NASA Educational Briefs For The Classroom. Orbits of Bodies in Space
NASA Educational Briefs For The Classroom. Orbits of Bodies in Space
NASA Educational Briefs For The Classroom. Orbits of Bodies in Space
Orbit DuraNnns and Velocities A satellite farther out from Earth would appear to
someone on the ground to move from east to west
Kepler's third law says generally that the greater although it is also orbiting from west to east. An
a body's mean orbital altitudt, the longer it will take example that immediately comes to mind is our
for it to go around Earth. This means that in a ren- Moon which, as noted earlier, is about 442,171
dezvous maneuver where, for example, Columbia kilometers from Earth and has a mean orbital speed
is trying to catch up with and retrieve an unmanned of 3660 kilometers per hour. Although this is more
satellite in the same orbit, Columbia must be de- than twice the speed of Earth's rotation, the Moon
celerated. Deceleration would cause Columbia to falls back relative to Earth's surface and appears to
descend to a lower orbit. In the lower orbit, Colum- all of us on the ground to move from east to west
bia's speed would increase. When properly posi- despite the fact that it is orbiting from west to east.
tioned in the vicinity of the target satellite, Columbia
would be accelerated to raise its orbit and rendez-
vous with its target. All of these maneuvers would
be precisely controlled by Columbia's on-board Questions and Activities
computer system which is programmed with equa-
tions derived from Newton's, Kepler's, and other 1. What is the difference between an orbit and a
physical laws. revolution?
An interesting and particularly useful phenomenon 2. In what kind of orbit does a satellite never have a
is the Earth satellite that seems to stand still in revolution around Earth?
space. Examples are our many communications 3. Describe Kepler's three laws that govern the
satellites. motions of planets around the Sun.
Actually, these satellites are not stationary but 4. What do the following terms relating to orbits
have an orbital velocity of some 11,000 kilometers mean: apoapsis, periapsis, apogee, perigee,
(6875 miles) per hour. aphelion, perihelion, and orbital plane?
Such satellites are in an equatorial orbital plane
5. Read about Isaac Newton in your Encyclopedia.
with an orbital altitude of about 35,580 kilometers
What other physical laws did Newton develop
(22,240 miles). In this orbital plane and with this
in addition to his Law of Gravity?
altitude, they tend to keep pace with points on the
rotating Earth. At the equator, the Earth rotates at 6. Give examples of how Johannes Kepler's three
about 1600 kilometers (1000 miles) per hour. laws are used to launch satellites and to send
These satellites are called geostationary, because spacecraft to other planets.
they are stationary relative to a geographic point on 7. Demonstrate the principles involved in geosta-
Earth. This phenomenon can be explained by con- tionary satellites.
sidering runners on a circular track. The runner in 8. What other satellites besides communications
the outside lane needs to run faster than the runner satellites are in geostationary orbits? What are
on the inside lane just to keep up with him or her. advantages of geostationary orbits?
EB-82-3 U3 GOVERNMENT PRINTINO OMCE. 1982 361-570 414/3254 -