The Research Problem
The Research Problem
The Research Problem
think of an efficient business that will suit in today’s generation and have a
productive profit. In reason that the food is one of every human primary needs,
food business is one of the merchandising which does not easily fading in world
represents billions of dollars yearly and is still growing, specifically in Asia (Data
Monitor, 2005). Asians are the world’s greatest fans of food industry or business
(ACNielsen, 2005).
over the years. Introduction of foods such as hamburger, spaghetti, Korean food
of the effective business in the Philippines. Filipinos are also into pastas and
noodles which is one of the reason why province of Batangas is really known.
Pancit Lomi is really popular in Batangas that attracts foreigners or even the
Filipinos to come in Batangas. Pancit Lomi is a noodles which is thicker than the
spaghetti and its sauce is thickened with starch. It has an ingredients of garlic,
pork meat and liver, soy sauce and calamansi ( TraveleronFoot, 2015). Some
owners of Lomi House has their own secret recipes to make their business’
product unique.
performance and high quality of goods and service is playing a vital role in the
industry of business that will benefit each of them or sustain the customer
satisfaction that will set their profit-based. Variety of research studies has shown
to investigate the things that will satisfy the customers for the business to check
whether it will give benefits or scourge to them. In the modern world of business,
customer satisfaction is the key component for the success of the business and
at the same time it plays a crucial part to expand the market value. To sum up,
customers are those individuals who purchase goods and services from the
Over the past few decades there has been a growing demand for safe and
high-quality food. Quick economic development and recent changes in the food
chain have contributed to increased interest in the issue of quality in the food
sector. In the mind of customers, the concept of food product’s quality seems to
restaurants for getting food in their leisure time and quality is always a
predominant factor of this. Food quality is predictor of food safety (Frewer &
Rijswijk 2008).
produce by the business can help the business benefits specifically the customer
loyalty, through the increase of the number of customers by positive word of
or services regularly when the customer is satisfied with it and can possibly
disregarding the need and wants of customers will not make the business
One way to assess the quality of a particular product is using the 4Ps which
is the price, product, place and promotion. It is a marketing mix which is a variety
product or service. It can also help business further understand their product and
(MarketingTeacher, 2014).
field of business for a dual reason. First, it is far easier to interact from an old
customer than from a new one. Second, customer loyalty and satisfaction will
always give a positive effect on the profitability revenues of the business (Czepiel
instrument that depicts the customer behavior in future (Allen, 2007.)
their own needs and wants and look for some aspects that will meet their
and food products are evaluated both for their material values and for their
symbolic and communicative value. Food product and its quality have meaning
saying that they are willing to pay more for a product they recognize as respectful
they will able to satisfy their customers by producing good quality that they offer.
helpful guide that will lead to beneficial outcome and can settle past issues and
conflicts (Mudah et., 2009). The researchers want to know the relationship of the
Lomi’s quality of different Lomi Houses and the satisfaction of the customer. The
researchers will use the data gathered to produce a recommendation plan for the
variety of Lomi House to improve the quality of Lomi that will more satisfy their
In relation to this, the researchers come up with this study to investigate the
differences of different Lomi House in terms of the strategy their having and how
they may improve their business than other businesses. Quality in performance
producing goods and services has been found having an effect on long-term
customer retention (Ghauri & Venetis, 2004). The researchers are interested in if
the customers are relying in the quality of certain product in setting their
satisfaction and how it will affect the business profitability. This study is produced
to find out the relationship between food quality and customers’ satisfaction.
Conceptual Framework
Due to the increase of different business producing the same goods and
buy the food they offer through the qualities contained by the product.
ensures often purchasing of a product (Han & Rau, 2009). The two variables is a
values which rely of food quality (Kim et al., 2012). The product itself of a
business will guess the perceived values of customers and those values will also
affect the product which justify the relation of the two variables.
Quality of Lomi:
Place Recommendation
Customer plan
Figure 1.0
Research Paradigm
Paradigm of the Study
The figure shows the conceptual paradigm of the study. The input-process-
output (IPO) model is process done by the researchers. The first is about the two
variables of the study which is the quality of the lomi that will be measured using
4p’s and the second variable which is the satisfaction of the customers through
the quality of the lomi in different lomi house. In the second box is the
will be basis for the output of the researchers which is the recommendation plan
The study assessed the Lomi’s Quality and Customer Satisfaction in select
Lomi Houses in Taal, Lemery and San Nicolas as basis for Recommendation
a. Price
b. Product
c. Place
d. Promotion
2. What is the level of customer satisfaction in select Lomi house in Taal,
Customer Satisfaction in select Lomi Houses in Taal, Lemery and San Nicolas.
The focus of this study is to determine the Lomi’s quality and customer
level of satisfaction in select Lomi Houses in Taal, Lemery and San Nicolas.
The perceived lapse of the study is that the outcome may only be true to
some Lomi House customers. Other factors that may affect the customer
The study focuses in the Lomi’s quality and customer satisfaction that will
be assessed by their customer alone. The data for the lomi’s quality and
Significance of the Study
Nowadays, there are different Lomi Houses in different places. They have
their own strategies to manage their business to have a stable business. Through
this, researchers believe that the study is significant to the following groups or
Lomi House Owners. This study may obtain variety of opinions from the
customers that can be positive or negative that will benefit the owners of different
Lomi House in a way that they can improve their performance and can be
motivated to do an action for their business that can help their profit increase.
Customers. Customers of different Lomi House could also benefit from this
study. In decision making and to be a wise consumer in every situation that they
will purchase goods and services. Through that, they can set their level of
satisfaction that will let them choose the Lomi House to buy from.
Future Researchers. The study may be a basis for the future researchers who
will conduct a related studies to deal with valid comparisons that may lead to
conceivable overview.
Definition of Terms
For clearer understanding of the study, important terms are hereby defined
efforts and activities of individuals to produce and sell goods and services for
the focus of study in assessing the quality of Lomi and satisfaction of customer.
service based on whether their need is met effortlessly, in a convenient way that
of the customer to the quality of Lomi in select Lomi House that will set their
LOMI. Lomi or Pancit Lomi is a Filipino dish made with a variety of thick fresh
egg noodles of about a quarter of an inch in diameter, soaked in lye water to give
select Lomi House will be measured in this study and use as a data to measure
10 | P a g e
study, it is the output proposed by the researchers.
Chapter II
11 | P a g e
This chapter represents literature and studies which are relevant to the
study. The study exhibits some sources and few researchers who wrote their
Conceptual Literature
Since this study is concerned with the relationship of staff performance and
level of customer satisfaction, the researchers had come up with the readings
that are related to the study. Such readings include lomi’s quality, customer
a food product that is acceptable to consumers and meet their expectations and
Color is one of the most dominant factor a food appearance. Likewise A color
12 | P a g e
A discernment of a food product is shown by its aroma will be tested through
smell, appearance and taste will change the perception of customers to consume
a product .Indeed smell, appearance and taste has the most influence to the
Food is any substance and/or product that can be eaten or drunk by people
or medical supplement. Therefore, its quality and safety are critically important
Quality concept within the food industry puts an emphasis on three key
The reason for implementing improved ways to check and maintain quality
factor in food industry is the advance knowledge about food ingredients and the
According to Sage (2012), the way of presenting food have the impact to the
customers to measure their expectation on liking the food at the same time on
affecting their sensory experiences. The food‘s appearance mostly to the color of
it is making taste in terms of convincing quality. One of the example is mixing the
13 | P a g e
whether the appearance of the food if it will affect the different sensory ideas of a
4P’s. 4P’s means Price, Product, Place and Promotion. Price refers to the
value that is put for a product to be consumed. Product refers to the item which is
actually being sold. Place refers to the location of sales or the product to be sold.
Lastly is promotion which refers to all activities undertaken to make the product
customer’s needs and wants. For a product to have a good quality it should be
reliable and perform all its functions smoothly. Product quality can be improved
of each business. Once the price of a product has been established in the
consumer’s mind, even in form of a price range that price will become “fair” or
normal price. While if it is not accurate with product’s quality, it will not meet the
14 | P a g e
to the strategies to increase the lifetime value of their current customers through
Product quality can be define into two classifications that make business’
features of the products that are measurable such as shape, size, weight, height
etc. on the other hand, Attribute Characteristics determines the properties of the
Product as fitness for use and purpose gives satisfaction to consumers. For the
business to grow, the must learn what the customer wants and things that the
Marketers must determine the price of a product carefully on the basis of the
potential buyer’s belief about its value. For marketers, the key to determining
prices is figuring out how much customers are willing to pay so that they are
satisfied with the purchase and the seller achieves a reasonable profit (Grewal &
Levy, 2010).
The product itself is the very first step in a marketing strategy and basis if a
designing or serving a product is a factor for the customer to meet their needs
and wants. If a business satisfy a customer, it is a proof that the business is good
15 | P a g e
Due to a dynamic era of economy a business will result to an often changes
business should consider many factors to come up to a fair price between the
marketing, email marketing, search engine marketing, video marketing and more.
In each way, there’s should be the brand name to truly maximize return on
and making it available for the customers, the success formula is getting the right
product to the right place at the right time through an effective distribution
systems. Place is a factor that might affect the products to be consumed by the
business. Not having them will really make failures and end to the nosiness. This
is why a business must really consider the factors that may affect level of
16 | P a g e
Customer satisfaction is providing the goods and services of a business in
such a way that the customers is pleased of what they offered (Ilieska, 2013).
Accordingly, the positive evaluation of the product or service that the customer
products, and an important pillar that upholds loyalty. Satisfied customers are
thus more likely to repurchase, lower their price sensitivity, engage in positive
Success of the product offering depends upon the value and satisfaction it
academic research since initial study of the customer effort, expectations and
satisfaction is a big factor affecting the sales of a business and the reason of
17 | P a g e
Recommendation Plan. Recommendation plan show how an event of
Recommendation plan tells how a program can be improved, how the risk of
order to ensure that the evaluation findings are disseminated and used (Better
Evalutation, 2018).
about nature of the plan are given as to measure the effectiveness of the
that specify the specific actions and direction that can be done to improve the
said problem. For example, a clinical study might have implication for cancer
substance. Upon this, proposition are given that might be useful to the research
18 | P a g e
during various instances. These recommendations often come from researchers’
(Yahya, 2017).
addressed, and to which the researcher’s study may or may not have contributed
.For that reason, the recommendation plan may or may not answer research
This means recommendation could be used as useful standards that can result
per that scheme and then for time to time the implementation percentage will be
19 | P a g e
needs to identify the problem. The various problems encounter every day or read
A study by Sage (2012), wherein the presenting of food has a great impact to
the customers which is a part of having a good quality of food. It is related to the
because it defines food quality and it gives factors in order to have a good quality
of food.
A study by The Economic Times (2015), it defines the meaning of 4P’s and to
what is referring to. This literature is related to researchers’ study as it will be use
as the measuring guide in measuring the quality of the lomi by different lomi
satisfy the target customers. This literature is related to the study of the
related as the recommendation plan is the output of the researchers for filling up
Related Studies
20 | P a g e
This part presents the current studies that are related to the present study.
Many studies have been conducted examining service quality, food quality
example the healthcare industry (Yeşilada & Direktör, 2010), the automobile
repair services sector (Izogo & Ogba, 2015), the hotel industry (Dedeoğlu &
Demirer, 2015) etc. The results of these studies have confirmed the significance
of relationships between these constructs. However, little attention has been paid
quality and food quality, thus increasing customer retention in the food industry,
The product and its features, functions, reliability, sales activity and customer
support are the most important topics required to meet or exceed the satisfaction
of the customers. Satisfied customers usually rebound and buy more. Besides
buying more they also work as a network to reach other potential customers by
The value of keeping a customer is only one- tenth of winning a new one.
good 6 relationship with the client. Providing the quality of goods and services in
the 20th century is not only to satisfy the customers but also to have a safe
Customers often look for a value in the total service which requires internal
21 | P a g e
collaboration among the department that is responsible for different elements of
the offering, such as the core product (goods or services) delivering the product,
perspectives only activities that produce value for customers should be carried
out. Hence, firms have to get to know their customers much better than has
normally been. However, the company should be able to build trust with the
customer so it is easy to get the feedback from the customer. This is how
MacDougall 2003.)
customers who prefer to purchase on the basis of price and quality rather than on
satisfaction. There are many types of food service providers such as hotels,
and restaurants are spending a tremendous effort to measure and improve the
service quality of their businesses. All of them share one thing in common, that is
The study of Hague is similar to the present study because they tackled the
22 | P a g e
most important factors required to exceed the customer’s satisfaction such as
The study of Zineldin and Philipson is related to the present study because
they both discussed in their study that there are still customers who prefer to
purchase based on the quality of the product and its prices. As “price” is one of
the part of the 4P’s, this study is much related as the product quality and price is
The study of Abdullah and Rozario is related to the present study as this
study tells that a quality of product is the factor to be rely on by the customers’
Chapter III
23 | P a g e
This chapter covers the methods and procedures utilized by the
Research Design
the lomi and customer’s satisfaction to the selected Lomi House in Taal, Lemery
concerning the current status of the phenomena to describe "what exists" with
the survey which describes the status, and the correlation study which
answer questions concerning the current status of the subject of the study
(Calderon, 2013).
naturally happens”. It may be used to justify current practice and make judgment
and also to develop theories. For the purpose of this study, descriptive research
was used to obtain a picture of nurses’ opinions of pain in patients who suffer
from dementia with a view to improving the standard of care for this group of
24 | P a g e
patients (Burns & Grove, 2009).
The respondents of the study were taken from the customers in select
Lomi House in Taal, Lemery adn San Nicolas Batangas who are buying Lomi in
their business. They are chosen by the researchers because they are the ones
who have the sufficient knowledge to answer the queries and questons provided
and would help to the needed data for the completion of this study namely the
Lomi’s Quality and Customers Satisfaction in select lomi house in Taal, Lemery
Table of Respondents
about some information on the quality of lomi in terms of 4p’s in the select Lomi
In determining the level of the variables, the following scales were used:
25 | P a g e
Table 1
Scale for Lomi’s Quality
Scale Verbal Interpretation
3.5 – 4.0 Very Satisfied
The customers are very satisfied with
the quality of the lomi given by the
Lomi House
2.5 – 3.49 Satisfied
The customers are moderately satisfied
with the quality of the lomi given by the
Lomi House
1.5 – 2.49 Dissatisfied
The customers are slightly satisfied
with the quality of the lomi given by the
Lomi House
1.0 – 1.49 Very Dissatisfied
The customers are not satisfied with
the quality of the lomi given by the
Lomi House
Table 2
Scale for Level of Customer satisfaction
Scale Verbal Interpretation
3.5 – 4.0 Very Satisfied
The customers are very satisfied with
the Lomi House
2.5 – 3.49 Satisfied
The customers are moderately satisfied
with the Lomi House
1.5 – 2.49 Dissatisfied
The customers are slightly satisfied
with the Lomi House
1.0 – 1.49 Very Dissatisfied
The customers are not satisfied with
the Lomi House
Taal, Lemery and San Nicolas. The researchers sought the help of the Lomi
26 | P a g e
House owner and employees of each select Lomi House to distribute and
from each the owner after all the questionnaire are answered. The result of the
After the researchers retrieved the data, tallying, tabulating and analyzing
Frequency. This was used to determine the number of respondents for the
each level of customer satisfaction and lomi’s quality in select Lomi House.
between the level of customer satisfaction and lomi’s quality in select Lomi
Chapter IV
27 | P a g e
This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data based on the
statistical procedure. The data used in the interpretation were gathered from the
customers in select Lomi House in Taal, Lemery and San Nicolas Batangas.
1. Lomi’s Quality
Table 3 presents the level of lomi’s quality in select Lomi House in Taal,
Table 3
satisfied to the lomi’s price that the select lomi houses offered. It is few compared
to the 137 (68.5%) respondents who are satisfied moderately to the lomi’s price
that is being offered which is good; 4 (2%) respondent slightly satisfied and no
one (0%) is not satisfied on the lomi’s price that the select Lomi House in Taal,
Lemery and San Nicolas Batangas offers. The results implied that 196 customers
28 | P a g e
a business operation of a business. Once the price of a product has been
established in the consumer’s mind, even in form of a price range that price will
become “fair” or normal price. While if it is not accurate with product’s quality, it
Table 4
satisfied to the lomi’s product that the select lomi houses offered. It is few
compared to the 121 (60.5%) respondents who are satisfied moderately to the
lomi’s product that is being offered which is good; 4 (2%) respondent slightly
satisfied and no one (0%) is not satisfied on the lomi’s product that the select
Lomi House in Taal, Lemery and San Nicolas Batangas offers. The results
implied that 196 customers agree that the lomi’s price in select lomi houses is
The finding is supported by the study by Akrani (2013) which stated that
the quality of product will dictate the state of business. Product may be defined
with different perception by different individuals. Product as fitness for use and
purpose gives satisfaction to consumers. For the business to grow, the must
29 | P a g e
learn what the customer wants and things that the customers will feel
Table 5
satisfied to the place of lomi house. It is few compared to the 121 (60.5%)
respondents who are satisfied moderately to the place which is good; 4 (2%)
respondent slightly satisfied and no one (0%) is not satisfied on the place of the
lomi house that the select Lomi House in Taal, Lemery and San Nicolas
Batangas offers. The results implied that 174 customers agree that the lomi
The result is supported by the study of Ilano (2008), stated that, place
making it available for the customers, the success formula is getting the right
product to the right place at the right time through an effective distribution
system. Place is a factor that might affect the products to be consumed by the
30 | P a g e
Table 6
satisfied to the lomi house’ way of promotion that the select lomi houses offered.
It is few compared to the 114 (57%) respondents who are satisfied moderately to
the promotion that is being offered which is good; 46 (23%) respondent slightly
satisfied and no one (0%) is not satisfied on the promotion that the select Lomi
House in Taal, Lemery and San Nicolas Batangas offers. The results implied that
154 customers agree that the promotion in select lomi houses is good.
Ilano (2008) that states that promotion looks at the many ways marketing
marketing, video marketing and more. In each way, there’s should be the brand
2. Customer Satisfaction
31 | P a g e
Table 4 shows the customer satisfaction in select Lomi House in Taal,
Table 7
Customer Satisfaction
satisfied in the select lomi houses. While, 175 (87.5%) of the respondents who
are satisfied moderately to the select lomi houses which is good; 6(3%)
respondent slightly satisfied and no one (0%) is not satisfied in select Lomi
House in Taal, Lemery and San Nicolas Batangas offers. The results implied that
The data has a similarity to the study of Santos (2014) that says that if the
customers is satisfied, it will be the power of the business. Customer are the
strength energy of the business. Not having them will really make failures and
end to the nosiness. Therefore, a business must really consider the factors that
that the customer satisfaction will be the run through of the business. Customer
satisfaction is providing the goods and services of a business in such a way that
32 | P a g e
the customers is pleased of what they offered.
assessed by the customers of select Lomi House in Taal, Lemery and San
Nicolas Batangas.
Table 5 shows the relationship between the Lomi’s Quality and Customer
and San Nicolas Batangas. The researchers used correlation regression analysis
Table 8
assessed by the customers of select Lomi House in Taal, Lemery and San
Nicolas Batangas.
As shown on the table presented, the mean level of lomi’s quality is 3.13.
While, the mean of customer satisfaction is 3.26. The computed r-value is 0.25
which means it has slight correlation and dependable relationship. The computed
p-value is 0.0004 which is less than 0.05 level of significance that led to reject
the null hyphothesis. Thus, there is a significant relationship between the lomi’s
33 | P a g e
quality and customer satisfaction that the select lomi houses give.
The results are related to the study of Hague & Hague (2004) which stated
that the activity inside the business will be its body through the future of the
business. The product and its features, functions, reliability, sales activity and
customer support are the most important topics required to meet or exceed the
satisfaction of the customers. Satisfied customers usually rebound and buy more.
Besides buying more they also work as a network to reach other potential
Abdullah & Rozario (2009) that states the quality is very important to the
influencing customer satisfaction. There are many types of food service providers
such as hotels and restaurants are spending a tremendous effort to measure and
improve the service quality of their businesses. All of them share one thing in
of each selected lomi houses for them to know the value of offering and giving
examples on how to promote their lomi for their customers. The researchers will
have an orientation for the second activity about giving some tips on having a
place that is attractive and well organized. Another thing is the promotion of
select lomi houses. The researchers will introduce some ideas about promoting
their product.
34 | P a g e
Since the findings reveal that there is a relationship between the lomi’s
quality and customer satisfaction in select lomi house in Taal, Lemery and San
Nicolas Batangas the researrchers developed a seminar project to help the lomi
includes orientation about ideas of having a well organized place and promoying
would help the lomi house owners in giving a good quality of lomi in order to
35 | P a g e
36 | P a g e
The finding is supported by the study by Castellon (2013) that states, 4P’s
strategies to increase the lifetime value of their current customers through a long-
term interactive relationship. On the other study by McCarthy (2008) that states
that the quality of product is thThe product itself is the very first step in a
37 | P a g e
marketing strategy and basis if a business has a firm performance and it is the
the customer to meet their needs and wants. If a business satisfies a customer, it
is a proof that the business is good enough in a marketing strategy e main thing
At this point, the current chapter would present the summary and findings of
This study aimed to identify the relationship between the lomi’s quality and
a. Price
b. Product
c. Place
38 | P a g e
d. Promotion
2. What is the level of customer satisfaction in select Lomi house in Taal, Lemery
Level of Satisfaction in select Lomi House in Taal, Lemery and San Nicolas
4. What output can be devised to improve the Lomi’s Quality in select Lomi
customers satisfaction in select lomi house in Taal, Lemery and San Nicolas
Descriptive type of research was utilized to define the lomi’s quality and
to 200 customers. A total of 6 lomi house were considered, namely, B&V Lomi
House, Esteban Lomi House, Ellaine’s Lomi House, LCC Lomi House, Mr. Ben
Lomi House and Chenelen’s Lomi House. The statistical tools used in this study
39 | P a g e
Taking into consideration of the data that was gathered, the following
2. The data for the customer satisfaction shown that there were 194
1. Most of the customers envision that the lomi’s quality that is being
offered is good, resulting into a high rating of the select lomi house lomi’s
40 | P a g e
Nicolas Batangas.
4. The proposed recommendation plan for the lomi house owners can help
1. The lomi house owners may use and scan the results of the study to
terms of lomi’s quality and customers satisfaction. At the same time, they
will have a view and insights to have a perception on how they will perform
the good quality. Recommendation plan is also a benefit for them for it is
will be a guide for them to know what factor needs for improvement
2. The customers may read and review the findings of the study to know
what the lomi house can do more for them. Thus, they will know if they
can benefit and learn from it for they will use it assessing a quality of lomi
41 | P a g e
in different lomi house.
3. The future researchers may use the information from this study as a
basis for their present study so they can think beyond the findings and
Electronic references
42 | P a g e
43 | P a g e
Survey Questionnaire
Good Day!
We, the Grade 12 ABM students from Our Lady of Caysasay Academy, are
currently conducting a research entitled, " Lomi's Quality and Customer Satisfaction
in select Lomi House in Taal, Lemery and San Nicolas, Batangas:Basis for
Recommendation Plan " We humbly ask you to answer the following question
honestly. Any information obtained in connection with this study that can be identified
with you will remain confidential.
Name (Optional): _____________________
Age: ____
Direction: Please indicate you rating with each of these statements regarding the quality
of the lomi served to you of the Lomi House. Put a check (/) to rate each statement as
your answer as honestly as possible. Rate your answer on the given scale below.
(4) Very Satisfied (3) Satisfied (2) Dissatisfied (1) Very Dissatisfied
4 3 2 1
Lomi quality
Product chosen are done as
44 | P a g e
Lomi is always available.
Prices offered was
appropriate to the product.
Size of the lomi is
appropriate to the price.
Availability of utilities.
45 | P a g e
The way they promote their
business attracts you to
experience the taste of their
Customers Satisfaction 4 3 2 1
The lomi being ordered was
correct and completely
Utensils are clean and
Staffs are patient when
taking by order.
Staffs observe proper
There is a good
I had a great experience.
It is recommendable to
46 | P a g e
Letter to Lomi House Owner
47 | P a g e
48 | P a g e
49 | P a g e
50 | P a g e
51 | P a g e
52 | P a g e
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54 | P a g e
Tally and Statistical Treatment
Produ Mea Interpr Mea Interpr Mea Interpret
onden Price Place
ct n etation n etation n ation
1 32 3.56 VS 12 3.00 S 19 2.38 D
2 33 3.67 VS 14 3.50 VS 24 3.00 S
3 31 3.44 S 14 3.50 VS 25 3.13 S
4 33 3.67 VS 12 3.00 S 19 2.38 D
5 30 3.33 S 11 2.75 S 21 2.63 S
6 31 3.44 S 12 3.00 S 17 2.13 D
7 24 2.67 S 12 3.00 S 19 2.38 D
8 25 2.78 S 12 3.00 S 18 2.25 D
9 33 3.67 S 12 3.00 S 21 2.63 S
10 32 3.56 VS 12 3.00 S 24 3.00 S
11 25 2.78 S 12 3.00 S 20 2.50 S
12 27 3.00 S 14 3.50 VS 20 2.50 S
13 29 3.22 S 13 3.25 S 26 3.25 S
14 31 3.44 S 12 3.00 S 22 2.75 S
15 30 3.33 S 12 3.00 S 19 2.38 D
16 28 3.11 S 12 3.00 S 21 2.63 S
17 32 3.56 VS 12 3.00 S 18 2.25 D
18 26 2.89 S 12 3.00 S 19 2.38 D
19 28 3.11 S 12 3.00 S 21 2.63 S
20 32 3.56 VS 13 3.25 S 25 3.13 S
21 33 3.67 VS 15 3.75 VS 24 3.00 S
22 31 3.44 S 12 3.00 S 27 3.38 S
23 30 3.33 S 14 3.50 VS 28 3.50 VS
24 31 3.44 S 12 3.00 S 28 3.50 VS
25 32 3.56 VS 10 2.50 S 25 3.13 S
26 32 3.56 VS 11 2.75 S 27 3.38 S
27 31 3.44 S 15 3.75 VS 27 3.38 S
28 31 3.44 S 12 3.00 S 28 3.50 VS
29 29 3.22 S 12 3.00 S 27 3.38 S
30 30 3.33 S 12 3.00 S 27 3.38 S
31 33 3.67 VS 15 3.75 VS 26 3.25 S
32 30 3.33 S 16 4.00 VS 24 3.00 S
33 26 2.89 S 12 3.00 S 27 3.38 S
34 29 3.22 S 15 3.75 VS 27 3.38 S
35 33 3.67 VS 12 3.00 S 21 2.63 S
36 29 3.22 S 12 3.00 S 28 3.50 VS
37 30 3.33 S 16 4.00 VS 26 2.25 D
38 30 3.33 S 14 3.50 VS 27 3.38 VS
55 | P a g e
39 27 3.00 S 15 3.75 VS 27 3.38 S
40 29 3.22 S 12 3.00 S 29 3.63 VS
41 32 3.56 VS 12 3.00 S 28 3.50 VS
42 32 3.56 VS 16 4.00 VS 25 3.13 S
43 31 3.44 S 12 3.00 S 25 3.13 S
44 32 3.44 S 14 3.50 VS 27 3.38 S
45 30 3.56 VS 14 3.50 VS 26 3.25 S
46 29 3.33 S 13 3.25 S 28 3.50 VS
47 29 3.22 S 13 3.25 S 27 3.38 S
48 34 3.22 S 11 2.75 S 18 2.25 D
49 28 3.78 VS 15 3.75 VS 20 2.50 S
50 32 3.11 S 14 3.50 VS 23 2.88 S
51 31 3.56 VS 14 3.50 VS 19 2.38 D
52 32 3.44 S 13 3.25 S 19 2.38 D
53 29 3.56 VS 13 3.25 S 28 3.50 VS
54 34 3.22 S 11 2.75 S 20 2.50 S
55 29 3.78 VS 10 2.50 S 19 2.38 D
56 32 3.22 S 11 2.75 S 17 2.13 D
57 29 3.56 VS 10 2.50 S 17 2.13 D
58 32 3.22 S 14 3.50 VS 25 3.13 S
59 31 3.56 VS 13 3.25 S 22 2.75 S
60 32 3.44 S 12 3.00 S 19 2.38 D
61 33 3.56 VS 13 3.25 S 26 3.25 S
62 34 3.67 VS 13 3.25 S 18 2.25 D
63 32 3.78 VS 14 3.50 VS 18 2.25 D
64 31 3.56 VS 15 3.75 VS 20 2.50 S
65 28 3.44 S 11 2.75 S 19 2.38 D
66 29 3.11 S 13 3.25 S 23 2.88 S
67 29 3.22 S 12 3.00 S 27 3.38 S
68 29 3.22 S 13 3.25 S 23 2.88 S
69 26 3.22 S 11 2.75 S 20 2.50 S
70 31 2.89 S 15 3.75 VS 23 2.88 S
71 31 3.44 S 13 3.25 S 24 3.00 S
72 29 3.22 S 10 2.50 S 26 3.25 S
73 32 3.56 VS 12 3.00 S 22 2.75 S
74 33 3.67 VS 13 3.25 S 21 2.63 S
75 23 2.56 S 10 2.50 S 21 2.63 S
76 32 3.56 VS 13 3.50 VS 21 2.63 S
77 30 3.33 S 12 3.00 S 21 2.63 S
78 28 3.11 S 12 3.00 S 19 2.38 D
79 30 3.33 S 12 3.00 S 18 2.25 D
80 36 4.00 VS 14 3.50 VS 32 4.00 VS
81 28 3.11 S 12 3.00 S 25 3.13 S
82 29 3.22 S 12 3.00 S 26 3.25 S
83 25 2.78 S 11 2.75 S 24 3.00 S
56 | P a g e
84 29 3.22 S 11 2.75 S 25 3.13 S
85 30 3.33 S 12 3.00 S 26 3.25 S
86 29 3.22 S 13 3.25 S 28 3.50 VS
87 29 3.22 S 12 3.00 S 26 3.25 S
88 29 3.22 S 13 3.25 S 24 3.00 S
89 32 3.56 VS 12 3.00 S 26 3.25 S
90 29 3.22 S 12 3.00 S 27 3.38 S
91 29 3.22 S 12 3.00 S 27 3.38 S
92 29 3.22 S 12 3.00 S 28 3.50 VS
93 27 3.00 S 12 3.00 S 24 3.25 S
94 27 3.00 S 12 3.00 S 32 4.00 VS
95 27 3.00 S 12 3.00 S 29 3.63 VS
96 29 3.22 S 12 3.00 S 24 3.00 S
97 27 3.00 S 12 3.00 S 31 3.88 VS
98 29 3.22 S 12 3.00 S 29 3.63 VS
99 29 3.22 S 13 3.25 S 28 3.50 VS
100 29 3.22 S 12 3.00 S 27 3.38 VS
101 35 3.89 VS 12 3.00 S 26 3.25 S
102 33 3.67 VS 13 3.25 S 28 3.50 VS
103 29 3.22 S 14 3.50 VS 29 3.63 VS
104 32 3.56 VS 12 3.00 S 28 3.50 VS
105 36 4.00 VS 16 4.00 VS 29 3.63 VS
106 36 4.00 VS 16 4.00 VS 26 3.25 S
107 36 4.00 VS 16 4.00 VS 27 3.38 S
108 36 4.00 VS 16 4.00 VS 28 3.50 VS
109 36 4.00 VS 16 4.00 VS 32 4.00 VS
110 36 4.00 VS 16 4.00 VS 32 4.00 VS
111 36 4.00 VS 16 4.00 VS 32 4.00 VS
112 36 4.00 VS 16 4.00 VS 26 3.25 S
113 36 4.00 VS 15 3.75 VS 32 4.00 VS
114 36 4.00 VS 16 4.00 VS 26 3.25 S
115 36 4.00 VS 16 4.00 VS 28 3.50 VS
116 36 4.00 VS 16 4.00 VS 28 3.50 VS
117 33 3.67 VS 12 3.00 S 23 2.88 S
118 35 3.89 VS 15 3.75 VS 27 3.38 S
119 35 3.89 VS 15 3.75 VS 30 3.75 VS
120 29 3.22 S 12 3.00 S 26 3.25 S
121 34 3.78 VS 12 3.00 S 28 3.50 VS
122 35 3.89 VS 15 3.75 VS 27 3.38 S
123 23 2.56 S 11 2.75 S 20 2.50 S
124 34 3.78 VS 16 4.00 VS 30 3.75 VS
125 36 4.00 VS 16 4.00 VS 30 3.75 VS
126 33 3.67 VS 14 3.50 VS 28 3.50 VS
127 33 3.67 VS 15 3.75 VS 27 3.38 S
128 28 3.11 S 14 3.50 VS 24 3.00 S
57 | P a g e
129 28 3.11 S 13 3.25 S 25 3.13 S
130 30 3.33 S 10 2.50 S 24 3.00 S
131 36 4.00 VS 12 3.00 S 29 3.63 VS
132 29 3.22 S 11 2.75 S 22 2.75 S
133 27 3.00 S 12 3.00 S 19 2.38 D
134 33 3.67 VS 12 3.00 S 26 3.25 S
135 33 3.67 VS 12 3.00 S 26 3.25 S
136 33 3.67 VS 12 3.00 S 25 3.13 S
137 31 3.44 S 13 3.25 S 24 3.00 S
138 33 3.67 VS 11 2.75 S 25 3.13 S
139 30 3.33 S 12 3.00 S 24 3.00 S
140 29 3.22 S 13 3.25 S 21 2.63 S
141 28 3.11 S 14 3.50 VS 31 3.88 VS
142 33 3.67 VS 13 3.25 S 27 3.38 VS
143 32 3.56 VS 12 3.00 S 18 2.25 D
144 29 3.22 S 13 3.25 S 21 2.63 S
145 32 3.56 VS 13 3.25 S 21 2.63 S
146 34 3.78 VS 13 3.25 S 30 3.75 VS
147 33 3.67 VS 15 3.75 VS 23 2.88 S
148 30 3.33 S 13 3.25 S 20 2.50 S
149 29 3.22 S 11 2.75 VS 23 2.88 S
150 30 3.33 S 10 2.50 S 30 3.75 VS
151 31 3.44 S 12 3.00 S 25 3.13 S
152 27 3.00 S 11 2.75 S 29 3.63 VS
153 31 3.44 S 13 3.25 S 23 2.88 S
154 31 3.44 S 16 4.00 VS 28 3.50 VS
155 32 3.56 VS 11 2.75 S 17 2.13 D
156 32 3.56 VS 9 2.25 D 25 3.13 S
157 28 3.11 S 13 3.25 S 20 2.50 S
158 29 3.22 S 11 2.75 S 29 3.63 VS
159 32 3.56 VS 13 3.25 S 21 2.63 S
160 27 3.00 S 15 3.75 VS 20 2.50 S
161 31 3.44 S 15 3.75 VS 26 3.25 S
162 31 3.44 S 16 4.00 VS 22 2.75 S
163 30 3.33 S 13 3.25 S 22 2.75 S
164 30 3.33 S 14 3.50 VS 21 2.63 S
165 30 3.00 S 12 3.00 S 26 3.25 S
166 33 3.67 VS 10 2.50 S 25 3.13 S
167 32 3.56 VS 11 2.75 S 24 3.00 S
168 28 3.11 S 13 3.25 S 19 2.38 D
169 26 2.89 S 14 3.50 VS 23 2.88 S
170 27 3.00 S 12 3.00 S 24 3.00 S
171 27 3.00 S 14 3.50 VS 21 2.63 S
172 27 3.00 S 12 3.00 S 22 2.75 S
173 18 2.00 D 9 2.25 D 20 2.50 S
58 | P a g e
174 26 2.89 S 12 3.00 S 22 2.75 S
175 25 2.78 S 12 3.00 S 23 2.88 S
176 27 3.00 S 9 2.25 D 21 2.63 S
177 28 3.22 S 12 3.00 S 25 3.13 S
178 31 3.44 S 12 3.00 S 20 2.50 S
179 25 2.78 S 10 2.50 S 27 2.38 D
180 28 3.11 S 12 3.00 S 24 3.00 S
181 22 2.44 S 9 2.25 D 24 3.00 S
182 21 2.33 S 14 3.50 VS 18 2.25 D
183 28 3.11 S 15 3.75 VS 29 3.63 VS
184 33 3.67 VS 11 2.75 S 20 2.50 S
185 23 2.56 S 15 3.75 VS 22 2.75 S
186 33 3.67 VS 14 3.50 VS 25 3.13 S
187 30 3.33 S 10 2.50 S 27 3.38 S
188 28 3.11 S 16 4.00 VS 23 2.88 S
189 23 2.56 S 12 3.00 S 27 3.38 S
190 28 3.11 S 11 2.75 S 24 3.00 S
191 32 3.56 VS 12 3.00 S 20 2.50 S
192 22 2.44 S 12 3.00 S 19 2.38 D
193 34 3.78 VS 10 2.50 S 25 3.13 S
194 29 3.22 S 11 2.75 S 30 3.75 VS
195 29 3.22 S 11 2.75 S 30 3.75 VS
196 35 3.89 VS 10 2.50 S 20 2.50 S
197 29 3.22 S 12 3.00 S 20 2.50 S
198 29 3.22 S 12 3.00 S 25 3.13 S
199 30 3.33 S 15 3.75 VS 28 3.50 VS
200 33 3.67 VS 10 2.50 S 28 3.50 VS
Resp Customer
Interpret Interpret
onden Promotion Mean Satisfactio Mean
ation ation
t# n
1 15 3.00 S 24 3.43 S
2 19 3.80 VS 25 3.57 VS
3 18 3.60 VS 23 3.29 S
4 14 2.80 S 21 3.00 S
5 15 3.00 S 26 3.71 VS
6 15 3.00 S 18 2.57 S
7 15 3.00 S 15 2.14 D
8 15 3.00 S 18 2.57 S
9 15 3.00 S 14 2.00 D
10 19 3.80 VS 17 2.43 D
11 15 3.00 S 18 2.57 S
12 17 3.40 S 21 3.00 S
13 15 3.00 S 18 2.57 S
59 | P a g e
14 15 3.00 S 21 3.00 S
15 15 3.00 S 23 3.29 S
16 15 3.00 S 25 3.57 VS
17 18 3.60 VS 20 2.86 S
18 16 3.20 S 17 2.43 D
19 15 3.00 S 17 2.43 D
20 18 3.60 VS 21 3.00 S
21 20 4.00 S 21 3.00 S
22 18 3.60 VS 21 3.00 S
23 14 2.80 S 24 3.43 S
24 20 4.00 VS 24 3.43 S
25 18 3.60 VS 25 3.57 VS
26 15 3.00 S 19 2.71 S
27 15 3.00 S 21 3.00 S
28 20 4.00 VS 22 3.14 S
29 17 3.40 S 18 2.57 S
30 19 3.80 VS 21 3.00 S
31 19 3.80 VS 19 2.71 S
32 15 3.00 S 20 2.86 S
33 20 4.00 VS 18 2.57 S
34 15 3.00 S 22 3.14 S
35 15 3.00 S 18 2.57 S
36 20 4.00 VS 19 2.71 S
37 18 3.60 VS 21 3.00 S
38 19 3.80 VS 19 2.71 S
39 20 4.00 VS 18 2.57 S
40 17 3.40 S 21 3.00 S
41 16 3.20 S 25 3.57 VS
42 20 4.00 VS 24 3.43 S
43 18 3.60 VS 24 3.43 S
44 17 3.40 S 23 3.29 S
45 20 4.00 VS 23 3.29 S
46 19 3.80 VS 22 3.14 S
47 14 2.80 S 24 3.43 S
48 14 2.80 S 22 3.14 S
49 13 2.60 S 24 3.43 S
50 14 2.80 S 24 3.43 S
51 16 3.20 S 19 2.71 S
52 16 3.20 S 19 2.71 S
53 14 2.80 S 24 3.43 S
54 15 3.00 S 25 3.57 VS
55 17 3.40 S 26 3.71 VS
56 14 2.80 S 23 3.29 S
57 15 3.00 S 24 3.43 S
58 18 3.60 VS 18 2.57 S
60 | P a g e
59 13 2.60 S 24 3.43 S
60 16 3.20 S 27 3.86 VS
61 13 2.60 S 25 3.57 VS
62 14 2.80 S 26 3.71 VS
63 16 3.20 S 20 2.86 S
64 16 3.20 S 24 3.43 S
65 18 3.60 VS 26 3.71 VS
66 16 3.20 S 25 3.57 VS
67 15 3.00 S 25 3.57 VS
68 18 3.60 VS 19 2.71 S
69 16 3.20 S 23 3.29 S
70 13 2.60 S 25 3.57 VS
71 15 3.00 S 23 3.29 S
72 13 2.60 S 21 3.00 S
73 13 2.60 S 19 2.71 S
74 14 2.80 S 19 2.71 S
75 13 2.60 S 19 2.71 S
76 14 2.80 S 23 3.29 S
77 13 2.60 S 23 3.29 S
78 10 2.00 D 18 2.57 S
79 15 3.00 S 23 3.29 S
80 10 2.00 D 27 3.86 VS
81 13 2.60 S 22 3.14 S
82 10 2.00 D 21 3.00 S
83 10 2.00 D 24 3.43 S
84 10 2.00 D 22 3.14 S
85 10 2.00 D 24 3.43 S
86 10 2.00 D 21 3.00 S
87 10 2.00 D 21 3.00 S
88 10 2.00 D 21 3.00 S
89 10 2.00 D 25 3.57 VS
90 10 2.00 D 24 3.43 S
91 10 2.00 D 25 3.57 VS
92 12 2.40 D 21 3.00 S
93 15 3.00 S 21 3.00 S
94 15 3.00 S 24 3.43 S
95 11 2.20 D 22 3.14 S
96 11 2.20 D 21 3.00 S
97 12 2.40 D 23 3.29 S
98 12 2.40 D 21 3.00 S
99 14 2.80 S 23 3.29 S
100 11 2.20 D 21 3.00 S
101 12 2.40 D 21 3.00 S
102 11 2.20 D 21 3.00 S
61 | P a g e
103 11 2.20 D 23 3.29 S
104 13 2.60 S 21 3.00 S
105 10 2.00 D 28 4.00 VS
106 10 2.00 D 28 4.00 VS
107 10 2.00 D 28 4.00 VS
108 15 3.00 S 28 4.00 VS
109 15 3.00 S 28 4.00 VS
110 10 2.00 D 28 4.00 VS
111 10 2.00 D 28 4.00 VS
112 10 2.00 D 28 4.00 VS
113 10 2.00 D 28 4.00 VS
114 10 2.00 D 26 3.71 VS
115 15 3.00 S 25 3.57 VS
116 15 3.00 S 26 3.71 VS
117 14 2.80 S 24 4.43 VS
118 15 3.00 S 28 4.00 VS
119 19 3.80 VS 27 3.86 VS
120 17 3.40 S 23 3.29 S
121 20 4.00 VS 25 3.57 VS
122 15 3.00 S 27 3.86 VS
123 13 2.60 S 19 2.71 S
124 18 3.60 VS 28 4.00 VS
125 20 4.00 VS 28 4.00 VS
126 18 3.60 VS 26 3.71 VS
127 20 4.00 VS 22 3.14 S
128 15 3.00 S 23 3.29 S
129 13 2.60 S 21 3.00 S
130 14 2.80 S 19 2.71 S
131 14 2.80 S 19 2.71 S
132 16 3.20 S 24 3.43 S
133 15 3.00 S 19 2.71 S
134 13 3.60 VS 26 3.71 VS
135 13 3.60 VS 28 4.00 VS
136 13 3.60 VS 26 3.71 VS
137 13 3.60 VS 24 3.43 S
138 11 2.20 S 27 3.86 VS
139 10 2.00 D 25 3.57 VS
140 10 2.00 D 28 4.00 VS
141 10 2.00 D 24 3.43 S
142 10 2.00 D 19 2.71 S
143 15 3.00 S 25 3.57 VS
144 15 3.00 S 26 3.71 VS
145 10 2.00 D 28 4.00 VS
146 10 2.00 D 25 3.57 VS
147 10 2.00 D 27 3.86 VS
62 | P a g e
148 10 2.00 D 27 3.86 VS
149 10 2.00 D 25 3.57 VS
150 15 3.00 S 24 3.43 S
151 15 3.00 S 23 3.29 S
152 14 2.80 S 23 3.29 S
153 15 3.00 S 20 2.86 S
154 19 3.80 VS 24 3.43 S
155 17 3.40 S 25 3.57 VS
156 20 4.00 VS 25 3.57 VS
157 15 3.00 S 27 3.86 VS
158 13 2.60 S 19 2.71 S
159 18 3.60 VS 28 4.00 VS
160 20 4.00 VS 28 4.00 VS
161 18 3.60 VS 26 3.71 S
162 20 4.00 VS 23 3.29 S
163 15 3.00 S 23 3.29 S
164 13 2.60 S 21 3.00 S
165 14 2.80 S 18 2.57 S
166 14 2.80 S 19 2.71 S
167 16 3.20 S 24 3.43 S
168 15 3.00 S 19 2.71 S
169 15 3.00 S 25 3.57 VS
170 16 3.20 S 24 3.43 S
171 14 2.80 S 24 3.43 S
172 14 2.80 S 23 3.29 S
173 11 2.20 D 21 3.00 S
174 11 2.20 D 22 3.14 S
175 15 3.00 S 23 3.29 S
176 14 2.80 S 23 3.29 S
177 14 2.80 S 21 3.00 S
178 12 2.40 D 21 3.00 S
179 14 2.80 S 23 3.29 S
180 13 2.60 S 20 2.86 S
181 13 2.60 S 23 3.29 S
182 13 2.60 S 25 3.57 VS
183 16 3.20 S 26 3.71 VS
184 15 3.00 S 27 3.86 VS
185 12 2.40 D 20 2.86 VS
186 18 3.60 S 19 2.71 VS
187 17 3.40 S 16 2.29 D
188 16 3.20 S 20 2.86 S
189 18 3.60 VS 22 3.14 S
190 17 3.40 S 23 3.29 S
191 12 2.40 D 24 3.43 S
63 | P a g e
192 12 2.40 D 24 3.43 S
193 11 2.20 D 23 3.29 S
194 15 3.00 S 23 3.29 S
195 13 2.60 S 24 3.43 S
196 10 2.00 D 20 2.86 S
197 11 2.20 D 21 3.00 S
198 18 3.60 VS 23 3.29 S
199 15 3.00 S 24 3.43 S
200 14 2.80 S 18 2.57 S
64 | P a g e
ELEMENTARY: Mayasang Elementary School
S.Y. 2008-2014
JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Our Lady of Caysasay Academy (OLCA)
S.Y. 2014-2018
65 | P a g e
ELEMENTARY: Taal Central School
S.Y. 2008-2014
JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Our Lady of Caysasay Academy (OLCA)
S.Y. 2014-2018
66 | P a g e
ELEMENTARY: Our Lady of Caysasay Academy (OLCA)
S.Y. 2008-2014
JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Our Lady of Caysasay Academy (OLCA)
S.Y. 2014-2017
67 | P a g e