. Electromagnetics, Kraus & Carver, McGraw Hill

Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

DC EEC204 Electrical Machines-I 3 0 0 9

Course Objective

To analyze the design considerations, performance and application of different types of Transformers and DC machines
(both Generator and Motor) used in Electric power system.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

● analyze the performance of single-phase and three-phase transformers under different operating conditions and
their applications,
● determine losses, efficiency, regulation from test data of single-phase and three-phase transformers
● know the different possible connections of three-phase transformers and their application
● understand the torque production mechanism of DC machines (both generator and Motor) and their operating
characteristics at during different operating conditions,
● understand speed control mechanism of DC motors and their applications.

Unit Topics to be Covered Lecture Learning Outcome

No. Hours

1 Single-Phase Transformers: Equivalent circuit, 12 Understanding the mathematical modelling

testing and efficiency, all-day efficiency, voltage of single-phase transformer, calculation of
regulation; parallel operation of single-phase different parameters like voltage regulation,
transformer, Auto transformers (construction, efficiency from test data.
operation and application).

2 Three-Phase Transformer: Construction, 10 Understanding the construction, operating

connections, phase groups, testing and operation of principle, testing, different possible
three-phase transformers, different types of connection methods of three-phase
transformers and their applications (Three winding transformer and their different applications.
transformers, Scott connected transformers),
tertiary windings, harmonics, magnetizing inrush

3 DC Machines: Operation, construction, EMF and 03 Understating the construction, operating

torque equations, armature reaction and principle and torque development of DC
commutation, inter poles, compensating windings machines, in addition to know the different
in DC Machines. other phenomena such as commutation, need
of compensating winding in DC machine.

4 DC Generators: Types and operating 07 Understanding the different operating

characteristics of DC generators, parallel operation characteristics of DC generator, need and
of DC generators. procedure of parallel operation of DC

5 DC Motors: Types and operating characteristics of 07 Understanding the different operating

DC motors, starting, speed control and braking of characteristics DC motor, speed control and
DC shunt motors, application of DC motors. application of DC motor.
Text Books

1. Electric Machines – D. P. Kothari and I. J. Nagrath (Tata McGraw Hill), 4th Edition, Wiley, 2010.

Reference Books
2. Electrical Machines – P. S. Bimbhra (Khana Publ.), 2011.
3. Electric Machinery – Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley Jr., S. D. Umans (Tata McGraw Hill)

Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

DC EEC 205 Electrical Measurements 3 0 0 9

Course Objective

The course will gives basic concept of modern electrical measurement practice for industrial applications. The course
will give clear idea about working principles along with mathematical background of different electrical measuring

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

 learn basic concept of electrical measurement practice,
● understand the basic principle of operations of different analog and digital electrical measuring instruments,
● understand the performance measure of different electrical measuring instruments,
● learn the applications of electrical measuring instruments.

Unit Topics to be Covered Lecture Learning Outcome

No. Hours

1 Classification of Electrical Measuring Instruments, 4 Understanding the basic concept of electrical

General features of Indicating Instruments; measurements.
Systematic and Random Errors, Error Analysis

2 Principle of Permanent Magnet Moving Coil 8 Understanding the basic principles of

(PMMC), D’ Arsonval, Vibration And Ballistic Type operations of different analog electrical
Galvanometers; Principle Of Electro thermal measuring instruments.
Rectifier, Moving Iron, Electrodynamic, Electrostatic
And Induction Type Instruments For The
Measurement Of Voltage, Current, Power, Energy,
Frequency, Phase Angle, Power Factor, Maximum
Demand Indicator.

3 Shunt And Multiplier, Instrument Transformers. 3 Understanding the principles of range

extension of electrical measuring

4 Measurement of Low, Medium and High Resistances, 2 Understanding the measurement practice of
different type of resistances..

5 Measurement of Inductances and Capacitances by Ac 4 Familiarization of precision electrical

Bridges measurement technique.

6 Cable Fault Localization, Potentiometers (DC and 4 Understanding the practical applications of
AC), Magnetic Measurements (DC and AC); Hall modern measurement technique.

7 CRO and oscilloscopic measurements, signal 4 Understanding basic electronic measurement

Generators, Harmonic distortion, waves and principles useful for industrial applications.
spectrum analyzers.
8 A/D and D/A conversions (ladder and weighted 10 Understand the basic principles of digital
resistor type DACs, successive Approximation and measurement system useful for industrial
Dual Slope Integrating type ADCs), Sample and applications.
Hold circuit, Digital meters.

Text Books

1. Electrical Measurements and measuring instruments -- E. W . Golding, F C Widdis

2. Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques --Helfrick , Cooper
3. Elements of Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Technique -- J J Carr

Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

DC EEC206 Control System Engineering 3 0 0 9

Course Objective
The objective of the course is to present background analysis of automatic feedback control systems as well
as some design ideas.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course the students will acquire knowledge of feedback control principles,
analysis of stability and performances and design (lead, lag and PID) of control systems with transfer function

Unit Lecture
Topics to be covered Learning Outcome
No. Hours
1 Introduction: open-loop and feedback control systems 12
Mathematical modelling of physical systems through
differential equations, Linearization, Transfer function, Understanding of physical
block diagram, signal flow graph. Examples from electrical, properties and developing
mechanical and thermal systems. of mathematical models for
Control systems components – potentiometer, differential control system components.
amplifier, synchro, tacho-generator, servomotor, stepper
motor, hydraulic valve.
2 Time response of first and second order systems, steady- 14
state errors and error constants, performance specification in
Knowledge on analysing
time domain.
control system properties
Frequency response of control systems – Bode plot and
and performances.
Nyquist plot, performance specification in frequency
3 Concept of stability, Routh stability criterion, Root locus 13
Knowledge on stability and
technique, Nyquist criterion, gain margin and phase margin.
acquaintance with
Compensation technique: lead-lag compensators, PID
designing control systems

Text Books:
1. K. Ogata – Modern Control Engineering.

Reference Books:
2. B. C. Kuo – Automatic Control Systems.
3. N. S. Nise – Control Systems Engineering.
4. I. J. Nagrath and M. Gopal – Control Systems Engineering.

Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

DC EEC207 Power System Engineering 3 0 0 9

Course Objective

This course is mainly for undergraduate third-year Electrical Engineering students. It will introduce and explain the
fundamental concepts and components of electrical power system engineering.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

 understand real-time power system structure and different phenomenon associated with it,
 understand basic concepts of underground cables, overhead line insulators, transient over voltages and insulation
 understand corona, sag and tension of transmission line.

Unit Topics to be Covered Lecture Learning Outcome

No. Hours

1 Fundamental of Power Systems: 3 phase transmission, complex 4 Understanding the basic

power, the per unit system, Basic concept of various types of Power structure of power system.
Generation; Overhead Transmission Line: Choice of voltages

2 Types of conductors, Inductance and capacitance of single and three 7 Understanding the behavior of
phase symmetrical and unsymmetrical configurations, Bundle conductors
conductors, Transposition, Concept of GMD and GMR.

3 Overhead Line Construction: Line supports, Towers, Poles, Sag, 8 Knowledge about detail
Tension and clearance, Effect of wind and ice on sag, Dampers. modelling and characteristic of
Insulators: Types, String insulator, String efficiency & methods of overhead line and insulator.
its improvement. Corona: Principle of corona formation and
Methods of reduction of corona

4 Underground Cables: Types of cables, Capacitance of single core 7 Knowledge on underground

and 3 core cables, Dielectric stress, cable
Optimum cable thickness, Grading, Dielectric loss and loss angle.

5. Performance of Lines: Short, Medium (nominal π, T) and long lines 8 Understanding the line
and their representation. A, B, C, D constants, Voltage regulation, performance characteristic.
Ferranti effect, Power equations and line compensation

6. Transients in power system: Transients in simple circuits, Traveling 5 Understanding Basic

waves in transmission line, over voltage due to arcing ground. behavior of transients in
power system.

Text Books

1. Power System Analysis by J.J.Grainger and Wolliam D.Stevenson

2. Electrical Power Systems by C.L.Wadhwa
3. Electric Energy Systems Theory by O.J.Elgard
4. Electrical Power Systems by C.L.Wadhwa
Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

DC EEC308 Electrical Machines-II 3 0 0 9

Course Objective

The course objective is to impart knowledge on different fundamental aspects of two important AC machines such
as Induction Motor and Synchronous Machines from industrial point of view.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

● understand the basic operating concepts of AC machines
● be able to analyze and compare the performance different AC machines
● understand basic control mechanisms
● Understanding the areas of applications of electrical machines in scientific point of view.

Unit Topics to be Covered Lecture Learning Outcome

No. Hours

1 Three-phase Induction motor: Construction and types, 12 In-depth knowledge on

Principle of operation, Equivalent circuit, Phasor induction motors.
diagram, Speed-torque characteristics, Cogging and
Crawling, Starting and Speed control.

2 Single-phase Induction motors: Construction and 6 Understanding principle of

types, Operation, Equivalent Circuit, Starting methods, operation and use of single-
Speed- torque characteristics, Phasor diagram. phase induction motors.

3 Synchronous Generator: Constructions and types, Emf 14 Understanding different

equation, Phasor diagram, Armature reaction, fundamental aspects of
Characteristics, Voltage regulations, Synchronization synchronous generators.
and power system interfacing, Parallel operation,
Synchronizing power, Excitation characteristics. Salient
pole synchronous machine: Two- reaction theory, Phasor
diagram and Voltage regulation.

4 Synchronous Motor: Expression for torque, Phasor 7 Understanding the fundamentals

diagram, Operating characteristics, and applications of synchronous
V- curves and O-curves, Starting, Hunting and Damper motors.

Text Books
1. Electric Machines - Kothari & Nagrath
2. Electrical Machines - P. K. Mukherjee and S. Chakravorti

Reference Books
3. The performance and design of alternating machines - M. G. Say

Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

DC EEC 309 Modern Control 3 0 0 9

Course Objective

The course will gives basic concept of discrete control system, state space analysis and nonlinear control for industrial
applications. The course Will be helpful for modelling and performance analysis of modern control system practice.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

● Understand the basic concept of discrete control system,
● Learn the mathematical modeling of control system in Z- domain
● Learn state space modeling of technique of modern control system.
● Understand the basic concept of nonlinear control system.

Unit Topics to be Covered Lecture Learning Outcome

No. Hours

1 Sampling data system: Sampling-and-hold operation, Sampling 3 Understand the basic concept of
theorem , Signal reconstruction, Difference equation discrete control system.

2 Z-transform, Pulse transfer function, Inverse Z-transform and 7 Understand the modeling
response of linear discrete-time systems, z-transform analysis technique of discrete control
of sampled-data control system, Standard transformation system.
techniques, Modified Z-transform,

3 Stability analysis, Root locus technique, Compensation 5 Familiarization of performance

technique by digital computer analysis of discrete control system.

4 State-space analysis: State variables, state model for linear 10 Understand the state space
continuous-time systems, Types of state models, modeling of modern control
Diagonalization, Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Solution of system.
state equation, state transition matrix, computation of state
transition matrix by Laplace transformation, Controllability
and observability, transfer matrix

5 Control system design by pole-placement using state feedback 5 Familiarization of design technique
of modern control system using
state space analysis.

6 Introduction to nonlinear control system, Common physical 3 Develop knowledge of basic

nonlinearities, nonlinear control system.

7 Describing function and phase plane method for analysis of 6 Modeling and performance
common nonlinearities, Stability of non-linear system. analysis of nonlinear control
Text Books
1. Modern Control Engineering- K Ogata, Pearson Education
2. Discrete time control system- K Ogata, Pearson Education
3. Digital control and state variable methods –M Gopal, Tata Mc-Grawhill
4. Automatic Control Systems - W A Wolovich, Rineheart and Winstone Inc. USA
Reference Books
5. Control Systems-J J Distefano III, A R Stubberud, I J Williams

Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

DC EEC310 Power Electronics 3 0 0 9

Course Objective

The objective of this course is to understand concept of power electronic switch using semiconductor devices and
operating principle of different power electronic converter circuits. The goal is to familiarize a student with various
power electronic systems used in processing of electrical energy for wide range of applications.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

● be able to understand operating characteristics of different power electronic switches and its thermal modelling,
protection and drive requirements,
● be able to understand operating principle of different power converters, its steady state analysis, draw idealized
waveforms and know about applications.

Unit Topics to be Covered Lecture Learning Outcome

No. Hours

1 Introduction to Power Electronics Switches: Thyristors, 7 Understanding characteristics and

DIAC, TRIAC, GTO, BJT, MOSFET and IGBT, Losses and operation of semiconductor device
Cooling, Triggering circuits for Thyristors and MOSFET, for its use as power electronic switch,
Snubber design and protection, Commutation Circuit for Estimation of loss and Thermal
Thyristors. analysis, Snubber design and
Protection mechanism.

2 AC to DC conversion: Single phase controlled rectifiers : 10 Principle of operation, Conceptual

Phase angle control, Single-phase half-wave controlled drawing of important waveforms and
rectifier, Single-phase full- wave controlled rectifier, Single- Performance analysis of AC-DC
phase half controlled and fully controlled bridge converters, power converter circuits.
The effect of input source impedance, Dual Converter; Three
phase controlled rectifiers -- M-3, B-6, Dual converter;

3 DC to DC Converter: Class A, B, AB, C, D, CD, ABCD 9 Principle of operation, Conceptual

Chopper, operating principle and applications; Buck, Boost drawing of important waveforms and
and Buck-Boost converter operating principle under CCM Analysis of steady state operation of
and DCM and applications; DC-DC power converter circuits.

4 DC to AC Converter: Classification of inverter, Single 9 Principle of operation, Conceptual

phase and three phase VSI operation, Basic concept of PWM drawing of important waveforms and
controlled inverter, applications. Analysis of steady state operation.

5 AC to AC Converter: AC voltage controllers. Single and 4 Principle of operation, Conceptual

three-phase Cycloconverter circuits, blocked group drawing of important waveforms and
operation, circulating current mode operation, applications. Analysis of steady state operation.
Text Books
1. Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and Design, - Ned Mohan, Tore M. Undeland and William P.
Robbins; Wiley.
2. Power Electronics – M. D. Singh and K. B. Khanchandani; McGraw-Hill

Reference Books
3. Power Electronics: Devices, Circuits and Applications- M. H. Rashid, Pearson.

Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

DC EEC311 Power System Analysis and Control 3 0 0 9

Course Objective

To provide fundamental knowledge in power system analysis that includes basic concepts of power systems operation,
fault analysis, and load frequency control aspects

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

 understanding the Load Flow, Short circuit analysis of the power system,
 solve the problems related to the economic dispatch of power plant,
 knowledge about latest developments in the field of Load Frequency Control.

Unit Topics to be Covered Lecture Learning Outcome

No. Hours

1 Load Flow Studies: Introduction, Bus classification, Nodal 8 Understanding different types of load
Admittance Matrix, Development of load flow equations, flow analysis.
Methods of load flow equations, Gauss-Seidal method and
Newton-Raphson method, comparison of load flow
analysis method

2 Nature of faults in Electrical systems, symmetrical 8 Study of different types of fault in

components and sequence networks: symmetric and power system.
asymmetric faults.

3 Transient stability: review of equal area criterion, methods 8 Find out different techniques of
of improving transient stability studies, representation of transient stability studies.
excitation system and its inclusion in stability studies.
Introduction of Multi-machine transient stability, its
mathematical formulation.

4 Economic operation: Introduction, Characteristics of 8 Understanding Economic load

generating units, Economic dispatch neglecting dispatch.
transmission losses ,hydro-thermal scheduling

5 Load frequency control: concept of control area, analysis of 7 Knowledge about latest
single area load frequency control, Two area (multi area) developments in the field of LFC.
load frequency control problem and tie line control.

Text Books

1. Power System Analysis by J.J.Grainger and Wolliam D.Stevenson

2. Electrical Power Systems by C.L.Wadhwa
3. Electric Energy Systems Theory by O.J.Elgard
4. Electrical Power Systems by C.L.Wadhwa

Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

DC EED 312 Electric Drives and Applications 3 0 0 9

Course Objective

The objective of the course is to understand the background of the electrical drives. It also helps to understand
the speed control mechanism with suitable power electronic converter. The course also covers the discussion
on drives powered from renewable energy sources.
Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

● understand the various drive mechanisms and methods for energy conservation;
● be able to use power electronic converters to control the speed of DC motors and AC motors;
● be able to evaluate the motor and power converter for a specific application.

Unit Topics to be Covered Lecture Learning Outcome

No. Hours

1 Introduction to Electric Drives: Advantages of Electric drives, 3 Understanding the basic need
Parts of Electrical Drives, Electric Motors, Power Modulators, and choice of electric drive.
Sources, Choice of Electric Drives and selection of drives for
various applications.

2 Dynamics of electrical drives and Selection Motor rating: 10 Understanding the various
Fundamental torque equation, speed-torque convention & multi- drive mechanisms and
quadrant operation. Equivalent values of drive parameters. methods for energy
Components of load torque, speed-torque characteristics of loads. conservation.
Nature and classification of load torques, and steady state stability,
Basic principles of closed-loop control. Thermal model of motor,
power rating of motor different loading conditions.

3 DC Motor Drives: starting and braking methods .Speed control of 12 Understanding the speed
DC motors using single-phase half and full controlled rectifiers in control of dc motor with
continuous and discontinuous mode of operation. Speed control of different converter
DC motors using Three phase controlled drives, chopper controlled configuration.
drives. Multi quadrant operation of DC motor.

4 AC Motor Drives: Starting and breaking methods. Speed control 10 Understanding the speed
of cage induction motor with v/f control, slip power recovery control of ac motor with
scheme, static Scherbius and Krammer methods. Variable voltage different converter
control and variable frequency control using VSI and CSI. configuration.
Introduction of synchronous motor drive

5 Solar and Battery powered drives: Solar panels, solar powered 4 Understand the solar and
pump drives and battery powered vehicles. battery fed drives.

Text Books
1. Fundamentals of Electrical Drives by G. K. Dubey
2. Electric Drives Concepts & Applications – Vedam Subramanyam
Reference Books
3. Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives by B. K. Bose.

Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

DE EED401 Power System Protection and Switchgear 3 0 0 9

Course Objective

The course will give basic concept on causes and adverse effects of faults on different components of power system. It
will cover operating principles, merits-demerits of different types of relays and circuit breakers and their application.
The course will also enable modern practices used for power system protection.

Learning Outcomes

● Understanding the fundamentals of different relays and circuit breakers used for protection of different
components of the power system.
● Gaining knowledge on the recent developments in protective relays, circuit breakers and their application for
protection of modern power system.
● Gaining knowledge on the renewable energy based distributed generation systems and their impact on
distribution system protection schemes and newer solutions.

Unit Topics to be Covered Lecture Learning Outcome

No. Hours

1 Fundamentals of power system protection, Evolution of 17 Understanding the causes of faults in

relays, Fundamental principle, merits and demerits of power system and the need and
Overcurrent relays, Directional overcurrent relays, characteristics, advantages and
Differential protection, Distance protection (Simple disadvantages of different relays used for
Impedance, Reactance and MHO relay), Protection of protection of different components of the
Generators, Transformers, Bus bars and Transmission power system.
lines. Pilot protection of transmission lines (directional
comparison blocking/unblocking, permissive
overreaching/underreaching transfer trip), Introduction
to digital relays.

2 Protection issues of series compensated transmission 06 Understanding the need of the installation
lines and their solutions, Advanced power transmission of series compensation in the existing
network protection using synchronized phasor power transmission networks and how the
measurement based Wide Area Measurement Systems. installation of series compensation affects
the performance of commonly used
distance protection for power networks
and possible solutions using WAMS data.

3 Introduction to renewable energy based distributed 04 Understating the importance of power

generation (DG) systems, their protection issues and generation using renewable based DGs
possible newer solutions. and their impact on existing overcurrent
relaying based protection scheme and
possible solutions.

4 Formation of electric arc. Arc built-up and quenching 12 Understanding the different electrical and
theory. Natures of transient short circuit current, mechanical phenomena occur at the
recovery voltage and RRRV. Arc restriking phenomena. opening of circuit breaker for isolating the
Problems of capacitive and low inductive current faulted part from the healthy part. Circuit
interruptions. Rating of circuit breakers. Different types breaker types and their characteristics and
of arc quenching media and special devices for arc
quenching. Different types of circuit breakers (air, air operating principles based on the
blast, oil, vacuum & SF6) construction, operating application.
principle, merits and demerits.

Text Books
1. B. Ram and D N Vishwakarma, ‘Power System Protection and Switchgear’, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2011.

Reference Books
2. S. H. Horowitz and A. G. Phadke, Power System Relaying’, 4th Edition, Wiley, 2014.
3. C. R. Mason, ‘The art and Science of Protective Relaying’, GE.

Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

DE EED402 High Voltage Engineering and Applications 3 0 0 9

Course Objective

This syllabus has been designed with an eye on power engineering, and the topics considered are intricately related to
power-engineering applications in general and dielectric engineering in particular. The course will give a brief
overview of High Voltage Engineering. The course will also give an insight into important topics like insulation
coordination, partial discharge corona which are considered as necessary knowledge and need of the day for any
student who desires to be a power engineer.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

● Understand the fundamentals of different aspects in High Voltage Engineering
● Understand the fundamentals of High voltage generation, measurement and testing
● Gain knowledge about latest developments in the field of insulation material design, its diagnosis and testing.

Unit Topics to be Covered Lecture Learning Outcome

No. Hours

1 Types of Insulators and their applications, Voltage 3 Understanding of basic principles and
distribution and string efficiency of disc insulators need of surveying.
Bushings, Field distribution in and around bushings

2 Evolution of high voltage cables, XLPE cables, Gas-filled 5 Understanding the basics of different
cables, Capacitance grading, Inter-sheath grading, construction methods -
Thermal characteristics of cables, merits/demerits; insulation material
properties and characteristics

3 Gas Insulated Substation – Layout and Components, Gas 4 Understanding the basics of Gas
mixtures and their properties; Insulation coordination Insulated substation and gaining
scheme of open-air substation, Basic Impulse Level, knowledge about Insulation

4 Types of HV insulating material and its properties; 5 Knowledge about different types of
Breakdown mechanism in dielectrics; Oil impregnated solid and liquid insulations used in
paper; Dry insulation; Alternate dielectric liquids; nano- industry
dielectric; Voltage distribution in transformer winding and
bushings; Application of Statistical analysis in HV

5 Corona discharge - Corona Loss and radio interference, 4 Knowledge about Corona discharges
Partial Discharge Measurement and analysis – Electrical and different breakdown mechanisms
method of PD measurement, PD inception and Extinction in insulators. partial discharge – their
in closed cavity; back flashover. Fault current limiters –

6 Causes of lightning over voltages, Interaction between 6 In depth knowledge about lightning
lightning and power system, switching surges and power- phenomenon, its interaction with
frequency over voltages, Basic idea about protection tower, earthed structures and
against over voltages, Lightning arresters and surge associated over voltages
suppressors, Ground wires, Grounding practices, critical
flashover voltage, Tower footing resistance; Line
terminations, Ladder diagram, Travelling waves in multi-
conductor systems;

7 Generation of High AC Voltage –Transformer in cascade; 6 Knowledge about techniques available

Testing transformer and interleaved winding; single- for generation of AC/DC high voltage
phase series resonance circuit; Generation of High DC and their application in Electrical
Voltage – Single-stage; multi-stage - symmetric as well as Engineering
asymmetric voltage multiplier circuits, Generation of
Impulse Voltage – Single-stage and multi-stage impulse
generators circuits, Triggering and synchronization;

8 Measurement of Peak value of high AC Voltage – Chubb 6 An in-depth knowledge about

& Fortescue Method, Frequency independent methods: techniques available for measuring
Davis-Bowdler Method, Rabus Method, Sphere-Gap AC/DC high voltage – application
Method; Measurement of RMS value of high AC Voltage;
Capacitive Voltage Transformer, Potential Dividers,
Electrostatic Voltmeter; Measurement of High DC
Voltage – Ammeter in series with high resistance
Measurement of Dielectric Loss-factor – High Voltage
Schering Bridge; Non-destructive High Voltage Testing:
Testing of insulators, transformers, isolators, circuit
breakers and cables; Remaining life estimations

Text Books

1. High Voltage Engineering by Farouk A.M. Rizk, Gian N Trinh

2. High Voltage Engineering: Fundamentals by E. Kuffel, W.S. Zaengl, J. Kuffel

Reference Books
3. High Voltage Engineering by Andreas Kuchler

Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

DE EED403 Industrial Power Electronics 3 0 0 9

Course Objective

The objective of this second level course is to know about advanced concepts such as soft switching, resonant
converters, PWM techniques, Multilevel converter, Grid integration etc. in the field of power electronics. To develop
knowledge towards operation, design and analysis of power converter.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

● be able to understand operating characteristics of different advanced power electronic systems and
application field,
● be able to undertake analysis, design and development of power electronic systems.

Unit Topics to be Covered Lecture Learning Outcome

No. Hours

1 Introduction: Review of basic concepts, Power 6 Understanding characteristics and

electronics Switches: Static Induction Transistors operation of recent semiconductor
(SITs), MOS-Controlled Thyristor (MCTs), ETO, device for its use as power electronic
MTO, SiC and GaN devices, Gate Drive and switch, its drive circuit requirement and
protection requirements. Protection mechanism.

2 AC-DC Conversion : Filter design for rectifier 6 Understanding operating principle of

circuits, Unity power factor rectifier operation, Diode UPF rectifier and multi-pulse rectifier
and Thyristor based multi-pulse rectifier, applications. and Filter design for rectifier circuit.

3 DC-DC Conversion : Isolated DC-DC converter 15 Principle of operation, Conceptual

topologies, operating principle and application; drawing of important waveforms and
Review of Series and Parallel Resonnance, Soft Analysis of steady state operation of
Switching in DC-DC Converter, ZCS and ZVS DC-DC switch mode power converters,
operation, Resonant converter. Design of inductor and Design of high frequency inductor and
high frequency transformer, applications. transformer.

4 DC-AC Conversion : PWM techniques for 2-level 9 Principle of operation of different PWM
VSI, unipolar, bipolar and SPWM; Introduction to strategy, Conceptual drawing of
multilevel inverter, Introduction to CSI and important waveforms and Analysis of
applications. steady state operation.

5 Case study : Induction Motor drive, Grid connected 3 To understand operation of practical
PV system, Induction & Dielectric Heating. systems.

Text Books

1. Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and Design, - Ned Mohan, Tore M. Undeland and William P.
Robbins; Wiley.
2. Power Electronics: Devices, Circuits and Applications- M. H. Rashid, Pearson.

Reference Books
3. Power Electronics: Essentials & Applications - L Umanand; Wiley.

Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

DE EED404 Reactive Power and Voltage Control 3 0 0 9

Course Objective

The course will help in learning the concepts and principles of Surge impedance loading, Implication of reactive
power on voltage, Operation of uncompensated transmission line; Causes of reactive power unbalance; Reactive
loss in lines and implication of rate of change of reactive power loss; Fundamental aspects of voltage stability;
Methods of passive and active compensation in power systems; Voltage control in power systems.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

● understand the significance of reactive power control in a transmission line;
● able to get the concept of voltage control and voltage stability;
● understand the transmission line compensation that leads towards the understandings of FACTS devices.

Unit Topics to be Covered Lecture Learning Outcome

No. Hours

1 Concept of power in AC transmission system; 13 Understanding of the application

Transmission line classification; Surge impedance and importance of reactive
loading (SIL); Reactive power unbalance; power control in a transmission
Characteristics and effects of reactive loss in a
transmission line; Transmission line operation under no-
load and heavy loading condition; Concept of reactive
power-voltage coupling; Implication of voltage
regulation; Reactive power requirement and principle
aspects of voltage control.

2 Different methods of voltage control; Introduction 13 Understanding of the basic

to voltage stability; Voltage instability and voltage concepts about voltage control
collapse; Concept of voltage stability realization and perceptions of
improvements; Fundamental aspects of voltage stability;
transmission line compensation.

3 Reactive power support and FACTS devices; 13 Understanding of the transmission

Operational concept of SVC, STATCOM, UPFC, line compensation that leads
TCSC and SSSC. towards the understandings of
FACTS devices.

Text Books
1. An Introduction to Reactive Power Control and Voltage Stability in Power Transmission Systems — Abhijit
Chakrabarti, D. P. Kothari, A. K. Mukhopadhyay and Abhinandan De.
2. Understanding FACTS Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems — N. G. Hingorani
and Laszlo Gyugyi.

Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

DE EED405 Instrumentation 3 0 0 9

Course Objective

The course will give basic concept of modern instrumentation system along with its industrial applications. The course
will also give clear idea about working principles of modern sensors and transduces as well as its system level

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

● understand the basic concept of sensors and transducers,
● learn the mathematical modeling of different sensors and transducers,
● learn how transducers are integrated with other signal processing circuits.

Unit Topics to be Covered Lecture Learning Outcome

No. Hours

1 Variable Resistance, Inductance and Capacitance type 8 Understand the basic concept of
Transducers, Piezoelectric, Optical, Magnetic and thermal analog transducers.

2 Application of transducers for measurement of Displacement, 7 Understand the applications of

Force, Strain, Pressure, Flow, Temperature and other non- different transducers.
electrical quantities. Digital Displacement Transducers
(incremental and absolute types).

3 Instrumentation Amplifiers, Isolation Amplifiers, 6 Familiarization of signal

Programmable Gain Amplifiers, signal conditioning conditioning devices useful for
modern instrumentation system.

4 Telemetry system: voltage, current, position, frequency and 8 Understand the system level
pulse Telemetering, components of Telemetry. Microprocessor integration with sensors and
and microcontroller based instrumentation. Data acquisition transducers.
system. Fiber optic sensors, Nano instrumentation.

5 Introduction to modern process control system. Process 5 Familiarization of transducers

controllers: on-off, cascade, feed forward, ratio, for process control applications.

6 PID. PID controller settings. Electronic simulation of PID 5 Integration of transducers with
controllers for process control

Text Books
1. Measurement system: Application and design--E.O Doebelin, Tata Mcgra Hill.
2. Measurement and Instrumentation principles-- Morris, Elsevior
3. Transducers and Instrumentation-- D V S Murty, Prentice Hall (India).
4. Process Control Instrumentation Technology--Johnson, PHI

Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

DE EED406 Special Purpose Electric Machines and Drives 3 0 0 9

Course Objective

The objective of this course is to provide knowledge in the emerging field of special electrical machines. It
discusses the stepper motor, switched reluctance motor, permanent magnet dc and ac motors, brushless dc motors,
single phase special electric motors, universal motor, AC series motor, repulsion motor, linear induction motor,
linear synchronous motor.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

● have fundamental overview on special electric machines;
● be able select electrical machines for specific application.

Unit Topics to be Covered Lecture Learning Outcome

No. Hours

1 Fundamentals of Single-Phase Commutator Motors: 6 Understanding of the basic

Torque equation, Equation for induced emf; Universal concepts of single-phase AC
motor, AC series motor, Repulsion motor. machines.

2 Variable reluctance type, Permanent magnet type, 10 Understanding of the

Hybrid type Stepper motors: Operating principle and fundamentals of variable
application. reluctant type motors.

3 Switched Reluctance motor: Operation, Control 12 Understanding of the

requirements and application. fundamentals of switched
reluctant type motors.

4 Special Synchronous Motors: Synchronous Induction 6 An in-depth knowledge of all the

Motor, Reluctance motor, Hysteresis Motor, special synchronous motors and
Commutator less dc motor, Sinusoidal permanent permanent magnet motors.
magnet AC motor, Brushless DC motor.

5 Linear induction motor, Linear synchronous motor: 5 Understanding of different types

Principle of operation and application in transportation, of linear induction motor and its
Magnetic levitation vehicles. applications.

Text Books
1. Fundamentals of Electrical Drives - Gopal. K. Dubey.
2. Special Electrical Machines – E.G. Janardanan

Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

Power Electronics for Renewable Energy

DE EED505 3 0 0 9

Course Objective

The course will help to learning different MPPT techniques and control technique using power electronic
converters which are the important components of the major renewable energy extractions. However, the present
course is also focused on the familiarizations different grid synchronization techniques, filtering etc.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students should able to

● understand the operation of photovoltaic and wind energy systems and their control,
● understand the grid synchronisation techniques with the renewable energy sources,
● understand the maximum power point (MPP) technique and the grid current control techniques.

Unit Topics to be Covered Lecture Learning Outcome

No. Hours

1 Introduction to Renewable Energy sources: Review of 4 Understanding the overview of

renewable energy technology, Requirements of the grid different type of renewable
for renewable energy systems. energy sources.

2 Solar Energy Extractions: PV system configurations, 8 Understanding the basics of

Solar cell technologies, Maximum power point tracking, solar energy system and also
DC-DC converters, conventional and multilevel getting familiar with its
converters and their PWM control strategies. extraction strategies.

3 Wind power Extractions: Wind power energy system, 8 Understanding the basics of wind
types of wind turbines, fixed speed and variable speed energy system and also getting
operation, Grid converters for wind power, control of familiar with its extraction
converters for wind power extraction. strategies.

4 Grid synchronization: Grid synchronisation techniques 9 Understanding of the different

for single-phase and three-phase renewable energy techniques of grid
system, Islanding operation, grid filters. synchronization.

5 Grid Current Control: Current control technique, 6 Understanding of the current

Control of converters for fault-ride operation. control techniques.

6 Storage Systems: Configuration of battery energy and 4 Understanding of energy

Fuel cells storage systems, sizing of storage elements, management and control of a
energy management and control. storage system.

Text Books
1. Grid Converters for Photovoltaic and Wind Power Systems -- Remus Teodorescu, Marco Liserre and Pedro
2. Hybrid & Electric Vehicles, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis
3. Power Electronics - Daniel W. Hart

Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

DE EED511 Power System Dynamics 3 0 0 9

Course Objective

The Syllabus is concerned with understanding, modelling, analyzing and mitigating power system dynamics and
stability problems. Such problems constitute very important considerations in the planning, design and operation
of modern power systems.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

● have good grasp on the model development for power generation system models both synchronous and
asynchronous for power system dynamic studies and analysis.
● also able to interpret various parameters and constants in various dynamic blocks in power system
simulation software.

Unit Topics to be Covered Lecture Learning Outcome

No. Hours

1 Basic concepts and definitions: Rotor angle stability; 2 Understanding of the

Voltage stability and voltage collapse; Mid-term and prerequisites for power system
long-term stability; dynamics.

2 Modelling of synchronous machines: Review of basic 8 An in-depth knowledge on

equations of synchronous machine; The dq0 synchronous machine and its
transformation; Equivalent circuits for direct and modelling for better
quadrature axes; Steady state analysis: Voltage, current understanding of power system
and flux linkages relationships, Steady-state equivalent dynamics.
circuit, Procedure for computing steady state values;
Electrical transient performance characteristics;
Equations of motion: Swing equation, Its representation
in system studies; Synchronous machine representation
in stability study: approximated models for large-scale
studies; Constant flux linkage models.

3 Modelling of excitation systems: Elements of an 7 Understanding of the excitation

excitation system and their functions; Modelling of systems for synchronous
different components of DC excitation system, AC machines, modelling and their
excitation systems, static excitation systems; Modelling functions.
of Power system stabilizer (PSS).

4 Small signal stability: Fundamental concept: State- 7 Understanding of the small

space representation, stability of a dynamic system; signal stability of power system
Eigen properties of state matrix; Small signal stability of using its state space
a single machine infinite bus system. representation.

5 Transient stability: An elementary view on different 7 Understanding of the transient

methods; Transient stability of a large system; Direct stability of a large system.
method of analysis of transient stability.
6 Voltage stability: Basic concept of voltage stability; 8 A detailed knowledge about
Role of reactive power on voltage stability, P-V and Q- power system voltage stability for
V profiles; Mechanism and causes of voltage collapse; small as well as large system.
Prevention of voltage collapse; Different voltage
stability indicators; Reactive compensation methods;
Methods of improving voltage stability; Sub-
synchronous resonance

Text Books
1. Power System Dynamics: Stability and Control – Padyar, BPB Publications.
2. Power System Stability and Control – Prabha Kundur, TATA McGraw-Hill Inc.

Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

ESO EEE201 Applied Electrical Engineering 3 0 0 9

Course Objective

The objective of this course is to provide knowledge in the field of electrical engineering for application point of
view. It discusses two major portions of electrical engineering i.e. electrical machines and power system. Two most
usable electrical machine in recent times i.e. transformer and three-phase induction motors are major focus of this
course. However this course also focused on the fundamental concepts regarding power systems and operations.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

● get adequate knowledge about the most used stationary electrical machine i.e. transformer.
● understand the operating principle of most used rotational electrical machine i.e. induction machine.
● also able to gain fundamental concept about power system and its operations.

Unit Topics to be Covered Lecture Learning Outcome

No. Hours

1 Transformer: Single-phase transformer: EMF equation; 12 Understand the basic

Equivalent circuit; Phasor diagram; Open circuit and short operation and construction of
circuit test; Efficiency; All-day efficiency; Regulation; single-phase transformer as
Parallel operation; Autotransformer; Industrial application.
well as three-phase
Three-phase Transformer: Construction; Parallel operation;
Three-phase autotransformer; Industrial application. transformer.

2 Three-Phase Induction Motor: Principle of operation; 10 Understand the principle

Phasor diagram; Equivalent circuit; Torque-slip operations and construction
characteristics; Effect of change in rotor resistance in slip- of three-phase induction
ring machine; Determination of equivalent circuit motor and also able to
parameters; Starting and speed control of three phase understand how speed control
induction motor. Introduction to SCR-based speed control of induction motor has been
and industrial application, Four quadrant operation. done using power converters.

3 Electrical Power System: Layout of electrical power 17 Understand the basics of

system; Distribution system; Various types of substation; electrical power system and
Introduction to solar and wind energy system; Circuit getting familiar with some
breakers (CBs): Principle of operation, Arc interruption power system equipment.
methods, Restriking voltage and Recovery voltage, Also, able to understand the
Resistance switching, Types of CBs: Oil CBs, Air-break basic principle of circuit
CBs and SF6 CBs. Protective relays ‐ Induction pattern over breakers and relays for power
current relay, thermal overload relay, earth fault relay; system protection.
Principles of tariff; Power factor improvement; Power
cables ‐ Types of cables, Capacitance of single core and 3
core cables, Dielectric stress, Optimum cable thickness,

Text Books
1. E. Fitzgerald, Stephen D. Umans, Charles Kingsley, “Electric Machinery”, Tata Mc Graw-Hill.
2. C.L. Wadhwa, “Electrical Power System”, New age international Ltd.

Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

ESO EEE202 Utilization of Electrical Energy 3 0 0 9

Course Objective

The course will impart technological understanding of electrical energy utilization in light of basic scientific knowledge.
The course covers application aspects of different electrical motors and their fundamental control strategies.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to understand operating principle of different power
converters and their control, elementary heating and welding processes and Illumination techniques.

Unit Topics to be Covered Lecture Learning Outcome

No. Hours

1 Traction System: Electrical motors used in traction 10 Explain Electric Traction system, electrical and
system, Characteristics of the motors, Track mechanical requirements for traction system.
electrification strategies, tractive effort, factors
affecting energy consumption, Traction motor
controls, protective devices.

2 Motor Control: Full-wave rectifier drive for DC 8 Understand the fundamentals of electrical motor
motor, Half-wave rectifier drive for DC motor, control in different applications.
Induction open-loop and closed-loop control.

3 Electric Heating and Welding: Resistance heating, 11 Understand the need and different techniques of
Induction heating and Dielectric heating and their electric heating, the operations of different
industrial applications. Resistance, arc and furnaces for industrial process. Also Understand
ultrasonic welding, characteristics of welding
the different electric welding techniques,
transformers modern welding techniques and
control. applications of heating and welding.

4 Illumination: Laws of illumination, polar curves, 10 Explain different laws related to illumination and
photometry, types of lamps, modern energy efficient apply them to analyze the requirements and
lamps, Driver circuit for the lamps, Light control. subsequently design the desired lighting scheme.
Understand the operations of energy efficient
lamps and their arrangements.

Text Books
1. Utilization of Electrical Energy by Openshaw Taylor.
2. Generation Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Power by C.L. Wadhwa

Reference Books
3. Advanced Electric Drive vehicles by Ali Emadi; Florence Berthold, CRC press

Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

OE EEO301 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 3 0 0 9

Course Objective

The objective of this course is to impart basic knowledge on architecture and the instruction set of an Intel
microprocessor, assembly language programming and design of various types of digital and analog interfaces. The
course will also discuss the architectures of 8085, 8086 and 8051.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course the students are expected to:

 Recall and apply a basic concept of digital fundamentals to Microprocessor based personal computer system.
 Identify a detailed s/w & h/w structure of the Microprocessor.
 Illustrate how the different peripherals are interfaced with Microprocessor and analyze the data transfer
information through serial & parallel ports.
 Distinguish and analyze the properties of Microprocessors & Microcontrollers. Train their practical knowledge
through laboratory experiments.

Unit Topics to be Covered Lecture Learning Outcome

No. Hours

1 Architecture and organization of 8085A Microprocessors: 8 To familiarize with the different

Memories and I/O: Various types, memory mapped and I/O registers, data, address & control
mapped I/O, memory mapped memory buses; Memory and I/O mapping with
8085 CPU.

2 8085 Instructions, Assembly language Programming, 8 Developing programming skill using

Software & Hardware interrupts different kinds of instructions; basic
idea of interrupts.

3 8255:PPI Chip & it’s operation, 8259: Priority interrupt 8 Interfacing the CPU with various I/O
controller, interrupt driven I/O operation, 8257: DMA chips and programing.
controller, 8279: key board interfacing, Interfacing of A/D
and D/A converters etc.

4 8086 Architecture, organization and pin out details, 7 To familiarize with the different
memory segmentation minimum mode and maximum mode General purpose & Special purpose
of operation. Instruction sets of 8086 registers, Memory segmentation,
Physical and actual addressing under
different mode of operation.

5 Pin out descriptions of 8051, memory organization, register 8 Acquaintance with the concept of 8051
banks, special function registers, and external memory: Microcontroller: Register banks,
external code memory access, external data memory access, Memory access and programming
address decoding, addressing modes of 8051, instruction

Text Books
1. D.V. Hall , Microprocessors and its Interfacing, Third Edition, 2017
2. R.S. Ganorkar, Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications with the 8085, Sixth Edition, 2013
3. A. K. Ray and K. M. Bhurchandi, Advance Microprocessors and Peripherals, Third Edition, 2017.

Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

OE EEO302 Industrial Utilization of Electrical Power 3 0 0 9

Course Objective

The course will give basic understanding on the major loads and their characteristics for efficient utilization of electrical
energy. It will also help to understand their operation of different energy efficient motors for electric traction and their
control techniques.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

● be able to understand the operations of different components of electric loads and their characteristics
● be able to understand operating principle of different power converters and their control for energy efficiency
control of different traction drives and loads.

Unit Topics to be Covered Lecture Learning Outcome

No. Hours

1 Electric Traction: System of track electrification, 6 Explain Electric Traction system, electrical and
supply system, power factor & harmonics, tractive mechanical requirements for traction system,
effort, factors affecting energy consumption, types of different traction system and their control.
Electric and diesel-electric traction systems, modern
traction motors and control.

2 Motor Control: Vector control of AC motors, 6 Explain the basics of speed control of AC and DC
converter controlled DC motors, four quadrant motors.
operation of electrical motors.

3 Electric and Hybrid Vehicle: Vehicle dynamics, 8 Understand the Understand the Electric and
vehicle power, components of the electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles, their components and
hybrid vehicle, types, series and parallel classifications. Also understand the operations and
configuration, battery powered vehicles. requirements of a battery power electric vehicle.

4 Electric Heating and Welding: Resistance heating, 9 Understand the need and different techniques of
Induction heating and dielectric heating and their electric heating, the operations of different
industrial applications. Resistance, arc and furnaces for industrial process. Also Understand
ultrasonic welding and their industrial applications,
the different electric welding techniques,
characteristics of welding transformers.
applications of heating and welding.

5 Illumination: Illumination from point, line and 10 Explain the different laws related to illumination
surface sources, Laws of illumination, polar curves, and apply them to analyze the requirements and
photometry and spectrometry; photocells, types of subsequently design the desired lighting scheme.
lamps, modern energy efficient lamps, driver circuit Understand the operations of energy efficient
for the lamps, general illumination design. lamps and their arrangements.
Text Books
1. Utilization of Electrical Energy by Openshaw Taylor.
2. Generation Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Power by C.L. Wadhwa

Reference Books
3. Advanced Electric Drive vehicles by Ali Emadi; Florence Berthold, CRC press
Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit
OE EEO403 Digital Signal Processing 3 0 0 9

Course Objective
The objective of the course is to present an introductory concept as well as some design ideas on the Digital
Signal Processing.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course the students will acquire the basic knowledge on the Digital Signal
Processing, the analysis and derivation of different relevant topics such as DFT (Discrete Fourier transform)
and FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) which are used in various domains of science and technology. They will
know the basic ideas for designing various digital filters. They will be acquainted with some applications.

Unit Lecture
Topics to be covered Learning Outcome
No. Hours
Understanding of sampling of
Introduction, Sampling, aliasing, z-transform and its
continuous-time signal to obtain
1 properties, discrete-LTI systems, z-transfer function, 12
discrete-time system, z-
discrete convolution, inverse z-transform.
transformation and its application.
Digital filters – FIR and IIR filters, Filter structure,
Design of FIR and IIR filters, Effect of finite word Knowledge on Discrete Fourier
length. Correlation of discrete-time signals, Fourier transform, Fast Fourier Transform
2 14
transform of signals. Discrete Fourier transform and and design knowledge of digital
Fast Fourier Transform algorithms, Applications of filter design and realization.
FFT – spectrum analysis, FFT based digital filtering.
Digital signal processing of continuous time signals –
sampling, anti-aliasing filter, sample and hold process, Acquaintance with some issues on
reconstruction filter. Application of digital signal processing continuous-time signal
3 13
processing in spectral analysis of sinusoidal signals, and application of DSP in some
non-stationery signals and in musical signal cases.

Text Books:
1. Proakis J G, Manolakis D G (and D Sharma) – Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and

Reference Books:
2. Oppenheim A V, Schafer R W – Discrete-Time signal processing.
3. Hayes M H – Schaum's Outlines: Digital Signal Processing.
4. S K Mitra – Digital Signal Processing: A Computer-Based Approached

Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

OE EEO404 Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Audit 3 0 0 9

Course Objective

The course presents about the distinct features of the Renewable Energy Sources in power systems. The course will
also give an insight into the performance assessment and energy auditing of the electrical equipments.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

 understand and learn the recent developments in the alternative energy sources,
 learn the methods for the energy assessment of old electrical equipments and to improve the energy efficiency.
 The course will help in gaining the knowledge, which is required for modern day power sector.

Unit Topics to be Covered Lecture Learning Outcome

No. Hours

1 Solar Energy: Components of solar radiation, Geometry of the 6 Understanding the different
collector and the beam, flat plate and concentrating collectors, methods of harvesting solar
Solar photovoltaic systems, Electrical Equivalent circuit, energy.
characteristics, maximum power point tracking, Classification of
photovoltaic power systems.

2 Wind Energy: Nature of wind, energy from wind, wind energy 5 Understanding the wind energy
conversion terms, power equation and power coefficient, types conversion techniques
of wind mills and their components, wind energy conversion

3 Fuel Cells: Design, operation, classification, conversion 4 Helps in gaining the knowledge
efficiency, polarization. about the operating principle of
fuel cells.

4 Biomass Energy: Biomass conversion technologies, Biogas 4 Understanding the extraction of

generation, types of biogas plants, types of biomass gasifiers, energy from biomass.
process zones of gasifiers.

5 Ocean Energy: Ocean thermal energy conversion plants, 8 Helps in understanding the
equation for wave energy and power, wave energy conversion different methods of harnessing
devices, tides, methods for utilization of tidal energy, power the ocean energy.

6 Geothermal Energy: Distribution of geothermal energy, types 4 Helps in gaining the knowledge
of geothermal resources, advantages and disadvantages, about different forms of
geothermal conversion technologies. geothermal energy.

7 Energy Audit: Definition, Types of Energy Audit, Ten steps 3 Understanding the energy
methodology, Report preparation. auditing methodology.

8 Energy Assessment of Electrical Equipment: Energy 5 Helps in understanding the

assessment of motors, pumps and variable speed drives: energy assessment of motors
Efficiency testing of motor, determining the load, format of data and variable speed drives.
collection, efficiency testing of pump, Necessity for
implementation of variable speed drives.

Text Books
1. Renewable Energy Resources - Twidell & Weir.
2. Advanced Renewable Energy Systems (part-1) – S. C. Bhatia
3. Bureau of Energy Efficiency, India.
 Book-1: General Aspects of Energy Management and Audit.
 Book-4: Energy Performance Assessment of Motors/ Variable speed drives.

Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

DC EEO405 Industrial Automation 3 0 0 9

Course Objective

The course will give basic understanding on components of Industrial processes and their role for automated system.
It will also help to understand the different control techniques and their implementation for automated system.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

● understand the roles and operations of different components of Industrial Automation,
● understand operating principle of different control techniques and their implementation for an automated

Unit Topics to be Covered Lecture Learning Outcome

No. Hours

1 Introduction to Industrial Processes and their 6 Explain Industrial Automation, its role
automation: Industrial automation, Industrial information and their types as well their needs for
technology, role of Industrial Automation, types of modern industries.
production and automation systems, industrial sensors and
actuator system, the architecture of elements.

2 Actuator Systems: Pneumatic Actuators like: Flapper 10 Understand the functionality of

nozzle amplifier, Electro-pneumatic signal converter, different pneumatic actuators and their
Pneumatic valve positioner. Control valves and their characteristics. Also understand the
characteristics, Electrical Actuators and their energy use of energy efficient electrical
efficient Drives, BLDC Drives. actuators.

3 Process Control and their Implementation: Introduction 12 Understand the role of basic PID
to automatic controls, PID controllers. Tuning of gain Controllers, their tuning as well as
parameters, Pneumatic Controllers and their their implementation for automated
implementation, Implementation of electronic PID
industries. Also Understand the
Controllers, digital PID controller, Industrial Process with
Feed-forward control, ratio control, predictive control and operations and need of some special
inverse response control strategies. control techniques for various
industrial automated system.

4 Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers: 7 Implement the Interfacing techniques

Introduction to Sequence, Logic Control and Programmable of PLCs with actuators, sensors and
Logic Controllers and their applications, Microcomputer plant. Moreover, the understanding of
based PLC, Architecture of PLCs, Structure of a PLC ladder logic programming can be done.
Program, The Relay Ladder Logic (RLL) Diagram.

5 Introduction to SCADA System: Principles of modern 4 Understand the role of SCADA system
SCADA systems, SCADA hardware and SCADA software, for Industrial Automation as well as
subsystems of a typical SCADA system their communications with the remote
Text Books
1. Industrial Instrumentation, Control and Automation, S. Mukhopadhyay, S. Sen and A.K. Deb, Jaico
Publishing House, 2013.
2. Chemical Process Control, An Introduction to Theory and Practice, George Stephanopoulos, Prentice Hall
India, 2012.
Reference Books
3. Electric Motor Drives, Modelling, Analysis and Control, R. Krishnan, Prentice Hall India, 2002.

Course Type Course Code Name of Course L T P Credit

OE EEO406 Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 3 0 0 9

Course Objective

To understand fundamental theory and concepts of neural networks, neuro-modelling, several neural network paradigms
and its applications. To develop concepts of fuzzy sets, knowledge representation using fuzzy rules, approximate
reasoning, fuzzy inference systems, and fuzzy logic control and other machine intelligence applications of fuzzy logic.
To impart Basics knowledge on evolutionary computing paradigm known as genetic algorithms and its application to
engineering optimization problems.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

● identify and describe soft computing techniques and their roles in building intelligent machines
● recognize the feasibility of applying a soft computing methodology for Practical problems
● apply fuzzy logic and reasoning to handle uncertainty and solve engineering problems
● apply genetic algorithms to combinatorial optimization problems
● evaluate and compare solutions by various soft computing approaches for a given problem

Unit Topics to be Covered Lecture Learning Outcome

No. Hours

1 Introduction to soft computing, soft computing vs. hard 5 Basic knowledge and categorization of
computing, various types of soft computing techniques, the broad area soft computing and its
applications of soft computing. Introduction to artificial applications, defining artificial
intelligence. intelligence and its practical
implications on engineering problems

2 Structure and Function of a single neuron: Biological 6 To familiarize with the concept of
neuron, artificial neuron, definition of ANN, Taxonomy of neural network, it’s modelling; Types
neural net, Difference b/w ANN and human brain, & methods of learning of ANN.
Supervised & unsupervised learning, characteristic and
applications of ANN, single layer network.

3 Perceptron training algorithm, Linear separability, Hebb’s 10 Application of various activation

learning rule, ADALINE, MADALINE, Introduction of functions on ANN,Training of
MLP, different activation functions, Error back propagation different kinds of ANN & it’s
algorithm, derivation of BBPA, momentum, limitation, implementation
characteristics and application of EBPA. Hop field/
Recurrent network, configuration, stability constraints,
associative memory, and characteristics, limitations and
applications. Hopfield v/s Boltzmann machine. Adaptive
Resonance Theory: Architecture, classifications,
Implementation and training.

4 Fuzzy set theory, Fuzzy set versus crisp set, Crisp relation 8 Familiarize with fuzzy set theories,
& fuzzy relations, Fuzzy systems: crisp logic, fuzzy logic, membership functions, solving
introduction & features of membership functions. Fuzzy numerical problems based on
propositions, formation, decomposition & aggregation of fuzzification and defuzzification, use
fuzzy Rules, fuzzy reasoning, fuzzy inference systems, of membership function for solving
fuzzy decision making & Applications of fuzzy logic. numerical

5 Fundamental and working principle, encoding, fitness 10 Apprising the students on stepwise
function, Different operators of GA: Selection and description of GA and PSO
Reproduction, Crossover, Mutation, Convergence of GA, parameters, their mathematical
Applications & advances in GA, Differences & similarities modelling, applications of GA and
between GA & other traditional methods; Particle Swarm PSO in solving practical electrical
Optimization, mathematical modelling of PSO, particle engineering optimization problems;
best, global best, significance and effects of inertia weights, comparative analysis between GA and
social and cognitive factor, Convergence of PSO, PSO
comparative analysis of GA and PSO in solving practical
optimizing problems

Text Books

1. Genetic algorithms – Goldberg, Pearson Education India; 1st edition (1 December 2008)
2. Principles of Soft Computing -- S. N. Sivanandam, S. N. Deepa, 3rd Edition, 2018
3. Engineering optimization: theory and practice -- Rao, Singiresu S., John Wiley & Sons, 2009.

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