D3 English Program Universitas Merdeka Malang: This Report Was Written by

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This report was written by:

Name : Adinda Brilian Nuki Oktaviani(20063000057)

Offering :B

Analysis Characterization on novel
Isabella (Bella) Swan
- tough
When Jacob tried to explain to Bella that it was his actions to maintain the baby in his womb that
was eating away at his life from within, saying that his body was unable to bear this burden,
Bella firmly said that she could. Bella's character belongs to the indirect characterization method,
as evidenced by what Bella says through her dialogue with Jacob below:

You're dying for nothing, Bella! Nothing!

Her hand dropped from my face to her bloated stomach, caressed it. She didn't have to say the
words for me to know what she was thinking. She was dying for it.
I'm not going to die, she said through her teeth, and I could tell she was repeating things she'd
said before. I will keep my heart beating. I'm strong enough for that. (page 100)

Edward Cullen
- Attention
In this part of the novel Breaking Dawn, it shows how much Edward cares for Bella, who he
considers indirectly vulnerable to accidents, so he buys a car that is as strong as a tank for him.
Edward's character belongs to the direct characterization method as evidenced by what other
characters (Bella) in the story have to say about him below:
The before car and the after car, he'd explained when I'd flipped out.
This was just the before car. He'd told me it was a loaner and promised that he was returning it
after the wedding. It all had made absolutely no sense to me. Until now. Ha ha. Because I was so
fragilely human, so accident-prone, so much a victim to my own dangerous bad luck, apparently
I needed a tank-resistant car to keep me safe.
Hilarious. I was sure he and his brothers had enjoyed the joke quite a bit behind my back.
Or maybe, just maybe, a small voice whispered in my head, it's not a joke, silly. Maybe he's
really that worried about you. This wouldn't be the first time he's gone a little overboard trying to
protect you. I sighed. (page 4)

Jacob Black
- Temperamental
When Bella hints to Jacob that she and Edward will do the "first night" when Bella is still
human, Jacob is furious because he knows that if Bella does this, Bella will die. In this anger
Jacob nearly injures Bella. Jacob's character belongs to the indirect characterization method, as
evidenced by what Jacob does in the following dialogue:
I'm not putting anything off, I snapped. And yes I can have a real honeymoon! I can do anything
I want! Butt out!
He stopped our slow circling abruptly. For a moment, I marveled if he'd finally noticed the music
change, and I scrambled in my head for a way to patch up our little tiff before he said goodbye to
me. We shouldn't part on this note. And then his eyes bulged wide with a strange kind of
confused horror.

What? he gasped. What did you say?

About what… ? Jake? What's wrong?
What do you mean? Have a real honeymoon? While you're still human? Are you kidding? That's
a sick joke, Bella!
I glared at him. I said butt out, Jake. This is so not your business. I shouldn't have… we shouldn't
even be talking about this. It's private—
His enormous hands gripped the tops of my arms, wrapping all the way around, fingers
"Oh, Jake! Let's go!
He shook me.
Bella! Have you lost your mind? You can't be that stupid! Tell me you're joking!
He shook me again. His hands, tight as tourniquets, were quivering, sending vibrations deep into
my bones.
The darkness was suddenly very crowded.
Take your hands off her! Edward's voice was cold as ice, sharp as razors. Behind Jacob, there
was a low snarl from the black night, and then another, overlapping the first.
Jake, bro, back away, I heard Seth Clearwater urge. You're losing it.
Jacob seemed frozen as he was, his horrified eyes wide and staring.
You'll hurt her, Seth whispered. Let her go.
Now! Edward Snarled.
Jacob's hands dropped to his sides, and the sudden gush of blood through my waiting veins was
almost painful. Before I could register more than that, cold hands replaced the hot ones, and the
air was suddenly whooshing past me. ( page 36)

Charlie Swan
- Care
When Jacob ran away from his house, his father didn't try to find him knowing that nothing
could hurt a werewolf like Jacob did. However, Charlie, who is the police chief who also did not
know about it, actually started the search by posting posters of Jacob everywhere. Charlie's
caring attitude belongs to the method of characterization which is directly proven by what other
characters in the story have to say about him below:
The HAVE YOU SEEN THIS BOY? posters were not Jacob's father's idea. It had been my
father, Charlie, who'd printed up the flyers and spread them all over town. And not just Forks,
but Port Angeles and Sequim and Hoquiam and Aberdeen and every other town in the Olympic
Peninsula. He'd m

sure that all the police stations in the state of Washington had the same flyer hanging on the wall,
too. His own station had a whole corkboard dedicated to finding Jacob. A corkboard that was
mostly empty, much to his disappointment and frustration.

My dad was disappointed with more than the lack of response. He was most disappointed with
Billy, Jacob's father—and Charlie's closest friend. For Billy's not being more involved with the
search for his sixteen-year-old runaway. (page 4 – 5))

Jasper Hale
- Experienced
In chapter 11, when Jacob joins Sam's group to discuss the fighting strength of the Cullen family,
Jacob (as the narrator) briefly mentions Jasper's character, because Jacob and Sam's group had
formed a coalition to face attacks from Victoria and her group of new vampires. . Jasper's
experienced character belongs to the direct characterization method, it can be seen from what
other characters (Jacob) have to say about him below:
We remembered together the nights we'd watched the Cullens practicing for the fight with the
newborns. Emmett Cullen was the strongest, but Jasper would be the bigger problem. He moved
like a lightning strike—power and speed and death rolled into one. How many centuries'
experience did he have? Enough that all the other Cullens looked to him for guidance. (page 109)

Jasper's experience as a former officer during the American Civil War and combat trainer for
new vampires when he became a vampire, makes him considered the main advisor to the Cullen
family in difficult times. It will be very obvious if we read this novel carefully where Jasper is
always there where there is Emmett (the physically strongest member of the Cullen family) when
the Cullen family is in crisis, because they are the perfect combination of strength when conflict

- Adventurer
Garrett is one of Carlisle's friends who likes adventure. Carlisle summoned him to Forks to
testify for Renesmee. Garrett's character belongs to the direct characterization method, as
evidenced by what Bella tells about him below:
Garrett came first—a tall, rangy vampire with eager ruby eyes and long sandy hair he kept tied
back with a leather thong—and it was apparent immediately that he was an adventurer. I
imagined that we could have presented him with any challenge and he would have accepted, just
to test himself. . (page 336)

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