OPT B2 EOY Test Answers
OPT B2 EOY Test Answers
OPT B2 EOY Test Answers
End of Year Test So, you asked me to tell you about Speaking
my musical experience. Well, I’ve
Exercise 9
Standard Test been studying the violin for three
years and I love it! I took part in Sample answers
Listening a school concert a few weeks ago. Student A: Well, I think more
Exercise 1 Even though I’d practised really students might want to attend the
1 critical of; b 2 the case; b hard, I was extremely nervous! As film club than the cooking club
3 get … across; b soon as I started playing my violin, because most people like watching
4 trend; b 5 influence … on; a though, I forgot about everything films.
6 related to; a else. In the end, it was fine and
Student B: Yes, and watching a film
Exercise 2 everyone said I had played really
is definitely more relaxing than
well. I was so happy!
1 research 2 have lost cooking!
3 text messages 4 changing There was a party after the show,
Student A: Exactly. Art is relaxing
5 part 6 continue which I really enjoyed. It was a
too. What about the art club?
7 (Australian) soap operas great chance to relax with the other
performers after all our hard work. Student B: Well, most schools have
I’ll send you some photos! art lessons so I don’t think you
Exercise 3 need to go to a club to do it.
1 I might get fed up with being in I’d better go now because it’s 9.30
pm and I’ve got school tomorrow. Student A: Yes, I agree. How about
such a remote place; N
the computer coding club? Do you
2 I’m not a huge fan of the cold and Bye for now!
think students would find that
the dark; N Jenny enjoyable?
3 I’m looking forward to trying
2 One of the best shops in my city Student B: Maybe, but I think the
some of the street food; P
is a book shop called Bookworms. gymnastics club would be more
4 The only potential disadvantage It is open every day except Sunday fun. And if they attended this club,
about visiting Holland is; N and it sells CDs and toys as well as it would help them keep fit.
Exercise 4 books.
Student A: So shall we choose the
1 D 2C 3A 4D 5B 6C 7B 8A What I love most about Bookworms film club and the gymnastics club?
Use of English is that there is a café on the second
Student B: OK.
Exercise 5 floor of the shop. If you want to sit
and read a book, have a snack or 1 Yes, I think they’re very useful
1d 2b 3c 4c 5d 6b 7a
talk to your friends, nobody minds! because they give students the
Exercise 6 I also like the friendly people chance to relax and have fun after
1 to 2 being 3 will 4 why who work there. They’re always school. You can also learn new
5 than 6 After happy to recommend a book to skills at clubs like these.
Exercise 7 suit anyone, whatever their age or 2 They like playing computer
1 give me a bit of interests. games and watching TV, especially
2 is having his bedroom painted On the downside, Bookworms is in the winter when it’s cold and
3 see/tell the difference between more expensive than some of the they don’t feel like going out. But
4 was inspired to become other, bigger book shops in the in the summer, they like doing
5 carry on walking city. It isn’t the best place to find outdoor activities like playing
6 aren’t experienced enough a bargain, but I think it’s worth it volleyball and tennis or just
7 did the judges give because the atmosphere is so nice. meeting their friends and going to
a café.
Writing Overall, I highly recommend
3 Very important! Nobody wants
Exercise 8 visiting Bookworms, especially if
to do school work all the time and
Sample answers you are looking for a special gift for
hobbies give you the chance to
someone. Even if you don’t want to
1 Hey Ella! relax. Through hobbies, you can
buy anything, it’s a great place to
also find out what really interests
Thanks for your email. It was great spend some time.
you and that can help you when
to hear from you! I loved the photo
you are trying to choose your
you sent too. Your new hairstyle
future career – for example, if your
really suits you!
hobby is drawing, you might end
up becoming a fashion designer or
an architect.
4 Maybe the most important thing Use of English What I love most about Bookworms
you can learn from doing a sport is that there is a café on the second
Exercise 5
is how to work as part of a team, floor of the shop. If you want to sit
which is a very useful skill for life 1 to 2 was 3 made 4 went and read a book, have a snack or
in general. Through sport, you also 5 being 6 whose 7 would talk to your friends, nobody minds!
learn how to work towards goals Exercise 6 I also like the friendly people
and the importance of sticking at 1 invention 2 accessible who work there. They’re always
something and not giving up, no 3 relaxing 4 pollution happy to recommend a book to
matter how hard it is. 5 extremely 6 impressive suit anyone, whatever their age or
5 Personally, I prefer doing indoor 7 strengthen interests.
activities because I’m not very Exercise 7 On the downside, Bookworms is
sporty! I’m really interested in more expensive than some of the
1 despite having the
music and I play the piano, so when other, bigger book shops in the
2 until much later that
I’m not listening to music, I’m city. It isn’t the best place to find
3 rather you didn’t
usually practising the piano. Like a bargain, but I think it’s worth it
4 qualified as a teacher years
most teenagers, I also like playing because the atmosphere is so nice.
5 unless we start using
computer games, which isn’t very
6 no point (in) going shopping Overall, I highly recommend
active, I know, but is great fun!
Writing visiting Bookworms, especially if
6 If I had the chance, I’d love to
Exercise 8 you are looking for a special gift for
learn Chinese because I’m really
someone. Even if you don’t want to
interested in China and it’s my Sample answers
buy anything, it’s a great place to
dream to go there one day. I think 1 Hey Ella! spend some time.
the language is probably really
difficult to learn, especially the Thanks for your email. It was great Speaking
written language, but I’m quite to hear from you! I loved the photo
you sent too. Your new hairstyle
Exercise 9
good at languages and I would
really suits you! Sample answers
enjoy the challenge!
Student A: Well, I think more
So, you asked me to tell you about
Higher Test students might want to attend the
my musical experience. Well, I’ve
film club than the cooking club
been studying the violin for three
Listening years and I love it! I took part in
because most people like watching
Exercise 1 films.
a school concert a few weeks ago.
1 literacy; c Even though I’d practised really Student B: Yes, and watching a film
2 abbreviations; a hard, I was extremely nervous! As is definitely more relaxing than
3 aware of; a soon as I started playing my violin, cooking!
4 without a second thought; c though, I forgot about everything
Student A: Exactly. Art is relaxing
5 Americanisms; a else. In the end, it was fine and
too. What about the art club?
6 insights into; b everyone said I had played really
Exercise 2 well. I was so happy! Student B: Well, most schools have
art lessons so I don’t think you
1 research There was a party after the show,
need to go to a club to do it.
2 short/shortened which I really enjoyed. It was a
3 to spell great chance to relax with the other Student A: Yes, I agree. How about
4 fear about performers after all our hard work. the computer coding club? Do you
5 Cos I’ll send you some photos! think students would find that
6 (more) similar to / (more) like enjoyable?
I’d better go now because it’s 9.30
7 influence on / effect on
pm and I’ve got school tomorrow. Student B: Maybe, but I think the
Reading gymnastics club would be more
Bye for now!
Exercise 3 fun. And if they attended this club,
Jenny it would help them keep fit.
1 YES 2 NO 3 YES 4 NO
Exercise 4 2 One of the best shops in my city Student A: So shall we choose the
is a book shop called Bookworms. film club and the gymnastics club?
1 D 2C 3A 4D 5B
It is open every day except Sunday
6C 7B 8A Student B: OK.
and it sells CDs and toys as well as
1 Yes, I think they’re very useful you and that can help you when I’m not listening to music, I’m
because they give students the you are trying to choose your usually practising the piano. Like
chance to relax and have fun after future career – for example, if your most teenagers, I also like playing
school. You can also learn new hobby is drawing, you might end computer games, which isn’t very
skills at clubs like these. up becoming a fashion designer or active, I know, but is great fun!
2 They like playing computer an architect. 6 If I had the chance, I’d love to
games and watching TV, especially 4 Maybe the most important thing learn Chinese because I’m really
in the winter when it’s cold and you can learn from doing a sport interested in China and it’s my
they don’t feel like going out. But is how to work as part of a team, dream to go there one day. I think
in the summer, they like doing which is a very useful skill for life the language is probably really
outdoor activities like playing in general. Through sport, you also difficult to learn, especially the
volleyball and tennis or just learn how to work towards goals written language, but I’m quite
meeting their friends and going and the importance of sticking at good at languages and I would
to a café. something and not giving up, no enjoy the challenge!
3 Very important! Nobody wants matter how hard it is.
to do school work all the time and 5 Personally, I prefer doing indoor
hobbies give you the chance to activities because I’m not very
relax. Through hobbies, you can sporty! I’m really interested in
also find out what really interests music and I play the piano, so when