Proforma For Student Feedback On Teachers' Performance in Theory and Laboratory Courses
Proforma For Student Feedback On Teachers' Performance in Theory and Laboratory Courses
Proforma For Student Feedback On Teachers' Performance in Theory and Laboratory Courses
Objective: To get the honest opinion of the students for initiating steps to strengthen the quality of the teaching-learning process in the
Institute towards achieving academic excellence.
The feedback given by the students will be treated as confidential and used only for the intended objective as stated above. The-students
may or may not reveal their identity.
Session: 2018-2022 B.Tech /M.Tech/MBA/MCA. B.Tech
Please indicate your level of agreement, which in your opinion, best describes the stated performance aspect of the teacher. You have to
assign one of the credential scores on the scale of 10: 10 (Outstanding), 9 (Excellent), 8 (Very Good), 7 (Good), 6 (Satisfactory), 4
(Average), 2 (Poor).
s. Performance Names of the Subjects MTD VLSI WMC EPR/IPR DID PE-OE
No. Aspect
Names of the Teachers Karan Ashutosh Sandeep Shabnam/Garima Shikha Ankitz
Sharma Nandi sharma saini Rani verma
3. Effectiveness of communication 10 10 10 10 10 10
Any relevant special remark(s) about any teacher you wish to add:
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