Section Viii Contact Information of Administrations
Section Viii Contact Information of Administrations
Section Viii Contact Information of Administrations
第 VIII 节
Section VIII –3– 14 AFS – BAH
AFS Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services, Private Bag X860, PRETORIA 0001, South Africa.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 27 12 427 8509, PHONE: 27 12 427 8000, TELEFAX: 27 12 427 8102, TELEFAX: 27 12 427 8242, URL:
AGL Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology, P.O. Box 1459, LUANDA, Angola.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 244 222 336 450, PHONE: 244 222 337 117, TELEFAX: 244 222 311 803, URL:
ALB Ministry for Innovation and ICT, Blv. 'Dëshmorët e Kombit', Nr. 1, TIRANA, Albania.
PHONE: 355 4 2277599, TELEFAX: 355 4 2248298, URL:
ALG Ministère de la Poste et des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (MPTIC), 4, Boulevard Krim Belkacem, ALGER 16027, Algeria.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 213 21 711220, TELEFAX: 213 21 428152, TELEFAX: 213 21 730047, URL:
ALS v. « USA ».
ARG Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CNC), Perú 103 - Piso 8, C1067 AAC, BUENOS AIRES, Argentina.
PHONE: +54 11 43479323, PHONE: +54 11 43479321, TELEFAX: +54 11 43479332, TELEFAX: +54 11 43479546, URL:
ARM Republican Centre of Telecommunications (SNCO), 29, Tbilisyan Highway, 375091 YEREVAN, Armenia.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 374 10 288717, TELEFAX: 374 10 288683
ARS Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), International Organizations Affairs, Minister's Office, 3rd Floor, Mursalat, 11112 RIYADH, Saudi Arabia.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 966 1 4522323, PHONE: 966 1 4522333, TELEFAX: 966 1 4504382, URL:
ASC The Administrator, Ascension Island Government, GEORGETOWN ASCN 1ZZ, Ascension.
PHONE: 247 7000, TELEFAX: 247 6152, URL:
ATG International Shipping Register, Department of Marine Services and Merchant Shipping, Corner of Popeshead & Dickenson Bay Streets, P.O. Box 1394, ST. JOHN'S, Antigua and Barbuda.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +1 268 462 1273, TELEFAX: +1 268 462 4358, URL:
Contact Person: Captain J.K. Wendler, Director and Registrar General
AUS Australian Maritime Safety Authority, Vessel Tracking, Level 5, 82 Northbourne Avenue, Braddon ACT 2612, GPO Box 2181, CANBERRA, ACT 2601, Australia.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 61 2 62795072, TELEFAX: 61 2 62795002, URL:
AUT Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie, (Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology), Postofficebox: 201, 1000 WIEN, Austria.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 43 1 71162654100, TELEFAX: 43 1 71162654109, URL:
Contact Person: Brigitte Halbertschlager
AZE Ministry of Communications and High Technologies, 33, Zarifa Aliyeva Street, BAKU AZ 1000, Azerbaijan.
PHONE: 994 12 4930004, TELEFAX: 994 12 4987912
AZR v. « POR ».
B Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações - ANATEL, Assessoria Internacional, SAUS-Quadra 6 - Bloco H - 4th Floor, 70070-940 BRASILIA, DF, Brazil.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 55 61 2312 2063, TELEFAX: 55 61 2312 2244, URL:
Personne de contact: Hélio de Lima Leal
BAH Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA), UBS Annex Building, East Bay Street, P.O. Box N4860, NASSAU. Bahamas
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 1 242 3930234, TELEFAX: 1 242 3930153, URL:
BDI – BUL –4– 14 Section VIII
BDI Agence de Régulation et de Contrôle des Télécommunications (ARCT), Bld de l'Indépendance, B.P. 6702, BUJUMBURA, Burundi.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 257 22 210276, TELEFAX: 257 22 242832
Personne de contact: Nestor Misigaro
BEL Institut belge des services postaux et des télécommunications - IBPT, Service Maritime, Commission d Examens, Ellipse Building - Bâtiment C, Boulevard du Roi Albert II 35, B-1030
BRUXELLES, Belgique.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +32 2 2268856, TELEFAX: +32 2 2268985, URL:
Personne de contact: Daniel Dupont, Tél: 32 2 226 88 13, E-mail: [email protected]
BEN Autorité Transitoire de Régulation des Postes et Télécommunications (ATRPT), Immeuble Suzanne Loko, Avenue Steinmetz, 01 B.P. 2034, COTONOU, Bénin.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 229 21310165, PHONE: 229 21317276, TELEFAX: 229 21317276, TELEFAX: 229 21310067, URL:
BER v. « G ».
BGD Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC), IEB Bhaban, 5th, 6th & 7th Floor, Ramna, DHAKA 1000, Bangladesh.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 880 2 9558855, PHONE: 880 2 7162277, TELEFAX: 880 2 9556677, URL:
BHR Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, Telecommunications Bureau, P.O. Box 26831, MANAMA, Bahrain.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 973 17 727 007, TELEFAX: 973 17 728 393
BLR Ministry of Communications and Informatization, 10, Independence Avenue, 220050 MINSK, Belarus.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 375 17 3273861, TELEFAX: 375 17 3272157, URL:
BLZ International Merchant Marine Registry of Belize (IMMARBE), Marina Towers, Suite 204, Newtown Barracks, Belize City, BELIZE C.A., Belize.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +501 2235026 or 5031 or 5047, TELEFAX: +501 2235048 or 5070 or 5087, TELEFAX: +501 2 76687, URL:
BOL RIBB-Registro Internacional Boliviano de Buques, Edificio Saenz, Primer Piso, Calle Mercado N.º 1046, LA PAZ, Bolivia (Estado Plurinacional de).
EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +591 2 2407718, PHONE: +591 2 2407732, TELEFAX: +591 2 2407730, URL:
BOT Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority (BOCRA), Plot No. 206/7, Independence Avenue, Private Bag 00495, GABORONE, Botswana.
EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 267 3957755, TELEFAX: 267 3957976, URL:
BRB Ministry of Finance, Investment, Telecommunications and Energy (MFIE), Telecommunications Unit, 3rd Floor East, The Warrens Office Complex, Warrens, ST. MICHAEL, Barbados.
PHONE: 1 246 3101300, TELEFAX: 1 246 4260960, URL:
BRM Posts and Telecommunications Department (PTD), Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs, Building No. 2, Special Development Zone, NAY PYI TAW, Myanmar.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 95 67 407226, PHONE: 95 67 407225, TELEFAX: 95 67 407216
BRU Ministry of Communications, Jalan Menteri Besar, BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN BB3910, Brunei Darussalam.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +673 2 383838, TELEFAX: +673 2 383966, TELEFAX: +673 2 380389, URL:
BUL Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, 9, Dyakon Ignatiy Str., 1000 SOFIA, Bulgaria.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 359 2 9409500, PHONE: 359 2 9409542, PHONE: 359 2 9409771, TELEFAX: 359 2 9409837, TELEFAX: 359 2 9885094, URL:
Section VIII –5– 14 CAF – CTI
CAF Société centrafricaine des télécommunications (SOCATEL), Direction générale, B.P. 939, BANGUI, Centrafricaine (Rép.).
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 236 21 61 42 68, TELEFAX: 236 21 61 44 72, TELEFAX: 236 21 61 71 29, URL:
CAN Coordination and Fixed Services Directorate, Industry Canada, 300 Slater Street, OTTAWA, Ontario K1A 0C8, Canada.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 1 613 9983793, TELEFAX: 1 613 9525108
Contact Persons: Sylvie Charbonneau. Rula Skaff and Johnathan Smith.
CBG International Ship Registry of Cambodia (ISROC), Bando Bldg., No. 36, 4-Ga, Jungang-Dong, Jung-Gu, BUSAN, Republic of Korea.
EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +82 51 4698689, TELEFAX: +82 51 4659698, URL:
CHL Departamento de Telecomunicaciones Marítimas y de Tecnologías de la Información, Errázuriz 537, VALPARAÍSO, Chile.
EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +56 32 208466, TELEFAX: +56 32 208475
Persona de contacto: Jefe Servicio de Telecomunicaciones Marítimas
CHN Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), 13, West Chang'an Avenue, 100804 BEIJING, China.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 86 10 66014249, TELEFAX: 86 10 62016362, URL:
CKH Maritime Cook Islands Ltd., P.O. Box 882, RAROTONGA, Cook Islands.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +682 23848, TELEFAX: +682 23846, URL:
CLM Ministerio de Tecnologias de Informacion y Comunicaciones, Secretaría General, Edificio Murillo Toro, Carrera 8 calles 12 y 13, BOGOTÁ D.C. 1, Colombia.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 57 1 3443460, TELEFAX: 57 1 3443434, TELEFAX: 57 1 3443433, URL:
CLN Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka, 276, Elvitigala Mawatha, COLOMBO 08, Sri Lanka.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +94 11 2689345, PHONE: +94 11 2689336, TELEFAX: +94 11 2689341, URL:
Contact Person: Director General of Telecommunications
COD Société Congolaise des Postes et Télécommunications (SCPT), Hôtel des Postes, Boulevard du 30 juin, B.P. 7070, KINSHASA - 1, Rép. dém. du Congo.
PHONE: 243 97 0063275
COG Société des Télécommunications du Congo (SOTELCO), 67, Avenue Patrice Lumumba, B.P. 2027, BRAZZAVILLE, Congo (Rép. du).
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 242 810 000, TELEFAX: 242 810 752, TELEFAX: 242 811 935
COM National Transport Authority, P.O. Box 1681, MORONI, Union of Comoros.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +269-7739779, TELEFAX: +269-7739777
Contact Person: Capt. Mohamed Alaa Farag, Marine Affairs Consultant, E-mail: [email protected]
CPV Agência Reguladora Multissectorial da Economia (ARME) Avenida da China, Piso 5, Chã d´Areia 892 PRAIA, Cap-Vert.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +2382604400, TELEFAX: +2382613069, URL:
CRO v. « F ».
CTI Agence Ivoirienne de Gestion des Fréquences Radioélectriques, Marcory ANOUMAMBO, 17 B.P, 444 Abidjan 17, Côte d'Ivoire.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 225 20 345958, TELEFAX: 225 20 344965
CTR – ERI –6– 14 Section VIII
CTR Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Telecomunicaciones, Viceministerio de Telecomunicaciones, Edificio Almendros, Barrio Tournón, SAN JOSÉ 10101, Costa Rica.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 506 2211 1200, TELEFAX: 506 2211 1280, URL:
CUB Ministerio de Comunicaciones, Avenida Independencia No. 2 e/ 19 de mayo y Aranguren, Plaza de la Revolución, CIUDAD DE LA HABANA 10600, Cuba.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 53 7 8828239, PHONE: 53 7 8854076, TELEFAX: 53 7 8854107
CYM Information and Communications Technology Authority, Third Floor, Alissta Towers, North Sound Road, P.O. Box 2502 GT, GRAND CAYMAN, Cayman Islands.
EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +1 (345) 946-4282, TELEFAX: +1 (345) 945-8284, URL:
CYP Deputy Ministry of Shipping VTMIS,LRIT,Safeseanet and Radio Communications Division, P.O. Box 56193, CY-3305 Lemesos, Cyprus.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +357 25848100 (operator), PHONE: +357 25848261 (direct line), TELEFAX: +357 25848200, URL:
Contact Person: Mr. Themis Evriviades, head of VTMIS, LRIT, Safeseanet and Radio Communications Division, E-mail 1: [email protected], E-mail 2: [email protected]
CZE Czech Telecommunication Office, Department of International Relations, Sokolovská 219, 190 00 PRAHA 9, Czech Rep.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 420 224 004704, TELEFAX: 420 224 004817, URL:
DJI Djibouti Télécom S.A., 3, Boulevard G. Pompidou, B.P. 2105, DJIBOUTI. Djibouti
EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 253 21 351110, TELEFAX: 253 21 355757
DMA Ministry of Information, Telecommunications and Constituency Empowerment, 3rd Floor, Government Headquarters, Kennedy Avenue, ROSEAU, Dominica.
EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 1 767 2663294, TELEFAX: 1 767 4480182, URL:
DNK Danish Maritime Authority, Caspar Brands Plads 9, 4220 Korsor, Denmark.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +45 72196000, TELEFAX: +45 72196001, URL:
DOM Instituto Dominicano de las Telecomunicaciones (INDOTEL), Edificio Osiris, Ensanche Paraíso, Avenida Abraham Lincoln No. 962, SANTO DOMINGO, DN 11202, Dominicana (Rep.).
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 1 829 7325555, TELEFAX: 1 829 7323030, TELEFAX: 1 829 4738544, URL:
E Ministerio de Fomento, Secretaría General de Transportes, Dirección de Marina Mercante, Área de radiocomunicaciones, C/ Ruiz de Alarcón, N.º 1, 28014 MADRID, Espagne.
EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +34 91 5979219, PHONE: +34 91 5979220, TELEFAX: +34 91 5979176, URL:
EGY National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (NTRA), Smart Village, Building No. 4, Alex Desert Road, Kilo 28, 6th of October Governorate, P.O. Box 12577, CAIRO, Egypt.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 20 2 35344000, TELEFAX: 20 2 35344104, TELEFAX: 20 2 35344155, URL:
EQA DIRNEA - Dirección Nacional de los Espacios Acuáticos, General Elizalde N.º 101 y Malecón, GUAYAQUIL, Equateur.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +593 4 2320400, TELEFAX: +593 4 2328119, URL:
Persona de contacto: Franklin Segura Jara
ERI Ministry of Transport and Communications, Department of Communications, Egri Mekel Kahawata, P.O. Box 6465, ASMARA, Eritrea.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 291 1 185 251, PHONE: 291 1 189 193, TELEFAX: 291 1 185 019, TELEFAX: 291 1 184 690
Contact Person: Zeraí Teklehaimanot Mogos
Section VIII –7– 14 EST – GLP
ETH Ethiopian Communications Authority Robel Plaza Building, Bole Subcity, Woreda 03 House Number 2483 P.O. Box 9991, ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +251 11 465 6011, TELEFAX: +251 11 465 5763, TELEFAX: +251 11 465 2480, URL:
F Agence nationale des fréquences (ANFR), DCA/DLC, 4 Rue Alphonse Matter, BP 8314, 88108 Saint-Dié des Vosges cedex, France.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +33 3 29 42 20 40, TELEFAX: +33 3 29 42 20 50, URL:
Personne de contact: M. Philippe Mugler
FIN Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority (FICORA), Itämerenkatu 3 A, P.O. Box 313, 00181 HELSINKI, Finland.
EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +358 9 6966883, TELEFAX: +358 9 6966410, URL:
Contact Person: Ari Caselius, GSM: +358 40 51 00 374
FJI Ministry of Public Enterprises, Communications, Civil Aviation & Tourism, Government Buildings, P.O. Box 2278, SUVA, Fiji.
PHONE: 679 331 5577, TELEFAX: 679 331 5035
FLK v. « G ».
FRO Post- & Fjarskiftiseftirlitið, Skálatrøð 20, P.O. Box 73, FO 110 TORSHAVN, Faroe Islands.
EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +298 35 60 20, TELEFAX: +298 35 60 35
FSM Government of the Federated States of Micronesia, FSM Department of Transportation, Communication and Infrastructure, P.O. Box PS-2, PALIKIR - POHNPEI, FM 96941, Micronesia.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 691 320 2381, TELEFAX: 691 320 5853
G Office of Communications - Ofcom, Riverside House, 2a Southwark Bridge Road, LONDON SE1 9HA, United Kingdom,
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 44 20 79813000, TELEFAX: 44 20 79813990, URL:
Contact: Spectrum Licensing, Tel: +4420 7981 3131, Fax: +4420 7783 4235, E-mail: [email protected]
GAB (on Behalf of) Intershipping Services LLC Office 601, 6th floor, Taqeef Showroom Building Opposite Nissan Showroom 4295 Ajman United Arab Emirates
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +97167428120, TELEFAX: +97167441270
Mr Hysham Akram Shaikh, General Director of Intershipping Services LLC
GEO LEPL MARITIME TRANSPORT AGENCY of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia Ship Registry and Flag Control Department 50 Baku Street, 6000 Batumi,
EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +995 (422) 274925 / 1111 /1115, PHONE: +995 (422) 274925 (Ext. 1113/1112), URL: WWW. MTA.GOV.GE
Davit Jincharadze, Head of Ship Registry and Flag Control Department, E-mail: [email protected], Tel: +995 577221615.
GHA National Communications Authority, 1st Rangoon Close, P.O. Box CT 1568 Cantonments, ACCRA, Ghana.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 233 21 776 621, TELEFAX: 233 21 763 449
GIB Gibraltar Regulatory Authority, 2nd Floor, Eurotowers 4, 1 Europort Road GX11 1AA, GIBRALTAR, Gibraltar.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +350 20074636, TELEFAX: +350 20072166, URL:
GLP v. « F ».
GMB – HTI –8– 14 Section VIII
GMB Gambia Telecommunications Company Ltd. (GAMTEL), 3, Nelson Mandela Street, P.O. Box 387, BANJUL, Gambia.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 220 422 8822, TELEFAX: 220 422 6699, URL:
GNB Autoridade Reguladora Nacional das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (ARN), Rua 5 de Julho, CP 1372, BISSAU, Guinée-Bissau.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 245 540 0538, PHONE: 245 643 8790, TELEFAX: 245 320 4876, URL:
Patrick Mendes de Carvalho, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], Tel: +245 955 231 247.
GRC Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, Directorate of Frequency Management, 2 Anastaseos & Tsigante Street, Papagos, 101 91 ATHENS, Greece.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 30 210 6508000, TELEFAX: 30 210 6508088, URL:
Contact Person: Stavros Kalafatidis
GRD National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (NTRC), Suite No. 8, Grand Anse Shopping Centre, P.O. Box 854, ST. GEORGE'S, Grenada.
EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +1 473 4356872, PHONE: +1 473 4402649, TELEFAX: +1 473 4352132, URL:
GUF v. « F ».
GUI Ministère de la Communication et des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, B.P. 617, CONAKRY, Guinée.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 224 30 45 45 86, TELEFAX: 224 30 45 18 96
GUY National Frequency Management Unit, 68 Hadfield Street - D'Urban Park, GEORGETOWN, Guyana.
PHONE: 592 2263976, TELEFAX: 592 2267661, URL:
Contact Person: Valmikki Singh
HKG v. « CHN ».
HND Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CONATEL), Edificio CONATEL, 6a. Avenida S.O., Colonia Modelo, Comayagüela, Apartado Postal 15012, TEGUCIGALPA, M.D.C., Honduras.
PHONE: 504 22348600, TELEFAX: 504 22348311, TELEFAX: 504 22348611, URL:
Personas de contacto: Abog. Norman Reaños (E-mail: [email protected]) y Lea Osejo (E-mail: [email protected])
HNG National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH), Frequency Planning and Coordination Unit, Visegradi u. 106, H-1133 BUDAPEST, Hungary.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +36 1 468 0676, URL:
HOL Radiocommunications Agency Netherlands, P.O. Box 450, 9700 AL GRONINGEN, Netherlands.
PHONE: 31 505 877130, TELEFAX: 31 505 877400, URL:
HRV Croatian Post and Electronic Communications Agency (HAKOM), Roberta Frangesa Mihanovica 9, 10110 ZAGREB, Croatia.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 385 1 7007007, TELEFAX: 385 1 7007070, URL:
Contact Person: Filip Zganec
HTI Conseil National des Télécommunications (CONATEL), 16, Cité de l'Exposition, B.P. 2002, PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haïti.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 509 2516 3325, TELEFAX: 509 2223 9229
Section VIII –9– 14 I – KNA
I Ministry of Economic Development, Communications Department, Viale America, 201, 00144 ROMA, Italy.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 39 06 54447803, TELEFAX: 39 06 44267283, URL:
IND Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, 406, Sanchar Bhawan - 20 Ashoka Road, 110001 NEW DELHI, India.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 91 11 23036822, PHONE: 91 11 23711872, TELEFAX: 91 11 23372105, TELEFAX: 91 11 23716629, URL:
Contact e-mail : [email protected]
INS Directorate General of Posts and Telecommunications, Center of International Affairs, Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No. 9, 10110 JAKARTA, Indonesia.
PHONE: 62 21 3848104, TELEFAX: 62 21 3500959, URL:
IRL Maritime Radio Affairs Unit, Irish Maritime Administration, Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, Leeson Lane, D02 TR60, DUBLIN, Ireland.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +353 (0)1 6783453, PHONE: +353 (0)1 6783480, TELEFAX: +353 (0)1 6783489
Contact Person: Emmet Ryan, E-mail: [email protected], Tel: +353 (0)1 6041427, Mobile: +353 (0)87 9884851,
IRN Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA), Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, P.O. Box 15598-4415, 1631713761 TEHRAN, Iran (Islamic Republic of).
PHONE: 98 218 8112809, TELEFAX: 98 21 86011120, TELEFAX: 98 218 8468999, URL:
IRQ Ministry of Communications, Al Saadun, Abu Noas Street, P.O. Box 81017, BAGHDAD, Iraq.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 964 1 8172488, TELEFAX: 964 1 7174449, URL:
J Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Radio Policy Division, Telecommunications Bureau, 1-2, Kasumigaseki 2-Chome, Chiyoda-ku, 100-8926 TOKYO, Japan.
PHONE: 81 3 5253 5875, TELEFAX: 81 3 5253 5940
JOR Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC), Shmeisani - Abdel Hamid Sharaf Street, Building No. 90, P.O. Box 941794, AMMAN 11194, Jordan.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 962 6 5501120, TELEFAX: 962 6 5690829, TELEFAX: 962 6 5690830, URL:
KAZ Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan 32/1, Kabanbay Batyr Ave., Nur-Sultan 010000, KAZAKHSTAN.
PHONE: 7 7172 24 13 12, TELEFAX: 7 7172 24 14 19
KEN Communications Authority of Kenya (CA), Waiyaki Way, Westlands, P.O. Box 14448, NAIROBI 00800, Kenya.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 254 20 434 9111, PHONE: 254 20 424 2000, TELEFAX: 254 20 434 8204, TELEFAX: 254 20 445 1866
KER v. « F ».
KIR Telecommunications Authority of Kiribati, Chief Executive Officer, P.O. Box 529, BETIO, TARAWA, Kiribati.
EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 686 25488, TELEFAX: 686 25431, URL:
For Ship Stations notifications: Kiribati Ship Registry
KNA St. Kitts & Nevis International Ship Registry, Stolt-Nielsen House,1-5 Oldchurch Road, RM7 0BQ Romford, United Kingdom.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +44 1708 380 400, TELEFAX: +44 1708 380 409
KOR – MEX – 10 – 14 Section VIII
KOR Korea Communications Commission (KCC), Radio Research Agency, 3-1, Wonhyo-ro, Yongsan-gu, SEOUL 140-848, Korea (Rep. of).
PHONE: 82 2 710 6563, PHONE: 82 2 710 6560, TELEFAX: 82 2 710 6569, URL:
KRE MRCC of DPR Korea, Pyongchon-2 Dong, Pyongchon Dist., P.O.Box 416, PYONGYANG, Dem. People's Rep. of Korea.
EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 850-2-18111 ext 8059 , PHONE: 00870765058157, TELEFAX: 850-2-381 4410, TELEFAX: 00870765058158
Contact Person: Hwang Yu Song
LBR The Republic of Liberia, Bureau of Maritime Affairs, c/o LISCR, LLC. Attn: Technical & Communications, 22980 Indian Creek Drive, Suite 200, DULLES, VA 20166, United States.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +1 703 564 7700 (direct), PHONE: +1 703 790 3434 (main), TELEFAX: +1 703 790 5655
LBY General Telecommunication Authority, P.O. Box 886, TRIPOLI, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 218 21 361 9965, TELEFAX: 218 21 361 9920
LTU Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania, Mortos Str. 14, 03219 VILNIUS, Lithuania.
EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +370 5 2105646, PHONE: +370 5 2105633, TELEFAX: +370 5 2161564, URL:
Contact Person: Algirdas Naraskevicius
LUX Institut Luxembourgeois de Régulation (ILR), SERVICE FREQUENCES 17, rue du Fossé, 2922 LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 352 28 228283, TELEFAX: 352 28 228229, URL:
LVA Electronic Communications Office, 45/47 Elizabetes Street, RIGA LV-1010, Latvia.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 371 67333034, TELEFAX: 371 67821275, URL:
MAU Information and Communication Technologies Authority of Mauritius (ICT Authority), Level 12, The Celicourt, 6, Sir Celicourt Antelme Street, PORT LOUIS, Mauritius.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 230 211 5333, TELEFAX: 230 211 9444, URL:
MCO Département de l'Equipement, de l'Environnement et de l'Urbanisme, Direction des Communications Electroniques (D.C.E.), 23, Avenue Albert II, 98000 MONACO, Cédex, Monaco.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 377 98 988800, TELEFAX: 377 97 985657
Personne de contact: André Bertholier
MDA Ministry of Information Technology and Communications, 134, Stefan cel Mare street, CHISINAU 2012, Moldova.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 373 22 251102, TELEFAX: 373 22 238476, URL:
MDG Ministère des Postes, des Télécommunications et des Nouvelles Technologies, Place de l'Indépendance, B.P. 163, 101 ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 261 2022 23267, TELEFAX: 261 2022 34515, TELEFAX: 261 2022 35894, URL:
MDR v. « POR ».
MEX INSTITUO FEDERAL DE TELECOMUNICACIONES (IFETEL) Avenida Insurgentes Sur 1143, Col. Noche Buena, 03720 Ciudad de MÉXICO México.
EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], URL:
Section VIII – 11 – 14 MHL – NCG
MHL Office of the Maritime Administrator, Republic of the Marshall Islands, 11495 Commerce Park Drive, RESTON VIRGINIA 22091, United States.
TELEFAX: +1 703 4768522
MKD Agency for Electronic Communications, 13, Dimitrie Cupovski Street, 1000 SKOPJE, Republic of North Macedonia.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +389 70 350 485, TELEFAX: +389 2 322 4611, URL:
MLA Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission 63000 CYBERJAYA, Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 60 3 86888000, TELEFAX: 60 3 86881009, URL:
MLD Communications Authority of Maldives, Telecom Building, Husnuheena Magu, MALE, Maldives.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 960 3323344, TELEFAX: 960 3320000, URL:
MLI Autorité Malienne de Régulation des Télécommunications/TIC et des Postes (AMRTP), Rue 390 Hamdallaye ACI 2000, B.P. 2206, BAMAKO, Mali.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 223 20231491, PHONE: 223 20231490, TELEFAX: 223 20231494
MLT Malta Communications Authority, Valletta Waterfront, Pinto Wharf, VALLETTA FRN 1913, Malta.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +356 21336840, TELEFAX: +356 21336846, URL:
Contact Person: Adrian Galea, Manager (Spectrum Management), E-mail: [email protected]
MNE Ministry of Information Society and Telecommunications, Rimski trg 46, 81000 PODGORICA, Montenegro.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 382 20 482259, PHONE: 382 20 241412, TELEFAX: 382 20 241790, URL:
MNG Information Technology, Post and Telecommunications Authority (ITPTA), The Government of Mongolia, 15160 Central Post Office, Sq. Sukhbaatar-1, P.O. Box 785, ULAANBAATAR,
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 976 11 330781, PHONE: 976 11 323241, TELEFAX: 976 11 330780, URL:
Mongolia Ship Registry, 10 Anson Road International Plaza, No. 25-13 Singapore 079903. (Tel: +65 62250125, Fax: +65 62250305, E-mail: [email protected]). Contact Person:
MOZ Telecomunicações de Moçambique S.R.L. (TDM S.R.L.), Rua da Sé No. 2, Caixa postal 25, MAPUTO, Mozambique.
PHONE: 258 21 431 921, TELEFAX: 258 21 431 944, URL:
MRC Service de la Coordination Internationale, Division Gestion du Spectre des Fréquences, Direction Technique, Agence Nationale de Réglementation des Télécommunications (ANRT),
Centre d'Affaires, Boulevard Ar-Ryad, Hay Ryad, B.P. 2939, RABAT 10100, Maroc.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +212 3 7717312, PHONE: +212 3 7718400, PHONE: +212 3 7717314-20, TELEFAX: +212 3 7203862, URL:
Personne de contact: Fatiha Zergani (Tél : +212-37- 718 512, Fax: +212-37- 718 547, E-mail: [email protected])
MRT v. « F ».
MTN Autorité de Régulation, 428, Rue 23023 Ksar, B.P. 4908, NOUAKCHOTT, Mauritanie.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 222 45 291270, TELEFAX: 222 45 291279, URL:
Personne de contact: Sidi Ould Mayouf, Tél: +222 525 4175
MWI Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA), Macra House, Salmin Amour Road, Private Bag 261, BLANTYRE, Malawi.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 265 1 883611, TELEFAX: 265 1 883890, URL:
MYT v. « F ».
NCG Instituto Nicaragüense de Telecomunicaciones y Correos (TELCOR), Edificio TELCOR, Avenida Bolívar, Apartado 2664, MANAGUA, Nicaragua.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 505 2222 7350, TELEFAX: 505 2222 7757, URL:
NCL – POL – 12 – 14 Section VIII
NCL v. « F ».
NIG Federal Ministry of Communication Technology, Federal Secretariat, Phase II, Block D, Central Area, Shehu Shagari Way, P.M.B. 331, Garki, ABUJA, Nigeria.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +234 805 601 6234, TELEFAX: +234 807 760 0357, URL:
NMB Namibian Communications Commission - NCC, 56 Robert Mugabe Av., Private Bag 13309, WINDHOEK, Namibia.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 264 61 222 666, TELEFAX: 264 61 222 790, URL:
Contact Person: Jan H. Kruger
NOR Telenor kystradio, Radio Licencing Department, Snarøyveien 30, N-1331 FORNEBU, Norway.
EMAIL: [email protected], URL:
Contact Person: Audun Tollum-Andersen, Tel: +47 905 51 270, E-mail: [email protected]
NRU Ministry of Transportation & Communications, Nauru Government Building, Yaren District, NAURU, Nauru.
EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 674 557 3133, TELEFAX: 674 557 3117, URL:
NZL Ministry of Economic Development, 33 Bowen Street, P.O. Box 1473, WELLINGTON, New Zealand.
PHONE: +64 4 4720030, TELEFAX: +64 4 4990969, URL:
OCE v. « F ».
OMA Ministry of Transport & Communications, P.O. Box 684, MUSCAT 112, Oman.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 968 24 685000, TELEFAX: 968 24 685011, TELEFAX: 968 24 685004, URL:
PAK Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA), PTA Headquarters, F-5/1, 44000 ISLAMABAD, Pakistan.
PHONE: 92 51 2878144, TELEFAX: 92 51 2878132, URL:
PHL National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), Agham Road, East Triangle, Diliman, QUEZON CITY 1100, Philippines.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +63 2 9244042, PHONE: +63 2 9217128, TELEFAX: +63 2 9244048, URL:
PLW Maritime Safety and Environment Protection,Palau International Ship Registry, 16701 Greenspoint Park, Suite 155, HOUSTON, TX. 77060, United States.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +1 504 460-9487, URL:
Contact Person: Marisabel Arauz Park
PNG National Information & Communication Technology Authority (NICTA), Frangipani Street, Hohola, P.O. Box 8227, BOROKO 111, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea.
PHONE: 675 3033227, PHONE: 675 3033200, TELEFAX: 675 3256868, TELEFAX: 675 3004829, URL:
PNR Panama Maritime Authority, Maritime Security Dept., Omar Torrijos Ave., Albrook, Pan Cana Mall 2nd Floor, Suite 205, Apartado Postal 00533, Balboa, Ancon 0843, Panamá.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +507 5015033, PHONE: +507 5015038, PHONE: +507 5015086, TELEFAX: +507 5015085, TELEFAX: +507 2700716, URL:
POL Office of Electronic Communication, Department of Radio Spectrum, Gieldowa 7/9, 01-211 WARSAW, Poland.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 48 22 330 4000, TELEFAX: 48 22 5349 175, URL:
Contact Person: Marek Otreba, Head of Maritime, Aeronautical and Amateur Radiocommunication Unit. E-mail: [email protected]
Section VIII – 13 – 14 POR – SNG
POR ICP - Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANACOM), Direção de Gestão do Espectro, Av. José Malhoa, 12, 1099-017 LISBOA, Portugal.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +351 21 7211000, TELEFAX: +351 21 7211006, URL:
Personne de contact: Luisa Mendes
PRG Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CONATEL), Edificio Ayfra - Piso 16, Presidente Franco N° 780 casi Ayolas, ASUNCIÓN, Paraguay.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 595 21 440020, TELEFAX: 595 21 442483, URL:
PRU Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones, Viceministerio de Comunicaciones, Jirón Zorritos N° 1203, LIMA 1, Perú.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 51 1 6157607, PHONE: 51 1 6157498, TELEFAX: 51 1 6157608, TELEFAX: 51 1 6157784, URL:
Persona de contacto: Herbert Palma Cadenas
QAT Supreme Council of Information and Communication Technology (ictQATAR), Al Mirqab Tower, P.O. Box 23264, DOHA, Qatar.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 974 44995333, TELEFAX: 974 44935913, URL:
REU v. « F ».
ROU National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications, 2, Delea Noua Street, Sector 3, 030925 BUCHAREST, Romania.
EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 40 372 845400, TELEFAX: 40 372 845402, URL:
Contact Person: Aurelian Sorinel Calinciuc, Email: [email protected]
RUS General Radio Frequency Centre, Radio Frequency Service, Federal State Unitary Enterprise, 7, Tverskaya Street, 125375 MOSCOW, Russian Federation.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +7 495 7481448, TELEFAX: +7 495 7480680, URL:
S Swedish Post and Telecom Agency (PTS), Valhallavägen 117, P.O. Box 5398, 102 49 STOCKHOLM, Sweden.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 46 8 6785500, TELEFAX: 46 8 6785505, URL:
SDN National Telecommunications Corporation (NTC), P.O. Box 2869, KHARTOUM 11111, Sudan.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 249 183 484493, PHONE: 249 183 484489, TELEFAX: 249 183 562360, TELEFAX: 249 183 484486, URL:
SEN Agence de Régulation des Télécommunications et des Postes (ARTP), Liberté 6 Extension, Immeuble IMOTHEP - VDN - Lot N° 8, B.P. 14130, DAKAR - PEYTAVIN, Sénégal.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 221 33 8690369, TELEFAX: 221 33 8690370, URL:
Personne de contact: Pape Cire Cisse
SEY Office of the President, Department of Information Communications Technology (ICT), Communications Division, 3rd Floor, Caravelle House, Manglier Street, P.O. Box 737, VICTORIA,
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 248 428 6600, TELEFAX: 248 422 5325, URL:
SLM Ministry of Communication and Aviation, P.O. Box G8, HONIARA, Solomon Islands.
PHONE: 677 36106, PHONE: 677 28296, TELEFAX: 677 36108
SLV Superintendencia General de Electricidad y Telecomunicaciones (SIGET), Sexta Décima Calle Poniente y 37 Av. Sur, N° 2001, Col. Flor Blanca, SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 503 22574438, TELEFAX: 503 22574495, URL:
SMO Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Level 1, CA & CT Plaza, Savalalo, Private Bag, APIA, Samoa.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 685 26117, TELEFAX: 685 24671, URL:
SNG InfoComm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), 10 Pasir Panjang Road, #10-01 Mapletree Business City, SINGAPORE 117438, Singapore.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 65 62110888, TELEFAX: 65 66592407, TELEFAX: 65 66592502, URL:
Contact Person: Lim Yuk Min
SOM – TON – 14 – 14 Section VIII
SOM Ministry of Information, Posts and Telecommunications, Via Republic, MOGADISHU, Somalia.
EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 252 61 5678104, TELEFAX: 252 1 235199, URL:
Contact Person: Abdulkadir Hussein Mohamed, Tel.: +252-615678104, E-mail: [email protected]
SPM v. <<F>>
SRL Sierra Leone International Ship Registry, 101 Cecil Street, # 08-01 Tong Eng Building, Singapore, 069533, Singapore.
PHONE: +65 6223-8733, TELEFAX: +65 6226 2621
STP Autoridade Geral de Regulacao (AGER), Av. 12 de Julho, No. 54, SAO TOMÉ, Sao Tomé-et-Principe.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +2392224995, TELEFAX: +2392227361
SUI Federal Office of Communications OFCOM, 44, rue de l'Avenir, P. O. Box, 2501 Biel/Bienne, Suisse.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 41 58 460 58 24, TELEFAX: 41 58 463 18 24, URL:
SUR Telecommunication Authority Suriname (TAS), Lalla Rookhweg perc. 228, PARAMARIBO, Suriname.
EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 597 532523, TELEFAX: 597 497411, URL:
SVK Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic, Továrenská 7, P.O. Box 40, 828 55 BRATISLAVA 24, Slovakia.
EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 421 2 57881101, TELEFAX: 421 2 52932095, URL:
Contact Person: Peter Kozmon
SVN Post and Electronic Communications Agency (APEK), Stegne 7, 1000 LJUBLJANA, Slovenia.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 386 1 5836301, TELEFAX: 386 1 5111101, URL:
SWZ Swaziland Posts and Telecommunications Corporation (SPTC), Phutfumani Building, Mahlokohla Street, P.O. Box 125, MBABANE H100, Eswatini.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 268 405 2000, TELEFAX: 268 405 2020, TELEFAX: 268 405 2001, URL:
SXM v. <<HOL>>
SYR Syrian Telecommunication Company (ST), Fayez Mansour Street - Mazzeh, P.O. Box 35108, DAMASCUS, Syrian Arab Republic.
PHONE: 963 11 6122208, TELEFAX: 963 11 6121208
TGO Ship Registrar of the Togolese Maritime Administration - Directorate of Maritime Affairs, Zalka Main Road, President Amin Gemayel Street, White Building, 1st Floor, BEIRUT, Lebanon.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +961-4-722177, TELEFAX: +961-4-722177
Contact Person: Mrs Vera Medawar, (Official Representative Worldwide outside Togo), Tel.: +961-3-667604, E-mail: [email protected]
THA National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC), 87 Soi Sailom, Phaholyothin Road, Phayathai, BANGKOK 10400, Thailand.
PHONE: 66 2 2727054, TELEFAX: 66 2 2781736, URL:
Contact Person: Director of International Services Division
TJK Communication Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, Rudaki Avenue 57, DUSHANBE 734025, Tajikistan.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 992 37 2212284, TELEFAX: 992 37 2510277
TON Tonga Communications Corporation Ltd. (TCC), Private Bag 4, NUKU'ALOFA, Tonga.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 676 26700, TELEFAX: 676 26701, URL:
Section VIII – 15 – 14 TRD – VRG
TRD Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT), 5, Eight Avenue Extension, off Twelfth Street, BARATARIA, Trinidad and Tobago.
EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 1 868 6758288, TELEFAX: 1 868 6741055
Mrs Cynthia Reddock-Downes, Chief Executive Officer
TUN Ministère des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication, 3 bis, rue d'Angleterre, 1000 TUNIS, Tunisia.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 216 71 320105, PHONE: 216 71 359000, TELEFAX: 216 71 352353, URL:
Personne de contact: Hassoumi Zitoun
TUR Information and Communication Technologies Authority (ICTA), Yesilirmak Sokak No. 16 - Demirtepe, 6430 ANKARA, Turkey.
PHONE: 90 312 2947100, PHONE: 90 312 2947296, TELEFAX: 90 312 2947155, URL:
Contact Person: Abdullah Karakas
TUV Ministry of Communications and Transport, Government Building, Vaiaku, Private Mail Bag, FUNAFUTI, Tuvalu.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 688 20051, TELEFAX: 688 20722
For ship stations notifications: Tuvalu Ship Registry, 10 Anson Road #25-16 International Plaza, Singapore 079903
TZA Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA), Mawasiliano Towers, Plot N° 2005/5/1, Block C, Sam Nujoma Road, P.O. Box 474, DAR-ES-SALAAM, Tanzania.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 255 22 2412012, PHONE: 255 22 2412011, TELEFAX: 255 22 2412010, TELEFAX: 255 22 2412009, URL:
UAE Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), P.O. Box 26662, ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 971 2 6269999, TELEFAX: 971 2 6118229, URL:
UGA Uganda Communications Commission (UCC), UCC House, Plot 42-44 Spring Road, Bugolobi, P.O. Box 7376, KAMPALA, Uganda.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 256 41 4339000, TELEFAX: 256 41 4348832, URL:
UKR State Enterprise "Ukrainian State Centre of Radio Frequencies", 151 Peremogy Ave., 03179 KYIV, Ukraine.
EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], URL:
URG Unidad Reguladora de Servicios de Comunicaciones (URSEC), Avenida Uruguay, 988, MONTEVIDEO 11200, Uruguay.
PHONE: 598 2 902 8082, TELEFAX: 598 2 901 2252, TELEFAX: 598 2 900 5708, URL:
Contacto: Dpto. Frecuencias Radioeléctricas, Sección S.M.M.
USA Federal Communications Commission, 445, 12th Street, S.W., WASHINGTON D.C. 20554, United States.
EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +1 202 418 2771, URL:
Contact Person: Ghassan Khalek
VCT Commissioner for Maritime Affairs of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, 74, Boulevard d'Italie E/F, MC 98000 MONACO, Monaco.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +377 93 104450, TELEFAX: +377 93 104499, TELEX: 489 171 svgreg
Contact Person: Stefane Dabinovic
VEN Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CONATEL), División de Investigación y Seguimiento Internacional, Gerencia de Planificación y Desarrollo del Sector, Urbanización Las
Mercedes, Avenida Veracruz, Edificio CONATEL, Piso 2, CARACAS, Venezuela.
PHONE: 58 212 9090466, TELEFAX: 58 212 9936794, URL:
VRG Ministry of Communications and Works, Government of the British Virgin Islands, Central Administration Complex, Wickham's Cay 1, ROAD TOWN, TORTOLA, British Virgin Islands.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 1 284 468 3701, TELEFAX: 1 284 494 3873, URL:
VTN – ZWE – 16 – 14 Section VIII
VTN International Co-operation Department, Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC), 18 Nguyen Du 02, Nguyen Thuong Hien, HAIPHONG, Viet Nam.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 84 31 747062, TELEFAX: 84 31 842979, URL:
Tel: +84 4 3822 9377, Fax: +84 4 3822 6590, Mobile : +84 (0) 904 255353, e-mail: [email protected]
VUT Vanuatu Maritime Services Ltd., 39 Broadway, Suite 2020, NEW YORK - NY 10006-1617, United States.
EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +1 212 4259600, TELEFAX: +1 212 4259652, URL:
WAL v. « F ».
XAN v. « HOL ».
YEM Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology, Airport Road - Al-Jiraf Sana'a, P.O. Box 25237, SANA'A. Yemen
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 967 1 331452, TELEFAX: 967 1 331473
ZMB Zambia Telecommunications Company Limited (ZAMTEL), Provident House, P.O. Box 71630, NDOLA, Zambia.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 260 212 611333, PHONE: 260 212 612399, TELEFAX: 260 212 615855, URL:
ZWE Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (POTRAZ), Block A, Emerald Park, 30, The Chase - Mt. Pleasant, P.O. Box MP 843, HARARE, Zimbabwe.
EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: 263 4 333 048, PHONE: 263 4 333 032, TELEFAX: 263 4 333 041, URL: