(A) Analysis and Estimation of The Coefficient of Consolidation - Raju Et Al., 1995

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P. S. R. Narasimha Raju, 1 N. S. Pandian, 2 and T. S.

Nagaraj 3

Analysis and Estimation of the Coefficient of Consolidation

REFERENCE: Narasimha Raju, E S. R., Pandian, N. S., and Nagaraj, ments over a long period of time. The time rate of settlement is
T. S., "Analysis and Estimation of the Coefficient of Consolidation,"
Geotechnical Testing Journal, GTJODJ, Vol. 18, No. 2, June 1995, predicted using the coefficient of consolidation (Cv). The usual
pp. 252-258. way to estimate Cv is to compare characteristic features of the
theoretical time factor (T)-degree of consolidation (U) relationship
ABSTRACT: Consolidation is one of the most important behaviors with the experimental time-compression data. Olson (1985) exam-
of saturated fine-grained soils that needs to be understood for settlement ined various graphical methods available in the literature and con-
analysis of these soils. The two most important aspects of laboratory cluded that, for the same data, different methods may estimate
consolidation tests are: (1) estimation of the compression index (Cc),
used to predict total settlement of normally consolidated soils provided different values for Cv. He suggested that the only rational way
the void ratio versus log (effective stress) is linear; and (2) the coeffi- to estimate C v is to obtain the coefficient of permeability (k) and
cient of consolidation (Cv), used to predict the rate of settlement in the coefficient of volume compressibility (my) and substitute them
the range of primary consolidation. Several researchers have proposed in the equation Cv = klmv~t~, as defined by Terzaghi. Guided by
various graphical methods for obtaining estimates of Cv from laboratory
oedometer tests. Olson (1985) concluded that since different graphical these considerations, an attempt has been made to estimate the
methods estimate different values for Cv for the same data, the only coefficient of consolidation, Cv, using stress state-permeability
rational way to estimate the Cv value is to base it on the coefficient relationships (Nagaraj et al. 1993). Based on this approach, it is
of volume compressibility (my) and the coefficient of permeability (k). possible to estimate the coefficient of permeability as well as
Guided by these considerations, an attempt has been made to establish the coefficient of volume compressibility. The stress state-
the feasibilityof estimating Cv using stress state-permeabilityrelation-
ships (Nagaraj et al. 1993). The input parameters are the liquid-limit permeability relationships have been extended to estimate the coef-
void ratio (eD and the overburden pressure (p). ficient of consolidation (Cv). The estimated values are compared
with those obtained based on Taylor's square root of time-fitting
KEYWORDS: clays, liquid limit, compressibility, permeability, coef- method, Casagrande's logarithm of time-fitting method, and the
ficient of consolidation, prediction rectangular hyperbola method (Sridharan et al. 1987).

Proposed Approach
Notation Studies on permeability are few in relation to those on compress-
ibility. The two laboratory techniques often used to estimate the
Cc Compression index coefficient of permeability are: (1) direct measurements with an
e Void ratio imposed hydraulic gradient, and (2) indirect determination from
eL Void ratio at liquid limit state consolidation test results.
f Percent coarser fraction in soil Tavenas et al. (1983) suggest that using the permeability and
k Coefficient of permeability the compressibility of clays as independent parameters is advanta-
p Consolidation pressure geous for the analysis of consolidation rather than using Terzaghi's
mv Coefficient of volumetric compressibility solution based on the compounded coefficient of consolidation.
t Time Though the interdependence of permeability and compressibility
~w Density of water is known qualitatively, none of the existing methods are useful to
Cv Coefficient of consolidation link these two parameters. Of the two, the permeability coefficient
T Time factor is more difficult to estimate in a soil system.
U Degree of consolidation It is well established that the relationship of the void ratio (e)
wL Liquid limit versus the logarithm of pressure (p) as well as e versus the logarithm
wp Plastic limit of coefficient of permeability (k) for saturated, uncemented, fine-
grained soils is approximately linear (Hvorslev 1960; Balasubra-
maniam and Chowdary 1978; Tavenas et al. 1983). Samarasinghe
Introduction et at. (1982) reported that the relationship between the coefficient
of permeability and the void ratio is not linear for all the pressure
In many instances, construction sites contain deposits of soft, ranges and proposed a modification to the Kozeny-Carman equa-
highly compressible strata. These strata can undergo large settle- tion to account for the slight curvature in the e - l o g k data of some
1Research scholar, 2associate professor, and 3professor, Department of soils, particularly when the variation of pressure is large. According
Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 560012, India. to Mesri and Tavenas (1983), since many natural soils are seldom
© 1995 by the American Society for Testing and Materials

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subjected to such large variations in pressures, the equations sug- graphical methods, namely, Casagrande's log t method, Taylor's
gested by Samarasinghe et al. (1982) are seldom justified. Mesri ~_t method, and the rectangular hyperbola method (Sridharan
and Tavenas (1983) stated that the merit of a linear e-log k relation- et aI. 1987).
ship is to define permeability in terms of the permeability index,
defined as the slope of the e-log k path, and relate it to changes
in the void ratio. The results presented by Mesri and Choi (1987) Results and Discussion
also show the existence of nonlinear behavior between e and log
k. Since the nonlinearity is not pronounced, the e-log k relation
Consolidation Behavior
can be tinearized without much toss of accuracy (Sivakumar Babu
et al. 1993). These e-log p, e-log k relationships are different for The e-log p plots for red, black cotton, and Cochin marine soils
different soils. The possibility of developing stress state- in the normally consolidated state are presented in Fig. la. When
permeability relationships for clays within the framework of a the relationships are normalized with respect to eL, as illustrated
generalized-state parameter approach is examined below. in Fig. tb, an equation is obtained of the form
The value of the void ratio (e) at the liquid-limit water content
is referred to as eL. By a detailed analysis of extensive experimental e/eL = 1.23 -- 0.276 log p (1)
data, it is possible to demonstrate (Nagaraj and Srinivasa Murthy
1986a, 1986b; Srinivasa Murthy et al. 1988; Pandian et al. 1991, with a correlation coefficient of 0.998.
1993) that the water content at the liquid limit state of fine-grained
soils can be adopted to analyze and predict the compressibility
Permeability Behavior
and shear strength behavior of fine-grained soils in their saturated,
uncemented state. The permeability values shown in Table 1 indi- The e-log k paths of red, black cotton, and marine soils are
cate that at the liquid limit the coefficient of permeability, k, is of presented in Fig. 2a. Upon normalizing the e-log k paths with
the same order for all soils, although there is considerable variation their respective void ratios at liquid limit (eL), the different e-log
in void ratio. Hence, the void ratio at the liquid limit, eL, is chosen k paths collapse into a narrow band that leads to an equation of
as the normalizing factor in order to extend the generalized-state the form (Fig. 2b)
parameter approach to permeability behavior also.
e/e L = 2.23 + 0.204 log k (2)
Experimental Procedure with a correlation coefficient of 0.987.
Four soils (red, brown, black cotton, and Cochin marine soil) The validity of the equations generated for compressibility and
were chosen for the study. The results for the red, black cotton, permeability behavior are examined with reference to the results
and marine soils were used to generate the equations that follow, obtained from brown soil. The measured values and the predicted
and those for the brown soil were used to check the validity of e-log p and e-log k paths for brown soil are shown in Figs. 3a
these equations. These soils were chosen only for their different and 3b. The predicted and experimental values agree well, lending
liquid limits. The X-ray diffraction results suggest that kaolinite, support to the predictive capability of the proposed equations.
montmoritlonite, illite, muscovite, and quartz are the dominant
minerals in these soils. Their properties, together with the coeffi-
cient of permeability values at the liquid-limit state, are given in Coefficient of Consolidation
Table 1. The soils were initially mixed at liquid-limit water contents From Eqs 1 and 2, the coefficient of consolidation can be esti-
in the form of slurry and kept for 48 h to enable uniform distribution mated as follows. The equation for Cv given by Terzaghi is
of moisture. The slurry was then transferred to the oedometer tings
and pressures applied. The specimen was allowed to consolidate C v = klmv~ w (3)
under each pressure and settlement readings taken. At each incre-
ment of loading after equilibrium was reached, a falling-head type The relationship between my and Cc is given by
of permeability test was performed. A load increment ratio of 1
m v = CJ2.3(1 + e) × lip (4)
was adopted for consolidation.
The specimens were loaded up to 800 kPa, and e-log p and From Eq 1
e-log k data were generated.
The coefficient of consolidation, c v, is calculated using three C c = - d e l d log p = 0.276 eL (5)

TABLE l--Properties of the soils studied.

Coefficient of
Void Ratio at Permeabilityat
Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Liquid Limit, Liquid Limit in
Soil (%), wL (%), wp eL cm/s Mineralogy

Red soil 50 27 t.325 2.63 × t0 -7 Kaolinite, montmorillonite,

muscovite, quartz
Brown soiI 62 31 1.649 2.83 × 10-7 Kaolinite, montmorillonite,
muscovite, quartz
Black cotton soil 84 47 2.242 2.32 × 10-7 Montmorillonite, quartz
Cochin marine soil 106 47 2.798 3.40 x 10-7 Iltite, quartz, smectite

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2 . 0 ~-

1.8 L-

F__ 1 . 6 -

c~ 1 . 4 -

1.2 ~-


0.6- a

0.8- ~ _ ~L= 1.23-0.276logP

~ = o.99e

0 . 4 .......
10 100 10' )0
FIG. l---(a) Void ratio-consolidation pressure relationships for red, black cotton, and marine soils; (b) generalized-state parameter-consolidation
pressure relationship for red, black cotton, and marine soils.

Substituting Eq 5 in Eq 4 at the liquid limit state, and Cv is the coefficient of consolidation

in cm2/s.
m v = 0.276 eL/2.3(1 + e)p (6) The coefficient of consolidation is estimated based on Eq 8
Equating Eqs 1 and 2, 1.23 - 0.276 log p = 2.23 + 0.204 log k. and compared with the values obtained using Casagrande's log t
method, Taylor's ,fi method, and the rectangular hyperbola
k = 1.253 x 10 -5 p-1.353 (7) method. The relationship between estimated C v and C~ based on
graphical techniques is shown in Fig. 4. It is evident from the
Substituting Eqs 6 and 7 in Eq 3 figure that the graphical methods give higher C~ values than the
estimated values. However, it can be observed in Fig. 5 that the
Cv = 1.044 X 10-3 (1 + e) = 1 + e l _ L _ × 10_3
ratio of Cv based on graphical methods to that estimated ranges
p0.353 eL eL /90.353
from 0.55 to 2.46. The reason for the variation is that estimated
C v is based on measured k and m~. The measured k and the indirectly
Substituting the value for e in terms of p (using Eq l), the calculated k from C v usually do not agree (Taylor 1942). It should
expression becomes be noted that the variation is appreciable even among the methods
in vogue. Olson and Daniel (1981) have compared k (measured)
Cv = 1 + eL(l'23 e'-L--0.276 log p) × ~ 1 × 10_3 and k (calculated) values for numerous specimens and reported
that, for normally consolidated clays, the ratio varies from 0.9 to
where p is the overburden pressure in kPa, e L is the void ratio 5. Comparing this variation, the estimated C v using Eq 8 and the
graphical methods in vogue is comparable.

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-- SOIL i:Li. Symbol /

2. 4 MARINE SOIL 106 • . ~
SOIL "~ ^ • /
2 • 2 -- RED SOIL 50 ,.,,

• X






0"8 1
0.6 a
0 8-~=z23+ozo~,og,
-- ~ = O. 987
~0.6 " - - 1 8 ~ ~-
j a b
0.4 ~1 ~ t I
10 - 9 10-8 |0-7
FIG. 2--(a) Void ratitr-coefficient of permeability relationships for red, black cotton, and marine soils; (b) generalized-state parameter-coefficient
of permeability relationship for red, black cotton, and marine soils. Note: 1 cm = 0.01 m.

Practical Implications liquid limit, the liquid limit value needs be reduced in proportion
to the percentage of coarser fraction 09 as WL (1 --f/100) (Srinivasa
The equation proposed to estimate Cv can be applied to fine-
Murthy et al. 1987)• If the so-computed (e/eL)fiel d value is close
grained soils provided they are in a proven normally consolidated,
to (with a variation of ---5%) (e/eL)calculated using Eq 1, the soil
uncemented, saturated state• Most often, saturated soils also exist
can be regarded as normally consolidated, and hence Cv can be
in an overconsolidated or a naturally cemented state• Hence, it
calculated using Eq 8. If the (e/eL)fiel d is not equal to (e/eL)calculated,
is necessary to identify the soil state• To identify the normally
the soil may be overconsolidated or naturally cemented. In such
consolidated, saturated, uncemented state, the following approach
situations, Eq 8 is not applicable•
is proposed.
According to Eq 1 (see Fig. lb), which is for normally consoli-
dated, saturated, uncemented soils, there exists a compatible value
of (e/eL) for an in situ overburden pressure• Any deviation from Conclusions
the compatible value indicates a deviation from the normally con-
solidated, saturated, uncemented state• Hence, for a given in situ It is possible to estimate the coefficient of consolidation for
situation, it is necessary to find the natural water content, the liquid normally consolidated, uncemented, fully saturated soils• The coef-
limit, and the overburden pressure and compute the (eleL)r, eld value. ficient of consolidation for normally consolidated, saturated, unce-
If the soil contains a fraction coarser than used for determining the mented soils with vertical flow can be written in the form

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1.z, ..... ESTIMATED

_00. 8

O ...... i ,I
10 100 i~-'i 1000

1.1 j~"
~ b

0.9- /--

0.7 J ~" t l
10~9 10-8 10-7
FIG. 3 - - ( a ) Void ratio-consolidation pressure relationship for brown soil; (b) void ratio--coefficient o f permeability relationship f o r brown soiL Note:
l cm = O.Ol m.

• Rectangular H y p e r b o l a
'J X 'V~ Method

o log t Method X
. o,x/

L) OeX
E _ X o ,x
O{3 -- ~ X • ~ OeX
(- ox exo
• °

"*" •OXo Xe
~ o
10 --
- 0 •

"t::J --


10 j
i0 -s 10 -4 i0 -a
Cv(Graphica[ methods),cm2/sec
FIG. 4--Comparision between Cv estimated and Cv based on graphical methods. Note: 1 cm 2 = 0.01 m s.

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Marine S o i l

1 o.~ y
Symbol Me thod
0 I
• Rectongulor Hyperbolo B l a c k Cotton Soil
X ~" Method
0 log t Method

I ....
Brown Soil

0 I,
Red Soil

0 I
10 100 1000
Consolidation Pressure P, in kPa
FIG. 5-----Cv(graphical)ICy (estimated) ratio versus consolidation pressure relationship.

Cv 1 + eL(1.23 -- 0.276 log p) × 1 References

= eL p0.353 X 10 -3
Balasubramaniam, A. S. and Chowdary, A. R., 1978, "Deformation and
where p is the overburden pressure in kPa, and C v is in cm21s. Strength Characteristics of Soft Bangkok Clay," Journal of Geotechnical
The above equation permits estimation of the coefficient of Engineering, A s c E, Vol. 104, No. 9, pp. 1t53-1167.
consolidation for vertical flow of normally consolidated, saturated, Hvorslev, M. J., 1960, "Physical Components of the Shear Strength of
uncemented soils without carrying out the consolidation test. Of Saturated Clays," Proceedings, Research Conference on Shear Strength
of Soils, Boulder, Co, ASCE, New York, pp. 169-273.
course, it is necessary to conduct more studies using different soils Mesri, G. and Choi, Y. K., 1987, "Closure to Discussion on Settlement
before making definite recommendations. It is necessary to carry Analysis of Embankments on Soft Clay by Mesri and Choi (1984),"
out tests with the radial flow condition and develop appropriate Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 113,
relationships for use, say, when geo-drains are to be used. Tests pp. 1076-1085.
should also be conducted for overconsolidated and cemented soils Mesri, G. and Tavenas, E, 1983, "Discussion on Permeability and Consoli-
dation of Normally Consolidated Soils by Samarasinghe et al. (1982),"
to examine the feasibility of developing similar relationships for Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 109,
soils of engineering interest. Thus, the results reported in this study pp. 873-878.
can be taken only to indicate the feasibility of estimating Cv based Nagaraj, T. S., Pandian, N. S., and Narasimha Raju, P. S. R., 1993, "Stress
on stress state-permeability relationships. State-Permeability Relationships for Fine-Grained Soils," Geotech-
nique, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 333-336.
Nagaraj, T. S. and Srinivasa Murthy, B. R., 1986a, "A Critical Reappraisal
Acknowledgments of Compression Index Equations," Geotechnique, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp.
The authors wish to thank A. Sridharan, deputy director and 27-32.
Nagaraj, T. S. and Srinivasa Murthy, B. R., 1986b, "Prediction of Com-
professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of pressibility of Overconsolidated Soils," Journal of Geotechnical Engi-
Science, for his valuable suggestions. neering, ASCE, Vol. 112, No. 4, pp. 484-488.

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(UESC) Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz ((UESC) Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.

Olson, R. E. and Daniel, D. E., 1981, "Measurement of Hydraulic Conduc- Sridharan, A., Murthy, N. S., and prakash, K., 1987, "Rectanfular Hyper-
tivity of Fine-Grained Soils," Permeability and Groundwater Contami- bola Method of Consolidation Analysis," Geotechnique, Vol. 37, No.
uant Transport, ASTM STP 746, ASTM, Philadelphia, pp. 18-64. 3, pp. 355-368.
OIson, R. E., 1985, "State of the Art: Consolidation Testing," Consolidation Srinivasa Murthy, B. R., Nagaraj, T. S., and Bindumadhava, 1987, "Influ-
of Soils: Testing and Evaluation, ASTM STP 892, pp. 7-70. ence of Coarse Particles on Compressibility of Soils," Proceedings,
Pandian, N. S., Nagaraj, T. S., and Sivakumar Babu, G. L., 1991, "Effect International Symposium on Prediction and Performance in Geotechni-
of Drying on Engineering Behaviour of Cochin Marine Clays," Geotech- cal Engineering, Calgary, Canada, pp. 195-200.
nique, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 143-147. Srinivasa Murthy, B. R., Vatsala, A., and Nagaraj, T. S., 1988, "Can Cam
Pandian, N. S., Nagaraj, T. S., and Sivakumar Babu, G. L., 1993, "Tropical Clay Model be Generalized?" Journal of Geoteclmical Engineering,
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ASCE, Vol. 119, No. 5, pp. 840-861. Taylor, D. W., 1942, "Research on Consolidation of Clays," Serial No.
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Sivakumar Babu, G. L., Pandian, N. S., and Nagaraj, T. S., 1993, "A Tavenas, E, Leblond, P., Jean, P., and Leroueil, S., 1983, "The Prediction
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