Basic General Knowledge-1
Basic General Knowledge-1
Basic General Knowledge-1
FIRST in World
The first persons to reach Mount Everest – The first country to send man to the moon
– Sherpa Tenzing, Edmund Hillary – U.S.A
The first person to reach North Pole The first country to launch Artificial satellite in
– Robert Peary the space – Russia
The first person to reach South Pole The first country to host the modern Olympics
– Amundsen – Greece
The first religion of the world – Hinduism First human in space - Yuri Gagarin (Russia)
The first country to print book – China The first city on which the atom bomb was
The first country to issue paper currency – dropped – Hiroshima (Japan)
China The first person to land on the moon Neil
The first country to commence competitive Armstrong followed by
examination in civil services – China – Edwin E. Aldrin
The first President of the U.S.A The first shuttle to go in space – Columbia
– George Washington The first spacecraft to reach on Mars – Viking-I
The first Prime Minister of Britain – Robert The first woman Prime Minister of England
– Margaret Thatcher
The first Governor General of the United Nations
The first Muslim Prime Minister of a country
– Trigveli (Norway)
– Benazir Bhutto (Pakistan)
The first country to prepare a constitution –
U.S.A The first woman to climb Mount Everest
The first Governor General of Pakistan – Mrs. Junko Tabei (Japan)
– Mohd. Ali Jinnah The first woman cosmonaut of the world
The first country to host NAM summit – Valentina Tereshkova (Russia)
– Belgrade (Yugoslavia) The first woman President of the U.N. General
The first European to attack India Assembly
– Alexander, The Great – Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
The first European to reach China The first batsman to score three test century in
three successive tests on debut
– Marco Polo
– Mohd. Azharuddin
The first person to fly aeroplane
The first man to have climbed Mount Everest
– Wright Brothers
The first person to sail round the world
– Nawang Gombu
– Magellan
The first U.S. President to resign Presidency China's first man in space
– Richard Nixon – Yang Liwei
Chinese Traveller to India – Fahein The first Muslim woman to receive Nobel Prize
Foreign Invader to India – Alexander the Great – Shirin Ebadi (Nobel Peace Prize 2003)
Person in Space – Yuri Gagarin The woman with the highest individual Test
Person on Moon – Neil Armstrong score making a new world record
The first woman to climb Mount Everest – Junko – Kiran Baloch (Pakistani cricketer, scoring 242
Taibei runs playing women's cricket test against West
Indies in Karachi in March, 2004)
The first European to visit China – Marco Polo
The first woman of the world to climb Mt.
Man to walk in Space – Alexei Leonov Everest four times
The first woman Prime Minister of a country – Lakpa Sherpa (Nepali)
– Mrs. Srimavo Bhandarnaike The first woman to cross seven important seas
The first woman President of a country of the world by swimming
– Maria Estela Peron – Bula Chaudhury (India)
The first woman to Command a Space Mission First Asian city to host Olympics
Colonel – Tokyo, Japan (1964)
– Eileen Collins (U.S.A.) First woman black tennis player to win a singles
First talkie movie in the world – “The jazz title at Wimbledon
Singer” (1927). – A Gibson (1957)
The first residents of International Space station First woman to win a Grand Slam
– Bill Shepherd (USA), Yuri Gidzanko and Sergei – Maureen Catherine (195 3)
Krikalev (Russia) First woman to win an Olympic Gold Medal
The first blind man to scale Mt. Everest – Charlotte Cooper, UK, Tennis singles (1900)
First professional woman bullfighter
– Erik Weihenmayer (USA, May 25, 2001)
– Patricia Mccormick (1952)
The first Muslim woman to become the Secretary
First man to fly solo non stop across the Atlantic
General of Amnesty International
– Charles Lindbergh (1927)
– lrine Zubeida Khan
First person to cross Antarctic Circle
The first space astronaut to go into space seven
– James Cook (1773)
times till date
First people to reach the North Pole
– Jerry Ross (U.S.A.) – Lt Col. Joseph O. Fletcher and
The first South African to become the second Lt. William P. Benedict (1952)
space tourist First person to conquer the Everest twice
– Mark Shuttleworth – Nawang Gombu Sherpa(1965)
The first woman Prime Minister of South Korea First person with only one arm to climb the
– Ms. Chang Sang Everest
The first youngest grandmaster of the world in – American Gary Guller(2003)
chess First woman to fly solo around the world
– Sergey Karjakin (Ukraine) – jerrie Fredritz Mock.(1964)
The first adventurer flying successfully across First woman to fly solo across the English
the English Channel without aircraft Channel
– Felix Baumgartner (July 2003) – Hariiet Quimby
First ascent of Everest without bottled oxygen RIVERSIDE CITIES &
– Peter Habeler (Austria) and Reinhold
Messner, (Italy) (1978) COUNTRIES
First woman to set foot on North Pole City River Country
– Ann Bancroft, USA (1986)
Alexandria Nile Egypt
– Jointly developed by Sony and Philips (1978)
Brussels Seine Belgium
First Atom Bomb Chittagong Karnaphuli Bangladesh
– “Little Boy” dropped over Hiroshima by the Glasgow Clyde Scotland
US during the second world war (1945) Khartoum Nile Sudan
First manned space vehicle Lisbon Tagus Portugal
– Vostok 1,USSR (1961) Liverpool Mersey England
Shanghai Yangtze-Kiang China
First human to walk on the Moon
Berlin Spree Germany
– Neil Armstrong, Apollo 11(1969) Bonn Rhine Germany
First human to walk in space Amsterdam Amsel Netherlands
– Alexei Arkhovich Leonov (1965) Baghdad Tigris Iraq
Bangkok Menam Thailand
Christopher Columbus (Italian)................... America Montreal Ottawa Canada
Moscow Moskva Russia
Vasco da Gama (Portuguese) ...... Sea route to India
Budapest Danube Hungary
John Cabot (British) ....................... New foundland Colombo Kaliganga Sri Lanka
Pedro Alvarez Cabral (Portuguese) ................. Brazil Cairo Nile Egypt
Karachi Indus Pakistan
Tasman (Dutch) Island of Tasmania & New Zealand
Lahore Ravi Pakistan
Captian Cook (British) . Sandwich (Hawaiin) Islands New York Hudson USA
Robert Peary (USA) ............................... North Pole Paris Seine France
Amundsun (Norway) ............................. South Pole Yangoon Irawadi Myanmar
Rome Tiber Italy
Ferdinand de Lesseps (Designed) .......... Suez Canal Tokyo Sumida Japan
David Livingstone (British) ................ Victoria Falls Vienna Danube Austria
Bartholomew Diaz (Portuguese) ....... Cape of Good Hope Warsaw Vistula Poland
Washington Potamac U.S.A.
Norseman Eric ........................................... Greenland
Basra Eupharates
Leif Ericsson ....................................... North America and Tigris Iraq
Mungo park ............................... Nigeria river in Africa Bristol Avon England
Cologne Rhine Germany
Richard Francis Burton ..................... Lake Tanganyika
Dublin Liphi Ireland
Henry Hudson ....................................... Hudson Bay Hamburg Elbe Germany
Gobot Sebastian ................................ New Foundland Philadelphia Delawara America
Marco Polo ..................................................... China Prague Vitava Czechoslovakia
Quebec St. Lawrence Canada
Kepler .......................................................... Planets Stalingrad Volga Russia
NATIONAL EMBLEMS Eternal City : Rome, Italy
EMBLEM ............................................. COUNTRY Forbidden City : Lhasa, Tibet
Kangaroo ................................................ Australia Gateway of Tears : Strait of Bab-el
Water Lilly .......................................... Bangladesh Mandeb
White Lilly ........................................ Canada, Italy Garden of England : Kent
Beach ....................................................... Denmark George Cross Island : Malta
Lily ............................................................. France Granite City : Aberdeen
Corn Flower ............................................. Germany (Scotland)
Lioned Capital ................................................ India Herring Pond : Atlantic Ocean
Lion ..................................... Sri lanka, Sierra Leone Hill Queen : Shimla
Rose ......................................................... UK, Iran Holy Land : Palestine
Shamrock .................................................... Ireland Hermit Kingdom : Korea
White Lilly ...................................................... Italy Island of Pearls : Bahrain
Chrysanthemum ............................................ Japan Island of Cloves : Madagascar
Kiwi .................................................. New Zealand
Key to the Mediterranean : Gibraltar
Crescent .................................................... Pakistan
Land of Eagles : Albania
Eagle ............................................................. Spain
Elephant .............................................. Ivory Coast Land of Golden Fleece : Australia
Lion with Crown .................................. Luxembourg Land of Kangaroo : Australia
Golden Rod ................................................... U.S.A Land of Lilies : Canada
Secretary Bird............................................... Sudan Land of Golden Pagoda : Myanmar
Bauhinia (orchid tree) .......................... Hong Kong Land of Maple : Canada
Baobab tree ................................................ Senegal Land of Thousand Lakes : Finland
Lion .......................... Netherland, Norway, Belgium Land of Morning Calm : Korea
Crescent and Star ........................................ Turkey Land of Rising Sun : Japan
Cedar tree ................................................ Lebanon Land of Setting Sun : Britain
The Soyombo.......................................... Mongolia Land of Midnight Sun : Norway
Land of Lakes : Scotland
SOBRIQUETS Land of the Tulips : Netherlands
World Land of White Elephant : Thailand
Britain of the East : Japan Land of Thunder Bolt : Bhutan
Britain of the South : New Zealand Land of Thousand Elephants : Laos
Battle field of Europe : Belgium Manchester of the Orient : Osaka
City of Cycles : Beijing Never, Never Land : Prairies,
City of Dreaming Spires : Oxford N. Australia
City of Eternal Springs : Quito (Ecuador) Land of Thunder Dragon : China
City of Sky Scrappers : NewYork Nation of Thousand Hills : Rwanda
City of Magnificent Distances : Washington D.C Pearl of Arabia : Bahrain
City of Golden Gate : San Francisco Pearl of Antilles : Cuba
(U.S.A) Pillars of Hercules : Strait of Gibraltar
City of Seven Hills : Rome (Italy) Playground of Europe : Switzerland
Cockpit of Europe : Belgium Quaker City of USA : Philadelphia,USA
Copper Country : Zambia Queen of the Adriatic : Venice, Italy
Dark Continent : Africa Roof of the World : Pamirs
Empire City : NewYork (U.S.A) Sorrow of China : River Huang Ho
Emerald Island : Ireland Sickman of Europe : Turkey
Sugar Bowl of World : Cuba Myanmar ..................................................... : Kyat
Venice of the North : Stockholm, Russia ...................................................... : Rouble
Sweden Saudi Arabia ................................................ : Riyal
White City : Belgrade Vietnam ...................................................... : Dong
Windy City : Chicago Mongolia .................................................. : Tugrik
World’s Bread Basket : Paris of N. America Algeria ............................................. Algeria Dinar
Island of fire : Iceland Angola .............................................. New Kwanza
Land of windmills : Polland Armenia ........................................................ Dram
Land of Perpetual Greenary : Natal Azerbaijan ................................................... Manat
World Loneliest island : Tristanda Cunha Austria .................................................... Schilling
Bahrain ........................................................ Dinar
COUNTRIES AND CURRENCIES Georgia ........................................................... Lari
Brazil ................................................ :Cruzeiro Real Ghana ............................................................ Cedi
Bulgaria ......................................................... : Lev Indonesia ................................................... Rupiah
Belgium ......................................................... Euro 16 European Countries with Eura as currency are:
China ........................................... : Yuan/Renminbi Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany,
Columbia ..................................................... : Peso Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the
Cuba ........................................................... : Peso Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.
Costa Rica ................................................... Colon
Croatia ......................................................... Kuna COUNTRIES AND THEIR
Cyprus ........................................... Cyprus pound PARLIAMENT
Czech Republic .......................................... Koruna Afganistan : Shora
Denmark .................................................... : Krone
Australia : Federal Parliament
Egypt ......................................... : Egyptian Pound
Bangladesh : Jatiya Sangsad
Afghanistan ........................................... : Afghani
Bhutan : Tshogdu (National Assembly)
Argentina .................................................... : Peso
Britain : Parliament (Commons & Lords)
Australia ................................... : Australian Dollar
China : National People’s Congress
Bahrain ....................................................... : Dinar
Bangladesh .................................................. : Taka Denmark : Folketing
Bhutan ................................................. : Ngultrum France : National Assembly
Hungary ..................................................... : Forint Hungary : National Assembly
Iran .............................................................. : Rial Iceland : Althing
Switzerland....................................... : Swiss Franc India : Parliament (Lok Sabha & Rajya
Thailand ....................................................... : Bhat Sabha)
U.K. ............................................. : Pound Sterling Iran : Majlis
U.S.A. ........................................................ : Dollar Iraq : National Assembly
Norway ....................................................... Krone Israel : Knesset
Vatican City State .......................................... : Lira Japan : Diet
Iraq .................................................... : Iraqi Dinar Kuwait : National Assembly
Israel ......................................................... : Shekel Libya : General People’s Congress
Japan ............................................................ : Yen Maldives : Majlis
Kazakhstan ............................................... : Tenge Myanmar : People’s Assembly
Korea .......................................................... : Won Nepal : National Panchayat
Kuwait ........................................... : Kuwaiti Dinar Netherlands : States General
Malaysia ................................................. : Ringgit Poland : Sejm
Mexico ........................................................ : Peso Russia : State Duma
South Africa : House of Assembly Burkino Faso ...................................... Upper Volta
Sweden : Riksdag Cape Kennedy.............................. Cape Caneveral
Switzerland : Federal Assembly Cambodia ........................................... Kampuchia
Germany : Bundestag Djibouti .................................... French Somaliland
Afganistan : Shora Ethiopia ................................................ Abyssinia
Algeria : National Peoples Assembly Ghana ................................................. Gold Coast
Australia : House of representative of senate Guyana ........................................... British Guinia
Cuba : National Assembly of people power Guianea Bissau ...................... Portuguese Gayana.
Egypt : People’s Assembly Harare .................................................. Salisburry
Greenland : Landstraad Hawaiin Islands ......................... Sandwich Islands
Norway : Sterling Indonesia ............................ The Dutch East India
Pakistan : National Assembly Iran ............................................................ Persia
USA : Congress Iraq ................................................. Mesopotamia
Srilanka : National State Istanbul ........................................ Constantinople
Sudan : National Assembly Jakartha .................................................... Batavia
Syria : People Council Japan ....................................................... Nippon
USA: Congress Kinshasa ........................................... Leopoldville
Kiribati ............................................ Gilbert Island
Vietnam : National Assembly
Laos ........................................................ Lanxang
NEW AND OLD NAMES OF Lesotho............................................... Basitoland
Mexico ................................................ New Spain
Malavi ................................................. Nyasaland
New Name ........................................... Old Name Mali ............................................... French Sudan
Ankara ..................................................... Angora Malaysia .................................................. Malaya
Banjail .................................................... Bathurst Malabo ............................................. Santa Isabet
Bengalooru........................................... Bangalore Madhya Pradesh ........................ Central Province
Beijing ....................................................... Peking Manchuria ........................................... Manchuko
Belize ......................................... British Honduras Myanmar .................................................... Burma
Bangladesh ..................................... East Pakistan Mosambique ......................... Potuguese East Africa
Botswana ..................................... Bechuana Land Mumbai ................................................... Bombay
Namibia .................................... South West Africa
National Flowers Nauru ........................................... Pleasant Island
Maple leaf Orissa ...................................................... Kalinga
Canada ............... .................. ... ... ..... Lotus Papua New Guinea ...... Trust Territory of New Guinea
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
India ... .. Thistle
.............................. Portuguese ............................................. Lucitania
Scotland ............... .................. Pomegranate
Spain ..................... old Vatle Sri Lanka ................................................... Ceylon
... ... ... ... ... .......................... G sissa s
Australia ... . N ar St. Petersburg ....................................... Leningrad
China .................. ... ... ... Su nflower Surinam .......................................... Dutch Gayana
ia ... ... ... ... ... ... ..................
Ru ss ater Lilly
.......................... W Taiwan ................................................... Formosa
Ba ngladesh ......... ................................. Lilly
France .................. ................... Corn Flower Tasmani .................................. Van Diemen’s Land
y. ... ... ... ... ... ... Thailand ....................................................... Siam
German Shamrock
... ... ... ... ... ... ...........................
Ireland nthemum Togo ..................................................... Togoland
............... Chrysa
Japan ..................... ................. Gol den Rose Tuvalu ...................................... The Ellice Islands
USA ..................... ... Rose
... ... ... ... ... ... .............................. Varanasi .................................................. Banares
UK ......
Volgograd ............................................. Stalingrad Largest exhibition ground - Pragati Maidan (New
Zaire ......................................................... Congo Delhi)
Zambia .................................... Northern Rhodesia Largest arch dam - Idukki dam (Kerala)
Largest library - National library
Zimbabwe.............................................. Rhodesia (Kolkata)
Largest aircraft carrier - INS Viraat
india Largest landing ship
Largest union territory
- INS Magrar
- Andaman Nicobar
HIGHEST Largest gurudwara - Golden Temple
Highest peak - Mt. K2 (Godwin Austin)
Largest residence - Rashtrapati Bhavan
Highest water falls - Jog falls (Karnataka) Largest river Barrage - Farakka Barrage
Highest gate way - Buland Darwaza Largest open university - Indira Gandhi Open
(Fathepur sikri) University (New Delhi)
Highest literacy among state - Kerala Largest Ocean Island - Middle Andaman
Highest tower - Qutabminar
Highest dam - Bhakra Dam (Punjab)
Highest multiple arch dam Longest Canal - Indira Gandhi canal
- Idukki (Kerala) Longest River - Ganga
Longest Tunnel - Kharbude
(Konkan Railway)
Largest populated city - Mumbai Longest Dam - Hirakud (Orissa)
Largest fresh water lake - Kolleru Longest National Highway- N.H. 7
(Andhra Pradesh) Longest Railway platform - Kharagpur (West
Largest salt water lake - Chilka (Orissa) Bengal)
Largest state - Rajasthan Longest Corridor - Rameswaram Temple
Largest populated state - Uttar Pradesh corridor
Largest museum - Indian museum (Kolkata) Longest Hanging bridge - Howra bridge
Largest zoo - Zoological Garden (Kolkata) Longest Train Service - Himasagar express
Largest dome - Gol Gumbaz (Karnataka)
Longest Bridge - Anna Indira(Rameswaram
Largest mosque - Jama Masjid (New Delhi)
to Mandap)
Largest desert - Thar (Rajasthan)
Longest Glacier - Siachen Glacier
Largest river Island - Majuli (Brahmaputra)
Longest River bridge - Mahatma Gandhi Sethu
Largest monastery - Tawang monastery
(Arunachal Pradesh) SMALLEST
Largest cave temple - Ellora (Maharashtra)
Smallest state (Area) - Goa
Largest animal fair - Sonepur fair (Bihar) Smallest state (population) - Sikkim
Largest plateau - Deccan plateau Smallest state (forest area) - Haryana
Largest river in South India - Godavari Smallest Union Territory - Lakshadweep
Largest prison - Puzhal Jail (Chennai)
Largest planetarium - Birla planetarium Miscellaneous (India)
Largest G.P.O - Mumbai G.P.O Biggest hotel .............. Oberoi - Sheraton (Mumbai)
Largest church - St. Cathedral (Old Goa) Highest statue ........................ Gomateswara Statue
Largest cinema theatre - Thangam Theatre
Highest award (civilian) ..................... Bharat Ratna Lake City : Udaipur
Highest Gallantry award ............... Param vir chakra Switzerland of India : Kashmir
Most literate state ........................................ Kerala Paradise on Earth : Kashmir
Least literate state .......................................... Bihar Mini-Switzerland in India : Khajjar (Himachal
Most densely populated state ............ West Bengal Pradesh)
Sorrow of Bengal : River Damodar
Least densely populated state ... Arunachal Pradesh
Sorrow of Bihar : River Kosi
Most populated city ................................. Mumbai Sorrow of Assam : Brahmaputra
Busiest bridge ............................. Howra (Calcutta) Spice Garden of India : Kerala
Oldest Refinery.............................. Digboi (Assam) Sugar Bowl of India : Uttar Pradesh
Most literate Union Territory............. Lakshadweep Tea Garden of India : Assam
Fastest Train ............................... Shatabdi express Detroit of India : Pitampur
Least populated Union Territory........ Lakshadweep Land of Sunrise in India : Arunachal
SOBRIQUETS Hi-Tech City : Hyderabad
Manchester of South India : Coimbatore
India Manchestor of India : Ahamadabad
Mini Switzerland : Himachal Pradesh
All Seasons State : Himachal Pradesh
City of orange : Nagpur
Blue Mountains : Nilgiri
City of Palaces : Calcutta Weavers city of India : Panipat
City of Golden Temple : Amritsar Silicon vally of India : Banglore
Garden City of India : Bangalore Clouds of house : Megalaya
Gateway of India : Mumbai Gods own land of India : Kerala
Granary of India : Punjab City of Padala : Jaipur
Land of Five Rivers : Punjab Holly wood of India : Mumbai
Pearl of the Orient : Goa Silent Share : Hadakh
Pink City : Jaipur Perly East : Goa