Smart Doctors Appointment and Prescription System (2017)

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Smart Doctors Appointment and Prescription System

Article · December 2017

DOI: 10.9790/0661-1906038591


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1 author:

Mohammad Jahangir Alam

Southern University Bangladesh


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IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE)
e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p- ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 19, Issue 6, Ver. III (Nov.- Dec. 2017), PP 85-91

Smart Doctors Appointment and Prescription System

Md. Abdul Majid1, Mohammad Jahangir Alam2, Md. Nurul Mustafa3
Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, Southern University Bangladesh, Chittagong,
Email:[email protected],[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Smart Doctors Appointment and Prescription System is an application that provides services to the
Doctors and Patients. The Doctor’s Appointment and Prescription system connects between Doctor and
Patients using web and android apps and patients are able to search a Doctor and ask for his/her appointment
as well as for prescription using their Smartphone. This application shows the Doctors the previous history of a
particular patient and can prescribe on basis of the history of patient. The main objective of this research is
connecting doctor and patient very quickly and easily from any location without any involvement of any third
party. Any doctor and patient can easily use this application by registering themselves, and doctor can
prescribe the patient based on disease using listed medicine and number of days etc. This system also notifies
the Doctor and patient through apps about the request of doctor appointment and prescription within shortage
possible time.
Keywords: Doctor’s Appointment and Prescription System, ECG, Prescription, Patient, Doctor, DAP.
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Date of Submission: 28-11-2017 Date of acceptance: 19-12-2017
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I. Introduction
As mobile technologies continue to evolve and grow in popularity, the healthcare sector has to quickly
adapt in order to meet the demands of the modern day’s patient and healthcare professional. We have developed
android apps without purchasing and using another extra device and also no payment for this service. These
apps will help patient and doctor to communicate each other for appointment and prescription at any time using
mobile with internet. The objective of the research:
 To introduce Doctors’ Appointments and Prescription System for mobile user.
 Facilitate mass people to connect doctor through mobile to get appointment.
 To reduce time and hassle of doctors and patients
 To record patent information in digital format for future usage.

II. Literature Review

OployeeLabs, Developed an apps “Doctorola”, October- 2015, Updated September, 2016 [1]. In this
project they designed an android application which is developed to find a doctor or a dentist easily and take an
appointment with the doctor instantly.
Mahesh Londhe, SandipVandre, AtulNarote, Amol Nirmal, SumitKhandelwal published a paper with
the title “Android Based Health Monitoring System” on the journal of International Journal of Advance
Foundation and Research in Computer[2].In this article they designed a system which is continuously monitor
the heart-rate, temperature etc.
Dayspring Limited, Developed “Doctor Apps Pulse”, October-2014 [3].It is purchasable and
subscription based apps where doctor can confirm patient appointment, write patients history and provides
prescription and communication can be established through internet.
Tia Gao, Dan Greenspan, Matt Welsh, Radford R.Juang, and Alex Alm published a paper with the title
“Real Time Patient Monitoring System Using Lab view” on the journal of International Journal of Scientific &
Engineering Research [4].In this research they show the patient’s vital parameters such as ECG, heart rate, pulse
rate and temperature are measured using a patient monitoring system.
Pharma and Medical Concepts PvtLtdDeveloped "Book Doctor Appointment." System [5].They used
“Appy Pie” to develop the app and also available in Google Play store which is purchasable .User can manage
online appointment of listed doctor. There is aneasy and quick search option for trusted Doctors across all cities
based on their specialty, clinic or doctor’s name.

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Smart Doctors Appointment and Prescription System

III. System Design

3.1 Block Diagram
A block diagram is a diagram of a system in which the principal parts or functions are represented by blocks
connected by lines that show the relationships of the blocks.

Fig1. Block Diagram System

The above Figure shows different functions of Admin, Doctor and Patients in different blocks of Doctors
Appointment and Prescription System.

A flowchart is a formalized graphic representation of a logic sequence, work or manufacturing process,
organization chart, or similar formalized structure.

Fig2. Flowchart of the system.

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Smart Doctors Appointment and Prescription System
The above Figure shows the process of application using flow symbols, in which any user can login
into system, if the user has no account then system ask to create an account first, after creation of an account
user can use this system based on user type and able to access respective functionalities as shown in flow

3.3 Concept of the system

Fig3. Concept Diagram of the System.

The above Figure shows the high level conceptual view and interaction of Doctor’s Appointment and
Prescription system. In this system a registered user can request for particular doctor’s appointment then the
system will send an acknowledgement to the patient if the doctor accepts the request and doctor writes
prescription through the system. The admin can control and manage the whole system.

IV. Implementation
4.1 Interface Design for doctor
The system becomes more popular if its user interface is attractive, Simple to use, responsive in short time, clear
to understand and consistent on all interfacing screens. The figure-4 is the main page of the system. Using this
interface, a user can complete his / her registration process.

Fig4. Main page of the apps.

After completing registration, at first the user has to login providing his/her user id and password as figure5, if
the supplied information is correct he/she will be able to access the system.
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Smart Doctors Appointment and Prescription System

Fig5. Login Page of Doctor/Admin

If the doctor login on the system will get notification regarding patient appointment request as well as the doctor
will be able to see total patients list in the app, who can meet him/her for their health checkup and suggestion
example as figure-6.

Fig6. Home Page for Doctor

After completing checkup to patient, the doctor can entry the observation details and can provide prescription
for a the patient as like as figure-7 and completing doctor’s task the doctor has to save the prescription into the
database then the prescription easily can be viewed by patient from his/her apps.

Fig7. Prescription and observation details entered by doctor

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Smart Doctors Appointment and Prescription System
4.2 Interface design for patient
We have designed very user friendly interface for the patient so that any patient can use this system very easily.
The figure-8 shows the main page for patient, where a patient can request appointment from a doctor just
pressing the appointment button also a patient able to see his/her prescription which is given by a doctor.

Fig8. Main Page for Patient in Apps.

V. Application
There are many Features of the Apps
 It is user friendly and It works in different version of android
 Patient can take appointment from doctor
 Doctor can prescribe a patient based on appointment in system.
 Patient can see the prescription in apps.

VI. Result and Discussion

The result of the research has been shown in different diagrams withdiscussion. Thefigure-9 shows login result
for the doctor and admin. The admin has the authority in the system to accept or reject any doctor’s membership

Fig9. Admin page

After that an admin can check numbers and details of the doctors who have registered in the system as like as
figure -10.

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Smart Doctors Appointment and Prescription System

Fig10. List of total registered Doctors.

The admin and the doctor also can view the total numbers of appointed patients against the particular doctor.
Using this system admin or doctor can also add or delete name of the medicine.

Fig11.Adding Medicine in the apps by Doctor and Admin.

Finally a patient can be able to view the prescription which has uploaded by a doctor after checking him/her
from their mobile at anytime from anywhere.

Fig12. Prescription of the patient.

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Smart Doctors Appointment and Prescription System

VII. Comparison
Table-1 comparison among different applications with the DAP
System Smart Doctors Doctorola Doctor Apps Book Doctor Free Doctor
Appointment and Pulse Appointment Appointment
Prescription System Apps
Availability of Web and Mobile Yes Yes Only Apps Only Apps Only Website
Apps available available available
Appointment Manage System Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Doctor’s History Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Patient’s History Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Prescription Manage Yes No Yes No No

VIII. Conclusion
The major goal of this application is to make an online interaction between doctors and patients. Smart
Doctor’s Appointment and Prescription system for Android meets most of the functionality to manage
appointment and prescription for doctors and patients accordingly. Patient can use online appointment to save
time and money. This application facilitates the interaction between patient and doctor. The developed system is
efficient, effective and interface is very user friendly, Where the Doctor will get previous detail information
about the Patient that stored permanently in the database so that if doctor get any problem they can check easily
previous prescription of particular patient.

[1]. OployeeLabs. “Doctorola.”, Internet:, Jan. 3, 2017[June. 10, 2016].
[2]. Mahesh Londhe, SandipVandre, AtulNarote, Amol Nirmal, SumitKhandelwal, Android Based Health Monitoring System,
International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC), vol. 2,2015, 575-585.
[3]. Dayspring Limited. “Doctor Apps Pulse. ", Internet: , Oct. 21,2014 [ Feb. 6, 2016]
[4]. Tia Gao, Dan Greenspan, Matt Welsh, Radford R. Juang, and Alex Alm, Real Time Patient Monitoring System Using Lab view,
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Vol. 2, Issue. 5, 2013, 91 – 201.
[5]. Pharma and Medical Concepts PvtLtd."Book Doctor Appointment ” ,Internet:, Aug. 28, 2015 [Feb. 6, 2016]

Md. Abdul Majid "Smart Doctors Appointment and Prescription System." IOSR Journal of
Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) 19.6 (2017): 85-91.

DOI: 10.9790/0661-1906038591 91 | Page

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